#dbd the gunslinger
neighthan-r0t 11 months
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Posting my gorgeous comm of daddy Deathslinger here ! Beautiful art by @fyotomatillo 馃挅
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itsohh 5 months
Still kinda bummed about the r6s skins in dbd. Like they added blitz's elite (an elite I loathe), wamai (a mid operator personality wise imo) and like the new guy. like whyyyyyyy? Why not do literally any of the poster children??? Like why Blitz's elite his normal skin's much better.
And why only survivors I wanna see Cav as Legion (all other stealthy killers are liscenced) or perhaps smoke as the clown (but I can understand them waking to keep his silhouette the same) they could have done Echo as skull merchant or Glaz as Gunslinger.
N酶kk perhaps as wraith (again silhouette issue so I get that) Hell if they wanted to do an elite skin, they could have done Alibi as the Hag with her elite. I know it's but of a pipe dream to hope for them as killers but it would have been nice to get like... Ash as a survivor skin.
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thot-farm 2 years
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100 dollars for all skins, 35 to get scout charm. I wish they made it so you could buy all in a pack.
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Knowing how dbd players are half of killers are going to target anyone who uses these skins.
The only survivor skins that look good to me are Kenny, Mikas, and Hanges. Both the killer ones are cool.
Levi was done dirty. He should have been felix (or shirtless)
I think Kenny should have been gunslinger but I'm not that upset he is a survivor.
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protagonistheavy 27 days
Overwatch and Dead by Daylight could definitely have crossover content with each other as a sort of Halloween-themed event and also because they're the main two games I play nowadays, so they have that in common with each other. Here's my little dreamlist of content I'd want to see + a copy of that list in case you throw the first one in the trash.
In Overwatch:
Huntress Junker Queen. This would probably be the feature skin, since Huntress is so iconic, and I think this is the best match between characters. JQ's knife is turned into a hatchet for sure, and her ultimate would include some of the entity's crows flying around and squawking; maybe her ult voice line would be changed to "Time to be sacrificed!"/"Take 'em to the entity's realm!" Absolutely would come with a voice line of humming the Huntress's lullaby.
Trapper Junkrat. He's the only hero with a bear trap, after all, and Trapper's mask would look pretty fitting on Junkrat. Yeah the personality doesn't match lol but I think that's part of the charm. Would pair well with an emote where Junkrat sets a trap ala Trapper style, but then steps into it by accident and kicks it off. This would probably be the "free" skin they let you earn.
Clown Roadhog. Yeah pretty much all the junkers get in on this event. Both have the big boy body type of course. Hog's breather-bottle would be turned into a glass bottle like the Clown's, and his hook would resemble a hook from the entity's realm, which he'd definitely have an extra amount of hook-based voice lines to play with.
Skull Merchant Symmetra. This is maybe the most wild one lol but I think it's a good combo, with Skull Merchant representing the more-modern angle of DBD content. Sym probably has the best matching body type, and her turrets can definitely take the appearance close to that of Skull Merchant's drones. Her gun would also skin very well into the Skull Merchant's claw, I think. I could also see Widowmaker fitting here instead.
Spirit Moira. The Banshee skin is already pretty close to what to picture here. I'm not sure if Overwatch could get away with having the mangled/floating body parts, but it'd look damn cool if they could. Moira works well with her vanishing, and she could be given a cooler melee animation by drawing the Spirit's sword to attack, perhaps. Plus an emote that replicates the Spirit using her phase, going stiff, and reappearing somewhere close by.
Weapons charms could be all sorts of DBD icons, including totems, pallets, med kits, flashlights, and toolboxes.
A DBD-inspired 4v1 game mode.
Roadhog Clown. Yeah these two just straight-up swap games. Roadhog is certainly the "scariest" character from Overwatch so he's a shoe-in, and again, he just has that right body type and personality. Not much to note cosmetically other than perhaps changing the knife to be like Roadhog's hook.
Reaper Gunslinger. Once again, Reaper is one of Overwatch's only spooky characters, so he probably has to be worked in. I know cowboy stuff is more up Cassidy's alley, and Ashe also has the ADS weapon, but neither of them are really the right vibe for DBD. Even with Reaper, I imagine they'd have to play up his creepiness a little more.
Genji Trickster. Lmao. Genji probably counts somewhere as the third scariest Overwatch hero. Knives easily become shurikens, his bat easily becomes a katana. Maybe they'd want to go for a spookier inspiration for Genji, like using his Blackwatch skin for inspiration.
Tracer, Soldier 76, Mercy, and D.va skins for survivors. Not sure who would exactly fit into who, but these seem the most like "survivor" heroes, especially in the way they play. Tracer and Soldier are known for their speed, and Mercy and D.va feel "helpless" when hunted down. These are definitely the heroes who'd be most fucked-over if you took away their weapons in a slasher scenario.
Charms could include the OW logo, health packs, the elimination skull marker, various weapons from heroes, Winton...
Yeah the content is probably a little more favored towards Overwatch in such a crossover, what with it being easier to translate stuff out of DBD rather than into it. That said, DBD has also tried opening itself up to more categories than just straight-up horror, and in a way I see these games sort of as cousins what with their similar release times. Idk, something about these two franchises feel like they'd come together well.
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necroticbullets 6 months
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GUNSLINGER SPAWN || ~ based on the canon character in the comics by Todd McFarlane ||
~Character info link (wiki)
This is a side-blog. Follows will come from @macrocosmea
This is my written version of this character. You are free to help me shape and develop him. If you do not like this display, the character or anything about it, you're welcome to just ignore or even block it. Don't hate it just because!
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Mun and muse are 21+
馃毄Blog contains dark and mature topics such as death, blood, guns and alcohol. Triggering topics will be tagged but please avoid this blog if those contents are not suited for you!馃毄
Other projects by the mun:
@disasters-of-dbd (currently hiatus)
@xpricity (currently hiatus)
@maskofamurder (currently hiatus)
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henbased 2 years
friend playing DBD and I tell her where to go only to watch gunslinger down her in one hit and we watch her die on hook as her teammates all die around her. sorry.
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eveenstar 2 years
A lifetime in 10 minutes (Caleb Guinn "The Gunslinger" x reader)
Summary: After being taken by this weird spider Entity, you find yourself in a lifetime of trials against ruthless killers. However, one of these killers....sees something in you that he thought he had lost.
Tags/Warning: Mentions of death, bleeding, usual DBD stuff. Reader doesn't have any mentions of pronouns or anything that can identify them, but if you do find it, please let me know.
A/N: This one had been in my drafts for months, back when I first got DBD - so you could say this was based on real gameplay events. I can't promise if there'll ever be a part 2 though. Hope y'all enjoy! Stay safe!
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You were fairly new to the Entities Realm, but you already know your way around things. You had met most killers, some more than others, and although you were sacrificed most of the time - it was worth it if it meant your fellow teammates made it out alive.
You can still remember, screaming and signalizing for the remaining survivors to leave you on the hook and escape. Some of them hated the fact that you were always the one taking one for the team - but also blamed the killer. They seemed to love fresh meat to corrupt and torture - give 'em the best welcoming package to the Entities Realm! As if stabbing and leaving you to bleed out, hanging on a hook was a welcome gift.
Yet, most survivors are but strange faces to you. Some don't even interact with you outside of trials, or even inside them. You don't blame them - this is not exactly a coffee shop to be making friends, but you hoped some of them to be more friendly at the very least. This is when Kate, Steve and Leon come in (sometimes David, or Nea), your little group of chaotic souls. Whenever you guys are on a match together, the killer must prepare for some chess playthrough. Most of the times Leon sacrifices himself to save you all, or you end up sneaking around the map to do gens, and that works.
But, you're someone who can't let things go easily, and your mind pesters around whenever something catches your attentions.
There was this one time, when you were way, way new to the Realm. You were in a match, one that ended too soon, since two of your teammates had gone down quickly, leaving you and Felix to fix 5 gens. It seemed impossible, and it was, as Felix was hunted down by Deathslinger - or what the survivors (afterwards) told you was called Caleb Quinn - and brought down to his knees. Then, you. But something happened - something that you were definitely unprepared for - the minute Caleb saw you, trembling, freshly caught from the real world like a fish, he stopped.
His larger figure looked down on you, completely exhausted with your hands on your knees, breathing hard, and giving up. You were expecting him to sacrifice you and get his four kills, but instead, Caleb put you over his shoulder and walked around - seemingly ignoring Felix, crawling his way to the exit gates, and a sight of relief escaped your throat. That relief was soon dead as the killer dropped you on the floor. A little yelp escaped you and you looked up at him, confusion splattered across your face. He had dropped you in front of the hook because- oh. The Hatch. That's what it's called right? Most of the survivors, while explaining the Realm to you, said they could still count on their fingers how many times they had found it.
Caleb left you and headed up to Felix. You hoped he would let him go as well, but you were on the brink of death, so you "jumped" in.
The camp was unusually quiet. Some of the survivors stared at you as you stepped out of the woods- apparently Felix wasn't as lucky as you were. After leaving you at the hatch, Caleb went back to kill him.
That strange trial soon faded out to the backs of your mind as more trials occured, and soon it was just a memory. None of the other killers showed you that kind of 'mercy', they just chased you around and eventually, off to the hook you go!
This particular trial had brought back that memory. You were in a match with Steve, Leon and Dwight, in the coldest of places, Ormond, and you didn't need your eyes to see - the killer was Deathslinger, his gunshots warned everybody of that. Your mind wandered off - would he show you the same mercy? No, don't be greedy. Forget about that.
You kept to yourself and sneaked around the map while cleasing totems - the survivors now call you the 'Totem Hunter' - and fixing gens. From the corners of your eyes, you could see Leon being chased by Caleb, then Steve, then Dwight got hooked twice and eventually sacrificed. The killer was being ruthless today, and you were getting nervous by the second. Despite having saved Steve from the hook, it didn't take long for the killer to be on his track.
That's when you stopped to think. Did you have one single face-to-face confrontation or chase with Deathslinger the entire match? There were a few times that you thought he had seen you, but he just walked past. You looked back to Steve, who was now on the hook again, but signalized for you to leave him alone and try to escape. You nodded relutanctly.
Yet you were too slow - and in the blink of an eye, Deathslinger had caught you and his chain was pulling you towards him. You tried to break it but again, you're not the best at reacting fast enough - and just like that, you were on the ground after a hard hit on the back. You coughed blood and waited for the worst. The killer pulled you over his shoulder and walked - and walked - and walked 'til he dropped you on the ground and looked around.
"Stay here. Don't move." With a harsh and dry voice, he ordered you to stay put, as if you could get anywhere far in your current state. You hadn't heard him speak before, so his voice surprised you - does this man ever drink water? You watched him move around - was he searching for the hatch, again?
Yet, you began to crawl away. No idea why, but you just did. Of course, he would find you quickly because of the large trail of blood behind you. Were you trying to die faster? At this point, you were too exhausted to process it.
After a while, Caleb came back and let out an annoyed huff after noticing that you tried to crawl away. He dropped you near the hatch again, as if this was going to be an occuring thing, and you saw his eyes - ignoring the phantasmagoria look, you saw what you thought was...nostalgia? As if he was looking at something - or someone - from times past. A living memory.
You fell inside the hatch before you could see anything else.
Even back at camp, you thought. What had happened? What look was that? And why was he ignoring you during trials and saving you for last?
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The Gunslinger has an outfit from a DLC called "Tombstone" literally what did I say.
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treppo 3 years
Dead By Daylight
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Palletphobia is a thing and these guys suffer from it. Always going for secondary ranged ability instead of following you.
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vedajuno 4 years
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Dead By Daylight鈥檚 Worst Nightmares (From someone who has never played DBD) (X)
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gemoglobinchik 3 years
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Art request
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shroudedwolves 4 years
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David King VS The Gunslinger
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slasherconfessions 4 years
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Seeing the new killer cowboy Caleb Quinn in Dead by Daylight makes me wish someone out there in Hollywood. Maybe both Eli Roth or Quentin Tarantino would make a slasher movie about an undead killer cowboy returning and slaughtering a group of friends who get stuck at abandoned western ghost town. But make the cowboy really buff and hot.聽
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dbd-and-slashers-fics 4 years
:D I'm looking for a matchup! My gender is female and I am a Biromantic Demisexual. I'm 5'7 and I LOVE reading. I focus alot on history from the city of Antlantis. I have a huge fascination with hunting. (I have always been a country girl) I have brown hair down to my shoulders and I'm not chubby...but I'm THICC AF. I honestly love seeing people in pain, secretly. Though, when a friend is hurt, I'm there in a snap of a finger. I have always had a past with violence, so I usually win fights.馃挒
I match you with...
The Gunslinger (Caleb Quinn)!
Caleb is a very open person, and is very easy to get to know and talk to. Especially if he鈥檚 a bit tipsy, he鈥檒l tell you his entire past in a heartbeat. He just might not talk about his 鈥楶a and 鈥楳a much, mostly because it brings up sad memories, but he will tell you about them if you ask! He is also into hunting, and honestly, he likes himself a lover with a bit of meat on them. If you鈥檙e thicc, he is in dream land.
He loves that you care so much for the people you are close to, and it sort of reminds him of his old gang. Shit he would start a new one with you if you two weren鈥檛 stuck in the entity鈥檚 void. He鈥檚 also glad you know how to defend yourself, since he knows he won鈥檛 always be there to protect you.
Dating him included a lot of sitting outside and watching everything while he plays with your hair or tells you a story. He drinks, but only a bit to keep him on his feet. He isn鈥檛 a drunkard, I promise. He鈥檒l also let you play with his gun if you ask!
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archived-zombbean 4 years
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The save version of my pinup on Patreon! LINK
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joya-loves 4 years
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the kiss of death
i uh... i may have a problem... i may have to talk to somebody about how much this picture motivated me and how much i like the deathslinger in dead by daylight lol it鈥檚 still a WIP technically, but i am too shit to actualize a background, so please have this exercise in lighting and shadow.
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