ya-no-la-quiero · 8 months
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historiasdeldivan · 1 year
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capsulas · 9 months
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La televisión genera tu tristeza.
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chane-vel · 1 month
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Con mi amiga estabamos jodiendo sobre el ship este y nd termine dibujandolo..
Bill ex tóxica confirmado 😱
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electronica-1 · 2 years
Los fletes, los fletes son para debiluchos...
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diariodeunpoeta · 3 months
¿Qué tiene la noche que nos vuelve tan sentimentales, débiles y pensativos?
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nats-uvi · 9 months
Did some fanart trying a different style for one of my favorite fics of all time. Go check it out @cranberry086 ‘s “Bedtime Stories” on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51490345/chapters/130128643
Seriously if you like angst, denial of feeling or overall fluffy ribbun stuff give it a try I assure yall that it does NOT disappoint (I literally cried xD)
(Spoilers ahead for chapter 3)
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tempted to draw more tbh
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the-aro-ace-arrow-ace · 2 months
Česko. Skoro víc vstupů do pekla než počtu obyvatel, čerti jsou nej kámošky, každej aspoň zná osobu co má pletky s magií, země defenestrace, divých lidí a duchů, ale ne, náš nepřítel jako národ je ženská co se ukáže v pravý poledne uprostřed pole. sice tě může následovat až do baráku ale to je vedlejší
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Charles G.B. Evans - Teens and Devil-Worship - Huntington House - 1991
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javiar · 2 months
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Membrum Debile Propaganda
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leona-florianova · 11 months
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Zpaměti nakreslená reprodukce té nálepky co je na některejch Brněnskejch šalinách..
Protože mě děsně těšily ty výrazy zobrazených vehyklů a nemohla jsem nikde najít fotku.
*nakonec najita na faceboočku DPMB
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DPMB by s tím měli prodávat trička
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seafoamreadings · 1 day
sun into libra
happy birthday libra suns, and happy equinox to all :) enjoy the changing of the light, the quality of the air as the season shifts. embrace staying balanced and poised in times of change.
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deolkai · 16 days
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He don’t know when is your birthday so he randomly visits you wishing you happy birthday
Kot debil my beloved
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fatehbaz · 1 year
This is ostensibly a humanitarian practice, leaving many civilians “permanently disabled” in an occupied territory of destroyed hospitals, rationed medical supplies, and scarce resources. [...] Shooting to maim in order not to kill might appear as minor relief given the proclivity to shoot to kill. [...] But oscillations between the right to kill and the right to maim are hardly haphazard or arbitrary. The purportedly humanitarian practice of sparing death by shooting to maim has its biopolitical stakes not through the right to life, or even letting live, but rather through the logic of “will not let die.” Both are part of the deliberate debilitation of a population - whether through the sovereign right to kill or its covert attendant, the right to maim - and are key elements in the racializing biopolitical logic of security. Both are mobilized to make power visible on the body. Slated for death or slated for debilitation [...]. [B]oth targeting of the disabled and targeting to disable [...]. [B]odies [...] are sustained in a perpetual state of debilitation precisely through foreclosing the social, cultural, and political translation to disability.
It is this tension, the tension between targeting the disabled and targeting to debilitate, [...] this is the understated alliance [...]. As Christina Crosby rightly points out, “The challenge is to represent the ways in which disability is articulated with debility, without having one disappear into the other.” [...] In her work on bodily impaired miners in Botswana [...], Julie Livingston uses the term “debility,” defined broadly to encompass “experiences of chronic illness and senescence, as well as disability per se.” [...] Debilitation as a normal consequence of laboring, as an “expected impairment,” [...] exposes the violence of what constitutes “a normal consequence.” [...]
In a literal sense, caretakers of people with disabilities often come from chronically disenfranchised populations that endure debilities themselves. Conceptually, state, medical, and other forms of [institutionalized discourses and] recognition [...] may shroud debilities and forms of slow death while also effacing the quotidian modalities of widescale debilitation so prevalent due to capitalist exploitation and imperialist expansion. [...]
Debilitation is not a by-product of the operation of biopolitics but an intended result [...].
Crucial work now exists in southern disability studies; the relation of diasbility to U.S. incarceration [...] and imperialism [...]. The reproduction of this violence through neoliberal biomedical circuits [...] ensures that [...] [these institutions] impose definitions [...] and distributes resources unevenly with effects that reorganize and/or reiterate orderings and hierarchies. [...] This invocation of intersectional movements should [...] create new assemblages of accountability, conspiratorial lines of flight, and seams of affinity. In the midst of the Movement for Black Lives, the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline, the struggle for [...] health care in the United States, the demand to end U.S. imperial power in the Middle East [...], what constitutes an able body is ever evolving [...].
[They] are not only movements “allied” with disability rights [...]. Rather, [...] think of these fierce organizing practices collectively as a disability justice movement itself, as a movement that is demanding an end to so many conditions of precaritization that debilitate many populations.
All text above by: Jasbir K. Puar. “Preface: Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability. 2017. [Some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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wraithsoutlaws · 6 months
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"Those'll kill you, yknow." "They can certainly try."
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jt1674 · 30 days
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