catch22inareddress · 6 years
Bodyguard Chapter Six The Finality of It All
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Words 4352
A few days passed with little incident other than phone calls and David using every resource he had to try and track Max down. There were numerous sightings but nothing substantial and he was still on the loose. What made matters worse was that his phone calls were even more frantic and unhinged.
You couldn't live like this anymore.
You called your agent and set up a meeting for you to sign the contract on a script at his office. You had delayed it long enough, and you wanted to do the film. You knew that you and David still had several things to figure out about your relationship, but you knew that it would be sorted out with you leaving to film and or catching Max. Rehearsals for the film would start next month and then shooting to follow in New Zealand. You were trying to focus on signing the contract, and David seemed supportive of your decision.
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You emerged from his bedroom with black heels with a plaid skirt and a white flowy top on, and you saw his Adam's apple bob as he took a hard swallow. You gave credit to the slit showing off considerable thigh. "You look..wow." You needed to have some semblance of control when you walked into the meeting with the whirlwind of publicity around you. That's one reason the producers fancied to so badly, you were the epitome of a damsel in distress and survivor which was perfect for the film.
You walked over to him as he holstered his weapon and ran your hands up his chest, while he contained a smirk. "You think you've got me wrapped around those pretty little fingers don't you woman?" You glanced up at him through your lashes with feigned innocence.
"What makes you say that?" He shook his head and put his hands on the upper curve of your ass. "You just walk out here torturing me in this outfit, and now we have to go out there an I have to maintain professionalism. It's fucking brutal, love." He growled the last bit of the sentence out as he squeezed your ass and you giggled.
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"Then hold my hand and stake your claim on me. Let the world know that I'm yours. You can do both, David. I trust you." He bit his lip, ruminating on your statement then slightly nodded. "Be patient with me, darling. It's hard for me to turn it off sometimes." You knew it was but you would be patient with him, he was well worth it. You loved the soldier, sergeant, and lover that he was and that's why you used all of the titles with him endearingly, to let him know that you adored all of the roles he maintained.
He led the way out the door and to the car waiting up front. Instead of sitting up in the front he took a seat in the back with you. You reached over and took his hand while he flexed it, you could see that he was tense, but he relaxed ever so slightly at your touch. Even while he was sitting with you, he was ever alert to his surroundings. He would sometimes kiss your hand to show some affection, and you savored it. He was trying so hard betwixt the two emotions and jobs. You knew that deep down it would get better once Max was behind bars and he got counseling for the PTSD.
When you arrived at your agent's buildings, there were paparazzi everywhere, just as you were anticipating. Even though you requested it be a private meeting, this was a prospected blockbuster and once signed you were acting opposite Ryan Reynolds as his love interest and partner.
"Stay put, darling. I'll be around in a moment." He swiftly made an exit, and you smirked at the photographers moved instantly for him, sheer intimidation at its best. He came to your side, opening the door and you rose out with his assistance.
"You ready, handsome." He split away from everyone around and centered on you for a moment with an affectionate smile. You risked rushing him but couldn't help yourself, leaning up for a gentle and modest kiss, sending the cameras flashing in a frenzy. He smirked and whispered in your ear. "Well, I am certainly wrapped around your finger woman."
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You laughed as he resumed professionalism with his hand on the small of your back all the while clearing the way for you to make it to the building with ease.
When you made it inside you felt him relax with the surge of photographers behind you two. "Well, at least the divorce nearly is done, so that's one less thing for them to go on about." You said to calm him even more. He blew out a breath of air and smiled at you as he took the lead to the elevator, pressing the top floor.
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As soon as the doors closed, he pushed you up against the closest mirrored wall causing you to gasp against his smug face. "Tell me. Do you have it as bad for me as I have it for you?" You shrugged and lazily put your arms around his muscular shoulders. "You tell me, soldier." His eyes darkened as he ran his fingers up your thighs and over your garter, finding your soaked lace panties. "I would say that's a yes, love." You giggled as his plush lips silenced it with a passionate kiss, extracting a gratifying moan from you.
All at once the elevator came to an abrupt halt, and you squealed. David held you in place shielding your body against the wall while assessing the surroundings. He pressed the call button, but no one answered, then looked at his phone but no bars. "Shyte. No service." He looked around estimating his options and knowing that they were slim. "Alright, so this is what I'm going to do." You face contorted in confusion. "What do you mean? Can't we just wait?"
He shook his head. "Love, the chances that this is just a normal lift issue is slim. The call button and emergency calls aren't working, and we have no cell service. It was most likely the work of someone trying to sabotage the lift. So... I need to us out of here. Alright?"
Your breathing naturally picked up with the idea of the elevator dropping or perhaps Max coming to get you. Both of you pegged him for being a spoiled rich kid, but maybe he was more skilled than you two had given him credit for. David took your face in his hands.
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"Breathe darling. I will protect you, you are safe. I won't let him hurt you." You kept repeating it over in your head as he gave you a gentle kiss and popped open the shaft above your heads. "I'm going to climb through and then pull you up, alright." You vehemently shook your head sensing an anxiety attack coming on. "S-shit David. I-I can't." The elevator started to spin as the heights, and the restricted spaces began to take control.
David knelt alongside you as he helped you settle on the floor. "Sweetheart? Fuck. Alright, please just calm down and breathe. I will climb out and open the next level doors and get help. Then climb back in and wait for them to open the doors for both of us, yea?" You nodded your head, that you could do. He knew that the risk was great leaving you here alone for the ten minutes to climb out and reach someone to get help; the risk was greater of you having a panic attack and falling fifteen levels up.
You watched him lift himself and scale it with ease as you tried to calm yourself on the floor of the lift. You thought you heard him call out to you, but you couldn't make out his words. Then out of nowhere, it started working again, and you felt relief as you stood up.
Then you could hear David with absolute certainty as he seemed to be closer than before. "Get out!!! It's a trap!" You couldn't climb out on your own though it was too high and David wasn't there to help pull you out. Just as you were finding out that you were indeed trapped the door opened. You were on the garage floor with Max standing before you, in a bomb jacket strapped in C4.
"Hello, darling." He stalked towards you with purpose, and you shuffled back until you hit the furthest corner of the lift. "M-Max, what are you doing here?" He came even closer, and it caused bile to rise up in your throat. "I came to collect you, silly girl." He reached out for you slowly at first, but as you heard footsteps drop loudly overhead, everything happened swiftly from then on.
Max pulled you against him, C-4 and wires piercing into your back making you wince at the pain. David dropped down from the hole in the ceiling, gun in hand already pointed at Max.
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"Hand her over Max, you have nowhere to go. MPD has already been alerted to the situation and is on their way as we speak." You felt Max tighten his grip on you and start to slowly make his way out towards the garage. "Don't do it, Max. You know I won't let her go!" David spoke with certainty, and you could tell the anger was boiling below the surface.
You could see in the mirrored walls that he smirked at David and nodded. "That I know, but as you see, I was prepared for that." Max couldn't see the strain on David, but you saw the flash of fear on his face, his finger on the trigger twitch, his Adam's apple fall with the hard swallow. He was terrified, and now he was putting on a front because he knew he had to get you out of this. Neither of you would survive without the other, not after going through all of this and finally finding each other.
Max was walking backward now with you closely held to him. "Where do you think we are going to go, Max?" You were trying to buy some time for David to conspire a plan or for MPD to get there.
"It won't matter as long as I have you and HE doesn't!!" You tried to pull away, but his grip only tightened, sending a jolt of pain where he had stabbed you just a short time ago.
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"And if the police get here before you escape with her?" David's voice was showed no emotion as he was able to flip the switch that you used to find so frustrating. He was in his soldier mode, and you knew he had a plan laid, but you could tell he didn't necessarily like it. His jaw flexed as he was grinding his teeth, his hair now sticking to his sweat-slicked forehead.
"Well then, that's what the bomb it for you fucking twat! Now put down the fuckin' gun and let us go before I kill the lot of us!!!" David nodded and loosened the grip momentarily before skillfully laying two shots out.
It happened too swiftly for you to know what transpired. One minute you were standing and the next you felt a searing pain in your leg, and you fell to the floor with a scream. You looked up at a stunned Max who stared at you a moment before looking at David while he scrambled for his trigger button, David directly shot him between his eyes and Max fell to the ground beside you.
You knew you had screamed but fell silent as David rushed upon you as you only heard his apologies, through the ringing in your ears. The switch was flipped as your David was back and he was weeping beside you putting pressure on your wound.
He shot you.
He killed Max. One shot between his eyes.
When the police came in, they found you two sitting against the wall and Max laying in a floor in a pool of crimson. A flurry of questions were being spewed about, but David ignored them as he gracefully lifted you into his strong arms and took you to a medic, then to the hospital.
You were in shock from the events, that was what the doctor had said but that you were fortunate. David was one helluva good shot, and it was a clean shot with minimal damage. Again you found yourself alone though. He had seen you to the hospital. Gentle hands and so many apologies given. You knew he had to give a statement but that he could do that when the police came to speak with him here. Why had he left you again? Max was dead, and there was no adequate reason to forsake you.
When you got dressed and hobbled out of your room, you saw him in the hallway looking distressed. He was done with his statement, and he came back but didn't come into your room to see you?
You wandered over to him, standing in silence until he acknowledged you. You tried not to be angry that he had not come in when he had been here, instead just waiting for an explanation. It would appear that David thought you were upset for other reasons.
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"I can explain Y/N. I know it's appalling and that I shot you. I understand that is unforgivable, I went through all options, and that was the only one where I could see you surviving--." You just stared at him with confusion and eyebrows raised. "You're an idiot, Sargeant Budd." He was startled with your statement and took a step forward. "I'm s-sorry, love." His voice was barely above a whispered and shattered at the end.
You shook your head and closed the distance. "Why didn't you come back to me?" He took in a breathe realizing his error and his utter stupidity. "Ah shit. I was a mess trying to figure out how to explain why I shot you and to get you to forgive me." You couldn't help but laugh at him. "I know why you did what you did. You saved me...again. I'm just tired of being in the hospital without you." He quickly nodded and reached out to you with a small smile that didn't reach his red-rimmed eyes.
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"To be honest, love, I'm tired of you being in the hospital at all." You narrowed your eyes at his still battered but handsome face. "You make a fine point but make note that should I ever be left alone in a place like this again, and you leave me there will be hell to pay. Please take me home."
"I will never make the same mistake again. I won't get lost in my own head again. I'm so sorry, love. Let me get you home. That has a nice ring to it." He took your hand, guiding you homeward with the weight of a crazed stalker and shrew of an ex-wife a memory that would soon be distant.
The next month went by with recovery from all of the drama that had ensued and you falling into a healthy routine with David. It was beyond wonderful, and while you knew that you were in the honeymoon phase, you said fuck it and knew that if you two could survive the disaster of the beginning of your relationship, anything was possible.
He had just come to your house from his therapy session looking delicious for your date night. You were set to leave the next week for filming, and both of you still hadn't really addressed it, especially with him being in therapy. You hadn't pressed him on the issue and just assumed that he would stay and that was ok with you. It wouldn't alter your feelings in any way because he was your north, south, east and west. Your day started and ended with that man, distance simply wouldn't change that. Still, you two needed to have that talk.
You came around the dinner table to greet him as he took in your dress. "You never cease to amaze me, my love." You wrapped your arms around him and smiled lovingly down at you. Since his sessions, he became even more vocal and expressive towards you behind closed doors. In the open, he was still eyes on and sharp, but he was much better with PDA and just slowing things down and appreciating every moment.
"And how am I amazing you now, David?" You snickered as his hands found a home on your ass. "Are you toying with me? You see what you're wearing. Part of me wants to go to the pub to show you off the other wants to ravish you here and now."
Your hands ran up into his curls, tugging on them earning the heavenly reward of the lust blown eyes. "Why can't we have both?" Your voice was hoarse and seductive only edging him on more as he backed you up to the table.
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"My girl wants me that bad? Can't wait till later then?" You shook your head while unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his chest hair and nipping at his collarbone, already feeling his hardened member pushing against your stomach.
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"I always need you, David." He moaned at the words, as though you had been deprived of him for so long even though he made love to you this morning. He adored how responsive and needy you always were for him, and it did wonders for his self-esteem. You made him feel like a new man, a better man.
"How do you want it then, love?" He tapped your thigh, and you wrapped your legs around his gratifying body that pulled sounds from you that no one ever could. "I want it rough, I need to feel you." He gave you a dark chuckle that sent vibrations through your cunt as he pushed you against the wall.
"Is that right? You want your Sergeant to wreck you, love? Make this pussy mine?" You nodded urgently as he sucked on your neck, roughly grabbing your breasts and massaging them. You moaned wantonly, needing more and instinctively knowing your body he ripped opened your blouse. "Fuckin' naughty girl. Not wearing a bra are ya?" He was already out of breath with lust and need for you. His hands rough on your delicate body, promising bruises that you would admire later and he would kiss tomorrow with sweet nothings.
You bit your lip as he tsked and ripped your panties off too, then dropped to his knees before you. "I want your cock, David. P-Please." He smirked up smugly at you. "Not before I get a taste of you. Understand?"
You merely nodded then whimpered as he hoisted your leg over his broad shoulder and dove into your core. A man on a mission. He delved into you folds seeking your release, he wanted to hear you cry out his name over and over again. His hand gripped your thigh gruffly, and you cried out with him sucking on your clit.
Your slender fingers threaded into his hair finding purchase as his long fingers thrust inside of you, hitting the perfect spot causing you to scream out his name and cum around his fingers. He set your leg down, and when you heard the belt buckle, you opened your eyes finding your senses again.
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"You are so fucking gorgeous when you cum. When you're screaming my name." You smiled at him, laying a needy kiss upon his wet lips and tasting your arousal on them.
He always got off on that, and you loved that you could wreck him just as much as he did you. When he was fully seated inside of you, he let out a grunt that tightened the coil towards your second orgasm of the night. "Ah, fuck you're so tight for me. This cunt is mine. Say it!"
"Yes, David. I'm all yours, baby." You took his hand and laid it on your neck, and his eyes widened for a moment. "Y-you're sure." You nodded and narrowly formed a sentence as he continued to drill deeply into you. "I trust you. I want it rough, please. Give it to me, Sergeant." He grabbed your neck ever so slightly, and you licked your lips as he slammed into you.
"That's it, baby. You feel so good, you know my body so well. No one has ever done this to me. Ah- your cock fills me up so perfect." You pulled open his shirt, and he moaned your name. "Mark me up, love." He put his face into the crook of your neck and laid wet kisses as your nails scratched down his back. You were sure to leave marks, but at moments like this, he loved the brandings just as much as you.
He was lost in the perfection and the primal aspect of the moment. Fucking you against the wall with his hand around your neck. "Love, I'm not going to last much longer. I need you to cum around my cock. Cum now!"
He was urgent in his orders, and you came then milking his thick member for every drop he had as he pounded into you. His head dropped onto your shoulder as he bit you and then kissed immediately afterward to soothe the sting. He allowed for a few more sloppy thrust to ride out the last of the orgasms, chasing both of your highs a few more seconds.
You took a finger from his straying hand into your mouth, and he raised his face to take the scene before him in. "I love you, Y/N. You are a force to be reckoned with and give me everything I need even when I don't know I need it."
His response was surprisingly tender after the positively sinful fucking against the wall, and you blushed. He laughed wholeheartedly as he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom to wash up. "After all of that, I still made you blush?"
"You can't say sweet nothings like that and not expect me to be flattered." He merely nodded and took to cleaning you up and said he would call for takeout since both of your outfits were rightfully ripped to shreds.
As you walked downstairs, he was in his jeans sans shirt, and you were in a simple cotton dress. "So, love. When are we talking about you leaving?" You sat beside him, legs crossed. The topic blindsided you but now was as good as a time as any. Better than when you were packing, you supposed.
"Oh um, well I didn't want to make it a big deal. I mean, with your therapy and all I know you don't want to stop that. I will be gone for two months for filming. When you can fly out, or I can fly home, we can make it happen. I know we will make it work." You had barely taken a breath, and when you risked a glance at David, he was leaned back on the couch with his arm across the rear and relaxed as he could be.
"Are you finished?" He smirked to which you just nodded nervously.
"When I told you I would follow you anywhere I meant it. I already have a referral for a therapist and have check with security there, and I have a job. IF you want me?"
You paused looking at this Adonis of a man willing to drop everything just to be with you. He had found a security job, switched doctors, all to accompany you.
"I want you to go with me under one condition." He pulled you into his arms where your heartbeat finally found a normal speed. "Anything."
"You take a much needed holiday and just be. Be with me. See the sights. Enjoy two months off. No security, just see the doctor and make love to me whenever we have a spare moment." You kissed his chest before lifting your head to look into his beautiful blue orbs.
"That's what you really want me to do? You want to be my sugar momma for two months?" He said it jokingly but you knew he was worried and there was a severe underlying question behind it.
"I will happily be your sugar momma. You can be a stay at home dad when the time comes. The fact of the matter is I feel safer when you are with me, and I know you will protect me. I love you, and I would rather have you with me than working somewhere else. That's the selfish answer. The other answer to your questions is that you deserve this. You deserve to be taken care of because you are the most honorable man that I know. You always put my needs above your own. You served your country and protect others before yourself for so many years. I have the means to take some of the everyday burdens off of you, please let me." His eyebrows were stitched together as if he were in pain at your speech.
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He put his forehead to yours. "I will never deserve you, but I will always try. I love you and I the answer is yes."
You couldn't contain the smile that graced your face, and he laughed. "So should I address the fact that you make have said you wanted to have kids with me?" You hid your face in the soft spot of his neck.
"It just came out, so yea. Ignore that little bit of knowledge and focus on the fact that when we come back from your holiday and filming, I want you to move in with me."
He pulled you over his thigh so you were straddling him and it was all you could do to remain focused. The man had made you insatiable.
"Well I am newly divorced and completely head over heels in love with you, so it seems only natural."
"Everything comes naturally with you, Sergeant Budd." He pressed his forehead to yours and remained quiet about the engagement ring hidden in his jacket pocket, that he so naturally bought for you without a second thought.
His life finally was perfect as he looked at your adoring face and knew that you were his and he was yours.
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Bodyguard Chapter Two Heavy
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Words 5157
He shook his head as he took off his jacket and draped it over the back of the chair. "No. Plus you aren't my normal job, and you're already in too deep. I'm not just going to leave you. I'll sleep out here and tomorrow we'll get your life back on track." You were about to protest and he slipped his hands in his pockets and sighed. "You know Tom right? You know what he will do to me if you're harmed?" He said it with his firm voice but when you looked at his voice you saw a smirk and the crinkled laugh lines near his eyes and it lightened up the mood. You got up and slowly walked to your room and looked back, there was no way you would win against him or the Hardy's. "Thank you, Sargeant Budd. I know this is probably a shit detail for you, and I --well thank you." He looked down and smirked before looking up with a straight face.
"I'd choose this detail over a twat politician any day. Call me Dave or David. Whichever you like. Rest...now." You smiled for the first time in months and closed the door to the bedroom. Before you went to lay down, you realized that he didn't have a decent pillow or blanket, suite or not. You took an additional pillow and cover and opened the door.
He stood there sans dress shirt and had just taken off his bulletproof vest. He had only his wife beater on, and you could see he was toned and had just the perfect amount of chest hair peeking out. He stood there just staring at you while you ogled him and only when he stifled a smile did your senses return.
"S-S-sorry. I just had some cushions and such for you." You nearly threw it at his head and rushed out of the room as you just heard him mutter thank you as you shut the door.
You were in trouble.... on all accounts.
The next morning you awoke and took a shower, got dressed and tried to make yourself presentable. The prospect of going home and putting your life back together gave you a bit of pep in your step. Last nights fumble of seeing Sargeant Budd in his boxers, no matter how snug they were, a distant memory. Today you had new obstacles to tackle.
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You had packed your items and were about to leave your room when you heard a knock on the door and paused. "C-C'min" The door slowly opened, and David was dressed in his full suit, and you could see his sidearm peek out as he fully opened the door. "Looks like you've been busy, ma'am." You nodded at your fully packed room.
"I didn't want to keep you waiting. Please call me, Y/N." He gave you a tight unreadable smile, and you grabbed your bag to walk out the door. He swiftly stole it from you without a word and as you went to protest, he just smiled.
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"My mother raised me better than that, and I'm not one to let a lady carry her luggage. Plus, I will warn you there is a lot of paparazzi outside." You sighed and then closed your eyes. "I should expect it. I've been hiding out here for a while. Also, thank you...." When you opened your eyes, he was staring at you intensely. "May I ask how long?" You were embarrassed actually to say it out loud afraid to admit how cowardly you had been.
"Two weeks." He looked at you but without pity and you saw his jaw tick in that mysterious way. You thought it was a way he tried to compose himself, but you were still unsure. You were finding it hard to read him, but you could blame that on it Scottish accent and the way he carried himself. Complete confidence was exuding from him, and you found yourself yearning to let the fear go and just give it to him, make yourself feel safe. When you were near him, your thoughts weren't of your current state, but you found them trying to decipher him. It was a relief to be out of your own mind, but at the same time you had just met him and that caused a whole new matter.
"Come. Let's get you home." You nodded and followed him closely. He handed off your bags to the hotel personnel and gently guided you by your elbow to the elevator. "Remember you go about your life as if I am in the background. I will be your eyes and ears to the surrounding. It's my job to keep you safe; you don't have to worry about him or anyone else for that matter. I will find him." You both looked ahead at the mirror in the elevator, but your eyes were trained on him, as were his on you. You broke the stare and looked to your feet and saw his hands in fists at his side. He was tense. You looked up discretely at the rest of him and saw that other than that tell, he was utterly poised to perfection, not even his breathing had faltered.
You saw about a dozen photographers outside that you had to walk through to get to your car. David gave you a reassuring smile and put his hand on the small of your back as he effortlessly kept all of the cameras out of your face and guided you to the rear of the vehicle. He shut the door and swiftly sat in the front with the driver, giving him directions to your home.
You closed your eyes and focused on your home and being able to sleep there and perhaps even read a few scripts. Would David be able to come with you if the stalker wasn't caught?? This plagued your thoughts as you were unsure how life was precisely supposed to get back to normal. You refused to hire an entire squad of random strangers to protect you. This was royally fucked.
He snapped you out of your thoughts with opening the door and guiding you inside the house. He did a full sweep to confirm it was safe and then room by room you went with him and checked for apparent changes. You found many. Someone had been there. Your bed had been slept in, and some clothes were missing. You had letters randomly hidden, and while you saw them, you immediately handed them over to David without reading a word. You could tell that they were vulgar as his jaw tick was becoming an easy tell when his anger was blooming.
It was late in the afternoon by the time the full sweep was done, and you were nearly breaking down. "I need a moment, please." He just responded by quietly leaving the area as you stood in the middle of your master bedroom in silence.
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Six blood-stained letter were found hidden in your home.  Some man had invaded your house and slept in your bed. The locks were changed, and David assured you that he would not be able to get back in with the new security system also reminding you that he was staying in the guest room.
You took off your cardigan and threw it in the corner and stifled a scream. You started crying as you ripped the sheets off your bed and threw them in the corner. David had a courier go out and buy new sheets and pillows for you. You unwrapped them and said a silent thank you for that man who was so thoughtful. Yes, he was getting paid but only to protect you not to do things like this. Tom was right by introducing him to you, breaking down your walls to get David in.
As you went to throw your sheets in the wastebasket, you found another letter and against your better judgment opened it.
" Love,
You're mine. I know you are at that hotel thinking of me while I am here thinking of you. We will be together soon. You sheets smell of you, and it's not enough for me. I need you.
No one is right for you. I was made to be yours, and you are mine. Only mine. No man is allowed to touch you, taste you. I am the only one that can give you such pleasure. Think of me, darling.
We will be together soon.
Forever yours."
You let out a sob and just collapsed on the floor. Disgusting fuck. The door opened without a knock, and David rushed over to you as you were breathing hard and pulled the letter out of your grasp.
"Y/N?" He was knelt down and put his hand on your shoulder. "Please, just go. I don't want people to see me like this." You covered your face up and tried to shy away. He wasn't having that and took your wrist in his hands a bit rough as you wanted to fight him. He looked as upset as you were in that moment and it pained you. 
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"Hey. Hey, love. It's ok. I'm no one. You don't have to pretend with me." Little did he know that you cared more of his opinion that anyone else. He was the only real person that you really knew as of late. In a world full of cameras and lights, he seemed genuine. An anchor and a tether and yet you knew nothing of him.
"Talk to me, darling. You read a letter? Yea?" You just weakly nodded and saw his jaw twitch and stared at him, observing him seemed better than the white noise in your brain.
"What?" His eyes searched yours, and you put your finger ever so lightly on his jaw, and his breathing quickened. "When you're angry you have a jaw tick." His face softened. "Well, I'm an angry person, love. You will see that tell more often than not." His brows pulled together for a quick moment then returned to his normal mask."What else have you seen of me?" You still had tears running down your cheeks as he picked you up swiftly and carried you over to the loveseat and sat you down next to him, tucked into his side.
"Your brows pull together when your stressed, conflicted or trying to convince me of something. When you want to say something but think better of it your lips pull together. That's all I can think of right now. When you are tense you white knuckle it." He chuckled. "You've known me less than a full day, that's pretty impressive, love."
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You looked up at him. "Do you call all of your women 'love'?" His lips pulled together, and he ran his fingers through his hair. "No, I suppose not. I didn't realize I did it at first." You pulled away to look at his face more. "And now." He just looked at you. "I, um, seems as though I just did it without thinking. I'm sorry. I need to remain professional." He abruptly got up and walked out and left a coldness where his body was, and you cursed under your breath. You and your big mouth full of questions and curiosities.
The next few days consisted of finding a routine for the both of you. He remained in the guest room and true to his word he stayed professional. While he didn't call you ma'am, he didn't call you love either. Just a simple Y/N was all that you got. There was radio silence the first two days from your 'admirer' then on the third day he came back with full force. Flowers and presents of dead creatures. All by untraceable courier and the police were at a loss. By the end of the first week, there was a party that you decided that you were going to go. David got the security measures taken care of and promised to handle everything.
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You came out of the room and found him in a black shirt and jacket and jeans, and you just took him in for the moment. His chest hair was going to be the fucking death of you. While you two remained professional, you had gotten to know him. Two sisters, from Scotland and he was rather close to his family and friends. He had known Tom while they were on holiday as kids every year after that would get together. You were internally gleefull that his accent was legitimate. He was in the military, and he admitted that he had trouble sometimes with civilian life. He left it at that. You talked about movies, and he liked comedies and was a fan of your films, to which he blushed when admitting he was a fan. He loved music but doesn't go to concerts anymore because of the tight quarters, as it causes him unnecessary stress. There were dozens of other things that you had grown fond of and countless details that he had given you about his life. You had considered him a friend, and you hope he did the same with you. However, you weren't blind to the feelings that you had for the gorgeous blue-eyed Scot. You were falling hard for him.
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When he saw you, he was silent for a moment and then smiled. "You look lovely." It was the closest thing to being unprofessional when speaking to you since the first night in the house. He was careful not to use pet names or say compliments, and it drove you crazy. He felt so close and yet untouchable. Under different circumstances, you couldn't help but think that he would want you. Although, you came with a lot of baggage and for all, you knew he just wanted to get this job over and get back to his actual life. It pained you not to know if your friendship was true, mainly when you cared for him so.
"You ok?" He questioned, and you simply nodded. "Yea, just lost in thought. You look very handsome, David." He smirked, and his brow shot up. "I didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb tonight." You chuckled. "Well, a hundred bucks says everyone thinks you're my date." He looked flustered for a moment, and you loved it and smiled. "Oh, shit. S-sorry. I didn't think of that. I should probably change. I don't want people to think that you are with ...me." He went to take a step back and looked a bit ...ashamed.
Did he think that? You were slightly insulted that he would believe so little of you. That you would want to be connected or actually seen with him. He was the one that had built up this silly wall between you two and drew a line in the sand. "Don't be ridiculous, David. I know I'm just a job to you but any woman would be honored to have you as her partner." You linked your arm in his before he could object and he walked you out to the car and as he opened the door. "Wou-would you please sit in the back with me?"
You'd be lying if you said that you weren't nervous about tonight. You needed him to ground you, and he saw the doubt in your eyes, and he just nodded. He joined you on the other side and gave the driver instructions. "Talk to me, Y/N." You looked out the window but you had your hands on the seat next to you, and you felt his hand brush against yours. "Please, you don't have to hide from me. Remember?"
"He could be there tonight, and even if he isn't, I haven't been out to one of these in months. I feel anxious and nervous." You chanced a look at him, and his face was full of concern. He took your hand in yours. "They are your friends." You let out a humorless laugh. "A few sure. This life ..some of it is great, but most of it is just shit." He looked at you for further explanation.
"I love being in the now of when I read a script. Knowing what is needed and not having to make the decision, having everything laid out in front of me. The simplicity of it is alluring and addictive. I love having the funds to support organizations and help people." He leaned towards you, and you found yourself facing him, hand in hand. "The things I hate are feeling unsafe, and the chaos of it. While I do have friends, there are more fake people in this life than anything else. I've been going through the motions, and I just want something real, that I can hold onto. That can be my anchor. My mind has just been so.. heavy. I just want some normalcy. If anything the experience has made me feel a need to find someone that grounds me and loves me for me. Someone that can endure and survive this harsh environment and still prosper beside me."
He nodded. "You have had wild circumstances thrust upon you this past year, and they have led to you feeling as though you have lost control. I do not doubt that when we catch him your life will have the normalcy that your yearning for. Whether you're in your world or mine, friends can be real or complete shyte (shit). Just be true to yourself, love." It amazing how one word could calm you. He was quickly becoming the center of your universe, and you knew you were in too deep.
Before you knew the words, they came out quickly. "What do I do when we catch him? When you're gone?" He looked taken aback by the question and didn't know how to answer. You were sure that he didn't know what meaning lay behind the question and before you could clarify or let doubt take over, the door opened announcing your arrival at the party. David quickly exited and escorted you inside.
The party had some of your friends and some general assholes which you avoided like the plague. You found a longtime friend, Elizabeth Olsen and hid away with her, Lily James, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hardy and Chris Pine. You had already introduced them to David, and he was facing the party but talking to Hardy and catching up a bit.
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"So, he is absolutely gorgeous." You smiled into your drink. "He is. I-um..He's my bodyguard? Protection service." Liz knew about your stalker, but still, her eyes shot up. "They make them that hot?" You laughed hard and then hugged her close. "I missed you so much." She just smiled. "Well that's what happens when an ocean separates us, and a creeper takes over your life. So is this guy any good?" You nod your head.
"He's redone all of my security and kept me safe. I've gotten back to normal, mostly, but I'm reading a script, and I just don't know what I'm going to do if they don't catch him. I'm also fucking terrified of when he quits." She looked between the both of you.
"Oh, you're falling for him?" You shrugged pathetically. "Well. judging by his lovesick puppy routine, I would say he's got the bug too." You shook your head. "Fuck you. He does not; he's too professional. I can't tear down that wall." She smirked at you. "Pfft. The old Y/N could." You glared at her and her words to taunt you into making a move. You didn't have confidence with him, he was far too beautiful, and he didn't even know it.
You walked over to the men who were talking. "Hey there." You found yourself next to David and saw Hardy smirk at you, and you stuck your tongue out. "Real mature."
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"You ok, love?" You nodded up into his baby blues and melted with his strong accent. This would be your last drink, even if it were only your third. He was intoxicating enough, and you could get drunk on him alone. "Thank you for this." He just smiled. "You can do anything you like, and I will make it happen. Like I said, I'll keep you safe."
Tom cleared his throat. "Told ya he was good at his job." He chuckled at his double entendre. David shook his head seriously at him. "No, that's not ..."
"Hey Y/N. Isn't that Scott?" You glanced up as Scott was walking over to your little group with a beaming smile on his face.
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"Y/N!" He scooped you up into a hug and lifted you off the ground unexpectedly and it made you tense. "Scott. How are you? I didn't know you were back in London." He just had his ridiculously handsome smile on his face. "I just got in yesterday. I thought I would call you and see if we could get together for coffee."
You avoided answering knowing that you didn't want him. You wanted a specific, somewhat tricky, Scotsman currently glaring into your backside. You turned around and walked back to him. "Hey Scott, I'd like you to meet. David Budd." You gave him pleading eyes, and Tom just smirked and took a pull on his cigarette. "That's my queue to leave. Gotta get back to the wifey. Gents-Ladies." He let out a dramatic bow and walked off.
Scott grinned at David and put his hand out to shake Davids, and of course, the shake was firm and testosterone filled.  "Hey there. Nice to meet you, David. How do you know our Y/N here?" You tried to hide behind your hair, unsure if David would help you out or throw you at the feet of this handsome modelesque wolf. He wrapped his arm around your waist, and his hand gripped your hip tightly, you had to contain a gasp.
"We're dating actually." He smiled lovingly at you, and then you chanced a glance at Scott, and he looked skeptical. "Oh. How did you meet? I haven't heard that you were dating anyone." You shrugged. "I've been trying to lay low for a while. David here is a Sargeant for the MPD and works for the protection services department." Scott's brows arched up, and he nodded.
"So ...alright then. I'm happy for you. I know you didn't like the idea of doing long distance." You nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Scott. I hope that you have a great time in London though." He just agreed and then excused himself. "That was the guy that you dated before the threats started?" You nodded before you leaned into his broad chest. With your heels on you were just about the same height as him and you decided to wrap your arms around his shoulders lightly, for show of course. He kept his hands around you, and you took a moment to inhale his cologne and closed your eyes.
"Can I ask you something?" You hummed in response. "Why did you want to use me to get away from him? You know its not him, right?" You pulled away to look at him; your faces were so close that your noses were nearly touching.
"I know, he's a good guy. I just don't want a life with him, he doesn't ground me, and it doesn't feel right." You were hoping that he picked up what you were implying but before another word could be spoken your phone rang, and you picked it up.
"Are you in love with him?" Your eyes met David blue eyes and his single brow arched.
“Excuse me? Who is this?!” David's hand gripped your hips tightly as he pulled you close and searched the room for people looking at you and on their phone.
"Are you in love with him?!!" You breathing picked up.
"That is none of your concern! Now, who is this?"
"The man who is going to carve you up, you cheating fucking whore!!!"
The line went dead, and David took the phone from you.
"Hello?" No one was there, and he put the phone in his pocket. Liz came over to check on you. "I need to go home. Please, David. I can't let anyone see me break down." He took your small, fragile frame into his built one and made a swift exit. "I've got you, love."
In the car, you were silent, and someone managed not to cry, but the shaking was unavoidable. David took your hands in his. "What did he say, darling?" You shook your head. "Please, tell me? I'm here."
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"He..He kept asking if I loved you. Then he said he was going to carve me up." His jaw was held firm his hands broke from yours, and he ran them over his face for a moment. "I'm sorry, part of this is my fault. He's enraged because he sees me as a threat. I shouldn't have---" You shook your head and crawled into his lap straddling him. "No, please. Don't push me away. Don't build the wall up. He's a crazy fucker, and he just wants to hurt me either way. With you or without you." You wrapped your arms around his neck and prayed that he would hold you. "Please. Please. Don't leave me." You didn't care how desperate you sounded.
After a moment his hands traveled up your hips and then tightly around your back. He nuzzled his face into your neck and inhaled deeply. "I'm not going anywhere, love. There is nowhere else I would rather be than here with you."
When you arrived at your house lifted you out of the car and led you to your room after he did a sweep of the house. "I'll check the rest of the house...I'm just in the other room if you need me, love." You nodded as he walked out of your room and you cleaned up all the while thinking of his fleeting hands on your body.
As you lay in your bed, you couldn't find rest. You decided the worst he could say was no and right now you felt it was worth the risk. You padded across the house and into his room, hesitating at his ajar door.
He stood at the window looking out wearing just boxers, and the moonlight made his body look even more enticing. You could see a scar on his side, but the shadows of the dark kept most of hidden and you weren't there to ogle him. Well not entirely.
He turned to you and stared at you walked over in your off the shoulder shirt and panties. "I can't sleep." He just stared at you as you walked closer to him and stood before him. Eyes were never leaving his. "You?" He shook his head. "No, I can't either." You nodded, and your eyes went down his body. You saw his military tattoo on his left arm, and your fingers found his skin by their own volition. His eyes closed as your hands danced across his body and firm muscles. When you found the rough scarred skin that was burned his breath quickened and his face looked tortured. He opened his eyes to you. "Military. The bomb went off; I shielded a civilian and ...got that." Your hands stayed on it, and he went to pull them away. "It's grotesque, I know."
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You shook your head. "You don't know anything, Sargeant." You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his lips to yours. His lips were so soft and plush against yours. They tasted like mint from freshly brushing his teeth, but he smelled delicious. Like cedar, leather, and body wash. His hands were on your hips leading you to the wall and then braced themselves on either side of your face, almost afraid to actually touch you.  He nibbled on your bottom lip, and you moaned out causing him to push his body flush to yours.  You could feel the rippled planes of his body against the thin fabric of your shirt. His thick muscular thigh wedged itself between your soft bare legs and you gripped his hair roughly. "Put your hands on me, please." He growled as his hands took your face in his palms.
I thought you'd see my body and .." He couldn't finish the sentence as his voice broke.  "Do you think that little of me." He pulled your lips to his again and kissed you thoroughly with teeth clashing. You only broke when air was needed for your pleading lungs. You foreheads were touching when he finally broke the silence.
"The only other person I've been with since I got out...she hated them. I had to make love to her with my shirt on." You looked at him in earnest and saw his conflicted and vulnerable state.  "She didn't deserve you. You are fucking beautiful and amazing." He laughed at your intensity. "You're an adorable kitten when your angry, love." You smiled. "I'll show you, kitten."
You kissed his clavicle and sucked slightly hoping to leave a little love bite in the morning. He kept his eyes on you as you body swapped places with his and pushed him against the wall.  You kissed down his thick torso to trail light kisses to his marred area that was undoubtedly sensitive to touch, and his breathing picked up. "Please, Y/N." His voice was tortured, and you came up to his handsome face. "You still don't believe me?" He looked away from you to stare at the wall, and you bit your lip.
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"Touch me." His eyes snapped towards yours, and you kissed him deeply. Letting his tongue invade your mouth, devouring you and you moaned wantonly. You took his hand and led it to your clothed heat, and he growled into your neck as he dove in sucking and nipping. "Feel how wet I am, David?" He nodded into your neck, and you moaned as his fingers went past the fabric, in between your delicate folds. "Fuck. That's all for you. You are so fucking sexy." He pulled away and took in your flustered state and bit his lip. He took the hand away from you and brought it to his lips and sucked it clean. You whimpered and then crashed your lips into his and invaded his mouth passionately. You could slightly taste your arousal on him, but as he pulled your body as close to him as possible and gripped his hair, you were lost in him. At the moment. Heavy breathing, lost thoughts.
"Look at me, love." His eyes searched yours for answers to questions that he hadn't asked. " I want nothing more than to make love to you or to fuck you against this wall right now. I would love to be whatever you need of me. But tonight...can I please just hold you. I-we need to talk about a few things." He was so torn, and you knew that he needed this for whatever reason and you would give him whatever he demanded.
"Anything you need of me, David. I'm here, baby." He put his forehead to yours and then gently kissed you. He took your hand and led you to the bed, and he laid on his back. You curled into his side and hooked your leg over his, and his calloused hand gripped your thighs.
The last thing you remember before dozing off his him kissing your forehead and saying that you were safe.
As you woke in the early hours around 2 am you heard talking coming from the bathroom and climbed out of bed.
"I know. I know fuck. You're right. I told her I would talk to her tomorrow."
You could hear yelling on the phone, and you became concerned and were about to open the door to make sure David was alright.
"Tom, just look. I don't want to hurt her. I already gave Vicky the papers to sign."
" I care for Y/N, but I'm not right for her, you know that. She will only see a married man." You were gutted as you stood there outside of the bathroom. He was married and hadn't told you, was this just a game for him? Did he do this with all of his employers?
You were consumed with all of the thoughts screaming in your head as the bathroom door opened and David stood before you.
"Fuck, Y/N I can explain."
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Bodyguard  Chapter 3 Putting Your Guard Down
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Word count 6035..damn
"Touch me." His eyes snapped towards yours, and you kissed him deeply. Letting his tongue invade your mouth, devouring you and you moaned wantonly. You took his hand and led it to your clothed heat, and he growled into your neck as he dove in sucking and nipping. "Feel how wet I am, David?" He nodded into your neck, and you moaned as his fingers went past the fabric, in between your delicate folds. "Fuck. That's all for you. You are so fucking sexy." He pulled away and took in your flustered state and bit his lip. He took the hand away from you and brought it to his lips and sucked it clean. You whimpered and then crashed your lips into his and invaded his mouth passionately. You could slightly taste your arousal on him, but as he pulled your body as close to him as possible and gripped his hair, you were lost in him. At the moment. Heavy breathing, lost thoughts.
"Look at me, love." His eyes searched yours for answers to questions that he hadn't asked. " I want nothing more than to make love to you or to fuck you against this wall right now. I would love to be whatever you need of me. But tonight...can I please just hold you. I-we need to talk about a few things." He was so torn, and you knew that he needed this for whatever reason and you would give him whatever he demanded.
"Anything you need of me, David. I'm here, baby." He put his forehead to yours and then gently kissed you. He took your hand and led you to the bed, and he laid on his back. You curled into his side and hooked your leg over his, and his calloused hand gripped your thighs.
The last thing you remember before dozing off his him kissing your forehead and saying that you were safe.
As you woke in the early hours around 2 am you heard talking coming from the bathroom and climbed out of bed.
"I know. I know fuck. You're right. I told her I would talk to her tomorrow."
You could hear yelling on the phone, and you became concerned and were about to open the door to make sure David was alright.
"Tom, just look. I don't want to hurt her. I already gave Vicky the papers to sign."
" I care for Y/N, but I'm not right for her, you know that. She will only see a married man." You were gutted as you stood there outside of the bathroom. He was married and hadn't told you, was this just a game for him. Did he do this with all of his employers?
You were consumed with all of the thoughts screaming in your head as the bathroom door opened and David stood before you.
"Fuck, Y/N I can explain."
After you ran into your bedroom and locked it, David knocked repeatedly trying to get you to talk to him. You just asked him to leave you be, that you needed to be alone. He finally left you by yourself and you lay in your bed. You messaged Charlotte around 7 am asking her how long he was married to which she replied. "Talk to him, its complicated and you deserve to hear it from him. I know he cares about you if that helps." It did but it didn't, you knew that you didn't hold anything to his wife. You were just the other person and you refused to be that other person.
You took a shower and got dressed and when you emerged from your room you found David asleep outside your door. He looked so at peace but completely disheveled from sleeping on the floor and you felt bad for a moment at his state. You knelt down and pushed the curls from his face and he stirred. "David." You whispered. "David, get up. I'll make some coffee." His eyes opened and they were bloodshot from sleeping a bare minimum and you rose from his side and stepped over him to go to the kitchen. You heard him get up and follow you.
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"Can we talk about last night, what you heard?" His voice was deep and gravelly with the morning and he sounded so sensuous that you had to focus on the task at hand and the fact that he was a taken man. A very taken man. "Already with this, David? It's too early." He came up beside you and took your arm gently. You stopped but refused to look at him knowing that him in only his tight black shirt and boxers and unkempt hair was too much for you to take in.
"Please, love." You shook your head. "You don't get to call me that, David. You're married." He sighed and pushed off the counter, running his hands through his mane. "That's why I didn't say anything. That would be all that you would see. A married man and not me." Your brows came together and you threw the coffee tin down on the marble counter tops with a bang. "That's absurd. You are married, how else am I suppose to see you. You are taken and you presented yourself as a free man. I-fuck I fell for you." You went to walk past him and he grabbed your hand, you whipped around and slapped him hard across his perfect face and he was stunned. Silent.
"You don't get to play with peoples feelings, David. Pick and choose what information you tell them so they fall for you only to find out that they can't have you. I suppose this is just a game? You fuck all of the women you work for, yea? Give them some sob story then go back to your wife? Do you have kids too?" You choked back a sob as his face had fallen and he looked towards the ground and shook his head. "Right then? Well, I'm the asshole."
"You can hit me all you want but I'm still not giving up on you until you hear me out, love." Your body went rigid at the pet name and the tears started flowing. Living in the close quarters with this man, especially under such intense circumstances had left you assuredly in love with him. Charlotte told you to hear him out so that you would do.
"Fine. I'll listen." He let out a sigh of relief and led you to the couch and sat on the coffee table directly in front of you as close as he could get, as you would allow him to be. Your legs were wedged between his bare thighs and he was holding your hands between his larger ones and he was looking at them as he began.
"I met her just before I was sent out on active duty and we were in love. It was a whirlwind romance by the book. If I were to die in Afganistan I didn't want her to be left without the benefits so we married, it was small and at the courthouse. We wrote, skyped, saw each other on my leave. Everything was seemingly perfect. When I was injured she helped nurse me back to health and the scars....well. They were a bit much for her. I um..I also had/have PTSD. I'm a lot better, but sometimes I still have nightmares. I immediately sought help but she just kept pushing me away. She hated the scars and said my trauma made me ...less of a man."
He was speaking slowly and you knew that the vulnerability was hard for him to lay at your feet. He was your protector and he was putting it on all the line to be truthful to you, risking everything for you to see all that he was. His voice was breaking your heart and he refused to look you in the eyes. You were afraid that if you moved him he wouldn't be able to continue.
"I tried to make it work but when I came home I found her with someone else. To be honest. I wasn't sad or mad, I was ... relieved. It was over between her and I. Or so I thought. That was over a year ago and she still hasn't signed the papers to give me a divorce. I didn't tell you because on paper I'm married but not in action or in my heart. I- I." His voice broke as he held your hands in his.
"Look at me." Your voice was soft as he shook his head no. "Please, David. Look at me, love." He raised his face and the blue orbs found your eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you and shut you out. I thought the worst of you when you are the only good thing that has happened to me lately." His eyes crinkled at your words as if a weight had been lifted.
"So what do we do now?" He looked at you unsure of what to do. "Do you want me to find you a replacement? Until I can sort this mess out?"
You shook your head not and pulled him across to the love seat and ran your hands in his curly locks. "Don't be silly. We will figure this out together. I don't want anyone else here protecting me, and I can't imagine being here with another person so please don't dare ask that of me." He let out a relieved laugh and put his forehead to yours. "Thank God. I may be ok with seeing Vicky with another man but seeing someone else in here would do me in, love."
You leaned in and kissed his chapped yet warm lips, and he gave into your needs. He pulled you into his lap with the ease and finesse of a powerful man, and you felt secure. He pulled away and had his hands firmly on your waist, and you looked into his blue eyes, searching curiously at what he was trying to say.
"I-don't really know how to do this, dating bit. It's been so long, and I've been out of the running and your fucking lovely. I don't want to screw it up." You smiled a whole earth shattering grin as he complimented you. "Hey, it's just me, and we can take it as slow as you like, David. You set the pace, and I will follow. Plus I like it when the man takes the lead." You winked at him, and you saw him shift underneath you, and you giggled at his discomfort. Cute bastard. Charlotte was right you only needed to talk to him, and the weight had been lifted so quickly.
Now you only needed to get you two off Vicky and the stalkers radar and it would be perfect.
The next few days everything was the norm, unfortunately. However, by the end of the week, the phone calls had gotten more frequent, and the tracers were getting nowhere. Tom had suggested going out public with David perhaps and not hiding your budding romance. It may get the creeper to make a mistake. David was of course on board, anything to catch the maniac but you didn't want him to get hurt, he, of course, scoffed at your concern. "Ex-soldier and protection service, love. I'll be fine and more importantly, so will you. So let me take you on a proper date." You smirked at his giddiness and conceded to his request under one condition. "I want a simple date at a local pub that's lowkey. Somewhere you would take me if I wasn't well...high profile." You arched your brows as he glared at you, but his resolve broke as you batted your lashes at him. "Fine, but I can lay a kiss on you anytime during the evening and not just a goodnight kiss, yea?"
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You slapped his perky ass. "Of course, why would I deny my favorite Scotsman a kiss?"
"I've seen your movie collection. How do I know your favorite is me and not Outlander?" You laughed at his sassiness and stalked towards him as he leaned against the dinner table. You moved between his legs which he adjusted freely to accommodate you.
"Because." You ran your hands underneath his t-shirt and up his rippled abs and further up his chest and he fought to keep his eyes open.
"That man." You kissed his neck, and he let out a soft moan.
"Doesn't do the things." You nibbled on his jawline as he gripped your hips and pulled you closer to him.
"That you do to me." He looked at your face and then your lips with a smirk and then kissed you. His tongue invaded your mouth, and you let him explore. He spun you around and sat you on the table and rested his body between your legs. His hands gripped your bare thighs, allowing your skirt to bunch up towards your panties. Your calves wrapped around his legs pulling him closer as he continued to kiss you intensely. You pulled him back as you laid down on the table hoping he wouldn't stop and you were so pleased when he thrust his hardened member into your clothed wetness, eliciting a moan from your lips. His open mouth and breath on your face were pleasing as he nearly whined as the welcomed friction between the both of you was felt. Your hands were under his shirt, and you ran them over his skin, and he looked at your lips and kissed them again, biting the bottom lip. You thrust your hips into his solid cock, and he dropped his head into the nook of your neck and sucked hard, undoubtedly leaving a love bite. You were close to coming from his unyielding strokes, and the sounds coming from him were signaling an impending release. You hand searched lower until you found his hard cock and you began you stroke it, and his breathing intensified. "You don't have---gahh" You stifled you snicker at his response.
"What was that, baby?" He glared at you before his finger found your panties and ripped them off within a quick second and you let out an audible gasp. "Did you say something, love?" You bit your lip, and he grinned. His fingers found your folds and slipped between them. "Look at me, Y/N" You were so wet that he shifted them in with ease and began pumping in and out and you arched you back. "That's it, love. Give yourself to me." You hand still stroked him, but it felt like it wasn't enough you wanted everything, but you knew that this was all that he was ready to give and you wouldn't ask for more.
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His breathing was heavy, and his skin was sweaty. "I'm almost there, please cum for me, love. Can you do that?" You looked up at him and kissed his plump, delicious lips, and he moaned into yours, and you could feel the vibrations from that, and it pushed you over the edge. Every sensation that he was giving you launched you into rapture. He collapsed on top of you with his damp shirt and wet pants, and you smiled with your legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
He laughed into your neck. "Well, that escalated quickly." You shrugged. "I told you that you were my favorite Scotsman. Don't question my loyalties." He pulled back and admired your glowing skin. "I'll question your allegiance to my country every day if that's the response I get, darling." You grinned at his cheekiness and loved how he could turn to stone cold protector to giddy boyfriend the next.
Boyfriend? Was that was this was?
You quickly changed your thoughts and plucked the wet shirt from his skin. "Next time I say we remove the shirt. I want to feel your skin against me." His face betrayed him momentarily before he recovered, it was too late, and you caught it. "Yea, sure." He went to pull away. "Hey, you know I love your body." He paused and then gave you a quick peck he got off of you, taking your hand and helping you up. You stood and went to your room to get ready. Before you went behind the door, you stopped and leaned against the frame.
"David, just a thought. If we just did because you questioned me over my favorite Scotsman. Imagine if I were to prove to you in truth how sexy I thought you were to me." You winked at him as he stood slack-jawed blushing before you stepping into your room to take a shower and get changed.
When you stepped out for your date night, David was by the door holding a package with an odd look on his face. You didn't have time to take his handsome appearance before dread took you over. "What did he leave?" He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I already called the office. They are sending someone over to pick it up."
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"What is it? I should see it; I need to know." You walked over, and he slowly took off the box while only looking at your face. Your hands were shaking as they went to your mouth. He had cut up clothes, your clothes. Nightgowns and underwear and had put blood all over them? There was a knife in the center that he had used on the clothes and was dripping with blood, and there was a note opened and said: "The next one is for you, love."
David quickly closed it and put in on the table and pulled you into his arms. "It's ok, I've got you. No harm will come to you as long as I'm alive." You nodded into his chest.
"We can stay here if you like, darling?" You stood back and grabbed your phone and purse. "Absolutely, not! I want to pretend that everything is fine and that it's just a normal night with my boyfr--." You paused a moment but refused to look at him and instead just looked to the ground and walked out the door.
How the fuck did that work? He was married, and you two were dating, you were falling in love with him. Damnit, everything was a mess. He pulled you out of your thoughts with his hand, and you fell back into his chest. "Hey, where are you going?" He had a smirk on his face. "I -I was going to my car?"
He shook his head and just smiled. "Nope, love. You said you wanted a real date with me. I have my motorcycle, and we're going to my favorite pub and have some dinner and drinks, dance. I want to have a nice night with my girl." When the words fell from his lips, you couldn't contain the smile that graced yours, and his heart soared knowing that he was the cause of it.
He climbed atop it and held out his arm for you to use to brace yourself. You tucked your skirt underneath your legs, and he bit his lip. "You gonna be ok wearing that? Although, I'm sure to get in a fight with some guy tonight for sure." He laughed as he ran his large hands down your bare legs before gripping the handles and knocking out the kickstand. "No, you won't. I only have eyes for you, David." He turned his head to see you and his profile was pure perfection. "Love, it's their eyes I'm going to be pissed about."
He turned the engine on and revved it before taking off, you weren't going far, and while you both knew it was reckless, neither of you had a helmet. The wind in your hair and the sunglass on your face was delightful. He could easily be a model for aviators as you stopped at a red light and you chuckled to yourself at his current profession. Model vs. Protection Service. How different his life would've been.
A convertible pulled up with some girls ready to go out on the town, and they were ogling David in his snug fit leather jacket, and it got under your skin. Your fingers gripped his waist tighter, and he put his free hand over yours. He glanced over at the giggling girls by reaction and then realized your advances on him.
He took a moment with his hand and ran it up your thigh as high as his gentleman nature would allow and pressed a loving kiss to your lips. He smiled and turned, taking off at the green light. This man was a regular fucking Casanova, and you were in trouble.
As you pulled up to the local pub, he helped you climb off and he quickly followed. He took you by the hand and led you into the pub, and you sat down at the bar and ordered a burger and chips and some beer. The conversation flowed easily as you asked about Vicky, and while he was apprehensive at first he told you how they met and while he wanted kids, she didn't, at least not with him. Not when he came back, even after he went through treatment for PTSD. There was a sense of sadness in his eyes that he tried to cover up with a smile and you took a drink of your beer and turned your chair to face him. "So how about you, love. Kids?"
"Of course. I would love to. I have a crazy life, and not a lot of men find this life for them." He nodded and took your hand in his. "Can I ask you an earnest question. Don't sugar coat it." You were a little worried, but you wouldn't lie to him. "Anything."
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"Why me? You could have any man. I've seen Scott. He could protect you just as well as me, he's a big guy. I saw the way that he looked at you; if you honestly gave him a go of it, I think he would move here for you. So...why me?" You stood and rested yourself between his thighs as the noisy Saturday crowd buzzed around you, and he just took in your proximity. His hands wrapped around your body and it took everything in him to not kiss your lips and instead await the answer he had been asking himself for days.
"No man has ever actually made me sincerely feel safe. Can Scott fight, sure I don't doubt he can? Would be move here for me? Maybe. Do I want him to? No." You put your hand up his shoulder and into the hair at the nape of his neck, and he chewed his lip. "I may be too forward, and at the risk of scaring you off I'll put it all on the table and do with it what you want."
You took a steadying breath and focused on the blue eyes as he concentrated solely on you. "The thought of accepting a role away from London scares the shit out of me. Not because of who may be out there, but rather the fact that you won't be with me. You can blame it on the circumstances right now, but that's... not it. When I wake up in the middle of the night its, not of fear, it's of a desire to have your body next to me. I know its wrong, but I don't care. You excite me, and I find you intriguing, and I crave to know everything I can about you." He was silent at your confession, and you looked to his chest where he had hair on display, and you fought not to kiss his collarbone.
"So to answer your question I 'chose' you because I want you. I have never felt that way about anyone, and I don't know if you feel the same way but if there is any chance, even a small one. I'll take it because I'm falling for you."
"Look at me." His face was firm but quiet, and you rose your eyes to meet his clouded ones, full of emotion and anxiety. "There are so many things out of my control. I'm not an easy person to be with, love. If you can work with me and not give up on me, I will follow you anywhere, be anything that I can be for you."
Before you could say anything, he just kissed you showing you the intensity of the words he just spoke. Claiming you. A few people around you whistled, and you hid your face in his shoulder, and he laughed. "Another drink, mate."
"I've got to go to the bathroom. Stay here, love." He was stern in his request knowing the severity and that even though you two were having a fun night, he wasn't entirely off duty.
When he left, you saw his phone on the bar and picked it up and went through the contacts quickly. You had formed a plan but needed Vicky's number, and this was the perfect time to get it. You sent it to your phone just before he returned and sat it back down. He gave you a quick kiss.
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"I could get used to this, darling. I'm not going to lie." He laughed and the PDA you were allowing him to get from you. "Please, do. I like how affectionate you are. Tell me, are you always like this? Or are you just doing it to woo me?" He shrugged. "If I said that I would kiss you every moment that you let me, would it scare you off?" You shook your head. "Absolutely not! I would just request you kiss every inch of my body; you must be thorough after all." He leaned in close to your ear and nibbled on the lobe.
"I am nothing if not thorough." He looked back at you with dark eyes, and you wanted him to take you and throw you up against the wall and had to shake the dirty thoughts from your head.
"Dance with me, sweets." Great, just another thing to torture you already lust filled body with. You could do this, perhaps even torture him the way he was torturing you. After all, you were Y/F/N Y/L/N, get it together.
You both went out on the tiny little dance floor littered with bodies, and he pulled you closed, and you could feel him scanning his surroundings. "You with me?" He let out a chuckle and looked down at you, "Of course, you're all I see." You wrapped your arms around his neck and ran your fingers through his hair, and he hummed. "Why is it I think your fibbing? I think you see everything and everyone." His brows furrowed and he took you in, every feature and memorized you. "The only reason I see it all is being I intend on keeping the most important one in the room safe."
"Can I kiss you? Would that be..." You didn't finish the sentence before he interrupted. "You don't have to ask, love. I know this is...unconventional. Probably not what you were wanting but I'm all in." You pulled him down, and as soon as your lips met his, the hands around your waist pulled you're tighter to him. The kiss was shortlived though as he didn't want to be exposed for long. "We'll have to continue this later, darling. Is that ok?" He looked around to gain his upper hand again and saw a few people staring at you two; you could tell it was giving him unrest. You pushed your breasts up against him and ran your leg against his dick and he groaned, giving you a stern look, causing you to snicker. He looked around, trying to get his mind off of you and your hands in his hair and your wandering thigh.
"Would you like to take me home, David." His eyes returned to you when you said his name and home. "I would love nothing more than to do that, darling." He walked back to the bar and threw a few notes down and walked to the door with you in hand. A man grabbed you from behind. "Hey, love!"
David spun around and gripped his arm, and he yelped in pain. "HEY! Hey! I just wanted her autograph. What's the deal!" You put your hand on David's shoulder. "It's alright. I can do an autograph." He was breathing steady, but his body was tense, and you knew he was in defense mode for you.
He backed up, and you walked over to the fan, and he was smiling even though his hand was no doubt throbbing from the pain. You leaned down and wrote your name and said Best Wishes. Then turned to David before the guy had the audacity to ask for a picture. "C'mon handsome, take me home." You winked at him, and he smirked before putting his hand on the small of your back walking you to his bike.
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"I'm sorry back there. I let my guard down and ...when he grabbed you I was. Angry. Fuck. I'm sorry." He stood there and didn't mount the bike but looked around refusing to stop inspecting his surroundings, even for a moment. You stepped forward and took his hands in yours but didn't make him look at you so he could still have the control that he was craving.
"It's alright, David. I understand. You don't have to apologize. This was new for the both of us, and it was hard for you because what I asked wasn't fair. I asked for you to do your job and be off duty. Thank you for trying and guarding me. Tonight has been lovely but can you take me home so you can relax and we can have the rest of the night to...ourselves?" He nodded but still didn't look at you.
He climbed the bike and then you did the same. When you were on the bike he started down the street, you allowed your hands to travel around his body under his shirt slightly, and he relaxed under your touch. To that you were grateful. You laid your head on his shoulder, and at the stop light he took a moment to run his hands on your thighs, and you tightened them around his legs, loving his touch.
Your place couldn't come fast enough in the darkness and the loud nightlife of London. Partygoers and drunkards were going from bar to bar, entertaining you on your ride home, but you knew that all the hustle and bustle would strain David. You wanted for him to have the comfort of silence.
However, when you got home, there was wording on your door and you cursed under your breath as David told you to stay there. He called the local police to come and access. "You're Mine" was what was written on it.
David made sure the immediate perimeter was cleared and then came to collect you, but you were staring at a car in the distance with a man in it, smoking a cigarette. "Come, love." You didn't answer, and he touched your arm, making you jumped. "Hey, love." He looked concerned as he looked at you.
"There's a man, there. In that car." His eyes darted to the vehicle, and he immediately pulled his Glock. He held it close to his side and walked out towards the car and when he heard the ignition start he went into a full run, and you stood, nearly stumbling.
"Oh god. David." You started off towards him but couldn't run you were shaking so hard, and he was sprinting after the car and starting yelling for it to halt. It went around the corner and sped off, and David went after it and they were gone.
You stood there alone on the street and gasping for air, terrified. You walked back to the house, unsure of what to do and where to go, so you sat on your doorstep. He hadn't cleared the house, and you weren't going to go in. You started softly crying, waiting.
It was about ten minutes before he stood before you, panting and sweat slicked. You jumped up and wrapped your armed around him, and he stood there a moment with his arms at his side. "Please, David." You buried your face in his chest, and his breath faltered before his arms gripped onto you tightly. "I need to get you inside. Let me make sure its safe, okay?" You just nodded as he let you go and secured the premises. He waved you past the entrance, and you slowly walked up to him as he looked conflicted on whether to touch you or not.
You knew him well enough to know what was going on. He failed tonight in his mind, and that was what he was struggling with. He convinced you to go out tonight and it wasn't a success. At least that was what he was thinking.
Your hands traveled up his arms that hung loosely at his side, and he closed his eyes. "Thank you for keeping me safe tonight." You assured him and he only shook his head. "I fucked up and left you alone. I didn't catch him. Fu-fuck." He threw his head back and pushed your hands away from his body.
"Hey. Hey. Please. David. Please." You pleaded an he turned to walk away from you and towards the living area. "Look, I know you're upset. Just talk to me." You caught up and grabbed his shirt, and he turned around and pointed outside. "That! Tonight! I fucked it up! I let my guard down because of you! I shouldn't have done that. How can I protect you if I'm in- in love with you!" He was nearly yelling, and his voice broke at the end.
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Your hands grabbed his face at his confession and your heart nearly stopped altogether. "You did keep me safe. Plus the asshole made a mistake, right? That's a good sign. He's getting sloppy. Maybe the cams get a visual and a picture of his face tomorrow?" He shook his head as but said nothing.
You kissed his the corner of his mouth. "I love you too. We will figure this out, but I need you. Please, don't push me away." He stood there, but his breathing was labored signaling his internal struggle. You laid another kiss and then another, this time on his lips. Allowing it to linger until he opened his mouth, kissing back. He moved his hands to your waist and sighed into his mouth. "Please." You whispered and begged.
"What, love. What do you need of me?" You tilted your head back to give him access, and he moved to lay open mouth kisses as you moaned. "I need you and your hands on me...anywhere. Everywhere." He growled into your neck as you undid the buttons on his shirt and opened it. You quickly pulled his undershirt over his head, needing to see his chest and have his naked body for you to see it all its glory.
He grinned at your eagerness and you bit your lip. "Don't look so arrogant, Sergeant." You laughed and he nipped and bit at your shoulder, and you tugged on his curly hair. "I just haven't had a woman look at me like that in so long. I need you, love." You beamed. "I'm all yours."
Your hands ran down his chest and back, and he sighed, and then went to his belt buckle but you were careful to not fumble, but make quick work. He went to walk you to the bedroom. "I need you here, now." His eyes found yours and a flicker of nervousness as he looked around figuring where he could lay you down. You tskd. "Wall, now."
"Fuck, me." He said with a deep and husky voice causing you to giggle. "That's the point." He grinned and grabbed your lace panties and pulled them down. "I want your eyes on me the whole time. Can you do that?" You nodded at him, and he gave you that smile. THAT smile. If you weren't that wet before you sure as hell were now. He stood up and ran his fingers up your legs and into your slick.
"Ahhh.D-David." He kissed your lips and swallowed the moan. "You're dripping. Tell that I made you this wet."
"It's all for you. You're the sexiest man I've ever seen." He gasped at those words and a part of it pained you, thinking that he hadn't heard that in so long.
You grabbed his cock and ran your hands up the length a few times. His kisses were rough and needed, invading and consuming your senses as he pushed you harshly against the wall. His hands gripped the globes of your ass and kneaded it, he tapped you to signal for you to jump. Naturally, you did, and he slid into you with ease, your arousal from the evening aiding him.
He moaned in delight as he thrust into you in one swift movement. "Fuck, love. You're so sweet. You're perfection." His eyes stayed trained on you, the lustful blue of them pushing you closer to the precipice of bliss. With each thrust, he drove you further up the wall, and your nails dug into whatever claim you could take. His hair, his scalp, his shoulder and he would relish in it with a growl.
"You feel so good inside of me, David. Wreck me." He put his forehead to yours and pounded into you even harder than you thought was possible. "I'm gonna cum, please cum inside me."
"Ah. Fuck yes." He yelled out as he kissed your lips and sweat dripped down his brow as he fucked you into the wall. All of the emotions of the night came down the only one that mattered. This beloved man. This moment of him with you. The vulnerability of giving each other over to one another.
Without a word he carried you to your room and cleaned both of you up before laying down beside you. "I could lay here forever with you, and I don't think it would be enough." He smiled at your words. "And I could never tire of hearing you say words like that to a simple man like me." You rolled over to lay on him, your hands running up his scarred side.
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 "Simple?" He nodded. "You're an actress, and I'm just a man, a police officer." You leaned in and kissed him. "Not just, your job is far more important than mine." He tucked your hair behind your ears before you laid your head on his chest. Finding the beat of his heart lulling you to sleep.
Before you drifted to rest you could've sworn he said. "And yet, I would quit to follow you anywhere my love."
Forever Tags
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Bodyguard Series
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You lived the chaotic life of a celebrity with red carpet affairs, charity events, and notable friends. However, your life is turned upside down when a stalker sends threatening letters and starts breaking into your home. Your friend, Tom Hardy, enlists a buddy from the London's Metropolitan Police department and gets you your own protection detail. What will happen when you fall for the man that is normally reserved to keep politicians safe? He has a troubled past that haunts him deeply and you are currently struggling with the trauma of a stalker and living in constant terror. Can you save each other before your stalker catches up with you and his past pulls him into the deep?
Chapter One: Broken
Chapter Two: Heavy
Chapter Three: Putting Your Guard Down
Chapter Four: Failed Missions
Chapter Five: When Darkness Turns to Light
Chapter Six: The Finality of It All
142 notes · View notes
catch22inareddress · 6 years
Bodyguard  Chapter Five When Darkness Turns to Light
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"David, please!" He slid on the pavement to your side, and as soon as he saw the blood, he took his phone out and called for backup. "It's alright, love. I'm right here." It's funny that in a moment like this the thing that you noticed was how his accent got thicker the more upset he was. Or how he could pull himself together and seem like he was in complete control one minute and the next minute when he thought no one was looking, he would take in stuttering breathe and try to compose himself. The ambulance arrived, and they lifted you in the back and David took your hand. You were in and out while he tried to keep you awake with talking to you.
"Come now, love. Tell me about your morning. Yeah?" You tried to laugh at his silly inquiry but it hurt too much. "I was stabbed, dummy." His facial expression was pained and he brought your red stained hand to his lips. "Before that, angel." You tried to think of something to say instead of sleeping.
"Look in my bag, please tell me you grabbed it." He looked around my his feet and found your purse that someone put in the back. He opened it with one hand and pulled out the papers and looked at you with pure confusion. "I don't understand, love." You gave him a tired smile.
"They're signed. She signed them for you." His face was one of relief, and he sighed but put them back in your bag as everything flooded his thoughts. "You snuck out to get her to sign these? But how? Why?" You shot him a lazy shrug.
"I gave her an offer she couldn't refuse." You did your best Godfather impression and giggled, and he knew you it was from the blood loss and leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to your forehead. "Hold tight, love. Almost there." It felt like it was too much right then to stay awake even with him before you. You closed your eyes and started to drift off. "Wait, love, please don't go. Stay with me."
That was the last thing you remembered before the darkness consumed you. .....
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The black abyss. That was what you called it, and you had been there for what felt like ages. You could feel your body ache on a whole new level, and the only person in your mind that kept replaying was David, images of you and him. The last one was the most haunting.
If the darkness wasn't enough to drive you mad, the silence was, it was deafening. You could feel your body emit tears, but that was it. You could only feel, you felt when someone would hold your hand, and you hoped it was David's but, to be honest, you had no idea. You were confined with this feeling, and you cursed yourself and your lame body for failing you. You were trapped in your own body.
When you finally heard the monitors beeping and a flash of white light flooding in and blinding, you were relieved. "Tom, she's awake." You recognized the voice as Charlotte and tried to sit up but gasped at the sharp pain, no doubt from you stab wound. "D-David? Where is he?" Your voice sounded foreign, even to you. It was raspy from the lack of use, and Tom quickly was beside you with some water and a soft smile. "Here, love." He held it to your noticeable chapped lips and you drank a bit, soothing the burn of your dry throat.
"David, where is he?" You looked around the room while  Tom looked at Charlotte. "Darling, will you go get the doc and tell him she's awake?" She nodded, and you were judging his face. You could read him like a book, and something went down, and you weren't going to like it, now was not the time to play with you. "What the fuck is going on, Hardy?" He looked at you with a smirk but then remembered what he had to tell you, and it instantly dropped.
"In surgery you flatlined, and he lost it. They were able to bring you back but it was like a flip switched, and he was back in the military, love. He hasn't come back. Last I spoke with him it was today when he called to see if you were awake. He's been going to his contacts and beating down doors trying to find Max. It- it hasn't been pretty." You tried to steady your breathing. "Give me your phone." He looked at you perplexed but handed it over without question.
You called David and maintained your breathing careful not to let you heartrate spike signaling the nurses. You were determined to make this call and get through it without before having the phone taken from you. "Tom. Is she alright??" He was out of breath and sounded worse for the wear, but it was him, and you were pissed.
Hell hath no fury.
"Sargeant David Budd. Where in the fuck are you?" The only sound that could be heard was Tom's slight snicker and the slightly elevated beeping of your monitor. "Love. Is that you? Are you awake?"
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You scoffed, and it was clear that you were unapologetically livid. "Yes. I am very much conscious and alert. In quite a bit of pain, and certainly livid to the fact that you are not here. Please tell me why you have absconded from your principles side? I'd very much like to know that right fucking now?" Tom's eyes were the size of saucers as your heart rate was now picking up at an alarming rate and the doctor had now entered the room.
"I'm happy to see you are awake Ms. Y/L/N. But you need to hang up the phone right now. Your heart rate is distressingly high." You rolled your eyes. "I will be with you in a moment doctor and not a second sooner." Your tone was that of a mother speaking to a disobedient child and the doctor was immediately silenced.
Your attention was turned back to the certain sergeant that had pissed you off. "Love, I had some things to attend to. You are in good hands; I left you with Tom." You laughed humorlessly. "The fully trained hands that I should be in are yours. Now, the only words that need to be spoken out of your mouth are that you will be here is shortly. Is that understood?"
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He cleared his throat. "Yes, ma'am."
"Good. If I hear of you trying to track him down on your own again, there will be hell to pay." With that, you hung up the phone and handed it to a smirking Tom who just stared at you as did the rest of the silent room.
"I apologize that everyone had to see me that way, but someone needed a firm talking to get their head straight. Doctor if you would please." Your heart rate returned to normal, and he informed you that you indeed flatlined and needed several blood transfusions. You had been out for three days but would make a full recovery, all in all, you were a very blessed woman. CCTV had gotten images of him, and they were plastered all across the city in efforts to get Max, and you would be released to David tomorrow. That is if the MPD didn't get word of his extracurricular activities.
After the doctor left, you pleaded for Tom and Charlotte to take leave, and they eventually did when you reminded them that David would be there soon.
When David burst through the doors, he went straight to your bed, but you weren't there. You had taken a shower and changed into a clean satin nightgown. "Love?" You opened the door and found him in the middle of your room looking frantic and lost. He was bruised and broken, and your heart shattered at the appearance of him.
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"David? What the hell happened to you?" The hardness of your voice to get him here was long forgotten as he enveloped you gently in his arms. "I got in a few rounds, love. I'm sorry. I lost it when you ...died. I fuckin went mental." You pushed him away and looked at his face, tracing over the butterfly stitches with your light touches, he flinched a few times but remained stoic.
You glared at him as you ran your hands down his chest and he looked down ashamed. You pulled his shirt up and took his bruised ribs and torso. You took in a hard gasp and released the fabric, walking away with tears in your eyes.
A broken sob came out. "How could you? You could've died. What would I have done? I would've woken up to a world without--you." His shoulders set back from their earlier collapsed position.
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"You mean like how I almost had to live when you carelessly snuck out of the house on me? This never would've happened had you stayed with me." He was furious, and you could hear it in his tone. He was right, but you had done it for him.
"I did it so that you could be free of Vicky." He took a few steps closer to you with his jaw set. "I never asked you to do that. I would've gladly stayed married to her if that ensured your safety." Your eyes swelled at his statement, and he dropped his hands at his sides in defeat.
"I didn't mean it like that, love." He took a step closer as a nurse came in. "Ms. Y/L/N your heart rate is elevated again. You need to calm down. Sir, I think you may need to leave."
"No, I am her security detail. I will stay, thank you." His eyes never left you and his voice calm but stern to the nurse. "I-I think you should leave, Sargeant Budd. Apparently, the job is more important than you and me. You can do that from the hallway." Your tears fell over and onto your cheeks as he stood there. You could see the battle raging on whether to go to you or to follow your orders. He did the former and took a step, and you put your hand up. "Please, go." Your weak weeping crushed him, and after a moment he went to the hallway and stood, trying to figure out how to right his wrong.
You knew he was right, but you were surprisingly exhausted from having slept for three days. Awaking to find your love gone rogue searching for random vengeance was straight out of a romance novella, and it made your head spin. You were pissed that he endangered his life but how was it any different from protecting you on a daily basis? He had every right to be furious with you for sneaking out on him to speak with Vicky, but you couldn't apologize for that only for being so reckless in your way of executing it. There were far better ways of accomplishing it, but it was done now. There was no going back and now you could only move forward.
When your thoughts settled it was on the fact that no matter what you do he would always choose the job of keeping you safe over your relationship. Would he ever see you as more than that? Would he ever be able to differentiate the two? When he said that he would happily stay married to the shrew if it meant that you would be safe, it nauseated you.
You awoke with a strangled scream from your throat, and your skin was slick with sweat. As you looked around the dark room, you only hear the accelerated beeping from the heart rate monitor which you ripped off of you just making it worse and setting off an alarm. David busted through the door and to your side with nurses following. "Ma'am, you have to keep the monitor on." You looked up at her with a murderous glare. "I will stay here but not with that on. If you put it back I will check myself out." David nodded to the flustered nurse who hastily took her leave and he knelt beside the bed.
"Talk to me, love." You ran frustrated hands through your hair refusing to look at him. "He was here. It was just a bad dream." He hesitated but then took your hand. "You're safe. I-I'm sorry that you don't feel like it, but I'll do whatever I can to make it so." You remained silent, and he took that as a reason to take his leave.
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You grabbed his hand before he could get too far away. "S-stay." He stared down at you, and you could finally see that through the trials and fights the past few days he also had barely slept. "Okay." He response was barely a whisper. You paused presuming he was going to climb into the bed with you, but instead, he went to lay on the couch. "No. With me." He closed his eyes and then slowly walked next to you. Taking off his sweatshirt and shoes, he climbed carefully into bed with you. "Is this okay, love? Are you comfortable?" You adjusted his arm behind your head and laid on his chest, so your wound was facing out and nestled in. "Yes. I'm comfortable."  Almost as if muscle memory and second nature you finger found his chest hair, running lazy circles across the planes of his heart.
"You know I adore you more than anything. What I said earlier was ..wrong. I was an ass. I didn't mean to hurt you I just get so blinded by keeping you safe that I would do anything to ensure that, love. It nearly fucking killed me, seeing you there. So weak and broken. Thank you for what you did but please, please. For the love----don't put yourself in harms way again." He was trying to hold back his tears at this point for you.  You looked up and supported yourself on his chest.
"I won't do it again. I'm sorry, David. I love you, and I fucked up but don't go head hunting again. You were rash with your life, and I can't have that. You need to be careful, for me." He nodded and leaned in kissing you with the emotion of the last days. It was tentative at first from the fight but became more aggressive as his tongue licked over your bottom lip, asking for permission. You readily gave it; your body was aching for anything he was able to give. After a few moments you two broke away for air he ran his calloused thumb across your lip. "Rest, lovely. We'll be home soon enough."
When you woke the next morning, you were far more than ready to go home, and it felt like discharge was taking forever. Finally, David stepped in and sped it up before they saw the other side of you again.
When you both eventually walked out of the hospital, it was hand in hand and into an SUV. "Love, we're going to my place for the time being." You looked at him for a moment. "What about my things." He kissed your hand. "I had Charlotte pack some personals and dropped them off. Whatever we don't have you can buy them. It's fine, love."
When he brought you up to his flat, it was nice, minimal and masculine. He seemed so exposed and vulnerable while you walked around, taking it all in. You saw pictures of Charlotte, Tom and him up all over but very few of anyone else. He cleared his throat to break you of your analysis. "Um-So yeah. Make yourself at home. I'll just get us some tea going?" You nodded and continued to wander around the bachelor pad as he watched you. "How long will we be here?"
You heard dishes clanking in the background as you took in the beautiful view of the park. " Um, not sure, love. I'm sorry. I know this isn't what you are used to. It's not--" You turned around and walked over to his slightly embarrassed face. His flat was modest and simple compared to yours, but you loved it because it was his. You pulled yourself up on the countertop next to him and clutched his shirt, tugging him between your legs. "I love it here. It's like our personal hideaway from the world, and I asked because I feel protected here and I don't want to leave." He gave you a small yet sincere smile and wrapped his arms around your waist as your phone rang and you shook. "Don't answer it, David." He reached for it against your wishes and picked it up, only accepting the call but not saying hello.
"You fucking bitch. Tell your bloodhound I'm going to kill you both now."
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David's jaws clenched. "You have to go through me to get to her, and that won't fucking happen, mate. You couldn't even do the job the first time, to which that I am grateful for. I get to thank you that I get to make love to my woman again because you're a royal fuck up, yea?" You gasped at his anger and crudeness as his grip on you hip tightened.
"You don't know who you are fucking with, Sargeant Budd." David laughed at Max's attempt at a threat. "Yea, I do.  A spoiled little rich kid who couldn't seal the deal with his crush, so he fucks around and creeps up on her. You can't even do that right, asshole. So do us a favor and just turn yourself in and get this over with because if I get my hands on you, your dead. I will beat. You. To. Death for touching her. Do you understand me? It's me who gives out the threats, not you." The line went dead with that. His whole demeanor had shifted during the call and sent shivers down your spine and sent your blood cold. In any other life, he would scare you. However, with him on your side, well that was a different story. At this point though you were wondering what in the hell was going on his in head.
"What in the hell, David?" He boxed you in as you tried to scramble down. "He's not getting to you, love. I need to get a rise out of him, so he loses any upper hand he thinks he had and makes a mistake. He's a fool and we are this close to catching him. I won't lose you, not again." His speech was passionate, and when he was done, he crashed his lips to yours and pulled you towards the end of the counter. His height and the countertop were perfect levels for his hard-on to press against your clothed core prompting you to moan at the feel of him. "I can't touch you like that, love. Not yet. I don't want to hurt you anymore." You ignored his whispered denials as you sucked on his throat and ran your hands up into his hair and pulled, winning you a strangled moan from the well-disciplined man.
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You unbuttoned his shirt as he watched you with lust filled and perceptive eyes. "Love?" You smirked but only continued, nipping and kissing his chest and collarbone. "Touch me please, David." You pleaded in a hushed tone. He growled as his fingers found your wet folds. "Ahh fuck it. Tell me if I hurt you." You enthusiastically nodded as you undid the buttons on his form-fitting jeans and pushed them down just far enough to spring his hard cock free, hitting his toned stomach. He lifted your ass and pulled your panties down while peppering every bit of bare skin he could find with kisses from his swollen lips.
In one swift motion, he was inside of you, and both of you moaned in absolute pleasure and satisfaction at having each other again, staying in the position with foreheads together and reveling in it. "Fuck, you feel so good around me baby." You hummed in response and grabbed the muscled globes of his ass pushing him deeper inside of you, gasping at the feeling. He began to set a pace that both of you appreciated and was safe for your stitches. All you could hear were your moans mixed with kisses and skin. David would praise you and you him, bringing both of you closer to the precipice of sheer rapture.
"Cum, love. Around my cock." You bit on his shoulder, knowing that was his favorite spot of pleasure and pain mingled. He began to pound harder into you, and your walls fluttered around his cock. "Cum inside me, David. Please. I need you baby. Hard and deep." He growled and both of you saw stars at the same time, clinging onto one another.
With heaving breaths and sweaty skin, he held you in the kitchen. "That was much better than any tea you could've made." He snorted and laughed into the crook of your neck. This was not the ideal relationship but you were genuinely in love and with him and fuck it...you would get through it. One way or another.
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Bodyguard Masterlist Series-In Progress
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You lived the chaotic life of a celebrity with red carpet affairs, charity events, and notable friends. However, your life is turned upside down when a stalker sends threatening letters and starts breaking into your home. Your friend, Tom Hardy, enlists a buddy from the London's Metropolitan Police department and gets you your own protection detail. What will happen when you fall for the man that is normally reserved to keep politicians safe? He has a troubled past that haunts him deeply and you are currently struggling with the trauma of a stalker and living in constant terror. Can you save each other before your stalker catches up with you and his past pulls him into the deep?
Chapter One: Broken
Chapter Two: Heavy
Chapter Three: Putting Your Guard Down
Chapter Four: Failed Missions
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Bodyguard Series  Masterlist (Ongoing)
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You lived the chaotic life of a celebrity with red carpet affairs, charity events, and notable friends. However, your life is turned upside down when a stalker sends threatening letters and starts breaking into your home. Your friend, Tom Hardy, enlists a buddy from the London's Metropolitan Police department and gets you your own protection detail. What will happen when you fall for the man that is normally reserved to keep politicians safe? He has a troubled past that haunts him deeply and you are currently struggling with the trauma of a stalker and living in constant terror. Can you save each other before your stalker catches up with you and his past pulls him into the deep?
Chapter One: Broken
Chapter Two: Heavy
Chapter Three: Putting Your Guard Down
Chapter Four: Failed Missions
Chapter Five: When Darkness Turns to Light
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Bodyguard Series (Ongoing)
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You lived the chaotic life of a celebrity with red carpet affairs, charity events, and notable friends. However, your life is turned upside down when a stalker sends threatening letters and starts breaking into your home. Your friend, Tom Hardy, enlists a buddy from the London's Metropolitan Police department and gets you your own protection detail. What will happen when you fall for the man that is normally reserved to keep politicians safe? He has a troubled past that haunts him deeply and you are currently struggling with the trauma of a stalker and living in constant terror. Can you save each other before your stalker catches up with you and his past pulls him into the deep?
Chapter One: Broken
Chapter Two: Heavy
Chapter Three: Putting Your Guard Down
Chapter Four: Failed Missions
Chapter Five: When Darkness Turns to Light
Chapter Six: The Finality of It All
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