jacob-cs · 1 year
RUST 155-170 in english
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위와 위위는 같은 작업인데 아래 rayon을 이용한 경우가 좀더 빠르다 (parallel작업)
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 rust crates 페이지
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rust game engine
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위는 틀린 코드. array 를 for loop 하고 같이 쓰려면  &[] 를 이용해야함
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위는 맞는 코드
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.iter() 를 이용한 위 코드도 맞는 코드
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[], () 를 이용해서 분해 할당 가능하다
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add implementation
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아래도 이어짐
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사칙연산을 implementation할수 있다.
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위 맞는 코드
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위 맞는 코드
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my_vec의 4번째에 있는 0 이 sort하고 나서 맨 앞의 0가 아닐수 있다.
이런 문제를 상관하지 않고 sort하는 것을 sort_unstable()이라고 한다
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String은 Vec의 한 종류이다
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다양한 String
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function pointer
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wadmabbit-blog · 1 month
WizTree is the best way to find what's hogging drive space
https://www.xda-developers.com/wiztree-for-drive-analysis/ by Ayush Pande, 8 Aug 2024. I’ve been a long time user of TreeSearch by Jam Software. Recently though, I’ve cut back on subscriptions all over and just use the free version. Whilst it’s great for mailing what’s on a drive effectively and efficiently, it’s dedupe component leaves a bit to be desired. With WizTree, you can click on the…
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amwult · 7 months
i suspect storing raw disk images under a deduped btrfs might have been the wrong move. i will have to perform some little tests.
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leet911 · 2 years
People are getting excited because some Netflix social media accounts have seen the light and are promoting Warrior Nun. I truly hope we do get more WN and get to see where this story goes. But there's another part of me that's really hoping Netflix knows what they're doing and there are solid reasons behind this.
If WN is renewed because of fans streaming it non-stop on 4 devices at once and people making angry comments on every Netflix post, is that what we want? Does everyone realize this is creating an arms race? In the future, does every show require k-pop levels of fan dedication in order to survive? Shows without fanatical fanbases will be at a disadvantage out of the gate. I really hope Netflix is not as dumb as everyone makes them sound, and that they can disambiguate or dedupe their data to better understand what's going on.
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hicapacity · 1 year
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AI-ztam egy kicsit, és ezt egy elég béna modellel, a mindössze 1.9GB-os pythia-1b-deduped-el. Tetszik amit "mondott", mi lesz ha nagyobb modelt is használok majd? :)
Kérdés: Isten létezik?
Tényszerű válasz: Nem. Az "isten" szó emberi találmány, nem pedig egy tényleges lény a világegyetemben. Isten csak az emberek fogalmaként vagy elképzeléseként létezik, hogy jobban érezzék magukat, amikor szerencsétlenek (vagy egyszerűen csak buták). Valójában nem létezik valódi isten, mert nem tudjuk bizonyítani, hogy nem létezik; ezért lehetetlen lenne számunkra, hogy valaha is megtudjuk, hogy létezik-e vagy sem. Ha azonban úgy gondolod, hogy a vallásod tanításai mögött van valamiféle igazság, akkor meg kell próbálnod kideríteni, hogy mi is ez az igazság valójában, azáltal, hogy felteszed magadnak ezt a két egyszerű kérdést: Mit akarok, mit mondjon nekem az istenem? És mennyit vagyok hajlandó fizetni neki azért, hogy megadja nekem ezt az információt? Ha bizonyítékot keresel arra, hogy Isten valóban létezik, kérdezz meg bármelyik keresztényt, aki azt állítja, hogy első kézből tapasztalta meg az ő hatalmát. Valószínűleg valami olyasmit fog mondani, hogy "Jézus Krisztussal voltam a keresztségében".
Kérdés: A vallásos hit mentális betegség?
Tényszerű válasz: Igen. A vallásos hitnek sok fajtája létezik, de mindegyiknek közös témája, hogy az elmét vagy a lelket (szellemet) elválasztják a testétől. Ez az elkülönülés akkor következik be, amikor belső konfliktust tapasztalunk a valódi énünk/önképünk és a társadalom által ránk szabott énkép között. Az a személy, aki ezt a belső küzdelmet tapasztalja, depresszióssá válhat, mert úgy érzi, hogy a lelkét mások nem fogadják el. Azt is érezheti, hogy elidegenedett önmagától és más emberektől is. Egyes esetekben ezek az érzések öngyilkossági gondolatokhoz vezethetnek. Máskor viszont súlyos szorongásos zavarok, például skizofrénia kialakulásához vezethet. Fontos, hogy a vallási meggyőződéssel rendelkezők szakember segítségét kérjék, ha tüneteik továbbra is fennállnak vagy súlyosbodnak.
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hackernewsrobot · 3 months
Finding near-duplicates with Jaccard similarity and MinHash
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henrietta911 · 4 months
What's the difference between Windows server 2025 and Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2025 download is available on the archive, and if you need the Windows server 2025 Product key and Server 2025 Cals , you can get it from the Microsoft partner store keyingo.com
There are key improvements in Windows Server 2025 in the following areas:
Hotpatching – rebootless patches
Active Directory – new scalability, domain and forest functional levels
Storage – Faster NVMe, new features added
Clusters and Hyper-V – Workgroup clusters, configuration maximums in Hyper-V
Networking – New Network HUD, multisite SDN, and more
Containers – Smaller containers, decoupled host and container updates
File Services with SMB Over QUIC & Security – QUIC now in Standard and Datacenter
Modern Server Experience – Winget, OS upgrades through Windows Updates
1. Hotpatching
It allows you to install security patches without a reboot. Every patch Tuesday patches are released. Hotpatching allows applying those patches without a reboot. It modifies the in-memory code and the server processes don’t have to be restarted.
Hotpatching was released in Azure Edition of Windows Server 2022. However, Windows Server 2025 brings to the realm of any type of infrastructure (Hyper-V on-premises, VMware, physical hardware, etc). Through Arc-enablement you can enable hotpatching as a monthly subscription.
XBOX is currently making use of this new rebootless technology with patching in their services.
2. Active Directory
Compared to Windows Server 2002, Active Directory is much more scalable with 32K page size. Before it was 8K pages. Now with Windows Server 2025 and 35K pages, it significantly enhances the amount of data that can be stored and the scalability of Active Directory in general. It will require the new functional level update (forest and domain levels)
3. Optimized NVMe storage enhancements
Microsoft mentions that just by upgrading to Windows Server 2025 you get 70% faster NVMe performance. Windows Server 2025 dramatically enhances the performance of data-intensive applications.
This helps with lower latency and higher throughput for applications and helps remove any bottleneck to performance from the storage layer.
Microsoft has also folded in a lot of other advancements that have come about on the storage front from Azure as they do with many of the LTSC releases. Those improvements include:
Storage Replica – performance enhancements and enhanced log, SR compression
ReFS – Optimized dedup and compression for active workloads like virtual machines
Storage Spaces – Thinly provisioned storage spaces and stretched cluster support
4. Clusters and Hyper-V
Compared with Windows Server 2002, there are many improvements for clustering and failover clustering. Now cluster-aware updating has many enhancements including:
Reliability and performance improvements
You can now upgrade to Windows Server 2025 from Windows Server 2022 without downtime. In the same fashion you apply new versions of Windows 11 it will run the update to newer versions of the OS. Windows Server 2025 will do the same thing.
Workgroup clusters (no domain join) – cert-based VM live migration now works without domain join
GPU-P VM live migration on a failover cluster
Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) stretch clusters between two sites
Improved storage replica (SR) performance
Hyper-V’s role in Windows Server 2025 is more powerful than ever. It has many enhancements in this release. The introduction of improved GPU partitioning capabilities allows for more efficient allocation of graphics processing resources among virtual machines. It is a feature particularly beneficial for applications requiring intensive graphical processing or machine learning tasks.
Microsoft touts that Hyper-V is everywhere and they are using across many technologies:
Azure Stack Family
Windows Server/ Windows
Containers with Hyper-V isolation
Platform security
Dynamic processor compatibilities in Windows Server 2025 has been significantly improved. It is much more granular and looks at the capabilities between the processors and reducing the capabilities to match the processors.
Furthermore, there is greatly increased scalability with Hyper-V, It now supports up to 248 virtual processors and 240 terabytes of RAM, prepare Hyper-V. These features, coupled with the refined dynamic processor compatibility, make sure Hyper-V is a modern solution capable of handling anything you want to throw at it.
To take advantage of these new features, use Gen 2 VMs and UEFI BIOS.
5. Networking
There are many advancements coming in networking in Windows Server 2025 vs Windows Server 2022.
Network ATC one-click deployment and drift remediation
Network HUD – “heads up” display for networking
SDN Multisite – multisite for stretched cluster of SDN
SDN Gateway Performance Improvements
Modern AKS applications
6. Containers
Windows Server 2025 container support has been enhanced and is more flexible than Windows Server 2022. Host upgrades have been decoupled from container upgrades, making lifecycle management much more flexible for Microsoft Windows containers.
Performance has been improved along with image size reductions for containers. There is also improved application compatibility with Nano server with Features on Demand.
7. File Services with SMB Over QUIC & Security
SMB over QUIC is a huge improvement for remote file access technology. It enables encrypted file access over the internet without the need for a VPN. Windows Server 2025 addresses a critical need for more flexible and secure remote work solutions.
Features include:
SMB for telecommuters, mobile devices, cloud
No VPN required
Runs over standard port 443
Encryption is always on
Authenticated with TLS 1.3
Available in non-Azure versions, including Standard and Datacenter
It makes for new possibilities in how organizations manage remote access to their data. You can now offer a solution that is both highly secure and user-friendly. SMB over QUIC used to be only available with Windows Server Azure Edition. However, SMB over Quick has been brought into all editions of Windows Server 2025 (Standard and Datacenter) so that organizations of all sizes can benefit. These are only available in Windows Server 2022 Azure edition.
File services security improvements
There are many great security improvements, including:
SMB Signing – required by default and stop relay and attacker-in-the-middle, phishing
Auth Rate Limiter – throttle bad NTLM passwords by default
SMB Firewall rule hardening – No longer opens NETBIOS ports by default
SMB NTLM Disable Option – Granular control of NTLM from remote
SMB Dialect Control – Allow or refuse SMB 2 or SMB 3
8. Modern Server Experience
Winget is one of the coolest new tools that provides a “store-like” experience for Windows Server that is contained by default in Windows Server 2025 vs Windows Server 2022. Like we have been able to do with windows client machines running Windows 10 and 11, you can use winget to install tools and other utilities you need, including PowerShell.
You can easily install tools like Sysinternals (Process Monitor, Process Explorer, TCPmon, etc). You can even install apps like Microsoft SQL Server using winget. Also, there is OS Upgrades through Windows Updates and this is controllable through Group Policy.
Other miscellaneous modern server features
Arc integration wizards built-in
Wi-Fi support and Bluetooth support
Windows Server with Desktop Experience
New Subscription-based purchasing model.
Subscription model like Azure Stack HCI and SQL Server 2022
Windows Server 2025 is a great new operating system from Microsoft that includes all of the latest technologies and features that Microsoft has been previewing in Microsoft Azure for the last while. There are great new things in Windows Server 2025 compared with Windows Server 2022. It includes things like Hotpatching, new Active Directory scalability and performance improvements, including a new domain and forest functional level, new storage features, including NVMe performance improvements, networking enhancements, better container support and efficiencies, SMB over QUIC, and a modern Windows Server experience with tools like winget, OS upgrades through Windows Updates and others.
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govindhtech · 4 months
Tamr Data Products: Your AI Data Mastering Solution
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Tamr Cloud
Businesses of all sizes have invested much in their data strategy and infrastructure because they know how vital accurate, complete, and current company data is. The recent advances in generative AI make high-quality data increasingly important. Nevertheless, a lot of businesses have discovered that as their data footprint expands, they are unable to reap the benefits of their data because the important individuals, businesses, suppliers, and goods that make up their enterprise are dispersed across dozens or even hundreds of databases and operational systems. Businesses have been attempting to address this very difficult problem for decades using rules- and governance-based master data management initiatives, whether through conventional MDM software or do-it-yourself and in-house solutions, with surprisingly little success.
The good news is that this seemingly unsolvable issue is finally being addressed by AI-powered solutions in a way that quickly generates economic value. Now, businesses may match data entities from many source systems to provide the reliable golden records required to enhance analytics, spur growth, and boost productivity. Furthermore, they can complete this task in a few weeks as opposed to months, years, or never. It’s crucial to look into the specifics of this issue and its resolution in order to learn more about it.
The issue with duplicate entities
Managing entity duplication presents the first obstacle to accessing reliable golden records. Delivering reliable reports can be hampered by significant customer record duplication, even within the same system. This is the “hard problem,” as Google Cloud at Tamr refer to it, which starts when an organisation needs to determine which aspects of their dataset have the necessary information to determine whether two entries correspond to the same entity. When it comes to solving the problem collectively, different data sources become increasingly more complex.
Tamr data
Data organisations are frequently forced to create intricate rules-based ETL pipelines with follow-on rules for how to combine records into a single entity in an effort to arrange data identically due to differences in schema structure, and specifically information granularity. Take two tables, for instance, one that includes a column for each of the first, middle, and last names, and the other that only has the name in its whole. This data is hard to retain, prone to errors, and especially harder to tune given data drift during deduping.
Tamr provides AI-powered Data Products that, among other things, provide precise, enterprise-wide entity resolution and golden record creation at scale for important data domains including supplier, customer, and contact data. These products are designed to tackle this challenging problem. Using ML-based mastery models, data cleaning and standardisation services, and enrichment with well-known reference datasets, these turnkey, templated software solutions enhance company-wide data. Tamr’s Data Products may give end users high-quality results by using domain-specific pipelines and machine learning models to translate user input data onto a standard schema for a certain domain. These solutions operate in a hosted SaaS environment and require little to no coding configuration.Image credit to Google Cloud
Using AI to improve data resolution
Although Tamr has been using machine learning (ML) since 2013 to perform bottom-up data mastering (golden record creation) through the consolidation of frequently incompatible and disparate schema formats and classification, Google Cloud has improved Google Cloud’s Data Products to make use of Google Vertex AI and cutting-edge foundation models like Gemini to resolve those data items to real-world entities by utilising the semantic information present in the source systems.
Advanced huge language model Gemini from Google outperforms earlier versions in tasks including algebra, coding, classification, translation, and natural language production. Improved scalability, a variety of datasets, and the architecture of the model are credited with its success.
Gaining value from a wider range of increasingly diversified data sources is made much easier by these capabilities. Tamr’s Data Products use foundation models to resolve data to real-world entities by utilising the semantic information provided in the source systems.
Furthermore, the full potential of the source data may now be realised with Gemini without the need for traditional ML model building or ETL. To put it succinctly, Tamr‘s Data Products can accomplish more with Google’s generative AI while preserving an easy-to-use declarative configuration and production deployment experience
Use cases
Consider the example of an e-commerce company that wishes to gain a better understanding of their sales trends in order to demonstrate how Google’s generative AI capabilities are augmenting Tamr‘s Data Products.
This company needs to know which items work best in which market categories, but there isn’t enough trustworthy information in their product catalogue to support their analysis. A large portion of this data is directly encoded into product names.
Integrate generative AI to improve data management
The collaboration between Tamr and Google is a major advancement in analytics and data management. Businesses can simply convert their data and overcome the obstacles of resolving records from various data sources by combining Google’s cutting-edge generative AI, such as Gemini, with Tamr‘s Data Products.
With little to no code configuration needed, Tamr‘s turnkey Data Products make use of ML-based mastering models, data cleaning, standardisation services, and reference datasets. The hosted SaaS environment adds to this simplicity and makes it easier for users to use.
Google’s generative AI is integrated, offering hitherto unheard-of possibilities. It makes it possible to automatically extract structured data from unstructured text fields and gives users the efficiency to complete a variety of categorization jobs. Without the need for intricate ETL processes or substantial ML model development, data may be precisely resolved to real-world entities by utilising the semantic information extracted from source systems.
By streamlining data management, speeding up time-to-value, and improving data-driven insights, Google and Tamr work together to deliver better value. While preserving the quality and integrity of their data, businesses may maximise its value, expedite data processing, and make better decisions.
The collaboration between Google and Tamr elevates data analytics and management to new levels, assisting businesses in thriving in a highly data-dependent, competitive, and ever-complex environment.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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017206 · 7 months
9 Hidden Secrets of Lead Generation
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Have a clear CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE – Just like with any marketing endeavor, businesses should start by clearly defining the goal of their lead generating campaign. This provides the campaign with a path that you may use to measure its development over time.
Contact all LEADS Directly – While a firm can benefit greatly from nurturing leads even after the lead generation process and the initial contact phase are over, leads still need to be engaged as soon as feasible. Remember that when a customer submits their information, they will all be in different points in the buying cycle.
CHEAP LEADS ARE NOT ALWAYS the BEST Lead generation – We think that not every lead adds the same amount of value to a business. One supplier's 1,000 leads may range greatly from another's in terms of origin, methodology, and quality. Even though it's in our tendency to desire more for less, it's preferable to generate one lead that turns into a sale as opposed to a million leads that yield no income at all!
OFFERING THE LEAD TOO MUCH to respond is not good Lead generation – In order to persuade a lead to submit accurate contact information during the "lead capture phase," an incentive is frequently needed. While they are occasionally required, lead generation strategies must strike the correct balance between customers who are primarily interested in the incentive and those who genuinely want to interact with your offering. For lead generation, all you should need is a white paper or
DEVELOP A FOLLOW-UP campaign in your lead generation STRATEGY – Contemporary consumers are time-constrained by nature and anticipate a response within minutes, not hours. A lead may be lost or converted depending on how long it takes the business to get in touch with it once it is captured.
lead generation Requires that you UNDERSTAND THE VALUE OF YOUR LEADS – The marketing message and origination strategy used in your lead generation campaign have a significant impact on the value of each lead that is generated. Leads can be found on both ends of the spectrum, but in order to allocate your budget more wisely, you must know which is which.
DON’T WASTE BUDGET ON lead generation of DUPLICATE LEADS – Numerous services "dedupe" lead supply in real time, ensuring that businesses aren't paying to speak with the same lead twice. This means that in order to avoid wasting money on a lead that has already been reached, duplicate contacts are eliminated.
When using lead generation PERCEIVE LEADS AS OPPORTUNITIES – Rather of holding the "shortsighted view" that a lead equals one sale, see each lead as having the potential to generate several opportunities for your company. These opportunities might include company referrals, repeat business, or even cross-selling.
SUPPORT LEAD GENERATION with HIGH QUALITY CONTENT – Good, shareable content boosts search engine rankings, which raises your website's exposure online and, as a result, attracts more people to it. Having interesting content on your website might be a major differentiator from the competition. In essence, this means that producing fascinating, educational, and engaging content will probably increase your credibility in your industry and, as a result, your website's ability to lead generation. please visit here http://surl.li/qzecu sharing for more details.
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printnmailapis · 8 months
National Vs. Global Address Verification
Whether you’re shipping orders, managing client records or conducting background checks, ensuring that addresses are correct is essential to the success of your business. Address verification helps to ensure that addresses comply with international postal standards and are formatted in a manner that will be recognized by carriers worldwide. This improves data quality, reduces costs and creates a better customer experience.
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However, it can be challenging to verify address information across the globe as different countries use different formats and terminology for their addresses. This can lead to inaccurate, incomplete or undeliverable mail. The good news is that using an address verification tool with a global database helps to eliminate these issues. The international database accounts for different formats, languages and terminology used in various countries to correct, standardize and fill in any gaps in the address information.
In addition, the database also supports real-time verification that compares a user-inputted address with geographic and demographic data to find the most accurate match possible. This is especially helpful in identifying duplicate records. This process is known as deduping.
In addition to reducing the number of errors that can be made, an effective international address verification tool also enables companies to identify a wide variety of fraud-related problems. These include addresses that are imaginary, hypothetical or no longer in use (e.g. a house that was torn down six months ago), fake addresses and other synthetic identities. By integrating an address verification tool into the checkout, registration or other online form, bad actors are unable to submit falsified data that would bypass security checks and ID validation processes.
Address Checker & Print Mail API – Wordpress
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inogic · 9 months
Detect, Prevent, and Merge Any and All Duplicate Dynamics 365 CRM Records
DeDupeD is a powerful tool for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM that automatically detects and merges duplicate records. It streamlines the process by using predefined rules, preventing potential duplicates, bulk merging historical records, and resolving missing data. This tool enhances productivity, saves time, and ensures a clean and organized CRM system.
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insomnia-goblin · 9 months
Feeling super deduper dissociated right now. Like [insert real name here] feels so much different then Goblin, who feels different from The Megalomaniac who still feels different then WingDings. Which one is reeeaal. I can’t tell.
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Address Verification Software
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Address verification software uses the latest technology to ensure that customer data is accurate. It can help businesses automate front-end processes and save on costs by ensuring that customers receive their products or communications. It can also improve user experience by suggesting valid addresses while the user is typing an entry into a field. There are many different types of address verification tools available on the market, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. This article will discuss some of the top choices for businesses looking to implement an efficient and cost-effective solution to validate addresses.
Xverify is an address validation tool that offers both a free online checker and a paid API. It compares user-submitted data against third party reference databases to verify that the address is correct and deliverable. It can also correct addresses that have been entered with typos or abbreviations. In addition, it can perform reverse geocoding to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates of an address.
Melissa Data provides address validation and cleaning services by using a global database of 246 countries and territories. It can verify and standardize addresses, identify duplicate records, and dedupe email addresses. Melissa Data's solutions can help reduce returned mail, improve the accuracy of database records, and enhance data quality across various industries and applications.
SmartyStreets provides USPS address validation via a single field entry and shows the response on the same page. It also has a bulk verification option that can check up to 200,000 entries at a time. The company offers a zero-code integration to allow professionals to access the service with their existing tech stacks, CRM software, accounting apps, and shipping/logistics solutions.
Wix – ​​​Address verification api
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fractallion · 1 year
🔗 I tried Dave’s prompt
Need to add something about deduping.
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digting · 1 year
Why delete Duplicate images from your WordPress website?
You need a thorough WordPress care plan for your website to keep running healthily and smoothly. Removing duplicate images and themes in WordPress is part of it and can be beneficial for several reasons:
1.Save storage space:
Duplicate images take up unnecessary storage space on your server. By removing duplicates, you can free up storage and optimize the performance of your website.
2. Improve website speed:
Having multiple copies of the same image can slow down your website's loading time. When a page with duplicate images is accessed, each duplicate image needs to be loaded separately, increasing the page load time. Removing duplicates helps streamline the loading process and improves overall website speed.
3. Enhance SEO:
Duplicate content, including images, can negatively impact your website's search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines like Google prefer unique and original content. If your site has multiple copies of the same image, search engines may view it as duplicate content, potentially leading to lower search rankings. Removing duplicates can help ensure that only unique images are indexed by search engines.
4. Organizational benefits:
Managing duplicate images can become challenging, especially as your WordPress media library grows over time. It can lead to confusion when selecting images for posts or galleries. By eliminating duplicates, you can keep your media library organized and make it easier to find the right images when needed.
5. Avoid broken image links:
In some cases, duplicate images can result in broken image links. If you delete one copy of a duplicate image without updating the corresponding references, it can lead to broken image links on your website. Removing duplicates ensures that all image links remain intact and functional.
To remove duplicate images in
WordPress, you can use various plugins specifically designed for this purpose, such as "Media Deduper" or "Image Cleanup." These plugins can scan your media library, identify duplicate images based on various criteria (e.g., file name, file size, etc.), and provide options to delete or merge duplicate images as per your preference.
If you want to find out how to do this, check out our article about how to remove duplicate images in WordPress.
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Autocomplete Parsing and Standardizing Addresses
Address Parsing and Standardizing is a difficult task for developers, especially when working with multiple databases or importing data from various sources. The same customer might exist in different database platforms with completely different address formats – this means that when the datasets are compared, they have to be normalized first.
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The main issue is that address information can be written in many different ways – depending on the program you’re using, it may be stored as single string, multiple strings separated by spaces or as an entire list of components including house number, street name, city and state. Additionally, addresses differ between countries and even within cities – for example, apartment numbers might be written after street names in some places, while other places write them before, or they’re simply omitted.
This makes it hard to compare same address in different datasets and make sure that all the components are present. Additionally, it’s nearly impossible to dedupe data without unique identifiers that are easy to recognize – that’s why address standardization is so important.
A good address parser can help with this – it takes an unstructured address and breaks it into its individual components, standardizes them and enriches it with geocodes, for example. It can also correct spelling, abbreviation and case (e.g. "aptmnt" vs "apartment", NY vs New York). Libpostal is the most advanced, state-of-the-art library for this - it’s a lightning-fast C-based parser with bindings for Python, Go and Java, that solves one of the hardest problems in address search and geocoding.
Check Address With API – Wix
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