secret-tacos · 5 months
my response.
yesterday, i was ''called out'' by @deathmetalyaoi. i put that in quotation marks because OP has stated this is not a callout post, but a ''warning to people in the fandom'' in an effort to ''cut off the diseased tissue at the source'', positioning this as not only something good but necessary, justified, and righteous.
let's unpack that.
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my ''ides of march'' event was not a ''most controversial dead dove'' contest, and implying as such is a deliberate misreading of the situation.
i don't actually have a copy of the original post, which has been deleted for over 3 months, so i'll be using this screencap from deathmetalyaoi to illustrate my point--
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the explicit intent of the event was to promote and create dark content. i created this as a direct response to events like the christmas and valentines ones -- not because i had an issue with them, but because i wanted to see content that was more accurate to the dark and brutal show that i fell in love with.
deathmetalyaoi later posted a clarification which proved to be a deliberate misreading of the situation, moving me from ''aggressor'' to ''victim'' and misgendering me in the process--
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i want to set the record straight -- the original prompt list was my idea and mine alone. this includes murder, gore, stalking, cannibalism, and torture, all of which are concepts that frequently happen within the show that we all claim to have watched.
when i was creating this event, i spoke with basu, who urged me to include nsfw prompt options, and insisted on having incest be one of the options, despite my reluctance. we have spoken about this, she has apologized.
shortly after posting the event advertisement, it was screencapped and posted in a discord that i was also in, where several people made baseless accusations about me (including that i was a pedophile, that i hated survivors, that my event was edgy and baseless and devoid of any merit), leading me to delete the post. several of those people are now liking and reblogging the original callout and using that as an excuse to pat themselves on the back for being ''against harassment'' and ''doing the right thing''.
deathmetalyaoi refuses to speak to me or ask me for clarification -- all they've done is throw around extremely serious accusations and play with people as if they're paper dolls. but, i'll bite. deathmetalyaoi is implying that i -- and the other people named in that post -- are bad people, while they, by contrast, are good.
so, who IS deathmetalyaoi?
deathmetalyaoi is a 22 year old person who claims to have DID -- a serious condition that real people suffer from -- with their primary alter being pickles the drummer from metalocalypse.
they frequently suicide bait, beg for money to escape toxic living situations, and then spend the money on luxury purchases before going back to begging for money.
they also like to go through people's blogs and find old receipts to hold over their heads.
and leave rude comments on fanfiction they dislike -- primarily of the explosiontooth/tickles variety, as they operate under the ableist assumption that toki, as a canonical age regressor and potentially autistic character, is a child incapable of making decisions by himself.
they also like to use their labels (primarily being trans and autistic) to label anyone who does not agree with them as bigoted.
here's another example of them begging for money and then misusing it -- they seem to have a habit of remaking blogs whenever people catch on.
they also make music labeled as lolicore -- this is a genre originating on 4chan which primarily gets its name from the sampling of lolicon porn. they claim the name is purely ironic and that using it does not make them a pedophile, which is correct. however, in the same breath, they also accuse triplefaggot of being a pedophile for drawing an au where toki and murderface are safe for work, fully clothed, unsexualized children, implying that simply using the word 'loli', even if ironic, is unacceptable and cause for cancellation.
to be quite frank -- this hurt me. i am upset. this is a show that brings me a lot of comfort, and several real life incidents occurring in close proximity have left me desperately in need of that comfort. i don't like the idea of having to walk on eggshells to avoid being raked over the coals by a fandom perpetually hyperfixated on the idea of ''moral purity'' -- the idea that wrong step can leave you irredeemable, and that it is your god-given duty to lambast this person for being impure, lest everybody else believe you, too, are Bad.
there is no such thing as a person without sin. the best people fuck up and make mistakes and don't think straight and act based on emotion all the damn time. you are never going to find your perfect fandom darling, and cultivating an environment where everybody is paranoid of being attacked for having beliefs that differ from yours is not only pointless, but specifically, objectively cruel -- you have accomplished nothing beyond making people afraid in a space meant to be about enjoying a cartoon and making a fool out of yourself.
i know that you aren't going to read this, @deathmetalyaoi, because you blatantly ignore anything that paints you as being incorrect. at the very most, you're going to make a text post about how people are being mean to you when all you want to do is think about nathan and pickles kissing sloppy style, and people will shower you in sympathy and pictures of kittens and puppies.
but i'll know, and that's enough for me. i'm not doing this to call you out, nor am i trying to warn people -- it's my honest response. you get what you give.
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theantagonist · 5 months
see you’ve been running on queue for a while, hope you’re doing okay :’)
hi ! i've actually been doing really good. i'm getting my a+ certification and putting together a resume. tumblr has decided it doesn't want to work on firefox half the time and i am not fucking redownloading the app so that's why i haven't been around.
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gaskarth · 4 months
your icon…
smiling .. two spirit nathan moment <33 its canon to me
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2bu · 6 months
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song recs: aortic desecration and/or mutilation on a saturday night both by dethklok :D
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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rpgmakers · 5 months
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Mini Nathan Explosion for @deathmetalyaoi !! Thank you so much!
My commission post can be found here!! Please consider sharing!
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dudenastii · 2 months
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@deathmetalyaoi for u here too
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uarepatheticlol · 5 months
Well, would you look at that! @deathmetalyaoi is even worse than these alleged "lolicons" he keeps pissing and shitting his pants over.
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Also, for somebody who thinks looking at so much as joking about lolicon makes you a pedo, he sure does love making music inspired by little girl lovin'. Frankly, I prefer Oingo Boingo, though.
Have a listen for yourself!
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This fandom typically has a great reputation so it's very important to spread awareness so we can cut the diseased tissue off at the source :(((((
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e-seer · 5 months
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Doodle request of Nathan Explosion for @deathmetalyaoi
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I have made him joyous to see you. This was fun, thank you!
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poopcircus · 5 months
sorry for the irl shit I didn't put that there they literally did that, anyway stop bullying people for shipping with Toki and reexamine what lead you to make music about little girls eating poop
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thatfluffymuffin · 5 months
Tagged by: @ravenekrops, thanks!
Last song I listened to: "Front Porch" by Jay Tholen, from the Hypnospace Outlaw OST
Favorite color: Purple! I also like blues and greens.
Currently watching: Nothing atm, but I plan on rewatching and analyzing the Petscop series!
Relationship status: Single and selfshipping forevermore!
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I prefer sweet and savory over spicy.
Last thing you Google'd: “melanie name meaning”
Current obsession: Dropsy, Petscop, Hypnospace Outlaw, and the song "How Long" by Paula Toledo!
Tagging: @bazooiegod @deathmetalyaoi @dingleberry-7708 (Anyone else I didn't tag can do this btw!)
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stationdefenceteam · 15 days
okay here's the expose list of everyone in the notes of every callout this mod could find
@transfemmes @transexualbat @princedoodles @calamitydragon @ousama @sharkface @hounddogmoment @sillymeter @cartooncadaver @miqokin @desudog @grand-romantic @thalassomania @nepeta @hellsjesters @fangshing @futomimi @ultcc @partypup @shinyevie @umayon @pechaberriesandsoju @levitatingminkewhale @pitbolshevik @artbulls @solartidepool @deathmetalyaoi @conways @giantanteatera @hauntedchild @yoshimaribf @gothibara @skillbattle @cupiidzbow @boxur @barksport @htr13 @43406 @cuppytowntime @greggorylee @foxy-go-go-go @lordcryptic @electricsurfing @stationleavemealone @russelhusselhobbs @slopgirl @aquariumgirls @fandaniel @cometmystic @sealbf @sealbf2 @booler @catth3w @okcomputeroknotok19972017 @localcryptid @socalgal @lordcapricorn @tophatsys @lltkdoc @eebosmeebo @critterkiddo @parafiles @teratobf @aleazul @howlingbutch @snufkin @sunnygotsniped @apatheticgod @bloodhaven @kinged @casitamono @cardboardslugs @hideawaysis @gospeloak @jadeofblades @godza @frozentear @bisexuel @fvkvrodani @ingiestbingie @catfishcorral @redtailedfatfish @redtailfatfish @fagpool @yurimom @prepares @powdermelon @sunnygang
theres more but my laptop keeps overheating
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fagboysupreme · 5 months
hi I can confirm deathmetalyaoi/nathanexplosionbignaturals used to beg for money constantly. I dont think pickles has ever had a job but used to regularly rely on money from mutuals and promote it under his art. i sent money to him before and then he would post pics of pins and toys he bought but say it didnt come from the emergency money.then ask again right after. my friend who asked not to be named also used to write Tickles on AO3 a while back and kept getting mean comments from this person, but we didnt piece together who it was until id already stopped interacting because of the eBegging. hes a dangerous person. whenever someone tries to bring up his past behavior suspiciously it will get back to him and hell find old screenshots and dirt of stuff theyve said so please be careful. hes absolutely looking at my blog and twitter rn because im sure he knows who i am, but stay safe please.
this is genuinely an absolutely fucking insane turn of events. i heard this user is like an unironic "toki is minor coded"/"shipping natoki or tickles is Literally incest" person lmao. ive never spoken to him directly though. if he wishes to contact me he can hit me up at [email protected]. i hope ur feeling better now btw!
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