#decision dilemma
By: Wokal Distance
Published: May 7, 2024
Want to know how Woke activists take over buildings, smash windows, trash university campuses, and still have the press call them "non-violent"?
Well, as it turns out these are well trained activists using intelligent, highly developed tactics. Here's a primer:
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First off: none of this is spontaneous.
IE: The protestors in the video going around have shields. (pic 1)
In 2020 we learned these shields can take hours to make and are made by volunteers working all day. You don't do that spontaneously. It takes planning. (pics 2 +3)
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Here's a thread on the shields used during the 2020 Portland protests. They are well built and are distributed to those wishing to engage in "direct action" (AKA violence and vandalism).
Not all shields are built like this, but this is typical:
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Another clue that this is all VERY well planned is the fact they tend to all have the same tent.
This is because the organizations that run and fund the protests purchase the tents in bulk and then give them to the protestors as needed.
Again, It is all VERY well planned.
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Further, these are NOT "student protests."
Lisa Fithian is a 63 year old professional protestor, not a student. She's planned protests for decades.
According to the NYPD 1/3 of the people arrested at Columbia, and most of the people arrested at the CCNY, were not students
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Now we need to understand the TACTICS that are being used here.
The first strategy is to put their target in a "decision dilemma." This is where they select a method of protest that leaves the person with no good options. No matter how the target reacts they look bad.
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As John Searle explained in his 1971 book "The Campus War," the strategy is to leave the University with no good options:
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They either let the protestors take over, or call police and then students play victim and use the optics to look like sympathetic martyrs for the cause.
The decision dilemma strategy is paired with: "the real action is your targets reaction." You use someone's reactions to your protest against them.
IE: Taking over a building. If the police arrest you, you film it and play the martyr. If they don't, you control the building
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Those two strategies are used hand in hand to create actions which activists can turn to their advantage.
When they do this correctly they can paint themselves as the sympathetic powerless underdogs even when they are the aggressors.
It's social and political jiu-jitsu  This is performative, but not in "look good to your peers" kind of way.
The principle is "play to the audience that isn't there." Activists protesters want to LOOK good to the people on Youtube or watching the news.
It's the OPTICS that matter.
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Please pay careful attention to this:
Activists want to LOOK like they are trying to change the minds of people they protest against, but that's just for show. They see their targets unrepentant evil doers that are just props in the drama they are staging.
This is awful.
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The point of the protest is not to change the mind of the people whose building they have taken over, the goal is to use the protest as a way of building social and political pressure against the people they are trying to make give it.
THAT is the goal. 
This next strategy is self-explanatory: "do the media's work for them."
This is where activists find press releases and film footage that make them look good get into the hands of sympathetic journalists. This explains a lot of what gets on TV
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So how do they do all this and still get sympathetic coverage?
The strategy is: "lead with sympathetic characters." It's EXACTLY what it sounds like. They put sympathetic people out front to garner sympathy and create the APPEARANCE of underdogs fighting against the powerful.
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This is why in the coverage of these protests you rarely see the images of smashed glass, trashed buildings, broken doors, and blood on the street, but you will often see pictures of the people below which are meant to make the protestors look sympathetic.
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The protestors have a highly developed theory of protest optics. They understand videos can be sliced and diced to tell any story, and the story that "resonates" with people most, wins. So they are intentional in trying to create moments on video that can go viral... 
That isn't to say they aren't also intentional in doing damage. They are. The book Black Bloc, White Riot: Anti-Globalization and the Genealogy of Dissent by author AK Thompson is the starting place for their theory of what counts as violence, and when violence is justified. 
Here is Alex Hundert writing is rabble defending "a diversity of tactics" which is a euphemism for allowing violence at protests. Hundert explicitly states a commitment to non-violence is "dogmatic" and "stifles debate" about which tactics to use.
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So the violence and vandalism at these protests is intentional. Where the elderly protestor is meant to win hearts, the black bloc is there to intimidate. If police react to the violence with arrests protestors claim the police "attacked students."
See how the game works?
The point is that none of these protests are happening spontaneously.
These are well planned protests, using high level tactics that are given to people supported by a well organized protest infrastructure (where did you think the tents and shields came from?) 
These radical protestors have organized an infrastructure to, in their words, disrupt, dismantle, and deconstruct your society.
I don't want to scare any of you, I just want you to know what's happening because you can't push back against what you don't understand.
Every single one of these protests operates according to a set of methodologies, principles and tactics and theories that have been created with the specific goal of allowing the radicals to gain social and political victories by creating and controlling the narrative.
As @realchrisrufo points out, the conflict at Harvard is reaching a "decision point," but Harvard can't end the conflict without looking bad and damaging their own reputation.
This is the result of activist tactics applied perfectly against Harvard.
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Do not underestimate the ability of radical leftist protestors to win the narrative battle, particularly since we have a media complex sympathetic to leftist causes.
The goal here is not to scare you, but to show you what's going on under the hood of these protests....
Beating woke activists means understanding their tactics are so you can anticipate them and respond in a way that is effective. If universities had anticipated the Activist tactic "occupation" They would have known the goal was to put them in a "decision dillemma" (pic 2)
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And the activists will explicitly tell us that these occupations are "well planned" (that's why I keep using that phrase" and that they want to expose the "power holders" (in this case universities) inability to enforce the rules. That's literally the whole point...
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Had universities known this they would have understood that the right move is to eject the encampments the minute they start. There was not way to negotiate with the protestors because, as the activists themselves tell us, negotiating is not the point. The point is to create a situation where the University has no good option and expose the university as weak, and then use that to extract concessions and make the university fold because they have ZERO good options.
Knowing that this is the strategy allows you avoid the trap by taking the PR hit and ejecting the protestors and tearing down the encampments on day 1. You're taking a PR hit no matter what, so take the hit day 1 and then ride it out. The longer the protests last, the bigger a story they become, so end it quick and kill the momentum.
Instead universities did not know the tactics, thought they could reason with the protestors or negotiate in good faith, and now they are in exactly the bind that @realchrisrufo lays out here:
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Learn how the woke activists operate, learn how their tactics function, and learn how to respond accordingly when they seek to impose their will on you using these tactics.
Thanks for reading.
Honestly, this seems pretty freaking obvious. Hamas can't defeat Israel by firepower; the way they win is by fighting the propaganda war and manipulating the rest of the world into fighting against Israel instead.
Still, it doesn't matter how much you quote their own words, there's still certain people who will say right to you that it isn't true, it's not happening.
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auuwmk · 7 months
torn between wrapping kdj in a blanket and treating him like a princess or choking the life out of him and imprisoning him so he never leaves
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buglaur · 1 year
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i'm making a character page
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ozcarma · 4 months
Does anyone else feel like the incinerator gun chair room from Zero Time Dilemma would have better fit C Team instead of D Team
#elaboration in the tags#zero time dilemma#zero escape#ztd#I think of this every time I watch a playthrough and get to that room#carlos ztd#akane kurashiki#junpei tenmyouji#c team#like just about any combination fits with the potential character growth both Akane and Junpei would have from it#I understand the main character is Carlos so if we were to keep it as him making the decision then I would have Akane in the incinerator#and Junpei in the chair#but if we’re going to throw ‘main character chooses’ then you could truly have either Akane or Junpei at the gun with Carlos in the chair#I say all this cuz there’s the obvious Akane incinerator parallels and I imagine it could trigger a breakdown for her#if Junpei is behind the gun would she beg Junpei to shoot Carlos to save her?#would Junpei see that Akane sees other players as pawns to save her own life? and if she doesn’t beg does it help Junpei#see the humanity in her? where he previously thought she was uncaring but here she clearly is to save Carlos at the cost of her own life#but my fave configuration is Junpei in the incinerator and Akane at the gun#it helps them see from each other’s point of view. how scared would Junpei be being in the incinerator and there’s nothing he can do#but rely on someone else? Junpei in characterized as pretty selfish in ZTD so this experience could have him empathize with Akane’s#‘selfishness’ in the previous games. realizing you’d do it too if your life was on the line#and Akane can see just how difficult it is being the one to directly have a hand in how people die or at least see their bodies.#and is it worth it to just save one person?#yes Akane’s games have a way for everyone to survive and win at the end. but in the moment the players don’t know that.#I think that configuration would do SO much for akane and Junpei to better empathize with one another during ZTD#this could’ve been a whole post but I wasn’t confident enough in my coherence to properly format it. so tags you get
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ohmerricat · 18 days
i can’t start testosterone because being viewed as a masculine person will prevent me from embodying my self-assigned fairytale roles (the fridged girlfriend who motivates the partner to keep fighting/the lonely girl who falls in love with some shunned monstrous being/the naive protagonist of a cautionary tale folksong being led astray by a mysterious stranger) i suppose you can still identify with these archetypes if you’re some kind of waifish twink but knowing what my father looks like i’d become the opposite of my self-perception ideal. on the other hand if i don’t get top surgery soon i’m going to suffocate under the weight on my chest tragically cheesy pun intended. do you choose a story or a liveable life. i should die for something worthwhile before i’m forced to make that choice. time is running out i’m becoming a woman and it terrifies me. either i remain a girl forever frozen in time through death or i transition now and become something unknowable to myself
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clowninthecoffeehouse · 3 months
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more ferryman stuff; trying to work on the actual comic but here’s a teeny little gouache painting i made :)
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monkiinart · 1 year
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Arne bio just dropped.. I wanted to write a lot more but this is probably enough for now lol
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sieglinde-freud · 4 months
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mortellanarts · 2 years
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I have finally learned how to draw ztd Akane
(Scenes from this fic!)
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nonuggetshere · 7 months
PK letting some of his animalistic behaviours out whenever one of his children is endangered 👀
Doesn't even use his magic or weapons just goes straight to mauling in his rage
Truly animalistic appearance and noises, being on all fours (...sixes?) and with his mandibles out, snarling and letting out a growl that shakes the very ground they stand on
And then just as quickly he returns back to his upright stance and stoic demeanor, flicking his long tongue out to lick the blood around his eyes off and calmly asks somebody to clean the corpses up
I don't think FaaF PK might be the kind of man who would execute Xero when he was very clearly infected unless he thought he was a lost cause, ik that's what happened in canon but it's an AU so I think I'm allowed to change that. I've already made PV have a secret queer romance and have the fact they're not hollow be outed before the sealing, I think PK not wanting to execute a terminally I'll guy of not sound mind for treason isn't out of the question.
Unless one of his children got caught up in the crossfire, then his instincts would kick in before his rational brain would. And it'd be a much more violent and cooler way for him to go out. And although he's not proud of what he did, PK decides the damage has been done already, might as well show it off as an example of what happens to traitors. Robs a dead man of his dignity even post death because it's the more convenient option.
NOT canon compliant I don't think. Don't take this as my take of what happened in canon and how canon PK would react, I just think it's cool ✨️ I might absolutely turn back on this idea though I just like it atm
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 8 months
One of the most frustrating things about being queer and living and growing up in a country that's not very accepting of queer people is that at some point you have to make a choice between trying to leave your country and living in one that's more accepting of you, and where you have more rights, and more of a chance of being able to openly be yourself, or stay home, the place that has your favourite food that you've loved since you were young that you can't find elsewhere, and the place where all your memories lay, and the only place you can visit your relatives that have passed and meet your friends who want to stay. I know there's ways to meet people from your home country living in other countries, but it's not really the same. I can talk to them in my native language, and we can participate in our shared culture, but I will still be walking streets foreign to me. And so I must choose whether to stay or to go elsewhere. I have to choose between acceptance and home. And I once thought that acceptance was the clear, easy winner, but now that I'm away from home, I can't even begin to describe how many things I miss about home
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anervousmirrorball · 9 months
this makes me feel like everyone is going to look at everything i do and judge me for it. this just makes me feel more pressured to do everything "right" and extremely worried of making mistakes and taking the wrong decisions sometimes. im not perfect. you're certainly not perfect. i don't know why anyone would expect any person to be perfect either
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skyward-floored · 9 months
I’m debating when to set this IAU fic (yeah I broke down and am writing a little Christmas one) because there’s so many options... I could do Hyrule’s first year with them or Wild’s or the year Sky wasn’t there or the first year he was back or I could skip a few years ahead so there’d be some more characters around to play with etcetera etcetera
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qatos · 9 days
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wongyuseok · 11 months
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cupophrogs · 1 month
I want to draw but I am so so sleepy
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