voluntadfuerte · 3 years
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@defendsfreedom​ | valentine’s month | accepting
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Sharon smiled at the sight of flowers. The bouquet was magnificent. She took them when offered and softly kissed Steve’s cheek. “Thanks a lot. They’re beautiful.”
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murder-popsicle · 3 years
"I don't like the way that guy is looking at you."
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“Me neither,” Bucky muttered, shooting the British soldier at the other end of the bar an icy glare before she turned back to her glass of whiskey. “If he says some bullshit, I’ll do my best to ignore it, but I swear, if he tries to put his hands on me I’ll break ‘em, and I don’t give a damn if Colonel Phillips bawls me out for it. I’m sick of these men thinkin’ I’m easy and I’ll welcome ‘em manhandlin’ me with their sweaty paws. They need to keep their Goddamn distance.”
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ammiddlechild · 4 years
Hi I just thought to let people know the Philippines is having our own fight right now.
Currently our government has just shut down a major news network and is threating press freedom. They’ve been denied of a franchise renewal by our congress even though it has been proven that they did nothing wrong.
Not to menion a Law has been passed that threatens our basicc human rights. Our economy is shaking and the Covid cases here have not even flat lined yet.
We are being ruled by a man who puts his personal interests before his country. We can potentially be a province of fucking China.
Tangina mo Duterte sana masaya ka 🖕🏼
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zagubionywilk · 4 years
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                >> ⚔️ <<                       ❝            PRETTY SURE    i can handle this on my own.    unless    its not    a request.         ❞            he’d figure as much,   considering the scent of others he didn’t know scoping the area.    smelt like a    “    FRIENDLY    “     trap to him.
@defendsfreedom​  gets this uwu
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ruthsmotocycles · 4 years
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“ 𝐍𝐎, 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐈 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐓 ---  you don’t need to do anything. I appreciate it but it’s not necessary. ”  Stephen tried to convince Steve genuinely. He only knew the man a little, but it was touching to know he cared. Not that he doubted him, Steve had proven time and time again how great a guy he was --- he just didn’t want him worry. “  I’m not a big birthday person to begin with. ”
@defendsfreedom​ liked for a birthday starter
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torn-mind · 4 years
@defendsfreedom: continued ask
BUCKY WANTED TO BOTH LAUGH AND CRY AT STEVE’S WORDS. He didn’t know how to find himself. In fact, he had completely lost himself. Others decided what to do or where to go or hell, even what to eat. Most of the time, he wasn’t even awake. Bucky wanted that to stop, he wanted to be the one in charge, but he didn’t even know where to start. 
“I don’t know how to get there, Steve,” he whispered, eyes glued to the tips of his toes, which were covered by thick socks he didn’t put on this morning. “Someone else is running the show. I’m –– not strong enough. I’m not in charge.” He took a deep breath. Bucky was afraid and didn’t even know of what, exactly, and maybe that was the worst. “What if you don’t like who I became? Who I turned into because I had to adapt? I don’t … you’re my oldest friend. My best friend. I don’t want to lose you.” I cannot lose you because I’ll go absolutely bonkers if I do.
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hydrasweapon · 4 years
@defendsfreedom in response to keeping Bucky on tenterhooks
          He crosses his arms, not satisfied by this answer. To put it plain and simple: Bucky is worried. And Steve doesn’t really help to dissolve that worry, quite the contrary. He is even more concerned now. “But what on earth is there that you really need to handle it alone? Like – hiding a body is what pops up in my mind. But you should know I’d help you with that, too.” Now his mind is throwing absolutely ridiculous ideas at him, but he seizes on them because he cannot think of anything else. “Will there be a clandestine marriage? Will you come back with a ring on your finger? I will be fucking mad, I swear to God because I’m calling dips on being best man. Jesus Christ, wait, do you have a secret child? Is this about a kid you didn’t know about until now?”
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sovietmade · 4 years
original post (x)
“DON’T---.” WORDS LEAVE STEVE’S LIPS  before he realizes it.  Bucky steps in front of him, shielding the soldier from their enemy.  An enemy that has left Steve shaken to the core, immobile with shock and trepidation.  It’s not often that Captain America succumbs to fear but he is a man, just like everyone else.  But in the face of this adversary, Steve is rendered useless, reliant on his best friend and fighting partner. Rogers doesn’t want James to face this alone, but he’s at a loss for what to do. 
For as long as Bucky has known him, he’s looked to Steve -- for guidance, for support, even for comfort in the more trying times of the war effort. Captain America is a beacon of hope, of faith in justice; an icon of American ideals. But Bucky has grown from a teenage sidekick to a near-equal partner in battle and along with that growth, he’s realized that behind the image of Captain America, Steve Rogers is still just a man. 
And right now, Steve Rogers needs help. 
Though Bucky is specially trained for combat -- and is quite good at it, or he never would’ve been picked to work alongside America’s first super-soldier -- it’s not exactly commonplace for him to go up against an enemy that Steve couldn’t have handled on his own. Steve has a serum to help him in battle, while Bucky has nothing but his skills and his fists. Still, if there’s one thing he’s certain of, it’s that he can take a punch. All he has to do is stay on his feet long enough for Steve to get back on his. 
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                    “I got this, Steve.                                          Put ‘em up, tough guy.” 
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bravery-sought · 4 years
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ALEX IS COMPLETELY UNFAZED in comparison to the great Captain America   ,  who stands beside him. Truth be told  ,  the airman has already had his fanboy moment ,  but the fact that the legend himself is present still hasn’t FADED from him.  “  Considering that this town is no stranger to claimed extraterrestrial activity  ,  it’s could be labeled as normal.  ”  He comes to the conclusion that Rogers is trustworthy enough with the next bit of information  , “  Oh yeah  ,  aliens are real.  ”   He says with a shrug of his shoulders and a tone voice that maybe is too casual.  “  But don’t worry  ;  they’re not here to hurt people... for the most part.  ”
⇢  @defendsfreedom​​  |  𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃. 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼:   [ x ]
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chivalrytorn · 4 years
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↳ | ; 𝐒.𝐑. ✩ @defendsfreedom​ asked  ❝You have to teach me how you do that!.❞
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                 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘     𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇.   she     controls     the    force,     and     the    force     controls     her.    a     mutual     relationship     with    the     world.     steady    heartbeat.     a     sense.    eyes     flutter     closed.     ────    𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭     𝐜𝐚𝐧     𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬     𝐛𝐞    𝐚     𝐥𝐢𝐞.     only    the     foolish     follow    what     they     can    only     see.  ─   another    steady     breath,     nostrils     flare    as     she     becomes    one     with     the    very     thing     that    holds     balance     in    the     earth.    &&     𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡    𝐚     𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤     𝐨𝐟    𝐡𝐞𝐫     𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭     she    successfully     combats     the    10     lasers     shot    with     her     saber    within     seconds     from    the     training     seeker    droid.     eyes     flutter    back     open     and    she     chuckles     slightly     at    his     words.         ❛❛            𝒚𝒐𝒖     𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕    𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆     𝒕𝒐     𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍    𝒊𝒕.        ❜❜                    
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buckcap1 · 4 years
Just Desserts || Closed
@defendsfreedom liked this for a starter.
Busy felt like an understatement. He’d been working non-stop since his last visit to the hospital. He could tell himself that he was just trying to distract himself but was that really it? Bucky’s work wasn’t low-key. It was highly intensive, and the more hours he worked, the more he could feel how much slower he was going and how much longer it took him to recover. Things weren’t getting better, he already knew that, but he just wasn’t willing to accept that, right? Or was that what he was doing now? Accepting that he was dying and just letting himself die.
The soldier sighed as he tried to push all these thoughts and questions out of his mind. This was just another regular day where he wasn’t slowly being killed by his failing heart. He was fine. He was going to be fine, and he had just been busy recently. He repeated this to himself a couple times like it was some sort of script he was living his life by because it was. To everyone else, he was just Bucky, the Winter Soldier, part-time superhero, full-time spy. He wasn’t dying because no one knew he was, least of all Steve. 
Bucky parked his bike outside of the restaurant, sitting for a moment before his dismounted and headed inside. He was meeting Steve for lunch; a lunch he had been avoiding for a couple of weeks now, but he’d pushed it off too many times to say no anymore. Once inside, he could already see Steve sitting at their usual booth. 
He hated this. It was like arriving late to lunch with your dad after you lied to him about having left the house way earlier than you actually did, but instead of lying about something as small as that, he was lying about something much bigger. 
“Hey, Steve. Sorry I’m late,” he said, sliding into the booth across from him.
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murder-popsicle · 3 years
"Will you be my best woman at my wedding?"
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“You’re gettin’ married?” Bucky said, delight in her voice and a happy grin spreading across her face. “Oh, Steve, congratulations! Of course I’ll be best woman. But you gotta tell me one thing first -- did you finally work up the guts to pop the question, or did Sharon get sick of waitin’ and propose to you?”
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CLOSED STARTER FOR STEVE ROGERS. @defendsfreedom​​​    !!   sc.
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 A  sharp  ache  thudding  with  every  beat  of  his  heart  in  his  head,  Tony  tries  his  best  to  stay  awake  and  alert,  forcing  his  eyes  open  even  if  the  idea  of  sleep  felt  so  very  tempting  at  that  moment.  “ Steve? ”  Raspy  voice  calls  out  for  his  companion  in  the  flight,  not  able  to  find  him  anywhere  in  the  wreckage  of  their  quinjet.  He  doesn’t  know  exactly  what  happened.  One  minute  they  were  flying  and  joking  around,  the  other  all  controls  were  shot  and  the  only  thing  they  could  do  was  watch  in  horror  as  they  plummeted  towards  the  ocean.  
 Water  washed  him  out,  as  well  as  some  of  the  debris  from  the  wreckage,  but  so  far  he  couldn’t  locate  Steve,  and  he  was  getting  more  desperate  by  every  moment.  Desperate,  and  oh  so  tired.  “ Steve?!  Steve  can  you  hear  me?!  Where  are  you?! ”   
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druglcrd-arc · 4 years
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@defendsfreedom​​ sᴀɪᴅ:  “Don’t take the knife out!”
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╾━╤デ╦︻  Jason was beat, he’ll admit that. One shield throw to the chest and he was done for the night. Laying on the concrete and wheezing. Coughing up blood on himself and feeling the crack and grind of shattered ribs together had him staying as still as possible to avoid more pain than merely existing at the moment. Though foggy mind spotted his own knife lodged in his arm and thought it was a good idea to try and take it out. He startles like the teenager he is when yelled at and lets arm fall to the cold ground below.  ❝ O-Okay. ❞
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flamexn · 4 years
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“Sorry I missed your birthday...I tried to leave out a baseball and an apple pie but didn’t get back home in time.”
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