#deadly easter bunny
pkatprints · 2 years
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Killer Bunny
Silkscreen on White Stonehenge, 2022
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lynx-jynx · 6 months
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Happy Easter everyone!!
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mosquito-queen · 1 year
there are a few things in yelena’s hotel room that are decidedly not holiday inn decor: her rings on the bedside table and a small porcelain rabbit in the window sill. the rings were understandable… but a bunny?
kate spies the ceramic interloper the morning after yelena had tucked her so sweetly into the hotel scratchy blankets, slung her arm around kate’s torso and spooned her. a black widow had spooned her.
and then she said something in russian so thick (and so hot) that kate had no chance of remembering the sounds to even attempt google translate at a later date. instead, all of kate’s brainpower was directed to being impossibly closer to the woman cuddling her.
and that had led to kate turning around so quickly that she whacked her head into yelena’s and between the stuttering of an apology and russian curses someone had kissed someone until the curses went from derogatory to praise and now kate’s muscles ached in a way adjacent to their usual fights. but decidedly in a better way.
now, she was laying on her stomach, head turned towards the window and arms cradling the pillow underneath her. the blanket was pulled up to cut across her shoulder blades. it wasn’t the blanket she had initially been wrapped up in - yelena had definitely stolen that at some point during the night. now all kate has is a sheet.
yelena’s breath is hot on kate’s shoulder, and she feels her forehead pressed against her upper arm. her heart softens. she bets yelena looks like an angel. she’s about to turn her head to find out, but something out of place catches her attention. she squints at the windowsill, spies the offending figurine lit by the morning sun.
yelena is shuffling closer to her in the bed, wrapping her arm sleepily around kate and pulling herself closer. kate is still trying to puzzle out why a deadly russian assassin would have such a tiny rabbit.
there’s a hesitant kiss pressed against her arm, yelena’s eyelashes fluttering against her skin, and in a groggy voice she says, “kate, i can hear you thinking.”
kate still doesn’t turn to look at her, forgets that yelena isn’t resilient to doubt, but is reminded as soon as the warmth starts to be pulled away. kate catches her arm, tucks it back around her, feels yelena slowly sink back into her.
“did the rabbit come with the room?”
“oh.” yelena is running her fingers over kate’s opposite arm, and shifts so she can rest her head on kate’s back to look at the window, “you do not recognize him?”
“should i? is it the easter bunny?”
yelena makes a dissatisfied noise and squeezes kate’s arm. the archer is grinning into the pillows at the frustration, “no. it is not the easter bunny,” she mimics kate’s voice, “he is from your movie, bambi.”
“yelena, americans are not born with disney movies in our blood.”
now yelena does push away from her, absolute shock spluttering across her face. kate turns with her, pulls the sheet up to keep some kind of decency, she laughs at yelena and gives in, “yes, yes, i know of bambi.”
“but you haven’t seen it?”
“no.” kate’s answer is short, her eyes tracking over yelena. getting caught up in the way her hair haloes her face, the way her eyes crinkle, the softness of her mouth, the way yelena is propped up that makes the duvet cover fall crooked and barely cover her. it’s too early for kate to practice discipline. her eyes wander.
yelena is either ignoring her gaze or is way too invested in bambi-gate, “kate bishop. you are an archer. you should have to watch bambi before you get to hunt.”
the memory yelena is referencing pulls kate slightly back to earth, and she groans, “i only went hunting once! once! and never again!”
this time yelena is grinning, “only because you did not get a trophy.”
kate reaches out, grabs the twist of blanket pooling around yelena and drags her down, “stop deflecting, and tell me about your rabbit.”
“you’re more awake in the morning than i anticipated.”
kate has yelena’s hand tangled in one of hers now, brings it up to mouth and bites at the fingers, “i’m full of surprises. and so are you. let’s hear it.”
yelena settles into kate’s side, toying with her hand, “mama gave it to me.”
kate sometimes knows when to be quiet, lets yelena continue playing with her hand, waits.
“thumper was my favorite. mama called me bunny, said rabbits were lucky. that i was lucky.” her voice is growing sadder, “natasha always stole him. she put him up on high shelves - places i couldn’t reach,” she whispers cyka in the most loving tone, “she stole him the night we left, had him in her pocket. he is lucky - everyone made it out that night.”
there’s a hard swallow, kate thinks maybe yelena could cry. she’s stopped playing with her hand, so kate begins tracing soothing patterns over yelena’s arm.
“she kept him the entire time we were separate. i don’t know how, but she never lost him… after.. after she -“ a pause, “clint had him. gave him back to me, he said during the blip natasha kept him above doors, in windows, near thresholds,” she clicks her tongue, “always superstitious…”
she trails off, and they sit in the silence with kate still tracing patterns.
“i had him the night on the roof. when i met you.”
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
So does this mean no yandere easter bunny? I can't read about how ferocious he gets during the spring time? Especially when he nears his rut?
No, you won't have me write a buffy, mute, kinda himbo, mostly deadly serious, childhood traumatised man wearing an Easter bunny costume and going around on a murder spree in an attempt to heal his inner child.
And you definitely won't be able to make me write an ABO genre thingy where yandere bunny hybrid is obv the alpha who is just absolutely ferocious and loses his fucking bricks when he gets a whiff of his human mate and he just wants to-
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Witchcraft Plant and Herb safety
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🦋Research what plants you ingest and put into your teas. Some plants/herbs don't go together and become toxic
🦋Research what herbs you are turning to make sure it's not toxic [eg: poison ivy]
🦋Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist
🦋Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant put it back
🦋delightingintragedy's post on what oils to avoid while pregnant
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Some toxic and poisonous plants
Abrus precatorius - Crab’s eye, Gidee gidee, Jequirity bean, Rosary bean
Aconitum species - Monkshood, Wolf’s bane
Asclepias curassavica - Red-headed cotton bush
Asclepias fruiticosa - Gomphocarpus fruiticosa, Swan plant
Asclepias physocarpa - Balloon cotton bush
Acokanthera species - Bushman’s poison
Atropa belladonna - Belladonna, Deadly nightshade
Brugmansia species - Angel’s trumpet
Casabella thevetia or Thevetia peruviana - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Cestrum diurnum - Day-blooming cestrum, Day jessamine
Cestrum nocturnum - Lady of the night, Night jessamine
Colchicum autumnale - Autumn crocus, Crocus, Meadow saffron
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Consolida species - Larkspur
Convallaria majalis - Lily-of-the-valley
Corynocarpus laevigatus - New Zealand laurel, Karaka nut
Cycas species - Cycad, Zamia
Daphne species - Daphne, Garland flower, Lilac daphne, Mezereon, Rose daphne, Spurge laurel, Winter daphne
Datura species - Angel’s trumpet
Datura metel - Downy thorn apple, Horn of plenty
Datura stramonium - Common thorn apple, Jamestown weed, Jimson weed
Delphinium species - Delphinium
Dieffenbachia - Dumb cane
Digitalis species - Foxglove
Duranta erecta/Duranta repens - Golden dewdrop, Sky flower
Euphorbia species - Euphorbia, Spurge
Gloriosa superba - Climbing lily, Glory lily
Gomphocarpus fruiticosa - Asclepias fruiticosa, Swan plant
Gomphocarpus physocarpus -  Asclepias physocarpa, Balloon cotton
Helleborus species - Christmas rose, Corsican Hellebore, Easter rose, Hellebore, Lenten rose
Hyoscyamus niger - Black henbane, Henbane
Jatropha multifida - Coral plant, Physic nut
 Laburnum species - Golden chain tree, Golden rain, Laburnum, Scotch laburnum
Lantana camara - Lantana, Shrub verbena
Lepidozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Lobelia species - Cardinal flower, Lobelia
Macrozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Melia azedarach - Bead tree, Cape lilac, Chinaberry, Persian lilac, Rosary tree, White ceda
Nerium oleander - Oleander, Rose laurel
Oenanthe crocata - Water dropwort, Hemlock
Ornithogalum species - Common star of Bethlehem, Chincherinchee, Giant chincherinchee, Star of Bethlehem
Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa - Cooktown loquat, Finger cherry, Wannakai
Ricinis communis - Castor oil plant
Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet, Climbing nightshade
Solanum nigrum - Black nightshade, Common nightshade
Solanum pseudocapsicum - Christmas cherry, Jerusalem cherry, Winter cherry
Stropanthus species - Corkscrew flower, Spider tresses, Stropanthus
Thevetia peruviana or Casabella thevetia - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Toxicodendron succedaneum - Rhus, Rhus tree, Wax tree, Poison sumac
Veratrum species - False hellebores
Golden dewdrop
Black bean tree
Poison ivy
Strychnine tree 
Gympie gympie
Asparagus Fern (asparagus plumosus) (sprengeri)
Avocado (persea americana)
Blue Gum (eucalyptus globulus)
Buddist Pine (poddocarpus Macrophyllus)
Cacti :Bunny Ears (opuntia microdasy’s alkispina)
Column (cereus peruvianus)
Rat’s Tail (aporocactus flagelliformis)
Sunset (lokwia famatimensis)
Caladium (Angel’s Wings)
Century Plant
Crown of Thorns (euphorbia milii splendens)
Holly (ilex)
Ivy :Cape (tenecio macroglossus)
(hedera helix)
(senecio mikanioides)
Glacier (hedera helix glacier)
Gloire de Marengo (hedera canariensis)
Needlepoint (hedera helix sagittlae folica)
Jerusalem Cherry (solanum pseudocapsicum)
Mistletoe (phoradendron flavescens)
Philodendron :Arrowhead (syngonium podophyllum)
Black Gold ( ph. melanochryson)
Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) (scindapsus aureus)
Elephant’s Ear (philodendron hastatum)
Fiddle Leaf (ph. pandurae forme)
Green Gold (syngonium podophyllum)
Marble Queen (scindapsus aureus)
Ornamental Pepper (capsicum annuum)
Silver Vine (scindapsus pictus)
Split Leaf (monstera delicosa)
Sweetheart Vine (philodendron scandens)
Red (hemigraphis colorata)
Umbrella Plant (cyperus)
Azalea (azalea indica)Bleeding Heart (dicentra formosa)
Calla Lily (zantedeschia aethiopica)
Carnation (dianthus caryophyllus)
Castor-oil plant (ricinus communis)
Chinese or Japanese Lantern (physalis)
Crocus (colchicum autumnale)
Daffodil (narcissus)
DelphineumGladiola (bulb)
Hyacinthe (hyacinthus orientalis)
Jonquil (narcissus)Morning Glory (ipomaea tricolour)
Oleander (nerium oleander)
Pansy (seeds) (viola tricolour)
Peony (root) (paeonia officinalis)
Primrose (primula)
Sweet Pea (lathyrus odoratus)
Sweet William (dianthus barbatus)
Potato (green patches on tubers & above ground part)
Rhubarb leaves
Tomato greens
Black Locust (robinia pseudoacacia)
Buckthorn (rhamnus cathartica)Elderberry (not berries)
Horse Chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum)
Laburnum (laburnum anagyroides)
Privet (ligustrum vulgare)
Virginia Creeper (ampelopis brevipedunculata)
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More Links
Sources: Austin Health AU, Canadian Child Care Federation
🦋Poison info plants and mushrooms - Queensland
🦋Aggie Horticulture
🦋Guide to toxic plants - National Poisons Information Centre Ireland
🦋199 Poisonous Plants to Look Out For - ProFlowers
🦋Poisonous Plants: Poisons A to Z
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You’ve heard of the easter bunny, but have you heard of the easter goose?
She hides colorful eggs all over the wetlands in Snohomish county and if you find one, the easter goose locks onto your geographical position and approaches you at deadly velocity.
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bumblee-stumblee · 2 years
Yes yes Hershey has a transwoman rep for woman's day sure you can boycott over that that's fine and your anger is justified but they are also using child slave labor after having signed an agreement in 2020 that they would *try* to eradicate the use of child slave labor in the production of cocoa products so you could also boycott them over that as well or in addition to.
Let's also remember that child slave labor increases almost every fucking easter because these fuckers have tried to make chocolate everything synonymous with Easter when they market chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs and small chocolates to put inside of plastic egg containers.
She said the plaintiffs also did not adequately explain the role of intermediaries in the cocoa supply chain, noting that the companies did not monitor activity in "free zones" where about 70% to 80% of the cocoa is produced. Mali and the Ivory Coast share a border in West Africa. The plaintiffs said they were trafficked as children after being approached by unfamiliar men who promised paying jobs, but were ultimately not paid for their labor, threatened with starvation if they did not work, and required to live in squalor.
Don't forget the shit Nestle did either. They also responsible for child slaves being used in the production of chocolate, have killed infants by tricking parents into using formula in areas where water wasn't available or clean enough to use, are sucking the earth dry of drinking water and forcing people to go without it resort to deadly dirty water and routinely lie about the recyclability of their products.
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expectsomechange · 7 months
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Another few facts of the day!
Kat hates valenties day and basically any holiday while kitty doesn't hate it, but doesnt always like it, kittyy hates Easter because the Easter bunny mascot (I don't know what it is called sorry) scares him. But that is why kat likes Easter a little!
Kitty is also deadly afraid of having rabies or just any disease, even if it isn't harmful! He gets very protective over sickness. wonder why!
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victoriams · 1 year
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ᴍʏ ʀᴏᴛ ɪꜱ ᴀꜱ ʜᴜɴɢʀʏ ᴀꜱ ᴍᴇ. ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜᴇɴ ɢᴏᴅ ᴀꜱᴋꜱ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ɪ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴘᴏɴᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄʀᴜᴇʟᴛʏ –
victoria pedretti . cis woman . she/her ➶ I RECOGNISE THAT FACE ! that’s DELILAH RIPLEY , the THIRTY year old MEMBER OF SNOW’S CABINET from THE CAPITOL . they’ve been in the capitol around HER WHOLE LIFE , long enough to gain a reputation for being so DISCIPLINED & RUTHLESS . they’re so lucky getting to live in the tribute center for the duration of the games! ( character ISN’T part of the uprising )
FULL NAME delilah ruth ripley
DATE OF BIRTH november 12, 64th year
AGE thirty
DISTRICT capitol
ROLE member of snow's cabinet; political fixer
GENDER cis woman
ORIENTATION pansexual panromantic 
POSITIVE TRAITS intelligent, disciplined, charming
NEGATIVE TRAITS manipulative, ruthless, amoral
MBTI entp-a – the debater
ENNEAGRAM type 8 – the challenger
MORAL ALIGNMENT neutral evil
ZODIAC scorpio
CHARACTER PARALLELS cersei lannister, game of thrones / regina george, mean girls / azula, avatar: the last airbender / blair waldorf, gossip girl / amy elliot dunne, gone girl / charlotte hale, westworld / love quinn, you
SELENIA RIPLEY mother, deceased
You are born in the dead of night, kicking and screaming – pulled from your mother like a tumour. Your parents name you DELILAH – delicate. You would soon prove to be anything but.
From a young age, you come to understand that there is something fundamentally wrong with you. It’s hard to pinpoint where it came from – maybe the poison in your heart came from your wretched mother, or your boorish father – or maybe something went awry when their genes mixed together and spat you out. Whatever it is, there is something missing inside of you. The part of your brain that tells you right from wrong, good from bad, virtue from vice. No, to you there is no right and wrong, just like there is no easter bunny and there is no god – there is only what serves you, and what does not. Life, you see, can be as simple as that.
You are a uniquely cruel child, in that your fangs are not immediately obvious. You are no brute – you understand that the key to power is popularity, and the key to popularity is charm. This, fortunately, you have in abundance. You learn to charm everybody around you, from your parents, to your teachers, to your peers. They see in you whatever they want to see – the perfect daughter, student, friend. Are you any of these things? Or do you simply pretend to be, to advance your own position – in the family, the classroom, the schoolyard? Does it matter? As far as you are concerned, there is very little to separate fact from fiction, and you are the arbiter of truth. 
You are perfect, because people believe you to be. You are prom queen, class captain, valedictorian, apple of your parents’ eyes. No matter the bloodstains on your teeth from the throats you have ripped out in your pursuit of excellence. No matter the bodies you have buried to keep your reputation intact. You are a bully, cheater, manipulator, tyrant. But you have to be to succeed. And there is nothing wrong with that.
You study political science at university. You minor in psychology. You decide to pursue politics – not because you wish to follow in the footsteps of your father ( though you cannot deny that a sense of satisfaction fills you whenever he throws this fact in Kaleb’s face ), but because of the power that will come with such a career. You rise through the ranks of the government quickly – you are the perfect mix of disciplined and vicious, gentle and brutal, hesitant and decisive. You know when to stay silent, and when to strike. You charm your superiors and make quick work of your peers – sinking your fangs into them before they can think about surpassing you. Blackmail, sabotage, or subtle manipulation see to many careers ending prematurely, and you being promoted in place. 
Maybe, were people paying more attention, they might notice that destruction seemed to follow you wherever you went.
You are promoted to President Snow’s cabinet by the time you are twenty-six. It’s a remarkable accomplishment, almost unheard of for someone outside of Snow’s family. You wear it like a badge of honour, and wield the power like a sword. These days, you are an indispensable weapon within Snow’s arsenal. They call you the gravekeeper – it’s your job to bury the bodies. Nobody else has the stomach to do it – to look the horrors of this government in the eye and cover them in a glossy veneer. Nobody else can handle scandal after scandal like you do. There are no other fixers quite like you, and this makes you valuable.
And, because you’re no fool, you keep souvenirs from each body. Paper trails and photographs and other memorabilia tucked away in a little box in your room. Enough evidence to end careers, to overthrow governments – if that is what you decided you wanted. Right now, your position serves you, and so it is where you remain. It’s nice to know, however, that at any moment, you could be the nail in your superiors’ coffins. It’s nice to know that, if you so wanted, you could watch the light leave President Snow’s eyes and take the throne for yourself.
And it’s nice to know that you wouldn’t feel an ounce of guilt doing it, because it's what you would deserve. And what's so wrong with that?
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joshquagmire · 1 year
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Late Easter night uploaded the 2nd Easter Dragnet page... (click the link) http://www.bunzandkatz.com/2023/04/09/easter-dragnet-caper-pt2 Who could be the criminal cretin behind our admittedly unlikely plot? The alleged Easter Bunny? The one-armed man? Professor Moriarty? My next door neighbor? Noooo, it's probably not him... Also, why do all the Bunnies look so similar, and what about the deadly mongoose egg? Rudie has only two more pages to solve it all,  let's hope her sleuthing skills are up to the task!
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🎃 Otokoyo Tart Contract - Special Edition
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💜 Owner: Chibizoo
Otokoyos are fox-like pets that feel much like a larger Scareon, which are Eeveelution esc Minipets. Like if your average Scareon is about cat sized, your average Otokoyo would be maybe average dog sized like Husky or Labrador sized? None of the pets have any official lore that I know of (would be posted to @thesporkedken if I'm wrong here) nor do they have official sizes that I know of, but they are MINIpets, meaning small! Sooooo I'm thinking they'd be like large horse at most but not whale sized. And probably smaller depending on the species with some rare exceptions.
Oh yeah btw, Chibizoo is the owner of the site. She likes the Kyubey/Contract pets and nergals the most and she has a based and awesome set of favorite pets. I prefer Nergals but I like how cute creepy Kyubey is.
🎃 Spring Bunny Mayor - Uncommon
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So gaia online has this character called the Mayor or he's a character in TiH roleplay, but he's a weird green rabbit creature who wears an eye patch despite not needing one, you can get him at the fishing hole, but only if you have enough points. Now that dailies don't reset one may never have enough.
🎃 Spring Bunny - Summon
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An odd fusion of two moscot esc characters from two very unrelated franchises dolled up nicely for Easter and the coming up spring. Minus the red orb, I like the design, kyubey with bat wings is a cute idea.
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Ma'am that's a an Espurr with an incubator complex. Espurr is a baby like Pokemon, it's supposedly strong, but cannot control its power well. In-game it's not as strong as it's Pokedex entries implies. A kyubey Espurr combo is a deadly one indeed.
🎃 Toad Contract - Uncommon
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It's a toad. And it's hands are the feelers. I personally feel like an axolotl themed pet would work better but I appreciate the cursed vibes this guy brings to the table.
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sky10937 · 2 months
"aSk liL oLd mE sOmEhTIN"
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deestimes · 6 months
Living the Dream Year 3 Day 325 - Clifty Hill 2 - Garage ready for concrete pour, Rocky Hollow Easter bunny, May VRBO
Year 3 Day 325 – “Living the Dream”. Friday, 3/22/2024. Clifty Hill 2 – The garage is ready for the concrete pour. We placed plastic pipes over the leveling pipes. They are for protection in case someone were to trip and fall. Falling on plastic pipe will hurt, but falling on steel bars can be deadly. My days always start with an hour long walk at Rocky Hollow Recreation Center. This is such a…
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writer59january13 · 6 months
Easter as interpreted by one...
rebated, rebelled, rebirthed, rebooted, and rebuked courtesy one ill shod Unitarian atheist, who means NOT to affect
any sacrilegious fallout nor offend devoutly religious man, woman, or child, when the most important Christian holiday notated, a veritable “movable feast” occurs Sunday, March 31, 2024.
Though avast percentage
of stonehenge temple piloted ghosts,
harking back millennia
constantly zip unseen thru aerospace, easily being mistaken for led zeppelin,
they unwittingly espy
woolly sheep hush fleeced herd
profoundly religious village peep pull
plodding fast as their
cleft hoofs take them
along well worn path
of former crusaders analogous to Riders on the Storm.
Among acquiescent, concupiscent fervescent, juvenescent obmutescent (äbmyəˈtesᵊn(t)s), and unreminiscent church going subjects
versus one self repentant
quest diagnostic shunning skeptic poet
suffers interminable emotional flagellation
employing righteous indignation
against his own iniquitous misdeeds
sullying the sacrosanct marital covenant.
Unpardonable egregious transgressions
committed (well nigh
dirty deeds done dirt cheap more'n a dozen orbitz ago)
think adulterous flagrante delicto
constituted consummating rutting
sabotaging high fidelity.
Passionate intercourse incorporating
communicating non verbal
vernacular animal needs
spoken on behalf of laity
comprising unlearned, nevertheless
superstitious population
indulged verboten fruit appetite,
yet adroit oral (tongue in cheek)
spread courtesy word of mouth.
Unlike doubting thomas here sitting on his rumpled stilted skin most pious markedly take as gospel Jesus Christ as Superstar
every word in religious tomes
their collective soul asylum polestar,
and doth decree important doctrines
with especial accord courtesy the cars
equal insignificance applied toward
Judeo-Christian holidays
across the chessboard of life,
thus Easter ranks as no exception
to the golden rule,
where Santa Claus
didst dodge Duesenberg reached an accord following auspicious signs
alit in the night sky
shaped like a drinking gourd
perhaps amassing plentiful harvests
upon hamlets strewn
across then scantily populated Earth
asper cornucopia exhibited secret hoard
sharing plentiful Horn (and Hard art lesson learned) to stave off barrenness, ignored
going forward seeding nascent
March Madness with swift help from Lord
and Taylor as midwife hoot
tended Ville Nova moored by striking Wildcat fanatics,
who unbelievably
espied heavens cleft asunder
and golden rays poured
while collective spectators
loudly deafeningly screamed while housed within the soundgarden
analogous to ferocious stray cats,
who hissed and roared
witnessed history scored earning players knighted
with Excalibur sword, thence entire team handed
Taj Mahal shaped award, which aforementioned
ass hide lacks moxie, cuz zit
happens tubby April Fool's joke,
thus above iterated
verses somehow needs just a little bit of relevance to yoke thine admitted ambivalent
reaction to sports, yea aye pay figurative toke
hen to Rabbinic, quixotic
iconic, Hebraic, generic,
fanatic, ecstatic primal
tribal village people wu clan destine woke,
and swinging focus of this poem
back toward Religious
perp ported berth,
when (sans antiquity) donjon we now donning gay apparel trumpet signaled
thus, any superstitions
blew away dearth when distant shofar heard in every home and hearth anticipating rabbit arrival
of the Easter Bunny, who brings eggs sited mirth and hoi polloi doth hop poly
distribute sweet treats, which blessed children
of the korn as grown adults, no matter necessity
for teeth to be removed the sugary over indulgence wool worth
today thee American Dental Association
chastises candy manufacturers bandying more weight
gaining deadly, debauched,
and decadent, trait
then adultery - verboten fruit to sate
hash-tagged (vamoose skat
dad dulled) reprobate.
0 notes
hitchell-mope · 8 months
Hypothetical titles for season 22 of 88.
The magic kingdom. Season premiere. Part one. Sidney and Findlay head off on the Disney cruise for their second honey. But Findlay has a nagging suspicion that they’re being followed.
A fifth avenue family vacation. Season premiere. Part two. The entirety of the Five Families descend upon the happy couple for “family togetherness”. Meanwhile. David coaches Clyde and Tina through their seasickness.
Back to front. Join Captain Birch on a highly confusing case that seems to start with the arrest and seems to end with the crime.
Good, bad and worse. Findlay, Sidney and Drummond’s let rip when they interrogate an unrepentant serial killer who will only tell them that nobody ever misses the boys. Guest starring Jenny Slate as Sad Clown Mona.
The r word. Clyde’s mother attempts to sue Findlay for full custody. Pointedly ignoring the fact that Clyde is in his thirties and Findlay is only his legal next of kin. Guest starring Debra Messing and Liz Gillies as Noreen and Deloris O’Bannon
Never hire a hooker at a government funeral. The team attends the funeral of Eamon Corman in Scotland and meets his son Edmond (Ty Tennant). Meanwhile. Jaspers indiscretion at the funeral could spell ruin for the Downey’s. Also guest starring Miranda Hart, Tom Ellis and Jack Whitehall.
Raise a little hell. Drummond gets an unwelcome surprise when he finds out they he inspired Tina to bankroll a revival of Bonnie and Clyde.
RBS (Responsibility BullShhhh). Barnaby and Jonah fall victim to the trappings of their lives when they end up losing Theo at the mall.
Gold star. Maybelle, Aida and Jacob have to decide whether or not to represent a lesbian woman who killed her girlfriend after the girlfriend came out to her as bisexual.
Spin the wheel. Lysander accompanies Tina back home to England as she supports her family through Jasper’s scandal. Guest starring Dani Harmer as Harriet Downey and Karen Gillan as Ms Leslie Korn.
Class three kill storm. The Five Families help New York batten down in preparation for possibly deadly blizzard.
Averse to tradition. Midseason finale. Part one. Jones and Skipper get into a blazing row when Skipper and Oswald won’t allow Theo take part in the 200 turkeys tradition.
Battle of the grandmothers. Midseason premiere. Part two. Oswald’s mother (returning guest star Catherine Zeta Jones) drops by for Christmas to visit Theo for the first time ever and immediately butts heads with Delaney who has made an unwise attempt at a dry Christmas for the first time since Skipper graduated college.
Awards season. The Mages And The Mundane sweep the Daytime Emmy Awards for the 88th year in a row. But Emerson’s acceptance speech threatens to throw Findlay’s entire life schedule into disarray.
What’s best for us. Part one. After Donovan decides to Move On to Heaven, Beaumont and Winnifred decide to Take Their Leave with Celestine electing to join them. Which puts a great deal of stress on Leland, Delaney and Jones. Final appearances of Bill Murray, Donald Sutherland, Whoopi Goldberg and Wendie Malick
It isn’t about us. Part two. Unable to take over his inheritance due to being in charge of the Supreme Court, Leland puts Zoey in charge of the Mulligan Estate. Wholly unprepared for the responsibility, Zoey lets slip a secret to Findlay about Clementines death that she’s been holding on to for nine years.
The easter baby. Andy throws a blowout block party for his umpteenth birthday. Guest starring Kristen Bell as The Easter Bunny.
Exempt. Andy helps Oswald and Skipper out with a problem with Theo without letting them know he’s the cause of the preteens change of attitude.
Canoodling. Tina goes a little unnecessarily off kilter when Skipper and Zoey get trapped inside the Wilkins family’s panic room.
Legal limit. The twins 21st birthday is coming up. And Barnaby persuades Findlay to acquiesce to a dinner with Jonah and Jack.
Better as friends. Now that Clyde and David are officially together. David has to find a way to let an extremely enamoured Macy down as gently as possible
The Oberon haunting. Sidney, Drummond, Jones and Sawyer get trapped in the basement of the Oberon during an unprecedented spectre infestation, forcing them to fight their way out before the fumigators arrive at dawn.
Portraits. Season finale. Part one. The team returns to Meadowlark Retirement Home when they learn of a resident who was just admitted for hospice care due to being in a state of constant, paralysing pain since 1916 which is tied to an incredibly famous painting. Guest starting Michael Sheen as Ewan Harvard and Joseph Quinn as Dorian Gray.
Mommy it’s here anymore. Season finale. Part two. The portrait is sent to the precinct in hopes that Lucia and Andy can negate its hold on Dorian. But a problem arises when Findlay learns that the painting must ALWAYS be occupied. One way or another. First appearance of Navillus Yaldnif
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
🐇 (for Marco)
Send 🐇 for my muse to grow bunny ears and a tail for a day. 
- Still accepting
“The heck is this, yoi?” Marco cursed, when Izo told him that he’d grown bunny ears and a cute tail to go with it. Amusement was clear in the tone of the sixteenth division commander, as he informed Marco bout this new transformation, which had earned some laugther n the Moby Dick.
A frown and small growl was enough to tell that Marco was definitely not finding this cute. At all. “Be careful or this magic could hit you too, yoi.” Marco hated that Grand Line magic appeared when they least expected it. And this one was not funny.
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