#dcmk affection
ohrival1412 · 4 months
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today I offer kaishin doddles, tomorrow who knows (probably just more silly doodles)
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nobakedpotato · 5 months
Honestly if the spoilers are true it'd not be affecting much to the Asian side of the fandom. This is not the most cursed ship I've seen and even the holy spirits can't stop the shipping.
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mayushiis · 5 months
you’re laughing. kaishin got cousin-zoned in the newest detective conan movie and you’re laughing
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After reading some twts about how the reveal should not affect the kaishin fandom bc of how old it is and how most old shippers had the suspicion of kaishin being related and proceeded to not care and accept and even ship them more leads me to the acceptance stage and the realization stage where this is all fiction and not true thus it will not affect anyone greatly and most of us should realize this too HAHAHA
I mean i had my suspicions too ya know but like i was expecting them to be distantly related not this closely related gahdang gosho JAGDHSHS also i was kinda closing my eyes when i saw how similar toichi and yuusaku looked like when i saw them so AHDGSHS lovelies lets just think that the reveal made the ship spicer that ever
Kaishin may be cousins and what? Its fiction, this ship is old, there are even more worse ships than this, will this hurt anyone? No (unless ur really in deep like delusional deep), will this change the world? No, will this affect your daily life? No, will this change your morals? For me no, cause i know they are not real, why on earth would they change my morals.
Honestly its not just kaishin, there are a lot of ships with this kind of relationship, and other shippers must realize the fact that they are not real and no one will get hurt. If you get disturbed by the fact that we ship cousins/twins/siblings then you may close your eyes and move one to the other post, im not like validating this bc in the real and current world this may seem disturbing but everyone must know the difference between real and fiction, do not do what fiction do but you may learn what fiction do, just put it at the back of your head as an additional knowledge and the possibility that some other people might mix up fiction and real life.
Anyways so much for the monologue JAGSHS
Like im not even focusing abt how kaishin is cousins anymore but at why toichi did that to his son, what is incest compared to betrayal (not rlly cause kaito still didnt know hes alive BUT STILL THATS HIS KID??? HIS CHILD IN THE EYES OF DANGER?? AND HE LET HIS CHILD DO THAT?? BOY?)?
Like i know he protects kaito at the side (it was on magic kaito 1412 i forgot what episode) but he protects kaito with kaito experiencing trauma bc how tf how dare u use my dead dads face you traitor like that like bro??
I dont even also think that chikage knew that her husband is alive, only yuusaku (like wow cute they mustve been such close siblings but thats not the point) knows that hes alive and yuusaku probs only also knows cause hes yuusaku and yuusaku knows everything in just once glance for some weird ass reason
My prompt is that (please know that some of the characters are ooc!!! Esp the parents cause they dont show much wth JAGDHSH also ill put in a oc for plot purposes WAHSGAHSGA)
Shinichi, still as conan, was in a pinch and was suddenly saved by a mysterious guy. Whom he thought was like akai san but he sensed someone different like.. KID? No.. dad??
Toichi who saw a kid who looked like his nephew when he was a child is being chased by men in black (who suspiciously looked like snake for some reason but snake doesnt wear shades in the dark cause thats a foolish move) decided to help him and lose the pursuers off his back
“Boya are you ok?” “…..(hmm? What is this feeling.. i feel like i’ve met him somewhere but..)” “boya?” “Ah! Un! Thank you uncle!”
Toichi suddenly thought of shinichi when he heard conans voice saying uncle, it sounds just like 10 yrs ago when he visited yuusakus house to teach yukiko the art of disguise
Toichi then took conan to his guardians when he found out that his parents was in america apparently (1) and he also found out that his guardians were the mouris (2) which was 2 points of suspicion which wasnt that bad but just weird cause why didnt his younger brother tell anything, not that that shit tells him anything at all. Adding to the fact that he has not seen his attention loving smart nephew in the news for a while now then pops out a child that looks like him makes the suspicion highly likely. (Their family kinda has a knack for attracting dangerous orgs, from what he seen to himself and his son, he just hopes his younger brother and nephew didnt get it (which was highly unlikely now too))
Consider his suspicions correct when his younger brother decides to okay dumb (he knows ok, theyre twins for a reason and hes a older brother for a reason) the problem now was which shady org was it and how much does his nephew and younger brother know….
2 weeks later he found out
Apparently he wasnt the only one suspicious of someone
His, (knew it), dear shrunken nephew was too! Bc of one comment from mouri kun (have we met somewhere before?) and his suspicions were proven right when he saw yuusakus phone lying around with his message on the notif screen
(Toichis so proud, thats my nephew, be nosy kid you will go far in life)(it made his nephew cute too 🥰)
and color him suprised when his nephew has a shady org at his back too (he was kinda hoping that his nephew only stumbled on the scene of the crime that was he was chased not being a victim himself sighs the family curse)
and toichi and his nephew (whom just found out they were related with the first kaitou kid, who was supposed to be dead) made an alliance! (it kinda feels good to not only have one person know about your secrets, it also makes him relieved that his nephew has a lot of trusted people at his back other than some bigass shady org)
it also makes toichi happy that his son could be himself (not just kaitou kid but really being kaito his son whom he left with his wife toprotecttonotpullintothismessbutthey-) with his cousin
his son was inlove with his cousin
oh shit
yuusaku why did we not let them meet again
how he found out? he got the front seat
with snake
but does that really matter
(is akai kun included when hes so far away from the build the confession was happening)
(akai kun just shoot snake pls)
then it all went to shit (from his perspective cause wdym kaito did not even notice snake was there so its ok uncle shinichi kun did u also not notice my mental breakdown too)
they apprehended snake, and found out he was just some lackey in the black org and wanted to be the same lvl as gin so hes chasing after some immortality granting stone (yea hes not gonna be on the same lvl as gin hes stupid says his dear cutified nephew)
he told his younger brother about the confession
his younger brother knew all along ever since he caught kaito sneaking in their house to leave a jewel that he stole and saw him caress shinichis face.. yuusaku told him with the face of did u really not see that coming, we never let them meet when they were old enough to remember.
like valid? but at least share the tea gahdang
yukiko also knows? brother? i thought bros before hoes? (he nearly got mauled to death by his mystery loving younger brother, bc how dare you call my wife a hoe? ur the hoe u *spits real talk that hurts*)
after yuusaku hurt him internally he has come to the fact that yea he was worse than his son.. (also who can blame him, shinichi kun has yukikos genes (not that his darling wife is any less beautiful than yukiko, his wifes beauty came from being reckless and he likes that in his woman sighs i miss my wife) and their reckless genes so, with his wifes beautiful and shiny loving gene with his reckless loving gene, shinichi, conan, his nephew was the perfect person for his son. not ignoring the fact that shinichi kun is also a very understanding person. his nephew grew a lot (internally cause well.. he shrunk physically))
and now shinichi is looking at him weirdly
no way
did he not hear his sons confession
"shin kun... what did you think about what my son said to you?" "hm? ah that chase?... isnt it just a chase? oh im sorry uncle if i hurt kaito, it was needed to make it look convincing haha, i dont plan on capturing him rn dw!" "... oh! its ok shin kun ^^"
it was not okay, how does his nephew not notice his sons confession to him? (his son was a child of two phantom thieves, making a heist even grander than it already is shows that his son is courting his nephew SO HOW TF- oh, oh yuusaku just told him that every heist shinichi went to was always that grand so he might not see the difference? oh. oh my gosh.)
how to break this to his son who thought his father was dead
yuusaku just smiled (useless asshole, just bc hes still close to his son even though his son is in another identity now and can still pretend to be his new sons identities father bc of the disguising art that toUICHI HIMSELF TAUGHT HIM)
shinichi kun said to wait till evrything was over, or wait till the black org is down cause he will help explain too cause he hid it too after knowing his undeadness (at least his nephew was helpful, might be yukikos gene)
"you know, ever since i met kaitou kid, i knew that i might need his help to bring this org down, but i never knew that it would be the first kaitou kid that will help me hehe"
his nephew is so cute (yep its yukikos genes, yuusaku could never be like that anymore, still regrets the day where he showed off to his younger brother his magician skills)
the org was brought down but the antidote for shinchis problem still hasnt been made but time is an essence they need to reveal the truth to his family now or it might get worse
family reunion time! :DDDDDDDDD
shinichi went to get his son and wife while he and his younger brother prepares his execution letter
(if u wanna know how shinichi went to get kaito and chikage pls comment! ill write it up on the other post)
"yukiko chan can u-" "nope"
"yuusaku istg id u dont help me we're twins for a reason if i die you die too" "fk u" (helps him)
then it all went to shit (pt 2) (shinichi kun can see it now too, toichi thinks even hakase next door can feel it)
his son did not walk out bc of shinichi kun ("kaito, listen to you father please, you know my situation, its kind of the same but in your fathers case, you are ran" "at least you were close to her!" "does it really matter when all she saw was conan not shinichi?" "but-!" "kaito, the woman i love is slipping before my eyes because i cant go to her like before now! everytime i go back to my body temporarily all i think about is how she will get hurt if the organization realizes i was one of the victims they failed to kill and will go after her and her family and friends! there are numerous people in the org who already knew about my real identity, they mightve been killed or decided to not tell about it but there is no saying they might decide to not do the opposite!"
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cartoonsbyandie · 1 year
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aria0fgold · 4 months
I actually forgot the kaishin incident even happened. I immediately just yeeted that information off of the plane of reality it's just sooo BAD. In my mind, Kaito and Shinichi aren't related to one another still and Kaito's dad is 6 feet under the Earth's crust as he SHOULD BE.
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sugar-konpeito · 2 years
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i like thinking about them giving a kiss to each other because they love each other :>
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saltyfilmmajor · 2 months
Assumption: you first got into detective conan as a tween
False: this is a very recent development 😭 when I went to Kyoto back in March I was held hostage (affectionately) by my partner and forced to watch The Bride of Halloween and Then we watched The Crimson Love Letter and I simply caught the heiji hattori bug
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rabbitsrants · 3 months
disclaimer: gosho's imagery is subtle and therefore often overlooked, so in order to highlight it, i'll be referencing the work of suzanne collins, an author who tends to spell out her metaphors more
chapter 882-884
how the case begins:
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how it progresses:
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this isn't gosho's first time exploring the theme of sharks in the manga:
chapter 311
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both shinichi and haibara relate to sharks, they're self-admittedly drawn to blood and darkness. but why?
haibara was born into it, she didn't have a choice... and even though she's no longer a part of the black organization, she still carries the past with her.
shinichi on the other hand? he seeks it out. he directly confronts it, because he wants to defeat it. his unfaltering idealism is what pushes him to be a shark.
ran is very idealistic too, which i talk about here. so why doesn't she act like a shark?
"Finnick knows then what Haymitch and I know. About Peeta. Being truly, deep-down better than the rest of us." - Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire Chapter 19
the closest that gosho comes to spelling it out like this, is haibara's line about ran "i'm up against dolphin, one of the most loveable creatures in the ocean"
ran's defined by more than her virtuous nature, she's also unbelievably compassionate and sensitive. that's what makes her a dolphin.
her unmatched kindness is constantly displayed throughout the whole manga.
sometimes it irks shinichi:
chapter 787
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sometimes it hurts him:
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but most of the time it baffles and touches him:
chapter 258
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now i'm going to say something that might be controversial: from what i've gathered, shinichi doesn't just appreciate ran's tender heart... he depends on it.
and i'm not saying that lightly, i'm aware that ran's caring nature affects a lot of dcmk characters - it's the reason why vermouth calls her an angel, why haibara refers to her as a dolphin and sees her as a sister figure, hell, it's the reason why kogoro's able to function most of the time.
but i'd still argue that nobody relies on it the way shinichi does, which brings me to the next symbol i want to analyze:
cherry blossom
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flowers can represent a variety of concepts, depending on your source and in what context you use them for your writing. the same rule applies to cherry blossoms.
gosho's used it as symbol for justice in the past:
chapter 687
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it's interesting to look at it through that lense, but i don't think that's what the cherry blossom represents for shinichi.
after doing some research, i came to the realization that cherry blossoms are widely believed to symbolize hope and the beginning of spring.
i think that interpretation makes a lot more sense for shinran. especially if we examine their first interaction:
chapter 924
shinichi shows ran his deduction skills to impress her... ironically he ends up impressing everyone but her. shinichi's condescension leads to a full-blown argument:
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but then something completely unexpected happens... despite the fact that they don't know each other, despite the fact that shinichi insults ran, despite the fact that ran's completely put off by his arrogance, despite all of that... she offers him a cherry blossom and along with it the kindest smile he's ever seen:
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and i just can't help feeling like ran's cherry blossom is symbolically very similar to suzanne's dandelion:
"I found him staring at me  from across the school yard. Our eyes met for only a second, then he turned his head away. I dropped my gaze, embarrassed, and that’s when I saw it. The first dandelion of the  year. A bell went off in my head. I thought of the hours spent  in the woods with my father and I knew how we were going to  survive.  To this day, I can never shake the connection between this  boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the  dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed. And more  than once, I have turned in the school hallway and caught his  eyes trained on me, only to quickly flit away." - Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games Chapter 3
"What I need to survive is not Gale’s fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that." Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay Chapter 27
and clearly, only ran can give that to shinichi...
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let me further elaborate by revisiting the shark analogy:
the most beautiful dolphin in the sea sees a shark like him, calls him out on his bluff and instead of avoiding him, she actually welcomes him. ran shows him genuine affection, despite having so many reasons not to. how could he not fall for her?
for someone like shinichi, a cool shark who's able to recognize other predators in the sea from such a young age, seeing the innocence and warmth of a dolphin is pivotal for him, because it reminds him that there's so much more to life than constantly familiarizing himself with other sharks (in his childhood by reading and later by investigating them)... there's good too.
to summarize... shinichi sees a delicate cherry blossom, a gentle dolphin and holds on to her for dear life. he desperately clings to the promise of hope and spring, he depends on her affection and warmth. he needs ran, because without her winter would never end, he'd never escape to coldness of the sea, he'd freeze.
which explains why
a) he's so protective of her
b) ran's smile serves as a compass for shinichi throughout the whole story - while his mind is busy chasing sharks, shinichi's soul is persistently searching for the same smile that strummed his heartstrings all these years ago. which is why he immediately notices when ran's not okay (even though she's very skilled at concealing her pain) and why he always tries to make her feel better
and that's ultimately why
a) shinichi's keeping his identity a secret
b) he's so focused on getting his old body back
without ran, shinichi wouldn't have a constant inner conflict as conan, without her, he'd lack purpose and as a result, detective conan would be empty and lifeless.
ran's not just a love interest y'all...
she's the heart of the entire manga.
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visit the shinran library for more
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owl-it-here · 2 months
Missed Opportunities: DCMK #1
The longer I follow the story of Detective Conan the more I regret that the author didn't introduce more APTX 4869 side affects beyond the pain of transformation. I can understand why he didn't do that as the series is meant to appeal to a younger audience as well, but this is really a missed opportunity.
First of all, rejuvenation to the age of 6/7 certainly affects a person's mentality and emotional stability. A child of this age has different needs than a teenager who has not completed the puberty process. As much as Shinichi's relationship with Ran is adorable. The longer he stays in “Conan's” body, the more he should notice changes in his feelings. There should be a moment where he catches himself reflexively thinking of Ran as a sister. Especially since he often separates his original persona, referring to himself as someone else. Regardless of how good an actor he is, with the level of stress he experiences every day, it certainly affects his livelihood. We seemingly see Shinichi catch on to Conan's habits during his brief transformation, but it's not enough.
There is also a good chance that Conan's intelligence will not be able to help him with the emotional fatigue of his childish body. In my opinion, there should come a point when Conan's nerves of steel, formed while growing up as Shinichi, will not hold up. Not necessarily during a time of danger or investigation, but later, for example. For a reason that will not seem important. Simply because he became overwhelmed.
To be clear, I'm not talking about memory or skill fading, but about matching capabilities with the body. It is known that the TV series added a lot of extra episodes (so it seems to us that an eternity has passed), while according to the manga, probably not even a year has passed yet (I am actually not sure, although it should because Conan is not Ash Ketchump). But you have to remember that a year for a young child, a year for a teenager and a year for an adult are completely different intervals. The longer he is in this body, theoretically, the easier it will be for him because he will begin to grow up in it again. In practice, it may be more difficult for him because adult emotions will be mixed with those of re-adolescence.
In addition, our lifestyle and what we face partly affects our appearance. The basis is written in the genes, but that's about it. Based on how many times Conan was in a life-threatening situation, and that he even underwent surgery in his rejuvenated body, this should gently affect the appearance of his older self. With the use of a pill that temporarily ages him, there should be an effect that there is something different about him. Every time it is used, there should be a slight difference. Ai could also use this as a warning not to overuse the pill. ( Besides the fact that it will stop working at some point.)
Our dear boy should just have it a little harder…. Turning into a younger self with full capabilities just seems too easy. Even if to some extent DC is the forerunner of this trend among popular series. To speculate what could have been.
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autumn-foxfire · 11 days
Jokes that DCMK can cut without affecting the plot:
-The jokes about Genta's weight and love for food as if it's a bad thing.
-Ai forcing a diet on Agasa.
-The characters being jealous whenever their love interest shows as much as a smile at a person of a different gender. especially Shinichi and his treatment of Ran
-The police harassing Sato and Takagi for their relationship.
-Kogoro hitting Shinichi for being in his way.
Feel free to add more.
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Hiii ☆
So the requests are open (I've never been happier, literally missed you so much >○<)
Can you do dcmk?
Furuya/akai x gn! quiet Reader?
Detailed >>
So the reader doesn't talk much, they are so chill (they don't get angry or show emotions, they're just so quiet around people) but the the reader likes furuya/akai but the reader doesn't show it much, sometimes the reader sits in the corner and watches their phone quietly, ☆ but the reader Blushes a lot when furuya/akai randomly do something romantic ☆
Example >> they blush a lot when furuya/akai kiss them + pin them against the wall + holds their hand + plays with their hair + (add anything you want).
I hope you do this request!
I'm proud of you! I hope you stay healthy 💓
Drink water! Remember that your loved by me and by everyone. and I'll always defend you and I'm very proud of you.
(If your uncomfortable it's completely fine to ignore this request)
I hope you like it 😊
Akai x reader, Furuya x reader
Warnings: reader has hair to twirl in Akai's
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Goodness, aren't you adorable?
Shuichi enjoys making you blush, it honestly makes him laugh
Really, all he needs to be put into a good mood or to wake up after a tiresome night out is just seeing your cute and flustered face
He just gets a rush from teasing you
Other than your shyness, he very much appreciates your calm and quiet nature, since he's the same way
He enjoys spending the day sitting next to you/having you on his lap while each of you do your own thing, only exchanging a word or two every once in a while
Loves, loves, LOVES suddenly twirling you hair, playing with you fingers or blowing against your neck during these kinds of moments to witness you short-circuit
Starts laughing really loudly at your flustered state
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He enjoys your company because it's like a calm constant within his usually loud and hectic life
Now, something he didn't expect was that affection could make your seemingly cool demeanour break
You can't blame him for using that knowledge against you now and again, can you?
Sometimes, he doesn't even do it on purpose
He'll just see you enter Café Poirot and presses a quick kiss to your cheek
He's confused when Azusa starts giggling
But then he turns around to see you utterly flustered and he can't help but grin and kiss you again
Just this time on the mouth
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faru-itsok · 5 months
This is a little post regarding today spoilers and revelations.
Well it ended up not being so little but… little opinion
Please don't take it bad is just a wish?
Here we go
Guys im am well aware that is sad to lose a ship to family bond or forced partner. But you can still ship it, canon divergence is a thing! Even tho these franchise exploit a bit the Yaoi coupling to gain more fans, we all know from the get going who is going to end up with whom in this series. Gosho had made it clear in a number of occasions what his intentions regarding the couples are, we can like it or not. But that it's no excuse to Hate on him, or in other fans, no body is holding you hostage to enjoy this series and to say that you were mislead is goinga bit too far? I mean we all knew.
I have my own experiences accepting that my ship is not and will never be canon 🥲 and ye is sad but that hasn't stoped me from keep liking the ship or the series, also i kept writing and creating for them because as long as we like it is fine.
This new revelation is not a ban on the art or the fics or Doujinshis, is just a fact that you can maneuver around 🤷🏻‍♀️
The point of all this is please don't start spreading hate, we are all here because we love DCMK maybe different ships yes, maybe a bit tired of the different levels of bullshit 😅 but all DCMK fans at the end.
I have seen a couple of comments about hating Gosho and the franchise for taking advantage of them, but, in my opinion, even tho he gave a lot of candy to some Yaoi ships, he was never private in saying what the canon ships were.
Now I'm not saying “i don't be sad! Don’t be mad” you can! as i said in a previous post, it was a low blow! But to go from there to spread hate is a bit much.
I hope from the bottom of my heart that no one here take this as an attack, I'm just trying to express my wish to not have conflicts here. I know X is completely different from this place, but i have seen there the hate soil the beautiful community of DCMK fans and i’d be really sad to watch something like that happen here too.
I want you all to know that i love all your art and it’d be a real boomer see a great part of it lost due a silly little thing like new Canon (it's not a sarcastic comment btw, we as fans should be used to do what we feel is right in our own creations fics/comics/art, and i insist canon divergence Is a thing! You can keep on and ignore canon)
Well that's it. I'm sorry for the long rant but I really enjoy it here and I was a bit worried
Lots of love for everyone!
And to the Kaishin shippers that were affected, a big hug and keep going guys! Lots of strength for this difficult times
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leonawriter · 4 months
A probably unintentional side-effect of making all of the best detectives of the series non-police even if they're affiliated means that the rate of arrests where the wrong person is brought to trial is... probably still quite high, as long as none of those same detectives show up at the crime scene, or gets involved.
There are STILL going to be false accusations, and people with criminal records for things they didn't do - up to and including murder.
In fact, there's a fair number who are brought up within the series itself.
The irony is... if you look past the shiny veneer of "look how amazing Conan's police force is! How nice and good they are!" they're still the same people who will just say "we have enough evidence, this is clearly [suicide/not done by the actual criminal]" and they just... let people walk free.
They're still people just doing their job.
The best cases are people like Takagi, Sato, and Shiratori, of the Tokyo PD, and the Nagano trio, who all seem to be actively trying to get to the truth, some with a good head on their shoulders as well. The detectives of the Nagano trio were able to solve a crime at their intro with barely any help! Shiratori probably figured out the cinema cherry blossom killer without any extra help, too!
But... so often we still see either "I just want to do my job and go home" or even Yamamura's "Clearly it was [wild theory that holds no water] and THAT person is the culprit!" which... is going to get an innocent person's life RUINED.
Also, yes, I am totally going to judge Shinichi when his own actions caused Yamamura, who he himself calls a "hack," to be promoted because of "solved" cases as a Sleeping Detective, who will then have even MORE power to... arrest the wrong people.
In short? DCMK's police force is full of people who either want to be good cops but aren't quite able to solve a complex crime on their own in a matter of hours, or who by inaction or incompetence have likely left a trail of cold cases and wrongful arrests in their wake.
Which reminds me of something that I've wanted from the series ever since I've gotten into Persona 5, which follows someone who lives with a criminal record for something he didn't do - what's it like for the person who's affected after that?
What about criminals who have gotten out of jail, and who don't want to do crime anymore?
What about criminals who wanted to go clean, but something drags them unwillingly back in - how are they seen? How kind is the world to them? How forgiving are the police and the justice system? It sends people to jail, but does it care about making sure they can break free?
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Sera was based on Natsuki Koshimizu because Gosho couldn't use her again due to her being a "sympathetic murderer" as the tropes say. I'd love to know if he meant that in the sense of "there's no way she'd get out of jail before they're supposed to have already finished everything" given the floating timeline means it's still under a year having taken place, or "I cannot make a main character who has killed someone and who is not part of the FBI/CIA/PSB/etc, and therefore does not have the hazy legality of being able to. Criminals other than Kaitou Kid who does not kill are not meant to be protagonists."
If it's the former, that makes sense. If it's the latter... what the actual fuck.
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cartoonsbyandie · 1 year
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Kissy kissy
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aria0fgold · 5 months
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