#david. listen. i need the serotonin okay?
unhingedpirates · 1 year
Hey, do you think they haven't dropped the trailer because they want to give us a chance to speculate more before getting the first hints of what's going to happen in S2? 👀
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onestormeynight · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 🩵
Okay, I got this. And I need this cause the serotonin ain't tonin right now.
A good book that isn't disgustingly popular. I just picked up the Scythe trilogy by Neal Shusterman and it's my entire personality now. There is something about finding the hidden book gem and sharing it with your circle that is way more satisfying than picking up a book everyone and their brother recommended. BTW, if you've read it, I want to know what color your robes would be (i'd be a light gray) and who your patron historic is (I would be Scythe Stevie Nicks.)
Cats. All of the. Lazy, active, one brain cell, too smart, orange, black, calico, tabby. I love them all. Trust me, I will never tire of seeing your cat. I maintain my are cuter but I'm biased and it's not that deep.
Vivziepop. Look, if you haven't fallen down the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss rabbit hole, please come join me. It's great down here. It'll be a happy day in hell. Anything Alastor makes me swoon, I love that cannibal. I just want to hold Angel Dust and tell him it's gonna be okay. I wanna send Moxie and Millie to just handle the problem for him. I could listen to Husker (Keith David) read the phone book.
Coffee. I am one of those picky people. I get my beans within the week they were roasted, I grind them myself, I use a french press, I don't let the beans be ground for more than 30 seconds before the water hits them. I know I sound bougie, but I promise you I'ma make you a top 5 cup of coffee. Trust me.
People commenting on my story posts showing they read it. Look, I know a lot of people just throw a heart and I am not ungrateful for that. I love that, too. But when one of you takes the time to read the post and comment even just about their outfit, I love it. It makes my whole day. I'll read it three or four times, even if I can't respond in the moment.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás? ¿Sigues de viaje? How did it go with HR? I hope everything is going well and that you're staying hydrated like a queen!!!
I have to tell you... the post about the royalty AU Mavid has given me life, it fixed all my problems, cleared my skin, watered my crops!!! I know it's just an idea but I can already picture myself waiting for each chapter to drop!! OMG!!
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But this not about that, so let's get on with the new chapter...
The One with the Theory
A warlock was using magic – the second most beautiful thing in the world – to hurt David – the first most beautiful thing in the world.
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“Max,” David said, his blue eyes frantic. “Don’t you get it? It’s Mallory.”
*Pretends to be shocked* although... I don't actually think is Mallory, she is an evil greedy bitch but I think there's something else going on, however... I'm on David's side always so let's blame the wicked bitch 😌
“Because she wants you!” David said, his voice angry. “And I’m standing in the way.”
This is 100% true!!! Shower her with fire 🔥
“Because that’s exactly what she wants, Max!” David screamed at him. “She attacks the institute to keep me occupied! So that she can have you all to yourself!”
That does sound like something she would do
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“It’s the truth!” Max yelled. “Stop turning this into something it isn’t, David! You’re just overwhelmed and paranoid.”
Maxwell!!! You better watch your tone when you talk to my primary source of serotonin 🥺🥺
“You don’t have time for me anymore,” Max said, his voice threatening to break. “You’re never here. I felt so abandoned.”
Aww Maxie!! 😭 David you better fix this you little shit! 😡
He blinked back the tears. “I…I’m gonna go.”
Nooooo noooo nooooooooo... my happiness!! 😭😭😭
“Leave me alone, Magnus!” Max yelled.
Maxwell stop 😭😭
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“Look stunning and kick ass,” Camila winked.
Always a great plan!! 😌🙌🏼🥰
Sometimes people wanting to help felt better than them actually helping you.
OMG this... 😍 So true!! 100% 😍
Georgia thought it was weird that Marcus didn’t acknowledge Anjali’s presence.
Look at my Gigi capturing the red flags like a queen! 😌🤩😌🤩
Marcus looked out of the window. At Idris. “Maybe it’s something amazing.”
I hate this creepy bitch!!! 😡😡
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Jace considered that for a moment. “No.”
Jace is such a mood, I love him!! 🥰
“It was probably a mistake,” Alec pointed out softly.
No my beautiful, beloved, blue eyed twin brother, it wasn't!! He was being a little shit *whispers* on propose *le gasp*
“Okay,” Alec said. “Can I be alone with you?”
If I ever get one of those 3 wishes deal, I will make every one know how to do this!!
“You’re assuming we’d still be hanging out in 500 years,” Max grinned.
Maxwell!! Don't make me laugh when I'm not 100% happy with you!! Also, don't say shit like that!!!
Sometimes you needed to run away. It was self-care.
So much same!!
“That means this warlock could have the magic of more than one person.”
Aha!!! It all makes sense now, the missing magic is being used to make the portals, those fucking bitch ass bitches are behind this!!!
“The Clave is made up of hot, respectable people,” Gabriel told her, kissing her finger. 
I would listen to them to 😌
He didn’t answer. He looked at her. “Selena. I think…I think Max is going to break up with me.”
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When she opened them, David’s hands were still bleeding.
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Ok but... every chapter I end up with more and more questions 🥲🥲 why Dani?? Why??
Thank you Dani...!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Buenos dias!
(that's all i have for today, i have not downloaded duolingo yet smh. but i did get a lot of work done this week and i am happy about that. HR is very meh. They haven't gotten back to me yet. They were all about making sure the project gets resolved instead of addressing my issue anyhoo fuck that)
Funny thing, whenever i get your ask, I'm ALWAYS at a boring meeting (which I don't have to attend) and your ask really puts me in a good mood.
You are a hilarious bean, Alex. Love you!
Some questions MIGHT be answered soon ;)
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Music ask!
3, 9, 15
19, 20, 23
(sorry for so many!)
Never too many, I love doing these because it helps me think about the music I listen to! Thank you for the asks!!
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
Too Hot in L.A. (Woody and Jeremy, of Vulfpeck)- That bassline grabs my soul and transports me to summer. Simple arrangement also makes me feel summerish!
(Barbecutie by Sparks also makes me feel very summery!)
9:A song that makes you happy
Suburban Homeboy (Sparks)- Instant laughter and serotonin. Need I elaborate?
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
Babe I’m Gonna Leave You (Led Zeppelin cover of Joan Baez’s song)- I didn’t even know it was a cover until recently! The emotion that Plant captures in the cover is phenomenal though, I think it really made it sound original.
19:A song that makes you think about life
What Do It Mean (Lord Huron)- God, this songgg. Absolutely existential but in a hopeful way? Like most Lord Huron Songs. Encapsulates the feeling that nobody understands life, but it’s gotta mean something. The line ‘So much to say but my words mean nothing/a life spent talking when my epitaph would do’. Ben. Ben, my friend, are you alright?
20:A song that has many meanings to you
Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide (David Bowie)- Absolutely depressing listening to it when I’m happy, absolutely motivational and happy listening to it when I’m sad. A song where it really feels like Bowie is directly talking to you.
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
Innuendo (Queen)- First time hearing it: ‘Okay this is something, that’s nice wait is this a classical Spanish interlude?? I think it is. I think it is! AN ELECTRIC GUITAR SPANISH INTERLUDE???’ The bridge part is heavenly. 10/10. Also slightly existential and about life.
27:A song that breaks your heart
All Dead All Dead (Queen)- Brian, are you okay? Depressing song, but the solo part around 2 minutes in, where the guitar sounds almost hopeful and then it just fades out, leaving the listener feeling this immense loneliness, CHILLS. Here’s another because I could not pick just one…
The Suburbs (Arcade Fire)- Heard someone cover this at an open mic in town and it touched me. Captures this weird anxiety and sadness and the lyrics really slice my heart open 🥲
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asmrtist-brainrot · 3 years
Poly Shifter Trio HCs
Just regular, not yandere.
Because the Imperium Pack hurt my heart and I am not okay /j
I need the softness because I love them. All the serotonin.
Gender Neutral! Reader + Reader is a combination of Angel/Baabe/Sweetheart
~ Dari
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Poly Shifter Trio + Soft HCs
it is no contest that you and Asher sleep in the middle, he curls up into a lil' ball with his face buried on your chest - Davey is usually resting against your back while Milo is against Ash's
Aggro will either pick to sleep at the end of the bed or drape himself over you specifically, David says it's because you're a walking space heater
he's your baby though honestly - he is fully aware how cute he is and will absolutely soak up your attention and do so often
Milo and Asher are your number one hypemen btw, like, you wanna gun for something; they're going to back you up so hard
Davey is equally supportive, though they just happen to be much louder than him about it
mmm, also if any of the others happen to walk in on during a sweet moment with one of them - they probably just kinda watch for a lil before eventually joining
Ash describes you a lot like glue - while the three of them are linked, notched in each other... you hold them all together while also strengthening their bond
a comparison both David and Milo are more than happy to agree with
especially as you managed to make them open up more; Davey about his loss, Asher about his position as beta, Milo about his insecurities
... you truly are a rock, grounding them amidst the things that caused them pain
but while they do lean on you, you also teach them they can learn on each other too
they love you so much, presences full and warm and intrinsic in the life you'd made together
the house you all chose is much bigger, ready to fill with memories
your summer solstices are all somewhat painful, but Asher and Milo push you and David to rest during this space in time - pulling the responsibilities away to allow you both to rest
all of them are worry warts when it comes to your work, especially if you're out in the field as often as you were
... Asher also buffered the fight that came of your calls to your ex, decidedly admitting that he'd been listening in because he was just worried at you upset you had been
the highs and lows with them are intense, being as the three are all so passionate and feel so much
Quinn's time existence would likely decrease if he ever hurt you, while not only are you strong and heavily involved with the department actively hunting for him - your boys altogether are a force to be reckoned with
if he's not between Darlin's teeth, then it's likely his life would be cut at the rest of the pack's insistence
Davey isn't so keen to allow him to hurt anyone else he cares for, especially his mates
the rest of the pack adore you as well, hovering protectively over such a beloved member
the three are also a united front against anyone that could cause you grief, from familial troubles to thunder and lightning...
Loving Asher is like seeing a lighthouse in the midst of a dark storm, guiding you from roaring, unyielding waters to the safety of shore
Loving Milo is akin to looking to the sky to watch fireworks, feeling it's energy and the excitement it brings buzz through you as they fill the sky - something you'd never stop being awed by
Loving Davey is like finding a spot of warmth in the middle of a raging storm, high walls protecting you from the winds, shielding you from an icy front
there is only contentment, a soothing realization of that there is nothing else you could need
never loveless, never lonely or hungry
quietly, one night tangled in limbs and soft sheets, you lay awake as you hold David to your chest, Asher snoring softly against your head - Milo curled against your side
you whisper a prayer, a promise, to Gabe that night
that they have grown into fine young men, that Davey is the best alpha with beloved beta and mates- that he would be so proud to see them all
... and that they'd be safe with you
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draconicks · 3 years
the lost boys as parents
TW: Cussing (Once)
Author's Note: This was an anon's request, but I can not find the ask. Also, this is unedited because I'm too impatient, and the gif is mine.
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David -
David would be a strict but still playful father. He would be the kind of dad that would yell at their children to stop doing whatever it was that they were doing and would then smile at them to let the child know that they were joking.
However, the child I feel like would know when he was and wasn't joking. And if they were purposefully pushing his rules/limits, he would immediately lower down to their level and then very firmly explain to them that what they were doing was wrong and if they kept it up, they would get all of their privileges taken away. That would pretty much do the trick, because he meant all privileges (none necessities though).
I honestly do not think he would physically punish his child, to be honest. He's a huge softie at heart, as are all the Boys, and I feel like seeing them in pain or seeing them cry from something he inflicted on them would shatter his heart. So, he always tries to go down a still effective, but still less harmful method on punishing them, because his worst fear is having them be scared of him.
He would be very protective of them when they are at a young age. He would just - babyproof the cave and wouldn't take his eyes off of them because he would be so paranoid that they would die if he turned his back for one second. And I feel like that is why he sort of became co-dependent on Dwayne, since he trusted him most when it came to his kid.
If his child was to come out as LGBT+, he would be fully supportive, even if he didn't understand it completely. He would respect their identity and pronouns wholeheartedly, and I'm not going to lie, I feel like he would sort of know beforehand, because David is just that way. But, with his child, I feel like it would be a lot more heightened.
"What do you mean you already knew?"
"I just do, okay? I made you-"
"D a d -"
Dwayne -
He would be extremely patient and understanding the entire way through, because he was the eldest of 4 siblings, and he had to raise them basically, so Dwayne already sorta knew what he was doing, if that made sense. Only this time, it wasn't his baby sister or baby brother, it was his fucking kid.
He doesn't get mad or frustrated that easily, but he does get stressed. So, if they were to start acting up or behaving wrong, he would get really shocked *insert pikachu face* and even a bit confused, but then he would start to get really annoyed fast if they kept it up. Finally, he would scoop them up and take them over to his motorcycle, basically putting them in time-out for the rest of the time they are outside of the cave.
Similar to David, he can not bring himself to physically punish his kid. He had attempted to once, but his hand literally swerved the other way, and he felt horribly guilty. After that, he just didn't even bother trying to spank them or slapping their wrist. He just - couldn't do it.
While they are growing up, he would let them have as much space as they needed, but he would still peep his head in to ask them if they were alright or needed anything. If they were ever down or angry about something, he would coax them out and talk to them about it, asking them what happened, how it happened, etc.
He also loves to read them stories and such! He would do the animated voices, the dramatic pauses for more effect, and he would even tell the kid to do it with him. He also would read the story as much time as desired, and he also would read it until they would eventually fall asleep, but as soon as he moved...
Paul -
He is extremely stoked and excited the entire time they are growing up, always excited for them finally getting off the motorcycle by themselves, finally zipping up their jacket up for the first time. Just, you know, little stuff like that, and he is their number 1 supporter - hands down. Even when they are feeling negative, he still is cheering for them.
He cut down on the drinking/smoking when he started raising his kid. He hardly ever smoked/drank afterwards, and not because he was always busy with his kid, but also because he didn't want to be a bad influence on them. And, that goes for David, too. He had a serious talk with him about his little smoking habit.
If they were to ever act up, he wouldn't even register it, because he would be spaced out. But, once he realized what was going on, he would simply frown and shake his head at them, telling them, "You're not being very nice. How would you feel if someone acted like that to you? It wouldn't feel very good, huh? >:(" and the kid would basically stop acting up, because their dad isn't smiling for once.
He is extremely affectionate as a father. Everytime he sees his kid, he always jumps up and engulfs them into a bone-crushing hug, and would call them his 'little champ' for waking up or brushing their teeth or something. And then once he was done, he would go back to bouncing around the cave like a boomerang, excited and jazzed up again because his serotonin is soaring.
He teaches them how to take proper care of their hair and how to do monthly trims and safely dyeing it. He's quite nervous at first when he had to trim their hair for the first time, and Dwayne had even offered to help, but Paul told him no. He had this. And as soon as he made the first snip, his confidence both skyrocketed and crumbled, mainly because, hey! He did it! And there is no turning back and he could mess it up :)
Marko -
He was quite scared to be honest. His worst fear was to possibly screw his child up on accident because of him being accidentally being too angry or being overprotective while they are growing up. He had overprotective parents, and he still is recovering, and that is possibly his worst fear is to not break the cycle. But, he doesn't do that :)
He teaches himself how to cook (he's being productive for once) and he ends up staying awake all day, teaching himself how to make certain dishes for his kid. Once he fed them his cooking, he immediately became overwhelmed from the compliments and reassurance he had gotten from them, and he returned that with a gracious thank you and a peck on the crown of their head.
And, when it comes to punishments, he's just like David. He can't hurt them physically, he can't stand the thought. But, he is a bit more indecisive, though. Because, on one hand, the little episode that they are having will be done and over with in about 20 minutes, but also, they need to learn not to do that. So, he goes with David's strategy, just to be on the safe side of things. Afterwards, he always makes sure that they know that what they did was wrong and that they wouldn't do it in the future.
He sometimes takes them out of the cave and has nights with them alone. It's very peaceful and necessary to be away from the Boys sometimes, and he always takes them with him. And once they are alone, they sit down side-by-side and just talk about whatever is plaguing their minds. And that is Marko's specialty, is just listening and bonding with them.
He also makes sure to teach them self-expression. It doesn't matter to him if they shave their head, bleach their eyebrows, name themselves Toe, or even do something as awesome as that, he would still support it. Always. He just wants to be supportive, like Paul, and he wants his child to find their place in the world that they live in, because Marko never had a place until he found David. And he doesn't want that for them, he just desperately wants what is best for them.
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sammysreelreviews · 4 years
8 New(ish) Things To Stream During Quarantine
HI EVERYBODY!!! I’M BACK! I’ve been so distracted by what’s going on (like a fucking PANDEMIC!?!!!) that I haven’t written in a bit and I’m so sorry! To be honest I’ve been playing so much Animal Crossing that I don’t have time to focus on shows that require a lot of attention so technically I didn’t have much to write about. It’s kind of awesome though that some of my old posts still get notes everyday I’m glad people could be discovering some shows or movies they haven’t seen yet! Any who, I made a list of some newish stuff I’ve been streaming that I liked I wish I had more to add but I promise I will get off my Nintendo Switch and binge some foreign shows and new stuff so I can tell y’all about it. Also, HBO Max is FINALLY out so when they come out with more original content I’ll be sure to post about it! Ok enjoy the list and remember THE 3RD AND FINAL SEASON OF THE NETFLIX ORIGINAL SHOW “DARK” COMES OUT ON JUNE 27TH! ITS THE BEST SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN SO FUCKING WATCH IT!!! Okay now I’m done for real. I love y’all enjoy the list! Besos!
*- Netflix original 
1. Big Time Adolescence (2020)
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Pete Davidson stars in this film where he befriends his ex girlfriend’s little brother (Griffin Gluck). The movie is hysterical but also heartwarming. I only watched for Machine Gun Kelly but I’m glad I did.
Where to stream: Hulu
2. Duncanville (Season 1)
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Fox’s newest animated show fits in perfectly with the Sunday animated line up. Duncanville follows teenage Duncan and his kooky family. Not only did Amy Poehler create the show she also writes it and voices Duncan and Duncan’s mom! If you’re a Bob’s Burgers fan you’ll love this.
Where to stream: Hulu
3. Parasite (2019)
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All the hype surrounding this film is real. Please watch this Academy Award winning film (for best picture!!!) right fucking NOW.
Where to stream: Hulu
4. Never Have I Ever (Season 1)*
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Mindy Kailing created and wrote this teen comedy about an Indian girl named Devi (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) who just wants to lose her virginity. Not only do we finally have a teen brown girl at the center of the show she also has two best friends of color with actual depth! Please watch the show it’s such a gem!
Where to stream: Netflix
5. Hollywood (2020)*
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Ryan Murphy’s reimagining of old Hollywood isn’t his flashiest project but it’s definitely his most heartwarming one. This miniseries stars Darren Criss, Laura Harrier, The Politicians David Corenswets, and show stopping newcomer Jeremy Pope.
Where to stream: Netflix
6. The Midnight Gospel (Season 1)*
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Pendleton Ward, creator of my favorite animated series Adventure Time, has created a whole new show for Netflix about a kid named Clancy who interviews people in dying worlds for his space cast. The animation is fun because there’s always something going on but the dialogue is basically as if you’re listening to a podcast. The show goes over so many topics and it really gets you thinking. I hate podcasts but I loved The Midnight Gospel and I pray it gets renewed.
Where to stream: Netflix
7. Trolls World Tour (2020)
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I’m a Trolls stan and the fact that we can rent the sequel from the comfort of our homes is honestly the only thing giving me serotonin these days. If you need a laugh or want to jam out this is the movie for you. Stormi Webster approved.
Where to watch: Available anywhere you can rent films 
8. Solar Opposites (Season 1)
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With this original show Hulu is finally ready to play ball when it comes to the streaming wars. From the creators of Rick and Morty comes another balls to the walls insane show. A group of four aliens migrate to earth and try to fit in. It’s only eight episodes long but I need a season two like now! There’s also a subplot I’m not gonna give away but I was so invested in it I’m so excited to see what happens.
Where to stream: Hulu
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shhhhyoursister · 5 years
Hey what are you favourite davenzi scenes/moments and what are your favourite Matteo scenes/moments? Hope you’re well!
okay okay okay this has been in my inbox for a lil while and i feel like ive been building up to it but im going to watch some clips and gather some thoughts.....i asked @theyellowcurtains to give me a number limit for each and he said 3 so im gonna do 3 of each otherwise id just write a frame by frame analysis of all of season 3 (im so sorry for how long this post is i have so many thoughts all the time)
im gonna start with matteo moments and im gonna list the season/episode/clip just for clarity okay?? okay (im doing matteo moments that dont include david because i have to go off about that later on)
1. s3ep10cl2- okay okay so the morning after clip is perfect in every single way and i could go off about it for years but beyond all of the davenzi stuff there is the moment when matteo leaves davids room and hes wearing the gray sweater, when laura is dancing??? which is also iconic all on its own but im talking specifically about matteo here, so you know he sits down on that stool thing and hes smiling SO big and hes blushin really hard and then laura sees him and they LAUGH??? and then he claps for her???? if i had to pick id absolutely say that that whole sequence is my fave matteo moment and also kind of interesting and makes me think about the fact that matteo is definitely very shy and quiet but he also has that like,, brat confidence?? i could make an entire post about that but ANYWAY yeah that is the fucking best matteo moment hes so cute and nervous but also totally fine being obvious about the fact that him and david fucked which i think is hilarious but i digress and i MUST move on
2. s3ep8cl2- i do have to say that while im not a HUGE fan of the explanation the video he watched gave of like,, what being trans is, im really glad they included this clip?? like its so obvious that matteo wants to talk to david but doesnt really know what to say, and i love that his first instinct was to start looking stuff up?? like if i was into a cis guy and he told me that he didnt really know about trans stuff but he did RESEARCH?? like thats just really sweet and shows that he really fucking loves david already and just wants to be more informed about what hes,, not to say signing up for but i cant think of a better phrase but yall know what i mean ya know??? its just very very sweet of him!!!!!
3. s3ep8cl4- i think people know about my deep love for hans so of course this clip is going to be one of my favorites?? im going to narrow it down a bit though because the part of this clip that hit me the fucking hardest was when hans asks “what do you like about him?” because the way matteo reacts is just?? so sweet?? at first he looks a little unsure but then when hans repeats himself matteo licks his lips and goes “well, i love his smile” like????? is that not the cutest fucking shit?? he literally swoons and collapses back into the chair cause hes probably imagining it and then he goes off about it being “beautiful” with david and im sure hans is trying not to cry?? and hans ending it with “thats the only thing that really matters, everything else is secondary” and matteo going “thats true” and then laughing a little bit?? i feel like that whole thing was a bit of a turning point for matteo and wow i am,,, so emotional about it
oh my god im so sorry im going off but im about to go off more cause,,, im gonna talk about davenzi moments now
1. s3ep10cl1- okay im just gonna start strong even though i feel like everyone talks about this clip i REALLY wanna talk about it because??? the fact that they showed a fucking sex scene between a trans boy and a gay cis boy is still so fucking iconic and legendary?? while this whole season really changed my life, this scene in particular is so.......it just feels so good to see. like its so nice watching that and seeing someone who looks like me ya know?? not that i look like david god i wish i was that lucky but like,, someone wearing a binder?? someone whos body looks more like mine than any other trans rep ive seen?? and seeing that body being portrayed as DESIRABLE??? i think thats one of the things that gets me the most is just how like,, just how much matteo is into david lol it just feels good feels organic but im gonna stop myself here before i talk for 1000 years about a less than 4min long clip lmao
2. s3ep10cl4- okay so this clip really just highlights the cute beginning flirting stages of their relationship?? like matteo doesnt want to host the party but then he sees david and smiles and then hes smiling like a fool when he hands david the beanie back and theyre both just so awkward but obviously crushing?? and he wants to keep talking so of course hes gonna bring up the time they hung out, and he looks a lil shocked after david says “it was cool with you” and then he like,, stutters through inviting him to the party cause hes probably so nervous!!! theyre both just such big losers with such BIG crushes on each other its really just the cutest fucking clip and also kinda shows that david isnt necessarily just this,, cool dude?? hes also a stuttery blushy dork with a crush?? wow wow its just such a good underrated clip WOW
3. s3ep9cl7- okay okay okay okay okay im sure there are like lenghty analyses about this clip already but i dont care because holy FUCK??? something i didnt really notice about it before was once matteo finally goes up to david hes like “are you fucking serious” but then he sees that david is fuckin spiraling so his voice gets softer and he asks him like “hey whats wrong” and its just a really good set up to the conversation?? and its nice to see that despite matteo probably being kinda angry hes mostly just worried about david?? and then matteo just lets david go OFF at him and only talks when hes trying to tell him that it isnt going to be the same as it was last time but then once he sees that david is getting angrier and louder hes like okay how am i going to get him to listen so of course matteo, the quietest boy in the world, yells back!!!! and yeah thats the thing that finally stops david from working himself up!! and matteo realizes that hes gonna need to be a lil loud and pushy to make david listen to him and then he goes back to being soft once david is paying attention to him!!! and then he talks and he says so much, like much more than he usually does at one time, and god GOD the way they did that was jsut so GOOD!!!!! and the fact that matteo, who appears to be either depressed or apathetic like 90% of the season, is the one that says i love you first??? and during such an emotional and important moment like?? like after going off about how david isnt alone and that hes really great and jsut needs to stop hiding himself away LIKE???? guys its jsut so so good its just so good i could talk for years but im gonna cut myself off here
honorable mentions cause i cant shut the fuck UP:
1. when theyre looking at davids sketchbook and david is like “these are private actually all of them are private” and matteo is like “well you already showed them to me it doesnt matter” and then he giggles like damn no question why david had such a huge crush on him immediately hes such a cutie
2. “its not a girl”
3. ill just say the whole cuddle clip?? the tender/feral dichotomy?? absolutely *chefs kiss* just fucking perfect
4. THE FIRST KISS??? also gotta say i noticed something for the first time the other night but matteo SMILES and i hadnt seen it before its right after david says “i bet i can hold my breath longer than you” and then the angle changes and he smiles before holding his breath and it killed me when i saw it whoops
5. final shout out along the same lines as ^^ that one but just?? anytime matteo smiles?? fills me with serotonin. the smile in the final clip right before david runs over to kiss him?? the smiles when hes fuckin around with the boys?? every single lil nervous crushy smile with david??? i could go on but im going to stop this now before i say any more this is already too long
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lean-learnings · 3 years
Dr. Andrew Huberman on Yoga Nidra
“you know i think that the go-getters get it wrong no pun intended where getting after it and being hard driving is really important but you know we've all seen examples this i've seen a number of these in silicon valley friends that did very well in tech get to the point where they reach that finish line and then they don't have a whole lot or a whole lot of people to share that with and they end up very isolated and depressed and they go through this whole cycle of trying to find themselves and um you need to balance serotonin and dopamine maybe across the day maybe across the week you know i think in religious practices um all religions really there's a kind of sabbath there's a rest period you know for many many or i think all of them um that makes sense because there needs to be a renewal whether or not people have a religious practice or not there needs to be a renewal recovery a recovery to recover the immune system you can't drive the immune system all week all week all week you need to recover this is why i love sports analogies because there's uh a pre-season there's a season there's a postseason where you're really in high stress and emotion and then there's a postseason yeah it's an off season right for a reason you can't be in season ten years so what do you do every day to get more serotonin sleeping an adequate amount is key the the practice that served me the best has not been a meditative practice there are two practices one is called yoga nidra which is doesn't involve any movement you just it literally means yoga sleep this was introduced to me about five years ago just laying on your back you listen to a script there are a lot of scripts on youtube and it teaches you to there's some breathing involved but it's really a body scan you learn to go into deep relaxers i do this once or twice a day if i wake up and i haven't had enough sleep i do it first thing 5-10 minutes uh there's a 20-minute script i like there is a 10-minute script that's out there too i can give you the links to these if people are interested in them i have no affiliation with any yoga nidra businesses but i love what the practice because i feel like i recover the sleep i didn't get i then feel really alert in the afternoon if i'm feeling tired i'll do yoga ninja it also involves some intentions which has a kind of pseudo hip self hypnosis component and i have a colleague david spiegel in the department of psychiatry who does clinical hypnosis and these intentions that we do in states of deep relaxation are known to have positive effects on thinking in action they are in pain mitigation and even breast cancer outcomes david's work has shown that so we're not saying stage hypnosis with like a pendant we're talking self-hypnosis self-hypnosis or medical hypnosis it's like you said deliberate thought as opposed to reactive thought right and you're in going you're teaching your body and brain to go into deep relaxation deliberately you're doing it and that's i think a power you're saying okay relax lay down relax your body relax your face calm you know breathe slower you're telling yourself to do it you're using the body to control the mind that's again and you're deliberately turning your thoughts off most people can't do that and so for me yoga nidra has been a absolute amplifier accelerator whatever you want to call it on my career in life and well-being it also gets you better at falling asleep because one of the reasons why people have trouble falling asleep is they can't turn their thoughts off so you're training your nervous system how to do this i should say because it sounds a little bit out there in the um kind of new ag space there are several studies imaging studies positron emission tomography studies and others looking at yogananda specifically this wasn't worked on by my lab although we are exploring it in my lab as a tool for stress mitigation anxiety mitigation but these studies show that 30 minutes i believe it was of yoga nidra resets the levels of dopamine in an area of the brain called the basal ganglia which prepares the brain and body for action so these deep relaxation states even if we're wide awake still allow the nervous system to reset so that it can get back into action so for the go-getters if you're really if you want to have a long career you want to high-perform your whole career you want to have tools that allow you to reset that dopamine level because that is accomplished that has a huge effect excuse me on buffering adrenaline as we said earlier but in addition to that serotonin is what resets the dopamine pathway so now there's sort of what we're seeing is kind of a logic to it you need to alt you need to alternate rest and effort you need to reward effort you need to understand with rest with rest so there's yoga nidra and i would say the best time to do is first thing in the morning before you go sleep at night or any time of day in other words i believe everyone should have some deep relaxation process that's deliberate that doesn't involve ingesting anything you know not food or wine for some people you know a drink is fine i'm i'm focused on behavioral tools you know supplements and drugs have their place and you know so they're clinically depressed people that need a boost in dopamine or need to boost in serotonin and i'm i think even though drugs like prozac get a bad rap those drugs have also saved millions of lives there's just an appropriate dose and context and some people shouldn't take”
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