souldagger · 7 months
hi! i was wondering if you know of any nonbinary sci-fi authors? i'm taking part of a storygraph challenge and one of the challenges is to read a scifi novel by a nonbinary author so i thought maybe you'd have a rec! thank you and hope you have a great day <3 (btw do you still have the link to the doc you had of all the vintage lgbt scifi novels? thanks again!)
DO I!!!! :DDD
Sarah Gailey - The Echo Wife (domestic scifi thriller with gone girl vibes)
Ada Hoffmann - The Outside (cosmic horror)
S. Qiouyi Lu - In The Watchful City (mosaic novella with stories that range from scifi to fantasy)
Ness Brown - The Scourge Between Stars (scifi horror ala Alien, good for some low brainpower horror thrills) CORRECTION: while ness brown goes by they/them pronouns, i don't think they've actually confirmed if they identify as nonbinary, my bad!
Avi Silver - Pluralities (bit hard to categorize but i'd recommend this one if you'd like a weird scifi novella with gender and transness as a main theme!)
Neon Yang - The Genesis of Misery (science fantasy with mechas) (i haven't read it yet, but i'm a huge fan of neon yang's other work!)
Rivers Solomon - An Unkindness of Ghosts (generation ship scifi) (another one i haven't gotten around to yet, but it's by all accounts exceptional - though, note, very heavy from what i've heard - and i really enjoyed the author's fantasy novella The Deep)
and a couple more whose work I haven't read, but who are pretty high on my to-read list:
Emma Mieko Candon - The Archive Undying
Nino Cipri - Finna
Merc Fenn Wolfmoor - So You Want to be a Robot and Other Stories
Xiran Jay Zhao - Iron Widow (tbh i've heard some mixed opinions abt this one, but it is also undeniably the most popular book on this list)
Bogi Takács - The Trans Space Octopus Congregation: Stories, Power to Yield and Other Stories (i also wanna shout out eir reading blog, which has an absolutely incredible list of resources, including the trans and intersex fiction and poetry timeline and the neopronouns in fiction timeline!!!)
as for the vintage LGBT scifi doc: why yes of course. here it is in all its 150+ book glory <3
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kemendin · 1 year
The amount of serotonin I get every time somebody says they can hear Scourge speaking the dialogue in my fics is actually incredible, thank you to people who comment :DDD
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losergendered · 1 year
All from warrior cats!!
Scourge is a feralthing, gorething, bloodyfangic (coined by @dizziebunnies ), evilgender, evil gay who uses it/its or no pronouns!
Spottedleaf is a cottagecorelexic, genderfae, cottagecoric (light green and light brown flag), bambi lesbian who uses she/it/moss/herb/heal!
Firestar is a transmasc, boything who uses he/it/flame!
Silverstream is a transfem, angel intersex, ambonec, omni sapphic who uses she/it/stream/droplet/angel!
Mosskit is a snowgender, bigender, angelboy (alt light blue flag) who uses she/it/snow/he/angelic!
Jayfeather is a unlabeled, demiboy who uses he/they and is testing out it/its!
Yellowfang is an intersex, butch lesbian (yellow orange flag), sun lesbian who uses she/it/claw/purr!
Bluestar is a genderfluid, futch lesbian, moon lesbian who uses she/it/they/he!
-🐶☀️ nonnie :3
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sparklecryptid · 4 years
secret-engima replied to your post “me: what if i threw ffxiv’s warrior of light who happens to be a white...”
Well I'm no one apparently because I'm here to gleefully announce I would ABSOLUTELY READ THAT. If you felt like making it, of course. :DDD
oh i absolutely feel like making it!!! just.... probably a WoL that can shift between their miqo’te form and their human form at will and just-
goes around as a cat person. helping people. healing them of the scourge. making sure the local fauna and flora have a safe haven to grow and probably lives in a grove and welcomes all the travelers to it if they cant find a haven while out in the dark. known for showing up unexpectedly and saving people.
has fangs and also cat pupils even when in human form so they wind up wearing sunglasses around other people so they dont get stared at. they also have a hand in yeeting noctis back to life after he dies (BUT ONLY FOR A LIL BIT) after defeating ardyn.
listen if lil ol’ white mage has to deal so DO YOU KING OF LIGHT YOU ARENT GETTING OUT OF THIS
maybe I could name them Rhea!
Lady Rhea of No Importance is how she introduces herself to Ignis and Ignis hates it because he cant find any info on who she was before.
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secret-engima · 5 years
@secret-engima congrats, you woke the monster. ardyn in my hero academia. there. go wild.
Me: MWAHAHAHAHA. You say that like I regret it >:DDD
-Ardyn in this wakes up post The Great Stabbing and is ... more than a little annoyed. Hello. He wanted the afterlife experience. HELLO WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS DESTINY OF FADING TO COSMIC DUST.
-But no. Apparently he gets to have a “second chance” to “be a hero”.
-Just let one of the Astrals show themselves, he’ll show where to put that “second chance”-.
-Anyway. Ardyn is Ardyn, he looks like he did in canon but he’s sane again. Oddly enough he’s still got both his armiger magic, his super healing, and some of his scourge-like abilities (scary face included). He’s not corrupted tho. Ardyn isn’t sure what to make of that.
-Goes and hobos around for a while, getting used to this world and the fact that everyone looks like a storybook encounter with cursed items gone wrong. Picks up a Smol Traumatized Child that can disintegrate things with his fingers off the streets because Why Not, Let’s Both Be Homeless Together Kiddo, then in short order gets himself known as a Major Villain when he finds a trafficking ring and, since Ardyn is Not Exactly Moral Even If Arguably Sane, he slaughters them to the last man.
-Ardyn is known on the news via grainy footage that only catches glimpses of his scourge face and a lot of rumor, he laughs his head off when the ONE soundbite they manage to get from the scene leads to his being named Adagium. AGAIN. Okay he walked into that one.
-Uses the resources of the no-longer-operational trafficking ring to set up a nice restaurant bar with a secret (illegal) clinic in the back. He makes dishes exclusively from his original time period and so the food is known as very eccentric but good. Ardyn rapidly gets the wackiest duel rep in history. To the mainstream/police/pro heroes he’s a shadowy super-murderer named Adagium. To the underworld and the homeless, the quirkless and the children, Adagium is a name that means hope and shelter, healing and comfort and a monster that protects its own rather than giving meaningless promises, all in exchange for simple favors like clothes and information and school books for his child.
-Ardyn makes special one-finger gloves for Tenko so that he can touch touch stuff without worrying about destroying it. He also, at some point, picks up the rest of the not-LoV by pure happenstance. Toga comes into his clinic hunting a patient, he scolds her, puts her in time-out, then gives her a lolli with heavy iron supplement because clearly if the girl has a blood craving she needs more iron in her system. Don’t you heathens know anything about the meaning behind cravings. Spinner gets into a fight in Ardyn’s territory, Ardyn patches him up and gently informs him that if he’s going to pick fights, at least fight dirty enough to win them. Twice comes there often for a meal and company that won’t look at him funny for talking to himself, Mr. Compress is bound and determined to get Ardyn to be surprised by one of his magic tricks (never works, because unlike Compress Ardyn can do LITERAL MAGIC). Magne is not a regular, but still shows up once in a blue moon because Ardyn’s illegal clinic is probably better stocked than most legal ones at this point (people tend to trade his treatment for actual medicine and equipment, Ardyn never asks where they get it).
-Dabi is the last to be picked up. He is also how Ardyn’s increasing collection of strays first learn about Ardyn’s superhealing factor when he TAKES Dabi’s fresh, weeping burns onto himself and they heal over in minutes, leaving both of them unscarred (or mostly so, Ardyn’s skin will always have faint ripple marks where the burns were). It is also around this time that, coincidentally, people start gunning for Endeavor and trying to make his life miserable. Because Adagium hates him and is plotting to end him, so clearly that’s their cue, right?
-The rest of Endeavor’s kids vanish in the middle of the night. No one in the police or pro heroes can find them.
-Far away in a little, unnoticed restaurant bar, Dabi holds his siblings tight and promises they are never going to have to suffer That Man again. Ardyn rests gentle hands on Shōto’s face and whispers that everything will be okay even as his skin bubbles and boils into an ugly burn before healing over with the faintest scars.
-Moving on from Ardyn’s growing collection of strays (that will keep growing so keep an eye on that):
-Ardyn doesn’t get the whole quirk thing. Or the whole superhero society thing. If something needs doing and it suits him then he shall do it, none of this Symbol of Peace nonsense.
-Yes, he said nonsense. The Symbol of Peace is nonsense and only setting society up to fall apart when this All Might fellow either gets too powerful and is made to take a fall or when he finally picks a fight he can’t win.
-Ardyn says as much to Toshinori Yagi, the nice civilian man who wandered into Ardyn’s bar without knowing who is running it. The man sputters a bit and asks why he thinks so, Ardyn just laughs and laughs and laughs until there is something unnerving about the sound and Ardyn has to stop and catch his breath. Blue eyes flicker gold as Ardyn murmurs that he’s seen it happen before.
-Somehow, Toshinori thinks this strange, eccentric barkeep doesn’t mean as a bystander.
-Ardyn meets Aizawa while Aizawa is on the hunt for Adagium, they eyeball each other like wary cats before Ardyn decides that this angry hobo hero is His Now and invites the man over for food. Aizawa declines. Ardyn casually slings Aizawa over his shoulder and carts him in anyway before Aizawa can think to retaliate.
-Ardyn is highly amused to learn that Hobo Man is after the Adagium. Good luck with that, truly, best of fortune.
-So, for those of you paying attention, Ardyn’s count of Heroes He Has Adopted is officially up to 2, even if he pretends not to notice the first one (pretends. Because he knows exactly who Toshi is, come ON it’s not that hard, they have the same voice and smile and everything).
-Ardyn’s kids grow up with his scathing political commentary and one foot in both legal and illegal worlds. Some of them (Tenko, Dabi, Toga, Spinner) decide that they’re gonna make a League to show the world how dumb its being. A League of Villains! (”League of Vigilante’s sounds more appropriate for your chosen activities, Tenko Mine-” “VILLAINS. WE ARE VILLAINS NOW.” “Alright then, will all villains in the room please wash up for supper?”)
-Ardyn finds Hitoshi and decides he’s not quite qualified for this one.
-Aizawa wakes up from another rare session of being black-out to find Ardyn cheerfully tearing up his apartment to make it more “child suitable”. Child WHAT. Child suitable. For your child.
-Ardyn calmly holds out the adoption papers that have Aizawa’s signature on all of them, perfectly legible because the man is a little too good at pretending he isn’t stone drunk, and then gestures to the sad-eyed, skeptical boy with purple hair in the corner. Ardyn smiles (reads: threatens with killing intent) and says that he’s sure Aizawa will take his new responsibilities seriously (read: you’d better or you’re next on my hitlist).
-Aizawa, never one to go back on his word, has a kid now I guess.
-Shōto comes home one day with a bby Izuku in tow and Ardyn is charmed beyond all words over the boy. He’s so Smol! And Smart! Lookit his little brain firing away! Upon hearing the boy is developing All The Esteem Issues because of his bullying and quirklessness, Ardyn stares off into space for a long time, acknowledges that he’s a sap, and then soothingly tells Izuku that some quirks just come in late, why, Ardyn’s came in late too! Just give it a few days. Then he pats Izuku on the head and uses the motion to disguise the teeny tiny fragment of magic he splits off from his own and gives to this boy who deserves better.
-Izuku comes back two days later, crying for joy and with sparkling green magic dripping from his fingertips. Ardyn exclaims in “surprise” over the similarity of their quirks and offers to teach him. Izuku accepts and after some sweet-talking to Inko, Ardyn gets to mold this tiny genius boi as he pleases to both be proud of himself and his “quirk” AND to fight quirkless as much as possible because “tactics, my boy, take them by surprise!”
-Also then he figures out that he didn’t just lend Izuku magic because this world is funky like that, he genuinely gave it away which counts as LC adoption rituals so OOPS GUESS WHO HAS A BLOOD SON NOW.
-Oh well.
-Toshi and Izuku get along like a house on fire whenever Toshi comes over for a hot meal and Ardyn is pretty content with his brood and his handiwork against Endeavor (who by this point has been exposed as an abuser and put in jail for a long time HAH). Toshi ... pointedly doesn’t ask why several of his kids look like Endeavor. Nope. Not asking. They get their red hair from Ardyn, clearly.
-Of course, all of this casual wrecking of canon attracts the attention of AfO, who is not happy about the competition. He shows up at one point, all suave and intimidating because he is immortal and older than anyone alive and smarter too and-
-Ardyn laughs in his face.
-Bby playing at immortal.
-You think two centuries or so makes you hot stuff? You think stolen quirks makes you special? You think you can come into Ardyn’s territory and threaten his kids and get away with it because you’re ... a little older than the average human being? Ardyn leans close and smiles as AfO tries and fails to steal a quirk that doesn’t exist to be stolen, his Scourge face leaking into existence as he purrs that AfO should’ve minded his own business a little more than he minded others.
-AfO came prepared for a quirk. He did not come prepared for the combined might of 2k year old LC magic and abilities of a Scourge the world has never, and will never, see.
-It’s not even a fight.
-Adagium makes the news again when a body is found hanging from a high tower, torn apart as if by dozens upon dozens of blades, the corpse pinned in place by a spear that dissolves into red sparks upon the police touching it, leaving behind only a note that gets leaked to the media and goes viral.
-Dear World, refrain from touching my stuff, and you won’t end up like this man. Sincerely, Adagium.
-Not the most menacing letter until you considering the delivery method.
-Toshinori has to sit there and have a Moment upon the news that the man who murdered Nana is already dead by someone else’s hand and they have no idea when the fight went down. Because surely there was a fight, right? AfO had been centuries old and with dozens upon dozens of quirks. Who could possibly have brought him down when Nana, the then-wielder of OfA could not???
-Ardyn gently pats Toshi’s shoulder through the breakdown. There there. I’m sure you’ll figure out the culprit eventually, you’re a smart man Toshi. There there.
-Also Kurogiri shows up not long after that entire debacle looking for a new job because his old one got murdered and Adagium seems like an efficient dude. Ardyn is always happy for more hands on deck in wrangling the kids, and this one has warping powers. Welcome aboard Kurogiri.
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galvatronsthighs · 5 years
Domesticity Meme - Galv and Cyc - G1 :DDD
ooooooo heck yeah, here we go!It’s been so long since I did much in-depth with G1 after taking it’s au/story from it I almost feel unsure on some of these ideas.
who cooks normally?:Cyclonus if it’s proper full meals, but Galvatron is just a top notch baker so when it comes to desserts and comfort foods, he’s the cook. Occasionally Galvatron may cook a meal first and it’s not half bad, but often he does forget to eat.
how often do they fight?:They keep it to a minimum and when tensions rise, take a break and try to come back to the point of issue later because getting too stressed and over-stimulated is a surefire way to push Galvs into a breakdown and that won’t help anyone.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:Cyclonus gets on with keeping the base and the Decepticons functional and not tearing themselves apart. Galvatron tends to mill about with a bit of free time to do odd things as he decides he’d trust the ‘cons to just not get themselves killed and that Cyclonus, Scourge or Soundwave will keep them in line.
nicknames for each other?:Cyc to Galvs: Lord Thiccatron, Little anger muffin, marshmallow, love, dear.Galvs to Cyc: Hot stuff, Cy, Cy-cy, Monster (*cough* let’s not go into why *cough*), honeybun, sweetie chops, hot wings (Galvs is just likely to throw out the oddest nicknames at various times).
who is more likely to pay for dinner?:They both have access to the same monetary account so its pretty much both of them.
who steals the covers at night?:Galvatron does because he tends to squirm and move about as he sleeps whereas Cyclonus does not, so it’s a side effect of that.
what would they get each other for gifts?:Bloodied chunks they’ve carved off their enemies. Oh yeah, they’re villains haha.Usually Cyclonus does that though, Galvs on the other hand would get lots of sweet things because he REEEEALLY wants him to know how much he means to him, it ranges from things Galvatron assumed were important due to their appearance to shiny rocks Galvs grabbed in the spur of the moment.
who remembers things?:Cyclonus remembers things more securely but Galvatron remembers the more odd and insignificant things should they ever become important.
who cusses more?:They both keep it at a minimum and only tend to cuss if they’re mad. Galvatron lets slip a few more than Cyc does though.
what would they do if the other one was hurt?:There isn’t a force alive that would prevent the thing that did the damage from receiving a terrible fate.
who kissed who first?:Cyclonus but only because Galvs wanted to do it but seized up with emotion and just stood there looking like a tomato making hand gestures and kissy faces.
who made the first move?:Galvatron, technically, like oblivious idiots they kinda didn’t realise they were flirting with each other and what these strange new emotions were. Galvatron just reeeally wanted to compliment Cyclonus to make sure he knew just how much he appreciated everything the seeker does for him.
who started the relationship?:It was mutual.Either everyone around them got sick and fed up of them being so close but not figuring out what these ‘strange emotions’ were that they sat them down in a room and told them to “just get on with it”.Or, during one of Galvatrons weaker moments where he did nothing but cling onto Cyclonus venting out his tumultuous emotions while Cyclonus held him gently happy he can be privvy to such moments of weakness they held a silent understanding of ‘yes, this is how we were always meant to be’.
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destiny-islanders · 7 years
Imagine if Star-scourged! Sora actually becomes really freaked out by his eye when it starts to turn yellow from the infection because it reminds him of Xehanort (You mentioned that he was defeated in this AU). Sora he gets flash backs from the he was almost Norted in DDD, and all the grief that man caused him and all his friends over the course of their adventures. To Sora it be almost like Xehanort came back from the dead to spite him.
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krumparrian · 8 years
Tumblr media
// Black Crusade //
In the lands plagued by the undead scourge, the Black Knight Tierdred has vowed to slay the hordes of filth, and to find and destroy the Book of the Dead, the sorcerous artifact responsible for the rise of the living dead. A perilous journey indeed, but such horrors will not stop him from cutting through the waves of torment and despair-- for the Black Knight's crusade marches on.
Gaahhh... I’m super proud with how this turned out ;v; A big step towards improvement on the digital medium, and i’m so happy to finally make an epic action sequence for this OC and story IP :’DDD Hope you enjoy!!
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thomasroach · 6 years
Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs
The post Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs appeared first on Fextralife.
The following post is this author’s opinion and does not reflect the thoughts and feelings of Fextralife as a whole nor the individual content creators associated with the site. Any link that goes outside of Fextralife are owned by their respective authors.
Raid bosses are easily in my opinion the most important aspect of MMORPGs. Games that fall into a different genre may be more dynamic, but only here will tens and sometimes hundreds of players need to come together and work together to defeat an epic boss in a raid. Just simple getting together as many players as possible is not enough to determine your success. Players usually need to use trial and error with a number of different strategies before they can actually take down the boss. All this is done in order to test the weaknesses, come up with an effective approach and correctly coordinate players in the raid.
Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs
Over time, the concept of an “epic boss” has become rather blurred. Colossal monsters, the destruction of which requires a long preparation time, and then became just another episode from grandma’s fairy tales. Some raid bosses have already gained the “cult” status, and veterans of MMORPGs could tell you a dozen stories about those legendary fights. I’ve tried to select the most powerful bosses who once upon a time, caused a burning sensation and will certainly awaken stirrings of nostalgic feelings from experienced raiders!
10. Illidan Stormrage (World of Warcraft)
A well-known exhibit is Illidan Stormrage, a night-elf born Demon Hunter and the founder of the Illidari. He was the former self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, ruling from the Black Temple until his defeat.
Illidan Stormrage (World of Warcraft)
He was the final boss of the Burning Crusade update. Perhaps, it was the best expansion in World of Warcraft history (at least that’s what the players say). An important aspect of such success was the storyline surrounding the Black Temple raid, and the quests which at the end led the player into the instance to fight the Betrayer.
Only a few players could fight Illidan due to the instance difficulty, until the game received an update later on. The fact the difficulty was so high, was one of the reasons why Blizzard made various changes, after which other players had the opportunity to see this epic game content.
9. Valakas, The Fire Dragon (Lineage 2)
Valakas is the second dragon to make an appearance in Lineage 2 C4: Scions of Destiny global update, and it’s the strongest raid boss to make this update. He inhabits a volcanic terrain located in Goddard, known as the “Forge of the Gods”. Valakas is allegedly the strongest child of Shilen (goddess of destruction in L2 lore). His gigantic stature and massive four wings exemplify his majesty and strength.
Valakas, The Fire Dragon (Lineage 2)
One of the main difficulties of killing this raid boss (which is common for Lineage 2) was to win a massive battle between players to even begin to attack the dragon. All the strong clans and alliances wanted to get the raid boss epic jewelry so battles could last for several hours. Only after that, the winning side would kill the dragon in about an hour, if their mages had enough power damage and mana pool. Many veterans of the game will remember this beast.
Unfortunately, the dragon is still not a part of the classic version of Lineage 2, but it will probably be added in a future update.
8. Baium (Lineage 2 Classic)
Baium’s power is considered inferior to the dragons, but among players there it’s hard to find anyone who does not remember his bright ultimatum strike when he reached a certain level of health. His wrath could easily destroy all raid players in one go.
Baium (Lineage 2 Classic)
The backstory of Baium is that the once great emperor was so powerful that he decided to challenge the gods. He used his kingdom’s forces to construct a tower rising high into the clouds. The magnificent tower of Baium’s designed took thirty years of construction. He intended to use the building in order to climb to the residence of the gods, and obtain the secret of everlasting life. When he did indeed climb the tower, the gods got angry about his plans and severely punished him. Having brought the fury of the gods upon himself, Baium was trapped for all eternity at the top of his tower in immortal silence.
Since then, this became known as the Tower of Insolence, and anyone who broke it’s silence would  wake Baium and lose their life. The heroes of Elmoreden who reached the top floor came to measure their strengths with the demigod in an epic battle and Baium is doomed to an eternal life of this continuous war.
Today Baium’s raid is available on the Lineage 2 Classic servers, there are instance and “real” boss versions. The instance zone is a lighter raid version, but to kill a hardcore boss, players need to have the best equipment in the game and come together in an army comprising of 100-200 players.
7. Brothers: Dagon, Dagan and Dagnu (Rising Force Online)
Dagon, Dagan and Dagnu or known as the DDD brothers, are the strongest raid bosses in the game. The next brother that follows, is always stronger than the previous one. They are 3 separate bosses who are located close to the Elan Plateau. Taking into account their direct connection, it wouldn’t be right to review them separately.  
Brothers: Dagon and Dagan (Rising Force Online)
According to lore, these terrible beasts were created by the ancient civilization of Herodian as a result of experiments on the High elven race (PvE faction). There are currently three warring races in RF Online: Bellato Federation, Empire Accretia and Holy Alliance Cora. They quite often discarded their blade of war and make temporary alliances against these abominations. Dagon and Dagan almost always could be defeated by one of the races over time, but it is incredibly difficult to fight against Dagnu alone.
Dagnu (Rising Force Online)
The reward from these bosses make the ordeal all worthwhile. The unique jewelry that the brothers drop is combine into one powerful epic object which not only grants great stats to its owner but also cannot be transmitted. Just imagine the authority of the player who gets ownership of it! Today, you can take part in a DDD raid on the recently open European server Zucker.
6. Bael’Zharon (Asheron’s Call)
In November of 2000, Turbine (the founder of Asheron’s Call) presented an unprecedented mass, in-game activity. Players were asked to go down into the new Catacombs of Ithaenc to choose their role in the game world: become a follower of the creepy demon Bael’Zharon and try to free him, or prevent his escaping by any means.
Bael’Zharon (Asheron’s Call)
On some servers, players guarded the demon for several months, not letting anyone pass. On Thristledown server, players were extremely severe and guarded the demon soul during one whole year. The developers installed a monument to Shard Vigil Memerial, as a symbol of perseverance and courage of the catacomb defenders. But finally one day the crystal prison was destroyed, and Bael’Zharon broke free. Managed by developers, he immediately began to wreak havoc in the peaceful lands of Asheron’s Call.
Bael’Zharon wasn’t an ordinary boss and had tremendous power, but he was not immortal. The destruction and massacres caused by the demon’s doing did not stay unpunished. On each server, players joined forces and attacked the monster. Not all raids resulted in success because there was no specific pre-set strategy to fight the monster. However, sooner or later, the boss was defeated. The body of a man named Ilservian Palacost, once a nobleman turned into an demon creature, remained in the place of the defeated Bael’. Inside the corpse were 6 crystals that held the demon and became the material for creating a powerful artifact.
Bael’Zharon doesn’t seem so scary now, but for Asheron’s Call veterans, his appearance inspired confidence in their own death.
5. The Lich King (World of Warcraft)
The Lich King is the master and lord of the Scourge, he rules telepathically from the Frozen Throne atop the Icecrown Glacier. The fallen prince Arthas succumbed to the dark powers and blended with the former Lich King to take the role and title. He is one of the main villains of the World of Warcraft. Many fans would have been upset if this boss raid could be defeated without much trouble. The Lich King due to his infamy was really strong.
The Lich King (World of Warcraft)
The fight in Normal Mode was fairly brutal for the majority of WoW players, but in Heroic Mode, he’s was downright unforgiving. The fight had 3 stages, each stage it took weeks of farming to succeed before the next one could be attempted properly. The boss stayed invincible until it received the first nerf, which increased the damage and healing from players in the Icecrown Citadel. People believed that it was impossible to kill the boss without it. One guild decided to disprove this statement by deliberately turning off that buff, and defeated the King. However, by this time many of these players already possessed equipment obtained from the last raids.
4. Kerafyrm, The Sleeper (EverQuest)
Kerafyrm used to be the main boss in the The Sleeper’s Tomb dungeon.  According to the game’s plot, he was immortal, and there wasn’t even any loot to gain from him. This ancient and enraged dragon, which the elders had put to sleep, was confined to a cave with four powerful guards. Kerafyrm was awoken for the first time in July 2001, when the players of The Rathe server managed to defeat his guards. The phantom however did not remain in debt but destroyed his rescuers, then climbed to the surface and began to destroy all life in its path. Having found out where the dragon lived, other players joined forces to measure themselves against the legendary creature.
Kerafyrm, The Sleeper (EverQuest)
In November 2003, the three strongest guilds from the server Rallos Zek teamed up to awaken the monster. There was only one known tactic that worked against the dragon: crowd pounce, continually attack, resurrect after your death and rush into battle once again. The fight lasted more than three hours and the dragon had only lost 74% of his health points. It was at this moment he suddenly disappeared!
It turned out that Sony Online Entertainment did not want the dragon’s death to come to fruition, because it went against the prehistory of EverQuest. The community reacted vehemently. The developers tried to justify themselves and said that the death of Kerafyrm would cause an onslaught of bugs in the game, but in the end they surrendered to the cries of the community and on November 17th, the legend was defeated. The dragon would kill players with one swift blow, but they were able to resurrect rather quickly. According to rumors, many players have died more than a hundred times for three hours as that epic battle raged.
Kerafyrm was awoken on all servers except one and players only succeeded in killing him a total of three times. The mighty boss lived in The Sleeper’s Tomb dungeon, but nowadays on many servers it is already empty. After the release of the Secrets of Faydwer update, Awakened Kerafyrm can be found in the Crystallos zone, Lair of the Awakened.
3. Ragnaros, The Firelord (World of Warcraft)
Ragnaros the Firelord is an incredibly powerful Elemental Lord and the master of all fire elementals. He became the strongest raid boss in the game shortly after WoW released. It was the last main challenge in the Molten Core and the first raid dungeon, so no one really knew how to approach him properly to begin with. The fight with Ragnaros was much longer and more challenging than any other battle in the Firelands. Players had to kill 9 of his loyal lieutenants first, in order to summon the Elemental Lord. Perhaps, this is the reason why it took so long before he was defeated for the first time.  
Ragnaros, The Firelord (World of Warcraft)
The flaming lord himself is invulnerable to fire attacks and every two minutes summons elemental sons that draw mana from players. It was tricky to kill Ragnaros because he utilises several special attacks: throws melee players in the different directions, casts fireballs and creates lava flows. He was a real piece of work in Heroic mode (a harder difficulty). His hammer, Sulfuras, repeatedly slapped players into air, and raiders had to adapt to the random minions that respawned and could easily at any point break the raid try.
The boss lost his power after the release of the ‘Wrath of the Lich King’ add-on’, and now he can even be killed by one player.
2. Pandemonium Warden (Final Fantasy XI)
This particular boss had the unique ability to make players physically ill and no that was not an in-game debuff, but had a real affect to people’s health. The first try to slay Pandemonium Warden took place in 2007, where one of the best guilds which consisted 36 players fought valiantly with the boss for a gruelling 18 hours, but could not claim victory. The players were forced to interrupt the raid due to the fact that some players began to faint from exhaustion.
Pandemonium Warden (Final Fantasy XI)
It was the main reason for which the developers nerfed the boss by adding a 2-hour timer to ensure that the players wouldn’t be overloaded with long fights. The overall complexity has been significantly reduced since it’s initial introduction to the game. This case will probably remain as one of the most hardcore raids in MMO history.
1. Antharas, The Land Dragon (Lineage 2 Classic)
Antharas was the first ever Epic Raid Boss to be introduced in the first chronicle of Lineage 2. He is the father of the famous game gimmick and considered a stereotype of a gargantuan monster needed to be killed by an enormous number of players. Absolutely every player who played Lineage 2 knows his name as his reputation proceeds him, even many who have not faced Antharas know of him.
Antharas, The Land Dragon (Lineage 2 Classic)
The humongous size of Antharas far surpasses that of all other evil beasts. Even a very powerful sword would not easily inflict damage upon the body of the dragon, as it is so densely covered with rock-hard scales. Beams of light emitted from the monster’s eyes, causing those who gazed upon it to freeze in horror. Antharas is fittingly regarded by all adventurers as the ultimate symbol of pure terror. The dragon deals massive amounts of damage, summons minions and has several fighting strategies depending on it’s level of health.
It was necessary to gather all the alliance members (more than 200 – 300) to kill this raid boss, or even those who were at war relations. Even by doing this, the dragon until this day was not successfully slayed on all servers. Therefore, game masters often organized various events with this epic boss. They summoned the dragon into places with large numbers of players. But as a rule, the dragon was weakened or after some time was killed at the game master’s command just for the public fun.
Today, the dragon is still is found in the lair depths in Lineage II Classic and is stronger than ever as no one yet has managed to defeat him on the European server called Skelth.
It is impossible to fit all epic raid bosses of all MMORPGs into one review. So, if you have not found your favorite epic boss raid here, then tell us your story about that adventure in the comments!
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The post Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs appeared first on Fextralife.
Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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