soberpluto · 9 months
Explaining Dignities: Detriment (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus)
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2nd post on dignities! Hope you enjoy 🤩
Context: In Hellenistic (traditional) astrology, planets in detriment (or debilitated planets) are planetary rulers who sit in its contrary sign (the opposite of its domicile sign), such as Moon in Capricorn. They are said to be like foreigners in a land where they don’t speak the same language and are not familiar with the resources available in that place. Because of that, they cannot express their personality well and find success easily, as they need double the effort to accomplish their goals. With time, they can learn to make the best out of what’s given, but things will not be as easy as with exalted planets or in domicile. Planets in detriment tend to create delays and challenges in the house they occupy.
*Mind that below I’m speaking metaphorically of “house” as the SIGN the planet is exalted, and not the astrological house (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) as such.*
Also, my intention is not to "condemn" people with these placements. As with everything, there are positive and negative interpretations, but for the purpose of this topic, I'll be centering on the challenges only.
Sun in Aquarius: When the Sun is in Aquarius, his powerful and charismatic personality feels threatened. He’s at odds because he cannot be a creative leader and a community ally at the same time. He trades his uniqueness for a sense of belonging and feels like an outsider when he doesn’t achieve this. The Sun is frustrated, as he’s pushed aside from the limelight. He has to accept that his host prefers transcendence and unity over fun, passion, competition and recreation… the things he loves! Aquarius tries to get rid of his need for recognition and superiority in an attempt to make him fit into the masses, and while the Sun finds some sort of value in it, he misses his followers, as he feels underappreciated and misunderstood. After all, he lives for the drama, the theaters! His charisma is of no use in this gray and futuristic laboratory, where he has to learn to get in touch with his shine and brilliance from a mental place instead of his heart. His natural self-expression and emotionality need to be contained and transformed into scientific and innovative concepts that will help humankind, not amaze, or entertain it, as he wishes to.
Personality keywords: detached, stubborn, arbitrary, isolated, alienated, misfit, misunderstood, cold, unemotional.
Moon in Capricorn: When Capricorn receives the Moon, he finds her sensitivity too overwhelming and disturbing. He finds it hard to tolerate her fragility and self-expression, as he wants to keep things under control and practical. Facing drama makes him nervous, so he tries to avoid anything disturbing the Moon may complain about; this creates distance, insecurity and discomfort between hosts. The Moon feels misunderstood, lonely, and alienated from what makes her happy. In this ancient and lonely place, she’s gloomy because she cannot create a cozy and hearty home, where people feel welcomed and she’s able to take care of them without feeling judged or weak. Since she’s ripped away from emotional closeness, depression and exhaustion enter right away, as her host seems to be obsessed with duties, work, and material goals. She does not understand why life has to be so cold and serious. What is she supposed to do with all this vulnerability and depth in a place that sees them as undesirable?
Personality keywords: stern, lonely, gloomy, distant, restricted, pessimistic, overly ambitious, materialistic, incredulous.
Mercury in Sagittarius: Sagittarius is adventurous, expansive and preoccupied with the larger picture, so when Mercury lands into this spacious and disorganized household, he’s overwhelmed and lost. He wants to rearrange things and be as scrupulous as he can so he can make sense out of it all, but in here he has no idea where to begin, or if it’s even possible! He’s not interested in philosophy or spirituality as his host does, as he prefers facts and logical explanations to understand the world. Where he comes from, knowledge cannot beat experience, contrary the abstract and diluted things he finds in this amusement park. Because there are no clear guidelines, books or archives to find his answers, he has to turn into his underused intuition and sense of faith to find clarity. His host just wants him to be excited and have fun without worrying about the minor details! Therefore, his valued brain power seems to not be as useful as before, making him feel ungrounded and confused most of the time. He finds out that it’s better to just go with the flow and ends up sacrificing his methodical approaches for disorder, recklessness and impulsiveness because he gets tired of trying to do things objectively and rationally.
Personality keywords: blunt, distracted, careless, reckless, unclear, outspoken, non-sensical, wanderer, disorganized, lacks attention, messy, inconsistent, excitable.
Mercury in Pisces: Because Pisces is boundless and diluted, Mercury experiences a similar effect of anxiety and frustration as before when he enters the watery and nebulous chambers of his host’s homebase. Mercury needs libraries, schools and constant communication and interactions to feel happy, but in here, he feels alone in the middle of nowhere and things are just too mystical to be digested with common sense. He finds it hard to navigate the temple of the unseen realms, as he’s used to approaching life from his scientific rationale. There are so many things that don’t make sense here! Yes, there are interesting concepts in here and while he learns a thing or two, he loses track of applicable information for “the real world” and inadvertently turns impractical because the knowledge he stumbles upon can only live in the lands of the intangible, dreams or fairytales. He cannot differentiate between illusions and lies from real facts. Because there’s no impartial or logical point of reference, he frequently may be caught up by deceitful communication. His confusion can drive him towards victimhood or self-undoing tendencies, in an attempt to escape what he cannot cope with logically (which can be a lot!).
Personality keywords: disoriented, deceitful, confused, lost, mentally ill, escapist, unreal, delusional, self-absorbed, distracted, martyr, unreal, highly Influenceable.
Venus in Aries: When the planet of love, beauty and harmony enters this host’s home, she feels threatened and uninvited. She feels too weak and scared in a place where war and blood are the bread of everyday. She does not tolerate violence well, but this is what is expected of her in here. Venus understands that she must defend herself to survive, and although she has the resources to do that, she feels unhappy because her soft, passive, gentle and kind approach towards life cannot be expressed without being seen as a liability, a weakness. Cooperation and partnerships are hard to maintain here, because her host couldn’t be less interested healthy connections or other people's wellbeing. He only looks out for himself and makes sure Venus knows this! She feels unable to relax because she’s constantly pushed towards violence and exhausting combat. Venus hates so much chaos and egoism! She and her host bump into each other because both want to follow their own agendas. Tension and ego-clashes will surface, especially if her provoked violence goes to extremes. In an attempt to preserve her values, she can lash out unnecessarily or become passive-aggressive because she is constantly irritated or frustrated about her surroundings. After all, the way she's allowed to love is contrary to what she's used to.
Personality keywords: tempestuous, passive-agressive, visceral, contradictory, tense, over sexualized, highly masculine, too controlling or pushy, self-centered, tough love, competes for love, hyper sensitive.
Venus in Scorpio: Although Scorpio values intimacy and emotional depth like Venus, when she enters this hidden cave of mysteries and forbidden things, she becomes overwhelmed and terrified by the darkness she bumps into. Venus is used to thrive in a place of beauty, peace, and relaxation, but in here, her host loves the tenebrous and complicated. She’s left to her own devices and is obligated to find her way out alone. Exploring this realm can feel like a house of horror ride for sweet and innocent Venus! Her host is an enigmatic creature that allures but frightens her, because she’s not able to guess if he’s a friend or an enemy. This is a place where she is forced to find beauty and resilience in the darkest of corners, as daylight is very hard to be seen beneath the ground. She has to become familiar with sorrow and pain too, and she does this by going through constant deaths and rebirths because her need for understanding and closeness drags her to the extremes and into unknown dangers. Venus builds a thick crust around herself to protect her vulnerability. This makes her painfully isolated at times because she will always crave for love and intimacy; a secret she cannot tell. The intensity and uncertainty of this place can make her hyper controlling or mistrusting, but also resilient.
Personality keywords: intense, vengeful, possessive, jealous, secretive, insecure, mind-player, exploitative, dark, uses sex as a weapon, gold digger.
2nd part coming up! Thanks all for reading! 😘
Written by @soberpluto
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dreamofmetoday · 10 months
personal planets version
domicile: the planet is in it's home sign (comfortable)
exaltation: the planet is elevated (comfortable)
detriment: the planet is opposite to the home sign (uncomfortable)
fall: the planet is opposite to the exalted sign (uncomfortable)
when a planet is in domicile or exaltation it means the planet is comfortable in the sign it is in. this results in:
the placement becoming powerful (strong)
the placement being "too much" (overabundance of the planet's energy)
when a planet is in detriment or fall it means the planet is uncomfortable in the sign it is in. this results in:
the placement becoming weak and poorly expressed
the placement becoming "embarrassed" with how to behave or express itself (leads to coping)
domicile in leo, exalted in aries
♡ why it's powerful: confident and focused on the self as the sun wants to be.
♡ why it's too much: self-absorbed and places themselves at the centre of attention and situations (without the consideration of others).
detriment in aquarius, fall in libra
♡ why it's weak - aquarius: focused on society, ideals and groups (other people) and not the self and only knows who they are in relation to (their knowledge on) these things (which is other people). feels left out - alienated or isolated, black sheep.
♡ why it's weak - libra: insecure and focused on other people and seeks approval from others to validate identity. self-unaware and only knows who they are in relation to other people (who they're around or who they idealise).
domicile in cancer, exalted in taurus
♡ why it's powerful: secure, unfiltered emotional expression. easily defined emotions which can be translated effectively - "predictable" and expected emotions. treats (takes care of and spoils) themselves easily. naturally trusting.
♡ why it's too much: overindulgent in order to seek comfort, doesn't easily understand different emotional expressions, ruled by their emotional life (moody to the outside world). naive and too easily emotionally attached.
detriment in capricorn, fall in scorpio
♡ why it's weak: hard relationship with the mother, insecure and restricted emotional expression. secretive and suspicious. afraid of allowing themselves to seek out comfort. doesn't form close connections easily.
domicile in gemini (extroverted expression) and virgo (introverted expression), exalted in aquarius
♡ why it's powerful: quick thinkers and active communicators. • gemini: easily communicates with all people • virgo: highly effective planners and clever strategists • aquarius: lightning bolt epiphanies, understands different forms of information easily.
♡ why it's too much - gemini (extroverted expression): talks too much and too quickly (misses words, tells stories in the wrong order, lies etc.). says the wrong thing, can't be silent (offends and overshares).
♡ why it's too much - virgo (introverted expression): too practical (overly focused on plans and details), nagging, particular, pedantic.
♡ why it's too much - aquarius: easily defined by their knowledge - god complex.
detriment in sagittarius and pisces, fall in leo
♡ why it's weak - sagittarius: meaning over facts (and turns personal experiences into facts), unable to explain themselves effectively and tells stories in a confusing way.
♡ why it's weak - pisces: says one thing but means another, naive communicators (can be easily lied to), logic easily swayed by emotions.
♡ why it's weak - leo: one-way communicators, doesn't understand what others are saying easily, dramatic and ineffective storytelling.
domicile in libra (extroverted expression) and taurus (introverted expression), exalted in pisces.
♡ why it's powerful - libra (extroverted expression): connects easily with others, easily understands others' needs and wants, sharing and fair to others.
♡ why it's powerful - taurus (introverted expression): understands security and earthly matters, understanding of and appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, naturally sensual.
♡ why it's powerful - pisces: easily able to connect and empathise with others, flexible and adaptable to the lives of others, sharing and giving.
♡ why it's too much: lacks independence (needs possessions or other people) • libra: people pleasers, overly focused on romance • taurus: hedonistic and hoarding (possessive) • pisces: easily loses themselves in others.
detriment in aries and scorpio, fall in virgo
♡ why it's weak: self-concerned, can't easily open up to others and share. • aries: too selfish for give and take with others • scorpio: love has conditions (can't naturally give of themselves) • virgo: too critical of other people, perfectionistic and unaccepting.
domicile in aries and scorpio, exalted in capricorn
♡ why it's powerful: go after what they want straightforwardly, stands up for themselves, good energy and not lethargic about their goals.
♡ why it's too much: selfish and goes after what they want at the expense of others. • aries: blunt and inconsiderate (their rights over your rights) • scorpio: easily jealous of others and revenge-seeking (wants to tear others down, their rights over your rights) • capricorn: ruthless. can be extremely malicious and cruel, doesn't care who they hurt to achieve their goals even more so than aries and scorpio.
detriment in libra and taurus, fall in cancer
♡ why it's weak: procrastinating, lazy and can't stand up for themselves (sometimes needs others to stand up for them or needs others to help them do things - doesn't want to do things alone) • libra: stands up for others and causes but not themselves, feels the need to manipulate others to get their way, passive • taurus: inappropriate anger (anger simmers for long periods - is patient until they explode, creates unclear boundaries with others), passive about going after what they want • cancer: can't stand up for themselves and throws tantrums instead, argues too emotionally.
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seafoamreadings · 25 days
venus into aries
venus is not at her most comfortable nor necessarily at her strongest in aries, and i would bet that that is extra true with all the eclipse/mercury retrograde stuff also going on that involves this same sign. so no, it's not necessarily a great time to change your aesthetic or make huge relationship strides. on the other hand, don't let people people scare you into thinking this is some horrible ingress/transit. we grow through our discomfort and our patience. venus here can also be great for love - just not in traditional confines. do not expect anything to fit into a formula. just let it be what it is and see what happens.
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peculiar-shardscape · 5 months
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I drew cool icon for a WIP Roblox game called Detriment, lead by TechnicalHost ! (I drew the crystals, the background was from the lead himself)
Though the game is currently unfinished, I did get an opportunity to playtest for it, and let me tell you guys, it is PHENOMENAL just from the first few worlds. Once it comes to a release, I HIGHLY recommend playing it!
I’m really happy to contribute to such a brilliant game run by a fantastic friend! It’s an honor to be part of a great team, even if I only do the art for it! Once the game releases, hopefully I can share some fanart I’ve made for it! Hehe
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whatsupbomb · 2 years
Exaltation is a planet at it's best💅
Fall is a planet at it's worst🥱
Rulership is a planet at it's advantage where it attracts all the good stuff related to itself🥰
Detriment is a planet at it's disadvantage where it pushes away all the good stuff related to itself🤢
For example, natives with Venus in it's rulership sign Taurus like to live a comfortable life and easily accept gifts and money. They like to be treated like a baby
Natives with Venus in it's detriment sign Scorpio hate receiving goods from other people for free. They don't fall for compliments and gifts and prefer to give than to take
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kecneo · 1 year
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moonlodgemystic · 2 years
Intro to Astrology: Chart Structure
Intro to Astrology: Chart Structure
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manmetaphysical · 5 months
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3) Is Mercury really that bad in Sagittarius?
This is a whole other discussion, but relevant here since it’s a review of all that Sagittarius means and those born with sun in Sagittarius are most likely to also have Mercury there. The short answer to the question is Mercury really that bad in Sagittarius is ‘No’. But there’s a long answer too that defuses the common mantra which is trotted out with regularity.
Astrologers say that Mercury is in ‘detriment’ – they make it sound like a ‘bad boy’ scenario- or at least that it suffers there. And anyone with this placement might be jinxed into thinking this is fated. In quantum terms, nothing is ever that fixed, but it is probable, potential, depending on various mitigating factors. The word ‘detriment’ comes with a lot of negative associations. Astrological lore is that Mercury is out of its ‘domicile’ which is the opposite sign Gemini. The analogy used is that it is in a foreign land which is exactly the terrain that Jupiter loves, the joyousness of roaming around the world, bringing good will and seeing the ‘holistic’ picture. But Mercury – Hermes in his original Greek guise- was pretty adventurous, mischievous, extremely resourceful, he could steal or lie as needed like it was a fun thing to do.
He could walk backwards to cover his tracks, and is not afraid to go anywhere, even into the underworld and back in his ‘psychopomp’ aspect, so it always seemed to me that, unless there are other configurations pointing to a depletion of its energy, Mercury performs just as well in Sagittarius as it would in any other sign. But it might just be inactive through lack of effort to develop potential, or Mercury is pressured to bring out a few of his tricks and demonstrate his dexterous skills.
It all depends on what the Sagittarian native does with the energy, how they make use of its presence and the way with words that works best in that sign. If you say that a person with Mercury in Sagittarius will be challenged to be a good writer, perhaps they rose to that challenge anyway. There’s Jane Austen, Gustave Flaubert, George Elliot, Noel Coward, C.S. Lewis, Shirley Jackson,  Philip K. Dick, and even Bram Stoker.
In Stoker’s case his sun was in Scorpio,, so not a Sagittarian, but his Mercury was in Sagittarius. It is true that he did have a prolonged difficulty with writing that could have been related to dyslexia- the Mercury was square to Saturn. The drafts of ‘Dracula’ were confused and revisions were numerous, but the power of the book once it was published is indisputable. Jane Austen had Mercury in Sagittarius and she  is number one author most beloved by the British reading public. She has a moral tone, but with a light comedic touch, revealing a fondness for her incorrigible characters  who are not judged, just chastised. People adore that but the skill in the writing is evident, crisp and cool with no wasted words on the page.
I have this placement too and feel there is definitely a bit of cognitive dissonance here and struggle to be understood when the attempt to say the impossible begins. Wasn’t it the Queen in Alice Through the Looking Glass who practised thinking of at least six impossible things before breakfast? But I always felt there’s something too reductive in saying that Mercury is badly placed in Jupiter’s house.  When challenged to express to left-brain centred listeners the voice of the right brain, people pull out the stops to overcome the difficulties with words and phrases, and their deeper qualities eventually shine through. What natives with this placement have to do is not let the  message be lost in the words, or by jumping around from topic to topic. It’s the triumph of wisdom over intellect and integrating all that you know which the Mercury retrograde will allow you to do.
I would never say Mercury is  is automatically ‘bad’ to a client, as he is so equivocal. Plus we words have incredible power – they act as spells to create illusions in the mind. They are the essence of what’s ‘Mercurial’ which by its nature is hard to pin down. He just keeps slipping through the fingers. Every placement has some benefits, but they do need to be strategically activated. They just may not be so obvious and may need as in every hero’s journey, to be called upon  like a magic sword in the hour of need.
So whether Mercury is challenged or not, depends on the effort of the native to see their way through the obstacles. As they say with jokes  ‘‘it’s the way you tell ’em‘ that matters, not the joke itself.
Those who struggle harder to express themselves work harder, for longer, and eventually reach greater heights. One perfect astrological example is the work of Johfra Bosshart, born 15/12/1919 with his sun in Sagittarius, Saturn in Virgo lending an industrious ability to toil, Jupiter and Pluto in Leo but he had his Mercury in Sagittarius at 2°.  But it was square to Uranus.
He described his own work as “Surrealism based on studies of psychology, religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and occultism”. He belonged to a group of ‘Metarealists’ who were not that popular for a long time, but what’s fascinating is that he had a triple conjunction of asteroids Psyche and Eros the eternal lovers together and Pallas Athene, the strategist, all in Aquarius.
Mercury conjunct Venus in Sagittarius produces explosions of fiery virtuosity as with Jimi Hendrix playing guitar like no one else ever could.  Others like George Elliot, Georges Seurat had this conjunction near their sun in Sagittarius as well as Nicki Minaj who uses her physicality as a female with enhanced breasts and butt to deliver the message.
And Mercury conjunct the Galactic centre produced a singer like Edith Piaf whose guttural and emotional delivery of songs spoke to the entire world. The Galactic centre taps in to all that is transpersonal and super charges it with energy aligned directly to the centre point of the Milky Way that is beyond this solar system. Non, Je ne regrette rien would be a good anthem for the Sagittarian as they sometimes blame themselves as much as others but it packs a punch.
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thecpdiary · 6 months
The Political Detriments of Health
"Looking at health through the lens of political determinants means analysing how different power constellations, institutions, processes, interests, and ideological positions affect health within different political systems and cultures and at different levels of governance." - (Source: BMJcom)
The reason why I bring politics into my writing is because it is interfering with my mental health, with my every day. Since the pandemic started, through the Government’s decisions, lifting all restrictions in the pandemic, I am left with little choice. I am not alone. Many communities are in the same position, particularly those people who like me deal with a mental and physical disability. Also, for those who are immunosuppressed, for those patients dealing with cancer. Also, for those with cystic fibrosis, or anyone with a condition where their immunity is compromised.
Politics is the backbone to problems
Politics is the backbone to a lot of the world's current problems. Those external influences don’t sit in the background while we get on with our lives. Instead, politics is interfering with the way many of us are able to live our lives.
The EU and the UK
When the EU opened its doors to the UK joining in the early 70’s, our lives became better. We had freedom of movement to holiday anywhere in its EU country member states, so long as we had a valid UK passport. With many UK residents who retired out there and who now don't meet the right criteria to stay, having to return to the UK.
Politicians pitting against each other
What is difficult is politicians' pitting against each other, to see who can do the worst damage, without a thought to the consequences of their actions.
For more inspirational, lifestyle blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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bluegiragi · 1 month
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early access + nsfw on patreon
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pangur-and-grim · 1 month
my dark secret is that I don’t care about breeds being kept to a strict standard. so long as they’re healthy and well-suited for their purpose (which in cats and most dogs is just companionship), I’m not opposed. when breeders chase exaggerated traits, the problem for me isn’t that it’s off standard, it’s more that a) closely breeding for an extreme trait can result in a loss of genetic diversity, with all the health problems that entails, b) extremely exaggerated traits can be inherently harmful to the animal, c) exaggerated traits can get in the way of the animal being an animal and doing animal things
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vacantgodling · 4 months
ngl i get that people hype up hating writing for the bit but like. idk. yall i Do actually really like writing. it is so satisfying and fun and rewarding and i get to look back what i made over and over again and get joy every single time.
yes writing is hard but if you hate it more than you love it im kinda like. idk. find another hobby?
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seafoamreadings · 29 days
moon into capricorn
tend less towards emotionally unavailable and more towards a faithful mountain, the protection such stability can provide.
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peculiar-shardscape · 6 months
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This is the only Detriment fanart I’m allowed to share. Merc.
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
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listen. i know it sounds fucking insane coming from me but if you haven't already i need you to log onto twitter and vote for sans in the finals of the tumblr sexyman poll
sure reigensweep is hilarious. but this is more than that. this is SO much more than that i need you to see my vision. twink supreme was funny. it was the introduction. dilf supreme solidified it, but now? this meme can't physically keep going forever. it's not a matter of "if" he loses it's matter of WHEN. specifically, when it'd be funnier. and i NEED YOU to imagine how fucking HYSTERICAL it would be if reigen lost the only competition he actually had the credentials for TO SANS FUCKING UNDERTALE.
it's the perfect 3 arc structure to the perfect joke. i need you to imagine a world where that happens. i need you to imagine the memes. the art people would make. the fanart *I* could make. I'm begging you to see the bigger picture. don't let reigensweep run itself into oblivion. it could go down today, but it would go down in HISTORY. don't let the perfect setup be destroyed by commitment to the bit.
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taxinealkaloids · 1 year
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i love the tower princes. i love that there’s absolutely no way in hell that this friendship is even remotely good for either of them. love that they assuredly are making each other SO much worse with every second they spend together. 
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