#dbh wips
sunwarmed-ash · 10 months
Fucking friday- fic preview 2
@sweeteatercat asked for what I had so here's yet another DBH one-shot I'm working on
complicated hankconvin, angst and draaaaaamaaa
A lot can change in a near decade. 
Androids, for instance. They went from cell phones to sentient beings with rights in half that time. Case and point, the heavy influx of android officers post revolution and the reinstatement of one specific RK800 to the police force. 
Hank Anderson is another example. He has gone from, top of the academy, number one father and husband, to disgraced, angry, grieving father with a disciplinary record as thick as his dick. 
Then there's Gavin. Gavin who’s never been the same since Toni.
The world changed, but he just didn't. Couldn't. He felt halted in place by that one specific, traumatizing moment in time. His skin sure didn't forget the event, how could he expect his mind to?
Now, It's 2040. The Robot Revolution that started in Detroit and shook the world has started to balance back out. Things are different, some good, some bad. And that includes life at the DPD. 
In terms of androids and Hank, they are great. Too phcking great for Gavin’s preference. The star pupil and mentor duo are all just about married at this phcking point. The plastic replacement is even living with Hank and Sumo. Where Gavin wants to be. And it hurts so bad that Gavin has missed every one of his chances with Hank. 
Connor makes Hank laugh at something, so loud Gavin can hear it all the way across the bullpen. It fills Gavin’s throat with bile spurred on by his irrevocable jealousy. Connor wasn't even human, and yet Hank has gone from Connor’s biggest threat to his biggest obsessor.
So much for still blaming them for killing Cole… 
Gavin’s gotta get out of here. He can't watch them anymore. He needs air. 
“Going to smoke,” he says to Tina who barely even acknowledges him, nose deep in her phone swiping through Tinder. Gavin wishes he could trust casual sex enough to use the app. But not after Toni, Jason, and Eric. 
Never again. 
His hands are shaking so hard he drops his lighter three times onto the half frozen surface of the smokers patio. He phcking hates today. Hates Anderson. Hates his plastic replacement. Hates that he will never be good enough for anybody again… Hates that he’s so ruined.
He’s three pulls into his third cigarette when his fist comes in contact with the bricked pillar. Pain shoots through his split knuckles and radiates up his dominant arm into his shoulder. It still doesn't hurt as much as being alone does. Having nothing and no one. He’s old (37), he's damaged, (seuxally truamatized beyond repair), no one wants him (why would they?) Not in the way he wants them. Ever.
All that’s left for him is a lifetime on this endless, repetitive cycle. Forever. 
Something drops and splashes behind him. It takes him a moment to check back in and realize who and what it was. 
The what, was coffee. Rapidly cooling and soaking into the bottom of his pant leg. 
The who was Connor, Anderson’s new phcking soulmate, who stands there with his dumb mouth open wide enough to catch flies. His eyes are on Gavin’s hand, which now that Gavin looks at it he can see it’s bleeding. Alot. 
The overwhelming feeling of being caught sends Gavin’s defenses reeling.
Gavin watches as Connor shows fear for the first time ever. Good. leave me the phck alone. 
“I-I…” Connor said, looking at the empty styrofoam cup and reaching to pick it up. He doesn't look at Gavin’s hand again, but he finds Gavin’s eyes and that's worse. “Detective…”
“The phck are you doing out here Connor?”
His LED flashes yellow.
“I...I was bringing you a coffee.”
Gavin scoffs. Yeah fucking right. 
“A peace offering.”
A peace offering?!
“For what? Am I not leaving you alone enough?"
“Yes. Well, I suppose that's the root of the problem. I don't, want you to ignore me.”
Was Connor joking? Did Gavin fall and hit his head? 
“You want me to go back to picking on you?”
“No. I just- a fresh start? For the both of us. Maybe? We are coworkers now and I think it-”
Gavin’s disbelieving scoff is mean. 
“No thanks. I’m not really looking for any friends.”
Connor looks genuinely upset by the rejection and Gavin doesn't know what the phck he exspects. What the hell would they even have in common? Except for a hard on for Hank. 
“Very well. Can I get you something for your hand Detective? It's still bleeding.”
“Get the phck out of here Connor.”
When Gavin comes back from the bathroom he can feel Connor’s eyes on him. He ignores him. He doesn't understand why the android suddenly cares. No one has cared about or even paid attention to Gavin Reed in a very long time. 
“Hank I have to tell you something.”
Connors' tone has Hank's eyes widening in fear.
“Oh, okay shit, is everything alright?”
Connor's LED flicks between red and yellow.
“I- don't know. I think I witnessed something I feel compelled to report. But I’m worried about betraying this person's confidence.”
“Uh, okay, well, um, is someone else’s life in danger because of this… event?”
“Is this person a danger to themselves?”
“The potential for that… is high.”
“Shit… It's someone here?”
“Do I know them?”
Connor laughs ironically.  
Hank’s quiet for a moment and then, 
Connor’s LED is a steady pulsing red.
when Hank’s trained detective eyes land on Gavin who had just sat back down from the bathroom, Hank stands and sighs.
“I’ll handle it.” Hank promises.
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rayfishandchips · 27 days
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ra9 please take this as my tribute for entering the fandom *throw a chunk of my dbh wip into the wild*
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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If a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent.
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tearystarz · 1 month
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Drew lil scene from @missylink 's dbh fanfic she's currently writing >:3 will link when published!!🫶
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frenchublog · 10 months
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fictionalsownme · 4 months
"Whump" | connor rk800 x reader | WIP BLURB
I don't post him all the time, but the connor brain rot is pretty bad lol I also really like whump and I saw this pin on pinterest and that's how this was born hehe. again, not really finished! abrupt ending but you can guess where it goes, established friendship, in my head the reader is a secretary at the DPD but it's not referenced. female reader, reader uses she/her pronouns.
disclaimer: this blurb is unedited and unfinished. just wanted to share some WIPs! Enjoy!
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You found his body slumped on the floor against the wall, his head hanging at an awkward angle.
There was blue blood… his blood everywhere. It was so bright against the blackness of the dirty floor that it almost seemed to glow.
"Oh my god--"
You ran to kneel at his side, nearly slipping on the thirium under your shoes. His legs were straight out like a broken doll's, you could see patches of his plating where his skin had retracted in the damage. Trying to manage your breathing, you gingerly cradled his head, lifting his face to meet your gaze. It was worse than you thought.
Retracted skin revealed massive damage to his white under-plating. Scratched and dented and caved-in. Blue blood was splattered across his face, it poured from his nose and over his lips to drip off his chin. It was immediately clear he wasn't conscious, with glazed over eyes and a slack jaw.
Whether he was in a sort-of standby or already dead you had no way of knowing.
You peeled open his jacket to reveal the center of his chest where thirium pooled the thickest in a gaping, mangled crater. Down to his lap and spilling over the dusty cement. You had no idea what his inner wiring was supposed to look like, but you knew it wasn't this.
"Fuck-- Connor?" You held his cheeks, your crying already starting up fresh once again. "Connor, can you hear me? I don't-- I don't know how to fix you! Connor?"
No signs. No light from his LED, no flickering of his irises, nothing.
You were sobbing in earnest now. Hiccupping and shaking and breathing in harsh, shuddering breaths. You grabbed your phone, trying not to scream when your realized your hands were covered in blue blood. Connor's blood. Your best friend's blood. It took you too long to use your phone, with multiple pauses to wipe your sticky hands on your jeans.
When it finally began to ring, you cradled it between your ear and shoulder. You weren't sure what your hands could do, so you started wiping the blood from Connor's face. Away from his eyes, off his cheeks.
"This is Markus."
"Markus! It's me, you gave me your number in case of emergencies-- It's Connor, he's-- Connor's hurt, he's not awake and there's blue blood e-everywhere and I don't know what to do, I don't even know if he's--"
"Wait, wait-- slow down, where are you?"
"I-I don't know! Some random abandoned building off of— fuck— Riverbank Drive? Connor's been missing all day since he picked up this case by himself and I retraced his steps and I-- fuck, Markus-- I don't even know if he's alive!"
"I need you to tell me his condition so I can get some biocomponents for him-- can you tell anything from what you see?"
You balled the fabric of his jacket in your fist. You swallowed hard, "His chest looks really bad-- it’s all m-mangled and, and empty? He… He's lost a lot of blood— God, Markus, tell me he's not dead."
"I'm on my way with some help, alright? Send me your location and stay with him. If he wakes up, keep him still until we can get there, you got it?"
You sobbed again and nodded, covering your face with a blood-drenched hand. "I'll be here, I promise."
After Markus hung up and you sent him your location, he assured you he was coming as fast as he could.
You kneeled there, clutching the material of Connor's sleeves and crying. You were so useless. For all you knew, Connor was already dead, and you were here, holding his empty body. Androids were more resilient than humans, sure, but all living things had a limit. You'd never stopped to consider Connor was anything other than indestructible.
You heard Markus' footsteps echo through the empty structure some minutes later. You had managed to reel back your hysterical sobbing down to silent tears with some measured breathing but your resolve was… precarious.
"Markus! Over here!”
You didn't see him until he rounded the corner, Simon in step behind him.
"Jesus Connor--" He hissed as he ran to join you at his side. He had a case with him, which Simon got to work opening. Parts and tools, packs of blue blood.
"What happened?" Markus asked you as his eyes flickered over Connor's form, no doubt scanning his injuries.
You shook your head, trying to ignore the tears streaking down your cheeks and the blood on your hands, legs, face. You couldn't take your eyes off of Connor. "I don't know."
"Someone must've taken him by surprise--" Simon began, beginning to dig through his supplies. "Could've been some kind of electrical signal, got the jump on his hardware, lagged him out before the fight even started."
"Is he gonna' be okay?" You asked, now just holding onto the edge of Connor's jacket sleeve while Markus and Simon got to work.
"I don't know. Could depend on how long he was shut down."
Markus' hand reached deep into the cavern at the center of Connor's torso. He pulled out what must've been a biocomponent, mangled beyond your recognition. He passed it to Simon, before grabbing what you hoped was a new one from the case.
He swapped out a few pieces like that, all unrecognizable to your untrained eyes. Until finally Simon was holding one you knew. You'd forgotten it's name, but it belonged in the center of Connor's torso and regulated his heartbeat. That's how Connor had explained it anyway.
Before he situated the final part inside his chest, Markus spent some time repairing Connor's plating and wiring. Adjusting placements, bending pieces back into place, sometimes welding seams just enough to function. You stayed quiet, staring blankly at Connor's limp hand resting on the floor next to yours.
You were utterly useless.
You started when Markus kur-chunk-ed the regulator into place in the center of Connor's chest, his hands angling back and forth to ensure the connection.
The faint sound of machinery blossomed out from his center. Quiet humming and whirring, like a computer booting up.
His face was mostly angled toward you but you couldn't see his LED. Markus and Simon were still at work. Connor's eyes still looked glazed over and empty.
You eyes caught on some movement toward the cement. His fingers twitching.
"He's awake," said Simon suddenly. "Keep him calm."
You looked back to his face, and while he still had that unfocused expression, there was something in his eyes. A clue that he could see you. Well, maybe sort of see you.
"Connor?" You tried softly. Your throat was tight with the promise of more tears. That familiar tingling in your nose, the watering of your eyes. "It's me, I'm here with Markus and Simon. You… You're safe."
"What…" His voice came out staticky and metallic. Like it was passing through an old radio. He blinked, slow. "What happened…?"
You swept a hair away from his brow. You hoped in his state he couldn't feel your trembling. As scared as you were, you didn't want to frighten him any further. His head turned just that little bit more towards you. His LED was a dim crimson.
"You got hurt. But you're gonna be fine. We're gonna take care of you."
His eyes fluttered, and he was that little bit clearer.
"You found me?"
You wanted to say 'barely', wanted to say 'by sheer dumb luck', wanted to say 'I almost didn't. I almost killed you'.
"Alright, Connor, you're going to start to stabilize a bit,” said Markus finally as he seemed to finish up the last of what work he could do.
He slowly, slowly, turned his head to meet Markus' eye. Like a ghost.
"When you can stand, let us know. We need to get you back to Jericho for more repairs."
"Is he going to be okay?" You couldn't help asking again.
"Now that he's awake, as long as we get him to Jericho soon, he should be fine," Simon reassured. "You're going to be fine, Connor."
“Someone attacked me… I didn’t see their face… don’t remember…”
“It’s okay,” you added gently. “Take it slow.”
“They could still be here.” And his hand took yours in a staggering motion. Weak and slow and disjointed.
“We’re here, Connor.” Markus put his hand on his arm. “We won’t let anything happen to her.”
Even like this… Even with all this pain he was still worried about you.
“I can stand.”
You wanted him to take it slower, to not push himself too hard, but the sooner he got to Jericho the better.
You stumbled back, dropping his hand as Markus and Simon went to either side of him.
They slotted their arms under his and behind his back, helping him to his feet. He actually groaned a bit at the effort. It was a deep, staticky sound you’d never heard from him before.
You walked with them like that, trying not to start crying again. You went a few paces ahead of them to open doors and check around corners as the four of you made your way out.
Every time you glanced in Connor’s direction, he was already watching you with a clouded expression. The look was only made more intense by the smeared blue blood across his face and in his hair. You prayed you’d never see him this hurt again in your life.
“What’d you get yourself into now, my friend?” Markus’ voice carried a slightly teasing tone.
“Bad day at the… office… what can I say?”
When you made it outside to the crisp Detroit air, a car was waiting. You practically jumped in, punching in the destination to Jericho while the two men helped Connor into the car as delicately as they could. You eased him in from your side, bracing him against you. Another strained sound fell from his lips. He was still bleeding, and his lap quickly started to pool with blue blood once again.
“Fuck, Connor…” The whisper escaped you before you could stop it, your hand bracing against his dented plating where the thirium seeped from the seams.
“I’ll be alright… please, just… stay close…”
You pressed your lips together to stop more tears from surfacing. “I will, I promise.”
In some weird way, you’d never felt so close to him before. The two of you were just friends obviously, maybe even best friends, but right now… You felt like he could ask you anything— anything in the world— and you’d do it.
You thought about helping him sit up straighter, but instead kept him held against you. And he leaned into the hold.
The ride to New Jericho couldn’t go fast enough. It wasn’t a boat anymore, so at least you didn’t have to go as far as the docks. The now embassy-style building was closer to the heart of Detroit, and fully fitted with an android hospital, outreach programs, offices for the new android officials (the most prominent, of course, being Markus). A base of operations of sorts.
You’d been once before with Connor, hence how you got Markus’ number. You would never be able to thank him enough.
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leftneb · 2 months
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I'm so ill about them noone talk to me (and by that I mean please please PLEASE ask me about this au I'm so normal about it)
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autiacorart · 11 months
connor study bc i just cant get him right aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahghrrrr i'll go insane will all these fucking pretty men STOP ME
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samishin · 1 year
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Re-imagining of The Bridge in the reverse AU.✨
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thirium · 5 months
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abandonshapes · 6 months
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pastelaeqy · 3 months
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hi lads here are some WIPs for your viewing pleasure. my last semester at uni was very busy and basically killed any desire to draw so I will be making the most of my holidays to catch up
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divvariance · 9 months
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alexdreamart · 2 months
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Lineart done! And then I realised. I will have to fill in and colour that mesh. I really didn't think that through, did I? (help)
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tearystarz · 1 month
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I couldn't resist showing a wip of these sticker designs AHHHHHSHA Since Bryan played Dress To Impress on roblox i knew i had to make this!!!!💅💅 Such baddies fr fr
Link to finished drawing!!
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raidipop · 7 months
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Avance 🤠 a ver que arreglo porque no me está gustando 🥲
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