#she feels as if he was taken from her by her own hand because misao felt all of this PRESSURE and responsibility to take care of him-
anthromimicry · 5 months
where do you carry your pain?
your arms.
you have tried to hold onto what is dear to you, only for it to be wrenched from your hands...
tagged by: @divingdownthehole!
tagging: @frostise, @redvived, @dispatched, @twcfaces, @vulpesse, and anyone else who might like to do this quiz!
#ALL POWER DEMANDS PAIN AND SACRIFICE: musings.#rp memes.#oof... WELL. this one hurt a little JSJSJS#i mean the two people that misao loved more than ANYTHING ( her mother && her half-brother ) were both taken from in a way.#so i'd say this is pretty accurate NGL. i mean kaiyah misao's mother was forcibly taken from her by a hunter-#and she loved her SOOO much even despite all of the complexities within their relationship. thus misao would-#pretty much give anything to have her back tbh and with ryuuji or misao's half brother-#she feels as if he was taken from her by her own hand because misao felt all of this PRESSURE and responsibility to take care of him-#y'know? though misao knows that it wasn't kaiyah's fault of course that she couldn't take care of him that well. however regardless of-#whether it was or not it led her to feel like she DESPERATELY wanted to run away from her situation the more time went on-#and whenever kaiyah died that was kind of the straw that broke the camels back for her i think. like she couldn't-#deal with anything at that time and misao felt like she just HAD to leave even though she had someone depending on her.#and as a result she felt like she stripped both ryuuji of a good childhood + herself of a good relationship-#with her half-brother and it was all her fault. like if only she had been stronger then she could've stayed with him-#but she wasn't and misao honestly agonizes over that fact even though the situation is much more complicated-#than it being her fault because of everything that she was going through. and by that i mean the amount of despair-#she felt was IMMEASUREABLE + her emotional needs were not met so misao not knowing what to do when faced-#with a crisis as bad as your mother dying in front of you is honestly kind of understandable. so yeahhh#i feel like misao could really use a hug TBH but she probably wouldn't accept it even if someone offered one to her ):
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Well then headcanons about the Zyuohger, especially the only sane Red Sentai -Kazakiri Yamato- in existence and their reaction to the ToQgers being composed of kids and him learning about Kotaro from Misao.
Man, you know, Yamato really is one of the more hinged Reds of the modern era, isn't he? Possibly one of the more hinged Reds of any era. I mean, I vaguely recall Red One from Bioman being a pretty steady guy, but he was also about as interesting as a cinder block in red tights.
Lions, tigers, and elephants are all aggressively protective of their young, so I feel like Leo, Amu, and Tusk would all be pretty deeply distressed about the idea of child Sentai. Sela might be more accepting of the concept, but she's also where the animal comparison breaks down the most, since she's very attached to her family in a way that I don't think sharks mostly are. I think at this point Bard simply expects human children to be always putting themselves in wild amounts of danger, though.
Yamato and Misao would probably both be bugged by the idea of children being Sentai. Like, Yamato is deeply concerned with the well-being of everyone around him, because he is a beacon of light and love, and the way that both the ToQgers and Kotaro had their lives uprooted by Sentai stuff would bother him. On the other hand, Misao would look at the ToQgers in particular and see kids who were taken advantage of by the Rainbow Line, something that's made pretty clear in their own show. Like, as much as they do enjoy it, their status as ToQgers was absolutely forced upon them, and that's something Misao feels strongly about. I suspect Yamato would have to work to keep him from charging off to sock that rabbit President guy square in the jaw.
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tact-and-impulse · 4 years
With These Hands Chapter 11
Look, I say we’re ending 2020 with affection and fluff! Also, now that I know what it’s like working in a hospital, I can write this AU better, and this episode has heavy influence from my first night call shifts. For my fellow healthcare workers, because this was...a year. Here’s to staying safe in 2021!
The rest of this chapter is under the cut or on FF.net and AO3
Chapter 11: Endurance
Admittedly, Kenshin’s stomach dropped when he saw her. She was limp in her chair, arms dangling at her sides and her face turned away.
“Kaoru-dono?!” He rushed to her desk, panic overriding sensibility. But before he could touch her, her eyes snapped open and her right fist lashed out in a glancing blow that brought him to his knees. Acting on instinct, he latched onto the edge of her desk, elbow colliding with the hard surface. “Oro!”
At the contact, she blinked away her drowsiness. “Ken…shin? Oh, no! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” She sat up, her fingertips brushing his aching cheekbone. The pain was already fading, and he resisted leaning in.
“This one is fine. It was this one’s fault, surprising you.” He managed to answer. Despite how his skin was buzzing, he was not going to behave like a hormonal teenager.
“I still shouldn’t have punched you.” She withdrew, her voice full of concern. “I hope it won’t bruise.”
“There have been worse hits that this one has taken, so don’t worry.” And on that same side as well, he ruefully thought. “Are you still working?” It was already past seven.
“I’m on night call.” Her explanation contained no small amount of misery. “And I had a meeting in the afternoon, so I only got an hour of sleep before I came here. It’s going to be a long Thursday night; at least, I have the weekend off. What about you?”
“This one is also in the same situation, filling in for a colleague who was supposed to work tonight. There was a family emergency, so this one is here instead.”
“Oh, good. Not that you have to work on short notice,” She hastily added. “But we can keep each other company.”
“That’s true. It will be easier to stay awake.” He would have been content to stay at her desk; he had nothing urgent at the moment. But she did, as signaled by her blaring pager. She mouthed an apology, before taking the call. Leaving her to her responsibilities, he drifted back to his spot across the room, to print his list of patients.
He was reading the interim notes on his patients when she commented.
“By the way, I forgot to mention earlier. I like your scrubs.”
“Oro?” The faded magenta met his downward gaze. “These are very old.”
“But you look so cheerful! The other male doctors stick to blue or black.”
“So did this one, in the past. However, brighter colors can be comforting or distracting for the children, so that’s something this one can do for them.”
“You also can pull it off, because you’re an attending.” She pointed out, and he laughed.
“There’s nothing wrong with navy either.”
“It’s not navy, it’s indigo.” Grinning, she tugged the front of her scrub top. “But it’s my favorite color.”
“It suits you very well.” Belatedly, he wondered if that was harassment, but she didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she blushed. At the sight, his own face warmed.
“Thanks.” For a heartbeat, the only sound was the humming of their computers. Abruptly stretching her arms over her head, she declared. “I need coffee. The cafeteria’s closed, but do you want anything from the vending machine?”
“This one can join you.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you if you’re busy, and you can just text me.” They had already exchanged numbers, thanks to the group chat Misao had started for the workroom.
“No, it will be a long night and this one prefers not to stay in one spot.” He pocketed his pager and stood from his chair.
Her smile widened. “Yeah, I won’t argue with that. And I’m glad! It’s more fun with you.” Her blush had not faded, and his cheek tingled.
He replied honestly. “This one feels the same way.”
Unfortunately, the closest machine had its interior lights off and the glass front bore a paper sign. ‘Out of Order’ was written in large block letters, punctuated by a frowning face. If he had to guess, it appeared to be the handiwork of either Sano or Misao, perhaps even a joint effort.
“That’s a shame.” He said. “Should we search for another?”
“Sounds like a plan! Let’s hope the others are still functioning.”
Their workroom was at the injunction between the main building and the children’s hospital, so they had options. He allowed her to decide, and she headed for the pediatric side. She swiped her badge to access a corridor that was glass on both sides, from ceiling to floor.
“This part is one of the best, in my opinion. Well, at least during the day.” Outside, it was dark, except for the street lamps. Occasionally, a car zipped past on the road below, illuminating the surrounding greenery. But he understood her. When it was sunny, they were provided with a scenic view of the city beyond.
“Yes, it’s the closest we have to stepping out. It’s important to have something to look at, other than the interior of the building.”
“Right? I always feel more rejuvenated when I go through this way. Although, I do love the murals in the children’s hospital.”
“Which do you like best?”
“Hmm. I think the bamboo forest, on the sixth floor. The animals are cute, the pandas and the tanuki.”
“Also, because that is where shinai come from?” He innocently referred to her love for kenjutsu.
“Okay, a little bit.” But she laughed. “Well, which is your favorite?”
He already had an answer. “The fourth floor, with the countryside motif. It reminds this one of his childhood.”
“You were a country boy?”
“In the Kansai region, yes. However, it has been almost twenty years since this one lived there. This one doesn’t even remember the closest town. We did grow rice and vegetables, and there were some chickens.” He pieced together the fragmented memories. “But it was a very long time ago.”
“It must have, I couldn’t tell at all.” She was thoughtful, and he realized he might have shared too much. But she didn’t pry, instead asking. “Did you have any baby chicks?”
“Not that this one can remember.”
“That’s too bad.” Disappointment showed on her face.
He smiled. The image of Kaoru, cradling fluffy chicks in her arms, was sweet.
In a corner near an empty waiting area, they finally found a working vending machine. Kaoru cheered at its presence, peering within to decide on her snacks. She was terribly adorable, depositing her change and punching the buttons. Holding her coffee and a package of chocolate-covered biscuits, she beamed. “Alright, your turn!”
As she walked past, he caught the scent of jasmine flowers. Too subtle to be perfume, it must have been her shampoo. He thought it was pleasant.
“Kenshin? Aren’t you going to buy something?”
He jolted, realizing he hadn’t moved. “A-ah, yes.” Breathing deeply to settle his nerves, he chose a bottle of green tea, and the same cookies she picked. She had already opened her drink and sipped it as they walked back.
“Whew, I feel a lot better.”
“That’s good. You need your strength for the hours ahead.”
“Yeah. I still wish I had more sleep, but I just remind myself that at least, I’m not in one of the hospital beds. That was much harder.”
“And now, you’re here. Your patients are extremely fortunate to have you, because you understand what it must be like.”
Her blush had returned in full force. She nodded, before her brows drew together. “Wait-”
Overhead, the loudspeaker crackled, calling for a medical response team. They both stopped, listening attentively. The alert meant that a patient’s condition was deteriorating. He checked his list as the room number was announced. It did not belong to any of his charges, and judging from how Kaoru exhaled, it wasn’t any of hers either. But elsewhere, someone was struggling and their colleagues were doing everything they could to save them.
As they approached familiar walls, it was his pager’s turn to vibrate, and reluctantly, he excused himself.
After midnight, he had one emergency surgery, for a patient that had gone into hemorrhagic shock. Two hours later, he emerged from the operating room, the worst outcome kept at bay. He ordered for two units of blood, to be transfused if the patient was anemic, and headed back to the workroom.
Kaoru had her earbuds in, obviously engrossed. Upon his entrance, she removed them and greeted him. “Hey, Kenshin. How’d it go?”
“Well enough. The patient is stable for now, but this one will keep a close eye. Did you have any new admissions?”
“Just one in the emergency room, who’s waiting to be placed in a room, but it seems like a straightforward case. History of glycogen storage disorder, so I’ve been reading up.”
“This one didn’t realize articles were accessible on CD.” He had noticed the small player next to her keyboard, that had appeared in his absence.
“Oh, no, this is an audiobook. It’s an old one, I already know all the twists. I only replay it because of the narrator.” Her expression became very fond.
“Ah.” Inwardly, he was caught off guard, but he maintained a neutral face. “Is he a good actor?”
“I think she was. This book is one of my mother’s recordings, after all. Would you like to hear her?”
Somewhat embarrassed, he agreed, and she transferred the CD to her computer. Momentarily, a woman’s gentle voice filled the air. Her cadence and intonation were similar to Kaoru’s, and she switched between characters with impressive ease. It seemed to be an anthology of short stories.
“You were not wrong; her performance is wonderful.”
“I’m glad you think so! She’d be happy to hear that, if she were alive.” Kaoru clarified. “She had lupus, and she passed away from kidney failure when I was young. She couldn’t get a transplant in time. The Mirror Wing in the main hospital is named for her.” The dialysis unit was located there.
“You must miss her.”
“I do, but at least, I have Okaa-san in this way. Not many people can say the same.”
He definitely couldn’t. Then, the staccato beeps of her pager interrupted them again. He was beginning to dislike that particular ring.
By three in the morning, Kaoru was starting to falter. She was continuing to type on her computer, but her head nodded and she occasionally jolted, unconsciously trying to stay awake.
“Hmm?” Her gaze lifted, though not quite focusing.
“Please, get some rest. The work can wait.” He gently said. “This one can turn the lights off, if that would help.”
“Would you? That’d be really nice.” She murmured.
He flipped the switches, leaving the glow of his monitor. “If there was a bed, that would be better.”
“It’s okay. Hospital beds aren’t very comfy.” She certainly spoke from experience. She opened one of her desk drawers, taking out a spare surgical mask. “Please don’t tell anyone else in your department.”  Before he could inquire further, she proceeded to wear it over her face, and it was large enough to cover her eyes.
He had to stifle his laughter. “This one promises.”
It was uneventful afterwards, without beeping pagers or loudspeaker announcements. He lasted another hour and a half, before he felt the familiar pull of exhaustion. He logged off and sat back in his chair. He could never fully sleep while on the job. That was especially true now, with Kamiya Kaoru in the same room, softly breathing.
It was Director Kamiya who had offered him a place at Kamiya Kasshin, while he was still working for Katsura. He had been disillusioned and burnt out, entertaining ideas of quitting medicine. He was too ashamed to talk to Hiko, but he caved to the “fates” as his guardian liked to refer to them. Akane, Kasumi, and Sakura had sat him down, persuading him to take the new job before deciding anything further. Akane was particularly fervent, she had never liked Katsura.
So, he had accepted the position and adjusting to the new work environment occupied him. Then, the accident happened. It was on a night not too different from this one, and he had also been on call. He heard there was a group of people, on the phone with the director at the crash site, trying to obtain details. He had run to that desk, preparing to encourage the man who had helped him so far. It was at the other end of the hospital and he was relatively late, everyone else mobilizing for the victims’ arrival. When he picked up the phone, he was out of breath. “Kamiya-dono?”
Instead of Director Kamiya’s voice, there was a young, feminine one. Choked with tears, but still strong. “Hello? Please, can you hear me?”
One fateful conversation, and she reminded him of what he loved about his profession. But she didn’t seem to remember. That was alright, the memory was wrapped up in tragedy, and he didn’t want to hurt her. Getting to know her was enough. Even after six years, she was very much the same woman he had spoken to. Compassionate, brave, honest.
Hiko, being his usual infuriating self, had accused him of having a crush, although Kenshin was disgruntled. Not that Kaoru wasn’t attractive, but it was not the point. It wasn’t a crush, he was immensely grateful to Kaoru as well as her late father, for his current life. Originally, he was trying to repay their kindness, in what little he could manage on his part. So far, he enjoyed spending time with her, even when on call. Around her, and for that matter, their other workroom colleagues, he felt at ease in a way that he hadn’t experienced in decades.
But if she asked about him…? He hadn’t decided what he would do yet.
Kenshin slowly emerged from his trance. The blinds had been opened, the sky pink with dawn. He clicked his mouse and the monitor lit with the time. Just past six. Night call was almost over.
Kaoru’s chair was empty, and he drowsily recalled her rummaging about, before the door closed. She must have gone to pre-round on her patients, to check on them before meeting with the rest of her team. He hoped they would let her go before noon.
He relayed the night’s events to the day shift’s surgeon, who insisted that everything would be taken care of and please get some rest, Dr. Himura. But he went to check on his shock patient, who was thankfully stable. Then, the parents arrived in the waiting area, and he took the opportunity to speak to them. By the time he returned to retrieve his things, it was already ten. Kaoru was also there, greeting him as if she hadn’t spent the night at the hospital.
“Morning, Kenshin!”
“Good morning. How were your rounds?” He inquired, clearing his desk.
“Quick, thank goodness.”
“And how are you?”
“I feel fine. Well, I know it’s fake, I’ll probably crash once I get home. I’m just going to submit my notes, and then, I’ll go.” She didn’t sit down, her eyes glued to her screen as she logged in. A few clicks, and then, she grabbed her bag. “Done! Geez, I’m ready to leave.”
“Good work, Kaoru-dono.”
“You too.” Despite how little she must have slept, her smile was as radiant as ever. “But you’re still here? I thought you would have been out by now.”
“This one had a few tasks, but this one was just about to leave as well. After you.” He urged her ahead of him. They shared an elevator down, luckily without any stops.
“Have you already eaten breakfast?” She asked.
“This one had a leftover rice ball. The cafeteria is…” His weary mind searched for a word that would be appropriate.
“I know, I really want Tae to expand her hours, but she can’t while she has her regular job. I think I have cup ramen in my pantry.”
“Next time, this one will bring enough onigiri to share.”
“Next time?” She repeated, emphasizing the implication of another call shift in the near future, but she was laughing. “Would they have caffeine in them?”
He smiled at her. “For you, this one will make an exception.”
Her cheeks grew pink. “Thank you, I’ll look forward to it.” After a pause, she added. “What would even be inside such onigiri? Instant coffee?”
Matcha powder actually, but he needed to perfect that recipe. “It would be a surprise.”
They passed the lobby, and bright sunshine filled his vision. After spending so long in the hospital, it was a relief to be out in the open again. The cloudless sky was an immaculate blue, the fresh air crisp. Beside him, Kaoru sighed, her lips curving. The wind tossed her ponytail, and she shoved her hands in her pockets, continuing on. Suddenly aware that he was staring again, he picked up his feet. Then, they were already at the garage and had to part ways. Work had truly ended.
“Drive safe and sleep well! I’ll see you on Monday!” She waved and he did the same.
“Take care.”
There was no traffic, and his empty apartment was cool. It was quiet as he meticulously cleaned his belongings. As he walked to his bedroom, he barely made a sound. The shower seemed too loud, and so did the hair dryer. Slipping between his clean sheets, he noticed the lack of scent. After leaving his glasses on his nightstand, he checked his phone again. Nothing new, which was supposed to be good. He hovered over Kaoru’s name in the group chat. Well…it wouldn’t hurt. His thumb pressed down, and he began to type.
This one hopes you returned home without issue and that you have a relaxing weekend.
With the message sent, he locked the screen. She could reply on her own time.
And at last, he closed his eyes.
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kagami190 · 4 years
“Death & Rebirth” Chapter 2: Rebirth
Chapter 2: Rebirth
Immediately after getting out of bed, Kagami had invited her high school classmate Misao Kusakabe out to the shopping district and rushed out of the house. Kagami felt guilty leaving her twin sister in the dust so early in the day, but she was in dire need of a confidant who wasn't a family member.
Misao was certainly a loyal friend and made for good company - especially in as much as she probably wouldn't notice how mentally preoccupied Kagami was.
"I mean, ya think about it, it doesn't make any sense!" Misao said, her cute little snaggletooth showing amidst every word out of her mouth.
Kagami didn't know what Misao was talking about, she didn't necessarily care either. She just nodded. Misao was wearing a new shirt and a skirt Kagami had never seen before - which wasn't surprising considering she was just getting used to not seeing her friends in their uniformed colors every day.
She wasn't depressed, just lost in thought. She didn't want to be alone, she didn't know what she would do. She needed to be around someone so she didn't do anything crazy. Which is why she made the decision to call Misao as soon as she had woken up. She didn't want this to get around to her more immediate group of friends. Most especially her sister and loud-mouthed Konata.
Misao on the other hand, it was all the same to her. Kagami assumed she would talk to a wall if another person wasn't around.
She couldn't keep this up forever though. She'd have to face the music at some point.
As beautiful people walked by - regardless of whether they were male or female - Kagami would sexualize them. Sometimes feeling her nipples harden at the excitement of a beautiful woman or the natural smell of a handsome man jogging past. She didn't know how people could do it. How can they walk around like this and pay attention to anything else?
Kagami blushed, lost in her naughty thoughts, and felt a tingling, her panties moistened a little. 
"... Right?!" Misao's voice came back into focus, "What do you think, Hiiragi?"
Kagami snapped back into reality.
"Uhh.." Kagami said, "Sure."
"Heyyyy!" Misao observed immediately, switching tracks without a beat and pointing at Kagami "You're all red-faced!"
She blushed brighter red.
"What's the big deal?" Misao was confused. "You sick or somethin' Hiiragi?" "I haven't really felt like myself lately, no," Kagami admitted. Misao took a second to process this, "Soooo... Does that mean your sick?"
Kagami laughed a little, the first small feeling of happiness since last night, "No Misao, I'm not sick."
"Ya sure?" Misao confirmed.
"I'm sure," Kagami said.
"Then is it a boy?" Misao asked.
The blood rushed to Kagami's face again. She wore her emotions right on her sleeve. She'd always known this.
"So is that what all the red faceyness was about?" Misao said, grinning, "Saw something you liked, Hiiragi?"
"No! I mean..." Kagami started.
"I saw some hotties walkin' down these streets." Misao said, "Don't think I didn't catch you turning your head"
Kagami gasped, "You saw that?"
Misao giggled, "Nah, I was yappin' too much to notice stuff like that. You definitely threw yourself under the bus on that one."
Kagami sighed, annoyed, "Thanks for that."
"There's the Hiiragi I know!" Misao said, "Now come on, what boy do you have on your mind? Did he go to school with us? It wasn't 'Sebastian' was it?"
"It's..." Kagami paused, "Complicated."
Misao frowned a little, "Aw, come on Hiiragi. I mean, I know we didn't hang out much outside of school, but I'm tryin' to be a good friend here."
"You're right," Kagami grinned, "Sorry."
Misao looked to their right as they passed by a Taiwanese restaurant, a quaint establishment that had two giant posters in its window. One said, "DAILY SPECIALS!" the other, "BOBA TEA!"
"I know!" She said, stopping right in front of it.
"Huh?" Kagami said, realizing Misao was no longer walking beside her.
"Boba Tea!" Misao said, "Awesome stuff!"
Kagami backtracked a few steps to catch up with Misao "Oh. The Taiwanese bubble tea with the huge tapioca balls at the bottom."
"Um, yeah! The best drink to have deep conversations over!" Misao smiled as she grabbed Kagami by the hand, dragging her into the restaurant.
Kagami slightly resisted but allowed Misao to pull her in. "Aren't you thinking about coffee? Besides, the convo I want to have is a little personal..."
"Nah, coffee sucks," Misao said, walking up to the front counter, "Boba tea is where it's at!"
"Hello! Welcome!" They heard, the clerk calling to them as they walked up to the counter.
"Hi, nice to meet ya!" Misao said, "Just two for the bar please, we're just gonna get some boba tea."
The man nodded, "Boba tea is the reason this place stays open." He smiled and gestured for the girls to come toward him. "Boba tea is a relatively young, but very profitable Taiwanese tradition."
"Young?" Kagami asked as she and Misao followed behind him.
"It's a staple of Taiwanese culture and it hasn't even been around 40 years!" The man said, leading Kagami and Misao to the bar, pulling the tall chairs out for them.
Misao sat down, "Hehe... This is kinda cool. Feel like a big girl sitting on this stool chair." "What kind of boba tea would you girls like?" The man smiled.
"I'll have coconut with passion fruit boba!" Misao said proudly.
"Of course." The man said, "And for you?"
"Um..." Kagami started, "I'll have what she's having."
"Very good." The man said, scurrying away.
"That guy sure was happy about the significance of boba tea," Kagami said.
"Like my Dad says the only way to stay afloat is to love what life deals you." Misao said, "This guy's really invested in his job, but maybe that's because it's all he has."
"Sounds like settling to me," Kagami said dryly, "They pay him so he probably just fakes it."
Misao shook her head, "Always the depressing logic from you, Hiiragi."
Kagami sighed, putting her head on the bar, "I'm just so confused," She whined out loud.
"Oh, that's right!" Misao said, "I got so excited about the boba that I forgot what we were coming in here for. Your boy troubles! Okay, tell me all about it!"
"It's..." Kagami said, "It's not a boy." "Oh?" "It's..." Kagami thought for a second, "It's like..." "Take your time Hiiragi, don't bust a blood vessel. " "I'm just trying to think of how to word it!" Kagami snapped. "Okay, okay!" Misao laughed, "So it's like?" "Well... have you ever been through a life-changing experience?" Kagami asked. "What?" Misao replied, " Like someone dying?"
"Not really..." Kagami said, taking a second to remember how last night felt like the death of her innocence. Who knew death could feel so good.
"Becoming a millionaire?" Misao guessed again, "If you're a millionaire, you should loan me some money."
"No, not a millionaire," Kagami rolled her eyes, "Like... you ever heard of people who find religion? People, who say they're saved?"
"Like those reborn again people?" Misao said, "You a holy roller now? I always knew your family was religious but you never seemed all that bought-in."
"Not that," Kagami said, "But something just as earth-shattering changed who I thought I was..."
Misao, usually full of smiles and always talking fell silent, and in her bright brown eyes you could see immediate worry for her friend.
"Hey, Kagami..." Misao started Kagami felt a slight startle at Misao calling her by her given name. "You know I'm here for ya," Misao said, "Whatever it is, I want to help okay?"
There was a small silence as Kagami decided whether or not to fully confide in Misao. Could she keep such a weird secret? Were they close enough so that she wouldn't be totally creeped out and run away?
Before she could think about it more, the man from earlier returned, with as much gusto as ever, cups and big straws in hand. He sat down their boba teas in front of them.
"Two coconut and passion fruit for the pretty young ladies!" He announced cheerfully, "Enjoy! If you want to order anything the menu is right in front of you."
"Thanks." The girls said, and he walked away leaving them once again to their own devices.
"His happiness definitely seems genuine," Misao said after he had left, "I don't think he's faking or settling."
After a small beat, Kagami finally spoke. "Misao, have you ever had a boyfriend?" Kagami asked.
Misao wasn't expecting that and this time it was her face that flushed a little bit, "Well... I mean... Not, like, anything official or nothin' like that."
"Neither have I." Kagami said, "I think I need one in my life. I'm craving something more lately..."
Misao thought she knew where this was going, "Love?"
Kagami took a deep breath as her heart raced. It was now or never, "Sex."
Misao's big amber-brown eyes widened, her pupils shrinking as the light hit them. "Umm..."
"Please," Kagami immediately said, "Don't hate me or think I'm weird. I swear I just wanted to tell someone and I thought..."
"Hiiragi, it's okay," Misao said recoiling, "Calm down, I don't hate you. And it's not weird that a teenage girl is interested in sex."
"Is it weird that I got off to a hentai anime?" Kagami immediately followed up.
Misao, obviously taken aback again by how much Kagami had to get off her chest, after a few moments said, "Well... I've definitely heard weirder."
That didn't really make Kagami feel much better, but at least Misao wasn't running away.
"I gotta tell you Hiiragi," Misao grinned suggestively, "You're the last person in the world I expected to be a nymphomaniac."
"I'm not a nympho!" She said defensively, "I just have this new feeling and I'm confused." "Confused about?" Kagami blushed, "Wanting...to feel pleasure... I guess." "So you ARE a nympho!" Misao laughed.
"I am NOT!" Kagami shot back. "I'm..." "So you're not sex-starved," Misao said.
"I mean, it's hard to explain," Kagami started, "Konata lent Tsukasa an anime DVD. She didn't have time to watch it, so I asked if I could. She mistakingly lent her a hentai DVD."
"Mistakingly?" Misao asked, "Wouldn't put it past that girl to do it on purpose as some kinda pervy joke."
Kagami hadn't thought about that. She was surprised she hadn't.
"So you watched it and liked it huh?" Misao said.
"More than liked it," Kagami said, "I got... I got really warm and... I mean, so, I like..."
"Did ya diddle yourself, Hiiragi?" Misao said smiling.
"Ya know," Kagami said, annoyance bubbling, "For this being a moment where I spill my darkest secret you're not being very sensitive.
"Darkest secret?" Misao said, more amused, "Hiiragi if all you did was touch yourself..."
Kagami looked around worriedly, "Not so loud! This isn't really the most appropriate place for this conversation."
"I'm no sex researcher scientist person," Misao said, "But I'd say that it's very likely that most every person masturbates at least once."
"Have you..." Kagami's voice lowered to a whisper, "Ya know... Did what I did? To yourself?" "Uhh..." Misao stammered, "Well..."
"We're being honest with each other, right?" Kagami said, "Only the two of us have to know anything about this conversation."
"Yeah," Misao looked at the ground as her skin flushed, then looked back to Kagami, finding it hard to keep eye contact, "I have."
Kagami turned in her barstool to face Misao, "Oh, my God really?" Kagami grabbed her hand, "I'm not the only one?"
Misao raised an eyebrow and eased her hand free, "I told ya. Everyone does it at one point."
"What made you do it?" Kagami asked.
"Woah, Hiiragi..." Misao scratched the back of her head, "I knew we were gonna come in here for girl talk but didn't know it was really gonna be, like, girl talk. On second thought this might not be the best place to talk about stuff like that."
Kagami threw her an evil glare, "That's what I heavily alluded to before you decided to sit down in a public place for a drink, Misao."
"Well!" Misao defended, "That was before you wanted to go into detail about how we diddle ourselves."
"Would you stop calling it that?" Kagami pleaded tiredly.
"Okay, how we touch ourselves." Misao corrected
Kagami blushed a slight pink again, "Right. That." She said, looking at the ground embarrassingly.
"Okay, let's drink our boba tea!" Misao said cheerfully, "There's plenty of time for that other stuff later!"
"Right," Kagami said, smiling and feeling much more at ease, "We'll save that subject for later."
Kagami looked down at the drink in front of her, which she had yet to touch. It didn't look very much like any tea she'd ever drunk. It was cold first of all - and it had an off-white color to the liquid. At the bottom were things that looked like bubbles - the signature look of boba tea. The bubbles at the bottom of her cup were orange. Besides that, it was served in a plastic cup with a circular plastic seal covering the top of the cup. Accompanied by the sealed cup was a big, silly- looking straw still in its wrapper.
"How do I drink this thing?" Kagami asked, surveying how excessively big the straw was.
"Oh," Misao said, "Stab the straw through its wrapper to open it, then break the seal with the straw. Thrust the straw in the center of the plastic film on the cup."
Kagami did so. "Now you can drink the tea and suck the balls!" Misao said happily. "Uh..." Kagami said, "Suck the..."
There was a small beat of silence as the girls looked over at each other, noticing the presence of the double entendres. Then silently realizing that it was they who made the connection, making it clear they both were concentrating on the concept of sex.
They stared blankly at their boba teas and straws, taking a second to focus on the giant tapioca balls.
"I'm not really feelin' the boba tea," Kagami said. "Me neither." Misao said, "Still, those are pretty huge balls huh?"
Kagami turned to wave someone down, "Check, please."
On the way into Misao's home, Kagami had taken a quick glance at the front room of the house. It was pretty cluttered, at least for a Japanese home. It definitely fit Misao's personality. It was very quiet too. She wondered where the rest of Misao's family was.
"Make yourself at home, Hiiragi." Misao said, "Want anything?" "Do you have tea?" Kagami asked, "Not that Boba nonsense. Normal tea?" Misao smiled, "Sure. I was thinking the same thing. One sec."
Misao left the room for a few moments, leaving Kagami by herself in the room. Kagami was glad too, she's needed a few minutes of alone time. Telling someone your deepest darkest secret the day after it had happened was emotionally tiring and she wanted some silent time to recover. Silent time didn't happen with Misao.
She smiled slightly. Misao had definitely come through for her in a very vulnerable period and she knew that Misao would keep her secret. Even if her counseling was a little quirky, she could tell every word was filled with warmth and conviction. She was constantly making Kagami laugh, making up for the dark self-loathing place she had been it for the last day.
She was always laughing too, such a cutie. She was very cute.
Through the day, Kagami definitely felt kinship growing for Misao, sure that they would be closer than they had ever been considering Misao's open-mind and support. She had noticed that Misao looked even cuter when she smiled. That little sharp tooth of hers peaking out of her mouth was oddly endearing today. It gave her the cute and silly character that Kagami knew she could count on. It was clear she had always taken their friendship for granted. But she wouldn't any longer.
Misao returned with two cups of tea on a tray, setting them down on the small table in the center of her room.
"Two cups of normal tea, a la mode!" Misao said cheerfully. "Uh," Kagami said, "You do know that "a la mode" means "served with ice cream" right?"
"Oh," Misao said, sitting on the ground, "Sorry. It sounded cool though right?" She grinned a little embarrassed.
Kagami giggled and shook her head and took a seat next to Misao, "Misao, you're definitely one of a kind."
"Aw, thanks Hiiragi." Misao said, "You too." "I really appreciate you taking me under your wing today," Kagami said, "I was a big mess."
"Nah, don't mention it. And you weren't a big mess, we already established that. Just some tingling in the nether regions that's all."
"Put so eloquently." Kagami said sarcastically, but then noticed how quiet it was, "Hey, where is your family? I noticed it was all dark and cluttered when I came in."
"All off doing something for the summer," Misao said, "Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa went on some sort of lazy boat cruise. Big brother is off traveling with his band of college bro-types."
"And you're alone?" Kagami asked.
"Yeah, just for a couple weeks. I guess they figure I'm graduated now so I'm old enough to fend for myself." Misao said, "But I'm kinda messy so I should probably clean up before they get back. Grandma likes to keep the place all shiny - always on my case about it."
"I'd imagine so." Kagami said nodding, "Well hey, in return for helping me today how about I help you clean up the place before they get back?"
"That'd be cool!" Misao said, "We can make a day of it! Hang out and stuff."
"Sounds like a plan," Kagami smiled. She picked up her tea and took a sip, "Ah, that hits the spot."
"Oh! Speaking of hitting the spot, we still have the stuff to talk about!" Misao declared, "Safe from the judging ears of a public restaurant."
"Right." Kagami's cheeks took on light pink.
"It was the cheerleader squad." Misao casually blurted, sipping her own tea noisily.
"What was?"
"What inspired me to do it." Misao said, "What made me diddle - I mean, you know, touch myself. I saw them practicing after school and I guess the mental image really stuck with me."
"The... Cheerleading squad?"
"I figured if we were being honest with each other," Misao said, "I would tell you something personal. I've never really been that attracted to boys."
"Are you..." Kagami said carefully, "Coming out to me?"
Misao shrugged, "Not particularly. I mean, I think boys are kinda sorta cute, but girls are so much prettier, softer. Not as sweaty ya know? It's just not something I advertise, not like I've actually been with either one."
"And so you saw the cheerleader squad and... Uh, did the thing where you touched yourself." Kagami said.
"Yeah, Hiiragi," Misao rolled her eyes, "I masturbated at home while thinking if the cute little cheerleaders."
"Okay, wow... super embarrassing, but, um... right." Kagami flushed, "Masturbated." "I felt pretty creepy about it. Like a pervy old man." Misao said. "I've been feeling the same way all day," Kagami sighed. "Ya know what I think your solution is, Hiiragi?" Misao asked.
"What's that?" "I think you need to stop hating yourself for what you feel." Misao said, "It's not like you're doing
anything wrong." "It feels incredibly wrong," Kagami frowned.
"That's natural, in most walks of life people are taught to be ashamed of desires," Misao said, her voice now sounding intellectual, channeling her inner college student, "I mean, think about it: have you touched anyone that didn't want to be touched?"
"Are you getting off to something that would hurt people or something illegal?"
"So it just sounds like you're a normal person discovering herself," Misao smiled, "Like I said, love your life for what it is. It felt good didn't it?"
Kagami blushed more, "Yeah... It did."
Misao shrugged, "Who's to say you shouldn't keep on doing it? Better than sleeping with strangers to quell your appetite."
Kagami finally saw a light at the end of this tunnel. Misao was right. She was feeling excessive pangs of guilt that was a staple of any culture for females - girls who want sex should be ashamed why? Men don't get flack for masturbating... so why should she?
"There's no reason to beat yourself up about it Hiiragi," Misao said warmly, "Here's one girl who'll never judge you. You can trust me with this stuff."
Kagami smiled warmly and scooted herself a little closer to Misao, resting her head on her shoulder, "Life after high school sure is crazy..."
Misao's cheeks started to take on a light shade of pink too, "Yep! Pretty crazy..." She said, laughing and trying to hide her sudden nervousness.
When laughing, Misao exposed her little fang again, causing Kagami to stifle a giggle. "What?" Misao said, "Got something on my face?" "Your tooth." Kagami said, "The little sharp one." "Good Ol' pointy." Misao said, "Always been there."
"I know," Kagami said, "I've always liked it." Misao cocked an eyebrow, "My tooth?" "It fits with your character." Kagami said, "I've always thought it was really cute." "Yeah?" Misao said, a little flattered, "I always thought it made me look weird." Kagami lifted her head from her shoulder to meet Misao face-to-face. "Nope. Total cutie pie."
The girls stared at each other, nose to nose for a couple of seconds. Kagami took on a finger and pressed it underneath Misao's tooth, "It's not that sharp."
"Well," Misao said awkwardly, "Hopefully I don't have to rip apart an animal carcass with my teeth anytime soon."
Kagami, using the hand that was nearest to Misao's face, brushed her brown hair behind her ear, "Too cute." Kagami said, letting her hand linger on her cheek after tucking back Misao's hair.
"Hiiragi..." Misao started, looking up into her eyes.
Kagami's blue eyes locked with Misao's hazel eyes and their faces instinctively drifted towards each other, their eyes closing and lips meeting for a soft, sensual little kiss.
The two girls let their foreheads rest against one another after the kiss. Misao's heart was beating so fast Kagami could hear it.
"You're hearts going pretty fast there," Kagami said playfully.
"What are we doin' Hiiragi?" Misao asked softly, her voice frail.
"Nothing we should be ashamed of, right?" Kagami said, "And no one is here."
"Conveniently." Misao said, "Funny how that always works out, isn't it? Almost like we're in a story."
"Yeah, it really is," Kagami admitted.
There was a beat of silence, which was filled by the beat of Misao's thumping heart.
"Still," Kagami said, "Don't you want to? I mean... go just a bit further?"
"I..." Misao started but was cut off.
"Haven't you even thinking about it all day?" Kagami asked, "Don't you think I'm cute?"
Misao opened her eyes to look at Kagami.
"Always have," Misao said, as Kagami opened her eyes to meet her gaze once again.
Immediately, Misao's eyes darted to the side in embarrassment.
Kagami put a hand on Misao's cheek and caressed it, pulling her face close for a long, passionate kiss - Misao let out a small moan in Kagami's mouth.
"I knew you wanted to." Kagami smiled warmly and kissed Misao quickly again.
"This is a completely different side of you, Hiiragi," Misao said.
"Yeah," Kagami said, "It's different."
"I like it a lot though," Misao said, leaning in for another kiss - this time slowly working her tongue into Kagami's mouth.
Kagami took a cue from this and let her tongue into Misao's mouth continuing to caress her face. The two girls softly swirled their tongues in each other's mouths both letting out small high-pitched sighs every so often as they kissed.
Kagami took her hand and slid it to Misao's back, lifting up her tee-shirt and immediately going for
her bra. "Woah!" Misao exclaimed, "You really don't waste time."
"Take these off." Kagami said softly, still playfully fingering the back of her bra, "I want to see your cute naked body."
Misao blushed, "Well, my boobs are a little small so... I mean, don't expect much."
Kagami rolled her eyes, "Please. You're talking to another girl with a petite body. Take off your bra and your shirt."
"If you say so..." Misao lifted up her shirt over her head, her small breasts encased in her plain white bra.
"Your tits," Kagami said, "So cute..." "Tits." Misao said, giggling "You're a dirty talker too." "Apparently," Kagami said, slipping off one of Misao's bra straps. Misao looked down, feigning surprised, "Hiiragi..."
Kagami reached into Misao's bra and pulled out one of her small breasts and massaged it. It fit perfectly in Kagami's hand and she could feel her nipples, which were small and beautifully natural, harden.
Kagami took one finger and pressed her hard nipple in lightly, it softened but Misao let out a loud pleasurable moan.
"Ah!" Misao sighed quietly, "That feels really good..."
After massaging her breast again for a few more seconds Kagami stopped to get a full view of Misao's budding chest, still holding her hand over the one she was massaging. Kagami looked up at her, "Can I lick it?"
"Sure." Misao's face flushed again.
Kagami took Misao's small breast in her hand again and stared at her puffy little nipple.
"Here I go," Kagami said, and slowly licked Misao's nipple before putting it in her mouth slowly.
"Oh, man!" Misao moaned as she held Kagami's head and pushed it against her chest, "Don't stop, don't stop!"
"You have such beautiful little tits, Misao..." Kagami said, continuing to lick her hardened yet still soft teenage nipples. "I love licking them."
Misao moaned again, "No Hiiragi that's embarrassing!" "What, that you have a sexy little body?" Kagami said, grinning, "it's meant to be a compliment." Misao looked Kagami up and down and her body became warm. "I want I see your body, Hiiragi." Misao said, looking into her eyes, "Kagami-chan."
"Kagami-chan, huh?" Kagami said, "So we're that close now?"
"I think once you're about to get to second base with someone, it's okay to be casual," Misao said.
"Fair enough." Kagami said, giggling, "Misa-chan."
Kagami lifted her shirt, revealing her slightly smaller breasts with her pink bra covering them.
"You've got some cute tits too, Hiiragi," Misao said, "I want to do what you did to me. I wanna lick and suck yours too."
Kagami smiled, "Why don't we go to your bed?"
Kagami got up and walked over to Misao's bed, sitting down, pulling one bra strap off of her shoulder innocently.
"Wow, Hiiragi are you trying to seduce me?" Misao asked. "Not trying." Kagami said matter-of-factly, "Just did." "You think you're smooth, Hiiragi?" Misao said, making her way to the bed to sit next to Kagami. "What happened to Kagami-chan?" Kagami asked. " I'll call ya whatever I want," Misao said bravely. "Haha, that's awful defiant," Kagami said teasingly. "Shut up and get naked, Hiiragi," Misao said turning to face Kagami
Kagami did the same, turning to face Misao as well. They locked lips passionately. Misao took one hand and messaged one of Kagami's breasts, still encased in the pink bra. Kagami began to lean back and Misao took this chance to slightly but somewhat aggressively push her down to lay on the bed.
Misao laid on top of Kagami, kissing upwards from her stomach to her small tits. She kissed around Kagami's cleavage and slightly kissed the outside part of her breast. "Take it off," Misao whispered.
Kagami reached behind herself and unhooked her bra, sliding down her other strap and letting it fall in front of her as she bore her naked chest.
Misao followed suit, unhooking her bra and completely revealing both of her small natural breasts. Misao immediately leaned forward and kissed Kagami's pink nipple.
"Ah..." Kagami sighed.
Misao took her tongue and licked Kagami's nipple using her entire tongue - almost like she was licking an ice cream cone. She continued to lick Kagami's nipples lapping faster and faster.
"Oh God Misao..." Kagami held Misao's head to her chest just as she had done her, "More... More, it feels so good."
Misao took her tongue and gave it a little pressure - using it to push the top of Kagami's nipple inward.
"Haaaaaaaah..." Kagami moaned as relaxing pleasure shot through her upper body, she pushed Misao's head firmer into her chest, feeling the moisture in her panties as Misao continuously licked her breasts softly.
Misao stopped and looked up at Kagami, who was continuing to moan while catching her breath at the same time even after Misao had stopped licking. She was still audible as she sat up to survey the familiar damp spot under her. Even with her panties on.
"Sorry," Kagami said, "That's really embarrassing."
"Don't worry 'bout it," Misao said, ignoring the comment altogether and wrapping her arms around Kagami. She pressed herself against Kagami's body as she gave her another long kiss.
The girls intertwined their tongues once again and Kagami pulled herself closer to Misao and deeper into the kiss. They both felt a light, tingly pleasure as their nipples and breasts pressed against each other.
Misao looked at the wet spot on the bed again, "You're like a river there, Hiiragi." Misao laughed. "Don't laugh," Kagami flushed, "It's so embarrassing." "Just means I'm doin' a good job, that's all!" Misao said proudly. "I want to do good for you too," Kagami said.
"What'd ya have in mind?" Misao asked suggestively.
Kagami put her hand on Misao's bare chest and slid it in between her breasts, softly down her stomach and in between her legs inching up her skirt and softly rubbing against her cotton panties.
Misao sighed surprisingly and let out a light moan, "Kagami..." She said, "I've never... No one's ever, like..."
"Don't forget it's my first time too," Kagami said, "I've done it to myself... I just want to see if it all works the same. And if it makes you feel good, all the better."
"It felt so intense..." Misao said, "And you were just touching on the outside." "Can I keep going?" Kagami asked, inching closer.
A few moments later, Kagami was looking at Misao's cute panties as she slipped off her skirt. Cotton white with a tiny pink bow at the top. There was a long wet spot right in the middle as her juices automatically flowed out Kagami took two fingers and rubbed them against the wet spot.
"Oh my God..." Misao moaned, "Aaaahhhh!" Kagami took her hand rubbing against Misao and worked her way slowly to remove her panties. Misao grabbed Kagami's hand to stop her, "I'm gonna pee! "It just feels that way at first." Kagami soothed her, "Just relax." "You promise?" Misao said, her voice shaking. Kagami put one hand on Misao's face and caressed her cheek, "Misao, it's okay. I promise."
Misao's body relaxed as she accepted that the sensation was an intense pleasure. She decided she was better off basking in it, no matter what the outcome.
Kagami once again lifted the small elastic of Misao's panties and began to slip them off.
"Hiiragi, please... Please be gentle, I'm so scared." Misao said, her voice more helpless and frail than Kagami had ever heard before.
"Tell me if you don't want to," Kagami said worriedly, "I don't want you to feel like you have to because you're in the moment. I might be newly curious but I'm not a rapist."
"I do want to," Misao blurted, "I feel safe with you. But at least give me this, it doesn't matter who your first sexcapade is with... it's still nerve-racking."
"You got a point there," Kagami said, taking her hand and inching under Misao's skirt, stopping just short of her bare pussy.
Misao gasped, her eyes widening. Her mouth was left agape as she processed what was about to happen.
"Should I keep going?" Kagami asked. "Yes, Hiiragi." Misao said, "Touch me down there... Please."
Kagami took her hand and rubbed it slightly against Misao's wet vagina. While rubbing she could already feel Misao's clitoris protruding. It was bigger than hers. Misao let out a high-pitched moan as Kagami's fingers brushed over her clit.
"You thought I was a river?" Kagami smirked. "Shut up!" Misao said, flushing, "Jerk."
Kagami leaned forward for another small kiss as she continued to rub Misao's clitoris. Misao let out another moan into Kagami's mouth.
Kagami leaned back from the kiss and began to kiss down Misao's neck, down her shoulder blades to her petite breasts, and took her left nipple into her mouth, suckling a bit. Misao messaged her own right breast as she did so, intensifying the pleasure in her upper body, she felt more of her juices flow out, almost like a geyser in slow motion.
Kagami continued to kiss and lick down Misao's flat stomach, stopping as she got to her skirt. Misao took the cue and slipped off the skirt, revealing her small shaved vagina. Kagami kissed around it gently.
"You okay?" Kagami said. "Sure." Misao's voice shook slightly. "I'm going to lick you." Kagami said, "Okay?" "Please," Misao said, "It feels so good... I... I don't know where to put all of this pleasure." "Relax," Kagami soothed and slowly took her tongue and lapped it across Misao's clit. "Oh my..." Misao shrieked, "Fuck! Oh my God, Hiiragi lick me more, please lick me more!" Kagami licked up and down Misao's pussy, flicking her clitoris with her tongue. Misao convulsed
and gasped for air as she moaned.
Kagami took one finger and rubbed Misao's clit softly in a circular motion. Misao's body shook as she gyrated slightly, rubbing her juices on the sheets of her bed.
The bed was soaking wet.
Kagami licked up and down Misao's pussy slit for a minute before stopping and speaking softly, "Misao..."
"Kagami it feels so good, don't stop, please don't stop I'll go crazy!" Misao screamed. "I want to try something." Kagami said, "With my finger."
"Whatever you want," Misao said, catching her breath, "Just keep licking my pussy while you do it."
"You sure?" Kagami said. "Oh my God, whatever Hiiragi!" Misao said frustrated, "Fingers, whatever, just keep going!" Misao pushed Kagami's head back in between her legs.
Kagami slowly brought out her tongue again, picking up where she had left off. She started from the bottom of Misao's vagina and licked upwards, finally flicking her clit softly with her tongue over and over when she got to the top. Misao thrust her pelvis once more, sinking Kagami's face into her wet pussy.
Kagami pulled back and took her hand, playfully rubbing up and down Misao's wetness. She rubbed her clit softly before finally making her way down and feeling for a small opening she knew would be there. Rubbing her finger up and down Misao's pussy, she finally found it and lightly pushed her finger in.
"Haaaaaaaaaah!" Misao moaned, feeling a different type of pleasure than when Kagami rubbed her clitoris. Not as intense but somehow more... fulfilling. But it stretched her a little and she worried it might hurt.
"Be gentle, ok?" Misao said, "I think it'll hurt..."
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." Kagami said.
"No, I know it'll feel good and I want it," Misao explained, "But it will probably hurt too."
Kagami kissed Misao and this time took her finger and slowly slipped it into Misao's tight pussy, which immediately clamped down upon Kagami's finger.
"Ooooooh my...ahhhh!" Misao moaned, screaming at the same time, "Holy hell!"
Kagami pulled out her finger and reinserted it - a little faster this time. Misao whimpered as Kagami's finger was thrust in and out of her tight entrance.
Kagami continued, now inserting her finger and twirling it around lightly.
Misao quietly moaned in the background, her voice intermittently getting stuck in her throat as pleasure spread from Kagami's gentle fingering throughout her entire body Kagami could feel the texture of Misao's wet vaginal walls go from smooth and slippery to a little
more ruffled - a little stiffer. Misao's moans grew more audible as she felt the texture of the walls harden more and more as she messaged them with her finger - moving her finger in a slight "come here" motion as she messaged the roof of Misao's tight pink walls.
"Does it hurt?" Kagami asked, continuing to finger Misao.
Misao caught her breath to answer, letting out a light moan before she had a chance to speak, "A little, but I definitely want more. I never want this feeling to go away Hiiragi." Kagami kept on, staring at Misao's smooth pussy, "I won't stop this time."
Kagami lowered her head as she continued to lightly finger Misao's tight entrance - now simultaneously using her finger to massage her ripple-textured walls and her tongue to lick her clitoris.
"Hiiragi, it's inside me!" Misao moaned, "Your finger is inside and it feels so good!"
Kagami buried her head in between Misao's legs and sucked on her clit, using her tongue to push it back and forth out of her mouth.
"I'm going to explode!" Misao screamed, "Hiiragi is finger fucking me in my room!" She exclaimed out loud.
"I love making you feel good, Misao.." Kagami said in between licks, thrusting her finger a little faster now, "Your juices keep flowing more and more... Means I'm doing a good job right?"
"Kagami, I'm..." Misao said suddenly. Her entire body shook in sensual tremors, "I don't know what's happening! My pussy is gonna explode!"
"You're coming, Misao," Kagami said, turning herself on with her teacher-esque tone "Let it happen, it feels so good."
"Oh my God, it does!" Misao moaned again, "I'm coming! I'm coming! Oh, my G..." Her pelvis again shot up into the air, Kagami didn't stop as Misao orgasmed into her mouth. "Goddddd!" Misao gasped for air, "Oh my God, oh my God!"
She pulled Kagami's face into her wet vagina one last time as the bottom half of her body hung in mid-air and she let out a scream so high pitched that it was almost inaudible and ended as a whimper.
Her first orgasm was beyond anything she could have comprehended beforehand.
The two teenage girls laid beside each other on top of Misao's now drenched bed sheets, both gasping for air. Misao from the intense nature of her first orgasm... and Kagami from the intense nature of Misao's first orgasm.
"Whew!" Kagami said, wiping her mouth, "Almost suffocated me there." "Sorry." Misao rubbed the back of her head, "It was just..." "I know," Kagami grinned, "I understand."
"Hiiragi, I don't know what to do with myself.." Misao said, "I want to do this again and again with you."
"Preachin' to the choir," Kagami said, looking over again at Misao's sweating, naked body.
"I want to make you come." Misao said, "I just... Would you guide me? Like, tell me what to do?"
Kagami raised an eyebrow, "Ummm... The same exact thing?"
"C'mon, just walk me through it!" Misao pleaded, "Don't you want to come too?"
"I do. But maybe..." Kagami sighed, still catching her breath "We should take a little rest first."
Misao smiled, "Good idea, Hiiragi." Misao turned on her side and gave Kagami another kiss, "Thank you... So much."
"Don't mention it." Kagami said, lowering her voice to a sensual whisper, "I love the way you taste."
Misao blushed, "That's a heck of a thing to say." She said, "This was amazing but definitely super weird. Completely out of character for both of us."
"Believe me," Kagami said, "I've made peace with that."
Misao cuddled against Kagami from behind, letting her breasts push softly on her back.
"I'm glad it was you," Misao said.
"Me too." Kagami said, her eyes getting heavier, "Me too..."
Slowly but surely the girls fell asleep in each other's arms.
Misao didn't get around to helping Kagami finish again that afternoon.
But all the same, Kagami felt more like her normal self than she had since viewing that damn DVD.
As the two girls dozed off, Misao thought to herself, not sure what the future really held with this newfound hobby. She hoped it wouldn't change her friendship with Kagami. But she was also hopeful and full of butterflies. Ultimately, all she knew was that it felt good.
It felt really, really good.
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mahkaria · 5 years
Of novelists and stray dogs - CHAPTER 4
In a dark alleyway, not too far away from the shopping district, a crowd had started to form. Most of them were men in their twenties. Dark tattoos covered their arms and their neck, as if they took pleasure in looking like stereotypical villains. They didn’t say anything.
Finally, a woman taller than the other arrived. A deep, unpleasant smirk almost cut her face in two and as she moved forward, her subordinates parted to let her pass.
No respect could be seen on their face. Only fear and regret. This woman : Katou Misao, but she was more often called The Puppeteer ; the leader of The Black Warriors .
“Boss, one of our men managed to find the list.”
“Well? Don’t make me wait and give it to me.”  She ordered.
A small book was given to her. On it, the list of all the businesses under Port Mafia’s protection.
“Perfect.” She purred. “Hana, I believe you can take care of it?” She asked to one her lieutenants.
“Of course, boss.”
“Then get to it.”
The teenager took it. Who would have thought she would use her ability this way?
His whole body hurt. He could feel his muscles contract and relax at regular intervals as they pressured his bones.
Atsushi groaned.
The mornings after a transformation were never a pleasant experience. Never.
Good thing he had finally sent his most recent short story. He didn’t want to move even a finger away from his futon..
His phone rang.
A new groan from Atsushi.
He stood up as slowly as he could his whole body cursing him for this decision. He picked up.
“Hello, Atsushi-kun. How are you?”
“Good morning, Tanaka-san. I’m fine and you?”
“I wanted to talk about your new work.” He explained.
“It’s not good enough, is it ?”
“Of course it is. I told you not to worry about it. Just, my superior read it and wanted me to pass a message.”
It’s never good when a sentence starts like that.
“He finds your style extremely dynamic and thinks it would be better for you if you were to - how do I put it? - write about different themes.”
“What? But -”
“It would sell better and be more attractive to new readers, don’t you think?”
Atsushi didn’t know what to answer.
It was thanks to the said editor in chief he had been able to find this apartment. A friend of his had agreed to lend him the place as long as he kept working for them. He was a nice forty-nine years old who had greatly encouraged Atsushi. He owed him more than he could ever pay back.
If that’s what he wants I can’t go against him but -
“I’m sorry I -”
“Atsushi-kun, you do want to keep having a job, right?”
“Of course.”
“Then, you should do what I say. Stories about mythology and historical events are fine but they get boring with time. You won’t keep earning a lot if you only focus on this.”
“Yes but-”
“I’m your editor, don’t you trust me?” Tanaka asked.
“Of course I do !”
“Then do as I say. Write about more modern subjects. I know you’re a kid and can’t totally understand it but I’m only here to advise you. Listen to me or you could really regret it.”
“I see, thank you very much.”
“Glad we understand each other. I’ll wait for you next story then. I’m sure you’ll do great, it won’t be too hard for you to change, right?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Cool, have a nice day.”
“Good bye.” Atsushi stuttered.
A soft bip and the young boy was alone with his thoughts. All hopes of a peaceful morning had vanished with one conversation.
What does writing about more modern subject even mean? He wondered.
Until now, Kunikida, his grandmother and Sensei had always praised his writings. Did they only do it by mere politeness? No, they weren’t this kind of people. Kunikida was as blunt as an uppercut; a trait he shared with his caretaker.
Sensei firmly valued honesty and had never hesitated at criticizing Atsushi when it was needed. He wouldn’t lie.
He trusted them more than anyone but at the same time…
Maybe he should go to a bookshop see which were the best sellers?
He fell on his futon once again.
I’ll do it later.
As his eyes were about to close once again, another ringing disturbed him. From his door this time.
He didn’t expect anyone. It would either be publicity or one of his neighbours. They could wait. Atsushi threw his pillow over his head. Only a hurricane would prevent him from resting.
After a moment, no sound came.
One minute
Two minutes
Three minutes
They had probably left.
“At - su - shi - kun ~” A giggling voice whispered next to his ear.
A deep shriek shook the whole building.
“Wow, so energetic when you just woke up? I’m envious !”
“Da- Dazai-san?”
“Yo! Atsushi-kun ! How are you in this fine day?”
The said boy looked left and right. Then left and right once more. No, there was no mistake on his part. It was indeed still his apartment. So it only meant one thing.
“Dazai-san, please stop picking my lock !” He screamed.
“But you weren’t answering.”
“I could have been absent.” Atsushi protested.
“You only go out in the afternoon. In the morning, you just work.”
“How do you know that?”
“That’s a secret!”
I haven’t seen him in three days and I already can’t deal with him anymore.  Atsushi sighed.
“Ca- Can I help you?”
“Odasaku and I are going to explore the city.”
“Have fun, then.”
“Want to come with us?”
“My apologies but I really can’t come with you right now.”
“Do you have something to do?”
“No, but -”
“Then, there is no problem. Come on!”
A hand sneaked inside his warm bed covers.  Its temperature could compare to an iceberg’s. Not something pleasant to come upon when you wanted to relax.
Before he could screech in outrage, he felt it pull him away from the comfort of his futon. Atsushi clawed at his futon in the hope to stay protected but in vain. For such a thin person, Dazai had more strength than it first appeared. Stubbornness too since no matter how hard Atsushi’s other foot kicked him, he refused to let go.
“Good fighting spirit but I won’t lose !” Dazai proclaimed.
And with one final push Atsushi’s face met the hard floor.
“Now, get ready, Atsushi-kun, for we are going on a great adventure !”
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
“No, you don’t.”
Dazai’s smile had widened so much he could have passed for the Cheshire Cat. He patted Atsushi’s hair softly and with one more smile he went out of the room but added before :
“Get dressed, Atsushi-kun. Stimulating your mind from time to time is a good thing.”
Once fully clothed, he found Oda outside. The older man sent him a sorry smile as Dazai complained about how long he had taken to get ready.
“I’m sorry if it sounds rude but shouldn’t you be at work?” Atsushi wondered.
“He is working.” Dazai said while pointing at the cast around his arm. “Odasaku is my bodyguard for the day.”
Once again, he felt shivers run through his body. Few jobs necessitated to have this kind of protection.
Without wanting to, he had fallen into quite a troublesome situation.
“Now, gentlemen, let’s go.” Dazai cheerfully said.
“Are you sure it is safe to bring him here?” Odasaku whispered as they walked toward the shopping district.
“It will be fine, nothing should happen.”
His friend nodded as the worry in his eyes faded.
You shouldn’t trust me this much, Odasaku. I’ll end up disappointing you.
A hand caught his arm. His head rose up and met an intense stare from his friend.
“I know you’re planning something.” He said. “But I also know you’re not actively trying to hurt Nakajima. Don’t worry, Dazai.”
“I’m the epitome of calmness, Odasaku.”
Nakajima Atsushi was a strange kid, Dazai quickly realized (again).
As they travelled through the city, he would often stop and write in his notebook as he stared with wonder at whatever was in front of him. When he had looked over his shoulder, he had seen nothing but gibberish which didn’t make any sense.
It didn’t seem to faze Odasaku. When Atsushi had done it for the first time he had merely watched and hadn’t said anything as if it was perfectly normal.
Was it some weird habit of writers he couldn’t understand?
Another strange habit was how he had tried to escape when Odasaku had proposed to buy him a drink. Why would someone react so violently because of a bottle of green tea?
This, associated to what he had discovered at the orphanage told him enough about the kid than he needed. Only one last information and he would have enough datas.
As they entered a bookshop he saw Atsushi stiffen.
“Is there anything wrong, Nakajima?”
“No, not at all. Do you mind if I take a look around?”
“Of course not, we have time.”
Odasaku followed him. Protectiveness or curiosity about his favorite author? Good question.
Dazai looked at his best friend as he talked with the kid about literature. It had been a while since he had looked so happy.
Romance. Thriller. Pseudo Psychology.
Nothing which went well with his style or which really interested him. Great.
Atsushi forced himself to read the summary of the best seller of the week, a book titled : A mysterious Girl . He had read a few books of this particular writer. They always followed the same pattern which after a while destroyed the novelist’s style. Solid writing was important but remained superficial if the plot didn’t follow.
I’ll never be able to write something like that.
He liked thriller, even loved it sometimes but he didn’t want to write them. Romance by itself was often boring (apart from a few exceptions) and psychology, well…
At twelve years old, how was he supposed to give life advice? He didn’t know enough to really help this way.
“I didn’t know you liked this kind of story.” Oda commented behind him.
“They are not my cup of tea.” He admitted. “But it’s never too late to broaden your horizon, right?”
The uncertain look he got perfectly mirrored his own thoughts.
He didn’t like those books or even worse, he was indifferent toward them. Yet, Tanaka wanted him to write something like those?
“You don’t seem well.” Oda said.
“I feel-”
As he was about to keep talking, a smell interrupted him. It reminded him of a dying fire, when the last sparks of red faded away in the dark. A mix of smoke and burnt wood.
He turned around. Where did it come from?
A few meters away, a young woman was busy reading a poetry collection. Tears came down her face as she closed it and put it away.
For a moment, their eyes met. She -
“Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.”
“That’s okay. Are you going to buy it?”
“Y- Yes, I am.”
They came out after this. Oda had bought a book from Robert Louis Stevenson. Atsushi wasn’t drooling over it. Not at all.
“I’ll lend it to you once I am done.” The older said.
“Thank you.”
Outside, an unexpected awaited them. Dazai kept jumping from right to left as a red haired young man kept trying to kick him.
“Will you remain still, you damn bastard?”
“Chuuya is getting slower. Must be old age.” Dazai singsonged as he avoided a nasty strike which would have robbed him from his front teeth.
“I’m going to show you “old age”, you fucking jerk.”
Passerbys watched them with a mix of amusement and displeasure as the two young men kept wreaking havoc in the street.
“Is Dazai-san okay?”
“Don’t worry, they’re always like that.”
It didn’t really make him feel better.
The newcomer jumped forward and barely missed Dazai. HIs fist met a wall. When he took it away : a hole as big as a football.
“He didn’t forget to hold back this time.” Oda commented.
That’s holding back?
“I said stop moving !”
“Oda-san, why is he so angry?”
“I don’t know. Probably because of something Dazai said.”
“You’re my dog ! You shouldn’t be trying to hit me every time.” The young executive whined.
“I’d rather die.” Another wall fell victim to his fury.
Some people had started to film the whole fight. Did they not see it wasn’t a joke?
Dazai burst into laughter.
Okay, he understood why no one was taking the situation seriously.
“They’re attracting a lot of attention.” Oda noticed.
“Is it bad?”
“It’s not something Dazai would do without a plan.” He conceded.
Instinctively, his body moved toward Atsushi so the boy would be closer. If something was to happen, he would need protection.
After a moment, the two teenagers calmed down and came toward them. A deep flush of exasperation could still be seen on Chuuya’s face.
“Nakahara.” He saluted.
“Oda. Still dealing with the mackerel’s bullshit?”.
“Well, someone has to.” He said lightly.
No teasing could have sounded fonder. It was another proof of how much Dazai and Oda shared a strong bond. As Dazai’s fake hurt exploded, Chuuya and Oda exchanged a silent conversation. Atsushi would have been unable to interpret it.
That’s when the new boy noticed him. Scrutinizing azure eyes fixed him. If seeing him fight was terrifying, it was nothing in comparaison of having his whole attention.
“Who are you?”
“Na-Nakajima Atsushi. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Nakahara Chuuya. You took another charity case?” He grumbled to his partner.
You would have had to be deaf in order not to hear Dazai’s laughters.  
“Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Soon, you’ll regret your words and I’m waiting for this moment.”
“You make even less sense than usual. Congrats, I guess.”
However, discomfort and suspicion had appeared. Dazai often liked to provoc him without any reason. Seeing Chuuya worry about nothing had some kind of interest he could quite fathom. But, it seemed different right now.
Suddenly, his conversation with Prof Specs came back to his mind.
"for such a young kid to be a writer"
“Please, tell me I’m wrong.”
“You know I’ll never lie to you, Chuu-ya ~”
“I hate you so fucking damn much.”
The two last days, the two of them had had to deal with a rival gang. It would have been easy had they not put their hands on high level weapons. A dozen of their subordinates had been killed. Dazai got a broken arm and Chuuya a very strong need to hit the wall with his head.
He had collapsed and had been woken up by an annoying buzz from his phone. The text received was the following :
Hello, little hatrack ! How is the weather down there?
Have you faded out of existence yet? If you haven’t, go to this address [position] as soon as possible !!! You’ll see something interesting. No I’m not talking about poor quality hats. Get your mind out of the gutter. Something really interesting !!!
If you have indeed faded out of existence well… see you in hell! I’ll be allowed to annoy you for the rest of eternity. Can’t wait (ᗒᗨᗕ)(^▽^)(◕⍸ ◕✿)
In his exhaustion, Chuuya had written a very eloquent answer :
Fuck you. Seriously how can you be so fucking annoying?
Dazai, always the same, had replied :
Killing him would be too nice of a punishment. Chuuya had a ten pages long list of things he would do to him before achieving him.
Despite his foul mood, he had exited his room and went to the place indicated. They were partners but didn’t communicate more than needed. If Dazai had written to him, it was important.
Right now, as he stared at a too thin and scared kid, he wondered if he hadn’t done it just for this to happen. If he hadn’t woken up so early he would have never been so rough and Dazai knew it. The jerk.
Words refused to get out of his mouth.
“Chuuya looks like a fish.” Dazai snickered.
“I don’t want to hear that from you.”
Oda and Atsushi were still watching them. The older had a small almost invisible amused light in his eyes. Of course he would find the situation funny, he wasn’t friend with the bastard for nothing.
“Listen…” God, those scared purple eyes. Hello, guilt, nice to see you again. “Hum…”
“Wow, you’re terrible at it.” Dazai commented as Oda nodded.
“You, shut the trash hole you call a mouth !” Chuuya tsked.
“Rude. What is Atsushi-kun going to think?”
At this moment, Chuuya realized two things :
Firstly, he’d never be able to have a real conversation with the author if Dazai was still here.
Secondly, he had always been more focused on action rather than thoughts. He wouldn’t change today. Brawn instead of brain.
He put Atsushi on his shoulder and ran.
Mad cackles shook Dazai’s whole body. Oda waited for his friend to calm down and then asked:
“You knew this would happen?”
“Well, of course ! Chibi’s actions aren’t exactly hard to anticipate. When in a strenuous situation he’ll either attack or run away. Since Atsushi-kun was here he couldn’t allow himself to traumatize him even more since he respects him.”
“You wanted Nakahara to meet him.”
“It’s nice of you.”
“Well, thanks to you he met someone he admires.”
“Do I look like such a kind person?” He wondered aloud.
“You do, why?”
Warmth invaded his face but he managed to hide it.
Seriously Odasaku, don’t say this kind of thing…
“Because what just happened is only a part of my plan.”
Chuuya ran until they reached the central place. In its middle, a fountain stood surrounded by multi coloured flowers. It would have calming had he not been on someone he barely knew’s shoulder.
Why is it my life?
He was put down carefully which allowed him to have a better view of his kidnapper (?). His azure eyes didn’t look at him, his embarrassment obvious.
“Sorry for that.”
“T-That’s alright.”
“Stop looking as if I’m going to murder you. I just wanted to talk.” He ordered before sighing. “God, this stupid mackerel is right I’m terrible at this.” Then : “Don’t tell him I said that.”
“I won’t.”
A moment of silence. This whole situation couldn’t have been more awkward. Chuuya had never lived worse and he had once gotten his hair dyed by Dazai. Having almost rainbow hair for two months had been a nightmare. No enemy took you seriously when you looked like a cartoon character.
“So, you’re Tsukishiro Ren?” He asked after a moment of hesitation.
Now, that wasn’t a question he expected.
“Didn’t think you would be a kid.”
“I know it is disappointing.”
“That’s not what I said. It’s just surprising, I guess. The subjects of your books made me think you were older.”
Atsushi thought about the scars adorning his back and his ribs. Decorations which wouldn’t leave him until his death.
“Experience and age aren’t as related as people like to think.”
“I won’t argue with you on that one. Can I buy you something to drink? It’ll be an apology for dragging you here.”
“There is no need to.”
“ ‘Should have known you’d say this. You look like the kind of person who won’t accept anything because they think they’ll be a burden. That’s stupid. Follow me.”
Nakahara Chuuya, Atsushi understood quickly, was like fire. He could both warm and burn but what he did he always did it with a passion no one could relate to.
As he talked to the young writer about his stories, about small details even he had started to forget, he felt joy blossoming inside of him.
Maybe I’m worth being read.
After a moment, the feared awaited question came :
“What are you currently working on?”
“Nothing for the moment. I’m still looking for ideas.”
“No inspiration?”
“My editor wants me to change what I write about.” Atsushi confessed.
“But why? Doesn’t it sell well? I checked how many of your short stories collection you sold. It’s good enough, right ?”
“For me it is, but he doesn’t seem satisfied.”
Chuuya stared at him for a moment. He bore the same bewildered expression that Atsushi had carried sooner. But more than this, pain could be read on his face. He didn’t want this to happen.
Considering his line of work, I didn’t expect him to be as affected as he is by this.
Yet, Atsushi couldn’t deny a part of him liked this turn of event. Sensei, Kunikida and his grandmother  then Oda and Chuuya.
Having people who cared was nice.
“It’ll be fine. I’ll manage somehow.”
“No way, I’m not letting you deal with it by yourselves. Don’t worry, I’ll-”
Before Chuuya could finish, a deep unpleasant smell came to his attention. Something was burning.
“Nakahara-san, we should-”
He didn’t manage to finish his warning.
The world burst into flames.
Red and oranges tongues were eating away at one of the closest building. From what remained of the front windows he could see it used to be an antiquity shop. Now, it only served as combustible for a fire which had no intention to stop.
“So interesting things are finally starting to happen.” Someone commented.
“Did you follow us?” Chuuya snarled.
“As if it was complicated. You can hardly be called discrete, chibi.” Dazai mocked.
“Is that what you wanted to see?” Oda asked as he pointed to the fire who was starting to spread to other shops.
“The boss wanted me to investigate. Some of our “associates” have found themselves in troublesome position. Most of them live around this street.”
“They should still be around. Let’s find them.”
“Is the hatrack giving orders now? How bold for someone who isn’t an executive.”
“Want me to punch you again?”
“O please, you didn’t even manage to-”
“They are going to get away if you keep fighting.” Oda commented.
“Shit, you’re right. Atsushi, you should stay here. Or maybe go- Wait, what are you doing?”
In front of them, a little girl stood. She looked lost and kept walking backward and forward.
“Are you alright?” Atsushi asked her softly. Her face was covered in tears.
“Daddy is still inside.”
Insi- O no !
It had been a few minutes since everything had started. Soon, the building would collapse, his foundations too damaged to maintain it. If he wanted to do something it had to be now.
I can’t do it. It’s impossible.
Someone like you can’t do anything.
The tiger growled.
“Is he gonna be okay?” She had to be around three or four years old. Maybe a little bit older.
Someone like you can’t do anything , the headmaster’s voice repeated. We’ll only know that if I try , he retorted.
Atsushi knew he didn’t have the confidence to do it but…
Many people had believed in him and in his capacities. He knew he would survive this. The tiger and he didn’t get along but the beast was still protective of him no matter what.
He could do it.
“Yes, he is.” Atsushi said to the child.
Atsushi ran.
It felt like being inside the strange mix between a volcano and a nightmare. Everything was searing and suffocating. Around him he could see the remnants of objects which could have been beautiful before but which just looked downright terrifying at the moment. Stuffed animals and porcelain dolls didn’t look better when fire was devouring them.
Walking had never been this hard. Each step was painful. Most of the time, he didn’t even know where to put his feet in order not to get burnt.
Another problem was to find the man. Fortunately, his eyes had never betrayed him. When he opened them once again, white had turned into yellow and his human pupils became cat-like.
He is in the back shop.
His skin burnt and his lungs hated him. Smoke filled them and no matter how much he healed, it hurt. Tears fell down his face and with each of them it felt like a part of his life was leaving him.
Opening the door turned out to be a trial. When he finally managed it, his skin had taken a dark red colour. He brushed it away. He had endured worse.
“I have nothing against you, sir, but I have orders.” A soft voice whispered as he entered the back shop.
How could she be so calm at an instant like this?
Big brown eyes stared at him when she finally noticed him. It was the girl from the bookshop.
“What are you doing here?” She panicked.
He didn’t have the strength to answer back. He bent down and caught the man in front of him. Consciousness had almost left him.
“And he’s just a kid ! I can’t kill a kid ! I’m in trouble, so much trouble.” She was so lost in her own thoughts, she didn’t budge when he left.
He had better things to do than listen to a pyromaniac.
Carrying him would be an almost herculean task but he could manage. Slowly, he brought him to the exit.
No air in his lungs, no real path to follow which wasn’t covered by burning ruins and a heat so violent it was as if he was being cooked.
Each part of his body had been strengthened by his ability. Thanks to it, he was able to reach his goal. Relief flooded in his body. That was until he heard it.
The building will not hold for much longer.
He only had a few meters left. Only a few meters and he could see the sunlight again. Real warmth instead of this inferno. Atsushi tried to move quicker.
It wasn’t enough.
He perceived with extreme clarity the moment when the place gave up. Cracks turned into snaps and that was it.
Stones were raining on them. Had he been alone, he might have a chance to avoid it but right now?
Would his healing even work if he was crushed like an ant? It was something he was probably about to find out.
Closer and closer. Nothing could stop them. He could already feel his bones break under the stones’ weight.
Closer and closer. He still remembered the little girl’s words.
Closer and closer. Maybe it would end quickly and not be painful..
“After all, she only asked me to destroy this place. It’s not my fault if you don’t die.”
A tornado of flames went over their head and projected the debris away from them. He turned back.
The young woman was watching them. Her brown hair flew behind like an imitation of the fire she had caused.
“Leave, now or I won’t be able to protect you this time.”
“T-Thank you.” He whispered. Talking was close to impossible.
“It’s my fault if this is happening. Don’t thank me, please, and leave.”
He tried to answer but his throat refused and he decided to nod toward her instead.
The smile she gave him was one of the saddest he had ever seen.
When he finally exited and joined a cooler, less painful world, someone was waiting for them. Oda’s hair was going in all sort of different directions and a strong agitation had invaded his eyes. He went as far away as possible from the former shop, delicately put the man down and once he had checked the man was still breathing, he walked toward Oda.
“Are you alright?” Atsushi inquired.
The man opened his mouth as if he didn’t believe what he was hearing.
“You- you…”
“Maybe you should sit. You’re really pale, Oda-sa-”
A pair of arms engulfed him and stuck to a muscled chest. It didn’t feel uncomfortable. Quite the contrary but Atsushi couldn’t understand why he was doing it.
“Is something wrong?”
“You’re probably the stupidest, bravest kid I have ever met. Don’t you ever do that again.” Oda ordered.
“I can’t apologize for what I did.”
“I knew you were going to say that.” Oda chuckled.
The same strong hands were holding him as if he was an anchor. As if he didn’t want him to disappear. Fingers ran through his hair. They were shorter now, the fire had latched onto them and if the tiger hadn’t helped he probably would have faced far worse consequences.
“We need to bring you to an hospital.”
“It’s not necessary. I’m fine.”
For sole answer, Oda moved away, took Atsushi’s arm and brought it in front of his eyes. His skin had taken an almost crayfish shade. Most of his hairs had darkened and he could see a rather nasty burnt on his leg now that he paid a real attention. His lungs were also tightening painfully in his chest which didn’t predict anything good.
“Adrenaline?” He wondered.
“It’s going to start hurting soon. Someone called an ambulance. It should take too long to arrive so stay as still as you can.” Oda acquiesced.
As Atsushi was about to protest - he was fine , in a few minutes most of his wounds would have disappeared - Chuuya and Dazai joined them.
“She ran away, the bitch.” Chuuya complained.
“That’s because you were too slow, chibi.” Dazai explained. “At least now we know what she looks like.”
“Say that again, you damn bas-”
“You’re still alive, Atsushi-kun, I thought for a moment we’d have to find you a nice green spot to bury you. That’s surprising.”
“Shut up, mackerel. You alright here?”
“I’m fine.”
“That’s quite the stunt you pulled here.”
“I had the ability to help.” Atsushi said, his voice oddly resolved. “So I did.”
A moment of silence and then his interlocutor’s face contorted with distaste.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Chuuya kept cursing. “You managed to find the only person more suicidal than the mackerel.”
“I am offended.” Dazai smiled as his hand started messing with Atsushi’s hair. “He behaved like the perfect suicidal maniac without any of my influence.”
Coughs climbed up and Atsushi’s whole body started protesting as he felt his whole blood boil.
It hurt. Why have I stopped healing?
The tiger was no longer present in his head. He had disappeared like flowers during winter. Only fear and panic remained. The taste of copper invaded his mouth and his mind blurred. Without the strength of the beast, he couldn’t manage to stand any longer.
“Nakajima, are you al-”
His legs gave out as his mind disconnected from reality. Falling into the dark didn’t take more than a second.
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italicwatches · 6 years
Animal Sentai Zyuohger - Episode 24
Sorry about missing yesterday, guys, my day got super jam packed. But I’m here now. It’s Animal Sentai Zyuohger, episode 24! Here we GO!
-PREVIOUSLY ON Animal Sentai Zyuohger, we met Bunglay, who’s a cool guy. Wait, I have the wrong notes. He’s a cruel and evil villain.
-And PRESENTLY ON Animal Sentai Zyuohger, he’s hearing things from Genis…And it does sound fun, but he’s not sure how much he likes the idea of being a player in Genis’s game. On the other hand…Fun, and Genis is willing to offer him any prize if his team wins…Of course, Azald and Kubar protest, which is when we see Bunglay show off that mind-reading hand thing he can do again.
-While Naria suggests a test run. And the question of what Bunglay originally came to this planet for is left lingering, as he goes to track down a certain birds and fuck with him…
-Down in the cabin, everyone’s noticing that Yamato and Mario aren’t here. It was something important, was all they said…
-…Oh. They’re at the family grave, doing right by those who have left this world…
-Which is when the zyumen get a vibe. Someone’s coming! And Amu calls Yamato in, which leads to him having to cut his time before the grave, and visiting his mother’s memory, all too short. He’s off in a sprint, trying to get a hold of Misao…
-When Bunglay finds him. And it turns out he’s a player in the game. Well, shit. Instincts Awakened! Beast Unleashed! Eagle spreads his wings, preparing to battle…
-Episode 24: Awakening Memories
-So the fight is on, with Eagle managing to…Get in one or two good blows before he’s getting shredded by Bunglay, and ripped right out of his suit! He goes down into the dirt…And Bunglay takes this chance to peer into his head, and find something useful…Sweet dreams, kid.
-And Yamato awakens…To find himself before his mother.
-While the rest of the crew follow their senses, to find…A small crowd of people dealing with much the same thing. A man is terrified of his sister’s spirit. A sweet old woman sees her husband again. …A mother weeps before the child who was taken from her.
-And the crew is left, confused. Because, okay, a ghost, that’s one thing. Two ghosts, weird. A whole bunch of ghosts in a park square? That’s not how it works. And when one seeming spirit grapples the woman who’s so terrified of him, Leo rips the man off of her and tosses him to the ground…Where he shatters into light. …It looked exactly like the phantom that Bunglay conjured.
-Tusk starts to put things together. They’re dealing with a man who can…Well, there’s a strong question of whether he’s resurrecting the dead, or putting their image on a puppet. But he’s using people’s memories against them.
-Cut back to Yamato, whose mother is cleaning his wounds, and…
-Fuck. We see their last time together. She was in the hospital. Deeply ill. She’s the one who taught him that all life is connected, that she would still be in his heart and watching over him…And then she passed, right there before him…
-Yamato’s a man of science. He knows ghosts aren’t real, and if there is such a thing as the immortal soul, it sure as hell doesn’t just pop up in front of you. But, she looks exactly like his mother. She sounds exactly like her. She knows events from his childhood…He doesn’t know what to do, what this is, and on a day when he was already drained and emotionally weakened…
-And all he can do is try to convince himself that this isn’t real, that it can’t be real, because…Because, if it is, then all the wounds and pain that he’d slowly had to scar over…
-She takes his hand, and reminds him of what she said. That they would always be connected. And he can feel her hand, warm and full of life…
-Which is when Misao shows up and gets the entirely wrong idea. …Oh god.
-The others get back to the cabin, where Mario is looking at a photo of his sister and young Yamato, and just…Thinking. Lost in deep, heavy emotions. Things he immediately compressed down when they arrive…But they see the photo before he can properly hide it, and oh my god tiny little child Yamato. And is that…?
-Cue Misao. One, when did you get there. Two, Mario explains that Misao’s impression of what he saw in the park has to be wrong. That’s Yamato’s mother. His dear sister, who unfortunately passed quite some time ago…
-While Yamato is with this apparition, so torn up inside…But, there’s a part of him that just wants to, just…Just hold onto this, for as long as he can. Is this a dream? A ghost? Someone pretending to be his mother? It…It doesn’t matter, not right now. All that matters is holding onto this moment.
-Back in the cabin, they learn everything. Well, given the information Mario has, and more importantly the information he doesn’t have, he can only assume that his nephew is dating a woman who looks a lot like Wakoko did when Yamato was a boy. They do say men are drawn to women that remind them of their mother…Maybe he’ll talk about it with Yamato when he gets back.
-While the others pull Misao in and tell him everything they know, and what Bunglay must have done…Where did you see Yamato? They need to find him.
-Yamato, meanwhile, is finally starting to relax a little, to just have this as a precious memory…When Bunglay appears. And Yamato knows one thing. Whether this is an illusion, a scammer, or his actual damned mother…You, are not, getting anywhere near her. EAGLE! Inst—
-Bunglay smacks the Symbol right out of his hands…And then cuts his own summon right open, killing her a second time in front of Yamato! And he screams, as he’s forced to face her end a second time…And all she can do, is wish she could have been there for him a little longer…She’s so proud to see he’s grown up into such a fine man, and that they got to have this day…And then…Then she’s gone. Again.
-And Yamato is…Distraught doesn’t cover even a fraction of it. He’s destroyed. His heart is in pieces. That pain is…God, I only know the tiniest scrap of it, and I’m here at the edge of tears watching this.
-The others are horrified, having arrived too late to do more than watch it happen. They transform and charge in, as Yamato’s still on the ground…Bunglay explains that he’s not bringing people back to life, he’s pulling images from their memories and manifesting them…
-Back in the Big Bow, Kubar realizes Bungay’s already read his mind, and what that could mean…While Genis is just amused, intrigued by what this man could accomplish…
-And Bunglay manifests a mimicry of the hunter MotW from a little while back, giving them a new target to fight…While Yamato forces himself up, s he finds himself. That, that may or may not have been his mother’s actual spirit. But so long as he holds those memories strong…Their bond is strong. And in her honor, in her name…He, will not let you sully those memories of those taken from us any longer! He snatches up his Symbol, charging in, and Instincts Awakened!
-He fights like a man reborn, for his own memories and his mother’s honor…And even when Bunglay manages to force him into the air, he spreads his wings, whirling around faster than the bastard can track him! While the others manage to put the hunter on the ground, and The World kicks up CROCODILE form to finish him off with a single earth-splitting swing of his staff!
-While Bunglay forces himself up…And you’ve earned some respect. What’s your name, red boy?
-Zyuoh Eagle, Kazakiri Yamato. Son of Kazakiri Wakoko. Never forget it!
-Oh, he won’t. …Have fun with some of your old fights, kids. He’s out. And Bunglay simply snatches up a few big MotWs from Shark’s head, before whisking himself up into his own ship to get off the battlefield.
-And so now they’ve got far too much to deal with…And Eagle’s not fully in his right head, but he’s got a job to do. FOUR! THREE! TWO! FIVE! ONE! SIX! NINE! SEVEN! EIGHT! Wild Zyuoh King and Tousai Zyuoh take the field, since right now they need numbers more than power, and they cut through these two! Bat Boomerang! Time to finish this, and quick. Animal Kingdom Combination!
-THREE! FOUR! NINE! FIVE! TWO! SEVEN! EIGHT! SIX! ONE! WILD TOUSAI KING! Gotta show off the merch. ZYUOH DIRECT SHOT! They just sweep the finishing beam across both MotW summons, and turn them to nothing but light and dust…But while the others are relieved, Eagle is silent.
-Larter in the cabin, everyone realizes how much pain Yamato’s been holding back. It’s no wonder Yamato never talks about his family…Leo ends up deciding to go make some food that might cheer Yamato up, while Amu wonders, if that’s all Yamato’s dealing with…
-While Yamato himself is at the gravesite, a final visit to his mother on this day. To remind himself, that whether or not that was her…Their connection is so very real, and so very true. And that will never change.
…Fuck. Just…Fuck.
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passeris · 8 years
A New Guest || CLOSED
"Do I really have to wear this?" It was he hunderedth time those words had left her mouth as Kaya frowned at the yellow dress, following behind Misao who was less than thrilled about escorting her to school; and her complaints were obviously not helping his already sour mood
"Yes, Kaya, you're a girl, you have to wear that." He snapped, "If you don't like it, go see if the host club or the drama club have a spare boys uniform you could wear. But you better wear that home or Asami will have a tantrum." His short answer irritated his new sister but she didn't say anything about it, instead splitting away from him as soon as they'd gotten to campus and heading for the club rooms.
When she'd first come home with Asami, Kaya had wondered why Misao called his mother by her first name; but it hadn't taken long to figure it out. He called her by her first name because calling her 'Mom' would have been far too intimate for the kind of relationship that they had. Asami had removed herself from the motherly role long ago from what the older maids had told her and Misao had been more or less raised by his nanny--a warm older woman named Chiyako--who now headed the staff for the house.
But Kaya couldn't bring herself to feel sorry for her would be brother, he WAS loved and the person that loved him most was still there. He wasn't alone.
Making her way to music room three--the first stop on her list of destinations to possibly get a boys uniform--she fidgeted a little before knocking; her hand retracting in a startled manner when the door opened seemingly on it's own.
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anthromimicry · 3 months
7) receiver finds sender crying and approaches,  clearing the tears with their hands while demanding to know what happened. 
the feeling that no one would care if you were in a certain place, or even anywhere at all, is what misao had thought was the worst one for a while. and this is because her mind had definitely gone down the path of believing that plenty of times before. the path of telling misao that she might as well be a dead-woman walking, because of the fact that no one worried about her, or needed her. but no. today, misao had discovered a feeling that was so much worse. it didn't even matter that he was the warden of arkham itself; being told by him that he noticed misao had been acting more withdrawn lately around work, and asked whether she was okay, which pretty much completely flipped that first belief of hers onto it's head? it startled misao so much that she didn't even know what to say for the longest time.
in the end, misao lied to him that she was fine, because what was she going to tell him? that she had been alone for centuries now because misao was taught as a child that her own feelings... her own needs, always came second to everyone else's? thus, misao took to existing as some sort of ghost drifting through different parts of the world, and never made friends with anyone else out of fear that she would become just as invested in them as she was in her family? and the same family who hurt her — even if it wasn't either of their faults. so misao tried to just focus on her own wants and desires now but found herself feeling more lonely than ever. that brings us to now in one of the asylum's broom closets, which misao had ducked in to be able to cry somewhere private.
but it seems she couldn't have that because she heard the sound of the doorknob being turned then. misao was just about to act like she was looking for some cleaning supplies or something when the doctor saw that it was her. elizabeth; the otherwise friendly librarian of the asylum that misao had taken to occupying the space of recently, with how she wanted someplace to read other than her office on her lunch breaks. a hand reached up to clear the tears on her face, then though it seemed like elizabeth was one step ahead of her on that. ' what? ' misao thought, ' why is she doing this? ' she struggled to gain her composure back as all misao could think of was how a small piece of kindness was enough to completely break her down at this point. and that, well, basically made her feel like she was broken.
❝ i... i don't know. i've just been feeling so alone lately, and i haven't been sleeping well. i'm sorry. ❞ misao's words slipped out before she could stop them as she covered her face to prevent eliza from seeing it any further. the other shouldn't be here, misao thought, because she was probably keeping her from doing her job. misao let out a sob all the same as she spoke up, ❝ please don't tell anyone you saw me like this. and — and don't feel like you have to stay here, because i know you've probably got things to do. i can handle this myself. so just go, okay? ❞
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tact-and-impulse · 8 years
Fuyugomori Part 3
And this is the last installment! I may write the continuation to this, but that would have to wait until summer, when I’m in the mood. Thanks in advance for reading!
Part 3: Hatsuzora
Kenshin tucked his hands into the sleeves of his navy gi. The kotatsu was pleasantly warm, and it distracted him from feeling anxious. He could only wait, until Kaoru was finished changing. It had taken her most of December to recover, but the cough was gone in time for the New Year. Now, they were about to make the first shrine visit and offer their prayers.
For him, it had been a hurried event last year, before returning to the road again. He vaguely remembered his rations stretching thin, but it no longer mattered. It was the twelfth year of Meiji, and his life was very different. Yahiko had stopped by the dojo, to assist with the cleaning. Letters of well wishes had come from Megumi in Aizu, and Aoshi and Misao in Kyoto. Tae and Tsubame had made enough osechi to share, while he tended to Kaoru. And she was the best difference.
“Kenshin, let’s go!” Her voice startled him, and he turned to look up at her. His heart skipped a beat.
While she had grown thinner, her eyes were bright and her new kimono was deep indigo to match. Pink and white blossoms scattered across the cloth, over her shoulders and down to her hem. Her hair was in its usual ponytail, but with a pure white ribbon. She smiled, offering her hand to him.
“You look beautiful, Kaoru-dono.” He said, a little breathlessly.
She blushed. “Well, you look nice too. But come on, we have to leave and get in line.”
As they walked into town, he stole glances at her happy expression. The sky was clear overhead, and the sunshine lit her face. The crowds soon thickened around them, drawing them closer to each other. Her hand brushed his, and he took it. They were in public, and that should have been more reason to mind himself, but he caught her unfolding smile from the corner of his eye and it was enough for him.
When it was their turn at last, he watched their two coins bounce into the donation box. Kaoru clasped her hands together, her eyes closed, and he did so as well. There were many things to wish for, but they all returned to the same point. From Sano traveling the continent to Shishou in his hut, he prayed for their good fortune in the months ahead. He wasn’t sure how much the thought was worth, but he felt a little more tranquil when they stepped aside.
“Last year, I received blessing.” She informed him, as she paid for their omikuji. He couldn’t help mirroring her excited grin at the slips of paper. “And…this year is better. It looks like middle blessing, especially with wealth. How about you?”
He glanced at his own. “Large blessing.” Out of curiosity, he unrolled the paper to see the details. The word ‘love’ stood out to him, and his fingers fumbled. He almost dropped it, but recovered as Kaoru touched his arm for support.
“That’s great!” She beamed. “I’ve only gotten it once, when I was little. Kenshin, we should definitely save this.”
“Indeed, because this is the first for this one.”
“Really?” She blinked in surprise but her expression quickly softened. “Then, that makes it more special. So, you better not lose it on the way home.”
“Oro…” A brisk wind swept over them, and he offered. “There’s a stall selling hot sake. This one can buy some.” He made sure that she was sheltered under a spare roof, before joining the short line. Then, he read his fortune more closely. The mildly poetic message told of great and fulfilling advances in romance. There might have been an extra lift to his step, when he left with two cups of amazake.
But he stopped at the sight before him. There were three young men, talking to Kaoru. He vaguely remembered them from the Maekawa dojo. Most of those students had admired her, he knew that, but now, he felt insecure. Their attention to her was apparent, their gazes glued to her, and that hurried his pace.
“Kaoru-dono.” He called out, and she turned her head, her smile widening. His own felt strained, while he gave her one of the cups. Her tone was friendly as she introduced the boys, but their names washed over him. They briefly nodded at him.
“Oh, he’s your boarder, right?” One remarked.
“He’s not, not exactly, he’s…” She hesitated, and her cheeks reddened a moment before she took a gulp of her drink. She made a face; it had been too hot.
Kenshin seized the opportunity. “Excuse us, but we should be going home.”
“Yes, that’s right. Happy New Year!” Kaoru added and pushed them both back into the crowds.
Neither of them said anything, as they finished off their drinks. After the town was behind them, he murmured. “Forgive this one for acting so rude.”
“Huh? You weren’t. It was getting kind of awkward anyway, we were running out of things to talk about.”
“Still, it wasn’t this one’s place to end the conversation. That was…childish.” He grimaced.
“Geez, don’t get worked up about it!” She huffed, but she reached for his hand again. Perhaps, it was the sake, but she blushed. “You know I like talking to you more.”
He swallowed, ignoring the heat rising to his face. “This one enjoys talking to you.”
However, the scene hadn’t quite left him, when they returned. Kaoru was eager to change into more comfortable clothes, while he sat at the table with his worries for company. Either he had to make his courting more obvious…or faster. Faster was a good idea. A very good idea. After all, he was planning to propose anyway. He’d do so in summer. No, that was too far off. Then, he thought of spring. The cherry blossoms would open, like the flowers on her kimono. By that time, it would be just over a year after they first met. So, they could have a wedding at the end of the year.
His mouth was dry at the thought. There had been no ceremony with Tomoe, because his existence had to be as secret as possible. He hadn’t objected then, but in these circumstances now, he was looking forward to a wedding. He might have, ever since Kaoru said that she wanted to stay with him forever. He knew it was because they had friends and acquaintances to share their happiness with. But more than anything, he felt worthy of a life with her. She had given him a home, and they were going to build it together, in this new era. And it would have to start, with that day of pure joy in spring.
He inclined his head, feeling determined. Kaoru was still changing, so for now, he would check the finances. He had to make sure that there’d be enough money, for the ceremony and after.
“It’s settled, we’re not leaving the house again.” Kaoru sighed, wriggling further into the kotatsu. “It’s nice outside, but it’s still cold.”
“That’s true.” Kenshin agreed, settling next to her. He had arranged a bowl of satsuma oranges on the table, and he reached for one of the fruits. As he peeled it, he said. “But Kaoru-dono, won’t you grow tired of sitting all day?”
“Not if we play cards.”
“Do you have them?”
“Well…not right now. I’ll have to look for them.” Nevertheless, she showed no signs of moving. “Otou-san was really good at playing, but I think he let me win. Oh, is this for me? Thank you.”
He had given her the peeled orange, and he smiled. “You’re welcome, Kaoru-dono. This one can look for the cards too.”
“No, it’s okay, just stay here.” She turned the orange in her hands, before splitting it in half. “It’s New Year’s Day, so you should relax. Even Otou-san did. When Okaa-san was alive, the three of us would spend the entire day together.”
The rare mention of her mother caught his attention, and he picked a fruit for himself. The pulp was sweet and tart. “Those must have been happy memories.”
“Mm, it felt like I didn’t have anything to worry about. Okaa-san looked healthier when she was with us, and Otou-san was in a good mood.” She broke off an orange slice and bit into it. “And the boarders would give me money, on top of their rent. None of them stayed for very long though, not like you.”
“This one has stayed, because of you.” He meant it, and he was suddenly aware of how warm the air was. Her lips were wet with juice, and her face was flushed from the heat. Carefully, he leaned closer to her-
“Hey, you two! Open up, I’m going to freeze out here!” A familiar voice, accompanied by loud knocking, snapped Kenshin back to his senses.
“That’s Yahiko, here to sponge off dinner. Geez, he’s going to be worse than Sano.” Kaoru grumbled and extracted herself with effort. But before she could stand, he gently took hold of her wrist.
“This one will await your return.” He couldn’t resist being cheeky.
She poked his forehead. “Kenshin, you’re an idiot.” Still, she was slow to pull away. After their meal, they played cards with Yahiko, late into the night. Kenshin realized that he wasn’t terrible at the game, and of course, the competition was lively. By midnight, Kaoru had edged out in the lead and called for an end.
“That’s not fair, one more round!”
“Yahiko, does that mean you want to stay over?”
“Never mind.” He automatically replied. “I like my own room, where I can’t hear your snoring.”
“I do not snore!”
“There, there.” Kenshin reassuringly clasped her shoulder, before he addressed Yahiko. “This one will see that you get home safely.”
It was bitterly cold, but the dark sky was studded with faint, numerous stars. “Isn’t it lonely, with just you two?” The younger boy asked.
“No, this one and Kaoru-dono can always find things to do.”
His expression became deadpan. “Gross.”
Kenshin coughed. “Respectful things.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He didn’t sound convinced, as he strode into the row house. “Just…don’t make her upset.”
“This one has every intention of keeping her happy.” He promised, and to himself as well.
Kaoru was waiting for him just inside the front door, and she wrapped a scarf around his head. “You forgot this, but I’ve kept it warm under the kotatsu. Welcome back.” Her own warm hands lingered on his cheeks, and somehow, his fingers moved to her lower back. This wasn’t a hug, but it was tenderer than that, because he could meet her gaze. Her drowsy gaze. As much as he wanted to spend more time with her, she was straining to stay awake.
However, he settled for closing the gap between them, completing the embrace. “This one is home. Good night, Kaoru-dono.”
She was a little startled, inhaling sharply, but she squeezed him tighter. “Mm. Good night, Kenshin.”
That night, he dreamt. He was definitely in the house, but this dream consisted of a rush of sensations. There was Kaoru’s smiling face, hovering over him, and her sweet voice mentioning something about lessons. He couldn’t quite hear her, over the strange sound that surrounded him. It was footsteps, he realized. Fast, little steps, like a spring rain. The doors were opening and closing, as delighted shrieks added to the noise.
“Do you hear that?” He struggled to ask her.
She laughed. “Of course, I do! Why wouldn’t I? They’re ours, after all.”
Abruptly, he woke in a cold sweat. He forced himself to sit and gripped his blanket, noticing that he was gasping. He had never paid too much attention to that superstition of the year’s first dream, but he wanted it to be true. He wanted it badly, that image of a life with Kaoru and their unseen family. Their children, chasing each other up and down the hallway.
It took some time, before he could fall asleep again. In the morning, he felt strangely alert and he had to shake his head to keep from staring at the other doors. No one else would be opening them, at least not yet. So instead, he focused on preparing breakfast, and the short routine grounded him for a while. He did freeze for a moment when Kaoru approached. Her hair was still in a loose braid and she yawned. She looked comfortably intimate and it struck him that it really was a new year, for they would start every day like this. Together, in this warm house.
“Good morning, Kaoru-dono.” A fond smile lifted his mouth, as she drew closer.
“Good morning, Kenshin. Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, and you?”
“Like a child, so no Mount Fuji or eggplant for me.” She jokingly referenced a superstition. “Did you dream about anything?”
“Ah, well…this one did.”
Her smile widened. “That’s lucky. So what was it about?”
“This one will keep it a secret.” He answered and laughed when she gave him an incredulous look.
This one will wait, until it comes true.
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