#december czarny
rhywhitefang · 7 months
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volleytimes-com · 9 months
Poland: 3 points for Gdańsk and Bełchatów in last games of Round 13 before Christmas
🇵🇱| 3 points for Gdańsk and Bełchatów in last games of Round 13 before Christmas Today’s results: • Trefl Gdańsk - Indykpol AZS Olsztyn 3-0 (29:27, 25:22, 25:21) • Enea Czarni Radom - PGE GiEK Skra Bełchatów 1-3 (23:25, 25:22, 19:25, 26:28) Read more here 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Dear readers, we remind you that our articles, including this one, were written by our collaborators exclusively for this news organization, and their reproduction, partial or total, including translation into Italian (or other languages) without citing the original source or the author it’s illegal. More to follow ____________________ 🇵🇱| 2023/24 PLUSLIGA | Kolejka 13 – Round 13 Friday December…
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years
Rodzina Malfoyów || dramione
Rodzina Malfoyów || dramione https://ift.tt/9JP0KSg by inspirations_whisper Kategoria: dark comedy, czarny humor Paring: dramione Czasy: piętnaście lat po bitwie o Hogwart Motyw: wyłudzenie majątku, amnezja Beta merytoryczna:@Repescoo Informacje dodatkowe: mini brała udział w zabawie "Baśniowy Świat Dramione" organizowanego przez grupę facebookową Dramione - PISZEMY - CZYTAMY - KOCHAMY; luźno nawiązuje do filmu z 1991 r. pt. "Rodzina Addamsów". Words: 4843, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Polski Series: Part 14 of Baśniowe Dramione Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Dolores Umbridge, Theodore Nott Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Inspired by Addams Family, Dark Comedy, Memories via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/HOQh2kD December 26, 2022 at 02:21PM
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poemswhileyouwait · 7 years
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“Going to Target Alone” by Daniela Czarny -- Dose Market, Holidose, 12.10.17
poem topic: going to Target alone
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Murzynek Bambo isn’t racist
"Murzynek Bambo" (Bambo the black child) is a children's poem by Jewish-Polish author Julian Tuwim (September 1894 – December 1953), written in 1934. It is about a little black boy called Bambo, who lives in Africa.
When I hear people talking about how ''stereotypical'' and ''racist'' the poem is, I wonder if we read the same thing.
Here it is, in its uncensored glory.
English Version
Murzynek Bambo lives in Africa,
our friend's skin is black.
He studies diligently all mornings                                                                    From his first book.
And when he comes home from school,                                                           Mischief, fooling - it's his job.
Until mom screams, "Bambo, you rascal!"                                                          And Bambo puffs his black face.
Mum says: "have some milk"                                                                             And he runs away up a tree.
Mama says: "Come take a bath"                                                                         And he's afraid he’ll turn white.
But mom loves her little son.                                                                            Because he's a good black boy.                
It's a pity that Bambo                                                                                    doesn't go to school with us.
Polish Version
Murzynek Bambo w Afryce mieszka , czarną ma skórę ten nasz koleżka. (koleżka - friend)
Uczy się pilnie przez całe ranki Ze swej murzyńskiej pierwszej czytanki.
A gdy do domu ze szkoły wraca , Psoci, figluje - to jego praca.
Aż mama krzyczy: "Bambo, łobuzie!' A Bambo czarną nadyma buzię.
Mama powiada: "Napij się mleka" A on na drzewo mamie ucieka.
Mama powiada :"Chodź do kąpieli", A on się boi że się wybieli.
Lecz mama kocha swojego synka. Bo dobry chłopak z tego murzynka.
Szkoda że Bambo czarny , wesoły nie chodzi razem z nami do szkoły.
I couldn’t find any official English translation. Probably the internet wants to bury it and poem isn’t know outside of Poland that much.
The poem is supposed to teach Polish youth tolerance towards Black children, suggesting they are not different from their Polish counterparts. Historians note that Tuwim, who faced strong antisemitic sentiments during the interwar period, espoused liberal views and was strongly opposed to Polish nationalist politics and its discrimination against ethnic minorities.
The word Murzyn/Murzynek isn’t as bad as Nigger. Czarnuch is more offensive. Murzynek is a cute way of saying it. Also murzynek means chocolate cake.
Bamboo doesn't want to take a bath, because he doesn't want to turn white. It is supposed to showcase that he likes how he looks and that children believe stupid things.
Climbing the tree bit might be considered racist today, but back in the day climbing trees was a thing that all children did, including the white ones.
Stop censoring/burning books. It was written almost 100 years ago.
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Czas Czarny Nieokreślony
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I have a few copies – contact me if you are interested.
 a vintage double-cassette vinylbox with all-over artwork feat. collages and an essay by the artist +
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 Geräuschmanufaktur presents "Hörspiele" by Czas Czarny Nieokreślony This release is one of so far two versions of the series titled "Hörspiele", German for "Radio Play". The first version, 14 may 2016, is a digital release on: leshorriblestravailleurs.bandcamp.com/album/h-rspiele For the digital release, material was used that was recorded during the period 1982-1983 by O/R/G/V/M/C-Z recordings / Les Horribles Travailleurs / Max Kuiper (The Netherlands) For this tape version, Jan Warnke (Germany) reworked the digital album and added his own sound material – and used also other material created in the 80’s by Max Kuiper.
released December 6, 2020
Images (1978-2016) by Max Kuiper
Design by Jan Warnke
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starzec · 5 years
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My Warsaw Residence Czarny Kot Hotel, Warsaw, December 2019, from Development series.
In Polish construction law, there is the concept of arbitrariness - an action taken by the owner or tenant of the property without proper permission from the municipality. For over twenty years, tenants of the property at Okopowa 65 have been expanding the building without permissions, taking advantage of a loophole in law – each subsequent extension requires starting demolition procedures from the beginning. The hotel – at first a two-story pavilion – became a symbol of breaking building laws, but it was only the investment boom in the area that allowed the city to bring to an end legal procedures related to the demolition of arbitrariness. The hotel was closed today, and is to be demolished in next two months.
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xerrey · 5 years
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•  Animal: dog - pies, cat - kot, fish - ryba, bird - ptak, cow - krowa, pig - świnia, mouse - mysz, horse - koń, animal - zwierzę
 • Transportation: train - pociąg, plane - samolot, car - samochód, truck -  ciężarówka, bicycle - rower, bus - autobus, boat - łódź, łódka, ship - statek, tire - opona, gasoline - benzyna, engine - silnik,  ticket - bilet, transportation - transport,  tram/streetcar - tramwaj
• Location: city - miasto, house - dom, apartment - apartament, flat - mieszkanie, street/road - ulica, airport - lotnisko, train station - stacja kolejowa, bridge - most, hotel - hotel, restaurant - restauracja, farm - farma, court, school - szkoła, office - biuro, room - pokój, town - miasteczko, university - uniwersytet, club - klub, bar - bar, park - park, camp - obóz, store/shop - sklep, theater - teatr, library - biblioteka, hospital - szpital, church - kościół, market - supermarket, country (USA, France, etc.) - państwo, building - budynek, ground - ziemia, space (outer space) - przestrzeń kosmiczna, kosmos, bank - bank, location - położenie, police - policja, army - armia
 • Clothing: hat - czapka, dress - sukienka, suit - garnitur, skirt - spódnica, shirt - koszula, T-shirt - t-shirt, koszulka, pants - majtki, trousers - spodnie, shoes - buty, pocket - kieszeń, coat - płaszcz, stain - plama, clothing - ubrania
  • Color: red - czerwony/czerwona, green - zielony/zielona, blue - niebieski/niebieska, yellow - żółty/żółta, brown - brązowy/brązowa, pink - różowy/różowa, orange - pomarańczowy/pomarańczowa, black - czarny/czarna, white - biały/biała, gray - szary.szara, color - kolor
  • People: son - syn, daughter - córka, mother - matka, father - ojciec, parent (= mother/father) - rodzic, baby - niemowlę, man - mężczyzna, woman - kobieta, brother - brat, sister - siostra, family - rodzina, grandfather - dziadek, grandmother - babcia, husband - mąż, wife - żona, king - król, queen - królowa, president - prezydent, neighbor - sąsiad/sąsiadka, boy - chłopiec/chłopak, girl - dziewczynka/dziewczyna, child (= boy/girl) - dziecko, adult (= man/woman) - dorosły, human (≠ animal) - człowiek, friend - przyjaciel/przyjaciółka, victim - ofiara, player - zawodnik/zawodniczka, fan - fan/fanka, crowd - tłum, person - osoba
 • Job: Teacher - nauczyciel/nauczycielka, student - uczeń/uczennica, lawyer - prawnik/prawniczka, doctor - lekarz/lekarka, patient - pacjent/pacjentka, waiter - kelner/kelnerka, secretary - sekretarz/sekretarka, priest - ksiądz, policeman/policewoman - policjant/policjantka, soldier - żółnierz/żółnierka, artist - artysta/artystka, author - pisarz/pisarka, manager - menadżer/menadżerka, reporter - reporter/reporterka, actor - aktor/aktorka, job - praca
  • Society: religion - religia, heaven - niebo, hell - piekło, death - śmierć, medicine - medycyna, money - pieniądze, bill - rachunek, marriage - małżeństwo, wedding - ślub, team - zespół, race (ethnicity) - rasa (etniczność), sex (the act) - seks, sex (gender) - płeć, murder - morderstwo, prison - więzienie, technology - technologia, energy - energia, war - wojna, peace - pokój, attack - atak, napaść, election - wybory, magazine - magazyn, newspaper - gazeta, poison - trucizna, gun - broń, sport - sport, race (sport) - wyscig, exercise - ćwiczenia, ball - piłka, game - gra, mecz, price - cena, contract - umowa/kontrakt, drug - lekarstwo, narkotyk, sign - znak, science - nauka,
 • Art: band - zespół, song - piosenka, instrument (musical) - instrument, music - muzyka, movie - film, art - sztuka
  • Beverages: coffee - kawa, tea - herbata, wine - wino, beer - piwo, juice - sok, water - woda, milk - mleko, beverage - napój
  • Food: egg - jajko, cheese - ser, bread - chleb, soup - zupa, cake - ciasto, chicken - kurczak, pork - wieprzowina, beef - wołowina, apple - jabłko, banana - banan, orange - pomarańcz, lemon - cytryna, corn - kukurydza, rice - ryż, oil - olej, seed - ziarno, knife - nóż, spoon - łyżka, fork - widelec, plate - talerz, cup - filiżanka, mug - kubek, breakfast - śniadanie, lunch - lunch, dinner - kolacja,  sugar - cukier, salt - sól, bottle - butelka, food - jedzenie
 • Home: table - stół, chair - krzesło, bed - łóżko, dream - marzenie, window - okno, door - drzwi, bedroom - sypialnia, kitchen - kuchnia, bathroom - łazienka, pencil - ołówek, pen - długopis, photograph - zdjęcie/fotografia, soap - mydło, book - książka, page - strona, key - klucz, paint - farba, letter - list, note - notatka, wall - ściana, paper - papier, floor - podłoga, ceiling - sufit, roof - dach, pool - basen, lock - zamek, telephone - telefon, garden - ogród, needle - igła, bag - torba, box - pudełko, gift - prezent, card - karta, ring - pierścionek, tool - narzędzie
 • Electronics: clock - zegar, lamp - lampa, fan - wentylator, cell phone - telefon komórkowy, komórka, network - sieć, computer - komputer, program (computer) - program komputerowy, laptop - laptop, screen - ekran, camera - aparat fotograficzny, kamera, television - telewizja, radio - radio, tablet - tablet
  • Body: head - głowa, neck - szyja, face - twarz, beard - broda, hair - włosy, eye - oko, mouth - usta, lip - warga, nose - nos, tooth - ząb, ear - ucho, tear (drop) - łza, tongue - język, back - plecak, toe - palec, finger - palec, foot - stopa, hand - ręka, leg - noga, arm - ramię, shoulder - bark, heart - serce, blood - krew, brain - mózg, knee - kolano, sweat - pot, disease - choroba, bone - kość, voice - głos, skin - skóra, body - ciało, wrist - nadgarstek
 • Nature: sea - morze, ocean - ocean, river - rzeka, mountain - góra, rain - deszcz, snow - śnieg, tree - drzewo, sun - słońce, moon - księżyc, world - świat, Earth - Ziemia, forest - las, sky - niebo, plant - roślina, wind - wiatr, soil/earth - gleba/ziemia, flower - kwiat, valley - dolina, root - korzeń, lake - jezioro, star - gwiazda, grass - trawa, leaf - liść, air - powietrze, sand - piasek, beach - plaża, wave - fala, fire - ogień, ice - lód, island - wyspa, hill - wzgórze, heat - ciepło, nature - natura
  • Materials: glass - szkło, metal - metal, plastic - plastik, wood - drewno, stone - kamień, diamond - diament, clay - glina, dust - kurz, gold - złoto, copper - miedź, silver - srebro, material - materiał
  • Math/Measurements: meter - metr, centimeter - centrymetr,  kilogram - kilogram, inch - cal, foot - stopa, pound - funt, half - pół, circle - koło, square - kwadrat, temperature - temperatura,  weight - waga, edge - próg, corner - kąt
  • Misc Nouns: map - mapa, dot - kropka, consonant - spółgłoska, vowel - samogłoska, light - światło, sound - dźwięk, yes - tak, no - nie, piece - kawałek, pain - bół, injury - rana, hole - dziura, image - obraz, pattern - schemat/wzór, noun - rzeczownik, verb - czasownik, adjective - przymiotnik
  • Directions: top - góra, bottom - dół, side - bok/strona, front - przód, back - tył, outside na zewnątrz, inside wewnątrz, up - w góre, down - w dół, left - lewa/lewy, right - prawa/prawy, straight - na wprost, north - północ, south - południe, east - wschód, west - zachód, direction - kierunek
 • Seasons: Summer - lato, Spring - wiosna, Winter - ziemia, Fall - jesień, season - pora roku
  • Numbers: 0 - zero, 1 - jeden, 2 - dwa, 3 - trzy, 4 - cztery, 5 - pięć, 6 - sześć, 7 - siedem, 8 - osiem, 9 - dziewięć, 10 - dziesięć, 11 - jedenaście, 12 - dwanaście, 13 - trzynaście, 14 - czternaście, 15 - piętnaście, 16 - szesnaście, 17 - siedemnaście, 18 - osiemnaście, 19 - dziewiętnaście, 20 - dwadzieścia, 21 - dwadzieścia jeden, 22 - dwadzieścia dwa, 30 - trzydzieści, 31 - trzydzieści jeden , 32 trzydzieści dwa, 40 - czterdzieści, 41 - czterdzieści jeden, 42 - czterdzieści dwa, 50 - pięćdziesiąt, 51 - pięćdziesiąt jeden, 52 pięćdziesiąt dwa, 60 sześćdziesiąt, 61 - sześćdziesiąt jeden, 62 - sześćdziesiąt dwa, 70 - siedemdziesiąt, 71 - siedemdziesiąt jeden, 72 - siedemdziesiąt dwa, 80 osiemdziesiąt, 81 - osiemdziesiąt jeden, 82 - osiemdziesiąt dwa, 90 - dziewięćdziesiąt, 91 - dziewięćdziesiąt jeden, 92 - dziewięćdziesiąt dwa, 100 - sto, 101 - sto jeden,, 102 sto dwa, 110 sto dziesięć, 111 sto jedenaście, 1000 - tysiąc, 1001 tysiąc jeden, 10000 - dziesięć tysięcy, 100000 - sto tysięcy, million - milion, billion - miliard, 1st,- pierwszy  2nd,- drugi 3rd,trzeci 4th,czwarty 5th,- piąty number - numer
 • Months: January - Styczeń, February - Luty, March - Marzec, April - Kwiecień, May - Maj, June - Czerwiec, July - Lipiec, August - Sierpień, September - Wrzesień, October - Październik, November - Listopad, December - Grudzień
  • Days of the week: Monday - Poniedziałek, Tuesday - Wtorek, Wednesday - Środa, Thursday - Czwartek, Friday - Piątek, Saturday - Sobota, Sunday - Niedziela, week - tydzień,
  • Time: year - rok, month - miesiąc, week - tydzień, day - dzień, hour - godzina, minute - minuta, second - sekunda , morning - poranek/rano, afternoon - popołudnie, evening - wieczór, night - noc, time - czas, midnight - północ, midday - południe
  • Verbs: work - pracować, play - grać, walk - spacerować/chodzić, run - biegać, drive - jechać (samochodem), fly - latać, swim - pływać, go - iść, stop - zatrzymywać, follow - śledzić, podążać za kimś/za czymś, think - myśleć, speak - mówić, say - powiedzieć, eat - jeść, drink - pić, kill - zabić, die - umierać, smile - uśmiechać się, laugh - śmiać się, cry - płakać, buy - kupować, pay - płacić, sell - sprzedawać, shoot(a gun) - strzelać (z pistoletu), learn - uczyć się, jump - skakać, smell - wąhać, hear (a sound) - słyszeć, listen (music) - słuchać, taste - próbować/smakować, touch - dotykać, see (a bird) - widzieć, watch (TV) - oglądać, kiss - całować, burn - palić, melt - roztapiać, dig - kopać, explode - wybuchnąć/eksplodować, sit - siedzieć, stand - stać, love - kochać, pass by - mijać, cut - ciąć, fight - bić się/walczyć, lie down - leżeć, dance - tańczyć, sleep - spać, wake up - budzić się, sing - śpiewać, count - liczyć, marry - żenić się/wychodzić za mąż/brać ślub, pray - modlić się, win - wygrywać/wygrać, lose - przegrywać/przegrać, mix/stir - mieszać, bend - schylać się/schylić się, wash - myć, cook - gotować, open - otwierać, close - zamykać, write - pisać, call - dzwonić, turn - obrócić/obracać się, build - budować, teach - uczyć, nauczać, grow - rosnąć, draw - rysować, feed - karmić, catch - łapać/złapać, throw - rzucać/rzucić, clean - czyścić, find - znajdować, fall - upadać, push - pchać/popychać, pull - ciągnąć, carry - nieść, break - zbić/rozbijać, wear - ubierać, hang - wisieć, shake - potrząsać/wstrząsać, sign - podpisywać, beat - bić, lift - podnosić,
 • Adjectives: long - długi/długa/długie, short (vs long) - krótki/krótka/krótkie, tall - wysoki/wysoka/wysokie, short (vs tall) - niski/niska/niskie, wide - szeroki/szeroka/szerokie, narrow - wąski/wąska/wąskie, big/large - duży/duża/duże, small/little - mały/mała/małe, slow - wolny/wolna/wolne, fast - szybki/szybka/szybkie, hot - gorący/gorąca/gorące, cold - zimny/zimna/zimne, warm - ciepły/ciepła/ciepłe, cool - fajny/fajna/fajne, new - nowy/nowa/nowe, old (new) - stary/stara/stare, young - młody/młoda/młode, old (young) - stary/stara/stare, good - dobry/dobra/dobre, bad - zły/zła/złe, wet - mokry/mokra/mokre, dry - suchy/sucha/suche, sick - chory/chora/chore, healthy - zdrowy/zdrowa/zdrowe, loud - głośny/głośna/głośne, quiet - cichy/cicha/ciche, happy - szczęśliwy/szczęśliwa/szczęśliwe, sad - smutny/smutna/smutne, beautiful - piękny/piękna/piękne, ugly - brzydki/brzydka/brzydkie, deaf - głuchy/głucha/głuche, blind - ślepy/ślepa/ślepe, nice - miły/miła/miłe, mean - wredny/wredna/wredne, rich - bogaty/bogata/bogate, poor - biedny/biedna/biedne, thick - gruby/gruba/grube, thin - chudy/chuda/chude, expensive - drogi/droga/drogie, cheap - tani/tania/tanie, flat - płaski/płaska/płaskie, curved - krzywy/krzywa/krzywe, male - męski/męska/męskie, female - damski/damska/damskie, tight ciasny/ciasna/ciasne or obcisły/obcisła/obcisłe, loose - luźny/luźna/luźni, high - wysoki/wysoka/wysokie, low - niski/niska/niskie, soft - miękki/miękka/miękkie or delikatny/delikatna/delikatne, hard - twardy/twarda/twarde or trudny/trudna/trudne, deep - głęboki/głęboka/głębokie, shallow - płytki/płytka/płytkie, clean - czysty/czysta/czyste, dirty - brudny/brudna/brudne, strong - silny/silna/silne, weak - słaby/słaba/słabe, dead - martwy/martwa/martwe, alive - żywy/żywa/żywe, heavy - ciężki/ciężka/ciężkie, light (vs heavy) - lekki/lekka/lekkie, dark - ciemny/ciemna/ciemne, light (dark) - jasny/jasna/jasne, famous - sławny/sławna/sławne
  • Pronouns: I - ja, you (singular) - ty, he - on, she - ona, it - ono/to, we - my, you (plural, as in “y’all”) - wy, they. - oni, one
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rhywhitefang · 1 year
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They best friends
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girlstudyblrposts · 6 years
Christmas gift guide
Hi, So there’s literally a month left till Christmas, can you believe it?! Time flies so fast! The Black Friday has already passed but we still have the Cyber Monday ahead of us. Have you started buying Christmas presents? Or maybe you don’t know what to buy? I’m here to help you people. Keep on reading to find out what I find great as a gift! Firstly I just want to mark that this is mostly a…
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volleytimes-com · 2 years
Poland: ZAKSA stop Aluron. Stal Nysa make a comeback and down Bełchatów!
🇵🇱| ZAKSA stop Aluron. Stal Nysa make a comeback and down Bełchatów! Today’s results: • Grupa Azoty ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle - Aluron CMC Warta Zawiercie 3-1 (20:25, 25:18, 27:25, 25:22) • PGE Skra Bełchatów - PSG Stal Nysa 2-3 (25:20, 25:21, 16:25, 21:25, 12:15)
MORE TO FOLLOW __________________ 🏐|Plusliga 2022/23 | Round 18 | Wednesday December 28, 2022 • 17.30 (Local Time) | Cerrad Enea Czarni Radom – BBTS Bielsko-Biała 2-3 (22:25, 17:25, 25:22, 25:22, 13:15) • 20.30 (Local Time) | Barkom Każany Lwów – Projekt Warszawa 0-3 (17:25, 21:25, 24:26) | Thursday December 29, 2022 • 16.15 (Local Time) | Jastrzębski Węgiel – LUK Lublin 2-3 (19:25, 25:23, 30:28,…
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
‘Bitcoin is a Constantly Evolving Suite of Protocols’
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/bitcoin-is-a-constantly-evolving-suite-of-protocols
‘Bitcoin is a Constantly Evolving Suite of Protocols’
Bictoin (BTC) managed to bring in numerous developers to improve and build innovations on its underlying code base, from layer 2 technologies to emerging smart contract solutions, but it remained the same – nobody so far managed to change its core properties, says Lucas Nuzzi, director of technology research at Digital Asset Research, a cryptocurrency research company. Not everybody agrees with Nuzzi’s conclusions though, the Ethereum (ETH) camp especially.
“So much is happening at the many layers of Bitcoin’s technology stack, it can be incredibly difficult to keep track of emerging solutions,” says Nuzzi in his recent report and adds that “Bitcoin, in its totality, is a constantly evolving suite of protocols.” This is due to two of BTC’s biggest values, he says:
no single party can dictate how Bitcoin evolves;
the lack of centralized control protects Bitcoin’s monetary properties.
But “In spite of the limits enacted by this constitution, innovation is still flourishing,” tweets Nuzzi. “There’s too much at stake to move fast and break things, so innovation is implemented as modules. These layers of software can ultimately fail without infringing upon the monetary system.” When it comes to BTC, leadership is minimized, says Nuzzi, and its technology is a sum of dozens of interconnected protocols. It is due to the inflexibility of Bitcoin’s core layer that several additional protocols specializing in various applications have been created in the Cryptoworld.
These are some of the reasons why Silicon Valley has had a hard time understanding Bitcoin’s biggest value proposition.
Bitcoin is not just a technology, financial instrument, or consumer application; it’s an entire monetary system.
— Lucas Nuzzi (@LucasNuzzi) December 3, 2019
Nuzzi shared a diagram, in an “attempt to map all relatively new initiatives and showcase a more complete picture of Bitcoin’s technology stack.”
(Find the full size diagram here.)
Layer 2: the Lightning Network
When it comes to adoption, metrics commonly looked at are the number of channels and total BTC locked in Lightning, which some find are in decline, but Nuzzi warns that these metrics are fundamentally flawed given the way Lightning operates.
“One of the most underrated virtues of the Lightning Network is its straightforward privacy properties,” he says. He cites the estimates of Christian Decker, core tech engineer at Blockstream (an important contributor to the Lightning Network), which says that 41% of Lightning channels are private, and 59% are public.
Activity happening within these channels is not captured by popular Lightning explorers. As such, an increase in private usage of Lightning results in a decrease in what can be publicly measured, leading observers to erroneously conclude that adoption is down.
Though there are “substantial usability barriers” to overcome, among the interesting recent developments in layer 2 privacy, Nuzzi mentions WhatSat, a private messaging system atop Lightning, and points out the growth of Lapps (Lightning Applications).
Smart contracts
There have recently been new approaches to smart contract architecture in Bitcoin, says Nuzzi, which can minimize unpredictability and provide vast functionality. Among these we find:
Merkleized Abstract Syntax Trees (MAST), prompting the creation of more supporting technologies that attempt to optimize the trade-offs between security and functionality, such as Taproot;
a new architecture for the implementation of covenants, or spend conditions, on Bitcoin transactions;
Schnorr signatures as the basis of potential new smart contract applications.
Since Bitcoin mining pool operators still retain a power structure that can be further decentralized, new technologies are being created to try to flip that power structure. Two relevant changes have been seen here:
the second version of Stratum, the most popular protocol used in mining pools – Stratum V2, which “enables mining pool constituents to decide the composition of the block they will mine and not the other way around”,
reignited interest in hashrate and difficulty derivatives.
“Although it is likely that privacy in Bitcoin will continue to be more of an art than a science," this area has also seen interesting innovations, writes Nuzzi, and adds:
the biggest impediment to private transactions across digital assets is the fact that most solutions are half-baked. Privacy assets that focus on transaction-graph privacy often neglect network-level privacy, and vice versa. Both vectors suffer from a lack of maturity and usage, which makes transactions easier to de-anonymize via statistical traceability analysis at either the P2P network layer or the blockchain layer.
Among the solutions for these issues, Nuzzi mentions: the privacy-preserving network protocol Dandelion, a new transaction relay protocol Erlay, as well as CoinJoin’s P2EP, CheckTemplateVerify and the proposal of SNICKER (Simple Non-Interactive CoinJoin with Keys for Encryption Reused), a new way to generate CoinJoins with untrusted peers.
Pro and Contra and ETH
On the one hand, there are certainly a number of supporters online who found the report an interesting and informative contribution to the community. There are also those, from the Ethereum camp mostly, who didn’t think much of the diagram’s value.
Any competent crypto analyst could tear that diagram to shreds. It is just fluff masquerading as innovation, in order to fuel the hopium needed to protect "number go up."
— cyrus.ismoney.eth (@cyounessi1) December 3, 2019
Others persisted that BTC is old technology, prompting another ‘new vs old vs innovative vs limited’ debate.
It’s not old technology, but it is limited by nature (non Turing complete, which limits how many devs actually want to build on top)
— Mike Czarny⚡️owns.eth (@r3lik) December 3, 2019
And then, ETH was mentioned. Some ETH supporters didn’t think BTC is that impressive or deserving of the praise, with BTC fans jumping to its defence.
Yup, but I don't recall "BTC CEO" asking for a reorg (sorry, intervened state)
— BTC Andres🛰️📻(285⚡🔦,9🌊🔦)🔑🦡🌮🥩🌽🐇🕳️☣️6.15 (@BtcAndres) December 3, 2019
Meanwhile, BTC is currently (15:23 UTC) trades at c. USD 7,500. It’s up 1.8% in the past 24 hours and 2.8% in the past seven days.
Source: cryptonews.com
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scorpzgca · 5 years
Codemasters® today confirmed that the DiRT Rally 2.0™ World Championship will commence on 10th September. In partnership with Motorsport Network, the competitive gaming Championship is open to all players on PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, the Xbox One family of devices and Windows PC (DVD and via Steam). Players will compete in a series of online challenges, culminating in a live final at the Autosport International Show at the Birmingham NEC on the weekend of 11thJanuary 2020.
      The DiRT Rally 2.0 World Championship heats will be played across three months, consisting of three weeks of qualifiers each with a pre-determined location, stage and car class. All weekly winners across the three formats will qualify for the quarter finals with an additional place going to the players who have the fastest cumulative time each month. The quarter and semi finals will take place over the weekend of 7-8th December and will be broadcast live across DiRT Rally 2.0 and Motorsport Network channels. Players can choose between wheel or pad for the qualifiers. The DiRT Rally 2.0 World Championship Final will be played on wheel only.
The dates for the DiRT Rally 2.0 World Championship qualifiers are as follows:
Rally: – 10th September: Poland – Kopina – H2 FWD – 17th September: Argentina – Las Juntas – Group B 4WD – 24th September: New Zealand – Te Awanga Forward – R5 – 8th October: Spain – Comienzo en Bellriu – Rally GT – 15th October: USA ­– North Fork Pass – Group A – 22nd October: Australia – Mount Kaye Pass – Group B 4WD – 5th November: Poland – Czarny Las – H3 RWD – 12nd November: New Zealand – Waimarama Point Reserve – R2 – 19th November: Spain – Decenso por carretera – R5
Rallycross: – 10th September: Hell, Norway – RX1600 – 17th September: Trois-Rivières, Canada – RX2 – 24th September: Lohéac Bretagne, France – RX Supercars – 8th October: Montalegre, Portugal – RX Supercars – 15th October: Silverstone, England – RX2 – 22nd October: Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, Spain – RX1600 – 5th November: Mettet, Belgium – RX2 – 12nd November: Höljes, Sweden – RX1600 – 19th November: Hell, Norway – RX Supercars
“After six months of planning, we are finally ready to launch the DiRT Rally 2.0World Championship and we can’t wait to get started,” said Ross Gowing, DiRT Rally 2.0 Game Director at Codemasters. “Our players are passionate and love the thrill of competing. We look forward to crowning our inaugural World Champions in January and wish all our players the very best of luck.”
“We are delighted to be working with Codemasters to deliver the official DiRT Rally 2.0 esports programme,” said Stephen Hood, Motorsport Network. “The quality of their game, combined with our capabilities within the growing esports space, will serve to provide the community with a first-class series in which to showcase their talent.”
Motorsport Network serves its fans through an integrated digital ecosystem that speaks 17 languages and reaches over 30 million people every month. This includes a portfolio that spans everything from racing websites such as Autosport.com and Motorsport.com to ticketing and events and an OTT racing television network, Motorsport Network.
To participate, players must start the game on their chosen platform and navigate to the World Championship tab in the main menu. Drivers then select Qualifiers and select Qualifier Rally or Qualifier Rallycross. For more information go to the DiRT Rally 2.0 Website, Facebook and Twitter.
Date published: 03/09/19
Source: (1) Koch Media for Codemasters 
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DiRT RALLY 2.0TM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TO LAUNCH SEPTEMBER 2019 Codemasters® today confirmed that the DiRT Rally 2.0™ World Championship will commence on 10th September. In partnership with Motorsport Network, the competitive gaming Championship is open to all players on PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, the Xbox One family of devices and Windows PC (DVD and via Steam).
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styczynski · 6 years
Kiedy zastanawiacie się jak to możliwe, że Antoni Krauze stworzył tak wybitny film jak „Czarny Czwartek” i tenże sam Antoni Krauze stworzył takie gówno jak „Smoleńsk” odpowiedź jest dosyć prosta. Kiedy dzieło... https://t.co/r9LDxlJckj
— Michał Styczyński (@StyczynskiTweet) December 16, 2018
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beardedfanmusic · 7 years
Popular on 500px : exercises on the czarny most by Kleemass https://t.co/KbD7zgGsmj
— David Ansell (@DavidAnsell19) December 13, 2017
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We would certainly suggest this area to anybody seeking a remote and one-of-a-kind experience. It is likewise a great starting point in the Tatras, Gorce and Pieniny. General Pathways Program rules are codified in 5 CFR component 362 subpart A. The print variation is provided for cost-free to FIFA's confederations and also participant associations, while the on-line variation is offered to all football fans here on. SZWAJNOSÓWKA is our family ranch which lies in Witów in Podhale region- a town positioned at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains, by the road from Czarny Dunajec, about 100 km southern from Kraków as well as 12 km from Zakopane. Additionally, when several of restrictions are utilized the company should state the restriction in the Pathways job opportunity statements. Have a look inside CSU Sacramento's initial dancing concert of the year. . IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION - in partnership with bet365 supplies over 70,000 live streaming occasions each year. Za udział w agresji na Polskę Niemcy oficjalnie przekazali je Słowakom 21 listopada 1939 r. Do Słowacji włączono 770 km, zamieszkanych przez ponad 34,5 tys. Twenty kilometres north of Zakopane exists the old market community of Nowy Targ. Today's Playbill 5 (just there were too many to pick simply 5). Trening składa się z części technicznej i WOD, w którym czas banter już istotnym elementem wpływającym na intensywność. The most affordable tickets to Nowy Targ offered within the past 7 days were $265.94. Prices quoted are per person, round trip, through defined. Vince Gill discussed Troy Gentry at his funeral at the Grand Ole Opry House. Rotterdam police quit a van with a variety of gas containers near the venue of a concert that was terminated after a risk, mayor says. Conversion to an affordable solution positions is not a privilege. Utilize our filters and sorting functions to find the most inexpensive bus tickets or high-end buses. The name originates from the red color that plants handle in the autumn because of the peat land, developing a superb red rug. The short-term bridge on westbound Broward Boulevard will certainly be taken apart when the deal with the brand-new bridge is done in November. We additionally provide resources especially for the news media. Priebus was persistent on this option, inning accordance with 2 White Home authorities, and called a meeting at Trump's Mar-a-Lago hotel in February where the House's strategy was presented as the lone option to elderly advisors. Exactly how pleasant the team are as well as much more when guests remain at the home they examine out exactly how quiet the space is. The Recent Grads Program is administered mostly by each hiring firm. The MIDS program attracts smart, creative information experts who help leading firms in computer software, health and wellness, as well as finance treatment. is part of The Priceline Group, the globe leader in online travel & relevant solutions. MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ put on play in Polish Organization. Utilizing certain eligibility demands for entry into your agency's Pathways Programs. He got a ring from the man who claimed he was from Florida and shed every little thing in Hurricane Irma. The host family is terrific, solution minded and online for your solution 24/7. Anita Earls, executive supervisor of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, says 'it's entirely possible' to draw maps that deal with the gerrymandered areas. In the inmost snow, they arranged a bon fire for us simply outside the cabin for the evening as well as heated the water in the terrific exterior barrel bathroom - which we suggest you use! Would suggest this location for those that pertain to trek in Tatry hills! Zapisz się na zajęcia lub przyjdź do klubu, a my wprowadzimy Cię w świat CrossFitu. You can additionally have a look on previous matches of your preferred group and see suit statistics and a lot more. Fabulous place to stay, a perfect getaway from the busy life & good base to discover the region. Brows through to Nowy Targ have lately upturned purchase your ticket currently! Polish nationwide cuisine shares some similarities with various other Central European and Eastern European customs along with French and also Italian resemblances. These factors, which need to be videotaped, consist of reasons accordinged to the standards for clinical disqualification under 5 CFR Part 339, reasons accordinged to the standards for making suitability resolutions detailed at 5 CFR 731.202, or various other factors taken into consideration by the firm. Our pleasant customer support representatives are here to serve you 24 Hr day to give aid as well as address any questions that you might have concerning reserving your Nowy Targ trip. When the Intern is converted to a setting in the affordable solution, Time spent on a SCEP appointment will be praiseworthy to profession period. It was carried out by among the marked monks in the name of the abbot. Remembering ASME Past President Richard Rosenberg. Despite intensive thermal power temperature, stress as well as extraction drop are forecasted to nowy targ be at a really low degree. The freedom of Nowy Targ came somewhat as a shock as the Russian army stunned the German pressures by coming from the instructions of Gorce Hills getting in the town with no serious resistance, and the occupying pressures surrounded without battling. Uwielbiam te hale, te szyty, nawet turystów i tłok lubię:D. The choice eligible (or his or her agent) is entitled to a duplicate of the agency's factor( s) for the pass over, after request. Obtain updates with the most recent offers and also tourist testimonials every week. Must you schedule your journey final, nonetheless, you could need to pay a bit much more. My guests can prompt many fascinating routes relying on your rate of interests, eg. A trip on one of the most gorgeous picturesque areas with a breathtaking sight of the Tatras, seeing the local people musicians as well as historical route of wooden design. Agencies may detail candidates either in a ranked listing by score order or in an unranked listing by preference status. I first reviewed The Village Voice in print as a student in the 1970s-that was just how I initially experienced it as well as just how it ended up being as vital to me as it did. Bird's- eye sight of Nowy Targ, the funding of the area. Area climate, home magnificently embellished and also fragrant wood. Accordingly, non-competitive conversion suggests task to a position in the affordable solution. It's about time you take to the clouds, and step out in an unique place. The new Internship Program supplies trainees in secondary schools, colleges, profession colleges as well as various other certifying educational institutions with paid chances to work in firms and check out Federal professions while finishing their education. Along with the jail time, UNITED STATE District Court David Cercone punished Devonte L. Lucas, 22, to 10 years of supervised release. J'assumerai les conséquences", a écrit le Néo-Zélandais sur sa web page Facebook. In December 2009, the European Commission made a decision to honor the Erasmus Charter to the Podhale State Higher Vocational Institution (PPWSZ) qualifying PPWSZ's trainees to take advantage of both the educational opportunities offered by various other EU college organizations and to go after a teaching fellowship placement abroad. National security-related requests are not considered Tool Demands or Account Requests and are reported in a separate category. See the links listed below the weather report for other cities, communities and also villages near Nowy Targ. Powersports lovers raced their snowmobiles on the grass in various courses for a possibility to win prizes. A neighborhood auto dealership is aiding to increase cash for hurricane victims. . Where they will be satisfied by the Golden State Warriors. A suburban Detroit guy who spent 16 years in prison for killing his very first other half begged guilty Wednesday in the slayings of his two little girls and also 2 stepchildren and in the torment of his second better half. The sponges are also significant such that an X-ray can identify them, allowing cosmetic surgeons to more easily eliminate them later on. Job part-financed by the European Union within the Regional Developmend Fund. Nowy Targ experienced no much less compared to five huge fires, throughout which a minimum of fifty percent of the buildings were totally destroyed. Eric Schaeffer routes the Stephen Sondheim-Hugh Wheeler musical that consists of Holly Twyford, Bobby Smith, Will Gartshore, as well as Broadway vet Florence Lacey. We believe evaluation contributions and residential or commercial property reactions will certainly highlight a wide variety of experiences and point of views, which is important in helping guests make educated decisions regarding where to remain. Most of guides were written by survivors from the community, or people from the town who had actually arrived prior to the battle, as well as were mostly released in between 1945 and also 1975, and also generally written in Hebrew or Yiddish.
Right here's an additional referral: remember to take a look at taking a trip times. The effort instructs at-risk young people concerning the office as well as assists load entry-level jobs at UPMC Hamot. The Oceanside family was struck with strange events over a few months starting back in February. This could be used by an attacker to subject sensitive data from the Bluetooth processthat might likewise consist of encryption secrets of Bluetooth interactions. A 91-year-old woman was killed in an auto accident Friday early morning in Windermere, inning accordance with the Florida Freeway Patrol. The main church, with the late-Gothic figure of Our Girl of Ludzmierz wirth the Infant Jesus, likewise called the Queen of Podhale, was positioned in the brand-new holy place. The Recent Grads Program affords developmental experiences in the Federal Government intended to advertise feasible jobs in the public service to people who have lately finished from qualifying universities or programs. Below you could find extra technological information, photos, AIS data and also last 5 port calls of MV PODHALE found by AIS. Pathway work with Cherry Road in between 12th as well as 15th roads has limited web traffic to a solitary lane. Weather Nowy Targ - one of the most precise and stable forecast for today, tomorrow as well as for 2 weeks. This paper presents a brand-new approach for formal verification of technological systems with smartIflow (State Makers for Automation. We had a terrific time at Beata ´ s comfy cabin home. She ´ s an amazing host, she revealed us where to walk around the area and also told us where to buy fresh milk and also eggs from next-door neighbor farmers.
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