davorton · 2 years
what is your classpect g
knight of heart i think ??? (i had too much work to do to figure this out omg) also not sure if it's really that but i'll settle for it.
(gimme a copy of sburb so i can figure it out)
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jindogay · 6 years
Hewwo gae im wuv youwu!!!!!!!
elincia you know i love you too but youre fuckin pushin it
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jindogay · 6 years
hey i said this in a reply but i just want to again give you a HUGE congratulations to starting hormones!! testosterone changed my life in ways i didn’t even see coming and i’m SO much happier and i’m so stoked you’re gonna be able to go through that experience as well!! if you ever have any testosterone questions feel free to ask :^)
AHHHH THANK YOU.......... im kinda nervous bc i went thru my college and so UHHH my p/@r3nt5 dont know :”3  and also bc being a Boy(tm) is. scary. but itll be all okay and even better w support so thank u so So much....
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jindogay · 6 years
1 2 n 9 :ooo
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?No, I don’t think so? I have a few straight boys who I think are cute, and I have someone I’m getting over, but I would say I am just Here as of now.
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?nah
9: What's the most important part of a relationship?Mutual love and support. Communication. Being together in whatever capacity so as to make each other happier and better (off) people.
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jindogay · 6 years
Mahogany crimson blood-orange honey butterscotch celadon wisteria eggplant
mahogany: im gay
crimson: ur gay
scarlet: we're gay together. like together-together. we're dating.
blood orange: do u want to share a bowl of macaroni
honey: would you be open to ordering a pizza together sometime. like are we friends in that way
butterscotch: i would give you candy if i could
PANTONE® 315 C: i want to message you off anon but i am too shy
chartreuse: what do u think kissing is like
seafoam: we should be friends
teal: my friends say we should date
celadon: i want to hug you
wisteria: i support and believe in u
lavandar: please await further correspondence!
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jindogay · 7 years
1 n 2
1:A song you like with a color in the title
Crayola doesn’t make a color for your eyes by Kristin AndreassenGray or Blue by JaymayPink Lemonade by WATSKY!Black Limousine by Dragonette2:A song you like with a number in the title
12 Bricks by OG Maco20% Cooler by AshcorpNothing 2 Fear by Thaiboy DigitalPost 911 Blues by Riz MC 
(bonus that i just really like)  aaja by the swet shop boys
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jindogay · 7 years
1, 4, 29, 47!
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?i try to make it as equal as possible, but i always, always end up with more milk!!
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?with as much honey/sugar/milk/sugar/sweetener as physically possible
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?oh, jeez. kieran has this wild surprised laugh whenever something funny happens that i love, and symon sometimes give me this like lil side-eye smile and its Great... KIERANs habit of writing notes and drawings to me was also so awesome oh my god i still have a bunch of em. and morgan is just a total freaking meme and manages to brighten up my day like all the time with her shit eating grin... sora? sora has given me the gift of key smashes and theyre so fun and i love the variety of emotion they convey like. thank u. god bless u.you are a delight
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?that seems pretty harsh!!!!! brussel sprouts. 
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jindogay · 7 years
Hey did you know that I love you also youre a big gay n I hope youre havin a good day 💚💚
awwwwww!!!! thank you, ellie!!
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jindogay · 7 years
all even numbers
even.... nice. i feel like this is the easier half. 2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?uh. yknow. scales are weird cause theyre objective. so like... 1.8?
4. What is your favorite word?uhhhh...fuck. gay, probably. or like, a bunch of words like loquacious and stuff
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning, first thought?nothing. i dont think
8. What do you label yourself as?gay, probably
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?Uhhh... think I was working on a wig
12. Who told you they loved you last?SYMO... MY BRO... AKA GREYWARD3NS...
14. Current desktop picture?I’ve been using my moms comp and I’m waiting for her to remove her files so it’s fully mine, so it’s just a default landscape pic of a meadow.
16. The last song you listened to?My Type by Saint Motel. A FRICKING jam. THANK YOU SYMON.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?Tbh unless it was consensual I don’t think I can even imagine punching someone in the face. 
20. Best physical attribute?My hands, I guess? They’re not like, pretty or anything but they’re really useful and I get told they’re soft a lot.
22. Secret talent?I guess I’m a lot better at tennis than people would expect for someone who quit tennis without playing a match, two years in a row.
24. One kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient at your disposal. Go.Man, PB&J. Jif PB, the good jam like strawberry or blackberry.
26. Free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, gotta leave immediately.My genuine first thought was Seattle. I’m really excited for Sakuracon next year
28. Beautiful island, make the rules of society. First rule in order?Probably establish some kind of peace or cooperation, like, protect the weak and set tasks, or something? I don’t think hard rules are the first thing you need in a society, you gotta take into account what everyone needs, and those are a lot more complex to put into place than like, Thou Shalt Not Murder.
30. Save one inanimate object from your house?Dude if my house is on fire, I’ve got my sketchbook, laptop, phone, violin, guitar, ukulele, the one art piece I’m proud of, all in one area. You bet your ass I will face some burning if I can’ get those out the door. They’re only a few feet away from the exit anyway. If possible, my cosplay shit from my room too, though hopefully being in a drawer they’d be safe from the fire.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time traveler who sleeps with celebrities and has superpowers, but you can move anywhere else in the world?Is this a question. What. Dude I’d sneak back in, but also would never have slept with celebrities or used my time travel powers. If it’s just the second half, like somehow I’m kicked out of the US, I’d go to Korea probably.
34. Last dream about?I genuinely could not tell you. My brain helpfully supplied the phrase peanut butter? Do with that what you will.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?Nah, don’t think so.
38. Color of your socks?magenta, light gray, and neon yellow.
40. Sunrises or Sunsets?Sunsets.
42. Football team you support?The Losers, from that one planet in TAZ. Not even. I don’t really do ball-sports? I’m far more into dance and occasionally, martial arts or running.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?Ideally, at least somewhat able to financially support myself, living in Seattle with my good good future datemate, still good friends with kier & symo and all those good kids from hs, a freelance artist who’s improved his shit, and not a disappointment to my family despite being trans.
46. Are you reliable?nah
48. Do you hold grudges?i think i hold a wariness for sure but i try to combat it
50. Most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?like half the things i talk about with sora (pulsenhaze)
52. How long could you go without talking?verbally? probably a long time, since i literally sit here silently, want a reason to push myself to learn ASL, and go nonverbal involuntarily sometimes.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?no, but i used to bake brownies all the time despite not liking chocolate.
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jindogay · 7 years
Fjdkfjskjfsk I thought the "gae" in your bio was your name or something and not just literally "gay"
oh no, it’s both! gae is a nickname based on a mess up of my real name in an old msparp group chat. i go by it sometimes, but its absolutely just pronounced “gay”
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jindogay · 7 years
Sixteen and thirty one?
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?yyes.31. What type of day are you having?i dont know. a depressed day, i suppose
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jindogay · 7 years
Roses are red Violets are not blue You say "fuck you" And i say "fuck you too c; ♡"
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jindogay · 6 years
jsyk that post about "qu**r is a slur" was made by a cis non-lgb person so they really have no place to say whether its a slur or not
cyanwrites from this post ?  thanks for letting me know, that is important context. i more reblogged for the last persons comment, even if i dont fully like it, from fivepercent . that whole post is not necessarily something i Agree w bc i read thru some of the other replies but its in my #hm tag as somethin to just... mull over 
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jindogay · 7 years
DnD anon! and thank you???? so much???? you cleared up a bunch of questions i had!! i've only played like twice and it was with my best friend and her friends (who were more experienced than i am) but i felt like i wasn't doing as much as they were. like, our friend would use his turn amazingly and was doing an amazing job and i felt like there was something i was lacking in. so thank you for helping me!!! are there any online DnD games that are good to practice with? (sorry for more questions!)
aww, no problem at all! i’m just really really glad i actually helped! as for online DnD games, i’m guessing you mean like, groups? i’m part of a DnD server that seems to set up one off games pretty frequently, i haven’t actually participated in any games and genuinely don’t remember how i found it, but i’ve lurked enough that i’m confident in its reputation. i’m not sure how they’d feel about me publicly sharing the link, but PM me and i can absolutely send you an invite link! (it’s on discord. i should probably have said that. if you’re not familiar with that, i can fill you in on that too!)
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jindogay · 7 years
hi I'm the anon from dave asking about DnD! I'm just looking for like, tips about the game in general? I'm sorry if that's so broad. things like: how do i play a certain alignment, what actions can i roll for/ how long can the actions be, what are traits and stats (and isn't there like a +/- system for them?). things like that. if there's a site for the rules that'd be good enough for me. sorry if this is long, I'm getting the handbook soon so maybe things will be cleared up for me
aww, it’s cool! i’m kind of a beginner myself, but i’ve played enough sessions that i can get you started! note: i play dnd 5e, which is theee most recent? edition? and the one that the mcelroy brothers use in The Adventure Zone, if you’re familiar with that. i’ve found it to be the most relaxed and character-focused. pathfinder is another big alternative, but it’s a little more complicated.second off, here’s some online versions of the handbook. i know some people prefer physical copies, but these can be nice too. i’ve never owned the physical thing in my life, and only one of my friends does. (PDF)  (non official site) there’s also apps, which i can recommend if you have android. not sure abt ios. 
so the DMs ive been under have all been pretty lax about alignments, some like to be huge sticklers about it and want to make sure your characters every action follows it and stuff, but real people don’t fit into a category perfectly so like, if your DM’s cool with it, don’t sweat it too much. that said, think of it as a guidance for your moral compass. here’s some basic explainers on each alignment:(right here) and (right here)actions you roll for is preeeetty much everything, unless it’s like, just talking. d20s are by far the die you use the most: you’ll use it to land an attack (attack rolls), or do any check based actions. (like perception, for when you’re trying to notice something, or charisma, for when you’re trying to convince someone). you’ll use other die almost exclusively during combat, specifically when deciding damage. i almost never play magic classes, but there’s bonuses involved and it’s pretty thoroughly explained in the handbook. each round in combat last 6 seconds, technically, but if you want to chat up a storm in one round, as long as your DM is okay with it, seriously go for it. banter is fun. every spell has a time placed on how long it lasts (if it doesnt, assume it lasts until the spellcaster ends it.)traits/stats are divided into categories, and the +/- are decided on the base stats you make when you create your character. there’s a process for rolling for them, which you can find on the above site (the process i use, don’t worry, you still get to decide which stats are better), or you can go for the default stats which are also there, or if your dm’s cool with it and mayybe if at least someone knows what they’re doing, you can just eyeball it. i’ve never done this or heard of people doing it before, because it’s easy to end up with an imbalanced/overpowered/underpowered character, especially in relation to your party, but dude, number one rule of DND is do anything as long as the DM says its okay.honestly, when i started, it was with a group that mostly had no idea what we were doing. we’d had two sessions of pathfinder with another DM that had been kind of over our heads, and when we actually sat down for a session, only the DM had any prior experience at all. dnd isn’t all that intimidating, especially if you have someone to help you, and i’ve met plenty of cool people online willing to talk and share info and play together! if you ever need anything else, or need something clarified, or even need help finding people/creating a character/ an yt hing, feel free to drop by!
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jindogay · 7 years
8, 9, 15, 23 (for OC asks thing)
hooo boy
8: What are some of your OCs strengths?neymals rlly confident, fully believing in herself and those around her.vierne is really thoughtful, and p damn empathetic. she’s a great listener.hibiki is good at considering perspectives and big picture stuff.9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses? neymal can also be rlly brash and reckless, throwing herself into things.vierne can be too easily swayed, and suppress her own feelings.hibiki can come off as very cold, aloof, almost.. haughty? she can become frustrated w ppl for not seeing things the way she does.15: What makes your OC angry?neymal finds hibiki infuriating bc she acts like shes above others.hibiki finds neymal infuriating bc she never *thinks*.vierne finds arguments, esp btween ppl she cares abt, incredibly stressful. she also gets *really* angry when ppl hurt animals.23: Whats your OCs biggest secret?neymal secretly drowns out her own feelings in like. aggressively moving forward and glowing snarky positivity.vierne is really self-doubtful and worries that she doesn’t uphold a true feminine blue-blood ideal, and also wishes she was a midblood.hibiki secretly is terrified of her shortened lifespan as a bronzeblood and really wants to accomplish as much as she can. shes scared she won’t make it to 15 sweeps.
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