ginalover · 3 months
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For Love
For Money
For Each Other
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lemongogo · 2 years
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bonestoearth · 1 year
ha haaaAaaa
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vanibear · 1 year
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luvkuvi · 1 year
after talking to my friend abt the smau i have finally finished the plot. unfortunately the next chpt isnt a written one bcs i had to scrape it for this new story outline
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dhl-au · 5 months
Perhaps in Caines office, you can find a quiet unsettling quote from Ovid, Ex Ponto, Book, IV, XVI. Referring specifically to the Dayof Horror. I just think it fits, I've given the Latin words along with the English translation.
"Omnia perdidimus, tantummodo uita relicta est.
Praebeat ut sensum materiamque mali.
Quid iuuat extinctos ferrum demittere in artus?
Non habet in nobis iam noua plaga locum."
"We have lost everything, and to the extent that life is left.
It offers just the sense and substance of evil.
What is the use of plunging a sword into a body already dead?
There is no longer any room in me for a fresh wound."
(In fact, I believe the phrase "Omnia Perdidimus" ("We have lost everything") would be scrawled along the papers in the office.
Ooh this is a cool thingy, I note note this to my notebook oohoho~ Also, the AU happening inside the game, so I think this probably impossible to Caine find out this letter? But this might work with A's location...
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hey-cringelord · 3 months
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this is the best dayof my LIFE!!!
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miiilowo · 1 year
i think about the 'the missile is very tired' tiktok every single dayof my life
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ouroboros8ontology · 1 year
So onerous did these recurrent accusations become that the rabbis of the Middle Ages found it necessary—forced to this step, no doubt, by Jewish public opinion—to suspend some of these customs. In the case of the clod-throwing, though “many were obliged to disregard the usage for fear that the Gentiles would accuse them of sorcery,” custom was proof against fear. But in other instances fear triumphed. The mourning rights of “binding the head” and “overturning the bed” lapsed during the Middle Ages for this reason. In Talmudic times fear of the same accusation had led Jewish authorities to excuse the head of the household from the rite of “searching out the leaven” on the eve of the Passover in places owned in common with a non-Jew; during the Middle Ages there was a strong but unsuccessful agitation to suspend this rite altogether, even indoors, “because we have Gentile serving-girls in our homes” who might spread the alarm. In Provence, however, the ritual cleansing of the public oven in preparation for Passover baking was neglected “because of the Gentiles’ suspicion of sorcery.” When a fire broke out in a Jewish house its owner dared expect little mercy from the mob, for he was a sorcerer seeking to destroy Christendom, and his punishment was commonly simultaneous with his crime. The rabbis of the time were unusually tolerant about violations of the prohibition to put out fires on the Sabbath and on the Dayof Atonement. At the slightest danger they set this prohibition aside, “for this is a matter of life and death, since they accuse us and persecute us.” We read of a lamb, slaughtered in fulfillment of a ritual obligation, which was cut up and buried secretly in sections, “so that the matter may not become known and they say, ‘it was done for magical ends.’” To such measures were Jews driven by fear of arousing the suspicions of their neighbors.
Joshua Trachtenberg, Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion; The Legend of Jewish Sorcery
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Im dayoffing today and Im thinking: what if I rewatch The Bear again? Just the highlights maybe? Or S2, or maybe just last ep or maybe just Omelette and then the last one, or…
Fuck me!!!
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goldiipond · 10 months
the umbrella side story is one of my favoritest omakes in the series specifically for this bit i think abt it every dayof my life. don is the only thing that matters in this fucked up world
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fagimator · 4 months
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I'm glad personally that i get this masaru video recommended to me every dayof him especially with the very subtle title
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andoutofharm · 1 year
im literally crying ths is the worst day of my life this is the best dayof my life im so
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 2 years
Blessing of the candles against sore throat
The Blessing of the Throats is a sacramental of the Roman Catholic Church, ordinarily celebrated on February 3, the feast dayof Saint Blaise of Sebaste. (…) „O God most powerful and most kind, Who didst create all the different things in the world by the Word alone, and Whose will it was that this Word by Which all things were made should become incarnate for the remaking of mankind; Thou Who art great and limitless, worthy of reverence and praise, the worker of wonders; for Whose sake the glorious Martyr and Bishop, St. Blaise, joyfully gained the palm of martyrdom, never shrinking from any kind of torture in confessing his faith in Thee; Thou Who didst give to him, amongst other gifts, the prerogative of curing by Thy power every ailment of men’s throats; humbly we beg Thee in Thy majesty not to look upon our guilt, but, pleased by his merits and prayers, in Thine awe-inspiring kindness, to bless this wax created by Thee and to sanctify it, pouring into it Thy grace; so that all who in good faith shall have their throats touched by this wax may be freed from every ailment of their throats through the merit of his suffering, and, in good health and spirits, may given thanks to Thee in Thy holy Church and praise Thy glorious name, which is blessed for ever and ever. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who with Thee lives and reigns, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.”
After which, the blessing is made by the ordained minister in these words:
„Per intercessionem sancti Blasii, Episcopi et Martyris, liberet te Deus a malo gutturis, et a quolibet alio malo.”
Then, he makes the sign of the cross over the persons head:
„In nomine Patris, et Filii, + et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.”
- Wikipedia, Blessing of the Throats
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writinginnorthnorfolk · 10 months
Why a Pear Tree?
Why would I bein a pear tree?On the first dayof Christmas, too.I am a farm bird,a runner in fields,and wouldn’tappeal to you.I’m not as brightas a pheasant,and not quiteas cute as a quail;my body is grey,but my face is pleasant,blushing reddish, the same as my tail. Kim M. Russell, 12th December 2023 Image by Bruce Kee on Unsplash It’s the final Poetics of the year at the dVerse Poets Pub and…
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hackercult · 9 months
last dayof work
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