#david kane x reader
megamindsecretlair · 2 months
Cold on Me, Part 2 - Final
Pairing: David Kane x Atlantean!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Plot with smut, cursing, fingering (female receiving) , teasing, orgasm denial, PIV, dirty talk, Atlantean reader. Established relationship.
Summary: On a mission to recover an artifact sacred to your people, you journey through Rome to meet up with your contact. When David steals the very item you came to collect, you make a plan to retrieve it. You never could trust easily.
Word Count: 4,494k
A/N: Sorry it's been so long, my loves. But I finally circled back to David. He's a hard character for me to get down, but I'm with it. Toss a coin to your blogger with a comment, reblog, or unhinged ask.
Taglist: @planetblaque @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @melaninpov @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii @kiabialia @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @00aijia00 @hopefulromantic1 @lesbiantreehugger @longpause-awkwardsmile @badassdoll @kholdkill @cardi-bre91 @blowmymbackout @jay-mach @sageispunk @yourofficialgal @harmshake @ciaqui @liyaah02 @monaeesstuff @papichulojustice @tvchi @multiversefanfics @thecapodomme
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You waited until much further in the night before turning on the tracking device in your bag. You made it to one of the safe houses stashed around the surface world, for you and your sisters to conduct business when need be. 
You cleaned yourself up and changed into something more flexible. You wore an all black ensemble to help you blend into the night time. It was so dark here. Back home, you were never without some source of color or light. You missed it. You missed home. But you could not return home without the artifact. 
You were still fuming about David’s betrayal but you couldn’t fault a shark for baring its teeth. You sipped on water while you waited for the contraption to pinpoint his location. He was still in Rome, on the far edges of the city. Far from any kind of water source. He was learning.
You huffed as that eliminated a few of your plans for getting the knife back and returning to the water. You looked up the coordinates. He was in an abandoned warehouse. Your fingers flew over the keys, zooming in or out, studying the layout wherever you could. 
Why the hell would he go there? What was his goal? Why wasn’t he in the air, flying to a rendezvous point? 
You didn’t like this. Not one bit. But if it were a trap, it was a piss poor one. You gathered your weapons. A blaster from Atlantis and your dagger, a gift from the Elder when you graduated to become a Collector. You grabbed a few more items, just in case.
Satisfied, you left the apartment under the cover of midnight. There were less people out now. Less cars on the road or people spilling out of restaurants. Less tourists. Speed was the name of the game so you would take your bike, but keep it under the speed limit. At least, until you made it to the more industrial side of the city. 
The helmet went on smoothly as you fired up your bike and pulled away from the curb. You let the rumbling of the engine beneath you settle your nerves. You were not going to let him play you like that again. You would remain strong. No matter what he tried to say. That…part of your life was over. What you shared was over. Buried at the bottom of the unforgiving sea. 
Out of the inner city, you increased your speed and didn’t let up until you arrived at the warehouse. It looked familiar. Something about the shape of it, the placement of a particular beam, tickled your memory. 
You got off of your bike, taking off your helmet, and shaking out your hair as you glanced at the building. Why did this place seem familiar?
You knew you were wasting too much time standing outside of the building, but there was no sign of David. No car or motorcycle of his own. No sign that anyone was around. You debated on if it was worth going inside. For all you knew, he found the bug anyway and left it here while he was in a different city by now. 
But you had to at least follow all of the clues to the end. You secured your helmet to the back, keeping a watchful eye out for anything amiss. The abandoned yard had cracks in the ground, wild weeds and grass growing in between. The railing was filthy, caked up with layers of grime, gum, and who knew what else.
You took the short steps to the door and inspected it. Nothing out of the ordinary. Still, you took out your blaster and tested the door. It was open. Warning bells went off in your head. This was too easy. Too simple. Too mundane for the likes of David Kane. 
You were a daughter of Calypso, you better act like it.
You steeled yourself and opened the door, sweeping both sides with your blaster. There were no tricks. Inside, the corridor was dark. The red exit sign above the door illuminated enough of the space to determine that you were in some kind of office area. 
You took slow, measured steps towards another door. There was a window cut into it that overlooked a wide open space, filled with hundreds of empty shelves. You looked as best as you were able, searching for any sign of David. 
Seeing nothing, you entered the room, blaster still at the ready though you were starting to feel silly. If David had a trick up his sleeve, some dastardly plan, you couldn’t see it. Couldn’t anticipate what it was he had planned.
You swept across the room, going down aisle after aisle. Curiosity got the best of you as you passed by box after box. You stopped, using your left hand to open it while your right hand kept your blaster at the ready.
Inside the box, there was a funny looking mask. Painted in shades of red, blue, and orange, it looked old. Sacred. Realization dawned as you looked around with renewed interest. This was one of David’s storage facilities. Where he kept the spoils of his pirating.
Heat burned in your chest. Anger rising like the tide that he thought he could sell the Atlantean artifact. To some useless businessman who’d brandish it like a child playing with a toy. No respect.
Your teeth ground together as you moved deeper into the warehouse. It was becoming more and more apparent that you weren’t going to find him. You made it to the end of the last aisle, having peeked into more boxes. Jewelry, weapons, masks, pottery. There was nothing that his ass didn’t try to take.
Up ahead, there was a set of stairs that led to an office. Probably for the manager or something. The light was on and you could just make out a figure. If it was David, he either didn’t see you or was waiting for you.
You took the stairs quietly anyway. At the top, the door was cracked open as David sat in a chair, facing away from you. The room looked like an ordinary office, complete with a desk, bookshelves, chairs, and a sofa. 
No personal touches were left in the room, save for a stress ball on the desk. You nudged the door open and trained your blaster on David’s head. To his credit, he only lifted his hands.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show,” he said.
You pushed the blaster into his head, making him bow forward. “I should kill you for what you did,” you said.
“For taking the knife or not finishing you off?” He asked. Only David could sound so fucking smug while a gun was on him. 
“Please, that was nothing to write home about,” you said and rolled your eyes.
“So the moans…were, what? For my benefit?” He asked.
“You seemed like you needed the ego boost,” you said.
David laughed and finally turned in his seat. You took a step back, staring down the length of the blaster. David looked at the weapon, but then flicked his eyes back to you. He smirked. “You were always a bad liar.”
“What the fuck is this, Kane? Why are you playing these games?” You asked.
David held up his hands, showing you that he was weaponless. He could still have a gun hidden somewhere. As if he could read your thoughts, he sighed. “You welcome to search me,” he said and winked at you. 
You sighed through your nose. He was infuriating. Childish man. You didn’t dignify his words with a response. 
“Where’s the knife, Kane?” You asked. 
David didn’t let his smirk falter as he stood up. He kept his hands palm side up, but brought it closer to his sides. “Close. Safe.” 
“It doesn’t mean anything to you. You can’t even sell it on the market.”
“That’s not why I took it,” he said. 
“Then why?” You wanted to shout. To scream. To hit him. His arms were longer and he would just best you again, super strength or not. You didn’t want to break him. You just wanted to be done with him. 
David licked his lips at your question, face softening. “I had to make you see. If I told you I’ve changed, you’d never believe me. Do you remember this place?” 
Oh yeah, you remembered. You remembered that nearly a year into your dalliance with him, he trusted you with this place. He thought you shared a love of artifacts. He thought you’d be impressed by his “collection”. You were not. You ripped him a new one. 
It wasn’t a secret that he was a pirate. He told you as much when you first met. In fact, you were here under similar circumstances, recovering a plate that belonged to Atlantis when you ran into him. The danger, the intrigue, the meet ups were all so exciting at first. But that argument spelled the beginning of the end for you.
You couldn’t see past his greed. When would enough be enough? When would he be satisfied with his hoard? Satisfied with the money he made? Satisfied with himself? 
You only narrowed your eyes but David nodded. “Remember how full this place used to be? I had a pretty good operation here. Rome was critical to my business. Now look at it. Really, look.” He pointed out of the windows, down at the floor. Down to the aisles where you had searched through boxes.
“Some I’ve tried to return to where they really belonged. Some I’ve sold to fund my research into who should really own these items. Some can’t be returned yet. But I’m working on it,” he said.
You glanced at the floor below but immediately returned your eyes to him. You didn’t trust him. You didn’t trust his words. For all you knew, he moved his operation to a different warehouse in a different city. 
“What do you want, a cookie? I want what you stole from me so I can leave,” you said. 
“Can you acknowledge that I’m trying?”
“You did this for you. Don’t try to put it on me,” you said.
“I did this because you were right. This stuff isn’t important anymore. I just want you. I should have never let you go in Miami,” he said.
Just saying the name hurt you as if he had stabbed you in the chest. You didn’t want to think about that. Didn’t want to think about the hurt in his eyes as you jumped into the water and vowed never to speak to him again. 
“I mean, think about it. I thought I’d never see you again. Why would I bother with this? Seeing you tonight was unexpected but I knew that if I could just show you…” 
You sucked your teeth. Your arm was starting to cramp from keeping it in this position. You lowered the gun but you kept it pointed at him. He took that as a sign to lower his arms to his sides. You watched for any signs of betrayal, any hint of deception.
He used to be so easy to read. Full of life and energy, David was always quick with a word or a kiss. You glanced at his lips. David took one step closer and you lifted the blaster. If he couldn’t get close, he couldn’t confuse you. 
David pushed on, stepping closer until his chest was flush with the blaster. “Hand over the knife and maybe I’ll think about believing you,” you said. 
This was nuts. It took a year to get close to him, to feel any type of connection with him. In the years since you’ve seen him, you learned to forget what he looked like fresh from a shower. What he smelled like when he was wrapped around your body. The sound of his heartbeat as you fell asleep beside him. Now, in his presence, you were right back to the thick of it. As if you had merely suppressed the emotions. Cast aside the memories.
It all came flooding back, confusing you. Distracting you. You pushed him with the end of your blaster until he held up his hands again. David had his own agenda and he was not going to give you what you were looking for. Not until his goal was achieved. 
If you were an ancient artifact, where would you be? David wouldn’t be stupid enough to have it in a place he couldn’t get to easily. Somewhere near his person but not on it. The room had plenty of places to hide such a small thing. 
“Just tell me if I have any chance at all. If there’s any part of you left that cares about us,” he said. 
David was good. But not that good. At the mention of the knife, his eyes darted to the right. For the briefest of moments. You sighed and holstered your blaster. Your arm was getting tired anyway. If he was going to harm you, he would have done it already. 
“You really want to start this again? You really want to go back to the fighting, the differing ideologies, the fact that I live in the ocean?” You asked. 
David nodded once. “I’ll take all of that over all the money in the world,” he said. 
You sighed, regarding him. You let yourself remember. Remember his voice. The subtle growl in his throat when he first slid inside you. You bit your lip, getting closer to him. He wore black jeans and a black T-shirt. You placed your hand on his chest. Let the warmth seep from him. 
He tilted his head at you. You pushed on his chest, walking him backwards. He lifted an eyebrow at you, not quite trusting what you were up to. 
“Do you mean it?” You asked softly. You looked into his eyes. He nodded once again, his jaw flexing.
“Then kiss me and make me believe it,” you said. 
With no hesitation, David captured your lips with his own. He cradled your head in his hands, holding you exactly where he needed you. You moaned into his mouth, hands flying to his belt. You toyed with the hem of his shirt, grabbing at the hard expanse of his chest. 
David sighed against your lips. He kissed just like you remembered. Like you truly were the only thing in his life that he wanted. Needed. You took hold of his jeans, unbuttoning, and pulling his zipper down. He groaned, tried to break the kiss to see what you were doing.
You closed the distance once more, smashing your lips together. You palmed his fat dick, feeling it twitch beneath your hand. 
“You sure?” He asked.
You pulled away to look at him. Nodded. “I’ve never been more sure,” you said. You gave him a small smile. 
David grinned and returned to kissing you, renewing with an increased fervor as if he held himself back before. You walked with him until he hit the chair he was previously in. You pushed him to sit down. He flopped with a smirk on his face. 
You made a show of getting to your knees. David caressed your face, thumb tracing the line of your lips before pushing his thumb inside your mouth. You sucked greedily, offering him a little moan. 
He groaned and then removed his hand so that he could take off his shirt. Your eyes lit up as you got a closer look at his chest. He kept up with working out. Or maybe pirating kept him that well in shape. 
“Missed the fuck outta this,” he groaned. His eyes were half mast. Drunk on lust. Consumed by it. 
You rubbed his thickening bulge with one hand while you extracted your cuffs with the other hand. David was too blissed out to notice. He was having trouble keeping his eyes open as you pleasured him over his storm gray briefs. He gripped the arm rest giving you the perfect opportunity to cuff him to it.
Hearing the clink, David’s eyes flew open. He tugged on the cuff as he looked at you with horror in his eyes. You wrestled with his other arm, kneeing him close to his groin as you pinned it to the other armrest and cuffed that one as well. Knowing him, he probably should be restrained by his legs as well.
But you didn’t have time. He’d find a way to escape soon. You only hoped that you were back on your bike before then. 
“What the hell!” He growled. 
You smirked. “Gotcha bitch,” you said and flipped him off. You walked away from him, searching the file cabinets, desk drawers, and bookshelf for the knife. He wouldn’t keep it on him. That would be too stupid. And one thing David was not, was stupid. No matter how much you wished he was.
“Let me go,” he growled.
You hummed to yourself as if you had all the time in the world. But in reality, your nerves were shot. Getting close to him like that made you feel icky. Like you used him. He used you first, but even that was a cold comfort. 
Pulling out the ratty desk chair, you searched for hidden compartments. You felt along the underside of the desk, hand ghosting along a button. You pressed it. A soft popping noise alerted you to the secret drawer beneath the desk.There, in all its glory, was the death ritual knife. 
You sighed in triumph and opened the bag to reveal the knife still wrapped in its cloth. “Why didn’t you just tell me that I had no chance? I would have given you the knife.” 
You looked at David. He didn’t even look that angry anymore. You zipped the bag up, and slung it around your shoulders.
“No, you wouldn’t have.”
“Do you really think I’m a monster? That I’m not truly capable of loving you?” He asked.
It took effort, but you finally looked at him. Really looked at him. “I think you loved me once upon a time. But I’m not sure if you loved me or what I could do for you.” 
“How could you say that?” David’s voice cracked as he looked at you, jaw slack, eyes wide. Was this just an act? Was he serious? It was so hard to tell with him. 
“Do you remember what you said to me? That you’d rob the world blind if it meant that you got yours. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of room in your heart for anything else!” You didn’t mean to shout. But you never truly did get that closure you needed from years ago. “I trusted you. I loved you! I loved you with everything I had in me. But you were never going to stop. You just expected me to follow you to the ends of the earth with no consideration of how I felt. Like I was some prized pony that gave you clout. You had a real live Atlantean on your arm. You loved parading me around!” 
“Because I was proud of you! Of you! Because I felt so damn lucky to be with you that hell yeah, I wanted the world to know it! Let somebody say something! I would have burned everything down for you!” 
You…did not have anything to say to that. Your mind raced back to every interaction you had. Every time he introduced you. At the time you felt like a trophy. Was he really that damn proud at the time? 
“You were always showing me off. Even when I wanted to stay in,” you said. 
“I wasn’t perfect. Was there a part of me that liked having a super girlfriend? Yes. But I swear to you, all I wanted was you. You leaving…it just made me realize that I didn’t only want the money.” 
Your hands shook at your sides. The endless screaming matches. The lectures. You were no picnic either. Picking at this filthy world with its stale air, weird food, and strange customs. You were miserable because you missed home. But you did feel loved in his arms for a while. For a while at least.
“It doesn’t matter,” you said, looking away from him. Even if you wanted, you couldn’t go back and change the past. Couldn’t undo all the hurt and pain you’d caused each other.
“Don’t say that,” he said, just as softly.
“We can’t change the past,” you said. You walked over to the door. This was why you got in and out and left the surface world alone. It was too loud. Too messy. 
“We can change the future. Let me go, we’ll fix this.” He said.
“No. You’re just trying to get in my head,” you said. 
“If that were true, I’d be yelling and screaming now. All I’m doing is asking for a chance. Just one more. I can’t promise to be perfect. I can’t promise that I won’t piss you off. But I won’t do it on purpose,” he said. 
You fought with yourself. Head spinning with indecision. Could you trust him? Could you not? 
You looked at him. You would never be able to trust yourself around him. And that was the scariest thing of all. 
David widened his eyes as if he saw the decision on your face. You had to learn to school your features. You couldn’t be big and bad if you couldn’t maintain a poker face. 
“Sunflower,” he said suddenly. 
“What?” You asked.
David licked his lips. “When we first met. You had a sunflower in your hair. I asked you why, and you said that you’d never seen one before. So I always brought them to you. So many that the whole house had too much pollen and you sneezed so badly, you had tears running down your face. I’d never seen someone so beautiful as they were covered in snot.” 
Your heart thundered in your chest. He remembered that shit? Hell, you’d nearly forgotten yourself. As he spoke, you remembered everything vividly. You were miserable. You’d seen flowers before and knew their qualities, but you didn’t think it’d affect you so badly. 
You stared. He stared. “I swear by the goddess…”
“This isn’t an act. Damn, can’t you see I love you, woman?” He asked.
You crossed back to him and stood in front of him. “If you ever betray me again…”
“Let me go and I’ll show you that the thought would never cross my mind again,” he said. 
You hemmed. You hawed. But in the end, you were weak in the knees. You let him go from the cuffs. David remained in the chair, rubbing life back into his wrists.
Done, he took your hand in his and kissed the back of it. He kept kissing, flipping your hand over and placing it against his cheek. He kissed your wrist, pulling you closer. He pulled until you straddled him, legs on either side of his. 
He tilted his head and stared into your eyes. He pushed the sling bag over your shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Then, he unzipped your jacket and pushed it from your body, tossing it onto the couch. Your thumb moved back and forth over his cheek while he continued to undress you, pulling off your knife and blaster from your hip. 
He gripped the waistband of your leggings, pulling until he could fit his hand underneath. He found you soaking wet. He lifted an eyebrow at you.
“Don’t get cocky,” you warned. 
He smirked. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He began to caress your pussy, dragging your wet essence achingly slow over your clit until you were a shivering, desperate mess on top of him. He kissed along your jaw.
“You don’t have to fight it. Let it go,” he said.
“I can’t help it,” you said around your chattering teeth. His hands felt too good. He remembered exactly how you liked it. Exactly what to do to send your mind reeling and your moans escaping your lips. 
“Yes you can. You don’t always have to fight me. Let that shit go,” he murmured against your skin. His lips found yours as you slowly relaxed. Forced your shoulders to drop. Your hands to slide across his exposed skin. 
A tingling settled in your thighs as you felt the approaching orgasm. Usually your lovemaking was rough. Fucking just as rough as you fought. But this was different. More intimate. Scarier. 
You opened your mouth, eyes closing, as the sweetest wave of pleasure washed over you. You sighed and panted through it.
“There she is,” David cooed. “Let it all go. Surrender to it,” he said.
“I hate you,” you moaned, rocking your hips on his exploring hands. 
He bit your lip and chuckled. “I love you too,” he said. 
You stood up long enough to remove your pants and panties. He stayed seated as he scooted his pants and briefs low enough for him to release his fat dick. It was just as huge and pretty as you remembered it. Thick in all the right places. From tip to base. 
Your mouth watered. You climbed back on top of him. “I’m clean,” he said. But he still reached into his pants pocket for a condom. 
You couldn’t wait to get tested with him to ensure that was the case so that he could slide in bare, no barriers between you. Filling you up. He rolled it on and then lined himself up, pushing in with little resistance.
His hands roamed across your back, pushing your shirt up and off of you. He captured your nipples in his mouth, alternating between each titty while he gently rocked inside of you. Whichever nipple he wasn’t sucking, he used his hand to knead the other. Your arms wrapped around his neck, holding him to you while you both chased that freedom. Chased that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
You came first, lifting your head to the ceiling. It was all too much and overwhelming. And yet it felt incredibly right. It had been too damn long since you were with someone like this. Hell, who were you fooling?
No one else did it for you. The minute you swam away from him, he became the only one capable of stretching you out. Giving you what you needed without having to ask. Without having to think. You clenched around him and he groaned, dick twitching as he reached his own climax.
You stayed together for a beat, maybe two, as your heart settled. You kissed his cheek. 
“Now , about this knife…”
You chuckled. “Do not even play with me right now.” 
You rested your head on his shoulder and listened to your favorite lullaby, the sound of his heartbeat.
The end.
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The Secret David Kane Files
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magewritesstories · 4 months
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I made another shitty quality thing !!
Funny story i was actually looking through text posts for a fanfic im working on but then i thought why not just make a post like this while i'm at it
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alloftheimagines · 1 year
watched citadel and am once again simping for richard madden. if you have any mason kane requests feel free to send them my way. or david budd. always david budd.
96 notes · View notes
imaslutforcuddles · 2 years
A/N: This is going to take a bit to complete, so hang on with me. Yes, i know i already have one but i don’t care. This one is going to be better. (gifs aren’t mine btw, i do not take credit for them at all.) I have requests available so PLEASE DO NOT BE AFRAID TO POP IN, SAY HI, OR REQUEST SOMETHING <3!!!!!! Some of my writing includes smut so i have a lil decoder for my singles :3
Smut:❤️ / Fluff:✿ / Angst:☆
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Mason Kane:
Nadia x Mason drabble ❤️
Robb Stark: 
Take you to hell ❤️/ ☆
Did something bad / two / three (i know it’s been awhile but it will be finished some day😭)
David Budd:
Enemy  ✿ / ☆
Be good to me / two / three
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Eddie Munson:
Antsy ✿
Look after you ✿
Dumb Dumb ☆ / ❤️
Escapism ☆ / ❤️
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Ari Levinson:
Run little bunny❤️ (coming soon!)
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August Walker:
Vampire ☆
Geralt Of Rivia:
Shameless ( in progress )
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- nothing here yet! 
This is the end for now! <3
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foxynez · 9 months
Home Is Where The Heart Is (Orm Marius x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: A one-night stand leads to something more.
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex.
Author's notes: This is a request from an anon. I changed the setting, I hope you don't mind. Maybe it's a bit of cliché, but I just found this easier to write. Takes place before the first movie and after the second.
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"C'mon, y/n. Cheer up a little, we're gonna have fun!"
That what's your best friend Maria had said earlier that evening and she always managed to convince you somehow. And she was having fun alright. You sat at the bar and glared over at her dancing with the guy she had been flirting with for the past hour, totally forgetting about you.
You sighed and returned to staring into the empty glass in your hand. It was never you finding someone to flirt with. Maria was the beautiful and confident one. All the guys were always looking at her.
Orm lifted his chin and wrinkled his nose as he entered the establishment the surface dwellers called a club. Ugh, this place reeked with sweat and alcohol. It was worse than the Sunken Citadel. He watched the drunk surface dwellers on the floor, grinding their bodies against each other. Was this what they called dancing on the surface? Orm scoffed. So unsophisticated. Orm sighed over the fact that he needed to be here. But, it was important to study all of the surface dwellers behavior, to form the best strategy against them. Sure, he could have sent someone else to reconnaissance, but he only trust his own judgment. And from what he'd seen so far, it would be easy to defeat them. They were so arrogant about their own supremacy in the universe.
Orm scanned the area and located what must be the place where he could buy something to drink. He definitely needed it after spending time on this ugly surface. Thanks to his human associate David Kane, he had obtained currency so he could spend a few days on the surface.
"A glass of your finest red wine," Orm ordered the man behind the desk. The man obliged and placed the glass in front of him. Orm paid what he owed and took a sip.
"Yuk," Orm grimaced at the sour taste. This was the best they had to offer? A giggle next to him made him look to the side. There, he met a pair of sparkling, beautiful e/c eyes looking back at him.
"I know the feeling. I ordered the same," you said with a smile and raised your empty glass.
The blond man quirked an eyebrow and eyed you up and down long enough for you to feel self-conscious. You wouldn't normally call a man pretty, but this man was just that with his stunning eyes blue as the ocean. His physique was slim yet muscular in the black trousers and white shirt he was wearing. You smiled awkwardly and fluttered down your gaze. Okay, didn't this guy know when it was time to stop staring?
Orm had seen many surface woman during the past days he'd spent here, but none of them measured up to your beauty.
"Uhm...so, I haven't seen you here before. Are you knew in town?" you asked to break the awkward silence, cringed at your lame pick-up line.
"Yes. I'm just visiting for a few days. Business," the man replied and finally looked away from you. Not that you really mind him looking at you.
"I see. Welcome to town, I guess. I'm y/n," you smiled and reached out your hand.
The man looked down at your hand like he wondered what he was going to do with it, then he took it in his and you shook his hand.
"Orm. My name is Orm."
"Nice to meet you, Orm."
The man finally smiled and you were lost. "Nice to meet you too, y/n."
You didn't know how you ended up at his hotel room. Maybe it was the bad wine clouding your judgment about whether a one-night stand was a good idea or not? Or maybe it was the fact that Orm was so damn charming? A bit arrogant yes, but definitely charming.
Clothes were quickly discarded, both of you eager to feel the warmness of each other's bodies. Orm smirked up at you as he pushed your legs apart, his curls tickling your inner thighs as he opened you up, licking along your inner lips. That first touch of his tongue sent sparks throughout your body and you moaned, your body jerking at the contact. You were already swollen, warm, and open for him. Orm explored your pussy, running his tongue up and down, slowly and deliberately, leaving out the most sensitive parts.
Arousal kept building up in your core, your pussy clenching with need to be filled and satisfied.
Orm sucked your inner folds between his lips, tugging at them, then repeated this on the other side, working his way towards your clit. You grabbed his head, burying your fingers in his curls as your eyes flew open, your body ready for the oncoming pleasure. But just when he was almost at your clit, he worked his way back again and you let out a desperate whine
"Orm, please...," you mewled, bucking your hips against him as his tongue swirled around the entrance of your pussy.
"You want to come?" he asked in a teasing tone.
Glaring down, you met his amused gaze and bit your lip as you nodded, your pussy clenching as he smiled up at you. Orm smirked and lowered his head, sucking your clit into his mouth and massaging it with his lips, rolling it gently, teasingly.
"Oh, yes!" you gasped and bucked your hips against him. Orm grabbed your hips and held you tighter as your squirming became more urgent.
He circled the entrance in small, swirling motions, licking the juices leaking from it. Then, without warning, he pushed his tongue in as deeply as possible. You moaned, a combination of relief and anticipation of the coming pleasure. The low moans escaping from your throat spurred him on. He stopped tongue fucking you and licked his way up to your clit, closing his lips over it. You could feel his tongue swirl around in slow circles, with an occasional flick against it as it protruded from behind its hood.
"Fuck, I'm so close...," you bit your lip and cupped your breasts, squeezing your nipples hard. Orm's only response was to begin sucking on your clit to push you over the edge. Your body tensed and your moans became louder, pleasure washing over you as you came against his mouth. Your orgasm was slowly subsiding when you felt Orm spreading you open and pushing two fingers inside you. You were so wet with arousal and saliva that he easily slipped inside.
Orm looked up at you and met your lustful gaze as he turned his fingers upward, the thick pads toward your belly. Soon he found your g-spot and started to put pressure against it in circular motions, a smirk spreading on his lips as that spongy flesh began to swell.
"Oh, fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!!!" you cried out as you came again, your body convulsing as his fingers buried deep inside your pussy gave you the most intense orgasm of your life. Your convulsions began to subside, and at that moment, Orm pushed inside you, all of his thick, hard cock filling you up completely.
"Oh, fuck!" you gasped and grabbed his arms as his cock made your body quiver.
Orm groaned and pushed your legs up to your chest, his eyes feral as he started pounding into you at a ruthless pace that took you to your third orgasm within seconds. Orm continued to fuck you through your climax, his grunts filling the air, growing more erratic with each thrust.
"Fuck, I love how tight you feel around me," Orm mumbled and clenched his jaw as he came, his gaze never leaving yours as he filled your womb with his seed. Leaning down, he caught your lips with his, kissing you softly as his cock continued to twitch inside you. You sighed contently against his lips and slid your hands up his broad frame, neither of you contemplating the risks of what you just did.
~ Some years later ~
The next day, Orm was gone and you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed about it.
"What are we doing here?" Orm asked after Arthur knocked on the door to the house they were standing at.
Arthur looked at his brother with a big smile. "We're at an old friend of mine. She always said that if I ever needed it, she would have a spare bed for me. So I thought, what better place for you to lay low than here?"
Orm raised an eyebrow. "She?"
Arthur rolled his eyes. "It was never like that. She's just a friend."
Orm gave his brother a meaningful glance just as the door opened. He turned his head around, his eyes widening when he saw the woman standing there.
You were surprised to see Arthur outside your door.
"Arthur?" you said and smiled at your old friend. "What are you-" You stopped mid-sentence when your gaze landed on the man standing beside him. Your eyes widened when you looked into the familiar, blue eyes and a pang of heat rushed through your belly.
Arthur looked between the two of you in confusion. "Wait a second, you two know each other?"
Both you and Orm looked away flustered and Arthur immediately understood the situation. He chuckled delightfully. "Really? You two? When?"
"A couple of years back," Orm answered and rubbed his neck, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I was on the surface, doing reconnaissance."
"On the surface?" You frowned as you looked at Orm, your eyes widening when you realized what he was saying. "Wait a minute...are you like Arthur?"
"I'm his brothe-"
"Mommy, mommy!"
Orm stared at the little boy running up to you and taking your hand, a pair of bright, blue eyes staring back at him with wonder. It felt as if all air had left his lungs as he slowly processed what was happening.
Arthur stared at the blue-eyed boy with golden curls then at his brother, then back at the boy again, not being able to find his words for the first time in his life.
"I-I...I didn't want you to find out like this. I searched for you for a long time, but it was like you never existed. Now I understand why," you said with a bitter smile and looked down at your son. "And now I understand where Ozia's strength comes from."
"I...I have a son?" Orm asked in stunned shock as he looked up at you then back at the little boy.
"Yes, Orm." You smiled and picked up your son in your arms. "Orm, this is Ozia. Ozia, this man here is your father, and this is your uncle."
Ozia stared at Orm with big eyes and Orm gave him a nervous smile.
"Nice to meet you, Ozia."
The boy didn't reply, only hid his face against your chest.
"He's a little shy with strangers," you said and smiled. "But hopefully you won't be a stranger for long. If that's what you want? To be in his life?"
Orm looked at you and the boy in your arms, and a sensation he'd never felt before spread in his chest. Was it...true love?
"There's nothing I want more," Orm replied and smiled. For the first time in a long time, he felt warm and safe, like he found the place where he belonged.
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Thank you for taking your time to read ♡
Tagging: @alishaslibrary
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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-> state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and a plot
-> do you have any specifics for the reader? blonde, poc, male, neurodivergent, etc? (please keep in mind i will write poc readers but i’m white so they may be a little difficult for me)
-> requests are preferred to be sent through inbox, but i can make dms work if needed
-> platonic
-> romantic
-> familial
-> any gender x any gender
-> headcanons
-> long fics
-> multi character
-> blurbs
-> poly relationships
-> x reader
-> i will only write cheating if it’s a character comforting r after being cheated on, not a character cheating on r
-> smut (i’m 14)
-> yandere
-> most aus, ask about the specific au before requesting an au
-> incest
-> age gaps
-> canonical gay/lesbian character x a man (if lesbian) or a woman (if gay)
-> song fics
-> things about ocs
-> ships
-> sunshine x grumpy tropes, i’m horrible at this trope
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character list
keeper of the lost cities
sophie foster, dex dizznee, fitz vacker, keefe sencen, biana vacker, marella redek, maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, wylie endal, jensi babblos, stina heks, elwin hesledge
chronicles of narnia
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, lucy pevensie, caspian
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, travis stoll, connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane
harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon, lily evans, dorcas meadows, regulus black, barty crouch jr, narcissa black, andromeda black, bellatrix lestrange
ride the cyclone
ocean o’connell rosenberg, noel gruber, mischa bachinski, ricky potts, jane doe/penny lamb, constance blackwood
shadow and bone
alina starkov, malyen oretsev, genya safin, zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, tamaar & tolya, nikolai lantsov
six of crows
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, wylan van eck, matthias helvar
the outsiders
ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, twobit matthews, dallas winston, cherry valance
the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, finnick odair, johanna mason, cinna, effie trinket
it (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, mike hanlon
the school for good and evil
agatha, sophie, tedros, hort, hester, anadil, dot, nicola, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, clarissa dovey, leonora lesso
the land of stories
connor bailey, alex bailey, red riding hood, jack, goldilocks
scooby doo
shaggy rogers, fred jones, daphne blake, velma dinkley, thorn, dusk, luna
little women
jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, laurie
dracula, lucy westenra, arthur holmwood, john seward, mina harker, abraham van helsing, renfield, quincey morris, jonathan harker, the brides
victor frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval, adam frankenstein, justine mortiz, ernest frankenstein, the bride
dr jekyll and mr hyde
henry jekyll, edward hyde, richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
phantom of the opera
christine daaé, erik destler, raoul de chagney, meg giry, carlotta giudicelli
a good girls guide to murder
pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh, naomi ward, cara ward, connor reynolds, jamie reynolds, nat da silva
the mighty ducks
charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, guy germaine, connie moreau, fulton reed, dean portman, julie gaffney, ken wu, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
monster high
frankie stein, draculaura, clawdeen wolf, cleo de nile, abbey bominable, ghoulia yelps, operetta, rochelle goyle, spectra vondergeist, elissabat, clawd wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, kieran valentine
the powerpuff girls
blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium, brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
david bowie
david bowie, ziggy stardust, jareth, thomas jerome newton, celliers
sweeney todd
sweeney todd, anthony hope, mrs lovett, johanna todd
the rosewood chronicles
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, jamie volk, ollie moreno, raphael wilcox, anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
corny collins, link larkin, amber von tussle, tracey turnblad, penny pingleton, seaweed j. stubbs
attack on titan
eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, jean kirstein, sasha braus, connie springer, annie leonhardt, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, hange zoe, levi ackerman, erwin smith, colt grice, niccolo, yelena, onyakopon, zeke yeager
daisy jones and the six
daisy jones, billy dunne, graham dunne, karen sirko, warren rhodes, pete loving/roundtree, eddie loving/roundtree, camila dunne, simone jackson
doctor who bbc
ninth doctor, tenth doctor, rose tyler, jack harkness, mickey smith, donna noble, martha jones, clara oswald, river song, simm! master
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, millard nulling, enoch o’connor, olive elephanta, alma peregrine
miscellaneous characters
sarah williams, bernard the elf, rodrick heffley, varian, lisa frankenstein, the creature (lisa frankenstein)
UPCOMING FANDOMS : les miserables
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
All-Star Love
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Pairing: Matthew Tkachuck x Lemiuex!Reader
Summary: The NHL All Star weekend is always fun. But bring in a romance... Then that's when it becomes interesting.
Word Count: 1742
Warnings: None I think. Please tell me if I'm wrong.
A/N: This comes from a fanific I've written myself. I adjusted it for this but I loved this idea/scene.
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All-Star weekend 2020. This year it was being held in St. Louis. You had arrived on the Pittsburgh plane with Sidney Crosby, Kris Letang and Tristan Jarry since you were currently working with the team. Despite being Lemiuex’s child, you had earned yourself a position as an assistant coach at such a young age. You grew up playing the game. Now you were also the captain of the Canadian Women’s team. 
The last few years, you had attended the games alongside Sidney, who was an older brother after he lived with you and your family after he was drafted in 2005. It was a staple weekend in the season schedule. You had the chance to see all the friends and players you were close with and get to have some fun. Often you could even find yourself doing media stuff. 
This year the NHL had introduced the Elite Women’s 3 on 3. You were the youngest on the Canadian team by 5 years. They also have allowed the women on the teams to compete in the skills competitions. You had been placed into the Shooting Stars event. This meant that you were competing against your boyfriend, Matt, and his brother, Brady. Others in the skills competition include Mitch Marner, Patrick Kane, Tyler Seguin, David Perron, Hillary Knight, Danid Pastrnak and Ryan O’Reilly. 
Right now you were dressed in a pair of jeans and your team jersey. Standing in line waiting to be called to the stage where you’d be shooting from. With Mitch, Matt and Brady in front of you, the four of you were chatting and laughing. Each of you were excited to shoot off the platform. 
“Now your Gatorade Shooting Stars… from your St. Louis Blues, number 57, David Perron!”
The arena came to life, all cheering on one of the home team players. Perron, with his son in his arms, made his way up the stairs from ice levels. Handing out beanies and high fiving the fans as he went up to the platform.
“From the Toronto Maple Leafs, number 16, Mitch Marner.” 
Mitch followed Perron up the steps. Handing out hats as he went. Matt stepped forward to the bottom of the stars, looking up at all the fans. He had a hand on your lower back. Brady had let your stand next to your boyfriend whilst you three waited.
“From the Calgary Flames, number 19, Matthew Tkachuk.” Matt follows Mitch up. “From the Ottawa Senators, number 7, Brady Tkachuk.”
“The Canadian Women’s All Star, number 11, (Y/N) Lemieux.”
As you walked up the many stairs, you handed out rolled up t-shirts to fans. It was weird to have this many cameras in your face though. If you were honest, the walk up to the platform looked a lot shorter from the bottom. Especially the amount of stairs you had to climb. You reached the platform and waited for the rest of the players to join herself,Matt, Brady, Mitch and Perron. When everyone had gotten there, it went straight into the competition. First to shoot was Perron. He scored a total of 14 points. Mitch was next on the platform. He scored an awesome 22 points.
“Our next shooter, Matthew Tkachuk,” Nick started. “Your brother Brady is following you so we thought, hey, why not get one more Tkachuk up here. Why not bring up your Dad. Give it up St. Louis, for all-star Kieth Tkachuk!”
Yourself and Brady grin, tapping your sticks as you watched Keith join Matt on the platform, an arm around his shoulder with a wide smile on his face. Nick motioned for Brady to join them as well. You decided to give him a light shove as a joke.
“You should be up here as well,” Brady commented as he joined his brother and father.
You laughed at Brady’s comment. Sending a wink to Matt as well who had the biggest smile on his face.
Keith turned to face you, giving you a joking look, “I think we’re missing someone up here.”
“I ain’t no Tkachuck,” You reply. “Enjoy the moment, big guy.”
Matt stepped forward from where he was standing, holding his hand out for you. “Well, maybe we should change that, hey?”
Keith, Brady and Nick stepped back from the platform and Matt grabbed your hand, pulling you to the centre of the platform they were standing on. Your hands flew to your mouth as you watched Matt slowly kneel to one knee and open a ring box. In the box sat the most perfect engagement ring you had ever seen.
“No way,” you breathed, looking at Matt who had the biggest smile on his face.
“You’ve been my best friend since we met all those years ago right here in this very arena. When little (Y/N) bumped into me as she ran to get away from her dad. You’ve been considered part of this family since then but I think I need to make it official, make sure you don’t stand out too much with that last name. Will you do me the greatest honour of changing your last name from Lemieux to Tkachuk?”
You nodded, too shocked to answer in words. The arena roared to life when Matt stood up and kissed you. He pulled the ring out of the box as you dropped your gloves. You cried as Matt slid the ring on your finger. Once he had sealed the deal, you lunged at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders excitedly.
The players around them and on the bench, as well as the whole arena, were screaming and cheering. Mitch and Brady made sure they were heard over everyone else. 
“I can’t believe you,” You laughed as you pulled away from Matt. Brady was the first to hug you congratulations. He had the biggest grin as well. The smile gave him away. “You knew!”
“Of course I did,” Brady chuckles, “I helped choose the ring.”
Brady was interrupted when Keith pulled you into a hug. “I think you should just keep your last name, it’s more recognisable.”
“Tkachuk is better, that's for sure.”
Nick soon joined the happy group. You were tucked into Matt’s side like usual. Nick held his hand out to Matt who shook it happily before handing Matt a new jersey. It was a grey All-Star Canadian jersey like you were wearing. You grabbed it from Matt, checking the back which now had Tkachuk on it.
“Oh my god,” You grinned, pulling off your current jersey for the new one.
“Hey, have a look at the photo up on the board you guys.” There was a photo of Keith kneeling by the bench in front of a young Brady, Matt and yourself. You had attended the weekend with her father and hung out with the boys. One of the rare times you got to see the Tkachuk brothers as a kid. “How exciting is it to be on this platform being here, history in the making, with your sons and soon to be in-law?”
“I’m so proud of these guys,” Keith stated, smiling at you three. “They’ve earned being here. Matt and Brady grew up here, watched me play here. I mean, Matt met (Y/N) just outside the home change rooms in this arena.” At that, there was a picture of Matt, Brady and Taryn, the youngest Tkachuk, standing with Keith now on the screen.  “I love these guys. I know they love the Blues deep down.”
“Oh, we’re excited to have you here. 18000 people wanna know, how many pucks can Tkachuk chuck, chuck? So why don’t you have a go at this.” Keith took Matt’s stick from him as the three young adults stepped back. “Come on, Keith Tkachuk everybody!”
Keith shot the puck, nearly getting it in the 10 pointer net. “Not a lot of love for that arch there Tkachuk,” You chirped as he turned to give Matt his stick back.
He hugged the three of you before Matt stepped up to the platform. But only after a kiss from you. Keith’s arm wrapped around your shoulder as they watched Matt drop his gloves.
“How characteristic…” You giggles, stopping when he pulls off his Calgary jersey to reveal an old St. Louis Cardinals jersey.
“Who’d he fight?” Keith laughed. “He won’t touch you.”
“He’ll fight me,” Brady mumbled from beside you.
The three of you chuckled as you watched Matt take his first shot. As he took his next few shots, you listened to Brady and Keith chirp your boyfriend, well now Fiance. Matt ended up with 24, getting a 10 on his last one.
“Look at you go,” You smiled, pecking Matt when he switched spots with Brady. 
Brady stepped up to the plate. Matt pulled from under his dad’s arm into his. Having you stand in front of him with his arms around you. When Brady took his first shot, Matt laughed at the fact his brother didn’t do anything special as a tribute to their hometown. 
“Next up we have the last of the three musketeers.”
You stepped onto the platform, with a good luck kiss from Matthew. You had 7 shots to hit the targets laid out on the ice below. With the first shot you hit a 5. After your 6 other shots, you came to a total of 24 as well. Tie with Matthew. After everyone else had taken their shot, it was only Matthew and yourself that had the highest score. No-one had outshot you two. 
“Since you both scored an amazing 24 points, we go to a sudden death shootout. One shot. Highest score wins.”
Matt shot first, missing the arch but a hair. You shot next. The puck went flying over the arch. Actually hitting Jarry who was chilling at the end of the end with some of the other goalies. 
“Injure your goalie, why don’t ya?” Matt chirps as he steps up once again. 
Round two. Matt shoots and hits the 5 points. Only way for you to beat that was to score the same or hit the arch for 10 points. You took a moment before finally shooting the puck. It went straight into the arch. You grin, cheering as you turn to where Matt was standing.
“Better luck next time Tkachuk!”
He smiled, coming up to congratulate you. He pressed a kiss to your lips. “Next time, you’ll be a Tkachuk as well.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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blowflyfag · 1 year
For me it’s final season, however it hasn’t been stopping me from having these massive creative spurts. So I wrote this last night! Please let me know your thoughts! And if you want me to try and write soemthing let me know! I’m more than happy to take a request.
“This is a Life” by Son Lux, Mitiski, and David Byrne, and “recently,” by Liana Flores, are the songs that I listened to that helped me write.
So here’s my Kane fic! It takes place around the betrayal from X-PAC
Kane x (Male Wrestler) Reader
Tw: there’s mention of blood and stitches, very brief, as well as a breakdown from Kane.
You have heard stories, any newbie like yourself heard stories about people to avoid, those you should be scared of.. Those who would harm and maim without consideration. Some felt Justified, you didn’t personally feel safe around the undertaker, a shiver down your spine each time you’d feel him pass by, that vampire too… he unnerved you but one that everyone seemed scared of that you just didn’t get was Kane. While yes, Kane was huge, definitely intimidating to go against and had this.. Air of intimidation, kick ass, and everything cool you could think of. You admired him greatly honestly more than you feared him. Kane never spoke much but that didn’t stop you. It started simply, “Hey man! Great Match out there!” You offered as you passed him backstage, turning on your feet to let him know you were talking to him as you walked backwards to go to your own match. He ignored you at first
And the second time.
And the third.
But the fourth time that’s when something started.
“Hey Kane! Way to show them man! You did awesome out there!” You said like clockwork, holding your hand up expectantly, awaiting a high five that usually never came but this was different. He finally stopped for once and didn’t pass you in the dust. He stopped, looked down to you and brought his hand against yours with a small clap sound. You looked up to his eyes and smiled wide, hell you might have been shaking. “Hell yeah man! Awesome! Hey I gotta dash but seriously great job!” You cheered as you patted his arm and rushed off towards the ring entrance, Kane standing back to watch your stupid joyful self.
It became cemented, after every match Kane had you’d wait for him to come back, high five him and if you didn’t have a match walk next with him to his locker room. You mostly spoke.. Kane not having much to say besides the occasional grunt or hum in response and honestly you’d have it no other way. Even some of the other wrestlers seemed to be a bit nicer to you since you had been seen so much with the “monster” Kane. Sometimes you were even lucky enough for him to allow you into his locker room to just Spend a little more time together, and you gladly did so.
That’s where you were now. You had some time before you had to run out onto the ring. A match scheduled for you and Edge. You were a bit nervous if you were being honest, Looking yourself over in the mirror, Kane’s mirror was cracked in many places.. You had been told by his only other friend X-Pac about the incident. You looked over to Kane who himself was adjusting his glove absentmindedly staring down at the floor. “Hey.” You began and his gaze lifted to meet yours. “You excited for your match against the Dudley’s?” You smiled fondly, but you could see in his eyes how they lit ever so slightly.. He was. He was excited to go and take someone on with his friend. He nodded his head and you chuckled. “I’m excited for you too man! If Edge doesn’t kick my ass too much I’ll be watching it.” You snickered softly as you made your way over to him and held you hand out towards him, “I better head out. Can’t keep fate waiting to much.” You chuckled before gasping as you were suddenly pulled forward. It was one of the tightest hugs you had ever felt. Kane had stood up quickly to wrap you in a tight embrace. You let out a small chuckle as you pat his back, “Cmon man! I’m not gonna let him get me that bad.” You snickered before pulling away from the embrace and Kane looked down to you, nodding his head before letting you out of his embrace to let you run off. You turned back once more with a wide smile, Giving him a thumbs up before running off.
You got your ass beat. But damn like always you left that ring with a wide smile on your face that the fans loved to see, even with the blood dripping from your forehead you held your hands up proud happily high fiving and shaking whoever wanted to. You loved what you did.. Even if you weren’t the best. You were sure you were at least someone's hero. Some Kid’s favorite and that's all that mattered. You made your way backstage and Kane was there, you smiled wide as you went over towards him, hand up expectantly and Kane did just as expected. A high five and you laughed. “You see me out there? He fucking rocked my shit! Hah! It was great!” You declared before feeling something against your forehead causing you to wince slightly at the sudden stinging sensation. “Ah- Kane Man what’re you-” You cut yourself as you noticed the alcohol pad in his hand, trying to clean the cut. “Oh- dude you don’t have to do that! I can go to the med bay.. I appreciate it though man.” You smiled that dopey smile.. That stupid smile that Made Kane’s heart flutter and shake against his ribs. Once he decided he did a good enough job cleaning the wound he tossed the pad into a nearby trash can and you patted his arm. “Would it make you feel better if we went to the med bay together? Can’t have you all nervous before your big match now!” You patted his back slightly as you began to walk off towards the med bay, and he followed. Looming over you that caused others to look with slight worry but you wouldn’t worry. You knew Kane better than these bozos.
Once at the Medbay you gave Kane one more small side hug. “Give em hell out there for me yeah? You and X better do good or I’m kicking your ass.” You teased and you could see his eyes crease ever so slightly, a smile behind that mask. You got pretty good at reading his eyes. He gave a small pat on your shoulder before you watched as he walked off. Letting out a small sigh you plopped yourself down on one of several folding chairs, looking to the professional who began to work on your stitches. “Hey you mind turning on the match..?” You asked and the worker sighed, clicking on a small monitor on a table and you watched the match begin with a smile. X-Pac and Kane vs the Dudley Boyz! What could go wrong.
You couldn’t believe it when you saw it. X-Pac betraying Kane like that. You… you thought everything was ok between them! You even talked to X-Pac a few times and everything seemed just fine. The whole group of D Generation X attacking him. You couldn’t believe it. You felt anger bubble in your stomach as you got up. You could worry about D-X later. You had to find Kane. As you ran down the halls you looked around. Frantic in a sense to find the Big Red Machine. You prayed you wouldn’t see X-Pac first.. If you did, you liked to think you weren’t one to anger quickly, not one to cause issues but you were going to cause some fucking problems.
As fate would have it though you found yourself at a crossroads with the black haired man. You felt your blood boil and your teeth bite the inside of your cheek. “You motherfucker!” You yelled, rushing over to shove the smaller man against the wall, not caring how rough you were. You couldn’t fucking care less about this guy. Luckily one of the cameramen was back there. Quickly turning to record the event. You went to shove X-pac towards a pile of trash cans.. Those always seemed to be so conveniently placed. You moved to stand over him. “You can bring all your D-X friends but Next week. We're going in the ring motherfucker. No fucking excuse. Unsanctioned match.” You said as you pointed towards him, X-pac simply staring back with wide eyes at the new challenge. You went to turn on your heel, fuck anyone trying to ask about that unsanctioned match you just promised. What mattered was Kane. You had to get to Kane.
By the time you made it to Kane’s locker room and opened it, it was trashed, the mirror had been shattered, a locker torn out of the wall, benches thrown around, a fire was even lit on one and then there was Kane. Curled up in the corner frantically shaking back and forth as he hit his head over and over and over again. “Kane…” You said in a soft tone as you closed the door and looked at the fire… last thing you needed was that spreading. You quickly grabbed a nearby bottle of water and dumped it on the fire. Watching the smoke rise in the air with sigh, you turned back to Kane, he hadn’t even raised his head yet. Still shaking and rocking, you slowly stepped forward, boots causing the glass to crunch under your weight and you sunk down next to him. Leaning against him as you wrapped your arms against his form. “I’m sorry.” You began in a soft whisper as he slowed his rocking ever so slightly. “I’m so sorry Kane.” You whispered before feeling his arms going to tightly wrap around you, crushing you almost in an embrace similar to that of a child clinging to their mother scared during a thunderstorm.
How long had it been since Kane had gotten that comfort? That warmth? You could only wonder. Paul Bearer didn’t show him warmth. His brother surely didn’t… and his so-called friend X-Pac wouldn’t anymore. Then you would. You would be that warmth.
How long it had been you couldn’t even recall. Staying on the floor with Kane clinging to you as if any moment you’d disappear. You’d leave him too. You’d turn your back and walk away with your actual friends. You’d see him as weak. But you would never. You could Never. Even if Kane didn’t want it, you were in for the long haul with him. However soon enough you had to go. You had to return to the hotel for the night. “Hey…” You whispered softly as you pulled your head away from the top of his. “Let’s get out of here yeah..? I know you were sharing a room with.. Him but we can share a room for tonight yeah? Would you like that?” You offered and Kane gave a slow nod as you both pushed yourselves up. Grabbing your bags and leaving in the darkness of night towards the hotel.
By the time you two had reached your room you let out a long sigh as you threw your bag on the floor and plopped yourself down on the bed. “Jesus man.. What a night huh?” You offered to Kane who didn’t acknowledge you. Simply going towards the other bed and setting his bag on the floor. Sitting on the edge with his back towards you. You watched in silence for a moment before pushing yourself up. Walking to sit yourself next to him, and once you did he leaned his head onto your shoulder. You wouldn’t complain. If Kane wanted to stay up all night in silence you’d do it for him. You wrapped an arm over his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. “Hey.. I know it’s not much.. But you got me man.” You offered as you went to look at him, he met your gaze and you couldn’t help but shoot that dopey smile. That stupid, smile. He brought himself up sit properly. Bringing his head down to press his masked forehead against yours. You winced for a moment and he quickly pulled back. His eyes wide at the realization he hurt you, so he quickly went to encause you into a hug instead. You laughed softly as you wrapped your arms around him back. “I’m not porcelain big guy.” You teased and he let out a small grunt in response. Causing you to chuckle as you pat his back.
You don’t remember falling asleep. You just remember one moment you were up and then the next the sun was shining in your eyes and Kane was next to you, laid on his side with his face buried in the crook of your neck and an arm draped around your chest and a leg wrapped around your own. You couldn’t deny enjoying it however. The Idea of waking up every morning like this sent butterflies swarming around in your stomach. Maybe not feeling the mask against your neck and instead skin but.. Kane would go at whatever pace he felt comfortable with. You brought one hand up slowly, having it meet his own that draped across your chest. Linking your hand with his you closed your eyes, might as well get a few more hours in.
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naerryn · 5 years
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A Promised Reward
The setting sun hung low on the horizon as I found myself on board, taking a deep breath of the fresh, salty air of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s only been a couple hours since the research ship had left the harbor of Gotham City.
Officially, my small crew and I were charged with the task of collecting samples of micro plastics near the Arctic Ocean. Unofficially, Bruce Wayne and Lucius Fox wanted to test a couple new technologies off the radar.
Wayne asked me to supervise the crew and to smoother any suspicion about who would use such technology right in the cradle.
I rested my arms on the railing of the ship, admiring the gorgeous sunset while a soft gust of wind tangled through my hair, making a slight mess out of it. “[Y/N]?”, I heard one of the scientists call out my name, sounding rather out of breath before I turned around on the spot to start screaming my lungs out at the sight in front of me.
The elder man, a small rivulet of blood running out of his mouth and down on his chin, collapsed a couple steps ahead of me on the steely ground. This swift motion cleared the view on two crucial spots.
First, there was an open wound in the back of the scientist, blood running out of it and creating a small puddle of the red liquid. Unattended, he would die within the next couple minutes.
Second, there was a heavy armored figure standing right where he stood, a knife glittering in the light of the dark orange sun. Blood covered the blade.
“LexCorp are sending their regards.”, the deep voice of the hooded figure rang through his helmet and after he finished speaking, more armored intruders climbed up the railing behind him.
Of course we had expected that our little excursion wouldn’t pass completely uneventful, but I would have never thought that trespassers would enter the scene this early. They caught us completely off guard, and I would kick my ass later for being so careless.
“She’s coming with us.”, the first intruder said calmly as he pointed towards me while exchanging glances with one of the masked figures. He got rid of his own helmet, revealing a man in his fifties with a well trimmed beard. The face of the man who ended one of the lives I was responsible for.
“Why?”, another intruder raised his voice, not hiding his surprise of the order he just received from the alleged leader of those hired mercenaries that started to swarm out all over the ship.
The two men stepped closer to each another, the hooded one turned his back to me while my eyes started scanning their equipment and my surroundings. High tech weapons and knifes on their end compared to still unpacked boxes and cases.
I could hide behind the boxes or trying to get past the intruders and either head for the bridge, to send out an SOS, or make a run for the lower deck and get to my cabin. There, all my gear is waiting for me.
All those options had almost zero chances for a success, at least under the current circumstances. The only real option left was playing nice and see what the intruders are up to, hoping to find a loophole somewhere, somehow to reshuffle the pack in my favor.
With a loud groan, the two men separated and the masked one strides directly towards my position. I lifted my gaze to look up to the spot of his helmet where I predicted his eyes as he came to stop right in front if me. The suit looked familiar, but I couldn’t place my finger on where I could have seen that before.
“So, you’re [Y/N]? I am disappointed.”, the sonorous sound of his voice was filled with disdain, only interrupted by the soft click of his helmet being loosened by his gloved fingers.
Under different circumstances, I would have bit my bottom lip rather enchanted by the looks of this man, his dark eyes fixed on mine as as he clenched his helmet between one of his muscular arms and his side. But this was a matter of life and death, I needed a clear head.
“It looks like you’re having a clear advantage over me.”
“Only one?”, he raised an eyebrow in slight amusement, cocking his head to the side as his eyes scanned me from head to toe. In a bar, after a long day at work, I would have batted my eyelashes at him, setting for a drink and some small talk together in a quiet corner. Curious about where this encounter would let to.
‘God, I had to stop those thoughts.’, I told myself silently and shook my head almost invisibly, mirroring his motion as I tilted my head to the side.
“You know who I am. I am, on the other side, completely in the blue who you and the rest of this little undertaking are.”
“That’s unimportant.”
“Son, be more polite to our special guest. No wonder you never”, the voice of the leader was heard over the speakers on board, only interrupted by the death glare the man in front of me shot towards the glass front of the bridge.
“Working with professionals just once would be nice, huh?”
“You have no idea.”, he muttered under his breath, a smirk ghosting over his lips before he gestured me with his gloved free hand to follow him. It took me a little bit by surprise how quickly his mood changed. Either he underestimated me, or they have some cards up their sleeve that I am not yet aware off.
“So, your old man wants me alive at the moment.”, I asked as I followed him towards one entrance to the lower deck, where part of the crew and the more interesting stuff was stored before our departure.
“Stop that. You won’t get any information from me.”
We reached the metallic door to the under deck, the intruder had to lower his head to not pump it against the hard frame and started walking down the stairs. I followed him on the stairs in silence, admiring for a split second how nicely his suit fits his trained body. 
“I saw you in the news.”, he started talking again as I reached the final step of the stairs, looking back at me over his broad shoulders. “For an autograph it would have been enough to contact my PR agency.”, the words slipped my mouth before thinking twice, but thankfully I was rewarded with an amused snort.
“Oh please, why only being satisfied with a piece of paper when I am able to get the real deal? But while we are at it, you don’t know where to find this little merman, right?”, he suddenly came to halt and I ran right into his stone hard back, noticing he didn’t even lost balance the slightest through our collision.
I raised my eyebrows in question, looking up at him while he met my gaze with his dark eyes, again looking back at me over his shoulders and a corner of his mouth curved upwards.
“Professional interest. In my job it’s only a matter of time before our ways cross, and I prefer it to be sooner than later.”, he spoke calmly, almost calculated as he moved around to face me directly.  It’s like he was able to read my mind, but it must have been perfectly clear to him that I would ask him about it before voicing his question.
“Haven’t seen him since Metropolis.”, I answered honestly, shrugging my shoulders and judging the look on his face, he wasn’t pleased with this information. But it was true, I stayed back in Metropolis after helping the Justice League bringing Superman back to life. Wayne wanted me out of the way, in case they would fail and I could try to find people for a second chance against Steppenwolf. Thankfully, that was never necessary, but Louis Lane still made sure I was just as big in the news as the others.
“You know how to contact him?”
“Oh, of course. I will just quickly send a message in our little superhero group chat and see if he’s free today.”
“You’re to full of yourself, [Y/N]. For someone who’s supposed to be one of earth best, you’re doing a poor job right now.”, he growled in a low voice, stepping hovering over me until my back hits the cold metal wall.
“I am avoiding unnecessary violence. But at the end of the hallway, on the right, there’s my cabin and we could get my toys out and play.”, I respond unshaken by his words, but his sharp features dropped within a blink of the eye and his mouth felt slightly open.
Yes, I could have said it differently. Like, a lot. I should have. On the other side, he was now the one caught off guard, but the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the hallway. His comrades were close, it was useless to try a hand to hand fight with him.
“I...”, he stuttered, obviously losing his train of thoughts as his voice died on him.
“What do you want from me? Your leader wanted me alive. Why?”
“As a joker, in case someone caught wind of this and your ‘friends’ showed up.”
So, he’ll let information slip when he’s embarrassed. Noted.
“How long have you guys followed us?”
“Ever since the workers started boarding the ship.”
“Why now? Why not waiting for the ship to be even further away from civilization?”,  he stretched his back, taking in a deep breath as he stared me in the eyes, obviously winning back his full senses.
“You looked so calm. Like nothing could ever hurt you. Our employer wanted us to attack when we observe such a behavior. As a wake up call. No one is untouchable.”, his voice was only a soft whisper, and I wondered what changed his mind on not giving me any intel of their mission.
“Still bitter about Metropolis.”, I muttered to myself, coming to conclusion that their reason for hijacking this ship had nothing to do with me, it’s only the scratched ego of a mad man that lead them here.
“You guys know Luthor is only using you to do his dirty work.”
“He’s paying good. Very good. And we can keep everything we find on this ship. Call it a business opportunity we couldn’t miss out.”, I slowly swayed my head from side to side, weighting their options as Lex Luthor must have approached them with his offer.
“I would have done it to. But why killing the scientist? What about the rest of the crew?”
“He’s the whistle-blower. My old man doesn’t like rats. The rest of the crew is fine. We’re only interested in the... toys.”, he let the last word roll of his tongue with a clouded look in his eyes, moistening his lips with swift motion of his tongue. His eyes never left mine.
And then, I felt something cold on my right wrist, followed by a faint clicking sound. Handcuffs. Lovely.
“I wasn’t aware you’re into this stuff.”
“No, but it will keep you busy for a while. Specially made by Luthor. Buys us enough time to get a comfortable headstart before you can call for help or even follow us yourself.”
Letting his words sink in, another realization hit me, harder then the first one a moment ago. I felt for a cliché.
“Bad guy reveals his evil plans, so the hero has enough time to come up with a plan and save the day. Just, this time it brought us the time to get everything we want off this ship and the hero looking even more like an idiot.”, stepping backwards, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face, he juggled his helmet around and rested his back against the wall in front of me.
Now I couldn’t even kick him if I wanted to, he was out of reach for me.
“But an attractive idiot. The pictures definitely doesn’t come close to the real beauty.”
“David, are you done playing around?”, another voice filled the air, we looked up to the stairs at the same time to notice that their leader standing in the middle of the staircase. The elder intruder called the man in front of me son earlier, and now looking at both of them, there was definitely a remarkable resemblance between those two men. Father and Son. Partners in crime.
“Yeah, let’s head out of here.”, the younger man said, likely going by the name of David, if it’s not a cover up. Both man started moving, but David didn’t head for the stairs directly. Instead, he moved right in front of me and his hot breath hitting my face. A smug smile gracing his lips. He won, we both know it.
Cupping my face on one side with his gloved free hand, David let his thumb run over my bottom lip before leaning in, his lips now right next to one of my ears.
“Catch me if you can. I would like to see the marvelous [Y/N] in action. Sweating, heavy breathing. Calling out for me.”, he purred in a low growl, his lips ghosted over my sensitive skin as he backed off and started walking up the stairs before stepping out of my sight.
I felt this wouldn’t be the last time I encounter this man, David. But for now, I had to get rid of this god damn handcuffs and get a hold of someone.
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marvel-wlw · 4 years
Requests are open!
I’ll be opening requests up again for a little bit. I needed some inspiration so I thought this might help. But I’ll be only accept requests for some characters/actresses at the moment.
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
Carol Danvers (Marvel)
Valkyrie (Marvel)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
Alex Danvers (DC)
Kate Kane (DC)
Ziva David (NCIS)
Erin Lindsay (Chicago P.D.)
Lilith (Borderlands)
Maya (Borderlands)
Mileena (Mortal Kombat)
Scarlett Johansson
Elizabeth Olsen
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megamindsecretlair · 6 months
Cold on Me, Part 1
Pairing: David Kane x Atlantean!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Plot with smut, cursing, fingering (female receiving) , orgasm denial, dirty talk, Atlantean reader. Established relationship.
Summary: On a mission to recover an artifact sacred to your people, you journey through Rome to meet up with your contact. When he tries to take more than what's offered, none other than David Kane comes to your rescue. The man you hate. The man you would have done anything for. The man you can never trust again.
Word Count: 4,120k
Part 2
A/N: WHEW! If ya'll only knew the heart palpitations it took to get a proper David Kane fic going! I like the final product. Please let me know if you would like to opt out of David Kane fics! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blackerthings @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @thecookiebratz @iv0rysoap @notapradagurl7 @sevikasblackgf @miyuhpapayuh @xo-goldengirl @kindofaintrovert @flydotty @judymfmoody @slippinninque @soufcakmistress @henneseyhoe @westside-rot @melaninpov @twocentuar @blackpinup22 @babybratzmaraj @theyscreamsannii @kiabialia @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @nworbaij @hopefulromantic1 @lesbiantreehugger @longpause-awkwardsmile @badassdoll @kholdkill @cardi-bre91 @blowmymbackout @jay-mach @sageispunk @yourofficialgal @harmshake @ciaqui @liyaah02 @monaeesstuff @papichulojustice
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This was your last chance. 
The contact said to meet him at some rundown bar on the edge of town, just off the coast of Rome. You walked down the dimly lit, cobblestone street with your boots making soft sounds. The weather was frightfully cold, a bitter wind kissing your cheeks where the oversized jacket didn’t cover you.
Rome was a pretty city, if a little rundown. Like you could picture its former glory in the streets, the buildings, and the gargoyles casting down their eyes from the rooftops. At any moment, a sculptor could chip away at the history, grime, and graffiti and then a legionary would walk down the street once more in their scarlet guard uniforms.
It had been a long time since you visited Rome last. Too bad you didn’t have time to explore like you wanted. You finally got a lead on an ancient artifact belonging to your people. You bared your teeth, already getting worked up at the thought of these senseless humans playing with things they knew nothing about.
You had to remind yourself that they were still such children. With finite lives. Most were trying. Most were decent. But they made you so fucking weary every time you traveled to the surfact world. 
You looked up at the street name on the side of the building and turned down an even darker alleyway. You hoped that these people got the sense to install more lights in the alleys. This couldn’t be safe for anyone walking alone at night, holy city or no.
Rumbling laughter echoed down the alleyway as you approached the bar. You took off your gloves and headed inside, pushing past sneering looks and stale beer breath. You knew that you would stand out, but desperate times were pressing on you now. 
The contact, Dom, stated that he would be sitting in a booth. You walked further into the place, boots crunching on discarded cigarettes and…something you didn’t want to think about. The walls were covered in posters that looked baked into the deep red paint, peeling vinyl seats, scratched bartop, and neon signs behind the burly bartender who stood leaning a hip against the countertop talking to a patron. 
This was the type of place that no one looked too closely at one another. No one looked anyone in the eye too long unless they wanted to be punched in the throat. This was a bar where deals went down in whispered confidences, beer spilled over the rim of mugs, and whiskey shot back among rivals. It was a neutral bar. No fighting. Allegedly.
You bypassed rough looking men with leather jackets, tattoos, and bald heads. You passed rougher looking women with short hair, short sleeves, and even shorter attitudes. You pulled out your phone, glancing at the time.
You were on time, but where was Dom? You texted him, taking off your sling bag, and sliding into an available booth. The seat cracked under you, vinyl digging past your cargo pants. But you ignored it and slid in further. 
Dom stated that he would be there in five minutes, so you relaxed and took in your surroundings. You were drawing a lot of stares. From the complexion of your skin, to the audacity of your hair, you knew that you did not fit in with the olive-toned people native to this country. That was okay. 
Once you had the artifact, you could return it to its rightful place. That was all you wanted. All you longed for. 
A young waitress walked by with black lipstick and a half-shaved head. She popped gum in her mouth and asked what you wanted. You told her your favorite drink and she disappeared, leaving you to your own devices.
You were on edge. You knew you were because this was an important exchange but you couldn’t help feeling a sense of foreboding. That tonight, everything was going to change. You didn’t know how but you’d always had a sense about these things. 
You felt every tick of the clock on the far wall. Right when the waitress returned with your drink, a short white man with short dark hair slid into the booth in front of you. He huffed, settling into the seat as if he had been walking or jogging and now he finally had a chance to rest. 
“You have the time?” The man asked. 
“No one carries watches anymore,” you said, confirming that this guy was who he said he was. He smiled, getting more comfortable. 
“Do you have it?” You asked.
“Depends. Got my money?” He asked.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. You were offended that you even had to go through all of this. But the goddess requested that this was an undercover mission. That you limit your exposure as much as possible. You ran your tongue over your teeth and smiled.
“Show me yours and I’ll show you mine,” you said. You didn’t want to seem too eager. Or too interested in the knife in his possession. He thought it was some stupid tribal knife, made of some “funny metal”. You downplayed its importance by emphasizing the metal, letting him know that it was valuable but not as valuable as he was thinking. You were a collector of ancient weaponry, nothing more. 
He could try to melt the thing or sell it somewhere else, but no one else had access to the priceless gems in your pocket. You’d make him richer than the sun itself if it meant that you got your hands on it before anyone else did. 
You drew a pouch out of your pocket, grabbing a diamond from within and placing it on the table. He snatched it up, cupping it in his hands and looking at it. He would need an actual piece of glass to determine the clarity, but he didn’t need it. The diamond was pure, uncut, and best of all, conflict free. 
Dom nodded, but you saw how big his eyes got looking at the diamond. His only language was greed. He fished around in his pocket before pulling the knife out, wrapped in a dark cloth. He untied it, revealing the weapon hilt first.
You fought like hell to school your expression. So that the hunger in his eyes didn’t reflect back in yours. It looked ordinary, carved with ancient symbols that didn’t mean anything to him but everything to you. It depicted a death ritual, once believed to be lost over time. As more and more humans encroached on the ocean, traveling further and deeper than ever before, they constantly ran across things that did not belong to them. Recovering those artifacts was your life’s mission. 
You reached out a hand to grab it, but his hand slammed on top of yours. “I want payment first,” he said. 
“How do I know this is the real thing?” You asked. It could be a replica. It could be sand that would crumble in your fingers. You’d be the laughing stock of all of Atlantis if you dared bring back a fake. 
Dom grinned, showing yellow, crooked teeth and you bit your tongue to keep from grimacing. “I wouldn’t do that to such a pretty girl such as yourself,” he said. His hand began to stroke yours and you snatched it back.
Dom laughed, grabbing your drink and downing it in one go. Let him have it. If this was the genuine article, you could return to the water where you belonged. 
“Once I confirm its authenticity, you’ll get the rest of your payment like we agreed. Not a shiny gem before it,” you said.
He clicked his teeth, eyeing you. But finally relented and moved his hand. You reached out and ran your hand over the knife, feeling the rhythm of the metal singing to you. It was real. It was true. 
You nodded, tossing him the packet of diamonds. He snatched it from the air like he couldn’t bear a second that it wasn’t in his possession. You stood up, ready to be done with the place. You tucked the knife into your backpack, zipped it up and threw it around your head, securing it to your body.
Dom grabbed you by the wrist. “What’s the rush, huh? We just made a deal. We should celebrate!” He yelled, loud enough to be heard over the booming rock music. You glanced around, nervous that he was drawing too much attention. 
He had glassy eyes and a too easy grin. He would be decent looking if he lost some of the puffiness, brushed his teeth, and took a shower or twelve. But you had absolutely no interest. You yanked your arm back, but he held on.
“I said sit. And tell me why this knife is so important. You outbid some very powerful people,” he said. He was no longer smiling. No longer joking. 
You balled your first, jerking your hand back. But he held on with a strength he shouldn’t possess. You were stronger than humans, capable of breaking their necks with a flick of a wrist. The goddess demanded that you work quietly however. So you were left to play human. 
“Remove your hand, now,” you said. 
“If people come after me over this, I will point them right to you,” he said.
“Is that a threat?” You asked. 
“Friendly heads up,” he said.
“Let the lady go,” a deep, soothing voice said behind you. You closed your eyes and cursed under your breath. He was the last person you expected to be here. But you should have known. If there was an artifact out there to steal, David Kane was the first on the scene to see how much he could sell it for. 
“I don’t need your help,” you tossed over your shoulder. You were always blown away by how tall he was. How he didn’t have to do anything to be intimidating. One scowl, one flex of his jaw, one roll of his shoulders and it was obvious that he was a man that no one wanted to fuck with.
Skin like bruised bronze, wide shoulders, and a chiseled face, David Kane was a walking red flag. He stepped closer to your back, bringing with him a wall of heat that brought up too many memories and none of them good. 
“You look like you’re doing real well without me,” he said. 
“I am, thanks for noticing,” you whispered. You turned back to the contact and looked down at his slimy hand on yours. Why the hell was it wet? Did you even want to know at this point? Maybe if he perspired enough, you’d be able to slip your hand out from his grasp.
“Who the hell is this? Your muscle?” The man snorted. “Your boyfriend?” 
“The lady told you to let her go. So do it,” David said. His voice made your thighs tingle. You took a deep breath. Years. It had been years and he still made you have a visceral reaction to him. Like you were back in Greece, back in his arms. 
You shook the thought from your head and stepped closer to Dom. He smiled, like you were choosing him over David. As if. You flipped your wrist, breaking his hold. You grabbed onto his middle finger, breaking it. Dom screamed and David pushed forward, holding his hand to the man’s mouth.
“Next time a woman tells you not to touch her, listen.” You walked away, throwing your hood back up on your head. You needed to get out of there, fast. You pushed through the entrance before anyone could mention that you broke the rules. You harmed someone while inside the bar. Never mind that Dom started it. You were the outlier. The outsider. You were the one that did not belong. 
They let you pass, faces twisted like they smelled something funky or stepped in gum. You ignored them. Quiet. Quiet. You were going for quiet. 
Out into the crisp night, you headed off down the cobblestone street, dipping down alleyway after alleyway hoping to fend off any type of pursuit. Your steps were the only sound in the quiet night. Like the city was sleeping despite the bars and eateries behind every bend, filled to the brim with locals and tourists trying the latest cuisine. 
The streets were so narrow here and though your bike could have made it through, you did not want to draw that much attention to yourself. You took the long way around, checking over your shoulder every so often. There was no way to track you in this place, no way to leave behind any mark that you existed. 
Still, you cast your eyes behind you, clouds of breath escaping you. Your lungs burned from the cold. Your cheeks stung from the bite. These shoes were killing you. You longed for the safety of the water. 
You stepped around a building, the same pinkish hue that all the buildings seemed to share. Sunbaked and centuries old. You caught your breath. You couldn’t live like this. You weren’t used to looking over your shoulder like this. 
You had to keep moving. You had to make sure that you made it to the nearest open body of water before David caught up with you. Why was he even here? What the hell did he want? 
Fuck him. Fuck him for still looking as good as he did. Sounding as good as he did. Whatever he did now was of no consequence to you. You took deep breaths in, letting the cold awaken your senses. Your mission was not yet over and you needed to keep moving.
Goddess protect me. 
You rounded the corner, back to civilization with its street lamps and passing cars. You were approaching the mouth of the alley when a hand pulled you back, deep within the shadows. You kicked out your leg. Despite his height and size, David was incredibly agile. 
He chuckled, pulling you close to his body. His warm, tall body. He wrapped his arms around you, but before he could lock you in, you broke his hold. You turned and punched and kicked at him, he laughed and dodged like this was a sparring game and not you fighting for your life.
You managed to land a solid punch, feeling great satisfaction from watching his head snap back. Your moment of triumph was short lived as he took the fight more seriously. But he was more focused on subduing you than fighting you.
“I deserved that, but you only get one,” he growled. 
He blocked your next two punches, grabbing both of your wrists and spinning you to face the building. He pushed you against it, yanking your arms behind you. You growled and wriggled, but there was no way to break out of this. Not when he pressed his chest into your back, pinning your further against the building. You were trapped. With your worst enemy. 
Wait till your team back home hears about this one. In fact…they didn’t need to know this part. You’d never told anyone about David, too afraid that your sisters would tease and mock you. The fish who fell in love with a bird. It was a joke. A cautionary tale. A tragedy. 
You stopped fighting. Your gasps created tiny clouds in the air. David huffed and heaved behind you, pressing his chest into your back with every inhale. “You gonna punch me again if I let you go?” He asked.
“Depends. Let me go and we’ll see,” you said.
He laughed, dropping his head to your ear. You hated that you shivered. You hoped he thought it was because of the cold and not because of his proximity. Bastard. Fuck him.
“I didn’t think I’d see you again,” he said. 
“I was counting on that, actually.” Out of the seven seas and the seven continents, you did not think you’d bump into David Kane again. What were the odds? What sick, cruel fate brought you back into David’s war path? 
Didn’t matter. You needed to escape before he found the knife in your bag. 
“You didn’t miss me? Not even a little?” He nuzzled your ear and you bit your lip. What game was he playing? 
“Not even a little,” you said. Your voice was even. Your stomach was doing backflips. Fuck him. Fuck him. You repeated it like a mantra in your head, trying to hold on to the burning hatred in your veins. Your body betrayed you. Remembering every glide of his fingers. The shape of his lips. 
“Shame. I missed you,” he said. His lips tickled your ear and you moved your head away. Since his body covered every inch of you, there was no room for you to move. He dipped his head again, lightly brushing his lips along your neck.
“Fuck do you want from me, Kane?” You asked.
“Oh, it’s Kane again?” He asked. 
You rolled your neck. Getting angry only made him act more childish. He got off on seeing you squirm. You used to think it was charming. Now it was just annoying.
“What are you doing in Rome?” He asked.
“I could ask the same question,” you said.
“Following up on a lead. Heard there were some coins from Ancient Egypt on the market. Wanted to see if I could make a direct offer,” he said.
“By stealing it.” 
“If it came to that,” he said and huffed out a laugh. At least he was more open about his thievery. He was a man without honor and you had no patience for him. Not anymore. 
“What do you want?” You asked. 
David moved his hands, lower, searching your body. “What are you doing?” You asked.
“Trying to see if you got any weapons on you. I just wanna talk without the fear of you shooting me,” he said. His search was anything but friendly. He groped. He kneaded. He gripped your thighs with his massive hands and squeezed. A small moan escaped you before you could call it back. 
“Do you remember Miami?” He asked. 
You pressed your lips together while he finished his search. When you stopped giving him the response he wanted, he moved his fingers below your shirt. His fingers grazed your tummy, dancing over the edge of your pants. You shivered. 
Your pussy ached. It was freezing cold outside, but he was doing a damn good job blocking out the chill and warming you up. You melted into him as he unbuttoned your pants. “I remember how you looked when we first woke up. Sun hitting your back. The way your hair sparkled like embers of a fire.” 
You sighed. You shouldn’t be doing this. Shouldn’t be entertaining this. “David…”
“You were the last thing I expected to find here tonight. But as soon as I recognized you, I couldn’t let you get away. I shouldn’t have let you go then and I can’t let you go now,” he said.
“You can’t hold onto me anymore,” you said. He once compared your relationship to holding water in the cup of his hand. He could hold it, for a second, believing that it would last. Then it would slip through his fingers. Water could not be contained, he told you. He told you a lot of things. A lot of useless shit. 
“Let me try, please,” he said. He unzipped your pants, pushing it lower off of your hips. You ground your ass into his crotch. His dick strained against his pants. He hissed, pulling back for a moment. 
“Say you don’t miss me and I’ll let you go,” he said.
“I don’t miss you,” you said. Your voice cracked. David’s long fingers played with the curls at the core of you. He bit your ear, dipping a finger into your wet heat and groaning as he made contact. 
“This pussy say otherwise,” he whispered in your ear. 
You were burning up inside your coat. Your head fell back against his chest, giving him better access to nibble and kiss on your neck. You opened your heavy eyelids and looked at him, bracketed by the stars above.
This would be hot at any other moment. You would have lived for stolen moments like this when you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other like a couple of young adults, fumbling and following after each other. Like you couldn’t quit each other. 
“You didn’t ask my pussy, you asked me.” 
“How long has it been? Have you been able to replace me yet?” He asked.
You huffed, refusing to allow him a full laugh. Fuck him. He knew fuck well that no one compared to him. No one compared to how he made you feel. You dropped your head forward. You couldn’t look at him and let him play with your body like no time had passed. If you didn’t look at him, you could pretend. 
“Yup. Sure did,” you said. The answer was sarcastic as hell. You didn’t care if his ego was inflated at the moment. It had been forever. And you needed the sweet fucking relief that didn’t come from your fingers for once. 
He swirled his fingers lazily through your essence, taking his time to make you tremble with need. 
“A lot has changed. I’ve changed. And I know you don’t forgive easily. But I need you to hear me,” he said. He pushed a finger inside and you groaned, not caring if he heard you now. You weren’t going to fall onto the sword of Pride like some martyr. You never denied yourself anything, least of all his deft fingers as he pumped them inside of you. 
Your thighs shook as you began to squirm. He moved his other hand up your shirt to cup your breast in his hand. He squeezed it, quickly finding your nipple and rubbing it between his fingers. You hissed, squeezing your legs against his hand to trap him there. 
You braced yourself against the building, the pads of your fingers seeking any kind of fissures to hold on to. Your nails scraped. 
“Oh fuck,” you moaned. His pace was steady but strong, driving you to the height of pleasure. 
David groaned behind you. He grinded into you, pushing your hips forward. Making you ride his fingers instead of sitting back and letting him do all the work. He mimicked stroking and moved against your hips with enough force that you could imagine it was his dick fucking you and not his fingers.
Fuck, you were so close. You began to whine, needing him to go faster. Go deeper. Do something.
“Fuckin’ missed this,” he groaned in your ear. 
You did too. 
You leaned up on your tip toes, tensing up and getting ready to cum. David slowed his fingers, pulling them out altogether. At the same moment, your sling bag was unbuckled from around your chest and the heat of David’s body was gone. 
“Motherfucker!” You screamed into the dark alleyway. There was no point following him. He was quicker to move around than you were. More adept at the surface world. He held maps in his head that you still needed help with. You relied too heavily on those stupid phones than your own sense of direction.
You punched the building and leaned your forehead against it. Of course he hadn’t changed. Of course he was after the knife. Of course he would confuse you with talks of memories and Miami. Giving you flowery poetry. Of course he left you unfulfilled like he always did. 
Greedy bastard. You got played. You jumped up, pulling your pants over your thick hips and zipping it back up. You could only laugh as you walked, uncomfortably wet, towards your bike. 
You weren’t going to panic. You had patience…sometimes. You hid a tracker in the lining of the bag, turned off for the time being. If you were David, the first thing you would do would be to search for bugs. You’d replace the bag as soon as you could, but that would have to come later. When you weren’t focused on getting away, not leaving a trail.
One thing about David was that he always had an exit plan. Always an escape. Two could play that game this time around. 
You made it to your motorcycle and unhooked the helmet that you secured to the front. You placed it over your head, throwing your leg over and straddling it. You started it up, letting the engine rumble between your legs. At least something got to rumble there tonight.
Game on David Kane, game on.
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There shall be more! The Secret David Kane Files | Part 2
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Dating Johnny Thunders Would Include:
@holyjunkie this one’s for you! If you like it, let me know and I’ll make an NSFW alphabet for him! <3333
Permanent Taggers: @smokeandmirrorz @overlyobsessedfangirl @slashevilsister @julessworldd @agroupiewhore @comawhxte666
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Johnny showing you affection in very subtle, quiet ways; squeezing your hand under the table, light touches on your shoulders and hips, quick forehead and nose kisses, and long, warm, very tight hugs when it’s just the two of you. He’s a very shy, standoffish guy, so he’s not one for big dramatic displays of affection, but he really loves you and really tries to show that to you whenever he possibly can.
Johnny leaving you little gifts in places where you’d least expect it. Chocolates under your pillow, notes taped to the bathroom mirror, little stuffed animals tucked in your dresser drawers, etc. He likes the way your eyes light up and your smile brightens when you find the gifts, so he does it at least a few times a week.
Dates are pretty rare, because he doesn’t like going out and being around people in loud places, but you often have quiet, romantic nights in at home, watching TV together and eating pizza or takeout or whatever meal you’ve cooked up. He’d much rather spend time alone with you than go to a fancy restaurant, and the nights usually end with passionate love-making and a warm bath or shower.
When he does go on dates with you, he tries to make it special; maybe not 5-star restaurants or anything like that, but places that you both like that have great music and food. Although Johnny is usually pretty casual, he makes an effort to pull out your chair, compliment your dress, and alway pay for the food, and although he’s a bit awkward with it, his eagerness to show off his manners is very sweet. He just wants you to have a good time, and for you to feel appreciated.
Him making an effort to smoke a little less, not only because you’ve asked him to out of fear for his health, but also because he’s been secretly worried that you won’t want to kiss him on the lips as much if his breath smells like cigarettes.
Johnny getting jealous when other guys flirt with you, and going out of his way to kiss you and show you off and make it clear to them that you’re his, not theirs.
You accompanying him to his gigs, and either standing on the side of the stage or sitting in the front row. He keeps his eyes on you during the entire show, and seeing you there cheering him on encourages him to play better and to focus more on the music. You also attend all of his band practices for the same reasons. Luckily, the rest of the band actually likes you, so it’s not a Yoko Ono situation or anything.
When the two of you are alone, he’s a lot more affectionate than he is in public. He’s always got an arm around you and he’s always kissing your knuckle or your cheek or your forehead. If the two of you are watching TV, you’re cuddling while you do it, or at least sitting next to each other with his arm around you. He’s much more comfortable when it’s just him and you, so he’s a lot less shy and awkward.
Johnny may not like dates, but he loves going on little adventures with you. Stuff like exploring abandoned buildings and graffitiing walls and going to ice cream stores and little soda shops and walking through parks at night and going into random stores and businesses just to look at stuff(and maybe shoplift a couple of things). Things that he can look back on much later on in life and smile about.
Johnny loves to play music for you. He’ll come up with little songs to play on his guitar for you, and he’ll sing to you as he plays them. He’s made more than a few love songs for you, and he’s also learned some of his and your favorite songs just for him to serenade you with. It’s one of his favorite ways to show affection to you.
Johnny can write a hell of a good love note; he writes them in his messy scrawl in colored ink on whatever scrap of paper he can find, and he always signs them with, “your biggest fan, Johnny”, just to be funny. He doesn’t like handing these letters to you directly; instead, he hides them like he does the gifts, taped to the back of cupboard doors or hidden under your pillow. Sometimes, when he has to leave early in the morning and you’re still asleep, he’ll slip it into your hand.
Johnny often has to leave super early in the morning, for rehearsals or shows or other things like that. You’re usually still asleep when he has to leave, so, although he hates it, he can’t say goodbye to you when he leaves. He usually slips a note into your hand, kisses your forehead, and says goodbye or that he loves you, even though you obviously can’t hear him.
Sometimes, Johnny wakes up extra early to make you breakfast. He’s not a super great cook, and he sometimes burns the toast, but he’s trying his best and that’s all that matters. If he’s feeling sappy enough, he’ll make the pancakes and the toast heart-shaped and use chocolate chips or something like that. He can’t bring himself to wake you up, cuz you look so peaceful when you’re asleep, so he leaves it on the table with a note. You always make sure to thank him properly when he gets home, of course.
Okay, we’ve gone over some of the cute couple shit, now let’s get into the good stuff that we all came for: the sex.
Johnny’s pretty fucking great in bed, as lowkey and quiet as he usually is. This boy always makes sure that it feels good for you and that you actually finish, which isn’t always the case for some guys.
He usually opts for the slow, sensual, passionate, romantic sex. The lights are off, the curtains are open so you can see the city lights outside his apartment, and it’s just the two of you praising each other and showing your love and appreciation for each other. It’s really nice, actually.
Johnny always cuddles after sex. No exceptions. If the two of you need to get up and go take a bath or shower, he’ll do it, but then it’s straight to cuddling. The body heat makes him sleepy, and it’s very comfortable.
Sex is probably the time when Johnny really becomes vulnerable and let’s you know how he really feels about you and how much he really does love and treasures you. He speaks softly, like he’s afraid someone will overhear, but he just absolutely showers you with praise and affection and tells you how amazing he thinks you are and how he can’t imagine a life without you. It’s sappy as hell, and sometimes he’s kinda cheesy, but he’s being sincere, and it’s incredibly sweet.
Sometimes, the sex gets a bit rougher if he’s in a bad mood or has a lot of pent up energy, but it never gets to the point where you get hurt or where he’s insulting you or any of that. He’s pretty sexy when he’s like that, though.
The only exception to the “always cuddle after sex” rule is when the two of you have quickies. He prefers to have them when you’re in a skirt and a button-up shirt and heels, because he can just pull the skirt up and unbutton the shirt and fuck you in the heels(he finds it sexy.)
If the two of you ever decide to get married, the proposal and the wedding will both be very lowkey and casual, nothing over-the-top, but it’ll still be the best and most important moments of his life, and he’ll mean every word he says.
Basically, your relationship is laidback and quiet, but still passionate and romantic, and you’re his entire world, even if he can’t always show it.
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writersblog20 · 2 years
Miracle Aligner
Miles Kane x reader
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Not my gif, credits to the maker !
Summary: When you decide to go out of your comfort zone and go to a concert alone of your favorite artist, reminding you that the most amazing things happen when you go out of your comfort zone.
Warnings: cigarettes, alcohol and a little bit of drunkenness besides that. Little bit of anxiety if you squeeze and heated kisses.
Words: 4,7K
Miracle Aligner
For the first time you went all alone to a concert. The gig was of your favorite artist Miles Kane and nobody could come with you but there wasn’t a chance in hell that you were going to miss this so you decided to go alone. You’ve been to his gigs a couple of times already and he never disappoints and neither was he tonight. You’ve been lucky enough to meet him twice after and before his gig and he was the nicest musician you’ve ever met.
You were wondered through the city, taking some couple of pictures of things that caught your eye. The sun was shining on your skin and it felt like a warm big hug. You bought a coffee and a croissant before sitting down at a lake on the perfectly green grass. It was a little boring to be here all by yourself and it was definitely out of your comfort zone but it also had some great beauty to it which gave you some excitement. All good thing and stories came from the moment you stepped out of your comfort zone and you hoped that tonight wouldn’t be any different.
You checked your phone and got up after you were done, deciding that you maybe some liquid courage would help you ease the nerves and decided to go to a pub. You walked through town and saw a couple of pubs but none felt nice to you so you kept on walking until you found one which you did like. There was a sort of brown caffe and you heard David Bowie through the speakers. You smiled to yourself, knowing that this pub would be the one for you.
You weren’t really looking where you were going and walked through the door that was open only to walk into someone. Beer splattered over you but luckily you were fast enough to get your camera out of the way. You were already apologizing before looking up. “I’m so sorry! I’ll get you a new beer.” You immediately told the person while you squeezed your shirt so it could dry up a bit. “I’m sorry luv, I didn’t see ya there.” You heard a all to familiar voice telling you and you looked up in complete and utter surprise. It was Miles Kane himself and you could just smack yourself in the head.
“I ehhh….. I’m sorry, I should’ve looked where I was going.” You told him gob smacked. You met his eyes and he smiled at you. “Well, I didn’t realleh looked either. Sorry bout tha.” He told you as he looked at your shirt and around you, probably expecting to see someone with you. “I’m sorry bout tha shirt. Let meh get ya a dry one.” He told you, already walking back in and turned back as a hint to follow him which you automatically did. You felt like you had a complete blackout and your body was reacting on it’s own.
You followed Miles inside and saw him grab something from his linen bag. You saw a white shirt from his merch. He turned around to you and chuckled while you still looked surprised. If he didn’t knew that you know him than he would now. You saw that he was with his crewmates who stood up. “Ey Mi. We’re gonna head back. See ya later aight?” one of his bandmates said. He nodded “Yeah alright. I’ll be a bit longa but I see ya lads soon.” He told them and they nodded as well as they gave him a pat on the shoulder before nodding to you as a greeting.
Miles turned back to you with the shirt in hand. “I’m sarry babe. This the only one I ave and I wore it but it’s still cleaner than tha one.” He pointed towards your soaked shirt and gave you a smile. You looked down and that was when it clicked inside your head. You head your shavambacu shirt on. You felt horrified. He definitely knew that you know him. “What’s ya name luv?” he asked you while you tried your hardest to snap out of it. “I am ehhh Y/N.” you told him with a little bit of a stutter. You reached out your hand for him to shake which he did. “Tha’s a beautiful name luv, it’s nice tha meet ya! I’m Miles but ya already knew tha didn’t ya?” he had a grin on his face. You felt your cheeks heat up. “Yeah I’m a fan… I’m going to your gig tonight actually.”
He smiled and that was when you realized you still held his hand. Or well, he was still holding your hand. “I fink we’ve already met, aven’t we?” he asked you, his eyebrows a little squeezed together. You chuckled and looked a little down. “Yeah, twice actually.” His eyes lit up as he, apparently recognized you. “I found ya realleh cool!” he told you, which made you even more surprised and shy. You chuckled “well you are the cool one but thank you.” you told him shyly and he had the brightest smile on his face. “Wha ya want ta drink babe?” he asked. “Oh no, let me! I bumped into you and made you spill the beer.” You told him but he shook his head. “Nah, I’ll buy. Ya want a beer? Gin Tonic? Wine?” he kept on with the suggestions, making you laugh in which he responded with a bigger grin that he was able to make you laugh.
“I’ll ehh get a gin tonic then.” He smiled. “Geat choice! I’ll get me one myself as well. Take a seat luv after you changed into tha shirt” he told reminded you, nodding while he walked to the bar. You quickly walked to the bathroom and got changed. The shirt smelled like his cologne and you felt electricity go through your body. You quickly texted your best friend about what had happened before going back. Once Miles saw you coming out of the bathroom and saw you, he got a big smile again and hinted for you to take a seat which you gladly did.
“Thank you so much!” you told him as you got comfortable on the big seats, opposite Miles. “Ah no problem luv, meh pleasure.” He told you with a wink and a grin, making you feel flustered again. You both cheered your glasses before taking a sip. You both fell into a conversation about multiple topics. At first Miles took initiative with the conversation and lead it before you felt comfortable enough, which didn’t took long. After a while you fell into the topic of photography and he asked if he could see some of your work. “Yeah of course!” you told him and he stood up so he could sit next to you to see them better but it took you once again by surprise. You showed some of your best work and this time he looked very surprised. “Babe…. Ya realleh talented!” he told you excited for you as you chuckled a little from the complete of your favorite artist.
“Ya gonna take photos tonight?” he asked you as he nodded towards your camera. You felt a little self-conscious “Eh yeah, if that’s okay of course.” You told him and he smiled “Yeah of course! On one condition…” he told you, making you curious and a little on edge. “If ya can sent them to meh!” he told you. You looked surprised. “Yeah of course, no problem! Just through your Insta DM’s?” you asked him. “Or I can give ya me phone number…” he told you cautious.
You were even more surprised now. “Yeah… ehh or that.” You chuckled. He smiled and gave you his phone. You typed your phone number in and gave his phone back, giving you a quick call before hanging up “There. Now ya ave meh number as well.” he told you with a smile, still seated next to you. Your shoulders touched each other but you didn’t mind and apparently neither did he.
“Ya comin alone tonight or wif somebody?” he asked you, his voice a little softer. “I ehh came alone actually. Nobody could join me.” you told him and he looked a little sympathetic. “But don’t worry!  I can manage fine on my own.” You told him with a smile, not wanting him to feel bad for you or anything. “You see, this is out of my comfort zone but my best stories come from being out of my comfort zone. Like now….” you told him, a little shy about the last part and Miles got a big smile. “How bout you’ll join meh backstage after tha gig? We always ave an afterparty, be fun if ya could join us.” He told you, awaiting your answer. “Really?” Miles grinned and chuckled. “Yeah, Gon be a lot of fun!” He told you as if he had to convince you but that wasn’t necessary. Partying with your favorite artist? Yes please! “Yeah of course I’ll join! Sounds great!” you told him excitedly and his smile got even bigger when he heard yes. “I’ll text ya alright? Ya can show meh some of ta photos that ya took then.” He told you hopeful. “Yeah sounds great!”
You both finished your second gin tonic before Miles spoke “I do ave to go back unfortunately… I ad a lot of fun! Fank you for bumping in to me.” he told you chuckling. You nodded “Can I maybe get a selfie with you before you leave?” you asked him. “Yeah of course luv! Ere, let meh take m wif me phone and I can sent them to ya.” He suggested and you nodded with a smile. Miles took multiple pictures. His arm around you and in one picture he kissed your cheek, making you feel flustered again. “Can I ask ya for a favor?” Miles asked you uncomfortably this time. You frowned a little but was curious what he was going to ask you.
“Yeah of course.” He looked to the door. “So I don’t know meh way back to the concert hall….” He scratched his head a little as he chuckled shyly. You giggled a little with a knowing smile “I can walk you back if you want…. I know the way.” Miles immediately smiled. “Yeah if ya don’t mind.” He told you and you shook your head. “No absolutely not, after all you’ve done for me, it’s the least I can do.” You told him but knew that google maps was very easy to use and maybe he didn’t want to let you go just yet, but that also could be wishful thinking.
You stood up and Miles linked his arm through yours. “Is this okay?” he asked you and you nodded faster than you wanted to. He chuckled with a smile that made your heart beat a little faster while he  held your arm a little tighter. You knew that Miles was a very affectionate person. Or well, at least from what you’ve saw on the internet and experienced from the times you met him. It was never that he made you feel uncomfortable or wanted to make someone uncomfortable. He was actually very respectful about it and you loved that about him.
You slowly walked your way the concert hall while chatting until you stopped mid track. “Miles… Can I maybe take a quick photo of you with the tree in the background?” you asked him feeling brave. “Yeah, of course luv!” he told you and quickly made his way. The scenery looked beautiful and you needed to take a photo with Miles in it. You took a couple of pictures as quickly as you could and nodded, looking at your camera with a smile. Miles walked back to you and stood a little behind you. You felt your heart beating rapidly from to close proximity that he was standing. You felt his shoulder touch yours from behind and saw his reflection on the camera screen. He was smiling brightly. “Luv, this is beautiful! Can ya sent tha one to meh? I want to post tha one! I’ll give ya credit of course.” He told you the last part quickly as if it was obvious.
“Yeah of course! No problem!” He smiled and this time you linked your arm through his and saw that he looked at you with a big smile and was blushing(?) When you arrived at the hall there were already fans waiting in line. You stopped along with Miles. “There is another way inside if you want.” You told him, his arm still linked with yours. He took a quick look again. “Yeah let’s do tha, otherwise I might be late. I’ll say hi after the gig.” You nodded and took him to the other side.
When he knocked on the door and texted Josh that he was waiting at the door he held your hand. The door swung open and Josh looked at the both of you. Miles stepped a little inside, still holding your hand when he turned around. “I’ll still see ya tonight right?” he asked you, giving your hand a small squeeze while he looked hopefully at you. You gave him a genuine big smile, excitement flowing through your body while he looked you in the eyes, even though he had sunglasses on, you could still slightly see his eyes through them. “Yeah, absolutely!” he smiled again. “I’ll see ya tonight then! I’ll text ya okay luv?” you nodded and wanted to let go of his hand and he gave it another affectionate squeeze, a smile dancing upon his lips. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed the back slightly. “See ya tonight then!” you nodded. “Go and rock m Miles.” He got a grin and took his glasses off, giving you a wink. “Always.” He told you before walking inside.
When you walked towards the main door, you couldn’t stop smiling. Excitement flowing through your stomach, giving it almost like a butterfly feeling. You stood in line and looked through your phone and saw that a notification came in. He had put himself as M in your phone with a turtle emoji behind it. You smiled when you saw the pictures come in. “They’re great, these pictures. See ya later luv. Try ta get front row. X”
You couldn’t get the smile off of your face. “I will! See ya later turtle ; )” you texted back and that was when the doors opened. They scanned your tickets and you got in. You quickly got something to drink and stood behind a couple of fans but still front row.
You had your camera in hand and hoped that you could get some cool couple of shots tonight. The support act was great but everyone was buzzing to see the King turtle himself. With each passing minute the room grew more vibrant and tense, awaiting his arrival. The light went low and the intro started buzzing through the speakers. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, thinking back of this afternoon and wondering what tonight had in store for you.
You saw Miles looking through the crowed. He had his eyes a little squeezed because of the lights shining in his eyes but when he spotted you, you both smiled brightly. You were in the middle of the front row, by his mic stand. You were already taking a couple of pictures. The show started and everyone was already dancing. You swayed your hips slightly to the music but felt shy with the burning sensation of Miles’s eyes on you. He smiled a little brighter when you started to dance as well.
With each passing song, the crowed went more wild than before. When the song see ya when I see ya started, Miles walked around on stage and held the hands of some fans and sat down on the speaker. He looked at you and reached out his hand for you to take which you did. Your cheeks started to heat up and Miles jumped in the crowed all of a sudden, swinging his arm around your shoulders and pressed you against his side. So now and then looking at you while serenading. You felt extremely shy and almost couldn’t look him in the eye, a smile on your lips. Miles grin got bigger seeing his effect on you. Multiple fans stood along the two of you. When the song almost ended, he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your forehead before climbing back on stage.
You saw that it was filmed by a lot of people and knew that you were going to see it on the internet so you didn’t have to worry to ask somebody to send it to you. You turned around towards Miles who was singing his next song and winked at you, making you grin like an idiot.
After the show, you went outside for a cigarette and heard your phone go off. “Where are you standing love? X Mi” you read. You smiled and answered “Outside, went for a smoke X” you pressed sent and not even 30 seconds later, the door opened revealing the turtle himself. You were standing along the other fans who yelled his name. He looked over them for you until he found you. He nodded at you with a smile and went to his fans when somebody else from his crew came up to you. “Your Y/N?” the man asked, making you nod. He smiled at you “Alright follow me, Miles will be there soon when he’s done with the fans.” He told you and helped you though the crowed of people.
Miles held a close eye on you until you were safe and sound inside. The man walked you backstage and you were greeted by the band who made you feel like a friend. You chatted with Josh while somebody else poured you a drink. You all laughed and was caught up in conversation when you felt a cold hand on your shoulder, making you turn around and met the smile of Miles. You immediately gave him a hug, which he wanted to do as well. “You were amazing! I loved it!” you told him excited, making him chuckle. “I’m glad ya ad fun babe!” he told you, still buzzing from his gig.
You heard the music go louder and people began to dance, along side you and Miles. You still talked but danced a little in between with a lot of laughter. “Do ya know a good place to party around ere?” Miles asked you while Josh stood beside him. “Yeah, I know a couple of places which are fun. You want to go there?” you asked him. He looked around if people agreed but knew that his crew was buzzing for a party. “Yeah absolutely! It’s a Fridahh night!” he told you with a big grin and checked you out a little, making you chuckle and feel shy at the same time.
“Alright, I’m set to go if you are.” Miles smiled brighter and nodded. Some of his crew were gathering things while you and Miles waited outside with a smoke. There was a comfortable silence between the both of you. “I’m realleh glad ya bumped inta meh.” He told you all of a sudden. You looked up at him and you saw him smile with some adoration in his eyes while he stood close to you. You stayed silent for a moment, feeling in a trance while Miles came closer but the moment got ruined by his loud crewmates who came, almost, running out the door.
You and Miles quickly pulled away from each other. Miles took a look at you and you at him, feeling flustered. You looked down and up at the band again, trying to gather yourself. “Alright, should we go then?” you asked as the band nodded, waiting for your lead. Miles walked next to you, placing his arms though yours again.
Sometimes it hit you that you were after partying with your favorite artist but they all made you feel so comfortable that it felt like you were going out with your friend group. But there were also moment where adrenaline rushed your body when you realized that you were walking, arm in arm with Miles Kane. You showed the guys around a little bit until you walked into a bar, where you could walk downstairs to the club but the would play indie rock music.
When you were standing along side the people Miles asked you “What ya want ta drink luv?” You thought about it. “You know what, I’ll have what you’re having.” Miles got a big grin on his face and nodded. “I feel like a red bull vodka kinda night. Whatcha think?” Miles asked you with a smile while scanning your features. “Sounds good Kane.” You told him, feeling a little bold as the alcohol from the other drinks started to hit you. He smiled “What a dream woman ya are.” He told you with a smile and shook his head before walking to the bar.
You couldn’t shrug the smile off of your face, leaving it permanently there. Miles came back with the drinks for you and the others with a shot as well. You all cheered and drunk the shot. You and Miles held eye contact when you took it and grinned when the alcoholic beverage was in. Everyone started to dance with each other and you and Miles danced together as well. You definitely met his energy but at some moments you felt shy and a little intimidated by him but in a good way, making you feel butterflies to an extant you’ve never felt before.
After a while and a couple of drinks further, you and Miles got outside for a smoke, still laughing and buzzing from the alcohol. It was chilly outside and Miles placed his coat around your shoulders, trying to keep you warm. Miles looked at you “Why don’t ya join us for the rest of tha tour? Ya can work for us, takin pictures etc.” his Scouse accent thick now. You were taken back by surprise. You told Miles a couple of hours earlier that you had a ‘empty year’ from studies and stuff so knew you could if you wanted to.
You chuckled a little unsure. “Do you mean that?” you asked him. He nodded “Yeah absolutely babe. Ya realleh feel like one of us. I’d luv ta ave ya on the rest of tour.” He asked you while sipping his drink. You weren’t a fan of jumping into things unplanned so you were really doubting it. “Like straight away?” you asked him “Yeah if ya want. We still ave a bed over in tha bus.” He told you. He saw that you were a little unsure. “Ya dun’t ave to if ya dun’t wan it but I promise ya it’ll be fun!” You looked down at your shoes and back at Miles with a smile “You know what…. Fuck it. Let’s do it!” you told him with a smirk making him cheer “Yeah babeh! Come on!” he pulled you in a hug, kissing the side of your head while you laughed. “I just don’t have my stuff with me.” you told him. “We can drive by ya place. tha’s no problem.” He told you with a smile. “Thank you.” you told him with a smile as well.
It got a little silent again with now and then some chuckles in between while smoking the cigarette. “I realleh start tha like ya Y/N…” he told you bluntly and you couldn’t believe it. He looked at you with a smile playing on his lips. “Well… I don’t think I have to tell you that I like you too.” You chuckle feeling it was obvious. You leaned against the wall and Miles stood in front of you. You felt intimidated but in a nice way. “nah I mean it babe. Ya gorgeous as well.” You felt flustered and looked down again.
You felt his slender finger underneath your chin, making you look up at him and saw that he was close. “If ya dun’t wan it, ya tell meh alright?” He told you, looking directly in your eyes so the message would be clear but you were taken in a complete trance. His slender finger went from your chin towards your cheek, placing a string of hair behind your ear. He licked his lips while his fingers went to your chin again, taking it between his thumb and finger. His face came even closer until you closed your eyes and felt his lips on yours. His warm hand went to your cheek, pulling you closer when his tongue met yours. The kiss tasted like cigarettes and vodka red bull, loving every minute of it when all the butterflies let loose in your stomach.
You pulled him closer by his blouse. The kiss went got more heated but you both stopped since you were outside after all. You looked at each other, still a little in trance from the kiss. “Tha was amazin.” He told you, chuckling a bit of unbelieve. “yeah it was.” You both started to chuckle and he pulled you in a hug. “Le me take ya on a proper date when I ave the chance.” You smiled in the hug, your head tucked underneath his chin and your cheek pressed against his chest. “I would like that Miles.” He kissed the top of your head.
You walked back inside and partied some more. You were all glad that they didn’t have a gig the next day so you all could recover from the hangover you were all surely going to experience and drive to your place to get the stuff.
It was already light outside when you all walked to the tour bus. Everyone was drunk and ready to sleep. You and Miles were pretty buzzed as well. He walked with his arm around your shoulders, both not walking straight. When Miles told the rest of the crew that you were going to join them and work for them they were excited, making you feel even more at ease. When you walked into the bus you all got freshened up before going to bed.
When you laid in bed the realization hit you about what had happened and what was happening. You were tossing and turning but felt way to awake and decided to get a bit of water, walking past Miles’s bed, who was apparently awake as well. “Hey. Can’t sleep?” you heard him whisper, making you turn around. You shook your head. “Not really. You?” he shook his head as well and opened the blankets for you to crawl in, which you happily did.
You laid on your side, facing Miles and he did the same. He brushed some hair out of your face, placing it behind your ear. You smiled softly at him and scooted a little closer, resting your head against his chest while he wrapped his arms around you and went with his slender fingers over your head. “I can turn tha tv on.” He suggested. You looked up and nodded. He smiled at you but different than before. This smile held so much adoration and love in his eyes that you could feel your heart melt and the safe feeling wrapping around you like a warm blanket on cold winter days.
He placed his hand on your cheek and placed his lips lovingly on yours. The kiss was different as well. More loving and passionate, both taking your sweet time. Once his lips left yours, he peppered your face with kisses, making you giggle slightly, trying to keep quiet. Miles turned the tv on and played with your hair. You watched some trash British tv like ex on the beach and you felt yourself grow more relaxed and tired. “I’ll keep ya safe. Dun’t ya worry about tha. I won’t le anything appen to ya.” His Scouse accent coming even more forward. You smiled tiredly. “I know Mi. Thank you.” he kissed the top of your head “Get some sleep luv. I’ll be right ere.” You nodded, your eyes already closed while his breathing and soft touches, lulled you to sleep, excited for what the future had in store for you.
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luna-jaden-shadow · 3 years
Fandom List
The following below are fandoms that I'm in as well as a few characters that I'm willing to write for. Feel free to ask about someone who's not named on the list (I'll most likely only list 4 per thing for space reasons (I could go on forever with MCU people alone)).
Masterlist | DOs, and DON'Ts
I do the following for imagines and requests: X Reader Character Ships Male X Male Male X Female Female X Female Any X Gender Neutral
Below the line is the fandom list + at most 4 characters
Marvel Cinematic Universe Tony Stark Bucky Barnes Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Others
X-Men Logan Howlett (Wolverine) Jean Gray (Phoenix) Ororo Munroe (Storm) Others
Marvel On Netflix Frank Castle (Punisher) Trish Walker (Jessica Jones) Matt Murdock (Daredevil) Others
DC Comics Joker (Any version) Harley Quinn Oliver Queen Others
Gotham Jim Gordon Harvey Bullock Oswald Cobblepot Barbara Kean Others
Dream SMP Technoblade JSchlatt Wilbur Soot Dream Others
Supernatural Dean Winchester Castiel Rowena Charlie Others
The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Rick Grimes Negan Smith Maggie Greene Others
Fear The Walking Dead Nick Clarke Al Alicia Clarke Victor Strand Others
The Witcher Geralt Jaskier Yennefer Others
Arcane Silco Jinx Vi Others
Criminal Minds Spencer Ried JJ Derek Morgan Others
Law and Order SVU Finn Carisi Amanda Others
Orange Is The New Black Nicky Lorna Maritza Others
The 100 Bellamy Blake Octavia Blake John Murphy Marcus Kane Others
Grey's Anatomy Mark Sloan Lexie Grey Derek Shepherd Izzie Stevens Others
Soul Eater Death The Kid Maka Albarn Soul Eater Evans Others
My Hero Academia Shota Aizawa Katsuki Bakugou Tomura Shigaraki Dabi Others
Attack On Titan Annie Leonhart Levi Ackerman Mikasa Ackerman Hange Zoe Others
Lucifer Lucifer Morningstar Chloe Decker Others
American Horror Story James Patrick March [ Hotel ] Countess [ Hotel ] Nora [ Murder House ] Kit [ Assylum ] Others
Victorious Jade West Beck Oliver Andre Harris Others
NCIS Anthony DiNozzo Ziva David Others
The Office Jim Pam Erin Others
9-1-1 Buck Abby Others
Fallout 4 Nick Valentine Piper Wright John Handcock Others
Until Dawn Chris Heartley Samantha Giddings Others
Detroit: Become Human Connor Kara Hank Others
Resident Evil: Village Karl Heisenberg Alcina Dimitrescu Bela Dimitrescu
YouTubers Jacksepticeye Smosh [ Anyone ] Markiplier Mithzan Others
Markiplier Egos Darkiplier Wilford Warfstache Illinois Yancy Others
Jacksepticeye Egos Antisepticeye Chase Marvin Others
Creepypasta Jeff The Killer Ticci Toby Clockwork Others
Disney Elsa Kristoff Others
Celebrities Jeffrey Dean Morgan Lauren Cohan Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett Johannson Others
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winterscaptain · 4 years
a kindness.
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: it is loving megan kane hours!! i’ve been working on this one for a while and i am so excited to share it with you!! we have ajf!pleasure is my business at last! as always, tell me what you think!! i adore your feedback. also, if you’re thinking ‘what the hell, tali! why am i missing from the tag list?????’ it’s because i redid it! the link to the form is below.
words: 4.8k warnings: language, canon-typical death, canon-typical discussion of sex work
summary: “i believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy.” ― steve martin. au!february 2009
a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next?
You rap twice on the office door before pushing it open with your fingertips, peering inside while ready to retreat at a moment’s notice.
There’s no need. Aaron’s alone. 
“You’re here early,” he says, his eyes still on his paperwork. 
You snort. “So are you.” 
He looks at you over his nose. “Can I help you with something?”
Sitting down opposite him at his desk, you prop your chin on your hands and grin at him. “You stole my line.” 
“Get out of my office.” 
Your smile stays plastered on your face as you stand and cross the room, closing the door behind you. On your way out, you catch the ghost of his smile. 
You watch Hotch leave the bullpen, his go-bag slung over his shoulder. 
“Where you headed?” You ask, looking up. You’re still the only one in the bullpen, taking a few consults off your teammates’ hands by typing up quick briefs they can review without going through every single comma in the file. 
He sighs. “Dallas.”
“By yourself?”
He sighs. “Standby - not sure what’s going on yet. Can you -” He gestures to the hallway behind you.  
You nod and stand. “Yeah. Fly safe.” 
After you watch him leave, you turn and make a beeline for JJ’s office. She’s here early, too - pushing away the separation anxiety by diving into work. 
She looks away from her computer, looking exhausted. “Yeah?” 
“Hotch just left for Dallas - we might have a case there, but it didn’t sound like something that would come across your desk.” 
She squints. “Why d’you say that?” 
“He had that look on his face like he was going into a room full of lawyers.” 
You lean forward, jamming yourself into the circle around the table with the rest of your team. Hotch, on the other end of the line, sounds oddly well-rested. 
Spencer, as usual, gives you the history and textbook briefing before you get to the actual case. “Female serial killers are a fascinating field. We don't have much information on them, but what we do know involves throwing the rules completely out the window. Signature, for instance. They don't torture or take trophies.” 
“Because there’s no sexual gratification when a woman kills,” Derek adds. 
Looks like we’re all getting in on the pre-brief today. 
“Exactly. Murder is the goal. They don't have to do anything extra.” 
That makes you laugh a little. “So, basically, women are more efficient at killing?” 
Spencer shrugs. “Historically, they’ve had body counts in the hundreds.” 
Hotch, of course, is the one to get you all back on track. “So, assuming that the job is the stressor, what are some of the reasons prostitutes kill their customers?”
Derek, of course, is the first to follow. “Money, drugs, post-traumatic stress disorder…”
The team bounces for a moment, covering previous cases of serial killers with a history of sex work. Emily brings up Allison Wuornos, but Aaron shuts it down. He thinks this killer is organized, not so much driven by trauma or need but the mission itself. 
Spencer looks at the medical examiner’s reports again, comparing notes between the victims. “She’s using tetra-methylene-disulfotetramine.” 
You don’t look up from the same report. “Bless you.” 
Emily snorts. 
Spencer continues, unperturbed. “It’s a popular rat poison in China - easily soluble in alcohol.” 
“Poison is the perfect M.O.,” Dave notes. “Quiet, quick, and the victims never see it coming because they think they’re getting lucky.” He turns back toward the phone. “Does that mean something to you?” 
“Well, at $10,000 a night, these men are paying for discretion as well as sex.” 
Fair point.
“She has a history with them. They see her repeatedly.” 
You look over at Dave, trying to find the thread that connects Aaron’s thought to his.
Before you can really get to it yourself, Aaron spells it out for you. “She didn't decide to kill them in the moment. She walks in with the intent to kill them and she's doing it before she sleeps with them.” 
There we go. 
“So she's not just organized,” you add. “She's also methodical. Could she be parsing out which clients are worth killing and which aren’t?” 
“Maybe the victims all share the same fetish?” Emily offers. 
Derek shrugs, his eyebrows raised in thoughtful agreement. “Both victims were in their fifties, highly visible. Careful about their image. I mean, if they were kinky in the same way, they'd go to great lengths to hide it.” 
“And we're facing a corporate culture that'll do everything it can to keep us out.”
There’s the exhaustion I’m used to from Hotch. 
He sounds weird without it. 
“Actually,” JJ says, “I had some luck there. Hoyt Ashford's wife isn't too happy with how he died. But because every silver lining has a dark cloud, the hedge fund released a statement.” 
JJ pulls the statement from her file and reads aloud: “Ashford died peacefully in his home, according to lawyer David Madison.” She puts it down again. “They're already trying to close ranks.” 
Spencer frowns. “Does that language sound familiar to anyone else?” 
“What do you mean?” You ask. 
“The press release from the first victim.” He recalls, not needing the paper itself. “‘According to company lawyer, Stanton died peacefully in his home.’” 
Hotch begins to make assignments, directing Emily and Derek to the wife of the second victim. JJ’s tasked with the lawyers and you’re tasked with setup at the precinct with Spencer and Dave. When he’s done, you pick your phone up from the table, taking him off speaker. 
“What are you gonna do?” You ask.
Hotch snorts. “I’m gonna see which of the lawyers calls us back and in the meantime, see what I can get out of anyone else.” 
“Good luck.” 
You’re up in your hotel room, getting a little bit settled and unpacked when you get a call to your cell. 
“Hey, Hotch.” 
There’s a sigh. “We got another body.” 
“I’ll meet you downstairs in five.” 
You hop out of the car, following Aaron through the service entrance and up the back hallways to the lobby. Between your travel from your room and Aaron’s wrap-up in his, Derek and Dave beat you to the scene. 
Hotch is wearing that coat - your favorite, the one he’s apparently had for years - with the red lining and the soft wool exterior. It so rarely sees the field anymore you were afraid he’d done away with it, but every time you remember it exists and worry about its whereabouts, he brings it out again. 
Derek hands you a notebook when you reach him. You settle near Dave for the rest of the info. He, of course, delivers. 
“Victim was Joseph Fielding. He was the CFO here.” 
You frown. “Poisoned? Like the others?” 
“And staged,” Derek says. “She killed him in his office and then rolled him out here to be found.” 
“The lipstick's new,” you muse, circling the body in the elevator. “Done postmortem, it looks like.” You find Derek’s eyes with a little frown. “Reid said female serial killers don't leave a signature. I think she did that just for us. She's already exposed him at his most vulnerable.”
He hums. “Now she wants to be noticed.”
There’s some kind of scuffle at the police line - another man in a suit who thinks he’s more important than God. 
Hopefully he’s looking for Hotch. 
“Which one of you is Aaron Hotchner?” 
Ugh. Good. 
You step back and point at Aaron, getting out of his way as he shoves past the crime scene techs. 
Aaron turns. “I'm Hotchner.” 
“Larry Bartlett.” The man holds out his hand, but Aaron doesn’t take it. He retracts his hand with an unperturbed tilt of his head. “I represent Mr. Fielding in Webster Industries. 
Hotch, as usual, has no time for his bullshit. “This is a closed crime scene, Mr. Bartlett.” 
My lawyer could kick your lawyer’s ass. 
That’s a good bumper sticker. 
You shake off your thought and return to the victim, directing one of the younger crime scene techs. After a moment, you return to Derek’s side. 
“Yes. I spoke to Ellen Daniels.” This clown still sounds far too confident for his own good. “She said you're a very... reasonable man.” 
“Escort him out, please.”
You stifle a laugh. 
“No, wait. Please.” The lawyer - Mr. Bartlett - shrugs off the security team and chases after Hotch on his way to your side.  
Aaron stops, but looks inconvenienced in the extreme. 
“The press is outside and they can smell blood. Any way we can handle this discreetly?” 
“We're not about to lie for you.” Derek’s even less amused than Aaron, if that’s even possible. 
Aaron squints at the other lawyer, and you find it nearly impossible to tear your gaze from the little pinch at the corners of his brown eyes. 
You can only imagine him behind a prosecutor’s bench, laying into witnesses with the same deadpan amusement - like a bored cat with a half-dead mouse. Hoping to back him up a little bit, you get a little closer, looking skeptically at the lawyer from over Aaron’s shoulder. 
“You don't have to lie,” Mr. Bartlett insists, his eyes flickering to you. “Just don't comment.” 
“Excuse us.” He takes you by the shoulder and leads the three of you into a huddle. 
“Is there any reason to go public yet?” Aaron asks. 
Dave wavers. “Validating her is exactly what she wants.”
“If we hold back, she's more likely to make a mistake,” Derek says. 
You raise your eyebrows, looking over your shoulder for a moment. “He doesn't need to know that.” 
Hotch’s mouth twitches, and you know it’s almost a smile. He turns over his shoulder, back in game mode as he approaches Bartlett again. “We need everything you have on Fielding. Bank accounts, tax records, emails, everything.” 
“Eighteen cars, six houses, and three boats.” Spencer rattles off the numbers with only the barest hint of shock in his voice. 
Your brow pinches and you look up. “Can you even boat in Dallas?” 
“You know, when you're talking about that much money, ten grand for a call girl is like deciding where to go for dinner.” 
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience, Em,” you laugh. 
She rolls her eyes, still pinning photos to the board. “Yeah, right. My mom had a pretty cushy gig with her postings, but we were never that well-off. But...” She looks over her shoulder, “I’m sure Rossi would know a little something about that.”  
Before you can all get too out of control, Hotch reaches over you to connect to Garcia on the speakerphone. “Are you there, Garcia?” 
JJ flags him down. “I have half a million over here for something called the Bat Cave...” 
It really takes everything in you not to laugh. 
“...and here's a picture of him as fetish Batman. That is… wrong.” 
Emily pulls a face. 
“Is there anything this guy didn't like to spend money on?” Spencer asks.  
“Yeah,” Aaron replies. “His ex-wives. Fielding was married four times. He didn't have prenups for the first two, but he did everything he could to cut them off anyway.” 
You lean forward, trying to see the paper in his hands. “Are there children involved?” 
“Yes, with three of the wives.” He hands it over to you and looks at Emily. “Hoyt Ashford was married a few times, too, wasn't he?” 
She nods in the affirmative. 
“You know, considering that when Kevin takes me to dinner and a movie, he defaults on his student loans, this amount of money is sick.” 
Tell me about it, Pen. 
Emily sounds resigned. “What did you find?” 
Garcia outlines a series of bitter court battles about child support, alimony, custody, etc. “And even when the court ruled in the wife’s favor - which was almost always - these three charmers just, you know, decided not to pay.” 
Hotch asks for a cross-checked list of high-profile Dallas CEOs holding out on their ex-wives, and you figure it’s not a short one. 
“One loaded losers list, Dallas edition, comin' at ya. Penelope out.” 
The line goes dead and Aaron turns off the speaker.  
“So,” Aaron leans heavily on the table. “Why would a prominent businessman who could easily pay child support refuse to?” 
Spencer obliges. “For this type of overachieving personality, paying money after the marriage ends probably offends him.” 
“They're spending tens of thousands on an escort, but they won't drop a dime on their wife and kids? That's cold.” JJ shakes her head and looks over at Hotch, seeking an answer. 
“Narcissistic, self-absorbed, a pathological avoidance of paternal responsibilities.” 
There’s an odd kind of look that passes over Aaron’s face as he speaks, and you pin it for later. You can already tell he’s falling into a headspace that’s fraught with comparison and self-loathing. 
They bounce around for a moment while you keep your eyes on Aaron. 
“Well,” JJ brings you back. “Should I assemble the police for a profile?” 
Your mouth twists. “I just don't think it's gonna help.”
“She lives in a completely different world than they do,” Aaron adds. 
“And,” Emily pipes up, “the CEOs who sleep with her won't admit to it.” 
JJ snorts. “Like I couldn't even get past the team of lawyers protecting them.” 
“What if we give the profile to the corporate lawyers?” Aaron stands straight, his hands resting on his hips. “They've cleaned up after her, even if they don't realize that they've seen this woman.” 
“Why would they go for that?” You ask. 
“Because she's putting them at risk, too.”
Your phone rings and you answer as you always do, chirping your last name into the receiver without really looking too closely at the caller ID. 
“Hey, it’s me.”
You nod once to your team as you step out of earshot. “Hey, Haley.”
“I can’t get a hold of Aaron. Is everything alright?” She’s beyond surprise or concern at this point. You’re sure you could tell her Aaron’s been shot in the head and she’d probably just hum at you. 
“Yeah,” you say with a sigh. “Things are crazy and there are lawyers all wrapped up in this. Are you alright?”
“Jack’s got a fever - I just wanted to let Aaron know I’m taking him in to get checked out. I’ll keep you posted.”
“Okay, thanks. I’ll let him know. Give Jack a big kiss from me and I’ll do my best to get us all home quickly and in one piece.” 
She laughs a little into the phone. “Thanks. Will do. Talk soon.” 
You hang up and return to the table, shooting Hotch a significant look. He nods and pulls you aside. 
“What’s up?” 
“Jack has a fever - Haley just wanted me to let you know she’s taking him to the pediatrician to get him all checked out, just in case. I told her we’d all do our best to get home soon.” 
Aaron sighs and flips his phone in his hand. “I’ll call her now…”
“No need. She knows this is a tough one and you’re getting your money’s worth out of your JD this week.” 
When he starts to walk away, you call his name again. He turns. 
“You know - um.” You wet your lips and swallow. “You’re not like these guys. You know that, right? You’re a great dad.” 
His face lifts in surprise for a fraction of a second before he recovers. 
“Thank you,” He says. “Really.”
You offer him a crooked smile. “Anytime.”
Hotch stops you all before you enter the conference room, full to the brim with suits and pantsuits. “Let me lead on this one. I’ve handled corporate lawyers like this before and they can smell blood.” He snorts. “This time, it’s their own.” 
You and Derek raise your hands in simultaneous and identical postures of surrender. 
“Have at it,” you say, falling into line behind Aaron. “Corporate lawyers scare the fuck out of me.” 
“Hey, Prentiss. Got a whip?” Derek holds the leather outfit to Emily’s shoulders and she laughs. 
“Yeah, right.” 
You fondly roll your eyes at them and continue following off Aaron’s right shoulder. The two of you reach the bookshelf - an impressive glass case that runs from the floor to the ceiling. 
 Aaron’s gloved finger opens the case and runs over some of the spines. “Antique first editions on the bookshelves.” 
Rossi quips something about porn in the DVD player while Spencer espouses about the merits of a disposable, adaptable lifestyle in this line of work. 
“Well, these aren't just for show,” Aaron says. “The spines are cracked. Somebody's read these.” 
You peer over his shoulder. “Who reads Voltaire in French?” 
“Someone with good taste. Probably well-educated…”
You pick up where he trails off. “We profiled that she learned to fake privilege. What if she's not faking it?” 
“You're saying maybe she came from money the whole time?” 
You shrug. “It’s a possibility, at least.” 
Just then, the apartment phone rings. 
“Prentiss should answer,” Aaron says. “If it's a customer, she'll get more information out of them.” 
You hum, hedging your bets a little. ‘Unless she's calling in for her messages.” 
Too late. Derek’s already on the phone with Penelope. “Yeah, Baby Girl, we're getting a call to this line. Can you work some magic?” 
“I don't have a trap-and-trace in place yet. Give me a few. I'm gonna stay on the line.” 
Aaron gives her the go-ahead. “Prentiss, get ready to vamp.” 
The voicemail picks it up before Emily can so much as reach for the phone. 
“Hi, it's me. You know what to do.” Beep. 
You turn your head so fast you throw your neck out. You raise a hand to the crick and work it with your fingers. Aaron’s too busy frowning at the phone to notice. 
“I know you're up there. Pick up… Aaron Hotchner... Hello?” She drags out her words, almost flirting with everyone listening. 
With a sigh, Aaron pushes past the rest of you, silently counts to three, and picks up the phone while Emily clicks the speakerphone button. 
“I'm at a disadvantage. You seem to know my name, But I don't know yours. Can we start there?” 
Nice start. 
The game has begun. 
“I thought I could trust you, Aaron.”
The pinch between his brows deepens. “Who says you can't?” 
“I want to. I even looked you up online. Is that strange?”
“No.” Aaron wets his lips and begins to pace, the gears whirring in his head. “It's flattering to be noticed by a woman like you.” 
The woman continues as if he hasn’t said anything at all. “And I thought you were so... upstanding. I watched the presentation you gave on school shootings. I found it posted on YouTube...” 
She has good taste. That’s an excellent presentation. 
“...And for a moment, I actually thought there were still good people in the world.” 
“But I've disappointed you, haven't I?” He asks. “Just like all the other men in your life Who've walked out on their families, Who deserve to be punished.” 
“Did you walk out on your family?” 
His eyes flicker to you and you nod, nearly imperceptibly, reminding him he’s not alone. “No. My wife left me.” 
“Do you have kids?” 
“I have a son.” 
A sweet, thoughtful, perfect son. 
You smile a little, thinking of Jack, but it disappears when you remember that he’s home sick with Haley, probably having a miserable time. 
“How often do you see him?” She asks. 
 “I try to see him every week.” 
“Do you see him every week?” The question is mocking, smothered in dark amusement that could almost be called sarcasm save for its bitterness.  
“No,” Aaron’s eyes fall to the floor. “No, I don't get there as often as I want.” 
“I believe you.” Her response is softer, and you think she might make a decent profiler if she wasn’t on the other side. 
She is a profiler. 
In some ways, you suppose it’s true. She has to read and respond to everything her clients do, say, how they behave. It makes her good at her job and you good at yours. 
Same skillset, very different application. 
“But don't compare yourself to the men I see,” she continues. “You are nothing like them. You're just another whore.” 
Never in my life did I ever think I’d hear someone call Aaron Hotchner a whore. Unironically. 
That catches everyone’s attention, even Derek’s, still on hold with Penelope. 
“How am I a whore?” He asks. 
“You come when called. You do their bidding. In hotels you take the side elevator to avoid crowds, while the men who pay your salary walk across the ivory marble foyer into their cars.” 
Derek, behind you, presses. “Garcia.” 
You can hear her, faintly. “I'm in on the landline. Triangulating the cell. Give me like sixty seconds.” 
You gesture to Aaron when he looks. Keep going. 
He nods. “But I'm just frustrating you, aren't I?” 
She sighs, sounding a little impatient for the first time. “What do you mean?” 
“Well, you want to show the world all these bad men and my investigation's just getting in your way.” 
“No, Aaron.” You almost startle, her tone escalating to a deeply frustrated shout. “You're not doing your job! You don't want to arrest me, you don't want me in custody because you're in their pocket.” 
She’s crying now, actively. “You just want me to disappear, just like they do.” 
“Truthfully, I'm only interested in finding you.” 
Now that’s a tone you recognize - you’ve heard it when he talks to Haley. Most recently, when he couldn’t make it to some appointment or another. It’s one that’s disarming in the extreme, soft, but not condescending. 
“You've been betrayed so many times, You don't know who to trust, And that's why that first murder felt so good. But each one since has been less and less satisfying. You know that's going to continue.” He pauses, letting his words sink in. “Am I right?” 
Just like Haley always does, the woman loses steam, sniffling once before answering. “Yeah.”
“Come to me and turn yourself in. I will make sure that you get the help you need. I won't let you disappear.” 
“If we met under different circumstances... I could believe that. I won't let you cover this up.” 
A gunshot rings through the line and you flinch, turning to Derek just as the line goes dead. You know Penelope will have something for you soon. 
She never fails, directing you to an address only moments after the elevator doors close in front of the team. 
Once you found Megan Kane, it was easy enough to find her father. 
You could empathize with her mission well enough after meeting him. He’s shrouded by his lawyers - detached and seemingly indifferent to anything Aaron had to say. 
Aaron starts the car and you settle back into the seat. “So, the wall of lawyers strikes again.” 
A shadow of a smile ghosts around the creases at the corners of his eyes. “So it seems.” 
“What’s next?” 
“We tail him - home and office. He’ll meet with her soon enough.” 
Your brow furrows. “Not to protect her, right? It doesn’t seem like he cares that much.” 
Aaron turns, placing his hand on the back of your seat as he pulls out of the parking spot. You’re momentarily distracted as he turns back, spinning the wheel with the heel of his hand and gunning it out of the garage. 
“No,” he says. “Think about it.” 
It comes to you only seconds later. “To protect himself.” 
“There you go.” He turns to you, another little smile threatening. “You’re getting pretty good at this.” 
You roll your eyes. “I’ve been here over a year, Hotch. I’d fucking hope so.” 
You’re rewarded with a real smile, and it’s enough. 
You take Derek’s six through the hotel, clearing the floors and reporting back to the rest of the team. SWAT is in full deployment, clearing the hard-to-reach areas like the stairways and rooftops, just in case. 
Aaron catches up to you, taking the four o’clock position off your left shoulder as Derek breaches the door. 
The gun and chilled champagne sit like ironic centerpieces on the entry table, but they hardly use any of your bandwidth as you clear the room, your vision narrowed by the sight of your service weapon. 
You hold a hand up when you catch the figure on the balcony. “Hotch.” 
He squints, and you move to raise your gun again and make the arrest, but he stops you with a hand over yours. “Easy.” 
There’s a question in your eyes. 
He, of course, answers it. “She knows it’s over.” 
Just then, she places an empty champagne glass on the table where you can see it. 
“I’ll call 911,” Derek says, stepping out and closing the door behind him. 
You turn to leave with Derek, but catch Aaron’s open hand, subtly signaling you from just under his hip.  
Stay here. It says. Stay close. 
So, you stay. You lean on the far wall of the hotel room, watching Aaron hold the hand of this dying, hurting woman. They’re speaking softly, and she smiles at him when she drops something into his hand. His eyes are soft, gentle, not even searching. Just warm. 
You feel for her. 
It’s the best way to go, you think. If there was ever a time you were dying before your time, you’d want Aaron there, holding your hand, telling you he was going to continue the work that killed you, that it was gonna be okay. 
“How could your wife have ever left someone like you?” You hear her ask. 
As much as you love Haley, the same question often floats through your head, and your heart aches for this woman who’s been able to see Aaron so clearly, even if she’s only seeing him for the first time now. 
“You’re the first man I’ve ever met who hasn’t let me down.” 
You creep forward, further into Aaron’s eyeline, and sit on the edge of the couch. She’s close to her last breath and you can feel it - so can Aaron. His eyes flicker to you for a moment before returning to her. 
Megan’s voice is full of tears when she asks, “Will you stay with me?” 
You have a feeling it isn’t the first time she’s asked the question and you find yourself hoping Emily will be particularly rough with the handcuffs when she apprehends Mr. Kane. Hopefully he didn’t make it past the checkpoint and is still on-site.  
“Yes.” Aaron is solemn, so sincere, so genuine it makes your heart ache. 
“I promise.” 
You’re not even sure he realizes it, but he’s doing her a great kindness - one that many would not offer. 
It’s because he is good.
A good man. 
The tension drains out of her, and she grips tightly to Aaron’s hand as she fights through her final breaths. His hands are gentle, his attention only on her. He looks more like a father in this moment than any other time you’ve known him. She’s safe. She knows she can die in peace. 
Once more, you hope you have the opportunity to leave this plane of reality in such safety, when your time comes. 
When she’s gone, he places her hand in her lap and takes a moment to brush the hair off of her face, pressing the back of his fingers to her temple as if checking her for fever. 
After a minute or so, he turns to you, and you hope the pride and respect coursing through you is evident in your gaze. You pull an evidence bag out of your pocket, but he shakes his head, pocketing the SIM card. 
You rise as he gets closer, returning the evidence bag to your pocket. He’s clearly affected, tears threatening at the corners of his eyes. 
Opening your arms to him, he wilts into you, allowing you to gather him into your shoulder. His arms are loose around your waist, his fingers wrapped around his opposite wrist as an anchor. It’s a rare moment of vulnerability and you’d hate to make him feel anything less than safe. 
You still have a minute or so before they all come stomping through the door to collect Megan’s body. 
“I’m sorry, Hotch.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t know why this one hurts.”
Your arms tighten around him. “It’s okay. I feel it, too.” 
A deep, shaky breath rolls through him. 
“She’s right, you know.” You almost regret your words, afraid you’re giving yourself away. 
“You didn’t let her down. You’re a good man.” 
His jaw tightens, and you can feel it against your neck where his head falls into your shoulder. 
“Oh, stop. You’ve never let me down.” Your hand reaches up, stroking the back of his head, carding your fingers through the hair. “She died knowing you kept your promise.” 
You look up to Aaron’s office when news of the leak breaks, finding his silhouette haunting the window, staring at the television. 
A ghost of a smile crosses his face, and he turns back to his desk, settling back down to work. 
tagging:  @aaronhotchnerr @ambicaos @angelsbabey @arganfics @averyhotchner @bwbatta @capricorngf @cevanswhre @crazyshannonigans @criminalsmarts @deagibs @forgottenword @genevievedarcygrangerwriting @hotchsflower @hotchslatte @hurricanejjareau @joanofarkansass @kelstark @kerrswriting @little-blue-fishie @lotties-journey-abroad @mandylove1000 @missdowntonabbey @mrs-dr-reid @pan-pride-12 @popped-weasels @quillvine @qvid-pro-qvo @reidingmelodies @reids-mismatchedsocks @roses-and-grasses @shesbiochem4 @ssahotchnerr @ssaic-jareau @ssareidbby @starsandasteroids @stxrrywildflower @sunflowersandotherthings @sunshine-em @teamhappyme @this-broken-band-girl @ughitsbaby @unicorn-bitch @venusbarnes @violet-amxthyst @word-scribbless @writefasttalkevenfaster @zizzlekwum @iconicc @avatarkorraswife @mooneylupinblack @ssworldofsw @nuvoleincielo @kaemarie23 @violentvulgarvolatile @abschaffer2 @ellyhotchner @rousethemouse @baumarvel @reidtomestyles @dreamsonthewall @jhiddles03 @willlemonheadsupremacy @infinity1321 @messyhairday-me
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𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔!
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— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
— requests can be send through inbox or dms, but inbox is heavily encouraged!
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any gender x any gender
poly relationships
sensitive topics
x reader
ships (canon or non-canon, so long as it’s not problematic)
i. i WILL write cheating, but not if a character is going it to the reader/another character. i’ll make someone comforting another person after being cheated on, but i won’t write finnick odair cheating on someone
same thing ^^ goes for homophobic, transphobic, ableist topics like that, and. well i guess the same goes for abuse?
smut (i’m 14)
student x teacher
canonically gay character (ex: wylan van eck) x fem!reader for romantic requests
canonically lesbian character x male!reader for romantic requests
songfics (nothing against them, i just don’t know how!!)
things about ocs
ship fics
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character list (more to come!)
❍ = easiest characters to write for
bolded — favourite characters to write for
❍ sophie foster, ❍ dex dizznee, fitz vacker, ❍ keefe sencen, ❍ biana vacker, ❍ marellla redek, ❍ maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, ❍ wylie endal, ❍ jensi babblos, stina heks
❍ peter pevensie, ❍ edmund pevensie, ❍ susan pevensie, ❍ lucy pevensie, mr tumnus, ❍ caspian, eustace scrubb, jill pole, shasta, aravis
❍ percy jackson, ❍ annabeth chase, ❍ grover underwood, ❍ jason grace, ❍ piper mclean, ❍ leo valdez, ❍ hazel levesque, ❍ frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, ❍ travis stoll, ❍ connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, ❍ alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane, lester papadopolous, lavinia asimov
❍ christine daaé, ❍ raoul de chagny, erik destler, ❍ meg giry
p.s. i’ll write for the movie, musical, book and 1990 miniseries versions!!
harry potter, ❍ hermione granger, ❍ ron weasley, ❍ luna lovegood, ❍ neville longbottom, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, ❍ sirius black, remus lupin, ❍ james potter, ❍ marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, lily evans
ocean o’connell rosenberg, ❍ noel gruber, ❍ mischa bachinski, ❍ ricky potts, jane doe, penny lamb, ❍ constance blackwood
❍ alina starkov, malyen oretsev, ❍ genya safin, ❍ zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, erm others i accidentally deleted remind me to update this
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, ❍ jesper fahey, ❍ wylan van eck, nina zenik, matthias helvar
ponyboy curtis, ❍ johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, ❍ twobit matthews, ❍ dallas winston
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, ❍ finnick odair, ❍ johanna mason, marvel sanford, clove kentwell, cato hadley, ❍ cinna
IT (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, ❍ stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, ❍ mike hanlon
❍ agatha of woods beyond, ❍ sophie of woods beyond, tedros of camelot, ❍ hort of bloodbrook, ❍ hester of ravenswood, ❍ anadil, ❍ dot, nicola, aric, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, leonora lesso, clarissa dovey
❍ alex bailey, ❍ connor bailey, ❍ red riding hood, ❍ jack, ❍ goldilocks, ❍ bree campbell
daphne blake, ❍ fred jones, shaggy rogers, velma dinkley
❍ jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, ❍ laurie
pippa fitz-amobi, ❍ ravi singh, naomi ward, ❍ cara ward, connor reynolds, ❍ jamie reynolds, nat da silva
❍ charlie conway, adam banks, ❍ lester averman, guy germaine, ❍ connie moreau, julie gaffney, ❍ ken wu, dean portman, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson, ❍ fulton reed
dracula, ❍ lucy westenra, mina harker, arthur holmwood, ❍ renfield, dr seward, abraham van helsing, ❍ quincey morris
victor frankenstein, ❍ adam frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, justine moritz, ernest frankenstein, henry clerval, the bride
henry jekyll, ❍ edward hyde, ❍ richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
gotta update this one guys,,,
john bender , ❍ claire standish, allison reynolds, brian johnson, andrew clark
❍ blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium , ❍ brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
❍ jareth, thomas jerome newton, david bowie
❍ sweeney, anthony hope, ❍ mrs lovett, johanna
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, ❍ jamie volk, ❍ ollie moreno, ❍ raphael wilcox, ❍ anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
❍ corny collins, ❍ seaweed j stubbs, amber von tussle, tracy turnblad, penny pingleton, link larkin
sarah williams, ❍ bernard the elf, ❍ rodrick heffley, ❍ varian
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