#Noah writing
vacantfields · 19 days
You have always thought there was something sad behind that one functional mechanical eye that your very tall and famous coworker had.
You notice he hid behind his big wide grin you see the way the blackened side of his faceplate cracks and whines whenever his functioning rays wish to move.
But as always you said nothing to him. Him being the big fantastic Valentin as he is known here in Las Vegas. You had always been a fan of him when you were younger and now here you were in your 20s working for your idol.
Valentin was quite the diva at times but whenever your eyes caught his, you could see the pain he was hiding and the way his smile would fall just a smidge before he would turn and make a demand to you as you were his trusty assistant after all.
It had been around six months since you had started to work for the 9'8 robot. A height that still blows your mind. You rarely got to talk with Valentin but often when you were cleaning up after one of his shows you could spot him laughing with the kids kneeling on the ground to show little tricks and even telling some of the magic secrets to the said kids.
You felt your heart warm at the sight and sound it was as if Valentin was in his element. Being silly with the kids and their adults. For some reason this had made you zone out for a while so when you heard a clearing of someone's throat you jumped I'm surprise and looked up at the one who made the noise which was Valentin. His deep soothing voice hit your eyes like a soft breeze.
"Rabbit. Oogling is not allowed you know this." You could hear a hint of a playful tone in the way he spoke. "You worried the kids. They thought I had hypnotized you." He said with a raspy chuckle.
You felt your face heat up in embarrassment. "Oh, I'm so sorry Valentin! I was just thinking about something and it got away from me!" You were quick to clarify but Valentin only hummed as he watched you try to make up excuses. He held a hand up to silence you which you did and you looked up at him with big curious eyes.
"It's alright, Kanin." He has called you this before and told you it meant Rabbit. Or bunny rather. "You're not in any trouble the kids thought it was funny." He said with a gentle grin. "My dear assistant." Your eyes widened at the fondness in his voice.
"..." You looked away a bit shyly and let out a small gasp when a clawed hand gently grabbed your hand which made you look at the tall robot again who was now kneeling in front of you. "I have been wondering if I may invite you over for dinner? I have heard I'm a pretty good cook." He said with a soft chuckle and a tilt of his faceplate that let out a small click sound as it did.
Once more you looked surprised. "Oh! Uhm..." You felt yourself blush hard. "... yes." You spoke in a whisper and you let out a small surprised noise when you felt the cold press of his teeth on your knuckles.
"Wonderful." He softly spoke.
"Absolutely wonderful."
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hannahstanwald · 2 months
fuck unrequited love, give me unrequited devotion! give me a character who worships the mere ground their s/o walks on. give me a character who would do anything, cross any boundary or burn any bridge for the one they love. give me a character reveres and adores their partner to a religious (and unhealthy) extent
but the devotee just doesn’t get it. they don’t understand what they’ve done to receive this treatment or why the other character looks at them like they’ve just seen salvation. they fear they will never live up to the devoted one’s expectations and sometimes they wonder if their s/o is even in love with them, or if they’re really in love with the perfect version of them that they’ve created in their mind.
bonus points if the constant devotion and worship starts to drive a wedge between them!!!!!!
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ihatebrainstorm · 5 months
Someone save Isami... please
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I almost choked and died watching the first two episodes of Bang Brave Bang Bravern holy crap- If the Lost Light crew was a headache to Megs, Bravern would single-handedly cause him to have 2 spark failures and put him into 4 year long coma
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Maya Angelou // @filmnoirsbian // BoJack Horseman (2014-2020) from The Old Sugarman Place dir. Anne Walker Farrell // Tennessee Williams The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore // Anne Sexton A Story For Rose On The Midnight Flight To Boston // Noah Kahan Paul Revere // pinterest // The Woman in Black (2012) dir. James Watkins // Ariel Gore We Were Witches // Katherine Fabrizio A Poem From the Good Daughter to the Difficult Mother // Marble Hornets cr. Troy Wagner // AroarA #6
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grendel-menz · 3 months
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dying's a boring side effect // the dream thieves warm ups
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Welch Family Portrait – Howard Galleries // Temple Family, Lena Ward, and Fannie Wait in Yard at 811 Madison St., ca 1897 – unknown photographer // Growing Sideways – Noah Kahan
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metalotaku-da · 7 months
Dick and wally were sitting at the wayne family dinner table with their joint families announcing their engagement. Just before desert their was a knock on the front door. Alfred went to tend to it. Nobody thought anything of it till Alfred came back to dinning room with a large meta with him and two scruffed young kids hanging from his hands.
"I believe you have a guest master dick, master wally." Alfred said looking at the red head with a bit of judgment.
"You." The large meta with a goatee and flaming seemingly flaming hair. Motioned to wally with one of the kids who protested. "Well shit you are all here." He looked around the table. "Good I only need to do this once then hopefully. Quit fucking with the time stream." He ignored the throat clearing of the butler and the half raised from the seat posture of most of the dinners guests. "I'm tired of cleaning up all these timeline collapses you speedsters cause. So here is the deal." He sat the protesting kids down in to wally's lap. By phasing through the table. "I'm going to pull all your kids who would cease to exist from the now failed timelines and drop them all in your laps. And I don't care how many it ends up being. You want to cause me problems. You're getting all of yours 10 fold." As he backed out of the table. He pointed an accusing finger at the speedsters. "Do not try me! Oh and By the way. Congratulations on your engagement." He gave a rough pat to alfreds back. "Thanks old man." And then he vanished from sight.
The bats stared at the speedsters. "Care to explain that?"
"Who was that guy?"
"OH my god I'm a dad!" Wally said in shock looking down at his two kids. Ignoring Barry arguing with half the bat clan.
"What are your names?" Dick said all smiles at the two little kids sitting in wallys lap.
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houseofache · 11 months
when brennan lee mulligan said “everyone you love will find someone that matters more to them than you” and when sleep token said “i might break and bend to my basic need to be loved and close to somebody” and “i reach for you on faith alone and i’ll be full of the love you want no matter what forevermore” and when lorde said “in my head i do everything right” and when phoebe bridgers said “and when broken bodies are washed ashore who am I to ask for more?” and when noah kahan said “i thought i had something and that’s the same as having something who am i to complain?” and when
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mssoapart · 3 months
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Day 7
Free-day (Out of order and late) Alenoah as Sherlock/Moriarty.
I like it when two characters play mind games and scheming against or with each other.
I didn`t plan to create an AU, but – my rant and bits of literature/character analysis (The Vision). Also, draw concept sketch.
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Noah (Detective Sherlock Holmes). I mean, they're both geniuses, introverts who don't care about social opinion and some versions depicted him as being good with dogs. In Victorian England, I totally see Noah opening a detective agency, because you either go working on a plant or you might use your geniuses’ intelligence to solve crimes, like game puzzles, and make monies to pay bills and buy new books because in 1800 many books were expensive and produced in small quantities.
Plus! I might look at this too far, but I think the Sherlock and Watson analogy was implemented in London episode when they strip team Chris just to Noah and Owen for investigation.
Owen (Dr. Watson). Basically in the original books, Watson plays the role of the guy, your typical visual novel MC, well narrator, who has character, but his whole purpose is just to be a witness to detectives doing, asking questions for the audience. This leads to usually representing Watson as either annoyed with Sherlock's antics or (usually in kids' media) naïve but with good intentions because of this simplification, to show his kindhearted nature in cartoons and caricatures he is portrayed as chubby, which is what we need! But all of them did service in the Anglo-Afghan War, even Disney version mentioned it. (Also if you want to do Nowen version of Jhonlock I don`t mind, sure go for it)
Alejandro (professor Moriarty). Do I really need to explain? Both archvillains in their stories. Professor, respected in society for his talent and achievements, wealthy, but behind all of that façade he`s "Napoleon of crime". He doesn’t usually do crimes himself but rather, schemes, orchestrates the events, or provides the plans that will lead to a successful crime, like paying money to a court so that someone can be released from prison.
Heather (Irene Adler). OK, in the original books (all books written not by Arthur Conan Doyle are basically fanfics) her character and Sherlock don`t date (But if you like, it`s fine). She was more like “I know what you are” towards him.  I want to base it more on Warner Bros Sherlock where Irene works with Moriarty, but they also try to get rid of each other. She is also famous for blackmailing royals, If it isn`t most Heather thing I don`t know what is.
Eva (Mrs. Hudson). The landlady. I think it would be funny, she yelling at them to pay their bills in time.
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See you next week
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can i say somthing abt steve releasing and finding surprising success with a folks-y personal album that catches the attention of much more famous rockstar!eddie's team who, when people start to realize steve the breakout indy singer and the all but ignored, previously top-of-the-world eddie went to the same high school (at the same time, no less; 'remember? he got held back a couple times in senior year' the reddit threads say), arrange for the two to collab on a re-release/extended version of one of steve's songs?
the one about all the shit he went through without his parents being any wiser, not caring to check up on him after the first time (his now father in all but paper) chief hopper picked him up following one too many drinks at another one too many house parties (and not that steve wanted them to, not after his mother's scathing comments about 'the man he was supposed to be', and 'what are we going to do with you's ran out after the first time.).
the one about how hopper asked if he was a danger to himself and 'son, why do you do this to yourself?', realizing shortly after that the harringtons really didn't care about their son (the son in the drunk tank who kept promising 'she'll call me back, promise.').
the song that to the surprise of everyone, was the one of harrington's songs eddie related to the most. he has been 'young drunk and alone' in the backseat of hopper's cruiser many a time himself, and during one of the many times King Steve was caught too; eddie trying to loosen his cuffs beside the younger man while hopper carted them both across town, falling in love with the same man when he drifted asleep on eddie's shoulder along the way.
the song that he similarly connected to via his own absent parent that could give less of a shit about him if he did get picked up by hawkins' finest, whether on his own or as a result of one of al's hare-brained schemes, a father who similarly wouldn't pick up the phone if eddie needed him thank fuck he had wayne though.
the song that from what it sounds like, he and steve both tried hard to defend their parents for a while before they gave up..
so he agreed, mixed his signature fast-paced vocals into Steve's song (which steve gave him the reigns over, saying 'surprise me munson.'), and stays away via a littany of excuses the first time they were supposed to listen to the final track together.
he can't escape for long though, as his own manager and best friend traitor chrissy gives steve eddie's address and his doorbell rings soon after.
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vacantfields · 14 days
You hear the quiet sound of a cord sliding across the room before stopping behind you. You, who are currently sitting on the daycare ground near the ball pit, huddled in on yourself, your arms wrapped tightly around your legs, as you tried desperately to stifle your tears.
"Sun, I'm not in the mood-" You started to speak after the newcomer, Moon, hadn't said anything. "My, Starlight. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am not Sun." The tall moon-themed animatronic said with a rasp to his voice, his presence sending a shiver down your spine. You heard the cord on his back unlatch, and he plopped himself down next to you.
"Oh, sorry, Moon. The lights are on-." You finally look up and see a vast expanse of darkness, not the familiar daycare room. "Oh." Moon hummed. "It's been dark for around ten minutes, Star." "I see. Or, well, I don't see now," you said as you rubbed the palm of your hands against your eyes for a moment. Moon let out a soft chuckle as he watched you next to him.
"Is there a reason why you have been crying since you got here?" The tall animatronic next to you asked, curiously. You let out a soft sigh and sniffle. "No… I mean, maybe? I don't know." Moon hummed at your answer, then moved a hand to the back of your head and gently slid his palm along the base of your skull. "We do not like to see you so upset, Darling Star. If there is something we can do to soothe you, let us know." He spoke so softly; his voice sounded deep but so calming.
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average-riot · 9 months
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Piece I did for a fanfic I'm writing called Fire in Cairo <3 It's still not out but I'm jus so proud of this piece so I had to post it cuz gosh...
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yarasdead · 7 days
this one lives my in my mind rent free
“This is wrong.” “So wrong.” While continuing to pull at each others clothes, mind fogged with nothing but lust and arousal.
we are on the same wavelength atp bc that's the prompts that caught my eye teehee
bestfriend!noah sebastian x fem!reader +18
cw. bestfriend!noah au, first time with bestfriend!noah (not loss of virginity on either part), not fully smut but if you guys what a pt. 2 that continues this with full smut then i'll be more than happy to do so!, pervy!noah, noah is condescending, besties who want each other but like it's also really complicated <3
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you watch as noah plays on your switch with a game that he brought over because you don't have a pc setup like he does back at his house or another gaming system other than your switch. it's getting boring as you watch him play super smash bro's ultimate for the last hour. you guys are supposed to be doing something fun.
"noah, i'm bored. can we do something fun? like go to the mall or something?"
"i'm having fun. you're the one who said you didn't want to play." he says, not bothering to look over at you and keep his eyes strained on your tv screen.
you scoff at him. laying back into your pillow and continue watching noah play the game, the entitlement of your bestfriend gets you railed up sometimes. but, you're eye sight is level with noah's tattooed hand as his fingers move quickly across the controller, you wouldn't say that it's getting you railed up, but it's definitely making you wonder a few things you shouldn't wonder about when it's your bestfriend.
huffing you twist to grab your phone off the bedside table and begin to scroll aimlessly through any app possible, hoping it will pass the time and noah will get bored of the game soon enough.
not noticing when noah exited out of the game to switch homescreen you continue to scroll. noah looks over at you. he was going to say how the two of you can go to the mall now, but he's met with your figure sprawled out, a leg hanging off your bed, phone in your face, hair spread over your pillow, and your damn shirt is riding up and he can see your soft stomach.
he bites his lip. he definitely knows something fun to do, you just have to be down for it.
"i know something fun we can do." there's a slight mischievous tone in his voice but you ignore it and perk up.
"you do? is it that thrift shop you said you would take me to?"
"the new smoothie place down the street?"
you were running out of ideas and you thought that he must be pulling your strings. "do you want to play another game?" you sigh.
"then what is it, noah? you know i hate surprises."
"it's not a surprise, but i need your consent?"
"consent? what for."
"do i have your consent or not?" he presses.
"yes, you do. can you tell me wha-"
he interrupts you before you can finish your sentence by smashing his lips into yours. he hovers over you for a minute into the kiss to allow his hand to the back of your thigh of your leg off the bed, while his other hand comes onto the small of your back to push you further into him. and in a swift movement your in him lap. placing both your hands on the side of his face and kissing him harder than you've ever kissed anyone in your life.
the two of you pull away from each other and a string of saliva still connects you two together and in unison it makes both of you groan.
noah kisses you a few more time on the lips before kissing down your jaw and to your neck where he suckles.
"nuh huh. no hickies, noah."
he pulls himself off your neck with plump lips.
"you've got color corrector and concealer. jus' cover them up."
noah doesn't give you time to fight back before going back to suckling on your neck. all worries about the hickies and covering them are out of your head as you start to grind down on his semi hard length. it feels like a wet dream you've had of him before and you're almost expecting to wake up soon, and you hope you don't.
everything is so overwhelming and your body is lulling with arousal for your bestfriend. his head popping up from sucking various hickies on your neck.
"can i take this off?" he ask. pulling at the hem of your shirt, you nod.
you've heard stories of what noah's done with other girls, just as he's heard what you've done with other guys. but to experience with him is completely different and through you out of the loop.
your shirt comes over your head and noah groans, looking you in the face. "no bra?"
"i'm in the comfort of my own home." you whine.
"yeah, i can always tell when you don't wear a bra. sometime i'll crank the ac up to see your nipples get hard." he confessed.
you stare at him, unable to think of the right thing to say that doesn't give away that his words have greatly caused you becoming aroused.
"if you wanted to see my tits you could've just asked, asshole."
he grins at you. "i'll be doing that a lot more, you've got the prettiest tits i've ever seen." his hands cupping your breast and his thumbs smoothing over your hardened nipples.
"i wonder if your pussy is prettier." he says, looking you directly in your eyes.
you moan and push his face into your tits, and noah immediately one in his mouth as he toys with the other.
he's seems content with switching between sucking and playing with your tits for awhile, while you grind down on him before he puts you back on your back. he looks down at you before giving you a quick kiss before proceeding down your body.
reality sets in as he gets further down.
"this is wrong." you blurt out.
"so wrong." noah mocks. his hand coming between your thighs and you let him push your legs apart. his hands smoothing over the band of your shorts.
"if you want me to stop, i'll stop right fucking now and we'll forget about this."
you know he means it, the amount of shit the two of you have been through together that is no longer brought up because the other said so is proof enough. but you've also haven't been laid in awhile, and what's a bestfriend, hot bestfriend specifically, for if you also can't fuck then and still be friends. you've convinced yourself that nothing will change and noah will still be your bestfriend, that you want this him, bad.
"are you also going to fuck me?" you ask.
"oh, i'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't even think of fucking anyone else again."
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asoftepiloguemylove · 15 days
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Lana Del Rey Summertime Sadness // 后来的我们 Us and Them (2018) dir. Rene Liu // Taylor Swift I Almost Do // BTS - Spring Day // Richard Siken "Crush," Planet of Love // 后来的我们 Us and Them (2018) dir. Rene Liu // Silas Denver Melvin On the Romance of Cannibalism // 后来的我们 Us and Them (2018) dir. Rene Liu // Ocean Vuong On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous // Noah Kahan Stick Season // Joey Comeau // 后来的我们 Us and Them (2018) dir. Rene Liu // Clementine von Radics In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive // June Gehringer I get so jealous of euthanized dogs
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buck2eddie · 6 months
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[why is pain so damn impatient?]
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kaliforniahigh · 8 days
when you and Noah have an argument, you both passively aggressively still take care of each other
like you just made some cookies to calm down from the argument? you throw the plate carelessly on his computer table and go like "I made some cookies just eat it already"
or when you're drinking some soda sitting on the kitchen island, he sees you and says "can you drink some water for once? did you even drink any water today?"
for dinner is like "I made you that stupid lasagna that you like so much 🙄"
and at night when you're watching your favorite movie he tells you "you watching this boring movie again?" and then he proceeds to sit on the couch with you and after 15 minutes y'all are cuddling and forget what the argument was even about
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