#this dlc was well worth the wait lemme tell you---
bam-monsterhospital · 11 months
necrom thoughts
like yeah sure i'm super happy to hear wes johnson's performance in almost anything, especially elderscrolls related, and hermaeus mora is my fav daedric prince, but that doesn't make up for the nothingness in the writing. A good actor can only get you so far!
also i was honestly waiting for the other shoe to drop with hermaeus mora; he was very sweet and grandfatherly and concerned the entire time and here I was waiting for the insidious eldritch threatening side to come out (because 1: it's hermaeus fucking mora, 2: this is supposedly dlc based on lovecraftian works/atmosphere), but it never did. He was weirdly and uncharacteristically upfront with everything, but not even in a "i'm the yog-sothoth/nyarlahotep in this universe, you cannot get one over on me so here i'll give you truths and half-truths" kind of way, no. He was just... weirdly and boringly 1-dimensional. EVEN when you do shit that falls outside your lil contract with him and kind of works counter to his goals, he doesn't reprimand you or get upset at you or even acknowledge it. The only supposedly negative thing about this hermaeus mora in this questline is "oh no he wiped a memory from the universe"... which like... you don't even get to ponder how to feel about that before it's shoved in your face that "no it's okay, because to remember that memory would break reality, it's fine".
and like, okay, sure that sounds potentially interesting... but the writers never build on this. They just leave it at that!
ALL throughout necrom and by its end, we know this:
Hermaeus mora wiped a memory from the universe (no we're not allowed to even think about how the horror in how powerful he must be to accomplish that sort of thing)
he did it to 'preserve reality' because knowing the secret would somehow break reality.
the secret was the existence of another daedric prince, who apparently could manipulate 'fate' (no we're not told what that actually means in this universe), and because of this she had to be forgotten. supposedly.
the entire fuckin quest is to stop the memory from being remembered fully. by the end, a dremora remembers part of it, and now you have the knowledge too, as well as mora himself.
that's it. that's... not a lot to actually work with, considering you learn most of this (you only get the daedric prince erasure part right at the end, and lemme tell you, it's not much of a reveal) EARLY ON IN THE QUESTLINE. And because the writers had nothing else to offer, the rest of the ENTIRE QUESTLINE is just reiterating these facts that tell us next to nothing.
you know what would actually be something half-decent you could fill your dialogue quotas with, writers? How about we discuss what 'fate' actually means in this fuckin 'multiple timelines can exist at the same time because fuck it' universe. THERE IS NO FATE. How shit is 'supposed to be' only works if you don't have games upon games upon games worth of deities and powerful beings setting up 'prophecies' that are explained as actually them just playing a waiting game and using propaganda. "Fate" does not work in a universe where time itself takes a nap and suddenly all these mutually exclusive shenanigans somehow happened at the exact same time and the world has to deal with the consequences of that distortional nightmare. There is no "supposed to be" singular way things happen in a universe where the mortal plane is literally stapled together by giant physical pins in its fabric. Not to mention how it often feels like the writers are actually referring to timelines and possibilities when they use the word "fate", which... just also does not work.
There's an easy fix for this that feels more characteristic of this specific fantasy universe: there are no guarantees, no 'fate', but mora can see consequences of actions (which he already does in universe). So, obviously, he needs to nudge events in a way that will turn things into a favourable outcome for him. OH WAIT that's what he already does. But none of that is 'FATE'. I'm all for mora being pompous and being like "oh well since tHIS way favours me and my goals, THIS is the RIGHT way and the way things are meant to beeeeee, so ima call it fate for those lil mortals to also want to do it and ask no questions.", that's fINE, but then you have to actually acknowledge what he's doing. Look, azura pulled/is in the process of pulling the same thing with all of the dunmer to get her vengeance, this isn't some new concept. Speaking of things that are actually NOT new.
Daedric princes fucking up daedric princes. Erasing one? That's not new; like yeah it's kinda fucked up and horrific when you think about the power behind that - the power to just warp reality surrounding another reality warper - HOWEVER, the daedric princes have already done this with jyggalag. Why is it some huge deal (it's not) for hermaeus mora (and, as we eventually find out like some post-it note of tacked on info at the end, many other daedric princes) to erase ithelia's existence, when it's fiiiiiine and no big deal for jyggalag to be turned into his antithesis. Both these princes threaten the tenuous balance of power between everyone else, but we're supposed to feel as if mora fucked up here?
It's sloppy writing.
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bmpmp3 · 22 days
OH btw i did get kamitsubaki city ensemble and it aint half bad!!! specifically i bought the main game at 5 bucks (its going for that specific style of rhythm game pricing where the main game is like pennies but the DLC is a bajillion doll hairs LOL) which I found worth it for what it is, I dunno about the fifty buck season pass tho, I'd wait until I was sure I really REALLY liked the gameplay first
i think this style of rhythm gameplay is called 7k or 7key in a lot of circles (osu thing?) I DONT know how i feel about it. i think im getting used to it and finding it pretty fun, although the spacebar thumb notes are really hard for me LOL
the UI is super mobile game which makes sense because it has a mobile version and the gameplay seeeeems like itd be more fun on mobile at first BUT i do think its odd because like...... the beatmaps are NOT made for thumb players.... even for finger players it seems like some of those edge double notes would be kind of tough... so as a thumb player i went with the pc ver <3
the songs are fun though, like not just the existing songs but also the game's general score is nice and the theme song Cradle RULES. the beatmaps seem fine so far, although I am not practiced enough to go past normal mode yet so we shall see. I do think the game needs some colour options though, the colour that the lanes light up is like a few degrees too similar of a blue to the colour of the hold notes and it fucks me up constantly orz also the 7lane side lane notes are yellow and the middle spacebar note is white which is a good contrast, but part of me wants a bit more colour coding, its hard to keep track of it all. I also don't care for the colour coding vanishing when its a double note, now i have no clue what lane its in graaaaaahhhhhh
BUT its fun so far. be careful about playing it on a low powered or old computer if you have issues with flashing, I had a bunch of weird sprite clipping in and out issues during the cutscenes on my old laptop. it slowed down after an hour so maybe it was an issue booting up? the colours and flashing rhythm sections are probably rough for some as well as another warning
the plot is kind of fun, im enjoying it because im 26 and can no longer deal with gacha games BUT i still like mascot character rhythm games so its nice to have this game just as is for a fiver (ignoring the odd DLC pricing LOL) i like the haunting sort of surreal aspects so far and the characters are cute and fun ALTHOUGH it is odd seeing Kafu with this sort of personality. shes not bad shes just a lot sweeter and peppier than I and I think a lot of people pictured her LOL we all just pictured her as like kind of brooding idk.... the others are how i picture them though, especially coko as pretty outgoing and sekai as kind of quiet and weird <3 I ALSO like the weird freak thang.. whale? i forgot its name. i have the flu you have to be nice to me.
LEMME TELL YOU though. i never realized. until this game. how unhinged iyowa song beatmaps can get. i should have expected because of all those like speeding up slowing down tempo changey parts in some of their songs but MAN. it was like the scariest beatmap I'd ever seen, Leave You on The Back of The Earth. I really did feel like I was in a falling elevator
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feardona · 7 years
//*whispers into the microphone* ok but do i make a Fu blog y/n?
also; dab.ura’s a savage, just sayin’
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animegenork · 4 years
Sorry to interrupt regularly scheduled ignoring my random, but I wanted to put these somewhere, so I figured I’d put him here on my blog!
Basically, I wrote these short drabbles for each LI from @andromeda-six some number of months ago (I have no idea what time is anymore, but I think this was in July), around the time when Episode 4 was still blowing my mind. I did it as a sort of comfort thing and to do something nice for some friends, but I actually kinda liked them? So I figured I’d share, if that’s okay... If not you can just unfollow me like a bunch of people have been doing LMAO
All below the cut! :D
For my fellow Damon stans
If Calderon Hadn’t Cockblocked in the DLC 
"Yeah..." he says. "Stunning." 
 I realize he's not talking about the fireflies anymore as I turn my head to see him staring at me. My body starts to hum with the attention he's giving me; of course, he's looked at me before, but something about this is... different. 
 "Traveler," he murmurs, his voice quieter than I've ever heard it. He's not one to be quiet, I realize. It's either silence or full volume with this one. 
 My breath stops in my throat as his hand lightly touches my chin, as he has many times before. As he leans closer, I feel the logical part of my brain trying to push me away. He's bad news, it says. You shouldn't get involved. 
Screw logic. 
 His lips touch mine, and I feel something inside me melt. It's like he's some sort of poison, tearing me apart from the inside out. But somehow, that's good in this case. I decide I like poisons named Damon. 
Briefly, he pulls away, searching my eyes for any signs of protest, though I can't imagine ANYONE'S ever protested a kiss from him. Except maybe Calderon. 
"Was that stunning?" I nearly choke out, and the smirk that creeps up his face makes the stupid joke worth it. 
 "In a way," he replies, leaning in to kiss me again. 
I should volunteer to do the laundry more often.
For the Bash-ers (wait no that sounded wrong WHAT I MEANT WAS--)
Bash is waiting for me outside my room. He's in the process of hanging up one of his outrageous doodles, but he smiles despite being caught in action. "Sleep well?" 
"Ehhh," I reply, though my nonchalance is definitely offset by the dark circles under my eyes. It's hard to sleep when you have the weight of a galaxy resting on your shoulders. 
He studies my face for a moment before grinning. "Alright, come on." 
Grabbing my hand, he drags me through the hallway to the loading bay, until I can see the stars out the window, like I did the first day I woke up on the Six. A smile lifts the corners of my lips. The stars, as always, bring some sense of comfort to me. Looking at them, it's like there's nothing that could bother me.
I smile up at Bash. "Thanks, Bash."
"Oh, come on." I look up at him quizzically, and he wraps his arms around me, lifts me off the ground, and spins me around. "SMILE WIDER!" he practically screams, and I laugh at how weird he's being about something as simple as a smile. But that's Bash, I suppose. That's just the way he is.
He stops spinning me and looks up at me with his gleaming green eye and glinting yellow one. This time, my smile is more genuine. "Thank you." 
Setting me down gently, he kisses me on the forehead, which surprises me and delights me all at once. "Anytime, Traveler."
It takes all my willpower not to melt to the floor in a puddle as I blush myself silly.
Now Juuuuuuune (baby boy)
Hold My Hand
At first, I was just determined to meet June's lizard. Then, I find him in one of the storage closets, frowning at the wall as if it had just insulted him. "June?"
He doesn't answer, not at first. Then, slowly, he turns, and from the haunted look in his eye, I can tell he was just in a dark place. That wasn't this closet, that is.
"Traveler," he says hoarsely. He steps out of the closet and closes the door behind him, leaning heavily against it. "What's up?"
I can't possibly ask him about his lizard right now. "I, uh... just wanted to say hi."
June manages a weak grin. "Hi."
"Hi." We're silent then, and I see that something is still weighing on him. So I do something a bit drastic.
I hold out my hand. "Hold my hand, June."
"What?" He shoots me a questioning look, but, seeing the look on my face, he obliges and gives me his hand. Unsurprisingly, it's a bit calloused and rough, and a part of me just wants to hold it there and pretend time isn't passing around us.
But no, this isn't about me. This is about June. He's hurting, and I want him to feel better. It's not right for such a sweet man to be hurting this much.
I lift his hand to my lips and kiss his palm gently. Then, I close his fingers over his own hand and look up at him. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here, June."
A light blush is spreading across his cheeks, but his weak smile softens as he murmurs, "Thanks, Traveler."
He wraps his arms around me in a hug, and I embrace him back. Sometimes, we all need to remember that we're not alone in this fucked-up universe.
For Cal-ers? (Was that funny? No? Okay I thought so)
Lynch the Cal-y Cat
Pushing Calderon's buttons shouldn't have been as amusing as it was, and yet, it continued to amuse me. Perhaps Damon and Aya were rubbing off on me too much, or perhaps a part of me had always been this mischievous.
I wasn't quite sure what possessed me to do it, but I acquired a pair of cat ears, yellow, like his hair, and I was trying to sneak them onto his head without his noticing. As I tiptoe up behind him, I realize with a sudden clarity that there is no one else around, and so, he is that much more likely to hear me coming. Dammit.
And indeed, he turns around before I succeed, a scowl upon his face. I have a split second lead on him, so I slip the cat ears on his head before he can protest. 
"What the hell?" he grumbles, rolling his eyes up, as if he can see the top of his head by doing so.
I start laughing uncontrollably, doubling over and practically not breathing anymore. He watches me enjoy his annoyance with a dark expression on his face. Even if he's pissed, the sight of him with kitty ears is priceless.
After a few moments, his face softens into a more neutral expression. I glance up at him, still shaking with the force of my laughter, and ask, "Cat got your tongue?" I bite my lip before I start rolling on the floor.
"You're smiling."
What? "Huh?"
Calderon looks away, as if saying something like this was a nuisance. "You're not moping around anymore. It's good to see you out and about."
Had he been WORRIED about me? Well, that was all sorts of embarrassing. "Uh, yeah, um, thanks, I guess...?"
He gives me a curt nod and continues down the hallway. "Oh, and Traveler?" I turn and raise my eyebrows at him. There's mischief gleaming in his eyes, and I'm not sure what to think about it.
"Be prepared for my payback." And then he leaves.
Oh, man. Why does that make me smile wider than I was about the cat ears?
Now for Aya <3
So About That Pole...
It's weird to consistently think of a sorta-sexy pole dance a friend of yours did just for fun, right? Right.
But I was undoubtedly thinking about that pole dance all the time, and I knew I wouldn't be able to look Aya in the eye until I'd had some semblance of a normal conversation with her again.
So when she surprises me at my room, I think perhaps karma or something is out to get me.
"Traveler! So Bash and I are planning this latest prank-" she begins, and then she sees that a blush is spreading over my face. "Are you sick? Should I take you to Ryona?" She puts her hand on my forehead, and I can't believe I haven't completely lost my shit yet.
That pole dance is on fucking repeat.
"You were saying?" I grit out, ignoring my clammy hands.
Aya cocks an eyebrow. "Oh no, you're not getting out that easily." She leans forward and rests her forehead against mine, and I stare, wide-eyed, into her eyes. Such proximity is really not good for my heart, considering how much I've been thinking about her.
Finally, she narrows her eyes. "Wait. What are you thinking about?" I don't answer, and she starts to grin. "Don't tell me after that dance, you've fallen for me?"
I blush.
She laughs, lacing her fingers with mine. "I'm flattered, Traveler. I'm sorry I didn't prepare you for that." With a kind smile, she winks at me. "But hey, lemme know if you want a repeat show."
Of course, my language skills return at that moment. "I just like that you were having so much fun."
Aya's eyes glitter with some emotion I can't read, and she leans in and whispers: 
"Good. Because I have fun when I'm with you." 
It's a miracle I don't drop dead on the spot.
Ryona, darling heart
Kiss to Make It Better?
I walk around the infirmary, marveling at all the plants Ryona has placed around the room. They really do give the room a homey touch, much better than I assume most infirmaries must look. At least, my perception of them has been anything but this.
Behind me, the door opens, and I turn to find Ryona, eyebrows raised. "Traveler? What's wrong?"
Now was my chance. I hold up my finger. "I got a bad cut."
Ryona starts to chuckle, and I grin awkwardly as she comes over and inspects the cut. "How did this happen?"
"I was practicing with the knife Damon gave me--"
"Say no more."
Okay, good, cuz there was no way I'd admit to Ryona that I kinda-sorta did it on purpose.
But of course, she somehow knew anyway. "You didn't do this to yourself on purpose, did you?" She looks up from the cut to my face, raising a stern eyebrow and pursing her lips. I swallow. How is she so good at that?
So I tell the truth. "I wanted to see you." Wait, shit, I didn't mean to be so blunt about it--
Her chuckle returns as she begins wrapping a bandage around the cut. I watch her nimble fingers work, fascinated by how efficient they are when I can barely do any similar activity without messing up at least once. Which is why I thought it would be believable that I hadn't done this on purpose.
When she's done, Ryona smiles at me. "Need anything else?"
It's childish, but surely she won't mind...? "Maybe a kiss will make it better?"
Ryona's blue skin flickers a bit as a reddish tinge spreads across her cheeks. Nevertheless, she lightly kisses my bandaged finger, and I grin triumphantly. "Does it feel better now?" she asks tightly, as if she's trying not to melt in a puddle like my heart already has.
"Yes. Thanks, Ry," I whisper, leaning forward and resting my forehead against hers. We smile at each other. At my side, my finger tingles.
And now we have reached Vexx-point! (Was... was that a pun? I don’t know...)
Don’t Worry, I’ll Save You
It's hard to watch someone you love suffer, even if that someone broke your heart not too long ago.
Maybe it was pointless for me to keep my hopes up when it came to Vexx, but I knew, from the moment he told me he hadn't cared, that something was up. Even if it had been all an act, I knew that what we had was something, and it certainly wasn't nothing.
So as I sit here, watching him sleep fitfully in the room where we're keeping him prisoner, I can't help but wonder what that manic look in his eye is all about. What did Zovack do to him? How can I fix it?
Suddenly, Vexx's face crumples into a forlorn expression, and I can't just sit by him anymore. I scoot over to him and put his head in my lap, stroking his red hair. Then, a thought occurs to me, and I take out my music box and open it, letting its lullaby soothe Vexx, even in the midst of his nightmares.
I can't help myself; I lean down and gently kiss his forehead, knowing he won't remember it when he wakes up. "Don't worry, Vexx. I'll save you. I promise."
Though he can't hear me, his lips turn up slightly in a smile, and I have a feeling his bad dreams have shifted to something better.
It's up to me to make that a reality for him.
Wow I forgot how short that last one was, I’m a bit embarrassed ;w;
But anyway, if you read these, thank you for the taking the time! <3
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adventurous-blob · 5 years
Episode Gladio commentary!! Here i go!!
Imma go easy since its my first time also thATS WHAT SHE SAID
anyways, difficulty and immaturity aside, time to begin.
Kay so Gladio's episode is 'bout self discovery? dudes just pissed Ravus beat him I guess? I mean, fair enough but he leaves noctis and they go do like a dungeon and it's just?? It all seems really chill considering he's the Kings shield.
Eh, non-sensicle rambling aside.
Okay so im guessing its gunna be like Gladio telling the story which i'll be playing- neato.
"Just a scratch, the other guy got off a lot worse." Yeah, uh, suure.
"Worse than looking like some kind of thug?" Damn Noctis, chill your beans bro.
Oooo 'Blade master', can't get a title cooler than that, right?
Oh gorsh,,, I suck at controlling Gladio,, This'll be interesting...
Yep. This'll definitely be interesting. Even with the tutorial.
He's just casually sat surrounded by voretooth corpses, as you do.
"Are you mentally prepared?" Cor, sweetie, Gladio seems to just be a 'suck it up, buttercup' type i think he's subconsciously mentally prepared even when he isn't consciously.
"Unless i get more power." Gladio you sound like Vergil from devil may cry, just don't stab yourself with a big sword and go power mad, yeah?
Cor is so serious,, but like he's sort of soft too,, like you can see he cares by what he says and stuff, y'know?
its like 'You go fight that thing you probably aren't strong enough to fight yet!! but stay safe too! don't want you dyin' on me!!' except, more like Cor would say it.
I feel like i've heard the name Gilgamesh before?
Gosh i love Cor and Gladio so much,, they're stronk boyos.
"Alright i've got this." Yeah!! yeah you do!! Thats the spirit Gladio!!
oh uh i've only just noticed but there are bodies everywhere... hecc...
Okay they're alive but also dead now i killed them. Also,, the soundtrack?? that battle music?? hell yeah, thats some good stuff.
Ooo waterslide!!!!
Eheheh Gladio rode the snek. ooo this is spoopy...
Wait we made it to the blade master already?? wha??
Ah okay i was meant to fail against Gilgamesh, that was a little frustrating at first...
"If you do not fear death" yeah i fear that Gladio lets lEAve
"So the blademaster..."
"He's a master of blades. What-- where you expecting something profound?"
coming from someone who plays mainly rpg games i expected it to be something with flying swords? like bahamut except smaller and weaker y'know?
also are we inside a tree??? the whole of this so far and like chapter uhh 4-5 (the one where they're in the crater, i apologise for poor memory lmao) just reminds me of devil may cry 5.
Awhhh, they're eating Cup Noodles togetherr,,
oh hecc yes SAVE.
Option: tell me more
My brain: tell me More, tell me more, tell me mo-o-ore, but Gladio singing it.
imma throw hands with Gilgamesh how dare they deem cor unworthy he's a stronk bean
"Keep your eyes and ears open."
*open area appears*
Me, immediately: I don't like this.
Bdhshjdndjs tHEY DID THE THING!!! Where Cor jumps on Gladio's back and then brings down a strike on the enemy!! Aaaa teamwork is so great!!!
"do you have the strength to survive these trials?" uh I sure hope he does
*looking at a body stabbed into the wall*
You okay there pal?
Sword stuck in the ground: *has the option to touch it*
I'm sorry but my whole play through of final fantasy I couldn't take most things gladio said serious because I'm immature and kept making dirty jokes but this,, this right here has to be the peak point where I could make a dick joke or say 'i dunno that's pretty gay Gladios.'
"hand holding stops here" no Cor stay please ;~;
Sometimes I hate the combat in this game, not because I think it's bad,, just,, gladio,,, in enclosed spaces,, with lots of foes,, it's not good for camera angles.
Ah yes. Touch the glowy thing. That's ALWAYS a great idea!
The soul keeps calling Gladio "young warrior" and sometimes I forget Gladio is like only 23? Like I dunno, he seems older? But at the same time?? It's like right? I dunno? Maybe it's his looks or personality who knows.
COR!!!! HEYA!! :3
"you wanna know why?" I mean, hell yeah. duh.
Awh he's worried bout Noct but i agree tbh, plus, Noct is fine they're just fighting that big dragon thing with Aranea!! :3
okay i can hear growling and snarling thats never good, but maybe its just a big puppy?? No??? awh okay ;~;;
Gladio with a gaint pupper would be adorable
ANYWAYS i'm getting side tracked again oops
Can i just use columns to defeat the blade master? just like 'You might be the blade master but iM BOB THE BUILDER' and just yeet a column at him??
Every column i see i just want to yeet now. In honour of yeeting columns, i paused and made a poem:
my nam is Gladio
and am strong
i hav sword
i tri do no wrong
when wyvern hit
and i do poor damage
it seems liek
somethin i must manage
so when wyvern
has me beat
i pick up a column
and i yeet
hope you enjoyed.
tOuuCh the soWoRd
bdjdndj i want an enkidu now they're so cooll!!!
toucH the gLowly
Actually Cor can i go home please??
also pft the soul like "Yeah well i knOw betteR." i can't.
however, i can yeet column at this bandersnatch and i will.
i picked up a column after the fight and i dunno how to put it down so i guess Gladio has a Pet column now. Imma call it stony.
NUH i got rid of stony ;~; see you in the afterlife stony.
The way Cor describes the blademasters eyes makes me think of Kakashi from Naruto with his sharingan.
also Gladio's confidence and positivity give me life.
final chamber- this is it!
a red giant?? really?? damn it.
i have my headphones on full and the soul just said "Come here to die, have you?" and it made me jump
"You looking to die again?" Gladio is not having this souls bs
it's talking about Cor and i am ready to tHROW HANDS,,, Cor is bean.
Cor giving Gladio a final warning but not stopping him makes my heart feel weird,,,
Awh that lil grin, Aaa the "Come back alive, be safe Gladio." has me soft™️
"He'd better be ready for me." Uh, Gladio, thats whAT SHE SAID!
Oh hecc here we go!! Heya Gilgamesh!! Time to defeat you!! :3
Gilgamesh isn't actually thatbhard to fight??
oH SO NOW HE HAS AN ARM geez lemme guess he's stronger and has more health too now?
Oh look i'm right!
Okay yea he's a lot stronger i don't like this but Gladio can do it!!! I believe in him!!!!!
Also after realising a tactic i have defeated Gilgamesh and i was right Gladio could do it!!!! :D
"I may be all muscle no mettle, but i'm gunna keep protecting Noct the only way i know how." YOu GO GLADDY!!!! I'm v v proud!!!!
Awhhh Gilgamesh is actually pretty cool dude i like him. Awhhhh he's giving Gladio his sword!! I'm so happy aaa!!
I really like Gladio and all of this and aaaa im so hAPPY for Him!!!!
they're just talking and its really nice and i'm not crying but i'm overwhelmingly happy for them!!
wait Gladio got the scar on his eye from dealing with a bully? damn i need to finish brotherhood, huh.
Prompto said "The more you know" and the gif popped up in my head and i'm lauGhing so damn much why is that so fUnny???
"What can I say? I'm worth the wait." Noctis,, sweetheart,, Foreshadow mucH XD
Awhhh, i'm really happy for Gladio. I'm actually really happy with that whole DLC to be honest. It was fun to play and i feel i kinda got more of a look into Gladio's and Cor's characters and such, y'know? That, plus i got better at playing as Gladio too! And getting better at stuff like that is always good! Practice makes perfect after all!
So yeah, hope you enjoyed my commentary of Episode Gladio!
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tinypigeonlord · 6 years
Don’t mind me, just have had a lot of thoughts on the new Pokemon game so imma write them down. There’s been a lot of posts and videos on what people wanna see or don’t wanna see in the new game too and I wanna give my own two cents to no one in particular.
So first of all graphics. I hear a lot of shit on that. Personally I don’t really have all that many expectations? Like yeah it’s gonna be a Switch game, the quality could possibly be better than we’ve seen. But also did people look over that ‘game footage not final’? Things may still improve and be further optimized. More than that, I love the artstyle atleast? Everything looks so colorful and vibrant and alive and goooood ;w; It sure got my attention. I can’t wait to see all the new areas on my big tv <3
Pokemon popping up and roaming vs random encounters: On one hand I love how lively everything looks with pokemon showing up in the overworld, on the other hand I love the random encounters? I personally liked hunting down specific pokemon, not knowing what I would encounter. I feel like this is also more fun when you’re doing a Nuzlocke; You can’t ‘cheat’ and select a pokemon from those that are currently roaming with random encounters. Aside from that, people mentioned that the roaming aspect made areas look more vacant instead because a lot of open space is needed for bigger pokemon roaming. And finally, it makes the surprise way more fun if a shiny shows up in a random encounter, instead of roaming between the rest of the ‘mon?
Pokemon following you/walking with you: PLS PLS PLS bring this back and expand on it, for all pokemon. Also the option to select which partymember you want to walk with. That was one thing that bummed me out in HeartGold/SoulSilver. If I wanted to walk with my fave, I also needed to have it in the front of the party and throw it out in battle, even in areas where it was at a disadvantage due to type or level. And sometimes I had a pokemon in front for the sake of progression but I didnt necessarily want to walk with it, but there was no option to turn walking off in HG/SS. I believe they did add these options in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee, but I havent played these games so I don’t know for sure what the options are. I kinda also want to have the option to pick whether I will walk with a ride pokemon or actually ride it? Like, it was hella cool that you could ride arcanine, persian, haunter or snorlax, etc. But what if I wanted it to just follow me? :/ What I also want back is the national dex once you completed the main story. Let most of the pokemon which first appear be gen 8, and after you beat the main game, pokemon from other generations show up more and you can catch new pokemon that were previously unavailable. I hated how in SuMo, I couldnt see a pokemon’s national dex number, and couldnt get any data on it if it wasnt native to Alola. 
Also this is gonna sound surprising coming from a shiny hunter, but I want the shiny charm to be a reward for filling the entire national dex again (minus mythicals/events), and make the shiny rate 1/8192 again instead of 1/4091. As much as I love my shinies, I kinda feel like they’re becoming a really common thing and way too easy to obtain? I do like there being methods to find shinies easier, such as Masuda breeding, chain-fishing, SOS-chaining, etc, but make it atleast a little bit harder than it currently is, to make all that effort worth it.
Compatibility with pokebank/the 3DS titles!! I want to transfer all my precious bbies I caught over the years to come join me in the next adventure. That would make it even more awesome if walking pokemon also returns; I can walk with my faves then, not just the pokemon available in Sword/Shield. Also Cloud compatibility. I know Nintendo is afraid of people abusing Cloud to edit save files and I can see them not adding cloud for Pokemon to prevent peeps from somehow cloning or editing pokemons, but on the other hand... Right now, I have ALL my rare, valuable pokemon stored on a Ultra Sun cartridge. Every super rare shiny legendary I spent MONTHS on to encounter, every event pokemon from events that will never happen again, and every pokemon that has nostalgic value to me. If that game cartridge breaks, they’re all gone. If Cloud storage would be a thing for pokemon, I’d have a lot less anxiety about gathering all my babies on a single game with the risk of losing ALL OF THEM. Besides, I pay for online service and cloud, and thusfar havent been able to use the feature for my games :/
And definitely compatibility with pro controller. I really do not like the feel of the joycons, nor the pokeball plus, especially not after playing for a few hours, so I’m really hoping we’ll be able to use the pro controller. Considering we seem to be getting the old battle system back instead of Let’s Go’s, I don’t see why they shouldn’t add pro controller compatibility. Besides, I spent a lot of money on this thing, lemme use it >:v
Customization. The new trainers look absolutely adorable, but being able to make your trainer fit your style more is still great and makes things more personal. On one hand I’d love even more options for customization than in SuMo, on the other hand I fear I will never even get anywhere cause I’ll be spending hours mixing and matching outfits :’D I am not at all fashionable irl, but my characters in games have to look tip top. Most importantly, I want gender-neutral stuff!! As in, the option to wear clothes or hairstyles regardless of the gender you picked at the beginning. Give me a girl and the female pronouns, but the option to get the haircut that the boys get and that flannel he wears. For example.
Minigames! Not everyone is a fan of them, but personally I love things like Contests, PokeAthlon, the Underground, Missions in the Festival Plaza, etc. Especially multiplayer stuff. Give me other stuff to do besides battling. And on that note give me fun multiplayer features; besides trading and battling! The feature where you can call for another trainer in Let’s Go seemed fun to me. Being able to connect with other players and joining them in your game to do stuff together. Like how you can invite people to your town in Animal Crossing, go to the island and take on island challenges from Tortimer.
Story-wise, it would be great to have a big long story, also post-game, which doesn’t end too soon, but with the option to skip cutscenes if you so please, and more importantly, have the freedom to also explore. In Sun/Moon, you were constantly forced to go to a very specific location, everything else was blocked, and you had a cutscene every new area. Like, it was all very linear. I love the older games in that regard, where there is a story, but you figure out yourself how to progress without NPCs constantly telling you where to go and what to do. I always have this issue where after I’m done with the story, I’m kind of... lost on what to do next, so personally I love a long story to keep me busy. Give me a serious threat for the antagonists. Team Skull was lovely and I enjoyed their antics, but I want to feel like I’m saving the Galar region or even bigger, rather than just stomping on some bullies, PETA (Plasma) or fashion disasters (Flare). Also gimme an asshole rival. Lately we’ve had a bunch of precious bbies who must be protected, now bring back a rival who deserves an asswhooping and had it coming. :v As for the new gyms with gym masters instead of leaders, I have no opinion yet. I like the good ol’ themed gyms, I liked the trials. The arena thing looks pretty neat thusfar, but there’s not enough info yet for me to have much of an opinion now. I heard a rumor that this game will also have missions you can do to earn rewards & brownie points, and that would be really cool. I always really love missions in RPGs. I’m just hoping that there will be like, a combination of one-time missions AND daily missions so you don’t run out of things to do eventually after completing a whole list.
I’m also hoping that any potential mythical pokemon will come in the form of missions. The whole serial codes giveaways suck. Just entering a code for some random delivery man to appear in the pokemon center, just casually handing you a super rare mythical pokemon like it’s nothing is just bs. Give me new story, sidequests or missions DLC for a mythical pokemon instead. Like Celebi in Crystal + HG/SS, Mew in Emerald, Shaymin and Darkrai in Platinum, and then expand the missions even more. Pokemon Ranger actually did this really well; you had to go on a mission involving the pokemon before you got it.
Finally, maybe a difficulty setting. People always complain that the games are too easy and that you have to use self-imposed rules such as Nuzlockes to make it remotely challenging. Maybe add a normal or easy mode for young kids just getting into the games, including tutorials such as the trainer school so they can get used to how everything works. Make a harder setting for veterans who like the games to have some challenge but are still in it for the story, and a Very Hard/Ultimate mode for competitive players who know every in and out of the game and are looking for a challenge where you really have to balance your team out and know what you’re doing to progress, and for people who can’t care less about the story elements of the games.
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