#dbts duck
apartmentnumber4 · 2 years
Realistically having multiple doctors tell you that you’re bpd or schizoaffective without removing the previous diagnosis means you have bpd and schizoaffective but bpd has been ruined by tiktok fools so I only acknowledge the schizoaffective part but then the bpd starts acting up and I’m like what could this possibly be
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Yuji! Is it true that after Mineta was thrown out the window, he tried escaping. How did you catch him again in the UA? Also...Megumi and Nobara, did you really mess up Mineta's room? What did you guys find in his room?! Can you share more in detail?
"Yes it's true he was. Gerald threw him right out the window to us. He's got a really good arm." Yuji thinks about it but was thinking to the question.
"As to that, we had to chase him down before catching him against in UA.." he said trying to explain.
"Gotta run, gotta run, gotta run!" He said running down the street but that's when he was seeing some cars flying by trying to hit him but he just keeps running faster.
"NOOOOO!!" He keeps running only to see the scary dog again trying to catch him. He was shouting to run faster.
"Come on, he's getting away!" Megumi shouted as the four hurries to catch him. Mineta kept on running but he was trying to find a hiding spot. No where to hide it seems only for him to duck seeing needles almost pinning him. "Eek!"
"He's down here! Stop you jerk!" Nobara said jumping down as Mineta kept running. He keeps on running but he didn't know Eito was keeping a eye on him from the skies. He then noticed he was rushing towards UA. However, Mineta kept on running only to see he was jumping over the security wall in a way but he was too scared to remember he could just go in.
For a bit, the others stops panting.
"Damn it, where did he go!?" Yuji said with the other three catching their breaths to hear Eito flapping his wings to point. "Huh?" They look up seeing the UA school. "Is he there?" Megumi asked seeing Eito nod.
"..Then lets hurry! That's pervert's going to pay!" he said.
"But that's one way we found him." Yuji said.
"Ugghhhh I rather not say what we found in his room." Nobara said not wanting to remember but Megumi sighed.
"We found a lot of things but you should know what it was mostly off."
The UA students along with the DBT was standing in shock, hearing things being broken and thrown out of Mineta's room. They were destoying it only to find more and more panties.
"The hell MIneta!? Have you been hoarding panties in here!?" Ida said in shock as the UA girls were silent.
"Yeah, you guys need to get him help and soon!" Nobara said still angry. "I can't believe he's held so many. That's not right!" she said.
"....And this is why we stay out of his room.." the girls said. They kept hearing things being pulled and thrown showing a pile of bras and panties he's got. Even some for the girls in NYC too. Yeah, he was not looking good here only making the DBT girls mad and the UA along with Yuuka too.
"As stated, we found a lot in his room. The pile was big..which disturbs me.." he said.
"I think I'm going to hurl.." Nobara said.
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mybodypaystheprice · 2 years
What are some similar terms that people use for problem solving, brainstorming, getting stuff done, or even just hanging out? Idk like all the things ND people use or things used in psychiatry or even workplaces.
Things along the lines of “parallel play”, “body doubling”, “rubber duck debugging” ?
You know like DBT “DEARMAN” but not specifically for interpersonal relationships? Or just terms like “spoon theory” or “the two minute rule”?
What about when you just need someone to be your logic brain because you’re too involved in an situation to be unbiased or think clearly?
There’s like a bunch of things along these lines, I’m being very broad here. I just can’t think of many of them at the moment. It’ll be helpful to ask for specifically what I need.
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sammyisfat · 2 years
So my Dad has been battling cancer for almost a decade, and is in remission. But now his kidneys are only functioning at 22% and they have an infection that can’t be treated. So, we’re just waiting. He’s been steadily declining the last two weeks.
This is causing me to spiral. I’m feeling like I’m stranded in the ocean in an inflatable boat with duck tape covering the holes, I can see the shore but it’s so out of my reach and I don’t think I can stay alive to make it there.
I don’t regret my hysterectomy but it was my first surgery and was major. It caused me a lot of trauma mentally and physically. It’s been 5 years almost, and since it’s happened I’ve just been in a downward spiral.
I met a guy and got engaged after 6 weeks, and married within a year. I met him 3 months after my surgery. At the height of a heavy dissociation. And I went back to school without thinking it through clearly.
I was terrified to go back to my management job because my boss would constantly call me an idiot, treat me like I was trash, and would send me to work in various stores but wouldn’t pay me for my travel or pay me an active managers wage to make up for that.
So I went back to school, but then I started developing chronic pain that makes being active so painful. The pain is where my right incision from my hysterectomy is, and where my former cervix used to be. And no drs are listening to me. It’s compromised my mental health to the point I was so unreliable I was struggling to show up for work. Between the pain and my mental health.
And then in the fall of 2020, I was in a car accident. The crash was fairly minor but I hit my head off the windshield not hard enough to crack glass but enough to do damage. Where I hit my head is the area that controls your ability to mask and control your anxiety.
I lost mine. And my short term memory has been affected. Due to this, I had to end my lease and move in with my parents in a whole new province from where I had built a new life. I was suffering from insomnia due to the accident.
And I was prescribed sleep pills, I had never taken any before. And they would knock me out for 10 hours sometimes until I built up a tolerance. And I kept waking up in pain. But I found out my partner had been having sex with me in my sleep, because I wouldn’t wake up. And I never consented to it.
This had been the start of things, and then later that winter I found out I was losing my apartment and my jobs. My spiral has gotten worse since these events.
An anon account came forward on IG and accused my partner of cheating. But there hadn’t been any proof. No screenshots or any information regarding where I could find info. This had caused a riff between us.
When we moved to Ontario, his family basically disowned him. And so even though I want and need out. I feel responsible for him. He moved halfway across the country for me. I’ve tried telling him we’re not good for each other, his mental health is impacting mine and vice versa. And I can’t be a good partner right now.
We haven’t been intimate in 3 years. We tried on my bday but he changed his mind so we stopped. So we’re more like roommates at this point.
I’m feeling so trapped and alone. I just can’t handle it all anymore. I went to hospital in ‘22 for a month. But they refused to really help me, because I have borderline personality disorder. And they would just tell me to do DBT when I got out of the hospital.
But I was then and now at such a low baseline I am barely surviving. I am not eating. I’m not sleeping. My pain is at an all time high. I can’t keep track of days. I thought it was still the 15th for 8 days.
I’m just existing. And I don’t want to anymore. I had to flush all my sleeping pills because I didn’t trust myself not to take them all before bed. So I’m just sleeping maybe 2 hours at night. Because I can’t take sleep meds without feeling triggered and unsafe.
I’ve never said anything to anyone really about this. I tell bits and pieces but it a hard to admit the truth and be honest about what my last 5 years have been. And I am so tired.
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aibidil · 2 years
Things I’ve researched for fics
thanks for the tag @teacup-tai, this is the tag game I've been waiting for
How to operate an NMR Spectroscopy machine
The mechanism of action of flunitrazepam ("roofies")
Life in Britain in the year 1000
The year of release of every popular song, movie, and book that a character might be interested in
The gendered nature of historical werewolf mythology
Anarchist theory
The gendered nature of magic in history (the cultural implications of "witch" versus "warlock" and the types of magic associated with each, etc)
the men's rights movement
JKR's transphobia
Time travel and theories of temporal paradoxes
Scottish myths
Scottish whisky
Backstreet Boys' "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" dance moves
Segaworld London (1996-1999)
Digital rectal massage cure for intractable hiccups
Medicinal uses of nearly every herb and herbal teas
Forced separation of incarcerated mothers and newborns
Cats — the Musical
Gay bars in London
Multiverse theory of time travel
Nipple piercing
Galleon–GBP–USD exchange rates
CBT/DBT for depression
Skate parks
Flo Rida's "Whistle"
Charles Dickens's "A Christmas Carol"
Equinox/solstice traditions
Wand wood and wood type meanings
The Matrix (1999)
Hag mythology
Jails and arrest in muggle England
Placebo's music videos
Jeff Goldblum's wardrobe
Dating service questionnaires
Indian clothing
Old English, French, Spanish, Latin, German; Scottish phrases, British slang
Tweed fashion and rural British poshness
Duck Hunt (Nintendo)
The Middle Ages
Horrifying right-wing politics (2010s-2020s)
How to code footnotes in ao3 and other HTML adventures
Tea at Claridges
The role of sulphur in medicine and in creating the hypothetical philosopher's stone
public campaigns about safe sex
the budweiser WASSSSSSUP ad
Please consider yourself tagged if you're reading this. 😂😅
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bioved-blog · 4 years
Agriculture Research College in Allahabad
Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences (BRIATS) is working since last 28 years in different fields of agriculture for providing security, surety and accountability in different fields of agriculture for monthly income through the demonstration and training of need based, resource full , recent advanced, eco-friendly technologies, conserving natural resources in the field of lac cultivation, fresh water pearl culture, soil testing training programmes, nematode problems and their management, bullock operated pumping set, flour mill, chaff cutting and thresor, value addition of bio-resources and agri-waste materials with joint use of lac for domestic use, hi-tech nursery, spirulina and azolla cultivation and it’s value addition, medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation and it’s value addition, post harvest technology, IPM & INM technology, tissue culture technology, integrated fish-poultry and duck farming, smart dairy farming system and environmental conservation programs. For attracting and retaining youth in different fields of agriculture, Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture Technology & Sciences, Mohrab, Ram van Gaman Road, Shringverpur, Allahabad has started B.Sc. (Ag) courses since 2018-19 and affiliated to Allahabad State University, Allahabad for providing quality and practical education so that cent percent passed agri-graduates will be placed to get attracting salary and to help farmers in and around the college residing in different villages. In this way self confidence will be created among the farmers for getting income in many folds in different fields of agriculture. Bioved Agriculture Degree College is situated on Allahabad Lucknow highway near the well known historical and tourist place Shringverpur, Allahabad. BRIATS have well equipped air conditioned laboratories, smart class rooms, separate hostel facilities for boys and girls, agriculture farm, Wi-Fi campus, 24 hours electricity through solar, electric and generator, lush green campus, security guards, whole campus under CCTV, transportation facilities, 24 hours mess having all modern kitchen equipments, R.O. Water and medical facilities are existing in college campus which is spread over in 35 acre lands. Students will be trained in practical manners, so that they can earn by learn during the study periods also. BRIATS has introduced Scientific method of lac cultivation & its value addition, Freshwater pearl culture, Spirulina & Azola cultivation at farmers fields for the first time in U. P. Institute has published 50 books in Hindi & English and publishes 3 International bi-annual Scientific journals since last 28 yrs continuously. All these journals are being abstracted in different abstracting journals & have NAAS rating & UGC recognized journals. 31 Scientific Research projects funded by DST, DBT, ICAR, DRDO, World Bank, UNDP, NABARD, Govt of India, have been completed under technical supervision of different scientists of the Institute. BRIATS organises Indian Agricultural Scientist & farmers’ Congress since last 21 yrs continuously for the first time in India. Institute is spread over in 40 acre lands including all modern facilities of labs, smart class room, auditorium, separated Hostel of girls & Boys cafeteria, Research farm, community hall, smart dairy farm, fish, poultry, duck & hi-tech necessary farm, tissue culture laboratory, mass production of Biocontrol agents, Lac processing & ware units and value addition unit of Biorecources & agri waste material etc. BRIATS has also recognised by min of Sci. & Tech, Min. of Agriculture, Min. of Finance, Govt. of India & registered by U.P. Govt. and different reputed Universities for conducting quality Research & Development activities and place of Research for conducting Doctoral degree programme.
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emma-d-klutz · 6 years
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, and I’d really appreciate if people reblogged this to joke around with the idea: my Dream is the movie “Accepted” except as a treatment center. I want to grow up and make a treatment center that is completely fake. I mean it. It would be specifically for teens and young adults who have spent their whole lives in therapy and have already been shipped off to at least three treatment facilities. And it. Will be. A GIANT BREAK ROOM. I mean it! We (staff) pretend to paying parents that we are a rigorous, strict, hard core CBT center, and then once the kids are in, WE PARTY!! 
I’m talking take naps if you want to nap. I’m talking eat snacks if you want to snack. I’m talking socialize if you want to -- and don’t if you don’t!! If you get to feeling depressed and isolated and super anxious and full of OCD and freaking out about your physical health problems, my staff (who obviously are all on board with the whole idea of the place and therefor were also all Treatment Kids themselves) and I are there to talk and to listen and to problem solve but only if problem solving is what you want right then! Our “group therapy” will NeveR be mandatory, but if you show up, it’s gonna be DBT and snacks. I’m serious. DBT and snacks!!! We’re gonna get straight to saying, “Here. Learn to deal with each other, and maybe one day you’ll be able to deal with the rest of the world. Now get out your workbooks. You didn’t do the homework? THAT’S OK! IDGAF! YOU SHOWED UP AND THAT’S ENOUGH FOR ME” 
We’re a low stress environment.
OUR MISSION IS AS FOLLOWS: 1. if a kid wants help, give it to them 2. take your damn meds 3. you aint gotta do anything you don’t wanna do 4. no one is gonna treat anyone else like they’re “a problem.” And that rule is not just about words; it’s about how we treat each other in tones and actions. This rule applies to everyone: staff to residents, residents to residents, staff to staff, and residents to staff. I won’t have it! I won’t have treating people like they are lesser under my roof 5. when parents show up, we are cleaning this whole place top to bottom every corner every inch and we are going to pretend to be a normal treatment center and don’t talk about nap fight club you lil bitches wipe those windows sit quietly at tables spout out our rehearsed tales of how you are improving your mental state by being put in an airtight, slowly flooding room full of ducks --- and above all else --- 6. This place is meant to be a break. A break from the monotony of treatment centers. A break from the disappointment and shame of relapsing when you get home. A break from your parents wanting to “put your problems behind you.” We all know these residents are getting sent to a 5th treatment center after this, so we better make this 4th one something that can be remembered with fondness. Please. Please. All I want is to give residents a break.
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stevestormzone · 2 years
Tumblr media
First Guinness of the day… #dublin @drivebytruckers #drivebytruckers #dbt (at Wild Duck) https://www.instagram.com/p/CerFOLejtH3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hey guys question:
Do you play board games and have you heard of the familiar ones like Uno? and other ones?
"Board games? Ohhhh yeah we heard of them they are pretty fun to play! My fraction tends to play Uno a lot at times. We even play with the DBT at times if were hanging out. Though, the games were pretty crazy if you ask me.." she giggled.
"DAMN IT NOT AGAIN! I CALL YOU CHEATING!" The DBT and The cursed vixens blinks hearing Navarro accusing of Shdwkyz and Vivi cheating since they were playing the game monopoly fair.
"How is that cheating? It's not our fault you got sent to jail twice in this game? Can't you remember we are just having fun." he said but Vivi said nothing looking at him.
"I'm not even doing that! Your the one that's complaining about it! If you want to do better, then play better! Stop losing your money or at least sell a property you have already to make more-"
"Again, get better at the game..." Shdwkyz said back with a shrug of his shoulders. "It's not my fault you are over thinking and making the wrong moves here. Play it smart then." he said hearing Navarro growling at him.
"Why you son of a...."
"I agree with Navarro, you two are sneaky snakes at this game! Your worse than Rust and Breezy!"
"HEY WERE NOT THAT BAD!" Breezy and Rust said at the same time.
"Guys, come on it's just a game. Lets just calm down.." Jaron said with Melinda trying to help calm them down even if some was growling at one another.
"Y..Yeah, we are trying to h..have fun." she said worried.
"Goodness me..." Hellmare said holding some tea. Ink was happy playing the game like nothing was wrong hearing her two teammates arguing with two of Jinx's teammates. Even she was happily humming as the chaos was going on.
"Shouldn't we try to just keep playing. I'm sure things will get better." Ophelia said worried.
"WE ARE PLAYING!" Shdwkyz, Navarro, Echo, Vivi, Rust, and Breezy said at the same time even if she sweatdrops.
"It was so funny that everyone was playing crazy like. Though, it got worse later on but the game was still fun!" she said happily.
"Navarro just pay up the 320 dollars and get over it-"
"FUCK NO! I'M NOT PAYING YOU SHIT!" he said banging his fist on the table.
"It's that or go to jail Navarro, make a choice here!" Shdwkyz said back as the two look at one another.
"...It's not my fault your bad at this game Navarro. -_- Maybe if you do better then you might get more properties." he smirked only for Navarro to glare.
"So are you going to pay or-" That's when he ducks from a pillow being thrown at him. He dodges it only to get tackled by Navarro as they were in a fight cloud.
"YOUR JUST BEING A SOUR LOSER!!!!" he said as the two ere fighting.
"You know he's right though! He is cheating though." Echo grumbles.
"Same with you losing it each time you keep going to jail yourself-"
"SHUT UP VIVI! YOUR AS WORSE AS HE IS!" she said now trying to fight her.
"SHDWKYZ! NAVARRO! BREAK IT UP, BREAK IT UP!" Rust said trying to pull them apart with Jaron helping.
"Guys come on stop it's just a game!" Breezy said pulling Echo away with Melinda pulling Vivi away. The others in the fractions sweatdrops but Ink and Jinx eats some pizza to say.
"What a fun game. We need to play again, right demon sis?" Jinx smiled to Ink and nods.
'A..Are they serious?' the two factions thought hearing this after hearing the other four arguing now trying to beat the game or keep playing after. However, in a moment Maggie bonks both Shdwkyz and Navarro's heads hard seeing them twitching on the ground as she held a shaky fist.
"......Uhhh Maggie-"
"What?" she sees Mouse smack both Echo and Vivi to stop them upside their heads hearing the other hiss in pain and Vivi muttering rubbing the back of her head.
"You hit hard still. Geez!"
"Can we please get back to the game?" Ophelia said worried.
"Sure if that asshole stops cheating!" Navarro accused him.
"I didn't cheat! You just suck at this game!"
"YOU DO!" The two growls only to get bonked on the head harder showing two swollen bumps on their heads seeing the other members sweatdrop.
"But yeah, we now have game night at times with them and their so much fun too! XD"
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ventus-shmentus · 7 years
1 through 100 for the question time?
oh man this is gonna keep me busy, thank you anon
1.) is there a boy/girl in your life?
*** sadly no, I've been single for like 3 years now
2.)  think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
*** yes! I generally try to forgive most ppl because I h a t e being angry w ppl
3.) what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
*** there was a girl in middle school that always stared me down and meowed at me at lunch???
4.) what’s something you really want right now?
*** strawberry lemonade from O’Charley’s
5.) are you afraid of falling in love?
*** thank god no, I love loving people
6.) do you like the beach?
*** yeah my fam goes every year for vacay and we spread my brothers ashes in the ocean and stuff so it’s comforting to go bc it’s like he’s still with me??
7.) have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
*** tried to, but I have a lot of problems falling asleep so it didn't work out too well
8.) what’s the background on your cell?
*** my lock screen is me and a best friend and my home bg is a pic of ventus
9.)name the last four beds you were sat on?
***my sisters, my moms, faith’s, and Ryder’s if you count being sat on by dogs (I think thats what the question is asking lmao??)
10.) do you like your phone?
*** most of the time, yeah. the calls get messed up a lot tho and the battery sucks
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
*** god no, it’d be weird if they were. I'm doing much much better in life than I originally expected 
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
*** probs the girls from my DBT therapy group
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
*** omg Rottweiler for sure,,, I love big doggies and they're such big babies
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
*** I can't really answer this because they’re both felt in different ways
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
*** I've never been to an art museum so id have to say zoo for now
16: are you tired?
*** heck yea my mom lost my sleep medication, I'm so tired to the point where I'm listening to Soulja boy and I'm not sure if its real or not
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
*** like???? 15 years??
18: are they a relative?
*** nope just my sisters friend 
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
*** someone please kill me if I ever get back with one of my exes
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
*** honestly I can’t remember, probably like last month?
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
*** nonono I'm nowhere near ready to settle down in life like that. I'm only 19 and like I've never even had a job and I don't have my license and shit,,, def not ready for marriage
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
*** yeah he was a good kisser, too bad I barely remember it lmao
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
*** 2 a hair tie and a friendship bracelet
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
*** Donald Duck going “WAK!”
25: what’s on your mind?
*** what happened to Kevin Jonas
26: do you have any tattoos?
*** no but I was planning on getting one soon as tribute to my brother
27: what is your favorite color?
*** yellow!! its so happy and bright
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
*** heck idk no one ever seems interested in me so like?? its up to them bc I'm down to kiss like 90% of the people I know
29: who are you texting?
*** my boi Ryder bc he's coming over to give me birthday stuff
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
***nope, only a car
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
*** I low key knew that my brother was gonna die the day he did but I didn't say anything to anyway bc I just blamed it on my anxiety
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
*** heck yeah, I got a couple thankfully
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
*** lmao ryder
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
*** yes! my eyes turn literally yellow in the summer and its p cool
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
*** I'd be like “hell yeah I'm proud of u for getting action”
36: were you single on valentines day?
*** have been my whole life
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
*** yes but I rarely talk to him anymore
38: what do your friends call you?
*** karl, car keys, Karls, kar, karlie warlie
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
*** does myself count lmao
40: have you ever cried over a text?
*** probably
41: where’s your last bruise located?
*** the tops of my feet 
42: what is it from?
*** dancing! you get bruises in weird places from dance lmao
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
*** idk if this really counts but we went out to eat last night which is really triggering for me and I was like “I just want to go home and see my doggie”
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
***my sister on accident
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
*** fav bc of looks are my white doc Martens but I wear my black converse most of the time
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
*** no I look dumb in hats
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
*** honestly no just bc I like to have the mermaid hair effect when I’m in the bath or swimming
48: do you make supper for your family?
*** only if its like pizza rolls or smthn
49: does your bedroom have a door?
*** yes???
50: top 3 web-pages?
*** Tumblr, youtube and Facebook
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
*** my mom bc she hates going out in public
52: does anything on your body hurt?
*** my wrist!! I have a cyst in my joint and it hurts to move it too much 
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
*** yes bc I have a huge fear of abandonment
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
*** strawberry lemonade
55: how is your hair?
*** its kinda short atm, I just got it cut and I'm mad bc its just the right length where only half of my hair goes into a ponytail
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
*** pee tbh
57: do you think two people can last forever?
*** I mean I guess
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
*** considering. was 8, yes
59: green or purple grapes?
*** depends on my mood tbh
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
*** in like 10 minutes when Ryder is here
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
*** not really but I wouldn't particularly mind if I was somewhere else
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
*** like rn
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
*** in my living room talking to Ryder
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
*** pretending to be asleep
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
***probably faith idk but thankfully thats faded by now
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
*** ryder and my sister tbh
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
*** my mom always hugs me good morning
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
*** “god I wish I could fall asleep”
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
*** did you mean: my entire dance career?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
*** 5!
71: how many fingers do you have?
*** thankfully I got all 10
72: what is your ringtone?
*** the default iPhone ringtone, I've never bothered to change it but I want my text ringtone to be the thing from Kim possible
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
*** 19
74: where is your mum right now?
*** in my sister’s room helping her build a desk
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
*** bc he's an abusive piece of shit (:
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
*** sadly no ):
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
*** definitely not
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
*** a dude named Zac but he was a terrible person lmao
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
*** my aunt's pos boyfriend
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
*** no ):
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
*** not really anyone worth noting
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
*** probably
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
*** I don't really like anyone atm
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
*** probably Bria or faith tbh
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
*** I think it’d depend on what it was and if it was effecting them in an unhealthy way or not
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
*** I threw up 20 mins into Spiderman homecoming
87: who was your last received call from?
*** my sister
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
*** I think it'd depend on what I needed the money for and how bad I needed it
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
*** friends
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
*** all the time. I love trusting people but it gets me hurt a lot
91: do you sleep with your window open?
*** I wish but I got them allergies
92: do you get along with girls?
*** for the most part yes!
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
*** yeah but its not worth telling them right now, gotta wait till the right time
94: does sex mean love?
*** nope!
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
*** no but I might have a hard time trying to find things to talk about
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
*** yeah I didn't really like it tbh
97: did you sleep alone this week?
*** always
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
*** yes! my sister and ryder
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
*** no bc then you're just falling in love with the persons looks and not the actual person
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise
*** my mom but I don't remember what for
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johnbmarbury · 6 years
You’ll Never Look at Tilapia The Same After Reading This. (It’s Worse Than Eating Bacon)
Fish is good for you.
Everyone says the protein, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids are supremely beneficial for human health.
Caveat: not all fish is created equal.
We’ve heard about the dangers of mercury and other heavy metals in fish.
But a quieter issue is farmed fish. It is definitely different than wild fish in many ways.
The overwhelming majority of tilapia sold in the U.S. is raised on farms from China–that’s why it’s so inexpensive (relatively speaking). It has become a fish of choice due to its availability and mild flavor. Here is the reality of life on a fish farm:
Fish are fed stuff they would never meet in the wild: duck, chicken, and pig feces, genetically-modified corn and soy, pesticides, and antibiotics
Fish are kept in cages, making them fattier than wild
Farmed tilapia has very low levels of omega-3 fatty acids but high levels of omega-6–the opposite of what you want.[1] Wild (if you can find it) tilapia (and other varieties of fish) doesn’t have this problem.
Dibutylin (DBT) is a chemical used in plastics; levels of it in farmed fish is six times higher than in wild varieties. DBT has been found to disrupt the endocrine and immune systems in humans, causing inflammation. You are what you eat.
“The results of these extensive experiments shows that DBT is toxic to immune cells at very low (nanomolar) concentrations similar to what have been measured in human blood…DBT inhibited the expression of genes involved in sugar and fat metabolism and in the flammation response. DBT dramatically blocked the normal anti-inflammatory effects of cortisol.”[2]
The dioxin and PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) levels in farmed fish are much higher than in wild, presumably because of what they are fed and the dirty environment in which they live–close-to-shore pens that are the first dumping place for industrial run-off. These are known human toxins.[3]
Imported farmed seafood (ninety percent of the shrimp sold in the U.S. is imported from Asia) isn’t inspected before it is sold. One study found that almost every farmed variety of imported fish tested (among them: shrimp and prawns, catfish, crab, tilapia, eel, and Chilean salmon) contained veterinary drug residues.[4] Upon landing on North American shores, Food and Water Watch reports you can expect to find:
“a whole bevy of contaminants: antibiotics, residues from chemicals used to clean pens, filth like mouse hair, rat hair, and pieces of insects, [not to] mention things like E. coli.”[5]
With friends like these, who needs anemones?
With conditions like these, it’s no wonder that the objectifiable quality of the farmed fish is much less than what is found in wild fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are much fewer, number of carcinogenic chemicals are much greater, and there is less protein and antioxidant content. So why bother eating it? You’re better off eating an organically-raised BLT.
[1] https://ift.tt/2KXGULu [2] https://ift.tt/1IZpfXm [3] https://ift.tt/1s0fT4W [4] https://ift.tt/2Ne1pAa [5] https://ift.tt/1ogI8ul
The post You’ll Never Look at Tilapia The Same After Reading This. (It’s Worse Than Eating Bacon) appeared first on Daily Health Post.
You’ll Never Look at Tilapia The Same After Reading This. (It’s Worse Than Eating Bacon)
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dailyhealthpostbc · 6 years
You’ll Never Look at Tilapia The Same After Reading This. (It’s Worse Than Eating Bacon)
Fish is good for you.
Everyone says the protein, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids are supremely beneficial for human health.
Caveat: not all fish is created equal.
We’ve heard about the dangers of mercury and other heavy metals in fish.
But a quieter issue is farmed fish. It is definitely different than wild fish in many ways.
The overwhelming majority of tilapia sold in the U.S. is raised on farms from China–that’s why it’s so inexpensive (relatively speaking). It has become a fish of choice due to its availability and mild flavor. Here is the reality of life on a fish farm:
Fish are fed stuff they would never meet in the wild: duck, chicken, and pig feces, genetically-modified corn and soy, pesticides, and antibiotics
Fish are kept in cages, making them fattier than wild
Farmed tilapia has very low levels of omega-3 fatty acids but high levels of omega-6–the opposite of what you want.[1] Wild (if you can find it) tilapia (and other varieties of fish) doesn’t have this problem.
Dibutylin (DBT) is a chemical used in plastics; levels of it in farmed fish is six times higher than in wild varieties. DBT has been found to disrupt the endocrine and immune systems in humans, causing inflammation. You are what you eat.
“The results of these extensive experiments shows that DBT is toxic to immune cells at very low (nanomolar) concentrations similar to what have been measured in human blood…DBT inhibited the expression of genes involved in sugar and fat metabolism and in the flammation response. DBT dramatically blocked the normal anti-inflammatory effects of cortisol.”[2]
The dioxin and PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) levels in farmed fish are much higher than in wild, presumably because of what they are fed and the dirty environment in which they live–close-to-shore pens that are the first dumping place for industrial run-off. These are known human toxins.[3]
Imported farmed seafood (ninety percent of the shrimp sold in the U.S. is imported from Asia) isn’t inspected before it is sold. One study found that almost every farmed variety of imported fish tested (among them: shrimp and prawns, catfish, crab, tilapia, eel, and Chilean salmon) contained veterinary drug residues.[4] Upon landing on North American shores, Food and Water Watch reports you can expect to find:
“a whole bevy of contaminants: antibiotics, residues from chemicals used to clean pens, filth like mouse hair, rat hair, and pieces of insects, [not to] mention things like E. coli.”[5]
With friends like these, who needs anemones?
With conditions like these, it’s no wonder that the objectifiable quality of the farmed fish is much less than what is found in wild fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are much fewer, number of carcinogenic chemicals are much greater, and there is less protein and antioxidant content. So why bother eating it? You’re better off eating an organically-raised BLT.
[1] http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080708092228.htm [2] http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/ehs/newscience/a-widely-used-understudied-chemical-alters-inflammation [3] http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/01/040109072244.htm [4] http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es201608q [5] http://awareness-time.com/why-you-should-never-eat-tilapia-eating-tilapia-is-worse-than-eating-bacon/
The post You’ll Never Look at Tilapia The Same After Reading This. (It’s Worse Than Eating Bacon) appeared first on Daily Health Post.
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||The Snow ball wars: Rematch!||
*Waving* Hi there, Peahen mom is here with a winter like drabble for you I think. However, this one should be familiar to most if you read the first one. But here we are with part two. Lets see what it goes hmm? If you wanna read the first one, the link is here.
||Drabble Summary||
It’s winter once more with snow coming down after a while. So now New York was a white winter wonderland. But it was once more time for the Annual winter games: The Snow Ball War. All of the fractions come together to see who will come out on top. However, new participants showed in this year. What will happen now? Read to find out.
No warning but crazy silly fun. This is a snow ball fight after all
~~((Guests in the Drabble))~~
The Fractions in NYC (Some belong to @demon-blood-youths and some belong to me)
((Their will be grammar mistakes on here but just a heads up. This was written for fun. With that said, I hope you like it.))
It was that time again, Winter has come back to New York city. Seems everything was as last year but a lot more better now. With decorations, Christmas trees being up, and everyone enjoying the winter season, it was nice and peace-
That is not the case here though. Near by, was the familiar battle grounds but their was familiar snow forts but a lot more bigger now. Shouts and screams from different groups mixed of demons, humans, witches, half demons, etc were scattered about. Snow balls thrown or some covered in power or something to make their hit a lot more stronger.
It was the annual snow ball wars were everyone gather together to become this years champion. Last year it was draw between the other year champions the cursed vixens against the DBT (Demon Blood Tears). It was a good run that year, but this year it seems they were determined to win this year and it was more crazy this time.
A few fractions were running away but some got hit in the back, the head, side, etc. by snowballs covered in purple demonic energy.
"Ha! Nice one Hellmare!" the one that fired the familiar rectangular blunt object, Stargarssi. She had it formed into a gatling gun as she looks back to see Ink holding a snow ball before throwing it hitting one of the Lupins back as he runs off.
"Thank you Ink. I think this year is a lot more dangerous since many of the fractions are trying to win this year." she said but begins firing once more.
"Yeah it has! Everyone is giving it their all this year, and I think it's so AWESOME!!" Ink said excited but ducks from a snow ball before seeing Rust and Shdwkyz throw some hitting the other fractions.
"Ha! Got them!" Rust did a fist pump with Shdwkyz smirking seeing this.
"You know if we keep this up, we might win this year." Fosh said checking while seeing the snow balls flying all over the place. He wonders if everyone else was fighting just as hard. That's when Maggie threw another snow ball seeing some shadow above them.
"Huh?" She looks up but her eyes widen. "Uhhhh guys???" she said but the DBT looks up seeing a wave of snow coming right at them!!!
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Navarro said but he quickly fires a snow bomb as it crashes and explode. The snow was falling over the battle field but he saw that it came from the west.
"Not bad. You got quicker.." said a voice but a light blue spell ring shows up and begins raining snow balls at the DBT. The team tenses but Hellmare begins firing to hit the snow balls but she knew who it was to see a familiar boy who was hovering but had some snow balls around him. He quickly rushes towards the group having a light blue casting spell in front of him and fires off some snow balls again.
"Hellmare! Evasive maneuvers!!!" Ink said but she quickly increased the speed but saw the one heading to them dodging them quickly. Her purple eyes widen a little but was focused before she saw the other jump over the DBT's snow fort above. It was slow motion seeing him above before blasting snow down to them. That's when she changed Stargarssi into a cannon to fire up and blast the snow wave away. Snow was falling over the fort but Hellmare knew who it was.
"Still sneaky as always, aren't you Hiroshi?"
"Well, I tend to be but you always knew that didn't you, Hellmare...." Hiroshi Kai, member of the Shallow butterflies, looks down having some magic surrounding his body.
"Of course but don't think just because of this, I'm going to go easy on you." She said ready but HIroshi smirked to show some snow again.
"I'm hoping you won't."
The two look at one another but he was ready for this year knowing his fraction, the Shallow butterflies were throwing some snowballs but Hellmare looks. The others saw someone on something huge seeing..
"Wait...was that a snow gorilla?" Rust and Navarro asked seeing it raise it's arms to beat it's chest roaring out. Other fractions were shocked before seeing it pick up huge snow balls and started throwing them.
"OH COME ON, NOT AGAIN!" Fin shouted as he and the Lupins runs for cover in their fort seeing the snowball crash against it. The other ones blinks but quickly tries taking the snow Gorilla out.
"You didn't tell us Ashley could do that Rex!" Fall said but he blinks to sigh.
"I didn't know she could either. Though, at least she's learning." he said but the other girls sweatdrop but ducks again from snow balls flying again.
"Second, where's winter!?" Spring said but they saw two people in the air but surrounded by snow. Winter was fighting Breezy with snow being under their control trying to knock the other out of the sky. "...Nevermind.." they said.
In the near middle, a familiar laugh was heard before showing the snow now striking as missiles. "AHAHAHHHAAA! Come on guys! You'll never stop us this year! Ready on cannons, Echo!" Jinx, the leader of the Cursed Vixens, shouts out as she saw Echo already loading up some huge snow balls but infused with her demonic energy. She created some snow ball cannons (Even if Navarro did too) ready to aim and fire. She had a evil smirk on her face excited to fire.
"Wait, did she say cannons!?" Guam said as the other fractions saw the cannons but they blink.
"Uh oh.."
"Ready! FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" She shouted as she slams a button seeing the cannons fire off the giant snow balls. The other fractions saw this but quickly tried to hold off.
"Hold off the shield!! We can't get buried again like last year!" Guam said seeing his fraction holding the snow door but saw more of those cannon snow balls flying everywhere.
"How is this even a thing now!? DAMN IT WHY IS IT ALWAYS CANNON BALLS!!" Kali shouted angry seeing her fraction holding off trying to destory them so they didn't crash into the fort.
"Rex, we need to do something like now!" Spring said seeing Winter and Breezy still snow ball fighting while the cannon snow balls kept falling around them.
Ashley was holding off the cannon snow balls thanks to the snow gorilla who punches them away while Joshua's fraction was trying to get rid of them in the air. However, more and more kept coming with some help.
"I had no idea Echo had this idea....or Navarro for that matter. Where they working in secret?" Yuuka mutters but she saw Maxine using portals to send the snow cannon balls back at the Cursed Vixens but Melinda's barrier kept them from being hit back.
"I don't know but we better find a way to stop it!" Trevor said but the others just kept throwing more snow balls and was creating more chaos all over that it really became a war zone. Even with the cannon ball snow balls flying, the battles still kept going. Even Hiroshi and Hellmare's snow ball fight was going with her firing and him trying to blast the snow down at her.
"Ink? Do you have a plan here!?" Maggie said throwing some snow balls but saw Oblivion throwing some or ducking a few. They did see Gerald making huge snow balls and throwing them using his super strength.
"Just keep going but stay on guard!" Ink said throwing some snow balls but hits a few before ducking a few.
It was getting worse and worse that more of this went on for a while. Though, can you blame the demons and other supernatural in New York for having crazy fun? However, the others kept throwing snow balls but that's when Jinx saw everyone was going crazy.
"What do we do now? Everyone is trying to destory the cannon snow balls." Melinda said but Jinx was happy and not nervous. "Uhhh Jinx?"
"Don't worry, I have a back up plan!" she smiled but the cursed vixens blink wondering. "And that is?" they asked but she giggled.
"You'll see."
That was not till a few hours later. Most of the fractions were knocked out of the war but it shows the remaining main ones. They were now surrounding Jinx's own fort with snow balls in hand.
"Alright Jinx, it's over! You lost!" Fin said holding a snow ball.
"Yeah, come out and surrender!" Kali said as the other leaders looks wondering if she would give up. The barrier was still up before showing Jinx walking out holding her mitten hands up.
"Sorry Jinx, seems like your going down this year." Yuuka said as the others were ready to throw the snow balls. However, Jinx giggled making them blink.
"A...and what's so funny?" Ashley asked.
"Your right...it is over....but I hope you guys do good next year. NOW GIRLS!!"
"!?!" The fractions look up seeing the cannons again but they were hovering over the others thanks to Melinda controlling them. She had her hands out while the silver demonic aura was around her.
"Uhhhh what not expecting that." Ink said with a sweatdrop laughing.
"....Son of a.." Kali growls.
"......." Joshua said nothing nervous seeing the snow balls.
"That's not fair!" Fin said.
"..Well, we done goofed..." Guam said.
"Seriously? That's sneaky of you Jinx." Rex said.
"O..Oh dear.." Ashley mutters.
"...Uhhh...." Yuuka said nothing nervous.
"Sooooo...do you surrender?" Jinx said happy.
"....." The leaders said nothing but Ink said, ".....Do we get a say in this?" she asked.
"Hmmmmm.......Nope! X3" she said.
".....Ohhhh....oh boy."
The area got bombed with snow balls with the fractions screaming being covered in snow. Seems the Cursed Vixens won this year but it was fun to say. Later that afternoon, everyone was inside all warmed up after the hours of play while eating some hot pie and food.
"Damn it Jinx! Next year we will get you for that!" Kali said while having a blanket around her and Rex. He was drinking some hot chocolate but was calming her down.
"Hey, it's all fair in war Kali! It was fun just like last year!" She smiled proud.
"Even so that was something..I really can't wait for next year." Hellmare said but saw a mug of chocolate to see Hiroshi hands it to her. "Ah, thank you."
"Of course." he said smiling as he had his own.
"But that was cool! Even those snow cannon balls you and Navarro made!" Gerald said happy with the bombers feeling proud of their creations.
"True but it was fun! I really can't wait to see what else we come up with!" he said nudging Echo who snickered to agree.
"Even so, this was pretty fun. I say good game everyone and congrats Jinx. You win again this year but next time, we will win!" Ink said with confidence but Jinx laughed.
"I can't wait!" she giggled before the fractions relaxed near a warm fire and around the ones that gave off heat. So for this year, it was pretty good. Can't wait for next time.
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Hi there. I been reading your bad end au and i was hoping to see a part two with Melinda's bad ending. Maybe Jaron went to confront her about it and hopes to bring her back to the light?
If you can thank you. >:3
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((Good morning to you dear and hello. Hope your day goes well. But I'm happy to hear you liked the bad end au. I think I can write a second part for them. One moment.
OH and Jaron with the DBT belongs to @demon-blood-youths ))
Things in New York has gotten worse ever since Melinda has turned or has lost her heart. It wasn't even safe to be out now due to her....'friends' roaming around. The other fractions were worried seeing how things gotten worse but this was just worse.
However, the main one that was upset was Jaron but it was for two reasons. One, the others were trying to think of a way to fix this and two, in everyone's shock, Megan lived or sort of. Vivi has her soul but she was heavily chained that burned her soul. She only sees the other angry demons around her even if for once they still saw fear in her dead eyes.
Ink along with the Jinx who wanted to rip her soul apart ask why she did it! Why did she do all this just to kill Melinda. However, the only answer they got was this:
'Because I figure I would make a weapon to take NYC down as he wanted. Guess it didn't work...' she speaks. 'But I didn't expect her to be this bad....but like your teammates said....' she looks up to them even to Jaron.
'You can't save her.'
'We will save her! We won't let her be lost to this!' Ink shouted at her as Megan sighed.
'Good luck then..'
They didn't believe that but they would save her! They would make it their mission to bring Melinda back to the light. Which results in this. A huge fight was happening right now with a explosion going off showing a few getting hit back away.
Maggie winced from the hit but saw T-bone get smashed against the ground groaning from his arm getting broken. "T-bone!" she winces ignoring the blood from her forehead to check on him but winces hearing another explosion.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Navarro was firing grenades at one of the monsters but heard it roaring out while bleeding. He keeps back firing but he tenses seeing it about to eat him whole. "!!!!" However, another bomb explodes to send it crashing away. He looks seeing Echo holding a few bombs in her hands but she was helping and protecting him.
"This is fucking crazy! Just how many does she even have!?" she said worried throwing another but the two bombers ducked from one trying to grab them. She and Navarro threw more bombs at the monsters for them to fall back twitching as they were bleeding from the attack. As both of them were tired that's when they went to help Rust and Breezy who was fighting along side each other.
Both bombers goes to help but that's when some invisible force grabs them by the throat. Their eyes shut wincing from the grip but gets throw to the right hard through a window breaking it.
"Navarro! Echo!" Ink and Jinx shout out but they blocks some attacks to look ahead. They had to find Melinda to stop this before it gets worse. They hope Jaron was safe since he wanted to find her himself.
Jaron was running trying to find her. He had to try to snap her out of it. He knew this wasn't her! Megan pushed her to be this way! Panting to looking around, that's when he looks ahead seeing someone. Standing in front of him was Melinda but she was seeing the area burning within her flames while seeing and hearing people screaming afraid of the monsters roaming about. He closed his hand into a fist before he shouts, "Melinda!"
"...." She heard his voice but feeling the breeze of the flames moving her black hair to not turn. She only looks to the flames burning to slowly turn her head to face him. Her upper face was hidden by her black hair but he saw her darker silver eyes while having one hand holding a flamed silver soul.
".........Well, what are you doing here? Did you come to see the show?" she speaks in a cold tone to now face him but even Jaron felt heartbroken to see her like this. This isn't her. It couldn't be. Even seeing in his own mind for a second of her gentle smile and look from her eyes now cracking to see this.
"Melinda......it's me. Don't you know what you are doing!?" he asked and yet, she didn't respond to him.
"What am I doing? I'm making New york suffer..why? It's not that bad even from the burning of death's flames. I'm sure it won't matter." she said.
"But your attacking innocent people...what about your friends!?" he said but Melinda blinks to look at him then sighed.
"Then they will have to work on hiding then.....if they don't want to end up being killed or eaten." she said but turns to look at the flames. "Though, if you care about your life. You would leave...or else." she warns him but Jaron didn't move.
"I"m not leaving! Please you have to snap out of it! I know your not evil Melinda..Megan caused this to happen. Please....you don't have to do this." he said hoping to get through to her and yet, Melinda sighed to glare.
"Which is why she suffered for it....but I'm just done with helping Jaron." she said but Jaron looks to close his eyes trying not to cry.
"But your hurting others in the process! Please! YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS! YOU'LL END UP KILLING YOUR FRIENDS! AND YOUR OWN TEAM!" he shouted.
"Listen, I am sorry Megan did this to you. Breaking you till you became like..this. I....It just hurts to see you hurting yourself and the others because of her." He slowly walks to her but Melinda didn't look to him.
"I know your still good. I know you are.....I know the Melinda I know wouldn't let this happen. So please..just stop this. Please, you don't have to do this." His hand reaches about to touch her shoulder but she giggled to hear this. Jaron said nothing only to hear her start to laugh now while it startled Jaron a bit. Before asking, she turns to face him as he tenses seeing her dark silver eyes.
"Sorry? Your sorry!?" she said now looking at him. "Megan did it because she didn't give a shit! She hurt me every day from morning and night trying to change me! Why would she as others give a shit. The light causes harm than good. It always had!" she now looks to him.
"But the light isn't what you think of it now! It's not a dark path!" he said.
"....Tch, so stubborn. I'm already done with trying to be nice. I hate being pushed around! If this fucked up world wants to be like that then fine! I'll just be sure it burns for it!" the flames roared even more but Jaron noticed.
"Melinda please you have to stop this! I don't want you to suffer anymore-"
"Just stop already! I'm still going to send this world to hell no matter the cost! Isn't that what Megan would want!?" she said now holding a fist showing the flames and another monster forming behind her.
"She wanted to see this damn world burn..then fine. I'll be sure to do that even after killing her for it!" she yelled annoyed now but slowly sighed to look at him. "But.....you always seemed to worry about me." she said to reach and touch his cheek.
"I always did love you Jaron and..I still do. I never wanted to see you get hurt or lied to. Even with how the damn world was wrong for everyone...even me." she whispered but he only remains quiet.
"Which is why..I...don't want to end up killing you if you don't leave. You'll be spared and maybe the others too...but you should leave." she said.
"But Melinda-"
"I told you to leave." she said now walking away from him.
"I'm not leaving without you. Melinda please! I just want to-"
"I said Leave!! Or else!" she said now looking away from him as he tries to rush over to her. "I'm NOT leaving without you-" he said about to grab her but she stops him to make him stop with her telekinesis. He winces but she glares holding a hand out to him.
"I..said...leave. Don't make me hurt you, Jaron." she hissed as he was not able to move. As she was about to leave, she lets Jaron go as he panted to look up.
"MELINDA!!!" he said from the flames but Melinda gets on a beast's back while looking back to him. Then looks ahead as she leaves but when she did, some tears were seen running down her cheek.
'I'm sorry Jaron..I don't want to hurt you so just stay away from me. Please.....'
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bioved-blog · 4 years
Agriculture Research College in Allahabad
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Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Prayagraj (Allahabad)
Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj College Code – 01319
                                   (Formerly Allahabad State University, Prayagraj)
BRIATS is working since last 28 years in different fields of agriculture for providing security, surety and accountability in different fields of agriculture for monthly income through the demonstration and training of need based, resource full , recent advanced, eco-friendly technologies, conserving natural resources in the field of lac cultivation, fresh water pearl culture, soil testing training programmes, nematode problems and their management, bullock operated pumping set, flour mill, chaff cutting and thresor, value addition of bio-resources and agri-waste materials with joint use of lac for domestic use, hi-tech nursery, spirulina and azolla cultivation and it’s value addition, medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation and it’s value addition, post harvest technology, IPM & INM technology, tissue culture technology, integrated fish-poultry and duck farming, smart dairy farming system and environmental conservation programs. For attracting and retaining youth in different fields of agriculture, Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture Technology & Sciences, Mohrab, Ram van Gaman Road, Shringverpur, Allahabad has started B.Sc. (Ag) courses since 2018-19 and affiliated to Allahabad State University, Allahabad for providing quality and practical education so that cent percent passed agri-graduates will be placed to get attracting salary and to help farmers in and around the college residing in different villages. In this way self confidence will be created among the farmers for getting income in many folds in different fields of agriculture. Bioved Agriculture Degree College is situated on Allahabad Lucknow highway near the well known historical and tourist place Shringverpur, Allahabad. BRIATS have well equipped air conditioned laboratories, smart class rooms, separate hostel facilities for boys and girls, agriculture farm, Wi-Fi campus, 24 hours electricity through solar, electric and generator, lush green campus, security guards, whole campus under CCTV, transportation facilities, 24 hours mess having all modern kitchen equipments, R.O. Water and medical facilities are existing in college campus which is spread over in 35 acre lands. Students will be trained in practical manners, so that they can earn by learn during the study periods also. BRIATS has introduced Scientific method of lac cultivation & its value addition, Freshwater pearl culture, Spirulina & Azola cultivation at farmers fields for the first time in U. P. Institute has published 50 books in Hindi & English and publishes 3 International bi-annual Scientific journals since last 28 yrs continuously. All these journals are being abstracted in different abstracting journals & have NAAS rating & UGC recognized journals. 31 Scientific Research projects funded by DST, DBT, ICAR, DRDO, World Bank, UNDP, NABARD, Govt of India, have been completed under technical supervision of different scientists of the Institute. BRIATS organises Indian Agricultural Scientist & farmers’ Congress since last 21 yrs continuously for the first time in India. Institute is spread over in 40 acre lands including all modern facilities of labs, smart class room, auditorium, separated Hostel of girls & Boys cafeteria, Research farm, community hall, smart dairy farm, fish, poultry, duck & hi-tech necessary farm, tissue culture laboratory, mass production of Biocontrol agents, Lac processing & ware units and value addition unit of Biorecources & agri waste material etc. BRIATS has also recognised by min of Sci. & Tech, Min. of Agriculture, Min. of Finance, Govt. of India & registered by U.P. Govt. and different reputed Universities for conducting quality Research & Development activities and place of Research for conducting Doctoral degree programme.
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