incendiorum-arch · 1 year
Shoto could admit when he'd been led astray, and cays could surely do that, and he wouldn't even be upset. This is why when he crouches down, he offers his hand for her to sniff, mismatch gaze curious. But the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and his gaze snaps up at the presence of something or maybe something? Like a puppy, his head tilts as he regards them, brows furrowing, " You're... My mom has a picture of you. " He leaves it at that before turning his attention back to the feline, giving her due attention, scratching beneath her chin with a pleased hum. " I'm Shoto, Loni's son. "
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LUCREZIA IS NO STRANGER TO the various interactions she incites when wandering away from inter mundos. some people want nothing to do with her, and will simply pass her by without another look. others chase her away. and some call out to her, offer their hands, coo and croon and try their hardest to pet her. out of those people, lucrezia is much fonder of those who wait to see if she wants to be petted. the others tend to be more… forceful.
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this boy definitely seems like the former, trailing after her until she finally stops in a quiet place to inspect him, sniffing his outstretched hand while her tail twitches absently back and forth behind her. he smells… odd. not like a normal human, certainly, but not like her witch smells, either.
its then that iovita arrives – likely trailing after lucrezia’s faint magical signature to see where their cat had ended up. delighted, she lifts her tail and chirps a little greeting, ears twitching when iovita ignores it in favor of eyeing shoto with unrestricted curiosity.
lucrezia peers between the two of them while the boy speaks. loni’s name had made her perk up, tasseled ears pricked and alert, but iovita is obviously still unsure, if not completely sideswiped by this information, brows pinching together. her gaze slides towards her witch, and they seem to have a silent conversation. lucrezia’s side of it, no doubt, goes somewhat along the lines of but he’s giving me chin scratches.
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iovita sighs, gives her another dry look, and leans a shoulder against the nearest wall. “ a picture of me, hm? I hope it’s a good one, at least. I’m iovita. ”
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
hello yes, i need a boost of serotonin <3
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stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie stan ambie
ilysm sis you are just a gem in my life, one of the best beings i've met online and just a treasure to have in my heart at all times. so precious and strong, so caring and loving, just pure and beautiful in every meaning of the word. love you so so so so much xoxoxoxox
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@dcwnrisen: Nix vc: Belonging to someone sounds nice, but no I haven't. Don't even know what that feels like
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"That's a shame. But I certainly wouldn't mind being your first mate."
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laplacemail · 2 years
Hi yes, good morning. What's a normal day entail for Lucien? Does Nox fold his socks or just keep them in the laundry basket? If he could make his own conditioner, would he? Does Lucien have a favorite flora? What do Lucien and Nox never leave their homes without? What's in their pockets?
Hihihihi!!! Gonna get thru these questions little by little and hopefully I will not end up with too long of a post. Thank you for these, by the way. You are an angel.
What's a normal day entail for Lucien?
I feel like that would depend on your concept of 'normal day'. If he is not off on a mission somewhere, then he is gathering intel for that same mission. His days will not differ much: it is a lot of looking over documents and strategies, a lot of either blending in or sticking to the shadows (preferably the latter). Other things during downtime includes mech maintenance, and checking in on Christine's status and probably performing some kind of back up on her. His 'normal days' revolve around fighting, and for him that is alright. The less he has to worry about things, the better. He's a surprisingly boring man with no hobbies to call his own. So you can think of him taking care of Iron Maiden (his mech) his hobby. It's his entire life. He spends most of his time inside anyway, studying on stratagems or reading files about his current/next mission.
Nox fold his socks or just keep them in the laundry basket?
He folds his socks and all of his clothes and puts them away with great discipline. He is a good boy. He is an older brother also, so I think these things just come naturally to him.
If he could make his own conditioner, would he?
Implying he doesn't already --- he lives in a post-apocalyptic world. Cue him chopping some aloe to use on his hair. That's probably why it looks so good.
Does Lucien have a favorite flora?
Yellow hibiscus. I guess the answer would be that it 'was' his favorite flower. Used to get a bouquet of them every time from his fiancé, who said Lucien brought him happiness--much like these flowers. Lucien cannot bear to look at them nowadays.
What do Lucien and Nox never leave their homes without?
For Lucien, it is Christine (think of it as a small drone/doll that acts as his assistant and companion/co-pilot for his mech) and the small flash plug that carries her casket/data that he keeps with him at all times. For Equinox, it is his sword.
What's in their pockets?
Nox carries candy, but not for himself. It's one of the things he will just hand out to you if you ask him for it, but it is hard since 1) You really don't think he'd carry this kind of stuff on him and 2) He does not tell you. He also carries basic weapon maintenance equipment.
For Lucien, it's not really his pockets but on his person -- a revolver, modified to look like it is vintage or antique while still keeping its usability and a small knife. Both if he needs to get in combat out of his mech and he needs some time to get to it - or simply deal with things out in the field. Has no personal belongings.
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deadliist · 1 year
lotus :   has your muse ever felt as though they’ve been reborn ?have they ever desired the feeling of a fresh start ,   or a better understanding of themself and/or the world around them ?
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yes, I think he has felt like he’s been reborn, even if he himself wouldn’t describe it that way. it happened when col finally found him and gave him a renewed purpose in his life, something he had felt he was missing after his brother died. I’d dare say that up until that point he had been a bit lost, too. he was always trying to find his place in the world. he couldn’t find it at school, he couldn’t really find it in his family. he tried really hard to find it alongside his brother, but even that left him uncomfortable and bitter in the end.
so yes, he’s always desired to have a better understanding of himself and the world. I think he’s still looking for it, honestly. the hounds isn’t his end, it was never meant to be. azzy gets to learn while he’s part of it, and he gets to learn the most at the very end of his experience with the hounds.
botanical headcanons , @dcwnrisen
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belliautore · 1 year
@dcwnrisen / continued
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--- There was never a need to worry with Phoenix near and it was this security in knowing that which allowed her to be at ease -- smiling softly at their children as they gleefully float in the water. Not yet gliding through like their parent, of course, but with time they would be the most amazing swimmers. Wriggling in her arms broke Emily from her brief reverie and she peered down at Isabella, who seemed to be sporting quite the indignant expression as she watched her brothers ; how come they got to have all the fun ??? " Oh my, do you want to join them, my angel? " Emily's gentle tone caused the baby to peek up at her, doe eyes alit with wonderment -- the beginnings of sharp fangs poking out through her gums as she began to BEAM.
" You definitely do! " Mimicking her mate, the mother shifted closer to the others and loosened her hold a little to allow Isabella's small form to float by herself -- that born instinct passed on from Nix causing her to relax and let herself be. " Ohh, look at you go! You're so amazing, Bella! Henri and Rémy, too! " There was no stifling her PROUD smile as her attention flitted between the triplets -- who were all obviously LOVING every ounce of attention.
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zangyo · 2 years
@dcwnrisen​ said (inbox):
hands cup nanami's features, staring down into his gaze with a gentle smirk curving up the corners of his mouth. he likes how the sorcerer gets flustered whenever he compliments him, its very cute. not that he should ever say such aloud. but still, how can he not speak his thoughts with such beauty in his hand. ❝ ━ it often astounds me how beautiful you are....majestic, is morethe right word. i feel like the luckiest man alive.❞
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     NANAMI HAD BEEN LOST in thought, gaze focused at nothing in particular when he felt the warmth of another’s palms upon his cheeks. It pulled him back into this moment, eyes quick to meet with Arsenio’s impossibly vibrant blues. Sometimes it was hard to look away from them, such being one of those many instances that Nanami found himself trapped within those ocean waters. ❝Ah, did you say something, Arsenio? It wasn’t my intention to ignore you.❞ It was just that he had a tendency to disappear into his own mind whenever it was quiet, a habit he hadn’t grown out of since he had been a young teen. It had certainly made for easier reading whenever he pulled out a book and made himself comfortable. However, rather than say anything in regards to that particular question, Arsenio said something else instead. ‘It often astounds me how beautiful you are.’ W-Who just said things like that out of the blue?! Arsenio, apparently. They could be just basking in the sun’s warm glow with nothing but the sashaying of grass and the singing of branches to fill the air, and Arsenio would still just blurt out whatever came to mind.
     He should be used to this.
     After all, Nanami had known the most insufferably random people. All of them just like Arsenio in how they said whatever it was that first came to mind without hesitation. Gojo and Haibara had been the main culprits, but Shoko and Geto hadn’t really been any different. They were just a different kind of ‘random’ from those two. He huffed, turning his gaze away now as if that would somehow hide the fact that he was, once again, left thoroughly embarrassed. Majestic… No one had called him that before. What was he even supposed to say to these compliments? Thank you? What did one even do when they were complimented anyway? Nanami was so humble that most of the time he just gave a polite bow of his head as that seemed to be the most neutral way to approach things, but wouldn’t work for a situation like this one. If anything, he would just wind up amusing Arsenio.
     This man…
     There was only one tactic that he could utilize, and thus, he was quick to do so. ❝You are one to talk, Arsenio,❞ he began, now turning gaze back to rest upon the other’s. ❝The way you hold yourself… I have always found it admirable. There is something altogether majestic about you as well.❞ His hands lifted, soon to rest upon Arsenio’s own. This was the kind of warmth that he had forgotten about over the years. This connection with someone else. ❝I’m glad that I decided to walk into your shop on a whim that day.❞ Because if he hadn’t…he would have never met this flower blossoming within the cold, hard concrete of this city.
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varicrux · 1 year
‘Ship Bias’ thoma
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse! | @dcwnrisen ♥ | accepting.
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♥ thomato u already know it
♥ thomayaka is also v cute
♥ hear me out .... itthoma
♥ hear me out again .... kazuthoma
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voraxiia · 1 year
⇨   @dcwnrisen :   touching foreheads ( salem / eden )   // [   fluffy prompts   ] 
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the lights overhead drenched the room a lazy , warm gold , giving Salem's locks an almost ethereal glimmer in Eden's eyes , watching the artist send off his most recent client along with his latest painting . it was one thing that Salem already had their name out there , gifted hands creating masterpiece after another that deserved all the recognition and praise they could get , it didn't stop Eden from wanting to keep as much of his pretty bird to himself as he could .
their face , their body , their mesmerising gemstone eyes looking back at him right now . art births art , it seems . Eden reached a hand out to beckon the other back to him , wrapping his arms around Salem till they sat in his lap , fingers interlocked behind them not forgetting to nudge them closer to himself along with a gentle bounce of his legs .
finally did mirth find its way back to the heir's azure gaze as Salem leaned in , resting their forehead against his as if hoping it could appease the jealous pout that had been on Eden's lips just a moment ago . such beautiful eyes filled with affection , and only his reflection right now . leaning into the hand that cradled his face , he smiled .
" think i'm gonna let you go without a kiss , at least ? "
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lunaetis · 2 years
🤔 So like nya? Okay so, Lumine's thoughts on her hour eyes thus far, especially after current events in Sumeru? Furthermore, does she trust the Archons? On the flipside, do mes she think she's any closer to understanding her brother's journey?
Also, what does Dehya carry in her pockets? How quick is she to make friends? Has she ever been outside of Sumeru?
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lumine, at the current point in time especially after the latest events in sumeru, is pretty jaded. i think we see the glimpse of that from her journey to inazuma, but after the whole thing in sumeru ? the sages ? seeing human's greed ? experiencing how irminsul could be altered ? the history of teyvat as a whole could be rewritten or tampered with ? she doesn't know what she could believe anymore. she's grateful to nahida, ofc, with the help and information she provided, but more and more, she feels like the information she received could not be trusted.
she trusts the archons to a degree. her trust in them is complicated. she doesn't think venti or zhongli are lying. she knows zhongli definitely knows something but is bound by contract to not say a thing. even nahida has a limit on what she could get despite having access to irminsul, so in a way, she actually isn't hopeful to learn about aether's whereabout from the archons. if anything, she's continuing her journey because aether said they'll see each other again at the end of her journey. that is what she's placing her trust, hope, and belief in.
as to understanding aether's journey, i think the more she learned, the more she felt that teyvat as a whole cannot be trusted. the memory within the leylines, the forbidden knowledge, the archons, celestia, none of them can be trusted fully and what she saw or heard could be an illusion. her experience in the latest archon quest ( caribert ) made her question everything, even her own mind and experience. this world is messing with her, and she wasn't sure if any of this was even real. this makes her even more jaded to the journey as a whole. the confusion, the suspicion, she no longer knows if her own memory is correct. the inability to discern reality from illusion / dream / false memory really does things to her state of mind that is already affected by the haunting of leylines she experienced in inazuma. she feels useless, powerless, and lost. this isn't a good feeling at all.
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dehya carries many things with her, but what she always has are emergency rations, and first-aid kit / herbs that are needed to tend to the injured / wounded. she also tends to carry some trinkets or souvenirs for the children when she gives them a visit. as she bonds with others, she would also carry something that reminds her of them ( or their gifts for her ) with her at all times. dehya is extremely friendly, so making new friends comes naturally for her. whether she would fully trust them or not, however, is up to circumstances and varies from person to person.
as a mercenary, dehya had traveled to other nations before, mostly for work and by contracts. other than sumeru, she visits liyue most often due to it being the closest, but she had been to mondstadt before, as well. she had never been to inazuma, however, given that it was closed off before ( and what she heard about it doesn't sound very pleasant. ) she has a penchant to visit new places, to see new things and meet new people. experience of the travel and facing dangerous situations gets her blood pumping. she would always return to sumeru when time permits, of course. she's that type to always find her way back home, after all.
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incendiorum-arch · 1 year
hekate never really goes about feeding iovita directly, that is simply not her style. instead, she cooks up dinner, a fresh piece of salmon for lucrezia, served up all fancy because her daughter deserves the best and a plate for her, piled up a bit and it sits infront of her, though just poised so that iovita can eat from the plate if they so choose. the goddess won't even blink when they do, just smile in that secret way of hers because as long as they eat, she's more than content.
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IT’S CERTAINLY NO SECRET THAT iovita has a bit of a… complex about people giving them food. it’s just that it’s often not realized by other people. latona? absolutely. iovita thinks that she knows them better than they know themself (and they’re probably right). a more casual friend like louis? no, he’s never realized. he just gives the witch a weird look whenever they snatch a bowl or plate a little closer to their person.
hekate, though, is observant. it’s not entirely a surprise that she’s figured out iovita before they had even realized it.
gaze slants sideways when they see how she’s positioned her plate, eyebrow lifting. they make no comment on it, instead slide past so that they can fill a glass with warm water. there’s something about other people letting iovita eat off their plate that eases some distant worry in their chest. the first time they had snagged something off of hekate’s plate they had given her a suspicious look as they did. she hadn’t reacted, and their shoulders had relaxed, as if she had passed some odd, unspoken test.
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“ you’re spoiling our cat, ” they murmur as they sit down next to hekate, shooting an amused look at lucrezia, who is wolfing down her salmon with evident delight. reaching over, they snag a piece of hekate’s own serving of fish and pop it in their mouth, chewing thoughtfully. “ we should go to one of my fishing spots soon, ” they muse, glancing sideways at the goddess as they steal another piece. “ so that we can have fresh fish. ”
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
👫 ( bran / nyala )
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Strangely enough - though it started out as a sugar baby contract, sex and intimacy involved. Bran's lost the lust he had for Nyala, seeing her as a woman worth more than just the arrangement he had. So in the space of five months, he asked to renew and rewrite the contract with her. Asking for her thoughts on the idea of making it more beneficial for Nyala whilst keeping what they have at current in terms of more of a friendship than a sex work.
Bran doesn't at all dismiss his lust for her when he's in the mood and vice versa, but the contract he asked to change suggests it's more about the companionship between them that he seeks. Having sex does boost his confidence, don't get him wrong, but he no longer feels like that's so much needed to be compared to being outdoors and with someone he can speak his mind too with and without a mask on.
In the end, they are now more closer and Bran's more than happy to continue paying Nyala a fee to make sure she's still comfortable in her line of work and to treat herself. He isn't above now just buying her bags and items she asks for compared to before where he was unsure on the boundaries between them. He happily pays for her apartment and provides her with a private car run-around when she needs of it.
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❝ ━ Do you mate ? ❞ Nix isn't really asking about the act of sex, as much as they're asking about the act of finding someone who settles the storm in Izumi's chest. At one point, it was nice to think about, but Nix was not one for fantasties of grandeur. Didn't mean they didn't have future wants. Lounging, cheek on their forearm, they stare at the dragon, an amused noise escaping them, ❝ ━ That wasn't too forward was it? I'd hate to make your uncomfortable. ❞
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"I was mated a long time ago."
Izumi doesn't like thinking about Wisteria, in the beginning it was something nice, but the truth was that both of them became completely different people. He was the type who had no intentions of ever living peacefully with humanity, while Izumi decided to guide them. It wasn't if their hands were clean, Izumi has killed plenty of humans, usually if they harmed people under their care. There's the fact that the two of them had dreams of starting a family, but...Izumi's ascension to a deity prevented that.
"There was a time where he was someone I wanted to spend my existence with, but we're far too different. I wasn't the same person when he first met me, and I suppose we fell out of love gradually. The sex was great, and he was the older of us, so having someone with more experience was nice, but...Physical attraction only goes so far."
They curl up, resting their head on their knees as they think.
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"I would like to have a mate again. But this time, I think I'm ready to not devote myself to duty as much as I used to. I want to have someone to come home to, who won't see me as some...unobtainable thing, but as Izumi. Look past all of what I am and see me as me. I just want to belong to someone, mind, body and soul, and I would like the same from them."
The dragon lets a coy smile come to their face, as they look at Nix.
"Do you mate, Nix?"
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deityforged · 2 years
❛ shh. there’s people in the other room. ❜ ( elli @ declan )
forgot what kinda smut meme this was but here we go // @dcwnrisen.
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ah, so this was how he was going to die huh?
before he could say anything in response - of course there were other people in the room, this was a family gathering that he had taken elliot to! the phoenix's mouth found itself otherwise occupied, swallowing him down to the hilt.
the garbled moan / squawk of surprise presented by hunter was only stifled by himself slapping a hand over his own mouth, other preoccupied by firm grip on elliot's black & grey, tugging on occasion. The sensation of it all was making his legs feel like absolute jello. If Elliot didn't give him a minute, he's SURE that his legs would collapse out from underneath him, and as if he didn't need enough gossip going around about him.
& smug as the fucker was, staring up at him with a twinkle in his eye that made his gut twist to the point where he thought he was going to INSTANTLY cum on the spot - declan managed a couple words out as he leaned down to whisper.
' As much as I love seeing you on your knees, I think I'd much rather prefer seeing you on your back. ' translation? let's get the fuck out of this place.
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deadliist · 1 year
hekate is 6'2
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" of course her and iovita both have to be tall. " this is just unfair.
comparing heights , @dcwnrisen
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of-elitiism · 2 years
a starter for @dcwnrisen​
“..Um, pardon me---” Marcus excuse himself as he got into the elevator. Awfully small space though; even if the sign said three people at max, it’s hard for him to sit comfortably without rubbing elbows with the woman next to him. As if it wasn’t enough that he hated such contraptions as a concept, he’s only using it to not disturb the fresh coat of concrete they did while renovating the stairs between floor 7 and 8.
Still, the wolf exhaled slowly and tried not to move for the next few seconds. The damn boxy started ascending with a creaking sound and up, up it went for a while--- until it abruptly stopped and the screen showed a single pulsing message: “error - call technician at the emergency number.” 
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They were stuck. 
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