#davesport fanfiction
sogthewoz · 5 months
Barely any soul crushing slow burn fanfiction in the dsaf fandom so let me change that 😋 the first chapter of Saint Motel is out! A more mature retelling of dsaf 1,, this took eight hours of my life I am begging you please read my shitty davesport fanfiction–
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Link below.
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cyrusclouds · 5 months
short dsaf oneshot!!
☆ i posted this on ao3 already ('Dayshift at Freddy's Oneshot's' by cyrusclouds) but i wanted to post it here as well!! :D ☆ summary: dave breaks into jack's house, and it somehow works out in his favor -- Easy, easy…, Dave thought to himself as he began unscrewing the hinges on Jack’s window. It was pitch black outside, which wasn’t necessarily ideal while working with tools, but the aubergine could manage just fine. If he had to guess what time it was, it was probably around 3 in the morning by now. After all, he started his walk here at around 2:30, and it really didn’t take that long to arrive. He twisted his screwdriver carefully to the side, trying to be precise as to not make any noise. Thankfully, Dave was very skilled with handy work, so it didn’t take him too long to get everything undone. Satisfied with himself, he slid Jack’s window open extremely gradually, as to prevent from waking him up. Slowly, he began crawling in through the window. He crawled through most of the way, and then tumbled to the floor with a very soft thump that most certainly wouldn’t alert anybody to his presence. Glancing sideways at Jack’s bed to make sure he wasn’t stirring, Dave left out a silent sigh of relief as he shut the window back. He had gotten in, yay! … But now what? Dave stood up and brushed himself off, looking around the room for a moment or two before focusing his attention back on Jack, staring at him intently. Aww, he sleeps so peacefully! The purple man took a few steps closer to the bed to stare at Jack closer (in a totally not creepy way). He very gently brushed a piece of hair out of Jack’s mouth, which was slightly agape as he rested. He grinned to himself watching the man sleep, happy to be in his presence. He loved being around Jack, and sleeping like this, the orange man was absolutely adorable in Dave’s mind. He wondered if he could… no, no, he shouldn’t try that, it was too risky. … Or maybe it wasn’t? Eh, worth a shot. Dave walked over to the other, much more empty side of the bed, and with major hesitation started to put his body weight down on it. Jack’s hand moved, but other than that, he seemed to still be sound asleep. A hard sleeper, apparently. The aubergine slowly sat himself down on the blankets and scooted himself under the covers, laying down next to Jack. He noticed that the other man was holding a pillow close to his chest. He tilted his head to the side and quietly wondered why this was. Did he get lonely sleeping by himself? Well, that wouldn’t be much of a problem anym- fuck. Jack’s eyes suddenly shot open, staring directly at Dave, who looked like a child caught taking cookies from the cookie jar. Silence hung in the air between them for several moments, Dave having no idea what to say, and Jack hardly being awake. Finally, the orange man spoke up. “Just ask to come over next time..,” he mumbled under his breath before setting his pillow to the side and pulling Dave close in-turn. He shoved his head in the aubergine’s chest and fell right back asleep. Well damn, Dave had pulled that one off. Somehow.
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nickythehickey · 8 months
hello dsaf community i'm also a writer
i haven't publically posted any writing since like 2020 and this makes me WAY more nervous than i'm letting on! but hopefully yall enjoy
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nannyan · 3 months
I want more of Dave and Legacy Jack.
Hear me out
Their dynamic would basically be Henry and Dave's (obviously the psychological abuse part not really the experiments one) but honestly kinda worse in some ways.
I imagine deep down in his subconsciousness Dave knows that at least some of the stuff that Henry did to him were wrong and/or undeserved. But he doesn't allow himself to think about that or in that way. 'Cause he still idolizes Henry so much because (in Dave's eyes) Henry did so much good for him.
And Legacy Jack acts quite similar to Henry in the way he talks to and puts down Dave in the moments we see him in that state. A.k.a (from what I remember) at the end of "An Ending" (the evil ending) in DSaF 2, several times in DSaF 3 and of course the Evil ending. I've seen people interpreting Legacy Jack as basically being possessed by Henry. But I don't really see it that way. More so Henry influencing Jack and this influence getting stronger and stronger as time goes on.
And we see Dave/Davetrap acknowledge the change in Jack a few times. But that doesn't really deter him. Because that's his Old Sport! He is so obsessed and in love with him that by the time of DSaF 2's end Dave would go and do whatever with Jack no matter how he gets treated. I mean we literally see this in the Evil route in DSaF 3. I very much believe that this route is a continuation from "An Ending" in DSaF 2.
Dave starts seeing more and more of Henry's behavior in Jack. That starts "opening old scars" and making him think more and more about all those past times. Something bugs him about that though. He feels like he's reliving bad memories. Things he doesn't want to remember. Although they're all of Henry and shouldn't those be good?
And he doesn't really feel okay about the way Jack treats him. But he can't leave him. He can't go trough the same pain he experienced when Henry was taken from him. He's not strong enough to do that. Not again. So of course he'll stay by his Sportsy's side. No matter what Jack does to him.
(Okay I'll stop this got very fanfiction-y haha)
I read two fics of their dynamic a bit ago and omg now I need more.
More of Dave's one sided crush and obsession and Legacy Jack's definite hate (probably some sort of psychological and verbal abuse idk) of Dave.
(Don't take any of this in a weird way please.. I swear I am normal and I also adore fluffy and cute Davesport too. But what can I say I just need to see my favorite characters suffer 😌)
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jackkennedyirl · 6 months
wait wait i need to ask this because its a very important just wondering sort of question .have you read that dsaf burn fic on ao3 . like the one with 28 chapters and 30k words
Probably. i’ve read every AO3 fanfiction with the tag “Dayshift at Freddy’s” or “Davesport”.
No, I’m not addicted
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dsaf-confessions · 5 months
Worth it 😁
- Davesport&Teeth/Hands Lover Anon
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In Every Life DSAF AU (Please Read This)
After posting my headcanon about the DSAF 3 ending, I came up with a cool idea for a whole new AU.
The basic outline of this AU is that in every possible lifetime across every reincarnation, Dave and Jack will always end up falling in love for better or for worse.
My favourite thing about fandoms has always been the level of creativity. From artists creating beautiful works from designs that were original vague looking pixel art, to fanfiction writers who turn the story on its head to show us what could have been, AUs which take a story and make a new one out of it, OCs that I fall in love with just as much as the original characters. 
So I had an idea about this AU.
My idea was to rather than having it like my normal AUs where I just sorta write about it and nothing more really comes of it, what if instead I write a list of guidelines and prompts to get anyone whose interested to create their own section of this AU and have it be canon? 
I’d be pleasantly surprised if anyone but me and maybe some people I know personally contributed to the AU but on the off chance I can get someone to take part in this project I am posting this.
Do not read this or take part in this AU if you have not gotten the DSAF good ending because I don’t wanna give you spoilers.
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Basic Idea:
To take part in the In Every Life AU all you have to do is create a story about or draw your own reincarnations for Dave and Jack and then tag it with “In Every Life DSAF” (You can also just create reincarnation stories or art about any other characters to contribute but the AU is predominantly about Davesport. I’d love to see some of those too)
The colour schemes of the two characters should be orange and purple. (It doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to be)
No pedophilla, incest or otherwise toxic stuff because come on guys have morals.
If a story it can be any genre, fluff, angst, hurt comfort, yes even smut.
The reincarnations must be original.
Reincarnations of any member of the Flipside Squad or Henry can appear.
They do not have to be human, they can be anything you want.
This can take place at any time in history.
You can make up the setting entirely.
Your contribution to the AU can take place in any franchise you want, for instance, you could set it in the Owl House universe if you felt like it. The only rule about this is that the reincarnations still have to be original characters.
No being toxic to anyone.
Try not to limit yourself and believe in your own creativity.
Have fun!
I myself will be trying to contribute some content to this and I hope to see some of your guy’s stuff too! :D
Please reblog or comment if you’d like to participate <:
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kikolagito · 1 year
davesport fanfiction
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attex · 1 year
youd think a line so profound like "thats what your mouths for!" about licking cum off bedsheets came from the works of shakespeare but its actually from a davesport fanfiction
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ectopodl3 · 2 years
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Heyyyoooo guys, I’m back for a fraction of a second to make this thing for one of my fanfics in my mini davesport book
One of my stories actually has a photo and I think that’s cool so I’m probably gonna draw for all my fanfics I make, all 17 to 18 in a few hours since I need to write for it now-
Also, school is consuming me so I apologise for the lack of posts guys! ;-;
I’ll try to post (and it’s a very long try-)
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dsaf-phone-rehab · 3 years
My motivation comes and goes, but here I am with some phone man headcannons about first dates with their S/Os cause headcannon is 90% of what phone fans have <(=w= )>
Harry, our poor sweet boy, is a perfect gentleman in what he thinks is normal but isn't always exactly clear.
Dinner dates are a classic, and a simple enough starting point for a man that's never been on a date before in his life
He will take you somewhere nice, and DEFINITELY clean. Like, he came in the day before and got weird looks because he was legit just inspecting things because if his sweetheart ever even glanced at a scuttler on a date with him, whatever confidence he has will be obliterated.
Dresses appropriately, nothing overboard but he wants you to know he does care about how much effort he puts in
Opens the door, walks you to a seat, and pretends he doesn't know what he wants until you do so he isn't pressuring you, even though he figured out what he wanted yesterday and is the kind of guy to order the same thing every time he goes out to eat
Looks a little funny using one hand to block your view of his 'mouth' while he eats with the other, but he's very self conscious of the fact phones that choose to eat (as he technically doesn't need to) have to pop open the front panel. Don't ask about it, please, just let him subtly block your view for the sake of his remaining pride
Knows how to drive, but if you live relatively close to the resteraunt will walk you home just to hold your hand and get that extra ten minutes with you, even at the expense of the anxiety it causes him with questioning whether you wanted the same thing or not
Next time he'll offer to bring the car, and he makes a note to ask about where you want to go next should you want another date
Steven knows what he's doing! Wow!
Actually been to other places in town so he knows what's good, he used to work at a Freddy's that was in this town. Boy, he's worked a lot of places, and is pretty good at determining what he could do to impress you. Yes, specifically impress you. He doesn't want this to be boring, he gets teased enough for being too professional even in his off hours, so he wants you to see that he's got more going for him than that
After a long while of considering options... He takes you bowling
Low-key beating himself up over Jake poking fun at him over the choice
"Wow, you're good at the only boring sport I can think of besides golf?"
That comment in particular hit him like a brick and now he's worried you won't like it
Whether you actually like to bowl or not, he'll make sure there's no real competitive nature to the game
Buys both of your guy's way in, helps you pick a ball that will be a good weight for you, gives you pointers on how to aim, and, if you're okay with him being that close to you, will help correct your posture
Okay, that comment from Jake is eating him alive and he's dying
Whether it's that comment or first date jitters or just trying a little bit too hard, he is absolutely sucking right now
You win the game. He feels terrible about it. He took you here to impress you, but really all he did was miss every shot he possibly could and give you advice that he continuously messed up the execution of
Ironically, his advice worked for you just fine, but that's too small a victory to see in the shadow of what seems like a massive faliure
Damn his fear of faliure, he feels awful
But! You can totally fix that!!
Tell him you had fun, accuse him of throwing the game for your sake, even a peck on the 'cheek' or holding hands on the way out and all that insecurity is wiped away in a flash
If you liked the date then it's not faliure! Looking like an idiot for an hour or so is a small price to pay for a chance at another date with you, after all
Peter has seen movies, he knows what he's doing thank you very much
So what if he never really had time for a partner before, it can't be hard if his little orange brother is out there running around with some purple dude
Dress shirt and slacks, some flowers, he has all the confidence! He's gonna take you to the movies, so you won't be judging his every move. It'll be fine
Buys you literally whatever you want, he's taking the path of least resistance here so if he can make you happy with snacks he will
Let's you think he chose the movie, but he cheated because he heard you mention the movie you really wanted to see to a friend of yours a few weeks ago
(if you went and saw it with them, please don't tell him it will kill him and his perfect plan will be completely ruined)
He's going to try to hold your hand. If you don't let him, that's okay, but it'll sure make his whole night if you do
Also, he'll hardly be able to focus on the movie if you do, as he'll be worried his hand is too sweaty or too warm or too cold or slowly melting into yours like some sci-fi horror movie about being absorbed by an alien or conjoined to a space criminal
He decides briefly he's probably the alien. Mist people see him as less than human because of the phone head...
But you don't, so he's happy. Because you're really all he'll need from here on out if things go as well as he hopes they will
Misses most of the movie being a hopeless, cheesy romantic in his own head
After he takes you home, he's eager to say you get to pick next time, so be thinking about that
He's going to be so restless, he's glad that dating is so easy. Last thing he wants to do is be completely stressed over romance
Jake will take you to the park
It allows him to smoke, there's not going to be many more people, the weather is beautiful, he doesn't have to worry about the cleanliness of a kitchen or dressing up. It's perfect for a first date
Not ready to see you in casual clothes
Chances are he met you at work. Co-worker or not, work, the grocery store, and home are the only three places he is at any given time and he doesn't fuck around in the store long enough to meet people
So he's probably never actually seen you in casual clothes. You've either both been in your work clothes or you've at least been dressed for a somewhat special occasion sinse all he knows is resteraunt work and being totally burnt out
All that said, he's finding out a lot about you right now, and realizes it pretty fast
Takes note of how much happier you seem to be able to relax, the style you seem most comfortable in, and even the choice in food you grabbed out of the box. It's little things, but there's a lot of them
He's starting to realize he hasn't been this close to another person in a long time
You accidentally put your hand halfway over his at some point after he asked you about your passions in life
Absolutely short circuits
You're talking with such wild inspiration, hand over his, the natural sunlight bringing out all your best features. He could listen to you forever
His cynical nature is a bit more playful now, his shift in attitude is very slight, but he's softer for you, now. There's so much more to you, after all, he wants to show you there's more to him
Don't expect him to start writing poetry or anything, but you'll find he seeks you out a lot more after this
Does his darndest to show off every redeemable quality he has. Not going to make shit up or outwardly boast to you about stuff he's good at, but he's doing somewhat weird stuff like showing you how far he can throw a rock or only smoking half a cigarette at a time instead of a whole one
Both are things he finds impressive, even if the point doesn't get all the way across
Roger is an entire mess
Got up early, scrubbed himself head to toe, outfit picked out the day before, reservation made, and taking almost two hours just to calm himself down, he's so anxious about this whole thing he's actually scared
Fully intended to take you out to dinner! Made all the plans to do so, made sure the place you two were going was good...
But nothing works out for Roger. His luck is kind of horrendous like that
He's wearing his nice suit, and as soon as you two arrive at the restaurant, it's on fire
I wish I was joking, and he also wishes I was joking, but people are evacuating and smoke is pouring out of the kitchen
So what now? You guys could- oh no.
He gets a text while you're trying to figure it out and, as it turns out, there's an emergency at home, too
Peter was having a day with Jack and Dave at home, just a good family + Dave day when Dave kind of accidentally dropped a knife on his foot. Hospitals don't really treat Dave anymore, but he should be fine, but they're out of bandages
Roger's the only one of them not at work so that errand is now his job today
Tense walking to the store, feeling like shit he couldn't take you on a real date, he's stuttering so badly he gives up on talking two minutes into to walk so he just prompts you to start talking
He dearly wishes he could focus on what you're saying, but there's a million thoughts in his head, none of them are good
You make it to the store and walk around for a little while. Dave died years ago, and has died several times since the first time, so he's probably not going to mind the bandages being a few minutes later than they could have been
When you two leave the store, it's starting to sprinkle, and will definitely start raining if you have to walk . . .
He is embarrassed, but the bus is the best option from here, even if it's a shitty option
Sulking half the ride home, when he finally gets the will to speak, it's broken
"I-I-I'm so sorry..."
He wants to cry. He wanted to be your boyfriend so bad, and the whole thing ended up complicated and unpleasant
When you start laughing, he gets even closer to tears, but with a pat on the shoulder and a grin, you fix the whole thing in just one sentence, a whole day of bad luck and dissapointment completely resolved with little more than words
"Shit happens, I'm open to try again tomorrow. We'll go to that other place you like."
Boy if that doesn't perk him right up
Relief, happiness, admiration for your ability to let things roll off you whenever you could, it's a wonderful mix of good feelings
And one of those feelings is some new love
You're a safe place he desperately needs, and he makes a point to have tomorrow go as perfectly as today was supposed to
But, unlike today, he's not nearly as scared
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just realised i never said this here but as well as shitty ms paint doodles, i am also a master of shitty fanfiction. Here's the current davesport fanfic i'm working on 😀👍
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rudylloyd · 2 years
I am so distraught rn
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davesporteveryday · 2 years
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writing davesport fanfiction for myself decided to draw something like a cover for this
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fooxywooxy · 4 years
sorry for uhh
not posting a lot if anybody really minds, lol
I've been playing roblox n stuff, haven't really been in the mood to draw.
if you want, and you enjoy fanfictions,
I've been writing some shit in this-:
k cool ig.
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jack-spooker-paste · 4 years
Y’all ever up at 7am crying about DaveSport fanfiction? No? Just me? Okay time to collapse aka fall asleep
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