#deep n' dap x reader
tikitsune · 8 months
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Platonic!SWF 2 x VA!Reader
Part 2
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Word count: idk this series is part smau and I refuse to manually count all the words.
Warnings:None, at least not that I can think of.
Notes:I'm still tryna figure out all the details to my story so I might change some of it later, idk.
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misscheavus · 7 months
fuck it, we ride.
I’m not over SWF2 ending, so I’m writing (HCs, text imagines, fics, imagines…. other… things) for all SWF2 contestants.
Feel free to give me suggestions and if I vibe with it, I’ll do my best to do it justice in due time! :D
— Hydra 💜 (woohoo!!!)
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s0dium · 2 months
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A/n: This is honestly the BEST fic I've ever written! I took a lot from prompts I found on this site and the smut scene is inspired from a book called "The Kiss Quotient." (It was just so damn good). This fanfic is also inspired by my original fanfic, "Douchebag" Tengen x Reader. ALSO, I AM WORKING ON YUTA FICS, SO DON'T WORRY! Word count: 3.5k
Synopsis: Gojo Satrou was a man of many things. It would be hard to find anyone in the jujutsu world who hadn’t heard of his name before, whether that be through his many wins in battle or his reputation as an A-class player. Some describe him as eccentric, and others (mostly girls) describe him as irresistible. You? Well, you on the other hand would describe him as nothing else than an utter, complete,  douchebag. Warnings: Enemies to lovers,  teasing, fingering, intense kissing for a sec, squirting, use of pet names, belly bulge, cervix fucking, breeding kink, virgin!reader, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, choking ~
You scoffed, watching through the classroom window as a clearly frustrated old man stormed out of the building, no doubt a higher up. No doubt the work of Gojo Satoru. "God I hate him." You hissed, turning to face a dozing-off Shoko and your other friend Haibara. The classroom you sat in was almost empty, bathed in the soft light of midday filtering through large windows. Sparse shadows stretch across the well-worn wooden floor. Rows of desks, mostly unoccupied, face a dusty chalkboard at the front. "Who Satoru?" Shoko yawned, leaning into the palm of her hand to face you. Haibara lets out a loud chuckle. "Why? Because he's an ass to higher-ups?" He nods to the window and you click your tongue against the rough of your mouth. "No, it's because he is an ass in general. His whole 'holier than thou' attitude, and don't get me started on the way he treats girls." You practically shiver as you remember the time you saw some poor girl from Kyoto Jujutsu High profess her love to the white hair man, only to run away sobbing. "I swear to god it's like he expects us to kiss the floor that he walks on, he's.... infuriating" "Who's infuriating?" Oh god, you knew that stupidly deep voice anywhere. You whipped around to find yourself face to face with the very tall white-haired man you were talking about; a shit-eating grin spread across his infuriatingly handsome face.
“You couldn't be talking about me, could you?” Satoru's voice dripped faux shock and you rolled your eyes.
“Well you know what they say, speak of the devil and he shall appear.” You spat.
“That must be why you love using that pretty mouth of yours to talk about me so much.” Satoru lowered himself to close the provoking height difference between the two of you until your noses were inches away from touching. “Cause ya love having me around  doncha.”
In that moment you have to conjure up every ounce of self-restraint to not spit in his face there and then, and luckily your friends catch the drift. "Hey Satoru! What are you doing here?" Perked up Haibara who reached out his hand to dap Gojo up. "Well, Suguru and I are heading for a night out today, small club, and I thought, out of the kindness of my heart," You scoff and Gojo merely grins and continues, "I'd invite you all. Drink on me of course." As Satrou's invitation lingered in the air, you noticed Shoko's ears perk up. Her curiosity was piqued, a subtle lift of her eyebrows betraying her interest. You bit your tongue, the taste of reluctance sharp against your teeth. The idea of going anywhere with Satrou was far from appealing, but knowing your friends might join made it harder to outright refuse.
You crossed your arms defensively, leaning back slightly as you fixed Satrou with a skeptical look. "And why would you want me there?"
Satrou's lips curled into a half-smirk, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint."You're annoying, I'll give you that," He took a casual step closer, and leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper, "but I never said you weren't fun."
His words, intended to irk you, did their job well. You glared at him sharply, the frustration evident in your furrowed brows and the hard set of your jaw.
Satrou chuckled.
“Great, I’ll take that as a yes then, I'll text you guys the details.” He turns around to walk out of the classroom. “See you guys there!”
There was a silence as you all watched Satrou walk away before Haibara turns to look at you. “So are you going to go y/n? Come on it will be so much fun!”
“Yeah no way in hell.”
~ You were a liar. You were a liar because here you were, leaning over the counter of a bar in a club that was far from "small." The nightclub was a pulsing, chaotic hive of activity. Neon lights flashed in syncopation with the deafening throb of electronic dance music that shook the very air. The club was jam-packed with bodies moving rhythmically, the heat from the mass of humanity palpable as the scent of sweat and sweet perfumes mingled. The bar surface was sticky under your arms, and the occasional spill from a too-hastily poured drink added to the chaos of sounds and smells around you. You lazily stirred the thin red straw into your drink, trying to politely ignore the creep who wouldn't stop talking to you.
Somehow, in the maze of gyrating bodies and blinding strobe lights, you had lost both Shoko and Haibara, leaving you stranded at the mercy of this clueless conversationalist. Despite the roar of bass and the chatter of dozens of conversations, his words seemed to bore into your ears, relentless and unyielding. He leaned in closer than necessary, trying to make himself heard over the club's cacophony, not realizing or perhaps not caring, that you were more interested in plotting an escape than in anything he had to say. "And might I say you look gorgeous tonight." It took everything you had not to scoff at this creep's words, but before you should shut the man down, you felt an arm wrap around you. "Everything alright love?" Oh god. You knew that voice anywhere. As you turned, you were met by Satrou's piercing blue eyes, their color vivid even behind stylish rectangular sunglasses. The multicolor flashing lights overhead caught in the threads of Satrou’s light blue button-up, making it shimmer subtly, and the fabric clung just right to his broad shoulders and tapered waist, hinting at the well-defined physique beneath. You hated the fact that your brain immediately noted how damn good he looked. His arm was wrapped around your waist drawing you close and you had to bite your tongue from frowning at the pet name he had given you As he leaned in, his voice was low, a soft murmur over the noise of the club, "This guy bothering you baby?" His tone was teasing, and you could detect the challenge in it, as if daring you to admit that his closeness and pet names affected you just as much as he knew it did. "Of course I'm fine baby!" You smile brightly and for a second you think Satrou looked a bit taken aback. If playing along got you out of this situation so be it. "This guy, I'm sorry, what's your name?" You glance back at the creep who had turned bright red. "I'm sorry, excuse me." You watched as the man disappeared into the throng of the bustling crowd, your attention fixed until he was well out of sight. Only then did you turn back to Satrou, the false warmth on your face instantly transforming into a cold, hard glare.
"Thanks for that, but you can get your hand off me now," you said, your voice icy as you tried to wriggle out of his hold. Despite your efforts, Satrou’s grip on your waist remained firm, unyielding.
"And why should I? I think we made a fantastic couple," Satrou cooed, a teasing lilt in his voice. His eyes sparkled with amusement, clearly enjoying the moment far more than you.
You rolled your eyes, exasperation seeping through. "You really think I would fall for something like that?"
"Why? Did you?" he probed further, his smile widening, eyes searching yours for any sign of genuine affect. Anger started to boil up inside you as your attempts to escape his grasp remained futile.
"I don't think you understand the dynamic here very well, Satoru," you began, your voice low and deliberate, each word punctuated for emphasis. You stepped closer, invading his space as much as he had invaded yours, your eyes never leaving his. "Let me make this crystal clear, I'm not someone you can just fucking conquer, and I'm certainly not one of those girls who's gonna kiss the ground you walk on with your whole 'I'm the strongest' act," you seethed.
Your face was mere inches from his now, your breath mingling, the tension palpable. "Because I know what you really are, Satrou," you hissed, the anger in your voice barely contained. "You're a fucking douche bag." "Oh? Is that so."
Satrou's expression shifted subtly, the amusement fading into something more measured, more cautious. He studied you for a moment and you took the chance to wiggle out of his grasp and make your way through the crowd on the dance floor toward the door. The beat of the music pounds in your ears and throughout your body making your synapses jump like beans in a tin can. You can barely see the floor, only flashes of bodies you frantically tried to push past. Before you can make it to the back door, a hand grips your wrist tightly enough to halt your forward rush. Above the din of the pulsating music and amidst the strobe-lit shadows of dancing figures, Satoru's face comes into view. You feel your breath catch in your throat. God his is beautiful. Strobe lights catch and accent every one of his sharp features alighting them in a multicolor color hue. He pulls your wrist to him so you're close, too close. You can smell the old spice shampoo from his hair mixed in with some sort of sweet cologne. It's a smell that makes you want to bury your nose into him over and over again. "Jesus fucking Christ y/n" he breathed his eyes searching yours. "How long are we going to keep this thing of ours going?" You furrowed your eyebrows. “Our thing? What thing?”
“The thing where we act like we hate each other but actually want to fuck the brains out of each other.” Your eyes widen and you feel your face grow deathly hot. You try to step back, get some space, some room to breathe, but the hand on your wrist keeps you from doing so
“I-fuck you” the words come out of your mouth more soft and meager than you intended to, and you find yourself locked into his blue gaze.
“Believe me, I've thought about it.” His voice is low, and his face isn't painted with a shit-eating grin like it so usually is, he's serious and his eyes are soft. Fuck it. You can no longer hear the lyrics to whatever song was playing, only a soft dull hum of the beat in your ears. Immediately your lips are on his. The kiss is frantic, hot, messy. The club's pulse thrummed through you like a second heartbeat, the noise and chaos all but forgotten in the singular focus of his presence. You could feel one of his large hands on the small of your back, drawing you in until there was no space left between the both of you. Your mouths clashed against each other as if you were both seeking something vital, something long-denied. Satoru's lips were insistent against yours, moving with a fervor that matched the pounding bass surrounding you. You whined as his tongue slipped into your mouth, your hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the firm press of his chest against yours. The scent of his cologne mixed with the smoky air around us, intoxicating and heady.
Your mouths separated with a soft pop, and Satoru is grinning while you're left dazed, breath heavy and chests rising and falling after it. "How bout you say we get out of here Princess."Gojo's voice was a low murmur, his breath warm against your ear as you broke from the intense kiss.
Before you could even respond, a dizzying rush enveloped you. The loud club vanished in an instant, replaced by the quiet, dimly lit ambiance of his bedroom. You were suddenly on his bed, the soft duvet beneath you a stark contrast to the hard dance floor we'd just left. Right, he can teleport. You forgot about that. Wait was he... where are you going to... Before you can get a word in, he’s once again engulfing your lips with his and pulling you into a feverish kiss in which the two of you can’t seem to get enough of each other. The moment one pulls away to breathe, the other is immediately searching for their lips again; intertwining tongues and teeth clashing together recklessly.
Your hot, everything is hot, your body is burning up by the second and there’s a sickly sweet feeling in your stomach that keeps on expanding as time passes. You whine into his mouth when you feel a hand slip under your skirt and lightly trace the outline of your slit with his index finger. You're painfully wet; your arousal has made a large spot on your underwear translucent. “Just touch me,’ you whined, arching impatiently against his hand. He couldn’t make either of you wait any longer. Slowly, he brought his middle finger down and slid it gently over her folds. You threw your head back. "Ahhhh, more please." He did it again, this time his fingertip slipping between and gathering your wetness. He parted you with two fingers. You let out a gasp when he hit your clit and started to rub it in small circles. You tried to say something, anything to explain how hot you were feeling right now, but your words were lost against his soft lips. The taste of him, the smell of him, the feel of him so close against you, skin to skin. Time and space had no meaning anymore. There was only you and Satrou.
“You feeling good baby? Satrou speaks slowly, breath on your neck and voice in your ear making you shiver. You bite your lip and nod like any words that came from you would ruin it. You almost wince when you feel two fingers slip into your tight hole. "Jesus, fuck. You gotta relax princesses." He chuckled, knowing far to well that the tightness was going to feel delicious around him. Two fingers worked into you, and your eyes rolled back into your head. He began a steady rhythm as his tongue nipped and sucked the tender skin of your neck. You couldn’t prevent her hips from rising to meet his thrusts. Oh God, you were riding his hand. That had to be bad. You told herself to stop. You couldn’t. Somehow, you found your hands tangled in his short white hair. Your body was coiled tighter, grasping at his fingers, so wet now you could hear the slippery sounds every time he drove back into you. "Hnghhh.... so good." You squeezed your eyes type, becoming focused on the tightening feeling of your core and the blossoming warm pleasure. Your legs started to tremble under the unbearable pleasure and your back arched against the bed as if your body was trying to escape the euphoric feeling that coursed through your skin. "That’s it, fuck, beautiful girl... such a natural submissive...." You want to tell him he's wrong, all this pleasure wasn't because of his egotistic ass, but it'd be a lie. And as if on command, all feelings come to a heightened crescendo; explosions of euphoria clouding your brain causing your toes to curl from pleasure and your body to shake like a leaf.
It takes a couple seconds after you calmed down to realize you squirted all over Satoru's hand and all blood rushes to your face turning you a bright red.
“Oh my god in so sorry I didn’t-”
Your voice dies out as you watch Satrou pull off his shirt, revealing his extremely built body and toned muscles, to wipe the liquid off his hand. You don’t even notice that he had pulled out his dick until you feel something pressing against your entrance, making you look down and your eyes widen as you do so. Your stomach inwardly twisted,  filled with the sickly excitement and your breathing started to quicken. "Shhhhh baby," Satoru cups your cheek and kisses your forehead. It was a sweet gesture despite everything happening right now, a gesture that made your heart swell and your mind yearn for Satoru. The stretch of his dick spreading your walls is insane. No amount of preparation could've prepared you for the length of Satoru's dick. You feel it heavy inside you and Satrou pushes into you until he can't push anymore, until his hips are flush against you and the tip of his length is smushed against your cervix. The pleasure of that alone felt numb, unbearable, you needed friction, you needed him to move. You practically faint when he first thrusts into you in earnest. It's euphoric; the curvature of his dick digging itself against your g-spot, scraping against your vaginal walls every time he backed his hips up. His cock pulsed inside of your silky walls, stretching you to the fullest capacity as he bottomed out again and again. "Oh fuck." Satrou groaned. He was no longer grinning, Satoru's playful resolves vanished and his smile quickly dropped. He knew you'd feel good, but he didn't expect how good you'd feel. The feeling of his hand he had fucked himself to the thought of you for so many nights was nothing compared to the real thing. It was too much, the feeling of your wet soft walls gripping him so tightly. How was he able to live without your pussy in the first place? The pleasure built rapidly, too potent, too insistent. He kneeled over you, a groan escaping his lips—a raw, primal sound that vibrated through the charged air between you. Satorus thrust your quick and hard, a clear display of strength and endurance he had gained from years of jujutsu training. "Been thinking about this, so long, bet you have to have ya~"
As Satrou's long, deliberate fingers encircle your neck, a thrilling chill races down your spine. He applies pressure gently at first, then with a firmer, insistent grip that gradually restricts your airflow, sending a wave of exhilaration through your senses. The world around you narrows, focusing intently on the point where his skin contacts yours, heightening every other sensation that courses through you. His other hand slips under your bra bra to grab and massage your breast, his thumb flicking over your nipples.
"Satoru..! Ahhhh..! I..I, fuckkkkk can't handle this.." You had no strength to answer him, only offering wanton moans in retort as he continued to wreck your body with his completely brutal thrusts. The pain of him hitting the tip of your cervix nearly every time mixed with his hand squeezing your throat it was just all too much.
Satoru. Satoru. Satoru
"Slow down.. please im gonna ahhhh~" Drool slipped passed your lips and you writhed and squirmed at the feeling of hot euphoria passed over your body in flesh arrow. "Gonna cum? Fuck baby, let's... let's come together m'kay?" Satrou almost stuttered. His body had kicked into autopilot, and a deep primal need for you settled in as he thrust in and out, creating a methodical rhythm that echoed in your ears. Your ankles lock around his lower back and you cry out when the head of his cock kisses your womb, your legs shaking as you feel yourself start to be thrown into an intense orgasm. You want to say something about the weird feeling in your stomach, how your skin is buzzing but it's all too much, and before you know it your tumbling toward the edge. It feels like your whole body was shot with electricity and color dances in your eyes as you float in ecstasy.
"Sh-Shit, shit, fuuuuck~" He chuckles into your ear, choking over his words as his hips sputter inside of you, hot cum fills you as much as you can hold inside of your stuffed cunny. Satoru doesn't pull out as you both come down from your high, instead watching you intently as you ride through the aftershocks of your orgasm. "Wanna do this again?" He chuckles.
"Fuck, yes, please."
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cameronspecial · 3 months
Request: Rafe intimidates the shy girl by suggesting she sits on his lap during a night out with mutual friends; feeling unable to refuse, she complies, but struggles to focus on conversation as his hard-on presses against her.
Musical Chairs
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Saying something is gay, Manipulation, Rafe forcing Y/N to sit on his lap, and Sexual undertones
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
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Y/N doesn’t normally go out partying with Kim, especially out to the club. However, Kim begged her to come today because Kim wanted to try to hook up with Kelce tonight. So far, Kim has had no luck with getting Kelce’s attention because Rafe is always taking over his friend’s attention. Kim hopes that Y/N will be able to keep Rafe distracted long enough for Kim to make her move. This is why the timid girl finds herself in the loud and dizzying establishment. Topper and Rafe are deep in conversation while Kim and Kelce are getting everyone drinks at the bar. Rafe is sitting on the right side edge of the u-shaped booth, while Topper sits beside him and Y/N sits beside Topper. The only empty spot left is the one to her side, which is the other end of the booth. Kelce and Kim soon return to the booth and Kim sees the seating predicament. Kim motions for Y/N to move out of her spot. Not wanting to argue, she slides out of the booth and moves herself to the bar stool at the table. The two patrons with the drinks get into the booth and the conversation returns. Ten minutes later, Mac comes over and daps all of the boys. Mac looks around for a seat to hang out, but finds none. 
Rafe notices this search and flicks his chin toward Y/N, “Just take Little Mouse’s chair.” Her eyebrows knit together. She normally wouldn’t speak up, except she doesn’t think it is fair that she has to move again. “Why do I have to play musical chairs again? Why can’t he just squeeze into the booth with your guys?” she protests with her arms crossed. Rafe chuckles, “Because it would be gay for all four of us guys to be sitting in cramped together and even more gay if he sits on my lap.”
“Who is going to sit on your lap?” 
“You are. God, sometimes you can be so dumb, Little Mouse. Makes me wonder what you are learning from all those books you are always reading.” 
“I’m not going to sit on your lap, Rafe.”
“Yes, you are. Look, Mac is getting tired, standing there while we argue about this. He worked all day and now, he can’t even sit down. You really want to be the reason why he is in pain, Little Mouse?” 
Her eyes glance over to Mac and he gets the message from Rafe to play along. His shoulders sag. Falling for the trick by letting guilt overwhelm her, Y/N gets up from her chair and offers it to Mac. Nevertheless, she still refuses to sit on Rafe’s lap. She chooses, instead, to stand at the side and look around the club. Rafe scoffs, tired of her ridiculousness and takes matters into his own hands. His hands fall on her hips, bringing her over to sit on his lap. She yips at the movement and struggles a little to get away from him. His arm comes across her front like a bar, so she is locked against his lap. Eventually, she tires herself out and complies with his wishes to sit there. She stays quiet in the conversation while everyone else seems to be content with spreading gossip. A few minutes later, she is now sitting on something hard that causes her cheeks to heat up and her heartbeat to pick up. Rafe notices her change of behaviour and a smirk crosses his face. 
“What do you think, Little Mouse? Are Stephanie and Clarkson going to last or is he going to find out she is cheating on him soon?” 
She knows he asked her a question, yet the only thoughts going through her head are related to the phallic shape pressing against her butt. Her bottom wiggles against him in uncomfortableness, causing him to let out a low chuckle. The others grow impatient waiting for her answer and fill the silence themselves. Although everyone has moved on from Y/N, Rafe is still focused on her. “If you think it feels good now, wait until it is inside of you, Little Mouse. I promise it will make you feel out of this world,” he murmurs against her ear. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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fl0w3r-33 · 3 months
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“Stop Moving…”
summary:your sitting on your boyfriends lap and try teasing him a bit…..
WARNING: smut, fem!reader x dom!chris, fingering, p in v, unprotected(wrap it up kids), squirting, spanking,ma, mama , baby, sweet girl, nicknames, aftercare!
a/n : if you this it’s bad i’m sorry 😭😭 ( not proofread😬 )
“hey guys i’m here!” I say walking in the triplets house to see them all sitting in the living room watching a movie. I walk over and dap up Matt and gave Nick a hug before making my way over to Chris. “Hey baby c’mere.” He says while patting his knee motioning for me to sit. I sit down with a smile feeling a kiss on my cheeks from him.
As the movie goes on everyone’s getting tried , I move back closer to chris to get more comfortable with a deep exhale. His hands flew to my waist with a low groan, you can feel his breath on your neck and that’s making the heat between you legs grow. I move my hips again just to tease him, his grip tightens “stop moving…..” he wimper from the nook of my neck. You feel something rubbing up against your inner thigh. “Chris, can you move your phone?”I whisper back to him. “That’s not my phone mama.”
“Alright Ima go, i’m tired a shit!” Matt says walking toward the fridge, grabbing a root beer. “yea same here, night yall” Nick says giving me and smiling walking to his room. “night!” Chris tells trying to cover up his yk problem. “Come on let go to my room.” He groans with winking at me.
I turned the door knob to Chris’ room walk over to his closet well he lays down on his bed facing me. I feel his eyes on me i chose to give him little show. I slipped out of my shorts and my shirt, “accidentally” dropping one of his shirts then excessively bent over to grab it .I heard movement behind and a few little sounds from Chris but ignored it.I felt a hand snake around to my inner thigh missing with the hem of my underwear. “Yk, what you doing to me baby?” he asked pressing his hard on to my ass. “ No?” i giggle, acting clueless.
I wiggle out of his grip and slightly run over to his bed and pull the covers over my head. I felt the weight in the bed shift and feel his hand running up and down my body. “ Baby it’s 12:26am, go to sleep.” i whispered/ yell and him. “ You can’t tease me like that then go to sleep” he sits up on the bed. I didn’t answer. I kick on our covers turning over and palming him through his pants. “Fuck” Chris says with a low shaky voice. “Take your pants off” he says leaning down to my face giving me and long kiss while i struggling to pull them down. He starts rubbing my clit. I gasped and that gave him access to slip his tongue in my mouth kissing me deeper. “God your so fucking wet, it from me right ma” he said while moving his long fingers up and down my folds. “Yes Chris, it’s from you” struggling to get that answer out. “ Good girl” he slips two fingers in me. i moan loudly, gripping his arm casually him to cover my mouth. “ As much as i love those pretty moans of yours, you need to keep it down. We don’t want them hearing us do we?”hes said breaking the kiss and look down at my naked half.
“Chris please” i whimper. “Please what baby tell me” he said curling his fingers inside off me. “ Please go f-faster” i blurted out. He speeds up a lot quicker than I intended. I’m a moaning mess while feel a knot build up in my stomach, clenching around his fingers. “ Aw are you close” he pouts and me. I nod while trying to not moan to loud. “ Words mama, let me hear you” he curls his fingers on my g-spot. “ Fuck yes Chris” i say squirm lifting up my hips. He smirks pushing down on my stomach and holding his hand there. “fuck chris i’m so close” I say leaving scratches on his arms. “ I know baby, you’re doing so well sweet girl” he says quickening his pace. “The sudden praise pushed you over the edge, squirting all over his hand and forearm moaning his name constantly. “ Good fucking girl.” he praised landing a slap on my sensitive clit. My legs start to slightly shake as i’m coming out of my high.
“Can i ride you?”i asked in a soft voice while still breathing heavily. “Yes please” he says placing me on his lap. I pull my shirt over my head, letting my boobs spill out in front of his face. I felt his dick twitch through his thin boxers. “How are you so pretty “ he says not even hiding the fact that he’s looking straight at them.He pulls me closer putting one i’ve them in his mouth and squeeze the other ones. “ Fuck omg” i say with my eyes closed, starting to bounce on his clothed dick. I turned around so my ass is facing him and he giving it a hard slap. I jolted forward. I put my hand in his boxers, grabbing his dick and pulling it out earning little groans from him. “ Fuck just sit on it. You weren’t scared infrount of my brothers earlier” with another hard slap on my ass. i turned over sinking down slowly on his dick. “Fuck your too big” i say putting my hand into his hair leaning over to giving him access to my boobs again. “ You feel so good mama. i love this pussy so fuckin much” he says through gritted teeth. I moan his name arching my back making him hit my spot better. “Fuck mama keeps going” Chris says grabbing my tits. I start clenching around him feeling his dick twitch inside me. “Mmm i s-so close Chris.” i say my legs giving out and the thrusts start to get sloppy. “Cum with me sweet girl.” Chris said grabbing my waist to keep me stable.I scream into his chest letting my body fall. He thrusts in my a few more times before lifting me off of him. “Shit baby you didn’t so good. Are you ok?” he asks standing up. “ Yes thank you baby”
He walks back over with a towel cleaning up his and my cum. “ So it’s late sleep and i’ll run us a bath tomorrow morning?” he asks handing me clothes and laying down next to me. “ Aw that sweet, yes that would be nice” i say pulling his shirt over my head.I got comfortable in his arms relaxing and closing my eyes. “ I love you baby” i say. “ I love you so much more ma” he croaked from behind me as we drifted to sleep…..
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gezelligs-world · 8 months
I'm Sorry That I Hurt You
(Bada Lee x Jam Republic!Reader)
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"Why does Y/n's team suddenly become viral?" Mina Myoung said while looking at the performance on her phone, along with her crew members.
"I heard that Bada already announced their relationship." Locker replied.
"Heh?! Bada Lee must be so confident!" Downy said.
"Jam Republic and BEBE might work against us, isn't that unfair?" Soll added.
"This show may be about having no respect against one another but we must respect the thought that all of us worked hard to be in this show." Downy replied.
"Should we speak up about this?" Minny asked their leader. All eyes on her.
"Sure, why not?" Mina Myoung said with her head tilt and a little smirk on her face.
"Goodluck." Y/n said while fixing Bada's hair. Bada smiled and put her head on Y/n's shoulder.
"Where's my kiss?" Bada said, pouting her lips and leaning in at Y/n.
"Idiot, we're in public." Y/n whispered shouted.
"Our relationship are now announced in public!" Bada whined.
"They are not thinking of this as a competition anymore." Waackxxxy said while looking at the couple.
"Bada and Y/n?" Yoonji asked when she heard Waackxxxy's voice.
"Yeah, they are not even joining their team to stretch. " Both of the girls just stared at the two figures in front of them who are busy teasing each other.
Daniel, the host finally entered the set. He started his speech and turned to Deep N Dap.
"I heard that Deep N Dap has something to share from the rest of the crews." Mina Myoung grabbed her mic and began her speech.
"It's just... Being in a relationship with your rival is not forbidden in this show, right?" Some of the crews nodded but Y/n and Bada just stared at Mina, knowing what she was gonna say.
"I'm just concerned that if one of us gets into a relationship with other groups, they will forget the responsibility they are obligated to do. All of us worked our blood, sweat, and tears to maintain where we are standing. It feels unfair. That's all." Mina Myoung put the mic at its rightful place. The atmosphere is tense, no one dared to speak. All of the crew here knows that the concern is regarding Y/n and Bada's relationship.
"Kirsten and Bada, leader of Jam Republic and BEBE. May I know your insights about this concern?" Kirsten grabbed the mic because she can sense that Bada's statement will not be good, she can tell it because of Bada's clenched jaw and fist.
"Loving someone is not a sin, it will never be. Bada and Y/n are both adults already and know how to act as professionals when needed. I know they know how to draw the line." Kirsten replied.
"Bada?" Bada grabs the mic and begins to speak.
"I don't really see a problem with my love life but I do see problems when it comes to people invading it. Like what Kirsten said, me and Y/n are adults already meaning we already know what's right and wrong due to past experiences. My life, my choice." Some members are in awe because of Bada's response.
"She's so badass." Rena said, whispering to Akanen.
"Right?" Akanen replied.
The battle began instantly as if the tension had never been there. Lucky for Y/n, no one challenged her for a freestyle battle. This gives her a chance to think deeply.
"Hey, you look stiff like a tree." Y/n turned to her right and saw Ling sitting beside her.
"I don't even have leaves yet." The girls both laughed and went back to watching the battle.
"I know you're in a state of insecurity but whatever happens, fight for the both of you." I smiled at Ling and nodded.
"Of course, I don't wanna lose her." I replied.
"I can already see the effect on both of you if you happen to leave each other." I chuckled.
"That will never happen." Ling nodded in satisfaction.
Across the room, Bada stared at Y/n with affection. She knows how Mina Myoung's words affected Y/n's mind. Bada made a mental note to check on Y/n every now and then.
The battle ended and everyone already left the set, including the judges. Y/n was last to go to their private room but was pulled by someone.
"What-" Y/n's words got cutted off by someone's arms. She immediately recognized the scent and hugged Bada back.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Y/n whispered, Bada caressed her hair and buried her head on Y/n's neck.
"It only makes me worry more." Bada replied. They broke the hug with Bada's hands holding Y/n's.
"What Mina said is just an opinion, don't let it affect you. Our love will never be a disturbance for both of our careers, okay?" Bada said. Y/n is unsure of Bada's statement, she knows something will happen whenever one person in the society disagrees with one's relationship.
"Y/n, did I make myself clear?" Bada asked, leaning down with a tilted head to look at Y/n's face.
"Y-Yeah." Bada sighed and hugged her lover tightly.
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The crew mission begins and Y/n is in the rookie class group with Emma, and one of the group with the largest member. The group are on a break and Y/n is on her phone. She scrolled on a post, it's an article about one of her accomplishments. She hearted the article but her mood changes when she sees the comments.
"It's only because of Bada."
"Why post this shit 🤬🤮"
"Stop using Bada for your own desires!"
"Bada's reputation = Y/n's reputation."
Y/n gripped her phone and turned it off. She sighed and closed her eyes to relax herself.
"The filming is about to start in 5 minutes. Please be in your position!" Y/n opened her eyes and sighed. The filming started and the flow went well. Not until Y/n began to feel pain on the back of her right foot but she knew she had to finish the filming so she just endured the pain.
"Y/n! You're bleeding!" Emma screamed causing everyone to turn to Y/n's direction. Her right foot is already drenched in blood and Y/n was not able to walk properly anymore.
"The medics will soon arrive." One of the staff said while taking care of Y/n's foot.
"Why does she need medics? It's just a cut?" Y/n clenched her jaw.
"Just wipe the blood and bring me a new pair of shoes." Y/n told the staff. The staff looked at her dumbfounded but just remained quiet because of Y/n's stare.
The filming ended and everyone began to leave the set. Y/n is in the dressing room, wrapping a cloth on her feet when she hears voices from outside of the door.
"Why is Y/n in the rookie group section? I expected her to be in the sub-leader."
"Me too."
"It must be embarrassing for Bada, her girlfriend is in the rookie group while she is in the leaders."
"Y/n should've at least made herself the main dancer. It must be embarrassing~"
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"Hey! How's the filming?" Bada said excitedly, watching Y/n go inside the car.
"Not bad." Y/n replied coldly, putting her seatbelt on. This action confused Bada, Y/n always lets her put the seatbelt for her.
"Not bad, really? You know you can tell me anything." Bada said.
"Not now, Bada." Bada nodded sadly and began to drive the car.
Throughout the silent ride, both lovers are in deep thoughts. Bada is trying to figure out what's wrong with her girlfriend while Y/n is fighting with her own insecurities, if she is good enough for Bada. Bada looked over at Y/n's side and saw that she is leaning over the window, she must be asleep. Bada caressed Y/n's thigh as a sign of affection and comfort until they got home to their apartment.
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Weeks passed by and Y/n continued to act distant around Bada. Y/n being in a rival team only makes Bada frustrated because she doesn't have to much time to talk to Y/n. Meanwhile, Y/n is relieved that her foot finally healed.
"Did something happen between the both of you?" Kirsten asked looking up at Y/n, Jam Republic is sitting at their seats at the main battle set.
"Nothing, why?" Y/n replied.
"Don't lie to us, Bada keeps on trying to approach you yet you always avoid her." Audrey said.
"You're too young to understand adult talk." Y/n pinched Audrey's cheek.
"We just got busy because the K-Pop mission is around the corner." Y/n lied.
"Is it just me or Bada is a little pale than usual." Ling said making Y/n looked towards BEBE. Bada is looking down but you can see that her lips is so pale.
"How many weeks do we have until the K-Pop mission?" Y/n asked still looking at her lover.
"3 weeks." Kirsten answered.
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One week later, Jam Republic are practicing their cheography for the upcoming mission when the door got slammed open.
"Y/n unnie, please follow me! It's about Bada unnie!" Lusher said panicking. Kirsten gave Y/n a nod and Y/n followed Lusher through the door.
"What happened to her?" Y/n asked.
"Bada unnie already has a fever since last week but she insisted on continuing to practice. It got worsened when she decided to practice everyday." Lusher stopped walking, making Y/n do the same also.
"I don't know what happened between the two of you but it greatly affects Bada unnie. I already considered our leader as my sister, please take care of her." Lusher and Y/n continues to walk towards the BEBE's hideout.
"I'll give you both some privacy." Lusher said and walk way. Y/n pursed her lips still unsure on what she's do when she faced Bada. Y/n stayed at Kisten's apartment throughout the days they both haven't talked to each other. Y/n opened the door and saw Bada laying on the couch with a banner covering her face.
"Lusher, I said I don't need medicine." Bada said with a husky voice.
"Looks like you need one." Bada quickly removed the banner when she heard her lover's voice. When she confirmed it's Y/n, she puts back the banner on her face.
"If I knew that me being sick will be the reason for you to talk to me again, I would've done it earlier." Bada said. Y/n approached Bada and sat on the chair near the couch.
"Will you finally tell me the reason why you didn't talk to me and didn't even come home in the past weeks?" Bada asked.
"I'm sorry." Y/n whispered but enough for Bada to her.
"You know, your sorrys are lame." Bada replied while sitting up. Y/n sighed and began to tell her true feelings to Bada.
"You have a personality that doesn't care about other people's opinion, I don't have that. It only makes me insecure that you and I's reputation are so different." Bada stared at her and sighed.
"Come here." Bada pulled her to strangle on her lap.
"Idiot, you're sick-"
"I don't care- Our reputation has nothing to do with both of us loving each other. They can talk bad about us but what do they know about us? Nothing right." Y/n looked down, processing the words.
"It's so easy for you to ignore them." Y/n whispered.
"It's because I mainly focus on you. They do not own my body. That's why I told you last time to not let it affect you." Bada explained.
"I don't want this to happen again, understood?" Y/n nodded with tears in her eyes that threatening to fall. Bada pulled her head and hugged her. Y/n hugged her back with the same emotions.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..." Y/n whispered while sobbing on Bada's neck with Bada shushing her.
"Come home to me and everything will fall back to its rightful place." Bada whispered, kissing Y/n's temple.
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diana-rose-25 · 7 months
— Let's Dance
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pairing/s: BEBE! Bada Lee x Jam Republic! Reader x Wolf'Lo! Chocol
warnings: None so far, an unrealistic description of being an exchange foreign student, might confuse some words in ballet (as most of them are only through research and not based on experience).
description: A professional ballet dancer in Street Woman Fighter Season 2? (Y/N) Bae, a 23-year-old ballerina and dance prodigy enters the fighting arena alongside the infamously known crew, Jam Republic. Making the team's aura and presence far more intimidating despite being clad in soft pink and white clothing, adorned with astonished faces and friendly smiles. As the young woman entered the arena with curious eyes and small smile, the other teams couldn't help but awe at her beauty and elegant aura, unknowingly capturing the eyes of two charismatic dancers.
status: unedited
word count: 4.5k
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"They're the last one to enter."
"This crew is intimidating."
These are just some of the comments circulating around the arena as they waited for the last and final crew to come out.
"It's amazing that JAM REPUBLIC is here," Akanen, Tsubakill's leader, stated in awe. Looking at the empty space where the last crew of the show have yet to enter the small arena.
A certain buzz was felt in the air as the other contestants waited for the anticipated arrival of JAM REPUBLIC. More notably, they were excited to meet the celebrity of all dancers, Kirsten Dodgen.
"We'll see Kirsten in person," Biggy stated admiringly.
Dancers expressed their love and admiration for the pink crew's leader and her arrival. One member from Deep N' Dap even stated that she cried when Kirsten cancelled on her classes due to visa issues after she signed up for all four of her classes. Her leader, Mina Myoung, promptly scolded her. Stating firmly that "this is a serious competition." Despite this, two of her members joked around, lifting up the atmosphere that turned heavy just before.
The longer the dancers wait, the more nervous and excited they get to finally meet the members of the crew.
"Wah, Kirsten is here," Yeni, a member of Wolf'Lo stated. The said woman bounced a little on her seat, the adrenaline rush pumping into very veins so fast she could barely contain it.
"Hey," she perked up, turning to Baby Sleek as she remembered something important.
"Hey Baby Sleek, is it true that (Y/N) was once your student?" Her question caused all the members to look at their oldest curiously and for confirmation.
A fond smile crossed Baby Sleek's face as she shrugged her shoulder. "Yeah," she confirms making her members awe and shout in disbelief as she rarely takes in students. "She was for a short while. (Y/N) trained under me for more or less than three years." The other crew turned to Wolf'Lo when they heard the commotion, curious to know what made them react in such a way.
"Wow, what was she like?" Haechi questioned. "Is she really that pretty in real life?"
Baby Sleek nodded, "when I first met her, I was so shocked at how pretty that kid is. I thought she was an idol. In my mind I was like, what the hell? How can this kid be so pretty at her age?" The members laughed at the whiny tone of her voice.
"But putting her looks aside, (Y/N) really is a monster at dance. A natural. At first, I was hesitant at her skills since she is more focused on the ballet genre, but after a few lessons, the girl was a beast. As if she was dancing hip-hop since she could walk! Of course, there were times where she would struggle with something, but her dedication and hard work pushed her through it all. It was really admirable."
The other members were floored at the high regards and compliments Baby Sleek showered you in. Suddenly feeling much more intimidated by the crew that isn't even present yet. Yeni, Haechi, and Halo nodded for the respect they felt for the Jam Republic member while Chocol and Mini sat rigidly in their seat.
"Yah, I'm starting to regret picking her as my No Respect Dancer," Mini laughed nervously before faking a cry and shoving her hands to cover her face. "Why didn't you say that before we pick the weakest dancers?!" She whined.
"They're not even here yet calm down," Chocol said, patting Mini on the shoulder in a mock comfort. "Have confidence, we can probably give her a good fight and win at the end of the day."
Halo and Baby Sleek giggle at the antics of their members and nodded encouragingly.
"Aya, don't mind. The both of you probably have more freestyle and dance battle experience than her. Don't doubt your capabilities now," Halo, their leader, commented while patting their heads.
"Right. Be confident, but keep your guard up. We saw her list of accomplishments before, so let's be prepared." Baby Sleek said seriously, shaking her hands a little to expel the nerves of the upcoming competition as her mind slowly shifts into battle mode.
Meanwhile, the pink crew of Jam Republic waited patiently for their cue to enter the arena in their given room.
(Y/N) tapped her hands against her thighs repeatedly. "I'm so excited and nervous at the same time."
Her members giggled at her but also felt the same energy as her. Ling, who sat next to her on her right, held her right hand to squeeze it gently for a few times.
"Me too. But don't worry, we got this." (Y/N) smiled at her as she intertwined their fingers together and squeezed her hand back.
"You'll be fine girl, we got your back." Latrice said, smilingly comfortingly at her as she sat next to Emma who gave you a nod and a finger heart to which you giggled.
Audrey, who sat next to her, leaned her head against her shoulder and looped her arm around her. "Yeah, calm down and let's just have fun! There's nothing to worry about." (Y/N) smiled fondly at the youngest member of the group, patting her knee in gratitude.
"I mean come on," Kirsten said, clapping her hands out of excitement and to hype her fellow members up, "this is us we're talking about!"
"Okay, okay, okay!" (Y/N) shouted, now pumped and excited, "Let's do this!" The girls laughed at her sudden mood change and hyped each other up even more. Even though some of them just met a couple of days ago, they were now starting to form a bond with each other. She smiled at the sight before her, feeling the warmth that bloomed in her chest, leaning back on the couch to compose herself.
The moment (Y/N) closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the TV screen came to life, signaling to their crew that it was time to enter the arena. The Jam Republic girls simultaneously yelled in surprise and excitement. Feeling gittery, Kirsten stood up and the rest of the girls followed her lead.
"Okay guys, are we ready?" She asked.
The members giggled a positive response albeit the nervous, quiet laughter that accompanied it as they form a circle.
"Shall we do this?" Kristen asked, placing a hand in front and the members followed one-by-one. "Entrance is going to be fire, three, two, one, wee!"
"Wee!" They followed along, laughing and giggling as they exited their room and walked towards the arena.
"Let's dance!"
The group walked down the narrow hallway of the building. Audrey clinging to (Y/N)'s arm and squeezing her hand gently with a bright smile on her face. She couldn't help but find the youngest so adorable! The dimples on her cheeks made (Y/N) want to pinch her cheeks really hard.
She then gestured to Emma who was falling behind a little, signaling her to walk beside them. Once she fell on step with (Y/N) and Audrey, the former girl wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Which was quite easy as the ballet dancer was noticeably the tallest amongst them (in her crew at least). The girls stated their excitement as they walked, feeling the nerves and adrenaline creep in.
Kirsten walked in front of them, leading the crew around the place until she momentarily stopped at the entrance.
"Ooooohhhh!" she cooed, placing both hands on the sides of the opening as she marveled at the sight before her.
"Holy damn!" Ling exclaimed once she saw how huge the room is. As they walked, they couldn't help but look around in amazement, eyes sparkling and hearts beating.
"Wow! This is so exciting!" Latrice and Audrey commented. (Y/N) giggled at them, enjoying their reactions that made her feel less conscious and nervous.
She'll be seeing her old teacher again, and she can't wait for it. After all these years, (Y/N) wanted to prove to Baby Sleek that all her training had not been in vain.
As soon as the other teams heard them, almost all of them perked up in their seat and looked up towards the stairs where they'll enter shortly.
"Oh, they're coming," Yoonji, a member of Mannequeen said in an excited tone.
"Wah, we'll be seeing them soon omg," Yeni clapped her hands lightly. Looking at the stairs in anticipation for the awaited group.
"You'll see your protegee soon Baby Sleek after all these years," Halo nudged her, "how are you feeling?"
"I think I might cry once I see her," Baby Sleek's answer made the members giggle fondly at her before cooing at the sight of her face. She looks like a mother waiting for her daughter to come home after all these years.
It wasn't long before the figure of Kirsten made her way down the stairs followed closely by the other members. The rest of the crew gasped in shock as soon as they saw her.
"Welcome to Korea!" A girl stated as the girls descended slowly down the stairs.
While descending, (Y/N) holds onto the railing of the stairs to look around the room to find her former mentor, taking advantage of the height to seek her out. She was so focused on finding her that she failed to see the looks of shock and awestruck faces of the other teams as soon as she turned around. Her eyes met Baby Sleek's, a bright grin soon adorned her face once they made eye contact and an excited giggle escaped her lips.
Unbeknownst to her, a certain dancer on the same team as her former mentor was blown away the moment she set eyes on you.
"Wow..." She whispered breathlessly, keeping her eyes on you.
Once the girls adorned in pink, white, and black clothing landed on the bottom of the stairs, they were once again looking around in astonishment and bowing to the people around while the others made comments about them.
"Wah, look at Kirsten's figure. It reminds me of Gabee."
"Their aura is so intimidating."
"Omo, Audrey is really pretty."
"She looks like a doll."
The team closest to them, BEBE, stared at Audrey in awe.
"Why is she so pretty?" Bada commented in awe, leaning back slightly in her seat while Tatter looked at her in wonder. "She looks like Anne Hathaway." She commented.
"I can't see (Y/N)," Lusher whined. The girl had her back facing the blue team making them unable to see her face. "I didn't see her clearly just now."
"Oh my god is that (Y/N)?!" The mentioned girl and her team almost jumped in shock at the loud voice that called out to her. They turn around to find a girl standing with a shock expression complete with a hand to her mouth as she stares at the girl she yelled for. Jam Republic laughed loudly and clapped their hands.
(Y/N) giggled and covered the bottom half of her flushed face. "Hello, nice to meet you." She said in fluent Korean and bowed down to the girl that was still standing.
Harimu, a member of 1 Million and her team yelled in surprise yet again, causing another laughter to roar out from Jam Republic.
"How can someone be that beautiful?!" Harimu yelled aloud, causing laughter to erupt from the room as she whined and stomped her foot to the ground in a faux tantrum manner.
Feeling even more flustered (Y/N) turned to hide her blushing face, fanning it down to compose herself but accidentally made eye contact with one of the hottest and trendiest choreographers today, Bada Lee.
So pretty, (Y/N) thought.
She regained her composure and grinned at the girl who was now staring at her with wide eyes and an agape mouth.
"Hello, nice to meet you all," she greeted the team, forcing herself to look away from Bada's eyes to bow down at every member of BEBE.
"Omo!" Lusher yelled, grabbing onto Kyma's hand, who was sitting beside her in shock. "Oh my god!" The rest of the team could only stare in shock at the woman still smiling, all of them shared similar looks of shock and admiration.
(Y/N) gave them one last smile and a bow before returning to her team, choosing to stand behind along with Audrey.
"Did you see her?"
"Oh my god her visuals are out of this world."
"My god, have you seen her height? She could be a VS model."
"Or those cliché movies about princesses."
"Bada-unnie," Tatter called out to her, giggling once she saw the still awestruck look on Bada's face, her gaze still trained and focused on (Y/N). "Our leader is still in a starstruck trance everyone."
"Looks like someone has a crush~," Minah teased, poking the shoulder of her leader with her pointer finger.
Bada snapped her gaze away once she heard the teasing tones of her team members and light shoves on her shoulder. She groaned and hid her flushed face away.
"Shut up!" Bada's voice came out muffled but the others still heard it loud and clear.
"Wah, she's a young woman now," Halo looked at Baby Sleek who commented in a soft voice. Despite the fond smile that painted her face, tears began to well up in her eyes. The leader chuckled softly and wrapped her arm around her for a side hug, rubbing her hand up and down her shoulder.
Chocol stared.
Even though (Y/N)'s back was facing them, she stared. Taking note of her poise, the way she stands and holds herself. Shoulders back and standing tall, petite that of a standard ballerina but somehow oozes that aura of regal elegance. Wow, Chocol thought. She's like some sort of royalty.
The large screen above suddenly made a noise, effectively catching the attention of Jam Republic and everyone else.
"Oooh," (Y/N) said, holding onto Audrey's hand when the younger one sought hers out. "Evaluation time."
Jam Repuiblic stood in front of it, anxiously awaiting the thougts, opinions, and evaluation of them by other crews with a smile on their face. Although (Y/N) nervous, she had a feeling that most of these aren't going to be friendly since this is a competition show. They need something for drama after all.
"The strong point of Jam Republic is the fact that they've been on the great stage. We can't ignore this."
(Y/N) smiled at the sweet comment, though, that didn't last long.
"All the members of Jam Republic think that they're number 1. Everyone wants to be the main dancer. Can they really be united?" Ah, there it is.
(Y/N) subtely side-eyed Akanen who commented on the video. She has respect for the dancer and leader of Tsubakill, admires her even, but she can't help but smirk towards her. She understands her point, but it still wasn't enough to hide that but of irritation towards her comment. Akanen, who was looking at Jam Republic when her comment was shown, gulped when she made eye-contact with (Y/N) and swiftly looked away.
"Wah, she didn't like that comment." Momo commented when she saw the three second interaction of the dancers.
"I know, I'm suddenly scared," Tsubakill giggled quietly at Akanen.
The next few comments of the evaluation targeted Kirsten and her affiliation with the world renowned crew, The Royal Family. (Y/N) titled her head in confusion when a dancer tried to insult Kirsten by looking for Paris Goebel instead of her.
"They do know you're one of the key members for a reason right?" She nudged at her leader, leaning down to whisper in her ear. Kirsten just nodded and smiled in response with her eye glued to the screen in front.
"A fake Royal Family?" (Y/N) couldn't help but gasped humourly at the harsh comment.
If that wasn't enough, the next comments are targeting Audrey. (Y/N) felt the younger girl squeeze her hand; she turned to look at her face to find the girl trying to keep a small smile despite the harsh criticisms thrown her way.
"She looks like an amateur dancer. The skills of a baby dancer."
"Audrey is a pretty doll. As she's a pretty doll, standing and doing nothing would be enough."
"Oh my gosh," the taller girl clicked her tongue in annoyance towards the comments. Are they really doubting her skills because she's young and pretty? "That's a shallow critic."
Jam Republic giggled in shock when those words came out of her mouth. The other teams, on the other hand, looked at her face nervously. The happy and excited face of the tallest Jam Republic member, now, still has a small smile; but eyes devoid of any emotion.
"She looks like she's seething with rage right now." Bada commented, leaning forward with clasped hands, resting her elbows on her knees whilst keeping her gaze on the girl in pink.
"She's like an older sister who wants to fight the bully of her younger sister," Tatter said, the rest of the crew agreed with her after taking a swift glance before looking back at the screen.
"(Y/N) is another pretty face," ah, there goes the comments about her. The mentioned girl straightened her back and inhaled deeply. Mentally preparing herself to receive the harsh comments thrown at her.
"(Y/N) is a professional ballerina who had performed on broadways before and competed in ballet genre on competitions. I don't think some people realize how hard it is to compete in ballet and make it look so easy. I really have so much respect for her." The said girl couldn't help but bow in gratitude at the praise she received from a member of Mannequeen, Cera.
"Thank you so much," she whispered. Audrey grinned brightly at her and nudged her teasingly.
"(Y/N) is a ballerina, right? And a pretty one at that. She could stand on pointe all day and stand on a music box, let it spin her around, and people would appreciate her dancing."
"I honestly don't think she could perform well in any other type of genre since her main focus is on ballet."
"Yeah, like a one trick pony."
The gasps could be heard echoing throughout the room after the comment. (Y/N)'s and her team members' jaw dropped in shock, "ouch, that hurts."
The former girl clutched her chest in exaggeration and pretended to lose her balance. Audrey held on to her and laughed at her dramatic antics.
The room suddenly erupted in shock when the screen showed how many No Respct stickers each Jam Reublic member will receive. Above showed their names in huge, bold, and bright fonts their name and the results:
Kristen - 2
Latrice - 0
Ling - 1
Emma - 1
(Y/N) - 4
Audrey - 6
An overwhelming amount of people chose Audrey as their No Respect Dancer. The youngest member of Jam Republic cheered and held her thumbs up in the air, whilst (Y/N) just clapped slowly with a smile, still looking at the results.
4 No Respect Dancer stickers might not be much compared to Audrey. However, the message was still loud and clear that there are people who are doubting her as a dancer.
"Okay, okay," she said, turning to Audrey as she held up a hand, "let's show them what we've got." The two girls high-fived each other with matching grins.
As they made their way to their designated seats. (Y/N) made eye contact with Baby Sleek. She grinned towards her and gave a small wave, bowing down in greeting towards Wolf'Lo who sat beside them.
(Y/N) sat at the top of the seat with her back straight, a trait she acquired after it was conditioned in her body. She was still quite frustrated at the one trick comment she received. She clicked her tongue in frustration and puffed her cheeks, inhaling and exhaling deeply through her nose.
"You okay?" Kirsten asked and patted her thigh.
"Yeah," she nodded - albeit partly lying. "Don't worry, Audrey and I will make sure they'll eat their words after they see us dance."
Audrey shot her finger guns with a wink, "that's right mama!"
She laughed at her adorableness and pinched her cheeks. Inhaling deeply one last time, she forced herself to relax and remember that it's all part of the show. (Y/N) gathered her hair all together in her hands and placed them behind her back when she heard a sound of awe.
Startled, the girl turned her head to the side. Staring at her was a woman with bright red hair that it almost looks orange. She thought it suited her very well and loves the boyish look the other woman adorned.
Chocol flushed furiously when her eyes suddenly met (Y/N)'s. One moment, she was admiring her side profile, then the next, she's looking into her eyes. She gasped as she placed a hand on her mouth and bowed deeply.
"Nice to meet you! I didn't mean to stare, I'm sorry!"
(Y/N) giggled and bowed to her as well, waving her hand dismissively at the poor woman whose head was still bowing down. "Nice to meet you too! And don't worry, it's fine, thank you!" She grinned with a blush on her face.
Haechi laughed at her flustered team member, garnering second-hand embarrassment from her. Both of their teams turned their attention to the commotion behind them and laughed at the flustered state their two members are in.
"Look at Chocol's face! It's almost the same color as a tomato," Buckey commented as she watched their interaction. Mannequeen giggled in amusement.
Wolf'Lo seemed intimidating when they first arrived. Now, one of their members are left in a flustered mess against a member of Jam Republic.
"I guess even Chocol couldn't resist (Y/N)'s charm." Redlic commented.
Once the commotion died down (there's still a red hue across Chocol's face), the room cheered once again once the judges were introduced: Shin Monika, Son Hyun-woo (Shownu), and the guest judge; Mike Song.
After the introduction, all the crews were instructed to return to their hideout rooms to change and prepare for their first mission: No Respect Battle.
Jam Republic debriefed about their evaluation after they've changed as they waited for their cue to return back to the arena. The members lounged comfortably at the couch while Audrey was left standing to voice out her frustrations.
"It's like, you can't even see my face! It's the shoulders! They're focusing on my shoulders!" She laughed in frustration.
"I know! They see one video of you doing markings, and suddenly, they deemed you as the worst dancer!" (Y/N) replied, leaning against Ling as she hugs the plush bunny tightly.
There's a visible frown etched upon Audrey's face. She understands her frustrations and sadness that the youngest might be feeling right now. So, she stands up and makes her way towards her. (Y/N) placed her hands on her shoulders as she bends her knees to be on Audrey's eye level.
"What they said about you isn't a reflection of all the hard work and dedication you've put into your craft. Don't let their comments get into your head too much. They don't know what you bring into the table."
(Y/N) tilted her chin up with her finger when Audrey smiled at her. "Chin up, darling. Show them what you've got. "
Back in the arena, the tension in the air thickened. Dancers stretched and prepared for the upcoming battle; the first bettle and mission of the season. Everyone wants the win for themselves; everyone wants to prove themselves and the stregths of their team.
Jam Republic conversed to themselves as they stretched. (Y/N) was in middle spilts as she conversed with Emma and Latrice.
"Who do you want to battle (Y/N)," Emma asked as she stretches her shoulders.
"Oh, definitely Cera of Mannequeen." She answered instantly before standing up. "We have the most similar style out of everyone, and I love her power and charisma when she battles. She's so cool."
(Y/N) was about to add onto her comment when she saw BEBE enter the arena, more specifically, their leader. Bada came into her view dressed in oversized clothing and a cap in her head, almost covering her eyes. Her outfit and confidence boosted her charisma, which left (Y/N) speechless.
Bada took a sip of her drink before scanning around the room. Initially, she did this to scout out her competition when she met the wide eyes of a certain member of the pink team.
(Y/N) chocked in her saliva in shock when their eyes met. She immediately turned her head and buried her face in her hands.
"What's happening to you?" Latrice laughed at the girl, taking note of her red ears. She looks at the direction the latter girl was looking at and grinned teasingly. She patted Emma's hand to direct her attention to the tall woman who was staring at their member.
Bada was still staring at (Y/N) with a smirk on her face. She chuckled lowly when she saw how the girl became flustered under her gaze.
"Cute," she commented before taking a seat. Mentally forming a plan to make herself acquainted with the girl after the camera's stop rolling for the day.
"What did you say?" Tatter asked when her leader muttered something inaudible.
"Nothing. Dont worry about it." Bada patted the blonde's head. Tatter was confused at the giddy mood her leader was in but ultimately dropped it for the time being.
Back with Jam Republic, Latrice and Emma share an amused look on their faces as they watch (Y/N) fan her face.
"What?" The girl asked, knowing full well what it is about.
"Nothing," they replied simultaneously. She narrowed her eyes at them and pouted her lips.
"Stop teasing her guys," Kirsten commented. "Let her focus on her stretching. Otherwise, she might focus all her attention on a certain blue team member." The rest of the team burst out laughing. (Y/N) flushed even more as she glared at Kirsten. The leader looked back at her with an innocent smile and fluttering eyes in faux innocence in response.
"Whatever," she muttered before standing tall to prepare herself to position herself into an arabesque.
"Still can't get over how flexible you are," Emma commented. Watching her effortlessly pull the move.
(Y/N) hummed in response before inhaling, feeling the deep stretch on her core, back, and legs. She always loved the feeling of deep stretches. It's like letting your breathe after a long day. She held the pose for as long as she could before she exhaled and released her leg.
"Woah, she's so flexible," Redy stated as she watched the girl pull the move. Harimu and her had been observing her for quite a while now. Lia, their leader, watched them in amusement before glancing at who they're looking at.
"Hey, stop that and focus on the mission," she scolded them.
It wasn't long before Kang Daniel, the host of the season, welcomed them back and introduced the rules of the mission. (Y/N) bounced her feet in anticipation and wiggled her shoulders.
Mind and body ready for the fight that's about to begin.
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tag list:@luvjanexx @b1ackbunny @thedevilisrory @kaaylvst @badagf @aestrelle19 @leo-dragon @efyyylee @smoooore @infinite1sblog @xiakiyama @watamotee33 @tnu-ree @hallotherenicetomettyou @skuuzae
note: italized names can't be tagged. I'm sorry 😭😭😭
next part>>>
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woniverse-writes · 8 months
"Moth to a Flame (part 7)"
Bada Lee x Reader
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part 6 ⟵ part 7 ⟶ part 8
series masterlist
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 9k
warnings: swearing, minor angst if you could even call it that, tbh this doesn't feel like my best work so i'm sorry, not proofread, nothing I write is a reflection of anyone's true character and is a work of total fiction
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After Deep n Dap had been defeated by Wolf’Lo, There were a few days between the elimination and when the crews were supposed to gather again to learn the group choreography for the trailer. In that time Jam Republic had been booked and busy- they had a long-awaited team dinner, went to some dance classes, and even taught some of their own.
Y/n specifically took a class with Harimu at 1 Million, that happened to to be taught by Redy. the three hung out before heading to the studio, grabbing lunch and bonding over dance and being the youngest members of their crews. 
“So how’re things among the other Jam girls? Are you all getting accustomed to things here?” Redy asked after taking a sip from her mimosa
“They’re all doing great- as I explained earlier, it wasn’t really hard for me to get re-situated, but I was actually really nervous for them at first…” y/n explained briefly, causing both 1 Million dancers to tilt their heads and furrow their brows
“Aww, why? Because of the language barrier or just being in a different country?” the older of the two questioned again
“A bit of both- I knew the language would be hard for them since it took me years of studying to even be able to speak and understand it somewhat fluently, but I felt okay enough to be able to translate for them… I was mostly worried about how we’d be perceived by Korean netizens I guess, since we’re such a diverse team…” The youngest dancer played with her straw once she finished her sentence, a bit shy to admit her original concerns for her team. The other two nodded sympathetically 
“Well, have you made any other close friends?” Harimu finally chimes back in, wanting to avoid the deeper conversation that she felt was about to arise
“You and Lusher seem pretty close- Tatter too!” Redy exclaimed, having remembered the girls’ reactions to Y/n, as well as how easily the blonde got along with her during the rank mission. Y/n smiled softly and was about to confirm their friendship before the other 1 Million dancer snorted and began talking again
“Now that you say that I can’t help but be curious about what’s been going on between you and Bada” she teased out of curiosity, not noticing how quickly the younger dancer’s face dropped. Y/n didn’t say anything at first, taking another sip from her drink, causing the two to look up from their own over at her.
“...there’s nothing going on between me and Bada… we aren’t even friends…” Y/n softly tells them, leaving both of them shocked
“Woah- what??? Did something happen?? Just a couple of weeks ago you two were all over each other!” Harimu loudly explicated, earning a smack to the arm from her teammate
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to Y/n, we understand… I especially understand that Bada isn’t the greatest at communicating so…” Redy comforted the girl, but y/n just chuckled a bit sadly before sighing
“It’s okay, I don’t mind explaining it to you guys…” She told her two friends and then did just that. Y/n explained how she and Bada became close quickly, how they hung out as just the two of them on multiple occasions, leaving out the parts where things got a bit too intimate, but it wasn’t hard to fill in the blanks. Then how things went south as soon as the pressure was on for the mega crew mission. By the end of the retelling, y/n’s mouth felt dry and she couldn’t help the feeling of shame that arose once again at the remembrance of how childish and immature she had acted.
“Wow… I didn’t think it was gonna be that bad…” Harimu mumbled, reaching over to take a sip from Redy’s mimosa, causing the other to fumble to try and stop her before immediately giving up to pay attention to their friend
“I’m so sorry you had to experience that Y/n… you didn’t deserve that.” Redy reached across the table to hold Y/n’s hand, the younger looking up to meet her eyes before pursing her lips
“I mean… I kinda did… maybe not all of it, but at least most of it-”
“No way- I wouldn’t even say you deserved a quarter of it” the younger 1 Million dancer cut her friend off, not liking how self-deprecating she was sounding, causing her teammate to nod and hum
“Harimu’s right- sure you said some things you shouldn’t have and you may have started the argument, but if Bada had been so mature herself, you two probably would’ve been able to get out of that fight with your relationship still intact.” the oldest of the three intelligently remarked, causing her teammate to hum and nod while Y/n just sighed
“I can’t believe you two haven’t talked at all since then…”
“Redy she doesn’t even wanna look at me or acknowledge my existence when we’re in the same room, I wouldn’t be able to get close to her even if I did wanna talk to her…” Y/n pouted and leaned against her hand. They all sat in silence for a moment until Harimu sat up straight with a gasp
“Have you tried getting her attention? Like- maybe you don’t have to be the one that talks first!” she exclaimed with wide eyes, leaving the other two with very confused expressions. She sighed dramatically and continued with her idea
“What if you try to make her jealous??” Y/n gave a deadpan expression in response as Redy rolled her eyes and mumbled an ‘oh my god’ under her breath
“Girl- I already told you we weren’t… a thing… so how would that even work?” the youngest questioned exasperatedly 
“And I already told you how I don’t believe that for a second, BUT- “ Redy snorted as she couldn’t help but agree with her teammate since they’d all seen how Bada and Y/n looked at each other
“We do what every dancer does when they’re trying to make someone jealous- a duet…” Harimu finished explaining and the others just sat there, waiting for her to explain in further detail, which caused her to huff before doing so
“Y/n, you can do a duet with one of us that has a lot of partner work, and touching and it’ll be like- spicy- ya know??? And it’ll make Bada jealous!” the middle dancer finally finished explaining
“It’s not a terrible idea…” Redy chimed in apprehensive, not wanting to upset her friend, but also agreeing with how well it could work. The two 1 Million dancers waited to hear what the youngest had to say, leaving Y/n sighing 
“It’s not a bad idea, but the only way it’d work was if Bada actually still cared…” she mumbled sadly and pouted into the hand that she was leaning on
“Well, there’s only one way to find out!”
The three finished their lunch and headed over to 1 Million Dance Studio for Redy’s class. Afterward, they stuck around and began choreographing a duet for Y/n and Redy
“Oooh, you know what would make this even better??” Harimu excitedly inquired, leaving her friends a bit worried once they saw the mischievous look in her eyes
“Oh god… what?” Y/n whined, throwing her head back
“If you used a song she’s already choreographed too- perhaps a song that no one knows she’s choreographed to yet…” The younger 1 Million dancer raised her eyebrows up and down, yet the other two stood confused. Harimu sighs once again before pressing play on the music she picked. “Psycho” by Baekhyun started playing and Redy burst out laughing
“We can’t- that’d be so mean!” the youngest of the three expressed more of her concerns out loud
“No it wouldn’t- Bada doesn’t own this song. And plus, we could always say something nice about how she was the one who reminded us of this song… nobody else knows the reason we’re doing this besides us Y/n, so it’ll only seem mean to you… and maybe her but she deserves it!” Redy defended, assuring Y/n that there wouldn’t be any repercussions from the public
“Exactly- the mega crew missions won’t air for a while, so people probably won’t even connect the two anyway!” Harimu chimed in, throwing an arm around Y/n’s shoulder, causing her to let out a sigh
“Alright… let’s do it-” she gave in and the other two cheered and jumped with joy, excited to choreograph the piece and cause some chaos. They worked on the piece for hours before filming it. Redy decided she’d be the one to post it, just in case it did cause some drama then it wouldn’t totally be pinned on Y/n. The three girls finished their hang-out sesh and went their separate ways. 
When Y/n had settled into her apartment her phone lit up with a notification from Instagram, letting her know she was tagged in a post. She clicked on it to see the video of her and Redy’s choreography, where the older dancer had captioned it ‘been obsessed with this song lately- thanks @badalee_!’ with a bunch of black, white, and pink emojis. Y/n reposted the video to her story and made sure to leave a comment before turning off her phone and getting in the shower.
Meanwhile, team Bebe was out having dinner when Bada’s phone pinged with a notification. Unlocking it, she opened Instagram to see that Redy had tagged her in a video- a video that had her heart clenching the second she processed what it was, or rather who it was.
Tatter had also opened Instagram while they were waiting for their food to arrive and saw the same video as the first thing on her feed. She turned to Bada immediately and showed her the video but ended up bursting out laughing when she saw the same thing already pulled up on the older girl’s phone. 
“I really don’t see what’s funny about this…” the leader mumbled sourly, while her teammate continued to die of laughter. The others sat confused until Lusher reached over to take Tatter’s phone which she had dropped on the table. The sub-leader tried to stifle her own laughter once she saw the video and read the caption, before sliding the phone back over to the blonde.
“You guys seriously aren’t annoyed by this? They took our song!” Bada childishly whined, causing Tatter to laugh even harder while the younger members started asking what was going on. The eldest tossed her phone gently in the middle of the table for everyone to see the video, and while a couple were confused the other couldn’t help but laugh as well.
“Oh no Bada- they took your song. We didn’t mess with Y/n… this is targeting you…” Lusher smirked as she took a long sip from her drink, causing the leader to scoff
“Seriously? You really think this is specifically targeting me? And why would Redy do that… especially since me and her are good now-”
“So you think this was Y/n’s idea?” CheChe questioned with a raised brow
“Of course! She’s obviously still out to get me with her immature antics…” the leader dramatically pouted and crossed her arms. To her teammates, she looked like a spoiled child who just got told they did something wrong for the first time. This caused most of the members to either scoff or burst out laughing 
“Well you were the one who took it as an attack in the first place- maybe they genuinely just wanted to dance to the song…” Kyma chimed in, shrugging her shoulder, causing the leader to groan and throw her head back against the booth they were all in. She glanced back at her phone to see that Harimu commented on the video- something about how she was glad to be a part of the process. Then the leader clicked on the girl’s story to see she had reposted the video as well, complimenting her teammate but also making some flirty comments about Y/n. almost as if she could read Bada’s mind Lusher spoke up
“Y/n does look really good though… I’d get on that apology Bada or else you might lose your chance…” Lusher whispered the second half of her statement, teasing her team leader with a smirk, knowing how the dance was actually affecting her.
‘great now I have to worry about my own teammate AND these two stealing my girl…’
After the short break they had gotten from filming, all the remaining crew’s returned for the filming of the season teaser video. Y/n had been gradually getting back to her old self after the mega crew mission had ended, feeling much less stress after completing it and having survived the elimination. The poor girl is still absolutely destroyed and guilt-ridden by the entire situation that occurred between her and Bada but is slowly finding it easier to ignore her presence. At this point, it’s been almost another full week since the elimination- meaning it’s been about two weeks since the two had last spoken to each other.
All the teams gathered in the main filming area after going through the hair and makeup process like usual, but it felt different to Bada. As soon as she laid her eyes on Y/n it was honestly like the Bebe leader had an epiphany.
“Woah… I fucked up…” she mumbled to herself, noticing how Y/n’s eyes didn’t sparkle anymore and how she was rather calm. The young girl had always been a bit chaotic and energetic when it came to filming, so what was wrong? This wasn’t a mission, so there was no need to stress- so what could've possibly been weighing Y/n down? And that was when Bada realized, that she was weighing her down…
“Goddamn- it’s about time you noticed…” Tatter mumbled in return, sighing once she noticed her leader’s sad puppy eyes and lips slightly parted in shock. For the rest of the shoot Bada is putting on her best stage face because her feelings are not correlating at all with what she’s supposed to be portraying. 
When they aren’t filming or there’s a break, Bada can only focus on how pretty and sad y/n looks. She doesn’t look sad all the time, but the older girl noticed that whenever she was by herself her mind seemed to always drift somewhere sad. Her smile fades (even though it hadn’t reached her eyes in the first place) and the younger girl suddenly looks so much older with how sunken her eyes are- had she been sleeping? Was she not eating enough? A million questions were racing through Bada’s mind and she tried to keep them pushed down for now, seeing as how she knew the second she started thinking, she knew she wouldn’t stop
Bada knew she was part of the reason why the jam republic dancer was like this, but she couldn’t bring herself to talk to her. So she did what she thought was the next best thing- talk to her leader. She tried to start off with a small conversation between herself and Kirsten to get a feel for the Jam leader’s attitude toward her, which worked in her favor seeing as the other had seemed pretty chill about talking with her. The rest of Jam Republic on the other hand (minus Y/n) observed with questionable glances as Bada laughed and joked with Kirstne like usual.
“Now what the actual fuck is her problem…” Ling commented out of absolute rage and distaste for whatever was going on a few meters away from them
“She better not be trying to pull some stupid shit, cuz I don’t play when it comes to Y/n…” Emma mumbled glaring at the Bebe leader along with the rest of her team. Latrice huffed out a laugh and turned to look at her
“You would sacrifice Y/n to a cult if it meant you got a good laugh out of it…” the sub-leader of Jam Republic commented with a little joking smirk, causing the other members to ease up a little bit and crack some light smiles
“Well yes- I would, but that doesn’t mean anyone else is allowed to!” Emma retorted, sticking up her nose dramatically. Y/n was luckily off getting her hair fixed with Redy and Yoonji, seeing as they all had these little crystals glued in their hair, and a few had fallen out during the first few runs. The Jam Republic members were just glad she wasn’t present to see the interaction, knowing their youngest member would either burst into tears and spiral into a mental breakdown, or spontaneously combust into a ball of flames and go on a rampage. Either way- it would not have been an easy situation to deal with.
Yet the Jammies’ relief is short-lived as they took their second break. Y/n came bounding over after doing a short segment with all the youngest members of each team, a bright smile on her face as her members awaited her return. They had all monitored the performance with smiles of adoration, hyping up their baby the whole time. They praised her and pinched her cheeks, teasing Y/n affectionately until Bada walked by.
“You ready for the leaders’ shot?” she questioned with a hand on Kirsten’s shoulder. The Jam Republic leader turned her attention away from her youngest member briefly to give a polite nod and smile. Bada jerked her head in the direction of where they were heading to film, signaling for the younger leader to follow her in that direction. The two began walking off before Kirsten turned back around to wave to her members, leaving the Jam Republic members in shock
“What was that…” Y/n watched with sad confused puppy eyes and her jaw slightly dropped as the two leaders walked away to go film. The other members stood behind her, tense as they tried to read the young girl’s emotions. Y/n felt her heart rate pick up and her breath quickens, feeling the pressure that usually paired with tears start to build up. She swallowed thickly and pushed down the feeling before turning around to face her members with a forced smile. They all could tell right away and just gave her looks of sympathy, causing her smile to slowly drop as she sighed. 
After the leaders did their portion of the shoot, Bada and Kirsten walked back over to the pink team laughing over whatever conversation they were having. They stopped once they reached the other members, standing directly in front of Y/n. poor girl just stared up at Bada with those heartbroken puppy dog eyes, and god Bada knew it. She felt Y/n’s stare burning holes into the side of her head, using every ounce of control in her body not to glance over and clearly see her watery eyes and quivering lip. She knew that if she were to fully look at the younger girl right now, she’d be faced with not only a heartbroken puppy, but an angry pack of wolves behind her, and to be completely honest she hadn’t achieved that level of bravery yet. 
Bada Lee knew what she was doing. She knew that by acting normal with Kirsten, she’d be getting Y/n’s attention. She knew it’d hurt the younger girl, but that wasn’t her intention this time. The Bebe leader wanted to slowly weave her way back into Y/n’s life, and knew the easiest place to start was by making sure she was on good terms with her team leader, that way she had a mediator (even though Lusher had been playing mediator already, Bada didn’t trust that she wasn’t also trying to get with Y/n).
Y/n doesn’t even realize the conversation has ended and she’s just sitting there pathetically watching as Bada walks away. Ling sighs and pats her head, while the others sadly watch their baby wither away again.
“You okay bunny?” Kirsten asked softly, sitting down next to her and bumping their shoulders together. Y/n just pursed her lips and sighed before closing her eyes and nodding. On the other side where team Bebe has gathered, they also had watched the entire situation, or rather how distraught the youngest Jam Republic members looked during the whole thing.
“You are just so cruel…” Lusher expressed lowly when Bada got within earshot, shaking her head in disbelief as she clenched her jaw. The leader’s eyes went wide as she scoffed
“What?? How?? I’m trying to make things better-” The sub-leader sighed deeply and closed her eyes, genuinely exhausted by her friend’s poor relationship choices
“By forcing yourself into her life and then totally ignoring?? Yeah that seems to be working really well…” she ended up responding quickly, pinching the bridge of her nose as she lost her patience
“Ya know if I couldn’t practically see the tears streaming down her face from over here, I’d say you did a pretty good job!” Tatter snarkily commented with a cocky sarcastic smirk. Bada was really starting to resent her choices in teammates right now… but she knew they were right.
They went back to shooting, finishing the individual teams and small group chat before taking a longer break for dinner. As everyone was gathering back afterward to wrap up the shoot with all the full cast shots, the main monitor lit up. The music video for “Maria” by Hwasa began playing as the song blasted over the speakers. Hwasa enters the stage and everyone begins screaming. Ling and Y/n are gripping onto each other, absolutely shell-shocked at her appearance. The song continues to play as everyone does the choreography with her, the two Jam Republic members living their best lives while their members sit with confused yet excited smiles.
The song ends and Hwasa introduces herself along with the mission. Everyone of course goes wild for the opportunity to choreograph a routine for her, and of course just to be in her presence. The song they’ll be choreographing to is played, and once again the room is filled with screams and cheers expressing how much they all love it. Everyone was already coming up with ideas, but Jam Republic practically had their entire choreo prepared in an instant, as Y/n sat taking in the beat and engraining the feeling into her body and mind
When it ends everyone starts talking about how Lia Kim and Bada were at an advantage since they do this for a living, some mentioning Redlic as well. Y/n became another hot topic and top competitor for this mission seeing as she’s done many recreational choreographies to kpop songs that have gone viral and sometimes even become more popular than the original. When the bonus is announced that they have to come up with a challenge portion to receive extra points that lowkey pisses y/n off. She wasn’t a fan of the idea, thinking it made the part seem too forced and could easily end up making the choreography look cheap or cheesy.
After the idol finishes relaying the mission, she wishes everyone good luck as they wrap up filming and head right into preparing for the challenge. Jam Republic quickly jots down some ideas and gets a feel for the moves as Y/n tests out the choreo she had in mind when she first heard the song earlier. When the crew reconvened the next day for a full practice, their first order of business was figuring out who was going to represent Hwasa.
"I would love to be the center just as much as anyone else, but I feel like whoever can pull off the idol persona best should do it…" the leader smiles and looks in y/n's direction as she pauses her explanation
"so I think we should put it up to a vote!" so all six members made their pick, which ended up being pretty useless since it resulted in a three-way tie between Kirsten, Ling, and Y/n
"I personally think Y/n would be our best bet since she has a lot of experience performing kpop stages" Ling smiled and patted her younger teammate on the knee as she expressed her desire for the youngest member to take the part 
"I also would really like to see Y/n as the center… something just tells me she'd bring us good luck" Kirsten smiles motherly at the youngest who is currently hiding her face in her hands not to let anyone see the smile and blush on her face. So they all collectively agree to have y/n be the center and she's just so happy, cheesing away. She could already imagine the baby noises the editing team was putting over the clips of her trying to contain her excited reaction. After that decision was made, they immediately got to work on choreography. Things were going well enough to the point where the members felt comfortable taking a break around lunchtime. Y/n checked her phone while she drank her water, seeing a text from Harimu
1 Mil Mu: ‘Hey babes! Who’s your team’s Hwasa?’
Y/n: ‘What if I told you it was me…🫣’
1 Mil Mu: ‘I’d say thank god cuz I need someone to come buy heels with me for this😭’
Y/n: ‘Wait- are you hwasa too???’
1 Mil Mu: ‘Yes ma’am😚’
Y/n: ‘AHHHH SHUT UP- we’re gonna eat so hard, I’m so excited’
The news that she’d be going up against Harimu as Hwasa gave Y/n a bit of an adrenaline rush, knowing how perfectly the 1 Million dancer fit the role. She felt as if she’d have to work even harder now, but it made her excited instead of nervous. Y/n has actually gotten back to her normal self for the most part, genuinely excited about this challenge and seeing how everyone else would portray Hwasa’s image.
The next day before practice Y/n and Harimu have a little girls’ morning, going out for breakfast and then doing some shopping. They made sure to try on plenty of options for heels, not too worried about the look of them right now, but rather just needed something to practice in. The two ended up getting two pairs each, a simple yet secure heel that stopped right about the ankle, and then another pair of thigh-high heeled boots to really give the Hwasa feel.
The next day was when everyone would be showcasing what they had so far for choreography, y/n wanted to look as clean and presentable as possible, choosing to wear her thigh-high boots with some booty shorts and an oversized jersey. She hadn’t worn the shoes to the practice, carrying them in her back while she opted for some plain sneakers in the meantime. All teams walk in and Y/n is hyped to the max- until she realizes that Jam Republic is seated right next to Bebe… 
Luckily for everyone involved, the youngest Jam Republic member is too excited about the challenge to worry about Bada right now. She was totally focused on showing her best performance and enjoying everyone else’s. She started off excitedly watching Mannequeen then becoming easily disappointed by how sloppy it got. She was very curious to see what wolf’Lo would come up with though, seeing as their style is classic hip hop- a style y/n hadn’t particularly been a fan of. Yet, watching Mini got her hype. She couldn’t contain her impressed reaction at the pink-haired girl’s vibe, loving the slight change wolf’lo had made in their typical genre of dance.
Bebe was the fourth group to go and Y/n was conflicted, to say the least. To be completely honest- that’s how most of Jam Republic felt, seeing as they were excited to see what the team produced, but they were nervous for their poor youngest member’s heart.
Bada begins a short speech, explaining the concept they were going for as the other members practiced behind her. Lusher and Tatter turned around behind Bada and looked to Y/n giving her a cheesy smile and thumbs up, before immediately going back to practicing. Y/n couldn’t help but smile and giggle at how dedicated her friends were, but she also couldn’t help as the smile stayed when her attention shifted back to the leader nervously smiling and fidgeting with the microphone in her hands as she wrapped up her speech. 
The music starts and Y/n’s small smile immediately shifts into an impressed expression at one of the first moves. Bada gives a cool look as she holds up a hand sign signaling the title of street woman fighter, causing everyone to cheer lightly at the reference
“That was cool…” Y/n mumbled, playfully pouting and scrunching her nose as she tried to hide her impressed smile, causing her members to look at her with wide eyes at first before giggling and ruffling her hair. The chorus arrives and Y/n’s jaw just drops- the girl is so beyond impressed. She’s trying to process whether it’s actually good or if it’s just Bada, but then she watches everyone else and realizes it’s really just that good.
Then Bada struts off to the side for her own little part, doing a hip roll as she covers her eyes, sending the audience into a frenzy- especially Y/n who lets out a small scream and suddenly doesn’t know where to look or what to do with her hands. Ultimately she realized what that reaction must have looked like and just hung her head in her hands as Audrey patted her on the back and tried her hardest not to burst out laughing.
Y/n sat there astonished, watching through her fingers as she continued to hide behind her hands. Bebe finishes their choreography and y/n is trying so hard to contain her excitement, she just hides her face in her hands again and screams out loud. This is gonna be such a rough mission for her…
Lady Bounce went after Bebe and while they looked like they were having a lot of fun, there wasn’t anything super impressive about their routine. Next up was 1 Million and Y/n stood up screaming as loud as she could, so beyond hyped to see her besties perform. Harimu eats up her Hwasa role, as expected and everyone loves the routine, including Hwasa. Finally, after everyone else had gone, it was Jam Republic’s turn.
“Our youngest treasure, miss y/n will be playing Hwasa” Kirsten smiled as she announced their group’s center, causing everyone to absolutely lose their shit. Many dancers had already suspected it once they saw her walk out with the thigh-high boots and everyone else in regular sneakers, but it was still exciting to have the confirmation.
Everyone’s excitement rose as the music began, loving how Y/n completely transformed into a different person whenever she was performing. It started off smooth, but as Kirsten threw her head back for a specific move, her hat fell off. Luckily since Jam Republic is such a well-prepared group, Y/n caught it with ease and tossed it off to the side like it was all part of the routine, causing everyone to react in shock at her quick reflexes. 
The crew continued dancing as if it were nothing, having a blast and feeding off of the other teams’ reactions. Bebe especially was hyping Y/n up, even Bada couldn’t contain her excitement. Yet, the leader did keep looking back and forth between 1 Million’s youngest two dancers as well as her own sub-leader, trying to gauge their reaction to Y/n as well.
After a brief moment of observing the others’ reactions, Bada once again became entranced by Jam Republic’s center. Her expressions and movement quality truly made for a captivating performance, even though it was just an interim check. The crew finished their routine and Lusher stood up immediately clapping and screaming as loud as she could, cheering for the team as a whole but also making specific calls out to Y/n
“Y/N YOU’RE SO SEXY” she cupped her hands over her mouth as she screamed out to her friend, causing the leader to slow her claps and glare at her. Bada was really starting to question Lusher’s intentions- even though the girl hadn’t been acting any different than usual. It was all simply Bada’s insecurities.
The next few days passed in a flash as the crews continued to improve their routines and develop their concepts. When it came time to watch each performance everyone gathered in their respective monitoring rooms. Mannequeen was the first to go, and as the screen lit up with their performance all the dancers got excited that the mission was officially starting. 
“Okay… she’s kinda eating right now” y/n playfully pouted as Redlic devoured the routine. Jam Republic fangirled over them and how sick their outfits were, but by the end they weren’t entirely sold on the routine as a whole.
“It was really good, but I wish they had a bit more energy- or at least were more consistent with it” Latrice commented and the rest of them agreed. Wolf’Lo’s performance was next and once again, the pink team anticipated the final product. Jam Republic was impressed with how they were able to keep their classic hip-hop style while incorporating elements of K-pop
“Everyone is so good I’m gonna scream” was the first thing y/n said after the performance. Yet after recognizing Wolf’Lo’s efforts, they discussed how there was a lack of harmony between the “artist” and the dancers
After Wolf’Lo it was Bebe’s turn to present their routine, and Y/n was losing her mind. This girl was freaking out- hyperventilating and pacing, but out of excitement and anticipation. Audrey, Ling laughed at her, the elder even bringing out her phone to record the girl hopping around like an excited cat, while Emma smirked teasingly and side-eyed her.
“I’m so nervous-”
“Love, this isn’t even our routine…” Kirsten laughed softly at her dramatic youngest member, glad that she was able to enjoy the blue team’s performances again without crying. The second the music started, Y/n was seated, her eyes trained on the monitor before them. She screamed and cheered throughout the routine, and as the song began to approach the slower part she got more excited
 “oh I’m so excited to see what they did for this part-” and the second Bada was down on the floor, Y/n honestly thought she was having a heart attack. It only got worse for her as the music picked back up and the Bebe leader looked over her shoulder, grinning charismatically at the camera while she grabbed her ass and shrugged like it was nothing. 
Y/n’s jaw stayed dropped after she let out a surprised screech. Ling and Audrey also let out similar noises, while the latter reached over at the same time as Emma to cover Y/n’s eyes, knowing how she’d be having a mental breakdown if she kept watching. The performance ended and Y/n sat there in silence with her jaw still dropped to the floor
“I think I’m having a crisis…”
The next team to perform after Bebe was Lady Bounce, which was good but not too memorable. 1 Million followed with an insane performance. The second Harimu’s silhouette was shown, Y/n gasps. The routine starts and she’s clapping and cheering, as well as the rest of her team, all of them excited for what was about to happen. Throughout the entire performance, she’s squealing and screaming because her bestie is eating everyone up (side note: Y/n has so many besties, and the audience loves that for her). The routine ends and every single team is blown away. Jam Republic unanimously agrees that 1 Million has shown the best performance so far, with Y/n enthusiastically agreeing
“Not bebe?” Emma teases and to be completely honest, Y/n didn’t think it was funny
“No. 1 million was by far the best I’ve seen so far- it was flawless” And the members felt kinda bad for teasing her because they could see her become a bit more reserved and serious after that, sinking into her seat on the couch with her arms crossed over her chest. 
After that, it’s finally Jam Republic’s turn, as the final team to present their piece. The music begins and Y/n struts out from behind her members with the cuntiest game face out of all the contestants so far, and everyone goes feral. Her hair, her expression, her confidence, and especially her outfit had them all in shambles. All of 1 Million, but specifically Redy and Harimu were gassing her up before she even started dancing, the crew thinking of ways to convince her to join them after the show. 
“Can we just combine teams already?” “Or at least take Y/n onto our team??” Mannequeen was asking each other questions like this, also plotting how they could continue working with Jam Republic
“That’s my girlfriend!” Lusher cheers and Bada just about breaks her neck- she looks like she’s going to cry at first until she realizes the younger dancer was just joking. She really almost just gave the leader a heart attack, and now Bada felt her face heat up at how embarrassing that reaction was…
They reach the part of the choreography where the other members bend over, and Y/n squats down in between them as she opens and closes her legs, and once again no one is safe. Not a single monitoring room was quiet as the youngest Jam Republic dancer dropped low into the position and flawlessly executed the choreography along with the presentation of facial expressions.
Team Bebe was not discreet at all as they all freaked out and simultaneously turned to face their leader, who was already hiding her dropped jaw behind her hands. Bada bit her fist as Y/n got down on the floor with the rest of the Jam Republic members and began to arch her back up and down in a sort of crawling motion. The move was so simple, but effective as it showcased the sexy vibe of the song.
Jam Republic finishes off strong with the final chorus into the ending pose, and it was safe to say they left everyone astonished. The camera captured the final group pose before zooming in on each member of the crew, leaving Y/n for last. When she appeared on the monitor everyone lost it at how her siren eyes and seductive expression turned into a somewhat playful puppy-like reaction as her eyes widened and she stuck her tongue out, continuing to fan herself but in a cuter manner than before.
“OHHHH ENDING FAIRY LET’S GOOOOO” Harimu cheers with her full chest as her friend appears on the screen
“HOW IS Y/N THE YOUNGEST????” Buckey commented out of absolute shock and astonishment after seeing the girl’s performance
“SHE’S BARELY AN ADULT HOW DOES SHE KNOWN HOW TO DO THAT” Mini screamed, throwing her hands up in the air
“I’ve been an adult for a while and i still don’t know how to do that…” Halo mumbled after her teammate’s inquiry, causing the rest of the crew to laugh and agree
“Ya- they need to put the baby to bed. Don’t let her do that!” Biggy teased, pouting and whining playfully as her members agreed with faux pouts
“She really wanted people to stop babying her I guess…” Tatter calmly stated as she leaned back into the couch with her arms crossed, smirking as she kept her eyes trained on the monitor. The team snickered as Bada slowly turned her head toward the blonde with a deadpan expression, unimpressed with her jab.
Once every team had gone and finished presenting their routines, it was time to get changed and wrap up for the day. Each crew left their monitoring room to head back to their designated hideout spaces and decompress after the events of the day, and await the results of the winning team. Jam Republic was full of giggles and confidence after their successful performance as they bounced down the hallway. 
"ya, y/n…" the small girl whipped around with wide, somewhat fearful eyes and it lowkey made Bada's heart hurt to see her react that way
"yes?" she tried to speak steadily and confidently, but bit her lip and shrunk into herself a little, trying not to outwardly cringe, when she realized how meek and anxious she sounded. The tall girl across from her sighed and softened her gaze, seeing how unnerved y/n was.
"you did a good job." Bada confidently said as her team was about to walk past Jam Republic, shocking everyone on both teams (including herself). Y/n's lips parted and everyone watched as it quivered slightly and her eyes began to get red.
"ah no, no don't start crying…" the older leader tried to remain serious and civil, keeping the distance between them. The younger dancer bit her lip again and took shaky breaths as she frantically nodded her head while wiping away tears. Bada sighed again before taking a few quick strides over to her, not caring about the audience of both their teams. She placed a gentle hand on top of the shorter girl's head, gently ruffling her hair.
"ayyye don't cry" This time Bada tried to be more gentle and took the approach of some friendly teasing in hopes of at least getting a smile out of her, but it only made things worse as y/n looked up at her with a huge frown and teary eyes. She really was trying her hardest to stop crying, but nothing was working. Poor Y/n was just so happy to have Bada back at this moment. The look just about finished off what was left of Bada's heart. Any part of her that hadn't been touched by guilt yet was now overthrown by it. She felt her own eyes begin to sting a little as the pressure built up but didn't allow for any tears to form.
"Y/n-ah don't cryyyyy" Bada whispered softly as she gently reached to hold her face in both hands, wiping away the endless tears. This caused the younger girl to fully burst into tears and attempt to hang her head as much as she could in Bada's hold, but as soon as the tears increased the older girl was pulling y/n into her chest, hugging her as if she had no plans on ever letting go. Bada closed her eyes trying to keep her own tears at bay. 
The other members of both teams just stood clumped together off to the side, absolutely baffled by what was happening. A majority, if not all of them had dropped jaws or dumbfounded expressions. Lusher had to cover her mouth after letting out a squeak of excitement when Bada put her hand on Y/n’s head. It was a small moment, but a huge step for both girls.
“You did amazing, so don’t cry anymore, okay?” Bada whispered after pulling back from the hug, leaning down slightly so their faces were the same level. Y/n nodded and sniffled, wiping away her tears and finally pulling herself together.
“Thank you- you too…” she gave a watery smile as she hiccuped and the two giggled slightly over the situation. The older dancer smiled sadly and nodded before heading back over to her team. As they began to walk off Tatter turned around 
“Congratulations Jam Republic- you all were fantastic- WE LOVE YOU!!!” the blonde screamed enthusiastically making a giant heart over her head with her arms, causing the rest of her team to follow and also share their love and praise for the team. The pink crew just smiled brightly and laughed, before shyly mirroring their reaction. After both crews went their separate ways and made it back to their hideouts, Y/n stood in the middle of the room as her teammates settled in.
“What’s up, Bunny?” Audrey asked, with a worried expression as she saw Y/n’s confused but teary eyes. The girl looked up and burst into tears again on the spot. All the members were shocked at the sudden outburst and ran to comfort her. 
“She said I did good…” the girl bawled as her members hugged her. They all tensed for a short moment before bursting into a fit of giggles at how cute and sentimental their baby was. She eventually calms down, reducing her sobs to sniffles and soft hiccups. About 45 minutes to an hour passes before the staff is letting everyone know that a winner has been decided. 1 Million receive the 100 points benefit that came with being the group chosen by Hwasa, meaning their choreography will be performed and used for the music video.
The following day, everyone begins preparing for the music video. All the other crews learn 1 Million’s choreography and practice it in preparation for the shoot which would be happening the day after. When everyone gathered to get into hair and makeup for the video it felt fun. Not stressful, or competitive, just fun- and all the dancers were truly grateful for that. 
Each crew had been given a portion of the song where they were able to perform a bit of their own choreography, highlighting their efforts as a whole production. They were able to tie up the shoot within just one day of filming, giving all the crews an extra day of rest before having to officially start working on their final mission before the finale.
y/n had been walking toward the set’s dancer lounge to grab a few snacks when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. The girl quickly turned around and became face to face, or rather face to chest, with the dancer she still wasn’t on the best terms with.
“Hey…” Bada whispered once she made eye contact with the smaller girl, removing her hand quickly as she realized it was still resting on her shoulder. Y/n stood speechless, trying to force herself to at least utter a ‘hey’ back, but she couldn’t find the strength. 
“Can we talk?” the leader continued softly, voice wavering ever-so-slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice. To Y/n, Bada seemed confident and relaxed as her soft eyes peered down at her. It should’ve been comforting not seeing any signs of her being tense or upset, but the question alone made the younger dancer tear up, already feeling heavily emotional.
“Uh… yeah… yeah, of course” Y/n spoke meekly, not being able to hold eye contact for more than a couple of seconds at a time as she stood in front of the other girl. Bada glanced over at Kirsten and nodded, giving her a nervous tight-lipped smile as the younger leader gave her a gentle look of encouragement paired with two thumbs up.
The two walked in silence for a bit as they separated themselves from the majority of people, finding a less occupied area to chat. Once they arrived at a moderately secluded area and Bada stopped walking she turned to the younger dancer who stood stiffly with her arms crossed and shoulders tensed.
“So… how have you been?” Y/n starts shyly, trying not to seem too uncomfortable but internally cringing once she realizes how formal she sounds. Bada tried to suppress her frown, hating how awkward things had become, but then again, it all made sense.
“Well… uhm… I’m not doing terrible haha…” she tried to joke around while still being honest, but quickly realized none of her small-talk humor was going to get a laugh out of the other girl
“I actually haven’t been doing great since we last… talked…” she continued, becoming a bit more serious with her tone
“I’ve been thinking a lot- actually all I’ve done is think… about the things I said, about why I acted the way I did, about how to approach you, about how I should’ve done this sooner, and especially about you…” Bada rambled off all of what’s been occupying her brain recently 
“All I do is think about you…” she breathed out, causing the other girl’s own breath to catch in her throat as her eyes widened slightly. Y/n bit her lip looking at the floor and blinked rapidly trying to avoid the stinging feeling in her eyes that was already beginning. 
“I’m so sorry Y/n.” Bada whispered, starting to feel her throat tighten. The younger clenched her teeth and closed her eyes tightly as a singular tear slid down her cheek, before sniffling and looking back up to meet the tall girl’s gaze.
“That’s all I needed to hear…” she whispered with a sad smile, causing Bada to smile softly for a moment before furrowing her brows slightly
“But you deserve so much more than a simple apology-” the leader spoke seriously, still being conscience of her tone so as to not get too worked up
“It’s okay- I really don’t think I do… I said some terrible things too-” the younger sighed as she spoke
“Well of course, but that doesn’t mean what I said was okay… that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be trying my hardest to make up for the thing I said and how poorly I treated you…” 
“We’re both equally at fault here-” Y/n was nearly cut off by the persistent dancer
“Well, I wouldn’t say equally… I definitely don’t think you were as cruel as I was… not like it’s a contest or anything but I think the impact this argument had on both of us was mostly my fault… especially since the things I said were aimed to hurt you…” Bada tried not to seem pushy, not wanting to cause another argument, but she was set on getting her point across
“I mean… I kinda deserved it-” Y/n chuckled humorlessly as she looked at her shoes, kicking the ground. Bada’s jaw dropped in absolute shock at how the girl honestly thought she was meant to hear such awful things directed toward her
“No, you didn’t, stop saying that! No one deserves to be talked to like that and I feel absolutely disgusted with myself for saying the things I said… I am SO so sorry y/n” The leader spoke up, voice raising slightly with urgency, desperate to get her sincerity across. The younger dancer struggled to find words momentarily, wanting to say ‘it’s okay’, but realizing that it in fact wasn’t okay at all
“...I accept your apology, Bada, I promise…” Y/n clearly stated after a few moments of thought
“Thank you…” Bada sighed, shoulders relaxing slightly 
“I’m sorry too… I was acting immature and childish, and it was really all just because I was hurt by your decision- a decision that I understood had to be made…” and it was true- the girl really did understand why her team was chosen, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less
“Y/n’s you don’t need to apologize-” At Bada’s words it was now Y/n’s turn to be shocked. Even if the girl wasn’t as harsh, she surely was responsible for her own thoughts and actions.
“Of course I do… I need to apologize just as much as you do- for christ’s sake I was the one who caused the whole argument…” She started seriously with furrowed brows, but then her face softened as she continued
“I’m sorry for not trusting you… and for acting like a child-”
“You weren’t acting like a child, you were acting like someone who was under a lot of stress and that’s completely understandable-” Bada cut her off, already feeling the guilt arise again at the memory of how she’d called the younger girl childish and immature
“But I could have handled it so much better-”
“As could I, but we both saw how that actually turned out…” Bada finished with a light teasing smirk, causing Y/n to crack a bit of a smile herself before sighing again and biting her lip as tears filled her eyes
“I also shouldn’t have pushed you to talk about something you weren’t ready to talk about… so for that, I’m also sorry” the Bebe Leader added to her apology, gazing at Y/n with a soft heartfelt look. The younger was staring at the floor again as she sniffled before speaking 
“I’m so sorry Bada-” Y/n whimpered as another onslaught of tears began falling. The older girl gently pulled her into a hug, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl’s shoulders and leaning her chin on top of Y/n’s head.
“Shhh… We’ve both apologized and talked it out- let’s grow from it and move past it now, okay?” the tall girl whispered against the younger’s head, running her hand over the other’s hair, smoothing it down softly
“We should probably work on not talking over each other too…” Y/n mumbled against her chest, feeling the light rumble of laughter as Bada chuckled. Noether had realized the leader had started crying as well until she sniffled and reached up to wipe away her tears without even realizing it.
“There are a lot of things we can work on together- good and bad…” Bada leaned back slightly to look down at the girl, who lifted her head to meet the taller girl’s gaze.
“Yeah… together…” Y/n whispered breathlessly with a relieved smile. The tall dancer couldn’t stop the grin from spreading on her face as she was finally able to stare into Y/n’s sparkling eyes again.
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taglist (closed): @tinybada @angel-hyuckie @violetinferno @jesuschrist2006 @1luvkarina @uwulyn @justandloyal2961 @deadgirlwalking3 @squidvoldyvoid @vivzyo @ouhaika @jksjx @ocyeanicc @marianamartinsthings @jxrdxnh @luvjanexx @lorenztired @khjssss @heavenlycloud @loisje123 @starchasermyloves @zhivaxo @grinnwolph @notyourd0lly @stinkbvgs @nermandiiiii-blog @arujee @idontknownemore @thatgayinsomniac @fruitr0llup @cgriffin9797-blog @woooooya @kaaylvst @ssc7514 @astoreea @linda-botello @kpopgirl-97 @erikook @misszoldyc @sammisregrets @jysai @moonsvrse @froufrousnowman @amararosesblog @tikitsune @aestrelle19 @laaaasanielzz @randomhoex @tswisal1 @unpretty-reader @charlesswife @stella222
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canthelpit0 · 1 month
Pairing: Chris x reader
Wordcount: 3k+
Summary: Chris used to drink back in high school. And now being rich and in his early 20s he started back up again.
Warnings: angst (if u squint), relapse, drinking, alcohol addiction, weed, mentioned drugs, slight use of y/n, Chris pov, (slight) unreliable narrator, model!reader, no smut, kissing
(A/N: possible ooc. I don’t do drugs, so I don’t know how realistic this is.)
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Chris PoV
I feel dizzy.
But I love it, I love this.
I take another sip of my solo cup looking at all the people.
Back in high school I used to drink and smoke, and I even did some drugs at some point. But I had stopped after high school, after all, I thought that I could let loose and have fun, but that after high school that I’d start working.
Having been partying and drinking for my junior and senior year, staying sober for over two days was hard, but in the end I’d managed to stay sober for a whole year.
I wasn’t even the legal age to drink yet anyway.
I started smoking occasionally though, just to hold me off from alcohol.
Somehow we managed to become famous YouTubers, moving out to LA and living our dreams.
But being in LA meant getting invited to all sorts of parties. We usually just said no and that we wouldn’t go, mainly because of my past habits. But after a while our manager started to force us to, to make connections.
However being so close to alcohol, and being offered drinks and blunts all the time was fucking with me.
I started to smoke more, going from around one cigarette every two days to five a day.
It was a common fact that I’m a smoker in our fanbase. And I wasn’t proud of it. It is disgusting. But I would rather do that, before relapse back into my drinking habits. That’s at least what I told myself.
I started to unconsciously get colder towards Nick and Matt. I couldn’t help it.
So when an influencer texted me inviting me to some party, I agreed. I snuck out of the house at night, walked around the corner to the gas station, got an Uber and went to the party.
I put my phone on silent, turned off all trackers and snap map, as well as put it on airplane mode just to be sure.
But deep down I always knew that at the end of the day, if I do manage to get home without Matt’s help, I’ll still be drunk, they’ll know I relapsed.
But at this moment, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting drunk tonight.
This is the second drink I’ve had tonight. And I wasn’t even close to tipsy. Maybe I should play some drinking game?
I shrug to myself scanning the crowd of people. All people with faces that look like influencers. If that even makes sense. They just look like they do TikTok.
I shrug to myself. I glance over at the window to the backyard porch, seeing the backs of a few girls sitting there. I can’t see their faces and I don’t care to.
I look down at my drink, seeing the way it’s half empty now. I huff. Bringing the cup back to my lips again, I down the whole cup.
Jake and Johnnie come up to me. I make eye contact with Jake and purse my lips.
It’s a commonly known fact that I smoke tobacco, yes. But to everyone’s knowledge I don’t drink, and have never touched a drink In My life.
Well Matt and Nick haven’t, I never said I haven’t, but I wasn’t exactly open about my past with alcohol either.
Matt and Nick said they’ve never drank, wich is true. Yet I never agreed. I did say on that podcast that I do smoke.
“Yo Chris” Jake greets dapping me up. I give him a weak smile. “Hi guys” I respond with a slight smile.
I wish I didn’t know anyone here and could just get wasted in peace. I’d get wasted at home but I literally can’t buy alcohol
“I didn’t know you drink?” Johnnie asks taking a sip of a water bottle. I don’t know if they drink, all I know is that they’re old enough to. Unlike me.
“Well.” I shrug. I’m still standing in the kitchen so I just put down my empty solo cup for the time being.
“Aren’t you underage tho?” Jake asks raising an eyebrow down at me. He shifts on his feet. He wouldn’t stop me per se, he’d just quietly disapprove.
“Yeah” I shrug. I lick my lips glancing at the half empty beer bottle on the counter. I purse my lips contemplating if I should pour my solo cup full again.
Because on one hand I want to make it seem like this is the first time I’m drinking and that I’m innocent, but then again the temptation is too strong, and before I realize it I’m pouring my cup full again.
Both the boys in front of me were saying something about not drinking too much, but I wasn’t even paying it attention.
“-Just don’t drink too much, right, you can get drunk really fast.” Jake rambles on a smile present on his lips like he thought this was an innocent joke. Not like I just relapsed or anything.
I take a sip from the beer, feeling it burn down my throat. I don’t even make a face at it, if anything I relax more when the taste hits my tongue.
“You handle your alcohol well, wow.” Jake says half joking, having finally stopped his rant.
“Anyway, where are Nick and Matt?” Johnnie asks cutting Jake off before he can start yapping again.
“Home.” I mumble taking another sip.
“Oh why’s that?” He asks back his words questioning as he tilts his head slightly.
His eyes look really dark with the dark eyeliner he’s wearing, in the dimmed room.
“They just didn’t want to come.” I shrug. I feel like I’m being too direct and rude.
It’s funny. Whenever I’m sober, I act more cheery and extroverted. But I don’t feel good. When I’m drunk or drinking it’s the opposite.
“Huh?” Jake huffs questioningly. “Well this is the first time you’re drinking right? Were you planning to, or how did that happen?”
I think he thought that maybe some person gave a drink to me and that’s how I started drinking tonight. Because god forbid I wanted to get drunk and was planning on drinking here because shady parties like this are the only places I can get my hands on alcohol.
“No,” I pause making eye contact with both of them, before my eyes meet the beer in my cup again.
“It’s not.” I shrug.
They glance at each other before looking back at me and I feel their eyes burn through my skin.
“Well, drink responsibly.” Jake says again slowly. He wasn’t going to stop me. They were all for ‘you do you’. And besides it’s not that bad anyway it’s not like I’m alcoholic or something. “And don’t drive.” He chuckled jokingly, winking.
I let a slight smile take over my face. I close my eyes and shake my head slightly, letting out a dry chuckle.
Johnnie waves back at me as they start to walk off into the crowd of people in the living room.
Time flies.
I drink some more, wander around and what not.
I’ve taken a bunch of drugs before. Asides from the obvious like coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, I also used to smoke a lot of weed. I’ve done lsd, cocaine, ecstasy. A lot of ecstasy. And Xanax.
Well I took Xanax kind of on accident in sophomore year. Matt has anxiety, and it used to be really bad so he had prescribed pills to take. And one day I thought they were pain killers and took them.
It made me feel very euphoric but calm and relaxed at the same time. That was the first big deal drug I ever took.
I was never interested in not being sober. But when junior year hit, and I started to go to parties, I tried verity’s kinds of drugs because if the high Xanax put me on was great, how would stronger drugs be.
Tho at the end of the day I did that way less than just drinking.
I look around getting bored of just standing around. I walk out to the backyard porch to get some air. There is a couch in the corner on both sides.
What’s wired about these types of parties is that there are not just influences or that type of people here, but also low ranking celebrities.
Like actors and actresses with low status, up in coming singers, low ranking models and what not.
There is a girl all alone on the couch to my right. I glance at her, scanning her features. Our eyes meet. I’m not as drunk as I was planning to be, but the night is still young so whatever.
She looks like she could be a model. But for all I know she could be a really pretty YouTuber too.
She takes the blunt from between her lips breathing out a puff of the toxic smoke. She was smiling, the weed rolled into a perfect blunt.
“Hi?” She asks. Have I been staring? I purse my lips staring back at her. I kind of forget to respond before I see her raise an eyebrow at me.
“Hey.” I respond simply shifting on my feet to turn to face her. She nods to the couch next to her and I take the hint and sit down next to her.
I take a deep breath in, closing my eyes slightly. The cold LA air feels so good against my burning hot skin.
“You smoke?” She asks offeringthe blunt to me.
I lick my lips slightly. She seems pretty faded, she must’ve been smoking for a while here now.
I look over her features,my eyes taking in every detail.
I him in response, watching the way she holds out the blunt for me. I take it and put it between my lips. As soon as I feel the weed fill up my lungs I can feel my body relax.
I slump back into the couch giving her the blunt back while I breathe out the smoke.
“What’s your name?” She asks putting the blunt back between her lips and smoking it.
“Chris.” I say simply. She hands me the blunt once again. And oh, I didn’t realize we’d be sharing now, but oh well.
“You look like a YouTuber.” She says bluntly, tilting her head at me.
We get that a lot, we look like ‘generic tiktokers’.
I shrug. I turn my face to the side and blow out the smoke before looking back at her and offering her the blunt again. “Maybe because I am?”
She chuckles dryly and takes the blunt. She puts it between her plump pink lips. “I’m y/n” she mumbles around the weed before inhaling again. I watch the way she holds the blunt between her pointer and middle finger.
The way her hands look so delicate. The way her acrylic nails look.
“And what do you do for a living?” I ask rhetorically. A slight grin threatens to spread on my face.
“I model.”
“Never thought models smoke?”
“Well I do.”
She offers me the blunt again.
We talk for even longer. We both seem to be blunt and direct people. there was no messing around and beating around the bush.
After a while silence falls upon us again. This is the second blunt we’d lit by this point. She leans over and puts that blunt out on the ashtray on the couch table.
“You’re pretty you know that.” I blurt out. She sits back raising an eyebrow. Her body is turned to me and she just looks so pretty. If I could have my way and we weren’t at some LA house party right now, I’d eat her out right here on the backyard porch.
“Thank you?” She chuckles. And god how good she sounds.
Her words sound like silk. They flow so well together and her voice 100% fits her face.
While we were talking she said she’s from New York. Wich is great. I love meeting east coast people. There are not a lot in California.
She’s apparently from manhattan. I’d been there before.
She turns to me more and tilts her head teasingly. I lean in my eyes staying locked on hers.
I can’t help the huge grin growing on my face.
“Yeah” I breathe out. By now we’re so painfully close. I put my hand on her jaw holding her in place. I can’t help it when I glance down at her lips for a second.
She does the same tho and looks down at my lips.
So why would I draw out this moment any longer? I crash my lips on hers and feel her immediately react and kiss back.
The kiss is gentle but hard at the same time.
By this point I can barely feel the alcohol in my system, only the weed. And with us kissing that’s all I’m focused on. I can’t think straight, and not because I’m cross faded.
My eyes are shut trying to feel this as much as I can. This feels like a high. Whether that be because I am actually high, or if kissing her just naturally feels good.
I tilt my head slightly in an effort to deepen the kiss, feeling the way her arms wrap around my neck and pull me closer.
My hands go to her waist holding onto her.
But suddenly, before things can escalate, I feel my phone ring.
I pull away slightly our faces still close. I groan in Annoyance. I lick my swollen lips glancing back down at y/n’s that are also plump and kiss swollen.
I pull out my phone from my back pocked seeing Matt’s caller ID.
I purse my lips and hang up the call. I crash my lips back onto y/n’s. She sighs into the kiss and kisses back just as intensely.
But my phone goes off again. We ignore it just continuing to make out.
That is until she pulls away and licks her lips. Our eyes lock again, silence falling upon us, until she breaks it.
“Whoever is calling you really wants to talk.” I purse my lips looking at my phone on the couch between us.
I pick it up with a sigh. I sit back and turn back forward. I pick up the call and it’s Nick.
“Christopher Owen.” I hear nicks pissed off firm voice through the other line.
“Turn your location on right the fuck now.”
I sigh. I take the phone from my face turning off airplane mode and turning my location back on. After I do that I put the phone back to my ear.
“We’ll be there in 5” I hear Matt say loudly. He sounds mildly pissed off too.
“Whatever.” I groan dramatically. Why do they always have to hold me off from having fun.
I was just drinking a little bit. Like I didn’t even get drunk yet.
“Go to the front door, we’re almost there.” Nick says firmly to wich I reluctantly hum an argument.
I hang up the phone after it’s silent. I roll my eyes. I let my hand drop from my face to my lap, still holding my phone. I look over at y/n who is looking at me with a curious expression, but she wasn’t going to push it.
“I gotta go.” I say simply and get up.
I don’t glance back before i open the door inside again. I walk through the crowd of people pushing my way to the front door.
★ ★ ★
I sit at the front porch steps waiting for Matt to pull up.
When he pulls up mere seconds later Nick gets out of the passenger seat walking over to me. He looks more worried than angry.
I reluctantly get up. Nick keeps holding my arm just in case, but I really wasn’t that drunk. Sure I was not walking too straight, but it wasn’t like I was at risk of falling over.
He sits me down in the passenger seat Matt watching.
Nick himself gets into the backseat.
No word is said. Matt pulls into drive and starts to drive down the road. I close my eyes awaiting the eventual questioning and rants and whatever.
“Why’d you relapse?” Matt ask, simply getting straight to the point. Ripping the band aid right off.
“Sorry” I mumble. I open my eyes and turn my head to stare out of the window.
No song is playing, it’s just eerily quiet.
“No. Why did you relapse?” Nick asks his tone more firm. “Yeah you were doing so good” Matt adds with a sigh.
I let out my own sigh at the questions.
I don’t know why I relapsed.
It’s just something about LA that is so tempting. Partying is fun, and so is being drunk.
I’m pretty sure Jake and Johnnie must’ve told them. Somehow. After all, at this party, they were the only ones I actually knew. They must’ve texted or called one of them for some reason, resulting in waking them up.
And as soon as they were awake and checked my bed, they started to call me. Makes sense, whatever.
“Chris, you know, you need to talk.” Nick sighs frustrated.
“Why did you relapse?” Matt asks again glancing over at me for a second before going right back to staring at the road. “Is it the temptations of LA, is it your mental health,” he lists off the top of his head before sighing again. “What is it?”
“Chris we need you to tell us the root cause of this.” Nick says firmly. Honestly i should play drunk and pretend I don’t understand what they want from me, but I think they can tell I’m not legit drunk, just because of the fact that they’ve seen me actually blackout drunk before.
“I don’t know.” I say simply my tone staying low. It feels like my words cut straight through the thick tension in the room.
It’s like a re-opened wound.
“What do you mean you don’t know.” Nick scoffs. He was getting worked up, and I know that. I close my eyes for a second bracing myself.
“We thought you were better.”
We- it wasn’t just Nick that thought I got better, but also Matt, mom, dad and Justin.
“I did too.”
A/N: I hope you guys liked this.. I hope it’s realistic enough. But yeah, this was fun to write, tho I do know that it did kind of drift from the actual theme of the song. Tell me if u guys want a part 2 and my asks and requests are open <3
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh , @tillies33ssss , @sturncakez , @strnilo , @somegirlfromasgard , @mattslovelygf , @sturnsmaeve , @sturnstvr , @lucianastrun , @jnkvivi , @jamiesturniolo
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laaailuh · 10 months
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"I want you"🕸️🕷️
pairing: earth 42!miles x black!reader
warnings: light swearing, possessive Miles, toxic (cheating)
Summary: Despite your relationship with his friend, Miles is determined to get you in anyway possible.
a/n: Im back finally! I wanted to post something before I get caught up with school and stuff.
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“Yonna’s been passed around the whole school, i'm not tryna be one of them.”
“You can still try and get to know her?”
“Nah man, I'm good.”
“Homecoming is around the corner Miles, you need a date.
"I aint going."
Kaison shook his head in disappointment. "What do you mean your not going? What about the three girls who asked you earlier?”
Miles laughed at his response, “Not my type.”
He scoffed at him. “So who is nigga?”
Before Miles said another word, you walked up to them and embraced Kaison with a tight hug.
“Hey baby, I didn't see you in third period?”
“Shit my bad, I skipped.”
Miles couldn't help but feel a searing pang of resentment deep within as he watched his friend bask in the attention of the girl he's been wanting for months. It should’ve been him taking you out on those dates, kissing you, holding you and comforting you during your most vulnerable times. Kaison didn't deserve it, he did.
During the conversation, Miles found himself recounting every endearing detail about you that had captivated his heart in the first place. The way you styled your knotless braids, your vanilla scent that filled the hallway and the lip gloss that was always applied on your lips. He loved everything about you, all of it.
“We still hanging out after school?”
Kaison widened his eyes, as he forgot about their arrangement, “Fuck.”
“Nigga, are you serious right now?” You said with an angry tone.
“Babe, It wasn't on purpose, it slipped my mind.”
You waved your hand in annoyance. “Yeah whatever, Kaison.”
He kissed your cheek. “Don't be upset please, I’ll text you after practice okay?”
You didn't say anything to him and avoided his gaze.
Kaison then dapped up Miles and began walking to the field.
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You and Miles decided to sit on a bench outside of the school.
“You good?”
You shook your head “This is the second time he’s bailed on me this week. Fucking irritating."
“Shit I mean, have you spoken to him about how you feel?”
“Nah, haven't had the chance.”
You turned your face towards Miles and realised he was already looking at you.
It was a different type of look, one you noticed he would give you often. Kaison never looked at you like that, never. 
“Stop it Morales.”
“Stop what y/n?”
You bit the inside of your cheek “You know what you're doing.”
He smirked a little, “Nah, I dont.”
You turned your face away, breaking eye contact.
“I'm with Kaison.”
“Who said anything about him?”
You sighed, he was right. Why were you bringing him up?
“Can I ask you something?”
You shrugged, "I guess."
“If you weren't with him, would things have been different between us?”
“I….I don’t know.” You hesitated to answer his question.
“Mhm but you thought about it before, haven't you?”
Miles scoffed at your response, “Why you tryna put on a front right now? It’s just us.”
You shook your head, “I love Kaison.”
“You dont y/n. You know he doesn't appreciate you the way you should be.”
Miles paused for a second and then spoke again “I could treat you way better and you know that I would. 
He scooted closer to you. “Look at me Ma.”
You turned your head to face him. “It's too late Miles, you were too late…”
“It ain’t though.”
You looked down at your uniform skirt, trying to wrap up what was just said to you. You did like him before Kaison but he never showed it enough for something to form.
“I can't be talking about this with you Miles.”
“Cause you feel the same way about me, right?”
“Like I said, it's too late.”
Miles then put his hand on your chin softly and kissed you. You knew you should've pulled away but you didn't. There was a yearning feeling inside of you that wanted it just as much as he did.
He gently broke the kiss and wiped off a smudge of your lipgloss from his own lips. “I want you y/n, so fucking much.”
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tikitsune · 8 months
Platonic!SWF 2 x VA!Reader
Part 1
Next |
Word count: 1k
Warnings: I don't know how the real world works apparently
Notes: I finally gave into my temptations and made one despite the fact that I have zero experience writing for real people. Lemme know how it goes.
I'll be honest, it's mostly gonna be JR, Bebe and Tsubakill, with half Mannequeen/1Million and not so much of LadyBounce, Wolf'Lo and Deep n' Dap.
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Ling looked up from her phone. "Hey, Kristen. You said we wanted another person right?"
Kristen looked at her in confusion. It was about a week before they had to send in their member count and while she satisfied the team requirements with five, it couldn't hurt to have an extra person for safety.
"Uhm.Yeah. Why? Do you have someone?"
Ling went back to staring at her phone and scrolling through something. "Yeah. Just a sec. Any minute now."
Whatever it was that Ling was waiting for drew the rest of the people in the studio in. Audrey and Emma briefly stopped their playful banter about a tik tok dance to look at their oldest member. Latrice took out an earbud from where she was working on a choreograph. Kristen walked over to where Ling was and peered at her screen. She was staring at the Jam Republic 'Meet Our Artists' page. Over and over again, each time, reloading the page.
She eventually scrolled to the name she was looking for. [Name]. Upon further clicking of the profile the name to pop up was '[Name] Zhang'. Below that was a description of her accomplishments in dance.
"Yes!" Ling nearly shouted, pumping her fist. "Guys, meet my sister, the potential 6th member of the Street Woman Fighter 2's Jam Republic team."
She turned her phone to face her other team members. They all came to crowd around her to look at her phone. "Wah! She looks so young!" Audrey, the youngest in the group, looked quite interested in a potential younger member.
"She is. She's 19 and just transferred to a Cal State from Community college in Cali." Ling looked at her sister's picture. "She's working towards a major in theatrics and the best part is... She's a voice actor."
Emma looked a bit perplexed. "If she's a voice actor, how is she in Jam Republic?"
Ling only smirked. "She is a choreographer and a voice actor."
Kristen smiled at the older girl. "Well, can we see a video of her dancing? I don't want to exactly say now but I want to see her skill level first."
Latrice butt in. "Wait—. Does she go by any pseudonym or something like that?"
That brought everyone's attention back to Ling. "Uh. Yeah. I think she goes by Sino in the show biz. Like she uses [Nsme] Zhang as her dance name and everything else uses Sino."
Latrice looked excited. "You mean the Sino who choreographed some of the Descendants 3 dances at 15? The one who helped with the live action Mulan fight scenes?"
Everyone was taken aback by Latrice's excitement as well as the supposed new information. "Let me ask."
Ling opened her phone contacts and clicked on a contact named 'the talented 🎤'.
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"Yup. According to her, that's it." Ling looked up from her phone.
Audrey looked at Ling. "You must be so proud of her to do that at such a young age."
Ling smiled at their current youngest member. "I am."
Everyone could hear the pride in Ling's voice. Her eyes lit up again before she opened YouTube on her phone and showed them a short of what seemed to be [Name] dancing a choreography to 'Boyfriend' by Dove Cameron. It was quite the sexy song and somehow it fit [Name] very well. Her moves were very flowy but held a lot of energy. Her sultry expressions worked well, making her seem older than she actually was. [Name] finished in a floor pose before she got up, giggling a bit and the video cut.
Everyone collectively awed at the adorableness that was displayed at the end of the video. “Yeah. I’ll add her if she wants. Do we need to get her a plane ticket as well?”
“No need. She’s at the University of Seoul as a student exchange student for the semester. Going there for theatrics, dance and, surprisingly, foods." Ling looked at her phone again.
It rang and she picked up. The screen showed [Name], seemingly in bed. "Hey, Ling Ling. What's up?"
[Name]'s voice was soft, but rough. She was supported by a red covered pillow, her hair was thrown in a messy bun that rested on her head and her phone seemed to be propped against the head end of the bed frame. Her sleepy, half-lidded eyes were framed by round black glasses. "Hi [Name]. I'm with the girls here."
Ling panned the camera, each member waving at the screen.
"Hello to Kristen, Latrice, Emma and Audrey, I believe." [Name] looked up, trying to remember each member's name by face. When she got confirmation that she was right, she smiled a soft smile. It took a lot for everyone to not 'aww' at her cuteness.
"So, is there a reason you are calling me…" She seemed to look slightly to the upper left corner of her phone. "... at 06:15 in the morning? Like I can understand a text but a call?"
The girls exchanged glances and a chuckle. "Uh yeah. That would be my fault." Kristen said.
[Name] raised her eyebrow, "Mmm. And why is that?"
"Well I was wondering if you would like to be a part of our group for Street Woman Fighter 2. While 5 people is enough, it would make me feel better if we had another, you know?" Kristen looked a bit shy as she spoke.
[Name] pushed the bridge of her glasses up her nose as her face contorted into a contemplating look. "On what days? I have three classes on Saturday and that's it."
Due to [Name] being an exchange student, she didn’t need to take the necessary classes that most Korean students must take and it just so happened that her classes/lectures were all on the same day. Theatrics first thing in the morning at 08:00 and would span out for 2 hours. Food started at 13:00 and again ended two hours later. Dance would not begin until 18:00 and go till 20:00. (I must preface this by saying that I have never been in an exchange program before so not all of this is accurate. And yes, I use military time, if I have to do math for the ‘normie’ people, then you can do math for me.)
“Mhm… We don’t know yet actually. We can just catch you up on things when you’re not here.” Ling propped her phone on the studio mirror and sat back.
[Name] rubbed her eyes behind her glasses before pushing up the frame. “Yeah, sure.” She yawned.”My apartment building was rented out for people so i can only assume that would be for the competition. So tell them not to worry about the room placement for me.”
She scrubbed her hand over her face, brought her book in front of her before looking at the camera. “All right, If that’s all, I’mma get back to reading.”
“Nah. All good here, sis, thanks. Love you.” Ling picked up the phone as everyone waved behind her.
She ended the call, smiling at her two worlds meeting.
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
𝟷-𝟸 𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚘𝚝𝚜 ⋆ Daniel Ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x teammate!reader
• as requested by: lovely vex!
“They’re gonna think we’re idiots!”
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It was a raining cats and dogs on race day. You were sat in your driver’s room because the race has been red flagged. You decided to wander out to the garage just for the heck of it.
You exit your drivers room and walked to the garage, only to be greeted by a sea of mechanics and engineers who were also feeling down due to race being postponed. You smiled and greeted them back, but your eyes were searching for someone else; your teammate, Daniel Ricciardo.
Your eyes scanned the garage. Ah there he is! Seated beside Tom, his engineer. They were busy discussing about what you assumed were data and statistics, and he seemed so in the zone, listening closely to what Tom was saying, so you took this chance to scare him from behind.
Tom saw you creeping up to Daniel but you put a finger to your lips as if to say “Don’t blow my cover”.
“Jesus!” Daniel jumps in his seat, turning to look behind to see which bugger scared the living shit out of him.
“Gotcha,” You said as you laughed. Daniel smacks your arm in response. After that, you decided you didn’t want to leave. Instead, you took a seat on his right thigh, wrapping your arms around his neck and instinctively, his hands wrapped around your waist.
You listened as Tom was talking to him. Daniel of course was nodding along and asking him questions but you didn’t care so much.
Everyone around the both of you seem to not care that you were seated on Daniel, they knew that this was a common occurrence.
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“Aw cmon Dan! Open your mouth wider!” You said as you tossed him another M&M.
The chocolate lands in his mouth. “Yes!” You celebrated. Daniel smiles and pumps his fist up into the air, celebrating as well.
The pair of you have been at it for a solid 10 minutes. Anything to chase away the rainy day blues, am I right?
“I have excellent aim.” You complimented yourself, a smug look apparent on your face.
“Oh is that so? Okay, your turn.” You nodded, getting into stance, opening your mouth wide to catch the M&M Daniel was about to throw.
Unfortunately you missed. You pout and Daniel laughs. “Cmon Y/N you can do it,” He squeezes your shoulder for encouragement. You took a deep breathe and stood in position again.
“Ready?” He asks.
You nod. “Ready. Toss me one!” You open your mouth.
The M&M lands in your mouth. Your eyes widened in excitement. Daniel comes over and daps you up, “Atta girl!”
Little did you know the cameras caught all of that. Practically everyone saw what the two of you were doing…
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Post Race Interview
“Hey Y/N! It’s nice to see you again. How was the race? Congratulations by the way, 1-2 podium with Daniel by your side, how does it feel?”
“It’s nice to see you again too. Thank you! Um, it feels great actually! And it’s even better that it’s my home race. I feel happy. Even happier that I managed to finish ahead of Daniel.” You cheekily smile.
“So we understand that the race was postponed correct?” You nodded. “What happened there? Back in the garage? You and Daniel seem to get along well.”
You laughed, realising the cameras caught your nonsense. “Oh you meant- ah right!” Just as you were about to answer, Daniel comes into frame, scaring you from behind.
“Oi!” You turned around to be met with Daniel laughing.
“And that is how you scare the race winner, folks!” He says to camera and you rolled your eyes.
“Sorry I got a lil’ distracted there as you can see,” You rolled your eyes again, “Maybe Daniel can answer that question, right Daniel?” You looked over to Daniel.
“Y-yeah sure! What’s up?” He steps in front of the mic.
“We’re just wondering, what happened back in the garage? Was a lot of chaos as we saw it.”
Daniel laughs. “Oh that?” He looks over to you and the both of you exchanged looks, a stiffled laugh coming out of you.
“Nothing! We were just tryna.. um.. I don’t know, chase the blues away. It was raining and we were bored out of our minds.”
“So I take it that you both have a good relationship off the track?” The interviewer asks.
“Yeah of course. She may be annoying at times but I’m used to it y’know?”
“Hey!” You smacked Daniel’s arm. “As annoying as I am, at least I finished ahead of you.” You quipped back.
“She’s feisty,” The interviewer says to Daniel.
“Yeah. And thank God you’re not on the receiving end of it,”
The interviewer laughs before continuing to ask the both of you a few more questions before they finish off.
You walked away with Daniel, side by side.
“See, I told you!”
“Told me what?”
“That if anyone saw us, they’re gonna think we’re idiots!”
He laughs. “Well, the two idiots they just saw won a 1-2 podium. I’d say we make a pretty good team.”
“Yeah… I agree.”
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mikaleialt · 6 months
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Coming Back to You | Minah Lee
Minah Lee x Reader
Cw: angst, smut, fluff. MDNI. MERRY CHRISTMAS @taruusmoon. <3, also I was waiting for Minah to poat the perfect picture for this pic and she finally did, look at how fucking hot she is!!!! And happy birthday to my girl Minah Lee.
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"I'm just saying that I wish you could make time for me, even for just 10 minutes!"
Here you are again, you've been arguing with your girlfriend, Minah for the nth time this week. You two were supposed to be on a date today, but she ditched you last second because she "forgot" that her team had a scheduled meeting earlier on the same time of your dinner reservation at this restaurant.
Now you're both here in your apartment, 4 am in the morning, fighting like a wedded couple once again. Minah just got back from their "meeting" which you found out that is actually a party from the fact that your girlfriend reeks of alcohol.
"Babe, you know that we've been busy with the show right? We all need to be better, do you hear what people call us? We weren't even acknowledged by the other contestants, they were just calling us 'Bada and her students'." You scoff at your girlfriend's alibi, seriously you can't even comprehend how she could say that while slurring over her words, completely obvious that she is drunk.
"You don't have time? YOU DON'T TIME?" You couldn't contain your anger anymore, "YOU DON'T HAVE FUCKING TIME, BUT YOU HAVE TIME TO GO DRINKING AND PARTYING WHILE I WAS WAITING AT THE RESTAURANT FOR 2 FUCKING HOURS?!" Tears are streaming down your cheeks, when Minah sees this, something inside her snaps almost like her system sobers up immediately.
"Baby I—" you cut her off "Let’s break up" You said it, you finally said it.
You didn't let Minah say anything else as you already walked out off your apartment, leaving her behind.
That was 4 months ago, you moved back to your parents in Busan after your break up, you didn't even bother going back to your apartment for your things, knowing that you're just going to see Minah once again.
But fate has a different plan for you. You've blocked Minah on every single social media you have, and even her phone number, but you're still somehow in touch with her leader, Bada as she is also your dance mentor. So when you received a text from her, inviting you to attend the On the Stage: Busan concert of SWF 2, your mind is split in two.
You balanced out the pros and cons of your options: You want to go to show your support to your dance teacher, but you'll see your ex again; but you can go there and show that you hold no ill will towards her, but you are also not ready to talk to her again.
You sighed in frustration as you picked up your phone and typed in your response, you just hope that you won't regret this later on.
Now here you are, sitting amongst the crowd as the teams of Street Women Fighter 2 performs on stage. You are thankful because you get to watch the performance live and you didn't get to see Minah for the most part, trying to focus on other dancers like the international crew, Jam Republic and Tsubakill, and a some dancers you're close with like Harimu from 1Million and JJ from Deep 'N Dap.
You were screaming, cheering on everyone's performance, but that is until one of the audiences' most awaited performance: Bebe's Global Artist Performance.
Cockiness (I like it) by Rihanna started playing as the stage lights illuminated the 7 girls on the center of the stage, they were all wearing a burlesque inspired outfit which really suited each one of them. You looked at the big screen and the camera immediately focuses on the person you've been wanting to avoid the most
Minah did her iconic intro once the music start and everyone around screams. You wanted to divert your focus on the other members but after seeing your hot ex girlfriend dance in that outfit, you felt your heart flutter for the first time again, almost forgetting the fact that you guys broke up a few months ago.
Not too long, the concert then concluded, all the SWF 2 teams says their goodbye to the audience and finally made their way to each to their changing rooms.
As you are on your way out of the arena, your phone buzzes from your pocket, indicating you received a text message. You fished out your phone and seeing the notification was from Bada
"There's an after party tonight, wanna come?"
You are in the same situation again as when you are invited by Bada to attend the concert. You balanced out your options once again. With the concert only you can see Minah, but you can't interact with each other which you are grateful for, but going to the after party would mean that you will be seeing and interacting with your ex-girlfriend, and that is too much for you.
You were about to type in your answer, when a familiar voice calls out to your name.
"Y/N~!" You looked at the direction where you heard the voice and saw the tall woman running towards you.
"Unnie I—" before you could even say anything she immediately pulled you to the van where the rest of team Bebe is already at, making you seat next to Lusher who is sitting next to Minah. Guess you don't really have a choice.
Just great. You thought to yourself, the rest of the Bebe girls are all talking to each other with you occasionally joining in but you couldn't really say anything else, not when you literally feel the presence of Minah near you. You are thankful enough that Lusher is seated between the two of you.
Or so you thought...
"Y/n-ie can we switch seats, I don't like seating in the middle" You looked at the poor Lusher, she's getting pale due to the uncomfortable situation. Reluctantly you let her switch seats with you, but as soon as you sat down once again, your body tenses up as soon as you brushed your arm against Minah.
She looks at you and offered a bittersweet smile before looking outside the window, minding her own business. The light from the streetlights outside cascades on Minah features, you can't help but stare at her, her now black hair that used to be dyed orange suits her better, and you can see that she wears a subtle dark eye makeup, similar to the make up she wore on their performance.
You were in a trance as you stare at her until you heard snickering behind you, Kyma, Che-Che and Sowoen were right behind you, laughing at how awestruck you are at Minah. Minah heard this also and looks at you before looking at the girls at the back.
The giggling stops as you all arrived at the party venue, the rest of the teams are inside already. Once you got in, you noticed that the members from the other teams also have their own plus one, some are their close friends, while some seems like their partners as you noticed Babysleek’s husband is also here.
The party went on, people drinks and get drunk, some dances and grinds to each other on the dance floor, and soon you too finally let loose and starts partying.
It was way past midnight now and the party is still at its peak, ‘though some are already passed out aka mostly the youngest of each team except for Haechi and Rena who are still partying like wild animals on the dance floor. You however starts to gets dizzy as the song Meddle About by Chase Atlantic blasted on the speakers, the alcohol finally getting through your systems as you now feel quite high from drunkenness. Nevertheless, you still kept dancing on the dance, grinding on the person you now failed to recognize due to the alcohol.
Unbeknownst to you the girl you are shaking your ass on is none other than Minah, her hands are on your waist as she guides your hips to match her rhythm. “Fucking hell, Y/n you’re driving me crazy” she whispers against your ear. Only then do you recognize the voice but instead of flinching away, which what you would probably do if only you were sober, you lean in more to her touch.
Your back against her chest, as you sway your hips against hers, her hands loosely wrapped around your waist while your left hand sat above it, meanwhile your other hand is reaching for her face, trying to keep her head close to yours as she whispers sweet nothings to you.
“You are so fucking beautiful…” She takes in your scent as she presses her lips on your neck before dragging her tongue against your skin. An inappropriate sound escapes from your lips and you can feel your ex-girlfriend smirks against your neck as soon as she heard it.
Her hands traveled down to your pants and started touching hour aching pussy through it. You leaned your head back more, you almost forgot that you two are still in the middle of the dance floor, thankfully everyone is drunk enough to simply ignore what you two are doing.
“Fuck…taste so good”
Here you are now, your pants now draped below your knees as you sat on the bathroom’s sink, becoming a moaning mess as your ex-girlfriend dives in between your soaking wet cunt. Tongue deep inside you accompanied by two of her fingers, simultaneously thrusting in and out of you.
“M-Minah f—uck” You couldn’t contain your moans, the effects of the alcohol finally subsided, you are now more sober than you were earlier, but now you are high on pleasure as you are about to reach your orgasm.
“Taste so fucking good. I miss this pussy of yours” Minah muttered against your folds “did you missed getting eaten out like this baby?” she dives right back in and you replied with only a pornographic moan, which only encourage Minah more.
“Such a slut for me. Tell me did you regret breaking up with me?” Minah said as she thrust her fingers inside you in a fast pace. You are already fucked out of your mind, couldn’t even construct a proper sentence as you nod your head vigorously.
“Use your words, Y/n” she looks directly at you eyes, and you did the same. You saw that behind the lust in her eyes lays a sense of hopefulness, hoping that you are telling the truth.
“Yes—YES FUCK! I miss you so much, I’m sorry I left you—ack” You are cumming, you really are close. Minah thrusted her fingers faster, while she busied her mouth once again on sucking your clit. Soon a wave of pleasure gushes on your nerves. Your breathe staggers as your legs shakes from the orgasm, your juices sprayed on Minah’s face, god she even managed to make you squirt. Minah stood up from her position and went up to kiss you which you willingly accepts.
“Please give me another chance, Y/n… I promise I’ll be better, I’ll never leave you alone again.” You saw the sincerity on her eyes and you answered her by pulling her again for a kiss.
Outside the bathroom is a poor Tatter who has been wanting to go to the bathroom for quite some time now, only to be welcomed by the moans of her best friends.
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A/n: there you go @taruusmoon, I figured to just post it on Minah’s birthday instead but this also serves as your late Christmas present hope you liked it <3
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luvanniiee · 8 months
SMUT. just pure filth is all i can say. teasing at the end.
han jisung x fem!reader
a/n: all these jisung edits im seeing on tiktok have me going absolutely insane so enjoy
imagine han jisung fucking you before he has to preform. before he went on stage with the others , he was balls deep inside you. he had your hair in a small ponytail, as he pounded into you slowly. making you lose your mind no doubt. he was fucking you as if he didnt have to be on stage in 15 minutes. the crew was already in his in ear mic, telling him to hurry out of the dressing room and get ready for the stage.
but he wasnt ready, he wasnt ready to pull out of your warm walls. it was supposed to be a quickie but he just wanted to savor the feeling of you just a little while longer. he wanted to hear those soft whimpers and pleas for him to go faster.
he told you before it all started that he was feeling a bit anxious , he was having a little anxiety but you knew what would help him. you gave him kisses full of reassurance and full of comfort. then that turned into a small makeout session which lead you to the position you were in now.
your leg hiked up in his hand , youre bent over the chair and him being buried deep inside you. he started to rub your clit just to feel you clinch around him. it made your head spin and you felt like you were gonna cum.
“10 minutes until stage.” said the person in his ear mic.
he started to fuck you fast and rough , just enough to push you both over the edge. you nearly screamed when your orgasm washed over you. he felt you clench and that triggered his orgasm. he came with a small cry of your name and a few cuss words.
he then cleaned himself and you and kissed you goodbye. as he stepped out, his members were there looking at him in disgust, disappointment. but hyunjin was the only one who dapped him up.
“had to get you some.” hyunjin teased. jisungs face was a bright shade of red. “just couldnt save it for home.” father chan said disappointed.
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lemme show yall this outfit he had awn that made my girl boner hard.
this edit is what it is
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diana-rose25 · 8 months
— Let's Dance
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pairing/s: BEBE! Bada Lee x Jam Republic! Reader x Wolf'Lo! Chocol
warnings: None so far, an unrealistic description of being an exchange foreign student, might confuse some words in ballet (as most of them are only through research and not based on experience).
description: A professional ballet dancer in Street Woman Fighter Season 2? (Y/N) Bae, a 23-year-old ballerina and dance prodigy enters the fighting arena alongside the infamously known crew, JAM REPUBLIC. Making the team's aura and presence far more intimidating despite being clad in soft pink and white clothing, adorned with astonished faces and friendly smiles. As the young woman entered the arena with curious eyes and small smile, the other teams couldn't help but awe at her beauty and elegant aura, unknowingly capturing the eyes of two charismatic dancers.
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"They're the last one to enter."
"This crew is intimidating."
These are just some of the comments circulating around the arena as they waited for the last and final crew to come out.
"It's amazing that JAM REPUBLIC is here," Akanen, Tsubakill's leader, stated in awe. Looking at the empty space where the last crew of the show have yet to enter the small arena.
A certain buzz was felt in the air as the other contestants waited for the anticipated arrival of JAM REPUBLIC. More notably, they were excited to meet the celebrity of all dancers, Kirsten Dodgen.
"We'll see Kirsten in person," Biggy stated admiringly.
Dancers expressed their love and admiration for the pink crew's leader and her arrival. One member from Deep N' Dap even stated that she cried when Kirsten cancelled on her classes due to visa issues after she signed up for all four of her classes. Her leader, Mina Myoung, promptly scolded her. Stating firmly that "this is a serious competition." Despite this, two of her members joked around, lifting up the atmosphere that turned heavy just before.
The longer the dancers wait, the more nervous and excited they get to finally meet the members of the crew.
"Wah, Kirsten is here," Yeni, a member of Wolf'Lo stated. The said woman bounced a little on her seat, the adrenaline rush pumping into very veins so fast she could barely contain it.
"Hey," she perked up, turning to Baby Sleek as she remembered something important.
"Hey Baby Sleek, is it true that (Y/N) was once your student?" Her question caused all the members to look at their oldest curiously and for confirmation.
A fond smile crossed Baby Sleek's face as she shrugged her shoulder. "Yeah," she confirms making her members awe and shout in disbelief as she rarely takes in students. "She was for a short while. (Y/N) trained under me for more or less than three years." The other crew turned to Wolf'Lo when they heard the commotion, curious to know what made them react in such a way.
"Wow, what was she like?" Haechi questioned. "Is she really that pretty in real life?"
Baby Sleek nodded, "when I first met her, I was so shocked at how pretty that kid is. I thought she was an idol. In my mind I was like, what the hell? How can this kid be so pretty at her age?" The members laughed at the whiny tone of her voice.
"But putting her looks aside, (Y/N) really is a monster at dance. A natural. At first, I was hesitant at her skills since she is more focused on the ballet genre, but after a few lessons, the girl was a beast. As if she was dancing hip-hop since she could walk! Of course, there were times where she would struggle with something, but her dedication and hard work pushed her through it all. It was really admirable."
The other members were floored at the high regards and compliments Baby Sleek showered you in. Suddenly feeling much more intimidated by the crew that isn't even present yet. Yeni, Haechi, and Halo nodded for the respect they felt for the Jam Republic member while Chocol and Mini sat rigidly in their seat.
"Yah, I'm starting to regret picking her as my No Respect Dancer," Mini laughed nervously before faking a cry and shoving her hands to cover her face. "Why didn't you say that before we pick the weakest dancers?!" She whined.
"They're not even here yet calm down," Chocol said, patting Mini on the shoulder in a mock comfort. "Have confidence, we can probably give her a good fight and win at the end of the day."
Halo and Baby Sleek giggle at the antics of their members and nodded encouragingly.
"Aya, don't mind. The both of you probably have more freestyle and dance battle experience than her. Don't doubt your capabilities now," Halo, their leader, commented while patting their heads.
"Right. Be confident, but keep your guard up. We saw her list of accomplishments before, so let's be prepared." Baby Sleek said seriously, shaking her hands a little to expel the nerves of the upcoming competition as her mind slowly shifts into battle mode.
Meanwhile, the pink crew of Jam Republic waited patiently for their cue to enter the arena in their given room.
(Y/N) tapped her hands against her thighs repeatedly. "I'm so excited and nervous at the same time."
Her members giggled at her but also felt the same energy as her. Ling, who sat next to her on her right, held her right hand to squeeze it gently for a few times.
"Me too. But don't worry, we got this." (Y/N) smiled at her as she intertwined their fingers together and squeezed her hand back.
"You'll be fine girl, we got your back." Latrice said, smilingly comfortingly at her as she sat next to Emma who gave you a nod and a finger heart to which you giggled.
Audrey, who sat next to her, leaned her head against her shoulder and looped her arm around her. "Yeah, calm down and let's just have fun! There's nothing to worry about." (Y/N) smiled fondly at the youngest member of the group, patting her knee in gratitude.
"I mean come on," Kirsten said, clapping her hands out of excitement and to hype her fellow members up, "this is us we're talking about!"
"Okay, okay, okay!" (Y/N) shouted, now pumped and excited, "Let's do this!" The girls laughed at her sudden mood change and hyped each other up even more. Even though some of them just met a couple of days ago, they were now starting to form a bond with each other. She smiled at the sight before her, feeling the warmth that bloomed in her chest, leaning back on the couch to compose herself.
The moment (Y/N) closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the TV screen came to life, signaling to their crew that it was time to enter the arena. The Jam Republic girls simultaneously yelled in surprise and excitement. Feeling gittery, Kirsten stood up and the rest of the girls followed her lead.
"Okay guys, are we ready?" She asked.
The members giggled a positive response albeit the nervous, quiet laughter that accompanied it as they form a circle.
"Shall we do this?" Kristen asked, placing a hand in front and the members followed one-by-one. "Entrance is going to be fire, three, two, one, wee!"
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"Wee!" They followed along, laughing and giggling as they exited their room and walked towards the arena.
"Let's Dance!"
— ©All Rights Reserved diana-rose25
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maraudersmyloves · 9 months
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆。゚. ───
pairing: Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: my Bad english
Word count: ca. 1k
Disclaimer 1: This is sort of the first part but I'm planning to make the others longer
Disclaimer 2: Everything on this Blog is fiction!!!
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As you walk into the fight zone and take in all the different teams you realize your group is the last. It makes you a bit nervous, you feel your foot slip slightly as a result having Audrey and Ling erupt in laughter and Kirsten trying to keep her smile at bay.
As you calm your nerves and take in the room again you notice the high tension radiating off the dance crews in the room. 
Lady Bounce: they’re sitting in relaxed positions but their faces don’t match, they look like they used to be seething and are now deliberating if they should glare or laugh at the others.
Deep N Dap: They seem a bit down and keep glaring at 1 MILLION as if they killed their puppy.
TSUBA KILL: The only Japanese group. Your smile grows a bit, they seem to be the only ones having fun, laughing and smiling amongst each other.
MANNEQUEEN: They look convinced they are going to win. Wrong. Your walk falters a bit at how fancy they look, are you underdressed? You look down at your outfit, wearing a pleated, jean miniskirt, a matching jean top, white high boots, and chunky sunglasses. You look good, maybe you should’ve made yourself look better.
WolfLo: They seem pissed off, the girl with short green hair looks like she wants to kill someone. You guys should stay out of their lane, seeing as they all look rather scary. 
1 MILLION: They seem a bit intimidating as the leader keeps glaring at Deep N Dap, but a girl in the back is smiling nicely at you. You smile back and bow a bit. Audrey is giggling next to you.
BEBE: What?? Bebe? Shit. The Bada is literally right next to where your group is supposed to be. You weren’t there when all the members were introduced, due to an emergency, and apparently, your crew members failed to mention that your celebrity crush is going to watch you dance. This is just great.
Audrey walks into you making you realize you stopped walking, as she follows your line of sight she starts laughing a bit too loud, snapping you out of your stare. You yelp causing the other members to laugh even harder as you grumble at them to keep walking.
Mina and some others are calling you and Audrey cute. You don’t mind as long as they don’t underestimate you.
You hear Bada say “Wait, they’re so pretty.” and your face actually heats up. God, you need to get your act together. You know she probably meant the whole group, but you are a part of the group. So… Bada wants to marry you. Obviously.
Audrey pokes your cheek, making you huff and grumble a bit but you're still smiling.
Kirsten leads you guys into the center to wait for your evaluation. When it starts playing you all freak out a little at seeing yourself on the screen. After the group dance, the solos are shown. Yours is just a silly little choreography of OMG by New Jeans. Nothing special, but you’ve always really liked it, having had a lot of fun doing it. 
Minah pops up first “In the Royal Family, Kirsten is usually their number two,” your mood immediately sours, but you know Kirsten doesn’t take this kind of thing to heart so you’re going to try not to either.
“Audrey and Y/N, they obviously lack experience. They’re like amateur dancers,” these insults are starting to get to you but you’re trying to keep a straight face. It doesn’t seem to be working very well. The first to notice is Bada. As she was watching you anyway, she immediately noticed the mood change. 
“I think little Y/N is starting to get angry.” Lusher turns to look at you and gasps slightly at your barely convincing fake smile. Tatter is seemingly the only one wondering why Bada was looking at the dancer in the first place, as the others giggle at how pouty she looks.
On the screen, they keep calling Audrey untalented and a baby making your blood boil. You take her hand and squeeze it once to pressure her. She squeezes back twice.
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Bada has been fixated on your and Audrey's linked hands. She doesn’t know why exactly, but every time she tries to focus on the screen her eyes creep back. Feeling a sudden need to know if you are still holding hands. You are. 
Tatter pokes Bada’s cheek making her snap her eyes up at her, “Hmm?” Tatter has a mischievous smirk on her lips that Bada doesn’t like at all. She wiggles her eyebrows, “you interested in her?”
Is it a bad sign that Bada immediately knew who was being talked about? Maybe. Is she going to deny it? Absolutely. “Who,” she asks letting her eyes skeem over everyone in the room for effect. Tatter just laughs, the others joining in seemingly having heard everything. Lusher and Minah are cooing at their leader, teasing her. Bada acts like she has no idea what they are talking about.
Meanwhile, you’re biting your tongue so hard you’re scared you’ll draw blood, trying not to say anything about the rude comments. When the video ends all the other members laugh it off while you stand still, glaring at the screen and taking deep breaths.
Redy gasps. “Look at Y/N! She seems pissed off,” Lia Kim turns to look and scoffs “All bark no bite.” Redy nods, still a bit unsure.
Audrey notices your sour mood and squeezes your hand making you relax. When you turn to look at her you accidentally meet Bada’s eye. Was she staring? You smile in what's supposed to be polite but looks more like you just won the lottery.
When Bada sees your smile she can’t help the tug at her heart seeing how happy you look because of her. Not Audrey. Her.
She isn’t jealous, this needs to end now. She bites down the smile she didn’t realize was placed brightly on her features and turns away, distracting herself by listening into her crew's conversation about 1 MILLION and DEEP N DAP.
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Tag List: @mightymyo @deadpool15 @britt906 @1luvkarina @zhivaxo @hatdog96 @boohirai @wooyouz @ssivinee @lynbubble @kpopgirl-97 @zerobaseone-zhanghao @linda-botello @angel-hyuckie
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