#definitely gonna come up with s/is (or at least one) separate from the mc
good morning!! :3
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graveyard-society · 2 years
Insane!! Please tell me more about the used to be a cat thing!! Was Felix just a regular cat who got adopted by a witch or is the implication that baby witches have animal forms/start out as animals?? (In the au is a witch like a job that just anyone could have or are they like a race of people?) Was Felix always going to grow into a witch or was there some sort of deliberate choice+spells going on??
Also!! I really like Kyra as a mermaid and Cliff as a human I think that's a really smart way to incorporate the canon dynamic!!
Do you have Pam and Noelani as witches like Felix is or are they something else? And have you thought about how Liz fits in?? She low-key gives me like,, nymph vibes imo
Very glad you're also enjoying thinking about the fantasy au it's always my favourite djdkkd
hello hello, hope you're doing well !! i'm currently writing this in public to be unbored and i'm probably gonna be too lazy to edit this when i come back home* so apologies for stuff that may not make sense. i also answered for some merfolk stuff in a separate post, if you're curious! anywhoozies~
basically the surrounding world in this au is pretty alive. it has consciousness that's different from it's inhabitants— so, what's happening is that being a witch could kind of also be classified as some kind of race. there's families who's members are blessed with any random magic domain (i.e. witch, wizard, alchemist, etc.), if any at all, and the families who are known to be a whole line of a specific magic domain.
but speaking of the races, there's actually two: your magic domain and obviously whether you're human, mer or other. felix is actually just raw magic, that's how it is for the witches who were "wished". "wishing", as i'd like to call it for now, is a manifesting ritual reserved specifically for witches. if the witch is unable to have a child, they "wish" for a kid which ends up in the shape of a gifted animal companion that eventually evolves into a child that at least vaguely represents their parent/s. the only downside is that, the wished child won't be able to reproduce since they are made of magic and therefore does not have reproductive organs (or functional ones?). so, felix is an odd mix of adopted yet simultaneously not really adopted?
for the rest of the castro family, the only member i had a clear image on was definitely liz who is, as you suggested, a nymph. she was pretty protective of that playground after all. for liz's magic domain, since the mc mentioned something about her doing osmosis, maybe she'd be a wizard? (or was she in architecture? i don't remember. 💀💀) for 'lani and pam however.. i have absolutely no idea. other than at least one— or both of them— is definitely a witch, which is where felix came from.
and a reminder that these concepts are pretty subjective to change in the future. especially if i actually end up writing a fic, which might end up be called "tales of sunset bird"? thoughts?
that's. i think, that's it for now. if i missed something or other, though, you know what to do,, thank you again for reading and interacting <3 stay safe out there !! ;DD
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faustonastring · 4 years
Could I get headcanons for the main six with mc who is obsessed with stuffed animals?
Thanks for requesting I hope you like it :)
Request are open! :))
Main six with an mc who is obsessed with stuffed animals
He thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world
Every time he travels away from you, he always brings you one back that represents where he traveled (a modern day example would be a teddy bear with a sombrero to represent Mexico, (just so you get the picture)) he also gets to them as presents for birthdays and holidays anniversaries
In a modern au, you both more or likely have a beanie baby collection hiding somewhere in the shop, you both probably brought another beanie baby snail so you could recreate the “snesbian”(snail lesbian) wedding you saw on tiktok
Early in you’re relationship (pre-upright) before he can take you on trips with him he finds it really comforting to know that you have a cuddle buddy or two to keep you company while he’s away, but after you’ve been together for a while (post-upright) don’t be surprised when you wake up and all your stuffed animals are on the floor (that is if you sleep with them of course!)
I also really like the idea of asra trying to make you a stuffed animal for your birthday or anniversary, or any other celerbration (something a like his Faust trinket you can get from the wheel, just a little more improved, )
Apologies in advance for the angst BUT If you’ve had this obsession pre-memory lost, when you’re,,,, y’know (trying to keep this as spoiler free as I can for some of the new guys!) he clutches on to it every night while he’s trying to sleep, crying out you’re name, (and probably uses it in his studies to try to get you back,) and post-y’know, he brings it with him during all his trips because of how much he hates being away from you, and if you’ve grown fond of that one, he’ll bring another one you like a lot, he feels bad but he can’t help it, he just misses you so much
Also some of you are gonna hate me for this but piggy backing off of that angst I just wrote, imagine Julian and asra in the shop, doing...their....studies..(if you know you know) and Julian just sees the stuffed animal in the bed and asks why asra has it (and being himself try’s to make a joke about asra needing to sleep with a stuffed animal, when he can just sleep with him instead-) and asra just kicks him out, and they never talk about it again.
She’s on it. She’ll ask you a million questions, “what kind do you like, do you need to sleep with any, do you want a custom one, or a spefic kind?”
Her room is so cluttered with stuffed animals by the end of the week, that she makes you pick out you’re favorite one (which quickly turns into ten or twenty) and the rest go to their own separate room in the palace, where they’re put on display, and easily accessible for you to switch out with any of the ones In you’re too, that you’re bored with
In a modern au I feel like Nadia would also be on bored for collecting beanie babies, but unlike asra who’s only in it for the snesbian wedding she wants all of the rare ones doesn’t matter how much they cost, she has them, it’s not even about you at this point, when Nadia gets a kick you just gotta let her ride it out.
I think it’s canon (or atleast close to canon) that Nadia loves to design clothes, I mean we all know she loves to tinker, but I think she’ll find it really relaxing destining new stuffed animals with you and clothes for some of the ones you already have if you’d want (and yes. She makes matching ones for you and you’re favorites)
If you do sleep with them, Nadia might find it a little hard to sleep with all the clutter around the bed so she’ll thoss the ones your not cuddling off the bed (or if she’s having a real sleepless night, she’ll throw them across the room) but nonetheless if you’re happy she’s happy, she’ll never get agitated at you for having your own interest (despite tripping over like three of them while trying to start her day)
Also I feel like atleast one of Nadias sisters had that stuffed animal phase as a kid, if you know baby....then you know so I feel like it’s really refreshing for her to be able to keep stuffed animals around without having to hear someone scream and whine because they couldn’t get the one they wanted
The day after you tell him he brings you a doctor teddy bear, wearing a hand-sewn eye patch witch Portia more or likely helped him make (note that I said helped he wanted to try to make it on his own... but surgical stitches are a lot diffrent from things such as cross stitches,,,, and the fabric is just a lot more flimsy then human flesh)
He likes to bring you ‘fun’ ones as he calls them, teddy bears dressed as pirates, doctors, flappers, any kind that matches you’re faveroite animal, pigs decked out in fancy clothes (the vesuvia verson of Miss piggy) espically if he knows you like them, he would do anything to see you laugh and smile, especially if it’s from one of his gifts, it makes his heart jump
In a modern au, you could spend your quality time making fun of the ridiculous beanie baby prices, but for the love of god please don’t say you find a beanie baby who’s highest bidding price is over one hundred dollars cute, because HE WILL bid on it and the price DOESNT MATTER (also- self indulgent but If you have a furby espically the older ones, it will freak Julian the hell out, and he will quickly turn it so it’s not looking at him every time he enters a room)
Every time you travel together he checks all the touristy gift shops for a stuffed animal you like, and will happily buy you any type you like, and it doesn’t matter how big it is. He WILL make it fit in his suit case, even if it means he has to leave a couple pairs of shoes behind.....
If you sleep with any of you’re stuffed animals he doesn’t mind, I mean sure he ends up laying on a couple of them, and the do end up getting tangled in his limbs, but he finds it cute and is willing to make a sacrifice, and if he were to come in late from working overtime and caught you sleeping cuddling the doctor teddy bear he gave you....with the eyepatch that he helped make....he wouldn’t want to disturb you... so he pulls up a chair and watches you sleep in the least creepy way possible
If you two are ever trying to do the do and your stuffed animal is In the room... or even better facing towards the bed... I think it would make Julian the slightest bit uncomfortable but would just laugh it off and say something along the lines of “I didn’t know we had and audience” or “looks like we have a guest” which would be terrifying if he were to say that mid-ya know
You two vibe so hard
Out of everyone I feel like she is definitely the most enthusiastic and chill about having stuffed animals in her cottage, and I mean sure they’re everywhere and she’s tripped on atleast six of them... but as long as pepi doesn’t get too any of them( again) you’re fine
I like to imagine she has something (other than Julian) that survived the ship wreck with her, wether that be a blanket or a stuffed animal (for the sake of this head canon it’s a stuffed animal) that she holds very close to her yes this is very unlikely given, well all the factors but she deserves something, and if your really against that idea, a little stuffed animal Julian gave her when she was a kid before he left
I can’t keep headcanoning that every one has a thing for beanie babies in a modern au, even though she has a snesbian wedding in her garden with a snesbian officiant which she photographs and gets tiktok famous off of.... she’ll be more into anything Sanrio related, like don’t leave this girl alone in round one because she’s already spent 150 trying to win the rilakkuma stuffed animal that’s riiiiight over the edge (after many many try’s, she does win it, and gives it to you)
She is the type to sew, or crochet, or even knit you stuffed animals, and those are usually the ones she ends up giving you, if not? They definitely were handmade from somewhere, probably a small shop or from an old lady selling them at the heart district
If you sleep with stuffed animals....well good news because so does she! Throughout the night not only are you to fighting for the blanket (if it’s during winter) but now you’re fighting over the stuffed animals, and every night as soon as one of you says you’re going to bed, it’s a race to see who can get to bed first and hog all the stuffed animals, (which may lead to a pillow fight if you’re lucky)
One time pepi tore up one of you’re faveroite stuffed animals and Portia felt so bad about it that she not only made pepi her own toys to play with, but sewed up your toes up one, and if it was beyond repair, she would make you an identical one
(Also Portia is the type to spend 100 dollars at a carnival trying to knock the milk bottles down so she can win her s/o a cheap stuffed dog that pepi is gonna claw into anyway...but it’s the thought that counts :’) )
Does. Not. Understand. But hey! He’s trying~! A+ for effort right?
He wants to make it clear that it’s NOTHING to do with you, he finds it ADORBALE! He really really does and he’s trying hard to express that but depending where you are in your relationship with him....makes a little bit of a difference, so for the sake of the headcanon muriels headcanon is gonna be soon after his upright endeding so expect some assumptions about his character but I do know that people just don’t change over night so one things for sure....he still doses to fully understands soft nice things
I think Muriel likes to hear you talk, like sure he prefers the quiet, but out of everyone in the world, your the only person he doesn’t mind listening to (how sweet! ) so he probably asks you a lot of questions, but not necessarily like Julian, more questions that ask why you like them, because he wants to like them too, and you want him to like them too, but you do still have some work ahead of you
In a modern au.....build a bear dates @lisa-frank-cave did a headcanon on it a while back that I REALLY liked, it is a little buried so if you’re having trouble finding it lmk and I can reblog it for you, but atleast visits their page and look for it because their stuff is super good! :) so for sure go check out their head canon for it if you want something more in depth but to just elaborate my thoughts on it, it’s just something the two of you could do together (and I feel like Muriel loves spending time with you no matter what activity it is) I also feel like he’d like being able to make something with you, which works out great if you can’t whittle to save you’re life,,,and I dunno,,,it just makes me soft,,,,
I don’t like the head canon that Muriel has bug clumsy hands, he can whittle for gods sake! And used to make masquerade masks for asra to sell pre-plague times, (and made his own in every route but his own) so I feel like Muriel would atleast attempt ONCE to sew or crochet you a stuffed animal, it’s a little tragedy looking, and over time it starts to fall apart at the seams, but he made it for you, and seeing you love it so much let’s him know all his hard work payed off, and he’ll make you another one or two
He doesn’t mind if you sleep with stuffed animals, but he apologizes in advance if they get crushed (the bed is barley big enough for the both of you) and gets a little jealous if you’re cuddling you’re stuffed animal instead of him, he won’t say anything but he’ll for sure get pouty about, and as cute as he is when he’s pouty make sure you don’t cuddle you’re stuffed animals more than him, because if you do it will start to get to him if you know what I mean
Also refuses to have sex if stuffed animals are on the bed or facing the bed, if they’re on the bed, he’ll throw them off, facing the bed, he’ll turn them around, he just doesn’t like the idea of being watching while being intimate with you
If I’m being honest will make fun of you a tiny bit at first (he’ll stop he he strikes a nerve) but soon finds the appeal
Mama morga didn’t let him have stuffed animals growing up, for a while there she didn’t even want him sleeping with a blanket, so he’s alllll over this, but yeah you’re stuffed animals are cute, but he wants a spefic type of stuffed animals.... next thing you know Lucio says he got some stuffed animals for you two to share, and it’s just about 30 diffrent variations of goats. But hey! Atleast he offered to share!
In a modern au I feel like lucio would be overly enthusiastic to go to build a bear that he nearly crushes a kid with his knock off red bottoms trying to get in there, dragging you behind him, then impatiently rushes the whole process not making too enjoyable for you (depending on who you are of course) but lucio just seems to be having fun! (Also goes on a Saturday afternoon and they are like four kids celebrating their birthday and a line that goes out the door, unlike Muriel who goes early Sunday morning or Tuesday night to beat the crowds)
He personally likes anything goat related, but also likes custom made ones made with red velvet and and gold stitching, and will happily buy you or get any kind you want customed made, and on you’re birthday? When you wake up in the morning the room is covered with all diffrent typed of stuffed animals, and lucio is beaming proudly in the middle of it
If you sleep with them then no problem! Lucio would too! But if he catches you cuddling a certain stuffed animal more than him then it might just....disappear for a while...but if he sees you upset or worried that you can’t find it, don’t worry! It will reappear again.... or something very similar to it.....
One time Mercedes and Melchior tore up one of you’re favorite stuffed animals (again) so lucio had them kicked out of his bedroom...or so he said, what really happened is while he was waiting for your replacement to come in, he wanted to act all tuff and kick Mercedes and Melchior our to assert his dominance, but secretly still played with them and let them back in you’re room when you weren’t around. You know. But you pretend that you don’t
Thanks for reading if you would like something more spefic welll.....
My request are open! :)
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio : @/returnofdamckenzie | 426k followers | @/mclitgs2 is my forever boo🤟🏽😍 while @/cardib is my WIFE! She just doesn’t know it yet ❤️ support my work & be part of my family: @/bobbymckcares
24 (25) years young
Born in Dundee, raised in Glasgow, Scotland
Jamaican father named Badrick who is a African studies professor
Caucasian/Scottish mother named Catriona who used to be a au pair but now works as a receptionist in senior living — one eye is honey hazel and the other a dark brown
It was difficult growing up in a school that didn’t accept Bobby being biracial, it resulted in bullying to the point where he needed to switch schools (A lawsuit was also in place) The next school was slightly better but Bobby slowly learned to accept himself as it was not something he could control and not something he would want to in the first place. He was proud of where he came from and never thought he was better or less than anyone else, that wasn’t how he was raised
He’s an only child, his parents thought about adopting (and fostering) but with Bobby they had their hands full and he was just enough for them
His family is very family-oriented so he would never have to feel lonely since they gave him a lot of attention, slightly making him spoiled but he was also around his cousins & spending time with them as well
He’s extremely close to his younger cousin (only by a few months) Femi who he views as his sister. They’ve been through a lot together and are always there for each other so it only makes sense
Most likely an active kid always up to some sort of shenanigans whether it’s by himself or with his group of friends, “why would you do that Bobby?” “Don’t ask why but ask, why not!?”
Definitely suffered some broken bones, concussions, & sprain injuries but would never show signs of pain...guys got a high pain tolerance that’s for sure
Fan of films/series “stand by me” & “the goonies” & “scooby doo” since he feels they relate to his life??
Hospital caterer and loves making those feel better with food that he’s created. If he can’t put a smile on patients face with words then he feels like he can show them with food
Food is an art to him. He went to school for culinary & it’s very important for him to show how much it is to him. He picked up the craft from of course his family, who always used food for numerous of things: to bring people together is one of them
Perfected Jerk haggis, it is now he favorite dish next to desert & breakfast!
I’m struggling to figure out what sign he maybe? He’s very playful which may come off as childish at times, which makes me think of Leo? (Maybe Gemini?) Only because they usually hold onto their childhood as best as they can, very generous, & give their energy to you but I also don’t see him being a fire sign at all? So maybe very little Leo in his chart. I also feel like he might be a bit of an empath? He knows when situations around him don’t feel right, knows how to read the room, and always wants to help others by lighting things up.
Idk but I’m feeling he’s libra sun + Gemini moon + Leo rising? Who knows
Probably lived in a 2 bed flat with his old uni mate. It was small and a bit shit but it was their shit and they made the best of it
Now lives in a stone cottage or farmhouse with MC that was built in the 1900’s & is slightly haunted. He’s decided to call them Duncan??? But he believes they’re a good spirit, maybe even a friendly ghost!? since he got comfortable with the bizarre happenings in the new flat & it doesn’t seem like they want to hurt them
Lottie offered to bring her ouija board next time she visited—Bobby declined
House is mostly neutral based but three of the rooms in the flat are covered in ridiculous patterned walls or furniture much to MC’s distaste but, “what’s yours is mine” right? No. But Gary approves!
Has two dogs: a terrier & a collie since MC wasn’t down for getting a sheep
They do have chickens to raise their own eggs tho!
Definitely the kind of significant other that will ride on the cart when they’re out grocery shopping, will make you breakfast in bed, & will send you memes while he’s at home and you’re out or even when he’s at work and you’re at home, let’s you put his arm to sleep when you’re laying on it in bed (big ass head gang!), definitely chooses the candles from bath & body works that smell like food items (majority of them suck let’s be honest)
Probably smells like cucumber, melons, lemons, and eucalyptus
Has your wedding date in his IG bio & is proud
Annoys Gary & Lottie with his food pics, “oh, Not this shit again! 😡 looks brilliant, but enough!”
Has zoom/FaceTime movie nights with Marisol & MC who stopped feeling like she was third-wheeling months ago
Talks to hope & Noah (in the background) as much as he can. Feels like they’re his inspiration for love, even tho he’s the only one married out of the villa
He values marriage just like his parents do and often has Sunday dinners with them & MC ofc
Probably has relationship guide books and only reads them out of boredom but finds fascinating facts/advice if he pays attention & tries to apply it to his relationship with mc. If it works, it works! & If it doesn’t, you can’t say he didn’t try!
Works long hours but will still come home to cook for MC or brings leftovers from the events he’s catered (most are for the hospital but occasionally he’ll do other events)
Has a separate IG for his work
When WAP dropped, he almost lost his shit. Even tried to get MC to do the challenge with him, he’s pretty bad but MC eventually learned it just for him 😜
Is thrilled that Cardi made the best decision EVER on divorcing offset, “are you thinking of leaving me now?” “... I might.” “BOBBY!” “Haha, I love you!
Absolutely loves Christmas!!! It’s his favorite holiday and he loves giving back to everyone in his life. Usually he’s working overtime for the holidays & it makes him emotional due to the stories he hears & he puts a little extra love in his food
Goes all out for Christmas. Tries to buy/make everyone something. Even if he doesn’t really care for them...he’ll at least send them a x-mas card, if they keep it or burn it it’s entirely up to them—if he knew about it he’d probably be a little sad not gonna lie...he’s a soft king
Once bought Lottie black crocs with spooky pins , “are you joking Bobby?!” He knows she secretly loved them
Uses salt and peppermint in his dark hot cocoa...
Rather make deserts for Christmas than the food, he feels like it’s his duty
King of giving the thumbs up, especially when situations have gone to shit. He’ll still shoot them up with a smile or a grimace
Always inviting someone somewhere. “Bobby, hun. You’re 4-6 hrs away and it’s 1 am.” Hope groaned after listening to his bright idea, thinking something bad happened. “Ah, you could still make it if you tried, lassie.” “I’m gonna hang up now. Good night, bonkers man.”
Needs constant reminding when to get his locs touched up & moisturized
Either has a trampoline or a funhouse jumper in his backyard (maybe both) “we’ve got the space and this is better than a pool, or almost!”
Wants children, a whole footie team! There’s no specific time frame for him, when it happens, it happens
Used to cool & wet temps & loves vacationing in Greenland. Sure the hot weather he experienced in the villa was awesome & something different than what he’s used to but you can’t take the scot out of the man. So he typically sticks to places that are similar in temps, that way he doesn’t have to change his clothing choices much
Loves a good bath. Bubble baths are better than bath bombs to him, PERIOD!
Loves bubbles so much he put too much laundry detergent in the wash (does this on purpose now) and came back home to the dogs and room covered in it. Do you think he cleaned it up before MC came home? No. He decided to have a bubble party in the room with a Caribbean playlist playing in the background
MC definitely posted about it the first time & joined him for a bit, dreading the work that came with cleaning it all up. Now whenever Bobby needs a bubble party, he knows what to do. MC preferred him to have his little bubble party in the tub but 50% of the time he chooses not to listen & they leave him to pout & clean it himself
Likes to hold hands with fingers interlocked. When it’s cold and if you’re both wearing hoodies, he’ll slide his hand inside the arm of your hoodie to help keep you warm
Canon: His version of a snack is spaghetti hoops on toast & can eat that for the rest of his life & be content
If he didn’t end up marrying MC, probably finds his significant other working as a nurse at one of the hospitals he caters to or a volunteer at a old folks home
Never had a serious relationship, very few hookups, was either always placed in the friend zone or there was one person he wanted to be serious with but they rejected him and continued loving someone else who treated them like shit—so he kinda swore off of relationships and just flirted a bunch and kept his love life non-existent
Fav ice cream? Rocky road ice cream with one scoop of cotton candy & one scoop of cookie butter blue
Doesn’t believe in measuring when it comes to culinary. He uses his eyes as his measurement, could be a bad thing, could be a good thing, that’s up to you
If he’s up at night, he’s eating something sweet. A nice glass of single malt scotch whiskey + a splash of coconut milk (🤢) with a slice of angel food cake & he’s out like a light
Absolutely loves shopping for the kitchen, finds immense joy in doing so. If you lose him in a store, one of the places you’ll most likely find him is in the kitchen decor area
Owns a bagpipe & wants to get better at it, even tho he scared the living shit out of his dogs & chickens
Wears his shades quite a bit even tho the weather is hardly sunny and mainly windy & damp
Will hold the door for strangers even if they don’t say thank you
He’s open when it comes to music. Will listen to anything but feels like the music has to be a purpose for something...Everything he does in his day to day life has to feel like a soundtrack to him since in his mind he’s daydreaming about his life being made into a movie. Who isn’t?
He thinks wentworth Miller should play him in a film and that kid from blackish should play him when he was a wee lad, Marcus Scribner
Always keeps a positive attitude because he knows what it feels like to feel low and he doesn’t want anybody else in the world to feel like that so he wants to uplift and if he can try to be someone’s happiness he’ll gladly be that— which isn’t always the right move, he learned
Listens to: Rotimi, Shaggy, Sean Paul, Skip Marley, H.E.R., Jhene Aiko, Jorja Smith, UMI, The Kooks, The Killers, Cold War kids, Milky chance, Blood Orange, The 1975, Vampire Weekend, Bad Suns, BRYSON TILLER, Kilo Kish, & Ella Eyre (although he misses her old music)
Celeb crushes? Cardi B is his mfkin celeb wife okay?! Nobody else comes above her! He also thinks FKA twigs is pretty & super talented, sevdaliza!, Tia & Tamera, Iman, and brandy from the 90s makes him swoon
Anthem = jaden, “Boys and Girls”
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twiceinadream · 5 years
Twice React- Idol! Fem! S/O Accidentally Makes Out With Them on New Year’s
Requested: Yup
Request: Can I get a Twice reaction of them and their female idol gf doing a New Years kiss that turns into a passionate make out session? I love your writing so much! Stay heathy and happy 😊♥️♥️
a/u: Happy New Year! Thank you so much for all the love and support this year, and I wish you all the best for the new year! Thank you all so much, I love you all! (I posted early, my bad)
Category: NSFW(-ish) and Fluff
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“I guess that’s one way to ring in the New Year.” (I got all my OTPs in one go, sorry not sorry)
The two of you didn’t intend for it to happen. But the taste of champagne on Nayeon’s lips was just too much to resist. Your hands were intertwined with your girlfriend’s as all ten of you watched the t.v. screen. You all watched the clock count down as you and Nayeon looked at each other, “3...2...1! Happy New Year!” The ten of you all grabbed your partner as everyone’s lips met another’s: You with Nayeon, Jeongyeon with Jihyo, Mina with Momo, Sana with Dahyun, and finally Chaeyoung with Tzuyu. The sound of fireworks and music played from the speakers as everyone pulled away, well everyone but the two of you. The small kiss turned more heated as Nayeon swiped her tongue along your lower lip as she pulled you closer, moaning quietly as you nipped at her lip playfully. The two of you were completely lost in each other before Jihyo cleared her throat, effectively stopping the two of you, “Before you suck each other’s faces off. Get a room.” A heavy blush paints both of your cheeks as you rub the back of your neck awkwardly, “Heh...Happy New Year, everyone.”
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“I’m not blushing!”
Jeongyeon wasn’t one for skinship outside of the privacy of your own home. But it was New Year’s, and she couldn’t have looked more beautiful. Both your group and Twice would be performing at the award show tonight and you couldn’t be happier as you watched your girlfriend. Anxiously waiting until all of the idols were gathered on stage to ring in the New Year. You could hear the MCs as they spoke, “Let’s go everyone! 3...2...1! Happy New Year!” Fireworks exploded as streamers rained from above. You ran from your group as you left the group hug and straight for Twice, “Jeongyeon!” Your girlfriend pulled away from the group hug of their own as she turned to face you, but before she could say anything your lips were on hers. As the two of your lips met everything and everyone seemed to fade away as you pulled Jeong closer, holding firmly at her hips as she wrapped her arms around your neck. You suddenly felt people separate the two of you as both Twice and your members looked in shock, “You know you two are still in public right?” You both hide your faces in your hands before you whisper in Jeongyeon’s ear, “I guess we’ll continue this later then.” Jeong slaps your arm as you laugh, moving back with your group as you wink at your girlfriend.
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“Who said we were done?”
Your girlfriend was shameless. And that was just one of the many reasons you felt yourself fall harder for Hirai Momo that night. Twice and your members were all crammed into your guy’s dorm, deciding it would be fun to invite your girlfriend’s group over to the dorm for New Year’s; your members not missing how you smiled at the thought of kissing her at midnight, “Y/N, can you stop smiling for one second. We know you’re gonna kiss Momo Unnie.” You blushed at your member’s words as everyone laughed at your expense, “Well at least I have someone to kiss.” You stuck your tongue out as your member pouted making you laugh. “It’s almost time!” Sana screamed from the couch as she had her arms around Tzuyu’s neck. You all gathered together as you counted down, “5..4..3...2...1!” You turned to your girlfriend as you kissed her, her lips tasted of the wine she had drunk earlier, you smiled against her lips as you started to pull away, only to have Momo push you back with a hand behind your head deepening the kiss. “There are children present!” You two pulled away as Twice covered your members eyes, before your maknae spoke, “It’s nothing we haven’t seen before.” Earning laughter from all the women in the room.
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“Happy New Year’s to you too, Jagi.”
Sana was always the one to fluster you. So you just thought it would be fitting to return the favor. You had to admit the two of you were feeling a little tipsy by the time midnight came around, leaning against each other as the members started the countdown, “...2...1! Happy New Year’s!” Twice cheered as they hugged, Sana smiled up at you as she connected your lips, you couldn’t help but smile against her as you deepened it. The two of you seemed to be in your own little world as you continued to kiss Sana, moving forward so that you were leaning on top of her. You smirked as you heard a small whimper slip past your girlfriend’s lips which made the rest of her member’s cringe as they put a stop to it, “Okay, that’s enough you two.” Jeongyeon looked down at the two of you as you blushed, “Sorry.” Momo just rolled her eyes as she smiled at her best friend, “Go use mine and Jeong’s room tonight. Go get some, Satang!” It was now Sana’s turn to blush as you laughed, dragging her up and toward the offered room. “If you get too loud you both are out of the dorm.” Jihyo crossed her arms, before you gave her a smug smile before you closed the door, “Says you.”
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Jihyo (My personal favorite)
“Y/N, the others!”
Jihyo was the leader, an example of what idols should strive to be. But the second your tongue was in her mouth, all rational thoughts were thrown to the wind. You smiled as you and Jihyo stood with the rest of Twice on the dorm’s rooftop, overlooking the city as you listened to the New Year’s countdown on Nayeon’s phone. “Come on guys! It’s gonna start!” Nayeon’s voice pierced through the night as all ten of you went to the railing, “3...2..1! Happy New Year guys!” Nayeon laughed as she pecked Jeongyeon on the cheek, making the younger girl groan in disgust before she quickly returned the kiss much to Nayeon’s delight. You rolled your eyes as you looked to your girlfriend, Jihyo smiled as you brought her into a kiss. Your lips were warm against each other as you pulled her closer by her hips. Running your tongue along her lower lip as she let you enter her mouth, she hummed in delight as she rested her arms on your shoulders pulling you further into the kiss before her members started whistling and cheering. You both pulled away in embarrassment as Sana and Nayeon pouted at the both of you, “What the hell Jihyo! You’re allowed to make out with Y/N, but I’m not allowed to kiss you guys on your birthday?” Nayeon whined as she turned to Jeongyeon, “That is so unfair. Why do you get to have special privileges with Y/N?” Jihyo deadpanned at the eldest as she leaned against you, “Y/N, is my girlfriend.” Nayeon just rolled her eyes as she pulled Jeongyeon into a kiss on the lips, surprising the younger girl immensely, “So?” You laughed at the completely red face of the second eldest, “Looks like you have a long night ahead of you, Jeongyeon-ssi.”
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“Y/N they’re staring.”
You were just too happy to finally see your girlfriend. Which led to the best, yet most embarrassing kiss of Mina’s life. Today was the day you had been waiting months for, the day you would finally be able to see Mina. The ten of you had made the trip to a park by their dorm to celebrate New Year’s, all going incognito as to not be spotted and bombarded with fans. You clutched Mina’s hand tightly as you guy’s walked around the festival, trying out various foods she had missed and occasionally dancing to a song or two of theirs or your group’s. You laughed as you all regrouped and waited for the countdown and fireworks, “10..9...8…” you looked at Mina as she watched all the people around you, you smiled at the fond look in her eyes as you whispered in her ear, “I love you, Minari.” The countdown got louder as Mina spoke, “I love you too, Y/N-chan.” The fireworks went off as the crowd cheered, “Happy New Year’s!” You grinned at Mina as she flashed you a gummy smile before you pulled her into a kiss. Taking the air out of her lungs as you pulled her closer, wanting nothing more than just staying in this moment. Until Chae coughed to break you apart, “Alright lovebirds. You two can finish this at the dorm. We’re still in public.” You laughed awkwardly as Mina hid her face in your neck, “Thanks Chaengie.” The younger girl smiled as she went back to Dahyun, sending you a wink, “No problemo.”
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“This is definitely a New Year’s I won’t forget. Or one they’ll let me forget.”
Dahyun was the good church girl. But only when you weren’t grabbing her by the hips and kissing her against a wall. You and Dahyun watched the t.v. over her member’s heads as you guys stood at the back of the room. You guys smiled as you watched her members: Chaeyoung shamelessly flirting with Mina, Nayeon attempting to get Tzuyu’s attention, Momo nearly falling asleep on Jeongyeon, and Sana trying to convince Jihyo to kiss her. The two of you lean against the wall as the countdown starts playing through the t.v., “5..4..3...2..1, Happy New Year!” Dahyun smiles as she turns to kiss you, her arms wrapping around your neck as you push her against the wall. Your hands slide up and down her sides as you both continue to kiss. Her members whistling while some take a picture or video, “Hello? Earth to Dahyun and Y/N. We’re still here you know.” Sana says as she raises an eyebrow at the two of you. Dahyun slowly makes her way out from under you as her face burned with embarrassment, “Sorry.” Sana just rolls her eyes as she laughs, “At least you found someone who’s a good kisser. Eh, Y/N.” You look down as Sana laughs. This was one memorable New Year’s for sure.
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“I love you too.”
This was the first New Year’s the two of you would share as a couple. So you wanted to make it as memorable for Chae as possible. Chaeyoung looked impatiently at the clock as she clung to your arm, “Why can’t it be midnight already?” You chuckle as you kiss Chae’s head, “Chill baby cub. You can just kiss me now if you want.” But Chaeyoung just shook her head as she watched the countdown become seconds, “I can wait.” You shrug as you hold her closer, “It’s almost time.” You could practically feel the excitement radiate off your girlfriend as her members began the countdown, “Thank you for everything this year, Y/N-ah.” You smile as the seconds begin to dwindle, “I wouldn’t have it any other way than with you by my side, Chaeyoungie.” As the words left your mouth her members shouted, “Happy New Year!” Chae took that as a cue as she pulled you into a kiss, you smiled at her excitement as you pulled her closer. Her members fell silent as they watched the two of you, “Chae, Y/N still needs air.” Jeong teased as Chaeyoung pulled away blushing, “I...I know that.” You smirk as you pull your girlfriend into a hug, “It didn’t seem like that a few seconds ago.” Chae groaned as she playfully hit your arm, “Who’s side are you on?”
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Tzuyu was a girl of few words. But her actions definitely spoke a whole lot louder. You loved Tzuyu more than anyone you had ever been with in the past and you couldn’t help but feel your heart flutter every time you looked at her. And tonight was no different as you held onto her hand as you followed her members out of the convenience store for a late night snack run before midnight. But it seemed as though time had escaped you all as you looked at your phone: 23:56. There was no way you guys would be able to make it home in time, so you quickly found a live stream of the New Year’s program and began to play it as all the members began to say, ‘Thank you’ to one another. Finally, people started chanting the countdown through your phone as you all joined in, “3...2...1! Happy New Year!” Twice yelled into the early morning as they hugged each other, you joined before you pulled away to capture Tzuyu’s lips; surprising the girl before she melted into your embrace. The two of you continued the kiss without noticing it was turning into a make out session before Momo stopped you guys, “Okay, that’s enough of that for us.” You coughed awkwardly as you pulled away, your girlfriend’s face painted all shades of red making Nayeon laugh, “Aww is our Tzuyu blushing?” Tzuyu hid her face in your hair as she clung to your arm, you shook your head at Nayeon as you smiled whispering into your girlfriend’s ear, “Well you look really cute regardless. Happy New Year’s, Tzumong.” Tzuyu smiled as she hugged you again, “Happy New Year’s, Y/N-ah.”
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edda-blattfe · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Tag Game: Post Release Version
Link to game template: https://edda-blattfe.tumblr.com/post/623310756946067456/twisted-wonderland-tag-game-post-release-version
Rules: Answer the following questions, then tag 3 or more blogs to keep the game going. Have fun, and may the gotcha goblins seek favor upon you!
Tagged by @twisted-eels
~Your twisted tale begins!~
1. Y(o/u)u just woke up in a coffin trapped with this talking rat thing that swears he isn’t a tanuki. How do you actually react?
- Severly confused but relatively calm. I would likely ask said rat thing a long list of questions...you know, like where are we, why are we stuck in a coffin of all things, and how did he manage to sneak me out of the house without waking my light sleeping but up.
2. Let’s pretend for a second that you’re not at the mercy of a magic mirror and incompetent bird dad, choose which dorm you would like to be a part of. Why, and do you think the mirror would agree?
- I used to think Diasomnia, granted that was mostly because of the gothic fairy vibes the dorms aesthetic gives off, my tendency to excel in academics, and the results I typically get from dorm sorting quizzes. However, as the game reveals more info on the dorms and student’s personalities, I think the mirror would sort me into Pomefiore. The reason I usually excel in school is because I love learning and have an (admittedly pathetic) desire to impress instructors/people in charge; also have a hard time accepting failure from myself (the mere thought of failing is enough to trigger anxiety attacks, but let’s not focus on that). These traits are synonymous with the “magnanimous efforts” Pomefiore prizes above all else. Vil’s beauty expectations would be trying, but if he (or Rook) is willing to teach that would likely trigger that desire to impress them along with those other traits. This is all speculation though. 😅
3. Going back to twst reality, where you don’t have magic and get sentenced to Ramshackle; what is your first thought upon seeing this safety hazard of a building? What’s the first thing you choose to fix there?
- “You’re leaving new here...alone..with only a talking rat for protection in a world of magic....great.” Will likely go around picking up small things at first to clear up clutter, next item is the doors and windows. Hope the ghosts can help me out at least a little.
4. In an alternate reality where you don’t immediately get lumped together with Ace and Deuce, who in the school becomes your best friend(s)?
- Likely Rook, Malleus, and Jack. Rook and Malmal are both characters with specific interests who don’t really get many chances to gush about their passions, that combination tends to work out well for me, they also seem approachable despite the out of character reputations their peers keep shoving in mc’s face (seriously, I don’t see how Rook is any weirder than say Sebek or how Mal is supposed to be intimidating when doesn’t act even remotely shady) talking to them would be easier than the “normal” students. Jack is someone I can respect for his morals and honest nature, we’d definitely get along well in class.
5. Which existing club would you give a shot? Any particular reason why?
- Science club! (Not because of Rook) The science club is a mishmash of multiple disciplines that could have been made into a separate club if enough people took interest, this is an especially enticing detail as it would offer multiple fields to study.
6. Don’t be shy, we know there’s a certain someone who’s caught your eye! Who are they? How did you meet?
- Ya’ll already know it’s Rook, let’s not kid ourselves. It’s possible I met him in the science club or maybe ran into him while he was “hunting” someone and stopped to ask what he was doing.
7. Which of the events was the most exciting for you?
- Really wanted to like Fairy Gala because, fairies. But Ghost Marriage is the fav at the moment.
8. Ghosts: delightful dorm mates or unholy terrors?
- Absolute delights! Having them around the dorm would be comforting since you know them and you’ll never be left alone in this dilapidated horror scene of a dormitory.
9. Choose a champion (no further context, just pick).
- Rook. He’d offput his enemies before taking them on, an effective strategy in any scenario requiring a champion.
10. Would you rather (a) film a movie with Vil, (b) play a round of magic shift with Leona, or (c) go gargoyle sighting with Malleus?
- C! Gargoyle watching sounds like a relaxing past time.
11. Thoughts on fairies?
- AMAZING BEINGS!!!!! I wanna know more about the different sorts of fairies! Please please please give us more fairy lore tw!
12. “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” (Choose wisely now)
- Vil is pretty, don’t get me wrong, but I think Silver is the student I’d say is the most beautiful student physically. Sorry Vil.
13. Would you rather (a) keep Azul from eating fried food, (b) be responsible for dragging Idia out from his lair, (c) break a rule with Riddle standing right in front of you, or (d) tell Kalim to his face that Jamil isn’t all that great (not true).
- B, it might take a lot of effort but he’s getting out of that room one way or another.
14. You stumble upon Rook stalking another student from inside the bushes. What do you do?
- Join him of course! Ask if he’s learned anything about his current subject.
15. Which homeland (that we know of) would you like to learn more about?
- Valley of Thorns
16. Thoughts on Grimm?
- Fluffy but kind of a jerk. Really hope we don’t have to fight him in the end.
17. If you had magic, what would be your unique magic?
- Maybe some sort of illusion magic? The thought of being able to create false sensory information straight from your imagination is enticing, ngl, and could come in handy in tricking people into say leaving their room or to get their but to class.
18. Favorite ship? (oc ships are cool too)
- I...don’t have an absolute fav....wow...erm, maybe a tie between Choco x Trey and Rosid x Lilia
19. Favorite theory?
- Crowley isn’t the main villain. At this point he’s so useless we actually want him to be the villain, but imagine the anti-climatic reveal that he isn’t.
20. The school year is coming to a close, how are you feeling? Any thoughts?
- Please don’t make me go back to my parents, this place is better. Besides, who else is gonna take care of Ramshackle if I’m gone?
21. “Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” What do you wish to see from the game in future stories?
- More lore please, I’ll take anything at this point!
Tagging: @fluiditism , @tomik0 , @octavinelle-mafia , @choconanime , @terrors-of-nightraven , @the27th , @twistinghearts , @permanentlyexhaustedowl , @oiseaunoir11 , and anyone else who wants to take part in the tag game. Have fun!
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
ooh how would the guys react to the s/i’s situation i described in my last ask? you mentioned some of them being more knowledgable than others—! :o also, in the case of an s/i w/ the issues mentioned in my matchup (i.e. No SSRIs In Cowboy Times), is there anything that could be done to like, at least mitigate the withdrawal that would definitely happen or is miss mc on her own lol
You didn’t specify if you wanted each individual reaction, or just the highlights, so Imma be a bit more general this go ‘round, but if you want me to do separate answers for each I will. Just lemme know, and be warned, it would take me a bit because I imagine it would get long.
So at this point, they’re pretty much all used to weird shit. So no ones really gonna be losing it over this. Weird for a non-Firsk/Chara human to come through, but eh, whatever. 
Then it becomes a question of “where did you come from?”. Did you fall from the world the original bunch was copied from? Were you copied over too? Did you fall from the “real world”? (which would raise a whole new bunch of questions and existential issues) Did the creator pull you in/over or was this some strange fluke. Ace would agonize over it. Shine and Calico know, and theoretically could “jump ship” at anytime, but seeing as they are “only copies” don’t see much point. Its pleasant enough here, so they’re kinda whatever about it. If you could convince Shine, they might try to help you get back if you wanted. Similar for Aurum and Viridis. They know. They can’t really leave on a whim like the LustBros, but they’re privy to a lot more than they let on. 
Whether your on your own or not is kinda dependent on you and who’s around when you fall. No one’s going to dismiss you out of hand, but if you were combative or threatening, they might choose to back away and leave you to your own devices. But make a genuine plea for help, and someone is going to answer.
As for treatment. The easy one would be withdrawal mitigation. Careful monitoring and judicious use of healing magic could get you safely through it. As for treatment, there’s a few possibilities, depending on a couple of factors, mostly whether or not you had any of your meds on you when you fell, and how willing you are. If you have some meds with you, it’s possible to convince some of the more science inclined characters to try to replicate them. It might be a bit messy for awhile while they figure it out, but they’ll do there best to ease you through it. It’s also possible with time and practice to find the right balance of intent and understanding of the condition to use magic as a treatment. This would leave you more dependent, as you can’t just take a bottle of magic with you if you leave, but it is an option. 
Where things can get kinda questionable on it. I actually hesitated to bring this up, as I didn’t want anyone to misunderstand what exits in this fiction as a representation of my beliefs. The magic of human mages works much differently than that of monsters. If you were to find a human mage with the correct magical, moral, and ethical inclinations, there are a lot of options. They could magic you up your medication (easier again if you still have some), they could also treat the symptoms, through their own means, but there’s another option as well. One that frankly has some rather horrifying (to me at least) implications. Many of these conditions are caused by how the brain works or is “wired”. A mage could, technically, alter that. They could rewrite/rewire your brain to just, not be like that anymore. But the question then is, would you even be you anymore? 
I went on a big long ass rant on my views of Autism/ADHD/Etc, being on the spectrum myself, and what not, but I deleted it. The jist is, I won’t say anyone in the world, with any amount of magic or science could “fix” you. There’s nothing to fix. There are ways existent in the world to change you. That is a very different thing, and would be entirely up to the character/person in question. Technically anything about anyone or anything could be changed with the proper application of magic. I don’t want anyone to misunderstand my thoughts or stances on these things. These conditions could be changed, but it would fundamentally alter who that person is. Just like ones entire personality could be changed. What they do/don’t like. Their appearance. Their memories. Magic can change anything, if you can find someone willing to do it. But that it can be done doesn’t mean it should, or that it is morally/ethically acceptable. That’s between the people involved, and whatever higher power/moral standard they ascribe to.
I hope that answers your question, and that I didn’t mishandle the issue. It’s touchy, for me and a lot of people. I agonized over including the bit about mages, and discussed it with several people before leaving it. The idea that people exist out there capable of altering your neurology is kinda cool, and also super scary, and I didn’t want to leave it out. Anyway, lemme know if there,s anything else you want/need.
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Circumstance ― Chapter 5: Every Elite
PAIRING: Nik Ryder x trans*M!MC (Taylor Hunter) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Circumstance ⥽
Taylor Hunter (MC) has made it good for himself in New Orleans; turns out moving to a new city fresh out of college to reinvent yourself isn’t as hard as people make it out to be. Things only start to get confusing when he finds himself the target of a malevolent wraith. Good thing someone’s looking out for him though — because without Nighthunter Nik Ryder as his bodyguard he definitely won’t survive long in the twisting darkness of the supernatural underworld he’s tripped into.
Bound by Circumstance and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the book Nightbound and the rest of the Bloodbound series. Find out more [HERE].
Note: Circumstance only loosely follows the events and plotline of Nightbound, and features a separate antagonist, different character motivations, and further worldbuilding.
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Circumstance/series tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
When the Pack refuses to help them Taylor and Ryder turn to the lone wolf Cal as a last resort. He’s happy to provide for a simple favor: break into New Orleans’ most exclusive supernatural club to save his little brother from a fate worse than death. Easy, right? If only.
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Taylor’s craft is made to be seen. He’s never been one of those types of actors who needs to imagine the entire audience empty to perform at his best. In fact, the larger the crowd the more he feels like they’re a mass of bodies and heartbeats than individuals he’s there to perform for.
The audience swells and becomes one single, solid beating heart — one mind and one capacity for emotion that he’s there to bring out. That’s his talent.
But he has a great respect for those who prefer the silence and solitude to hone their skills. They aren’t performing for anyone but themselves — improving despite the temptation to stay stagnant for their own sakes.
The piano player is one such artist. He’s no performer — no showman. Taylor’s pretty sure the man doesn’t even know he has a sole audience. Yet he keeps playing; rapid keystrokes never faltering to break the miasma of humidity that hangs over them.
He cuts into the world with his playing and knows the spaces left aren’t empty, but rather filled with melody.
Either the song — not one he recognizes — ends or the man simply decides to stop playing. Either way the tune ends abruptly; a life cut short. And he’s so taken by how it resonates in his chest that he does the only logical thing and applauds.
The piano player swings a denim-clad leg over the stool; stares at Taylor like a startled animal.
He probably shouldn’t have announced himself so loudly.
“S-Sorry if I scared you.”
The look he’s given — the threat assessed and deemed non-threatening — is definitely unimpressed.
“Yeah that’s… definitely not what happened.” Like the rest of the wolves the man inhales deeply through his nostrils. Unlike the rest of them he manages a bit of tact and doesn’t noticeably recoil. “Jesus, you smell like…”
“A hot mess, yeah I’ve been told.”
That gets a laugh and the man’s full attention — long legs swinging around away from the piano with elbows resting on jeans that have definitely seen better days. He’s the polar opposite of everything in the trophy room; nothing fancy about him except for his obvious skill with the piano.
It’s kind of nice for someone else to stick out like a sore thumb for a change.
“Nah, that ain’t it — well not all the way.” He sniffs again with his face tilted up into the air and Taylor really really tries not to laugh. Doesn’t know if he’ll somehow offend the entire Pack or something if he does. Ryder really should have given him the low-down…
“You smell like…”
Taylor waits for an answer but none comes. Sees the way the working man’s tan seems to drain from his face and leave behind something strange; almost haunted in his eyes.
Suddenly he really wishes he’d just gone with Ryder.
“Never mind.” Taylor tries to back track — moves to get up and hang out by the bottom of the stairs instead. But there’s a hand that stops just short of grabbing him that makes them both tense up.
Now he looks like the frightened animal.
“I offended you.” It’s not a question.
“What’s there to be offended about?”
The piano player brushes aside one of his mousy brown curls; looks Taylor in the eyes with such a startling honesty that he’s pretty sure his heart stops beating for a second.
“I don’t know,” is the measured reply, “you tell me.”
Well that isn’t happening, so… “Tell me what you were gonna say.”
The wolf leans back — gives them both some space. Shrugs and seems almost sheepish instead.
“A-ha… well I was gonna say you smell like my little brother. Then I realized how weird that sounded since, y’know, I’m pretty sure we’ve never met before. One of those ‘quit while you’re ahead’ things.”
He rubs the back of his head. Shoulders hunched and a measly half-smile that’s disarmingly charming. Sure Taylor’s still confused (even more so now) but it’s better than the assumed alternative.
But he does turn away from the door at the very least.
“Gonna tell me exactly how that works?”
“What d’you mean?”
“How I, uh, smell like your little brother?”
“Well puberty ain’t exactly a science to the nose.”
Puberty. God, he actually laughs. Feels even more ashamed about the obvious sweat stains on his underarms but given where they are it’s not the worst of the multiple stenches in the air.
The man continues on a borderline ramble; “And I’m gonna go ahead and assume most people wouldn’t want to be compared to a pre-pubescent teenager, you know? So then I really didn’t wanna say anything.”
It’s the most genuine interaction he’s had since all of this began — and he didn’t know how much he needed it until now. Ivy, Garrus, Krom; they were all so so great but they loved talking about it all; loved delving into the things weird and strange that Taylor was still trying to wrap his head around.
But sniffing put aside there’s nothing more casual than not knowing what to say in front of a cute guy. Talk about your ordinary problems.
“Cal — by the way — Cal Lowell.”
Taylor takes Cal’s offered hand in that usual way — pressing just a little too hard to affirm his masculinity that he’s so often okay with shrugging away from the surface. It’s how men — and Southern men especially — interact. He’s kind of an expert on the matter.
But Cal’s grip is stronger than other men. Something Taylor just accepts along with the almost sizzling heat of his body radiating from just the palm. Must be a werewolf thing.
“Taylor Hunter.”
“Who brought you along for the party, Taylor?”
Man it’s nice to hear his name instead of ‘kid.’ “Oh, actually —”
His reply is drowned out by the sudden slam of a door above them; followed by thundering footsteps and shouts that were quickly becoming not-so-muffled.
“I knew you were stupid, Ryder, but if you think I’m just gonna push all you done aside and let you come onto my territory demandin’ favors you’ve got less brain in ya than I thought!”
“Christ, Kristof, tuck your damn tail and listen to me, will ya?!”
Cal squeezes a little too hard — makes Taylor yank his hand away. But when he goes to ask the guy what the hell it looks like he’s staring straight through him.
“Shit,” hisses Cal under his breath; and swerves around Taylor rather than pushing him aside to join the argument quickly approaching them.
The man who must be Kristof is hairy. That’s all Taylor can really think of him at first glance. He’s tall but not Krom-level of tall (his new measurement standard) and wide-set in the shoulders with muscle and scars both old and new criss-crossing one another down his exposed arms.
Add a little white to his bushy beard and he could be a budget-mall Santa, Taylor thinks.
Then he catches Ryder leaping down the steps two at a time to catch up.
“If you weren’t gonna hear me out then why agree to meet with me in the first place?” snaps the Nighthunter; teeth grit and knuckles white on the banister.
He’s got height on Kristof, being a few steps higher and all, but he might as well be facing down a charging bull with the way the Pack Alpha rounds on him in red-faced fury.
“Figured it was about time you apologized for what you did to poor Jimbo,” and the fact he isn’t shouting definitely dials the tension up to eleven, “but what’s a lit’le more blood on yer hands?”
Taylor doesn’t have to ask who ‘poor Jimbo’ was. Can get enough from the context. And while he doesn’t want to get involved in something that was before he came along he’s be remiss if he didn’t feel uneasy at the thought of his bodyguard as a killer.
But didn’t that mean he’d kill to keep Taylor safe?
Ryder recoils enough for Kristof to gain the advantage; come up a step so they’re eye-to-eye.
“Don’t you gimme that fake remorse. Not in my home. Ain’t a word in Jimbo’s mem’ry — ‘stead you waltz up in here demandin’ favors?! When you ain’t even got the balls —!”
“Whoa whoa — hey!”
Cal realizes it’s a bad move just a moment too late. Octavia settles her grip on the second floor railing and looks down with a jaw set and proverbial hackles raised. But that’s nothing compared to how Kristof looks at him — goes from red to purple in the face at the mere sight of Cal.
“You stay outta this, boy.”
“Kristof — I just think —”
His reaction has to be purely werewolf. Something real wolves can’t imitate but humans could never understand. Keeps Taylor enraptured as he starts to realize he’s been thinking about them all wrong; that there is no place where the man ends and the wolf begins — but rather that they’re one in the same.
Kristof’s muscles ripple under thick skin. Something shifts on the stale air like a breeze and in less time than it takes a heart to beat Cal’s backing down with his head to the floor.
Baring the back of his neck.
He’s given Kristof an inch and the Alpha takes a mile. Advances a step just to make sure Cal backs off in a strange and unspoken dance.
“I’d say given your predicament, Lowell, challengin’ your Alpha is the last thing you wanna be doin’.”
Cal doesn’t have to say anything to agree. Even when he raises his head he won’t — or can’t — meet Kristof’s eyes.
Before he does something (else) stupid, Taylor grabs the cuff of Cal’s flannel and pulls him back.
“Best you and your pup leave now, Ryder,” Octavia calls from above, “before you overstay your welcome.”
And Nik, literally a dumbass, looks like he’s about to argue. “Ryder,” Taylor calls — practically pleads, “let’s just go. We’ll find what we need somewhere else.” That doesn’t even matter, he wants to say, but we’re not safe here anymore.
It takes him a second to move around the wall of tension named Kristof; looks like he’s about to call the Alpha out on the power move until Taylor manages to grab hold of him, too, and makes it easy on them both.
Kristof stands silent save his breathing — husky, heavy breaths that fill his lungs and puff out his chest.
“Show ‘em out, Lowell.” Octavia calls when the three of them are already halfway to the front of the cabin. “Then go for a run — clear ya head.”
Not like they’ve already forgotten the way out but it is what it is; a way to diffuse the situation. Judging by the looks of things it’s a role Octavia plays quite often.
Cal’s brought them all the way to the pergola at the property entrance before he finally seems to calm down enough to speak. Looks at Taylor with an apologetic gaze.
“Thanks for that — gettin’ me outta there.”
“Wasn’t any trouble,” though he does throw a look back to Ryder; already busy on his phone and taking out his frustration with every punch to the keys, “thanks for trying to help. I figured out he had history with, uh, the pack, but…”
Cal nods. “Guess you’ve just met him, then?”
“How’d you know?”
“Ryder’s a bit infamous around New Orleans.”
“For being a Nighthunter?”
“For being a dick about being a Nighthunter.”
Like he’s psychic, Ryder barks for Taylor not a moment later; “Come on, kid! We gotta get back to the Shift. It’s gonna be a steep price to pay but Ivy thinks she can get what we need.”
“Coming!” He calls — offers Cal what he hopes is a reassuring smile. “You gonna be okay?”
“Yeah, might go for that run…”
But there’s a distracted distance in his reply. He watches Cal’s focus flicker between him and Ryder behind. “‘Get what you need,’ what’s that mean? You needed somethin’ from Kristof?”
“Oh — yeah. We’re putting together a protection spell I guess.”
“Then you came here for Hunter’s Sage.”
It’s enough to catch Ryder’s ear and haul him over to their conversation. Not that he looks at Cal with any less suspicion but it seems to be a mutual thing.
“What d’you know about Hunter’s Sage?”
“I know it’s a standard ingredient for protection magic,” answers the werewolf, “and I also know it’s one of the few things the Pack keeps locked up tight. Whoever your friend is sayin’ they’ve got access to some — it can’t be local. And we both know if that stuff ain’t fresh your spell’ll be about as protective as a house pet.”
Ryder’s teeth grind audibly. “I’ve seen my share of scary pets.”
“But do you really wanna take that chance?”
Judging by the way he looks at Taylor; Cal wants to help. Might even know a way to do so — but if it means going against his Alpha…
“I don’t want to risk getting you in more trouble,” Taylor says, “especially after what happened back there.”
“Ain’t a risk if there’s a big enough reward.”
And much to Taylor’s surprise — and Ryder’s lack thereof — Cal gives a curt nod. “If I wasn’t in the situation I’m in… I’d offer it to you for the sake of keeping the peace. The Lowell’s have always been in good with the Alpha — he’d huff and puff for a few weeks but eventually forget about it.
“But that ain’t the case at the moment. So if you’re desperate enough for the Sage I’m more than willing to provide it as a payment.”
The hunter and the wolf mirror one another; puff out their chests and cross their arms tight. The fragility of their combined masculinity is so thick Taylor’s at risk of choking on it.
“All right — I’ll bite,” Ryder quirks a brow, “‘payment’ for what?”
Even though the Nighthunter would be the one doing said job it’s Taylor that Cal turns to. The nearest torch flame reflects like a burning passion in his eyes.
“Payment for rescuing my little brother before Kristof has him killed.”
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The door is already open on Cal’s side and that’s the one closest to the curb; so it’s logical for Taylor to follow the tall werewolf out of the cab instead of joining Nik in the middle of the street.
So why does it look like for a brief second Ryder’s irritated that he didn’t?
But the look fades away; goes through Ryder’s barely-expressive version of the five stages of grief as he sees where Cal’s had the cab take them.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.”
Cal isn’t kidding anyone. “Now you see what I mean.”
From Taylor’s vague mental memory of those first tours he took of the new city he called home they have to be somewhere in the Upper Garden District. Usually the houses are closer together — though no less grand — but the place they’ve been dropped off in front of has its own lot cleared. As if to heighten its importance.
Or its value.
A roundabout of freshly-paved drive circles a fountain made of black iron. Lights reflect on the water and change from the soft yellow of liquid sunlight to deep emerald green and a blue he’s only seen in pictures of the ocean on a cloudless day.
The manor is no less splendid, either. Filled with the old-world charm of New Orleans; her vines of ivy climbing and spreading fingers of foliage across the vast wings and around windows both large and small. But there’s nothing run-down about it. This place is well-kept; well-loved, well-visited.
“All right — run this whole thing by me again now that I know what shit we’re steppin’ in.” Ryder demands without taking his eyes off of the estate.
Cal, on the other hand, can’t bear to look at it.
“Donny’s a good kid. Came into his wolf on time just like everyone else. He’s a whiz at math, too. Maybe that’s why he thought he could gamble — like there aren’t any card-counting hexes on any place of Smoke’s.
“He was just tryin’ to help. If I hadn’t lost my job at the building site…”
When he trails off Taylor reaches out and rests what he hopes is a reassuring hand on a broad shoulder. Cal leans into it — throws back a small but no-less grateful smile. It’s enough for him to continue.
“Whatever happened, he got in deep. One night he’s digging around the trailer for every spare nickel and dime and the next day he’s not waiting for me outside school like he’s supposed to. I went to Kristof about it and — y’know, he’s a good Alpha temper aside; takes care of his Pack — and he put some feelers out. Only they led him to…”
“They led him to Persephone.” answers Ryder, who gives a jerk of his head to the glamorous mansion.
Taylor looks between them. “Anyone gonna explain what Persephone is?”
The gesture Ryder gives at the building isn’t subtle. Nor is the look Taylor gives him because no, really?
“It’s a high-end club for high-end supernatural folks.” Cal tries only to end up getting corrected anyway.
“It’s the club, more like. You can only get in with a signet membership and people have killed for less in this town. It’s no place we wanna go sticking our noses.”
Taylor frowns. “But Donny…”
“Whatever debts he racked up ain’t somethin’ that can go away just as easy. The people who own this place aren’t exactly known for their forgiving nature.”
Beside Taylor, Cal’s knuckles crack one by one as he balls his hands into fists. Ryder shrugs. “I’m just sayin’. It’s a lost cause.”
“Then so will gettin’ your hands on any Hunter’s Sage.” Cal immediately regrets his words when he sees the way Taylor’s face falls; tries to backtrack. “I don’t — I want to help — really I do. You seem like a good guy, Taylor, and if I can help…”
But Taylor isn’t mad at Cal. “I get it. Your family comes first.”
“So why’s Kristof gonna maul him?” Ryder asks.
“For mixing the Pack up with the Smoke? He’d put him down just to make an example out of him for anyone else who might try something similar. It’ll be hard to do but being the Alpha isn’t an easy job. Even if he doesn’t kill him outright, the thought of Donny being banished…
“He’s the only family I have.” He’s trying not to seem vulnerable as best he can but his eyes betray him.
Never has there been a more apt time to think the expression looking like a kicked puppy.
Sage or no Sage, Taylor wants to help. Doesn’t know a thing about what he’s getting himself into but when has he ever made consciously smart choices? Ryder, however, seems to be heavily weighing on the pros and cons.
Well, fuck that.
“So how do we get in?”
Nik scoffs in disbelief. “Was I talking to myself when I said —”
“I’m sorry,” he rounds on his bodyguard with hands on hips and spite in his soul, “did I suggest walking in the front door? No. But there’s gotta be another way in. There always is in the movies.”
“This ain’t a movie, Taylor.”
“Well maybe we should start pretending it is.”
At least Cal looks like he’s starting to get on board with the plan. “What did you have in mind?”
It’s like one of the fountain’s color-changing lights sparks atop his head.
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As someone who has never seen a goblin before, Taylor would like to point out what he’s keeping his cool very well. Like, well enough to earn whatever crazy non-alcoholic mixology madness Garrus is no doubt cooking up in his and Ryder’s absence.
Because freaking out wouldn’t help them, now would it? And they could really use all the help they can get.
“I didn’t send out no order for some Bayou filth,” the goblin woman continues on her rampage of scorn, “you must have the wrong address! As if I would serve my guests anything that grew in a local swamp.”
Taylor adjusts the small stack of crates he’s carrying — feels his fingers go numb and quickly moves them back to their aching spot. Better in pain than no feeling at all.
He’s definitely more than a little jealous at how easy Ryder makes his haul look.
“I’ll try not to take offense, ma’am, and for both our sakes I won’t go mentionin’ to my Alpha your little snipe and question of the quality of our goods. But how about you cut a guy some slack? I’m just the delivery.”
Cal’s either done this before or is a natural; lets his accent draw out his words while he oh-so-casually leans in the doorway of Persephone’s delivery entrance. He’s two heads taller than the goblin head chef but that doesn’t seem to bother her in the slightest.
She curls back a green lip in a snarl; reveals a row of large yellow teeth like blunted knives.
“Oh, you’re wantin’ me to cut you slack? When you’re the mangy hound keeping me from finishing a very specific order for a very specific client?”
“Well I can’t go about the rest of my drop-offs until this one is done!”
“And how is that my problem?!”
“I’m making it your problem!” There’s definitely no pretending the ire in Cal’s voice is fake. He pulls a random piece of folded paper out of his back pocket and starts waving it around without actually unfurling it — conveniently right out of the chef’s gnarled green grasp.
“I got a dozen more orders to fill tonight and no room on my truck —” —Cal jerks his thumb behind them but stays right in the goblin’s way; keeps her from looking for what definitely isn’t there— “— for this crap! So let me and my guys drop it off and we’re done!”
“I told you I won’t serve —”
“Christ, woman! You don’t gotta serve it; hell, burn the shit for all I care! I don’t get paid unless I got an empty truck at the end of my route. And you sure as hell ain’t gettin’ paid while arguin’ with me.”
She opens her mouth to argue but the sound of breaking glass and porcelain is the only thing that comes out. Makes her whirl around with a high-pitched and gravelly shriek as she takes in whatever mess as been made.
“You rotten-toothed fools,” she howls, “not the Ming china!”
Thank god for the broken Ming china because any longer arguing and they might have drawn unwanted attention. Well, more unwanted attention.
It’s enough of a tragedy to get the head chef to rush inside without bothering to scold them, send them off, or even shut the door properly. Easily propped open with Cal’s boot.
He holds a hand back to keep them from rushing in — Taylor’s about to very loudly protest when the noise inside starts growing into a full-blown cacophony.
“Now!” He shoulders open the door with just enough space for Nik and Taylor to rush inside, then keeps it from slamming shut as he comes in last.
Only now Taylor’s plan is done and he’s at a loss for how to go forward. Until Cal practically shoves him to follow Ryder along a side hallway out of the kitchen staff — and head chef’s — sights.
Lucky for them that must have been some expensive china because staff of all types, sizes, and goblin-shades rush by them without so much as a ‘hello.’ They test every door in the hallway until they find one unlocked and dump their cargo haul without ceremony.
“So we’re in,” Cal huffs, no doubt heart beating with the same thrill of almost-not-quite-caught that Taylor’s is, “now what?”
“Now we find your brother and get the hell out.”
When he finally catches his breath the werewolf takes a deep breath in — nostrils flaring and eyelids fluttering closed. His nose crinkles slightly, catches the scent of something foul.
“What, what is it?” asks Taylor with worry.
Cal shakes his head. “Someone burned a catfish back there.”
“Focus, Fido.”
If he wants to bite Nik’s head off for the comment he holds it in well. So Taylor smacks a leather-clad arm for him.
They wait — and wait — and wait… but Cal’s shoulders sag in frustration and disappointment. “It’s no use. The kitchen’s messing with my nose. I thought I had him, but…”
“So we just go further in, right?” Taylor grabs for the door but a broad palm stops him in his tracks. Ryder glowers down at him.
“No. We wait until he can catch the scent from back here.”
“What? That’s stupid!”
“Yeah, about as stupid as going out into the ranks of Persephone during Mardi Gras. No signets, no threads; we’ll stick out like sore thumbs.”
“Some of us more than others…” mutters Cal under his breath; not quite soft enough for Nik not to hear.
“We’re not turning back.” And just in case the hunter might be in doubt Taylor yanks the door open; sends him staggering. “Or I’m not, at the very least. So are you gonna come be my body guard or what?”
Not that he gives Nik the chance to answer. Turns on his heel and marches straight out in all his raggedy un-refined glory with Cal the flannel-clad werewolf at his heels.
“I can’t believe this is the job that’s gonna kill me.” Mutters the Nighthunter under his breath — just before he jogs to catch up.
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So far everything he’s come into contact with in this strange new world hasn’t been on the best side of friendly. Why should Persephone be any different?
And for the first time Taylor isn’t let down in the slightest. Not when they manage to slip their way out of the back rooms and onto what must be the main show floor.
The ceiling is all four stories high with a large glowing chandelier shining iridescent gemstone reflections down on every inch of the place. Two winding staircases branch off in different directions with velvet-encased landings on every floor.
All around them bodies lean on railings and various balconies. The floor is an addict’s paradise; no matter the vice. A large circular bar rotates in the middle of the sunken floor while around them dice roll, chips are collected, and cards are thrown down to mixed reactions of cheers and disappointed groans.
But it’s not even the physics-breaking space that’s the most interesting part. It’s the people. Well — if some of them are people, that is.
The collective net worth of the civilized world (and then some) has to be gathered on the diamond-studded (actual. fucking. diamonds) carpeting. They titter along, absorbed in their drinks and wealth and company just like Taylor would expect of an entirely mortal clientele.
Some of them look mortal, too — though he has to remind himself that might not hold true. A woman with bright blue scales for skin brushes past with a giggled “pardonnez-moi!” as she heads to catch a waitress and her tray of mini-somethings.
Some have tails, others talons, and just when he thinks he’s seen it all a bellowing call comes from the top floor and he looks up to see a snow-white swan dive off of the landing and turn into an obsidian crow mid-flight without so much as a fallen feather.
There’s a sudden warmth a this back and Taylor jumps, ready to shove off the offender, only to find Ryder there; leading him through the crowd to a shadowed corner of booths with curtains strung around them.
“You feeling okay?” He asks under his breath.
Taylor nods. “Yeah, why?”
He inches in the round booth until Ryder can comfortably sit beside him — finds himself looking around for any sign of Cal until he spots the wolf’s messy curls shadowing a group of fanged flappers on their way to the floor bar.
The most surprising sight — even with all the magic and delight — is turning to see Nik with concern creased in his forehead. The wrinkles overlapping on his scar awkwardly.
“Ryder, what’s wrong?”
“All this ain’t givin’ you a head-splitting ache?”
It’s such an out-there question — actually succeeds to pull Taylor’s attention away from each new bewildering sight to the very-average and very-mortal face of the man before him.
The bravado’s gone from Nik’s voice; replaced instead with… with some sort of sincerity he’s not used to. Not from him, anyway. Even back at the Graveyard Shift he still found a way to make light of Taylor’s situation and the hard, dark truths he had to learn.
If he didn’t know better, Taylor would dare say the man in front of him isn’t Nik Ryder. But because he hesitates in answering, because he instead chooses to take in the sight before him rather than brush it aside, that openness closes up real quick.
Which version was the real Nik Ryder? Now he wants to know.
“No,” and he places a hand over Ryder’s arm on the tabletop to keep him from letting that be all that’s said, “it’s like you said back at Garrus’, you know? I stopped resisting it and now… I don’t see anything but the truth. Like there isn’t a glamour at all.”
It makes Nik give a soft — almost fond — chuckle.
“‘Course there ain’t. Not in here at least. I may hate the lot of ‘em for their vulgar hoards of cash but even I’ll admit they deserve a place not to have to hide.”
“I didn’t think of it that way.” And when he looks back out to the revelry it’s with a different eye.
After all he knows exactly how hard it is to go through life wearing a mask that can’t even come close to capturing the person underneath it.
“Doesn’t stop the majority of ‘em from being assholes, though.”
“When did Ryder start referring to himself in the third person?”
Cal slides in on Taylor’s opposite side, cocks a half-smirk at Ryder who only manages a grumbled and incoherent (probably for everyone’s benefit) response.
“Did you catch Donny’s scent by the bar?”
The wolf shakes his head no. Pinches the bridge of his nose with eyes squeezed shut. “For a second it was there — like he was right beside me — but just like that it was lost in the herbs they got in the drinks.”
“At least we know that means he’s here.”
“Or was, at least.”
Cal looks up when Taylor nudges his side. “Come on, don’t think like that now. We’re on the right path and, hey, knock on wood but no one’s kicking us out just yet.”
“They should with duds like those. Or didn’t you see the dress code on your way in?”
Nik tenses up beside him; mutters “shit” under his breath but doesn’t have to look around like his companions for the owner of the lilting laugh.
She emerges from around the drawn-back velvet curtain with dark blue gems for skin. No — it takes Taylor a second to realize the dress she wears just clings to her in all the right places before cascading down her legs like a waterfall.
She brushes her hair aside, lets it reveal her face as if parted from a violet veil. There’s nothing inherently inhuman about the woman at first glance — but if anyone could be the definition of deceiving looks its her.
From the looks of things she’s been taking them in with the same level of scrutiny. All but Ryder, whom she doesn’t even spare a passing glance. He leans back in the booth — suddenly far more at ease — and throws an arm around the back.
Her eyes linger on the worn state of Cal’s flannel collar and the wrinkles in Taylor’s tee. “Though I can’t tell if it’s just sad or actually a little genius on your part. One sore thumb is a nuisance but three, well… that’s a statement.”
Ryder’s brow twitches. “What can I say? I live to disappoint.”
“If only you were as good at your job as you were at getting dirt on everything you own.”
“Now that’s funny — since I seem to recall you singin’ my praises when you were butterin’ me up on the Raines job.”
“Compliments get pretty girls like me everything and everywhere, Nik. Or have you forgotten that you did come help me?”
“Problem with you Kathy,” Ryder starts up; looks like he’s ready to tell their new friend all the problems he has with her there and then, “is you always say you’ll split the fare after the job’s done but you’re too busy chasin’ your next lead to actually do it.”
‘Kathy’ rolls her eyes and turns to leave — no, not leave — to flag down a server carrying a full tray of champagne flutes filled with fuzzy pink liquid. “You can just leave that here, thanks.” She croons and waves the girl off like it never happened.
“I’ll admit I got… caught up in a few things once we split. But I give you my word the money will be in your account by tomorrow.”
The look Nik gives her is dangerously shy of ‘why wait, let’s go now’ but he doesn’t. Taylor tries to be an optimist and pretends it’s for Cal’s sake — for his little brother’s sake.
“You’re lucky I’m already on a job,” growls the hunter instead, “or I’d be pushin’ it.”
“And you’d end up waiting regardless. You’re not the only one working here.”
“I don’t even wanna ask what job you’re on in that getup.”
“It’s called blending in.”
The likelihood of their bickering lasting until the end of time, if left to their own devices, is a little too high. They have things to do — a little brother to find. And Cal’s getting antsy in his seat.
“Ryder,” Taylor tries — and fails — to be subtle; what with the wide eyes and the way he keeps jerking his head towards the depths of the lobby, “we gotta. get. going.”
Nik actually waves him off. “Yeah yeah, just a minute.” Then to Kathy; “I can’t figure why it’s takin’ you so long when you’re the one who ended up with the better end of the bargain.”
She scoffs — stops grabbing for one of the drinks on the tray and fixes him with a glare that’s gonna start Trouble with a capital ‘T.’
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Ryder puffs out his chest, huffs through his nostrils. “Just don’t think you gettin’ Raines to do you a favor measures up when I did most of the work.”
“That’s debatable, from what Kathy’s told me.”
The voice from behind them wouldn’t be nearly as startling if it didn’t come from the woman’s open mouth in a deep baritone.
Their new guest is a tall man in sleek black finery. The silk of his shirt ripples like liquid and when he walks around them to Katherine’s side there’s the tinkle of metal on the tile floor; the silver tips of his shoes make him decorated — quite literally — head to toe.
He crooks his elbow and Katherine slides herself onto his arm like she’s just another piece to his fancy ensemble. “Took you long enough…” She mutters aside.
Instead of apologizing, though, the stranger focuses on the ragtag trio in the booth. “Of course we all know there’s three sides to every argument: his, hers,” he looks away from the bristling Nighthunters to stare at Taylor; to penetrate his soul with bright red eyes, “and the truth.”
Definitely not mortal.
Everything about the way Ryder addresses the man screams recognition. Important, but not important enough to warrant an introduction.
“Cadence,” he almost sneers the name, “didn’t figure Persephone to be your kind of scene.” I thought you were better than that; that’s what hangs unsaid in the air packed to the brim with tension.
Taylor’s eyes travel down to the taller man’s hand where, indeed, the same kind of heavy golden ring rests on his finger. Cadence notices and slyly tucks his hand into his trouser pockets; as if he’s embarrassed by it. When they lock eyes again the red is gone; replaced by dark honey.
But if Nik’s remark is a trap, he doesn’t fall into it. Instead does the opposite of his companion and regards Taylor and Cal like they’re actually a part of the conversation.
“I’ll assume you didn’t come in through the front door; kudos to whatever you did that worked.”
“It was surprisingly easy.” Taylor replies.
“And dangerous — but some things are worth the danger.” The man looks down his nose — at his height it’s impossible to do anything else — and squeezes Kathy’s arm. “We should get going. We need to catch Isadora before the show starts.”
She nods curtly; all business now. Throws a look back to her—friend? rival?—Ryder.
“Well it’s been fun, but —”
“‘Isadora’ as in Izzy-Isadora? Carlo’s daughter?”
Kathy’s not the only one taken by surprise at Cal’s interruption but she does seem to notice him for the first time.
“Ain’t no other Isadora we’d know by name.” Nik cuts in.
“What’s it to you?”
“Her dad just died — what’s she doin’ here?”
Cal raises a good point. Leaves the collective group in an awkward silence. The gears turning in Kathy’s head are near visible — like the steam coming out of her ears.
“She’s here to pay off her father’s debt to the Smoke.” Cadence finally answers. Judging by the way Kathy looks at him, too, he’s not lying. “What?” He asks her in defense of her silent accusation. “What did I say?”
Only Nik acts like he’s just been shot. “Wait — Smoke’s here tonight?”
“No — Katherine stop — but her collector is. He’s leading the matches in the underground.”
“What matches?”
“The cage fights.”
Cal makes a desperate, choking noise beside him and Taylor immediately tries to see what he can do — he doesn’t have to know much about this new world to understand what they’re talking about. ‘Cage fights’ is a pretty universal term with only so many interpretations.
“That’s where they have Donny.”
Taylor doesn’t have to question him. Not with how sure, how terrified he sounds. And it makes sense — mobsters are mobsters.
“Well… we’ll just be going now…” Katherine starts tugging her partner away — actually has to tug since he seems suddenly taken by Cal’s reaction. “Cade — come on.”
Nik leans over Taylor — is personal space a concept to anyone around here? — to look Cal dead in the eyes.
“You sure?”
“Has to be.” Cal chokes out.
“Would you like to join us?”
Katherine stops tugging only to pick her jaw up off the ground. Even Taylor’s surprised by the man’s abrupt invitation. Checks his face again for any sign of cruel teasing but there’s nothing in those golden eyes.
Nothing but curiosity. Not even sincerity. He wants to see what will happen.
“Bad idea, Cadence.” Katherine warns.
“Nope!” Taylor’s shoved by Ryder — accidentally shoves the still sheet-white Cal as a result — out of the booth in haste. “Can’t take it back now.”
The Nighthunter adjusts his shirt and coat sleeves like he’s wearing something bought on the same rack as every other bespoke suit and outfit there. When he speaks he’s looking straight at Katherine — now fuming — and has to be getting his kicks judging by the look on her face.
“We’d love to.”
All it takes is a gesture for their new guides to turn and start walking. Too far ahead and too fast for Taylor to catch any of the whispers Katherine hisses under her breath. But he’s more focused on Cal.
“We’re gonna find him — don’t worry.”
Cal swallows audibly.
“Cage fights, Taylor. They’ve got him in cage fights.”
“And we’re gonna get him out before anything happens.”
Nik passes them; offers him grim two cents.
“If it ain’t happened already.”
2 notes · View notes
happysunshinebois · 6 years
Hey I know you're probably swamped with requests, but I figured I might as well ask. If you're up for it can you do a RFA+ reaction hc thing for the RFA walking in on MC dancing and singing to Careless Whisper? I love that song so much and I'm always singing it when it comes on now matter where I am lol thanks!
Hi hello this is so long overdue I’m so sorry. You were like one of my first requests. This was honestly so much fun to write and you got me into Careless Whisper so bad I literally listened to the 10 hr version bc I needed to listen and also I loved it so thank you so much. I hope these scenarios are good! I tried to mix some things up so they weren’t all the same but I hope you like them nonetheless! 
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As the music dies something in your eyes calls to mind a silver screen and all it’s sad goodbyes
Some backstory: he had to learn this song for a performance, he has a routine and everything and he remembers all of it
But he puts the choreography this time and when he walks in after hearing the song and your door being cracked open
He’s a little surprised to see you fluidly dancing around the room with an invisible partner and when you switch to “playing the sax”, he has to stifle a laugh
He doesn’t know how you haven’t noticed him standing in your doorway yet
But he crosses his arms, leans on the door frame, and watches you with the softest expression on his face and love in his eyes
You eventually spot him out of the corner of your eye and are only a little startled
Definitely didn’t fall on your butt or anything 
Zen chuckles and walks over to you, holding out his hand
As you take it, he restarts the song on your speaker and takes the place of the “invisible” partner you were so lovingly dancing with before
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I should have known better than to cheat a friend and waste the chance that I’d been given so I’m never gonna dance again the way I danced with you
Maybe it’s better this way we’d hurt each other with the things we want to say
As soon as he walks through the door, he hears the first few sax notes and he rushes towards you, whips out a sax, and proceeds to play the entire solo
This is the only thing he knows how to play on the saxophone, trust me on this
You’re loudly mouth singing the sax solo in various “Bow now now now”s and bouncing across the floor
He’s always taken the lyrics to heart, especially when it comes to you
So when he walks in on you singing and dramatically acting and dancing along with the lyrics, he starts to hum along and eventually makes his way into your arms
You sway together and hold each other just as tightly as the other
You know
If he’s in a more lighthearted mood (or feels more sure in your relationship), the two of you dramatically act out the song together, not really taking the lyrics to heart
The surveillance camera in the living room captured it all
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To the heart and mind ignorance is kind
I feel so unsure as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
He’d been back and forth between playing LOLOL and studying for his upcoming finals
And man are finals brutal
You know that
He knows that
And tbh between all the commotion, it feels like he hasn’t spent time with you properly
Quick meals, a peck on the cheek as one of you rushes out the door, and legs sometimes brushing if you’re both at the kitchen table studying together
So when he rips off his headphones and lets out a long sigh, he realizes all he really wants to do is hold you in his arms
The trickle of music is playing from your room and he can’t help it so he sneaks on over and when he sees you swaying with your arms wrapped around yourself and singing the lyrics, he’s just in awe at your beauty and how you somehow seem so easygoing
He sways himself over to you to the sound of your voice and lightly taps your shoulder
He’s standing very close
Half of it is just that he wants to cover his blushing face
As your singing falters, his picks up with the lyrics and he wraps his arms around you
A wide grin breaks out on your face as you wrap your arms around him and the two of you spin yourselves around the room, laughing, singing and yelling the lyrics, and at the end, falling onto the bed
You both try to catch your breath but your soft giggles take much more air than expected
You roll over and throw an arm over his waist and he cups your face gently in his hands, looking at you with love in his eyes and blush over his cheeks
You both hum the chorus until you fall asleep
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I’m never gonna dance again guilty feet have got no rhythm though it’s easy to pretend i know you’re not a fool
He’d been away on yet another business trip and no matter how much you tried, he insisted that as much as he’d love you to, it’d be better and safer for you at home
It was only a week
A week without you
It’s fine
It wasn’t fine
You sent texts rapidly to each other and calls when you could
You were even able to get a few video calls in
On the fifth day of his trip, he could hardly take it anymore
It took all his self control just to not fly back to you immediately
Somehow five days felt more like months
He called you to video chat late that night
He expected that you’d answer
What he didn’t expect was for a blaringly loud sax solo to come bursting through his laptop speakers
He was shocked to say the least, but then he settled for looking at you in admiration through the screen
“…Guilty feet have got no rhythm!! Up, my love, you’re dancing with me!”
He thought it best not to argue, but he wasn’t about to go waltzing around his hotel room with his laptop in his arms
Until that’s exactly what he started doing
If he couldn’t hold you, then this would have to do
“MC, would you please move your face closer to the camera?”
You did so quizzically, still singing out the words in heavy breaths from dancing around your room
Once you realized he practically had you in his arms (as much as he could long distance), you quickly picked up your laptop as well and spun round and round as Jumin did the same
Your face flushed knowing he missed you as much as you missed him and as your motions slowed you blew him a kiss and he acted as if he caught it through the screen, even if he was hundreds of miles away
He made sure for every time he was away for long, he’d call you and the two of you would pick up your laptops and dance with each other to this song
(Also I picked this GIF bc I liked how they were different colors and separate so it kinda gave the vibe that they’re together but in different places, ye?)
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We could have been so good together we could have lived this dance forever
The song had come on in the coffee shop, in the middle of your shift
“MC, what’s wrong????”
Baehee is confusion
You don’t startle too many customers
Tbh they find it kind of funny and it gives the cafe some personality
Jaehee admires how much of the song you knew and just watches in
She hadn’t heard it until today, but she makes sure to slip it into the cafe playlist more often than not, just to see your face light up the same every time
You catch on eventually to what she’s doing and while you’re both closing down one day, the song comes on
You’re facial expression turns determined and you oh so gracefully rip her away from whatever task she’s doing and guide her to the cleared space
You make that face, like you’re up to something but she finds it humorous and goes along with it
You twirl her and move your way around her like it’s a performance, belting the lyrics and dramatically recreating the “scenes”
It makes her giggle and she hums along to the tune
She glides her hand from your elbow down to your hand and holds it tenderly with her own
She won’t admit that the two of you didn’t get out of the cafe until about midnight but what’s a girl to do when all she wants to do is hold you and see you smile?
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gaylortruther · 5 years
(many) tag games
saw someone else do this so i figured i’d go through all my tag games in one looong post instead of spamming you all with a bunch of separate posts!
i’m gonna tag everyone now and yall can choose which tag games you want to do or whether you want to do them all (or whether you want to do any)!!
thanks to everyone who tagged me in all of these! i LOVE being tagged in tag games and i am always up for more! <3
tagging THE SANCTION (including ppl that i haven’t gotten up on the page yet im sorry abfjffsdhsjbjsdf it will happen SOON):  @newdivinities @wolvesofarcadia @maskedlady @victoiirres @sancta-silje @bumblebeesonpaper @wasting-ink-not-youth @horrorspell @ya-lady-tauriel @awritinglen @purpleshadows1989 @ivonoris @theforgottencoolkid @the-ichor-of-ruination @grotesqu-e @lucacangettathisass @tea-ndi @hazeywrites @lunar895 @thewordsinthesky-andstars
TAGGED BY  @melwrotethat AND @hazeywrites
thank you both for the tags! these are the last few lines of the prologue-excerpt-thing i wrote for the page i’m working on for WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY
Somehow, Collin hears them. Silently, she rolls up her sleeve, and Rowan feels the Collin Sutherland they knew is somewhere far, far away. The tattoos are black, geometric in design, two on each arm, and eerily similar to the ones Rowan has just discovered on their own left arm. They're sure if they were to roll up their right sleeve, they would find more.
"I should have told you a long time ago," Collin whispers. "I didn't know you were a part of it, but I should have guessed. I didn't want to put you in danger."
"I'm not- I don't- in danger of what?"
The waves crash onto the shore, and in the distance, a seagull cries, sending Collin into action. She grabs Rowan's hand and starts pulling, dragging them back behind the house.
"Come on. We don't have a lot of time, we have to get going. I can tell you everything on the way. I don't know why he brought me here instead of straight to the veil, damn it-,"
"Wait!," they say, wrenching their hand out of her grasp. "Just- stop! Where are we going?!"
Collin's eyes flash bright, despite the lack of sunlight. "Home."
yeah, a bit long, a bit unedited, but *shrugs*
TAGGED BY @tea-ndi
thank you sage!!! <3
hard feelings/loveless | lorde
another one of those days | cavetown
let’s fall in love for the night | FINNEAS
ocean eyes | billie eilish
honey and milk | flower face
i know | king princess ft fiona apple
dreamz | sara king
nobody’s home | gnash
greek god | conan gray
sycamore girl | rex orange county 
and there you have a small sample of my music taste! add in literally every taylor swift song (dont judge me), some lo-fi tunes without ANY words whatsoever, and the occasional fall out boy or panic at the disco goddamn absolute banger, and you have my XANDERS JAMS playlist on spotify. ENJOY
[11/11/11 TAG]
TAGGED BY @awritinglen <333333333333333333333333
thank you for tagging me len!!! your questions were so fun!! i’m doing this for WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY
Name all OCs in your WIP
OMFG okay,,, wait do you mean full names?? POV characters as of rn are Collin Aisling Sutherland, Rowan Tilley (doesn’t have a middle name) and Avery Bristol Charter. then the next most important one is Isaac Michael Rosewell, even though he’s the antagonist. then the side characters that are still very featured are Noah Rosalyn Pratten, Reese Iseul Radley, and Sage Emarosa Delgado. THEN we get into the very very side characters, Willa Robinson and her son August Robinson. then we have Avery’s parents, Alaric and the late Octavia Charter. and thennnnn we have Beldane Moreno, Avery’s uncle and Collin’s grandfather (undecided abt that last name but going w it for now). i promise it all makes sense. i promise anfnfsjnfdjsfd
Name at least one hobby your Main character love
i’ll give this one to Collin, she is a musician! Avery’s mother always taught her music before The Accident (dun dun dunnn) and after Collin was abandoned in the Nigh she threw herself into music. she plays guitar mostly, but she secretly loves piano the best out of every instrument she knows
3 sentences about your current WIP
OOF. im so bad at summaries why would you do this to meee abfhshjbsbshfjsbf. “A determined believer wants to return to a home that never wanted her. Almost 4000 miles away, an incisive, intellectual outcast of a dreamer muses over getting out of their hometown. And infinities away from them both, a teenage revolutionary disappears into thin air, on his way to bring back his past and fix his (and everyone’s) future.”
Is there a romance in your WIP and did you plan it from the beginning?
yes! there are three! they are definitely a main focus of the plot, but not THE main focus. Reese and Rowan were definitely planned from the beginning. Collin and Noah were, too, but they weren’t originally enemies to lovers, and they are now (hehehehehe). and Isaac and Avery were DEFINITELY not planned from the beginning. in fact, Avery was originally paired up with Sage, but it’s literally so much better this way and i’m so glad it’s been changed. Isaac and Avery has been planned since about when Isaac’s character was thought up, one year into planning WTCMTS.
What genre(s) is it?
a mix of dystopia and urban fantasy. and it’s YA, borderline NA because some of the characters are 19-20, but i still think YA is appropriate because of the style of writing.
What’s the aesthetic of two of your characters?
fun question! Collin’s aesthetic is very emo-punk, with a splash of yellow towards the end of the series. piercings, blue hair, rips on clothing, dirty converse, smudged eyeliner, safety pins. the yellow comes in as part of her character arc, as she learns to accept that her childhood memories are tainted and not actually perfect utopia. Rowan is way more minimalist (sometimes). they’re into the bookstagram type aesthetic, and mom jeans with sneakers, jean jackets, plants against a white wall, colorblocked windbreakers, rain against a car window.
When did you start your current WIP?
WTCMTS was started in august of 2017 
How far along are you in the process (i.e 1st/2nd/3rd draft, worldbuilding)
still worldbuilding, unfortunately, for personal reasons
Who’s the hardest character for you to write?
OOOOOOF. sage or rowan?
What music genre best decribes your main character(s) and whats their favorite?
Collin - alternative (favorite band would be like twenty one pilots, p!atd) 
Rowan - ichillwave (clario, rex orange county)
Avery - emo (fall out boy, all time low)
Isaac - indie alternative OR instrumental lofi (jaymes young, birdy)
Noah - electropop (lorde, halsey, charlie xcx)
Reese - folk rock (the head and the heart, of monsters and men)
Sage - indie pop (lana del ray, florence + the machine)
Are you working on more than one WIP?
yes! i have four currently but only two are important lol, ILLUNIUS and WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY (this one). WIP PAGE
how did you come up with the title for your WIP?
is there anything you want to change about your WIP but you are hesitating on?
do you have a favorite character? a character that is your baby?
write a tinder bio for one of your characters.
how do you feel about epilogues? does your wip include an epilogue?
what changes does your MC go through over the course of the story?
what is the most significant insignificant thing that happens in your story? don’t explain why it is significant if it spoils things ;)
do you know what will happen after the ending of your wip, or would you rather not picture it?
how long does your wip span? is it a novel? a series? does it have prequels or spin-off wips?
what is a major internal conflict for your MC? 
do you include flashbacks in your wip? do you like writing flashbacks?
TAGGED BY @writevevo​ AND @wolvesofarcadia​
thank you both for this tag! it’s so much fun and both of your novels sound like novels that would be very interesting to be stuck in :D
inspired by this post
you’re an older sibling and you have a younger sibling. you’re extremely bitter towards your younger sibling for stealing opportunities from you, damning you to a life you never truly wanted. your younger sibling adores you and just wants to please you. they never meant to do it. 
you’re stuck in constant, wistful wanderlust, never feeling like you truly belong, never fitting in anywhere, not with friends, not with family, and when you finally find the place you’ve been looking for, you realize it’s nothing like you dreamed or remembered.
you’re not heterosexual. no one around you is. no one is cisgender either. where are they? no one knows. 
you have a peculiar capability dancing under your skin. it trickles from your pores and muddles with your mind. maybe you asked for it, maybe it was predestined, maybe you never wanted anything to do with it. whatever the reason, it’s there, and you don’t know what’s you and what’s it. maybe you’re not meant to ask. maybe you’re meant to succumb. 
your memories are as fickle as the rain, coming and going and breaking through the clouds, shattering the fog and disappearing with the sun. you can’t recall what you’re doing here, or where you’re meant to be instead. what’s your name?, they ask. you don’t know.
there are two worlds. one world is blissfully unaware of this, or at least, as unaware as any world of millions and millions of people can be. no secret can be kept forever, they tell you. you are desperately trying to keep the secret.
the one closest to you, despite your abhorrent denial of this fact, the one you would trust with your life, will betray you. because of their decision, their selfishness, you will either lose them, or lose yourself.
THOSE WERE SO FUN OMG. they all mostly apply to both of my major wips, which is probably bad. oh well LMAO
SORRY THAT WAS SOOOOOOOO LONG hope at least someone does one of these tag games lol <3 
xander out
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jaceythejester · 6 years
Kamilah x MC x Priya Fan Fiction: Bloodbound The Way of The World
Pairing: Kamilah x MC x Priya. Poly.
Cast: The whole cast (as of Book 1 chapter 11) are featured.
Synopsis: Diana falls in love with Kamilah and Priya while trying to save the Clanless who are left to die by the other vampires.
Author’s note: Please separate the artist from the work. You wouldn’t ask an actor who plays a serial killer if he kills people in real life. Like people, each character has different facets to them. In this story, no one is entirely from the light side and no one is entirely from the dark side. That’s all I can say without spoilers.
About author: f / http://youtube.com/JaceytheJester Check out Becca x MC: Two Sides of The Same Coin (ongoing) on http://wattpad.com/JaceytheJester
Rating: 15+
Prologue word count: 2,663
Chapter I: TBD
Chapter I word count: A bit over 10k. I might not reply any asks until chapter I is posted.
  If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, Diana remembered. That’s what they say about New York. Lily had told Diana that the people she met in New York would help her realize her dreams. Diana didn’t know how but she wanted to believe so.
  The life in this concrete jungle, where tall buildings rise so high they seem to pierce the sky, may not be for everyone. Here, people talk fast, walk fast and do everything fast. Nobody has time. Everyone who isn’t rich or won’t have a large inheritance from their family anytime soon, has to work to live or live to work to keep themselves in New York City; the capital of the world and the centre of business and finance. Only the best of the best are here. You either go hard or you go somewhere else.
  It was already four in the morning. Diana just finished brushing her long blond hair when she realised she couldn’t sleep in the luxurious and secure suite inside Raines Corp Tower. She set her large green eyes on the writing desk at the opposite site of the bed and thought she should write something down in her deep red leather bound journal which she just bought last week to make sure she wouldn’t forget anything or any details about the serious situations in her new life.
  Being the classic case from a small town, Diana decided to leave for New York after her college graduation. People didn’t see her off. They just said things that were anything but supportive. Do you really think you can make it? How are you gonna do that? What if you fail? Diana remembered those words well. It made it easier for her to pack her things and catch a flight to New York. Some people from this young city craft their own way and become a part of history in this world. Diana wanted to make people see that there was something special about her. Most importantly, she wanted to be free from family values that branded certain things forbidden for women but not for men.
  In this sleepless city, bright neon lights and the big, high definition digital screens make night more beautiful than day. Diana found that she really preferred dusk to dawn which was a good thing. Night had become Diana’s regular time of work merely a week ago after she became a personal assistant of a vampire CEO, Adrian Raines, the owner of Raines Corp; one of the leading companies in technology industry in the world.
  One of the very important things anyone should know about vampire race was that not all of them were gorgeous and glamorous like they were made when featured in vampire films and fictions. In reality, there were all kinds of them. Some were utterly ugly and murderous. Some were incredibly kind and universally beautiful. Diana had met the former and she was very lucky to still be alive. She made a bunch of blood thirsty vampires her enemies after all.
  Fortunately, the vampires around her were people she could trust. Adrian might look like a man in his mid twenties but in fact, he was around three hundred years old and he wanted to be the force of greater good in the world.
  Kamilah Sayeed, the perfect beauty and the Egyptian vampire queen was the CEO of Ahmanet Financials, one of the most successful companies in financial industry on earth. Kamilah was royal by birth and reserved by choice. Even though she was two thousand and sixty three years old, her appearance was that of a woman in her late twenties. She would never grow old or deform. Her beauty was eternal like the universe itself.
  After Lily Spencer, Diana’s roommate and best friend was attacked and was on the verge of dying, Diana begged Adrian to save her. The only way was to turn Lily into a vampire. Adrian did and Kamilah was furious at both Diana and Adrian. The action could jeopardise him and his whole clan. But what else was I supposed to do? Watching my best friend die? Diana thought. Kamilah threatened to kill Diana as a result but Diana wasn’t really afraid. She thought it was just something close to what a protective sibling sometimes say to their sister’s boyfriend; If you break her heart, I’ll break your neck.
  Not only Kamilah was there the whole time during Lily’s turning process, she offered to teach and train Lily herself. Kamilah told Diana about Lysimachus, her twin brother who sacrificed himself for a good cause when the Egyptians were attacked by the Romans in 35 BC. That was five years before Cleopatra who was Kamilah’s cousin, passed away. Diana was convinced that Adrian reminded Kamilah a lot about her brother. Adrian and Lysimachus had a lot in common. It was plain to see why Kamilah was fiercely protective towards Adrian. The fact that Kamilah remembered precisely that they met two hundred and thirty four years ago said it all.
  During her years as a human, Kamilah served as a nomarch. A governor of some sort and a title very rarely earned by a woman. Diana didn’t expect any less from a cousin of Cleopatra specifically when the last Queen of Egypt was known to be strong and fiery too.
  A lot of things about Kamilah remained to be discovered. All Diana knew was that there was no one else Adrian trusted more than Kamilah.
  Diana glanced at Lily who was lying on her stomach on their bed and was probably asleep. Lily was one day old in her vampire age and so it was her time to get some rest. When Diana was certain that her friend would not bother her, she got her journal out of a drawer and set it on the desk. She casually flipped through the pages without so much as glancing at what she had written. There were things she had already remembered by heart.
  According to Adrian, there were one hundred and eighty vampires in New York City and six of them were the most powerful ones who had seats on The Council of New York vampires. These were also the leaders of other twenty nine members of their own clans. Each clan ruled in six different sectors. Kamilah in finance and Adrian in technology.
  The Baron was a short, chubby man in his late sixties. He was a criminal before and after he became a vampire. A nightmare that no one ever wanted to come true. He was a gangster in 1920s, he still dressed like one and he was a gang leader today too and he probably would be until the end of time. Diana believed that if having been turned into a vampire couldn’t change a man then nothing else would. He reigned ruthlessly in organised crime.
  Lester Castellanos who was neither tall nor nice must have been in his late fifties when he was turned. Lester had thick, untrimmed facial beard and thick greyish hair and a lot of worry lines on his face which definitely didn’t have any bad affects on him in commerce. After he caressed Diana’s arm in front of Adrian and Kamilah simply because he wanted to, Diana quickly went to the bathroom and washed her hands and arms twice. Then she remembered that she slapped his face and she washed her hands again for the third time. This was a kind of man who would make everyone of every sexuality run. Out of disgust, not fears.
  Adam Vega was a tall, broad shouldered Spanish man with the kind of magnificent jawlines that handsome Hollywood actors have. He looked like a man in his forties. His thick dark hair and his thick eyebrows only added up to his charisma. But Diana learnt that at the end of the day, Vega was still a politician who only cared about himself and his own gain. Like the colonial Spanish nobleman that he used to be. Adrian had to pay a generous amount of money to him in exchange for his vote so Lily could be a new member of Clan Raines.
  Despite the fact that Lily was no longer a human being, she still had feelings and she had every right to live as much as anybody else on earth. Yet Vega didn’t care. Lily is now one of his own kind but she is not one of his own clan. Like human society, the discrimination among vampire race existed. Diana couldn’t help but think about Jax and his people. Clanless and rejected. Excluded and soon to be executed. It was Vega’s idea to wipe them out once and for all. She wished she could do something for them. If only she could change Vega’s mind. But he was a kind of man who would not do anything for anyone unless he would receive an irresistible offer in return.
  That is politics, she remembered what Adrian had said to her. Now Diana wondered why anyone should trust and give power to politicians to run their cities and countries when all they cared about was themselves and their benefits. It took Diana a few minutes to shake the thought of Vega out of her head.
  And at last but not least, Priya Lacroix, a famous fashion designer who was gorgeous enough to be a model herself. Despite being the youngest clan leader among them, Priya was confident and comfortable leading Clan Lacroix and having a seat on The Council. On top of that, for the past years Priya thrived in fashion industry. It is one the most fast-paced careers of all time. Anyone who has money can own their own studio in New York but only those who are truly talented get to keep theirs. Priya was one of them. Not to mention, her studio was one of the most popular scenes in the city. Diana had met Priya only once and she found her to be extraordinarily exquisite. Her pair of playful brown eyes and and her full, sensual lips just suited her personality so well. One could never tell that Priya was slightly over one hundred and fifty years old when she looked and acted so naturally like a woman in her mid twenties.
   Then there were the Clanless whom Diana decided to never write anything about in her journal for her and their safety. In case Diana and Adrian failed to get a vote from Priya to keep Lily alive, at least Lily would still have Jax Matsuo and the Clanless to rely on. Diana was convinced that they would never turn her away.
   Another thing that Diana had never mentioned to anyone, not even to Lily, her best friend was her newfound clairvoyant abilities that enabled her to see visions. Fragments of Kamilah’s and Adrian’s past. There was always another man with them. He was called Gaius Augustine. Yet neither Kamilah nor Adrian had ever said his name. As far as she understood, Gaius was ancient and dangerous. She knew this because Kamilah and Adrian were different people when they were with him in the distant past.
   Diana wondered what it meant to have the power that she had but she didn’t mind it at all. It made her feel empowered as though she was some sort of ‘the chosen one’ like those cool characters in fictions and films. She simply hoped that she wouldn’t need saving like a damsel in distress among the vampire race.
   Diana craned her neck to Lily’s direction to make sure that she was still asleep before she started to write on her journal with her casual cursive handwritings that were feminine and rather tidy.
   I am in New York. Is this the right place for me? Even when I’m right here right now, I still have doubts in my mind. Is this really where I belong?
   I feel bad for Adrian. I feel bad for putting him in this awkward situation but there was no other choice to save Lily. I’m thankful for his selfless action. I think he likes me and I have nothing but friendship to offer. He’s a great guy but I just keep thinking about Priya and how perfect she was when I first met her in person. I’d like to meet her again though I’m not sure what I expect. 
   I want to know how she thinks about me or if she thinks about me at all after our first meeting. I want to know what she’s doing right now. When Adrian told me that we’d need Priya’s vote to save Lily, I was glad that it was her. I definitely don’t want to owe Lester or ask him for anything. Baron is cold blooded. He probably smiles when he kills someone. I think Priya will help us. Even though I don’t know her that much, I have a feeling she’ll understand.
   When she was done, she put her journal back in a drawer, charged her phone and left it on the desk. Then she silently slipped into bed beside Lily and was ready for sleep to take her. She didn’t see a text message from Adrian which said that something urgent came up and so Diana would have to accompany someone else to meet Priya instead. Someone he trusted with his life.
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shreyamistry · 7 years
Idk I want something StacyXF!MC angst like they’re in that awkward stage before you become someone’s official girlfriend and MC is growing distant because of everything that happened with Noah and maybe gets close to someone random (Jocelyn?) and it’s got a happy ending but I just like angst and I love your writing x
Summary: MC goes to visit Jocelyn at the hospital weeks after Redfield, their friendship blossoming into a noticeable crushing on MC’s side. But their feelings for Stacy are brought back when she shows up after visiting Andy with Britney and Lily.
Notes: Honestly, I wrote this 3 times already and this is the best one, so I really hope you liked it because it took a lot out of me to finally even get here. So pls love it, I thought the dialogue was most important during scenes that’s why there's more dialogue than descriptors. 
Andy: hey, you haven’t talked to anyone in a few days, are you okay? need to talk?
Lucas: MC, shutting us out isn’t going to help you get through this. Please talk to one of us.
Ava: yo, wanna break stuff? I won’t tell anyone if you cry
Stacy: MC…please… message one of us, tell us you’re alive. I miss you..
Dan: Stace is going off the deep end worried about you, please just message her if not any of us.
Lily: MC, I’m really worried about you. I gave your parents a muffin basket of my favorite kinds to cheer you up, did you get it? Anyways, please message me, your parents wouldn’t let us in to talk to you
MC looks at the muffin basket sitting on her dressers, untouched wrapped up in its pretty little bow. MC would have thrown it away, but she felt bad since Lily went through all the trouble to deliver it to her. She crumples up the list of homework she’s gotten from her parents through the school, she hasn’t done any since everything happened.
How could they expect her to return to normal? After everything that happened, she can’t help but push everyone away. They just remind her of everything she’s been through everything she’s lost, she’s not sure how she could live with herself if anyone had died in the cavern. She felt so betrayed and stupid, trusting Noah… he was so kind to her and everyone else, how could they have known?
Normal was too much for MC right now, she did the pretending to be normal for a few weeks after homecoming, going to school, talking to her friends, visiting Andy in the hospital, but it just got to be too much. She only leaves her house to visit Jocelyn in the hospital, after everything went down she went to visit her to thank her for saving everyone. Jocelyn can’t move, move yet, but she can talk. She thinks back to her first visit with Jocelyn after homecoming, she had finally woken up.
Jocelyn lays still in her bed, her eyes staring at the ceiling, it looks as though she’d been crying and even with everything they been through, it makes MC sad to see her like that. “Hey Joss?”
Joss looks spooked for a second, her eyes landing on MC’s. She stays silent as MC comes to stand next to her bed, she blinks away tears. “What are you doing here?”“I came to see how you were doing.” MC smiles, taking a seat in the chair next to Joss’ bed. “I know we’re not friends or even close, but I wanted to make sure you were okay. And I wanted to say, if you want to be friends, move on from what happened before, I’d be down with that.”
“I’m sorry, MC, for everything… I know I can be heartless, but Cody was my friend since kindergarten, where he went I followed. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, like truly forgive me and not just a fake we can be friends.”
She’s visited Joss every day, sometimes they don’t talk and other times she reads Jocelyn books and other times she tells Joss about her feelings. Joss listens, but usually doesn’t know what to say, she’s too happy to go lucky to know how to deal with the sadness, and she begins to learn a little more every day about what happened, Redfield….Ava’s magic…. It scares the shit out of Jocelyn, but she still listens.
Britney visits too, and MC usually leaves them to be together, they are best friends after all. Brit promises not to tell Lily, ‘it’s not my place MC’. She’s grateful for at least that act of kindness from Britney. Her love life was looking promising as well, I mean, Stacy Green wanted to be with her… or so she thought, rolling back to now it felt like Stacy didn’t even find her attractive and it’s just been incredibly awkward. They were supposed to have a date tonight, but MC knows she won’t go even if that does mean standing up Stacy. She doesn’t want to hurt her like that, but she’s hurt more.
Her family helped pay for Noah’s funeral along with a Mayor Green and Lucas’ parents, and MC helped Noah’s mom through it, she was grateful. MC couldn’t tell if she was relieved by Noah’s death or relieved he didn’t have to suffer anymore… or if she even missed Noah.
She walks into the front door of the hospital greeted by a kind nurse, he knows her. Signed her in every day. He smiles brightly at her, “Hey, MC. Your friend Andy supposed to be in today, getting his cast removed. Are you here for him or Joss?”
“Joss, Andy and I have plans later.” MC lied with a smile, signing her name, looking up at him.
“Snagged you and Joss a copy of Vogue this morning, don’t tell my boss.” He laughs, handing the magazine to her.
MC smiles taking the magazine from him tucking it under her arm, “Thank you, Chris.”
“No problem, tell Jocelyn I said hi. Also, tell her they have her favorite pudding for desserts so ask for 2.”
“What would she do without you,” MC says with a laugh, waving bye and walking towards the elevator. The doors open as she steps in. and she waits for them to close she spots Stacy and her friends coming in through the front door as he phone beeps.
Andy: Getting my cast off today, I hope to see you.
MC sucks in her breath as the door closes, hoping no one saw her. She tucks her phone back into her pocket, looking at the cover of the Vogue magazine, she smiles to herself, Joss is gonna love this issue.
“Do you want to hear about the winter fashions or end of winter predictions?”
Joss looks thoughtful for a minute. “MC, can you actually braid my hair.”
“Sure,” MC says, standing from the chair, she sets the magazine down on the chair where she sat. She runs her hands through Joss’ hair, taking notice of how soft it is. Joss lets her eyes fall closed as MC separates a section of her hair.
“It’s so nice to have human contact again.” Jocelyn giggles, letting her eyes fall on MC.
MC smiles back, “you’re so cute, Joss.” She uses her free hand to brush a few strands of hair out of girl’s face. “How are you feeling today? I forgot to ask earlier.”
“Better than usual. I could finally bend my arm at my elbow this morning. The doctors say I’ll be ship shape soon enough.” 
MC grins down at her, “Good. I’m glad. You deserve it for how badass you were at homecoming.”
“That’s sweet of you to s-” She’s cut off by the sound of Britney’s voice coming through the door, she has her back to Joss as she pushes in holding a few things in her arms, “Jossy, I’m here. I brought you some stuff.” Britney turns around seeing MC, a little shocked. “Lily, it’s MC.”
“MC?” Lily questions stepping into the room coming face to face with her.
“Lily…hi?” MC stands awkwardly by Jocelyn continuing to braid her hair, letting her eyes focus only on Jocelyn’s hair. Refusing to make eye contact with her friend.
“That’s funny, I thought you said MC’s na-” Stacy says walking into the room with a plush animal for Jocelyn in her arms, “MC?”
“Stace.” MC smiles, refusing to meet her gaze as well.
“Brit-Brit.” Jocelyn smiles as she walks, Britney kisses her forehead smiling at her.
“How are you feeling Joss?”
“I’m okay. Here braid my hair, I think MC could use a moment.”
MC stands in the hallway next to Stacy, neither of them knowing what to say. Stacy takes a deep breath, looking at MC, who still avoids looking back. “I should get going..”
“Did you get Andy’s text? He’s right upstairs. You should go say hi, he misses you. Everyone else is in the cafeteria right now.” Stacy states, walking towards the elevator hitting the button. She looks back to see MC still standing by Jocelyn’s door. “Listen, you don’t have to talk to me or whatever, but at least be a decent friend to Andy.”
“A DECENT FRIEND?” MC yells, walking over to Stacy. “A DECENT FRIEND?!”
Stacy stands tall, she looks at MC in the eye. “A decent friend.”
“Go fuck yourself, Stacy.” MC storms off towards the stairs exit, as Stacy runs after her.
“You can’t keep pushing us away, MC. We’re your friends. We just want to help you”
“I can do whatever I want.”
“Sooner or later you’re gonna have to deal with what happened in that cavern and I STRONGLY urge you to pick sooner before it’s too late.”
“What are you saying?”
“We’re not gonna be here forever MC, we can only do so much, there comes a time when you have to let go.”
“Then let go. I don’t need you guys. And I definitely don’t need you Stacy”
“You don’t mean that.” Stacy swallows hard, questioning herself.
“Maybe I do.”
Stacy goes silent, as they face each other on the stairs. She looks like she’s on the verge of tears, as she takes a steadying breath.
“Fine. I’ll go tell Andy you said you don’t need us anymore. Have a good fucking life.” Stacy goes back up the stairs, as MC stands silently thinking over the last few moments of her life. She wanted to call out for Stacy, as she turned her head back to look at MC. When MC doesn’t say anything Stacy nods, pushing through the door.
“Hey, Chris, can you do me a huge favor. See if anyone in Andy’s room?” MC asks.
He looks up at her with a smile, “Stacy just left. The others haven’t come back yet.”
“Can I?”
“Yeah, he has a few minutes before the cast comes off, just knock before entering.”
“Thanks, Chris.” She walks towards Andy’s room using everything in her to build up her courage, as she sets her knuckles against the door. She licks her lower lip, before forcing herself to knock. Andy’s voice is soft, a little sad, but he says come in.
MC pushes the door open closing it behind herself before looking to meet his gaze. He smiles at her, as she pulls up a chair next to him sitting in it, resting her hands on the arms rest before smiling back at him.
“Stacy just left.” He adds, as MC nods. “I know you didn’t mean. She does too. She’s just a little hurt that you said it.”
“What?” MC asks, “Why would she care? She barely acts like she can stand me anymore.”
“That’s not true.” Andy states, “Didn’t you get Dan’s text? She’s been really upset about this the most, she texts us every morning to see if we got a message from you. That girl basically loves you MC. You’re her best friend and probably more than just that.”
MC nods, listening to Andy talk, “How do I fix it?”
“Tell her how you feel. I know this is hard on all of us, Lucas keeps texting me articles and facts about people dealing with grief and trying to get all of us to have an intervention for you, but you were the last one in that cave.”
“I was the last one in the cave.”
“it’s gonna be hardest on you, now go after Stacy. She’s outside getting some fresh air.”
“How are things with Lucas?”
“Really good.” Andy smiles. “Come back and let’s talk okay?”
“Of course Andy.”
She takes a deep breath as she approaches Stacy, she sits on the bench right outside her face in her hands, MC feels terrible for making her cry, but she doesn’t know what to do. She sits down on the bench next to her. “You know, a beautiful girl once told me, ‘you can’t keep pushing us away.’”
Stacy looks over at MC with a soft laugh, as she wipes her eyes. “You came back.”
“Technically I never left, but yeah. You were right. And so was Andy.”
“Should have known you’d listen to Andy over me.”
“He said the same exact things as you did.”
“He also said to do this.” MC leans over placing her lips against Stacy’s, Stacy stiffens a moment before falling into her touch, kissing her back. They both finally pull away smiling at each other happily. “Wow..”
“Yeah.” Stacy laughs, taking MC’s hands in her own. “I’m glad you came around.”
“I’m glad you wanted me.” MC laughs.
“I always will.”
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justjen523 · 7 years
Zyglavis x MC
(Rating M 18+)
Sorry again guys about the computer incident but like I promised I won’t just leave ya hanging. Here’s a one shot smut piece for my ladies who need their Zyglavis fix!
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His intense silver eyes stared up at me. I didn’t have to see his mouth to know he was smiling. He loved to tease, tantalising and lustful his every movement was driving me wild.
“Mmm…god Zyglavis….that feels… ah…so good.” A dark, low and devilish snigger spilled from his lips as I writhed, consumed in the delicious way he was devouring me between my legs.
“More…please…. please don’t stop…I….” Honestly I was surprised I could even form words let alone string them together. My legs were drooped over his shoulders as I sat on top of his desk in his room. His knees on the floor in front of me he held me by my thighs as I was quickly losing myself to his passion. His hot slippery tongue stroked up and down before dipping inside of me making my body quake with his every movement.
“S-Shit..I’m gonna…oh god…” He smirked at me devilishly as just as I was about to climax he stopped making me hiss in frustration.
“What?! Are you serious?!” He laughed demonically as he got to his feet and stood between my legs preventing me from going anywhere.
“I sincerely hope you didn’t think that it was going to be that simple with me. Or perhaps you have forgotten who it is you are with.” Zyglavis had never been anything less than uncomfortably intense and a stickler for the rules. I lost track of how many times I ended up writing letters of apologies with Ichthys due to insubordination. I had even served my fair share of time-outs for merely running through the hall.
“What, do you want me to beg?”
“That is not necessary though it’s not without merit.” His wicked grin while aggrivating also turned me on unlike anything else I had ever known. This was the first time we had ever done anything. Before today I actually assumed the Minister of Punishments strongly disliked me. I rarely ever saw him smile let alone speak in a casual manner. How we ended up here was beyond me but after seeing the man behind the mask I was definitely not complaining.
“I am simply enjoying playing with my new toy, I’m sure even you can understand the appeal of doing such a thing.”
“Toy?!” However, before I could say anything more his lips pressed feverishly against mine stealing my breath away. While for the briefest moment it registered that Zyglavis and I were actually kissing, once his tongue entered my mouth I instantly turned to marshmallows in his surprisingly more than adept hands.
The way his large warm hands cradled my face as he kissed me deeply only further fanned the flames of desire coursing through my veins. I could barely contain myself. Every time his lips briefly parted mine simply to reclaim my mouth from a different angle caused my heart to drum louder and louder. I never would have guessed in a billion years that Zyglavis of all the Gods would have me in such a desperate state.
Wrapping my legs around his waist I tried to pull him closer still only to earn another mischievous smirk.
“My you are certainly unlike anything I expected. Do you really find yourself that attracted to me?” Unanticipating that question and with him in such close proximity my face quickly felt overtaken by the heat of shy embarrassment. When I tried to look away he was too quick and grabbed my hands holding me in place so he could peer into my face only further darkening the red that was causing my cheeks to glow.
“Aggressive yet shy, you are quite a contradiction. I would be lying if I said I didn’t find you absolutely fascinating. Tell me, what are your limitations exactly?”
“I could spend days on end exploring every inch of your mind and body but I am afraid because you are merely human that such a thing is not possible. Since our options and time is limited what are you willing to allow me to do to that tiny body of yours?” The seriousness of that question has me trembling with excitement, nervousness and fear. Zyglavis is a god. A Divine being vastly different from myself in almost every possible way. While at this point I would allow him to do all sorts of things to my body I honestly have no idea what differences await us as we are from two separate worlds.
“Can we even do anything? I mean, isn’t it taboo for a human and a god to be intimate?” A surprised yet pleased and mildly excited smile responds first to my question.
“You are correct. It is one of many divine laws of the Heaven’s that a god such as myself is not to ever lay with a human.”
“Then….we really can’t do anything can we?”
“If that were not an issue what is it that you would like me to do to you?”
“Oh come now, we are past the point of you feigning coyness. Tell me what exactly you picture me doing?”
“I-I-I…don’t know…uhh….” Still donning a dark looking smirk he brings his lips to my ear and whispers his next few words.
“You know exactly what you desire, I can see it in your eyes. It is not wise to lie to a god, especially when he has you trapped between his legs.” I can’t prevent the quiet gasp that falls out at his words ripe with implication.
“That’s right, I know all of your deepest darkest wishes despite being a Punishments god. I know how much you want me. I can feel it pulsing through your veins and smell it on your skin. You loved the way it felt when I ate your pussy, so much so you’d give anything for more. Isn’t that right you naughty little girl?” Too speechless to answer I simply stare at him unsure of how to respond.
“You want to be punished don’t you? And what’s more is that you want me to be the one to do it. I do not mind in the least. I simply want to hear you say it in your own words.”
“I….. I…” When I hesitate he leans in and nibbles on my ear before speaking in an impossibly low and sexy voice.
“I won’t know unless you tell me.”
“I want…. I…..want…you Zyglavis.” I finally manage and am rewarded with soft sensual kisses all along my neck.
“Very good, but I need to know more. Do you want my mouth?” His lips brush against my skin setting it on fire.
“My hands?” His hands travel the expanse of my body making me tremble under his touch. Suddenly he roughly spins me around and bends me face first over his desk before pressing firmly against my backside.
“My cock?” I can feel how hard he is through his pants and the sudden thought of him actually fucking me becomes impossible for me to try and supress.
“Nmm yes… your cock. I want you to fuck me Zyglavis, please.” The warmth of his body bends over me but a moment in response.
“Well done. For your honesty I shall grant your wish despite it being against the law. Speak of it to no one otherwise this will be the first, last and only time you ever see this side of me understood?” Unable to speak I simply nod awaiting his next move.
His hand glides elegantly over my rear as he takes in the sight.
“Are you certain you are ready? I must warn you, I am not gentle.” Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves and prepare myself I nod.
“I’m ready for my punishment Minister.”
“Very well, let’s begin.” Keeping true to his word nothing about what happens next is kind or gentle. It’s a rough hard pounding that hurts so good you don’t know whether to cry or beg for more.
He wastes no time in burying his huge thick cock inside my tiny by comparison entrance. As I gasp at the sudden sensation he chuckles darkly before leaning over me and holding my wrists with his hands.
“Be a good girl and hold still, I wouldn’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have to.” Every thrust is painfully rough as he pounds his lust into me. I can barely breathe at the intense and overwhelming size of his godly cock filling me to the brim as it thrusts harshly in and out. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the air as his desk absorbs my cries of pain and ecstasy. When his rhythm starts to falter I know he’s close.
“Harder Zyglavis! Punish me! Punish me!” Just as he’s about to shoot his load I push him off and drop to my knees in front of him taking his swollen throbbing cock in my mouth before sucking the cum out.
“Unnnh…Nmmm that’s a good girl, take it all.” His long black lashes flutter as he empties himself into my mouth and down my throat. He doesn’t remove it until I have milked out every single last drop.
When I finally get to my feet I nearly fall over from the afterglow and the lingering heat and throbbing between my legs. Zyglavis pushes me gently onto his bed smiling at me.
“You may rest here tonight, but do not make the mistake of falling asleep. We are just getting started.”
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acindra · 7 years
Sooo I’m gonna ramble about my ideas for coming up fics under the cut.
kingjoethecat- I love your michael with touch issues, I would love a fic that focused only on it, maybe it all boiling over and yelling at his friends? It would have to end in a happy note thou ~
Anon- I wish you would write a fic where jeremy comforts michael !
I’m gonna combine these two prompts into one fic. I think it’ll probably be about sensory overload in addition to the touch thing. I’m not sure if it’s going to be exactly like my touch thing where I can feel it if people touch me and it leaves behind a ghost feeling until I wipe it off or if it’s just gonna be that Michael doesn’t like people touching his bare skin. Possibly going to include my texture thing. No real solid ideas on it beyond that, yet. 
thisisnotveryspecial- 42.“I’m only here to establish an alibi.”
This is gonna be put into We Only Want To Have A Good Time but I’m not sure the situation it’s gonna be used in yet. My general idea for the fic so far is the next chapter involves them joining Christine and Rich in setting up their campsite/booth for the Relay for Life. “I don’t know how I feel about doing manual labor on our first date.” They’re gonna have problems setting up the tent/canopy because Jeremy is the only tall person there but luckily Jake shows up with a cooler full of drinks and height. 
The next chapter will involve the beginning ceremony for the event which will probably be glossed over because I don’t actually remember too much of it. Everyone in the squad will show up and they’ll do an initial lap or something to scope out some of the other booths. The booth they’re running is for the theatre club and they’re gonna do improv sketches for money, dramatic readings of bad literature (like my immortal or something), as well as selling fake-flower crowns that Brooke and Jenna helped Christine make the day before. Since they didn’t finish making all of them and people are buying them, people will be delegated to make some more in the camping tent so there’ll be some of that eventually.
The next chapter will involve actually going to booths and buying things as well as shenanigans probably. Like. One of the clubs has a ‘jail’ you can spend a dollar to get someone put in and then in order to get them out again you have to spend 5 dollars. The MC for the event will also hold like a soccer game in the middle of the field and like dancing stuff. There’s probably going to be a dress up contest.
anon-  Hello, do you still take prompts? If yes, then its not usual lovey dovey boyfs prompt. I was thinking that in this fandom is needed a fic where Michael has s crush on Jeremy and confesses it in 7th or 8th grade and Jeremy gently rejects him and Michael gets over the crush and they stay best friends and maybe way later they got curious and date each other when they are in college.
thisisnotveryspecial- 48.“You make me want things I can’t have.” 
anon- 42: “ I need a hug. ” and 43: “ You’re special to me. ”
These all will probably be combined. The fic (which I’m currently writing) is loosely based on the first prompt but I don’t think I’m gonna make Michael get over his crush. It’s going to be called Our Loneliness Will Keep Us Warm probably. Basically it starts off with Jeremy buying The Hoodie for Michael’s birthday the summer before they start freshman year. He buys patches of stuff he thinks Michael will enjoy and then gives it to him hoping it’ll be ok. Michael, of course, loves it and is overcome with emotion. Jeremy’s like ‘only the best for my best friend’ and Michael admits that he thinks he’s gay. Jeremy is like that’s cool it’s not like you have a crush on me. And Michael tries to hide it but fails and Jeremy’s just like. OH. UM. OK. But also sorry I don’t think I like you like that. Michael shrugs it off and is all I know, this is a me-problem, don’t worry about it.
Fast forward to year 3 of uni and they live together in an apartment. They’re all still friends with the squip squad but everyone has moved away probably. I’ll probably touch on Christine dumping Jeremy because she’s aro just so I can show that Jeremy still makes jokes about Michael having a crush on him (not in a cruel way but in a ‘i acknowledge this really awkward thing happened and it’s totally fine, we made it through it and are still hella close bffs) as well as the squip stuff but, at least on that front, i’ll try to not make it angsty.
Anyways so Michael has a late class that prevents him from going to clubs on tuesdays but he insists Jeremy goes to the GSA (gay-straight alliance) without him (Michael still participates in the club events for the GSA he just can’t go to the proper meetings) and IDK I might make Rich go to their school too so Jeremy has someone to go with cuz I don’t think he’d go by himself. Anyways, one of the students does a presentation on sexuality, romanticism, and gender identity which gets Jeremy thinking about his own identity. He texts Michael asking if he’s going to come to the Starbucks hangout after the club meeting (which is what we used to do after GSA at my uni) but Michael says he’s gonna head home because he didn’t get a chance to eat between classes. He comes back to the apartment with a drink for Michael and finds Michael finishing his dinner. He hands over the drink and pops the question ‘how did you know you liked boys?’ which has Michael doing a spittake. They discuss the presentation (Michael’s like Christine gave a very similar presentation when she came out as aro why are you questioning things now and Jeremy admits he hadn’t really been paying attention because he was upset over being dumped or something), specifically about romantic attraction and sexual attraction and how they’re two separate things. Michael admits that he knew he was gay because one day he was over and Jeremy was ranting about something and he really wanted to kiss him. And then he started noticing other boys. And wanting to do stuff with boys. But not girls. 
They settle down with their laptops to do homework or whatever  and Jeremy thinks about his relationship with Michael. He ends up googling things like ‘how do best friends act around each other’ and ‘signs of a crush’ and ‘am i gay?’. He gets increasingly concerned and anxious and Michael notices and is like what’s going on. Jeremy’s like uhhhh I think I’m bi. Or at least biromantic. Maybe. I’ve never really wanted to kiss people I just really want to hang with them? And then he stumblingly explains that he wants relationshippy things like holding hands (which he does with Michael) and cuddling (which he also does with Michael) and going on dates (they don’t go on dates, but they DO do a lot of things one-on-one). Michael is like well you haven’t had a lot of experience with kissing either. There was Brooke and Christine (and Chloe, Jeremy shudders) and that unnamed girl from the party last year. Plus not everyone likes kissing so it’s hard to tell. Jeremy’s getting this sinking feeling in his stomach that he has a crush on Michael which quickly switches to a fluttery feeling because Michael is, still, his favorite person and totally awesome.
Jeremy is like “I have an idea!” Michael is like “No.” because he sees that glint in Jeremy’s eyes and it’s never a good thing. Jeremy convinces him to hear him out and is like “Ok, so you’re a boy.” “I don’t like where this is going.” Jeremy suggests they kiss, for various reasons and Michael is reluctant but also hey he still has a crush on him this is his chance. They kiss for a while and then Jeremy is like sooo I’m definitely biromantic. Um. I might be bisexual? 
At this point it could go one of two ways, smut or not smut. I’ve only vaguely developed the smut idea cuz I wanted to be sure I could fit it in if I was going to write it. So Jeremy continues- But I’ve never really been in contact with anyone else’s dick before. To be fair I’ve never come in contact with anyone else’s genitals in general so I don’t even know if I’m sexually attracted to girls but that’s not the point. The point is right now we’re both here and you have a dick so. Then awkward handjobs. Michael makes an offhanded remark about how it’s funny Jeremy is his first time having sex; he had often dreamt about it but never thought it would happen because Jeremy was straight and haha see I told you you wouldn’t die a virgin. And then Jeremy realizes he just had sex with Michael and starts reeling but Michael calms him down. And then Michael awkwardly makes the ‘this doesn’t have to mean anything’ speech and Jeremy’s quietly like ‘but i want it to mean something?’
And that’s as far as I got with that idea.
anon-145: “ Go back to bed.”
I’ll probably put this into my possible vent fic about being mixed race raised american and not being in touch with your heritage which I kinda touched on here. I only have a vague idea about Michael’s cousin coming to visit and then shunning him because he doesn’t know any Filipino or Ecuadorian culture or maybe Christine talks about her Chinese heritage one day and starts asking Michael about his to try and be friends with him.
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Circumstance ― Chapter 4: Thrown to the Wolves
PAIRING: Nik Ryder x trans*M!MC (Taylor Hunter) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Circumstance ⥽
Taylor Hunter (MC) has made it good for himself in New Orleans; turns out moving to a new city fresh out of college to reinvent yourself isn’t as hard as people make it out to be. Things only start to get confusing when he finds himself the target of a malevolent wraith. Good thing someone’s looking out for him though — because without Nighthunter Nik Ryder as his bodyguard he definitely won’t survive long in the twisting darkness of the supernatural underworld he’s tripped into.
Bound by Circumstance and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the book Nightbound and the rest of the Bloodbound series. Find out more [HERE].
Note: Circumstance only loosely follows the events and plotline of Nightbound, and features a separate antagonist, different character motivations, and further worldbuilding.
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Circumstance/series tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
Turns out there have been some unusual fatalities hiding under the city surface. Nik decides to go on the defensive and find a protection spell for Taylor that requires a rare ingredient only found in the hands of the Bayou werewolves.
*this chapter contains brief narrative of Taylor’s trans experience; this is solely framed around my personal experience being an AFAB transman and does not speak for every trans experience
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Mid-yawn Garrus slides something in front of him that smells like the first bitter chill of winter with a peppermint leaf for garnish.
“That’ll put a little pep in your step —” the fae hesitates, mutters something under his breath, before he gives an affirmative nod, “— yes, yes it’s the Garrus guarantee.”
“And what could it do on accident?” Ivy asks beside; pulls the concoction over before Taylor even has a chance to grab the straw.
“Why, milady, I’m not sure I like your tone!”
“And I’m not sure I trust anything sans liqueur made by your hand.”
Garrus visibly wilts and takes the drink back.
Taylor can’t help but feel like he’s somehow offended him by not drinking. Doesn’t mean he’s going to start just to make someone else happy, but —
“You look like a man on a self-guilt mission. Not necessary, my mortal. I relish the challenge.”
It’s a relief to look up and see Garrus’ determined smile. But he is tired, and tries not to yawn again with his mouth uncovered.
“Dunno why —” —yawn— “— I’m so tired anyway,” Taylor mutters, “I was passed out for a few good hours at least, right?”
Krom looks up from his notebook — now positioned at the bar with the rest of them instead of on his own. “Unconsciousness doesn’t provide the same type of relaxation that willing sleep does. You’re basically running on empty.”
“Oh,” then to Garrus, “you wouldn’t happen to have a coffee pot, or, uh, coffee cauldron?”
“Alas, no, but —”
“‘But’ there is a world beyond these walls. Or have you boys forgotten?”
Like the Stooges all three heads turn in sequence to focus on Ivy and her look of bemused exasperation. For a bespelled revenant she’s awfully expressive. Ivy insists the look is au natural but Garrus admitted to seeing her apply a little bit of rouge to her risorus†cheek muscles like a contour when she wasn’t listening.
“If you’re in the mood, Taylor, we could head out and nab you a few shots of espresso. That’ll keep you moving.”
“Or he could just go back up to Ryder’s and nap,” mutters Krom with every intention of not being heard.
Ivy scoffs. “Well that’s no fun.”
And while the thought of leaving the safety of these four still-strange walls doesn’t really appeal to what little sense of self-preservation he has, Taylor would be lying if he wasn’t already starting to feel the downsides of a caffeine addiction.
But… “Ryder said the wards of this place would protect me — that whatever attacked me is still out there.”
“Well sure it is. But it’s daylight sweetheart — and I’m gonna go out on a severed limb when I say this but I doubt that beastie has a glamour.”
He glances over to the entry door where the tails of Ryder’s leather coat had vanished hours ago. “Should we wait for him?” Aren’t bodyguards for tailing along after all?
But Ivy doesn’t seem all too thrilled with the idea.
“Let the man work. He’s a buzzkill anyway. I’ll be with you — and I’m a lot more durable than I look.”
But Taylor must still look doubtful. Because she walks around and places her purpling hands one on his shoulder and the other on Krom’s — jostles him out of his concentration with a “Hm?”
“Between Krom and I you’ll be just fine.”
“Wait — I’m coming along?” The stone troll asks in surprise.
“Are you really passing up on the chance to enter a small-town java house? All those future playwrights and lost poets just begging for you to observe them in their natural habitat?”
Judging by the look on his surprisingly-expressive (for, you know, a guy made of stone) face no; no he’s not.
If Ryder trusts them enough to leave Taylor in their company for the last few hours as he has then it’s for a good reason, right? He’s safe with them, right?
“Garrus?” Taylor throws him a look and a raised eyebrow. Might as well make a whole thing of it with no man left behind after all.
But the fae declines with a polite shake of the head. “Nah; someone’s got to be here to keep Ryder from raising an army to find you, should you be unfortunate enough to return after him.”
“And the bar.” Krom adds; earns a thoughtful look from Garrus’ sparkling eyes.
“Indeed. But maybe bring me back some of their little human product for me to experiment on, darling? I’d appreciate it.”
There’s absolutely no way Krom could miss the eyelashes being fluttered his way… yet somehow Ivy and Taylor are the only ones who notice.
Still the granite that make up his cheeks go a little rosy in color. “S-Sure.”
“You’re a shining star. A real…” he taps his chin in thought of an apt compliment, “muscovite mica?††”
Somehow it’s so bad that it works — if Krom’s duck-and-fluster is anything to go by.
Ivy packs up her bag, Krom pockets his notebook, and Taylor leaves a hand-written note assuring his competence and agreement in being whisked away to leave with Garrus. They’re even at the door when Taylor looks between them with a moment of ‘duh, you dimwit’ and uses his body as a door shield.
“Your faces.”
“What — something wrong with my tusks?” Krom claps a hand over his mouth sheepishly. Ivy though — she can’t be bothered and yanks the mortal aside with ease.
“Relax, honey. Remember that it takes — Krom your tusks are pearly as always relax — a powerful charm for the average mortal to see through glamours. To them nothing will be out of the ordinary.”
“So, wait, what will I see?”
And there has to be a certain twitch to her grin — something that ticks all of her visible muscle tissue more than average.
“You’ll see my best angle. Which, for the record, is all of them, but in all our monstrous bliss.”
Krom huffs. “Speak for yourself.”
“Less talky more walky!”
She ushers them out into the early morning light.
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Not that he doubts Ivy — it only takes about twenty minutes in her presence to know her confidence isn’t just well-placed but well-earned — but it still takes Taylor a few hot minutes and some very intense stares at passersby to fully assure him that their glamours are infallible.
Which definitely doesn’t help the nerves he gets when he starts thinking about why he alone can see through them, but that’s a low-priority problem.
“I can’t believe it,” the trio turns down a familiar corner, “that you guys were so close all this time. I took this way to rehearsal once when they were fixing the pothole in my complex parking lot.”
“That’s why I picked that theatre, actually. Short walk to Garrus’.” Krom comments — doesn’t realize what he’s said until he looks at Taylor and Ivy snickering together in confusion.
“And where’s your place, Krom?”
He points somewhere off. “A few blocks that way.”
“So farther than the Shift, huh?”
Either he can’t or won’t answer. But it’s enough for them to let it go.
Another block of pensive silence before Ivy thwacks the back of his legs with her leather bag. “I could read your mind but the spell doesn’t work well out in fresh air. So drachma for your thoughts?”
“Well…” he debates saying something else but doesn’t, “I was just thinking since we’re so close to my place maybe we could stop by? I could grab a bag?”
Grab Kristin’s bag. Fuck. He still needs to go find her at the hospital. But Ryder promised to take him when he’s safe. Can’t risk her life again.
And maybe he anticipated them being against it because he’s surprised at Ivy’s greedy grin.
“Oooh, can we peek through your stuff?”
“Uh… sure?”
“Then I’m down for an adventure.”
“It’s not —”
A finger adorned in a lace glove shushes him. “Hush, little mortal boy. Let me have this.”
Lucky for him Ivy doesn’t even think to ask him to chip in for the coffee. Lucky for the baristas she’s got more than drachma in that handbag.
“Your usual, Ivy?” Asks a handsome man at the register, and it’s pretty obvious why he remembers her order. While they trade witty banter Taylor helps Krom pick out a bag of coffee beans for Garrus to play with — he’s no expert but since it sounds like he’s the only one who’ll be drinking it he’s a little selfish.
While Krom heads to the counter he snatches his drink up and chugs it with no regard for manners. Yes the steaming roast scalds the living crap out of his tongue but the quicker the caffeine kicks in the better.
Doesn’t mean he’s not sheepish when he tilts the cup for the last possible drop and Ivy’s laughing in his face. Only she’s allowed to laugh — especially since she buys him a second to savor.
There’s a second of panic when Taylor pats his pockets — keys, wallet, where is the phone — and remembers Vera high-tailing it with a cellular hoard. He debates mentioning her (and the funny difference between who and what) to his new friends but thinks against it.
Low-priority problems and all.
Immediately Ivy besets the place with exuberance. Pokes this and lifts up that and starts to rummage around his kitchen cupboards like she’s searching for the Holy Grail. Krom is slightly less obvious with his intentions but definitely zeroes in on the sole bookshelf and it’s contents.
Taylor doesn’t know what to think. So much has changed in the last twelve hours — changed in him, in the company he keeps, even in how he views the world around him — but not in here. Even Kristin’s half-drunk teacup from his dramatic confessional still rests on the kitchen island.
“You eat a lot of fish.” concludes Ivy while shutting his freezer. “I don’t know of any creatures who have a diet solely of fish that isn’t environmental.”
“I — sorry?”
“You can tell a lot about a creature based on it’s nest. But this is some pretty mortal stuff.”
There’s a snort behind them; Krom actually shady side-eyes his small collection.
“Unless you count an obsession with Oscar Wilde.”
“I just like —”
“Nah nah,” Ivy argues, “that’s still very mortal of him.”
While they continue to discuss their findings Taylor starts inching towards his room. “You guys do that. I’m gonna… uh…” They don’t seem to mind him leaving them hanging.
First and foremost — he changes. Rids himself of the smell of sweat and grave and something that’s left his jeans a little sour (he has a vague flashback to the instant before passing out and tries to tell himself it’s the body’s natural response to terror, totally normal and not at all embarrassing).
The rest is just shoving things into a bag. A crumpled-up duffel he got with a gym membership that ended up being a waste of money with the lack of inclusive changing rooms. At least it was good for something.
The circled date on his bedroom calendar catches his eye and Taylor’s so very glad they stopped by.
He’s got a needle halfway in his gut when Ivy wanders in like she owns the place. Stops and stares with wide, glassy eyes.
“Shouldn’t a medical professional be doing that? Can I watch? Does it hurt? I forget what it feels like to have flesh. Ooh look you can pinch it!”
Taylor tries not to move the syringe too much while hastily batting away Ivy’s probing fingers. “Stop—Stop Ivy please! I don’t want this to break under my skin.”
He doesn’t mean to sound so strained — but it gets her to back off in the doorway. Doesn’t stop her clinical analysis of his every move though.
“Now can I ask questions?” She asks only when he’s secured his bandaid and disposed of his needles. It feels strange to say but only because up until now there’s only been one other person to see him like that.
“I guess.”
“What is it?”
She picks up the little bottle and stares intently at the contents. Only when he’s got the rest of his supplies packed up does he pluck it from her and add it to the set.
“Are you deficient?”
“Not exactly.”
“Then why do that?”
“Because you can’t be deficient in something your body barely makes.”
“My question stands.”
Taylor purses his lips. It’s no ‘getting caught with a binder in gym class’ but it’s not exactly his favorite topic of conversation either. Ivy waits patiently, though, blinking owlishly.
“I mean — I’m trans,” that’s not the part he’s had an iffy time discussing, “I’m not shy about saying it. You — do monsters… I mean can they be…?”
“If I’m understanding right then yes.”
“Okay. So. Us mortals don’t have magic to fix all our problems; or… not on a normal day. So instead we just…” He reenacts his injection, miming the plunger in hand.
“Does it hurt?”
“It’s a needle. Kinda.”
“Does it help?”
That’s something he answers with no doubt in his mind. “Immensely.”
“Okay then,” she pops on her heels, “if you’re grabbing a bag though can we take your boxed cheesy noodles? Krom wants them but he’s too shy to ask.”
One conversation as casual as the other. Thank god — he can only monologue with a script to follow.
“Sure. You got it.”
“Great!” She squeals and claps in delight before rushing off.
Yeah, pretty great.
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Less so when their quest brings them back to where they started — everything much the same except for the grim frown Ryder refuses to shake.
“See, what’d I tell you? Safe and sound.” Garrus says by way of greeting; flashes them a look when Ryder’s back is turned and rather than disposing of the rest of the hunter’s drink he discreetly knocks it back himself.
“Do you have a death wish?!”
He doesn’t give Taylor a chance to answer; rounds on the pair of Ivy and Krom instead. “In what world is it a good idea to take a kid with a target on his back on a coffee run?”
Krom shrinks back (quite well despite his size) but Ivy isn’t having it. Stands up straighter with her hands on her hips and focuses the empty fire of her eyes straight into Ryder’s soul.
“Don’t you talk to me that way, Nik Ryder. Or would you rather I take my pound of flesh owed literally?”
And judging by the look in her eye she’s not kidding. Makes Ryder falter before fixating back on Taylor.
Only Ivy isn’t done. “Oh no no no, don’t you harass him either. Poor thing was wilting in the dark here.” She throws an arm over his shoulders and pulls him in for a strangely cold hug. “We’re here and there’s not a hair out of place on his chinny-chin chin. So get over yourself.”
Now she’s done; pushes past him with a not-so-subtle shove that doesn’t look like much but sends him staggering back on uneven footing.
Taylor holds up a finger before Ryder can even try.
“I needed to get some stuff from my place. Thanks for the concern though.”
When he walks passed the hunter follows doggedly at his heels. For a guy who was content to let him leave the apartment last night he’s certainly put on a nannying personality.
“I get that,” it’s obvious he’s trying to keep a level tone, “but things are a lil’ bit different than they were last night.”
Excitedly Garrus takes the bag of coffee from Krom — ushers the troll to join him into the back to start experimenting. Taylor swivels on his stool to where Ryder stands with arms crossed.
Ivy watches with interest. “Meaning…?”
Though he was all words a mere moment ago, Ryder seems to have to come to grips with whatever needs to be said. Steels himself and sets his jaw so hard Taylor can hear his teeth grind together.
“Denna and Carlo are dead.”
The sass drains out of Ivy in one fell swoop.
“What — both of them? How—when?”
“Carlo two nights ago — vamps were keepin’ it quiet as long as they could until someone could get a word up the coast. Denna the night before that.”
“In-house hits?”
“That’s what I thought — ‘specially what with Carlo’s debts to the Smoke. But it wasn’t an ordinary killing. There’s a body.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Don’t believe me?”
“Vampires don’t leave corpses, Nik.”
“Well Izzy wants you to do the autopsy, so you can see for yourself.” He fishes a crumpled up piece of paper out of his pocket and lets Ivy snatch it from him.
If they weren’t suddenly no laughs and all hard frowns Taylor might applaud them for their character. But this was the same Ivy who laughed herself to tears when she explained to him how she became her own possessed corpse — if she’s not laughing it’s probably for a good reason.
She clutches the paper in a sinewy grasp. “And Denna?”
Ryder just shakes his head.
“It’s a miracle I got to her body before the mortals did.”
“Busy boy…” She grabs her things in a rush. Is halfway to the door when she turns back and scampers over to peck a kiss on Taylor’s cheek.
“I’ll be back later, sweets,” when her lips are close to his ear; “do whatever he tells you now. Stay safe; stay alive.”
Then she’s out like it never even happened. Leaves the air hanging uncomfortable with the woodsy scent and stale coffee on the back of Taylor’s tongue.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s happening?” he finally asks.
“That depends,” Ryder steps closer and takes a tentative seat on the stool to his left, “on whether or not you really wanna know how much danger you’re in.”
What a loaded statement. No, no he doesn’t. But… “I have to, don’t I?”
A flash in Ryder’s gaze; pride maybe — or pity.
“Carlo de la Rosa was head of the vampires in town. Nothing fancy or formal; he was oldest and had the most ties to the community. I think he was cousin to the first mayor or summin’. Either way… he’d been around a long time.”
“Old vampire was important, got it.”
“Good. So —”
“So he’s dead though.”
His sigh sounds so… defeated. Not a good look to have on a bodyguard, really.
“Yeah, yeah he is. And his kin tried to cover it up. Vampires don’t leave bodies, Taylor. They leave piles of ash. That’s one of those facts of nature things; stuff that doesn’t get messed with. If there’s a body then there’s a chance it’s still alive. But… not this time.
“Hopefully Ivy’ll have some answers. She’s pretty well-known in the local community; dunno if she mentioned. Her services cost an arm and she won’t hesitate in takin’ a leg, too, but she’ll figure out what happened faster than I could.”
No wonder Ivy is the way she is, then.
“And this ‘Denna’ chick?”
“Now that is a fuckin’ mystery,” Ryder growls, “one I almost don’t want solved. Real powerful shapeshifter — she had herself enough faces to form a one-woman zoo. Whatever was strong enough to take her down isn’t something I want to meet on a lonely night.”
There’s something about the way he says it that makes Taylor suspicious. Makes him bring a leg up against his chest and hug it tight — like whatever’s hunting these people down is lurking just out of sight.
And maybe it is.
He sort of gets Ryder’s panic, now.
Ryder’s a direct guy. But right now he’s anything but.
Taylor’s a little disappointed that it takes him as long as he does to come to the final conclusion — one Ryder must have reached hours ago.
“You think that the thing that killed those two was the same thing that was after Krissy and me.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“And we still don’t know what it is.”
“No, we don’t.”
“But if it did kill them… it’s —”
“It’s dangerous; but we knew that. So instead of focusing on the shit we know let’s focus on the shit we don’t. Like how to keep you safe.”
He’s not overly fond of the fact that knowing how to keep him safe is the first thing on their list of unknowns but hey, it’s on a list somewhere and that’s a good thing.
“I’m filled with equal parts terror and caffeine —”
A loud cry interrupts him; followed by a bang and light blue smoke beginning to unfurl from the bottom of the back room curtain. Somehow it only adds to the aesthetic of it all — doesn’t it?
“— so; any ideas?”
Instead of answering — you know, like any normal person would — Ryder just hops off his stool and bounds up the steps to the second floor two at a time.
“Is that a yes? Or a no?” Taylor calls; realizes just as the blue smoke starts to tickle his nose that he’s not gonna get an answer.
“Ryder?” He calls up — why does the smoke smell like a seafood restaurant? — then leaps up and stumbles after him. “Hey, Ryder! I asked — wait up!”
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If he thought the outdoors smelled like Bayou before he was sorely mistaken — in the actual Bayou it’s more swamp and something peppery in the air.
“Come on. Kristof ain’t exactly a fan of tardiness.”
He jogs to catch up to Ryder’s coat-tails. Whoever Kristof is, the fact that Ryder’s devil-may-care attitude is put on hold to meet his needs says a lot about him; that he shouldn’t be kept waiting being the most vital.
Large tiki torches line the darkness around them — chase away the world beyond the well-worn earthen path they walk towards their destination. Fireflies hover around the flames with interest; who are you, bright light, and why do you tower before me? Taylor also catches sight of what look like dried flowers tied to the base where the flames are hottest.
They make the air smell sickly sweet and heavy.
“Whats on your mind?”
He looks over to see Ryder watching him instead of where they’re headed. Not like there’s much chance of getting lost with cattails walling off their winding road.
What a loaded question. “What isn’t?” He poses his own instead.
Ryder actually laughs. And it doesn’t sound laced with sarcasm or spite. He makes a note to check the hunter’s breath for that whiskey when he gets a chance.
“Well, ya got me there.”
But he also knows there’s a truth to be posed. “Uhm, I mean if you really wanna know —”
“Sure, sure.”
“Okay…” Not that it helps him narrow it down… “Well right now I’m having flashbacks to this scripted miniseries I was in during college. Part of our junior final — my first and only time in front of a camera, too. It was called Endless Summer and I’m pretty sure we bought these exact tiki sticks wholesale for the fake jungle.”
It’s a good memory and Taylor’s smiling remembering it. Only when he looks over Ryder isn’t as amused.
“Really? All this goin’ on… and you’re thinkin’ about that?”
“It’s not my fault werewolves know a good bargain when they see one.”
“Do us both a favor — don’t mention that to anyone we’re gonna meet.”
Up ahead the sounds of nature start to give way to voices and music; the tapping of lap-style bongos and a few acoustic guitar chords. Honestly he’s just glad there aren’t any moonshine jug flutes or washing board banjos.
Taylor takes a moment to get his thoughts back on the path in front of them and tries again.
“I never really thought about if there was more to the world or not, you know? Like if people asked me about ghosts or aliens or Bigfoot I didn’t actually care. I used to be really into fantasy books and movies growing up but I knew it was all stage makeup and props and green screens. And once you know how the magic is made… well for me it made it all pretty mundane.”
There’s a soft snort beside him. “That’s the problem with mortals — you get too busy searching for answers and settle on the first one you get.”
“Well no offense but I’m pretty sure the average person doesn’t automatically believe in faeries and — and Bayou werewolves.”
“What makes you so certain?”
The look Ryder gives him bores a hole straight into his chest. Makes Taylor take a second to doubt himself even though there’s never been anything to doubt before.
“I just am.”
“And look where that got you. All that certainty down the drain and a crazy unknown evil comin’ at ya.”
Speaking of… “Are you sure we’re safe here?” He looks around but doubts the flowers and their scent are more than decorative — especially not where that thing is involved. “Why wouldn’t this Kristof guy meet us at the Shift? You know… with wards and stuff.”
They round a bend; there’s a small wooden pergola at the end of their journey and louder noise beyond. What looks like the distant lights of windows on a cabin.
But Ryder stops him with a palm flat on his chest. Taylor pulls back on uncomfortable instinct. He’s sweating enough as it is.
“Make no mistake Taylor,” he warns, “whatever’s huntin’ you aside — no one is ever safe. Not even at the Shift. If something is powerful enough or pissed enough to want to get to you then it’ll find a way.
“As for the Pack…” He throws a grim look forward. “Consider everything you know about werewolves to be a lie. They can change whenever they want. The wolf is as much a part of them as it is separate.
“I wouldn’t normally fuck with this route or Kristof’s Pack but the wolves have a monopoly on most of the native plants. It’s how they keep their lifestyle intact. And in order to do this protection spell Ivy so generously gifted you — we need something only they can provide. And we’re about to bare the backs of our necks to an Alpha to get it.”
The hunter only seems satisfied when Taylor’s face goes pale. Suddenly he’s regretting not having more than coffee before their outing.
“Do you mean that, uh, literally? Or…” He doesn’t finish. Doesn’t have to. Ryder’s face says it all.
Oh boy.
Ryder gives his arm a light smack and they continue forward. “Chin up — if there’s one thing that can be said for these guys its that they know how to have a good time.”
Judging by the large bonfire that comes into view — dims the torches around them into just another speck from a firefly in comparison — heck yeah they know how to have a good time.
As a fan of city amenities himself, Taylor was expecting something a little less permanent out here in the middle of nowhere. Where even their cab driver — “why don’t you own something cool, like an off-road motorcycle?” “I do own something cool: this coat” — had a hard time finding a place to drop them off without debating charging them for getting swamp on his tires.
But the two-story cabin looks pretty permanent. As do the trailers parked around it. Some of them with wooden supports to keep the wheels from sinking in too low — some without wheels at all.
This isn’t a place for the wolves to gather — it’s where they live, and breathe, and thrive.
Taylor tries to stop at the makeshift gate but Ryder keeps going — makes him jog to catch back up.
“Can we just walk in here?” He asks in a hushed breath.
Ryder nods. “Something to remember as a mortal, kid. We’re intruding in their space on means of just existin’. So don’t half-ass it; act like you belong even if you don’t. The rest’ll follow.”
Here’s hoping he can.
“I told you to stop calling me kid.”
“You really wanna work out nicknames now?”
“No — but, I dunno — on the ride back to town, maybe.”
For the most part those gathered don’t seem to pay much mind to two strangers. Small groups sit in plastic lawn chairs around fire pits with cans and bottles. A young couple laugh together while stringing up globe lights around a trailer awning. Someone must be grilling in the distance and it smells amazing.
There’s a high-pitched squeal and from a thicket of tall grass beyond bursts half a dozen children and their dogs at play — careless youth stumbling in the earth underfoot as they play some game of chase.
Wait, are those really dogs, or…?
“Aw hell naw, I know I ain’t seein’ what I’m seein’ right now.”
So much for whole-assing their intrusion.
They’re stopped just short of the porch steps leading up to the cabin. A group of three men — more muscle than men — and an equally ripped woman stand from their chairs with all eyes focused on them.
No, not them. On Nik.
Nik who’s suddenly smiling all casual and friendly — no warmth to it or crinkle in his eyes but definitely trying his best to seem at ease. His expression and body language is totally different. That of a friendly man — maybe not the most personable, but one of those ‘its the attempt that counts’ types.
Taylor recognizes it right away; the masquerade, the donning of a persona. Playing the part. It’s impressive; disturbing, but impressive.
A flat-palm gesture keeps Taylor back while his bodyguard takes a few steps up. Well he tries; one boot on the creaking steps and the three (brothers, they look like) look ready to rip his throat out. Teeth bared and white-knuckled grips threatening to break their beer bottle necks.
“Back off, Ryder.”
“Y’ain’t welcome here. Guess you gotta death wish tho’, huh?”
“Now gentlemen,” Ryder schmoozes with a thicker emphasis on his accent than normal, “that ain’t exactly in the Mardi Gras spirit.”
“Au contraire, y’ piece-a shit,” one snarls, “the Hunt is tradition fer us. And I don’ think Kristof’s picked this year’s pelt yet…”
Taylor isn’t the only onlooker to the not-so-smooth talking, however. Shifts over slightly to watch the woman where she stands back and watches; sips her drink like they’re discussing the weather.
For a pack of wolves she’s lean in an almost feline way. Skin dark-née-umber under the yellowed porch light with muscles rippling just beneath the surface. Hair cropped close with the hint of a tattoo at the nape of her neck that fades into obscurity beneath her tank. Her nostrils flare and then bam — golden eyes on Taylor that make him shrink back and pretend he didn’t see a thing. There’s a power in her gaze. A force to push him away — to make him submit. Is she the Alpha that Nik mentioned…?
Nik realizes he’s getting nowhere with the brothers and, much on the same wavelength of thought, ducks and swerves his head to try and catch the woman’s attention.
“Octavia, now, let’s not start anything. You know Kristof’s expecting me.”
Octavia steps forward and the bodies part around her. Like they’re aware of her every movement and breath. Taylor’s never ‘studied’ animal behavior outside of brief affairs with the animal channel when there’s nothing else on but this is what he imagines pack mentality is like.
It’s beautiful — or it would be if it weren’t so nerve-wracking.
When she speaks Octavia’s voice is rich and husky — more eloquent than her companions and with the trademark Cajun swing oft imitated but never well. No — she’s the real deal.
“Oh I’m well aware, cher, just as I’m sure you’re aware of how hard I tried to dissuade him from meetin’ with you.” There’s no flirtatious edge — only hard, clipped words. Like a commander barking orders. It definitely makes the men around her back up — back down.
Nik hazards another step forward; backs off down to Taylor’s level at the twitch of Octavia’s upper lip — the flash of teeth.
The hunter’s persona is gone now. He knows it won’t get him any open doors. “I wouldn’t come if it weren’t important.”
“You shouldn’t’a come at all. Not after what you done.”
“We both know I was just doing my job.”
Something about it makes the tallest man snap. His bottle breaks in his hand and he’d lunge forward if another doesn’t hold him back.
“That’s ‘cuz ya in the business-a’ murder, fuckin’ dick!”
But it’s definitely not just Taylor who stands surprised when Octavia rounds on her own with a hand curled in the back of his mousy hair — just shy of his neck.
“Watch ya’self, pup. Don’t let an outsider get you all riled up. Control. it.”
And he’s got a pretty good idea of what ‘it’ is based on the way the man’s bared teeth look a little too sharp. Watches as he shoots rapid looks between Ryder—unmoving—and Octavia—unyielding—until he ducks his head. It must be the right thing to do because she lets go and soon the two usher their brother inside.
The tension isn’t gone but it does ease up. Gives Nik the chance to regain his two steps like he’s pressing in on territory but knows not to go too far. Octavia mutters something under her breath before looking back their way.
“I asked Kristof to meet me outside of the Pack turf to avoid this sorta mess.”
She huffs at him. “Yeah, well, it was a dumb thing to ask. ‘Specially during Mardi Gras.”
“Well… yeah. I forgot about that.”
“Whatever it is must be important then.” Her chin jerks up. “Something to do with whatever that is?”
Ryder looks back — exchanges a look of confusion with Taylor that definitely isn’t an act.
“Whate — that’s a kid, Octavia. A mortal kid.”
At least it makes her laugh; though probably for the wrong reasons. “Ha, and I’m a terrier. Half the trouble ain’t your ugly mug ‘round these parts but the stench of whatever you’ve brought ‘long with ya.”
He’d probably be a little more offended if he hadn’t seen how they treated Ryder on principle. Whatever history was between him and the wolves made for bad blood all around. Maybe it was just being transferred his way.
Maybe even after the two hours he’d spent in the dingy apartment shower trying to scrub off the feeling of moldy decay he still smelled like death.
Or maybe they were all assholes; Nik, Octavia, the werewolves too. That made for a much more reasonable explanation.
“You reek of trouble.”
Takes him a moment to shake off his thoughts and realize Octavia’s looking right at him again. Same eyes, same ferocity. Defending her pack.
But since he hadn’t said two words good or bad to her it was a little shitty on her part.
“Second puberty’ll do that to you.” He snaps back; hands on his hips, elbows sticking out. Taking up as much space as he could. Hadn’t the animal channel once said something about scaring off bears by making yourself look larger?
Not that it scares her off. But it does quirk up her lips a smidgen.
“Yeah,” her nose twitches, “that too.”
“A-hem,” Nik actually snaps to bring the attention back to him, “if we could get back to the matter at hand? I ain’t leavin’ without my meeting, Octavia.”
“I know, I know.”
She leaves her bottle on the porch railing. Doesn’t gesture for them to follow but opens the screen door to head inside regardless. “Just had to give them time to warn him, that’s all.”
“We spoke on the phone. He knows.”
“This is Kristof we’re talking about, cher. Don’t be surprised if he takes a swing for the heck of it.”
Ryder scratches his cheek — tries to cover up the somber anticipation of the thought as he and Taylor join her inside.
Most of the party is out by the trailers but there’s definitely an air of something afoot in the cabin’s wooden walls. That with old rugs lining the hallways and a small homemade bar in the corner gives the place an air of sophistication one wouldn’t expect from the outside.
If dozens of taxidermy heads mounted on plaques could be considered sophisticated, anyway.
Some, Taylor recognizes; elk with towering antlers and what has to be some sort of mock up sabertooth — a tiger’s head with a walrus’ tusks or something. He turns to ask Ryder if it is indeed a fake but they’re already ten steps ahead. He jogs to catch up.
Avoids the pointed glares of the brothers at the small bar for the sake of peace.
They stop at the bottom of a flight of stairs. Beside them a door half-open lets light and the soft melody of a piano ease out.
“He’s up in his office.” Octavia stops halfway up the stairs and jerks her head in Taylor’s direction. “Keep the pup down here; whatever you’re up to having something reek in his nose ain’t gonna help your cause.”
He looks to Nik with wide eyes. “No way. I’m coming with you.”
“Remember what I said about baring your —”
“But what if it —” he stops himself; remembers they aren’t in the same sort of friendly company the Shift provides, “— you know what I mean, Ryder.”
He does. From the look in his weathered eyes he really does. Actually makes him throw a look back to Octavia — but the she-wolf isn’t budging. Isn’t just on the stairs as a guide now but a barrier.
Ryder sighs and his voice sounds one word short of pleading. “Can he at least stay inside? He’s new to all this. Like — born new.”
Taylor plays it up; puts on his best and most pathetic face for the woman. Doesn’t know if he should be glad or a little insulted that it actually works.
She jerks her head to where the piano can be heard. “Fine; he can wait in the Trophy Room.” And fixates Taylor with a hard look when she says, “Whatever you break, pup, you best be ready to replace with somethin’ of your own.”
It’s enough… hopefully.
“Stay out of trouble.” Ryder’s warning sounds more like a fond farewell. Some bodyguard, he wants to shout back —but knows it’s something neither of them can control.
He waits until the last edge of leather coat vanishes up the steps and out of sight. Knocks on the side door awkwardly — seems like the polite thing to do — before nudging the door open with his boot.
Oh it’s a Trophy Room all right. With more mounted heads than he ever hoped to see in his life scattered around the wall with other trinkets from what must be Kristof’s victories. A tusk hung here, what looks like the tail of a human-sized scorpion there. A row of frames hanging over a small stone fireplace.
And the piano in the corner facing the drawn plaid window curtains. The player with his back turned, hunched over; fingers dancing along each key with the grace that only comes with hard work and dedication.
He finds an ottoman made from a tree stump and takes a seat in silence.
There are worse places to hang out.
He hopes.
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