#ddf!Formel 1 Au
this has an audience of 1 person besides me but i dont care
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feat (@/shooters4logan's templates)
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Jeffrey: f1 races are basically the same thing as the chariot races they used to do in ancient rome
Finnley: I need you to go to sleep Palmer. For your sake.
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August x Vikram 200k slow burn childhood friends to teammates to "oh" to maybe something more to rivals to "oh the championship's worth more than our friendship? fuck you." to enemies to strangers
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Ddf!Formel 1 AU: Bob und Peter sind zwei vielversprechende Fahrer bei Rocky Beach, während justus, unter Goodweens Flügel, als Mechaniker arbeitet, Cotta ist natürlich Teamchef (er ist komplett fertig mit seinen Fahrern) (er kann nicht mehr) (p&b versuchen die ganze zeit ihn und Goodween zu verkuppeln) (mit mäßigem erfolg)
Jeffrey und Finnley sind bei einem anderen Team (bei dem Mr. Palmer Sr einen nicht so kleinen Anteil besitzt (Jeffrey kann die nepotism vorwürfe nicht abstreiten 😔)) und Finnley und Peter, kindheitrivalen schon seit ihren Go-kart Jahren, haben die besten Chancen auf die Weltmeisterschaft, Was zu ✨Tension✨führt A lot of sexual tension
Blöderweise Verknallt sich Justus in Jeffrey, der leider für ein anderes Team fährt was Cottas Schlafprobleme noch mehr fördert
Auf die Presse hat die Beziehung zwischen den beiden die gleiche Reaktion wie Blut im Wasser auf haie. Monique und Jelena im PR Departement sind kurz davor justus eigenhändig umzubringen
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Justus randomly goes onto Bobs Radio to tell him fun facts during fp and qualifying
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And here we have the bronze era Rocky Beach Racing boys!
(justus Jonas, Bob Andrews, Peter Shaw)
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The Golden Era Boys!
(Titus Jonas, Samuel Reynolds, William Grey)
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Justus sends peter & Bob stars after every race. He is very passive aggressive about the messaging
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ddf! Formel 1 AU
Team Radio-Peter Shaw
Peter: Hey Goodween, can you tell Justus whatever he did on the car is beautiful and I want to kiss him on the mouth for that.
Goodween: Copy that. Please focus on the race tho
Goodween: Justus says to take him out for dinner first.
Peter: Oh, I can arrange that. Can you place a reservation at that Italian place we ate at yesterday.
Goodween: Just Focus on the race Shaw
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Carlos finally snapping and tying Finnley up to keep him away from peter at all cost:
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ddf!F1 au Cotta when he sees Peter stare at Finnley again:
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ddf!f1: young Samuel Reynolds, confidence bordering on arrogance, burning hotter than a flame and fully prepared to burn if it meant success , ready to dominate the grid with his reckless and stubborn driving style. The next season he meets his Match and polar opposite William Grey. He is calm, calculated but not any less stubborn or arrogant than Reynolds. Both of them only focused on winning the championship, they quickly develop a Rivalry.
With time they both start to mellow each other out. Reynolds fire starts to be less destructive, turning from a wild fire into the fire that fuels a oven in a well loved living room. Grey's Ice starts melting, less of a ice berg and more the first snow on a long awaited winter morning.
Somewhere along the line of several won and lost championships and more or less successful seasons the both of them fell in love.
But some things were meant to burn. And some things aren't. One day, during what should have been a normal grand prix, Reynolds, arrogantly trying to overtake Grey because neither of them ever lost their competitive spirit, lost control of his car driving himself and what should have been - and maybe even was - the love of his life into the barricade. Reynolds came out on his own - later getting dubbed the man that walked through fire by the media - but Grey had to be rescued. They never managed to save his legs.
During the time Grey spent into the hospital, he waited for his rival, his partner to visit him. After Reynolds never showed up, his love for his fellow driver turned into hate. And it wasn't the hot, burning kind either, no William M. Greys anger is a thing of ice picks and ice bergs. Firstly only blaming him for not visiting, he later went on and blamed his former love for the loss of his leg movement on the other driver.
Samuel Reynolds can't remember the first few weeks after the crash. He only remembers burning and trying his hardest to put out that fire that has encompassed his whole being. But his flames were fueled by his guilt like a candle is by oxygen. He remembers pushing himself and his car beyond what's possible, however he doesn't remember any of these wins.
the first thing he clearly remembers was finally manning up and visiting Grey in the hospital,whos anger had already started to infest his limbs so much he couldnt actually feel it anymore. After getting yelled at by what he truly thought was his future life partner, the man he thought would spend the rest of his life with, and being told to get out of his life and never come back again, he went on and absolutely ruined his already well established leadership - which would have been a guaranteed win with his only real rival out of the race - so hard.
Even tho he didn't stop racing for a few years before retiring and taking over a more passive role in his Team, he never truly recovered to the success he had at the height of his career before the crash.
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ddf!F1: Samuel Reynolds starring at Cotta & Hugenay falling in love and falling out of love after the scandal, really hoping for a happy ending bc he couldn't have his with Grey, and then 25 years later seeing the same thing happening again with Peter & Finnley is something very dear to me :)
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ddf!f1: Cotta staring at Peter doing his whole Spiel with Finnley, slowly turning to Samuel Reynolds (his old Team principal who still hangs around here bc he has nothing better to do) :"was I ever that bad" "Honey, you were WORSE"
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