#david kates
mizua · 1 year
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donutdrawsthings · 6 months
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I think it would mean a lot to Kate Stewart to meet the Doctor who ultimately started her father's UNIT journey. Because of Timey Wimey stuff she can't tell him who she is of course, but she can still show some thanks.
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I like to imagine since Donna works for UNIT now, she likes to ask Kate along for lunch occasionally. And I also think 14 wouldn't hear the END of it once she finds out about Jamie.
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deeneedsaname · 10 months
I 100% thought that Kate was gonna smack the Doctor and instead she just gave him the tightest hug ever. Kate you are the strongest person alive
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1000-celebrities · 7 months
The Greatest Singers
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100+ Greatest Singers of All Time Posters & Canvas Prints
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mikelogan · 5 months
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GRAVE CONVERSATIONS with David Dastmalchian
Episode 1: Kate Siegel
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aceofwhump · 10 months
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The Fourteenth Doctor + Hugs
Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials
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miamaimania · 4 months
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Kate Moss, sculpted by David Sims' lens in 'i-D,' captures the minimalist allure of February 1996 fashion.
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expelliarmus · 10 months
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ladycharles · 16 days
My first soundtrack album, Oh Boy! is out now! It is for a disco version of Hamlet (seriously) and I drew inspiration from ELO, David Bowie, Abba, of Montreal, Late of the Pier, Rod Stewart (yes), Bee Gees, Kate Bush and even a little Eno, Nine Inch Nails and Philip Glass (half the album is instrumental score and it's the weird half).
(If you don't wanna hear some out there instrumental score skip to track 2 😅💖)
Other streaming or buying links 👇🏼
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youbutstupid · 3 months
-A Job That Slowly Kills You-
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-Bruises That Won’t Heal-
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Currently watching Twisters with headphones and subtitles (as it should be experienced). If you had a hard time hearing some of the quieter dialogue like me, here is a list of little details I didn't notice the first time:
Scott's driver tells to Boone to blow him when the Tornado Wranglers arrive at the first gas station.
Ben telling Tyler to keep his eyes on the road when he is staring at Kate as she and Javi pass them.
As Boone is hanging out the window loading rockets, he sings 'Dead End Road' by Jellyroll and then when the camera pans out he yells "SING IT BEN!" (Honestly this rewatch caught a lot of background dialogue for him, made me love Boone even more).
The cause of the broken trigger during the second tornado is melted chocolate and Tyler is lecturing Boone about eating chocolate in the truck.
In the background after the Stillwater tornado you can see the StormPAR guys digging the truck out of the wreck of the motel. (Still find it hilarious that it survived, considering we see a - slightly smaller - truck get sucked straight into the tornado in the same area).
Scott 100% calls Riggs his uncle. I already was pretty sure that was what he said, but subtitles confirmed it.
You can barely hear the dialogue, but the entire time during the EF5 that hits El Reno Scott is the one talking in the truck with Javi. It's all super quiet because of the music and sound of the tornado, but throughout the entire thing it is Scott who is showing fear and Javi is the calmer one (while still being realistic for the scene). I think it just adds an interesting take on how calm he is later and wanting to go back to the tornado. Maybe a bit of a pride thing?
Not so much something that I *just* noticed, but I find the inconsistency with Tyler's truck damage at the end hilarious. The thing just got rolled by an EF5 and a few days later (StormPAR truck is still covered in mud, so it can't be a big time gap) it seems fine at the airport. I can totally see him being the type of guy who would absolutely run it to the mechanic as soon as possible, that is HIS BABY.
This has been Live Watching with Claire.
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mizua · 1 year
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ssaronance · 1 year
criminal minds be like “we’re looking for a white male”
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elegantlyeva · 14 days
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Stupid Girl (fondly)
not really sure what this is, but the scott rot was real after watching twisters
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Scotts an asshole but he secretly cares (?)
Scott was irritated, although that wasn’t saying much, considering he usually was. The heat and lack of data they’d collected due to Javi following Kate around had him more on edge than usual. It didn’t help that you had been ignoring him.
There’s no way he would ever admit to the fact, but he missed you. He knew he’d messed up earlier, and you were usually more forgiving of his moods, but the heat seemed to have you on edge too.
Thinking about it now, you’re surprised the two of you hadn’t gotten into such a fight before this, considering the difference in your jobs. Scott profited off the tornado victims, and you offered your services for free.
During the calmer seasons, you worked as a nurse in a nearby clinic, and during tornado season, you normally frequented the towns with the most wreckage and helped the victims in any way you could.
Scott and you had met in a similar way, actually. He had been in one of the town’s aftermaths to help his uncle with marketing for Storm Par when he saw you. You were treating a small scrape on a kid no older than 10. Scott had rolled his eyes when he saw the kid’s tears. It was a scrape, and here you were doting on him like it was a gash. Once the kid had run off to find his mother, Scott approached you. Once he got closer, he noted you were… pretty. Not that he cared, obviously.
“He was fine,” Scott scoffed, almost annoyed.
You had been confused at first, mumbling, “Sorry?” as you stood to brush yourself off from where you had been crouching next to the boy.
“He’s gonna complain about a paper cut if he gets coddled like that,” he smacked his gum.
“He’s a kid. Plus, paper cuts hurt,” you countered, raising your head to look at him.
And not to be dramatic, but he was gorgeous. Maybe that’s why you ignored the obvious asshole demeanor he had.
Scott rolled his eyes. “He’s a wuss,” and he fought a smile at the offended look you had at his words.
You glared at him and almost argued, but decided he wasn’t worth your time. No matter how gorgeous.
Scott, unfortunately for him, could not say the same.  
“I’m Scott,” he said, even reaching out his hand. Not because he wanted to feel your hand or anything; he was doing it to be polite. At least, that’s what he told himself.
You rolled your eyes, but it was more lighthearted than anything, and told him your name, reaching out your own hand to shake his.
He was disturbed with himself for feeling so shocked at the contact. Your hand was so soft, and it made him want to pull you closer.
An intrusive thought. A vile intrusive thought that he blamed you for internally. You were trying to distract him with your pretty looks and soft hands. Well, Scott was stronger than that, so he vowed to himself he wouldn’t speak to you again.
That vow lasted about a week.
It wasn’t his fault, not really. You had been at almost every single one of the tornado aftermaths, and he had been dragged by Javi to two of them and by his uncle to one. And every single time, he found himself gravitating toward you to start a conversation.
You’d been less interested when he first approached you, wondering why you were in the town at all, especially since you weren’t getting paid.
He shut up soon after realizing how repulsed you seemed to be by the question.
By the second time, he knew to steer clear of certain topics and asked you more friendly questions, like where you grew up and why you were a nurse in the first place.
He figured out many things about you by the fourth time he’d seen you, and by the fifth, you had warmed up to him.
You learned he was smart. And not just in science and tornados. He was actually pretty well-rounded, just maybe not in social situations.
You learned he was cocky about almost everything: his education, wealth, success, and looks. Though, after having met his uncle, it made sense. The trait ran in the family, apparently.
You learned Scott was more fun than you originally thought. Maybe fun was an exaggeration, but he was certainly more.
Now, it’s been three weeks since you first met, and you’ve been ignoring him due to an impassive comment he made. How could you blame him? Nothing had been going according to plan, and Storm Par had hardly collected enough evidence since Kate and the YouTubers were in town.
So maybe telling you he found your job pointless wasn’t the smartest thing to do. What he had been trying to say was you should just stay at your clinic to help people from there. He thought it was pointless that you weren’t benefiting from helping them right at the scene.
You hadn’t liked that at all and called him an asshole right before retreating back to your medical tent that was set up.
Scott rolled his eyes, figuring you’d be over it in ten minutes, but then it became twenty, and thirty, and after an hour, Scott had to leave with Javi to follow up a storm. Hopefully getting there before Tyler and Kate.
It was all fine until Javi wanted to go follow Kate to the town the tornado was headed towards. Scott was upset. Of course, Javi wanted to go help them. It made his eye twitch; they needed the data.
He says the words of not caring about the victims before he can stop himself. He winces internally, and Javi looks at him horrified. However, Scott hadn’t planned on taking it back until,
“Your girlfriend is out there,” Javi pointed out, desperate to get through to him.
You were not his girlfriend. But Scott knew what he meant and fought the urge to hit the dashboard in frustration.
He cursed under his breath. “Well? Are you waiting for a green light? Fucking drive,” he grumbled, but the worry swelling in his chest was real.
The rest happened ten times as fast. The movie theater had been split in half, a couple dozen people taken by it, and Kate was somewhere in Tyler’s truck on a suicide mission, at least that’s what he heard later. He wasn’t there. No, after the tornado had stopped, even before it did, really, Scott was a frantic mess looking for you between the crowds.
You weren’t at the theater, nor at the gas station, and hadn’t been in any of the nearby stores. Scott’s heart sunk, and he was almost going to face the possibility that you might be dead. Almost.
As he was jogging up a block in search of you, he saw a small, crushed little shed. He was surprised the majority of it was still there, even though it had fully collapsed. That’s when he saw a hand. Not just any hand—your hand. He knew from staring at it long enough.
He rushed over in a panicky breath and called your name a few times before lifting some of the wood off you.
You groaned when you felt the weight being taken off you and felt dried blood near your temple.
“Scott?” you mumbled warily.
He let out a breath of relief. “Yeah. S’me.” Then, more firmly, “The fuck were you thinking, huh? You know better than to stay in a little shack. You’re damn lucky you didn’t get swept up.”
You smiled softly at his scolding. “I was helping a dog.” As if on cue, the puppy that was curled in your chest during the storm barked.
Scott glared, unamused. “You could’ve died,” he said bluntly, grabbing you by the arms softly, whispering apologies at your whimpers. He got you out of the destroyed shed (the dog too) and pulled you in for a hug. More for him than you. “I thought you died,” he stressed, quieter this time.
“You’d miss me,” you teased in a light voice, though the laughing made your ribs hurt.
He rolled his eyes and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, holding you closer. “Stupid girl,” but the fondness in his voice wasn’t something he could hide.
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thelvadams · 1 year
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bobcatblahs · 4 months
Okay but 73 yards is so weird to be because like…
UNIT hasn’t heard from the Doctor???
Donna Noble works there?!
Is she standing there actively texting him like “oh, nah sorry mate. I don’t know what you’re talking about. The Doctor? Doctor Who?”
Meanwhile she has this freaking picture framed on her desk…
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