illumwriting · 2 years
dog and snake (and ram)
yogtober day 3, magic. ridgedog, davechaos, mentions of kirindave. early era of transition between chaosville and yogscast- canon based. no shipping. one demi-god visits an equally powerful being to complain about a new player on his server. SFW. 525 words. Preview: "Right. Kirin! Kirindave, actually. Hah! Funny that you're both /Daves/, isn't it." A pretty good recovery, if he did say so. Treats himself to a wide grin for it.
Taking trips to visit other's worlds wasn't hard, as long as you had the right address. Ridgedog does, and he doesn't need an admin watch to travel there.
So it's with frustration that he finds himself having to rap on the metaphysical wall of Davechaos' homeworld. "Dave?" He calls out. It's cold here in the void between places, even for someone made of light. "Ugh. C'mon, dude! Let me in!" Another hard rap of his knuckles on the translucent-blue thing keeping him from entering. Below, he can see a vast expanse of land, the one loosely inhabited by Dave's small group of friends.
He's drawing back a boot to kick at the barrier, when Dave shimmers into view on the other side of it.
"Oh- uh!" Ridgedog suddenly acts like he had been kicking up both legs at the knees to float in one of his characteristic silly poses, and folds his arms behind his back, "Hi!!"
Dave simply stares at him.
"I- uhhhh-" Ridge is grasping at straws. He knew why he had come here. But like always, in the moment of pressure, it slips from him and makes him seem foolish and absentminded. "Right. Kirin! Kirindave, actually. Hah! Funny that you're both /Daves/, isn't it." A pretty good recovery, if he did say so. Treats himself to a wide grin for it. "Can I come in?"
Dave shakes his head.
"It's -important-," Ridge presses, "He says he's from your world, while he meddles with mine."
"Oh, does he now." Dave seems at least mildly interested in that, and he pulls up an invisible chair in the air that he then sits on backwards, legs straddling the back and arms folded across the top.
"Yes." Ridgedog tries to keep the irritation from his voice. He feels like Dave is looking at him like the animals he catches and keeps, a feral creature behind glass. "It's causing… problems."
"Be specific." "He's bringing strange magic in. Something else also followed him from this world, and it's not good, whatever it is. My worlds are destabilizing faster, my players are becoming more reckless from interacting with him, and now he's saying he can add a whole new freakin’ dimension to the place."
"And what, Dave??? He's /your/ player! There are rules, you know that damn well-"
Ridge's rising, angry tone of voice is cut off as Dave stands smoothly, approaches the barrier, and looks Ridgedog over from toe to head, smiling thinly at him.
Ridge realizes he's flared up golden-bright all over, and there are black cracks visible on his cheeks. He growls in the back of his throat, wills himself to simmer down, and the glow dims slightly.
"You appear to be having more than just simple ‘problems’. Kirindave is slowly wresting control from you, isn't he?"
"Yeah." Ridge grits out.
"He was never mine. I removed him from my world after he harmed another player irreparably. I suggest you do the same."
Davechaos tips his hat to Ridge, the only sign of respect so far, and vanishes leaving Ridgedog in the cold void with burning questions, and an entirely new sense of unease.
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strifesolution · 6 years
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...The four crew leaders...
The Captain: Xephos Brindley
- Head of Y.O.G.S
Arguably the most powerful crew, Xephos’ is currently is the dangerous kingpin of Y.O.G.S, primarily located in the middle of the city, housing in the richest apartments and penthouses. The crew deals mostly with national business and is least challenged, claiming a hold on the most technologically advanced part of the city.
The Moneyman: William Strife
- Head of the Redstone Gang
Strife used to lead Y.O.G.S with Xephos, until the two had a mysterious falling out, and he split from them to form his own crew. The Redstone gang leads bank and jewelry heists, obsessed with their own fame and fortune, and control the upper class suburbs. Strife is known dangerously to turn into a careless wreck in the midst of the police, and Xephos’ claims his former crew member has ‘gone off the deep end.’
Dark Executioner: Rythian Enderborne
- Head of the Blackrock Crew
Fiercely loyal and overprotective of his own, former hitman Rythian Enderborne is the head of the Blackrock Crew, based on the edge of the city, having claim on the transport side, including the airport, harbor, and some downtown businesses. Blackrock is famously silent in their heists, being the most under the radar to the police.
King of Chaos: Dave Bagnall
- Head of Chaosvillians
The Chaosvillians are the most unstable crew, to the point where no one can get a good hold on who’s even a member anymore. Dave is known to be an extremely strict crew leader, to the point where heists rarely go without a person fatally insured. Living on the outskirts, Chaosvillians’ territory is mostly warehouses and weaponry related buildings. Anyone who’s managed to getaway from Dave’s crew says they’re lucky to be alive...
NEXT UP: Specific crew members and associates! Except those soon~
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cyanidas · 6 years
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fluxedbuds · 4 years
oh thank god I found a fan archive channel for davechaos’ videos, this motherfucker is the real mvp
it doesnt appear to be every chaosville relevant video but its still an impressive amount, and includes some key series that i wouldn’t be able to get another perspective of otherwise
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acerace · 3 years
I’m trying desperately to understand how Yogscast works why is this wiki so bad lmao (post despair Clover here to say I have definitely been spoiled by the Warrior Cats wiki, that thing is a thing of beauty and every other wiki looks like dirt in comparison) 
Okay so let me get this straight 
Solutions in Chaos (featuring William Strife and Alex Parvis) takes place on the ChaosVille server, which is a 3 season series from DaveChaos that also features Duncan and Sijn in season 2. Season 3 then takes place on the Yogscast Complete server. In the first episode of Solutions in Chaos, Strife and Parvis both mention they know Lewis, but I have no idea if they’ve been in previous series or if that’s just an in-character explanation. There also does not appear to be a wiki page for Solutions in Chaos, but I know (?) it is followed by Blood and Chaos, on the Yogscast Complete server. Occurring at the same time (?) is Heroes of Mine (featuring Martyn InTheLittleWood and Alex Parvis), which has Parvis join Martyn in episode 4 after Parvis and Strife leave ChaosVille for the Complete server and then apparently get separated in the process. Then is Strife Solutions s1 and s2, on Yogscast Complete. Following that is Solutions & Order, which is not Yogscast but is ComeBlockHome?? I think?? I have No idea what ComeBlockHome is </3 
Is that all the Strife and Parvis stuff? Obviously there are a million more series and I recognize a few names from Solutions & Order on the Yogscast wiki and judging from other posts I’ve seen The Witch in the Woods is relevant to Solutions & Order? Maybe? 
Girl help I am drowning there is no sight of land man door hand hook car door in unlovable hand take me back to the days when the only Youtuber I watched was VintageBeef 
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yogpetshame · 6 years
Tags are updated.
I removed DaveChaos and BebopVox from the page (their tags are still there, though) and added a few others. I also tagged some people who aren’t on that list but only have one or two posts to their name, so if you’re looking for them you’re better off searching.
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prevajconsultants · 6 years
@DaveChaos Welcome aboard, Dave! 👋 Let us know if you have any questions - https://t.co/Jt8qf0EbI6
Welcome aboard, Dave! 👋 Let us know if you have any questions - https://t.co/Jt8qf0EbI6
— BigCommerce (@BigCommerce) May 1, 2018
https://goo.gl/K5WYIg https://goo.gl/50Wsae
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bambeptin · 8 years
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haven’t drawn these furries in a while
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Day…22? I think? DaveChaos/ Indiana Jones! (Not) sorry it's late, yesterday was pure laziness for me.
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spectorsummers · 9 years
What would be nice
I really want to see Davechaos, Will Strife, bebopvox and Pyrionflax to be on the main channel more often, I feel like I would want to see them on Gmod videos or GTA videos, or even in a minecraft series! I love the people involved now too, but I’d like to see the others too on the main channel.
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strifesolution · 6 years
yogscast 2014-2015 minecraft fandom shit
aka that time where the fandom had accepted tekkit had died off and this was a new era of the yogscast complete pack
- moonquest vs. sipsco space program stuff and being sad it wasn’t as engaging as the tekkit feuds
- cheat police being the last thing sips and sjin did together
- that episode of flux buddies where kim actually got lewis to turn around to get his tag lock, unscripted
- feeling like hatfilms were actually part of the yogscast now
- what’s yours is ours
- the remake of diggy diggy hole and moonquest being AMAZING
- where’s rythian
- still hoping blackrock was coming back but happy we saw more zoey and fiona
- literally the only existence of rythian in minecraft being undesirable number one
- magic police vs. flux buddies
- the hatfilms-flux buddies war: “dear Duncan, i did something amazing today.”
- the episode where this ultimatum was issued being released the same day all rise for datlof was (I think?)
- like, the first lalnable introduction
- clone labs :(((((
- clone labs just?? not having an effect on any other episodes?????
- like actually hoping the plots were coming together and we’d get more on SOI and being let down
- chaosville getting screwed over because no one from the original group was on the server
- people like davechaos, fryeuk, bebopvox, etc, being official yogs but never recognized as ones
- people being encouraged to give love to the underyogs but then not doing so
- lyinginbedmon and kirindave getting more attention than them
- william strife, just like, in general
- strife and parvis’ tumblr shipping cult following
- wereross and xephos&strife alien headcanons
- the church of strife vs. whatever rythian’s following was. there was a name for it too.
- boaillustration, sassytail, mindfulwrath, sparxflame, ceranovis, goldspil and a bunch of artists and writers that eventually just ducked out
- fucking urban magic yogs
- resonant rise pack being a chance for the yogs to re-hype their fandom and then people weren’t allowed on the server and everything but flux buddies died off
feel free to add on. keep anything overly negative off please
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cyanidas · 7 years
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Characters no one pays attention to but I’ve grown exorbitantly attached to for reasons unknown to my followers.
Have a Daltos, Nipde, and Zylus! Plus a lil bit of Dave Chaos.
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fluxedbuds · 4 years
ohhhh so much of the chaosville saga is just straight up missing from youtube i am Mad
thankfully its mostly davechaos’ stuff but what the hell, dave
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bestgadgetsandgears · 9 years
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prevajconsultants · 6 years
@DaveChaos Welcome aboard, Dave! 👋 Let us know if you have any questions - https://t.co/Jt8qf0EbI6
Welcome aboard, Dave! 👋 Let us know if you have any questions - https://t.co/Jt8qf0EbI6
— BigCommerce (@BigCommerce) May 1, 2018
https://goo.gl/K5WYIg https://goo.gl/50Wsae
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h00f · 9 years
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