#deedz responds
phantom-of-the-ruckus · 3 months
Hi Phantom! I hope you’re doing good today and I have I question I’ve been wondering to ask.
Since I mentioned the crossover of Hello Puppets x Avatar the Last Airbender and my OC Valentino as a non-bender, which element do you think your OC Alberto would be? To me, I think an Airbender would be fitting for him because of his personality and the fact he refuses to use actual animals for his tricks. But what do you think?
Hiya!!! I am doing ok thanks purr asking (pun very much intented)
I still owe you the Valentino nickname ask (i keep forgetting to respond but i will also it took me a while because Spanish doesn't have a gender neutral like English as the connotacions are more masc or fem sided (spanish is weird-)
Ok, legit it got me a time to think and i kinda wanted to make him a firebending for the Whole fire and spicy as he is a fan of it but I do think being an airbender does fit him as I will confirm Al is in fact vegetarian (or maybe vegan) as I think that's the diet of airbenders or i am confusing shows again
Anyways, I do think he would be an airbender as be is pretty care free and for sure would do this:
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He certainly would use his bending for good and fun
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I got an interesting theory to think about that could be the end goal of the Handeemen. In the VR game when you come across the puppet surgery when you need to pull the organs apart, the puppet dies when you pull the one with the pin. What if Riley was experimenting a way for the puppets to live without their hosts being puppeteers? For example, they instead take certain organs out of the humans to put into themselves. And what do you know, Rosco is one of those experiments that Mortimer and Nick succeeded making it possible. That led to the creation of the rats and the blind critter. And what's worst, the original blueprints of their designs survived the fire! They could get all the resources they'll need to make new bodies of themselves and transfer their conscience into the new bodies with legs before they "reboot" their show without the need for puppeteers. Basically, living evil Pinocchios! The official Hello Puppets liked a Daisy Danger fanart post back in 2020 of that case where Daisy was a messed up form of that experiment. Whatever the next game does, another prequel or a sequel to the VR game, every human in the world is in danger.
btw: The fannart was made by Buglii (they are an amazing artist and did some artwork for the MS)
I actually do believe this would totally be the case since Riley in the tapes mentions how powerful the host world is and she knows relying on humans may not be the best way to continue on their life as (she puts it) they have limit supply of how many hosts they can actually use.
I remember making some dialogue relating to a similar theory in Ambition I think. It's actually about my host (Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins) realizing that the puppets are like a human body but they require a part that closes the part of the hole where the puppeteers are meant to put their hands inside (that sounded weirder than it should, sorry.) As that was written before the midnight show some details may not come as accurate, but to make a longer story short :
Basically is comparing the puppets to a body cut in half, like they are slowly dying to that whole making them vunerable, they use a living organism has "the other half cut" in order to survive
I honestly adore your theory and I think that is something that the puupets are planning. No matter how sympathetic they are, the puppets are truly terrifying.
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Do any of the puppets get nightmares? Who has them the worse. Who hides it and who consoles them
Hiya, Anon!
Ummmm I do think that they have nightmares.
Nick tends to have a lot of them but he has grown used to them and has found out that he can deal with his anxiety through illustrating them as he doesn't really have the best relationship with the handeemen. Some automatons that do like him often console him and then go on questioning their existence and their purpose
Daisy occasionally has them. She often pops in Riley's lab (when Riley not too irritated to be bothered with her work) and chats with her about them. Daisy actually goes to the sock puppets to talk when it happens
Riley is the second puppet who has the worst nightmares. She doesn't really like to talk about them and rather records her thoughts or does some math to deal with them. Daisy once tried to reach her, but Riley ended up snapping at her. She apologized afterwards tho.
Mortimer has the worst nightmares out of everyone. He doesn't deny nor talk about them with the other puppets. Riley did see him muttering to an old picture of Owen in his office once but she knew it was best not to approach with the subject.
Hope that answers your question!
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Howdy! Do you happen to know if shippers are weclome in the Hello puppets fandom?
Hiya Annon!!!
It does depend on the parts around the fandom and what type of shipper are you. I'll be frank and may sound a bit harsh, so sorry about that
I'll be honest, since I don't think any of the characters are related and the fact that there is no implication (since Owen simply stated two were only rivals with a sibling like dynamic, which was confirmed by Andrew before. Unless Andrew says they are related, they are not related for me) so I am not bothered or care too much about cannon x cannon unless it falls into the fucked up things or shipping them as related . If you ship them and think are related, then fuck no
I do stuff relating to cannon but not shipping, but I established my POV multiple times just to make clear my stand
I will make it clear that not everyone thinks alike, so many people do think they are related and so they will get very uncomfortable, or in the worst case do like some immature dude did by commenting in an old fannart and blocking me without even letting me explain it was an old fanart that I won't take down because I take full responsibility of my mistakes.
If you still wanna do cannon x cannon do it at your own risk (in the sense of you believing no one is related). I am not encouraging you or supporting it. I'm just saying that if you don't see them as related and want to ship them then I won't stop you but I will warn you it is a risk you might be taking regardless of my warnings.
I won't advice you whether to do it or not because I don't care unless you ship them as related, but some might do but after all is your choice
I will delete any comment bringing the drama back or bring the whole Nick situation again (Like mentioning the I ans est word) I want this post to be as nice as welcoming as possible
I am sick of that drama and it will not let it in my blog. If you wish to comment do it so nicely due to not knowing what type of shipper aannon is, maybe they are preferring to OC x Cannon or something like that so please be respectful.
Don't twist my words, I am not encouraging it. I am just aware that people might not listen and I don't want to make it my problem
So, if you ship oc x cannon then, yeah you'll be welcome nonetheless. I don't ship any oc x cannon with the puppets, but many people do and there is a muse Au for Nick if you have an OC with him. I do have oc x cannon ships with the humans
OC x Cannon is very common in the fansom, so you'll do fine.
So I hope this has been helpful for ya, and sorry if I was a bit too harsh but I felt the need to be frank and be all serious.
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 9 months
Can we get more about this...
Alberto fellow...
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His bunny is a rescue, and he adores him!
He was created by Owen due to realizing the Handeemen needed more friends. He based him on some Mexican Magician Amy took him to see one day
Alberto loves animals and bakes them animal-friendly treats for them.
He has sewn all of his stuffed animals for his shows
He made a chewing toy for Rosco
He helps Daisy in the kitchen
he does adore dancing, but he's not crazy about it
Rollos de Canela are his favorite treats
He is learning to make Tamales
His first language is Spanish, but he is fluent in English
His favorite animals are macaws
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I just saw your headcanons post, and I'm in love with the idea of Riley being a proud single-Pringle! She has Rosco, she has a thrilling career, what more could she ask for?! Also, definitely agree that she doesn't need to be coupled as often as she is.
Awww thank you, Delly!
Your ask made day as I was going through some stress, and it brought a smile to my face!
I 100% with your statement
Yeah, it would make sense for Riley not being interested in being in a relationship. I had fun shipping her in the past, but I feel Riley is more career driven, and why would she need a partner when she has a good boi to her side?
As a single person who isn't interested in dating (mostly due to focusing on themselves as she's focused more into taking care of herself until she's emotionally mature for a relationship) I can relate a lot about Riley being focus on taking care of herself and a career
You don't exactly need to be in a romantic or sexual relationship to be happy, sometimes having a good career, a good boi and some good friends is enough + Riley never felt to me as someone who would consider a relationship (Unlike Nick, who craves for companionship) as she prioritizes her job and the good boi first, and she's more of a loner wolf in my opinion that would rather stay with someone she's close with like she is with Mortimer
Thinking more about it, Riley although she's a mad scientist with questionable morals, she seems to be the character that has a balanced life where she is happy and her only discontent comes from incompetency and poking some old guy all day XD
I love the games' humor XD
Thank you so much for your ask, it brought a smile to my face!
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I’ve been reading your headcanons, and they really started to get me thinking about the relationships between the puppets. One thing that has been on my mind since listening to the tapes is the “Detonator Device” that Mortimer said he put in Rosco. Do you think there was actually a device, or do you think Mortimer just said that to scare Riley? Im leaning towards the latter. Despite how intelligent Mortimer is, I don’t see him being able to hog wire EXPLOSIVES, i’m sure he wouldn’t want to give the other puppets a one up on him by destroying Rosco, and actually doing so would kill any connection Riley and Him ever had, making her dangerous and no longer useful towards him.
I'm glad you been enjoying my headcannons, I have so much fun making them and thinking I. further details the relationship within the puppets.
About your question, I 100% agree. I don't Mortimer put detonators inside Rosco besides being the thing that save him from nearly falling apart with Riley, but also he says that Rosco is quite powerful than 20 puppets and such
I am sure he lied to Riley about it as he knew she was probably processing everything to even think at the logic as a final hit so she can return to him.
he certainly values both Rosco and Riley to loose them, so that lie was a way to get his point across.
Thank you so much for your ask!
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To add to the therapy thing.
I’m curious to what your therapy methods would be for Nick. Cause I’m sure he might open up easier than the others. Wellll…..Daisy woukd too but I’m curious to how Nick trains and scars would be handled.
Hey, Annon!
That's a pretty good question!
Sadly I am not exactly an expert in this sorta stuff, but I can give off some examples that might help Nick opening up and how his negative cooping mechanism and his trauma would be handled based on my therapy sessions with my psychiatrist.
So I believe that if Nick were to go to therapy, he would lay in the couch and start telling the therapist about himself. The therapist would write down his mannerism, certain details they found interesting, and overall get an idea of Nick.
In later sessions, they would then use their notes and things they noticed to get Nick to talk and slowly built courage and comfort so he can open up and tell them about their problems.
I do think he would vent through his art and paint how he feels, and writes in a fun way of exploring mindfulness (but he would certainly write how he feels because it's important to acknoledge your feelings_
I think he would be asked to separate himself from the handeemen as they're somewhat enabling his worst traits. I am not sure how would they handle his hostile behavior, but the therapist would say something that makes him consider his behavior
That's all I could think of for now.
Thanks annon
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Honestly I think Nick and Riley both need therapy. Both have issues they need to figure out.
Riley. Her urge to pleased mortimer and her anger. As well as her brainwashed mind. She needs to know also that rosco won’t be destroyed.
Nick: he….he’s a mess. He’s abused.( applied in the game). Honestly under appreciated and you can tell he has underlying anger and frustration. ( thanks mortimer) he needs
I do wonder how and when it would get better for them if they got therapy. ( or if Owen actually tried to help them)
Hi, Annon!
I very much agree! Also, poor Daisy needs therapy too and learning to love and accept her full self and stop trying to force herself into the role-model housewife that she expects herself to be (seen as refusing to accept her danger side)
I do believe Riley's behavior is like some sort of after effect of Mortimer brainwashing her. I am not sure if he guilt-trips her into feeling bad, but he manipulates into making her feel like she needs to give something back at him
But also I think this is part of their close bond. As I mentioned before, I see their relationship more like a mentoring type rather than father and daughter (which is totally valid and I respect that), so I think Riley wanting to please Mortimer is also part of her need to prove herself that she's capable of doing things in her own and
I do headcannon that Riley doesn't really have self-esteem issues per se as Mortimer pretty much made her feel like she was good, but finds herself wishing to have Mortimer give her a chance to show him that his ideas are innovative but Mortimer shutting them down does frustrate and causes her anger
Because the side that cares for Mortimer and their cause feels hurt that he's not taking seriously the warning sides and she's trying to be helpful.
It does hurt her ego a bit but does feel restrained since she respects Mortimer enough to not disobey him, which explains her creative ways of getting what she wants around the problem (seen in the first game with the sabotage)
Also yes. Riley certainly needs to know Mortimer lied to her about destroying Rosco as a way to keep her in check. As much as a special bond she has with Mort, canonically is pretty toxic (like most of the cannon bonds and relationships) and Mortimer is quite unstable.
Nick I am 100% percent with you.
Mortimer verbal and physical abuse have affected him greatly, and Nick does show to have grown spiteful and his behavior stems from an unhealthy cooping mechanism that involves his awful treatment of Daisy (I do have some headcannons involving his complex feelings for Riley but I won't touch them, but what I think are some things that made him stay at the studio worth it.)
Nick's behavior I think stems from his bitterness that the others are not getting the same treatment. I do think that he respects Riley greatly (not taking on the crush thing, but rather in general) as much as he's jealous that she's the favorite and the golden child, but I can see him understanding the pressure Mortimer places upon her.
I do headcannon that Nick years to see the real Riley (non-romantic sense too) as he's sure her hostile behavior is a mask she wears to keep herself in line.
I do think that is both partially the case and Nick being a dramatic idiot we all know and love. Riley always came across as a very transparent individual who won't hide her emotions, but I can see her hiding her respect for Nick, but this is a response of Nick's hostile behavior towards too.
Daisy, however, seems to be a character that Mortimer tends to ignore the most. We didn't really see him interact with her as much but it appears that Mortimer tries to be as patient with her as possible but nonetheless ignores her. Since Mortimer doesn't bother her, Nick is very frustrated that she gets the "easy route" so that's why he vents with her instead of Riley
I do agree that everyone (yes. Even Mortimer, but he deserves the horrible type of therapy because he's an ass and deserves the woodchopper) deserve therapy. It would take many years of healing and trust, specially with Riley who formed a close bond with Mortimer and doesn't trust Owen at all (I do feel part of her blames his existence for Mortimer changing and becoming paranoid.)
Therapy will help them heal and have much healthier interactions, but the trauma and scars will remain.
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Make me choose: Victor or Shuriki?
Sorry for the delay, had to take care of my mental health.
Umm this one is a hard one lol. Choosing between one of my favorite animated dads and blorbos and my ultimate favorite Elena of Avalor villain (who has been a comfort character for me for many years)?
I have to say both lol.
Victor is everything in what I love for an animated dad to be. He is a bit of a goofball, he is very loyal to his family, he prioritizes the well-being of his child and even had to keep his anger towards Ash from Carla herself. Victor is such an underrated character with so much potential that often just gets overshadowed by Esteban and his arc.
Look as much as I love the bestesteban, I got to admit he is a little overrated. Esteban is a great morally gray character and I'll say an anti-hero too due to doing heroic things both for good and for selfish reasons. I get that he's well written but like, we got other good characters like Victor who is just in the corner.
Now for Shuriki
We all know I adore my evil Northern Island sorceress. I enjoy Shuriki as a villain. As much as I love complex villains with complicated morals that are not truly evil but not truly good, I do enjoy a pure cynical ball of pure evil and that's Shuriki for me. She had a lot of character potential and honestly other sides to explore. I was curious at that small glimpse of self-doubt during her scepter practices.
I was also curious to see the relationship she had with Fiero (Not in the romantic sense because I do NOT like that ship) which had a great potential of a dynamic that could parallel Elena and Mateo's wholesome friendship but the twist is that these two are using "keep your friends and enemies closer"
Honestly, I found interesting the idea of Shuriki being like the other side of the coin of Elena, like they're connected by the also wasted potential in the two scepter stories.
I just feel this characters don't tend to be work a lot in the fandom due to being overshadowed by characters like Esteban and Ash.
Thank you so much for the ask, my dude!
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Does the puppets have sexuality?
If so what their sexuality?
It took me a while to respond this, and sorry for the delay annon!
Mental health hit me hard and I had to take a break from the game and tumblr in general.
Umm, I never really thought that puppets could have a sexuality.
I had just two sexuality headcannons for the cannon puppets tho:
Riley is asexual
Mortimer is Aroace.
I do headcannon to Nick to be Pansexual, but that's more to my fannon version of the cannon.
Hope that answers your curiosity and thanks for the ask!
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For the character ask thing, what do you think of nick nack?
(incase you somehow forgot who he is:he's the touch starved theater kid with (terrible) daddy issues:)/j)
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Answered before but NICK DESERVES ATTENTION!
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I can relate to Nick Nack a lot as a very awkward person who is a theater kid but kinda sucks at it, loves art, puns, and has a crush on-
Nick Nack is the most hilarious character and he is so charismatic. He jusy tries his best and basically is an uncomprehended genius who people just don't get >:(/j
This boi is such a mood and I want to squish him in love and randomly burst into song and sing like a banshee with him
Also take this poor soul in therapy
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Okay-I feel bad asking two bingos at once-take ALL the time you need. No rush, no pressure to answer. Victor Delgado for the character bingo and Carteo for the ship bingo?
Hiya! Sorry for taking some time to answer
For Carteo
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Carteo was a ship that I never thought AI would like until the ending of EOA. The awkward wizard nerds is just too cute to pass and it's a shame that it didn't get explored or is it getting too much love
From what I've seen, people are either ship Mateo with Elena (Which I always seem them as platonic than romantic), or with Naomi (Which is cute, but they don't really have that much chemistry and work together as friends ) or Gabe (As much as I love Gabeteo, Gabe does have more chemistry with Naomi)
Carla did had a great redemption arc and I wish we could get more action from her if the show didn't have a bad tendency of wasting character potential, but also develop a sweet enemies to friends to lovers with Mateo and Carla
Heck, it would be awesome to see them in a dueling battle of both bonding over their love of magic.
As for Victor
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Talking about other wasted potential characters! Victor was such a fun goof that it's a shame that the writers didn't make him much justice with his role as we don't get much about him.
It's not because I'm a die hard Shuriki fan (Jane Fonda stole the show with her performance ), but I always felt that if they didn't gave her storyline such a disappointing close with many cool concepts basically ignored, we could get more in deep into Victor and Esteban's past as Shuriki was the strong link within the main villains and hero's + It would get more sense to see a younger Victor (An actual young version not just removing his beard) and his reasons to join Shuriki
Not to mention, It would be more interesting for Victor to finally stand up to his puppeteer and have a more dignifying redemption arc + exploring how misguided he truly is
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Hello puppets for the emoji ask meme!
Jsjsj-I’m gonna attack ya back with
- 🥺
-💞/🧠 Nick and Riley
Jsjsjs-Good luck! >:3
jjsjsjsjsjss LET'S GOOOO!!!! 🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
There are so many moments that really get me into the feels, but my favorites are usually the quiet comforting moments where the characters are in the silence and enjoying the other
Or just overall romantic and fluffy stuff like Mortimer calling his future wife in the Academy AU (The untold story) his beautiful black swan
Or just embracing and kissing each other and teases
Or hurt comfort either romantic or Platonic. A genuine bond
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
jdjddjjdjdjd thank youuuuu you are awesome aswell (unsure if that is that one or something)
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
Comments made my day and feedback has been helpful to me (I do I get more into the future)
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Well there is the newest AU I mentioned to you were Nick is suffering the dead of his beloved Riley and feels an overwhelming amount of guilt. I haven't written it, but if I do.
Imma drag y'all down with me because I'm suffering then everyone will suffer with me /j
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
My comfort character is Riley, sometimes I proyect my issues into Nick because I love him and I'm basically him jsjsjsjs
Riley's confort character in my stories it depends.
-Usually Rosco (In Hello Sisterhoods case)
-Her comfort dummy (Nick)
-Or with Mortimer who both seems to share a deep close bond (I'm saying this in the non romantic sense)
Nicks confomfort character:
-Leonardo DaMeownci (I gave him a cat)
-Daisy (bestie)
-And Riley in Niley (she conforts him in fatherhood)
For the headcannons:
Riley is unable to handle or express her emotions because her mind works into through mathematics and science, so an equation won't allow her to say how she truly feels. Strangely, she can deal with anger through yelling and being cruel
She prides herself in her work because (in show perhaps) she basically had to look for herself and come this far on her own, so she truly believes that hard work will get you places.
As everyone seems to have a thing for themselves, Nick decided that he should be the most charismatic one of the group, and it actually works pretty well. Besides the whole Jonny Bravo jokes, he got some fans waved over him
He actually knows his monologues and the stuff he memorize and written but he feels so unsure of his work to the point that he messes up things but is too embarrassed to admit that vulnerability of him
For both:
One of the things he hates and yet adores about Riley is her smartness. He feels quite down and a bit jealous that she knows more than he does (kinda feeling like he is not smart. Not sure if I'm explaining myself correctly) yet he finds her data and facts quite interesting because he believes uniqueness is a fact. Riley is just so rare and unique to him that he can't help himself but feel attraction.
Nick being himself is oddly soothing for Riley, but she is too proud to admit it, but also because she is just so terrible with her emotions she doesn't know how to handle that stress, so sometimes she drag Nick to do something for her and distract herself with his comments and bickering
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Does "A midnight dreary" have a happy ending? And will we ever find out whatever happened to Riley's father?
Hi annon!
Regarding the ending of Once upon a Midnight Dreary, it would really depend on what you consider a happy ending in regard to the story.
A happy ending for Riley might not be a happy ending for the others, or a sad ending might be a happy ending. Who can really tell, after all it is Riley's story.
I cannot say the ending because it would be a huge spoiler. I'll just say that it's an ending alright.
Regarding Manfred. Yes, we will learn about what would happen to him in later in the story. I guarantee Riley was not happy.
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Can you tell us more about Nick Nack in your miraculous au
Wow it appears Nick Nack is the most interesting character. Two annons asking about him!
Okie dokie, here's more info about the artist and anti-hero
As a young boy, Nick had always been drawn to the antiheroes of the comics and stories. He related so much to their stories and characters, but he often told himself he'll be the hero not the anti-hero.
His aunt Nicole (@dolly-royal oc) help him finance his art school as Leighton and Miriam refused. He had some hard times making relationships and friendships during at time as his father never really allow him to socialize with the other kids. His aunt comforted him by calling him her little hero
Riley is the closest thing he has of a companion as Daisy is more of a mom to him. She still is but it's more like a human companion, as Trix has become his best friend.
He was so fascinated with the new heroes and this some fannart of them. Lord Bug and Kitty Noir were overwhelmed by the attention of the people + Nick was Nick, so that turned sour, but he still looked up to them.
After his aunt ran away with some lover from the middle class, she left Nick some of the stuff she inherited from her late mother Opal. There was a table that he wanted to get rid of but noticed someone tried to break into his home constantly. He decided to check it out and found the Fox miraculous in a secret compartment. He tried to tell the heroes but he was not taking seriously. He decided to keep it to himself as he was afraid it would fall into the wrong hands
Trix is a bit more of a trickster. He convinced Nick to at least try the miraculous instead of throwing in a safe until he found a safe place to leave it there. Nick was reclusive but try it, then he found he felt so alive.
He came out with his name very quickly because puns
He realized he was an antihero as his actions delivered from his selfishness and he sorta did something good against his father but it was purely out of spite. He then realized with powers he was like the antiheroes he read about, and he has come to accept it.
Still in progress, but he met the phantasm at a party he was in as she and Shadow were escaping some criminals. He didn't know who Riley was in her suit as phantasmagoria is technically the phantasm of the public (in rise of the phantasm is better explained, but I don't want to ruin the surprise) so he assumes she has just some sort of villain and runs after her as Mr. Foxglove. He does get to momentarily tackle her using her distraction to his advantage. He's did try to figure out where her miraculous was until he notice a peculiar shaped he has seen with sentimonsters on a ring she was wearing, and how she looked vaguely familiar. Shadow got super protective of Phantasm (not a ship) defeated Nick while escaping with Phantasm. Nick became fascinated by the lady and started to figure out who was she.
After learning a bit about the phantasm and her charade, Nick finds her on a peculiar building relating to her backstory. She did try to stab him until he told her he wanted to help her out as he was curious about her. She pretty much threatened to make his life miserable if he ever betrays her and leaves. I won't say it (I made my POV regarding the puppets not being related many times) but yes, he does feel that way and with her civil form as well. If I ever write it would be just like one implication as it's not important.
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