#dedede x morrigan (?)
blackhakumen · 6 days
Mini Fanfic #1230: Date Night In: Truth or Dare Edition Pt. 1 (SSBU X Street Fighter X Darkstalker)
10:45 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Entrance Room.......
Dedede: (Clicks his Teeth While Walking Inside the Room with Morrigan and the Rest of the Gang Following Behind) Damn. All of the clubs and bars we went to so far are either already full or closed down indefinitely. Ain't that some shit?
Samus: (Rolls her Eyes) And of course, it all had to happen during the weekend.....(Turns to Tifa) That bar of yours is still open for the night, Tif?
Tifa: (Shakes her Head) No, it's closed. I gave the boys the day off. ('Sigh') Even then, I'd rather you guys not go in and interact with most of the customers we usually have there.
Morrigan: Are they really that troublesome to deal with?
Tifa: (Turns to Morrigan with an Annoyed, Deadpinned Look on her Face) They managed to tick Barret enough to have them get thrown out of the windows on numerous occasions. Troublesome doesn't begin to describe how much of a huge headache they are.
Daisy: Well, we can't just call the night off here. It's not even midnight yet!
Samus: Anyone got any ideas to pass the time?
Chun-Li: We could watch a couple of movies in here.
Samus: Nah. We've been having movie nights too often this year.
Cloud: How about a game or two of Mario Party?
Samus: ('Scoffs') And get at each other's throat throughout the night? No thanks.
Luigi: Board games?
Samus: Eh....It's less drama fueled for sure, but too basic for my liking. Anything else, people?
Lilith: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Hmmmmmm......(Forms Excited Smile as She Comes Up With Something) Ooh! I have something we can do~
Morrigan: (Raises an Eyebrow at her Younger Sister) Lilith, don't you think we're all a little too old to try and form elaborate pranks on people?
Lilith: (Flailing Her Arms Up and Down While Pouting at Morrigan) I know that already, Queen of Obvious, don't butt in!! (Went Back to Smiling Again) What I'm suggesting is that we play ourselves a little game called "Truth or Dare"~
Morrigan: Truth or Dare. Really?
Lilith: Yes, really! Juicy truth bombshells, daring challenges, it's a classic for all ages to play.
Daisy: I do like me a good challenge.
Samus: And truth bombs does intrigue me to some extent. All in favor of playing Truth or Dare for the remainder of the night say "Aye".
Everyone: Aye!
Morrigan: ('Sighs in Defeat') Childish game it is then. (Points at Lilith) But I swear, if you even think about giving me most brutal and/or horrid dares, you are a dead woman!
Lilith: Will you relax, sis? I'll go easy on you when the time arises. Promise. (Has her Fingers Crossed Behind her Back)
Morrigan: (Unconvinced) Mmmhm.
Moments Later to Dedede's Room........
Dedede: (Presents the Gang to his Bedroom) Here we are, folks: my humble abode. (Walks into the Room With Everyone Else Following Behind) Take your shoes off and make yourselves comfortable, not too much though.
Lilith: (Awe Struck by the Room Itself Along With Morrigan) Wooooooah......
Morrigan: My goodness......
Chun-Li: (Looks Around the Room Itself, Amazed) This is a really lovely room you have in here, Dedede.
Daisy: I know, right? It almost like we're in royal castle room or something- (Sits Herself Down on Dedede's Large Size Bed Along With Everyone Else Before Suddenly Feeling It's Squishy Sensation) ('Gasps') No way! (Looks Over to Dedede) You got yourself a freaking water bed this entire time!?
Lilith: (Playfully Moves Up amd Down on the Bed She's Laying On) Squishy Squishy!!~
Dedede: (Happily Nodded) Yep! Its the only thing they let have from the castle. The room ain't much, but I try to make it look nice and homey as possible, for myself, the guests- (Forms a Cocly, Seductive Smirk Towards Succubus Girlfriend Next to Him) And the pretty ladies especially~
Morrigan: (Plays Along with Dedede's Wordplay While Smirking Back Him) Pretty ladies ypu say~ Like me?~
Dedede: Hell yeah, you!~ You're the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on.
Morrigan: (Starts to Blush) Amd you are the most handsomest, charming man I've ever have the pleasure to fall in love with~ I could come here more often- (Hugs Dedede Lovingly) So we cam have so much relaxation and fun~
Dedede: (Hugs Morrigan Back) Hey, you're more than welcome come and stay here fpr a few days or so. I wonder what your room looks like.
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly) Not nearly as organized as yours, I'll tell you that much. But be patient, my dear. The sooner I have it more clean is the day I'll finally have you there- (Snuggling onto Dedede's Embrace) Cuddling up in my arm as we sleep the rest of the night away!~
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) Sounds like a romantic date plan already. Can't wait~
The couple lean toeach other a little closer bas they proceed to do an eskimo kiss much to the Bounty Hunter's slight annoyance.
Samus: Hey, lovebirds, do your cutesy banner some other time, we have a game to play.
Chun-Li: Anyone wants to start us off?
Luigi: (Raises his Hand) I'll go with Dare please!
Daisy/Lilith: Oooooh~
Daisy: (Gives Luigi a Playful Smirk of her Face Along with Lilith as They're Sitting in Between Him) Getting brave on us already, sweetie?~
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly) As brave as I humanly can really. The night is young after all.
Samus: (Proudly Nodded to Luigi) Atta boy, Weeg. Show the game who's boss.
Chun-Li: (Forms a Mischievous Smirk) And as for your choice, I dare you-(Happily Pulls Out a Tight, Green Colored Attire From her Shopping Bag) To wear all of THIS for the rest of the night!~
Ladies: Oooooooooh!~
Dedede: (Puts on a Bit of a Deadpinned Look Along with Cloud) You already having that poor boy wear a body suit all night?
Cloud: At the very start of the game?
Chun-Li: (Pouts at Dedede amd Cloud) It is NOT just a body suit! This is a flexible, maneuvering attire used primarily for street fighting!
Samus: (Leans Closer to Examine the Clothes) Wait a second. The embroidered vest, unitard, studded wrist bands. (Looks Back Up at her Girlfriend Next to Her) Chun, is this that battle one outfit you used to wear in the past, but with a different size and color?
Chun-Li: (Happily Nodded) Yep!~ These were on sale at the men section and I had to pick it up. (Turns to Luigi) It was supposed to be your Christmas present this year, but I figured I'd give it to you now as a token for your bravery for tonight.
Luigi: (Heart Begins to Melt a Bit in Pure Happiness) Chun-Li.....That is so thoughtful of you, thanks. It makes wanna give you something for Christmas this year in return if you want.
Chun-Li: Go right ahead. Just try not to give me anything too expensive along the way, okay?
Luigi: (Simply Nodded to Chun-Li's Request) Will do. (Notices a Closed Door at the Other Side of the Room) Say, is that a bathroom over there, your majesty?
Dedede: Yep. You're more than welcome to change in there.
Luigi: (Gets Himself Up From the Bed) Thanks. Be right! (Makes his Way to the Bathroom)
Daisy: Take all the time you need, sweetie!~
Lilith: We'll miss you!!~
'Door Closed'
Daisy: (Quickly Turns her Attention ti Chun-Li Along with Lilith) Okay, level with us for a second, Chun-Li, how tight was that unitard you wore all those years ago?
Lilith: Sorta tight, super tight, or really, really, REALLY tight?
Samus: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Don't bother answering their questions, Chun. Their perverted tendencies are about raise up again.....
Daisy: (Pouts at Samus Along with Lilith) Well, excuse us for being curious, Sammy!
Lilith: Yeah, there's nothing wrong wanting to know some stuff, Sammy!
Samus: (Rolls her Eyes) Yeah, if it's something more normal for once.
Chun-Li: Ladies, please. There's no need to fuss and fight. (Forms a Small, Cheeky Smirk on her Face) I'm certain you two will like what you're about to see soon enough.
'Door Opens'
Chun-Li: Ooh. Speaking of which........
Both Daisy and Lilith let out loud gasps as they and the others gaze their eyes upon Luigi, who is now wearing a green variant of Chun-Li's old battle suit in the Alpha days.
Luigi: (Shyly Stands Around amd Shows Off his New Attire) S-So......What do you guys think?
Cloud: (Genuinely Surprised by how Stunning Luigi Truly Looks) Woah......
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly at her Plumber Friend) Luigi, you look amazing!~
Dedede: (Genuinely Surprisedby How Good Luigi Looks) Yeah, you are wearing the shit outta that uniform, boy.
Morrigan: Mmmhmm~
Chun-Li: (Clasps her Hands Together While Putting on a More Excited Expression on her Face) You look even more prettier in suit than i did all those years ago!!~
Samus: (Silently Smiles and Gives Luigi the Thumbs Up)
Luigi: (Smiles Bashfully at the Compliments Given to Him) Y-You're too kind, you guys, thank you. (Turns to Two of his Awe Struck Girlfriends) About you girls?
Daisy: Stunning.......
Lilith: Courageous........
Daisy: Break-Taking.......
Lilith: Charming........
Daisy/Lilith: (Clasps Their Hands Together as Their Eyes Begins to Sparkle) Beautiful!~
Luigi: (Starts Blushing Even More) Awww~ Thanks~ B-But uh...Question. (Turns Towards his Back Side) You don't think this suit is making my butt look more... bigger than it already was, do you?
Daisy/Lilith: ....................Yes.
Samus: They're gonna eat you eat alive in that thing, one of these days.
Chun-Li: I'll get you a spare unitard just in case.
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly at the Couple) You really don't have to do that, but-
Daisy: (Starts Bowing Down to Chun-Li Along with Lilith) Thank you, Chun-Li!!!~
Lilith: We'll never forget the kindness and generosity you've made for us tonight!~
Chun-Li: (Giggles Softly) You're welcome. All of you.
Samus: (Turns Back to Chun-Li) Don't encourage them, Chun.....
Luigi: (Finally Gets Back on his Spot of his Bed) So, Chun-Li, Truth or Dare?
Chun-Li: (Thought About It Before Answering.....) Truth.
Luigi: Is it true you feel insecure about your age these days?
Chun-Li: (Smiles Sheepishly) Well, I wouldn't exactly say I feel THAT insecure about it-
Samus: (Gives her Girlfriend a Light Stern Glare) Chun......
Chun-Li: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, fine. I dread the thought about it every chance I get. Very much so........
Tifa: (Gives Chun-Li a Reassuring Smile) There's no need to feel discouraged. You're still as beautiful as you've always been.
Daisy: (Smiles as Well) Yeah, and you still managed to kick a lot of ass without breaking a single sweat.
Morrigan: You're a very unique gem of the making, dear. (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) For an old lady, that is~
Chun-Li: (Gives Morrigan a Deadpinned Look) How sweet of you, Morrigan. (Smiles Softly to Everyone Else) And you guys too. Thanks a bunch.
Samus: (Smiles Back at Chun-Li) No prob. Think you could finally quit worrying about your age now?
Chun-Li: Can't say I will completely. (Gives Samus a Cutesy Look on her Face) Buuuuuut I'll try my hardest to do so if you give me some kisses~
Samus: ('Sigh') Fiiiine. (Starts Kissing Chun-Li om the Cheek, Making her Ticklish in the Process Before Finally Pulling Back) There. (Points at Chun-Li) I better see you trying going forward, ma'am!
Chun-Li: (Giggles Starts Dying Down a Bit) I will, I will. Promise.
Daisy: Alright, Sammy, Truth or Dare?
Samus: Truth.
Daisy: You ever miss your glory days as a Bounty Hunter?
Samus: (Shrugs) Eh. To some capacity. I mean, I could do without getting myself nearly killed out of nowhere every few minutes, but I do miss the thrills and experience out of most of them. Despite all of that, I'm honestly content with living the rest of my mundane life with you dorks here.
Tifa: (Heart Begins to Melt Along with a Few Others in the Room) Sammy~ You really mean that?
Samus: ('Tch') Obviously. You guys are the closest thing I have to family- No. Scratch that. You guys ARE my family. (Starts Blushing a Bit) And....I love every single one of you. 'Cept for Ridley and DS, fuck those guys- (Immediately Gets Hugged by Most of Her New Found Family Members)
Tifa/Luigi/Lilith/Chun-Li: We love you too!~
Daisy: I always knew you have a heart, girlfriend!~
Samus: Oh piss off, I've always had a heart! (Turns Away While Pouting) It just wasn't nearly as mushy and obnoxIous till you all came into my life.......
Cloud: So we practically changed your life for the better then?
Samus: (Scoffs Once More While Shrugging) I dunno, maybe? I've been far less distant than I used to, so do what you want with that information I guess.
Cloud: (Smirks a Bit) I.E. never letting you live this down for as long as you still live and breathe?
Samus: (Puts on a More Deadpinned Look) Whatever.
Morrigan: (Watches the Group Hug Along with her King) You have such a colorful bunch of friends you have over there, my dear.
Dedede: (Snickers a Bit) You damn right I do. They could melt anyone's heart within a few days so long as you don't try and cross one of them.
Morrigan: I take it that's how you became a part of this family?
Dedede: More or less. I'd probably still be roaming around in the streets right now if they didn't take me in and gave me a fair chance of redemption. They're real good people.
Morrigan: (Smiles Softly) I agree. It's nice spending the night playing a simple child's game with each of them.
Dedede: (Forms a Playful Smirk at his Succubus of a Girlfriend) Ah, so you're finally admitting to liking the game, huh?
Morrigan: (Lets Out a Light Shriek Before Crossing her Arms and Pouting a Bit) I-I suppose I'm not having too much of a terrible time thus far. ('Sighs in Defeat') Just....please don't mention a word to this to my little sister, okay? (Lays the Side of her Head onto Dedede's Shoulder) She will never let me hear the very end of it.
Dedede: (Gives Morrigan a Reassuring Smile) Don't worry. I'll keep my lips seal on this one. Can't have my pretty lady get annoyed and miserable all night long.
Morrigan: (Happily Hugs Dedede's Arm) You sweetheart of a man. I love you~
Dedede: (Gives Morrigan a Kiss on the Head) Love ya right back.
To Be Continued
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ao3feed-tmnt2k12 · 5 years
The New Super Ridonculous Race
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36IzNNU
by Thenewsubwayguy
After quite a few successful seasons behind him, Don was prepared to host the biggest reality show ever. 128 duos going around the world in 44 legs with a chance to earn 2 million dollars would already be crazy. But with zombie killers, superheroes, super villains, sarcastic duos, angry critics and many more wacky teams dealing with the former cadets, ice dancers, ordinary stepbrothers, determined stepbrothers and other such teams...travelling from country to country, continent to continent is about to get insane! With many personalities, all of the drama that you can get, surprising interactions and unique challenges from these many countries on TV, this race is looking super ridonculous.
Words: 36429, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Family Guy (Cartoon), American Dad!, おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime), Dragon Ball, Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race, Total Drama (Cartoon), Sonic Boom (Cartoon), Ryuuko no Ken | Art of Fighting (Video Games), Azumanga Daioh, King of Fighters, Drake & Josh, iCarly, Victorious (TV), King of the Hill, Pinocchio (1940), Peter Pan (1953), Rick and Morty, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Final Fight (Video Game), Fillmore!, F-Zero (Video Games), Metroid Series, Street Fighter, Rocko's Modern Life, Savage Reign (Video Game), Buriki One (Video Game), Mickey Mouse and Friends (Cartoon), Futurama, Persona 4, Sam & Cat (TV), The Loud House (Cartoon), Tekken (Video Games), Phineas and Ferb, Austin & Ally, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Kirby (Video Games), Good Luck Charlie, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), Dead Rising, Darkstalkers (Video Games), 私立ジャスティス学園 LEGION OF HEROES | Rival Schools: United By Fate, Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney, Miraculous Ladybug, Viewtiful Joe (Video Game), Devil May Cry, Regular Show, Johnny Bravo (Cartoon), Samurai Jack (Cartoon), Initial D, Kim Possible (Cartoon), Gintama, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Puyo Puyo (Video Games), Advance Wars, ARMS (Video Game), Zootopia (2016), We Bare Bears (TV), The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Star Fox Series, Undertale (Video Game), Ed Edd n Eddy, The Nutshack (Cartoon), Sly Cooper (Video Games), 光神話 | Kid Icarus (Video Games), Jet Set Radio, Jet Set Radio Future, Dexter's Laboratory, The Nut Job (2014), Bunk'd, T.U.F.F. Puppy, Skullgirls (Video Game), Mumintroll | Moomins Series - Tove Jansson, Banjo-Kazooie Series, Spyro the Dragon (Video Games), Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), 6teen (Cartoon), X-Men Evolution, Grand Theft Auto V, Persona 5, RWBY, Metal Gear, City Hunter (TV), Gravity Falls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Corpse Party (Video Game), Streets of Rage (Video Games), Beavis and Butt-head, Soul Calibur, Hellbenders (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Drake Parker (Drake & Josh), Josh Nichols, Takino Tomo, Kagura (Azumanga Daioh), Sakazaki Ryou, Sakazaki Yuri, Hugo Andre, Poison (Street Fighter), Chet (Total Drama), Lorenzo (Total Drama), MacArthur (Total Drama), Sanders (Total Drama), Katie (Total Drama), Sadie (Total Drama), Samus Aran, Captain Falcon, Wario (Nintendo), Waluigi (Super Mario), Heather (Total Drama), Alejandro Burromuerto, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Zooey (Sonic Boom), Rocko (Rocko's Modern Life), Filburt Shellbach, Cornelius Fillmore, Karim Fillmore, Yabuki Shingo, Nikaidou Benimaru, Sho Hayate, Gai Tendo, Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, Satonaka Chie, Tatsumi Kanji, Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty), Morty Smith, Hank Hill, Bobby Hill, Hayley Smith, Jeff Fischer, Philip J. Fry, Bender Rodriguez, Spencer Shay, Carly Shay, Tori Vega, Jade West, Sam Puckett, Cat Valentine, Stromboli (Pinocchio), Il Conduttore del Carro | The Coachman (Pinocchio), Mortimer Mouse, Terry Bogard, Duck King, Julia Chang (Tekken), Bob Richards, Jasmine (Total Drama), Shawn (Total Drama), Mario (Nintendo), Luigi (Nintendo), Candace Flynn, Stacy Hirano, Leni Loud, Lori Loud, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Majin Buu, Hercule Satan, Austin Moon, Ally Dawson, PJ Duncan, Gabe Duncan, Tom (Total Drama), Jennifer "Jen" (Total Drama), Ryu (Street Fighter), Ken Masters, Jacques (Total Drama), Josee (Total Drama), Radicles (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Hinata Wakaba, Batsu Ichimonji, Frank West, Chuck Greene, Morrigan Aensland, Felicia (Darkstalkers), Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Yahari Masashi | Larry Butz, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, Dante (Devil May Cry), Trish (Devil May Cry), Joe | Viewtiful Joe (Viewtiful Joe), Silvia | Sexy Silvia (Viewtiful Joe), Samurai Jack, Johnny Bravo, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Rigby (Regular Show), Mordecai (Regular Show), Chloé Bourgeois, Sabrina Raincomprix, Fujiwara Takumi (Initial D), Takeuchi Itsuki, Matsuno Jyushimatsu, Matsuno Karamatsu, Lord Boxman (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Toudou Kasumi, Shijou Hinako, Shiranui Mai, King (King of Fighters), K' | K Prime, Maxima (King of Fighters), Ash Crimson, Shen Woo, Beth (Total Drama), Leshawna (Total Drama), Nostalgia Critic, Angry Video Game Nerd, Kim Kaphwan, Jhun Hoon, Amitie (Puyo Puyo), Maguro Sasaki, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Sakata Gintoki, Shimura Shinpachi, Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, Sami (Advance Wars), Max (Advance Wars), Spring Man (ARMS), Ribbon Girl (ARMS), Dexter (Dexter's Lab), Dee Dee (Dexter's Lab), Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Jody Summer, Dr. Robert Stewart, Peacock (Skullgirls), Big Band (Skullgirls), Emma Ross, Pit (Kid Icarus), Dark Pit (Kid Icarus), Beat (Jet Set Radio Future), Rhyth (Jet Set Radio), Eddy (Ed Edd n Eddy), Edd "Double D", Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Panda (We Bare Bears), Grizz (We Bare Bears), Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Sly Cooper, Carmelita Fox, Surly (The Nut Job), Andie (The Nut Job), Jimmy Neutron, Cindy Vortex, Ramon (King of Fighters), Tizoc | Griffon Mask, K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Dendy (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Kirby (Kirby), Bandana Waddle Dee, Banjo (Banjo-Kazooie Series), Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie Series), Snusmumriken | Snufkin, Lilla My | Little My, Meg Griffin, Chris Griffin (Family Guy), Vega | Balrog, Balrog | M. Bison, Kitty Pryde, Kurt Wagner, Casey Jones (TMNT), April O'Neil (TMNT), Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Minnie Mouse, Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot), Coco Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Hunter (Spyro), Duke Weaselton (Zootopia), Mochida Satoshi, Mochida Yuka, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, Jonesy Garcia, Jude Lizowski, Sakamoto Ryuji, Kitagawa Yusuke, Cammy White, Juni (Street Fighter), Beavis, Butt-head, Saeba Ryo, Makimura Kaori, Trevor Philips, Michael De Santa, Solid Snake, Meryl Silverburgh, Geo Dampierre
Additional Tags: Crossover, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Team Dynamics
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36IzNNU
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blackhakumen · 2 months
Mini Fanfic #1218: Two Dorks Finally Found Love(SSBU X River City Girls X Darkstalkers)
A Couple of Years Earlier........
It was a nice, eventful evening at Smash Town that day as the Smash Family held their very first annual Smash Gala Party located at the mansion's dining hall.
Everyone present were laughing and dancing to the loud music, having a blast of a time, all while Yoshi and Dark Pit were sitting down in one of the tables, chatting among themselves before noticing Dedede walking over and taking a seat in the last available seat left, grumbling.
Yoshi/Dark Pit: Hey, Uncle De.
Dedede: ('Grumbles')
Yoshi: You got struck out by the model tonight?
Dedede: ('Groans in Defeat') Yeah. 'Said she doesn't want to be seen around with a fat slop of an Ex-King. Can y'all believe that hoe?
Yoshi: Welllll.....You're not really a Kong anymore.....
Dark Pit: And you're fat.
Dedede: Yeah, but I didn't work tooth and nail to provide for this family JUST to be called a damn slop! (Crosses his Arms While Pouting) The nerve of that woman.
Dark Pit: I don't even know why you bother getting back on the dating scene to begin with. You're clearly not enjoying getting stood up to the dirt every day and night
Dedede: ('Sigh') Yeah, you're not wrong there. It's tedious, but your old man can't help but to give it another go, you know? Love is nice, beautiful thing to have once you give all the work, commitment, and support it needs to grow from both or more sides involved.
Yoshi: (Turns to Pitto) Yeah, everybody needs a little romance in their lives. You especially.
Dark Pit: (Raises an Eyebrow at Yoshi) Me?
Yoshi: Yes, you! You're the most anti-social out of EVERYONE in this entire family.
Dark Pit: (Glares at Yoahi) Bullcrap! I hang out with people.
Yoshi: Reluctantly.
Dark Pit: Shut it! In all those instances, I still had myself a good time regardless.
Dedede: Eventually.
Dark Pit: (Glares at his Appointed Uncle) De!
Dedede: What? He not completely wrong! You do need to go out and enjoy the outter life some more, boy. It'll do ya wonders
Dark Pit: ('Sighs in a Bit of Annoyance') I will in due time. But I ain't gonna be a lovestruck idiot anytime soon. (Points at Pit Dancing With Viridi on the Dance Floor) Especially like that cupid dork over there
Pit: ('Sigh') Love you, Pitto.
Viridi: (Glares at The Dark Angel) Quit making fun of my angel over there, jerkwad!!
Dark Pit: (Smirks at Viridi) Tell your angel to get better at reading and maybe I'll reconsider.
Dark Pit starts chuckling over his sly remarks before suddenly getting pelted in the face by Viridi's water volley blast, causing him to fall off from his seat.
Dark Pit: ('Ugh') (Gets Back Up From his Seat, Now Soaked and Wet) What the-
Viridi: (Smirks at a Soaking Pitto While Pit Snickers at his Dispense) Hope you enjoy your refreshments over there, Pitto!~ Our one of a kind treat!~
The couple laughs as they continue on with their dance, leaving Pitto to glare and groan at them in pure annoyance..
Dark Pit: (Tries Squeezing the Water Out From his Dress Shirt) Aa what I was saying...... (Turns Back to Dedede) You're better off going solo, Uncle De. (Turns Back to Pit and ViridI... Doing a Cute Eskimo Kiss in the Close to Mid Distance) Less you want you and your partner to end being as obnoxious as those two.....
Viridi gives Pitto the middle finger without so much as looking directly at him, causing the dark angel to sigh.
Dark Pit: Screw it. If you guys need me- (Walks Off) I'll be at the restroom drying off. (Starts Grumbling While Walking)
Yoshi: ('Sigh') Love wins once another. (Takes a Bite Off of a Cookie From his Plate Before Disliking the Taste Of it Shortly After) ('Ugh') Too plain. (Turns to See Dedede Lost in Some Thoughts) Oh come on. Don't tell me you're actually taking Pitto's words to heart here.
Dedede: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) N-No, I ain't!.....But-
Yoshi: (Raises an Eyebrow) Buuuuuuuuuut?
Dedede: (Sighs Heavily While Looking Down at his Reflection on his Drink) I dunno. Maybe I should take a break from the dating scene for a while. I doubt I'm ever gonna end up with someone in the next few years.......
Yoshi: (Place his Hand Onto De's Shoulder) Don't give up hope just yet, Uncle De. A lot of things could happen during that time, so you never know.
Dedede: Yeah, probably. (Takes a Bite Off of the Cookie Ffrom his Plate Before Splitting Out in the Other Direction) ('POOUAH') The fuck!? These cookie taste bland as hell!
Peach: (In the Other Side of the Room) LANGUAGE!
Dedede: Sorry.
Yoshi: ('Sigh') Yeeeeup.
Fast Forward to the Present.........
The Annual Smash Gala Party has now returned, more lively than ever this year around. The music's loud and bumping and everyone: friends and couples alike, are out on the dance floor, dancing the night away, having a grand ol' time.
Owain: (Doing Various of Heroic, Epic, and Goofy Looking Poses In Front of a Giggling Zelda)
Zelda: Owain!~ Whatcha doing over here?~
Owain: Ohh don't mind me, milady~ Just moving along to the beat of this highly advanced music playing. It's incredibly intoxicating.
Zelda: (Casually Shrugs) That's what electric pop music would do to ya. (Smiles Softly While Blushing) Your moves are very nice to look at by the way~
Owain: (Properly Bows at Zelda) Why, thank you!~ (Smirks Proudly) I will be more than happy to teach them to you- (Forms an Annoyed Glare at Two Familiar Faces) Only if two of the most closest people in my life would quit taking pictures of me.
Robin: (Happily Waves at his Son While Taking Pictures of Him Along with His Equally Happy Wife and The Mother of Their Son, Lissa) Your mother's idea by the way.
Lissa: You were doing great, sweetie!~ Don't stop now!~
Owain: MOTHER!
Jun: (Sighs a Bit She Sits Next Woth her Husband and The Few Other Members of the League of Villains in the Bar Section) Such a lovely atmosphere tonight. It's a shame my body gotten a lot older these days or else I would've been out there by now.
Sephiroth: (Turns to Jun) You know how to dance?
Jun: (Nodded to Ganondorf) In my younger years, I did. Kazuya and I were quite the dancing couple since then.
Hades: I'm sorry- (Eyes Widened at Kazuya) Mr. Former Devil Boy here used to dance!?
Kazuya: (Rolls his Eyes in Annoyance) Shocking, I kmow. (Points the Fellas To His Wife Next to Him) She was clearly the better dancer of the two if us.
Jun: (Giggles Softly Rest Her Head Onto Her Husband's Shoulder) Lies~ You were just as wonderful as well, my dear.
Kazuya: (Raises an Eyebrow) I really think so?
Jun: I really know so~ (Gives Kazuya a Kiss on the Cheek) Would you like to take a dancing class together one of these days? It could be fun.
Kazuya: (Sighs While Blushing a Little) If it saves me from second hand embarrassment, then sure.
Hades: (Chuckles a Bit) Oh-ho~ Speaking of which~ Looky there! (Points the Gang to Flirty Bowser Talking to an Already Irritated Peach)
Kazuya: ('Ugh') He never quits, does he?
Sephiroth: (Slowly Shakes his Head) That man is as persistent as they come. I'll give him four minutes before it all crashes down upon him.
Hades: (Forms an Evil Smirk) I'll give him a minute and a half tops.
Kazuya: Forty-Five seconds is all he'll need to call it quits.
Jun: (Pouts at the Others) Boys, enough! That's far too long and generous time to give him when it could happen in- (Looks at her Watch as She Counts) Three....Two......One.
Peach: (In the Distance) GO AWAY, YOU CREEP!
Bowser: (Cries in Pain and Pathetic Misery)
Hades: Ooooh! Right in the face and pride!
Sephiroth: (Genuinely Surprised) And it happened right on time too.
Kazuya: (Forms a Proud, Evil Lime Smirk on his Face) Gentlemen- (Presents Hades and Sephiroth To.....) The love of my life.
Jun: (Giggles Once More While Blushing) Kazu, you sweetheart~
Yoshi: (Sitting Alone at the Table, Eating One of the Many Cookies He Got From the Stand) ('Munch Munch') Mmmm~ I gotta say, these are getting a lot more tastier each year around.
????: ('Sighs Heavily') I swear you two are impossible sometimes......
Yoshi turns to see Dark Pit walking over to his table with his two girlfriends, Misako and Kyoko on one side.
Misako: (Forms a Playful Smirk on her Face While Gently Poking Pitto's Cheek) Oh don't be so dramatic, babe. You love every second of this~
Kyoko: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm~ (Hugs Pitto's Arm) Where would you be without us showering you with our love and affection, hm?~
Dark Pit: (Shrugs) Probably sitting around, hating everything. (Use his Other Free Hand to Rub the Back of his Head Back and Forth) You guys made my life slightly more enjoyable by coming around these days, so......(Gives Both Misako and Kyoko Each a Kiss on Their Cherks Before Smiling a But While Blushing) Thanks...for that.
Kyoto: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness Along With Misako) Awwwwww!~ (Starts Snuggling onto DP's Arm) HHonestly!
Misako: I told you we made our angel a big softie these days, babe~ (Starts Kissing On Pitto's Other Cheek)
Dark Pit: (Rolls his Eyes While Sighing) Yeah and I'm still choking over that fact to this day. Among other-
??????: Ohhhhh, Pitto-Kiiiiin!~
Dark Pit shakingly turns around in anger as he sees ViridI giving him the biggest smirk she could Muster while her boyfriend, Pit, snickers.
Virid: Who's the Lovestruck Idiot now!?~
Pit: Yeah!~ And a cupid to boot!~
Dark Pit: STILL THE BOTH OF YOU IDIOTS! (Angrily Flips Them Off).
Kyoko: (Pouts at Dark Pit) Pitto!
Misako: (Gently Slaps Dark Pit's Arm) Ignore them. Come on.
Dark Pit: (Sighs in Defeat as He Turns Away From the Now Laughing Couple) Fine. I'm turning.....
Yoshi chuckles lightly at the dark angel's dispense before hearing two sounds of genuine laughing as he then turns to see his Uncle King Dedede carrying his girlfriend, Morrigan Aensland in his arms, bridal style.
Dedede: Ahahaaa man! (Wiping a Tear From Off his Eyes) Y-Y-You're kiliin' me here, Morg~ Ain't no way!
Morrigan: (Happily Wiggles Her Legs Up and Down) It's true!~ His asre was like- (Uses her Hand to Make a Wide Spread) THIIIIIS big, much bigger than my sister and mines combined in fact, and he goes swinging it around town, grabbing peooooople!~ (Continues Giggling)
Dedede: Ohooo man!~ All this time I thought the princesses use their asses like ticking time bombs in fights were crazy enough, but this DEFINITELY takes the cake!
Morrigan: (Points her Finger Up in a Lecturing Type Fashion) It goes to show how truly terrifying the booty can be used in any kind of combat imaginable, my dear
Dedede: (Nodded in Agreement) Amen to that. (Smiles Brightly at his Girlfriend) You're cute when you get knowledgeable~
Morrigan: (Smiles Back While Snuggling Onto Dedede's Chest) And you're so adorable when you laugh, my dear king~
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) You sure you ain't talking about yourself, hon? (Forms a Seductive Smirk on his Face) Cuz that laugh of yours is just like your voice, soothing as honey~
Morrigan: (Let's Out More of her Cute Laugh While Blushing)
Kyoko: (Turns to Dedede Along with her Two Lovers) Oooh~ How romantic~
Dark Pit: Yeah, that was actually pretty smooth of you, Uncle De, not gonna lie.
Misako: (Smirks at DP Some More) You could learn a thing or two about smoothness from your old man, you know?
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly at Dark Pit) Hell yeah! I got pamphlet of smooth picks up lines I can lend ya that could totally be effective.
Dark Pit: ('Heh') I'll pass. I doubt any of them would be nearly as good as the one you just made.
Dedede: (Glares at Dark Pit) Oh you'll be singin' a different tune once you read through every one, I guarantee you that!
Yoshi: (Happily Waves Hello to the Gang Approaching in Front of his Table) Hey, guys!
Ladies: HI, Yoshi!~
Dedede: You got worn out from all that dancing already, boy?
Yoshi: (Casually Shrugs) Eh, kinda. I gotten hungry, so I came here, eating and sitting for a while now. It's nice to see you guys enjoying yourselves out there though. (Smirks at Dark Pit While Doing a Mocking Sound Voice) Especially Mr. I Ain't Gonna Be a Lovestruck Idiot Anytime Soon over here~
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself') Don't even go there, man. I got enough crap over it already.........
Kyoko: (Smiles Brightly) He's starting to come to terms with his softness~
Dark Pit: (Scoffs While Crossing his Arms and Turning Away) As if. Still feel the sake as I've ever been.
Misako: True. (Smirks at Pitto Again) But it's only a matter of time before you get soft like that rest of us here~
Kyoko/Misako: (Starts Chanting) One of Us~ One of Us~
Dark Pit: Your chanting won't work on- Huh? (Starts Hearing More Chanting From the Rest of the Gang)
Yoshi/Dedede/Morrigan: One of us. One of us.
Dark Pit: (Turns to the Trio) Hey, why are you joining in- (Eyes Begins to Widened Once He Now Suddenly Hears Almost Everyone in the Entire Room Starts Chanting the Same Thing)
Everyone: One of Us! One of Us! One of Us!
Pit: No use fighting, bro!~
Viridi: You'll get there in the due time. (Starts Giggling Along with Pit)
Everyone continues on with the chant long enough for Dark Pit'to starts twitching his eyes in annoyance and...and..
Everyone cease their chanting and giggles before resuming back to their partying activities for the night.
Dark Pit: (Groans While Pinching the Bridge of his Nose) I swear, this entire family is a pain in all body areas......
Yoshi: Oh come on. You know you still love us.
Dark Pit: Reluctantly........And.....(Starts Blushing a Bit) Most definitely.
Hearts starts to melt as the gang group together to give their dark angel the group hug of the lifetime, causing him to blush even more than usual before sighing in defeat.
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blackhakumen · 4 months
Mini Fanfic #1206: Uncle & Auntie Datin' Time (SSBU X Darkstalkers)
1:45 p.m. at the Local Smash Park.......
Morrigan: (Sighs Happily as She Sits Next Dedede on the Bench Together, Watching the Smash Kids Play Among Themselves in the Distance) Such a nice, glorious day to be out in about. (Lays the Side of her Head Next to her Boyfriend) Just you, me, and those adorable babies of yours running around and about~
Dedede: Yeah, they're a cute bunch alright. 'Specially when they don't try and prank me 24/7.
Morrigan: (Starts Snuggling Up on De's Arm) Awww~ Has my poor, darling king been a victim of those pranking shenanigans of theirs as of late?~
Dedede: ('Sigh') Yeah, but it's been longer than that unfortunately. Years long.
Morrigan: Oh my~
Dedede: Right!? And like, I don't even get it! They're a bunch of other people living in the mansion they can prank, yet for SOME reason, they always end up choosing me as the target. Ain't that some shit?
Morrigan: (Nodded in Agreement) I know and understand your pain completely, my dear. (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) I cannot begin to describe all the times times Lilith would try and prank me growing up. I will give you a hint, however. There's two more 0's ends next to the number 10.
Dedede: (Eyes Widened a Bit Once He Figured Out the Math) Damn. She really pranked you that many times?
Morrigan: ('Sigh') With no hint of predictability what so ever. But we are both much older women now. So I hope my dear sister has the same level of sense and maturity as I do and- (Turns and Glares Towards a Bush in the Mid Distance) NOT try to prank in broad DAYLIGHT!!
Lilith let's out cute sounding 'Eep!' before quickly high-tailing herself out of the bush she was hiding in.
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) You ain't gotta worry about a thing, baby girl. (Wrap his Arm Around his Girlfriend) I'll keep ya safe from all the prakin' going on here.
Morrigan: (Heart Begins to Melt Before Happily Hugging Up on Dedede Once More) My hero!~ Such a wonderful king and uncle you are~
Dedede: ('Sighs Relaxingly') I do my best with what I do, mostly on the uncle side. My folks are never gonna believe it if they were here to see me now.
Morrigan: What were your folks were like growing up?
Dedede: Proper, strict, uppity, never had time and patience for BS and foolishness-
Morrigan: (Forms a Teasing Smirk) Kinda like you you?~(Playfully Boops on Dedede's Beak)
Dedede: (Chuckles Ticklishly) Hey, I can let loose every once and a while! Those two had always been uptight and bitter, up until the very end of their lifespan.
Morrigan: The same applies to my parents as well. (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) There's never been time or day where they haven't been overbearing and bossy towards my sister and I or at the worst, judgemental....
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow) Judgemental on what exactly?
Morrigan: Our life choices. They were so hellbent on preparing the both of us to rise in becoming the Queens of the Night that they deem any regular professions and hobbies we any interest in, as worthless and time wasting.
Dedede: (Scoffs While Thinking Back to his Childhood Memories) I can relate to that too! My folks been pestering me on and on in how to be more proper prince going into king-hood and blending into snobby, pompus lifestyle so much that I decided to rebel a lot!....(Grabs his Chin) Which, now that I said it out loud, might possibly been one of the reasons how I ended up a villain in the first place, before coming here.
Morrigan: (Places her Hand into her Cheek) I can't imagine how my life would be like if I didn't have a single ounce of rebellious side within me. I'd probably be the most boring succubus alive.....(Went Back to Hugging Up Dedede Yet Again While Giving Him Puppy Dog Eyes) And I wouldn't have met you either!~
Dedede: (Gives Morrigan a Reassuring Smile) Nah, I'm sure we would've bump into one another in the different lifetime. (Frowning a Bit) Possibly hating each other's guts, while we're both more conniving and evil than we've ever been- You know, on second thought, maybe it's best we have changed for the better.
Morrigan: (Smiles Lovingly at Dedede) I couldn't agree more, my fare darling king~
Dedede looks deep into Morrigan's sincere, love-filled eyes as he smiles back as the two then leans in for the kiss-
.......Only for them to stop and turn their heads towards the Smash Kids staring at the both of them. Some of which are smirking.
Morrigan: (Happily Waves at the Kids) Hello, darlings!~ is something the matter?~
Dedede: Yeah, y'all bored or somethin'?
Ness: No, we're having a blast out here so far.
Toon: We're just here to make sure you two are well acquainted with one another.
Jr: And to make sure nothing stupid happens amd that you don't mess anything up down the line
Kids: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Mmmhmm.
Dedede: (Stares at the Kids For a Brief Second Before Glaring at Them) The hell do you nosy little brats think you are, our chaperones!?
Morrigan: (Lightly Slaps Dedede's Arm While Playfully Pouting at Him) Dedede! Do not be mean to your precious nieces and nephews!~
Popo: Yeah, what Auntie Morrigan said!
Morrigan: Exactl- ('GASPS') (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) You all see as an Auntie!?~
Nana: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. You seemed like pretty nice lady so far.
Ness: And you seemed to treat our Uncle well enough.
Jr: (Rolls his Eyes) Still don't know what you see in him though.
Sage: (Pouts at Junior Beside Her as She Gently Squeezes his Hand) Junior, be nice. (Turns Back Dedede and Morrigan with a Soft Smile) We're very happy to see you two enjoying each other's company.
Ashley: All we ask is that you continue to love and care for our uncle going forward.
Lucas: He's very important to us. (Gives Morrigan a Darkened Looking Glare on his Face) Don't hurt him.
Morrigan: (Genuinely Surprised by Lucas' Glare Along with Dedede) Oh my.
Lucas: (Immediately Turns Back into his Shy, Timid Self) I-I'm sorry! That glare wasn't too harsh, was it?
Ashley: (Gives her Boyfriend a Reassuring Smile While Gently Patting the Top of hus Head, Helping him Feel Better) That was a wonderful glare, dear. There's no need to be sorry~
Dedede: ('Psh') I mean. That is something worth apologize fo-
Ashley: (Immediately Gives Dedede Her Signature Death Glare)
Dedede: I-I-I mean! (Quickltly Gives Lucas a Reassuring and Terrified Smile) It's fine, Lucas. Really. I-I just....didn't think you had it in ya to glare like that is all. It's very impressive looking
Lucas: (Starts Smiling) Thank you!~ Ashley's been teaching me a thing or two to be more assertive and Intimidating as of late.
Ashley: (Smiles Proudly) I believe he's making progress thus far.
Dedede: (Rolls his Eyes a Bit While Scoffibg and Whispering into Morrigan's Ear) Yeah, too much progress if you ask-
Ashley and Lucas both gives Dedede Death Glares, shutting him up completely as he gulps.
Morrigan: (Smiles Softly) There's no need forbyou to worry, children. (Hugs Dedede's Arm) I promise give your uncle the love and respect he most certainly deserves~
Dedede: (Smiles Softly at his Girlfriend) Yeah and I'll do the same for her as well. Now will you leave us be now?
Ness: We will. But first......(Forms a More Mischievous Grin on his Face as He and the Others Pulls Out Cans of Party Streamers In Their Hands)
Dedede: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh no-
Dedede and Morrigan immediately gets sprayed with krazy strings in multiple different colors.
Dedede: (Starts Growling With Anger) DAMN, KIDS!
Toon: He's fuming! Scatter!
The kids giggles as quickly made their escape with some running away and Ashley and Sage teleporting their two respective boys away with them.
Dedede: (Groans in Annoyance Before Turning Back Morrigan) You see what I had time deal with everyday?
Morrigan: (Gives Dedede Ankther Reassuring Smile) Don't be too harsh on them, dear. They're only having harmless fun- Ah! (Suddenly Gets Pelted with Three Water Balloons to the Face, Causing her Hair and Clothes to Get Wet)
'Splash' 'Splash' 'Splash'
Morrigan: What in the- (Turns to See her Younger Sister Hiding Behind a Tree Before Turning Back to Dedede) Excuse me, dear, would you excuse me for a minute? (Glares Menacingly at her Sister Hiding) I have a brat of a sister to punish.
Lilith: EEP! (Starts Running Away From the Wrath of her Older Sister, Dropping Off a Bunch of Other Ballons in the Ground) Abort! ABORT!!!
Morrigan: (Starts Chasing her Little Sister to Kingdom Come) LILITH AENSLAND, IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR FAT ARSE BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT- (Continues Screaming Her Lungs Out)
Dedede: (Let's Out a Wholehearted Laugh as He Watches his Girlfriend Go) You get 'er, girl.
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blackhakumen · 5 months
Mini Fanfic #1196: Date Night With a Handsome Ex-King (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Darkstalkers)
8:21 p.m. at Crimsonettê Dining Restaurant........
Dedede: (Burst Out Laughing Wearing a Snazzy Blue Tuxedo, Sitting on One Side of the Table) Oho man! (Wipes a Tear From his Eye) Ain't no way that happened.
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly Wearing a Glamorous Black Green Dress with the Back of her Hair Tied Up in a Bun, Sitting on the Other Side) It's the honest truth! One strong kick to the sacred jewels and his eyes started to pop out of it's own. A harsh, painful treatment for sure, that's the price he pays for trying to mess with my sister and the other women behind my back.
Dedede: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah, Karma's a mean one, I'll tell ya what. (Smiles Softly) Good on your sister for looking out for you and the ladies.
Morrigan: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) Yes!~ She has grown up into a divine young lady these days. I can never be more proud to be her doting big sister~ (Turns Back to her Date) Do you have siblings of your own, my dear?
Dedede: Nah. I'm an only child. The closest things i have to ones are the folks back home at the mansion nd my boi, Escargoon. (Hears his Phone Ringing on the Table as He Looks Down to See his Best Friend's Calling Him) Speaking of which....(Looks Up at Morrigan) Wanna meet him?
Morrigan: (Happily Nodded) Yes, please~
Dedede: You got it! (Answers the Phone in a Video Call) Dedede's speaking!
Escargoon: (Happily Greets Dedede on his Phone Screen) Hello!~
Dedede: (Smiles Back) 'Ey, man! How you been?
Escargoon: Pretty good so far! (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth on Screen) Sorry I haven't got the chance to see or speak to you again as of late. My schedule has gotten a little more busier this new year around.
Dedede: Nah, don't worry about it. I've been busy myself trying to find me a brand new Wheelie to replace.
Escargoon: (Raises an Eyebrow) Already? What happened to your old one?
Dedede: Guess.
Escargoon: It broke down again, didn't it?
Dedede: Yeah, in the MIDDLE of the damn road! And it got towed again shortly after.
Escargoon: (Eyes Widened a Bit) In one day? Talk about unlucky.......
Dedede: (Sighs While Pinching the Bridge of his Nose) It's more irritating if anything.....(Went Back to Smiling) On the bright side, I got me a girlfriend along the way.
Escargoon: (Forms a Sly Smirk on his Face On Screen) Ahhh!~ So that's why you're all dressed up tonight?~ Looking pretty sharp if you do say so myself, De.
Dedede: (Playfully Bows at Escargoon) Why, thank ya, thank ya! It ain't my best fit in the globe, but I gotta look my very best for the pretty, gorgeous lady sitting right in front of me as we speak~
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly)
Dedede: Oh yeah, speaking of which......(Turns his Phone Around Tiwards his Date) Escar, this my date, Morrigan Aensland. Morrigan, my best friend, Escargoon.
Morrigan: (Smiles Softly at the Screen) A pleasure to meet you at last, Mr. Escargoon~
Escargoon: (Chuckles Lightly) Likewise. But please, just call me Escar. Mr Escargoon is my father's name oddy enough- (Suddebly Felt a Hand Poking Him) Hm? (Turns to See a Waddle Dee Standing Nextvto Him On Screen) What's up?
The Waddle Dee is telling Escargoon something on screen.
Escargoon: (Eyes Widened at the Waddle Dee) Wait. Right now!? I thought it starts in an hour or two! (Watches the Waddle Shaking his Head and Explaing Everything to Him Before Sighing in Defeat on Screen) Well, alright, get the choir ready. I'll join you all there in a minute.
Waddle Dee salutes to Escargoon before sprinting away on screen.
Dedede: Y'all having a show tonight or something?
Escargoon: Yeah, it's part of this tribute show we're been putting together for the new king of Dreamland. (Starts Rolling his Eyes a Bit) Guess he's tired of waiting.
Dedede: (Rolls his Eyes in a Bit of Annoyance) New king, huh? How he's running the kingdom so far?
Escargoon: (Shrugs) Decently. He can be a a real pompous jerk at times, but he does the job fine enough I guess. Some of the people there has been asking about you though, even that Tiff girl we were beefing with in the past.
Dedede: Does she now? And here I thought she still hated my guts.
Escargoon: (Shakes his Hand Around a Bit) Eh. She says she does, but I can tell she has some ounce of care for you whether she wants to admit it or not.
Dedede: ('Heh') Knowing her, I bet she would try and run across the entire mountain before she ever try to do that!
Escargoon: (Chuckles a Bit)Yeah, same. But anyways I better get going before crowd starts getting moody again. (Happily Waves Goodbye at the Couple) Hope you two have fun on your tonight!~ And Morrigan, would you mind keeping De out of trouble for me while you're at? Thanks
Dedede: (Glares at Escargoon a Bit) The hell man!? I can take care if myself just fin-
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly) He's already in good hands, my friend~ Don't worry.
Dedede: Morrigan, don't encourage him!-
Morrigan: (Happily Waves Back at the Slug Man) Best of luck to you at tonight's performance, Escar!~
Escargoon: Thanks, again! See ya!
'Call End'
Morrigan: (Turns Back to Dedede with a Smile) I like your friend. He seems nice.
Dedede: (Rolls his Eyes) Yeah, when he jot trying to be a smartass. 'Already have enough of that back home.
Morrigan: (Nodded in Agreement) I feel your pain. There's never been a day in the world where my little sister didn't give me any smart remarks. It's annoying really.
Dedede: Amen to that.
????: Well, whaddya we have here?
Dedede turns around to see the leader of Star Wolf, Wolf O' Donell standing behind the chair he's sitting on.
Dedede: Yo, Wolf! How you been? (Gets Himself Up From his Seat and Dab Wolf Up) I didn't take you for a fancy dinner fan.
Wolf: ('Heh') Far from it. I'm actually here on a double date with Izzy, Panther and his lady for tonight. See?
Wolf shows Dedede his table in mid-close distance where his girlfriend, Isabelle, laughing and socializing with Panther and his date, a yellow feline dressed in a royal Egyptian like fashion.
Dedede: Huh. (Points Wolf to Panther's Date in Question) That's Panther's date over there? An Egyptian Queen?
Wolf: Yeah, 'least that's what she claims herself to be. We met her back at Horizon Island a while back and her and lover boy here have been almost inseparable ever since.
Dedede: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Damn, really? I never took that boy for the commitment type.
Wolf: Neither did I. Hell, I'm surprised they're lasting longer than I thought they would. (Notices Dedede's Date Sitting on His Table) Anyways, who's your new date this time?
Dedede: Morrigan Aensland. (Forms a Proud Grin on his Face) The most gorgeous succubus you'll ever met~
Morrigan: (Happily Waves Hello to Wolf) Hello!~
Wolf: You're dating a succubus.
Dedede: That's what I just sa- (Notices Wolf Staring at Him with Deadpinned Look in his Eyes) Oh come on! Don't look at me like that! I can take care of myself just fine.
Wolf: (Raises an Eyebrow) Really. Need I remind about the time I had to save your ass from some witch that tried to kidnap you?
The briefly beautiful Witch Gruntilda continues to howl in evil laughter with Dedede as her poorly tied up capture until a Wolfen suddenly swoops in and knocking both her and the Ex-King out towards the night skies.
End of Flashback
Dedede: (Rolls his Eyes) Riiight. How can I ever forget the time you sent us flying across the stars?
Wolf: (Facepalms Himself While Sighing) How many times do I have to apologize for that? Leon caught you afterwards!
Dedede: Yeah! No thanks to you!
Wolf: (Shrugs) Hey, a save's a save. I consider that a worthy accomplishment.
Dedede: Accomplishment my- ('Groans') Whatevah. The point is that Morrigan ain't like that witch or any other crazy nutjobs I dated in the past!
Wolf: You sure? Cause I believe anything can happen in a like this, especially when one of your disastrous dates gets involved.
Dedede: I'm as sure as I am close to knockin' you upside the head if y'all don't stop worrying ove-
The duo turns back towards Morrigan, giving her a much needed attention.
Morrigan: Excuse me, Mr. Wolfman?
Wolf: ('Ugh') Wolfman sounds like my grandpa's nickname. Just Wolf O' Donell is fine, lady.
Morrigan: Ooh~ Lovely name. (Quickly Clears her Throat Before Going Back on Topic) Anyways, I understand your concerns completely, but please let me assure you and everyone else in the Smash Family that I will do everything in my power to keep my sweet, darling king safe and happy from this day forward. As well as giving him some much needed love and affection, of course~ (Winks at her King)
Wolf: (Whispers to an Already Flustered Dedede) Sweet, Darling King, huh?
Dedede: (Comes Back to Reality Before Rolling his Eyes at Wolf Again) She already knows I'm Ex-Royalty, don't even start. (Forms a Teasing Smirk) Besides, it's leagues better than being called Wolfie-Kins 24/7.
Wolf: (Starts Glaring at Dedede) Don't you fucking eve-
Isabelle: (In the Distance) Wolfie!~
Dedede: Speak of the devil~
Morrigan: Is that ypur date for the event?
Wolf: ('Sigh') Yeah, I better get back to my Tae before she starts getting worried again. (Starts Walking Away) Have fun in your date or whatever.
Morrigan: (Happily Waves Goodbye to Wolf) Likewise!~
Dedede: Y'all don't do anything I wouldn't do over there, Wolfie-Boi! (Laughs Wholeheartedly)
Wolf gives Dedede the middle finger as he continues walking off.
Dedede: ('Sigh') That boi is still as soft as ever, I'll tell ya what.
Morrigan: (Starts Frowning a Bit) Dedede dear, do you mind if I ask you question for the evening?
Dedede: (Happily Shakes his Head at Morrigan as He Sits Back Down in his Down) Not at all. Whatcha wanna ask me?
Morrigan: Your previous dates. Were they....really as disastrous as Wolf said
Dedede: I.....(Smiles Awkwardly as He Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Wouldn't exactly call all of them a....completely disastrous or anything! (Let's Out an Awkward Chuckle) Unless you wanna count all the kidnappings, the stood ups, the debit card bankruptcies that happened the day after, or that one time I used as a surgery test dummy by some creepy looking nurse lady.
Morrigan: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) What!? Why would she do such a thing?
Dedede: (Shrugs) Your guess is as hella good as mine, girl. B-But it's fine! Not great, but it's a lot better than getting possess most of the time by dark matter-Why the hell did I say that out loud?
Morrigan: (Starts Getting Worried) Darling......
Dedede: ('Sigh') Listen, I know it ain't an easy ride for me along the way, but that's all behind me now, especially all the trouble I caused that got into being former king to begin with. I ain't shit.
Morrigan: Maybe to some. (Gently plave her Hand on Top of her Date) But you're shit to me. (Smiles Softly)
Dedede: (Stares at Morrigan Forba Brief Second Before....) Pffft Hehehehehehehehehehh!!!
Morrigan: (Immediately Places on a Playful Pouty Look on her Face) Dedede! How dare you? We were having a sincere moment here!!
Dedede: (Tries Calming his Laughing Down) Sorry, sorry. Your word delivery just threw me off for a second here.
Morrigan: (Shrugs While Letting Out a Sigh) I suppose....But seriously though, I meant every word I said in case you were wondering. And believe me when I say that I wasn't any better of person myself. (Looks Down at her Glass of Wine) I've done things that were selfish and thoughtless, most of which I regretted to this very day.
Dedede: (Forms a Reassuring Smile) Hey, that's cool. It happens to the most of us at times. (Gently Grav Hold of Morrigan's Hand) We just gotta try to better ourselves and keep pushing forward the best we can, you know?
Morrigan: (Stares at Dedede Smile For a Few Seconds Before Smiling Back) Yes. I agree. And...if you don't mind, I would like continue to push forward....,(Gently Squeezes Dedede's Hand) With you by my side.
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) Sounds good to me!
An Hour or Two Dinner and a Wheelie Ride Around the Town Later.......
Dedede: (Parking his Wheelie in Front of the Smash Mansion's Entrance) Here we are! (Takes hus Helmet Off of his Face Before Taking a Deep Breath) Home sweet home! (Politeky Bows to his Date) After you, m'lady~
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly as She Steps Out of the Front of the Ride) Such a gentleman~ I appericate you giving me a tour around the town this evening. (Wraps her Arm Around Dedede's as the Two Make Their Way to the Front Entrance) It was very fun experience.
Dedede: No problem. What kind of escort i would be for I didn't give you a nice little joyride in a night like this? Now, are you sure you don't wanna come inside here for a little while? We can watch some TV to pass up the time.
Morrigan: That would also be lovely. ('Sigh') But atlas!~ I must get my beauty sleep for the rest of the Nighy. I have a busy schedule ahead of me tomorrow I'm afraid.
Dedede: (Frowns a Bit) Oh.....
Morrigan: (Places her Hands onto Both of Dedede's Cheeks and Wiggles hus Face From Side to Side a Bit) But don't you worry your cute, handsome face~ I'll be sure to call and text you first thing in the morning. So please.....(Gives Dedede a Nice, Loving Kiss on the Lips Before Pulling Herself Away) Wait for me until then, okay?~
Dedede: (Already Lovestrucked) Y-Yeah~ Sure thing, my queen~ (Immediately Comes Back to Reality Once He Realized What he Just Said) I-I mean, Morrigan! S-Sire thing, Morrigan. That's what I...er meant to say.
Morrigan: (Giggles Some More) about are such a silly man!~ I love it~ (Gives Dedede a Kiss om the Cheek) Have a good night's rest, my dear king. (Summons her Group of Bats to Form a Seat for a Sit On, Waving Goodbye to her Date as They Fly Her Off to the Night Skies) Hope to see you soon!~
Dedede: Likewise. (Waves Back at Morrigan) See ya! (Let's Out a Rekaxed, Satisfied Sigh)
?????: Awwwwwwww!~
Dedede: What the- (Quickly Turns Around to See his Group of Friends and Family Smiling and Smirking at Him Before Facepalming Himself) You gitta be fucking- (Glares at the Gang) Have y'all been spy on us this entire time!!?
Cloud: We won't confirm nor deny that clam.
Dedede: Don't get smart with me, boy.
Luigi: ('Sigh') We're sorry, your majesty. We couldn't help ourselves.
Chun-Li: You two look so cute together in the pictures you sent us earlier that we couldn't help but to spy.
Samus: And now that you two finally parted ways for the night, we are need of every bit of detail you got for us right about now~
Dedede: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Y'all won't leave me alone till I cave in, will you?
Daisy: Yep!~ Especially considering how persistent most of us are.
Samus: Ladies, Weegie, if you will please~
Tifa/Luigi/Chun-Li: (Gives Dedede Six Sets of Puppy Dog Eyes) Pleease tell us about date night, Dedede~ Pleeeeeease?~
Dedede: ('Groans in Defeat') Alright, alright, I'll tell y'all the details! Just quit it with the adorable eyes of yours already, will ya?
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly) Sure!~
Luigi/Chun-Li: Pleasure doing business with you!~
Dedede: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes Yet Again) Whatevah. (Makes his Way Inside With Everyone Following Behind Him) I swear, each and everyone of y'all are impossible sometimes......
Cloud: Wevcan say the same about you as well, De.
Samus: Doesn't stop us from loving ya though.
Dedede: Yeah, yeah, I love y'all too.
'Door Closed'
As Morrigan continues to fly off within the multiple upon multiple bright stars in the sky, she looks down and scroll to every picture she and her darling King Dedede took together on her phone before she happily hugs it close to her chest, adoring ever moment she spent together with him, hoping to do so again in the very near future.
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blackhakumen · 6 months
Mini Fanfic #1188: A Chance For Romance? (SSBU X Darkstalkers)
12:16 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.......
Daisy: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) You got DIGITS!?
Chun-Li: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) FROM MORRIGAN OF ALL PEOPLE!!?
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) Indeed I have! All this time I thought I would never that girl again. (Chuckles Wholeheartedly) But look at lady-luck finally handin' me a bone for once today!
Samus: (Raises an Eyebrow) Finally?
Cloud: The tow truck took De's Wheelie Cycle away earlier.
Dedede: And it was all AFTER it broke down on me in the middle of road. AGAIN!
Samus: Seriously? That's like the third time that happened this week
Luigi: You think it may be time for you to get a new motorcycle at some point? I heard they're more cheaper these days.
Dedede: ('Sigh') I might as well do so at this point. (Casually Shrugs) But it's no biggie'. (Went Back to Grinning Again) As soon as I get me a new ride, I'll be taking my potential honey to all sorts of places, satisfaction guaranteed~ (Let's Out a Hardy Laugh)
Everyone: ('Sighs in Concern')
Dedede: Ah come on! Don't be sighing like that, y'all! I've been through crazier dates before and I've made all of out unscathed!
Daisy: Yeah. Mostly thanks to us saving your hide!
Dedede: (Turns to Daisy) Girl, what you talkin' about?
Daisy: Remember the time you dated some pirate girl named Syrup?
Syrup: (Place her Hands under a Tied UpDedede's With a Seductive Smirk on her Face) Now~ Tell me more about your kingdomnd riches~ (Uses her Sword to Poke Dedede in the Stomach) Or you walk the plank.
Dedede looks down at the ocean him and the plank were hovering filled with sharks circling around amd jump up and dpwn from the area, before screaming for his life while the captain herself let's out an elegant laugh until Daisy German Suplexed her from behind, letting out a vicious battle cry.
Luigi: (Coming Out of Nowhere, Delivering the Countdown and Slamming his Hand Down on the Ship's Boardwalk While Wearing a Referee Shirt) One, Two, THREE!
End of Flashback
Dedede: ('Sighs a Bit Dreamingly') Yeah, that lady was smokin' hot for a good for nothin' pirate captain~
Daisy: DE!
Dedede: What!? I said Good For Nothin' Pirate Captain! Y'all hearing aid ain't working or something?
Samus: ('Sigh') Moving on, there's also that time with the witch.
Another Flashback
Grutilda: (Riding on her Magical Broom While Dragging a Tied Up Dedede on the Streets Along with Her) The only thing that will satisfy this uneventful date time, is taking this fat bird's wealth and prime! AHHHEHEHEHEHEH!!!!~
Samus: You're primeless ass is about get subdued if you don't get back here with our De!! (Angrily Chases the Witch Behind on Foot Along with Chun-Li, Banjo & Kazooie)
End of Flashback
Dedede: The witch bitch was crazy, but her rhyming game was top-notch, ain't gonna lie to ya.
Samus: (Scoffs While Rolling her Eyes) Yeah, for the first five minutes. It started getting real annoying after that.....
Cloud: Let's not forget about the aftermath of the date you had with that crazy surgeon.
Dedede: ('Sigh') Don't remind me......
Yet Another Flashback
Dedede: (Starts Waking Up) ...Huh? W-What the-(Frantically Looking Around in the Dark While Laying his Back on Something Metal and Strapping him Up Tightly) Who turned off all the lights?
??????: Oh. You're finally awake.
As the lights turn on revealing the room to be some rundown apartment, the former king of Dreamland looks up to see a woman with blue hair, wearing a nurse outfit and an eyepatch, with the name "Nurse Valentine" staring down at him seductive yet very dangerously, giving him the perfect cue to scream in horror.
Valentine: Now~ Tell me where it hurts-
Before the nurse could do anything, Tifa suddenly comes out of nowhere and punch her straight across her face hard enough to send her flying toward the other side of the room right before tackling her afterwards.
Cloud: (Rushes in and Looks Down at Dedede) De! You all right?
Dedede: (Shaking in Fear) I-I-I don't know, maybe!? Check to see if my body is still in one piece- (Suddenly Felt Cloud Punching his Leg) Ow!
Cloud: You felt that?
Dedede: (Glares at Cloud) Hell yeah I did! ('Sigh') I swear. Y'all soldiers punch too hard......
Cloud: Hey! (Points at Dedede) That's EX-Solider to you, ex-king.
Dedede: Soldier, Ex-Solider, who gives a shit? Just get me outta here before that crazy nurse come-
Tifa: (Punching the Daylights Out of Valentine in the Background) Don't. You. EVER. Kidnap. Our. King. And. Friend. Again. YOU HEAR ME!?
Dedede: (Eyes Widened at the Sound of Those Punches) .......Tif molly-whopping her ass, isn't she?
Cloud: Yep. (Starts Taking the Strap Covers Off of Dedede) She's been worried sick, you know?
Dedede: Uh-huh. Remind me to never piss her off again........
End of Flashback
Dedede: Her crazy ass gives every medical team in the globe a bad name......(Still Notices the Worried Looks on Everyone's Faces Before Sighing Again) Okay, listen, I know my dates gotten a lot more insane than usual, but Morrigan doesn't seem all that bad to me, at least in comparison to those wacky nutjobs that's for sure.....(Turns to Chun-Li) Chun, you had history with her before before, right? Has she does anything sinister under you watch? You know, besides doing all those succubus activities you mentioned?
Chun-Li: (Crosses her Arms While Reminiscing on the Past) No, actually. Despite her troublesome tendencies, she has proven herself to be a trusted ally countless times again. (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) Especially during those worlds hopping fiascos we kept getting dragged into.......
Samus: (Turns to her Girlfriend with an Impressed Smirk on her Face) Ah is that right?~ How crazy are we talking here? World ending crazy or the more random side?
Chun-Li: ('Sigh') Both. We were tasked to find the Portalstone and return it back to it's rightful owners which that, in it of itself, sounds a whole lot easier said than done in retrospect, but I digress for now. (Frowns a Bit a Dedede) Are you really sure you wanna go through with this ordeal, De? There's no telling what lies ahead for you two going forward.
Dedede: Yeah, it's a tall, risk making order go through for sure, but I think I'll be more prepared for whatever happens this time around, you know? So yeah, I'm sure. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) I was gonna ask y'all to keep looking out for me if you want, but now I feel bad for dragging y'all into my crazy love life in the first place.
Daisy: (Happily Hugs Dedede Along With Everyone Else in the Room, Minus Cloud who is only Patting the atop of his Head) Nah, don't worry about all of that, you big lug. We're a family. We always got your back whether you ask for it or not.
Luigi: You have any when you're to text her? The Dine-in is about to close in the next few minutes or so.
Dedede: I'll text her a little later. I'm certain she already has a busy schedule in her hands knowing her profession.
Meanwhile at the Koop's Hot Springs
Morrigan: (Sighs Very Relaxingly as She Sits Down on Soothing Hot Tub) Finally~ Free from work at laaast~
Lilith: (Sighs While Sitting in Fron of her Older Sister) Sis, you've only worked in that place for five to six hours. It's couldn't be that long.
Morrigan: You don't know what it's like in there, Lili. The pestering customers, the grumpy, rude mannered manager yelling at your ear all morning, the excruciating pain you feel when you have to stand and walk around while you work for those amount of hours......
Lilith: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on her Face) No one told you to wore those new heels of your all morning, Morrigan.
Morrigan: (Pouts at Lilith) But they look marvelous on me!~ I would do them a terrible disservice if I didn't have them on me today!
Lilith: Then wear them for an occasions then if you love 'em so much! It saves both of us the trouble.....
Morrigan: I'll wear them whenever I feel like wearing them, thank you!~
Lilith: (Rolls her Eyes) Still don't see how I'm supposed to be the immature one of this nutty family, but go off I guess.
Morrigan: Go off I shall! (Smiles Brightly) Especially now that I have brand new gentleman I may have fallen head over heels over!~
Lilith: (Eyes Widened) Already? What happened to that rich guy you were dating last year?
Morrigan: Who? Vega? (Turns Away) ('Ugh') I've long since been over him. Far too narcissistic for my liking and well being.
Lilith: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Good. I never liked that creep from the beginning. He wouldn't stop seducing me and the other ladies whenever you're not around in the same area.
Morrigan: (Raises an Eyebrow) Is that right? Remind me to take care of him personally when we cross paths again.
Lilith: (Forms a Cheeky Grin on her Face) No need for that, sis~ I've kicked him in the jewels so hard that his eyes popped out. He won't be bothering for very long time~
Morrigan: (Smirks Proudly at her Little Sister) Good girl.
Lilith: Thank you!~ Now who's the lucky guy you're into now?
Morrigan: Dedede, the Ex-King Of Dreamland~
Lilith: (Eyes Widened at the Realization) ('Gasps') You that blue penguin guy in the Smash Family!?
Morrigan: The very same~ ('Sighs Dreamingly') Such a wonderful man he was, Lili~ He's handsome looking, hilarious, quite the charmer, his hair looks almost as gorgeous as mines, on the chubby side, but I don't mind one bit. In fact, I've started to gain an apperication for all things round and chunky these days~
Lilith: ('Sighs Dreamingly') Round and chunky~
Lilith smiles fondly as she daydreams about two of her romantic partners, Daisy and Luigi, seductively hip bumping one aother, showing off their big, round, plumpy rears while giggles respectively before reality starts coming back to her back to her like a boomerang
Lilith: (Quickly Shakes her Head Before Coming Back to the Topic at Hand) S-So Uh..('Clears Throat') You guys are gonna go on a date at some point?
Morrigan: I hope and believe so. It's our second time seeing each other in person though, so I think it would be in our best interest to take our newly found connection slow for the time being, no?
Lilith: (Forms a Teasing Smirk) Morrigan Aensland taking things slow for once? Biggest surprise I've seen in the New Years yet~
Morrigan: (Smirks Back at her Little Sister) Says the young woman in front of me who did with a plumber and a princess on the nice she first laid her eyes upon them~
Lilith: (Immediately Pouts at Morrigan) I've been coped up in our mansion for years now, SUE ME!! (Turns Away and Crosses her Arms While Blushing) Besides, it's not my fault they're both so cute, sweet, and sexy.....
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly) You are such a mess Lilith, you know that?~
Lilith: (Comically Glares at Morrigan) TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE, HUSSY!
Morrigan: (Giggles Some More) Okay, okay, calm down already. We're supposed to be here to relax, remember?
Lilith: ('Sigh') Yeah, yeah....Let's get this R&R session over with so you can head back home and text your future boyfriend all day.
Morrigan: (Smiles Brightly) Sounds like a plan!~
Few Minutes Later
Dedede: Yo!
Dedede: Wanted to let you know its me textin' u
Dedede: De•De•De!✌
Morrigan: Hello, my darling King!~ 👑
Dedede: U mean former king, right?
Dedede: Cuz I still don't have my castle back.
Dedede: Or my Wheelie Cycle....
Morrigan: I know what you mean, you poor thing lol
Morrigan: Doesn't matter to me that you're royalty or not
Morrigan: You'll always be a King to me, my dear~ 😘
Dedede: .........Damn
Dedede: Not even a minute goes by and u making me blush already!?
Dedede: Has to be new record or somethin lol
Morrigan: Lmao I'm so happy I made you feel that way, darng!
Morrigan: Because from here on out, I'm going to do everything in my power to spoil you to the rotteness of all cords~
Morrigan: Figuratively of course 😉
Dedede: Well, bring it on then, little lady~
Dedede: I've been eating more sweets than a fat kid lovin' cake, I can take you on!
Morrigan: Challenge Accepted, Dear~ 😘 😘
Cloud: (Notices the Text Messages on De's Phone) Feelingmore adventurous today, aren't we, De?
Dedede: (Casually Shrugs) I'll take what I can handle. Now hush and let me text my potential woman in peace.
Cloud: Whatever. (Went Back to Watching TV)
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blackhakumen · 1 day
Mini Fanfic #1231: Date Night In: Truth or Dare Edition Pt. 2 (SSBU X Street Fighter X Darkstalker)
Few Minutes of Group Hugging Sessions Later........
Samus: Alright, Mayflower, you're up next.
Daisy: (Gives Samus a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Are you ever gonna get tired of calling me that?
Samus: Hey, the day I do that will be the day I be nice to Ridley. (Forms a Cocky Smirk on her Face) Neither of which are ever gonna happen in the million years~ Now get to choosing, Mayflower.
Daisy: ('Groans in Annoyance and Defeat') Whatever. I pick Dare.
Samus: I dare you to try and make the Cutest Man in the World next to you, blush within a thirty seconds.
Luigi: Who? (Points at Himself) Me?
Samus: Yes, you. I mean, you've always been cute before, but you cranked that scale up to eleven with that new outfit of yours tonight. (Smirks at the Green Suited Plumber) Make me wanna pinch those cheeks of yours all night~
Chun-Li: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Me too!~
Luigi: (Smiles Bashfully as He Place Both his Hands Onto his Now Flustered and Twist Himself Around From Side to Side) Oho come now!~ I-I can't really say I'm the most cutest person out there, but I appericate the compliments greatly~
Daisy: (Playfully Pouts at Luigi) Sweetie!~ I'm suppose to make you blush, not them!
Samus: Oh relax. I haven't even started the timer yet. (Set the Timer on Thirty Seconds on her Phone)
Daisy: Wait, hang on! I gotta look my best first-
Samus: Too late. (Press the Start Button on Screen as the Sound of the Beep Goes Off) Time's ticking.
Daisy: (Snaps her Finger) Damnit. (Clears her Throat Before Leaning Herself Closer to Luigi) Say, Weeg, have I ever told how much you rock my world lately?~
Luigi: (Smiles Softly) On ocassions. It always managed to brighten up my day afterwards.
Daisy: That's good. (Places her Hand Onto Both her Man's Cheeks as She Gives Him Very Loving, Bedroom Look in her Eyes) Because no matter what anyone or anything in this crummy world says, Siempre te amaré, mi...dulce querido hombre~ (Gives Luigi a Sweet, Tender Kiss on the Lips)
Luigi: (Immediately Starts to Blush Bright Red on Cue) O-O-O-O-O-Ohhh.......
Samus: (Looks Down to See the Timer is Still Counting Down) Huh. Only ten seconds to spare. (Stops the Timer Before Looking Back Up to Daisy) Not bad.
Tifa: You can speak in Spanish this whole time, Daisy?
Daisy: (Forms a Proud Smile on her Face) Yep! (Pulls Out a Small Booklet From Put of her Shorts' Pocket) All thanks to this Romantic Hispanic Language Guide. Been reading his bad book for weeks now.
Cloud: (Rolls his Eyes) Of course.
Tifa: Amazing~
Dedede: Lemme borrow that guide of yours after you're done.
Luigi: (Starts Smiling Bashfully Again) I think I like it~
Daisy: (Giggles Softly) I'm glad to hear it. There'll be plenty more where that came from- (Whispers into Luigi's Ear) Bollo de miel~
Luigi let's out a very satisfied sounding sigh as he melts into Daisy's shoulder as she hugs him lovingly.
Lilith: (Happily Applauds her Princess Girlfriend) You were such a phenomenon from start to finish, babe!~ I wish I could speak fluent Spanish too.
Daisy: Come to me anytime and I'll more than gladly teach you a more hands on tutorial, senorita~ (Winks and Makes a Feint Kissing Noise at her Succubus Girlfriend)
Lilith: (Let's Out an Aroused Squeal as She Begins to Melt Down onto Daisy's Lap and Hugs it With a Very Satisfied Smile on her Face) I'm her senorita~
Cloud: (Stares at Daisy With a Deadpinned Expression) You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Daisy: (Casually Shrugs With a Bit of a Smug Smirk on her Face) What can I say?~ My romantic game went up the charts these days~
Dedede: Bars!
Samus: Alright, enough with the rizz and rhymes. Who wants to go next?
Lilith: (Pops her Head Up From Daisy's Lap and Happily Raises her Hand) Ooh! Me! Me! Meeee!~ I pick Truth!
Morrigan: (Gives Lilith a Teasing Smirk on her Face) Better prepare to tell them nothing but the truth, little sister!~ Your soul might set you free for once if you do~
Tifa: So, Lili, is it true that your sister's jealous of you?
Morrigan: Yeah, Li- (Eyes Begins to Shot Up to the Question Given to Her Sister) Wait, what?
Lilith: Oh yeah. She is suuuuuper jelly of me these days~ 100%.
Morrigan: (Immediately Glares at Lili) EXCUSE YOU-
Lilith: (Immediately Places her Fingers onto Morrigan's Lips) Upupupup! This is currently MY time to speak right now, sis. Please do not interrupt me for the time being, Kay?
Lili moves her finger away, quick enough from having it bitten off by an angry, growling Morrigan.
Lilith: Yep. She always wanted to be the center of attention ever since we were both children. From our parents, modeling directors, the fans. Hell, one time, she convinced me to fuse with her JUST so she can have a bigger butt than I do!
Morrigan: (Glare Turns into a Comical One) You no good, fibbing liar!!
Daisy: (Eyes Widens in Genuine Surprise) No way.....You guys can fuse?
Morrigan: ('Sigh') Yes, but not exactly into a different entity. See, with her soul intertwined with mines, I become much more powerful than I ever was originally. (Went Back to Glaring at Lilith) And I seemed to remember only using that ability to help fight off greater threats! Did I not?
Lilith: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Yeah, yeah, I remember the whole Pyron and Jedah incidents we were in. (Pouts and Points at her Sister) But don't think I didn't notice all the sides eyes and grumbles you made when we're at the beach and modeling shows. (Starts Doing a Fashion Pose, Showing off Her Most....Biggest Assest With a Now Very Smug Look on her Face) You know can't ever compete with this?~
Morrigan: Yeah well....I am still older than you, young lady!!
Lilith: Really? (Casually Shrugs) Guess it goes to show how much you've past your prime then.
Daisy: Ooohoo!....
Luigi: Ouch.
Samus: She got you there on that one.
Chun-Li: (Pouts at her Girlfriend Next to Her) Sammy!
Samus: What? It was a good burn. You can't deny that at least.
Morrigan: (Groans in Annoyance and Utter Defeat Before Hugging Up on Dedede Again) Dp you see what I have to put up with on a daily basis, De!? (Starts Pouting Again) She's so annoying.......
Dedede: (Gently Pats Morrigan on the Shoulder) There, there, girl. You'll always be #1 in my eyes.
Lilith: Emotional damage aside, who wants to go next?~
Tifa: (Happily Raises her Hand Up) I'll go. I pick Truth.
Lilith: Tifa, is it really true that you've punched giant monsters into oblivion before?
Tifa: Oh yeah, tons of them. Even giant robots.
Lilith: (Very Intrigued) Woooooah.....Does it ever make your hands hurt afterwards?
Tifa: (Smiles Sheepishly) On a few ocassions, especially when I first started combat training in a young age. (Sighs Fondly of her Past) I was such a hard-headed kid back then- (Giggles a Bit) It's miracle I came as far as I did these days.
Cloud: (Snickers a Bit) You, a hard-headed kid? I don't believe it.
Tifa: (Place her Hand onto her Chest as She Does a Mockingly Dramatic Pose) Oh, but it's true!~ I became another trouble maker growing up in a small, small town. I must've gotten this rotten influence from somewhere. (Smirks Playfully at Cloud) Perhaps from someone sitting right next to me right now~
Cloud: (Casually Shrugs) It's a possibility. Guess it goes to show you shouldn't have hang out with me to begin with.
Tifa: Perhaps. (Hugs Cloud Lovingly) But that didn't stop me from falling head over heels for you years later, now does it?~
Cloud: Not even. (Gives Tifa a Kiss on the Cheek) Love you by the way.
Tifa: (Gives Cloud a Kiss on the Lips) Love you more!~
Daisy/Lilith: Awwwwwwwwwwwww~
Samus sticks out her tongue and points at it in a mocking disgust before Chun-Li stops her by gently slapping her arm in silence the whole time.
Tifa: Wanna go next, Cloud?
Cloud: If I gotta, I pick Truth.
Tifa: Oooooh~ Truth you say?~
Cloud: Yeah, that's what I-(Suddenly Notices Something is Up as He Tifa's Smile Starts to Become More Widened as She Keeps Staring at Him) Tifa......I don't like the look in your eyes. What are you planning to ask me?
Tifa: Cloud~ Is it true that you got yourself a small, teensy bitsy crush on Luiiiiigi?~
Daisy/Lilith: (Leans Over to Cloud With Intrigued Smiles on Both their Faces) Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?~
Luigi starts looking around before pointing at himself again
Cloud: (Eyes Widened as He Begins to Blush) W-What!? (Immediately Turns Away While Crossing his Arms Together) T-That's insane! I don't have a crush on him at all!
Samus: (Playfully Raises an Eyebrow) Really? Then how come we caught you awe struck the moment you saw him in her getup?~
Chun-Li: (Smiles Brightly) You were even speechless the whole way through as well~
Cloud: He looks great in the attire, how do you expect to react? You all were just as surprised at this as I was!
Daisy: True. (Smirks Wider) But don't think we forgot about what happened in our double date two years ago~
Lilith: Yeah!....Wait. (Turns to Daisy) What happened in your double date again?
Daisy starts whispering the more juicy details into Lilith's ear. It only took a few seconds before the her eyes starts to widens up as she let's out a very loud gasps.
Lilith: (Points at Cloud) YOU KISSED WEEGIE!?~
Tifa: Yep! Right on the lips. (Playfully Shakes Cloud's Shoulders) And he liked iiiiiit!~
Cloud: (Glares at his Giggling Girlfriend Next to Him) Quit it!
Dedede: Ain't no need to get embarrassed there, boy. We all know how much of a catch Weeg truly is.
Morrigan: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Cloud: I mean.....(Rolls his Eyes a Little) You're not....entirely wrong in that front......(Suddenly Hears Luigi's Giggles as He Now Turn his Attention to Him) What got you laughing?
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly) Oh, sorry. It's nothing. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Just feeling pretty flattered right now is all~
Cloud: (Turns Away) ('Hmph') As you should. You're a really great guy, Luigi, in your own unique, charming style. (Slowly Looks Back at Luigi) It's high time you should be treated as such, you know?
Luigi: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Thanks, Cloud. I think you're pretty great too.
Cloud: (Stares at Luigi For a Brief Second Before Turning Away Again Blushing) Cool.
Daisy/Lilith: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!~
Tifa: ('Sighs Dreamingly') So cute and precious indeed......(Smiles Brightly) Now I date you two to kiss again!~
Luigi: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Huh!?
Cloud: (Turns Back to Tifa with a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Seriously, Tifa? I already did Truth. You can't make me do Dare as well. (Turns to Samus) Can she?
Samus: Well, it does seem unnatural to do both...but we haven't done much Dares for a while now.....(Shrugs) I'll allow it. (Forms a Cheeky Smirk) Now pucker those lips up for one another, boys~
Samus, along with a few others starts chanting the word 'Kiss' towards the two boys in around their circle.
Cloud: (Sighs in Defeat While Facepalming Himself) They'll never gonna leave us alone at this rate, are they?
Luigi: (Sheepishly Shrugs) It's expected. A Dare is a Dare after all.
Cloud: Unfortunately. (Shyly Rubs his Arm) So uh......wanna go another round? O-On the kissing, I mean.....
Luigi: Sure! I-If it's okay with the girls, of course.
Lilith: It's totally fine with us, sweetie!~
Daisy: (Pumps her Fist Up in the Air) Yeah, go on and kiss that brood of a man!~
Cloud: (Flips Daisy Off) Screw you too, Daisy.
Tifa: (Gently Rubs Cloud's Shoulders) Hey, hey, don't worry about anything she says. Keep your eyes on the prize. I believe in you.
Cloud: (Rolls his Eyes Once More) Yeah, yeah, much appreciated.
As Tifa let's go of his shoulders, Cloud leans himself over to Luigi. The two takes their respective deep breaths to fight off any nervous tension they have before locking onto each other's lips.
Ladies: Woooooooooooo!~
Samus: Now, that is what I am talking about!~ (Turns to her Girlfriend Next to Her) Chun, take some pictures, will ya?
Chun-Li: Why? For blackmail?
Samus: Nah. Cause it looks cute.
The two men pull away from one another for a brief second before Luigi suddenly went back to kissing Cloud on the lips once more, surprising everyone and Cloud in the process before succumbing to the passionate make out session.
Morrigan: Oh my!~
Dedede: My boi in green's going for seconds!~
Daisy: (Happily Applauds her Plumber Along with Lilith) There ya go, Weegie!~ Show those lips who's boss!~
Lilith: You're doing great!!~
A few seconds later goes by and the duo finally pulls away from one another for real this time, both taken aback at what just happened.
Luigi: Mama mia.......
Cloud: ('Sigh') That was the most intense I felt in a long time.
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly and Apologetically) I went overboard back there, didn't I? I-I'm sorry.
Cloud: (Gently Ruffles the Top of Luigi's Hair) Hey, don't worry it. I made out with the same that night, remember? That practically makes us even if anything.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) You don't say?~
Cloud: (Chuckles Lightly) It's the truth. As dumb as this whole ordeal was, the kiss itself wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would. So, thanks for that I guess.....
Luigi: (Gives Cloud a Kiss on the Cheek) You're welcome~
Cloud: (Starts Blushing Yet Again, Right on Cue)
Daisy/Lilith/Chun-Li: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!~
Tifa: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) You two are just TOO cute for words right now!~
Cloud: ('Scoffs') Please. We're more adorable if anything. Now can we please move on already?
Morrigan: (Confidently Raises her Hand Up) Yes, I would also like to do a Dare for the night.
Dedede: (Turns Back to His Girlfriend with a Proud, Playful Smirk on his Face) Ahh, look at you being brave and bold!~ You finally having fun tonight?
Morrigan: (Shrugs) To some extent perhaps. We're dreadfully low of Dares this evening and I figured it's high time I step into the-(Slowly Frowns in Fear as She Suddenly Hears a Familiar, Mischievous Sounding Laughter Creeping in) Plate?
The couple turns to see Lilith's shoulders shaking up and down before revealing herself letting out a more eviller laugh the more louder she gets, much to her older sister's discomfort.
Morrigan: What have I done?
Lilith: Morrigan Jubilee Aensland!!~ As a token of your bravery for tonight, I dare you- (Forms an Evil Smirk on her Face) To get a haircut.
Morrigan: (Eyes Shot Up in Horror) My hair?....(Brings the Bottom Half of her Long Hair in Front of Her and Shakingly Strokes It) Y-You want me to cut up my beautiful hair?
Lilith: Those are the exact words I said. (Smirk Grows Wider) Unless you wanna be known as a chicken for the rest of the night~
Dedede: (Lightly Glares at Lilith) 'Ey now, hold on there, girlie. Your sister may be a lot of things, but chicken ain't one of then.
Morrigan: (Whimpering) My hair......
Dedede: (Place his Hand Onto Morrigan's Shoulder) Will grow back in due time, That I promise you. In fact, I volunteer a certain flower to cut her hair in the meantime if it's fine with her.
Daisy: (Salutes to Dedede) You can count on me, De!
Lilith: (Turns to Daisy) Wait, you've done people's hair before?
Daisy: Yep. Was a hair stylist in training growing up. Not my favorite thing to do, but the skill does come in handy at times. I even did Tifa's hair once.
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly with her Short Style Hair Still Intact) Still love the cut to this day, Daisy!~
Daisy points her finger gun at Tifa while clicking her tongue.
Lilith: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Hmm.....I dunno. It would be a lot funner if I do all the cutting.
Luigi: (Softly Glares at his Succubus Girlfriend) Lili, let Daisy do it. You trust her, right?
Daisy: Yeah, Lili. (Puts on a Sad Puppy Dog Look) Don't you trust meee?~
Lilith: (Easily Fell For the Sad Eyes Trap as She Hugs Her Princess) Oh Daisy. Of course I trust you. You're my princess!~
Daisy: (Gently Grabs Hold of Lilith's Hands) Then trust me give her your sister the best haircut she deserves. It's what she would've wanted, right?
Lilith: I mean, yeah, but....Does it have to be the best-
Daisy: Liliiii!
Lilith: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, okay. I'll leave it all to you. (Gives Daisy a Kiss on the Cheek) Show that hair what's for.
Daisy: (Happily Nodded to Lilith's Command) ('Hmph') Will do.
Morrigan: (Still Fidgeting Over her Long Hair)I don't know.....What if it doesn't turn out as good or at least....DECENT enough as I hope!?
Dedede: (Shakes his Head) Mm mm mm. Never thought, in a million years, I would ever see the Queen of Night become a worrywart.
Morrigan starts making angry (cute) sounding grumble noises as she got up into Dedede's face causing him to burst out laughing a bit.
Dedede: Ehehehehe easy now, girl, I'm only kiddin'! But seriously though, you have nothing to worry about. You can count on Daisy to make that hair look good. And even if it may not come to your liking or, God forbid, it does look bad, that won't stop me from falling for you.
Morrigan: It won't?
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) Hell Yeah! Doesn't matter to me if you have long hair, short hair, no hair, skinny, fat, or get turned into a completely different entity altogether. You'll still be my queen and I'll still love you 'till time and space comes to a complete end. Count on it. (Gives Morrigan a Wink and a Thumbs Up)
Daisy/Luigi/Lilith/Tifa/Chun-Li: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!~
Cloud: (Genuinely Surprised by Dedede's Words Along with Samus) Wow. That.....gotta be the romantic thing I've ever heard coming out of your mouth, De.
Samus: (Slowly Claps her Habds to De) Yeah. Very well done.
Morrigan: (Heart Begins to Melt Right as Her Eyes Starts to Sparkle) My king.....('Sniff') My sweet, darling kinghing!~ (Tearfully Hugs Her Boyfriend)
Dedede: (Hugs Morrigan Back) Don't you being worrying your cute head now, girl, I got you. Always.
Daisy: (Scooches Her Over and Breaks the Hugging Couple Up) Okay, enough with the adorable, mushy romance. (Pulls Out a Hair Comb and Hair Cutting Sheer) Time to get to work! Now then, gonna do a little bit of this....(Starts Doing Morrigan's Hair).....a little bit of that......go right up here.....down below annnnnnnnd.......(Completed Her Hair Session as She Present Morrigana Mini Mirror Handle) Done.
Morrigan slowly takes a look at herself in the mirror's reflection. Her long, teal colored hair has now been reduced to a short, cuter bob cut style.
Morrigan: (Eyes Widened at her Own Reflection) my goodness.....(Slowly Starts to Smile Again) I look even more stunning than I did beforehand!~
Dedede: See? (Crosses his Arms with a Satisfied Smile on his Face) Told ya you're in good hands
Daisy happily nodded in agreement as she high five Dedede next to her.
Lilith: (Starts Smirking at Morrigan Again) And here you are worrying over nothing~
Morrigan: (Picks Up a Pillow Next to Her) No thanks to a- (Angrily Swings her Pillow at a Giggling Lilith Moving Away From the Potential Crossfire) TWERP like you!! (Sighs While Calming Herself Down a Bit) But I digress. (Properly Bows to Daisy) I thank you for the lovely hair cutting session, your highness. (Went Back to Hugging Dedede) And I thank YOOOOOU!~ For your heartwarming words and support~I will never forget this wonderful moment~
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) It's no problem at all, hun. I'm just glad to see you happy again.
????: Hey!
'Knock Knock Knock Knock'
????: Party People!
The gang turns their heads to Mario and Wolf standing by Dedede's doorway,, glaring at everyone inside.
Wolf: Will you idiots keep your voices down already? Your constant laughing abd awwing from your little Truth or Dare game has been interrupting our completion run for an hour in a half now!
Dedede: ('Sigh') Yeah, that's my bad on this one,man. Forgot to close door and turn on the noise canceling door piecd before coming here.
Samus: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) What kind of completion run are you even.doing anyways.
Wolf: Well, if you must know, princess, Izzy and I are completely every single achievement we've yet to achieved on Doom Eternal.
Daisy: ('Ugh') You guys still play that game?
Wolf: (Proudly Crosses his Arms Together) Yep. Still as rad as it always been.
Cloud: And outdated. You should move on already
Wolf: Hey, you think we didn't try that already with Helldrivers 2? As fun and immersive as that game was, it doesn't hold a candle to how exhilarating Doom truly is in comparison.
Isabelle: (In the Other Room) Wolfe! Get in quick! I found one of the rarest Golden Doom Suit! It's so shinny!~
Wolf: (Eyes Widened as He Turns to the Other Room) Seriously!? Don't move, I'll be right there!
Samus: Found yourself a gold mine?
Wolf: (Turns Back to the Gang with a Smile) Literally! We've searching for the skin since the day we first finished the game. It's incredible. Now if you'll excuse me I have some more alien scum to rip and tear with my lady next door. (Points at Dedede) Soundproof your shit, King. You don't wanna have me come back here. (Walks Away)
Dedede: ('SIgh') Yeah, yeah. I got the message. (Gets Up From his Bed and Set Up the Soundproof Device on the Door) 'About the end our game anyways.
Lilith: (Starting Frowning Along with Morrigan) Awww....Already?
Morrigan: But I was actually having fun with the game for once!~
Dedede: And I'm happy for ya, Morrg. But it's getting late now and I really don't want Wolf to come back here and kick my ass in this hour. Again.
Chun-Li: Fair enough. But what do we do to past up the time now?
Samus: Binge watch a few shows? Something less action pack, so animes are out.
Daisy: (Snaps her Finger) Dangit. How about Friends?
Samus: Nah. Too bored to care about the Will-They-or-Won't They Plotline.
Luigi: How I Met Your Mother?
Samus: Mmmmm....It's the same as Friends, but even more convoluted for my taste.
Tifa: Full House?
Samus: Too mushy.
Cloud: Big Bang Theory?
Samus: Too nerdy.
Chun-Li: The Office?
Samus: Too office like.
Chun-Li: Sammy, it takes place in a literally office company.
Samus: Yeah and it looked plain for my liking.
Daisy: Did you even watch an episode or two?
Samus: ('Tch') I mean, if you count a one minute video clip maybe.
Luigi: (Raises an Eyebrow) Do you remember the name of the episode of the clip you watched?
Samus: Uhhhhhhhh.....Office stuff, I guess? It's been a while.
Daisy: All in favor of watching the Office all night say 'Aye'.
Everyone: Aye!
Samuz: Seriously?
Dedede: Hell yeah. (Sits Back Down on the Bed) That show's a cult classic for a reason. We ain't gonna skip out on it just cuz you think it's plain.
Morrigan: (Hugs Dedede Arm Again) Yes, and who knows? There might a possibility that you'll end up liking it as much as we do.
Samus: I doubt it, but whatever. I'll end falling asleep anyways.
Chun-Li: (Smiles Softly) My lap is available to sleep on anytime.
Samus: (Gives Chun-Li a Kiss on the Cheek) My babe.
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1183: The Ex King and The Glamorous Succubus (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Darkstalkers)
9:34 a.m. at the Smash Town.......
Cloud: (Yawns a Bit While Driving a Silver Segway on the Sidewalk) Okay, It's not nearly fast as Fenrir back home, but I don't mind it honestly. This is nice. (Turns to his Passanger Behind Him) You enjoying the ride back there, Tif?
Tifa: (Playful Salutes to Cloud While Holding onto Him From Behind) Indeed I am, Captain Handsome!~
Cloud: ('Groans a Bit') You mind not calling me that throughout this trip?
Tifa: (Starts Pouting) And why not? You are the captain of this joyride, you know? (Leans Over to Close With a Very Seductive Smirk on her Face) And a very dashing looking one at that~ (Gives Cloud a Kiss on the Cheek)
Cloud: (Gently Boops at Tifa's Nose) Hey-ey-ey, hey, no cute, loving affections until this ride is over. (Turns Back to the Sidewalk Road) You'll distract the driver if you keep doing that.
Tifa: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiiine, I'll put it on hold for now. (Playfully Pokes on Cloud's Cheek) Just know that you now owe me a lot of kisses after this, mister.
Cloud: (Playfully Rolls his Eyes a Bit) Don't worry. I won't forget.
Tifa: Better not. Though, I gotta ask: What made you wanna take drive us around on your segway in the first place?
Cliud: (Simply Shrugs) I never got the chance to test drive this thing since De gave it to me for Christmas back at New Donk City months ago, so I figured now would be an opportunity to do. Also, I....(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth While Blushing) Brought you here with me cause.....I want or whatever.
Tifa: (Smirks Again) And because you love me?~
Cloud: ('Sighs in Defeat') And because I love you......
?????: Cloud! Tifa!
Cloud stops driving his segway as he and Tifa both look up to see the Former King of Dreamland, Dedede, calling for them while pushing his custom Wheelie Cycle in front of them.
Dedede: What y'all doing out here?
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly at Dedede) Morning, De!~ Cloud was taking me on a morning joyride~
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) On a segway??
Cloud: Yep. Figured I finally take it for a spin for the day. Liking it so far by the way.
Dedede: (Smiles Brightly) Heh-Hey, my man! That's good to hear! I'm glad y'all having better luck out here than I am right now, that's for sure.
Cloud: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Why you say that?
Tifa: (Starts Getting A Tad Bit Concerned) Did your Wheelie broke down or something?
Dedede: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah, it did......And right at in the MIDDLE of the damn road too! I was....(Points Cloud and Tifa Forward) Alllllllll the way over there when it first happened, had to run for my life the moment I saw traffic coming in from all sides. Now look at me: my feet is aching, I'm all sweaty and tired....(Starts Hearing his Stomach Growling) And now I'm hungry. Right on cue too.
Cloud: Not for long. (Points Dedede to a Breakfast Dine-In in Front of the Three of Them)
Dedede: ('Sighs in Pure Relief') Oh thank you Lady Palutena, I don't have to search all around town.....(Grabs his Chin While Thinking) But do I have enough money for it though?
Tifa: Mind if we tag along and pay it with you?
Cloud: (Turns Back to Tifa) You wanna eat already?
Tifa: (Turns to Cloud) I feel like now would be the perfect to do so, you know? Plus, I'm pretty sure you need to eat the most considering all the driving you did.
Cloud: (Crosses his Arms) Pass. I don't get hungry as easily as you two- (Eyes Widened as He Suddenly Hears his Stomach Growling Very Loudly)
Tifa: (Giggles Softly)
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow While Smirking) You were sayin'?
Cloud: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) Let's just go in the damn dine-in already......
Minutes Later at the Breakfast Dine-In.......
Dedede: Man...(Starts Eating his Food While Speaking) I dunno what y'all are about. ('Mm.') I can look after myself just fine!
Cloud: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Sitting Next to Tifa in their Table) Quit talking with your mouthful, De.....
Tifa: (Already Has. Worried Yet Firm Glare on her Face) We know you can take of yourself, your majesty. Truly. But you can't be too careless around that Morrigan chick. Not even for a millisecond!
Dedede: Okay, now you're being little dramatic. (Finally Swallows the Food He Was Eating) Y'all seem to like her little sister just fine.
Cloud: That's because we got to know her more in person as more time passes. We barely met the woman and the only thing we know about so far is that she uses her charms to take advantage of any new prey she encounters.
?????: Ohhh my!~ (Giggles Softly)
Cloud: ('Sigh') And speaking of which.......
The trio turn their attention towards a waitress with long, teal hair walking towards their table while swaying her hips from side to side.
??????: Are those three familiar faces I see before me?~ (Smirks Very Seductively at Dedede in Particular) And a very handsome former king happens to be one of them?~
Dedede: (Immediately Recognizes the Woman in Front of Him) Morrigan! (Clears his Throat Before Taking Off his Helmet and Flips his Hair Around Before Smirking Back at the Succubus) 'Sup, baby. Didn't know you were working here.
Morrigan: Yes, it's one of my many part-time jobs I've been taking as of late. The trips to runway shows aren't exactly cheap, you know? What brings you here in this fine establishment?~
Dedede: Oh you know? Just having breakfast with pals, chattin', thinking about you- (Immediately Corrects Himself) I-I-I mean! Thinking about how.....good you look in that.....waitress dress of....yours? (Forms an Awkward Grin on his Face)
Cloud: Smooth.
Morrigan: (Giggles Some More) Ohohohoho my!~ You are such a sweethearted man, dear~ I thought about you as well.
Dedede: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) about have?
Cloud/Tifa: (Equally as Surprised as Dedede) You have?
Morrigan: (Happily Nodded) That's right~ I had a nice time talking to you at the mall on that night. It was such a shame that it was cut so short at the time.
Dedede: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeah, sorry about that. Had to continue lookin' out for the family and whatnot.
Morrigan: That's quite alright, dear. Family is most important in the globe after all. (Starts Writing Something Down on her Pad) Though, I do hope we could make up for loss times one of these days. (Rip a Paper Out and Give it To Dedede)
Dedede: (Looks Down at the Paper in Front of Him) Wait a second......(Eyes Widened at the Realization) You're giving me your phone number!?
Tifa: ('Gasps')
Cloud: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock) Holy shit.
Morrigan: (Giggles Some More) Goodness!~ Is it really that surprising that I'm giving you my number?~
Dedede: Considering my long, embarrassing history in the dating scene, I'mma hafta say so, woman!
Morrigan: (Giggles Yet Again) Well, surprise!~ I want to know more about you, your majesty-
Morrigan: ('Sigh') Atlas....It seems our lovely chit-chat will have to be cut short. Again.
Dedede: You want me to write my number to you just in case?
Morrigan: No need. I'm already wasting enough time as it is. (Smiles Softly) But please, do text me once my shaft is over in the afternoon. I'll be sure to give you my much needed attention soon enough~ (Makes a Kiss Sound Before Leaving and Waving Goodbye to Dedede) Cio, for now, Former King Dedede~ Ohohohohohoho!~
Dedede looks back at the paper: the very first time he has ever received a phone number from a very pretty lady, since......forever. The offer was so amazing that it causes him to form a big Grin on his face and start laughing wholeheartedly until....
The former king turns to see the couple in front of him. One his pouting at him and the other still has a deadpinned look on his face.
Dedede: Y'all still worried about me, aren't ya?
Cloud: I'm more surprised if anything. And slightly proud of you, actually- (Felt Tifa's Bumping His) But yeah. We're still worried.
Tifa: (Simply Nodded) Mmhmm.
Dedede: (Sighs Before Placing his Hand on his Chest While Raising the Other One Up) Look, I promise and swear that I'll be cautious around her going forward
Tifa: (Pulls Out her Pinky) Pinky Promise?
Dedede: Girl, I don't have a pinky. (Takes Off his Glove, Revealing his Fingerless Hand) See?
Tifa: Oh. Right. Well.....We'll just form a promise hug and it could NEVER be broken. Ever. Cloud, get in on this too. This is group effort.
Cloud: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiine......Bring it in. (Gets Pulled into a Group Hug Before Noticing Something Outside) Uhh....De. Don't panic, but......It looks like your Wheelie is getting towed away.
Dedede: WHAT!?
Dedede immediately got up from his seat and rushes himself out the door with Cloud abd Tifa following behind.
'Door Opens'
Dedede: NOOOOO! (Got Down on his Knees and Watches in Despair as his One and Only Wheelie is Being Towed Away) I was going to fix it all over again too damnit!! Now, how else am I gonna get home!?
Tifa: Welllllllll
Cloud: (Sighs While Driving the Segway Very Slowly Now that Dedede is Riding on Tifa's Shoulders) Not the outcome I was expecting, but whatever.
Dedede: (Looks Down at Tifa) You sure I ain't too heavy on ya, Tif?
Tifa: (Smiles at Dedede Reassuring) Positive. I have carried lots of heavier stuff on my shoulders the past after all. Though, I do hope you know that this means that you will have to come back to our training session starting this week, right?
Dedede: ('Sigh') Yeah, I know.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1063: Luigi and Daisy's Luscious Mansion (SSBU X Darkstalkers)
Daisy: Goooood Morning, Our Peeps!~
Luigi: Hi Guys
Tifa: Good Morning, our favorite love birds!~
Cloud: Good Morn
Dedede: Salutations, my boi and sista!
Chun-Li: Ohayō!~ ❤️ :D
Samus: 'Sup, nerds~
Samus: How was ur night at the spooooky haunted mansion went?
Luigi: Scary but pretty fun all things considered
Daisy: And a whole lot spicy to boot!
Tifa: Spicy u say?
Tifa: Do tell~
Cloud: Did you beat the shit out of Death again or something?
Daisy: I wish lmao
Daisy: But nah death wasn't in the mansion we went to
Daisy: The place was filled with a crap ton a ghosts tho
Luigi: We meet a nun who lives there too
Luigi: Who we also later found out was a succubus this whole time and..... well....
Daisy: We may or may not had a wicked threesome with her last night 😅
Samus: U had a threesome?
Chun-Li: With a SUCCUBUS!?
Tifa: And u didn't invite Cloud and I!?
Daisy: We're so sorry, girlfriend!!
Daisy: It all happened so fast, neither of us didn't even thought of inviting u guys along for the ride!
Luigi: We'll make it up to the both of you next time, we promise
Daisy: x1000!!
Tifa: U better or we're gonna have some problems!~
Cloud: Pouting Lockhart.jpg
Daisy: Cuuuute!~
Luigi: ^^
Samus: ^
Chun-Li: ^
Tifa: Cloud!
Cloud: Have to show em how serious u r somehow lol
Dedede: Man quit playin
Dedede: Ain't no way in hell y'all had sex with an actual succubus and live to see the morning daylight
Luigi: Your majesty, we're texting you right now as we speak.
Daisy: And to prove to you that we're not making any of this up.....
Daisy: Me, Weegie, and the Cute Succubus Lady Cuddling Next Between Us.jpg
Dedede: Well, I'll be damn.
Dedede: That is a real succubus!
Dedede: And a real good looking one at that
Daisy: Told u!
Daisy: And yeah. She's looker alright.
Chun-Li: That girl in the pink hair.....
Samus: U know here, hun?
Chun-Li: No, but I do know her sister Morrigan
Chun-Li: The other succubus I told you and Daisy about a whole ago
Daisy: Ah yeah, I remember that!
Daisy: Bayo was losing her mind when you showed her a photo of her lmao
Cloud: What do she look like?
Chun-Li: Morrigan Aensland.jpg
Dedede: GODDAMN!!
Dedede: That sister of hers' a thing of beauty!
Chun-Li: True, but she uses it to her advantage
Chun-Li: Most succubus aren't as deadly as vampires, but Morrigan can be dangerous when she wants to be, earning her title as the Queen of the Night, and I heard that her sister is no different
Chun-Li: She isn't trying to do anything to hurt the two.of you, is she?
Daisy: Not really.
Daisy: She's been cuddling up the both of us if anything lol
Luigi: We thought she was gonna to harm us the moment she revealed who she really was at first, but all she did was flirted with us and asked us to give her a good time
Daisy: Poor girl been coped up in that mansion so long that she never had anyone to spend time with other than her sister and she says she hasn't seen her in a long time
Chun-Li: I see....
Chun-Li: It has been a while since I've heard from Morrigan.....
Samus: Maybe there's a reason why she had to leave her sister behind?
Chun-Li: Maybe...
Daisy: Hey guys
Daisy: Lili says she wants to join chat and meet all.of u. Is it alright?
Samus: Sure
Dedede: Hell yeah
Tifa: I'd like that
Cloud: We might as well
Chun-Li: I don't mind meeting her for the first time
Chun-Li: So long as she doesn't try doing anything suspicious
Daisy: Sweet!
Daisy: Giving her Weegie and mine's phone #s right now
The Luscious Princess 💕 Has Joined the Chat
Lili: Greetings one and all!!~
Lili: It is I, Lilith Aensland, the Princess of the Night and a far superior half of my dumbhead of a sister
Lili: Don't tell her I said that by the way thx!
Tifa: Nice to meet u, Lili~
Tifa: My name is Tifa Lockhart
Cliud: Cloud Strife
Samus: Samus Aran. But most people call me Sammy now apparently
Dedede: The name's King Dedede
Samus: Former King
Dedede: Shut it, Girl, she doesn't need to know that!!!
Samus: Oops lol
Chun-Li: And I'm Sammy's girlfriend, Chun-Li~
Lili: OMG Morrigan told me so much about u!!
Chun-Li: Oh really?
Chun-Li: I didn't think she would ever remember me after all these years....
Lili: Yup yup!~
Lili: How could she ever forget a real stick in the mud such as yourself?~
Chun-Li: ಠ_ಠ
Lili: Her words, not mines!
Chun-Li: (Groans While Facepalming Herself While Sitting Next to Samus on her Bed)
Samus: Hey, if it makes you feel better, I don't find you all that boring. A Goody Two-Shoes maybe, definitely a cutie, but not boring.
Chun-Li: (Sighs as She Rest her Head onto Samus' Shoulder) I'll take the compliments. Thanks, Sammy~
Samus: (Smiles Softly at her Girlfriend) Anytime, honey. (Kiss the Top of Chun-Li's Head)
Tifa: So Lili, how was your night with Weegie and Daisy went?
Dedede: And is ur sister single?
Cloud: ಠ_ಠ
Dedede: What? I was wondering!
Lili: Well, firstly, to answer your question Mr. King, last I've heard from Morrgy, she was dating some rich guy with silver hair.
Lili: But she's been hooking up with so many guys over thousands of decades, so I might be wrong on that one.
Dedede: U don't say.....
Cloud: Don't even think about it, De.
Dedede: And why the hell not!? I need love too!
Tifa: We know you do, De
Tifa: We just don't want to see you getting yourself hurt or potentially killed
Lili: Oh come now. My sis won't bite. Much.
Lili: But I highly doubt she would stay single for long, u know?
Dedede: Man, whatever!
Dedede: I ain't gonna waste my time waiting for the opportunity to ask her out in no kind of way
Luigu: You'll find yourself someone someday, your majesty
Luigi: It's just takes time
Dedede: Uh-huh.....
Lili: Anywhoooo, to answer the second question, I adore these two soooo much last night!!~
Lili: Daisy's a cool princess who can kick butt and take names!
Daisy: As I always do!~
Lili: And Luigi is the most sweetest guy ever!!!~
Luigi: Aww Thanks, Lili
Luigi: We think you're sweet too ⋂‿⋂
Daisy: Not to mention a real cutie as well~ 😘
Lili: (❁ꈍ‿ꈍ) (❁ꈍ‿ꈍ) (❁ꈍ‿ꈍ)
Samus: This is real cute and all, but now that u guys did it or whatever, does this mean u three gonna date each other or.....
Daisy: Huh.
Daisy: U know? We haven't really talked it up until now.
Link: (Turns to Lilith Sitting Between Him and Daisy on the Bed Together) What do you think, Lili?
Lilith: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Hmmmmmm.....I'm not really into the whole mushy romance and commitment scene....(Frowns at Couple Between Her) But I don't wanna stop seeing you two either and I definitely wanna do.this again someday.
Daisy: Wanna be Friends With Benefits?
Lilith: (Smiles Brightly) Okay!~......What's Friends With Benefits?
Daisy: Friends who casually fucks each other on occasion.
Lilith: Ooh sounds darling and fun~
Daisy: (Turns to Luigi) What do you think, sweetie? Sounds fine to you?
Luigi: (Smiles Softly) If it's okay with her, then I don't mind.
Lilith: (Smiles Brightly as her Eyes Begins to Sparkle) Are you kidding? (Happily Hugs The Couple) This is PERFECT for meee!~ (Kisses Luigi and Daisy on Each Cheek, Causing the Two to Giggle Ticklishly)
Daisy: We talked it over and decided to take FWB route!
Samus: Friends With Benefits, huh?
Samus: This should be interesting
Cloud: And not at all hectic (¬_¬)
Daisy: Oh relax, Strife
Daisy: It won't be too bad.
Daisy: Hopefully
Daisy: Don't quote me on that
Cloud: No promises.
Tifa: So Lili, if u have the time, do u wanna spend time with us around Smash Town later on today?
Tifa: It'll be fun
Lili: Sure thing!~
Lili: I desperately need some fresh air right now!
Chun-Li: And we can't wait to finally meet you in person
Chun-Li: But you have to promise us you won't cause any trouble around town, okay?
Lilith: Wow. U really are stick in the mud, aren't ya Police lady?
Chun-Li: I am just being cautious here!
Chun-Li: And I'm already retired!
Lilith: Ohhhh so ur an old lady then?
Chun-Li: AM NOT!!
Samus: I'd watch what I say around her if i were u, Lili
Samus: U sure as hell don't wanna get on her bad side
Samus: Angriest Woman Alive!.jpg
Daisy: Cuuuuuuute!~
Tifa: Cuuuute!~
Luigi: ^
Cloud: ^
Dedede: Just finished gettin myself dressed
Dedede: And yeah, that is hella cute
Chun-Li: Sammy!!
Samus: Just letting the new girl know who nor to fuck with is all cutie lol
Chun-Li: U lucky I love u to pieces or I'd kick you right now
Samua: Love u too honey
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