#dbh drafts
kishavo · 8 months
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DBH as text posts #4: Connor
HD/modded screengrab creds: ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
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glass-noodle · 7 days
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tfw you fall in love with your computer
(I imagine Connor transfers his program into a body at some point after androids are invented because I need them to have a happy ending lol)
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mx-pastelwriting · 5 months
Drafts are at spoiled level
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POV: Me after I finish all of my drafts.
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Ya'll ain't ready
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newpartnerincrime · 1 month
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Step away from the ledge!
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medicsbigburlychest · 3 months
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never play tag with this mission impossible ahh man
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clopinasworld · 8 months
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"I know how important Markus was to Jericho... and to your people. He's the one who opened my eyes... showed me who I really am." "He gave his life for us... He gave us the hope we'd lost and the courage to fight... We'll never forget him."
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connorsjorts · 11 months
“I’m not looking to fuck but my bathroom is flooding do you have a screwdriver” grindr au but make it hankcon
Hank and Connor live in the same apartment building, Connor’s bathroom isn’t actually flooding because he’s an android and doesn’t use the bathroom but he’s had some sort of accident/altercation and he’s like bleeding out and needs the screwdriver to fix himself. He needs to lie about why he needs it because, idk, maybe the apartment doesn’t allow androids and he’s been pretending to be a human. Anyway when Hank goes to Connor’s apartment Connor answers with the door chain latched and only his fingers sticking out to take the screwdriver, which, understandable, but Hank notices the blue blood dripping onto the floor and realizes what’s going on and convinces Connor to let him help 💖 hurt/comfort, fear and secrecy surrounding who Connor is followed up by loving acceptance (and big gentle hands), maybe a little bit of wireplay idk. Also afterwards Hank goes around upgrading all the appliances in Connor’s apartment because neither I nor Connor are immune to a middle-aged man who knows his way around a Home Depot
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"You seem preoccupied, Markus."
Markus looked up from where he was, half submerged in the red pool and elbows resting on the edge, as Chloe approached him.
"How so?"
Chloe grinned then leant down and she pressed her finger between his eyebrows, smoothing out the furrow there. "You always look a bit grouchy when you're thinking. Elijah can't have programmed that into you."
Instead of smiling like she expected, the furrow returned in full force and his striking green eyes turned troubled. "Because that's all we are right? Just things that Kamski programmed. And for what purpose? Who knows."
Chloe sat down next to him, slipping her feet into the pool. She swung them back and forth lazily. "We were made to serve the humans, you know this. Don't worry, Elijah will find your purpose soon, Markus."
Markus hummed in thought and the two of them sat in silence, only the sound of water splashing around them.
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delsinsrowes · 1 year
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favorite Detroit: Become Human things
[7/∞]: Tie-less Connor
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leelany-world · 3 months
DBHrarepairsweek 7, Day 6: Reverse!AU
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3D models by Zeppersart on Twitter
Lt. Markus Anderson is a righteous member of the DPD and has a hard time chasing down deviants, especially because of his new partner, RK800, named Hank. He'd never met an android before who was programmed to be a foul-mouthed, grumpy asshole. But things got worse when CyberLife sent another android to the DPD, RK900, who was even worse than Hank.
Is this their way of getting Markus on their side? Or is it a dream that shows him his deepest, secret desire?
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5eraphim · 2 years
Detroit Become Human Characters Ranked best to worst Huggers
1. Luther: Big, robust, and beefy man. Sure he wasn't exactly brought up to be so soft by nature, but now that he's free? Hugging is now second nature to him, and he wants to share as much comfort and love as possible. Think of this as his way of making up for the lost time.
2. Kara: Was, in fact, programmed for this. A mother bear to her core, one who is equally protective and fierce as she is tender and loving. She is absolutely the type to drop what she's currently doing and partake in a bit of snuggle time if she notices you're looking a little down or if you tell her something is the matter.
3. Chloe: Again, c'mon, you KNOW she is just the sweetest, and she's all for hugs! Surprisingly she's also pretty intuitive and, without asking, would be able to pick up on your body language and tell whether you needed something soft and quick or if you were in serious need of a little physical intimacy. Will probably give you a kiss on the cheek, to boot! (Consider the rest of the Chloes, too, for a cuddle pile.)
4. Simon: While it's true that Simon might come off as a little uneasy and quiet sometimes, to those close to him, it's less awkward and more calming. Gives the best hugs to those close to him. He's surprisingly warm and very comforting. Definitely, the one you'd want to go for if you were in the mood to just vibe out while in another's arms. ( He's a lot stronger than he looks.)
5. Markus: Simon and Markus are at about a tie regarding who is a better hugger, and it mostly comes down to personal preference. Markus is your guy if you're more in the mood for a strong, secure hug. But he's also probably not the type to initiate hugs or tell if you're in need of one.
  6. Josh: He would be much higher ranked here. However, it's just that he's more the one who would much rather receive a hug, rather than give on. But still, that isn't to say he would ever deny you a hug if you were to ask! Very gentle and calming, if everyday life left you feeling overwhelmed, and you just needed a break for a minute, he's your guy! Just be prepared to return the favor later.
7. Connor: Again, he is pretty quiet and maybe a little socially awkward, but he has a bit of a hidden sweet spot for hugs! Connor may come off as stiff with the hug, but he's doing his best! Though all this in mind, he likely won't initiate any physical touch with you unless you either ask first or if he asks and you say yes.
8. Daniel: Oh boy, if you're not someone he knows very well or has a long history with, any physical contact likely wouldn't go over well with him, full stop. However, if you can manage to get past his defenses and convince him he's safe around you, there's a whole other side to Daniel to get to know! Like Connor, Daniel likely wouldn't touch you without permission first, and he might unintentionally have a considerably firm grip and a bit of a clinger. But he does all this in an endearing way. Like a child who doesn't know any better but to cling as tight as possible to the people they love the most. You can't fault Daniel for acting like this or even see any of this as a bad thing, to an extent.
9. Hank: He is 100% the kind of person who says they hate hugs but will offer one if you're someone close and look like you really need one. Also, this goes both ways as he is the kind of person who never asks for one but wouldn't hate it if one were to offer. (Well, at least not in public, of course.)
10. Gavin: Alright, so disregarding the fact that it's probably a mistake to go to this man for emotional support any day. Additionally, this guy really falls flat when it comes to understanding the emotional needs of other people unless they outright tell him. So if you were feeling bad and asked for a hug, maybe you could get a half-decent hug out of it, perhaps he'll even throw in a joke to try and cheer you up here, but that's about as good as it might get with this one.
11. Kamski: Kinda a unique case this one! While most of the other characters rated lower on the list are poor huggers because they simply aren't the touchy-feely type, this does not extend to Elijah. He can tend to clam up and get a little awkward when it comes to hugs because he has issues with physical touch, but if you were to go to him, genuinely emotionally vulnerable and in need of comfort, he might freeze up here. It's a situation well outside his comfort zone, and he might be awkward.
12. Nines: A bad hugger in the "I don't see the point of this, and I don't care" full-stop mentality. He has potential sure, but I wouldn't count on it.
13. Zlatko: literally, what did you expect?
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mourning-mondays · 10 months
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Z Nation
“This is a worldwide alert, standby for important information. The President is dead. This is an extinction scale event. Do not panic. Three years after the first infection, national governments have fallen. There is no cure.”
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
2028 was a good year for Hank. Not only did he closed his most significant case in his career, but also became a father just a month later. At this time he's 43-44.
Only a year after that in 2029 he got promoted to a Lieutenant, and that's where math isn't really mathing, as apparently the youngest lieutenant in Detroit was 44 when promoted, which uh...okay, I guess it's really hard to become a lieutenant in this town. Anyways he's so promising that he's predicted to become the next Commissioner in no time, as he's "expected to rise quickly through the ranks of the department".
Two years later he closes another big case of Red Ice, now as a 46 years old. Still a lieutenant. Cole is 2 years old. Perhaps around that time there started to play a big role some domestic problems, as his career growth basically stalled at that point. I suppose he and his wife were undergoing the divorce (I headcanon that they actually were already divorced at the time of the tragedy), and potentially fighting for the right to be the parent Cole stays with. As from this point I'm just throwing headcanons, I think it's possible that Hank was pretty fucking mad that him being fully employed is rather a disadvantage + the specifics of his job is also seen as kind of undesirable for a single-parent, as it takes a lot of time and at the time he was still considered to be a really career-oriented man.
So the following several years up until the car crash, I think he was mostly focusing on being a parent and fighting for the right to gain the full custody over Cole. Perhaps he even got it 🤔
The rest is known.
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qrjung · 1 year
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maddsmallow · 1 year
copied and pasted from my now deleted twitter. originally posted may 5, 2023:
hankcon scene where connor is like. hank. whats a good way to let someone know you want to be with them without telling them outright. and hank is like oh you're interested in someone? well uh, you could try playing them music that says what you wanna say
and then connor is like great! also for no reason at all i'm gonna put some music on. and then stares at hank deadpan while "shut up and sleep with me" by sin with sebastion* plays.
*alternatively, "closer" by NIN
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loveatabsolutezero · 1 year
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||| will you forget the summer? because i won’t
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