#dealing w/ intrusive thoughts
samble · 2 months
"homura is an evil abuser who wants to control madoka and hates their friends" tired trope, canonically untrue, congrats on falling for the facade put up by a middle schooler.
"homura sees herself as inherently evil and abusive due to her upbringing, past actions, and status as a witch, which is still ongoing even at the end of rebellion" fresh, new, actually closer to canon, doesn't demonize a child for being mentally ill.
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fvkvrodani · 5 months
can someone give me some anime recs?? pls... i'll literally watch anything atp--except fruits basket. that one is pissing me off.
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chromoluminary · 1 year
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mostlykind · 9 months
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taniushka12 · 1 year
Need to get a job to get back to 1. Gym 2. Fucking therapy, bro, i cant keep posting my woes here it ruins my vibe and its NOT funny, to me
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haunted-catboy · 1 year
Currently debating whether walking into a place w a bat definitely there is worse than staying home where a bat is not but I will be haunted not knowing if my family got bit &/or scratched by a bat
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blackmoldmp3 · 2 years
dont want to confront this but i might have little a ocd
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joculatrixster · 3 months
sometimes i think my art is mid and boring and then i draw and im like "damn mama u cooking"
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sparkystarlight · 8 months
Trying to navigate social media (especially fandom spaces) w untreated OCD is. So fun actually. I'm having a great time. 🙃
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musical-chick-13 · 9 months
That part in Channel 4's Pure when the lead straight-up just leaves town and moves to a new country to stay away from her family and best friend, both to "protect" them from her intrusive thoughts and in the hopes of shutting down the thoughts completely by avoiding the people who are the subjects of them....yeah.........
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z0mborb · 1 year
thinking about disco elysium skills as representations of intrusive thoughts.
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monsterbisexual · 2 years
basically having a "im a fucked up weird creature (derogatory!!!!!!)" moment rn :/
sometimes i listen to a songs lyrics or read smth someone said or watch a show/movie n i just think hmmmmm. i am not the way ppl are supposed to be n sometimes thats..like most of the time i just know that n deal w it n its ok ish but also sometimes i just feel v upset n like ashamed at w/e it is i am n how im smth wrong aka bad
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dollfaceirene · 4 months
add these affirmations to your vision boards, affirmation tapes or whatevs
I only seek validation in my imagination
I am calm knowing that my only source of validation is my imagination
the imagination is where i seek evidence of my desires, not my 3D
i am chill knowing my dominant thoughts materialise into reality
i identify with having (insert desire)
I am unphased by the 3D
i am calm knowing that my desires will materialise into the 3D so i only seek validation in my imagination
the 3D simply obeys my dominant thoughts
my 3D seeks validation from my dominant thoughts, not the other way round lol
i don't worry as my dominant thoughts inevitably materialise into the 3D so i only focusing on identifying with that i want
i am calm knowing that i inevitably get what i want even if i have doubts and intrusive thoughts
even if my mindset was shitty, i will still inevitably get what i want
even if im anxious, stressed, etc, i will still inevitably get what i want
i am calm knowing that absolutely nothing can sabotage me from getting what i want
nothing can ruin my manifestations
why worry when i know that i simply don't identify with doubts and intrusive thoughts and that
i dont care, i already have what i want
i stand firm in the fact i already have what i want
i deal with zero resistance when it comes to persisiting
i already have what i want
me, waver? nuh uh, i stand firm in my decision
i have the most unbreakable self concept
i love how my self concept is just effortlessly perfect
my self concept is better than my fav loa bloggers' mindsets
self concept so good neville took notes from me
i love how the ideal self concept is basically mine
i have detached from my desires knowing its done
i dont need to think of my desires 25/8 because i already have them
its so easy from me to detach from my desire
manifesting is so easy for me
i love how easily i get whatever i want
im pratically spoiled in my reality
i natrually persist in my desires on default
i have mental stability
i feel fulfilled instantly
i have my perfect life
everything works in my favour
stay limitless yall! xoxo, irene
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gonna manifest this cute ass bag
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moonydustx · 4 months
To belong to you
requests | mastelist Pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x F! Reader Summary: sequel of A not so funny story. In this one, we see Law dealing with a somewhat stubborn reader, while he can barely deal with his feelings. Warnings: fluffy, a little hotter at the end, violence, Law exposing his feelings (this will always be a warning for me). W/C: 3.5K a/c: tried not to take so long to produce, but I ended up getting carried away by the text. Regarding the smutty, I'm thinking about bringing it to a third part, I believe this one was too big. Hope you like.
requested by anon: ok ok now m waiting for a sequel with an overprotective-clingy-lover emo boy Law who keeps reader at his sight❣️ ~ maybe a smutty? idk just give me some more Law
Part 1 | Part 3 (NSFW)
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A week, two days and a few hours.
For a week, two days and a few hours Law's sleep became scarcer - which seemed impossible - at the same time, he seemed to have found a new hobby. You.
Since the fateful day he discovered what he had done, even if unconsciously, Law had made it his duty to be your support point. At the same time, even though he dedicated himself to repairing this mistake, nightmares continued to haunt the little sleep he still had. Some days, it was as if he only revisited the afternoon he saw you hurt. In others, it was as if he was fully aware of what he had done.
You didn't complain about all that attention. Of course, the guilt was clear in his eyes and you wished you could lift such a burden from him, but Law's temperament was already known as irreducible, it was almost impossible for you to become the person who would change that.
Sleep had also left you aside that night. Maybe because you were anxious, the next morning you would be emerging on the next island and you would finally see the sunlight again. Maybe your mind kept playing tricks and unlike the nightmares that Law had, you kept having dreams that were closer and closer to him.
What you had left that night was to catch up on your studies. The small stack of books piled up next to your small green notebook while you had been sitting on one of the cafeteria benches for half an hour facing the same calculation.
"I didn't expect to find company at this hour." Law appeared at the cafeteria entrance. The same tired eyes, but the gentle tone in his voice pleased you. "Sleepless?"
"I've been in bed for a long time this week, Captain. What about you, sleepless?"
"I ended up distracted by reading. I just came to get something to eat." he walked past you, heading over to one of the counters. "Did you remember to drink your tea?"
"Perhaps." you just responded and you could hear him grumble in response. It only took a few minutes for the cup to appear in front of him. "Do I really need to take this? It's horrible!"
"It's a medicine, its function is to be horrible, but to end up curing you." surprising you, he sat next to you. Next to it, a plate with some onigiris. You just looked at Law and your horrible cup of tea. "What?"
"How can such a pretty drink, full of flowers, be so horrible?"
"Drink it." in a way, you knew that his impatient tone at that moment wasn't serious at all. "I promise to reward you."
"Saying it like that, I feel like a child." you grumbled, taking a sip of your drink and trying to avoid the disgusted look on your face. Law, unlike you, seemed to enjoy his late dinner. "Next time, please give me poison. I will die happy."
"Good girl, congratulations." he said, in a cynical tone. Even so, the words pointed to another place in your mind. "I bet it wasn't that horrible."
"Said the one who's gorging himself on onigiri." With your complaint, Law just stretched out the piece he had already taken a bite of.
Maybe your intrusive thoughts, maybe it was just the desire to get the horrible taste out of your mouth, but you accepted what he offered.
She's just taking a piece. Law's mind looped through the seconds you bit the food. The lack of sleep must be playing tricks on him, making him imagine things he shouldn't. Are your lips as soft as they seem?
"So. What are you studying?" Law's brain went blank, searching for the first random topic that crossed his mind.
"Blood. In fact, I took a calculation to do and ended up getting lost. In the book it seems so much simpler."
"Let me see." He set the plate aside and approached your notebook.
Gray eyes looked attentively at each written number and you were busy analyzing it. The smell that came from him was the same as the t-shirt you had worn that day, his eyes had clear dark circles beneath them and even though it wasn't perfectly done, the little beard he had seemed to outline his face and seemed to match the dark tone. of the small piece of his tattoo that showed.
"So…" he began, pointing to the notebook. "Here, you're taking the wrong route. To calculate this type of transfusion, first you have to base it on the patient's weight and then use this formula. See."
You were too distracted by him and he was too distracted by the silly calculation you were so lost in. When he turned to ask if you understood, the only thing he found were your eyes watching him. Just a few centimeters away, his eyes danced between yours and your lips, wondering if the action would be hasty. Maybe it wasn't ideal to take the risk.
"Nerd." You muttered, letting out a small laugh.
"Just smarter than you." he replied, pulling away a little. "Take one more."
"Thank you captain!"
The night passed faster than you expected. Accompanied by Law, you spent most of the night redoing some exercises while he helped you, or at least watched you. And even though sleep hit your body, it was hard to close your eyes and sleep after spending so much time with him.
The morning came quickly and as usual on the days you emerged, you and Bepo were standing just staring at the sun on your skin. Some other companions were already beginning to disembark.
"I found you." Law's voice brought them both out of their little sunbath. "You take care of buying food."
"Ay captain!" Bepo reached out his hand, picking up the berries.
"You." He turned around, looking at you seriously. "No running, no heavy lifting, no long walks."
"All right, boss." you saluted, just to annoy him and watched him leave, without giving much more explanation.
The afternoon passed quickly in the small village. At least in the commercial part of the village, everything seemed very busy and colorful, as well as having huge taverns that you would definitely go to.
In addition to you and Bepo, the two also dragged Clione along for the task, which wasn't enough. Despite the captain's clear warning, you managed to convince Bepo that it was just an idle worry, which ended with you carrying some bags under your back.
"Need help?" the bear climbed Polar Tang first, reaching out to you.
As soon as you appeared in the Heart Pirates captain's field of vision, you knew you were in trouble. The blue dome enveloped you and soon the weight lifted from your back. Instead, two small flowers appeared on the ground.
"It seems the two of them decided to ignore my warning." Law grumbled as you picked up the two colorful branches that were at your feet.
"My fault, there's no need to fight him." you took the lead, going to where Law was standing. Around him, in addition to the bags he had taken from you, were a few small bouquets of plants and flowers, all as colorful as the city they had just visited. "What are these?"
"Just a few missing ingredients can become medicine, tea, ointments." he bent down, plucking a small yellow flower and handing it to you. "Something tells me your favorite is this one."
"Oh, God no." the image of last night's horrible tea came to mind. you held the flower up to your nose. The sweet smell was delicious, but just remembering the taste made your stomach turn. "It's so beautiful, but so bad." you made to return it, seeing him raise his hand and deny it.
"It is not necessary."
"Thanks." you laughed, pinning the small flower to the zipper of your jumpsuit.
"Captain." two humming voices came towards you. "What do you think about going to a bar today?"
"You can go." he responded to Shachi and Penguim, who were not convinced and joined in a chorus of please. "I'm not in the mood."
"Please, Captain. The town seems nice, I bet the bars are too." you joined the other two, interceding.
You knew that Law wasn't the most sociable person in the world, but if there was something you could boast about, it was your power of persuasion - which you hadn't yet realized only worked on him.
"Okay, okay." he gave up, seeing the three of you cheer up and Bepo shouting happily in the background. "However, no alcohol for you."
"Yet?" you grumbled, but his expression already made the answer clear. Your power of persuasion wouldn't work this time.
You weren't the type to take alcohol seriously enough for it to bother you, just going to a new place would be good enough for you. As soon as night fell, you started getting ready. As much as you wanted to wear something lighter, you didn't know how comfortable you would feel showing the scar on your leg, even though it was already partially healed, it wasn't such a pretty sight. You put on pants and a simple, comfortable blouse and headed towards the bar with Ikkaku.
Law watched you from afar. Unlike most of the women there, you weren't balancing on thin heels or with a face so adorned with colors that made your real expression disappear. You were you.
He saw you sit at one of the tables with the other companions. Everyone with drinks in front of them, except you. He could use some alcohol on him to give him the courage he lacked, but he knew it would be unfair. Ignoring the judgmental looks, he ordered two glasses of juice and took them to the table, looking for a place to sit.
"No vodka?" Ikkaku looked at the cup in front of you and the cup in front of the captain. "This is new."
"I'm banned until further notice." you replied, raising your glass to toast your captain. "At least someone had compassion on me."
"So cute." Ikkaku cheered and you surreptitiously tried to elbow her. "So, I saw people playing in the background. She can play, right captain?"
"As long as she doesn't bet Polar Tang." he replied, a shy smile on his lips. As much as he didn't admit it out loud, something woke up in him when the two of you were in some way related. "I think betting a mink could make some good money." he turned to Bepo, who immediately complained.
"Never!" you stood up, placing yourself next to Ikkaku and picking up your glass. "I'll be right back, I'll take the money from some idiots." you smiled, turning your face towards your captain. A soundless thank you left your lips, as you pointed to the glass in your hands.
Law tried to disguise it, tried to ignore your presence. It was as if your body had some kind of magnet, which made it find you in the midst of so many people who crowded into that bar.
The first time he looked at you, you and Ikkaku were side by side singing something that he couldn't hear from where he was, around you some other people were singing and others were playing cards. He could see some looks that bothered him. Why did they look at you like that? Law could feel the repulsion of those men, even from a distance.
The second time, the two of you seemed to be dealing the cards. A man next to you, one of the same ones who was looking at you, seemed to whisper something in your ear that seemed to have offended you. The expression soon disappeared from your face, returning to a calm expression. At that moment, Law could feel his body tingle and had to suppress the urge to make the man's head roll off his body, even though he had no idea what he had said to you.
The third time, the only thing Law saw was your head being pushed against the table, after that he only saw red and pure hatred in front of him. The other crew members with whom he shared the table only noticed a small playing card slowly fall towards the upholstery.
This time you hadn't stolen in the game but apparently some bastard decided you were hiding some cards. You felt your head against the table and you could hear Ikkaku swear. You could easily get out of there and reach for your dagger hidden in your boot, you could also trip and see the guy hit his own head against the table. You knew you wouldn't need to do anything when you saw a blue dome appear in front of you.
Unlike the many times you had seen him fight, Law didn't use his sword or his devil fruit. His hands reached for the man, twisting his arm and slamming his head against the table, ten times harder than what had been done to yours. The other man, who was restraining Ikkaku, immediately released her.
"What happened?" he asked and you knew the question was directed at you, even though he kept pinning the man against the table.
"They thought we were stealing in the game."
"He said we would pay for what we stole from him with money or anything else we could offer." Ikkaku added, as you stood up and untied your clothes.
"The bastard likes to threaten others." Law muttered and within seconds, the man's head rolled on the table, as he screamed desperately, not understanding what had happened. Looking around, Law reached for a small knife and immediately stuck it to the side of the man's head. "Next time I see you, I won't need to use any power to rip your head off."
Law walked away, his eyes immediately searched for you. You had your back to him, checking to see if your friend had gotten hurt.
"Are you two okay?" he walked closer, searching for any signs of injury on the two of you. At that point in the fight, the entire crew was already gathered alongside.
"It's okay captain, it was just that asshole. The others tried to help us." Ikkaku explained.
"Understood." He tried to calm things down, still thinking about what that stupid guy could have done if, for some moment, you had left his sight.
"For today, that's enough." you sighed, trying to give your best smile, which with all the stress caused, seemed impossible. "I'm going back to Polar Tang. I think today's activities tired me out."
You lied, blatantly. You weren't tired, on the contrary. The whole fight, Law showing up to defend you, that had lit you up. The only question that was going through your head was where Law's anger had come from. It wasn't the first time you ended up fighting with someone in a bar and every time Law would just laugh a little or if things got out of hand, He gave a little fright to anyone who even touched his crew. Today the gray eyes that accompanied you so much appreciate you full of fury.
"I'll join you. You guys, enjoy." Law took out some berries and placed them in Ikkaku's hand. "The next rounds are on me."
Bepo made to accompany you two, but was stopped by his friends. They seemed to see the entire situation clearer than the two of you ever would.
The walk to the submarine was quiet, much quieter than you were used to. Despite the beat, your head didn't hurt besides the fact that you saw Law analyze every inch of you after the argument.
Even after entering Polar Tang, silence prevailed between the two of you, it bothered you a lot more than you tried to show. Taking much smaller steps than Law's, you tried to catch up to him before he locked himself in his room and then you'm will only see him the next morning.
"Hang on!" You tried to follow him and even though you couldn't see his face, you knew he had heard you. "Captain!"
"I don't want to talk about it right now." he replied, stopping in front of his room.
"I am sorry but no." you replied and understanding that perhaps you had a discussion too serious to have there in the middle of the corridor, you just indicated the door behind him. "Let's just talk, just five minutes of your attention, okay?"
He could feel the blood boil in his veins, the words burned in Law's throat. Damn that damn bar, damn all the things that still haunted his mind. He had fallen, and fallen hard.
"I understand." you leaned the door behind you, keeping your arms crossed. "I understand all your concern, I mean, you have been carrying a burden that is not yours."
"No?" he laughed, almost cynically. "I won't apologize for that."
"What about all that at the bar?" you asked, approaching him. "About almost killing a guy over a card game."
"He was hurting you." the words came out of his mouth, bluntly.
You stopped a few centimeters away from him, watching him. You wanted to sound intimidating, you wanted to impose yourself on him, but it was him. It was the serious eyes looking down on you, the posture, the smell that emanated from him. As much as your brain tried to deny it, something in you liked - almost needed - Law to protect you.
"You know I'm not that fragile, right?" You held his arms, looking for even the slightest reaction. "I don't break so easily, if that's what makes you worry about me so much."
Law wished he had more time to plan, he wished he hadn't been as close to you as he was last week. That cat and mouse hunt between the two of you worked for a long time. It worked when he watched someone talk for too long over you and he chose to leave his jealousy aside, it worked when he watched you fight so many times and chose not to intrude, it worked when he saw your curves marked by any other clothes you wore ,except the crew's overalls, and he had to try his best not to look. It worked, sentence passed, something left aside.
"I like you." he began, the words coming out like relief from his lips. "I like you and to be honest, I don't know how to deal with it."
"Why not?"
"We are pirates, I have enemies, people who can use this to target me." he pointed to the space between the two of you. "I don't know if I can handle this, damn, I could barely hold my own against a drunk at the bar. I like you too much to risk you."
Just like the day he had seen you injured, his hands found your face, holding it as if it were the most precious thing Law had ever laid his hands on.
"I have a proposal." your hands found his, caressing them. "Here, in this room, just here it will be Law and me. Without all the worries of a captain, without all the responsibilities of a crew member, without fears. Just you and me, one belonging to the other. No one needs to know."
You wanted to say that maybe it wouldn't work and that maybe the two of you would just come out of this story more broken. You could also say that you would understand if he hated the idea. Before any words found the sound of the room, your lips were stolen by his.
None of Law's thoughts matched what he was feeling. Your lips giving way so he could taste a little of you. Your hands left his and spread out over the small gap in the open shirt he wore. Every inch of your body still seemed small for him to explore, his hands went down to your waist, almost merging his body with yours. He could stay there, in that room trapped with you for days. Damn the life of a captain, damn all the rationality he valued so much, you were more than enough.
"So…" you moved a few millimeters away from him, looking for just enough space to catch your breath.
One of his hands went up to your chin, one of his fingers running over your swollen and red lips in an almost sinful caress. How long did he wait to be like that?
One of his hands tangled in your hair, gently squeezing it so you could give him space. Law's lips - now warmer than when they first touched you - ran down your neck. You wouldn't take Law for an avid lover, but the way he held your body to his said completely the opposite.
"I accept your proposal." His low voice whispered next to your ear. His mind took him to dark places, but a little rationality still kept him lucid. "But maybe, maybe we should stop for now."
"No, we shouldn't." Serene eyes looked at him, but the malice in your words was clear.
"Yeah, we shouldn't."
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fake-bleach · 5 months
million dollar man | derek danforth x reader
summary: Derek Danforth takes great pleasure in paying for your company and your company only. He’s also a grade A asshole, who doesn't know how to take no for an answer. You come to him on a strict schedule, and, usually, he respects your life aside from him. But, for some reason, you can’t ever seem to get a hold of an evening with your friends without his intrusions. Corrupted with need, Derek persuades you to come to him with an offer of something.. more. Something that he knows will get your attention. What happens when the night ends in a way you wouldn't possibly expect?
word count: 3k
warnings/disclaimers: (18+ only!) fem!reader (no use of y/n), slight spoilers for "the beekeeper", reader's a broke college student, substance use (reader & derek smoke a joint and get high), (that's the "more" in the summary if that matters to anyone btw), use of pet names (baby, babe), derek's an asshole and a bit toxic (as expected), maybe ooc derek but? in a way, reader makes derek want to be better, a bittt of angst but it's worth it i promise, kissing, yeaa i think that's it, part 2 will have smut ofc!, this is kinda all over the place but i hope it makes sense lmfaoo
authors note: hi! i've been so so occupied w/ college, so i apologize sincerely for my sudden, longgg hiatus :') i miss writing all of the time </3 but, i saw the beekeeper on saturday and felt the need to write again! i've been super into jhutch for the past few months, so i hope you guys enjoy this one <3 part two should be coming asap :) so, consider this my brief comeback? but not really? i'm unpredictable
ao3 link | masterlist
read part 2 here!
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Being one of the girls Derek Danforth keeps around, you’re bound to deal with some of the bullshit that comes along with it.
But unbeknownst to you, he likes you a little more than he'd like to admit.
He hasn't seen any of the others in weeks now, his mind only occupied with his thoughts of you and when you're not around. And when you're actually with him, paying for the pleasures of your company, he can't help but want more from you when he knows that's beyond your limits.
It's simple, really.
He's a lonely man, and he knows that; knows that his personality is hard to swallow and tolerate. Knows it's pathetic that all he can do is pay for people to actually stick around.
But, there's only so much a lonely man can take.
So, that's when he starts seeing you, exclusively, ‘cause to be fair? You’re the only one who’s bothered to stay by his side for this long.
The only one who’s ever made him feel.. something.
It’s been a few months now since you started seeing Derek. The first few visits from you immediately captured his attention; your disposition being unlike any he's ever encountered before.
Being surrounded by other like-minded people such as himself, it's safe to say that it's all he's ever known. The rich and prosperous life that everyone else around him has. The ability to get anything he wants in a blink of an eye, regardless of what it was, extravagant or not.
You on the other hand? It wasn't so easy.
Maybe it was because you were so hard to get. Maybe it was because he liked the challenge.
He didn't know why he was so captivated by you. But, what he did know was the fact that he needed to.
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"Hey, I know we said next week, but I need you here now."
Derek had called you, urgently as it seemed while you were out. Despite the heads up you gave him about your upcoming plans the last time you saw each other, he didn't care, and that was something you were already preparing for.
"Derek, I told you: I can't do today. We agreed that it was fine." You spoke directly into the phone, walking away from your friends at the club you were at to a quieter area; away from the deafening music that shook every inch of the perimeter.
"Are you at a club right now?"
You sighed exasperatedly, the irritation in your tone evident as you reached an empty corridor near the bathroom, body leaning against the wall. "Yes, Derek, did I have to specify my plans to you as well?"
He let out a small laugh that made you stiffen, throat tightening.
"What's with the attitude, baby? It was a harmless fuckin' question."
You were used to this with him; the casual swearing, the way he spoke to you. It was nothing new, and everything you had already adapted to.
But, God, did it annoy the fuck out of you sometimes.
"No attitude. Just wondering why the hell you need me on my day off. I'm having some fun here, is that a problem?"
"Without me? 'Course it is," He exclaimed, his voice giving off his arrogance, "Why have fun there when you could be doin' that with me here?"
You swallowed sharply and licked your bottom lip, looking up and around you as you shook your head, hesitant on his inquiry. "I don't know, Derek.. I, I'm with my friends. Promised I'd be here tonight.." You paused, "They think I 'see you too much' already, y'know?"
"Fuck what your friends think. Come on, come see me, baby. I'll make it worth your while."
He was desperate, you could tell that much.
You rolled your eyes at that, your declaration already evoking his direct persuasions. "And how would you do that, Mr. Danforth?" You teased, "You know I don't play that shit with you."
He sighed into the phone, "Got something better then. You wanna relax, clear your head a bit? Fuck, I got it all for you," He implied what you thought he did, a slight weak spot that you didn't mind partaking in once in awhile.
He knew you were stressed with college, hence why you took this job in the first place; to ease the expenses you had to deal with. He also knew what you liked.
Still, who were you if one measly opportunity to get high bought you out?
"..And?" The word trailed off your tongue, drawing it out.
"I'll pay double tonight."
Too easy. "Fine."
You straightened yourself out, preparing to make up some lousy excuse to your friends of your departure. One that you knew they'd easily figure out.
"Text me the address."
Done. You heard the ding from the speaker of his phone alert him.
"Sending a car your way. Be out in 15."
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You were intrigued by Derek.
Despite how much of an asshole he was, despite the privileged life that he's been able to live; the complete opposite of what you had been given.. you were intrigued by him.
The way he ticked, the way he carried himself.
The way everyone knew so much but so little about the President's son.
You almost felt special that his desires laid with you.
The roads that grew mundane to you towards Derek's estate made your heart race, the familiarity of it all still feeling so unbelievable to fathom.
You weren't like him; you were nothing like him. So, how in the hell did you get in this position?
The abrupt stop of the car you were in snapped you out of your head, and one of the workers Derek had around opened the door for you.
"Welcome back. Mr. Danforth has been waiting for you."
You smiled at the man and nodded, thanking him gracefully as you were led into the absurdly large residence you were still foreign to.
Before you could latch your eyes onto the man expecting you, his voice introduced himself into the room first, capturing your gaze.
"There's my girl. About time." Derek spoke loudly, and proudly at that, rushing towards you eagerly. He wore a blue suit with a cheetah print button up just underneath it, and you couldn't help but admit how nice it looked on him. His outfits could be outrageous at times, but it just worked with him.
You laughed at his remark. "I saw you two days ago, Derek."
He shook his head, grinning as he pressed a small kiss to your cheek. An affectionate gesture that you agreed to in your early days with him. "Two days, too long."
You rolled your eyes and gave him a small side hug, feeling a bit more eased at his calm demeanor. It seemed like he was completely different from the Derek you spoke to on the phone. Maybe he really did just need to see you.
But you? You had no idea why he chose you.
"Well, I'm here now.. What are you gonna do with me?" You tantalized, wanting to fuck with him as much as you could. The rules you set for yourself kept him in check, but you couldn't deny how fun it was to see him squirm.
You were confident, and you knew it. You knew he wanted you. But, you knew your worth, too. You weren't going to be so easy.
At least, not unless it was on your own circumstances.
He took a deep breath and put his hand on your lower back, beginning to lead you towards the abundant living room that he had all to himself. Matter of fact, he had the entire place to himself.
He glanced at your face as you took your steps, explaining himself clearly, "Just what you agreed to, baby. Got what you want right here." He took his hand off of you, walking towards the elegant box on the sofa table that he quickly opened up.
Pulling out something small, he lifted it up to you, revealing the perfectly rolled up joint that put a slight smirk on your face.
Well, here we fucking go.
"You're staying true to your word, Danforth. Just what I like to see," You commented, walking up to him, "Well, don't keep me waiting."
He shook his head and scoffed lightly, "Get comfortable, then."
He sat on the couch and patted next to him, and you followed right along, the lighter suddenly in his hand igniting to present the orange flame that flickered in your eyes.
He placed the joint in between his lips, lighter hovering above the end of it as it makes that familiar sound, papered edges burning crisp. He takes a drag of it, shutting his eyes as he lets the smoke fill his mouth before inhaling it into his lungs. A familiar warmth already seeping into the environment around you.
Without a second to waste, he urges you to come closer, muttering out a, "C'mere baby," before he places the tip of the joint in between your lips for you.
You quickly take the chance to take a drag yourself, repeating his every move as you shut your eyes blissfully, the herbal scent of it filling your nose from Derek's own smoke escaping his mouth.
"Yeah," He draws out, "There you go," He mutters as he watches you intently, taking in your hazy state as you evidently begin to relax. "Feels good?"
You swallow as you flutter your eyes back open to him, slight butterflies spreading to your stomach.
..That was the weed. Not him. Definitely not him.
You just nodded as he pulled it away from you, sleekly mustering out, "Great. Feeling better already."
He smirked at you and cocked his head, "Already? We're just gettin' started, babe."
You huffed and leaned back against the couch, getting yourself more comfortable as you shook your head, "Alright, Mr. Professional over here. I don't smoke as much as you, you know that." You sighed.
"I know, I know, m' just fucking with you. Besides, you got me here now, anyways," He teased, scooting a bit closer to you, "C'mon, open up." He urged you, taking another drag coolly, eyes stuck on you.
You quickly listened, lips parting to open wide, expecting the sudden smoke that filled the air to hit you. He blew it out in your face, making you giggle from the feeling as your lungs took it in.
He licked his lips as his gaze lingered on yours, lips slowly closing shut as your body increasingly felt lighter, the substance overwhelming your foggy brain.
The more the seconds passed, the more his eyes darkened, consuming you completely.
A part of you couldn’t help but like it.
There was something so sensual about it. You knew that; there was no denying it. And maybe it was the weed too, but fuck, did it feel good with him right now.
Right now, Derek Danforth was not the condescending asshole that you occasionally dreaded being around.
Right now, Derek Danforth was slowly becoming the one thing that you craved the most.
Fuck, it really was the weed.
"Give me that." You distracted yourself from your heavy thoughts, reaching for the joint in between his fingers. He handed it to you and leaned back against the couch himself, body angled to face you entirely.
He couldn't take his eyes off of you, and now, it was you who was bound to squirm.
You avoided his gaze, taking one last drag before giving it back to him eagerly. There was only so much you could take, and normally you'd want more, but you couldn't help but fear the possibility of any more of it multiplying these thoughts of him.
The feelings that you continuously needed to deny.
Your eyes locked onto the center table just in front of you, suddenly feeling incredibly curious about the intricately built legs that screamed wealth.
Now, he obviously wasn't as high as you, because the next thing that leaves his mouth sounds a bit too coherent for him to be.
"Don't know how you went this long without me."
Your head snapped to him at that, stomach suddenly tightening with confusion at his words. A direct, accusative statement you couldn't have possibly expected to hear from him.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. Just.. with college, with this, with experiences like this.. You need me. Obviously." He exclaimed confidently, as if you should’ve known that already.
There he was. The asshole.
You sharply inhaled, scoffing as you shook your head, staring down at your lap. Your hazy mind can't even help you form words, except for the one phrase that doesn’t do your defense any justice.
"I don't.. I don't need you." The tone of it is light, gentle as it rolls off your tongue, and you hate that you're not in the right headspace for this right now.
He laughs at that. The same laugh that always makes you stiffen, freezing in your place.
"You don't.. you don't need me?" He mocks you as he takes another drag from the joint, putting it out on the ashtray in front of him, "Everybody needs someone, baby.. You shouldn't try so hard to deny that." He taunts you, and you know that it's what he wants from you.
For you to lash out. For you to show him any ounce of vulnerability that you've managed to keep composed since this relationship began.
"Especially not from someone who treats you so.. Right." He whispers out, almost grimly as he leans in closer to you, face merely inches away.
You slowly turn your head now, facing him as you shut your eyes gauzily, mind still lost in your mix of emotions. You hate him; you want to hate him so badly, but you can't.
Some fucked up part of you can't let yourself.
But, that doesn't stop you from putting up a fight.
"You treat me.. right? Is that what you think?" You begin, eyebrows furrowing as you attempt to hold yourself back, "You're an asshole, who treats everyone like shit, Derek."
He laughs, a cruel noise escaping his lips; an unexpected action that urges you on, pushing you further.
"You.. You completely disregard my feelings, my, my plans, everything in my life that doesn't have anything to do with you, you're unbearable, you—"
He cuts you off then, inching closer to you as he grins at that, "Then why the fuck do you stick around? If I'm so fucking unbearable, baby, why do you bother with me?"
"Because maybe.. there's some part of me that hopes you'll stop being such a piece of shit, Derek!" You explode now, aggravated and pushed to your limits. Pushed to show you care for him in some way.
Was this his plan all along?
You don’t know, but you let out one final remark, unable to control yourself now that you've already begun, "But, I don't fucking need you. You need me." You spit out, your seething glare locked on him.
"I need you?" He spews out, almost as if it's too unbelievable to even hear.
"Yeah, you need me."
"I need you?" He repeats bitterly.
You swallow, blatantly whispering, "You need me, Derek."
He continuously denies you, his composure slowly leaving him the more you open your mouth. 
“I don’t need you. I don’t fucking need anyone.” He’s quick to say defensively as he turns away from you, refusing to allow you to get to him.
But, you know it now. You’re getting under his skin.
You press further, head closing in near his to make sure he hears your words loud & clear.
“You randomly pulled me out of my plans tonight and brought me here, Derek. What fucking for? I know you didn’t just need my fucking company. Not after you persuaded me to come. I know you better than that now.”
He shakes his head, rapid and tense, unknowingly egging you on.
“Why do you care about what the fuck I do? Who I see? Hell, even my fucking life! I thought this was all just business to you. What happened to that?”
He pauses then, processing it all. Something he's never been compelled to do before.
“..What happened to that, Derek?” You push, tone composed & steady now.
Before you can continue your little speech, before you can push him any further, he crumbles instantly; voice direct and harsh as he finally reviles into your exertions.
"I don’t—I don’t fucking know, okay! Yeah, maybe you're fucking right. Maybe that's why I always want you around. Maybe that's why you're the only fucking person that I ever want to be around. I—I just—"
“You just what?” You need to hear it, desperation seething through your voice.
He bursts out now, head turning to face you as he spits out his confession. “I can’t fucking think of anything else but you. I can’t be around anyone else without wishing it was fucking you.”
There it fucking is. But, he’s not done.
“You drive me fucking crazy, baby,” He laughs at himself, pathetic with his vulnerable words that no one else has ever gotten to hear, “And I don’t know what the fuck to do ‘cause I know this isn’t what you signed up for, but fuck, maybe I.. I do fucking need you, I don’t fucking—”
You can’t control the next thing you do.
Well, maybe you can, but you really don’t fucking want to.
It's your turn to cut him off now, after the countless times he’s done it to you; by placing your lips on his, eager and desperate as your hands slip from your lap to cup his face and pull him in close, chasing the high of his lips on yours.
He shuts his eyes as you do the same, swallowing sharply once you break it apart, eyes set on him as you await his response.
His wide eyes lock onto yours now, and he whispers out your name, shocked and unsteady, and almost in an attempt to stop you.
"God, just shut up for once." You interrupt him, pushing your lips back onto his before he can protest any further. He moans into your mouth, hands moving to grip your hips eagerly, his body closing in on you completely.
Let's just say, you don't feel so high anymore. You’re no longer confused.
You're more sure of this than anything in your fucking life.
part two should be coming this week! feedback & reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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