#dedicated server hosting companies
nishabullten · 1 month
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hostinghome02 · 1 month
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Secure RDP Hosting with Hosting Home
Hosting Home offers secure and easy RDP hosting. Enjoy smooth remote access and excellent support, making your work-from-anywhere experience straightforward and efficient.
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hostinstance · 11 months
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webhostground · 11 months
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Are you looking to buy cheap windows VPS remote desktop server? If so, you're in the right place. Web Host Ground is a trusted, cost-effective, robust, and the best RDP provider company in online. Now buy admin RDP with 100% uptime, highly secure and no hidden charges.
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webbraininfo · 1 year
Dedicated Server Hosting Services Company in Delhi
Elevate your web performance with WebBrain Infotech, a premier Dedicated Server Hosting Services Company in Delhi. Experience unparalleled reliability, speed, and security for your online projects. Visit their website to empower your digital presence with robust hosting solutions tailored to your needs.
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leafofkudzu · 8 months
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Hello and happy endless January! Despite how long this month may have seemed, it is almost over - and that means it's soon time for another art party hosted by my guild, Verdant Shield [VS]! We're taking a little tour of the cozy size of the jungle this time, over at Mabon Market in Caledon!
For those who aren’t familiar with art parties, they’re a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all types to hang out, chat, and create together! Get your favorite character/look together, head to the location, find someone that catches your eye, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! Tl;dr: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is under the cut, but will also be posted again via reblogs as the squads go up on the day of the party!
Location Information:
Caledon Forest is a nice easily-accessible map for everyone, and Mabon Market even has its own dedicated waypoint (that is, Mabon Waypoint)! I imagine we'll kind of scatter out across the market and beach, so don't take my exact location in this screenshot too seriously!
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Time & Squad Details:
As we always do, we'll be having two parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones - with an hour break in between. People tend to arrive early and/or jump between accounts as soon as the break comes up, so don't be surprised to see tags and announcements going up ahead of schedule!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Time (aka 3pm Eastern Standard Time or 4 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Aemryn of Dusk for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (aka 1am Central European Time or at in-game reset). I’ll be hosting this one on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Kirslyn for an invite.
Closing Words:
A few days ago some nasty info came to the surface about various GW2 sources being scraped for AI purposes, with tumblr tags specifically being mentioned. Though I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for being discouraged and not wanting to draw at all (even this post was delayed because of it), I think at the end of the day, even if you don't post anything publicly, you still shouldn't deny yourself the company and community of your fellow creatives! If you'd like to make this art party have more of a focus on screenshots, or even just hang out and not draw at all, please feel free - your presence is what makes these parties...well, parties, after all!
If you are still interested in posting your artwork though, please check out Glaze and Nightshade as potential ways to protect yourself (and hurt AI datasets) if you haven't already! And even if you don't do that, make sure to slap signatures/watermarks/etc wherever you can. This may be a disheartening time for us, but it doesn't mean we have to stop doing what we love.
So, whether you're coming to create or just to hang out, I look forward to seeing you all this Saturday. Take care, stay safe, and see you soon! ♥
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midnightmorpher · 1 month
💻 DCA AU Idea: Digital Horror 💻
This is my first time posting a DCA AU so I’m sorry if my post sounds more like disconnected rambling ahaha 🥲 But here goes!
The DCA duo in a digital horror setting.
Think KinitoPet but instead of Kinito as the mascot of a long-lost pet game, it’s Sun and Moon as the face of an old creature collection/virtual pet game created by Fazbear Corp on their old 90s company, kid-friendly website.
Think like a mix between Pokémon and Neopets, speaking as someone who played too much Pokemon and played literally zero Neopets 👍🏻
One day many years after the website has been shut down, You hear rumors about a “haunted” pet game made by the Fazbear Corp and decide to check it out, because you didn’t watch enough horror movies to know this is a terrible idea :>
The game (archived and run on a server supported by Fazbear fans, I don’t know much about tech so I dunno if this is even possible but whatever) runs like it should when you first enter it. However, it starts acting up when you input your old username…
I might start writing this as a fic once I’m further along on my current fic, so for now I’ll just be dumping my AU ideas on this blog haha
Here’s a summary and a brief snippet I wrote because the idea wouldn’t leave me alone:
Virtual pet game websites are a dime in a dozen. You might’ve tried out one or two in your childhood, but memories of that are fuzzy at best. It’s only when your classmate brings up a particular website hosted by Fazbear Corporation that you begin to remember playing it briefly during its heydays, and you decide to visit it for nostalgia’s sake.
“Welcome to Sun and Moon’s Superstar Daycare!” the computerized voice of the sunny jester character trills. He lounges on top of the window asking you to create a new account, kicking his curly-tipped shoes merrily in the air as he eagerly awaits your input. His bouncy avatar, its details showing hours of love and dedication poured into each brush stroke, paints a hilarious contrast against the shoddy art that makes up the background of the game. You don’t really care, though. It’s not like anyone plays these types of games for its art.
Your hands hover over the keyboard. After a moment’s hesitation, you try to enter your old username.
Most likely the “Sorry, this username has already been taken” prompt will pop up since you clearly remember using it as a kid, but there’s no harm in trying. You click on the “Confirm” option.
Nothing happens.
Weird. Is it hanging? You click it again, and again. Nothing happens. Even Sun has frozen still. Yep, it’s definitely hanging. Pity, but it’s not too unexpected considering the game’s age. You decide to fall back on the good ol’ cure: spamming the mouse button. clickclickclickclickclickcli
his eyes flick up to stare at you
The shock shoots through your whole being like a lightning bolt. You gasp sharply, eyes fluttering close for a brief moment before they’re cast on the computer screen again.
“Welcome back, Starbite!” Sun says. He takes center stage in a field of rudimentarily drawn grass, the baby blue sky matching the bright smile stretching from “ear” to “ear”, like nothing had happened. “Go forth and pick a Faz Pet to be your forever companion, and I hope you enjoy your stay at our esteemed daycare!”
The character delivers his scripted lines like he should.
The character has his arms up in celebration like he should.
The character smiles at you like he should.
So what is this cold dread trickling down your spine…?
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sharky857 · 9 months
Okay so, as the date of the official release approaches, I feel the need to say this to whoever might want to get Palia, be it PC or Switch, both disabled and able-bodied alike:
"Approach with caution".
Before I start, please keep in mind that all this is not the devs' fault. Rather, they are the ones constantly caught in a sort of crossfire: on one hand there's the needs of the community and player base, on the other hand they have to stick to the do & don't from the higher-ups within the company, all while trying to keep the game afloat.
That being said, as much as devs have been working on this, the game remains ridden with bugs.
One may say "well, the game is still beta whaddaya expect kek", which is not totally wrong. If not for the fact that the game is scheduled for an official release in two days (literally, the release date is December 14th, at the time of writing this), and those bugs are going the exact opposite direction of "decreasing". So much so that they keep on multiplying with each new patch, rendering the whole game more and more unstable.
Since the latest patch (0.175) has been released, the game has been suffering also from some form of memory leakage, in which RAM usage starts from a rather chill amount, only to gradually climb higher and higher the longer one stays in game and never settles back down, until reaching the point where everything freezes, before the game itself crashes. You don't even need to leave your own housing plot to see it happening.
Technical issues aside, Palia is marketed as a "cosy co-op MMO", yet the game still looks quite far from being "cosy" and "co-op". If anything, with more players joining, it has now become some kind of "competitive" game instead.
Some players would "call out" the rarest resources (from a mineable Palium node to the forageable Dari Cloves), others just come, pick and leave.
For context: the problem with resources in Palia is that, once they are picked, there's an implied time frame where other players will have to come and get said resource too, before it despawns for good for everyone in that single server, which is why it is considered "good etiquette" to call a resource out whenever it's spotted, and then wait for whoever answers that call to come over before picking it up/mining/chopping.
Problem is: the lack of this kind of communication is so widely frowned upon that some people can't wrap their head around the fact that players may have all sort of reasons for not calling something out, be it something personal (from social anxiety to being physically incapacitated to even see the chat, given the severe lack of dedicated options to tweak the chat / font size), technical (troubles to connect to the in game chat), or simply not having much time to wait for others to gather around, leading to those people to either turn hostile and/or leave passive-aggressive remarks over the chat towards those other players.
Players have been also organising "parties" to bake and cook together, in order to prepare big batches of food to later sell for quick "grofit". While the overall idea behind these parties is in line with a “cosy co-op”, they have a dark side: most of the times, players with all sort of sensory issues will inevitably struggle (example: someone needing for complete silence in order to hear the clues when chopping ingredients/rolling a dough) or end up feeling too overwhelmed to carry on whatever task.
In some cases the issues are acknowledged by the party members and they try to minimise the disrupting behaviours. In some instances the party host may have set everything up to cover most (if not all) the special needs of every single member of the party.
Only in the worst cases, if the person affected try to warn the others and/or ask them to momentarily stop with this or that disruptive behaviour, the other player(s) will just ignore the message and keep on doing whatever they're doing, in quite a worrisome display of no regards for (nor empathy towards) a disabled and/or ND person.
The affected player could try and report the “troll” ones, but there seems to be quite a chance of the support team to reply back with suggestions to block the reported player(s). Which would be neat, if blocking players wouldn’t mean simply forbidding them to send you invites and chat messages, but would be also expanded to the blocked part being rendered unable to join your same party.
Yeah, as in every other game where players can interact with one another, be it competitive or co-op, trolling and being a nuisance is yet another issue.
Not bad for a game that's marketed as "cosy". /sarcasm
Personally, so far I’ve been directly spared this experience, thanks to my being a socially anxious bean who very much prefers to play on my own over joining any kind of squad/team/party.
Moving back to the topic of accessibility, this option -as a whole- seems to be not even a second thought on S6's part. Probably not even a third nor a fourth. It feels more like an "end of the line" kind of thought.
Despite several players (myself included) have been sending lots of different feedback on this topic, at the moment there are still only some loose settings in place, but that's all.
Audio sliders don’t feel like they give enough options. Players can tweak the volume for: overall audio, dialogues, music and sound effects. There’s also a separated option to choose what kind of “mix profile” one may prefer, which is supposed to make some audio stand out slightly more than others.
The problem with this is that it needs additional sliders, mainly on the “sound effects” compartment. To some people affected by HOH and/or other auditory issues, it can be quite hard to hear some sound clues over the rest of the sound effects, be them from the environment or other players in the area. Alas, all these effects are under the single “sound effects” slider, with no way to -for example- completely mute the sound of a waterfall to better pinpoint the clue sound of the bobber while fishing.
In addition to this, there's no effective option yet on the graphics/animation side to try and minimise/avoid motion sickness either. Not to mention, no matter how low your graphics settings may be, some visual effects (like the sun light glistening over water surfaces at dawn and dusk) will remain on screen, with the legit risk of triggering seizures and/or migraines in the most sensitive players.
These latter could be triggered also by visual clues (like a just-tilled soil portion flashing red), which urged all players (both affected by these issues and not) to ask for an option in the settings menu to enable/disable such clues. Needless to say, so far this suggestion has been left unanswered.
For what concerns mobility-related issues, one thing that may be called an "accessibility tool" is the autorun option, which works fine as long as your character is, in fact, running. Or jumping off a cliff and activating the glider.
Autorun can be stopped by actions like pressing one of the directional keys (most notably WASD), mining nodes/chopping trees, talking to NPCs, or picking a loot up. For pretty much anything else, it will keep on being enabled, resulting in the "autorun" to become an "autoclimb" when reaching the side of any cliff.
This is where things get janky; the autoclimb direction is linked to the north - east - west - south directions on the compass. If one wanted to go up, they need to turn the camera until roughly aligning with the "south" direction, to go right/left the compass needs to be aligned with east/west, and to go down the compass has to be oriented towards north.
Might sound pretty simple, but there's a catch in all this: depending on which side you're climbing, turning/tilting the camera in the direction you need also means that you won't be able to see where you are going anymore, therefore you may not see where the cliff ends, resulting in your character accidentally jumping off the cliff and you, player, being in need to redo the whole climb from where you started. So, whereas an able-bodied may take ten seconds to climb up a cliff, a person with a physical condition might take twice or even thrice the time.
At least on the mobility side, S6 seemed to have taken the hint and acknowledged at least this kind of issues.
In time they added some small, competitive space (simply named "The Tower"); an obstacle course where players have to climb their way to the top by going through a series of totally airborne platforms, while being surrounded by some kind of sparkly, pinkish void.
There's no unique reward to participating in it (and even for reaching the end of that course), except for random treasure chests scattered across the whole “tower”. The devs had been clear about this new addition in the game: it was something experimental, and that, given the nature of that "tower", they wouldn't have implemented those mechanics to stuff related to the main quest line.
Players felt different amounts of relief, especially those with either mobility issues (such as arthritis) or suffering from vertigo induced by the lack of visual "anchor points".
S6 did, in fact, not take the hint. Devs eventually implemented those mechanics into one of the main quest lines: the Temple of Gales.
It looks like the new quest may have brought players together once again, as everyone seems to have similar opinions on that explorable area and the related quest(s). Although not in the cosy way expected/promoted by Singularity Six™.
It sucks balls.
Not only there are "tower-like" mechanics in place to go around, not only autorun can't really help you while you're exploring, because you constantly need to stop and look around to find various items (not to mention the need to time your gliding in order to catch the air drafts just right), but some quest hints/explanations are also kept very vague.
One of them literally and only says "look for evidence", without explaining what kind of "evidence" you should be looking for. Is it some scraps from a book? Fragments of something? Human remains? You may never know until you'll stumble across the first one by sheer coincidence (or until you go skim the walkthrough on the wiki first). All you know is that you need to find four.
Another quest instruction is only slightly less vague as it asks to "look for treasures". There are seven of those in total. All seven are totally different-looking items, so good luck finding them when you don't even know how they are supposed to look like, and there's not even a single waypoint to direct you to the general area where to look. :)
To make things worse, being the area considered an indoor space but with the perceived size of a whole Kilima village, there is no map available for an easier navigation/exploration, which may lead players to aimlessly go around in circle for quite a while.
All these factors combined (uncomfortable/inaccessible mobility mechanics + unclear instructions + lack of a map and indicators) can make that new temple and the related quest(s) an energy-draning experience for everyone, on top of causing unnecessary discomfort and/or straight up being a trigger to some people's conditions, causing players to rage-quit and/or forcing them to seek out help from someone else to complete those quests in their place.
In all this, players have been asking since quite a long time (probably already in the alpha stage) to have accessibility tools implemented, demands that have been growing in number as more and more players joined in.
This to say that this is not something new, and -despite all- so far there seems to have been quite a poor acknowledgement on S6's part.
After all this time, they added some subtitles to cutscenes (I saw them in the introduction cutscene for Subira, but I personally have no way to check if they are there also for older scenes, like the very first one that introduces your human character at the beginning of the game), and made the game compatible with controllers (most likely for the incoming release on Switch).
But this, and the few features mentioned towards the start of this wall of text, is all.
There's clearly room for improvement, even on the communication side between company and community.
Accessibility has been barely mentioned in the official notes from S6, leaving players to feel like they are unheard. I'm not expecting S6 to release full statements every single time they drop a patch note and game news. They could leave a brief announcement from time to time, so that the community may know that yes, their feedback and everything has been still acknowledged and that players may expect some updates in that regard in the future.
Some may say that a simple acknowledgement is not enough, that S6 needs to do something in this sense, but given the situation, an acknowledgement alone would be already a step ahead.
In the end, the lack of accessibility tools in game is only a part of the problem. The other part is this sort of “radio silence” from S6’s part.
In conclusion: if you want to get yourself Palia, by all means do so. This post is not meant to bash people wanting to try this game out because "PALIA BAD >:("
Palia as a game is good, even with its ups and downs, and it needs support to keep on thriving.
This post is only meant as a fair warning on the technical and accessibility side, so that people may have a general idea of what they may expect in regard of both.
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I keep seeing stuff about FFN going around, but in the last couple days, their twitter has been updated to give more details about what's been up. According to the thread, general upkeep fell behind due to covid. This led to server issues among other things. They say they'll be dedicating resources to improving everything. I think the most important facts to keep in mind are:
They performed a deprecation of old server hardware on 22 September, 2022
They improved their hardware monitoring system to prevent a repeat of last week
They have planned site changes for Q4 2022 to modernize the website
They're doubling their database capacity
The domain is paid out through September 2028
The last two bolded ones are especially important because that's expensive. Like, really, really expensive. The first time I saw how much my company pays for servers, I felt dizzy. And that domain name being what it is is small in comparison to hosting/server costs, but it's still like $25k minimum paid in advance
That's not the kind of investment of time or money a company would put into a dying site. So basically, you don't need to worry that it will be abandoned any time soon
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political-land · 2 months
Amazon Paid Almost $1 Billion for Twitch in 2014. It’s Still Losing Money
In 2014, Amazon made a significant splash by purchasing Twitch for nearly $1 billion. The acquisition aimed to strengthen Amazon's foothold in the booming live-streaming and gaming industry. Despite Twitch's immense popularity, a decade later, the platform is still grappling with financial losses.
A Strategic Investment
Amazon's decision to acquire Twitch was driven by the platform's rapid growth and its potential to dominate the live-streaming market. Launched in 2011, Twitch quickly became the leading destination for gamers to broadcast their gameplay and engage with fans. The acquisition was seen as a way for Amazon to diversify and tap into the expanding digital entertainment sector.
Popularity Without Profit
Twitch's user base has continued to grow, attracting over 30 million daily visitors. The platform hosts a variety of content, including gaming, music, art, and talk shows, making it a cultural phenomenon. Major events like TwitchCon draw large audiences, both online and offline, showcasing the platform's broad appeal.
However, despite its popularity, Twitch has struggled to turn a profit. The costs of maintaining and expanding the platform are substantial, with significant investments in infrastructure and payments to top streamers. Competition from other platforms like YouTube Gaming and Facebook Gaming further complicates Twitch's financial situation.
Financial Challenges
One of Twitch's main financial challenges is the immense data requirements to support its vast number of streams. The platform relies on powerful servers to handle millions of live broadcasts simultaneously. Additionally, Amazon's continued investments in Twitch, including exclusive content deals and streamer incentives, put additional pressure on the platform's budget.
Although Twitch generates revenue through advertisements, subscriptions, and bits (Twitch's virtual currency), these earnings have not been sufficient to cover the high operational costs. Amazon remains committed to Twitch, hoping to eventually achieve profitability through new strategies and revenue models.
Future Prospects
Despite these financial hurdles, Amazon is dedicated to Twitch's success. The company is exploring various approaches to enhance Twitch's profitability, such as deeper integration with Amazon Prime and exclusive partnerships. These initiatives aim to secure Twitch's market position and improve its financial health.
Show Your Twitch Spirit!
While Twitch works towards a profitable future, you can show your support by getting some awesome Twitch merchandise. Check out the Twitch Core Logo Tee and proudly wear your passion for Twitch. It's a fun way to back the community and look stylish too! #ad
Amazon's acquisition of Twitch was a visionary move that has kept the platform at the forefront of live-streaming. Despite ongoing financial challenges, Twitch remains a beloved platform with a dedicated user base. With Amazon's continued support and innovative strategies, there's hope that Twitch will eventually achieve profitability while continuing to offer top-notch entertainment and community engagement.
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wphostzone · 18 days
What is Web Hosting? Discover Types, Key Factors, & 2024’s 12 Best Web Hosting Platforms.
Web hosting—the physical presence of your website on the internet—is essential for your online business. Without dependable web hosting, you jeopardize your capacity to run your business and meet your consumers’ expectations.
Understanding web hosting and how it works can be difficult, particularly for people who are unfamiliar with the notion. This article will clearly describe web hosting, explain the many types of web hosting plans available, and outline the essential factors to consider when selecting a hosting company.
What is web hosting?
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Web hosting uses internet-facing hardware and software to provide web services to end users. It is where your website and services are stored, processed, and delivered.
At its most fundamental, web hosting consists of secure internet interfaces and communications, computer server hardware and storage, web server software, and content (text, pictures, audio/video).
However, most web hosting solutions also include database servers, content management systems, e-commerce tools, security and authentication, and other applications required for websites to function and remain secure.
The web hosting sector is critical and is expected to increase by more than 20% year between 2024 and 2028.
How much does web hosting cost?
Hosting charges vary, typically based on capabilities. You may pay $10 per month for a simple billboard-style website to market your business online, or much more if you run a successful e-commerce store with thousands of clients.
To successfully select web hosting that works for you, you simply need to understand your goals and how to translate them into hosting requirements.
Types of Web Hosting
Shared hosting.
Dedicated Hosting
VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting
Cloud hosting
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webbraininfo · 1 year
Suggestions for Choosing Dedicated Hosting for Your Company
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If you are deciding on a hosting provider for a dedicated server, it is important to learn as much as possible about that company's record of accomplishment and the services it offers. Finding the appropriate person to handle your company application will be daunting. But, a brief talk with the Server specialist may help you steer your strategy toward a smooth relocation and hosting experience.
Think About Possible Downtime
If your hosting infrastructure goes down, how will it affect your company? Not sharing your server's resources with anybody else is a major perk of using a dedicated server. Yet, there is always a single place where everything fails when there is just one server. Without the ability to grow to many dedicated servers (which would allow you to prevent any possible downtime), you must decide how much rest you are prepared to risk.
Choosing the Right Hardware Can Be Expensive
Since dedicated servers are so costly, choosing domain name registration company in India that gives you a wide range of alternatives when it comes to picking the hardware that works best for your company is important. Customers that utilize your services will not have to pay more if you have the best gear configured in a certain manner to boost performance.
Companies with many hardware options are better able to take advantage of growth opportunities. A wide variety of cores is available in commercial CPU models, making it possible to adjust the pace of business activities to the model you choose.
Transmission Rate And Data Capacity
Your dedicated server's performance will be affected in the same way as any other hosting provider by its bandwidth allotment and connection speed. It's important to remember that connectivity is multifaceted and not as easy to quantify as some services would have you believe. Your overall connection speed will be impacted by various factors, including the provider's data center's location, the quality and diversity of one's carrier list, and more.
Check the Quality of the Network
Both the location of your dedicated servers and the hosting provider's network affect the quality of your connection to the Internet. Your customers will be affected by the location of your dedicated servers. Hosting in Europe may not be optimal if your clientele is located in Asia due to the time it takes for data to be sent over the Atlantic.
The efficiency of the hosting service's network is also crucial to timely data transfer. Examine the Network Center (NOC) website of a possible provider and do a speed test to learn more about the quality of their network. This is a feature offered by the majority of hosting companies.
Robust Safety Measures
When the servers supporting your company's information technology are knocked down, you open yourself to attack. One of the most pressing concerns in the event of a data breach is limiting the potential for irreparable harm to a company's image and, worse, legal action on the part of its customers due to improperly filed financial information.
Sixty percent of companies whose security has been breached go out of business within six months. Security measures should be considered before settling on a dedicated hosting service.
You may acquire the finest dedicated server hosting services of physical servers from a wide variety of providers, as dedicated servers and hosting provide ambitious enterprises with better and higher performance and enormous data storage solutions to host commercial applications.
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monisha1199 · 1 year
AWS Security 101: Protecting Your Cloud Investments
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, few names resonate as strongly as Amazon.com. This global giant, known for its e-commerce prowess, has a lesser-known but equally influential arm: Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is a powerhouse in the world of cloud computing, offering a vast and sophisticated array of services and products. In this comprehensive guide, we'll embark on a journey to explore the facets and features of AWS that make it a driving force for individuals, companies, and organizations seeking to utilise cloud computing to its fullest capacity.
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Amazon Web Services (AWS): A Technological Titan
At its core, AWS is a cloud computing platform that empowers users to create, deploy, and manage applications and infrastructure with unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. It's not just a platform; it's a digital transformation enabler. Let's dive deeper into some of the key components and features that define AWS:
1. Compute Services: The Heart of Scalability
AWS boasts services like Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), a scalable virtual server solution, and AWS Lambda for serverless computing. These services provide users with the capability to efficiently run applications and workloads with precision and ease. Whether you need to host a simple website or power a complex data-processing application, AWS's compute services have you covered.
2. Storage Services: Your Data's Secure Haven
In the age of data, storage is paramount. AWS offers a diverse set of storage options. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) caters to scalable object storage needs, while Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) is ideal for block storage requirements. For archival purposes, Amazon Glacier is the go-to solution. This comprehensive array of storage choices ensures that diverse storage needs are met, and your data is stored securely.
3. Database Services: Managing Complexity with Ease
AWS provides managed database services that simplify the complexity of database management. Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) is perfect for relational databases, while Amazon DynamoDB offers a seamless solution for NoSQL databases. Amazon Redshift, on the other hand, caters to data warehousing needs. These services take the headache out of database administration, allowing you to focus on innovation.
4. Networking Services: Building Strong Connections
Network isolation and robust networking capabilities are made easy with Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). AWS Direct Connect facilitates dedicated network connections, and Amazon Route 53 takes care of DNS services, ensuring that your network needs are comprehensively addressed. In an era where connectivity is king, AWS's networking services rule the realm.
5. Security and Identity: Fortifying the Digital Fortress
In a world where data security is non-negotiable, AWS prioritizes security with services like AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) for access control and AWS KMS (Key Management Service) for encryption key management. Your data remains fortified, and access is strictly controlled, giving you peace of mind in the digital age.
6. Analytics and Machine Learning: Unleashing the Power of Data
In the era of big data and machine learning, AWS is at the forefront. Services like Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) handle big data processing, while Amazon SageMaker provides the tools for developing and training machine learning models. Your data becomes a strategic asset, and innovation knows no bounds.
7. Application Integration: Seamlessness in Action
AWS fosters seamless application integration with services like Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) for message queuing and Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) for event-driven communication. Your applications work together harmoniously, creating a cohesive digital ecosystem.
8. Developer Tools: Powering Innovation
AWS equips developers with a suite of powerful tools, including AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeCommit, and AWS CodeBuild. These tools simplify software development and deployment processes, allowing your teams to focus on innovation and productivity.
9. Management and Monitoring: Streamlined Resource Control
Effective resource management and monitoring are facilitated by AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure as code (IaC) management. Managing your cloud resources becomes a streamlined and efficient process, reducing operational overhead.
10. Global Reach: Empowering Global Presence
With data centers, known as Availability Zones, scattered across multiple regions worldwide, AWS enables users to deploy applications close to end-users. This results in optimal performance and latency, crucial for global digital operations.
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In conclusion, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is not just a cloud computing platform; it's a technological titan that empowers organizations and individuals to harness the full potential of cloud computing. Whether you're an aspiring IT professional looking to build a career in the cloud or a seasoned expert seeking to sharpen your skills, understanding AWS is paramount. 
In today's technology-driven landscape, AWS expertise opens doors to endless opportunities. At ACTE Institute, we recognize the transformative power of AWS, and we offer comprehensive training programs to help individuals and organizations master the AWS platform. We are your trusted partner on the journey of continuous learning and professional growth. Embrace AWS, embark on a path of limitless possibilities in the world of technology, and let ACTE Institute be your guiding light. Your potential awaits, and together, we can reach new heights in the ever-evolving world of cloud computing. Welcome to the AWS Advantage, and let's explore the boundless horizons of technology together!
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pranavs-posts · 7 months
India's Cheapest & Best Webhosting Company
Kohli Hosting is a web hosting company that offers a variety of web hosting plans, including shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers. They also offer other services, such as domain registration, SSL certificates, and email services. The company is based in India.
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manishsharma7217 · 7 months
Top Dedicated Servers in Brazil for Optimal Performance
Choosing a dedicated server in Brazil for optimal performance depends on various factors such as reliability, speed, customer support, and pricing. Here are some top dedicated server providers in Brazil:
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HostGator Brazil: HostGator is a well-known hosting provider with a presence in Brazil. They offer dedicated servers with options for SSD storage, high-speed connectivity, and 24/7 support.
OVH: OVH has data centers in São Paulo, Brazil, offering dedicated servers with high performance, DDoS protection, and a wide range of configurations to suit different needs.
Locaweb: Locaweb is a Brazilian hosting company providing dedicated servers with SSD storage, scalable resources, and robust infrastructure for reliable performance.
UOL Host: UOL Host offers Dedicated servers in Brazil with features like Intel Xeon processors, SSD storage options, and customizable configurations for performance optimization.
HostDime Brazil: HostDime has data centers in Brazil and offers dedicated servers with enterprise-grade hardware, redundant network connectivity, and managed services for optimal performance and reliability.
KingHost: KingHost is a Brazilian hosting provider offering dedicated servers with high-speed connectivity, RAID storage options, and reliable infrastructure for optimal performance.
ServerLoft: ServerLoft provides dedicated servers in Brazil with options for customizable configurations, fast deployment, and 24/7 technical support for ensuring optimal performance.
Brasil Cloud: Brasil Cloud offers dedicated servers in Brazil with features like Intel Xeon processors, SSD storage, and scalable resources for optimal performance and reliability.
When selecting a dedicated server provider, consider factors such as your specific performance requirements, budget, uptime guarantees, data center location, and customer reviews to ensure you choose the best option for your needs. Additionally, it's recommended to inquire about any additional services such as managed hosting, security features, and scalability options offered by the provider.
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mthedm · 11 months
Demystifying Web Hosting: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Supplier for Your Website
Introduction: In today's digital age, having a strong on-line existence is important for companies and people alike. Whether you're introducing a brand-new site or seeking to move an existing one, among the most crucial choices you'll need to make is picking the appropriate host service provider. With a myriad of options offered, each using different features and rates plans, it can be frustrating to browse the world of host. In this comprehensive guide, we'll demystify the idea of webhosting and give you with beneficial insights to help you make an educated decision.Paragraph 1: Webhosting is a service that permits individuals and companies to publish their internet sites on the net. Consider it as renting out a space on a server where your web site files and data are kept. A trusted host service provider ensures that your site is accessible to visitors 24/7, providing quick loading rates and marginal downtime. There are different sorts of host available, including shared holding, VPS holding, dedicated hosting, and cloud organizing. Understanding the distinctions between these choices is vital for establishing which one suits your certain needs. Aspects to take into consideration include site traffic, storage space demands, security attributes, scalability, and technical support.Paragraph 2: When choosing a web holding company, it's crucial to review several essential variables. First of all, think about the uptime guarantee supplied by the holding company. This shows the percentage of time your site will certainly come to visitors. Try to find carriers that offer a minimum of a 99.9 %uptime warranty, as also a small downtime can result in shed income or damaged online reputation. Second of all, assess the level of client support supplied by the company. A trusted holding company should use 24/7 technological support via different networks like online chat, phone, or e-mail. In addition, take into consideration the scalability choices available, as your internet site may experience growth in the future, requiring added sources. Finally, think about the prices strategies and functions supplied by various carriers, ensuring they straighten with your budget plan and requirements.Conclusion: Selecting the right webhosting service provider is an important action in guaranteeing your web site's success. By comprehending the principle of webhosting and examining essential variables such as uptime warranty, consumer assistance, scalability, and pricing, you can make an enlightened decision that best fits your demands. Keep in mind, trustworthy webhosting is the structure of a successful on-line visibility, so put in the time to research and pick sensibly.
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