#day 28: moving day
jtl-fics · 3 months
could i please have some new kings?
WIP Wednesday 2/28/24 (CLOSED) | New Kings AU
"Oh yeah. I guess I'm just looking forward to it." Matt covers for his slip-up awkwardly.
"Oh, you got it pre-ordered or something?" Seth asks, "I haven't been to a GameStop in a while." he says stretching out on the couch.
Kevin vaguely remembers the shop in question. He figures it might be in the middle of it's heyday right now before digital games and Amazon free delivery start eroding away at it's client base.
"Uh no just must have seen something for it. I don't think it's up for pre-order yet." Matt says grabbing the Gamecube game instead and looking at his Wii seemingly trying to remember something.
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cinna-bunnie · 7 months
tweaking ur neck is the dumbest minor injury “oh i looked the wrong way too fast and now i can't turn right for the rest of the day” GROW UP!!! just kidding oww owwie my neck waaaah
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cheekblush · 5 months
when will i stop expecting words of support and encouragement from my mom
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yahoo201027 · 3 days
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Day in Fandom History: June 10…
Mordecai wants to get a kiss from Margaret and the upcoming meteor shower gives Mordecai the perfect opportunity to score a kiss, only to find out that he can’t get out of the so-called “friendzone”. “Meteor Moves” premiered on this day, 11 Years Ago.
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eirianerisdar · 2 years
Am currently very sick
Fever, chills, sweating, the works
Had to call in sick today when I was supposed to be on a 28 hour shift and so the mid-level senior doctor who has to cover for me is very pissed (it would have been me admitting cases, not her) I cannot take more than one day off at a time so I guess I’m going back to work tomorrow while shivering and about to faint
Because it’s not covid and as a resident unless you’re able to walk you keep working
I am too tired to be angry I feel like death on an ancient thermostat
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atthebell · 3 months
cannot stop writing things set pre-reset sorry i will always prefer it
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mildmayfoxe · 3 months
my sister is going to be thirty in a couple years which is sooo crazy to think about considering she's always going to be about 23 in my brain, the same way my baby brother is always going to be about 18 even though he has a fancy computer science job and lives in wisconsin and just bought a new car on his own
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daisywords · 4 months
need to be nicer to myself about avoiding making dinner bc I can hear someone else in the kitchen! maybe it's not entirely bc I'm being antisocial! maybe it's bc the kitchen is like 2 square feet! maybe I'm justified
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dahldahlbills · 7 months
nano days 29 + 30
29- 856; 30- 722
Total word count: 36,770; 30,506 towards main wip!
*lies down on floor* i did it
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gachagon · 4 months
I watched the last two episodes of Hazbin Hotel and they were pretty alright, I enjoyed them. Obviously the pacing is awful though because we only had 8 episodes to really get to the end, but for what its worth I think they managed to do their best in telling their story.
I can't really blame anyone but the ones who greenlit the show in the first place for that episode number though, lord knows indie animation is thankful enough to get 1 season these days. I hope in season 2 the animation gets better because it is very rough here. Even in that fight/dance sequence with Vaggie and the overlord lady, you can really tell they were being held back a lot and had to just make do with whatever budget they'd been given.
My earlier gripes about how the show handles addiction, sexual assault, and abuse still stand. I think how it portrays those things is tacky, and the show doesn't get a pass just because it was "brave" enough to just outwardly show those things "without holding back". I also don't think the show being 18+ and being set in hell gives it an excuse to just treat these sensitive subjects however it feels. I really hope the fanbase learns to just accept criticism of the show in the future because it's been really annoying having people call you horrible names just because you have valid opinions about a cartoon.
I still think Alastor "being black" is an after thought that came to the creator after people rightfully pointed out how that character doesn't fit at all with the culture she's appropriating, or how he clearly has motifs and themes from a different religion all together (I mean he's quite literally a "deer demon", able to change his form, eating rotten flesh on his downtime, it's giving "white ladies version of a wendigo" very much and not "Creole man from Louisiana who practices "Voodoo Hoodoo" whatever the fuck that means) The creator of the show has some good ideas, but really needs to learn to just be quiet at times instead of opening her mouth to say more dumb shit.
I think the sex jokes and vulgarity were not toned down even near the end, i really think they need better comedy writers on their staff team. It's unbearable to hear the same "haha sex joke" for the millionth time over the course of 8 episodes. Get different jokes at least please, sex can only be "hilarious" for so long. I find the comedy is at its strongest when its relying more on the over all personalities of the cast than who they're sleeping with or how many "parts" they have or what they do in bed etc.
The music is good, it's hit or miss sometimes but i definitely like a lot of the songs and the cast is really talented so they're carrying it. Is it "broadway" material? Absolutely not. But its good for what it is.
All in all, i didn't entirely hate it I guess? I liked it near the end, I hated those first 4 episodes and if they're gonna continue on with the same problems season 1 has, I really don't see this show going on for very long (especially not when the one in charge of it all plugs her ears to anyone criticizing it) I will tune in for season 2 because the ending has me a little intrigued, the show does shine when it's focused on the plot and not when it wants to fumble complicated themes and messages. I do want to see how they'll end this or where they'll take it etc.
So yeah that was Hazbin Hotel. It could use some work, like a lot of it. Meh.
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birdmenmanga · 5 months
WAIT MY PERIOD IS COMING IN A WEEK. CRISIS AVERTED. I'm normal again it's just my brain chemicals fucking me up :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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pepprs · 1 year
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#to translate this post: someone liked this post i made (on the upper left) on AUGUST 28 having a moment of self awareness that i was running#away from my whole life and not moving or learni ng to drive or anything. it is now march 8. it has been almost 7 months. and i have made#basically zero progress. and there is nothing stopping me but me. i could read the drivers manual and whatever whenever i want. but i am not#doing anything. and i don’t know how to get myself to start.#purrs#i know it’s a cop out excuse but i truly do think it’s covid. i think being in lockdown for a year and a half made me just let go of any#sense of progress. made me scared to take steps forward. and i mean i did bc i lived on campus for a while after that but it’s like.. EVERY#part of my life is stagnant rn it seems. and it’s not just me it’s my siblings too. we’re all getting older but none of us is trying to move#out or gain our independence in any way and my brother isn’t even looking for jobs even though he needs one. we’re all just getting older#but we’ve lost (or maybe had knocked out of us by covid and our mom being so strict) any sense of moving ipward and spreading our wings.#forgotten we have wings at all. and ive done important things like going on a house tour or traveling with my besties (<3). but i have only#made it to page 8 of the drivers manual and i truly do not want to read the rest of it. i have only been on one house tour and im longing to#move out but how much am i really because i can’t bring myself to schedule another tour and start searching for a new home in earnest.#i just come home every day UTTERLY exhausted and spend all my free time trying to process or rest. and im not making room for myself to use#my wings. and it’s truly terrible. why are we all okay with living like this. my younger self would be HORRIFIED if she saw how much i had a#atrophied since graduating and moving back home. my brighton self would be HORRIFIED. i told myself i wouldn’t and then it’s exactly what i#did. and ik im being harsh and ive spread my wings in some important ways during this time but… these are so obvious. such low hanging#fruit in some ways. bc any 16 year old can take this test and pass it so why can’t i at 24? why won’t i let myself? dont i want a nice cozy#home i make my own where i can eat what i want and sleep when i want and have control over sounds? then why am i not running for it?#delete later#i am wasting my youth i am wasting my youth i am wasting my youth 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 my one precious life 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃#also LMFAOOOOO the next tag on that aug 28 post was that i need to get a new campus id card… guess who hasn’t done that either ♥️
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tomorrow is my birthday tomorrow is my birthday (repeated 28 times) [pops out of a cake] and the golden one too!
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blewthecandleout · 1 year
I dread Mondays so much because I have to do my 9.5 hour shift alone without a lunch break and I hate it so much fucking FREE ME from this prison
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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Day in Fandom History: June 10…
Mordecai wants to get a kiss from Margaret and the upcoming meteor shower got Mordecai the perfect opportunity to score a kiss, only to find out that he can’t get out of the so-called “friendzone”. “Meteor Moves” premiered on this day, 10 Years Ago.
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