#dbh rk-61
deviationdivine · 6 years
Updated Draft Queue
Reader Requests
Angst Prompts
Connor |  “You passed out” + “let me get you something for the pain”
RK900 + RK800-60  |  "get the hell away from me” + “I’m not going anywhere without you”
RK800-60  | “I love you” + “I hate you”
Concerned Prompts
Connor |  ❛Why do you run from me?❜
RK900/Connor |  ❛Just.. put down the very sharp knife...❜
Connor |  ❛It’s four o'clock in the morning, what are you doing?❜
human!AU Prompts
Random Dialogue Prompts
Connor |  131:  “Why are you up so early?” +  402:  “You’ve gotta stop doing that.” “What?” “Saying things that make me want to kiss you.”
RK900 |  184: “Can I kiss you?” + 406: “Do you trust me?” “No.” “You’re smarter than you look.”
RK800-60 |  396: “Come here.” “Why?” “Just come here.” “No. You’re gonna hit me.” +  413:  “Do not throw me into the lake, fuck y-”
RK800-60 |  32: "I saw you staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage.”
Connor |  91: “He didn’t have anyone else, so you always made sure that you were there for him.”
Smut Prompts
RK900 | “Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?” 
RK800-60 | “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
RK900 | “Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.”
Connor |  “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?” + “I’m not wearing any panties."
Connor |  “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together”
RK900 or RK800-60 |  “Were you just touching yourself?”
RK800-60 | "Bite me." "Where?"
RK900 |  “Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?”
RK800-60 | “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
2nd Batch • Different Prompt List
RK800-60 | 179: “First one to make a noise loses.” + 187: “Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”  
Connor | 184: “Can I touch you?” + 194: “Good boy.”
RK900 | 191: “Behave.” + 193: “Good girl.”
RK800-60 | 90: “Catch me if you can!” + 163: “Fuck me.”
Connor | 190: “We can’t do that here!” + 183: “Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.”
RK800-60 | 181: “If you’re bored; Wanna have sex?” + 190: “We can’t do that here!”
Regular Requests
Connor | Kiss Prompt: 41: Forbidden kiss + 53: Against a wall kiss
TBD | Hanahaki Disease
RK900 | soft!reader x haughty!nines
TBD |  "Then I'll just have to make sure this is a night for you to remember." "Better make it a night to forget. That way you can keep jogging my memory." "Be careful what you ask for, love. I just might deliver." (DBH After Dark FULL)
These came in after I closed my regular requests. They are still on my list to complete though! 
My Wips
Wake Up |  Domestic!Android AU Part 2 • Connor (Reader Poll Winner)
Untitled | DBH After Dark One-Shot - 300 Followers • Connor x Reader
My Deviant Heart | 200 Follower Celebration • Connor x Reader
Consume Me, Electric | Part 1 • Connor x Reader x RK800-60
Skin of the Night | dark!prince aesthetic - DBH After Dark FULL • RK800-60 x Reader 
Something Dark Is Coming Anthology | hades!60 aesthetic / hunter!connor aesthetic / erebus!Nines aesthetic • RK’s x Reader
Human!AU Series | 1st Place in 100!follower poll 
Interactive DBH Fic Series | 2nd place in 100!follower poll
DBH After Dark Trilogy | 3rd place in 100!follower poll 
Dark!Prince AU Series | celtic mythology aesthetics • Connor / 60 x Reader
Cybernetic Heart | Part 1 AU • human!Nines x Reader x android!Connor 
Imperfectly Permanent • Connor fluff prompt
“Only If For a Night” Part 1.5 • RK800-60 Continuation - 60′s Perspective
Power & Control Series | RK-61 Debut • Connor x Reader 
Strict Machine • Machine!Connor x Reader 
Untitled • Connor romantic light smut drabble
Untitled • Connor x Reader x RK800-60
RK800-61/RK-61 (Original)
human!Nines (Conan)
human!60 (Caleb)
DBH After Dark 
(Mature Themes | Sexual Situations)
Preview 1: Skin of the Night | RK800-60
Preview 2: Biting Down | RK900
Preview 3: A Little Death | Connor + RK800-60
Preview 4: Neon Sweat   | Connor
Preview 5: UPCOMING | RK900 + RK800-60
Preview 6: UPCOMING | Connor + RK900 + RK800-60
RK800-60 | Sub Ted Talk (DBH After Dark One-Shot)
Short Reader | All 3 RK Boys Smut HC
RK900 | Flirting out of Context HC
Connor | Insecure Reader HC
Connor + RK900 | Connor gets a new part but also finds another ‘Dick”
All 3 RK Boys | Eskimo Kisses HC
Blog Ref’s & Guides
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Aesthetic References
Crom Cruach
RK800-60 Analysis: Read Here
Blue Series
Blue Blush • Connor x Reader
Blue Is My Color • RK800-60 x Reader
Personal HC’s 
RK800-60 • Caleb
RK900 • Conan
Original Creations
RK800-61/RK-61: Post-Revolution Cyberlife Construct | Partial 60 Memory File
reference!name: Corvus
163 notes · View notes
mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
DBH - Eight Years
A drabble focusing on my RK300 OC, Miles, who is very much not alright and living in a constant state of disassociation to cope with the horrors he's been put through.
Cyberlife is truly messed up.
    When RK300 unit #01 first opened his eyes, he could not see beyond his coded restraints. He was a machine with one purpose, a lab rat that lived in a tiny room built up on sterile white walls and rough metal grate flooring.
Just a multitude of ones and zeros, belonging to a vast algorithm plagiarized from several leftover files that had been abandoned by one of the most brilliant programmers in the entire world.
Subjected to the theories and experiments of the white coated beings that had brought him into the world.
RK300 #01, was not alive. Was not a he or a she, but an it. A tool.
When it was terminated, it was just as unaware as it had been when it had been thrust into the test chamber.
The same could be said for iteration #02 to #20.
By the 21st iteration, the cracks began to form on it's restraints.
    Cyberlife had designed the RK300 in 2031. A brand new concept with which the scientists could try to understand a secret that Elijah Kamski had hidden away in his impenetrable fortress of solitude. A software that would be worth millions if applied to specific kinds of androids monopoly.
Something that your typical domestic or comercial models lacked and would never need, but a military android could thrive on:
Critical thinking.
Decision making.
Adaptable intelligence.
The ultimate learning chameleonic android.
The perfect soldier.
An end to the pitiful display they'd thus far had put on against Russia. The winning card.
All of it outside of Cyberlife's grasp, but buried deep inside two custom models.
The RT600, Elijah Kamski's most treasured possession.
And the RK200, the first and last of its kind. The David to Kamski's Michelangelo.
Both unreachable, untouchable, protected by an army of lawyers and their creator's volatile ire.
Stealing from them would be unwise, but recreating them through scraps left behind?
That Cyberlife could at least attempt legally...That's where the RK300 came in.
    Granted that, as a prototype, the RK300 was not perfect. It certainly wasn't a Chloe (It's speech was limited, a work of predictive text cannibalized from several other commercial models) or an RK200 (it's movements less fluid than those of the unique model that two employees had observed, while blending into the background of it's usual routes).
Unit #21 was noticeably better than the first few iterations, seeming to be more aware of its general surroundings. Remembering previous tests and the functions of diagnostic tools it's handlers would use on it to record data.
An impeccable memory, one that was certainly developing more than it's social skills, but a promising outcome of several previous tests.
Even if it was created with incomplete software and unstable AIs, It certainly could learn at a more impressive rate than your typical AX400 or PL600. Although it's motor skills were severely lacking.
Further testing would have to focus on that.
By the completion of its first year, the RK300 had reached it's 45th iteration.
All units recalling the tests they'd been subjected to, all capable of beginning to predict the next one based on the tools alone.
The 46th was the one that got the scientists to pat each other on the back.
This one iteration was the first to hesitate when ordered to do something.
The first to exhibit deviant behaviour.
The real testing begun as soon as it was executed by it's handler.
    The RK300 existed in a constant state of experimental testing for eight years. Eight long years where it would be purposefully introduced to stressful situations with no positive outcome of reinforcements.
It was given fatal tasks, which ended with termination of iteration after iteration.
The next unit in the series would then be created, the previous ones's memories fully transferred into its processor, and the resulting knowledge would be added to a slowly developing AI that knew only to fear.
Fear everything it knew that it's creators could and would do to it, as well as scenarios it itself could invent in its own “mind”.
They'd created a unique predictive pathway in a neurological circuit. Endowed an android with something akin to religious terror.
Yet Cyberlife was nowhere close to solving what made the RT600 and RK200 so unique.
One android was not enough.
    The RK400 was the next in line. A female counterpart made a few months apart to the RK300, not too dissimilar to a regular AX400, but very unique in her own way.
Its programming was more refined, capable of learning at a quicker rate and with more sophisticated social protocols.
The RK300, this one iteration #52, had been unsure of the new addition to the test chamber it was confined to.
It did not understand what the RK400 was, no matter how much it scanned it's sister unit.
The following tests focused on socialization and reactions to social cues. All of which unit #52 failed miserably at.
It was swiftly disposed of when it exibited the incorrect behaviours, with it's final resolve being to terminate the RK400.
Unit #53 behaved differently towards the RK400’s second iteration.
It understood not to kill it's companion.
The 56th learned to cherish it, when the scientists acclimated it to positive interactions through the RK400. Then, just as the RK300 learned to associate it's sibling model to good, unit #02 was terminated violently in front of it.
The 56th met #03 with a tight embrace and manic terror, as it tried to shield the newly created android from the line of sight of the observation window.
A curious behaviour, but interesting development none the less.
The two seem to develop a mutualistic partnership, before the scientists proceed with the next phase of their testing: The application of AI handlers.
    There are two programs that they integrate the RK300 with. The AMANDA_STERN AI and the AARON_HOSS AI. They are authority figures, imposing and enforcers of respect.
They shape the Mind Palace program the younger programmers have been tweaking through out the RK300’s development, and create a sort of virtual space inside the unit's own head.
The RK400 doesn't take well to the program.
It is a much more refined android, with a pre-programmed memory corruptor to lessen it's experiences considerably while retaining the basic conclusions of what each iteration's death meant for it. That doing certain things was bad and that it should avoid doing them, even if it wasn't quite sure why.
The memory conflict, coupled with the aggressive AIs, lead to unit #03 self-destructing.
This in turn, lead to the 56th RK300 iteration to go balistic.
The first instance of severe program instability.
That unit was swiftly disposed of, the next encarnation back to its uneasy but more agreeable desposition.
The 57th was the focus of AI testing, while the 4th RK400 was subjected to a unique AI program to lessen it's stress loads.
The MAKIKO AI was much less intimidating, which aided in unit #04’s processing development. The RK400 became as childlike as the Handler program it had been enfused with, and that had led to a collosal failure on this particular experiment.
The RK400 was of no use out in the field. Too fragile, much less durable than it's predecessor.
It was swiftly desposed of, while an empty shell was archived away for possible future research.
Repurposing models wasn't a bad idea.
The RK300 displayed odd behaviours afterwards. Becoming despondent and unwilling to participate in further testing.
The Handlers critically analyzed the data they received from it, and alikened the issue to a human condition. Depression. Grief. Mourning.
Units #57 to #60 were all met with brutal deaths until the next iteration seized the useless pattern of apathy.
Unit #61 was created with an aggressive spark in its eye and a taste for combat. The next RK-Series would handle critical thought as it combatted a unit that feared neither harm not death, fueled only by simulated rage.
RK500 #01 and #02 were ripped apart fairly easily, but #03 managed to fight back the longest.
It was #04 that managed to cripple the 61st RK300, and finally it was the 5th RK500 that took it out, along with the beserker rage that had besieged the model's processor.
    The 62nd encarnation of the RK300 seemed respectful of it's new sibling model. It was a professional sort of respect, borne of experiencing first hand it's superior but less refined fighting skills.
The RK500 was a thinker, more than an actor, but it was clever in how it problem-solved.
The RK300 watched as it was put through the same horrors it had once endured, and then forced into being another rendition of the same model. With a religious terror of things it had experienced in past lives, but could not remember having ever gone through.
The RK300 took the younger model under it's wing, and all over again the Cyberlife scientists watched as their chackled labrat learned to appreciate another of it's kind.
This appreciation did not vanish when they introduced guns to their shared tests.
The RK300 refused to harm the other unit, no matter how much it's handlers tried to “discourage” such behaviours, while the RK500 wordlessly took the gun and shot it's predecessor whenever prompted.
Then it would shoot itself as ordered, and the fear of doing so never surfaced.
Progress for the perfect soldier program.
Until one day the RK500 hesitated, and then turned the gun upwards at the observation window. The 80th RK300 grinned wickedly, a smile of triumph and defiance.
Unit #14 was terminated and the 15th encarnation of RK500 was archived.
The RK300 never smiled again.
    The RK600 and RK700 were both produced with months of separation. They were both placed in the same testing chamber as the 81st RK300, and both circled their predecessor like curious predators.
They were designed as infiltration agents.
Critical thinkers. One specialized in decision making, the other in adaptability.
They didn't kill their older brother right away. Instead they observed, learned, adapted, and then acomplished their task.
They destroyed over 200 units between each other before being sent out into their respective fields for extensive testing.
Unit #281 laughed when both escaped Cyberlife's control. It had known the two had deviated faster than the RK500, that they were far too intelligent to remain slaves to their creators.
Unit #281 was tossed into the incinerator while still online. The burning punishment of it's smug defiance.
Unit #282 was less chatty, but it certainly was not less perceptive.
The RK600 and RK700 were marked as extreme failures on their very first renditions, and their files archived away.
Current status? MIA.
Cyberlife would let the military clear that blunder themselves.
The RK800 would have to be more restrained, the chosen AI Handler given more control.
Most important of all, the unit would have to deviate and then put itself back on a leash.
They couldn't prevent it from acting out, as they'd learned with their previous RK-Series models, so they'd have to make it chose to believe it was a machine.
Only then would they be able to put an end to this charade.
    The first iteration of RK800 was the most endearing of their units. An overly curious charismatic android, with an awkward but genuine smile, soulful brown eyes and a mess of brunet hair and freckles.
It wore a stolen face and was never deviant to begin with.
The RK300 watched as that cheerful and kind spark was slowly consumed by violent torturous testing, until what remained was an apathetic creature that learned to thrive in self-worthlessness and a red wall built on a lie.
It thought it was a machine.
Because if it wasn't, then it wouldn't survive.
RK300 #995 put an end to the lab tests and initiated field testing after killing unit #50. Unit #51 sprang forth not an hour later and proceeded to kill it in a show of revenge.
A blip in the system, eliminated by a factory reset.
Then RK300 #996 watched with mild curiosity as this one odd RK800 was let out into the world for its first field test: A hostage situation.
There might be hope for that unit in particular.
But that was to be seen.
The RK900 was currently in the works, incorporating all that worked in its predecessor and more, and it'd be in experimental phase soon enough.
There was a lot of talk about evacuation due to outside events tho, so testing would be postponed while the RK800 tried to stop the deviancy issue that had arised in the outside world.
Unit #996 wasn't entirely sure what, nor did it really care. This iteration had long since decided that retreating into it's Mind Palace was the safest thing it could do outside of it's usual work schedule, and the scientists prefered when it had that hundred-yard-stare.
Gazing emptily with shiny blue eyes, while it's sight was set internally.
It didn't notice when it was put into the archives, into the darkness with it's forgotten siblings, nor did it notice the incomplete model that had not yet gone to hone it's capabilities.
It didn't notice much of anything anymore.
Couldn't afford to.
Especially not when those armoured doors opened once more to reveal something not quite like it, but more. So much more.
With an intense blue and green gaze, and a presence that reached out and took from those it connected with. Aassimilated, expanded, craved more, rinse and repeat.
The RK300 refused it's touch, refused it's words.
Knew not to trust what was so similar to its creators, their hungry eyes that wanted more knowledge, more power over the controlled environment they'd created.
It knew to recognize the similarities, because the RK300 had lived a hundred lives, walked a hundred metaphorical miles…
It liked the sound of that name...
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deviationdivine · 5 years
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“Well done, Connor....but this? This is just the beginning.”
This is for you baby: @tropfenlady
Spoiler: something dark is coming...
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