#date of application for enrollment released
Right, so. I wanna imagine this slightly, mildly insane thing, ok? And I have absolutely no clue which ship to use this one for (since I'm currently obsessed with Good Omens and the Not-Nice-Demon and his Bastard-Angel, so yeah. I guess you can imagine it as Merthur if you'd want, or anything else really, but I'm gonna go with A and B this time around). Right. So, imagine this, ok? (It's very specific btw, so bear with me lmao).
Both A and B are aspiring doctors. They were in the same class in 10th grade, and towards the end of the year, B started asking A for help because they were scared of their exams.
Now, imagine for their next academic year that B switches curriculums (though they're still in the same school) and the minimal conversation which both A and B engaged in before is now completely zero.
However! Since they're both aspiring med students at the time, they meet again in a prepratory class they've both enrolled in; a class needed to help prepare for a medical admissions test they both must take.
Now imagine that they begin talking somewhat after their 10th grade results are released (since 10th grade is a board year ykyk), and A slowly begins to catch feelings.
A's schoolfriends don't exactly catch on, but do enjoy teasing them and shipping them with B, unbeknownst to B.
Slowly, over their two year course, they begin talking more, even more than they had before. And before they know it, they're sending in their college applications and whiling away their summer together, having gone from mere acquaintances to close friends.
And then they're off to college, with B staying in their home country while A leaves and goes abroad (I was thinking England, but again, feel free to imagine whatever other place you'd like) for their studies instead.
Imagine they still talk as much as they possibly can, and approximately two years into med school, they begin surprising each other with visits during whatever holidays they can.
Now, well into either their 3rd or 4th year of uni, B surprises A once more, showing up on their doorstep.
A feigns anger and annoyance, the facade immediately dropping once B reveals they've gotten A chocolates from home.
B says that they're visiting for a week, and A is thrilled, but continues to be jokingly annoyed.
Over the course of the week, A and B (obviously) spend as much time as they possibly can with one another, from reading together while it rains outside to visiting shops together and buying breakfast before the other wakes up (just domestic things, but you know!!!).
Eventually, two and a half days before B needs to leave, they go out for lunch and end up dancing along to a live band at a restaurant, along with a bunch of other couples. They begin walking home, giggling and stumbling over one another, unable to stray too far away, and then it begins raining. And they're forced together under the awning of a nearby coffee shop. And then, before they know it, they're kissing. Sopping wet and shivering, but kissing nonetheless. And then they're back at A's apartment and. Well. I'm sure you can piece together where that goes. (They could either you know. Do the thing. Or just like cuddle and watch a film or something else if you're not into that kinda thing, I get it).
And then it's bliss for the next two days, they go nowhere except to shop for groceries.
After that, of course, it's time for B to leave and go back home. Though it's not exactly teary, their parting is filled with yearning and heartache because "why do you have to go, why'd we have to realise so late?" but B promises to come back as soon as they can, and A does the same.
This back and forth goes on for about a year, wherein whenever A visits home, they hide the fact that they are now dating B by saying they would visit and probably spend the night with a friend of theirs whenever they'd visit.
Eventually, however, they decide that it's time for their parents to know, and over a slightly longer, two-week break (or summer break, whichever you want), they decide to get their families together for a lunch, in order to introduce everyone to everyone.
A plans it at their house, ensuring their parents and sibling are out of the house before everyone else arrives, and they're super stressed over everything – "Have we made enough food? Did we buy the wine? I don't think so, wait no we did. But did we buy the chocolates? I don't think we did, could you run by the store and get some? Do I look alright? Should I cha–" and they're so wound up and B just thinks it's so adorable that they have to shut them up with a soft little kiss, saying something like "Hey. We'll be fine. They'll love each other, and I'm sure my parents will love you. Yes, we have enough food, and wine, and chocolates, and you look gorgeous, so stop worrying, we'll be alright."
And then B distracts them by sitting them down and turning on the television. And just as predicted, B's parents simply adore A and A's parents love B just as much too.
Eventually, as they were wont to do, they get married. (It can be either while they're just finishing up med school or after they've finished, that's another choice you make, but).
And though this obviously isn't the end, I'm too lazy to write more haha.
Now, there are a couple things – I know this seems super basic and boring because there's no huge plot twists- but I thought it was nice to just imagine two characters growing up together and falling in love and never looking back idk why. Either way, if you've read until here, kudos to you, this was super long, so thank you :D
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blueprintbelle · 4 months
Civil Engineering Licensure Examination (November 2024)
Hi everyone!
The Civil Engineering Licensure Examination (CELE) in November 2024 is fast approaching. Do you already know the requirements for filing an application with the PRC? What about the subjects you need to study? Are you enrolled in the right review center that matches your study habits?
BlueprintBelle/Kkalibrate Solutions has a quick guide just for you!
You can watch here: https://youtu.be/k0MS3d-rGkY or You can read here:
📌Application Requirements 📌Examination requirements 📌Coverage of exam ----------------------------------------------------------------- The list of requirements are shown and is encoded in our consolidated checklist!
You can access the google drive link to download the checklist form here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/1QcLMlAh2UL6XT0sqsG9M2gdsVjn4aT33/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msexcel
📌 Here are the important dates for CELE November 2024: ---------------------------------------------------------- August 16, 2024: Start of application October 18, 2024: End of application November 18 & 19, 2024: Examination Dates November 26, 2024: Target date for the release of results
📌 Suggested study habits: ----------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to your existing study habits, you might want to consider the following to improve your productivity:
‣ Using a Pomodoro Timer: The Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo, breaks down work into intervals, typically 25 minutes, separated by short breaks. This method helps maintain focus and productivity by working with the brain's natural rhythm.
‣ Studying with natural light: Natural light exposure has been linked to improved mood and cognitive function. It helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm, leading to better focus and alertness during study sessions.
‣ Taking a bath before studying: Taking a warm bath can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels, making it easier to concentrate on studying afterward. It also provides a physical transition from leisure time to study time.
‣ Exercising for 15-30 minutes: Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function, memory retention, and overall mental clarity. Even a short bout of exercise before studying can improve focus and information processing.
‣ Meditating (10 minutes before breakfast and 10 minutes before bedtime): Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, improve attention span, and enhance emotional regulation. By practicing meditation before studying, you can clear your mind and create a conducive mental state for learning.
‣Setting a fixed schedule: Having a consistent study schedule helps establish a routine and promotes discipline. It allows for better time management and ensures that study sessions are prioritized regularly, leading to more effective learning outcomes.
‣Eliminating/reducing social media usage: social media can be a significant source of distraction, leading to decreased productivity and study efficiency. Limiting social media usage during study periods helps maintain focus and prevents interruptions.
‣Praying: For individuals who practice spirituality or religion, prayer can provide a sense of peace, comfort, and focus. It can help reduce anxiety and increase resilience, allowing for a more conducive mindset for studying.
These practices, when incorporated into your study routine, can enhance concentration, reduce distractions, and promote overall well-being, leading to more effective learning and improved academic performance.
📌 Considerations in choosing a review center: ----------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to your existing considerations, the following list may also help
‣ Fees and Inclusions: Understanding the fees and what they cover is crucial for budgeting and ensuring you get the best value for your investment. A transparent breakdown of costs and inclusions helps you assess whether the review center's services align with your financial capabilities and educational needs.
‣ Mode of learning (online or physical class): The mode of learning can significantly impact your accessibility and comfort level with the review center's offerings. Online classes provide flexibility for those with busy schedules or geographical constraints, while physical classes offer face-to-face interaction and a structured learning environment. Choosing the mode that suits your learning style and logistical requirements ensures a more effective and enjoyable review experience.
‣ Schedule: Review centers with flexible or customizable schedules accommodate individuals with varying time commitments, such as students juggling coursework or professionals working full-time jobs. A well-designed schedule ensures that you can attend classes consistently without conflicting with other responsibilities, maximizing your opportunities for learning and retention.
‣ Community and support: A supportive learning community fosters collaboration, motivation, and accountability among students. Review centers that prioritize building a strong community offer opportunities for peer interaction, study groups, and mentorship, creating a conducive environment for learning and personal growth. Access to knowledgeable instructors and supportive staff members enhances the overall educational experience and ensures that you receive adequate guidance and assistance throughout your review journey.
‣ Learning platform: The learning platform used by a review center plays a crucial role in delivering course materials, facilitating interactive sessions, and providing supplementary resources. A user-friendly and feature-rich platform enhances engagement, accessibility, and convenience for students, enabling seamless navigation, content delivery, and communication. Evaluating the quality and functionality of the learning platform ensures a smooth and enriching learning experience, with access to multimedia resources, practice exercises, and progress tracking tools to support your review efforts.
Considering these factors when choosing a review center helps you make an informed decision based on your individual preferences, learning needs, and goals. By prioritizing affordability, accessibility, flexibility, community support, and technological capabilities, you can select a review center that maximizes your chances of success in your licensure examination preparation.
As you prepare for the upcoming Civil Engineering Licensure Examination, taking into account these considerations ensure not only effective preparation but also sets the stage for your long-term success in the field
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thecryptidcottage · 2 years
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have you ever heard of devil like me by rainbow kitten surprise ? well, it describes AGUSTIN BAEZA to a tee ! the forty-three year old novelist + paranormal investigator was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last  sunday, do you know him ? would you say he is more closed off or more empathetic instead? anyway, he reminds me of a half-empty jar of instant coffee with a stained spoon balanced on the lid , a tangled rosary in a small, glass catch-all bowl by the door that’s buried under keys and spare change and pocket lint , a typewriter and an ashtray on a cluttered dinette table covered in junk mail , a rusted tin box full of old photos and polaroids dating back decades. maybe you’ll bump into him soon !
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name: agustin santiago baeza ( birth name ) / santiago flores ( pen name ) gender & pronouns: cisgender male / he + him orientation: panromantic pansexual age: forty-three date of birth: 13 october, 1979 zodiac: ☼ libra ☽ pisces ↑ sagittarius occupation: horror novelist + paranormal investigator positive traits: pragmatic + articulate + empathetic + adaptable negative traits: secretive + melancholy + sardonic + critical
 agustin packed up all of his notebooks and journals in a duffel bag with a toothbrush and a few pairs of clothes and left his home and his life behind the day he turned eighteen with no destination in mind other than somewhere else. he doesn’t talk much about the life he left back in los angeles, but you’ll hear him mention in interviews that he wouldn’t have made it where he was today if he hadn’t run away, left his parents, his family behind. he backpacked around from city to city on the west coast for a few months before he ran out of money; then he opted to try to join the peace corps, and when his application was denied, he sought out other volunteer opportunities that might allow him to travel and to try and do good, to make the world better. at the encouragement of a friend he’d made by chance when he left los angeles, agustin found himself at a wildlife rehabilitation center and reserve in guatemala. he spent several years there, engaging with the community and working with a team to protect guatemalan rainforests and the animals in them. 
during his stay in guatemala, agustin wrote his first full novel, a creature horror and psychological thriller inspired by stories he used to read when he was younger. he was twenty-four when he returned to the united states and met with a publisher who told him that he had potential but needed refinement. a fair point, he had to admit; he didn’t have a formal education beyond high school, only what he’d picked up from the many books he’d read over the years, but he wanted to write. he loved his volunteer work, but that wasn’t his passion, it wasn’t what fueled him. so he went back to school on a scholarship for his philanthropic work, to study the art of writing and literature.
agustin wrote while he was enrolled in university; his education was paid for, but to make ends meet as far as living expenses, he published a series of rather adult fantasy romance novels — an easier market to get into, he quickly learned, and a lucrative enough one if you knew what you were doing ( and he did, apparently ) — that still have a following to this day. if you happen to follow him on social media or attend a book signing, you’ll notice he doesn’t often bring up his spicier literary phase, but there are still fans who will show up with a copy of crushed crimson looking for an autograph.
it wasn’t until after he graduated that agustin had the time to devote to working on horror again, but he fell back into the genre as swiftly as if he’d never left. this time around ( and with his slightly off-center from mainstream success ) it wasn’t difficult to land a publisher, and after reworking and releasing his first novel, he found success with a horror trilogy that landed him on the new york times’ best-seller list and won him several awards and accolades. he’s since published countless others and developed an almost cult-like following of fans who look forward to his releases and who he frequently tries to engage with online ( even if he does use social media like a dad )
agustin has also tried to use his success and online presence to further a cause close to his heart, wildlife preservation in south america. he formed his own non-profit charity organization to raise awareness and funds for the rain forests, specifically in guatemala, but as of now they’ve helped raise money for several south american countries. he’s done fundraisers and raffles with gifts for fans including one-on-one time with him and collaborated with other authors on the project as well.
in recent years, agustin has taken a step back from writing ; he still plans to continue, but he’s decided to take a break from the several projects he’s been working on to pursue hobbies of interest instead, and as of late, has spent a vast majority of his time researching and investigating the paranormal with his best friend, local herbalist circe delfino.
he absolutely adores horror conventions, and is always humbled and delighted to see the number of people who will come out to talk horror and literature and monsters with him. well, with santiago flores, but that’s close enough. even now that he’s taken a break from writing, he’ll still show up when there’s one happening locally.
he’s left-handed and as a result, curses the existence of spiral-bound notebooks and will often write with pencil over pen so he doesn’t smear the ink.
has had many interviews and discussions about his life over the years because of the popularity of his books and later his foundation, but he doesn’t talk at all about what his life was like before he left home at eighteen and of the countless publications he’s been involved in, there’s not a single mention of his family.
friends. agustin tries to be sociable enough ! he enjoys good conversations and dinner parties and understands that in order to do that, he needs to have friends. these are folks he’s comfortable enough with that they’ve got an open invitation into his home, and he’s always looking for new and engaging things to do.
writing pals. maybe they hold each other accountable for actually putting in effort and upping their word count, or maybe they’re each others’ go-to excuses when they know they’re not going to be getting anything done ? maybe it’s someone else with success in the industry, or maybe they’re friends introduced by a writer’s workshop or something ? either way, they’re here for the ebb and flow of the creative process, and also plenty of distractions, of course.
editor / publisher. someone who’s been on agustin’s ass to get writing again because people are expecting things from him, he can’t just spend the rest of his life on this little ghost-hunting side-quest. ( their words likely, not agustin’s ― he rather enjoys poking around all of london’s most famous haunts, thank you. ) i picture this very much a friendly companionship, but with quite a bit of bickering and arguing.
fans. we’re not talking like, die-hards here. he gets enough of those on twitter. but i think it would be fun for him to get to have a conversation with someone who’s read and enjoyed his books, maybe who’s curious about when the next one’s going to be released? maybe they’ve even got an idea or two of their own!
critics. see above, but make it less wholesome. maybe your muse doesn’t think horror is a worthwhile genre, or maybe it’s their favorite genre and they just so happen to think that santiago flores should’ve stuck to romance novels where he belonged. either way, they’ve got an opinion about agustin’s books, and now they’ve got an opportunity to share it.
literally anything! agustin is the loml and i just want all of the things for him, so if you’ve got thoughts, i’ll hear them.
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manasastuff-blog · 24 days
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FOR MORE DETAILS: https://manasadefenceacademy.com/latest-jobs/
Indian Navy SSR Medical Assistant Notification 2024
If you're the lookout for an exciting and fulfilling career in the Indian Navy, you're in the right place! The Indian Navy has released its notification for the SSR Medical Assistant position in 2024, and this is your opportunity to serve your country while developing a rewarding career. The SSR, which stands for Senior Secondary Recruitment, is a significant opportunity for aspiring candidates who want to join the Navy as a sailor in the Medical Assistant branch.
Key Highlights of the Notification
The notification outlines various important details, including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and important dates. 
Eligibility Criteria: Candidates must have completed their 10+2 education with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as subjects. A passion for medical sciences and a desire to help others are essential.
Application Dates: Keep an eye on the official Indian Navy website for the exact dates, as they can vary each year.
Selection Process: The selection process typically involves an online examination, physical fitness test, and a medical examination.
Career Opportunities: Joining as a Medical Assistant opens up various career paths in the Navy, including roles in hospital administration, health education, and patient care.
"Serving as a Medical Assistant in the Indian Navy is not just a job but a chance to make a real difference in the lives of others."
Staying informed about these details can give you a head start in your preparation. Be sure to check the official Indian Navy website regularly for updates and additional information.
Manasa Defence Academy Providing the Best Navy Training to the Students
At Manasa Defence Academy, we take pride in offering top-notch training and education to aspiring Navy recruits. Our comprehensive programs are designed to prepare you for every step of the recruitment process, using methods that are effective, engaging, and tailored to your needs.
Why Choose Manasa Defence Academy?
Experienced Instructors: Our faculty comprises retired Navy officers and qualified trainers who bring years of experience to the classroom. They provide insights and knowledge that can only come from practical experience.
Structured Study Programs: We offer a range of courses that cover the syllabus for the Navy exams, including mock tests to build your confidence before the real thing.
Physical Training: Joining the Navy requires excellent physical fitness. Our academy is equipped with facilities and trainers to help you meet the Navy's rigorous fitness standards.
Personalized Attention: We believe in focusing on each student’s strengths and weaknesses, providing one-on-one guidance to help you excel in your preparations.
Mock Interviews and Group Discussions: To fully prepare you for the selection process, we conduct mock interviews and group discussions, helping you strengthen your communication and collaboration skills.
"Studying at Manasa Defence Academy makes the journey to becoming a Navy officer enjoyable and enriching. You are not just learning; you are becoming part of a family."
In the friendly and motivating environment at Manasa Defence Academy, you can feel confident as you embark on your journey to join the Indian Navy as a Medical Assistant. It’s about more than just preparing for exams; it's about building character, discipline, and camaraderie among fellow aspirants.
With the Indian Navy SSR Medical Assistant Notification 2024 now out, it's time to take action! This is more than just a career opportunity; it’s a chance to serve your nation and be part of something much bigger than yourself. If you're excited about a future filled with service and dedication, consider enrolling in training at Manasa Defence Academy. Join us and let’s navigate this journey together, preparing you not just for exams, but for a fulfilling career in the Indian Navy!
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sarkarijobalerts24 · 25 days
Rajasthan CET Recruitment 2024 12th Level Notification Released
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Rajasthan Public Service Selection Board (RSMSSB) has published a notification to conduct the Common Eligibility Test (Senior Secondary Level) 2024. Candidates who are interested in the vacant vacancies and fulfill all the eligible nutrients can read the notification and apply online. Apply Online Mode Application Form Online Link Open from 02-09-2024 to 01-10-2024 Unemployment Candidates Time Application Form Submit Kar De Below we tell you about the eligibility, scholarship, scholarship eligibility syllabus, exam pattern, selection process vacancy information for CET Recruitment Notification 2024
Click to apply online for Rajasthan CET Recruitment 2024 12th Level
RSMSSB Recruitment 2024. RSMSSB has announced several recruitments for 2024, including posts like Super Holder (Female), Enrolled Superintendent, Clerk Grade-II and Junior Artist. Each of these has its own specific advertisement and application process details available on the RSMSSB website. For complete list and to apply online, detailed information about syllabus, sample list, important dates, age limit vacancy, scholarship eligibility criteria, official notification, online application link and application fee is given.
Click here for Rajasthan CET Recruitment 2024 Graduate Level Online Application
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roseliejack123 · 2 months
Why Java is a Powerhouse in the Programming World
Java stands as a cornerstone in the programming landscape, celebrated for its robustness and versatility. In this blog, we’ll explore the myriad benefits that have solidified Java’s position as a favorite among developers and businesses alike.
Enrolling in a Java Course in Pune significantly enhances one's ability to leverage Java's capabilities effectively. Understanding its primary advantages is crucial for developers and businesses considering its adoption.
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1. Cross-Platform Capability
Java’s hallmark feature is its ability to operate across different platforms seamlessly. Thanks to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), applications written in Java can run on any device or operating system without needing changes. This "write once, run anywhere" philosophy ensures broad compatibility and flexibility.
2. Embracing Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Java’s foundation in object-oriented programming (OOP) offers a modular approach to coding. By utilizing objects and classes, Java enables clean, organized, and reusable code. This methodology simplifies complex tasks, making the development process more efficient and manageable.
3. Comprehensive API and Library Support
Java comes with a rich set of APIs and an extensive library ecosystem. These resources cover a wide range of functionalities, from networking and data manipulation to creating sophisticated graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This extensive toolkit accelerates development and reduces the need for writing code from scratch.
4. Vibrant Community and Ecosystem
The Java community is vast and active, providing a wealth of resources and support. From online forums and tutorials to open-source projects, Java developers have access to an extensive network of knowledge and collaboration. This community-driven support helps solve problems quickly and keeps developers up-to-date with the latest advancements.
5. Enhanced Security Features
Java is designed with security in mind. It incorporates robust security mechanisms such as bytecode verification, secure class loading, and runtime checks to protect applications from potential threats. These built-in features make Java a reliable choice for developing secure and resilient applications.
Consider enrolling in the Java Online Certification Training to fully harness Java's capabilities and become proficient in web automation.
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6. Improved Performance
While historically considered slower than languages like C++, Java has made significant strides in performance. Modern JVM implementations and just-in-time (JIT) compilers have optimized Java's execution speed, making it highly efficient for a wide range of applications.
7. Scalability and Dependability
Java’s architecture supports the development of scalable and reliable enterprise applications. Its effective memory management and robust exception handling ensure that Java applications can handle high loads and perform consistently, making it ideal for mission-critical systems.
8. Multithreading Capabilities
Java’s built-in support for multithreading allows for the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks. This feature is crucial for developing high-performance applications, such as web servers and interactive GUIs, that require efficient multitasking and responsiveness.
9. Consistent Backward Compatibility
Java is renowned for its strong backward compatibility, ensuring that applications built on older versions can run smoothly on newer JVM releases. This compatibility preserves the integrity of legacy systems and facilitates easier upgrades and maintenance.
10. Broad Applicability and Versatility
Java’s versatility spans numerous fields, including web and mobile development, enterprise solutions, and scientific research. Its extensive applicability makes Java a valuable skill for developers, opening up diverse career paths and opportunities.
Java’s enduring popularity stems from its cross-platform capabilities, object-oriented nature, comprehensive library support, and strong community backing. Its emphasis on security, performance, scalability, and multithreading further solidifies Java as a reliable and powerful programming language.
For developers and businesses aiming to build robust, scalable, and secure applications, Java offers a proven and versatile solution. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, mastering Java can lead to a wealth of opportunities and a successful career in software development.
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gyancafe · 2 months
GATE Registration 2025: GATE 2025 Registration Begins, Check Application Fees, Eligibility Criteria, Document Required
GATE 2025 Registration Date Out
GATE Registration 2025: The Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, has released the GATE enrollment dates for 2025 online. The announcement states that the GATE 2025 registration period will open on 24th August 2024. The official website, gate2025.iitr.ac.in, will have the registration link accessible. Applicants should review the GATE 2025 qualifying requirements before applying. 26th September 2024, is the deadline for submitting the GATE 2025 application form without paying a late fee.  The authority will administer the GATE exam on 1st, 2nd, 15th, and 16th February 2024.
Candidates interested in applying must complete the GATE application form 2025, pay the registration fee, and upload the required files. The GATE exam application process consists of paying the GATE registration fees, registering, filling out forms, and uploading documents. There will be an online version of the GATE 2025 exam.
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civilianztvm · 3 months
Comprehensive Guide on Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala: Tips and Insights
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Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala offers a unique opportunity for diploma holders to directly join the second year of a Bachelor of Technology (B Tech) program. This pathway is designed to bridge the gap between diploma education and a full-fledged engineering degree, providing an accelerated route to higher education and better career prospects. Aspiring candidates need to be well-prepared for the Lateral Entry Test (LET), and enrolling in LET Coaching in Kerala can significantly enhance their chances of success.
 Understanding the Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala
Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala is specifically tailored for diploma holders in engineering, technology, or equivalent fields. The Kerala government conducts the Lateral Entry Test (LET) annually, allowing eligible candidates to secure admission into the second year of B Tech programs offered by various engineering colleges across the state. This scheme not only saves time but also helps students gain advanced technical knowledge and skills, making them more competitive in the job market.
 Importance of LET Coaching in Kerala
Preparing for the Lateral Entry Test (LET) can be challenging due to its competitive nature and rigorous syllabus. LET Coaching in Kerala provides structured guidance and expert training to help candidates navigate the complexities of the exam. Coaching centers offer comprehensive study materials, mock tests, and personalized mentoring, ensuring that students are well-equipped to tackle the exam confidently. Additionally, coaching classes often cover exam strategies and time management techniques, crucial for maximizing performance.
 Eligibility Criteria for Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala
To apply for Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala, candidates must meet certain eligibility criteria:
1. Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess a diploma in engineering/technology from a recognized institution with a minimum aggregate score, usually around 45% to 50%.
2. Domicile Requirements: Typically, candidates should be residents of Kerala, though some institutions may have provisions for non-resident candidates.
3. Age Limit: There is usually no upper age limit for applying to lateral entry programs, making it accessible to a wide range of candidates.
Meeting these criteria is essential for eligibility to sit for the Lateral Entry Test (LET) and gain admission to B Tech programs.
 Top Engineering Colleges Offering Lateral Entry in Kerala
Several reputed engineering colleges in Kerala offer lateral entry admissions, providing excellent academic infrastructure and industry connections. Some of the top colleges include:
1. College of Engineering, Trivandrum: Known for its academic excellence and vibrant campus life.
2. National Institute of Technology, Calicut: Offers a rigorous curriculum and extensive research opportunities.
3. Government Engineering College, Thrissur: Renowned for its experienced faculty and strong industry ties.
4. Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri: Provides state-of-the-art facilities and a holistic educational approach.
These institutions are highly sought after by lateral entry candidates due to their quality education and robust placement records.
 Application Process and Important Dates for Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala
The application process for Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala typically involves the following steps:
1. Online Registration: Candidates must register on the official website of the conducting authority.
2. Application Form Submission: Fill out and submit the application form along with the required documents.
3. Admit Card Release: Download the admit card from the official portal once released.
4. LET Examination: Appear for the Lateral Entry Test (LET) on the scheduled date.
5. Counseling and Seat Allotment: Based on the LET scores, candidates participate in counseling sessions and secure their admission in preferred colleges.
Important dates such as registration deadlines, exam dates, and counseling schedules are typically announced on the official website, so candidates should stay updated to avoid missing any crucial deadlines.
Lateral Entry for B Tech in Kerala is an excellent opportunity for diploma holders to advance their education and career prospects. With the right preparation and guidance, particularly through LET Coaching in Kerala, candidates can significantly enhance their chances of success. Understanding the eligibility criteria, exploring top engineering colleges, and staying informed about the application process are essential steps towards achieving your academic and professional goals. By leveraging these tips and insights, you can navigate the lateral entry pathway effectively and embark on a rewarding engineering career in Kerala.
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surajheroblog · 3 months
From Jupyter Notebook to Production: Deploying ML Models
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Machine learning (ML) models have become an integral part of various applications, from recommendation systems to autonomous vehicles. However, transitioning from a Jupyter Notebook prototype to a production-ready system can be challenging. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps involved in deploying ML models and discuss best practices.
The Journey Begins: Building a Jupyter Notebook
Before we dive into deployment, let’s start with the basics. As part of your Machine Learning course, you’ve likely experimented with Jupyter Notebooks. These interactive environments allow you to explore data, build models, and visualize results. But how do we take our model from this cozy environment to the real world?
Preparing for Deployment
Data Preprocessing
In the real world, data is messy. We need to preprocess it before deploying our model. Techniques like feature scaling, handling missing values, and encoding categorical variables are crucial. As you progress in your Machine Learning course, you’ll appreciate the importance of clean data.
Model Selection and Training
Choosing the right ML algorithm is essential. Should you use a decision tree, a neural network, or an ensemble method? Your Machine Learning course will cover these topics in detail. Once you’ve selected an algorithm, train your model on a large dataset. Remember, more data often leads to better performance.
Deploying to Production
Containerization with Docker
Docker allows us to package our ML model, dependencies, and environment into a container. This container can run consistently across different systems. Imagine deploying your model on a cloud server, a Raspberry Pi, or even a smartphone. Docker makes it possible.
RESTful APIs and Microservices
Expose your ML model through a RESTful API. This allows other applications to communicate with your model over HTTP. Microservices architecture further enhances scalability and maintainability. As part of your Machine Learning course, explore tools like Flask or FastAPI for building APIs.
Monitoring and Maintenance
Monitoring Model Performance
Deploying a model doesn’t end with a single release. Continuously monitor its performance. Set up alerts for anomalies or degradation. Machine Learning course projects often overlook this step, but it’s critical for real-world applications.
Model Retraining
Data evolves, and so should your model. Schedule periodic retraining to keep your ML model up-to-date. Consider using techniques like transfer learning or online learning.
Congratulations! You’ve learned how to transition from a Jupyter Notebook to a production-ready ML system. As you continue your Machine Learning course, remember that deployment is an ongoing process. Feel free to leave a comment below and share your experiences with deploying ML models! And don’t forget to enroll in our course Delhi and dive deeper into the world of machine learning.
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rudrakshigaur · 4 months
How To Register For CA Intermediate: Syllabus Breakdown
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In India, completing the necessary documentation to be eligible for the documents needed for how to register for ca intermediate is the first step toward becoming a chartered accountant. This test is given by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in January, May, and September each year. This page has all the information you need to register and submit the necessary paperwork before the May 2025 interim registration deadline. The day of registration closes. Learning about the prerequisites, registration process, fees, and due dates is easy. With a thorough understanding of our requirements, you can guarantee a smooth registration process and get started on achieving your CA objectives.
How To Register For CA Intermediate
The dates for CA Intermediate registration for the forthcoming session have been released by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). On September 1, 2024, the CA Inter May 2025 test will be accessible. Through the official ICAI website, prospective candidates can conveniently register online. For both groups, the registration price is Rs. 18,000; for only one group, it is Rs. 13,000. Candidates must finish their how to register for CA Intermediate 2025 at least eight months prior to the exam month in order to be eligible.
The paperwork required to register for the ca intermediate exam eligibility will be available three times a year, starting in May 2024 and continuing in May/June, September, and January 2025, per an earlier notification from ICAI. ICAI also released the official registration dates for each session. May 1, 2024 was the deadline for registering for the intermediate semester of CA. If, as of January 1, 2024, candidates have sent the Board of Studies the required evidence to be eligible for the CA intermediate last day of registration, which is May 2025, then they may register for the tests in September 2024.
May 2024 saw the administration of the first CA intermediate registration test utilizing the new ICAI architecture. Candidates' eligibility registrations in the updated format for the 2024 CA Intermediate Exam will be valid for five years after they are completed. At any time throughout the academic year or following their completion of the CA Foundation exam, prospective students have the option to choose to take part in the CA Intermediate program.
CA Intermediate Exam Requirements
To register for the Intermediate level of the Chartered Accountancy course in 2025, prospective students must fulfill the prerequisites for the CA Intermediate exam. Furthermore, the following provides a thorough analysis of the CA Intermediate Eligibility Criteria 2025:
Academic Requirement: To be eligible for the documents needed for how to register for ca intermediate, you must either have completed the necessary papers or possess an officially recognized degree of a comparable kind. Alternatively, graduates in any program from recognized universities may apply straight to the Intermediate level.
Age Restrictions: There is no maximum age limit for the documents required for CA Intermediate registration. The deadline for enrolling and taking the eligibility exam is May 2025.
Admissions: Eight months prior to the planned try, candidates must finish the CA Intermediate registration process. It is crucial to keep in mind the registration dates and to submit the necessary paperwork on time.
Essential Dates
Try to register for the CA Intermediate Exam Pattern 2025 as soon as you can. September 1, 2024 is the deadline for applications for the May 2025 exam. Should this deadline be missed, there will be no other opportunities to sit for the esteemed exam.CA Intermediate Registration 2025 – Important DatesParticularCA Intermediate Jan 2025 ExamCA Intermediate May 2025 ExamRegister for CA Intermediate under the new scheme with ICAIClosedOpenCA Intermediate Last Date Registration1st May, 20241st September, 2024Availability of CA Intermediate exam form(To be confirmed by ICAI)(To be confirmed by ICAI)Last date to fill CA Intermediate  exam form (Without late fees)(To be confirmed by ICAI)(To be confirmed by ICAI)Last date to fill CA Intermediate  exam form (With late fees)(To be confirmed by ICAI)(To be confirmed by ICAI)CA Intermediate exam date(To be confirmed by ICAI)(To be confirmed by ICAI)
CA Intermediate Exam Enrollment Criteria
The CA Intermediate criteria are important to know for anyone aspiring to become a chartered accountant; registration ends on May 20, 2025. Candidates for the CA Intermediate Level have two main registration options: the Foundation Route and the Direct Entry Route.
Graduates and postgraduates can apply for the necessary documentation to register for ca intermediate exam eligibility (Pattern 2025) using the Direct Entry Route without having to take the eligibility exam. 60% for other disciplines, 55% for business. For those who want to become chartered accountants, this degree offers a strong intellectual foundation.
Foundation Route: Candidates may also choose to register using the Foundation Route if they fulfill the CA Intermediate requirements and register by May 2025, the date specified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). One can progress to the Intermediate level if they successfully complete the papers needed for CA intermediate registration. Those who pass the Foundation exam and complete a significant amount of study can advance to the next qualifying level for the CA intermediate exam.
CA Intermediate exam eligibility: Cost Analysis
Whether you enroll in both or just one of the course groups will determine the cost of registering for the documents needed for CA Intermediate registration:CA Intermediate Registration FeesParticularBoth Groups(₹)Both Groups($)Group 1/2(₹)Group 1/2($)Registration Fee15,000–11,000–Students’ Activities Fee2,000–2,000–Registration fee as articled assistant1,000–––Total Fees18,0001,00013,000600
Sign-Up Process
Follow these steps to register for the paperwork needed to be qualified for the how to register for ca intermediate:
Kindly choose icai.eservices.org.
Choose the tab labeled "Students Services".
You are welcome to select "entry-level forms."
Please complete all fields that are required.
Select "Generate OTP" from the menu. To get your login credentials, confirm the phone number and email address you provided during registration.
Proceed with the May 2025 deadline after logging in. Until you provide the required files, you are unable to complete the payment procedure.
For your records, obtain the CA Intermediate 2025 registration receipt.
Filing Protocol
You will have seven days from the time you finish your online registration for CA Intermediate for May 2025 to submit in a few extra papers. Deliver the following paperwork to the ICAI regional office handling your case:
A copy of the registration form you filled out online: Verify that your signature appears on it.
The last day to register with the Foundation and submit the paperwork needed for how to register for ca intermediate registration. Official transcripts from your Class 12 schooling or documentation of your passing an approved test substitute must be shown.
Make sure you've read the entire procedure. To register for this course, you must present an official transcript from your college or university. As an alternative, submit a certification or equivalent document from the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI), or both.
For the time being, a color image Carefully unfold it onto the paper registration form.
Proof of nationality (only for foreigners): If you are not a citizen of India, you must have an official copy.
Certificate of Special Category (Optional): If you belong to one of the three optional special categories (SC/ST, OBC, or Differently Abled), kindly submit an authenticated copy of the relevant certificate.
Key Points of 2025 CA Registration
Your May 2025 temporary registration expiration date under the modified procedure will be subject to the extended validity duration. You can renew your registration for an additional five years for a little charge. To be eligible for the documentation needed for the how to register for ca intermediate Exam Syllabus 2025, the following documents must be submitted. Five years pass until it expires. During this extended period, you will have more flexibility in selecting the time to take the exam. When you are ready for the examination, you can schedule your study sessions and exam day.
Verified Tips
You have to make sure you study and focus on every detail if you want to pass the CA Intermediate Exam. It is imperative to adhere to certain standards in order to ensure a seamless registration procedure:
Start early: Initiate the registration process at the earliest opportunity to avoid last-minute rushing and technical issues. Give yourself enough time to gather the required documentation, understand the requirements, and correctly complete the CA Intermediate Exam Eligibility.
Review the additional materials. Verify the files are real and being uploaded in the correct size and format before sending any. Your registration for the documents required for ca intermediate exam eligibility will be denied if any required supporting documentation is either missing or erroneous (Intermediate Exam Syllabus 2025).
Maintain your education: Visit the official ICAI website for news and updates regarding the documentation needed for the CA intermediate registration procedure. Remember deadlines and important dates so you don't miss any important information.
Never be afraid to ask experts or the ICAI help desk for advice. We have successfully finished the registration procedure by responding to all of your queries and worries. Enhancing the registration process and preventing problems can be achieved by proactively resolving any possible problems before they arise.
Maintain a record: Organize all of the correspondence, invoices, and papers associated with your registration into a single file. This will be useful in case something changes later.
During the qualifying procedure for the CA Intermediate Last Date of Registration May 2025 Exam, you can be sure that everything will happen as planned. Utilize the resources available to you and seek assistance as required. Ascertain that the May 2025 documentation satisfies the qualifying requirements for the documentation needed for how to register for ca intermediate.
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DevOps Training in Hyderabad | AWS DevOps Online Training
 TOP Trending DevOps Tools in 2024 - Visualpath
In the fast-paced world of cloud computing and DevOps practices, staying up to date with the tools is crucial for success. As we look ahead to 2024, let's explore the top AWS DevOps tools that are expected to make an impact in the years to come.
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Here are some of the AWS DevOps tools that are set to revolutionize the DevOps landscape in 2024:
 AWS Code Pipeline
AWS Code Pipeline is a continuous integration and continuous delivery service that automates the build, test, and deployment phases of your release process. With Code Pipeline, you can easily model, visualize, and automate the steps required to release your software. DevOps Training
AWS Code Build:
AWS Code Build is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles your source code, runs tests, and produces ready-to-deploy software packages. Code Build eliminates the need to set up, operate, or scale your own build servers.
AWS Code Deploy
AWS Code Deploy is a deployment service that automates software deployments to various compute services such as Amazon EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and more. Code Deploy makes it easy to roll out updates, monitor deployments, and ensure consistent performance across your applications.
AWS Cloud Formation:
AWS Cloud Formation is a service that allows you to model and provision AWS resources using templates. With Cloud Formation, you can define your infrastructure as code, making it easy to replicate and scale your environments with a few clicks. DevOps Training Hyderabad
AWS Systems Manager:
AWS Systems Manager is a management service that helps you automate tasks, create workflows, and manage resources across your AWS infrastructure. With Systems Manager, you can easily configure, monitor, and automate operational tasks to improve your overall efficiency.
As we look ahead to 2024, the use of AWS DevOps tools will continue to play a critical role in helping organizations build, test, and deploy software efficiently and effectively. By leveraging these top AWS DevOps tools, businesses can streamline their DevOps processes, drive innovation, and deliver value to their customers. Stay ahead of the curve by incorporating these tools into your DevOps toolkit and embrace the future of cloud computing.  
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hemaraj-897 · 4 months
Selenium Frameworks: A Beginner's Guide to Streamlined Automation
In the ever-evolving world of software testing, Selenium has emerged as a powerful tool for automating web applications. However, as the complexity of applications increases, so does the need for well-structured and maintainable automation frameworks. This is where Selenium frameworks come into play, offering a structured approach to organizing and executing test cases. If you're new to Selenium and looking to learn these frameworks easily, this blog post is for you. For those keen to excel in Selenium, enrolling in a Selenium course in Pune can be highly advantageous. Such a program provides a unique opportunity to acquire comprehensive knowledge and practical skills crucial for mastering Selenium.
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Step 1: Understand the Fundamentals
Before diving into Selenium frameworks, it's essential to have a solid grasp of the Selenium basics. Familiarize yourself with the Selenium WebDriver, locating strategies, and basic scripting concepts. This foundational knowledge will make it easier to comprehend and implement various framework structures effectively.
Step 2: Choose the Right Framework
Selenium offers a wide range of frameworks, each with its own strengths and use cases. Some popular frameworks include:
1. Page Object Model (POM)
2. Data-Driven Testing Framework
3. Keyword-Driven Testing Framework
4. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) Framework
Evaluate your project requirements, team preferences, and the application's complexity to determine which framework best suits your needs.
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Step 3: Learn by Example
One of the most effective ways to learn Selenium frameworks is through practical examples and hands-on coding exercises. Look for online tutorials, sample projects, or open-source repositories that provide well-documented code and step-by-step explanations. Working with real-world examples will help you understand the framework's structure, design patterns, and best practices.
Step 4: Leverage Online Resources
The Selenium community is vast and vibrant, offering a wealth of online resources to aid your learning journey. Explore forums, blogs, and video tutorials created by experienced professionals. These resources can provide valuable insights, troubleshooting tips, and guidance on implementing specific frameworks effectively.
Step 5: Practice, Practice, Practices
As with any skill, mastering Selenium frameworks requires consistent practice. Start by implementing simple test cases using the chosen framework, and gradually increase the complexity. Experiment with different scenarios, edge cases, and framework customizations to gain a deeper understanding of its capabilities and limitations.
Step 6: Collaborate and Learn from Others
Learning in isolation can be challenging. Seek opportunities to collaborate with experienced Selenium professionals or join online communities dedicated to Selenium testing. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your experiences. This collaborative approach can help you gain new perspectives, learn from others' mistakes, and accelerate your learning curve. Enrolling in a top-rated Selenium Online Training can unleash the full power of Selenium, offering individuals a deeper understanding of its intricacies.
Step 7: Stay Up-to-Date
Selenium and its associated frameworks are constantly evolving, with new features and updates being released regularly. Make it a habit to stay informed about the latest developments, best practices, and emerging trends in the Selenium ecosystem. Attend webinars, conferences, or online events to stay ahead of the curve.
Mastering Selenium frameworks may seem daunting at first, but with the right approach and dedication, it can be an achievable and rewarding journey. By understanding the fundamentals, choosing the right framework, learning by example, leveraging online resources, practicing consistently, collaborating with others, and staying up-to-date, you can develop a strong foundation in Selenium frameworks and streamline your automation efforts. Embrace the learning process, and you'll soon be on your way to becoming a proficient Selenium automation expert.
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latestjobalert · 1 month
Bihar D.El.ED Admission 3rd Merit List- and Admission Schedule Check Score and Rank
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Bihar D.El.ED Admission 3rd Merit List: The process of Bihar D.El.Ed Admission 2024 is progressing with the release of the third merit list and cutoff for the candidates. The third selection process schedule has been announced, and the date of release of the third intimation letter to the applicants is 14.08.2024. Candidates who have applied for the D.El.Ed program can now check their admission status through the official portal. This important step will guide applicants through the remaining steps for final admission, ensuring a seamless experience for aspiring teachers in Bihar.
Bihar D.El.ED Admission 3rd Merit List
The enrollment period for the selected candidates will be open from 14.08.2024 to 20.08.2024 to ensure their admission to the specified training institutes. Candidates must log in to the training institute portal by 21.08.2024 for final updates and further instructions. Stay updated on all the latest happenings regarding Bihar D.El.Ed Admission 2024 by visiting the official site regularly to secure your place in this prestigious teaching program. Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) Bihar D.El.Ed Join Entrance Test 2024, Bihar D.El.ED Admission 3rd Merit List. Important Dates Bihar D.El.Ed Admission 2024 schedule: EventDatesApplication Start02-02-2024Last Date to Apply Online15-02-2024Last Date for Fee Payment15-02-2024Entrance Date30 March 2024Admit Card ReleaseMarch 2024Online Counseling Date20-06-2024Last Date of Counseling26-06-2024Extended Admission Period24.07.2024 to 27.07.2024Online Application for Slide-up Process After Admission27.07.2024Final seat Update via Prashikshan Sansthan Portal28.07.2024Option Filing for Students Not Selected in First List29.07.2024 to 30.07.20242nd Selection List Release Date02.08.2024Date of Release of 2nd Intimation Letter to Applicants02.08.2024Admission Period03.08.2024 to 07.08.2024Online application period for slide-up process after enrollment by the applicants07.08.2024Final seat updating by the training institute by logging in to the portal08.08.2024Option Filing for Students Not Selected in 1st and 2nd Selection Lists (if seats remain vacant)10.08.2024 3rd Merit List and Cutoff Release Schedule (Third Selection Process) 13-08-2024Date of Release of 3rd Intimation Letter to Applicants14-08-2024Admission Period14-08-2024 to 20-08-2024Final seat updating by the training institute by logging in to the portal21-08-2024 Application Fee CategoryApplication FeePayment ModeGeneral / OBC / EWSRs. 960/-Debit Card, Credit Card, Net BankingSC / STRs. 760/-Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility CriteriaRequired MarksAdditional InformationPassed 10+2 (Intermediate) Exam50% MarksSC / ST: 45% MarksNote:More DetailsRead Full Notification Age Limit Age Criteria Table CriteriaDetailsMinimum Age17 YearsAge As On01.01.2024Extra Age RelaxationAs Per Rules Bihar D.El.Ed Entrance Exam Pattern Table SubjectQuestionsMarksGeneral Hindi / Urdu2525Mathematics2525Science2020Social Science2020General English2020Logical & Analytical Reasoning1010Total120120
Bihar D.El.Ed Exam Important Links
EventsImportant Links3rd Round Admission Schedule3rd Selection List and Admission Schedule for Bihar D.El.Ed3rd Round Cut-offInstitute-wise Cut-off List for D.El.Ed. 2024-26 Round-03Round 3 Vacant seatsFaculty and category-wise vacant seats of Government Institutes for Round 32nd Selection ListClick Here2nd Round Admission Schedule2nd Round Admission Schedule PDF notice | Vigyapti2nd Round Cutoff ListBihar D.El.Ed Cutoff List Round 2Round 2 VacantVacant seats of government institutions for Round 2Date ExtensionD.El.Ed Admission Date Extension1st Selection ListClick Here1st Selection Cutoff1st Cutoff List Round 11st Selection List Schedule1st Selection List ScheduleNotice For Selection ListClick HereCAF NotificationCAF NotificationPrivate College D.El.Ed. Private College Gov College and Seat DetailsD.El.Ed. Government College List with Seat Details for 2024-26Institute and CollegeNCET Approved Govt and Private D.El.Ed Institute and College with DetailResultClick HereAnswer KeyClick HereAdmit CardClick HereApply OnlineRegistration link for Bihar D.El.EdVigyaptiBihar D.El.Ed VigyaptiNewspaper vigyaptiNewspaper Vigyapti for Bihar D.El.EdJoin Our Telegram ChannelJoin Our Telegram Channel Join Our WhatsApp Channel Join Our WhatsApp ChannelOfficial WebsiteBihar D.El.Ed Official Website of BSEB
Details of Bihar D.El.Ed Admission 2024 For 3rd Round
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Bihar D.El.ED Admission The process of Bihar D.El.Ed Admission 2024 is ongoing with the upcoming release of the third merit list. Candidates eagerly waiting for their admission status can now check their scores and ranks online. The Bihar D.El.Ed's third merit list, along with the admission schedule, provides important information for applicants seeking admission to this prestigious diploma programme. This phase includes important dates such as the release of the third intimation letter and the enrollment period. Stay updated on all the details of Bihar D.El.Ed Admission 2024 including the declaration of merit list, score verification, rank checking and final admission schedule. Bihar D.El.Ed counselling process The Bihar D.El.Ed counselling process will begin after the release of the merit list on the official website. Qualified candidates will be invited to attend the counselling session, which includes thorough document verification. Candidates must bring their original documents for verification during this session. On successful completion of counselling, candidates will be allotted seats in the respective institutes. To secure their seats, candidates will have to pay the required admission or enrolment fees. Below is the list of essential documents required for the counselling session: - Bihar D.El.Ed Admit Card - 10th Mark Sheet - 12th Mark Sheet - Transfer Certificate - Aadhar Card - Category Certificate (for SC/ST/OBC applicants) - Two recent coloured passport-size photographs Read the full article
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zonetech100 · 5 months
Railway Recruitment Board Junior Engineer
Railway Recruitment Board conducts two exams for the selection of Engineers that is Junior Engineer (JE). All India entrance examination is conducted at various places in India. This online exam is conducted for the appointment of junior engineer {Civil, Mechanical, Automobile, Electronics and Communication, maintenance, Information technology, Industrial, printing press, and depot material Superintendent}. For Junior engineer posts Both diploma and graduate students are allowed to apply, RRB conducts these exams according to Zone wise on a different date as per the announced schedule.
RRB JE 2024 Recruitment – Notification, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Vacancy, and Other Important Details
Aspirants who are preparing for RRB JE 2024 Exam must refer to this article for complete information regarding RRB JE Recruitment 2024 like Notification, Eligibility, Vacancy, Syllabus etc.
RRB JE 2024
The Railway Recruitment Board Junior Engineer started the RRB JE Exam led by the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) to recruit enthusiastic competitors from designing branches or engineering backgrounds to fill in different specialized profiles in the Indian Railways from all over India. The RRB JE enrollment is a cycle intended to recruit Junior Engineers (JE), Chemical and Metallurgical Assistants (CMA), Junior engineers (Information Technology Branch), and Depot Material Superintendents (DMS). Interested candidates from all over India keen on showing up for the RRB JE 2024 Recruitment Exam should read the complete article for various details regarding RRB JE 2024 Recruitment. The official RRB JE 2024 Recruitment Notification is yet to be released by the Railway Recruitment Boards.
This article contains all important details on RRB JE 2024 Recruitment including details such as Exam Pattern, Schedule, Educational Qualification, the application process, etc. RRB JE 2024 examination is a golden chance for candidates who want to be Government Engineers in the Indian Railways. Check the full RRB JE 2024 notification
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shubham-verma-21 · 5 months
Complete Guide on Chatrabhuj Narsee School Admissions
Chatrabhuj Narsee School (CNS) stands as a beacon of academic excellence and holistic education in Mumbai. If you are seeking school admission for your child at this esteemed institution, this guide will provide you with a clear roadmap through the admissions procedure, academic fees, and scholarship opportunities.
Understanding the Admission Procedure
Eligibility: The first step is to determine if your child meets the age eligibility criteria for their desired grade level. You'll find detailed information on the official CNS Kandivali website.
Obtaining the Application Form: Application forms for school admission are typically released during a specific period each year. You can obtain forms:
Online: Download from the CNS website.
In Person: Visit the school campus.
Submission of Completed Forms: Submit the filled-in application form along with the required documents and application fee before the stipulated deadline. Adhering to this deadline is crucial.
Interaction/Assessment: Depending on the grade level, your child might be invited for an interaction or age-appropriate assessment. This helps CNS understand your child's learning style and academic readiness.
Admission Offer: If your child is selected, you will receive an admission offer along with details on fee payment and further enrollment formalities.
Important Documents
Typically, the following documents are required during the application process:
Child's Birth Certificate
Previous School Reports/Transcripts
Passport-Size Photographs
Proof of Residence
Transfer Certificate (if applicable)
Academic Fees
Chatrabhuj Narsee School maintains transparency regarding its fee structure. Fee details are usually available on their website or can be obtained from the admissions office. Here's what to understand:
Tuition Fees: The primary component covering instructional costs.
Additional Fees: These might include charges for transportation, meals, activities, and other facilities.
Scholarship Opportunities
CNS recognizes the importance of making its world-class education accessible to deserving students. The school offers merit-based and need-based scholarships to eligible candidates. Information about scholarship programs and the application process can be found on the school website or through the admissions office.
Timeline and Key Dates
The admissions process at Chatrabhuj Narsee School follow a specific timeline. It's essential to stay informed about key dates such as:
Release of application forms
Last date for form submission
Dates for assessments/interactions
Announcement of admission results
These are usually updated on the school website in advance of each academic year.
Tips for a Successful Application
Early Start: Start the process early to avoid last-minute stress and have ample time to gather documents.
Complete Documentation: Ensure accurate and complete submission of all required documents.
Prepare Your Child: If an interaction or assessment is involved, help your child feel confident and relaxed.
Contact the Admissions Office: Don't hesitate to reach out to the CNS admissions office for any clarifications or support you need.
The Importance of Choosing Chatrabhuj Narsee School
CNS offers students an exceptional educational experience that focuses on holistic development, academic excellence, and a strong foundation for future success. By choosing Chatrabhuj Narsee School, you are investing in your child's future and providing them with the tools to navigate life's challenges with confidence and a love for learning.
We hope this comprehensive guide simplifies the Chatrabhuj Narsee School admissions process for you. Best wishes for your child's educational journey!
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swathipriya · 6 months
Best Operating Systems for Ethical Hackers
In the realm of cybersecurity, ethical hackers play a vital role in identifying vulnerabilities and strengthening system security. To carry out their tasks effectively, ethical hackers require robust operating systems that offer a comprehensive array of tools and utilities for penetration testing and security assessments. We will explore some of the top operating systems favored by ethical hackers for their hacking endeavors.
There is no operating system designed expressly for ethical hackers, however there are a few well-known ones that are extensively used due to their versatility and complete tool sets.
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Enhancing your profession at the Ethical Hacking Course in Chennai requires following a systematic strategy and enrolling in a suitable course that will considerably widen your learning experience while also meeting your preferences.
Here Is A Few Examples:
Kali Linux: Kali Linux, a Debian-based Linux distribution, is widely regarded as one of the most popular choices among ethical hackers. It is purpose-built for penetration testing, digital forensics, and network security assessments. Kali Linux comes equipped with an extensive collection of pre-installed tools, making it a comprehensive platform for various hacking and security-related tasks.
Parrot Security OS: Parrot Security OS, another Debian-based Linux distribution, is tailored for ethical hacking, vulnerability assessment, and digital forensics. It offers a complete suite of tools for penetration testing and privacy protection. Known for its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, Parrot Security OS appeals to both novice and experienced hackers.
BackBox: BackBox, a lightweight Ubuntu-based Linux distribution, focuses on security assessment and penetration testing. It provides a wide range of tools for network analysis, web application testing, and vulnerability assessment. BackBox is admired for its simplicity and efficiency, making it a favored choice among ethical hackers.
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For people who want to thrive in hacking, Ethical Hacking Online Training is highly recommended.
BlackArch Linux: BlackArch Linux, based on Arch Linux, caters to the needs of penetration testers and security researchers. It boasts a vast repository of tools and packages specifically curated for ethical hacking. With its rolling release model, BlackArch Linux ensures users have access to the latest security tools and updates.
ArchStrike: ArchStrike, another security-focused Linux distribution based on Arch Linux, targets penetration testing and ethical hacking. It offers a wide range of pre-installed tools and packages. ArchStrike follows a rolling release model, ensuring users always have access to the most up-to-date security tools and features.
Ethical hackers rely on powerful and feature-rich operating systems to conduct their security assessments and penetration tests. While no single operating system suits every ethical hacking need, the aforementioned options, including Kali Linux, Parrot Security OS, BackBox, BlackArch Linux, and ArchStrike, are highly regarded due to their extensive toolsets and user-friendly interfaces.
However, it is critical to remember that ethical hacking should always be carried out with official authority and in accordance with legal and ethical principles.
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