ms-rampage · 5 months
I had Bing Ai create (some of) my OCs
I used Deepface to fix a few of their faces (thank you for the advice @candy616) 😊😊
Paige Winchester (FC: Ashley Costello)
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Kate Winchester (FC: Mary Mouser)
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Kenneth Smith (FC: Kenny Omega/Ryan Corr)
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Cody Reynolds: (FC: Richard Madden)
[Aka the Doctor Strange of my OCs; he's a doctor and sorcerer]
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Adrian Wray (FC: Hangman Adam Page)
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Mandy Winchester (FC: Cristina Scabbia)
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Deputy Layla Michaels (FC: China Anne McClain)
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Cristina Winchester-Smith (FC: Brianna Hildebrand)
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The triplets: Jeffrey, Thomas and Bianca
(FC: Dylan Everett, Colin Ford and Maisie Williams)
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Renée Winchester-Smith (FC: Gabrielle Echols)
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r8633009 · 2 days
What are the top 10 AI companies all over the world?
Identifying the top 10 AI companies worldwide is a challenging task due to the rapidly evolving nature of the industry and the multitude of companies operating in the field. However, based on various factors such as revenue, market share, innovation, and impact, the following companies are often recognized as leaders in the global AI landscape and Cryptocurrency Prices and News
Google (Alphabet Inc.): Google is widely regarded as one of the leading AI companies globally, leveraging AI technologies across its products and services, including search, advertising, cloud computing, and autonomous vehicles. Google's AI initiatives span machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, with projects like Google Brain, DeepMind, and TensorFlow contributing to advancements in the field.
Amazon: Amazon is a dominant force in the AI space, leveraging AI and machine learning to enhance its e-commerce platform, logistics operations, cloud computing services (Amazon Web Services), and smart home devices (Amazon Echo, Alexa). Amazon's AI capabilities include recommendation systems, voice recognition, and predictive analytics, driving personalized customer experiences and operational efficiencies.
Microsoft: Microsoft is a key player in the AI industry, integrating AI technologies into its software products, cloud services (Azure), and enterprise solutions. Microsoft's AI initiatives encompass areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, conversational AI (Microsoft Bot Framework), and reinforcement learning. Projects like Azure AI and Microsoft Research contribute to innovation and thought leadership in AI.
IBM: IBM has a long-standing presence in the AI field, with initiatives spanning cognitive computing, natural language understanding, and machine learning. IBM's AI offerings include the Watson platform, which provides AI-powered solutions for industries such as healthcare, finance, and retail. IBM Research drives innovation in AI, exploring emerging technologies like quantum computing and neuromorphic computing.
Facebook: Facebook is a major player in the AI space, leveraging AI technologies to enhance user experience, content moderation, advertising targeting, and virtual reality (Oculus). Facebook's AI initiatives include projects like DeepFace for facial recognition, PyTorch for deep learning research, and FAIR (Facebook AI Research) for advancing the state of the art in AI.
Apple: Apple is known for integrating AI technologies into its hardware products (iPhone, iPad, Mac) and software ecosystem (iOS, macOS, Siri). Apple's AI initiatives encompass areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and augmented reality. Projects like Core ML enable developers to integrate machine learning models into iOS apps, while Siri serves as Apple's virtual assistant powered by AI.
NVIDIA: NVIDIA is a key player in the AI industry, known for its graphics processing units (GPUs) that are widely used for accelerating AI and deep learning workloads. NVIDIA's AI initiatives include hardware platforms like the NVIDIA Tesla GPU accelerators and software frameworks like CUDA and cuDNN. NVIDIA's GPUs are used in data centers, autonomous vehicles, robotics, and edge devices for AI inference and training.
OpenAI: OpenAI is a research organization focused on advancing artificial intelligence in a safe and beneficial manner. Founded by Elon Musk and others, OpenAI conducts cutting-edge research in areas such as reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, and AI ethics. OpenAI's projects include GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models for natural language processing and reinforcement learning agents like OpenAI Gym.
DeepMind (acquired by Google): DeepMind is a London-based AI research lab acquired by Google in 2014. DeepMind is known for its breakthroughs in reinforcement learning and artificial general intelligence (AGI). Projects like AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and AlphaFold have demonstrated DeepMind's prowess in areas such as game playing, optimization, and protein folding prediction.
Salesforce: Salesforce is a leading provider of customer relationship management (CRM) software, leveraging AI technologies to enhance sales, marketing, and customer service operations. Salesforce's AI initiatives include Einstein AI, which provides AI-powered insights and recommendations to sales and marketing teams, as well as Salesforce Research, which explores emerging trends and technologies in AI and Stock Prices and News
These companies represent a diverse range of industries and sectors, each leveraging AI technologies to drive innovation, enhance productivity, and deliver value to customers. While these companies are often recognized as leaders in the AI space, it's important to note that the landscape is constantly evolving, with new players emerging and existing players expanding their AI capabilities.
Read More Blogs:
Top 10 AI Companies All Over the World!
Top 10 Companies to Hire Remote Tech Roles in the US, 2024
Upgraded Network Protection with Raspberry Pi, 2024
#AIcompanies #Technology
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aibyrdidini · 2 months
Deepfake: The Digital Molotov Cocktail of Misinformation.
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I always associate fake activities with a digital Molotov cocktail.
In the case of fake news, most of which is produced by amateurs, they are the reactions of those who have no arguments for discussion or normal means of defense.
Deepfakes, on the other hand, are mostly produced by professionals and used as illegal activities. In some cases, they are used as entertainment for segments of society. In this case, compare it to atomic devices for mass destruction.
In my opinion, AI technologies should be used to improve humanity's quality of life.
Deepfake technology, a technique utilizing artificial intelligence, involves the creation of deceptive videos or images that convincingly mimic reality despite being entirely fabricated. Its emergence has sparked widespread apprehension, as it holds the potential to be exploited for nefarious purposes such as disseminating misinformation, fabricating news stories, and manipulating public sentiments. Employing sophisticated algorithms, deepfakes seamlessly integrate pre-existing images and videos onto target content, generating audiovisual material that appears genuine yet entirely synthetic.
Examples of Deepfake:
1. A video showing a political figure making controversial statements that they never actually said.
2. Fake celebrity videos used in adult content without their consent.
3. Manipulated videos of individuals committing crimes they did not actually do.
Negative Use of AI Deepfake:
One harmful application of deepfake technology is creating forged videos to defame individuals, damage reputations, or incite violence by spreading false information.
### Python Code Snippet for Generating Deepfake:
# Install the necessary libraries
!pip install deepface
from deepface import DeepFace
# Load the source image and target face
source_img = "source.jpg"
target_face = "target.jpg"
# Generate the deepfake image
result = DeepFace.swap(source_img, target_face)
# Save the generated deepfake image
This Python code snippet uses the DeepFace library to generate a deepfake image by swapping faces from a source image onto a target face image.
Finally, combat the negative impact of deepfakes, legal frameworks need to be established to prosecute those who create and distribute malicious deepfake content. Laws should address issues like defamation, privacy violations, and intellectual property infringement related to deepfakes.
The creation and dissemination of malicious deepfakes can have serious consequences and should be approached with caution and ethical considerations.
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speakyskelly-1999 · 3 months
so i just watched pink floyd - the wall
fascinating piece
hard to recomend ngl cos it's a kinda heavy, i don't think the some of the content is for everyone
very good
i don;'t now how much i wanna give like a detailed review about it cos it's very abstract and up to interpritation which means it very revealing about a person when they analyse it and i'm not against that but like my main issue is that it would be so much effort to write all my thought/feelings about it down into a coherent review
like if i was to actually try i'd neeed correct spelling, gramma and punctuation to properly get everything across correctly
and i simply don't have time to do that at the minute
like maybe eventually but at the moment i literally don't have time
and like idk how much that would actually match the ton of this blog
here are some random ish thoughts i had about the piece that are kinda funny
spoilers for the wall ahead and errr tw yonic imagery and discusions of facism
also i have boba, ignore how late i'm having caffine for me
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so random funny thouight i had about the wall in no particular order cos i started listening to journey and i'm losingf my train of thought
so pink is played by bob geldof (who i always new as rod geldof idk whyyyy) and people make a point that he dosn't get to sing in teh film which is whatever to me rn but i do think it's funny that i think a tim curry version of this film would slay. like don't get me wrong i loved bob's proformace, it was great, but i also want a version with tim curry cos look
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the second gif is very thematic
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oh look it's dina from alice in wonderland
so anyway
can you tell i lreaned how gifs work
so theres a scene where pink is giving like a "fascist speach" to like his fans (it's complicated..... it's complicated) insead of the music concert he's giving and like all i could think about was andrew tate and taylor swift. weird i know. will i explain why eeeeeeeeh, it's hard to cos it's so abstrac and on the nose at the same time it's a really complicated explination but yea. andrew tate and taylor swft. oh and like also hitler cos thats what they were riffing off but like pop culture now wise tate and swift
theres a point when the "ghost" of pinks wife comes back to "haunt" him as a vigina monster and i thought this was the perfect moment to deepface jerma into the film as pink like look at him
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he'd fit
he'd be a good pink
errrrrrr what else
oh not really funny but erm yea as someone who had parents who were into pink floyd and played another brick in the wall (cos like they were in school when the song came out so yea you'd deffo like the song then), listening to it without the visual element is a diservace to the song and it's meaning and then also not having the context of the stuff in the film leading up to this point, real diservice to the song. liike people still use this song today and with good-
WTF..... WONDER WOMAN?????????
-reason cos the education system is still fucked. But. ahdn hear me out. the way it's used in the film and with it's full context, people kinda miss use it today. like errrr it's rooted in it's historical setting (it's weird saying historical cos it was like errrrrrrrrr 50 years ago which for some people really isn't that long a go and like i don't view it as that long ago, but) the culture at the time si so diffrerent to now what like it dosen't work as the same anti school vibes as now.
like i kinda stated i'm not gonna go more into that but if you wanna get the vibes for your self watch the first 28ish minuets of the film (okay thats more than i thought it was but yea,) or watch the music video, the six minuet one, this one Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2 (The Wall) - 1080p Remastered (youtube.com) 👍🏽 it's the exert from the fiml. theres some things that aren't explained by just the music video but the school bit that i'm on about mainly is
i can't remember anything else that i thought was funny so errr yea
cat break
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over all i'd give this a errrrrrrrrrrrr 8/10. like i think it could have benifitted from being a little less abstract butr at the same time could it really be made less abstrat? i dunno. i'd recomend if you like this sort of thing. like british music from this time, pink floyd, political peice, abstraction, that kind of thing.
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ps you should watch foling ideas review of the nostalga critics parody of the wall, tis very good
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s12023artnum · 4 months
Comment l'intelligence artificielle impacte-t-elle la créativité et le concept d'artiste dans la K-pop ?
J’aimerais commencer mon article en vous demandant cher lecteur, dans cette image qu’elle Artiste de Kpop du groupe SuperKind est réel ou non ? (La réponse sera mise à la fin de l’article).
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Avec l'arrivée de l'intelligence artificielle dans la scène de la K-pop, des groupes tels que Superkind bouleverse l’industrie du monde Artistique de la k-pop. Superkind utilise des technologies d'IA pour composer de la musique, ce sont des machines qui contribuent à la production de mélodies et de paroles uniques. Cette approche interroge profondément la notion d'artiste et de créativité dans l'industrie de la K-pop. Cela nous fait repenser comment les artistes travaillent avec les ordinateurs pour créer, remettant en question ce que nous pensions savoir sur la créativité artistique qui provient de l’homme ou de la machine maintenant ?! En introduisant l'IA dans la K-pop, de nouvelles façons de concevoir des clips et de créer la musique émergent, soulevant ainsi des questions importantes sur l'avenir de cette industrie musicale. Car Super Kind est un groupe composé musical composé à la fois d'artistes humains. Et d’une autre partie de l'équipe constituée de développeurs spécialisés en intelligence artificielle pour créer des personnages du groupe. Les Artistes sont : Geon  (Chant, Danse, Leader) , Eugene (Chant, Danse), Daemon  (Chant, Danse) , SAEJiN  (Chant, Danse, IA Virtuel) , SiO  (Chant, Danse) , JDV (Chant, Danse, Maknae) , Seung (Chant, Danse, IA Virtuel). Il y a deux Artistes qui utilise l’intelligence du DeepFace pour que Seung et SAEJiN apparaissent dans les clips et les concerts ! Par de simples calcule ou projection sur scène nous pouvons tout reconstruire. Mais cela voudrait dire que les vrais danseurs et chanteurs pourront-il s un jour être remplacé ? Parce qu’on aimerait un groupe totalement parfait ? Tout cela c’est aux fans dans j’en juger et c’est vrai qu’il y en a de toutes les parties. Car pour les fans les Idoles doivent être parfait mais l’humain ne pas l’être ? Pourtant l’imperfection peut justement montrer que nous sommes humains et réels. Vous pouvez aller voir le site écrit par les fans sur le Deep Studio Entertainment pour observer un peu leur démarche si vous souhaitez en savoir plus : https://kpop.fandom.com/wiki/Deep_Studio_Entertainment Nous pouvons parler d’un autre groupe qui fait sensation dans la k-pop mais aussi dans les jeux vidéo ! Ahri, Kais’a, Akali et Evelynn sont des personnages du jeux vidéo league of legends et pour agrandir le chant de l’industrie leur créateur à décider de lancer un groupe pop virtuel.
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K/DA est un groupe Virtuel composé de quatre membres chantés par quatre artistes connus dans la vraie vie ! Madison Beer (Evelynn), Miyeon (Ahri), Soyeon (Akali) Jaira Burns (Kaisa).
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Imaginez que les fans se concentrent davantage sur les personnages animés que sur les voix et les visages des chanteurs. Cela peut entraîner une situation où les artistes réels se retrouvent relégués à l'arrière-plan, leur contribution artistique minimisée, alors que les avatars virtuels reçoivent toute l'attention et la reconnaissance. Ça m’est déjà arrivé de demander à des personnes jouant au jeux vidéo avec moi s’ils connaissaient qui chantaient derrière le groupe K/DA, très peu ont su me répondre. Cela peut être difficile pour les artistes réels qui souhaitent être appréciés pour leur talent et leur travail, mais on peut croire qu’ils connaissent déjà les enjeux en participant à un groupe virtuel. Ici, les Chanteuses sont aussi connues car elles pratiquent à d’autres créations solo/groupe.
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Le concert de K/DA est une performance virtuelle qui mélange animation et technologie pour créer une expérience immersive. Habituellement, il est présenté sous forme de projection holographique ou de vidéo projection, où les avatars animés des membres de K/DA apparaissent sur scène sous forme de personnages virtuels, accompagnés de chorégraphies synchronisées et de visuels dynamiques. Les chansons sont souvent jouées en arrière-plan avec la possibilité d'interactions en direct entre les personnages virtuels et les artistes réels si ceux-ci sont présents. L'objectif principal est de créer une expérience divertissante et captivante pour le public, mêlant la réalité et la fiction grâce à la technologie. Mais même si elles sont magnifiques à certain moment la projection est raté et bizarre. Leur première album POP/STARS, premier single de K/DA est certifié disque d'or. Voici la vidéo du concert si vous êtes intéressé : https://youtu.be/p9oDlvOV3qs?si=HwORTSGuh1s1nWv6 Je trouve ça trop génial :D L'intelligence artificielle devient de plus en plus importante dans la K-pop. Elle aide à créer de la musique et des images, et même à faire des idoles virtuelles. Mais il y a toujours des personnes derrière ces avatars. Ça nous fait réfléchir sur qui sont les vrais artistes : les avatars ou les personnes ? Il est important de se souvenir que derrière chaque chose faite par l'IA, il y a toujours le travail humain. Les petites erreurs des vraies idoles montrent justement le côté humain. Et cela peut aider à mieux faire briller une œuvre par ses harmonies. D’après moi, une création trop parfaite peut sembler moins intéressante qu'une œuvre créative avec des défauts.
La fameuse réponse pour vous dire qui sont les deux chanteurs/danseurs virtuels du groupe SuperKind sont Seung (le dernier dans la photo) et SAEJiN (le quatrième, celui du milieux). Tout les autres sont des vrais humains.
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Sur cette image se sont les deux qui ne portent pas de veste. (Troisième et cinquième). Les Sources images : nautiljon.com et koreanxwear.com et  kpopping.com Azmia Mavoulana
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keythzambrana · 6 months
Grupo 4
Guerra de Navegadores y Motores de Búsqueda
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Definición de Navegador: Un navegador web es un software que interpreta el código de una página web en HTML.
Tipos de Motores de Búsqueda:
Buscadores Jerárquicos
Buscadores Verticales
FFA (Free For All): Enlaces gratuitos, pequeños, y temporales.
Distinción entre Navegador y Buscador: El navegador es un programa que muestra la información de las páginas web, mientras que los buscadores son sitios web que ofrecen servicios para buscar información en la red.
Grupo 5
Redes Sociales
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ARPANET (1969): Surgió durante la Guerra Fría como proyecto de la Agencia de Proyectos de Investigación Avanzada (ARPA), estableciendo las bases de las redes de comunicación.
World Wide Web (1991): Marcó la expansión de internet y la accesibilidad a la información.
Sixdegrees (1997): Durante el auge de las compañías punto com, permitía localizar a otros miembros, creando listas de amigos y ampliando conexiones.
Friendster (2002): Enfocado en hacer amigos y compartir fotos, se expandió globalmente y hoy se especializa en videojuegos.
Myspace (2003): Plataforma para artistas y usuarios que compartían experiencias.
LinkedIn (2003): Orientado a conexiones profesionales y oportunidades laborales, permitiendo mostrar el currículum en el perfil.
Facebook (2004): Estableció nuevas formas de interacción.
YouTube (2005): Nueva forma de consumo de contenidos.
Twitter (2006): Es una manera de estar atento a las últimas noticias.
WhatsApp (2009): Plataforma de mensajería instantánea que revolucionó la comunicación en dispositivos móviles.
Instagram (2010): Espacio para la promoción de marcas y creatividad visual, centrado en la imagen.
Pinterest (2010): Plataforma de descubrimiento visual.
Twitch (2011): Se destacó con transmisiones en vivo.
TikTok (2018): Plataforma de videos cortos, popular por su enfoque en la creatividad y el entretenimiento.
Bereal (2020): Es una red social nueva que cambia la forma de interactuar en línea.
Grupo 6
Deep Web y Dark Web
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La dark web constituye la parte oculta de internet, accesible solo a través de navegadores especializados.
Existiendo la función del anonimato, permitiendo la realización de actividades de manera discreta, ya sea con propósitos legítimos o ilícitos.
Acceso a Información No Disponible en Motores de Búsqueda Normales: Facilita el acceso a datos e información que no se encuentra indexada en los motores de búsqueda convencionales.
Comunicación y Anonimato de Forma Segura: Ofrece un medio seguro para la comunicación anónima, siendo utilizado en ocasiones por activistas o disidentes que buscan proteger su identidad.
Comercio Electrónico y Mercados en Línea de Manera Anónima: Permite la realización de transacciones comerciales y la participación en mercados en línea de manera anónima, aunque esta actividad a menudo involucra intercambios ilegales.
La dark web, con su capa de privacidad, presenta un entorno único que puede ser empleado con fines diversos, tanto legítimos como problemáticos.
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Grupo 7
Inteligencia artificial
Programa de computación  que permite determinar operaciones que es consideran propias
Primera IA
1950 máquina Turing 
1998 cythia
2015 Sophia robot humanoide
2019 sistemas detectadoras de cáncer
2020 desarrollo de vacunas contra el cobid
… evolución de IA 
Tipos e inteligencia artificial
IA Tareas específicas 
Identificación de llamada
Coches autónomos
IA Tareas con múltiples dominios
Aprendizaje supervisado 
Aprendizaje no supervisado
Redes neuronales artificiales
Aprendizaje profundo (deep learning)
Planificación de control (solución de medidas y precisión)
Programa de estudio material de aprendizaje
-Diseño gráfico 
Creación de recurso 
Ética y desafíos de IA
Sesgos y preficios 
El futuro de IA
Proms (lo que se decía reflejar de manera física en la imagen)
Las características se separan por IA
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Base a mezclas y creaciones de la imagen
Control shift
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-Dalle2 mejores imágenes 
-Midjorney mejores resultados pero a medio discord 
Con proms mucho más específico  con pago 
-Adove firefly
-Leonardo modelos con diferentes características (crédito d penetrada)
-playgram  (")
-bing (dalle 3)
-night café estilos de personaje(")
-AI tools Directory 
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gris-k · 10 months
Смотрите "Deepface . Евгений Пригожин . Под Fort Royal Мятеж" на YouTube
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fitnesswint · 2 years
Ai actions costs example
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#Ai actions costs example how to#
#Ai actions costs example professional#
It has 1 billion users on its app WeChat, but has extended its reach to gaming, digital assistants, mobile payments, cloud storage, live streaming, sports, education, movies, and even self-driving cars. They are incorporating intelligent capabilities to all its products and services, including Cortana, Skype, Bing, and Office 365, and are one of the world's biggest AI as a Service (AIaaS) vendors.Ĭhinese social media company Tencent has incorporated artificial intelligence into its operations in its quest to become "the most respected internet enterprise," Tencent relies on artificial intelligence. JD.com is driving business with artificial intelligence revolution, big data, and robotics while building the retail infrastructure for the 4th industrial revolution.Īrtificial intelligence is a term that appears on Microsoft's vision statement, which illustrates the company’s focus on having smart machines central to everything they do. Right now, its warehouse is already fully automated, and they have been making drone deliveries of packages for the last four years. Its founder Richard Liu expects and is driving toward having his company be 100% automated in the future.
#Ai actions costs example professional#
This AI is a cognitive computing engine that competed against two professional debaters and formulated human-like arguments. The latest artificial intelligence accomplishment for IBM is Project Debater. machine competitions, including its Watson computer winning the game show Jeopardy. It's been more than 20 years since IBM's Deep Blue computer became the first to conquer a human world chess champion. The company followed up that feat with other man vs. IBM has been at the forefront of artificial intelligence for years. The company also uses artificial intelligence to automatically catch and remove images that are posted on its site as revenge porn. In fact, this technology is so good, it’s better at facial recognition than humans. With DeepFace, the social media giant can automatically identify you in a photo that is shared on their platform. They use DeepText, a text understanding engine, to automatically understand and interpret the content and emotional sentiment of the thousands of posts (in multiple languages) that its users publish every second. One of the primary ways Facebook uses artificial intelligence and deep learning is to add structure to its unstructured data. They use this same technology to create a tool that reads books to you in the author’s voice-all automated with no recording studio necessary. They have a tool called Deep Voice that uses artificial intelligence and deep learning that only needs 3.7 seconds of audio to clone a voice. The Chinese equivalent of Google, Baidu, uses artificial intelligence in many ways. Since there is no checkout, you bring your own bags to fill up with items, and there are cameras watching your every move to identify every item you put in your bag to ultimately charge you for it. The stores have artificial intelligence technology that tracks what items you pick up and then automatically charges you for those items through the Amazon Go app on your phone. Unlike other stores, there is no checkout required.
#Ai actions costs example how to#
In a time when many brick-and-mortar stores are struggling to figure out how to stay relevant, America’s largest e-tailer offers a new convenience store concept called Amazon Go. They collect a lot of data about each person’s buying habits and have such confidence in how the data they collect helps them recommend items to its customers and now predict what they need even before they need it by using predictive analytics. Another innovative way Amazon uses artificial intelligence is to ship things to you before you even think about buying it. Not only is Amazon in the artificial intelligence game with its digital voice assistant, Alexa, but artificial intelligence is also part of many aspects of its business.
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louzykreations · 3 years
Watch Heath Ledger again as Joker (Romantic Version!)
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thebandinicorner · 5 years
Jim Carrey GLOWS
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solitaryhub · 6 months
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Any angle to swap face
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satyakideworld · 2 years
Detecting real-time human emotions using Open-CV, DeepFace & Python
This post will demonstrate how to read/detect human emotions by analyzing computer vision videos. #Human #Emotion #Prediction #ComputerVision #OpenCV #Python #DeepFace
Hi Guys, Today, I’ll be using another exciting installment of Computer Vision. Our focus will be on getting a sense of human emotions. Let me explain. This post will demonstrate how to read/detect human emotions by analyzing computer vision videos. We will be using part of a Bengali Movie called “Ganashatru (An enemy of the people)” entirely for educational purposes & also as a tribute to the…
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Welcome To Chechnya                                            by David France
Berlinale 70 - Dramatically revealing and deeply disturbing documentary on the everyday racist and discriminatory Chechnya reality. Activists risk their lives to confront Russian leader Ramzan Kadyrov and his government-directed campaign to detain, torture and execute LGBTQ Chechens.                  
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The documentary focuses on the abuse and persecution suffered by the LGBTQ+ community and the extremely delicate operations of activists working to rescue these people from an openly homophobic and transphobic country.
Since 2017, real persecution has started in Chechnya towards all apparent people or even just sympathizers of the LGBTQ+ community at the hands of groups also organized in collaboration with law enforcement agencies. Without much ado, we see footage of a TV show in which the Chechen prime minister, approved by Putin, openly declares that in his country there are no such people here, in Chechnya, there are no gays.
The raw, direct and explicit film is of relevance as it clearly expresses a serious violation of human rights.
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The documentary editing is in a noir thriller style and produces a certain anxiety in the viewer, especially due to the use of surreptitious footage. The DeepFace technology that is used to conceal the identity of the victims contributes to the emotionality of the interviews, causing a sense of tension and involvement in the viewer.
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Chechen activists carry out delicate and dangerous work, protecting asylum-seeking victims in the most absolute way, risking persecution if not death. In the documentary, specific or personal locations are never to be mentioned, only that Canada or Europe have accepted some asylum seekers.
Director & Writer: David France
Country: Russian
Actors: Olga Baranova, David Isteev, Ramzan Kadyrov, Maxim Lapunov.
Year: 2020
Runtime: 107 min.
Documentario drammaticamente rivelatore e profondamente inquietante sulla realtà quotidiana razzista e discriminatoria della Cecenia.  Gli attivisti rischiano la vita per affrontare il leader russo Ramzan Kadyrov e la sua campagna guidata dal governo per detenere, torturare e giustiziare i ceceni LGBTQ.  
Il documentario si concentra sugli abusi e le persecuzioni subite dalla comunità LGBTQ+ e sulle operazioni estremamente delicate degli attivisti che lavorano per salvare queste persone da un paese apertamente omofobo e transfobico.
Dal 2017 in Cecenia sono iniziate vere e proprie persecuzioni verso tutte le persone apparenti o anche solo simpatizzanti della comunità LGBTQ+ per mano di gruppi organizzati anche in collaborazione con le forze dell'ordine. Senza tanti giri di parole, vediamo il filmato di una trasmissione televisiva in cui il primo ministro ceceno, approvato da Putin, dichiara apertamente che nel suo paese non ci sono persone così, in Cecenia non ci sono gay. La testimonianza cruda, diretta ed esplicita è rilevante perché esprime chiaramente una grave violazione dei diritti umani.
Il montaggio del documentario in stile noir/giallo produce una certa ansia nello spettatore, soprattutto per l'uso di riprese surrettizie. La tecnologia DeepFace usata per nascondere l'identità delle vittime contribuisce all'emotività delle interviste, provocando un senso di tensione e coinvolgimento nello spettatore. 
Gli attivisti ceceni svolgono un lavoro delicato e pericoloso, proteggendo le vittime richiedenti asilo nel modo più assoluto, rischiando la persecuzione se non la morte. Nel documentario non vengono mai menzionati luoghi specifici o personali, solo che il Canada o l'Europa hanno accettato alcuni richiedenti asilo.
Regia e sceneggiatura: David France
Paese: Russia
Attori: Olga Baranova, David Isteev, Ramzan Kadyrov, Maxim Lapunov.
Anno: 2020
Durata: 107 min.
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cheshirecat-rabbit · 3 years
This is how we lost control of our faces
The big picture: An analysis of more than 130 facial recognition data sets has found that researchers have gradually abandoned asking for people’s consent over the past four decades. This has led to more and more of people’s personal photos being incorporated into surveillance systems without their knowledge.
A brief history: The researchers identified four major eras of facial recognition. The first phase, which ran until the 1990s, was largely slow and manual. A turning point came in 1996 when the US Department of Defense created the first large-scale face data set, capturing 14,126 images of 1,199 individuals. In 2007, the release of the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) data set opened the floodgates to data collection through web search. Then, in 2014, Facebook started using its user photos to train a deep-learning model called DeepFace. While the company never released the data set, the system’s superhuman performance elevated deep learning to the de facto method for analyzing faces.
The lesson: Deep learning may have rescued facial recognition technology from some of its struggles, but that technological advance has come at a high cost to our privacy. 
Read the full story.
—Karen Hao
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seannyschoice · 4 years
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zhpeng · 5 years
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#deepface #deepfacelab #deepfakes 模型训练4小时左右的效果(0.39) 如果按0.02的效果深度学习训练的话,估计至少也还得10+小时去了。。(在 Shenzhen, Guangdong) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwwMXUKBecX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10p1zf0d3n9ah
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