dol-dee · 2 months
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I'm here, I'm your little ray of Sunshine
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scuddle-bubble101 · 6 months
44 deeveri
What are some of the little things that make you happy?
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*she seems to be given the spook from the question alone!
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I wrote this a while ago for @dol-dee because deevery dynamics made me insane. Both Dee and the concept of smarmy butch!Avery belong to them! No content warnings this time!
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The sound of her fist connecting to Avery’s face was briefly satisfying, at least until reality set in as Avery flinched away, cursing out in a most undignified way, clutching the side of her face. She didn’t even look back at Dee, averting her gaze from what was likely shame at being put down so fast, though that raw, blackened anger from earlier was still not far behind it. 
It wasn’t Dee’s smartest idea to pointedly avoid Avery’s (many) offers to ride to and back from school, but she really just didn’t want all that attention on her if she pulled up in such a fancy car. After so many lousy excuses to decline, she’d expect Avery to take the hint.
Well, she didn’t expect Avery to pull up besides her and Robin when they were already halfway back to the orphanage. Judging by her pressed suit, simple and functional rather than the fancier choices Dee had seen her in, she was just coming back from work, though it was a bit late now. Avery just wanted to talk, or at least that’s what she had told Dee, who looked around hesitantly and breathed in what could have been relief as she didn’t see anyone from school nearby, sending Robin back home alone with a pat on the head before getting into the car.
And talk they did, to be fair, at least until Dee grew annoyed by the barely hidden hostility in Avery’s tone, letting out a half-growl as she made it clear that whatever the fuck she did with her time outside of their dates was none of her business, anyway, or something like that. Then, as Avery’s hand unexpectedly found it’s way to the back of her head, fisting at her hair before pulling hard, trying to bring Dee down by a leash like a disobedient dog, her vision went red. 
The fight was over before it really started, with Avery being smart enough to realize she wasn’t going to win when a single punch threw her off like that. But then Dee had another problem, her heart racing as she realized their thing would likely also be over after the scuffle. 
It wasn’t that she particularly liked Avery. Well, she was attractive, for sure, and charming enough at first, but otherwise… Clearly too self-centered to see beyond what she wanted in the moment, or maybe she just enjoyed pushing Dee around like that. Having her at her beck and call, it must have made her feel powerful. Either way, it was an uncomfortable affair, one where Dee felt like she had to make herself smaller to not bruise that woman’s ego. But, there was the money. 
Money made the world go around, of course, but also it paid for Dee’s “rent” and kept her and Robin out of trouble with bigger sharks. She didn’t need to like Avery to like her money, and Dee could tolerate some egotistical behavior for a good wad of cash. That is, at least until a certain line was crossed. Or so Dee had told herself, before. Right now, she wasn’t so sure. The day after tomorrow, Bailey’s threats would press like a knife against her neck, and the slightest difference between what was asked for and what she could hand out could mean trouble. Even worse, her and Robin’s neck. Robin would never be able to withstand Avery. 
“Avery-” Dee tried, but Avery shot her a withering glare, her usually perfectly combed hair in disarray framing her rage.
“Get out.” Avery barked at her through clenched teeth. “Get the fuck out.”
It was over. It was so over. Dee leaned back on the car seat, considering her options. Avery couldn’t just kick her out. It couldn’t be over before she got rid of Bailey and her threats and her “clientele”. 
“Look,” She leaned towards Avery, making sure to push her chest out, stretching the white fabric of the school shirt taut against her skin. “I’m sorry, okay?”
It pained her to say that. She wasn’t sorry, and Avery shouldn’t think she could do as she pleased just because she had some money, but right now Dee needed that fucking money badly.
Avery’s face was still twisted in a frown, but her gaze predictably traveled downwards. Still, she just scoffed at Dee.
“You’re sorry, huh?” Avery looked like she was more interested in retributing the punch than anything else. Well, tough luck. At least now she was aware it’d be a bad idea.
“You scared me.” Dee insisted, her voice growing a bit softer, a bit more like she’d be pliant enough to apologize better if Avery gave her a chance. One damn chance to not lose her bag. “It was like a reflex. In this town, you know how it is…”
Avery wasn’t buying it for even a second, but that was okay. Dee didn’t need her to buy it, she just needed Avery to forgive her somehow.
The stretch of time between Dee’s obvious excuse and Avery quirking up one of her likely weekly trimmed brows felt like forever. Almost as if Dee was already being punished. Then, finally, she saw Avery’s mouth curve in one of those annoyingly smug smirks of hers.
“Very well.” Avery boldly put her hand right behind Dee’s head again, tightening her hold shortly after. It was much slower, this time, as if she was testing the waters. Provoking to see if Dee would dare to do it again, the purplish bruising around her eye not taking away from her smugness in the least.
To her lack of a reaction, Avery chuckled.
“Are you going to kiss it better, doll?” She asked, her sour mood overshadowed by lust. Despite that, Dee knew that her temper could resurface at any moment. Best to play it cute.
So she leaned forward, pressing a kiss to waiting lips. It was a bit of a tease, really, not even a real kiss yet, but Avery was the kind that had to be kept strung on a line or else she’d just take what she wanted, and Dee didn’t like that much. As Avery predictably leaned in for another kiss, Dee pulled back, feeling the tightening of the grip on the back of her head.
It was probably a bad idea to tell Avery to calm down, but goddamn it, she’d get to it. She always did, even when she wasn’t really feeling like it. But… Right now, as Avery looked less put together than ever, her hair falling wildly over the dark purple blooming around her eye and a smirk with an almost feral quality to it, Dee was slowly getting more and more into it. It made her feel sort of powerful, when she could bring down someone like Avery to a more level playing field. Not that she could ever admit to it to anyone else. No, it was better to let Avery think that she was just truly sorry for bashing her face in, and she could apologize how she liked it best, yeah. 
It was easy enough for her to overpower Avery in this state, anyway, and the older woman didn’t protest as Dee pushed her back on the seat, giving her a proper kiss this time. Her chest pressed against Avery’s when she leaned in, and by then she was already sure she’d won even before confirming it by pressing her palm against the front of Avery’s trousers. 
This time, Avery stopped her as she pulled away, growing more desperate.
“You’ll finish what you started.” Though her voice was commanding, Dee couldn’t help the smirk that crept into her face.
“Don’t push it.” She warned, though she wasn’t even mad. It would just be very easy for her to get out now and leave Avery hanging if she kept trying to force her way through. She was lucky Dee needed money. Well, money and the fact that she was hot enough for Dee to enjoy their games, as much as no one could ever torture that confession out of her. 
“You’re too much of a tease.” Avery’s gruffness couldn’t hope to overpower how lustful she looked. Almost begging for release. One of these days, maybe Dee would get to see her beg.
For now, she’d have to make do with just being as maliciously compliant as she could. Shifting away from Avery right before their lips could meet again, Dee bent down the best she could. The car wasn’t exactly small, but the position would never not be awkward and she had to shift around a bit until she could hold onto Avery’s seat to stabilize. Avery’s low chuckle at that had her huffing, but soon she wouldn’t be laughing anymore.
As soon as she undid the fly of her pants, Avery’s fully erect cock greeted her at once, the tip of it leaking a bit of pre-cum. It was Dee’s turn to poke fun at her, at least a little bit.
“You’re already this worked up?” She teased, not before letting her fingertips ghost over the length, just to watch Avery inhale sharply before she could think to respond.
“Shut up.” Avery replied between clenched teeth, her impatience rearing it’s head again.
“I can keep my mouth shut if you just let me work.” Dee stated, matter of factly. Avery didn’t like that one bit, but her glare was enough of an incentive for now. There was a thin line for Dee between not letting herself be pushed around and risking displeasing Avery too much.
Wrapping her hand around the length of Avery’s cock, Dee slowly moved up and down, enjoying the slight twitch of Avery’s hips, likely controlling herself to not buckle into Dee’s hand on her own, desperate as she was. What a gentlewoman. Well, Dee could at least reward some good behavior for once, picking up speed, her hand helping spread the pre-cum over the shaft to smoothen things. 
Avery’s breathing was definitely the loudest sound in the car right now, occasionally cut by almost-stifled moaning. It was hard to deny that those sounds were getting Dee excited, too, the sound of her success. She didn’t budge when she felt Avery’s hand on the back of her head again, this time less of a despotical command and more of a request. She could do requests, and soon her lips met the tip alongside her hand before she parted them to give her a few short licks. Avery’s hips jerked slightly again, and Dee could only bite back laughter, seeing her struggle like that. She knew what Avery really wanted, after all, but Dee really wasn’t in the mood for tender caressing. 
As she proceeded to envelop Avery’s cock in her mouth, the moans above her got louder, making Dee hesitate for a brief second. They were sort of in public, after all, even if the car had windows tinted so dark it was almost impossible to see inside. It wasn’t as if she could stop now. It was a delicate balancing game, the one she played with Avery, and she didn’t want to lose it all now. Her pulse quickened as she took in more and more of the length, Avery’s hand perhaps not unintentionally pushing her head down further. She was careful to not slack off with her hand, keeping up the pace as her head bobbed up and down, the smeared spit now helping her go faster and faster.
She could feel Avery’s grip tightening a bit, her hips subtly moving back and forth as her control faltered. She was close, Dee could tell. Well, a few more squeezes and she didn’t care much if it stained Avery’s expensive suit-
Without warning, Avery pushed her down at once, buckling her hips into Dee’s face at the same time. With no time to react, she ended up choking on a load of cum, shot down her throat as Avery laughed. When her grip easened, Dee shot up, anger boiling inside as she coughed from how sudden it was. She had half a mind to just punch Avery again, but after one or two deep inhales, she figured it was a bit naive to let herself think she’d be on top until the end. And besides, if she punched Avery, she’d just have to do the song and dance all over again. With a huff and a sigh, she leaned back on her seat, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
Avery seemed to have been greatly amused by her reaction, not even caring much that there was now a dark, wet stain on her fancy trousers as she pulled them back up. 
“Should i drop you at home?” Avery asked after a brief silence, hers blissful, Dee’s more resentful. 
“No, just kick me onto the pavement and i’ll walk.” Dee grumbled. Had Avery still been as angry as she was before, she might have done just that for that sort of response, but considering the lengths Dee went to please, she just chuckled and turned on the car. 
The drive back home was mostly quiet. Dee’s anger fizzled out as she looked out the window. Well, at least she did get to land a punch once. How many people could say they punched Avery and didn’t get run over or something? All it costed was a little blowjob. A small price to pay, really. And on top of that, despite the black eye, Avery looked really happy. So she could both say she punched Avery and made her like it, in a sense. 
As they came to a stop in front of the orphanage, Dee actually hesitated before climbing out. It was Saturday tomorrow, after all.
“Should i expect to see you tomorrow, or are you going to study in the library all day again?” Avery finally asked, though not without jabbing at one of Dee’s most frequent excuses for avoiding the rides back from school. It only made her roll her eyes at the pettiness.
“If you want to see me tomorrow, you know you just have to make an invite.” Dee replied, nonchalant. What could she do, refuse and have to deal with Bailey’s unpredictable games? It was better the devil you knew, after all.
But Avery gave her a smile. Yes, she did look messy and bruised like she just got off a scuffle in some parking lot, not at all like her usual overly-polished self, but maybe that was making the smile seem a bit more… Sincere, almost. It made Dee wonder if she could have felt something real between them if Avery was’t such a smarmy, two-faced sort.
She didn’t want to think much about that, however, and then she climbed out of the car. Avery watched her for a moment before driving away, and just like that, things were back on track and rent would be paid in due time. 
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An introduction to VR locomotives, part 1 of 7: Dv12
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The Dv12 (nicknamed Deeveri, Kameli or Ruotsinlaiva, amongst others) is the most numerous Finnish locomotive class of all time, with 192 units built and 151 remaining in use. They remain trusted workhorses, being used both as a main line locomotives for freight and occasionally passenger trains, as well as shunters. For freight trains, it's common for up to three locomotives to be coupled together to get enough traction.
Strictly speaking, this class of locomotives was originally two different classes: the Sv12 class and the slightly heavier Sr12 class, which had a steam generator for heating passenger carriages. With the change of locomotive classification system in 1976, the Sv12 and Sr12 classes were combined into the new Dv12 class. The locomotives were built in four different groups: in 1963-68, 1971-72, 1974-80 and 1983-84. The first two batches were built jointly by Lokomo and Valmet, the latter two solely by Valmet after Lokomo had wound down their locomotive building division.
The very first Dv12, locomotive number 2501, was rebuilt into an electric locomotive in 1980, becoming Sv1 3201. The experiment concluded in 1984 and the locomotive was restored to original diesel traction.
Despite electrification of the Finnish rail network expanding radically, all Dv12's remained in use until 2009, and most of the class remain in use at the time of writing. The plan is for the new Dr19 class locomotives (that have entered service starting 2022) to replace the Dv12's during the current decade.
The top speed of the Dv12 is 125 km/h, the power output 1 000 kW and tractive effort 200 kN.
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parttimepuff · 4 years
Let’s fix that. As long as gremlin is a doo, reverie is a dee!
“What? Pft, c’mon, dude, you can’t just, like, say that and-” Unfortunately for Reverie, it turns out anons can just say that and have it happen. A puff of smoke enveloped the dream fae, leaving a yellow Waddle Dee in his place. 
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“...what. What. WHAT THE FUCK?!?” Reverie frantically checked himself over, stopping when his nubs reached where his mouth used to be. “MY FACE!!! MY GORGEOUS FACE!!!!” It’s his first time being m!a’d, you’ll need to give him a minute.
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Benching #freightspotter #dv12 #deeveri #diesel #freights #benching
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prideparadenet · 2 years
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Piano Lounge with John Flynn at Top Of The Pines in Rehoboth Beach DE
Every Friday & Saturday - 5:00PM to 7:30PM EST
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dol-dee · 2 months
Businessbutch Avery who climbed up the very very sexist and honestly very traumatizing DOL business ladder and clawed her way into being successful through any means necessary. Businessbutch Avery who now perpetuates the cycle as a form of dealing with it and comforting herself by being a predatory older woman(hot) and surrounding herself with younger women in order to both make her feel more powerful and untouchable amongst elites and be her comfort that she can take her emotions out on when she needs to. Dee who was the worst possible choice for this (Avery one day ends up on a leash. Very disgruntled about it)
Hi Anon! I know its been like months atp gfdfds. Sorry that it took so long but your ask was literally so delicious (It's been continuously in my mind <3) i really wanted to get the artwork right (Averys face gave me so much trouble)
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 Avery is finally getting her comeuppance<3 
Avery was sitting at the foot of her bed, surrounded by the remains of her trashed room., Whiskey bottle in hand, taking repeated swigs from it. She might have to get a new one soon, at the pace that she was going. It had been two days now since the.. incident? She still didn't know what to call that whole ordeal. She almost didn’t want to put a label on it either. If she tried hard enough, she’d surely be able to pretend it away. But all she could focus on, was, how in all her life, there had never been anyone that had made her feel this particular brand of powerlessness. Not even her parents.
Forced into total submission, against her will, by none other than her fucking sugar baby. The girl had practically taken her apart. Slowly, methodically and extremely thoroughly. Her low, husky laughter, accompanying every climax. Barely containing her glee at Avery’s pathetic writhing, until the only thing her sore, exhausted body could muster up were dry orgasms. Unfortunately it hadn’t stopped there either- 
She shivers at the memory, all of her blood rushing southward. Quickly followed by a renewed wave of fury.  The last bit of her whiskey was now splattered across the wall. Bottle infuriatingly whole and innocently rolling to a stop on the carpet. Avery grinds her teeth, seething. That fucking minx. 
It had been a long long time since she had felt so.. so small and useless. humiliated. And yet.. and yet ..... and yet... the most absurd thing about all of this was that.. she had.. liked it?Oh. Admitting to it, even in the privacy of her own head, made her want strangle the fucking bitch all over again. And the worst part was; She wasn’t even sure if it was purely out of anger or the hope of getting a repeat performance.
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dol-dee · 2 months
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Worlds worst double date (a silly lil edit I made once I realized i could lmao)
Foxglove belongs to @getinthefuckingcarkitten
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dol-dee · 2 months
I want Avery to be absolutely ruined after Dee forcefully leashes, doms, fucks and then ghosts her. (Incredibly evil and totally unintentional on Dee’s part)
Just absolutely delirious and unable to get any amount of shut eye without having another wet dream about it. Its the first time she’s called sick in years, nothing she does can fully get it out of her head. Every time she tries to work through it she just gets another hard on and has the strong impulse to swallow her on tongue and tear out her hair. She seeks out a few of her other sugar babies, even picking up some new girls, in hopes of getting that fucking incident out of her head, but it’s just not the same.
Some of the girls are too meek, or clingy, or small. Some are bratty but don’t have the right attitude or fold too quickly once faced with glimpses behind her facade. Some are simply too pale or.. too flat. And their eyes just don’t seem to have that same bottomless shade of black.
Worst of all, the fucking whore who put her into this situation in the first place has suddenly all but disappeared.
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dol-dee · 2 months
I'm pretty sure I've already seen some people redraw that one bladerunner 2049 scene (You look lonely, I can fix that) with their pc and a LI but I think it would hit the hardest with Avery.
The scene can work for every LI of course, with another close "best" contender being Sydney. Since Sydney is a pretty lonely person as well. Somewhat isolated due to their parents job and previous position in the church. But Sydney is also.. for a lack of a better term (and I don't mean this in a bad way) a very palatable person. They are kind, they're sweet. They're likeable.
But Avery. Avery is, out of all the LI's such a fundamentally lonely person and it's their own fault too. They're quick to anger once you brush past their chivalrous facade and a generally unpleasant as a person. They're difficult to like at the best of times. They're biggest advantage is that they're rich and make for an easy income. ffs they're own parents don't care for them. withdrawing their financial support from Avery on their BIRTHDAY lol, lmao even.
They don't seem to have any hobbies, besides work and abusing orphans. And speaking of orphans, despite Avery being the person with power in their sugar relationships they still are the one regularly getting dumped.
Just... I can't highlight enough how fucking lonely Avery is and they cope with it by paying impoverished, mostly underage orphans, because they don't know any other way. They're too much of a control freak.
This post turned out way longer than I initally intended. But yeah this is why I think that scene (in isolation) would hit the hardest with Avery. that bitch is in desperate need of human connection. Unfortunately she constantly sabotages herself in that endeavor. So what better than a human shaped substitute.
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dol-dee · 3 months
Apparently I’m pretty easy to peer pressure /j so here’s the first page or so
The bellboy leads you through the hallways of the hotel, each furnished with plush carpets and paintings that could probably settle Robin's and your debt two times over.
Or maybe not.. you don’t actually know that much about paintings and their market value.
After another flight of fire exit stairs that lead to a marginally more expensive looking hallway, you finally stop in front of a door. It looks more remote than some of the other hotel rooms you passed, after the bellboy squirreled you through one of the back entrances.
He looks a tad nervous as he rings the doorbell.
After a few minutes pass, where you and the bellboy awkwardly stand next to each other, he checks his wrist watch, does a weary double take at you, bows and leaves you to wait by your lonesome.
You covertly glance after him, until he disappears behind a corner, only then do you allow yourself to softly sigh in relief.
You saw the scrutiny in his eyes when he picked you up from one of the back alleys, behind the hotel. Clad as you are, in all black.
You’d rather not have him or anyone else witness your interactions with Avery, no matter how brief.
Another few minutes tick by when finally-
The Lock clicks. You square your shoulders and straighten your back, looking expectantly at the older woman who practically tears the door open, once she presumably checked the peephole..
Avery has a cigar in her mouth, shirt partially unbuttoned, with an unusually dark frown on her face. Looking way more disheveled than you're used to (are those eyebags?). You don’t comment on it, but file it away for examination later.
“Took you long enough” she grumbles around her cigar. “Next time I expect you to be there earlier when I page you.” She looks you up and down, squinting. “Why do you look like a peasant?”
You quietly exhale through your nose “It’s called sportswear-”
She doesn’t let you get another word in. Quickly scanning the hallway behind you, then, pulling you into her room, after she’s seemingly satisfied to not find any witnesses.
You raise an eyebrow, unimpressed. “I would’ve been here earlier, if you had told me beforehand. I had a shift. I couldn’t just leave.” she surprises you again when she doesn’t berate you for your pushback. Instead she impatiently taps her face “Where’s my greeting, Doll?”
You carefully pluck the cigar from her mouth, counting it as a small victory that she lets you. More proof that you aren’t somehow the reason for her shitty mood. Good.
A small reward should be fine.
You slightly bow your head, your other hand moving to cradle her face, as you grace her with a soft kiss to the lips.
You slowly release her, moving back to gouge her reaction. Coquettishly planting the cigar between your lips, once you decide that you’re safe for the moment. Almost smiling. Her eyes follow your movement.
“So, what did you need me for?” you ask, taking a long drag from the cigar. Trying your best to exhale the smoke as seductively as you can.
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dol-dee · 3 months
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Emotional Support Orphan / context
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dol-dee · 3 months
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didn't want to put my unhinged ramblings in the tags of this person gdfg so I'm screenshotting the post instead, for context.
God, I need this so bad. I want Avery to meet Dee with Sydney in town (or maybe with Whitney/Classmates in the vicinity) and Dee just straight up ignores her. saw her out of the corner of her eye, but does not give any indication that she recognizes or heard her. (Dee would be really freaked out inside because she knoooowsss how badly Avery is gonna take that and she WILL have to deal with her violent hissy fit later) Just pushes Sydney along, listening to her talk, while Sydney decides to cling onto her arm now, out of all times, to whisper something into her ear.
While Avery's eyes bore into her back.
Okay i originally put this into the tags, but it got so long that I won't hide it in there anymore dfgfdgdf
Avery fucks her into the backseat the next day (for way longer than a senior citizen should be able to) Hissing into Dee's ear; to ask if she had fun playing house with that brat and "how dare some broke alley trash” ignore her after everything she has done for her.
“Apparently still good enough for you to nut in repeatedly” Dee manages to grind out. A remark that Avery definitely would reward with a swift punch to the face if Dee hadn't expected it. blocking and then pinning the older woman's hands instead.
They have very heated hate sex for the next hour until Dee finally fucks the anger out of her She's extremely clawed up the next day. Covered in bite-marks, claw marks, hickeys and very very sore all over
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dol-dee · 2 months
I think the funniest thing regarding my one deevery trophy wife au comic is that Dee would literally tell her afterwards: "Btw you don't need to sneak around behind my back. Feel free to fuck whoever you want."
(Avery who tried her best to make her affair extremely obvious so that Dee would get jealous + hearing that shes free to cheat on her):
kettle noise.sfx
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dol-dee · 4 months
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not hard canon but this was fun to do
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