#db xenoverse memes
nm-mattuz · 5 months
I love the little stories around Conton city, they're so fun!
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airplaneear2 · 6 months
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Did you guys know Fridged is Hit and Frosts lovechild
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duhragonball · 1 year
Nanwum Schemin'
I finished my August writing challenge tonight, and I'm pleased to say that I managed to hit 20,000 words and that's actually enough to cover this year's Christmas special. I tried this last year, but I only wrote 15k in September, and Red Christmas ended up being 32k long, so I wound up writing more than half of it in December anyway. This time, I took that into account, which is why I used August instead. I figured if Blue Christmas ran long, I'd be able to use September to finish it off, but it looks like I managed to fit the entire plot in 20k, so that's satisfying. I need a little more to finish the ending, and there's some stuff I'll want to add and take out, but overall, I have a working first draft that I can have ready for AO3 without much trouble.
I still have to figure out what the hell Yellow Christmas will be about. I saved that one for last, since yellow is the Luffa color, but I think I've used up all the good fanfic AU tropes by now, so I'm gonna have to get creative. But that's a problem for 2024, and I'm here to talk about the fall of 2023.
Concerning the Apocrypha Liveblog, I plan on wrapping up some loose ends in September. Super Dragon Ball Heroes episode 50 came out last week, so I can write about how the Aeos arc (we won!). I also want to knock out the DBS movies, and I think the DBS Manga will probably be done with their Super Hero adaptation, so I'm penciling that in as well. Whatever's left over I can deal with in October or later.
November is NanoWriMo season, and this will be my 7th entry in the event. I don't count my ill-fated attempt in 2003, since I never logged it with the website, and I had no idea what I was doing and flamed out by the second or third day. But I've been doing these since 2017 and I've been racking up wins ever since. I'm feeling confident at the moment, so I'm going to try to set some goals for myself, which I'll put under the cut.
Looking back at my past runs, I've had some good years and some difficult ones where I didn't reach the 50k goal until Day 29 or 30. I always find it more satisfying to finish early if I can. My preference is to have things wrapped up by Day 20, so I can write more stuff in the overrun, or start editing and posting, or just slack off for the next ten days. It's always enjoyable, so I think I need to make this a priority.
For a number of years, my objective was to boost word count and reach certain milestones in the Luffa storyline, but I passed one million words last year, and this year I've nearly finished the Xenoverse 1 adaptation, so things are a little different. I think I can afford to think about how to improve productivity, rather than how to hit certain plot points. So we'll aim for that.
Currently, my earliest win date is Day 17, which I pulled off back in 2021. So I'm going to try to hit 50k on or before Day 16. Here's how.
This month, I learned I can get more done by breaking up my large word goals in to 500 word chunks. To finish by Day 16, I'll need to average about 3000 words a day, which is something I've always struggled to do consistently, but now, I think I can make that work. The idea is to devote six hours across a day, where I write 500 words in each of those hours. It really seemed to help me out this month, so it's time to see if that technique can push me further.
One other thing I want to try is to break my personal record for one-day writing totals. Currently, that stands at 7023 words. So I've chosen three days where I can attempt to do that. I'd like to do more than jut hit 7024, though. 9001 would be pretty sweet for the meme value, but it sounds really daunting.
The important thing here is that I give myself permission to fail. If I can't maintain 3k per day, that's fine, because even falling short of that goal still makes good progress. If I can't make it to 7k or beyond, that's fine too, because wherever I land, it's still a lot of progress. And if I'm not done by Day 16 it's fine, because I'll have two weeks left.
But I think I can do this. The rewards would be sweet. AEW Full Gear is on the 18th, and it'd be pretty great to just have a lazy Saturday where I watch that instead of writing. NJPW will probably run their World Tag League shows between November 15 and December 15, so I'd have the whole second half of November freed up. And mostly, I like the precedent it would set if I could consistently land 3k in six hours or less. I feel like that's something I need to prove to myself.
If this is going to work, I need to do some solid plotting in October so I'm ready. I do reasonably well with "they fight" as a prompt, but if I have a list of spots and story beats to work with, that would cut down on the indecision that usually holds me back.
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distructodicks · 2 years
For the DB ask meme,
5 and 23!
Who is your favorite villain?
Freeza! He is a cold hearted landlord/Hitler and GENUINELY amusing to watch. He is by far one of my absolute favorite characters period
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What is your favorite technique?
If we are talking Xenoverse...Special beam canon I am a spammer and It's my FAVORITE thing to spam 🙏
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overall ... I would be remiss not to add Burning Attack.... like come on man he just so smooth with it ‼️
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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Have some Vanille being a total meme
(( wish I posted this yesterday uughhh ))
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DBXV2 - All Supreme Kai of Time's Street Patrol Radio Segments
Poor Vegeta
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kilowave · 7 years
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feardona · 7 years
//*whispers into the microphone* ok but do i make a Fu blog y/n?
also; dab.ura’s a savage, just sayin’
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maddmuses · 2 years
Goba x Trunks for the child meme? 🤗
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"Nobody tell Goten."
Name: Son Jean
Gender: NB (AFAB)
General Appearance: Jean has a hair color that's somewhere between the traditional "Son" family color (of which Goba's is already lighter than most) and the Briefs family hair color. They aren't particularly athletic, although saiyan biology makes them still insanely strong with little effort. Like Gohan, years of studying has hurt their vision so they now need glasses.
Personality: More of a DB "science" type, she is probably most like her grandma Bulma, prone to fanciful and unnecessary desires, but still also disciplined and intelligent enough to excel in scientific fields. Short-fused, also like the grandmothers, but also their mom, Jean has little taste for the typical saiyan shenanigans and hijinks, and is often known to beat sense into their various cousins, uncles, and grandparents. Jean is a big fan of professional baseball, and loves to eat astronaut food.
Special Talents: Good at coming up with nicknames for people, leader in the field of biogenetics, and bioengineering.
Who they like better: Goba (lets him get away with more tbh)
Who they take after more: Hard to say, but Trunks since she's more like Bulma than anyone.
Personal Head canon: Was instrumental in the saiyan genetic fortification that allows for the widespread saiyan genome in the future as-seen in Dragon Ball Online/Xenoverse.
Face Claim: Rio Futaba
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saiyanandproud · 2 years
🍎🍋🍌? :3c
Munay Meme (out of Munday)
🍎 - If you had to chose a new faceclaim for your muse, who would you pick?
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Rose from Tales of Zestiria! Look-wise, she has a good Mariko-like vibe!
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
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Joke-wise? Yes, she wants me to let her be a super-awesome, full-blooded, Time-Hero Saiyan. She doesn't get that self acceptance is important and she has to earn it with hard work first!
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In a more serious manner, sometimes I can feel Mariko "craving" for a connection with a character I am writing her with. It doesn't need to be romantic, but when the thread is engaging and the writing is good, it's really hard to not feel a sort of "call", and sometimes imagination runs in my head ahead of the thread unfolding on its own. I never let it overtake the writing, if anything I share my ideas with the other mun or ignore it and just sit and see what happens. But Mariko is a passionate, emotional, sensitive character, she literally can't be written as impartial or indifferent if all the elements listed above are happening.
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
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No, okay, I had a massive crush on him as a kid when I started watching the show, but I started watching it ever since it first aired in my country, so I just... Followed it and liked it!
Later on however, it was thanks to my friend @icecreamhotelpatrol with whom I shared a few other interests with. She got Xenoverse way before I did, I drew her character as a gift and she talked me more about the videogame. It sounded fun, I did like Dragon Ball after all, so I decided to spoil myself and get it, and that's how I re-discovered my passion for it. I first wrote Mariko as a DBX1 Time Hero in a fanfiction with her, and boy am I fond of that, I think it really helped me developing my writing style. Plus, I literally loved the story and the characters in it. Then she mentioned the DB roleplaying community, specifically @nappainanotherdimension blog, and that was what inspired me to try to join it. However, the old Mariko couldn't work in this setting, she was too deply rooted in her story and I was kinda jealous/protective of her original version as it really meant a lot to me, it felt too personal. So I was like "what if Mariko wasn't a Hero, but a Hero-wannabe? What if she didn't fear her Saiyan side, but craved for it?". And since I got DBX2 by then, I thought about making her a Patroller rookie and that's how I ended up here!
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nm-mattuz · 6 months
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If this is your character... I'm not sorry.
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fonicsight-a · 3 years
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Whoops, I just up and vanished didn’t I?? fdsjkfbjs 
Welllllll things are gonna be a bit more spotty anyway, my hyperfixation has actually shifted away from Tales as well as RPing quite a bit! (DB Xenoverse my beloved) And some things have come up IRL that make trying to divide my attention not super easy. So, I don’t think I’ll be accepting any new memes or threads, and I’ll continue queueing things as needed. I’ll try to pop in every few days to make sure you all know I haven’t poofed! But if you wanna keep in contact, just send an ask to my personal @cloudybraiins​ for my Discord, that’s the most guaranteed way for me to see it!
Also RIP Crestoria I hope Bamco makes a proper game for Kanata and everyone, I was really enjoying the storyline ujyhtgrfe
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radmanraditz · 5 years
What is one sexual insecurity that your muse has?
{In-Depth Sinday Meme || Open and Accepting!}
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Raditz is an insecure person. It’s why he’s so keen on being a dominating asshole when he’s in a situation where he’s the big fish in the small pond. We see it in canon when he meets his brother on Earth and how he treats his students in Xenoverse 2. He does have some real confidence in himself, but a lot of it is part of his “Proud Saiyan Warrior” persona. It’s an interesting and realistic duality to be both confident in what he can do compared to other weaker people, but also be insecure about his shortcomings as a warrior compared to his partners and anyone else who proves they’re stronger than he is.
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I’ve wanted to make a stand-alone analysis post for the reasons why I write Raditz being more sexuality active compared to my other muse, Nappa, and for the reasons why he uses sex to get validation and praise for what he doesn’t get as a warrior. But I can sum it up here pretty nicely. 
Sex is the one activity where he can be both physically dominating while also being able to give and receive physical touch in a way that is “acceptable,” and it allows him to feel desired and adored for what he’s capable of. It makes him feel special and different from his partners – whom I HC didn’t have as much interest in getting laid while working for the PTO, despite all the fanon nonsense that’s popular – and therefore, superior in at least one area where neither of them feel like competing with him to prove that they’re better. (And TBH both @indomitablepride and I HC and write Nappa and Vegeta looking down on him for his promiscuity. Their thoughts on that run along the lines of, “Ew. Really Raditz? Where are your standards? Guess you’ll settle for anything that wants to.” ) 
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So what would make him feel insecure about one of the few things he feels genuinely confident and skilled at? The same thing that makes anybody feel inadequate: rejection. 
Despite having had several attempts at a ship and a couple of actual ships here, Raditz knows he’s not the ideal type of person for healthy romantic relationships. He’s capable of it, but it’s not going to be easy for either party because he’s got a lot of emotional baggage. He’d need to grow as a person along with his partner. The only person who hasn’t struggled with that aspect in their relationship is Turles because he’s already aware of what his emotional baggage is since they were childhood friends. In general he’s not seeking romance even though deep down real intimacy and acceptance is what he wants far more than sex. Sex is just a quick and easy way to get a taste of what he truly wants but feels like he’s incapable of receiving from other people. He knows what unconditional love feels like from his mother, Gine, and from his friendship with Turles when they were kids. Both were lost when he was still a child/adolescent and doubts he’ll ever get that again from anyone else without having to go through great lengths to earn that. Lengths that he’s not willing to put himself through because his efforts don’t seem to matter. So he doesn’t try. A lot of his emotional needs were frowned upon as him being too “needy” by his father, Bardock in extended game canon. The hint of his grief over the destruction of Planet Vegeta and his parents and younger brother being dead made the other two Saiyans on his team visibly uncomfortable in the DBS Broly movie. (One of those great subtle moments of the film I really need to devote an analytical post to on my main blog about that entire scene because damn, it’s really good and confirmed a lot of headcanons I have for both my muses in just one minute of screentime. That’s an amazing achievement that took advantage of the visual medium of animation and it’s one of the reasons why I love the DBS Broly movie so much.)
In Raditz’s mind, if someone doesn’t want to have sex with him, then they must not have any positive interest in him at all. His looks and what he can give sexually are the only positive things he thinks he can contribute since every other aspect of his life involves being manipulative, and ruthless in order to hurt and kill people. If they don’t want to have sex with him, then they must not think he’s attractive or “good enough” because he already assumes nobody’s going to like him for any other reason. And being reminded that he’s “not good enough” is the root to a lot of his emotional baggage. It’s why he is so turned off by people who approach him with insults. 
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saintkillerivy · 8 years
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him big.jpg
alternatively titled don’t fucking look at me i’m terrible lmao
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uniguinflutist · 8 years
Things that I’ve said or thought while playing Xenoverse 2 RP Starters
“One wish, huh...for Donald Trump NOT TO BE PRESIDENT?” 
“Maijin Lives Matter.” 
“Weird? Well, excuse me, last time I checked you reproduced asexually, too!” 
“Tumblr is gonna have a field day with this!” 
“Not a single straight person in this room,” 
“What’s up, my childhood husbando?” 
“You are sort of like an pink elf version of Amy Poehler” 
“What training? All you’re doing is standing there looking constipated.” 
“Get ready to lose again!” 
“Well screw you, too.” 
“Hello there Goku Black 1.0,” 
“Are you trying to out-gay ___?” 
“Why am I looking at ____’s crotch?” 
“Hello ____’s racist uncle,” 
“Nothing says evil witch like white hair,” 
“That’s ____, I know it.” 
“Famous last words.”
“Why does everyone sound like ___?”  
“____, you’re such a sweetie!” 
“I regret all of the jokes and puns that I’ve ever said about you, ___.” 
“D’awww, ___-senpai is talking about me?” 
“Now I really want a three-some between ___, ____, and ____.” 
“...Well, that went about as well as I expected.”  
“I’d tap that. I’d tap that hard.” 
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teamchilledtreats · 6 years
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(( Lookit this fused gal, she looks like a butt-kickin’ boatload of bubblegum fun I tells youse whats ))
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