theunvanquishedzims · 2 years
I know it’s just my intense desire to keep all my favorites in one place, but...the main cast of Questionable Content could all move to Cubetown, right?
We just had a bit about Faye and Bubbles not having enough business to keep Faye fed, and Cubetown has a huge percentage of robot residents. This next bit seems to be showcasing a severe lack of coffee shops, indicating a market opening for Dora to move the Coffee of Doom into. Tai would make a great hire for Claire’s team of cat-herders, having experience with wacky college hijinks AND with working with Claire. Hannalore would throw in to keep the friend group together, and her side business (counting and organizing stuff) would be an awesome resource for Claire to tap. Marigold, Dale, Momo, and May can work from wherever Marigold streams from, and Cubetown probably has better security than Marigold’s place.
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xiadz · 11 months
Long post, I found a comic book I wrote with friends like 25 years ago and I'm reading it and here are some thoughts lol
In 2nd grade myself and 2 other friends wrote a comic book called Robots Mission to Mars and I thought it was just lost to the ages, a memory where as I get older I'm unsure if I made it up or not. However 2 days ago deep in my grandmother's attic was a random folder that she found and it had 3 different comic books I made and a few drawings, and within it was Robots Mission to Mars. It's surprising cause 1) I was sure it was lost and 2) my grandmother kept NOTHING from my childhood, so it was a complete accident this managed to slip through the cracks. Half of the cover is ripped off but overall the important bits are there complete with elementary school drawings of robots and space ships.
The inside cover even has an advertisement for a future planned "The Star Rocket Robots".
It's obviously poorly written but I'm honestly surprised, we fully came up with a backstory of a spaceship crashing into a kids house, maiming him, or as I wrote, "his arms tore off and his knee down got tore off", and three robots (Musuci, Syber-X, and Gama) survived the crash, saving our hero Johnny by taking him into their underground lab (i mean technically it was underground since they crashed I guess) and the robots fixed him by turning him into a cyborg, they then named him J-7. J-7 then helps rebuild the space station and in the process learns to be a robot. "It had a lab with computers and all that science stuff". By page 4 we are introducing enemy robots with very clear motives, Deathmole, the main bad guy is creating the perfect spy robot, aptly named Spier so he can steal plans. There's a large fight with 3 other evil robots, but since they're robots, Deathmole just makes a stronger and bigger 2.0 version of them.
Anyways I'm just genuinely impressed that as 2nd graders we somehow managed to grasp the concept of semi coherent storytelling and literally the heroes journey, as crude as it may be. It's also ready to be sold to marvel because at one point their space ship blows up and one of the characters simply goes "Well what about our extra space ship Gama? 'Oh I forgot about that one' he responds" Aliens show up for no reason and are unexplained other than they're bad guys. So we're even ready for the MCU.
We even ended on a complete cliffhanger. The last page is just
"Now let the fun begin. Ok let's rock you guys! Computers. Check. Gama screen on. Check. J-7 desk. Check.
I think the desk is meant to be like.. a console lol.
I might scan this and upload it somewhere. Every once in a while I still talk to one of my friends that did the art for some of the robots and we talked about it a few years ago, he'd probably be so fucking stoked to see it. I also think it serves as a neat time capsule into my childhood brain.
In the folder I also have "Scotts Awesome Adventures", which is 2 pages of panel comics that was made by me. Then I also have Pumpkin Man made by the same few of us who made Robots, but I only have the cover for it sadly.
Honestly I think one day I'd like to revisit Robots Mission to Mars. Maybe I'll even finally make that offshoot of The Star Rocket Robots a few decades later, but I don't know if it can live up to the hype.
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ninemelodies · 9 months
Right, so! black midi are cool as hell and I love them. I remembered things as 'weird lyrics (in a neat way)', not sure how much they're actually unusual, though. There's a sort of heightened pathos element to the text, but they aren't flavoured like anything that would usually have a heightened pathos element. Very buildingcore — feels like a concrete highway stretching into the distance; or an M.C. Escher castle with shining golden walls and clouds flowing througn deep chasms; or a cramped apartment with torn wallpaper in dark rain, etc. One of the songs is about ascending fourths (the interval). Absolutely brilliant. Dawn Ray'd have this sort of musical texture that — I don't know, reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus and related things, with a cold yellow light breaking through clouds — but grittier, like the genre of low fantasy and black ink pen illustrations. Magnolia Park is a more melodic type of rock, but doesn't quite mean it's softer, only most of the time. Their output is absolutely soaked in early-evening sunlight, very emotionally straighforward in a way that makes you (me) think 'okay, but why am I avoiding my own emotions again, if I could admit them that intensely and survive? Maybe I'm even feeling some of what the song describes! Why haven't I considered that yet?' Breaks through all the walls. Deathmole! It being instrumental and the odd rhythms and melodic choices make it feel referenceless — like North of Reality and NaissanceE and even a little like Manifold Garden. I love those things, so I love it too :)
so i actually know OF black midi. my ex was a huge fan of them but i never found anything of theirs that i liked.
i LOVE magnolia park tho. i’ve been following them since before their first EP released and i’m so happy to see them getting more recognition.
i’ll have to look into the other two bands! thank you c:
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old-skulls · 1 year
why are mole rats like. Like That. a “mole rat” is just, an animal. they don’t get a special name? they’re not Giant Mole Rats? they’re not Deathmoles? what did they do wrong to not deserve a cool mutation name
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oldstormcrow · 7 years
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Here’s a quick sketch of one of my favorite characters from the always awesome web comic “Questionable Content” by Jeph Jacques.
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reddragdiva · 7 years
by @ms-demeanor
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andmaybegayer · 3 years
Last Monday of the Week 2021-04-12
Simultaneously among my most and least Responsible Weeks depending on how you measure these things. Using my powers for my own gain.
Listening: New Deathmole album! Okay well actually it's a Best Of Deathmole album but still, delightful. Jeph Jacques does some good work and while I actually really like some of the newer electronic stuff he did under the Stelliferous title, like Clathrate, sometimes you just need to put on a bunch of extraordinarily self-indulgent progressive metal by a webcomic artist who has no fucking clue what the next ten years will hold for him. Did you predict that you'd be drawing virtual cowgirls with four boobs? Probably not!
Here's what I'm listening to at this second: Two Chord (bandcamp link).
Reading: as mentioned in a previous Monday I finally repaired the boot partition of my laptop, which was 90% done because it had all my unread RSS feeds which had been building up for like three months and I didn't want to have to set up a Vala build environment to compile the now-unsupported RSS reader I used. I have like, 500 webcomics to get through, to say nothing of blog posts.
Fortunately I manually check the Big Ones, so I'm up to date on Gunnerkrigg, xkcd, Questionable Content and SMBC, but like, I just read 40 dinosaur comics in a row. I think I have a syndrome now.
Watching: Finally got my hands on S4 of The Good Place and started watching that, got almost all of the way through too. Love a show with some good jokes that doesn't make me want to collapse into my own ribcage by being awful and boring.
Playing: Nothing. No video games. I checked steam and the last time I played a video game was 9 days ago. Unbelievable.
Making: Case for Project Galena is underway, but still needs work. I have a bunch of routered, mitered hunks of wood sitting in my room and none of them fit right. When you're making something that's less than 20cm each way, wood becomes a lot less forgiving, and most of my carpentry experience is with big stuff like shelves, desks, beds, cabinets etc. where you need accuracy of about half a centimeter in most places.
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A miter saw can definitely do sub-millimeter accuracy but I need to spend the time to build up some jigs and get a feel for blade width and wobble if I want that, or (more likely) I use the miter for big work and bring it in to size with sandpaper.
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This is going to look SO COOL when I actually get it right.
Computers Slot: shout out to the watch(1) utility, which I use alarmingly often, usually to quickly whip up monitoring for Something that I need to keep an eye on. Whether it's ensuring that your hardware is running well under a heavy load on a system you aren't allowed to install monitoring software on, or tracking the output of some command line utility, watch(1) will always have your back.
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jephjacques · 7 years
I remastered my favorite Deathmøle album, and you can buy it for just $1.
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erizo-schultz · 7 years
if deathmole and minus the bear had a miracle baby, it might be space bacon
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buttrockfanfic · 7 years
Day 666, 1250:54, 2392-2399
2393. Periphery - Periphery II: This Time It’s Personal - Djent pioneers make a djent record. Periphery is clearly comfortable here, sticking to their guns while making little experiments to mix it up.
2394. Deathmole - Permanence - Pretty decent instrumental metal. Some prog/djent vibes but that’s hard to escape. Hits some cool grooves.
2395. Catch 22 - Permanent Revolution - Ska! Good but passable, so pass.
2396. Rush - Permanent Waves - About half hits on this one. Deep cuts are on the level.
2397. Raein - Perpetuum - Melodic screamo from the masters.
2398. Panda Bear - Perfect Pitch - I truly do not have the energy to write about this. Like Animal Collective took a bad trip.
2399. Pet Symmetry - Pet Symmetry/Dikembe split - Don’t have Dikembe’s, but Pet Symmetry hits hard from the start. Very into the harmonies, but all told it’s only just above the best II/IO track.
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guidosegerseu · 9 years
This installment of Sounds of the Underground features Dragged Into Sunlight/Gnaw Their Tongues, Revolted Masses, Dopethrone and Deathmøle
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beanacomputer · 9 years
Double feature! Or something. If you’re going to listen to more Deathmole, I would definitely recommend his Bandcamp
PS: the song gets better about halfway through
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altash · 9 years
(via https://soundcloud.com/jephjacques/ragged-mane?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=tumblr)
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posthamster · 10 years
Listen/purchase: Solitary by Deathmole
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