#decided to go with a Spider since I just platinumed Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on PS5
lananiscorner · 11 months
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rjjameshiii · 8 days
RJ's Platinum Collection #5: Marvel's Spider-Man
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Achieved on 7/21/2022 at 4:52 PM
I had already played this game when it came out on my PS4, but I knew I was DEFINITELY going to replay it and get the platinum a second time on my PS5. This is, without a doubt, one of the BEST superhero video games that has ever existed. I would call it the best Spider-Man game ever made too!
Like Detroit: Become Human and Jak & Daxter, I have already played this game once before, and I knew everything I needed to do to unlock the platinum. So I decided to take a, shall we saw, cinematic approach to this game. I wanted to get certain tasks done before the end of each of the games three acts, and I wanted to get EVERYTHING done before the final battle. That may be weird and not make sense, but it's how I played!
Of course I started with the game's fantastic opening sequence where you take down Kingpin.
1/51: Knocking Down Kingpin - Defeat Wilson Fisk.
And then I decided to just get the trophy for greeting people on the street out of the way.
2/51: Spider-Man About Town - Greet 10 citizens.
And THEN I made sure to activate every single surveillance tower so I could get the entire map from the beginning. Seriously, I watched a few videos of people playing this game, and so many just DON'T activate the towers. Do you like having an unfinished map in an open world game? Cuz I don't.
3/51: Amazing Coverage - Activate all the Surveillance Towers.
After that I just continued playing the game, doing collectibles and side stuff in-between the main story missions.
4/51: Lost and Found - Collect 5 backpacks.
5/51: The Scientific Method - Craft your first upgrade.
6/51: Spider-Sensible - Perfect dodge 10 attacks.
7/51: Ace The Base - Complete all objectives in a base.
8/51: Hero For Higher - Perch atop Avengers Tower.
9/51: And Stay Down! - Complete a Level 1 combat benchmark.
And just a quick side note: I still have no clue how the heck the "Wing It" trophy works. I feel like I spend the entire game traversing across the city rooftops. What is the trophy's exact unlock requirements? I dunno.
10/51: Wing It - Traverse across the city rooftops.
Anyway, back to playing Act 1.
11/51: King of Swing - Complete a Level 1 traversal benchmark.
12/51: Snappy Dresser - Wear 5 new Spider-Suits.
13/51: Shock and Awe - Defeat Shocker.
14/51: Cat's Out of the Bag - Collect a Black Cat collectible.
15/51: Arachnophobia - Perform 75 stealth takedowns.
Before doing the final mission of Act 1, I decided to finish all of the Fisk Hideouts to symbolize how Fisk is taken out of the picture for good so that Li and the Demons can become the big threat of the story.
Look, I know the way I'm getting this platinum is weird, but I was a theatre nerd, I like to do things DRAMATICALLY.
16/51: All The King's Men - Take down each Fisk Hideout.
17/51: Demons Emerge - Complete Act 1.
Since you start Act 2 in a graveyard, I decided to go say hi to Uncle Ben to get a quick miscellaneous trophy out of the way.
18/51: With Great Power... - Pay your respects to Uncle Ben's grave.
And then I started playing through Act 2. Basically, I decided I wanted ALL of the side content done before I finished the second act, because knowing what happens to New York City in Act 3, I felt like all the fun stuff needed to be completed first for the best dramatic impact possible.
19/51: Science FTW! - Craft 15 upgrades.
20/51: Born to Ride - Ride the Subway five times.
21/51: Backpacker - Collect all backpacks.
22/51: Overdrive - Complete 10 vehicle takedowns.
23/51: Short Fuse - Get a Spectacular or better in a Taskmaster Bomb Challenge.
24/51: Sightseeing - Photograph all Landmarks on the map.
25/51: Tombstone Takedown - Defeat Tombstone.
26/51: Hug It Out - Knock together 10 pairs of enemies using Trip Mines.
27/51: Inner Sanctuary - Take down each Demon Warehouse.
28/51: Cat Prints - Track down Black Cat.
29/51: A Bit of a Fixer Upper - Complete all the optional projects in the lab.
30/51: Pigeon Hunter - Catch all of Howard's pigeons.
31/51: Spy Hunter - Get Spectacular or better in a Taskmaster Drone Challenge.
32/51: Fists of Fury - Get Spectacular or better in a Taskmaster Combat Challenge.
33/51: R&D - Complete all of the Research Stations.
34/51: Ninja - Get Spectacular or better in a Taskmaster Stealth Challenge.
35/51: Schooled - Complete all of the Corrupted Student missions.
36/51: Challenge Finder - Complete every Taskmaster Challenge in the city once.
37/51: Master of Masters - Defeat Taskmaster.
38/51: Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - Complete all side missions.
With the final side mission done, I finished Act 2 and got to enjoy the incredible cinematic shot of Spider-Man looking over a New York City that had descended into complete chaos.
39/51: The Six Assemble - Complete Act 2.
With almost everything done, Act 3 was spent doing the main missions while also taking care of all the faction crimes to make progress toward 100% each district, taking down the Sable Outposts and Prison Camps, and getting enough XP to finish buying all the suits and skills.
40/51: Grounded - Defeat Electro and Vulture.
41/51: Neighborhood Watch - Complete all Faction Crimes in a district.
42/51: Sticky and Tricky - Chain 4 unique tricks before landing.
43/51: A Suit For All Seasons - Purchase all the suits.
44/51: Superior Spider-Man - Unlock all skills.
45/51: Mercenary Tactics - Take down each Sable Outpost.
46/51: Sting and Smash - Defeat Scorpion and Rhino.
47/51: Staying Positive - Defeat Martin Li.
48/51: Back in the Slammer - Take down each Prisoner Camp.
49/51: I Heart Manhattan - 100% complete all districts.
And voila! With the game basically at 100% completion, I just had to do the final fight against Doctor Octopus and BOOM I got me a spidery platinum trophy!
50/51: End Game - Complete Act 3.
51/51: Be Greater - Collect all the trophies.
Spider-Man for PS4 is, without a doubt, one of the BEST video games of all time. And it is SO MUCH FUN to platinum. I recommend this game to ALL.
Rating: 15/10
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entergamingxp · 4 years
The Last of Us Part II Player Recreates the Game’s Trading Cards
July 20, 2020 10:11 AM EST
Could The Last of Us Part 2 trading cards soon be in player’s hands?
If you are anything like me, you’ll currently be trying your best to platinum The Last of Us Part 2. Although you’re unlikely to get that sought after achievement on your first playthrough, heading back into the astounding world that Naughty Dog has built is by far a chore. Many items can be found while out and about as Ellie or Abby to fill your pockets that include training magazines, artifacts, coins, supplements, and safe codes, but there’s nothing quite like finding one of Ellie’s obsessions – her superhero trading cards. One player who wanted to fill the void left after playing the emotionally traumatic playthrough of Part 2 has decided to take it upon themselves to craft their very own trading cards straight from the game.
Over on Reddit, user WowWhatABeaut wanted to do something to commemorate their experience after The Last of Us Part 2 left such an impact on them after completion. Not fulfilled with going out and getting a tattoo as so many fans did nor really being able to draw, they decided to recreate the hero/villain trading cards Ellie collects throughout the game, but in the pre-apocalypse form (i.e. mint condition). Having some knowledge of Graphic Design, “WowWhatABeaut” spent 10 hours crafting the cards and then finally finished their very own version of the game’s trading cards.
Since this is merely a mock-up of the original artist’s work whose Instagram account can be found here, “WowWhatABeaut” can’t resell or make a profit but they are planning to give away a deck for free once they have been printed. Although, they don’t state where people can enter into this giveaway I assume that additional information will be added to their post in the near future. The poster did make a comment stating that “according to an inside source, a lot of people at Naughty Dog are pushing to make the cards a real thing. We just have to be vocal about it on social media! You didn’t hear that from me though. :P” so whether this is true or not, it would be fantastic to get these trading cards into mass production as I for one would be all over them in a flash.
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If taking pictures in your games is something you love, EA’s Petri ‘Berduu’ Levälahti has shared some cool tips on how best to snap some photos. You may also dig the official The Last of Us podcast if you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. In previous episodes, the podcasts focused on the summer sections of the first game, episode three dived into fall, and the Left Behind DLC and episode four were centered around Winter and Spring but the latest one will be all about Part II.
The Last of Us Part II has already and probably unsurprisingly reached over 4 million in sales and has become the PS4’s fastest-selling exclusive ever. Sony revealed the news on the PlayStation Blog today that as of June 21 the highly anticipated sequel has done extremely well in such a short space of time, overtaking PS4’s previous record holders, God of War and Marvel’s Spider-Man. This news comes after we heard that in Japan, The Last of Us Part II became its top-selling first-party PS4 game selling 178,696 copies in total. If you ever wondered how The Last of Us Part II’s developers created those chilling sounds that The Infected make, you can check out Naughty Dog’s sound designer who delved into the process.
Naughty Dog’s Neil Druckmann has more information on whether The Last of Us Part II would have a DLC like The Last of Us: Left Behind. During a spoilercast with Kinda Funny Games, Neil stated that currently there are “no plans” to release DLC for Part II. But who knows, maybe we will see a DLC drop sometime into the future. If you want to find a cool and slightly gross way of distracting those hungry clickers to give you a little breathing room, check out this article that offers up a crafty way to get a step ahead of those big infected heads.
The Last of Us Part 2 is available now exclusively on PS4 (and soon to be PS5). The game was one of DualShockers’ favorites of 2020; make sure to check out the official DualShockers (generally spoiler-free) review. Also, feel free to grab the game physically on Amazon to help support the site.
This post contains affiliate links where DualShockers gets a small commission on sales. Any and all support helps keep DualShockers as a standalone, independent platform for less-mainstream opinions and news coverage.
July 20, 2020 10:11 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/the-last-of-us-part-ii-player-recreates-the-games-trading-cards/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-last-of-us-part-ii-player-recreates-the-games-trading-cards
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