#love this pairing tbh
hendolish · 9 months
This might be a weird pairing, but can I ask for Jude/Marcus ficlet?❤️ I don't know if you saw the last england video with Dec and Madders, they were so funny. Maybe something fluffy and them bantering each other? Thank you if you take it!
jude bellingham/marcus rashford | new love ♡
As the morning training session wraps up at St. George's Park, most of the squad rush to the changing rooms, keen for some downtime.
Jude, however, with the ever-infectious enthusiasm of youth, stays to practice his finishing in front of net, scoring effortlessly over and over.
"Oi Rashy, bet you can't do this."
He shouts cheekily over at Marcus as he makes a point of taking his shot without looking. Marcus just shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips as the ball slots into the top-right corner.
"You're such a show-off." He teases as Jude grins back over at him, his eyes lit up in the way they always are when there's a ball at his feet.
“Just trying to impress someone.”
Jude winks, his voice dropping to a playful whisper meant only for Marcus as he shrugs.
Dec, passing by and forever keen to hone-in on some banter, comments through a cackle, "Impress Gareth, you mean? Good on you, Jude."
Madders, following closely behind Dec, smirks, "Leave the lovebirds be, mate. We’ve got a game to prep for."
Jude's cheeks flush slightly, but he laughs it off like he always does, making a playful jab at Madders. Marcus, however, remains stoic, a fortress of calm, but Jude notices the hint of a blush on his cheeks.
As the group disperses, Jude takes a bold step, pulling Marcus to the side.
"You alright?” He asks more quietly, genuine concern in his eyes. He knows everything is very new between them and that it'll take some getting used to. Especially the banter from the other lads.
Marcus sighs, the weight of the new feelings and their uncharted relationship pressing on him, "It's just... new, Jude. All of this. I've always been more... private about how I feel. Even with my mates."
Jude smiles softly, reaching out to gently cup Marcus' face.
“I know, and that’s okay. But you don’t have to hide from me.”
Marcus leans into the touch, relishing in the warmth.
“I’m not used to someone caring this much.” He admits almost solemnly.
“Well, you better get used to it,” Jude teases then, the playful gleam back in his eyes, "I don't plan on going anywhere soon."
The two share a grin between them, the moment intimate and light. But as they make their way back to the locker rooms, Marcus’s phone vibrates with a message. Glancing at it, he can't help but chuckle. It's Dec.
“You’ve got a keeper, mate. I'm happy for the two of you.”
Marcus thinks it's a nice sentiment, even if the message is followed by a variety of suggestive emojis in true Dec style.
Jude unashamedly peeks over Marcus's shoulder to read what it says, “Dec’s got a point, you know.”
Marcus rolls his eyes, though his smile gives away his amusement, “Oh, so now you’re teaming up with Dec?”
Jude just smirks, pulling Marcus into a playful headlock, “Always good to have backup!”
The next day at training, the playful banter continues.
Madders is the key culprit, cheekily passing comments whenever Marcus takes a shot, "Trying to show off for Jude, eh?" or when Jude's busy chatting to one of the other lads, "Look at that! Marcus, you've got competition!"
But despite the jests and teases, it's clear to everyone that the bond between Jude and Marcus was only growing stronger and wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Before their first game of the international break, Marcus, feeling particularly daring, pulls Jude close.
“For luck,” He whispers, planting a soft kiss on Jude’s forehead. Jude looks pleasantly surprised but recovers quickly, testing the waters, “You’ll need more than that to last the match.”
Marcus chuckles, the sound deep and genuine, “You might be right.”
Jude, with a teasing smile, stands up from the bench to plant a quick peck on Marcus's lips. “There, now you’re set.”
Dec, who'd caught their interaction despite the bustle of the changing room, raises an eyebrow from a distance.
“Think we’ll win today,” He tells Madders.
Madders just smirks as he pulls on his socks, “With that kind of morale boost? Absolutely.”
And the two of them share a knowing glance, silently cheering on their two friends as they watch their hands tangle tightly together.
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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1.10 Sic Transit Gloria Mundi | 2.09 Storytelling
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Man “Battle Nexus: New York” was a great episode but I do have one major gripe with it.
Like. Raph being paired up with Ghostbear? Makes sense. Works great. Works amazing, even.
Mikey being paired up with Meatsweats? Yeah that checks out!!
Donnie getting…Hypno…? I mean. I guess Donnie doesn’t like magic so it kindaaa works but Kendra would have been a much better choice to me personally. Maybe Big Mama didn’t wanna include a human or something…
And Leo getting…uh…one of the Sando Brothers???? Of all villains? Nah let’s be real, his main villain is more Big Mama herself (or Leo could be considered his own worst enemy lmao-). Hell Hypno would have probably worked better here considering their shared love for magic tricks and stuff, but Carl Sando????
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erabu-san · 30 days
What ships with Tighnari would you consider?
i won't tell anything because I am scared of being cooked
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lesbian-sunshim · 5 months
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get early access or leave a tip!
rare pairs for your consideration 6/50 - twilight x night glider
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gophergal · 2 months
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the explosive ladies.... look at them......
(looks better on pf)
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saucywendeee · 1 year
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“Time for bed, Johnny.”
“One more sketch.” 
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golvio · 10 months
Ganondorf with Alexander the Great Syndrome, where he’s dangerously clever and fantastic at military strategy, intrigue, adapting to setbacks, and inspiring people under him to action through his energizing charisma, which along with the necessary hubris from believing he is meant to rule makes him extremely effective at the “taking things over” part of attempted world domination.
However, despite his belief he is naturally inclined to lead and therefore is the best possible person to control everything, he is also absolute dogshit at actually administering his holdings and doing the basic day-to-day business required to maintain more permanent control over the territories he invades. Unless he’s motivated to stay put and hold course by a powerful grudge, he’s often moving on to the next, more exciting challenge once he’s finished his business in a location, which often involves physically leaving and abandoning whichever poor patsies he’s appointed to look after things in his absence to fend for themselves. This is why all the kingdoms he’s ever built according to his personal vision of how the world ought to be collapse into dust immediately after he dies.
Getting this man to do paperwork will get you the same response as trying to force him to chew broken glass, which is why he will always be defeated unless he eventually develops the good sense to appoint either a whole cabinet or a single reasonably competent secretary to do all the boring stuff for him.
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ghastlybirdie · 5 months
Thinking about Price and Ghost cause im mentally ill /hj and thinking about how Price really has the ability to heal and guide Ghost and dampen the static fuzz that cloud the space in-between Ghost's ears
Maybe it started as sharing simple items like a bottle of lotion to balm their chapped hands and fingers. Or maybe it was picking up a cup of tea when Ghost was lagging behind from being stuck in his own headspace
Perhaps Price always bagged an extra lunch for Ghost when Ghost was lost in training or writing summary reports, even though Price himself hardly had the time to feed himself
for the longest time Ghost couldn't function well on a mission without Price, he needed to be guided by hand and told where to go by just one specific voice- just one man, and when he couldn't hear it he would be lost to whatever voice that was silenced only when John demanded an order without raising his voice- it was vital to Ghost's function, to his entire being
But over time, Ghost would stop being Ghost, and turn back into a person, not an entity- back to Simon. And Price was there to catch him and hold him upright and strong while Simon caught his breath after being buried under the weight of trauma and grief for so long- John was there, holding onto him tight
Simon wasn't walking around alone anymore, he wasnt lost and scared and static-filled- he was broken, at one point, but John Price wasnt the type of person to leave his men broken and alone, letting Simon stretch his legs and even letting him sink back into a mask, into Ghost, cause John knew that Simon would always come back to him back where he belongs
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 9 months
The lovesquare: *exists*
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crazymecjc · 11 months
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shuake week day 2 - new game plus
plus, bonus!
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likesummerrainn · 8 months
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IMPACT Bound For Glory | 10.21.23
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danmeichael · 2 months
If SY were to interact with other MXTX characters how many and who do you think he'd be able to wifebeam
the only characters he absolutely would NOT be able to wifebeam are hua cheng, xie lian, and lan wangji. i believe without a doubt he would wifebeam wei wuxian though. he is so vulnerable to beautiful scholarly autistic men.
the majority of side characters are absolutely done for though. wen ning? gone. obliterated. pei ming? fucked. absolutely fucked. sy bottles bisexual awakenings and forcefeeds them to unsuspecting victims. jiang yanli is a married woman but i think she and jin zixuan could blow his back out together. aromantics are immune from the romantic implications of the wifebeam but will still be obsessed with him in some way. only lesbians are safe.
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jerreeeeeee · 2 months
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tragic actual play siblings…
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hellolulu · 1 year
Serizawa is really the best partner for Reigen, no doubt. Like, this man sees Reigen's true self, and he just accepts it, because he's extremely perceptive and empathetic. Because they both are.
What I mean by him accepting it is that, rather than going along with his ruses/lies for the sake of "the flow", he's been able to watch Reigen closely and learn that people don't actually have their shit together. He's been able to see that he didn't waste as much time as he'd thought he had, being an adult shut-in - and that by going to school and working with s&s, he's actually been able to live a pretty normal life.
Reigen started out as this Big Boss to anxiously impress - to the point of hiding note cards in his sleeve and feeling unable to criticize him - and he was constantly way-too overly impressed by the things Reigen does as part of his work. But Reigen becomes more and more just another normal person to him as the story progresses, and despite how Reigen feels about people knowing his true self ("they'd reject me immediately"), Serizawa treats Reigen's normalness as a positive thing!
He's not thinking of him in a "he's lying to everyone" or "he's just another face in the crowd" way, but he sees him as someone like him, who just happens to be better at acting like a normal citizen. And as someone who has a hard time feeling normal, it's comforting for him to see that actually, Reigen's working just as hard as he is. In this way, he sees him as a true friend and equal - which is also touching because Reigen wants nothing more than for everyone in the world to realise they're all equal at the core.
And of course, he's still always amazed and impressed when Reigen shows intense maturity and understanding of the world, because this is something he can learn from, even though Reigen is actually younger and oftentimes just as lost as he feels. Regardless of the setting, Reigen is someone he can look to. He doesn't look up to his displays of power, like he had been encouraged to do in Scar, but he sees firsthand his ability to see the world, and others, in a way nobody else can. He looks to him for support, and to grow, and in doing so, has been able to help Reigen grow too.
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anrimii · 11 days
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Some sketchbook doodles ❤️❤️
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