#deal with anything at that time and misao felt like she just HAD to leave even though she had someone depending on her.
anthromimicry · 5 months
where do you carry your pain?
your arms.
you have tried to hold onto what is dear to you, only for it to be wrenched from your hands...
tagged by: @divingdownthehole!
tagging: @frostise, @redvived, @dispatched, @twcfaces, @vulpesse, and anyone else who might like to do this quiz!
#ALL POWER DEMANDS PAIN AND SACRIFICE: musings.#rp memes.#oof... WELL. this one hurt a little JSJSJS#i mean the two people that misao loved more than ANYTHING ( her mother && her half-brother ) were both taken from in a way.#so i'd say this is pretty accurate NGL. i mean kaiyah misao's mother was forcibly taken from her by a hunter-#and she loved her SOOO much even despite all of the complexities within their relationship. thus misao would-#pretty much give anything to have her back tbh and with ryuuji or misao's half brother-#she feels as if he was taken from her by her own hand because misao felt all of this PRESSURE and responsibility to take care of him-#y'know? though misao knows that it wasn't kaiyah's fault of course that she couldn't take care of him that well. however regardless of-#whether it was or not it led her to feel like she DESPERATELY wanted to run away from her situation the more time went on-#and whenever kaiyah died that was kind of the straw that broke the camels back for her i think. like she couldn't-#deal with anything at that time and misao felt like she just HAD to leave even though she had someone depending on her.#and as a result she felt like she stripped both ryuuji of a good childhood + herself of a good relationship-#with her half-brother and it was all her fault. like if only she had been stronger then she could've stayed with him-#but she wasn't and misao honestly agonizes over that fact even though the situation is much more complicated-#than it being her fault because of everything that she was going through. and by that i mean the amount of despair-#she felt was IMMEASUREABLE + her emotional needs were not met so misao not knowing what to do when faced-#with a crisis as bad as your mother dying in front of you is honestly kind of understandable. so yeahhh#i feel like misao could really use a hug TBH but she probably wouldn't accept it even if someone offered one to her ):
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iohourtime · 4 years
Kiokuya (The Memory Eraser) Review - With Spoilers
Since I read the book, sort of followed the filming progress, and read a bunch of interviews (that all sounded the same after a while), I should finish off by writing a review for the movie itself! 
Thanks to the pandemic, I was stuck at home watching Netflix for 7 months, so I’ve watched all sorts of movies & TV; sadly most are in the average to crappy category. To me, Kiokuya was probably in the average to slightly above average category. In other words, there are elements I like and there are things I feel the movie can improve on.
The review is a bit long since apparently I have a lot of thoughts about the script.😅 I pretty much summed up my thoughts in the “theme” section. If you are interested in the book / movie differences & things from the DVD visual commentary, I included those in the script & characters section. (Movie Walker included highlights from the visual commentary here.) . If you want to discuss the movie but don’t want to put spoilers on Twitter, leave me a message.
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The movie’s main theme is obviously about memory. If a memory is making your life miserable, or even stopping you from living, is it better to erase it? Or do all memories, even bad ones, shape you as a human? If someone’s memory of you is gone, are you killed in their minds? If you think someone is better off forgetting you, do you have the right to ask Kiokuya to erase their memories of you? Are the memories gone forever? If you have the power to erase someone’s memory, what are your responsibilities? And to some extent, what are the criteria to evaluate each request and what due diligence should you do before you accept this task? These were the questions the movie wanted you to ask. You know because the movie kept hitting you on the head through the dialogue! That’s probably my main complaint about the movie.
I didn’t study film so I don’t know the theories, but I think being heavy handed at telling you what you should be thinking is like listening to a textbook; it robs the audience of the chance to experience and internalize what they saw, and as a result, they are less able to connect emotionally to the film. That’s not to say people are not moved by the movie and empathize with the characters. I feel that it had more to do with the actors than the script though.
I think the cinematography was generally nice. I liked how they used the drone shots to film the beautiful Hiroshima scenery. The sunset scene was beautiful. The music did not seem intrusive. Other than that, I’m not sure I have more to say. (Fine. Yamada looked good in the plaid shirts and his hair was on point.)
Script vs Book: (Spoiler alert from here on!)
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Kiokuya, the movie, was an adaptation of a “horror” novel of the same name. Although there were horror elements, mostly because Kiokuya was kind of a shadowy figure, even the novel itself was focused more on humanity. The original story was divided into 4 parts; the first 3 parts were really 3 separate short stories that explored different reasons people have for wanting their memories erased. The final part was about Kiokuya herself. The Ryoichi character simply served as a bridge between the stories. Here’s a brief description:
Kyoko - A while ago, she was attacked in a dark alley but was saved at the last minute. Even though she was unharmed, she developed a crippling phobia of the dark, so she locked herself inside her home at night and was not able to live a normal life. She and Ryoichi were kinda but not really dating, and Ryoichi, being a typical guy, figured he could fix her. Kyoko tried everything but as a last resort, she asked Kiokuya to erase her memory of the attack. Since her relation with Ryoichi was based almost entirely on overcoming the phobia, she forgot him too. Through this incident, Ryoichi remembered how Maki had her memory erased when she was 5 or 6 - she saw her mom confessing to her dad that she had an affair with her uncle. Kiokuya might have erased Maki’s memory a second time when she was 10-12. Finally, he realized he “forgot” about his year-long investigation of Kiokuya with Takahara & others. It seemed like he was doggedly pursuing Kiokuya because he felt violated more than his undying love for Kyoko. In his own words, he didn’t try to rebuild his relationship with Kyoko again after she forgot about him. There was nothing stopping him, so his feelings towards Kyoko were not that deep.
Takahara - He was a 30 year old ikemen lawyer, though like the movie, he was dying. The chapter focused on his touching friendship with his assistant. Takahara was also close with Nanami, a suicidal, 17-year-old daughter of a client who became very attached to him. When Takahara found out Nanami planned to kill herself after he died, he asked Kiokuya to erase her memory of him so that she would live on.
Misao & Kaname - They were childhood friends and Misao started crushing on Kaname. She confessed and was rejected, but after that, they were not able to be friends like before. She figured if she erased everything about Kaname, they may be able to start over and become friends again without the awkward feelings.
Maki - Ryoichi thought Maki was looking for Kiokuya to erase some unpleasant memories. Then he found out she was Kiokuya, who inherited her ability from her grandfather. In the end, Maki confessed to the burden of being Kiokuya and Ryoichi told her he would support her and that she didn’t have to do it alone. Maki decided to erase anything Kiokuya related in his memory, but their friendship remained intact. Oh, Maki was 17 in the book and also had a crush on Ryoichi. She erased his memories many times before. Like in the movie, she also would like Ryoichi to love her just once, although he never ever saw her as anyone other than his annoying little sister. 😅
The director of the movie, Hirakawa Yuichi, also wrote or co-wrote the script. While the movie stuck to the themes of the novel, the motivations were completely different. Kyoko and Misao were both rape victims, Takahara now wanted to protect his young daughter from the sadness of his death, and Maki was herself kidnapped by a psychopath when she was a kid. I guess Hirakawa needed to pump up the drama and felt the stakes were not high enough for a 2 hour movie? There is always some uneasiness with using rape and trauma to move the story along. I guess there is a difference between this and the usual example of “fridging a female character”, i.e. kill a love interest of the hero to motivate him on some journey. Ryoichi was motivated by being erased and he actually gradually realized he should not push for restoring Kyoko’s memories if it was her wish. He only found out what happened to her at the end of the movie. Considering their relationship in the movie was a lot more serious, they couldn’t really use the phobia of darkness reason. However, it would also take something really big for Kyoko to want her memory erased while not talking to Ryoichi beforehand. Anyway, I really don’t see a way out of this.
For Misao though, I didn’t think they needed to make her a victim of the same serial rapist, especially when they use the same reason as the book for erasing Kaname. I suppose they need to explain why Nanami (and later Ryoichi) was looking into them? But they could just have the doctor referred the case (who appeared to be breaking doctor-patient confidentiality?! Just me?) In fact, the whole Misao / Kaname storyline didn’t really do much other than allowing Ryoichi to find out from Kaname that Kiokuya was a young girl.
Maki’s childhood trauma was also a bit excessive. I can’t see it as anything other than to get Ryoichi out to Hiroshima to talk to Grandpa. While finding out mom was “dealing with” uncle would be traumatic for a young child, it might not be dramatic enough for a movie.
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Ryoichi & Maki’s origins were also changed. They were now raised in Hiroshima and moved to Tokyo to attend university. The only reason was to place Grandpa-Kiokuya in Hiroshima after the bombing. While I liked the grandpa scene, was it necessary? They already covered the “Kiokuya after WWII” with the interview with the elderly woman. I think they could still keep Grandpa, since he was Kiokuya (and ironically suffering from Alzheimer’s) but maybe just skip the elderly woman part and use those minutes to build Ryoichi & Kyoko’s relationship! 
Upgrading Ryoichi & Kyoko’s relationship to being engaged gave him more incentive to look for Kiokuya, but all we got to see was 1 proposal scene and some snapshots, which made it harder for us to understand the loss Ryoichi experienced when Kyoko forgot him. Ultimately, I feel that more time should be given to the “before” times. They don’t even need that much. If done effectively like the movie Searching with John Cho, 5 minutes or so of clips would be enough to get us to care more. I’m not saying people won’t care, but it’s true that there are people who didn’t quite feel it. Yamada basically had to sell it with longing looks at Renbutsu, so how deeply you feel for them depends on whether you buy it or not.
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Takahara’s story might have been changed because of who they cast. Also, Takahara & Nanami’s relationship in the book was kinda weird, considering Nanami actually loved him and she was 17 while he was 30. I definitely cannot agree with how Movie Takahara wanted to erase his daughter’s memory to spare her the pain of losing him. It reminded me of that Black Mirror episode where the mom put in a blocker to shield her daughter from bad things. It ended up messing up the girl & broke their relationship. Young children are resilient and the sadness would eventually change into something else, which would shape their characters. Also, just because she forgot her birth father didn’t mean she would suddenly get along with her stepfather. I won’t even get into the whole consent thing. It was a good thing Maki did not follow through.
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Less good was what Movie Maki did to Ryoichi & Kyoko though. When I found out Movie Ryoichi & Kyoko were engaged instead of “pre-dating” like in the book, I was quite worried they would have Movie Maki erase Ryoichi from Kyoko’s mind for selfish reasons. I was hoping that maybe he got erased by mistake, but unfortunately, the script did go with the jealousy angle, which made Maki extremely unsympathetic.
In the visual commentary, they said they rewrote the ending because it didn’t fit. Maki erased her entire existence from Ryoichi's mind as penance for what she did. (I think initially, they were going with the book ending where Maki just erased Kiokuya from his head.) In the end, the actual cut used in the movie was more ambiguous - they “left it to the audience” to decide how much Maki erased and whether Ryoichi & Kyoko got a second chance at happiness. (The director said it ended on a hopeful note. Take it how you want.)
It’s unclear if Movie Maki erased Ryoichi’s memories more than once, but Book Maki had done it many times. Even though Book Maki seemed more responsible with her powers and didn’t slip up like Movie Maki, she did wipe part of Ryoichi’s memories without his consent. Ryoichi said that she didn’t have to do this alone and she could lean on him, so why didn’t she? Also, losing all that memory got to have some long term effect on him, right? In the movie, it was worse because Maki took the “easy” way out by erasing herself. Yes, she was punishing herself, but shouldn’t the more courageous thing to do was to own up to what she had done and work for Ryoichi’s (& Kyoko’s) forgiveness?
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Speaking of Ryoichi’s forgiveness, I actually saw some viewers calling Ryoichi a cad for telling Maki that he would always protect her and be by her side to protect her. Apparently they seemed to think he was in love with Maki and forgot all about Kyoko. Well, I think in that moment, there were 3 things going on: 1) Takahara told him that it was better to forgive and that there will be justice in other ways, 2) he understood why it was devastating to Kyoko to remember what happened and 3) Maki was like his little sister. His immediate desire to comfort his friend overrode the anger and betrayal he might have felt. Had Maki not erased his memory around 2 minutes after, who knew if they would have a more substantial talk? He didn’t even have a chance to talk to Kyoko. (I suspect Maki would have tried to “spare him” by erasing his relationship with Kyoko as well. He still ended up at the cafe because he could remember physically going there a lot.)
Overall, I think the movie was a bit unfocused due to some extraneous storylines and having too much exposition, which was a disservice to some of the characters. It failed to show how their relationships build, like Ryoichi & Takahara became buddies over what seemed like a week! I wish they trimmed a couple of the minor stories and used that time to go deeper on the main lines.
Characters / Actors:
Yoshimura Ryoichi (Yamada Ryosuke)
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I was watching the movie and halfway through when it hit me… Yamada’s Ryoichi was… normal? I mean obviously quite good looking in the boy-next-door kind of way, but Ryoichi was a regular, run-of-the-mill university student, who was normally an optimistic and forgiving but happened to be dealing with heartbreak at the moment. Seriously, if you’ve watched Yamada’s other works, his characters are usually kind of comedic, sort of pathetic, occasionally brilliant, psychotic, or… non-human. (Very odd roles for a Johnny’s actor.) He probably has not been this normal since the 24Hr drama. He still cried a lot, so that’s familiar.
OK, let’s get back on topic. Since Book Ryoichi functioned more as a character that connects the short stories rather than a real character, I didn’t have hopes for the movie version. Surprisingly, Movie Ryoichi came across as a real person and I did care what happened to him. While we didn’t get to see how Ryoichi & Kyoko were in happier times, he was able to convey the longing and slight awkwardness in their interaction when he tried to talk to her after. Similarly, in the scene where he learned of Takahara’s death, you could tell what was going through his mind even though he said nothing. Same with the final “confrontation” with Maki. Even though he didn’t say much, his eyes conveyed the emotions subtly: the longing, shock, confusion, etc. Overall, he was quite subtle and natural. As the articles say, he managed to “suppress his aura” and played an average guy. I hope he can play more of these subtle types of roles in future. (It is unfortunate that a lot of people have preconceived notions about Johnny’s actors, to put it politely. It’s like the reverse of the “fan blinder” that we sometimes get accused of having.)
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Now there are some discussions as to whether he overacted in the crying scenes. The main “crying” scenes were probably 1) confession to grandpa in Hiroshima, 2) in the rain, and 3) reading the letter. I’ve seen people say he overacted in either 1) or 2).
When I first watched the Hiroshima scene, I did feel that his crying may have been a bit much because I was watching the movie with just Japanese subtitles, so I missed an important detail: Ryoichi told his mom he was going to Hiroshima to confront his past. When you consider that Ryoichi had been carrying the guilt for “causing” Maki’s kidnapping for 15 years, it was totally reasonable for him to prostrate himself in front of Grandpa. He would also be relieved when Grandpa told him the statute of limitation was over and he should forgive himself. As an aside, according to the director in the visual commentary, Yamada cried in the first take of the scene. Hirakawa said “Aren’t you crying too much?” Yamada said “OK, I’ll do another take without crying.” However, when the Director was cutting the movie together, he suddenly saw Ryoichi’s mental journey and ended up using the first take because it was the logical conclusion to the closure he got.
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In the rain scene, he just learned about Kyoko’s attack. Knowing how much hurt she endured and how he did nothing to support and comfort her, he was still in a state of shock when he got knocked down. Then the dam burst and he cried hysterically. That seemed quite reasonable to me. I was more shocked that nobody checked on the guy who fell on the pavement and was crying. Pedestrians were cold! So I don’t really understand the objection to that scene. Maybe they thought this was something that happened a while ago and/or he didn’t love Kyoko that much, so he wouldn’t be that emotional?
I don’t think people have issues with the letter scene? Narratively, it made the most sense since he was close with Takahara, who was literally speaking to him from the grave via the letter. Oh, they talked about filming the letter scene in the visual commentary. Yamada was just reading the letter in silence and they added in Takahara’s narration in post production. Since he wanted to save the emotional outburst for the real take, he did not dare to look at the letter during the rehearsal.
One last thing, Yamada and Yoshine spoke in Hiroshima-ben when they were talking amongst each other. I have horrible listening skills and while I think he used some slang or phrasing, his accent still seemed mostly Kanto. It’s like if I call a bunch of people “wankers” with a Canadian accent; it doesn’t make me sound English. Maybe someone can tell me just how well (or not) he did.
Kawai Maki (Yoshine Kyoko)
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I have only watched Yoshine in the drama Stay Tuned and I liked her there. She played this airhead character who could be super annoying if the balance was off, yet she came across as likeable. I think she portrayed Maki very well in this movie. Of course, I knew she was Kiokuya going in, so even at the beginning, you could see some of her subtle reactions to the Kiokuya discussions. I really liked her chemistry with Yamada - they felt like they could have been lifelong friends. While she played the annoying little sister part quite well, you could also see the pain she felt when she had to make difficult choices like erasing Nanami’s memory. Throughout the movie, you could sense her regret for what she did to Ryoichi. Her emotions in the final scene were also very raw. While Maki’s characterization was problematic, Yoshine was really good at playing that character and you might even be sympathetic towards her. Also, I feel that her Hiroshima-ben might be more on point? Some people didn’t buy that she was in love with Ryoichi the whole time. I thought the flashbacks made it pretty clear but I’ve also read the book, so there’s that.
In the visual commentary, they were talking about their various acting styles. Yoshine said she carried her emotions with her even after the director shouted cut. So when she was shooting the last scene, she was still crying furiously afterwards. Yamada said she was like an acting monster - she could get right into the emotions even during the table read. It was funny how different she is from Yamada and Renbutsu. They are the flip-the-switch type - when the director yells cut, it was like they woke up from a dream into a different world. She also apologized to Yamada when they were watching the scene where she confessed to selfishly erasing Kyoko’s memory of Ryoichi.😅
Takahara Tomoaki (Sasaki Kuranosuke)
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I have not seen Sasaki’s other projects, so I had no idea what to expect. His Takahara came  across as pretty charming, easy going, and playful, though you could feel his love for his daughter and the hard decision he had to make. He also had a natural chemistry with the other cast and was very believable. While I disagree with what Takahara wanted, Sasaki’s acting as Takahara made sense. I don’t know what more to say. It is probably expected since he is a veteran and is generally well regarded as an actor.
Sawada Kyoko (Renbutsu Misako)
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I have only seen Renbutsu in Hagaren. I liked her character there. I also liked how Yamada decided to break the ice with her back then by asking if she has any friends. (She had more friends than him. 😅) To be honest, there wasn’t much for her to do in this movie, although I think she was believable as the very confused Kyoko. She was apprehensive about Ryoichi in the “after” scenes, who was honestly coming across too strong. I don’t think Ryoichi & Kyoko really had crackling sexual chemistry based on the proposal scene, but they seemed like a cute couple. They were pretty cute together in the behind-the-scenes featurette when they took the “dating photos”. I wish those dates were included in the movie.
As you can see above, I have some general issues about the script but I think the actors elevated the story. The movie could have been better if it streamlined some of the storylines. Right now, it was trying to go for a deeper message but the stories themselves were a bit too superficial to accomplish that. I suppose the problem was that the original novel was more like an anthology of short stories dealing with memory, so it was hard to create a through line for a movie.
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kagami190 · 4 years
“Death & Rebirth” Chapter 2: Rebirth
Chapter 2: Rebirth
Immediately after getting out of bed, Kagami had invited her high school classmate Misao Kusakabe out to the shopping district and rushed out of the house. Kagami felt guilty leaving her twin sister in the dust so early in the day, but she was in dire need of a confidant who wasn't a family member.
Misao was certainly a loyal friend and made for good company - especially in as much as she probably wouldn't notice how mentally preoccupied Kagami was.
"I mean, ya think about it, it doesn't make any sense!" Misao said, her cute little snaggletooth showing amidst every word out of her mouth.
Kagami didn't know what Misao was talking about, she didn't necessarily care either. She just nodded. Misao was wearing a new shirt and a skirt Kagami had never seen before - which wasn't surprising considering she was just getting used to not seeing her friends in their uniformed colors every day.
She wasn't depressed, just lost in thought. She didn't want to be alone, she didn't know what she would do. She needed to be around someone so she didn't do anything crazy. Which is why she made the decision to call Misao as soon as she had woken up. She didn't want this to get around to her more immediate group of friends. Most especially her sister and loud-mouthed Konata.
Misao on the other hand, it was all the same to her. Kagami assumed she would talk to a wall if another person wasn't around.
She couldn't keep this up forever though. She'd have to face the music at some point.
As beautiful people walked by - regardless of whether they were male or female - Kagami would sexualize them. Sometimes feeling her nipples harden at the excitement of a beautiful woman or the natural smell of a handsome man jogging past. She didn't know how people could do it. How can they walk around like this and pay attention to anything else?
Kagami blushed, lost in her naughty thoughts, and felt a tingling, her panties moistened a little. 
"... Right?!" Misao's voice came back into focus, "What do you think, Hiiragi?"
Kagami snapped back into reality.
"Uhh.." Kagami said, "Sure."
"Heyyyy!" Misao observed immediately, switching tracks without a beat and pointing at Kagami "You're all red-faced!"
She blushed brighter red.
"What's the big deal?" Misao was confused. "You sick or somethin' Hiiragi?" "I haven't really felt like myself lately, no," Kagami admitted. Misao took a second to process this, "Soooo... Does that mean your sick?"
Kagami laughed a little, the first small feeling of happiness since last night, "No Misao, I'm not sick."
"Ya sure?" Misao confirmed.
"I'm sure," Kagami said.
"Then is it a boy?" Misao asked.
The blood rushed to Kagami's face again. She wore her emotions right on her sleeve. She'd always known this.
"So is that what all the red faceyness was about?" Misao said, grinning, "Saw something you liked, Hiiragi?"
"No! I mean..." Kagami started.
"I saw some hotties walkin' down these streets." Misao said, "Don't think I didn't catch you turning your head"
Kagami gasped, "You saw that?"
Misao giggled, "Nah, I was yappin' too much to notice stuff like that. You definitely threw yourself under the bus on that one."
Kagami sighed, annoyed, "Thanks for that."
"There's the Hiiragi I know!" Misao said, "Now come on, what boy do you have on your mind? Did he go to school with us? It wasn't 'Sebastian' was it?"
"It's..." Kagami paused, "Complicated."
Misao frowned a little, "Aw, come on Hiiragi. I mean, I know we didn't hang out much outside of school, but I'm tryin' to be a good friend here."
"You're right," Kagami grinned, "Sorry."
Misao looked to their right as they passed by a Taiwanese restaurant, a quaint establishment that had two giant posters in its window. One said, "DAILY SPECIALS!" the other, "BOBA TEA!"
"I know!" She said, stopping right in front of it.
"Huh?" Kagami said, realizing Misao was no longer walking beside her.
"Boba Tea!" Misao said, "Awesome stuff!"
Kagami backtracked a few steps to catch up with Misao "Oh. The Taiwanese bubble tea with the huge tapioca balls at the bottom."
"Um, yeah! The best drink to have deep conversations over!" Misao smiled as she grabbed Kagami by the hand, dragging her into the restaurant.
Kagami slightly resisted but allowed Misao to pull her in. "Aren't you thinking about coffee? Besides, the convo I want to have is a little personal..."
"Nah, coffee sucks," Misao said, walking up to the front counter, "Boba tea is where it's at!"
"Hello! Welcome!" They heard, the clerk calling to them as they walked up to the counter.
"Hi, nice to meet ya!" Misao said, "Just two for the bar please, we're just gonna get some boba tea."
The man nodded, "Boba tea is the reason this place stays open." He smiled and gestured for the girls to come toward him. "Boba tea is a relatively young, but very profitable Taiwanese tradition."
"Young?" Kagami asked as she and Misao followed behind him.
"It's a staple of Taiwanese culture and it hasn't even been around 40 years!" The man said, leading Kagami and Misao to the bar, pulling the tall chairs out for them.
Misao sat down, "Hehe... This is kinda cool. Feel like a big girl sitting on this stool chair." "What kind of boba tea would you girls like?" The man smiled.
"I'll have coconut with passion fruit boba!" Misao said proudly.
"Of course." The man said, "And for you?"
"Um..." Kagami started, "I'll have what she's having."
"Very good." The man said, scurrying away.
"That guy sure was happy about the significance of boba tea," Kagami said.
"Like my Dad says the only way to stay afloat is to love what life deals you." Misao said, "This guy's really invested in his job, but maybe that's because it's all he has."
"Sounds like settling to me," Kagami said dryly, "They pay him so he probably just fakes it."
Misao shook her head, "Always the depressing logic from you, Hiiragi."
Kagami sighed, putting her head on the bar, "I'm just so confused," She whined out loud.
"Oh, that's right!" Misao said, "I got so excited about the boba that I forgot what we were coming in here for. Your boy troubles! Okay, tell me all about it!"
"It's..." Kagami said, "It's not a boy." "Oh?" "It's..." Kagami thought for a second, "It's like..." "Take your time Hiiragi, don't bust a blood vessel. " "I'm just trying to think of how to word it!" Kagami snapped. "Okay, okay!" Misao laughed, "So it's like?" "Well... have you ever been through a life-changing experience?" Kagami asked. "What?" Misao replied, " Like someone dying?"
"Not really..." Kagami said, taking a second to remember how last night felt like the death of her innocence. Who knew death could feel so good.
"Becoming a millionaire?" Misao guessed again, "If you're a millionaire, you should loan me some money."
"No, not a millionaire," Kagami rolled her eyes, "Like... you ever heard of people who find religion? People, who say they're saved?"
"Like those reborn again people?" Misao said, "You a holy roller now? I always knew your family was religious but you never seemed all that bought-in."
"Not that," Kagami said, "But something just as earth-shattering changed who I thought I was..."
Misao, usually full of smiles and always talking fell silent, and in her bright brown eyes you could see immediate worry for her friend.
"Hey, Kagami..." Misao started Kagami felt a slight startle at Misao calling her by her given name. "You know I'm here for ya," Misao said, "Whatever it is, I want to help okay?"
There was a small silence as Kagami decided whether or not to fully confide in Misao. Could she keep such a weird secret? Were they close enough so that she wouldn't be totally creeped out and run away?
Before she could think about it more, the man from earlier returned, with as much gusto as ever, cups and big straws in hand. He sat down their boba teas in front of them.
"Two coconut and passion fruit for the pretty young ladies!" He announced cheerfully, "Enjoy! If you want to order anything the menu is right in front of you."
"Thanks." The girls said, and he walked away leaving them once again to their own devices.
"His happiness definitely seems genuine," Misao said after he had left, "I don't think he's faking or settling."
After a small beat, Kagami finally spoke. "Misao, have you ever had a boyfriend?" Kagami asked.
Misao wasn't expecting that and this time it was her face that flushed a little bit, "Well... I mean... Not, like, anything official or nothin' like that."
"Neither have I." Kagami said, "I think I need one in my life. I'm craving something more lately..."
Misao thought she knew where this was going, "Love?"
Kagami took a deep breath as her heart raced. It was now or never, "Sex."
Misao's big amber-brown eyes widened, her pupils shrinking as the light hit them. "Umm..."
"Please," Kagami immediately said, "Don't hate me or think I'm weird. I swear I just wanted to tell someone and I thought..."
"Hiiragi, it's okay," Misao said recoiling, "Calm down, I don't hate you. And it's not weird that a teenage girl is interested in sex."
"Is it weird that I got off to a hentai anime?" Kagami immediately followed up.
Misao, obviously taken aback again by how much Kagami had to get off her chest, after a few moments said, "Well... I've definitely heard weirder."
That didn't really make Kagami feel much better, but at least Misao wasn't running away.
"I gotta tell you Hiiragi," Misao grinned suggestively, "You're the last person in the world I expected to be a nymphomaniac."
"I'm not a nympho!" She said defensively, "I just have this new feeling and I'm confused." "Confused about?" Kagami blushed, "Wanting...to feel pleasure... I guess." "So you ARE a nympho!" Misao laughed.
"I am NOT!" Kagami shot back. "I'm..." "So you're not sex-starved," Misao said.
"I mean, it's hard to explain," Kagami started, "Konata lent Tsukasa an anime DVD. She didn't have time to watch it, so I asked if I could. She mistakingly lent her a hentai DVD."
"Mistakingly?" Misao asked, "Wouldn't put it past that girl to do it on purpose as some kinda pervy joke."
Kagami hadn't thought about that. She was surprised she hadn't.
"So you watched it and liked it huh?" Misao said.
"More than liked it," Kagami said, "I got... I got really warm and... I mean, so, I like..."
"Did ya diddle yourself, Hiiragi?" Misao said smiling.
"Ya know," Kagami said, annoyance bubbling, "For this being a moment where I spill my darkest secret you're not being very sensitive.
"Darkest secret?" Misao said, more amused, "Hiiragi if all you did was touch yourself..."
Kagami looked around worriedly, "Not so loud! This isn't really the most appropriate place for this conversation."
"I'm no sex researcher scientist person," Misao said, "But I'd say that it's very likely that most every person masturbates at least once."
"Have you..." Kagami's voice lowered to a whisper, "Ya know... Did what I did? To yourself?" "Uhh..." Misao stammered, "Well..."
"We're being honest with each other, right?" Kagami said, "Only the two of us have to know anything about this conversation."
"Yeah," Misao looked at the ground as her skin flushed, then looked back to Kagami, finding it hard to keep eye contact, "I have."
Kagami turned in her barstool to face Misao, "Oh, my God really?" Kagami grabbed her hand, "I'm not the only one?"
Misao raised an eyebrow and eased her hand free, "I told ya. Everyone does it at one point."
"What made you do it?" Kagami asked.
"Woah, Hiiragi..." Misao scratched the back of her head, "I knew we were gonna come in here for girl talk but didn't know it was really gonna be, like, girl talk. On second thought this might not be the best place to talk about stuff like that."
Kagami threw her an evil glare, "That's what I heavily alluded to before you decided to sit down in a public place for a drink, Misao."
"Well!" Misao defended, "That was before you wanted to go into detail about how we diddle ourselves."
"Would you stop calling it that?" Kagami pleaded tiredly.
"Okay, how we touch ourselves." Misao corrected
Kagami blushed a slight pink again, "Right. That." She said, looking at the ground embarrassingly.
"Okay, let's drink our boba tea!" Misao said cheerfully, "There's plenty of time for that other stuff later!"
"Right," Kagami said, smiling and feeling much more at ease, "We'll save that subject for later."
Kagami looked down at the drink in front of her, which she had yet to touch. It didn't look very much like any tea she'd ever drunk. It was cold first of all - and it had an off-white color to the liquid. At the bottom were things that looked like bubbles - the signature look of boba tea. The bubbles at the bottom of her cup were orange. Besides that, it was served in a plastic cup with a circular plastic seal covering the top of the cup. Accompanied by the sealed cup was a big, silly- looking straw still in its wrapper.
"How do I drink this thing?" Kagami asked, surveying how excessively big the straw was.
"Oh," Misao said, "Stab the straw through its wrapper to open it, then break the seal with the straw. Thrust the straw in the center of the plastic film on the cup."
Kagami did so. "Now you can drink the tea and suck the balls!" Misao said happily. "Uh..." Kagami said, "Suck the..."
There was a small beat of silence as the girls looked over at each other, noticing the presence of the double entendres. Then silently realizing that it was they who made the connection, making it clear they both were concentrating on the concept of sex.
They stared blankly at their boba teas and straws, taking a second to focus on the giant tapioca balls.
"I'm not really feelin' the boba tea," Kagami said. "Me neither." Misao said, "Still, those are pretty huge balls huh?"
Kagami turned to wave someone down, "Check, please."
On the way into Misao's home, Kagami had taken a quick glance at the front room of the house. It was pretty cluttered, at least for a Japanese home. It definitely fit Misao's personality. It was very quiet too. She wondered where the rest of Misao's family was.
"Make yourself at home, Hiiragi." Misao said, "Want anything?" "Do you have tea?" Kagami asked, "Not that Boba nonsense. Normal tea?" Misao smiled, "Sure. I was thinking the same thing. One sec."
Misao left the room for a few moments, leaving Kagami by herself in the room. Kagami was glad too, she's needed a few minutes of alone time. Telling someone your deepest darkest secret the day after it had happened was emotionally tiring and she wanted some silent time to recover. Silent time didn't happen with Misao.
She smiled slightly. Misao had definitely come through for her in a very vulnerable period and she knew that Misao would keep her secret. Even if her counseling was a little quirky, she could tell every word was filled with warmth and conviction. She was constantly making Kagami laugh, making up for the dark self-loathing place she had been it for the last day.
She was always laughing too, such a cutie. She was very cute.
Through the day, Kagami definitely felt kinship growing for Misao, sure that they would be closer than they had ever been considering Misao's open-mind and support. She had noticed that Misao looked even cuter when she smiled. That little sharp tooth of hers peaking out of her mouth was oddly endearing today. It gave her the cute and silly character that Kagami knew she could count on. It was clear she had always taken their friendship for granted. But she wouldn't any longer.
Misao returned with two cups of tea on a tray, setting them down on the small table in the center of her room.
"Two cups of normal tea, a la mode!" Misao said cheerfully. "Uh," Kagami said, "You do know that "a la mode" means "served with ice cream" right?"
"Oh," Misao said, sitting on the ground, "Sorry. It sounded cool though right?" She grinned a little embarrassed.
Kagami giggled and shook her head and took a seat next to Misao, "Misao, you're definitely one of a kind."
"Aw, thanks Hiiragi." Misao said, "You too." "I really appreciate you taking me under your wing today," Kagami said, "I was a big mess."
"Nah, don't mention it. And you weren't a big mess, we already established that. Just some tingling in the nether regions that's all."
"Put so eloquently." Kagami said sarcastically, but then noticed how quiet it was, "Hey, where is your family? I noticed it was all dark and cluttered when I came in."
"All off doing something for the summer," Misao said, "Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa went on some sort of lazy boat cruise. Big brother is off traveling with his band of college bro-types."
"And you're alone?" Kagami asked.
"Yeah, just for a couple weeks. I guess they figure I'm graduated now so I'm old enough to fend for myself." Misao said, "But I'm kinda messy so I should probably clean up before they get back. Grandma likes to keep the place all shiny - always on my case about it."
"I'd imagine so." Kagami said nodding, "Well hey, in return for helping me today how about I help you clean up the place before they get back?"
"That'd be cool!" Misao said, "We can make a day of it! Hang out and stuff."
"Sounds like a plan," Kagami smiled. She picked up her tea and took a sip, "Ah, that hits the spot."
"Oh! Speaking of hitting the spot, we still have the stuff to talk about!" Misao declared, "Safe from the judging ears of a public restaurant."
"Right." Kagami's cheeks took on light pink.
"It was the cheerleader squad." Misao casually blurted, sipping her own tea noisily.
"What was?"
"What inspired me to do it." Misao said, "What made me diddle - I mean, you know, touch myself. I saw them practicing after school and I guess the mental image really stuck with me."
"The... Cheerleading squad?"
"I figured if we were being honest with each other," Misao said, "I would tell you something personal. I've never really been that attracted to boys."
"Are you..." Kagami said carefully, "Coming out to me?"
Misao shrugged, "Not particularly. I mean, I think boys are kinda sorta cute, but girls are so much prettier, softer. Not as sweaty ya know? It's just not something I advertise, not like I've actually been with either one."
"And so you saw the cheerleader squad and... Uh, did the thing where you touched yourself." Kagami said.
"Yeah, Hiiragi," Misao rolled her eyes, "I masturbated at home while thinking if the cute little cheerleaders."
"Okay, wow... super embarrassing, but, um... right." Kagami flushed, "Masturbated." "I felt pretty creepy about it. Like a pervy old man." Misao said. "I've been feeling the same way all day," Kagami sighed. "Ya know what I think your solution is, Hiiragi?" Misao asked.
"What's that?" "I think you need to stop hating yourself for what you feel." Misao said, "It's not like you're doing
anything wrong." "It feels incredibly wrong," Kagami frowned.
"That's natural, in most walks of life people are taught to be ashamed of desires," Misao said, her voice now sounding intellectual, channeling her inner college student, "I mean, think about it: have you touched anyone that didn't want to be touched?"
"Are you getting off to something that would hurt people or something illegal?"
"So it just sounds like you're a normal person discovering herself," Misao smiled, "Like I said, love your life for what it is. It felt good didn't it?"
Kagami blushed more, "Yeah... It did."
Misao shrugged, "Who's to say you shouldn't keep on doing it? Better than sleeping with strangers to quell your appetite."
Kagami finally saw a light at the end of this tunnel. Misao was right. She was feeling excessive pangs of guilt that was a staple of any culture for females - girls who want sex should be ashamed why? Men don't get flack for masturbating... so why should she?
"There's no reason to beat yourself up about it Hiiragi," Misao said warmly, "Here's one girl who'll never judge you. You can trust me with this stuff."
Kagami smiled warmly and scooted herself a little closer to Misao, resting her head on her shoulder, "Life after high school sure is crazy..."
Misao's cheeks started to take on a light shade of pink too, "Yep! Pretty crazy..." She said, laughing and trying to hide her sudden nervousness.
When laughing, Misao exposed her little fang again, causing Kagami to stifle a giggle. "What?" Misao said, "Got something on my face?" "Your tooth." Kagami said, "The little sharp one." "Good Ol' pointy." Misao said, "Always been there."
"I know," Kagami said, "I've always liked it." Misao cocked an eyebrow, "My tooth?" "It fits with your character." Kagami said, "I've always thought it was really cute." "Yeah?" Misao said, a little flattered, "I always thought it made me look weird." Kagami lifted her head from her shoulder to meet Misao face-to-face. "Nope. Total cutie pie."
The girls stared at each other, nose to nose for a couple of seconds. Kagami took on a finger and pressed it underneath Misao's tooth, "It's not that sharp."
"Well," Misao said awkwardly, "Hopefully I don't have to rip apart an animal carcass with my teeth anytime soon."
Kagami, using the hand that was nearest to Misao's face, brushed her brown hair behind her ear, "Too cute." Kagami said, letting her hand linger on her cheek after tucking back Misao's hair.
"Hiiragi..." Misao started, looking up into her eyes.
Kagami's blue eyes locked with Misao's hazel eyes and their faces instinctively drifted towards each other, their eyes closing and lips meeting for a soft, sensual little kiss.
The two girls let their foreheads rest against one another after the kiss. Misao's heart was beating so fast Kagami could hear it.
"You're hearts going pretty fast there," Kagami said playfully.
"What are we doin' Hiiragi?" Misao asked softly, her voice frail.
"Nothing we should be ashamed of, right?" Kagami said, "And no one is here."
"Conveniently." Misao said, "Funny how that always works out, isn't it? Almost like we're in a story."
"Yeah, it really is," Kagami admitted.
There was a beat of silence, which was filled by the beat of Misao's thumping heart.
"Still," Kagami said, "Don't you want to? I mean... go just a bit further?"
"I..." Misao started but was cut off.
"Haven't you even thinking about it all day?" Kagami asked, "Don't you think I'm cute?"
Misao opened her eyes to look at Kagami.
"Always have," Misao said, as Kagami opened her eyes to meet her gaze once again.
Immediately, Misao's eyes darted to the side in embarrassment.
Kagami put a hand on Misao's cheek and caressed it, pulling her face close for a long, passionate kiss - Misao let out a small moan in Kagami's mouth.
"I knew you wanted to." Kagami smiled warmly and kissed Misao quickly again.
"This is a completely different side of you, Hiiragi," Misao said.
"Yeah," Kagami said, "It's different."
"I like it a lot though," Misao said, leaning in for another kiss - this time slowly working her tongue into Kagami's mouth.
Kagami took a cue from this and let her tongue into Misao's mouth continuing to caress her face. The two girls softly swirled their tongues in each other's mouths both letting out small high-pitched sighs every so often as they kissed.
Kagami took her hand and slid it to Misao's back, lifting up her tee-shirt and immediately going for
her bra. "Woah!" Misao exclaimed, "You really don't waste time."
"Take these off." Kagami said softly, still playfully fingering the back of her bra, "I want to see your cute naked body."
Misao blushed, "Well, my boobs are a little small so... I mean, don't expect much."
Kagami rolled her eyes, "Please. You're talking to another girl with a petite body. Take off your bra and your shirt."
"If you say so..." Misao lifted up her shirt over her head, her small breasts encased in her plain white bra.
"Your tits," Kagami said, "So cute..." "Tits." Misao said, giggling "You're a dirty talker too." "Apparently," Kagami said, slipping off one of Misao's bra straps. Misao looked down, feigning surprised, "Hiiragi..."
Kagami reached into Misao's bra and pulled out one of her small breasts and massaged it. It fit perfectly in Kagami's hand and she could feel her nipples, which were small and beautifully natural, harden.
Kagami took one finger and pressed her hard nipple in lightly, it softened but Misao let out a loud pleasurable moan.
"Ah!" Misao sighed quietly, "That feels really good..."
After massaging her breast again for a few more seconds Kagami stopped to get a full view of Misao's budding chest, still holding her hand over the one she was massaging. Kagami looked up at her, "Can I lick it?"
"Sure." Misao's face flushed again.
Kagami took Misao's small breast in her hand again and stared at her puffy little nipple.
"Here I go," Kagami said, and slowly licked Misao's nipple before putting it in her mouth slowly.
"Oh, man!" Misao moaned as she held Kagami's head and pushed it against her chest, "Don't stop, don't stop!"
"You have such beautiful little tits, Misao..." Kagami said, continuing to lick her hardened yet still soft teenage nipples. "I love licking them."
Misao moaned again, "No Hiiragi that's embarrassing!" "What, that you have a sexy little body?" Kagami said, grinning, "it's meant to be a compliment." Misao looked Kagami up and down and her body became warm. "I want I see your body, Hiiragi." Misao said, looking into her eyes, "Kagami-chan."
"Kagami-chan, huh?" Kagami said, "So we're that close now?"
"I think once you're about to get to second base with someone, it's okay to be casual," Misao said.
"Fair enough." Kagami said, giggling, "Misa-chan."
Kagami lifted her shirt, revealing her slightly smaller breasts with her pink bra covering them.
"You've got some cute tits too, Hiiragi," Misao said, "I want to do what you did to me. I wanna lick and suck yours too."
Kagami smiled, "Why don't we go to your bed?"
Kagami got up and walked over to Misao's bed, sitting down, pulling one bra strap off of her shoulder innocently.
"Wow, Hiiragi are you trying to seduce me?" Misao asked. "Not trying." Kagami said matter-of-factly, "Just did." "You think you're smooth, Hiiragi?" Misao said, making her way to the bed to sit next to Kagami. "What happened to Kagami-chan?" Kagami asked. " I'll call ya whatever I want," Misao said bravely. "Haha, that's awful defiant," Kagami said teasingly. "Shut up and get naked, Hiiragi," Misao said turning to face Kagami
Kagami did the same, turning to face Misao as well. They locked lips passionately. Misao took one hand and messaged one of Kagami's breasts, still encased in the pink bra. Kagami began to lean back and Misao took this chance to slightly but somewhat aggressively push her down to lay on the bed.
Misao laid on top of Kagami, kissing upwards from her stomach to her small tits. She kissed around Kagami's cleavage and slightly kissed the outside part of her breast. "Take it off," Misao whispered.
Kagami reached behind herself and unhooked her bra, sliding down her other strap and letting it fall in front of her as she bore her naked chest.
Misao followed suit, unhooking her bra and completely revealing both of her small natural breasts. Misao immediately leaned forward and kissed Kagami's pink nipple.
"Ah..." Kagami sighed.
Misao took her tongue and licked Kagami's nipple using her entire tongue - almost like she was licking an ice cream cone. She continued to lick Kagami's nipples lapping faster and faster.
"Oh God Misao..." Kagami held Misao's head to her chest just as she had done her, "More... More, it feels so good."
Misao took her tongue and gave it a little pressure - using it to push the top of Kagami's nipple inward.
"Haaaaaaaah..." Kagami moaned as relaxing pleasure shot through her upper body, she pushed Misao's head firmer into her chest, feeling the moisture in her panties as Misao continuously licked her breasts softly.
Misao stopped and looked up at Kagami, who was continuing to moan while catching her breath at the same time even after Misao had stopped licking. She was still audible as she sat up to survey the familiar damp spot under her. Even with her panties on.
"Sorry," Kagami said, "That's really embarrassing."
"Don't worry 'bout it," Misao said, ignoring the comment altogether and wrapping her arms around Kagami. She pressed herself against Kagami's body as she gave her another long kiss.
The girls intertwined their tongues once again and Kagami pulled herself closer to Misao and deeper into the kiss. They both felt a light, tingly pleasure as their nipples and breasts pressed against each other.
Misao looked at the wet spot on the bed again, "You're like a river there, Hiiragi." Misao laughed. "Don't laugh," Kagami flushed, "It's so embarrassing." "Just means I'm doin' a good job, that's all!" Misao said proudly. "I want to do good for you too," Kagami said.
"What'd ya have in mind?" Misao asked suggestively.
Kagami put her hand on Misao's bare chest and slid it in between her breasts, softly down her stomach and in between her legs inching up her skirt and softly rubbing against her cotton panties.
Misao sighed surprisingly and let out a light moan, "Kagami..." She said, "I've never... No one's ever, like..."
"Don't forget it's my first time too," Kagami said, "I've done it to myself... I just want to see if it all works the same. And if it makes you feel good, all the better."
"It felt so intense..." Misao said, "And you were just touching on the outside." "Can I keep going?" Kagami asked, inching closer.
A few moments later, Kagami was looking at Misao's cute panties as she slipped off her skirt. Cotton white with a tiny pink bow at the top. There was a long wet spot right in the middle as her juices automatically flowed out Kagami took two fingers and rubbed them against the wet spot.
"Oh my God..." Misao moaned, "Aaaahhhh!" Kagami took her hand rubbing against Misao and worked her way slowly to remove her panties. Misao grabbed Kagami's hand to stop her, "I'm gonna pee! "It just feels that way at first." Kagami soothed her, "Just relax." "You promise?" Misao said, her voice shaking. Kagami put one hand on Misao's face and caressed her cheek, "Misao, it's okay. I promise."
Misao's body relaxed as she accepted that the sensation was an intense pleasure. She decided she was better off basking in it, no matter what the outcome.
Kagami once again lifted the small elastic of Misao's panties and began to slip them off.
"Hiiragi, please... Please be gentle, I'm so scared." Misao said, her voice more helpless and frail than Kagami had ever heard before.
"Tell me if you don't want to," Kagami said worriedly, "I don't want you to feel like you have to because you're in the moment. I might be newly curious but I'm not a rapist."
"I do want to," Misao blurted, "I feel safe with you. But at least give me this, it doesn't matter who your first sexcapade is with... it's still nerve-racking."
"You got a point there," Kagami said, taking her hand and inching under Misao's skirt, stopping just short of her bare pussy.
Misao gasped, her eyes widening. Her mouth was left agape as she processed what was about to happen.
"Should I keep going?" Kagami asked. "Yes, Hiiragi." Misao said, "Touch me down there... Please."
Kagami took her hand and rubbed it slightly against Misao's wet vagina. While rubbing she could already feel Misao's clitoris protruding. It was bigger than hers. Misao let out a high-pitched moan as Kagami's fingers brushed over her clit.
"You thought I was a river?" Kagami smirked. "Shut up!" Misao said, flushing, "Jerk."
Kagami leaned forward for another small kiss as she continued to rub Misao's clitoris. Misao let out another moan into Kagami's mouth.
Kagami leaned back from the kiss and began to kiss down Misao's neck, down her shoulder blades to her petite breasts, and took her left nipple into her mouth, suckling a bit. Misao messaged her own right breast as she did so, intensifying the pleasure in her upper body, she felt more of her juices flow out, almost like a geyser in slow motion.
Kagami continued to kiss and lick down Misao's flat stomach, stopping as she got to her skirt. Misao took the cue and slipped off the skirt, revealing her small shaved vagina. Kagami kissed around it gently.
"You okay?" Kagami said. "Sure." Misao's voice shook slightly. "I'm going to lick you." Kagami said, "Okay?" "Please," Misao said, "It feels so good... I... I don't know where to put all of this pleasure." "Relax," Kagami soothed and slowly took her tongue and lapped it across Misao's clit. "Oh my..." Misao shrieked, "Fuck! Oh my God, Hiiragi lick me more, please lick me more!" Kagami licked up and down Misao's pussy, flicking her clitoris with her tongue. Misao convulsed
and gasped for air as she moaned.
Kagami took one finger and rubbed Misao's clit softly in a circular motion. Misao's body shook as she gyrated slightly, rubbing her juices on the sheets of her bed.
The bed was soaking wet.
Kagami licked up and down Misao's pussy slit for a minute before stopping and speaking softly, "Misao..."
"Kagami it feels so good, don't stop, please don't stop I'll go crazy!" Misao screamed. "I want to try something." Kagami said, "With my finger."
"Whatever you want," Misao said, catching her breath, "Just keep licking my pussy while you do it."
"You sure?" Kagami said. "Oh my God, whatever Hiiragi!" Misao said frustrated, "Fingers, whatever, just keep going!" Misao pushed Kagami's head back in between her legs.
Kagami slowly brought out her tongue again, picking up where she had left off. She started from the bottom of Misao's vagina and licked upwards, finally flicking her clit softly with her tongue over and over when she got to the top. Misao thrust her pelvis once more, sinking Kagami's face into her wet pussy.
Kagami pulled back and took her hand, playfully rubbing up and down Misao's wetness. She rubbed her clit softly before finally making her way down and feeling for a small opening she knew would be there. Rubbing her finger up and down Misao's pussy, she finally found it and lightly pushed her finger in.
"Haaaaaaaaaah!" Misao moaned, feeling a different type of pleasure than when Kagami rubbed her clitoris. Not as intense but somehow more... fulfilling. But it stretched her a little and she worried it might hurt.
"Be gentle, ok?" Misao said, "I think it'll hurt..."
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." Kagami said.
"No, I know it'll feel good and I want it," Misao explained, "But it will probably hurt too."
Kagami kissed Misao and this time took her finger and slowly slipped it into Misao's tight pussy, which immediately clamped down upon Kagami's finger.
"Ooooooh my...ahhhh!" Misao moaned, screaming at the same time, "Holy hell!"
Kagami pulled out her finger and reinserted it - a little faster this time. Misao whimpered as Kagami's finger was thrust in and out of her tight entrance.
Kagami continued, now inserting her finger and twirling it around lightly.
Misao quietly moaned in the background, her voice intermittently getting stuck in her throat as pleasure spread from Kagami's gentle fingering throughout her entire body Kagami could feel the texture of Misao's wet vaginal walls go from smooth and slippery to a little
more ruffled - a little stiffer. Misao's moans grew more audible as she felt the texture of the walls harden more and more as she messaged them with her finger - moving her finger in a slight "come here" motion as she messaged the roof of Misao's tight pink walls.
"Does it hurt?" Kagami asked, continuing to finger Misao.
Misao caught her breath to answer, letting out a light moan before she had a chance to speak, "A little, but I definitely want more. I never want this feeling to go away Hiiragi." Kagami kept on, staring at Misao's smooth pussy, "I won't stop this time."
Kagami lowered her head as she continued to lightly finger Misao's tight entrance - now simultaneously using her finger to massage her ripple-textured walls and her tongue to lick her clitoris.
"Hiiragi, it's inside me!" Misao moaned, "Your finger is inside and it feels so good!"
Kagami buried her head in between Misao's legs and sucked on her clit, using her tongue to push it back and forth out of her mouth.
"I'm going to explode!" Misao screamed, "Hiiragi is finger fucking me in my room!" She exclaimed out loud.
"I love making you feel good, Misao.." Kagami said in between licks, thrusting her finger a little faster now, "Your juices keep flowing more and more... Means I'm doing a good job right?"
"Kagami, I'm..." Misao said suddenly. Her entire body shook in sensual tremors, "I don't know what's happening! My pussy is gonna explode!"
"You're coming, Misao," Kagami said, turning herself on with her teacher-esque tone "Let it happen, it feels so good."
"Oh my God, it does!" Misao moaned again, "I'm coming! I'm coming! Oh, my G..." Her pelvis again shot up into the air, Kagami didn't stop as Misao orgasmed into her mouth. "Goddddd!" Misao gasped for air, "Oh my God, oh my God!"
She pulled Kagami's face into her wet vagina one last time as the bottom half of her body hung in mid-air and she let out a scream so high pitched that it was almost inaudible and ended as a whimper.
Her first orgasm was beyond anything she could have comprehended beforehand.
The two teenage girls laid beside each other on top of Misao's now drenched bed sheets, both gasping for air. Misao from the intense nature of her first orgasm... and Kagami from the intense nature of Misao's first orgasm.
"Whew!" Kagami said, wiping her mouth, "Almost suffocated me there." "Sorry." Misao rubbed the back of her head, "It was just..." "I know," Kagami grinned, "I understand."
"Hiiragi, I don't know what to do with myself.." Misao said, "I want to do this again and again with you."
"Preachin' to the choir," Kagami said, looking over again at Misao's sweating, naked body.
"I want to make you come." Misao said, "I just... Would you guide me? Like, tell me what to do?"
Kagami raised an eyebrow, "Ummm... The same exact thing?"
"C'mon, just walk me through it!" Misao pleaded, "Don't you want to come too?"
"I do. But maybe..." Kagami sighed, still catching her breath "We should take a little rest first."
Misao smiled, "Good idea, Hiiragi." Misao turned on her side and gave Kagami another kiss, "Thank you... So much."
"Don't mention it." Kagami said, lowering her voice to a sensual whisper, "I love the way you taste."
Misao blushed, "That's a heck of a thing to say." She said, "This was amazing but definitely super weird. Completely out of character for both of us."
"Believe me," Kagami said, "I've made peace with that."
Misao cuddled against Kagami from behind, letting her breasts push softly on her back.
"I'm glad it was you," Misao said.
"Me too." Kagami said, her eyes getting heavier, "Me too..."
Slowly but surely the girls fell asleep in each other's arms.
Misao didn't get around to helping Kagami finish again that afternoon.
But all the same, Kagami felt more like her normal self than she had since viewing that damn DVD.
As the two girls dozed off, Misao thought to herself, not sure what the future really held with this newfound hobby. She hoped it wouldn't change her friendship with Kagami. But she was also hopeful and full of butterflies. Ultimately, all she knew was that it felt good.
It felt really, really good.
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atopearth · 5 years
The Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya Part 5 - Iroha Route (S1 & S2)
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WOW, that was an intense first chapter lol! I’m not sure if Iroha is really interested in Misao because of how innocent she is, or it’s because of how innocent she is that he desires to sully her. Anyway, although his motives are questionable, undoubtedly, Misao in this route is evidently more bold and “thirsty” LOL, she legit was expecting to sleep with Iroha when she was so shy in the other routes!! As I thought though, Iroha is more of a manager of sorts, so he doesn’t sleep with clients, but…I guess kissing is okay LOL. I don’t know what it is about them, but I have to admit, I love the trope where the guy drinks sake or whatever and then kisses the heroine to give the drink to her mouth to mouth. Like dang, that’s the trash I love LOL. I’m already so hyped about Iroha because he seems to really understand the curiosity and interest Misao has in sex etc and finds it cute how innocent she is but also how “dirty” she can be lol.
It’s kinda crazy how persistent Misao is on Iroha, I kinda feel sorry for him loll! I guess he kinda gave up and decided to like “train” her into becoming more like a woman by teaching her things and then she can choose another guy if she wants. Lmao at them playing games, and if she loses, she has to kiss him and vice versa, I’m not surprised she lost most of the time haha. How beneficial for Misao though! Since Iroha isn’t a courtesan, she doesn’t even need to pay him and he teaches her all this stuff haha, I’m sure heaps of women would want Iroha to “teach” them stuff lol. Well, umm, Iroha turning into an ogre and having white hair and horns is so random LOL. Do we really need such a thing in this story??? Anyway, Iroha pushing her to giving her first time to Kagerou was not nice to either of them when they both obviously didn’t like the idea, it was expected that Iroha would take her back last minute but seriously lol, Iroha is silly. LMAO when Iroha told Misao that he becomes an ogre when he’s emotional (and when he has sexual desire lol), and Misao asks (you can pick the option) if he can make fireballs🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s really hard to take the situation seriously with that option lmao! Not surprised that Iroha has to deal with gentlemen sleeping with clients that aren’t theirs and so his job actually involves physically hitting them with a stick to punish them. But wow, seriously, Tokiwa is taking advantage of this and manipulating Misao into asking for him, otherwise he’ll tell the higher ups that Iroha as a manager is playing with someone like Misao for free etc? Yeah, I think I’ll just think of this Tokiwa as like an alternate timeline Tokiwa from his route LOL, I’m so disgusted with how the guys act outside of their routes, sigh.
It felt pretty weird how Misao needing to have a baby to succeed her mother’s shipping company was enough to make her think maybe she should listen to her mum and get another husband (since Iroha doesn’t want children who will be an ogre like him). Like, it was such random and unnecessary drama that they’ve barely cared about and now suddenly it’s a deal-breaker?? Anyway, I guess it was expected that Iroha would leave Kikuya to be with Misao and have kids with her, but it was so rushed that it just felt whatever to me lol. On the other hand, I feel like the happy ending is much more understandable in terms of their relationship. Since in this ending, Iroha stays at Kikuya and Misao becomes his wife and manages it with him, dealing with all the troublesome guys lol. It does feel pretty slack to the mum though…. But yeah I just found Iroha leaving Kikuya so easily in the super happy ending questionable, since, would they really let him go that easily? And it seemed so easy for him to leave behind one of the only places that accepted him as an ogre and is his “home”. But yeah, oh well, I’m not a fan of the second half in general so I don’t really care that it feels a bit weird loll.
LMAO at the sequel, Iroha is so childish for running away from home because he didn’t like her mum putting bean sprouts or whatever in his miso soup hahahah. I’m glad he’s fitting in well with Misao and her mother though, enough that they would argue over silly things, get mad at each other, but end up making up in the end. I think it’s pretty cute since Iroha lacks a family (well it probably applies to all the guys lol). Being able to communicate with another person so frankly is a blessing in itself after all.
Overall, I honestly thought Iroha would present a more mature perspective to the story and show how even if you’re retired, you’re still stuck in Yoshiwara somehow or whatever, but instead, I got some supernatural ogre story and Iroha only stays there because for some reason people over there aren’t really that scared of Iroha being an ogre lol. I also thought the story would be more similar to the first chapter where Iroha would teach her all sorts of things about Yoshiwara but no, after the first few chapters it became too focused on the ogre thing and Misao worrying about whether Iroha wants kids or whatever like ughhh, wasted potential on Iroha! Especially since he looks so much better with black hair than in his ogre form zz. I doubt the second season could be any better if the first is like this but I guess I’ll go through it and see anyway…
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Season 2 It’s crazy, but I honestly thought I could just see more of Misao and Iroha struggle in being a couple and having couple arguments etc in this season, BUT NO, we’re stuck with another random new ogre guy that has no purpose than to cause trouble for the couple and be an accurate fortune teller saying that their relationship won’t last. Lol, wow Azusa is such an ass. He’s the one causing trouble at Kikuya for not wanting to do anything leading to Iroha having to take care of him, and yet he has the right to complain that Misao is the one causing Iroha to be so tired since he’s forced to work until late and go home just to see her? Dude, I’m not sure if you’re telling fortunes anymore when you’re the one that’s straight up just trying to destroy their relationship and even bad mouthing her to her face.
Wow, I know Misao is demure and easily influenced, but the way she got so affected by the fortune and Azusa’s words annoyed me so much, especially since she ended up saying such hurtful words to Iroha and then she has the gall to cry about it! She’s lucky that Iroha understood why she was like that and I’m glad he finally acted and made the decision to leave Kikuya and Azusa to themselves because his priority should be with Misao now. Misao ALWAYS hides stuff and lies thinking it’s for the best blah blah so that everyone won’t get hurt or whatever, but in the end her decisions always ends up hurting everyone including herself and it annoys me that even after they’re practically married, she still doesn’t understand how important it is to be honest and to talk things out properly. I hate how she always thinks Iroha is going to leave her, like seriously woman, if I was him I would have left you, but since he’s been okay with it all this time, I doubt he would suddenly get tired of you without any reason! Ugh. I’m honestly amazed at how dumb Misao is and how much more frustrating she can get. I was so annoyed when she prioritised hiding the fact that the fortune made her insecure and would rather have Iroha misunderstand what happened between her and Azusa. As usual, Iroha knows she’s too dumb to really do anything, but seriously!! Every decision she makes, everything she does, everything she hides and lies about, she has no excuse to do all these silly things! I find it absolutely crazy that she always prioritises stupid things over communicating with Iroha in this relationship, I don’t know how Iroha can deal with her.
Well, the leader of the thieves (who steals ogre skulls) being Iroha’s mother wasn’t surprising, but it seems that Azusa might be his half brother? And yeaaah, it was obvious that Azusa liked Misao and was jealous but I’m still not into him lol. And lol at Iroha’s mother doing all this to get revenge on Iroha for being distant and not wanting to live with her, like okay lol, you’re causing a lot of trouble for something so silly. The laws were pretty dodgy in this world already, but it was funny to see that a little petitioning etc could get Iroha’s mother out and she could go back to the mainland with Azusa lol. I guess it’s nice that at least Iroha and Misao had a wedding party at Kikuya with everyone as a sweet way to end everything~ oh and Azusa coming back was obvious but unwanted lol.
Overall, the second season was honestly unnecessarily draggy. I feel like a lot of the time, I want the second season so that I can see the couple enjoy their relationship and get through problems relating to stuff like living together etc, but I find it really boring when stories like to put in outside factors causing problems especially stuff like unnecessary love triangles, which in this case is Azusa and the ogre thing again. I’ve never been a fan of the ogre part of the story so it was honestly boring, especially when it doesn’t really talk about how difficult life is being an ogre etc, it’s really just an “excuse” for things to be difficult in the story, so it really makes it bland. So yeah, I really wanted to enjoy Iroha’s story but I think I only liked the first chapter LOL. I thought I’d be getting a nice mature story, but no, it degenerated into a story about Iroha satisfying Misao’s persistent whims and liking how annoying she is, and I honestly couldn’t relate by the second season lol. I like Iroha but I just couldn’t take Misao after a while lol, and the story really doesn’t make it better with how random it is, like the sudden need for a baby being a problem near the end of the first season, yet no one cared by the second anyway lol.
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kannra21 · 5 years
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Misao’s mom and dad!
The mom’s name is Genko and dad’s Rensuke. Mom is Quirkless and Misao has dad’s Quirk. Misao took a lot after his mom physically but deep down he has his dad's personality.
Both of them are working in a big agency and their brand is widely popular. Mom is a workaholic and a bit neurotic but just because she has lots of things to do. To many, she seems like she has a heart of stone and at this point she reconciled with the fact that she’ll never be married to anyone until one day when she was almost run by a car which belonged to the villains who were trying to escape the police.
Rensuke came on time and pushed her while activating his Quirk and making the villains drive in the opposite direction. When Genko regained consciousness she became scared of Rensuke and ran away beacuse the first thing she saw were his eyes. After that she felt terrible because the thing that she did was very rude and therefore wanted to apologize.
Tonight she came back to the same place in hope to find him again and surprisingly, he was at the nearest cafe enjoying his drink and right as he wanted to leave, she came to the entrance and greeted him.
“Oh, the pretty lady from this afternoon. Are you alright? Did they hurt you?”
Genko still couldn’t believe that a random stranger would care this much for her well-being + the “pretty lady” made her blush and she became awkward and bashful because she didn’t know how to deal with her feelings so she just responded in the most robotic way possible.
“Thank you for saving me back there. If it weren’t for you I’d be dead by now. And sorry for running away like that. It was very rude of me…”
“Nah it’s OK, I get weird looks all the time. I got used to it.”
“All the time? But you’re really handsome I don’t-”
"You think I'm handsome?"
"Why thank you very much", he said grinning.
"Hey don't be so cocky just because I'm trying to be nice! You saved me! And if it weren't for that we'd never be able to talk this way, you understand!?"
"Right, I'm just glad that you seem fine. You became awfully energetic all of a sudden."
"I-*sigh* I'm sorry. I always flare up like that and push other people away. It's a bad habit of mine. That's probably the reason why no one wants to have anything to do with me... sorry for bothering you."
"I don't hate this side of you."
"You... don't?"
"Of course not. When everyone would bother with such things, where would we end up?"
Genko was genuinely touched by his words. No one ever tolerated her this much let alone saved her life. They exchanged numbers and after only a month they officially became a couple.
Rensuke quit his previous job and got employed at Genko's agency so that they could spend more time together since her schedule was awfully full + he wanted to help her in any way possible. He just wanted to make her happy and Genko felt like she didn't deserve him.
Rensuke loved everything about her, her determination, her resourcefulness, her strictness and devotion to her job. She was a true leader in all sense of the word and people relied so much on her. He wished there was someone she could rely on too and make her breathe a little easier.
He married her on Christmas eve while they were out for a nice dinner and after a couple of months later they got Misao. They had little complications during birth because Genko was under lot of pressure but Rensuke was with her all the time so everything went well. You can only imagine his surprise when the doctors handed them over the baby.
"Aww it's not fair he doesn't have anything mine."
And Genko needed to suppress herself from laughing out loud because the baby was sleeping.
"But I don't mind it. Actually, I'm glad to know that he turned out as beautiful as you are. Just imagine him with my eyes, how terrible would that be?"
Genko took his cheek in her hand and made him face her.
"You remember the first time we met? If it weren't for your beautiful eyes I'd have never returned to that place again. If it weren't for your beautiful eyes we wouldn't hold him in our arms right now. If it weren't for you there wouldn't be me. There wouldn't be him. You understand how big this actually is? In a fraction of a second you changed your, mine and his future. You saved two lives. You gave him a chance to live. Thank you Rensuke."
Rensuke started to cry happy tears and he hugged his only two loves in the entire world. He felt so blessed, so loved, so honored and there weren't enough words to describe the overwhelming joy he felt at that exact moment.
Genko hugged him back with one hand and kissed him on the cheek.
Rensuke wasn't a hero but for Genko he was, and that was enough.
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