#dec and madders would obvs be their no.1 cheerleaders hehe
hendolish · 9 months
This might be a weird pairing, but can I ask for Jude/Marcus ficlet?❤️ I don't know if you saw the last england video with Dec and Madders, they were so funny. Maybe something fluffy and them bantering each other? Thank you if you take it!
jude bellingham/marcus rashford | new love ♡
As the morning training session wraps up at St. George's Park, most of the squad rush to the changing rooms, keen for some downtime.
Jude, however, with the ever-infectious enthusiasm of youth, stays to practice his finishing in front of net, scoring effortlessly over and over.
"Oi Rashy, bet you can't do this."
He shouts cheekily over at Marcus as he makes a point of taking his shot without looking. Marcus just shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips as the ball slots into the top-right corner.
"You're such a show-off." He teases as Jude grins back over at him, his eyes lit up in the way they always are when there's a ball at his feet.
“Just trying to impress someone.”
Jude winks, his voice dropping to a playful whisper meant only for Marcus as he shrugs.
Dec, passing by and forever keen to hone-in on some banter, comments through a cackle, "Impress Gareth, you mean? Good on you, Jude."
Madders, following closely behind Dec, smirks, "Leave the lovebirds be, mate. We’ve got a game to prep for."
Jude's cheeks flush slightly, but he laughs it off like he always does, making a playful jab at Madders. Marcus, however, remains stoic, a fortress of calm, but Jude notices the hint of a blush on his cheeks.
As the group disperses, Jude takes a bold step, pulling Marcus to the side.
"You alright?” He asks more quietly, genuine concern in his eyes. He knows everything is very new between them and that it'll take some getting used to. Especially the banter from the other lads.
Marcus sighs, the weight of the new feelings and their uncharted relationship pressing on him, "It's just... new, Jude. All of this. I've always been more... private about how I feel. Even with my mates."
Jude smiles softly, reaching out to gently cup Marcus' face.
“I know, and that’s okay. But you don’t have to hide from me.”
Marcus leans into the touch, relishing in the warmth.
“I’m not used to someone caring this much.” He admits almost solemnly.
“Well, you better get used to it,” Jude teases then, the playful gleam back in his eyes, "I don't plan on going anywhere soon."
The two share a grin between them, the moment intimate and light. But as they make their way back to the locker rooms, Marcus’s phone vibrates with a message. Glancing at it, he can't help but chuckle. It's Dec.
“You’ve got a keeper, mate. I'm happy for the two of you.”
Marcus thinks it's a nice sentiment, even if the message is followed by a variety of suggestive emojis in true Dec style.
Jude unashamedly peeks over Marcus's shoulder to read what it says, “Dec’s got a point, you know.”
Marcus rolls his eyes, though his smile gives away his amusement, “Oh, so now you’re teaming up with Dec?”
Jude just smirks, pulling Marcus into a playful headlock, “Always good to have backup!”
The next day at training, the playful banter continues.
Madders is the key culprit, cheekily passing comments whenever Marcus takes a shot, "Trying to show off for Jude, eh?" or when Jude's busy chatting to one of the other lads, "Look at that! Marcus, you've got competition!"
But despite the jests and teases, it's clear to everyone that the bond between Jude and Marcus was only growing stronger and wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Before their first game of the international break, Marcus, feeling particularly daring, pulls Jude close.
“For luck,” He whispers, planting a soft kiss on Jude’s forehead. Jude looks pleasantly surprised but recovers quickly, testing the waters, “You’ll need more than that to last the match.”
Marcus chuckles, the sound deep and genuine, “You might be right.”
Jude, with a teasing smile, stands up from the bench to plant a quick peck on Marcus's lips. “There, now you’re set.”
Dec, who'd caught their interaction despite the bustle of the changing room, raises an eyebrow from a distance.
“Think we’ll win today,” He tells Madders.
Madders just smirks as he pulls on his socks, “With that kind of morale boost? Absolutely.”
And the two of them share a knowing glance, silently cheering on their two friends as they watch their hands tangle tightly together.
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