#dca oc aeon
vacantfields · 7 months
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Aeon | He/Him (sometimes he uses 'We') | 8ft / 243cm | Voice
He is a storyteller who acts it out with everything he's got! not much else is known about him currently but i mean... Look how handsome this moon guy is (:
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vacantfields · 7 months
HIII GUYS... IT would be so fun if you could send asks to these guys!! Valentin | Chase | Aeon (:
they all sorta know each other too!!
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(My three fellas... THOUGH i am working on a cute little lady!!)
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vacantfields · 7 months
Ellie is the nurse animatronic you might have seen me sketch!! And Aeon.. Well you have seen that guy!
They both work at a traveling carnival and well...
Ellie - Eclipse
Aeon - Moon
Someone's missing aren't they?
It was night, the stars bright above the medical tent. Ellie sighed to herself, smoothing her dress down before looking up at the night sky. It had been busy today with all the kids and people who got hurt from tripping and playing around the carnival.
The tall nurse-animatronic smiled to herself; she had caught most of the little ones playing with Aeon earlier today. He was always so good with the children, jumping, running, and chasing them around with a big, warm grin on his beautiful faceplate.
She shook her head fondly before she went back inside the tent to clean up, putting everything in its proper place before she heard the flaps of the tent open and close. She didn't have to turn around to see who it was. She knew it was Aeon.
"Why good starry night, Aeon!" her tone chipper as she folded some sheets, her hands gliding effortlessly over the material, but when she didn't get an answer from her dear Aeon, she turned and looked at him.
The sheets fell to the plastic-covered floor, her eyes wide and her hands moving up to cover her mouth, her eyebrows high up on her faceplate.
Aeon sat on the doctor's desk she had near the tent entrance. His hands gripping the edge.
His usual starry shirt was gone; he was covered in oil and the purple shimmery liquid she came to know as his blood. His pants were stained with it; she also noticed he wasn't wearing shoes either.
Her eyes moved to his hands, which were covered in oil and liquid but also red... Blood.
She felt her systems warning her, telling her to tend to him, but she couldn't move.
When she finally met his eyes, he looked at her eyes, distant, scared, terrified, horrified.
The silence stretched for so long that she was afraid he had shut down, but no Aeon was online.
His lips and teeth parted, and softly he uttered, "He's... Gone." his voice weak and trembling.
Ellie wanted to scream, to fuss, to take care of, but she couldn't move. She couldn't speak. Aeon was shaking, and after a while, a sob escaped him.
The only sounds from the tent were fans whirring and the sobbing of an animatronic.
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vacantfields · 6 months
i wonder what all of their reactions would be to meeting the thing that sparked a intense interest into making them in the first place: the canon dca. would they be jealous? happy to have a new friend? judgemental? guarded? curious? at how much their lives differ? at how much could have gone wrong with them from canon's start to what they are now as ocs? at how much could have gone *right*?
(and as a bonus silly haha because i am the silly haha question guy: whats their favorite video games!! ^_^)
Valentin would be sad... hes probably the closest to them it would be like seeing his sun and moon again Chase would just think theyre very cool and silly Ellie would be excited to meet them!! Aeon would... Not be able to look at Sun at all or be near him K9 would think theyre childish (Chase is the only one who knows video games fully so he would probably say Minecraft .... Or any skateboard centered game SKJHGJS)
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