#dca oc Ellie
vacantfields · 6 months
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"Run little Lamb, Run."
HEEEY ms. Ellie.... HEEEEY im really proud of this... JKSHGKJSH i love women (:
heres some close ups...
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tinka-tank · 5 months
(They didn't have the Paldea one 😭)
Part 3 in the DC Pokémon AU, please see previous posts for more lore and I'm still open to more help and suggestions
Check the #dc pokemon au for it
These are just things I shit out and maybe someday I'll properly render everything but my design process for these is make them have a color that their typing has as in pink for fairy and blue for water etc.
Very special thank you to @illusionsignmisdirection for the help with this au and all the wonderful suggestions and ideas
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Alec is the ice type gym leader, he is the 1st gym leader overall. His gym is a library and he is the main librarian. He's planned to be apart of the villain team (known as Team Idol) as their leader so under the gym is the secret base which has those annoying ass ice puzzles we all are too familiar with.. and the gym is on top of an ice mountain because your first task is going to be haul ass up that mountain #absolutely and yes he is divorced and his wife took their son as she should #yup He's the only one with a party decided with a Delibird and Snorunt and his later party as the final team boss is to be decided.
For his design I went with icy librarian man that's literally my thought process and a tattered coat to show age and tired energy
Gabby and Ellie:
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Gabby and Ellie are the grass type gym leaders, the second gym leaders overall. It started off as Gabby, but I imagine she had Ellie join her seeing as Ellie is a good battler herself. I like to think they're married or at the very least promised to each other, as see by the matching rings I gave them. They are so in love really... and I like to think Ellie made their outfits for each other (I couldn't pick which Gabby design I liked better so I put both) because I still think she's a fashion designer and probably her job is working at an office or freelance design, as seen w the pencil skirt and flats I gave her. I wanted her to look cute and professional to show that looks can be deceiving because she's also apart of Team Idol and maybe Gabby might be too, depending on what happens in dcas w her and the villains alliance. Gabby is supposed to give whimsical yes, like the most whimsy grass girl ever who waters her flowers and would shoot you if you litter type of shit. I think sometimes Gabby is solo then Ellie takes over other hours or sometimes they both battle together. Gabbys job is probably the city/town gardener, probably sells herbs and healing items that aren't found in Pokémarts
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Hunter is the ghost type gym leader, he is the 3rd gym leader overall. I like to think his gym is some kind of abandoned warehouse or some other abandoned place turned ghost rave ! Ally is the DJ and does all the electrical work while Hunter battles challengers and puts on performances with the fellow ghosts roaming around. I based his design on the fact that he should be allowed to wear whatever he wants and the neon glowsticks and bracelets are based on his team colors !! Also the pale face paint and make up bc he's a performer duh and a crinoline with tattered fabric bc he's fancy like that. Didn't wanna add too many skulls bc that's Jake's brand he was the first one move over Hunter and his job really just is performer like he performs all the time for cash and relies on Ally dj money too 😭
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Riya is the flying type gym leader, she is the fifth gym leader overall. Yes her flying type is because of her assassination attempt on Aiden no one can change me I'm a woman. And also because her with a Bombirdier fits and also an Altaria and Vespiquen, but it's still to be decided. Her design was inspired by sky trainer bodysuits and her shoes height are to reflect her incredible balance and how she's always above everyone else both physically and mentally. I liked adding armor that looks like she's a warrior because let's be real here she is here to WIN. Also gold. She's regal. Love her sm... I think she puts on air show performances and is a celebrity, movie star all over again... like she's so fabulous how can you look away ? Her gym in my head is probably a runway of sorts or movie studio, probably shoots her battling to add into her movies really and yes she's apart of the villain team, she's second in command because why wouldn't she be
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(Queen) Miriam is a retired gym leader, she once was the fairy type gym leader, formerly the eighth and last gym leader. Jake now is in her spot and she sometimes visits the gym. She normally is at home baking and providing for the neighboring Pokémon. I like to think her ace is Alcremie cause of obvious reasons and that Jake gifted her a Fidough to keep her company when he's busy at his job and the gym. She has a more bright and "good" aesthetic than Jake, so her gym was more different than his currently is. I like to think she could be challenged later on if this was a game, like post game ! I like to think she also exposed Team Idol and either was kidnapped or just. Roams free who knows. But she's strong and a wise mentor to Jake who helped him calm down a bit so he doesn't destroy everything with his powers when losing.
Other tidbits:
- This is the Tipiskaw Region and it's like side game regions where no new Pokémon are introduced but old ones are available like from previous generations
- The order is:
1st gym: Alec (ice type)
2nd gym: Gabby and Ellie (grass type)
3rd gym: Hunter (ghost type)
4th gym: Connor (steel type)
5th gym: Riya (flying type)
6th gym: James (electric type)
7th gym: Grett (dragon type)
8th gym: Jake (fairy type)
Elite four: Oliver (normal type)
Elite four: Emily (psychic type)
Elite four: Derek (dark type)
Elite four: Trevor (ground type)
Champion: Kristal
- The name of the Villain team is Team Idol, consisting of Leader Alec, second in command Riya, Grett, Yul, Ellie (maybe Gabby) and Fiore and their goal is for complete domination
- Yul is the first fight due to being brash and a show off, many people believe he's the leader of the team because of this and he is a fire type speicalist (also Yul has big beef w James as they are rival idols and both have Oricorio aces)
- Fiore is a NFE specialist (not fully evolved) specialist with Pokémon that just aren't fully evolved yet, but she is still strong in her own right and she trashed Tom's cop car definitely
- Grett is the dragon type specialist and a gym leader herself who later decides to help you the player (Lake and Drew) to stop the team bc she realizes it's wrong and gives the key pass to the secret base she is STRONG
- Also yes Lake is the female MC and despite not being an all star, Drew is the male MC. Lake is the talkative protagonist Drew is the silent protagonist
- Aiden is the friendly rival with legit one Pokémon, that being Pidove and it eventually evolves into a Tranquill and just stops there. Ellie is the hating ass rival, maybe, I think so yeah
- Tom is a police officer and almost a Looker figure as he is constantly going around the region and yes him and Jake had a thing and it's going poorly like in all stars
- Tom will be kidnapped by Team Idol yes, and other shit occurs which the gym leaders (that aren't in on it) have to help save the day
I like to think this is Jake's reaction to the shit storm Ellie throws at him bc she kidnapped Tom:
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I'll make another post later on with all the complete details of all the characters and their rolls, I'm primarily focusing on the dcas cast
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canonically47 · 16 days
i'm not the only one who's glad DCAS is over...
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alec çelik + atticus aurray (oc) doodle - explanation & ramble below !!!
atticus is both a DSVC & TD OC. he is an intern for the total drama reboot, but he only ended up here after some time on disventure camp.
following some bad production decisions, the cast that made the merge were given terrible scripts. however, they were paid to keep quiet about it and perform. atticus refused and left with his dignity intact, and so they had to re-film the entirety of the first season.
DCAS, entirely scripted, has been a terrible feat all around; atticus knows this because james, who as given its number by tom, got in contact with it and spilled every single secret over the entire duration of filming.
now, atticus is looking forward to reuniting with his friends - alec, ellie, fiore, gabby, jake, james, aiden, among others - and sueing the hell out of the producers of disventure camp.
they had it coming anyways.
for anybody interested, the screenshots of the lore drop:
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i love atticus :3
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accirax · 13 days
Some interesting first few results after searching "#alec disventure camp" today.
shaking it up with some twitter/tumblr posts!
(⬇ i found the original upload on twitter by starshapeispret, please support the original artist!)
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(translation: "five months since the idea came to me but if it works it works")
this art is so adorable!!! i love how they used Ellie's hair to make it look like she only had one eye. it would be funny to see a version of Monsters Inc where the monsters are... well, a bit more monstrous. like, if Alec and Ellie really enjoy terrifying children, and then they come across a wicked kid who isn't scared by anything, and it takes interacting with that problem child to realize that all kids deserve to be protected no matter what.
lol, i don't know how starting a disliked plotline and getting away with it scot free makes you win, but i'm liking the sound of Alec being the winner.
i said to someone recently that if you'd told me at the beginning of the season that someone on the Yellow Tribe was going to win the season, Riya probably would have been my fourth most likely pick, only because the idea of Yul winning is so cursed and Miriam obviously wasn't going to win a second time. Grett, Alec, and Connor all seemed much more likely to win, and i think the fandom would have vastly preferred crowning any of those three the winner over Riya.
the idea of DCAS being an in-universe scripted show is certainly an interesting one. i can almost see that more than it being an unscripted show-- the producers of Disventure Camp would probably support the idea of the biggest star winning because it would draw the most headlines.
it would even also explain things like the kiss-a-thon and Riya pushing Connor off of a horse. many people have critiqued the former as Kristal potentially punishing a teenage girl (Lake or Maggy) for not wanting to kiss a 50 year old man (Connor), but if the show was scripted in-universe, Kristal herself would have known that that wasn't going to happen, not just the ONC writers. and, if Connor breaking his leg was a scripted stunt, it would explain why Riya wouldn't go to jail or get kicked off the show for being so cruel to him.
c... conspiracy unlocked?
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In my OC AU this is how My Oc Keith would interact with the current cast and their All-Star season personalities.
Notes about Keith:
1 - Keith would be Labed as “The Supportive friend” if he were on a Total drama or Disventure camp type Series.
2 - Keith wouldn't interfere with the characters development but would try to help with others issues when they need it. (I hope I worded that right.)
(Note - This will be about the All-Stars cast only.) (And they would be in the order of those who are eliminated.)
1 - James:
Keith would be good friends with James and he would take photos with James and help him get good photos for his Instagram page, Otherwise he just likes Photography sometimes as a semi-Hobby.
2 - Lake:
He would be good friends with Lake and they would hang out and stuff like that.
(You know what? Screw the character info! I'm just gonna make a list!)
Good friends:
1 - James
2 - Lake
3 - Miriam
4 - Hunter
5 - Ashly
6 - Tess
Neutral/Sometimes on good terms:
1 - Ellie
2 - Fiore
(Note - All stars isn't done yet so not all the characters Arcs are done yet so I'm gonna update this when All-stars is finished.)
now that DCAS is coming out quicker i’m looking forward to hearing the rest 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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vacantfields · 6 months
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Eclipse [ms. Ellie] | She/Her | 9ft / 274cm | Voice
An adult "Doll" recycled into a nurse at a children's hospital! shes extremely sweet and careful with everyone (:
shes fine shes fine... (; KSJGHKSJHG
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vacantfields · 6 months
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Is it loss, if you were programmed to care? Is it grief, if you were programmed to love?
Wanted to sketch some Ellie (: yeah she cries some sort of oil KSJHGKSJH
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vacantfields · 7 months
Ellie is the nurse animatronic you might have seen me sketch!! And Aeon.. Well you have seen that guy!
They both work at a traveling carnival and well...
Ellie - Eclipse
Aeon - Moon
Someone's missing aren't they?
It was night, the stars bright above the medical tent. Ellie sighed to herself, smoothing her dress down before looking up at the night sky. It had been busy today with all the kids and people who got hurt from tripping and playing around the carnival.
The tall nurse-animatronic smiled to herself; she had caught most of the little ones playing with Aeon earlier today. He was always so good with the children, jumping, running, and chasing them around with a big, warm grin on his beautiful faceplate.
She shook her head fondly before she went back inside the tent to clean up, putting everything in its proper place before she heard the flaps of the tent open and close. She didn't have to turn around to see who it was. She knew it was Aeon.
"Why good starry night, Aeon!" her tone chipper as she folded some sheets, her hands gliding effortlessly over the material, but when she didn't get an answer from her dear Aeon, she turned and looked at him.
The sheets fell to the plastic-covered floor, her eyes wide and her hands moving up to cover her mouth, her eyebrows high up on her faceplate.
Aeon sat on the doctor's desk she had near the tent entrance. His hands gripping the edge.
His usual starry shirt was gone; he was covered in oil and the purple shimmery liquid she came to know as his blood. His pants were stained with it; she also noticed he wasn't wearing shoes either.
Her eyes moved to his hands, which were covered in oil and liquid but also red... Blood.
She felt her systems warning her, telling her to tend to him, but she couldn't move.
When she finally met his eyes, he looked at her eyes, distant, scared, terrified, horrified.
The silence stretched for so long that she was afraid he had shut down, but no Aeon was online.
His lips and teeth parted, and softly he uttered, "He's... Gone." his voice weak and trembling.
Ellie wanted to scream, to fuss, to take care of, but she couldn't move. She couldn't speak. Aeon was shaking, and after a while, a sob escaped him.
The only sounds from the tent were fans whirring and the sobbing of an animatronic.
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vacantfields · 6 months
i wonder what all of their reactions would be to meeting the thing that sparked a intense interest into making them in the first place: the canon dca. would they be jealous? happy to have a new friend? judgemental? guarded? curious? at how much their lives differ? at how much could have gone wrong with them from canon's start to what they are now as ocs? at how much could have gone *right*?
(and as a bonus silly haha because i am the silly haha question guy: whats their favorite video games!! ^_^)
Valentin would be sad... hes probably the closest to them it would be like seeing his sun and moon again Chase would just think theyre very cool and silly Ellie would be excited to meet them!! Aeon would... Not be able to look at Sun at all or be near him K9 would think theyre childish (Chase is the only one who knows video games fully so he would probably say Minecraft .... Or any skateboard centered game SKJHGJS)
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