#december more aa
prezaki · 1 year
One core trait of Phoenix Wright as a character that I rarely see discussed is how utterly evasive he is about his private affairs. It sticks out the most in AA4 when we see Phoenix from the outside, but "Phoenix won't tell anyone anything important unless he absolutely has to (and even then, he probably won't)" is by no means a new development for him.
From AA1 onwards, we see Phoenix dodge people's questions about his personal life time and time again. In part, this is by narrative necessity - Phoenix knows more than the player is meant to know in order to achieve the optimal tension curve. But AA takes his narrative shortcut and turns it into a real character beat.
Phoenix Wright is the most cagey fucker on the planet.
At the end of 1-1 Mia asks him how he came to befriend Larry and Phoenix dodges the question with a vague promise to tell her later - this also means that in all of his time working with Mia, he's never actually disclosed his full motivation for becoming a lawyer to her.
In 1-2, Maya asks him how he knows Edgeworth and he dodges, because of course he does. The same song and dance repeats at the end of 1-3. And despite Maya's repeated prodding by 1-4, Phoenix still has not told her a thing about his past. That's from October until December that Maya is left going ??? and her questions go nowhere.
Then, between AA1 and AA2, Edgeworth is presumed dead by suicide. Does Phoenix tell Maya about this? Absolutely not. He does not tell her in letters nor is he clear about it when they see each other again in person, months later.
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What Maya gets once it's inevitable to talk is a vague 'he's gone' and no elaboration other than the request to not speak about him again.
This is Phoenix's default coping mechanism.
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In AA3, there are numerous instances where he mentions forgetting Dahlia, not speaking her name again, etc. Edgeworth is 100% getting the 'person who hurt me too deeply to think about' treatment here.
But to not even tell Maya a vague overview on the matter, when Maya knew him too? Rough. And it just keeps going.
It's six months between telling Maya that Edgeworth is 'gone' in 2-2 and her finding out that 'gone' seemingly means' dead' in 2-3.
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Maya complains about it, too. This isn't a matter of 'she never asked again', it's a matter of 'Phoenix is dodging all questions'. Gumshoe has to intervene in order for Maya to finally find out.
And finally in 3-5, does he tell anybody why he's going to Hazakura temple and why he seems interested in Iris? Absolutely not!
At this point we get Edgeworth openly acknowledging that Phoenix keeps his emotional cards extremely closely to the chest. When he states that he wants confirmation on whether or not he has met Iris before, this exchange happens:
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Even as Edgeworth directly calls him out on being evasive and never actually speaking to people, all Phoenix can do is acknowledge that this is how he is by apologizing - but he won't change his ways.
AA4 Phoenix is really just a natural evolution of Trilogy Phoenix - Trilogy Phoenix is already evasive, already hates telling people about his struggles or accepting help... It's really no wonder that he'd isolate himself instead of reaching out once he gets disbarred.
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hellsitegenetics · 6 months
Hi there. I LOVE dragons. Dragons are what my dreams are made of. They move in heavings of the mind and the voluntary power instinct of mountains. They are INCREDIBLE.
I love how versatile they are, too. A dragon could be a tiny armless wriggly thing that eats eggshells or could be this collosal beast made from shattered glass and golden veins. I get unreasonably upset when I see a drawing of a half-naked woman with a dragon in the back being tagged as 'dragon art', too. I DON'T WANT TO SEE THE BITCHES!! ALLOW ME TO SEE MY BELOVED WRETCHES, CAST FROM THE MIND AT THE DAWN OF OUR BEGINNING AND SHARED BETWEEN CULTURES, MINDS, STORIES!
My favourite types of dragon are the sharp ones and the ugly ones. By being not afraid to make a dragon ugly, the creator makes it far more beautiful than any other. I've also got to love the [object] dragons. I saw a lava lamp one just yesterday, and the gloopy substance on the inside made the stupid thing magnificent.
I used to play a game called Dragons World right up until December, when the servers shut down (without warning :[ ). I had this Spring dragon named Summer (ironic, I know) who was my maximum level killing machine. That dragon was also my first exposure to gender fluidity, because all the dragons in the game didn't have set sexes and my little brain just accepted that Summer was a he/she.
I hope that this proclaimation about my love of a mythical creature gives me a very cool real one. Do you think if I ask for a bug, I won't get one? (I'm asking for a bug)
String identified: t. ag. ag a at a a a . T ag t a t ta tct ta. T a C.
at t a, t. A ag c a t a gg tg tat at gg c t ca at a att ga a g . gt aa t a ag a a-a a t a ag t ac g tagg a 'ag at', t. 'T AT T T TC!! A T TC, CAT T AT T A GG A A T CT, , T!
at t ag a t a a t g . g t aa t a a ag g, t cat a t a at ta a t. ' a gt t t [ct] ag. a a aa a t ta, a t g tac t a t t tg agct.
t a a ga ca ag gt t c, t t (tt ag :[ ). a t g ag a (c, ) a a g ac. Tat ag a a t t g t, ca a t ag t ga 't a t a tt a t acct tat a a /.
tat t caat at a tca cat g a c a . t a a g, 't gt ? (' ag a g)
Closest match: Acrocera orbiculus genome assembly, chromosome: 2 Common name: Top-horned hunchback
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lovelyyy-luna · 9 months
the hand that feeds
pairing: (mizu x fem!reader)
fandom: blue eye samurai
pronouns: she/her
type: smut
warning: dom!mizu and bratty!reader. This is pure filth and I don’t apologize for that. Spanking, choking, object penetration there’s probably more but you get the gist
a/n: juban is the underslip when wearing a kimono. haori is the outer robe of the men’s outfit.
aa/n: tagging @firelillys and @bxllamiizu both of y’all inspired me to write this. also tagging @angelltheninth
word count: 2019
date: december 20, 2023
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She dragged you away deep into the forest.
She was angry. You’ve seen her mad before but this time she was pissed.
“I told you how many times to stop complaining? And what do you do? You keep fucking complaining.”
She was tugging on your arm, you slightly liked the pain, and you hoped there was going to be a bruise around your wrist when she was done with you.
You finally stopped in a clearing
“So what do you have to say for yourself?” She slightly pushed you away.
You stumbled a bit but caught yourself.
“I’m. Cold.” You say sternly. All this started because you kept complaining about the temperature.
“You knew this when you tagged along.”
“I didn’t know it’d be this fucking cold.” You mutter to yourself.
Swiftly she drew her blade and cut the belt that held your kimono together. Your juban was what was exposed. Just that thin slip of fabric was what kept you from becoming frostbitten.
She put the blade back into the holster, “How cold are you now?”
“Freezing,” you said above a whisper, holding yourself for some warmth.
“Would you like to be warmed up?” She stepped close to you, you could feel her breath on your face like a slight blanket on your cheeks.
You nod at her question.
She removes the kimono off your shoulders and it falls to the ground. Now just in your juban, she could truly see how cold you were, your nipples were peaked and that sight of you could make her go down on her knees but she wasn’t in a very giving mood at the moment.
Harshly she went between your thighs and her finger ever so lightly went between your slick.
“Hmm, no undergarments? No wonder you’re fucking cold. Or maybe, this was your plan the whole time. To piss me off and get me to fuck you.”
You stand there in the cold of the forest and nod. It was pathetic really but she was enjoying every second of it.
She looked down at you and her piercing blue eyes had a tinge of red in them.
“On your knees, dove.”
‘Dove’, that was her nickname for you, and every time she said it it made you weak in the knees.
You slowly sank to the ground kneeling on your kimono that was the barrier between the snowy ground and your skin.
You looked up at her and she towered over you.
“Now turn around.”
You obeyed every order and shuffled on the ground to have your back facing her.
She then kneeled behind you pressing her chest against your back. That touch alone made you moan and your head fell back into the crook of her neck.
Her hands then travel up your juban and tug at the string exposing you completely. Then her fingers trail up your stomach to your breasts slowly rubbing your nipples between her fingers.
Soft moans fall from your lips.
“Oh is my little dove enjoying this?” She cooed at you.
You nod whimpering at her touch.
“Well, I don’t want you to enjoy it.” Her voice was stern and gritty.
The hand that was touching you quickly went up to your throat gripping tightly and caught you off guard.
She then drew her blade again holding the blade closely to the two of you, your breath was staggered and was fogging up the metal weapon.
With a clean swipe the tree that was in front of you was soon just a stump.
“Bend over, dove.”
You nod and bend over on the freshly chopped stump. The white fabric of your robe rose as you bent over.
You were excited and nervous about what Mizu had planned for you.
Lost in your thoughts were broken from the harsh stinging from her hand landing on your ass.
You yelp at the sensation and shoot a look back at her.
She glared at you, “Eyes forward dove.”
You look back forward and another blow comes down on the same place. Only two smacks in and you already couldn’t handle it.
“Do you know how many times you complained about the cold?”
You shake your head.
“Thirteen times in ten minutes. So that means I’m going to do the same to you and you’re not going to say a word.”
You nod slowly.
Another smack landed on the opposite cheek giving the other side a break but it was short-lived when she smacked you hard again.
You looked behind you wanted to see the damage she caused so far and you knew by the end of this you were going to have welts.
She made you count, on the verge of tears with each blow. It was painful but you wanted this. You knew that with each smack it was full of love.
She was finally done and then felt her lips trailing down your back. The fabric of your robe was so thin that it felt like there was nothing between the two of you. Her hands then caressed your puffed abused cheeks.
Her kiss then went up to your neck and then to your ears, “I still don’t think you’ve learned your lesson.”
You whimper at her words, your hand slowly goes in search of hers. Once you find it you bring her hand up to your lips slowly kissing her fingers putting them into your mouth sucking on them.
She chuckles at your actions, “Just what do you think you’re doing?”
You slowly turn to look at her, “I was um…”
“Oh did you think you were going to be fucked by my fingers?” Her chuckle was deep at mocking, “Oh my little dove do you think you even deserve my fingers?”
You look at her confused, then your eyes follow down to her other hand and it lays on the handle of her sword. You gulp and you look back up at her and she is grinning.
You bit your lip at just the thought of her using the handle on you and you instantly got wet.
“Turn back around,” she whispered.
You do as you are told and once shuffling around you bend over the stump, but it was not to her standards. She gripped your hips and pushed you into the stump. Your pelvic bone was on the outer edge of the stump and she pushed you hard into it giving you small cuts against the wood.
You slowly creep your head to look at her, she unsheathed her sword, stuck the blade between her slightly spread legs, and looked down at the handle and a lob of her spit dangled down on the bound leather.
Her hand then rubbed the spit in and he started to inch it towards your core spreading your lips slowly.
The sensation and the thought of what was happening and what was going to happen was reeling in your head.
The handle itself was 10 inches. You haven’t had anything like that in you for a while and were nervous about how you were going to handle it.
With the handle getting enough of your slick she parted your lips and put the tip in.
You hissed at the feeling, it may have been lubed enough but the soft leather with its ridges was a whole new sensation.
She slowly sunk it in you, not wanting to hurt you or make you uncomfortable but enough to make you feel good.
You then feel yourself hitting her fingers which were a makeshift stopper for you. You were slightly disappointed, you wanted more to go in. You started to wriggle but she stopped you.
Her free hand firmly gripped your hip, “Oh now dove, you aren’t supposed to be enjoying this. I could go rough with you…”
Your eyes lit up hoping that she would.
“But I know you like it rough. So for your punishment, I’m going to go slow. Painfully slow.”
You pout.
“Now no pouting. You’re going to be grateful for whatever I give you, yeah? Fucking grateful.” She pulls your hair at the last sentence causing you to moan.
She then slides it in and out of you slowly, moving her hips with the same motion. She pictures that she is fucking you. Every stroke the handle does in you she imagines that it's her doing that to you.
While she’s in her head you're aching for more so you snake your hand down to your clit rubbing your bundle of nerves.
Thinking about her roughly going at you got you going faster and Mizu noticed your change of breath and that caught her attention.
You were close. So close, until she snatched your hand away and pinned it behind your back.
“Did I tell you you can fucking touch yourself, my little dove?” She seethed.
You lost your hand placement when she pinned you, your upper body was now fully on the stump.
“Hm?” She was waiting for an answer.
“N-no, I'm-I’m sorry Mizu.”
“I don’t believe you. But I don’t think that matters that much at the moment, since you want it rough that’s exactly what I’m going to give you. Gonna have you begging me to stop and I not going to because you did ask for permission and were being a fucking brat.”
Her words made you wet and she felt it when she leaned back from being pressed against you and saw you were practically soaking the handle.
“Fucking pathetic.” She said.
Her hand went down to the base of the blade and steadied herself while continuing to hold on to your pinned arm.
Without wanting she began to violently thrust into you causing you to swing your other around wanting some sort of touch from her.
She was too busy and out of arms to swat your other hand away.
You were a mumbling mess, drool came from your mouth smearing on your cheek and the flat wood surface.
“M-Mizu-u-u,” you cry to her.
“Yes, my little dove?”
You forgot what you were going to say, she was fucking you dumb.
She laughed, “Oh my little dove having a good time?”
You nod, gripping her sleeve from behind.
You were close to your orgasm and she could tell.
You were taking the handle very well practically swallowing it whole and she kept hitting your sweet spot.
“Fu-u-uck Mizu,” tears were streaming down your cheeks, freezing almost when they hit the winter air.
With one more thrust, she holds it in you and you squirt all over the handle and her hand.
You were breathing heavily, legs shaking and she slowly took the handle out, wiped it off, and placed it back in her holster.
You couldn’t move. You were still bent over the stump.
“Dove? Did I work you too hard?”
She bent down near your face wiping your matted hair off your face, petting the tears away.
I shake my head smiling slightly at her.
“It was perfect.” You whisper, “I just can’t get up.”
She chuckles slightly. “Let me help you.”
She picks you up and then seats you down on the stump. You hissed at the pain you had forgotten from your ass but pulled through as she picked up your soaked from the snow kimono.
She noticed you shaking from the cold. She takes off her haori and places it on you.
You look up at her, mouthing a thank you.
“I'll tell you what, once we get to the next town I'll buy you a new kimono.” She smiles down at you.
You smile back holding my hand up from her to help me stand, “A pretty one?”
You lean on her and we both walk back to where our cart was, “Yes my dove. The prettiest one,” she chuckles
You smile giddy and then look down at my hands and groan, “I got splinters in my hand! God this is gonna take forever to get out!”
She rolled her eyes smiling as she dragged you back over to the clearing.
On to round two before you annoy her more.
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wanna be tagged? (X)
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askdiscordwhooves · 9 months
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Today's update drawn by me, @jitterbugjive
This blog started December 20th in 2011, and so now it ends on December 20th in 2023. An exact 12 years. When I realized how close it was to the blog’s anniversary I decided to make sure the epilogue would post on the anniversary.
I will next be posting a spoiler warning post so anyone who hasn't caught up on the blog will be less likely to be spoiled. The post will also have my final author commentary attached to it which will share more details about the story and what other projects of mine you can follow. I'm hoping to hear feedback on my author post, so keep an eye out for it.
Addiction PSA:
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, I highly recommend the SMART Recovery Program. Unlike AA, this program is not based on religious ideas or guilt and shame in regards to your addiction. Instead, it is based on therapy skills and group support, and teaches that things like relapse are not things to be ashamed of, but instead are things to learn from to have a better recovery. While AA will make you feel like you failed for having a relapse, SMART pulls you aside and asks "Alright, why did the relapse happen? What triggered it? What can we do in the future to prevent this from happening again?" and it teaches that every relapse is an opportunity to learn about yourself and what you need to recover. With SMART, you don't need to believe in a higher power, you learn to believe in yourself and your supports.
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rivalsforlife · 4 months
Ace Attorney News Roundup
Very behind on several of these, but news doesn't always cross over from twitter to tumblr, so I thought I'd recap some things here:
AAI 15th Anniversary
First: today marks the 15th anniversary of Ace Attorney Investigations! Tatsuro Iwamoto, the art director for AAI, made a celebratory sketch of Kay to commemorate the occasion (link to tweet):
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Iwamoto has also been drawing fanart of minor characters throughout the ace attorney trilogy on his twitter page. These include: April May, Dee Vasquez, Yanni Yogi (and Polly), Richard Wellington, Turner Grey, Moe the Clown, Max Galactica, Oldbag (alien mode), Matt Engarde, Doug Swallow, Luke Atmey (and Mask☆DeMasque), Viola Cadaverini, Valerie Hawthorne, Lisa Basil, and Glen Elg. Technically these aren't official art, but it's always good to have more art of obscurer characters!
The Great Ace Attorney Hit A Million Copies
Some big news: The Great Ace Attorney's 2021 port hit a million copies sold, making it the second ace attorney game to hit Capcom's platinum titles list, the first being the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy from 2019! This comes just under 3 years since the release of the duology in July 2021. In comparison, the original AA trilogy hit a million copies in December 2020, shortly under two years since the release of the game in February 2019.
The update to the platinum titles sales shows that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy has reached 3.3 million copies sold, which means that it has sold over a million copies in less than a year! (My last post that had information on sales, where I said the trilogy had sold 2.3 million, was in September 2023.) It also makes it the 30th highest selling title for Capcom, which I think is pretty impressive considering giants like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter are making up the majority of the top 30.
So, the AA trilogy made its first million in approximately 22 months, but now it has sold a million over the last 8 months. I don't know anything about game sales and so this next part is just speculation, but I wouldn't expect it to be very common for games to sell more years out from their release compared to at release? I think that's really saying something about the long-term staying power of this series, and its increasing popularity over the last few years despite not having any new releases (aside from ports - and porting the series to all platforms probably has something to do with the popularity.)
The AA Twitter Is Very Active Right Now
Here are a couple of bullet points with no relation to each other:
-The official ace attorney twitter has been VERY active, particularly the last week. They've been doing the same "weekly book club" for each case that they did for the Great Ace Attorney duology, but that wrapped up last week and now it's just been memes, at least one a day. In most of my time following this account over the last uhh six years, they mostly ramp up marketing around new releases but are kinda silent the rest of the time, with the occasional meme, but definitely not at this frequency.
-Summer Game Fest is next week.
That probably means nothing, as it has every other time I thought we might get some big ace attorney news, but I think it's worth noting.
So, lots of stuff happened this week! Thanks for reading.
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swaps55 · 6 months
Mezzo - 10 - Jagged Lines
Pairing: mshenko | Rating: M Tags: Canon-typical violence, trauma, dealing with your problems poorly, body autonomy struggles   Summary: The twists and turns of ME2, through the eyes of everyone but Commander Shepard. Chapter Summary: Horizon.   Thank you so much to @sinvraal for being an amazing beta!
Chapter 10: Jagged Lines | Read on Ao3
11 December 2185, Omega Nebula, Sahrabarik System, Normandy SR-2
Shepard comes out of his briefing with the Illusive Man a different person than when he went in. Cold, brusque, locked on a target only he can see, like a grenade without a pin. Jacob takes up position on the far side of the conference room table. As if that will somehow minimize the splash damage.
“Seems like we got something,” Jacob observes, as Miranda, Dr. Solus, Vakarian, Massani, and even Jack file in and take up places around the table, where a projection of a planet Jacob isn’t familiar with rotates slowly. Only the krogan is missing.
“Colony in the Traverse lost comms an hour ago.” Shepard speaks into the comm. “Joker, I need a course laid in to get us to the Iera System in Shadow Sea. Right now.”
Jack leans a hip against the table, twirling a mote of dark energy through her fingers, about as far from Miranda as Jacob is from Shepard. If squad cohesion is the goal, Shepard’s got some work to do.
“Uh, that’s a tall order, sir. Iera isn’t exactly next door.”
“I don’t give a shit, Joker. Get me there.”
“Yes, sir.”
“EDI, I need everything you have on the planet Horizon.”
“Downloading requested information to shore party datapads.”   
Jacob flips on his own datapad and opens EDI’s freshly delivered file to do a quick skim. For several of the colony abductions, Freedom’s Progress included, comm failure had been the first sign of trouble. But by the time the silence had been noticed, attempts made to raise them, and scout ships deployed to investigate, they had been far too late to even see a collector, much less stop them.
The Illusive Man had set up monitoring programs for virtually every human colony in the Traverse. Seemed like a monumental amount of resources to spend on what amounted to looking for a needle in a haystack.
…Unless you actually find the needle.
“Long range scans from the Illusive Man don’t show anything in orbit,” Shepard goes on. “We’re going to do our damndest to get there before the collectors make their move.”
Pipe dream, Jacob thinks. He skims through the data. “Population’s over six hundred thousand. If this really is the collectors, it’s the largest colony they’ve hit yet. Could mean numbers.”
“We’ll adapt,” Shepard says flatly.
Miranda taps a nail against the conference room table. At the rate she speed reads, she’s probably already through most of the report. “It has to be the collectors. Human colony in the Traverse, independent from Alliance control. They’re a perfect target. This could be our chance to test the countermeasure and gather some intel on what they’re doing with these colonists.”
“And save more people from abduction,” Jacob prods.
“Of course.”
Solus paces back and forth from his spot beside Shepard, three paces each direction. “Countermeasure ready to be tested. However, if seeker swarm density exceeds test models—”
Shepard cuts him off with a scowl. “We’ll adapt.”
Jack folds her arms across her chest. She hasn’t touched her datapad. “What’ll they give us in a fight?”
“We know they have at least one ship capable of taking out a frigate without breaking a sweat,” Jacob replies. “As for the rest, guess we’re about to find out.”
Garrus swipes at the holo projection of Horizon on the conference table, the reticle of his visor flickering as he adjusts the HUD interface. A rendering of the main colony site map takes the place of the planet. He points a talon at something on the southeastern perimeter. It flashes red.
“Since when do independent human colonies have Alliance AA guns?”
Shepard’s iron gaze flicks away. “Since a few weeks ago, apparently.”
“Is Alliance on the ground?”
The gravity well does a somersault. Jacob’s eye twitches. Like nails on a chalkboard.
Read from the beginning | Read the rest on Ao3 | The Mezzo Playlist
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lemonidae · 4 days
Ai no Kusabi (The space Between) Light Novels by Rieko Yoshihara
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Ai no Kusabi (間の楔, lit. "The Space Between") is a Japanese novel written by Rieko Yoshihara. Originally serialized in the yaoi magazine Shōsetsu June between December 1986 and October 1987, the story was collected into a hardbound novel that was released in Japan in 1990, and eventually expanded on and released in 6 paperback volumes (8 in the international edition).
This futuristic tale takes place on a planet ruled by a super computer Jupiter, where its cyborg creations, the Elites, who are assigned various social roles based on their hair color, rule over the human populace. Iason Mink, a high-class "Blondy" elite from the capital Tanagura, runs into Riki, a "Mongrel" from the slums, and makes him his "Pet". This decision was seen as taboo in Tanagura where Pets are a status symbol and are expected to be well-bred, and was also unacceptable to Riki who had his freedom taken away from him. As Riki learns of the dangers Iason faces by keeping him, he finds himself developing feelings for his master. While focusing on the relationship between Iason and Riki, Ai no Kusabi also explores issues of caste systems and social exclusion, as well as the implications of Artificial Intelligence ruling over a human society.
Tagged: Mature, Drama, Sci-fi, Tragedy, Yaoi, Androids, Violence, Discrimination, Dystopia, Non-con, Rape
Download ENG: chui riza | AA
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ohplagg · 10 months
Keeping Track of Time in I Love Yoo
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I am back again with another timeline because I guess this is my life now. This timeline, though, is specifically about the events for December 21st 20XX and forward since I've noticed that Quimchee is adding clocks ever since Nol got stabbed, and everything feels like a race against the clock for some reason.
I'm not going to add any screenshots since this is just, as the title says, keeping track of time. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just in case someone is not paying attention to what they are about to read, this contains spoilers up to I Love Yoo's Episode 244.
If more clocks appear in future episodes I might update this.
As always, I love hearing what you guys think so feel free to reach out!
Italic means that it's not known when exactly in the timeline that specific event took place. I still placed the event where it makes most sense.
(Ep. XYZ) means the episode where the time is mentioned/seen.
Saturday December 21st
9:42pm Nol falls from the second floor to a glass table. (Ep. 210)
Before 11pm Nol is rushed to the hospital (Ep. 215)
Kousuke went to Hirahara's hostpital to look for Nol after being spaced out for around 30 minutes. (Ep.213)
Kousuke get's knocked out by a wall.
11:55pm YuJing leaves Rand alone. (Ep. 215)
Sunday December 22nd
12:00am Kousuke wakes up to hear Hansuke arguing with Yui (Ep. 220)
12:19am Meg find's Rand's present for Kousuke in the trash (Ep. 220)
12:22am Hansuke steals the blood samples (Ep. 221)
4:28am Rand leaves to visit Kousuke. Kousuke has been knocked out by the tea. (Ep. 221)
4:21am Nol wakes up. Shin-Ae texts Dieter and Soushi who are out of the hospital (Ep. 215)
4:47am Dieter and Soushi leave WacDonalds (Ep. 225)
5:06am Dieter and Soushi arrive to the hospital (Ep. 225)
5:09am Shinae goes to get Dieter and Soushi/Birthday party starts. (Ep. 225)
5:26am Stalkyoo dance to christmas music at sunrise. Geez, not even 20 minutes? no wonder Dieter was still awake to witness it all. (Ep. 220)
Hansuke visits YuJing and stores the blood samples.
Nana arrives to the hospital and Nol's jail time is pushed for 3 days counting today (so December 24th is his last day of freedom)
Hansuke takes the blood samples to get tested
7:52am Shin-Ae texts Dieter "Is everything okay?" after he and Soushi left the hospital (Ep. 225)
8:21am Shin-Ae and Nana meet (Ep. 225)
Kousuke wakes up, goes with Yui for breakfast, Hansuke and YuJing pick him up afterwards
8:40am-ish Yui arrives to church right after mass ended (Ep. 230)
"Convince me"
Shin-Ae gets picked up from the hospital by her family
Maya and Shin-Ae talk
Kousuke get's medically checked
11:30am Dieter texts Shin-Ae about going to the hospital together during the afternoon. Shin-Ae takes a nap (Ep. 235)
1:30pm Kousuke drops off his phone at his apartment before heading to Nol's hospital (Ep. 244)
3:30pm Dieter texts a sleeping Shin-Ae (Ep. 240)
Dieter comes to pick up Shin-Ae
Dieter talks with Nol
Kousuke arrives at the hospital with Hansuke and YuJing
Kousuke has a panic attack
5:51pm Shin-Ae wakes up from her nap (Ep. 240)
5:55pm Shin-Ae texts Nol "I know I'm blocked but just in case..." (Ep. 243)
The AA 101 Group to which Shin-Ae and her dad go to is at 7:00pm
7:41pm Hansuke and YuJing are hanging out with college friends. Kousuke isn't picking up his phone. Gregory M tells Hansuke that he can get his stuff done by the end of the week (Friday is the 26th) (Ep. 241)
8:35pm Nana, Dieter and Soushi leave the hospital for the day. (Ep. 242)
8:45pm Shin-Ae is at the AA 101 Group and receives a text apology from Dieter (Ep. 242)
Alyssa tells Nol she "really needs to see him"
Monday December 23rd
10:10am Kousuke's secretary looks at his watch and notices Kousuke missed work (Ep. 243)
10:30am Yui get's a text message from Alyssa saying she's going to visit Nol (Ep. 244)
11:05am Meg mentions how she is heading to the library soon (Ep. 243)
A bit before 11:45am Alyssa arrives to Nol's hospital to talk (Ep. 243)
Between 11:45am and 12:25pm Nol and Alyssa stay quiet (Ep. 243)
12:25pm Alyssa and Nol finally start talking and Yui arrives. (Ep. 243)
Shin-Ae will arrive to the hospital around 2pm (Ep.244)
Nana mentions she'll arrive around 3pm. (Ep. 243)
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beatrixblog · 9 months
Dark Cacao December Day 17:
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More crunchy chip wholesome
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vomitlover-art · 9 months
Art Summary 2023 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Last new years i got really down because every artist I knew was doing year recaps. I decided to avoid that this year, I was gonna try to draw at least one thing every month. I was able to do it thank gosh gdkjfnghjf.
I wasn't able to do an excellent piece every month- sometimes just a sketch. Maybe that should be goal 2024? I'll try to make a really good piece every month.
Here is my favorite art of every month. Thank you for enjoying my art this year aaaaaaaaa thanku thanku aaaaaaaaa
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Didn't start off strong really. Best thing I did this month was a sketchpage of Q. The campaign she's in started in January and has been going strong since =w=
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I couldn't design between the two aack. The first was a lil sketch I did when I first started dating Cam. She said she wanted to watch me draw and I couldn't think of anything, so I just started putting together something mechanical aack. You can tell I kinda got tired after just drawing the head .-.
Second was when I was still super into Bocchi. Still am, just haven't drawn any fanart in a while gkfdjhnjgff.
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"Recipes for Strawberry Jam" was my absolute favorite thing to work on all year I think. This specific page took so long but it all worth it. It was my first serious foray into making a comic, using color, and trying out weird perspectives and I think it worked out so well. I'm really hoping to do more soon =w=
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This is around the time I switched my sketch paper to a more grey-color rather than a yellow-ish tone aack. I later switch it again to stark white. Road Queen~
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I drew one (1) thing in May. May is always the worst part of the year aaaa. It starts to get hot again and because I live in the desert that means that life is suddenly unbearable and I have to Deal with all of that.
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Ultravex! Everyone loves Ultravex =w=
One of the best xenobiology pieces I put together aack. I love designing animals that are fucked up and horrible.
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Thricefold Judged.
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Another sketch month. Summer sucks aa
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Sketch this month, all in prep for Inktober \o/
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It's hard to pick a fave for inktober, but it's probably the Lavender piece =w=
It was really calming and nice to take my time and work out individual details. I feel weird describing my own art gkjdnhfj I just. liked this one aaa
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I made a lot of Maleghast necros this month. Was a little sad I didn't get more comms for Deadsouls Necros. It was my favorite one to make ghkfjdhnjgf
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I was really happy to be able to make a necromancer for the Archivists homebrew house aack. I honestly didn't draw much in Decemeber except for. A lot of vent art I'd rather not share and nsfw art I don't wanna share aack. Almost fumbled it all at the end aaa
This was the first year I made like, any significant living off of commissions. I hope to continue growing next year. Thank you sincerely for following me. It's a little... nerve wracking, but I'm glad to have people aack. I'd like to keep working like this- making art on commissions and ko-fi supporters, and everything helps. It's always been my dream to scrape a living from my art, so, thank you. aaaaaaa
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huntingrays · 1 year
aa headcanon/prompt:
during the years they spent being friends with each other, phoenix realizes that not only has he never celebrated miles’ birthday with him, but also that he has no clue when it is.
he knows miles doesn’t seem much like a party person, but he would still like to have a small celebration with him. miles always comes to the parties for himself as well as maya, trucy, and even apollo and athena. he wanted to find a way to return the favor and throw a (small, casual) party for his favorite prosecutor when the time rolled around for his birthday.
the only trouble was finding out when his birthday was. for some reason, whenever he asked, miles would find a way to dodge the question or to just ignore it and divert phoenix’s attention to another matter. it was incredibly infuriating and only made phoenix more determined to find out when the man was born.
it took miles being injured for him to find out the answer.
during a crime scene investigation, a few series of unfortunate events resulted in miles breaking his arm. though the stubborn man insisted he was fine, phoenix insisted that he was not and took him to the hospital.
phoenix decided to be the one to fill out miles’ paperwork, since miles was injured. he was able to fill out most of the information with ease, except for medical history and date of birth. he asked miles for his date of birth, but miles remained silent. he asked him once again and miles sighed heavily before divulging the information to him. though phoenix had wanted to know this for months, he regretted it the moment he heard the date.
“december 28th, 1992.”
now he knew why miles didn’t celebrate his birthday.
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I've always kind of thought that alot more people knew about harry and his situation and that at least part of the reason why Meghan wasn't well accepted both in the UK and the States. It was rather obvious her circle of friends and connections never really reached anywhere AA-list? And to a certain extent she also knew this, which is why early on she was pushing to get closer with Kate. Because being close with Kate was a ticket in to higher level, deeper circle. One she didn't really gain access to when she married harry (because they already knew at that time who harry was) It made meghan more valuable. Meghan wanted that starlight. Anyone who is anyone in the UK know that the Wales family keep the circle tight and likely knew that they were super close with harry already. I don't think she was intentional about leaking Kate things early on, until it became really obvious that the pair would not have the relationship meghan envisioned. That meant that meghan would be denied access, to richer and quieter people in the UK and to those people who have hidden connections. Connections which would matter far more in her post-divorce life.
I suspect that circle rejected her early, like really early. Harry blocked a lot of friends on IG in December 2016 after they met Meghan. He lost like 75% of his follows, mostly aristocrats and even family members like Kitty Spencer. Then there was the Inskip wedding, where no one liked her.
So she knew she'd been rejected. That's why the wedding was full of celebs and low on aristos.
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anongalactic · 9 months
Figure Collection Update!
(December 2023)
Total Figure Count: 74
Feat. NEW FIGURE/COLLECTION TAG #anon's anime plastic
NEW SHELF BAYBEEE!!!! merry christmas to me and my anime plastic addiction.
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Close up on the new One Piece shelf >:]]
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Finally had the space and enough merch to justify a dedicated Ace Attorney shelf, + my aa itabag up top.
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Also new dedicated vocaloid shelf!!! moved my Love Live girls and out my miscellaneous figures on the top of the dresser portion.
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More new guys to the collection!! So so happy to finally get the 1/7 Kaito. Missed his pre-order AND had to skip out on him at a con because the seller didn't accept PayPal. Finally have him and it was so worth ittttt
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Manga shelf + my remaining figures + the Genshin Table™
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in absence of a reunion noel interview i'm going back to revisit the great gallagher thaw of late 2014/early 2015 to try to make some sense outta these strange reunion times we are in now.
i've been really curious about this time period for awhile and stockpiling posts with the intention of assembling them in some kind of chronological order. still not quite sure what i'm looking at but it's a bit like find the edge pieces of a puzzle and snapping them together for a frame. you can get a vague idea while understanding much of the pieces are missing to complete the picture. most notably noel is giving interviews at this time while liam is mostly out of the public eye entirely.
assembled them in the queue and looking at them in order now and getting a bit choked up by what we have. even factoring in the normal album press cycle, noel's interviews have noticeable outlier moments during this time. charting his uncharacteristically relaxed calm fondness to emotionally raw moments when mentioning liam, it does look like any attempt at a truce all goes south within a months time (mid february to mid march 2015). coincidence it’s when dead in the water is written and the chasing yesterday is released? of course it’s not lost on me it also is at a period of nostalgia with the 20th anniversaries of their first two albums and part of the buzz about a reunion driven by stone roses reunion. but in the course of the entire feud it sticks out as different. and suggests noel was more invested in a reconciliation than he’d ever be willing to admit.
queuing them up now. when they're done posting i'll link them to the chronological list below to access them easily.
2014/2015 gallagher timeline
2014 february : beady eye cancels coachella gig, manager splits 21 october: "we're on good terms." 25 october: "beady eye are no longer." ?? october: "don't give up"
17 november: in the heat of the moment released (do the damage bside) 31 december: "i think liam should make a solo record"
2015 12 january: ballad of the mighty i released (revolution song bside) 4 february: "i’d write him a few songs. i've got a few songs lying around that he'd be good at singing." (also takes a dig at beady eye) 20 february: "[liam] sends me cheeky texts from time to time." (interview) 25 february: "we're alright. i'm a bit concerned that he's starting to grow facial hair....family is family, you don't have to patch it up do you?…blood is thicker than mud." (interview) 26 february: dead in the water writing 28 february: playing dead in the water live at 2FM radio studios in dublin
2 march: chasing yesterday released 14 march: "keeping it in the family" lg tweet with nghfb pass 21 march: "you're already ruining my day talking about him" 24 march: "liam is a very angry man still and as long as he's angry we won't be friends i'm afraid" 2(?) may: "can't be arsed" + lg tweet goad 7-11 may: "busted" lg tweet (in response to AA interview)
11 may: riverman released (leave my guitar alone bside)
26 july: liam playing bold in a pub (video)
28 august: lock all the doors single (here’s a candle for your birthday cake bside)
21 september: noel wishing liam a happy birthday 5(?) december: "and maybe one day you know we will get back together" (video)
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rivalsforlife · 2 months
pardon me if you’re tired of discussing this but. we know aa7 is on capcom’s radar on some level. and now they’ve rereleased every game right?? they’ve finally run out of backlog material after almost yearly releases since 2019…. Not to put the clown wig and nose back on too early but do you think we’ll actually get news about, or get to see, aa7 next year?
Never tired of discussing this!! This is right around the time of year where I'd be preparing to make my yearly AA7 Speculation Post anyway so this is great timing. (TGS, my enemy, is approaching.)
So just to make sure everyone's on the same page, here's a quick recap of where we're currently at:
In November 2020 we got internal Capcom leaks which included a calendar from 2019 with the roadmap for the AA series the next couple of years. This included:
DGS1&2 collection, which I did not think was going to happen ever, releasing April-June 2021
AA7, releasing around October-December 2021, right around the 20th anniversary.
Through late 2019-mid 2022, reconsider porting 456
We got DGS1&2 (a bit later than in the plan, but by like a month), we got the 456 ports, we got bonus AAI ports, we have nothing for AA7 nearly three years after it was supposed to come out. The pandemic is an obvious feature that could contribute to its delay, but at this point with 456 ports out I think we can safely say that this was not the only cause.
Some other things that may or may not be contributing to AA7's delay include:
Yamazaki, the previous main writer for 5&6 and the AAIs, left Capcom in 2020. If he was involved in AA7 at all, that could throw a wrench into things, but I recall hearing he intended AA6 to be his last AA game (I AM STRUGGLING TO FIND THE SOURCE THOUGH SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME), so I don't think this contributed very much. It does, however, mean that we're unsure about who the next main writer is - depending on what Takumi's up to or if they had to bring someone new on, there could be complications related to that.
I think TGAA did way better than anyone expected, which I covered in this post. It's possible that this could have shifted Capcom's priorities to porting more old games / porting to all modern consoles. It may have made people at Capcom think "damn everyone loves Takumi" so they tried to lure him back to AA7, and I have no idea how well that would have gone or if Takumi is even interested in continuing mainline AA right now. (I do think this at least contributed to the Ghost Trick ports.)
In my first ever AA7 speculation post I talked about how the ending of AA6 kind of wrote them into a corner re: how to continue with the series and which protagonist to use. I still stand by that argument even if a lot of that post aged badly.
Console ports! Previously new AA games were for whichever Nintendo handheld is out now (GBA, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS). But now that the series is doing really well on all consoles, they may have decided to try to make their next mainline entry on all consoles, which would take more development time. Adding to this is that the Switch is near the end of its lifecycle with the Switch 2 (or whatever the successor will be) being announced soon - meaning that, if AA7 is coming out soon, Capcom is in the position of "do we try to squeeze this into the end of the Switch's lifecycle" (which, I'll need to find sources for this, is speculated to be some of the reasons behind why AAI2 and DGS2 sold badly when they were first released, and they can't make the same mistake thrice... right...?) or "do we try to time it with the release of the Switch 2"?
Also, a lot of this depends on how far AA7 was into development whenever it was derailed. If it was derailed from the pandemic, then according to the calendar, it would likely have still been in the prototype stage. It may be early enough that they would have had to start from scratch whenever they picked it up again. I don't work in the gaming industry so I have no idea how long it takes them to make a game or how easy it would be from what stage they're in.
One thing we can compare to is some of the comments about the recent AAI ports: in this interview, Shunsuke Nishida, the producer of the AAI collection, says that development on the collection began in 2022. He also mentions that this began once development on 456 was concluded. This leads me to believe that (contrary to my previous assumptions) 456 and AAIC were not developed concurrently (or if so, had very minimal overlap), and that the process of upscaling graphics, porting, and localization took them... about a year, maybe? So that takes time, even without taking into consideration how long it would take to come up with a new idea + write the script + the bulk of the programming that would have to be done that isn't considered with porting + probably way more than I can think of because again I do not work in the gaming industry.
There's also the question of why 456 and AAIC weren't developed concurrently. The calendar from 2020 shows that TGAA and AA7 were meant to be developed at least somewhat concurrently, and the staff from TGAA would eventually merge into working on AA7. Once again, we don't know what happened to the staff that were supposed to be working on AA7. It's possible pandemic complications meant they got shuffled onto other projects. It's possible the AA-related team is smaller now than it was in 2020, so they only have enough people to work on one project at a time. It's also possible that there's a team that was working on ports, and a team that was working on a new game, and now the "port team" is freed up to work on the "new game team".
Either way though, pretty much every interview with the staff for the 456 or AAI ports are all saying "look forward to the future of the series", which is definitely Corporate Speak, but unless they're bringing the ports of the Layton crossover (fingers crossed) that can only mean one thing. (AAI anime?) Plus, like I've discussed in this post, AA is having fantastic sales in general. They've seemingly either hired a new social media manager or changed the strategy so there is much more engagement on twitter. And AA is getting on bigger and bigger announcements - though AA trilogy ports were announced at TGS (at an AA-specific panel), TGAA duology ports were announced unceremoniously on twitter. Afterwards, 456 ports got announced at the Capcom Showcase during Summer Game Fest. And now AAI collection got announced at a Nintendo Direct, which I imagine is even more expensive, so the series must be going in a good direction for them to think that's worth it!
That's a lot of rambling for me to say I definitely think it's coming.
When are we going to see it though!!
Coming up in September is my eternal enemy Tokyo Game Show. Since AAI collection is being released at the beginning of September... it might be a bit too soon to announce a new game, but who knows. They might think it's profitable to ride the hype they're building now for AAI collection to announce a new game. Or they might let it sit for a while.
With AAIC getting announced at a Direct, I'm thinking they'll want to make AA7's announcement a) big and b) global. AA6 was announced in Famitsu, but the problem with that is that it's a mostly Japanese audience, and some interviews have been talking about how AA's global audience is particularly contributing to how big it is right now. So I'm expecting AA's next announcement to be at something major and something that will get attention from overseas audiences.
If they have been working on AA7 concurrently -- and honestly I do think there has at least been some progress on it since 2019 -- we could definitely see an announcement within the next year. I was also saying this in 2020, though, so don't take my word for it. There's been two year gaps between ports up until the AAI collection, and they seemed pretty proud about releasing 456 and AAI in the same year, so... maybe they'll want to keep it going and announce AA7 within the next year, especially if they'll have a longer announcement -> release period than they normally would for ports.
Potential candidates include:
Tokyo Game Show: As previously stated, it's very close to the AAIC release, so I don't think it's the best timing for it. I would not want my favorite AA game overshadowed by whatever the hell they're going to do with AA7. Likelihood: depends on how fast they want to follow up on the hype.
The Game Awards: is the next major gaming event, but that's already massive in terms of the type of games that get announced there, and it's expensive! Nintendo Direct is one thing since AA has always been a Nintendo-first series, but I don't think it's big enough to justify putting in a Game Awards ad. and I already have my clown wig on for persona 6 there. Likelihood: pretty low tbh
Next Year's Summer Game Fest-related Shows: I think this is the most likely, considering both the 456 collection and the AAI collection were announced around this time. For AA7 I'd say a Nintendo Direct to get lots of eyes on it, especially if AAIC sales pay off. Likelihood: pretty high!
Which leads me into my wildcard answer:
Switch 2 Announcement Stream: If Capcom decides to go in and make AA7 one of the first games for whatever the switch successor would be, it could be announced here. I regret to admit that I am a very bad gamer and only like two things, and therefore have not ever been present for one of these things to know how many games get announced as launch games for a new console, but, like, it's possible.
In the above scenario, I'm not necessarily saying that AA7 would be a Switch 2 exclusive - because I think that would be stupid after so much of the support they've gotten from the ports has been from playstation and steam - but I am definitely the kind of person who would buy a console for one video game. Shoutout to me buying a switch in part anticipating that aa7 would come out on it and that is not looking likely
Anyways, that's my speculation!! Reminder that this is mostly uninformed and that I have no knowledge of anything related to sales or marketing or video game development, and as a result of that, I have been wrong (aside from the one time I accurately predicted AAI ports as a joke) for four consecutive years.
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marismoments39 · 1 month
Definitely pow anon at it once again!
if you could visit any country...where would you go!
(i kind of have a feeling you're going to say japan so think of something besides that!)
FEELING I'm gonna say Japan? WELL GUESS WAHT!!! More on that later
anyways I wanna say.. France..? No real reason, I just think anywhere in Europe would be nice!! I love french, actually!! can't speak one word of it! (yes I can! chevalmarin means seahorse!) butbut idk I LIKE french, though I'm not taking any efforts to learn it since I'm already learning japanese also french seems hard (but that's never stopped me before!)
Canada is another place I'd wanna go! It's like the US but not messed up as much!! no offense to any Americans but I am mortally scared of your country! They also speak french in canada I think that's pretty cool! but the MAIN reason I wanna go is cuz it's COLD and they ACTUALLY HAVE SNOW!!! AA!!! SNOW I LOVE SNOW!!! I COULD HAVE A WHITE CHRISTMAS LIKE WHAT LIEK OMG!!!
also! thanks for all the asks! they really mean alot~
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