wowlorecraft · 7 months
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Gnomish, Dwarvish, and Human leaders come together to discuss this for two purposes. The first is in the interest of Allied security. Troop and goods movement is integral in wartime, and it is pertinent to rebuild strong and fast after the last war
The second is national integration into the Alliance and straight up basic diplomacy. Dark Irons see opportunity in the Gnomish desire to fully and finally reinhabit Gnomeregan and request an extension to Shadowforge City. Fearful of the Horde's potential access to such a weak point, in this time of peace, the Alliance (through a network of spies and connections) find that the Blackrock Orcs, recently sated by the recent Kosh'arg and lead by Eitregg, a fellow Blackrock, would stay away from such a project so long as there are joint-rebuilding efforts. These would see Dark Irons, Blackrocks, and Black Drakes working together (not at all in a lovey-dovey hippy way) to rebuild and, indeed, beautify the mountain
Edit: With the terminus of the Aerie Peak line at Kirthaven coming into such close quarters with the Dragonmaw Orcs, Eitregg pacifies the unrest across the clans by reaching out to Gazlowe and the Bilgewater Cartel in order to contract a similar rail line, connecting Goblin, Troll, Tauren, and Orc centres on Kalimdor.
The unrest cannot be fully quelled, and this leads to conflicts Azeroth's champions can participate in. However, the expansion of the Grimrail is done in a sort of dick-measuring arms race: Between Horde and Alliance, between Gnome and Goblin, between Orc and Troll and Dwarf and Human, et cetera
With such a success, the Alliance start working on the second phase, bridging the span by connecting Stromgarde through Dun Algaz. The Stormpikes lead the charge, ever suspicious of the Dark Iron fraternization with the Orcs. However, while the Raventusk Trolls are (/wish to be) content in their village, the Vilebranches come to attack the construction happening across the Span. This speeds up the construction process but provides a constant PvP zone in Arathi Highlands (recalling back the olden days)
Reaching Stromgarde, the Wildhammers, Danillian Elves, and the Half Elves conspire with the Gilneans to extend the Tram both west- and north-ward. For the Alliance, this connects the two major continental ports and provides aerial manoeuvrability via the Wildhammers and increasingly sky-bound High Vale Elves
However, Durnholde has never been a stable stronghold, and its station frequently comes under attack by the Alteraci Syndicate (PvP n.2); likewise, Southshore both evolves and devolves into again a stand-off (with great peace potential) with the Forsaken.
This next bit is straight-up headcanon fiction: The extension through Southshore into Gilneas goes through Dun Modr, which gets cleaned up but requires the assistance of Calia Menethil. There, the spirits of Dwarves and Humans are restless (yadda yadda) request to be Lightborne undead. However, the Forsaken feel they have the right to that land (yadda yadda) PvP n.3 in Hillsbrad
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azerothtravel · 1 year
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Selfie Quest: How Did These Humans Do This?, Deeprun Tram, March 28, 2015.
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khadgarbignaturals · 5 months
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i made fine art in the deeprun tram today
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(may be updated as the story progresses)
Headmaster - Gilasar Smokeguard (he/him) Vice-Headmistress - Ruavan Springbluff (she/her) Treasurer - Fisnyn Pearwood (they/them) Public Representative - Ariyth Baysurge (she/her)
Department Heads:
Head of the Abjuration Department - Jaitas Redmane (she/her) Head of the Evocation Department - Alath Aldersurge (they/them) Head of the Divination Department - Yavin Bowstride (he/him) Head of the Enchantment Department - Therael Nightscream (they/them) Head of the Transmutation Department - Laira Frostcrest (she/her) Head of the Illusion Department - Tahlvin Marbleglade (he/him)
Theory Lecture Professors:
Martial Combat - Maralia Sandrock (she/her) Magical Combat - Kylis Umbershield (she/her) Arithmancy - Taim Slatehorn (they/them) Dark Magic Studies - Cyavin Navyward (he/him) Runes - Rhyerl Taupebane (she/her) History - Aridar Deerhorn (he/him) Light Magic Studies - Kyiten Rosefury (he/him) Herbology - Selemar Tealwhisk (he/him) Religious Studies - Renes Plumscribe (she/her) Creature Care - Maisah Gingersnout (she/her) Astronomy - Daekash Oathusk (they/them) Alchemy/Potions - Arefel Wineflow (they/them) Philosophy - Ermus Skyblower (they/them) Monster Studies - Viliat Dovevalor (she/her) Communications - Luetas Coinkeep (he/him)
Weapon Instructors:
Sword Instructor - Aflas Firethorn (they/them) Polearm Instructor - Vonael Azurebrooke (he/him) Axe Instructor - Ruaruil Tawnyfeather (he/him) Bow & Light Weapon Instructor - Laflyth Irisgrove (she/her) Heavy Weapon Instructor - Sinae Berryeye (he/him)
Elective Professors:
Aerial Combat - Anvanna Ravenshot (she/her) Armored Combat - Aeremar Bloodmoon (she/her) Mounted Combat - Baeltha Heatherheart (she/her) Strategy & Tactics - Ansrki Snowdancer (she/her) Diplomacy - Kerael Deeprun (she/her) Leadership - Malatril Tanspike (he/him)
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tinygenderfluid · 1 month
Small question but is there a fic out there of Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy where the second wizarding war isn't resolved by the time they all graduate so most of the fighting happens outside of Hogwarts and both of them fully realise positions in either side and then the war ends and the two of them got that deeprunning enemies to lovers on a morally grey level?
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Cozy 2-story Ironforge home between the auction house / bank and Deeprun Tram.
1st Floor: Lots of cool decor and a couple of unique looking chairs that are sittable as well as a bed.
2nd Floor: A decked out table with 4 sittable chairs, some book shelves, and a balcony.
Privacy: Little. Lots of foot traffic outside your door.
RP Possibilities: The table upstairs would be great for meetings or feasts with friends. The bed is good for sleeping in, but maybe not anything else since it's right next to the open front door.
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I think the Deeprun Tram from WoW and the Monorail from the Simpsons deserve ago. One is full of possums.
For one, no twofers. For two the Deeprun Tram is like, barely a train, it self-describes as a tram and looks and operates more like a cable car than anything. Hot take; the Deeprun Tram is a gondola system.
The monorail totally counts though.
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[ID: A gif of a large crowd of Simpsons characters, singing "Monorail!"]
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thetantiger · 11 months
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Character Insight #4: Shrapnel
Full Name: Shrapnel Cindergear Gender: Female (she/her) Race: Dwarf Class: Warrior Specialization: Fury Orientation: Pansexual Relatives: No Known Relatives Age: (approximately) 140 Height: 4'4 Voice reference: In-game player character female Dwarf Theme: Gasoline - Halsey
[BACKSTORY] Shrapnel was born into the thriving Dwarven culture in Ironforge to a family obsessed with machinery and tinkering. Naturally, they worked closely alongside the gnomes, but Shrapnel's kin had impressive engineering feats of their own as well. A lot of them even became "steam warriors," AKA soldiers in mechsuits or in general machinery-made armor, and Shrapnel was one of them. She didn't necessarily mind fighting against the Horde or even any Dun Morogh-specific threats, but those were small compared to the war she was sent into later.
After the defeat of Garrosh Hellscream in his own city, he was taken to Pandaria to stand trial, however managed to escape to an alternate timeline of Draenor. There, he started the Iron Horde, and them and the return of the galactical demonic race known as the Burning Legion quickly became a threat to Azeroth. The Alliance and the Horde both sent soldiers aplenty in order to help deal with this threat, and Shrapnel was one of them. She was stationed in Ashran but on many occasions had been tasked alongside her fleet to tread into the dangers of Tanaan Jungle, but along the way, they were ambushed by orcs of the Iron Horde. Many of them, including Shrapnel, were taken captive and thrown into a cell to be used as gladiators for the purpose of entertainment.
Shrapnel's life became pure hell. As a gladiator, she was forced to tear through a multitude of different types of people--fellow ex-soldiers, unlucky Iron Horde prisoners, Draenei captives--in order to survive. She became known as one of the most infamous gladiators in the ring, but she was far from enjoying it. It was more of a primal instinct. She had to do what it took to live through it.
In the end, Shrapnel and any remaining gladiators were liberated and sent back home. Shrapnel would never sign up for anything combat-oriented ever again, and still holds a severe fear of fighting. She and other members of her family work alongside the Gnomes on the Deeprun Tram, Shrapnel's role being dubbed "The Conductor" as she often accompanies the tram on its trips in order to make sure it's running alright. Now, she aims to remove herself from any gladiator-related titles she may have once gained, and instead live a much more peaceful life in a world of gadgets and gears that aren't so scarily unpredictable.
[THOUGHTS] Shrapnel is a character that's only been on screen.. what, I think once or twice? So she hasn't got a whole lot going for her yet, but I do love her. She's friendly and jovial like most Dwarves but holds some baggage, and I'm glad to have had a chance to talk about her backstory a bit!
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vlka-fenryka · 1 year
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Grimnar finally found the perfect goggles so now he can stick his head out of train windows without getting an eye inflammation (like the last time he used the Deeprun Tram... He really had a nasty time afterwards...)
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mrdrgr · 2 years
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wowlorecraft · 7 months
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rosepetalwings · 3 years
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(click for higher quality!) redraw of this piece from last year plus some extra design features i wanted to include
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hhg2a · 4 years
Guide Entry: Bizmo’s Brawlpub (Location, Entertainment)
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Found under the Stormwind City's station of the Deeprun Tram, the enterprising gnome Bizmo runs his Brawlpub, where groups of battle-hungry fighters have gathered creatures from all over Azeroth, Outland and beyond to participate in bloody arena deathmatches with heroes of the Alliance!
- A small blurb found on the reverse of this flyer
While the running joke of the number one rule of the Brawlpub is you don’t talk about the Brawlpub, the pitched battles that take place beneath the Stormwind station of the Deeprun Tram are widely known and often participated in to the great delight (and sometimes drunken anger) of a myriad of spectators. Featuring fighters from all over the known world and beyond, many an Alliance hero have tested their mettle against foes such as Bruce the Crocolisk, Grampa Grumplefoot, THE DOOMFLIPPER, one Bill the Janitor, and the legendary Epicus Maximus! For those who would like to just watch and not partake, the Guide cautions that sometimes spectators can get quite rowdy... and start fights of their own in the stands. So do be careful and watch for flying bottles or bits of unidentifiable food.
On that note, the bar is quite well stocked and it’s barkeep quite the mixologist. For those who want a drink with a kick, I definitely suggest a Banana Cocktail made by Barkeep Townsley.
So, if you happen to be taking the tram to or from Stormwind, I daresay it’s a stop you might want to make! - Assistant Editors Note:  BZZZZT. Blingtron 3000 owes me 50 gold and three cogwheels! 
Calculating options... Calculating... Subroutine: Activated... Loading: Payback_Function.exe
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flo-machina · 5 years
Truly, one can return to Vanilla...
((Music: Pat Metheny Group - Last Train Home))
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spartanlocke · 7 years
Also if BOFA or the Old God expansion doesn’t have mermaids I’ll sue. 
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thetantiger · 28 days
Winston Cash
Race: Afflicted Gilnean Class: Warrior Specialization: Fury Pronouns: He/Him
Winston is a dark-brown-and-white furred Worgen with numerous body scars, brown eyes (his right one of which he is blind in) and a gruff, unkempt appearance. His Human form is black with short black hair, and his armor consists of pieces of scrap metal, whirring gears and a general smell of machinery, as well as a Gilnean top hat. Having previously cared for sheep in Gilneas like the rest of his family, Winston took up a love for tinkering after Gilneas had fallen to ruin but ultimately chose to eventually help the Alliance's expedition into Draenor after the reopening of the Dark Portal. There, his unit was caught by hostile orcs and forced to fight in a gladiator ring for survival, and it was then Winston was approached by an entity named Smile, insistent that he would help him as he was so down on his luck. Winston has since been periodically possessed by Smile, forced to slaughter and maim his victims against his will and, with this demonic power, survived the gladiator ring and was later rescued by the Alliance, and now works in the Deeprun Tram as an engineer and conductor.
Links: Train of Thought Winston's introductory mog screenshots
Related Characters: N/A
<Toyhouse Page>
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