#rk900 headcanon
nowaygraham · 4 months
Headcanon that Elijah Kamski designed the RK800/900 serie based on Gavin's tastes in men, using an old drawing he did of the "ultimate perfect boyfriend" back in high school and mixing it with features of his latest crushes, just to piss off his baby brother who hates androids, knowing they would end up invading police stations.
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task800 · 5 months
i know that rk800 and rk900 are p much identical in-game in every way except for rk900 having a different jacket and demon-tier blue eyes, BUT. i like the idea of them having slightly different builds just based on their intended use
like, rk800 being a prototype designed primarily for investigative work, and also to test the memory upload ability = fast, lightweight materials that are sturdy but inexpensive to replace, hardware-mobility features designed to parkour around obstacles, high dexterity but at the cost of raw strength, tons of delicate sensory hardware optimized for maximum data-collection and analysis, with combat capabilities added in as an afterthought
rk900 being intended for military combat use and NOT for recon = heavy-duty materials capable of exerting and withstanding tons of force, durability prioritized to last even in the worst conditions, dexterity traded in for sheer power, and physical/cognitive flexibility dialed back in favor of efficient mission completion
i want rk800 doing the MOST to flip over a wall, and i want rk900 to walk through the wall koolaid man style
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Hi, may I request headcanons for Connor, Nines and Ralph (separately)? How would they react if reader took them to buy clothes for themselves for the first time?
Authors note: This is so stinkin cuteee
Characters: Connor, Nines, and Ralph
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ : Ralph is a little insecure about his scar lol, very fluffy
🪙 Connor 🪙
-He would be so grateful for you to buy him clothes
-He doesn’t wanna walk around in that Cyberlife uniform all the time lol
-Even though he’s Deviant he’s still not used to doing things for himself a lot
-So when he hears that he gets to pick out his own clothes
-He just awkwardly sifts through the clothes at the store
-You find it pretty cute how he has no idea what he’s even looking for poor boy
-Eventually he asks you for help and you both get swept into a shopping spree
-If you asked him to, he’d definitely give you a little fashion show as he tries on clothes
-He may or may not get addicted to shopping with you
-I also feel like once he gets a sense of what kind of clothes he wants
-He’ll pick out so. many. suits.
-And of course many ties to match
-Idk why but yeah he just loves lookin dapper
-Although he would be very considerate of your budget and would try not to buy too many things
-Just keep a close eye on him tho
-Bc he will get lost in the store (poor boy gets too curious)
💙 Nines 💙
-He is so confused on why you want to buy him clothes
-He’s all like: “But I already have clothes.”
-And you gotta convince him that one suit just isn’t enough
-Literally takes forever to convince him to let you buy him some clothes
-And he’s even more confused-for some reason- that he has to go with you to buy them
-If you could give a question mark a face, it’d be the face that Nines is making
-He just didn’t think he would actually be picking out the clothes himself
-So you make it a goal for him to start making decisions for himself
-When you both get to mall, a little like Connor, he has no clue on where to start picking out clothes
-So you both take a while to first discuss what kind of clothes he wants
-And then you finally start picking out clothes
-I feel like Nines would def get a bunch of suits too
-But not like Connor, Connor at least knows he can’t have just suits
-But no, Nines wants ONLY SUITS
-Takes more time to explain how he can’t just have suits
-Literally took almost the whole day to just buy him clothes
-But it was worth it because he was grateful for it in the end
🌿 Ralph 🌿
-He’s ecstatic about getting new clothes!!
-He wants to look more presentable and is beyond grateful you would offer to buy him clothes
-Like I’m pretty sure the amount of time he said “thank you” that day
-Was the amount of times someone says “thank you” in a lifetime
-Buuut he gets a little hesitant when you ask him to come with you to buy his clothes
-He hatesss the idea of going out in public
-Especially with his scar, he’s super insecure about it
-So tons of reassuring later, you and Ralph are in the store picking out his clothes
-The entire time he’s practically glued to your side
-Like literally. He has not let go of your hand the moment you both let the house
-But it’s not as bad as he first thought
-He actually starts having fun picking out his clothes and trying them on
-Definitely a flustered mess when you compliment the clothes he tries on
-He’s confused but happy that no one has said anything about his scar
-Totally not having to do with you giving anyone The Death Stare™️ if they even breath at Ralph the wrong way
-Over all it was a very fun experience for the both of you
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ersatz-ostrich · 1 month
DBH Headcanons: Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
Connor, RK900, Markus, Simon, and Gavin x gn!reader
Some headcanons about what it would be like to be taken care of by some of the characters of Detroit: Become Human while recovering from getting your wisdom teeth removed. Inspired by, well, getting my wisdom teeth removed.
[A/N]: I got my wisdom teeth out a while back and it honestly wasn't as bad as I'd heard from other people. My mouth tasted funny for a while, though.
Chances are, you’ve already briefed him on your wisdom teeth procedure and everything that happens before and after
By the time the actual surgery rolls around, he’s downloaded every bit of information about pre-op and post-op
And he’s not going to hesitate to bother you remind you about everything
“Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes and clothing.” “Y/N, you can’t have any food or water 8 hours before the surgery.” “Y/N, please refrain from strenuous exercise in the 24 hours before your surgery.”
When you come out of surgery loopy on anesthesia, he sits with you in recovery and tries to talk you through it (even though you don’t remember a lick of what either of you said)
I’d say he’s a mother hen post-op, but more like a worrywart type
He’d buy all kinds of liquid foods for you and is constantly asking about your pain levels
Gets a lot of weird looks in the supermarket while he’s checking out the soup aisle
“That’s not a domestic android I’ve ever seen…”
He’s definitely on top of your antibiotics schedule, and if you need it, pain meds
Makes sure you’re regularly irrigating the wounds if you need it 
If you’re ever worried or insecure about swelling and discomfort post-op, Connor is there to smother you in kisses
As a deviant, he isn’t as much of a mother hen as Connor, probably because he’s more self-assured in his ability to take care of you as well as your ability to take care of yourself when you can
He wouldn’t hover as much as Connor but he’d definitely download information about the procedure before you go
Coming out of the operation, you knock out again for a bit in recovery and Nines insists on staying with you, covering you with his jacket and letting you rest your head on his shoulder
If Connor got weird looks while in the supermarket buying things for you and picking up your prescriptions, Nines sticks out like a sore thumb
Like he’s clearly not a domestic/service android so he confuses a lot of shoppers and employees as he browses the aisles and fills his basket with cans of soup, oats, and ice cream
“Why on earth is a police investigator android buying soup on a Friday morning?”
If you’re in pain, he’ll do everything to comfort you
Pain meds, ice cream, cuddles, your comfort movies and shows, anything for you
He doesn’t seem outwardly clingy or affectionate but he’s such a softy
This obviously isn’t his first rodeo
If you’re scared going into the surgery, he’s with you all the way until the nurses put you to sleep
Cruises through post-op no matter what state you’re in due to the sedative
At home, he’s got you covered
No need to break out the cans of mush—he’s got you covered with homemade soups, the softest scrambled eggs you’ve ever had, soft pasta dishes, you name it
With Markus, you’ll never miss a dose of antibiotics
If you’re in pain, worry not
Markus has your pain meds, blankets, and infinite cuddles
He’ll have your favorite flavors of ice cream on hand
Straight out of the tub if you feel so inclined
He might not be a caregiver like Markus but he was once a domestic and childcare android
Calms your nerves going into the operation and when you’re all woozy post-op he’s right by your side
Coming out of the operation, it doesn’t matter if you look like if Alvin the Chipmunk got into a fistfight and lost—Simon’s there to shower you in kisses and envelop you in hugs
Like Markus, you’ll never have to worry about the liquid and soft food diet
If the pain’s too much, Simon will be your arms and legs for the time being
He’s a wizard with chores and errands
It’s like you never even got your wisdom teeth out
Would totally take off work to help you recover
Which, given how competitive he is at work, would probably seem like an anomaly to his coworkers
“I’ve never seen Reed take off for more than a day or two at a time. Shit, he’d come into work sick so long as he wasn’t actively dying,” Says Tina
“I’ve had to wrangle that fucker into his car more times than I can count to prevent him from coming into work injured,” Grumbles Fowler
“Hopefully he’ll take this time to rest as well as take care of someone else.”
Would record the stuff you say coming out of sedative in post-op for the memories (and for you both to laugh at when you recover)
I don’t see him being as great of a cook as Markus or Simon, but he’s definitely able to cook to support himself and you
Of course, he’d get you all the ice cream you want
He knows what it feels like to be in pain and cranky so he does everything he can to either comfort you or give you space to get through it
If you wanted it, he’d cuddle with you while you spend the day reading or watching your comfort shows and sipping on smoothies (no straws allowed, of course)
To anyone getting their wisdom teeth out soon, good luck! To anyone recovering from the surgery, feel better soon! Hope you enjoyed reading this silly little compilation of HCs! See you next time x
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gunstellations · 1 year
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double trouble
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 3 months
There needs to be more content of a high-school au over-achiever, golden child, star student Richard Stern who is literally the best at everything he does and has a bright future but he ends up falling for troubled and delinquent Gavin Reed.
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blackkatdraws · 2 years
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Nines is not used to unpleasant feelings like stress.
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randoimago · 1 year
Aah, can I also request some letters for RK800 and RK900? M, S and Y, please!
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Character(s): RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines)
Type of Request: Alphabet Headcanons
Note(s): Calling RK900 Nines just because I like that better than his model number!
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M - Memory (what is their favourite memory with you?)
A favorite memory he thinks fondly of from time-to-time is when he went on a walk in the park with you. It's simple and the moment was on the casual side rather than romantic, but he noticed how relaxed and happy you looked.
The smile on your face and seeing you stress-free is kept in his memory banks. Sometimes, he finds himself smiling at the memory popping up out of nowhere.
It was after a chase with finding a deviant android, one that murdered for the sake of enjoying it than defense. Nines saw you retreat to the roof of the building and he followed you, curious as to what your intentions were. You ended up just talking, mentioning similar cases with humans. Nines added to your comments with logic and how faulty programming caused this.
Nothing romantic happened at all, but hours were spent just talking under the night sky and Nines ends up going back to that moment quite a bit, it was the first moment that he really felt that he got to see you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I feel like Connor would be very protective over you once he's reached deviancy. He realizes his feelings and doesn't like the idea of you being hurt in any way, but he also has to stop himself from rushing to your side every time because he knows that level of protectiveness could upset you too.
Connor would prefer to not resort to violence so he tries to be charming and sly as he gets you out of any uncomfortable situations. That doesn't mean he won't punch someone for you, but he is better with his words. And as such, he's very good with giving you compliments and cheering you up in those situations too.
He usually views other's well-being over his own so having his S/O take care of him makes him happy. He does remind you that it's unnecessary to comfort him, but the smile on his face shows that he very much enjoys it.
He doesn't realize his protectiveness to his S/O. Nines sees you in danger and he ignores his programming giving him a percentage of your safety as he goes to immediately help you without a thought.
He knows he's strong and physically capable to keep you safe, but then he sees you in emotion turmoil. Nines convinces himself that he's calming you so your performance doesn't jeopardize his, but he is fast to find information and read your tells to make sure you are okay.
Nines would never ask that you protect him. He's a machine and can't feel pain. But if you defend him in conversation or even just stay by his side when he needs you (not that he'd say he needs you) then that causes some system errors that he doesn't quite know how to handle.
Y - Yearning (how do they cope when they are missing you? are they alright with being without you for an extended period of time or would they prefer to be with you every day of their life without exception?)
Definitely is a bit of a puppy when it comes to his S/O being away. He tries to not let it affect his performance, but Hank is quick to call him out on it. He ends up getting his coin out more often or trying to find ways to occupy his mind as a small timer is going on in the back of his programming for when you'll be back.
Very much would prefer you to be around him all the time, but he also knows that would be unreasonable and illogical to ask for, so he just awaits for your return.
Nothing seems to change for Nines when his S/O is gone for a while. He still performs highly and functions just fine. Nothing really seems wrong except for the fact that he acts more like a machine while you're away.
He does miss you, but he can't let it get in the way of his work. Would request that you not leave so often or not be gone for too long as he wants to make sure you're by his side and not in danger of being hurt.
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rk707-elle · 10 months
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I need more Nines 😍
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ssunflover · 10 months
one of my beloved headcanons is that when gavin and rk900 are getting married instead of just wearing a ring gavin is wearing a "313 248 317 87" tattoo on his left rib where the heart is. that’s it. that’s what I want.
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d4ndyn · 1 year
Nine's mocking Gavin. You can't change my mind on that..
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nowaygraham · 3 months
Dear DBH fandom,
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fluffykiddosstuff · 2 years
Their opinion on face sitting (NSFW)
Warnings : sexuals content, face sitting, handjob and many mores
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- please just sit on this androids face, he would do anything to pleasure you.
- don't mind about sitting on yours but is kind of nervous because androids are heavier so he makes sure he doesn't put all his weight
- doesn't jerk off while eating you out tho, he will just grab your tights to focus to give you pleasure
- buuuut if it's you who is jerking him off then this poor man is gone
- his skin features probably peels off whenever your skin and his touch, even tho you can't interface it's a reflex for his body.
- if you can't stop moaning his name, he will overstimulate you until you can't cum anymore
- your first time while face sitting would be after the androids got their rights, he was still a leader but he had less on his shoulders to carry (except you wink wink)
-after the androids law being accorded he had took you to an hotel, the time he could get some paperworks done before going back to Carl but.. This night wasn't about papers at all
- you took him on the bed because he was stressing himself too much and before you could know it you were already making out in the bed and seconds after he make you sit on his face
- he said it was the better reward for being the android leader
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- this poor Android doesn't understand the need to facesit, he took a while to understand that you wanted proper sex with him but if you don't say verbally that you want to sit on his face he will not initiate it at first
- when you finally said it, he makes researches whenever he can to understand what you mean by that, he tried to ask hank about it first to seem more human but when the poor old lieutenant cough so hard that he couldn't even breath he quickly got that it wasn't the best approach to get more informations
- once he collected enough data he would organize a date (I know androids can't eat but I saw a headcanon where they eat thirium food and I thought it was really cute), after the date would take you at a hotel
- "do whatever you want but not in my house kid" that's what hank said to Connor before he got to your date and after giving money for the hotel "it would be rude to take the people you date to their own house" he said patting connor's head
- once you got into the room you couldn't keep smiling and he took a room with petals on the bed forming a heart and tamised lights too
- first it was like usual, kissing, love words exetera, then he layed down on the bed after undressing you and you sat on his face
- God he didn't imagine how good it could felt for you, would maybe want to try it out but would'nt ask for it before some time
- this tongue isn't just to take samples ;)
- let's say that for the rest of the night you didn't slept
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- at first the poor boy didn't even knew what you were talking about
- sex? Face sitting? What's all of that?
- but once you explained everything calmly to him and that he got that it wasn't hurtful for any of you he accepted
- first you got to your house because doing that at the squat was.. Weird
- you just begin with little kisses on his face and scars but before you could see it, he rolled over and make you sit on his face after ripping whatever clothes was between his mouth and his goal
- you didn't knew a such precious being could be so wild but you didn't mind tho
- would ask if you could do the same for him because he wanted to know how could it feels since he saw how you were excited
- "Ralph likes y/n like this.. He wants to know how it feels too!"
- now it's one of Ralph's favorite activities to do with you
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- you were dating with hank for a little while and you hesitated to ask him if you could practice facesitting and that he would say "Jesus y/n I'm too old for these things!"
- but when you actually asked him about it, it was an another story
- if you asked him in a public space he would murmur in your ear "tonight at my house, Connor will be at Markus place" or if you are both home and that Connor is gone for the day he would say : "c'mere" and start doing the job
- he is quite experienced, he was married after all
- you would probably have red tights because of the friction of his beard but you don't mind, he finds that quite erotic too
- don't ask him that he sits on your face tho, he doesn't like that
- one or two round is enough, after all he is human and old, yes he likes it but he doesn't want to get killed by you sitting on his face (even tho he says while laughing that it could be nice to die this way)
-since of his age, he can't do things like he could when he was in his 20's so facesitting is one of his favorite things because he knows that he can handle it and make you feel good at the same time
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-wow wow wow wow hold there a second
-what are you asking ?
-would'nt be for it at first maybe says things like "na it's for pussy's anyways i like my way of holding things better"
-buuuut if you insist..he would consider it
-but don't talk to anyone about this, no matter how much he loves you he's gonna kill you if you don't shut your mouth
-actually is pretty aroused when he ears you whimper on top of him, he could cum only from that
-but don't ever tease him about that because either he will make you sexually frustrated for who knows how long or would have to punish you somehow
-if one day, ONE SINGLE DAY, he let's you eat him while he is sitting on your face, told yourself your lucky
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-would be so glad that you ask him directly, to him that means a lot and plus it's a sign of affection so why not ?
-man he is so sweet please just praise him already
-wouldn't mind to try, but if he doesn't like it he will tell you
-would be scared when you start to tremble because of overstimulation, but once you reassure him that it's all about pleasure, he is glued to you for some time
-caresses and soft words are his love language so he will most likely caress your tights and anything that reaches his hands
-he looks at you like your some sort of divinity while having you on his face, please don't stop him
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-like connor pretty confused about anything sex-like (like he doesn't know yet how to initiate it), but he would get the little hints you give him
-doesn't ask anything to anyone, he doesn't need it, he is cyberlife most avanced android right ?
-many, too many researches (even at work or at night)
-he wants you to be bold with him and sincere so don't be afraid to tell him exactly what you want (if you come with a plan or a kamasutra to show him how is facesitting, would register everything in his cpu)
-wouldn't sit on you, he isn't comfortable with that yet ( at first he says that he is made to help humans and not to be pleased)
-would close his eyes during the "processus" likes he calls it,he is deviant but that serious part of him is what attracted him to you after all
- doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy it tho, every sounds, moves, spots and picture he register of you is in his cpu and whenever he is bored and want to try new things (like masturbation) or maybe just because he wants to see how marvelous you are, he will read those files
-would maybe try to tease you (i sais try, doesn't mean he is good at it) and would continue or not, depends on your reaction
-leaves marks and bruises on your legs and stomach
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-he was waiting his whole life that you ask him for that
-prepared everything in advance
-if you put lingerie or anything sexy on, oh god have mercy he will not leave you for a while
-doesn't mind receive but likes more giving
-could keep on for hours, he can't get enough of you really
-he saw you as a masterpiece, so he is honored to as you on his face
-but before or after, would ask if he can take snapshots of you and both of you, he is the creator of androids but he like these old techniques and he thinks you both look like gods from ancient greece
-he keepts these snapshots on him every single time and when he as to go for something, brings them with him to remember how much fun you will both have when he gets home
-makes you a bath and ask chloe for diner,pampers you, don't want to leave you until you are asleep
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bluhjeans · 1 month
kicking my feet to the scene I just imagined where gavin goes out to smoke but he doesn’t have his lighter on him but nines reveals he can turn his finger into a lighter and gavin chooses that moment to fall head over heels
wondering if I should draw this 2
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unstablerk800 · 2 months
|| And why they needed RK900 to be made quickly, so desperately? Because of a possible Third World War.
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US wanted to resolve the problem with creating an android so powerful that it would've changed the outcome of the war in their favour. All for profit, of course. It would've blown right in their faces if they've lost the country to an army of deviants.
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atror173 · 2 years
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