#definitely sunflower except for the fashion sense
kit likes sunflowers
aka random headcanons for the evans that just make sense
(this is really short but i wanted to post it so whatever)
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fiddles with his thumb ring when he’s nervous
owns all nirvana albums on vinyl, cd, and tape, but since you introduced him to spotify, he hasn't touched his music
steals your airpods all the time. ALL THE TIME. and never charges them up.
enjoys reading the classics
likes being both the big and little spoon; he likes to protect and be protected
plaid pyjamas man
really likes sunflowers
dilf (but we already knew that 😉)
really loves to bake and is a great baker. he makes a killer foccaccia!!
i haven’t got much for kit today, I’m sorry. i haven’t watched asylum in ages and my brain is just not going there!
kyle (post-death):
likes chamomile tea (and sips it like a boss)
you gave him a polaroid camera for christmas one year and he adores it - you always have to buy new film for him, as he uses it up so quickly
keeps a scrapbook of all his favourite moments living with you and the coven
*you flick through the pages, large, childlike letters construct simple words. there is a picture of a dog taken from behind the window of miss robichaux’s, and several blurry selfies of kyle pulling faces, and images of various coven members practicing magic. then you spot a photo of yourself; next to it is drawn a big, pink heart, with your name inside*
golden retriever energy
hates coffee
when he’s super drunk he likes to slap your backside, and when you get annoyed at him for behaving such a way, he gets all sulky and apologises with puppy eyes
“i’m sooooorrrryyyyy. it’s just your ass is so slapppa-ble.” *burps* “come hereeeee,” *reaches out for you and falls off the edge of the bed onto his face* “fuck!”
does a very convincing impression of elsa, which never fails to make you giggle
you introduced him to true crime, and every time you watch it together, he critics each murder on how they could have been executed more successfully
“by god! you see, dearest, had he dissolved the body first, he would not have found himself with the issue he has procured! *sighs* amateurs. *shakes head in disapproval and sips absinthe*”
favourite colour is red -> red has connotations of blood, roses, passion, love, wine, power = jpm in a nutshell
father? apologies. father? apologies. father? apologies. *clears throat* ...DADDY
peanut-butter-banana-and-honey-toast-every-morning kinda guy (except sunday - sundays are for pancakes!)
goes for a run every business day morning at 6am
would make such a good dad
but like a goofy, fun-guy dad :)
has a habit of coming up behind them and resting his chin on the shoulder of all the women he's sweet-talked into joining his cult
was tempted to die his hair fire truck red but decidedly against it; he thought it would come across too strong and no one would join his cult
has a man-crush on regé jean page because i said so
twitter and reddit troll
really into his karaoke (but unlike austin, cannot sing to save his life)
big dick energy
has a tesla (obvs)
jeff’s dad was really old fashioned and always read the newspaper each morning; a cigar and espresso was his breakfast
obsessed with memes
acts as though the world has ended when he gets pins and needles in his feet
gaga stan
wore converse as a baby (like yk the little baby converse shoes? baby austin definitely wore these)
the cool uncle
twitter and reddit mogul
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the unseen one - 16
Pairing: Hades!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: i rewrote this 100 times. hope you guys enjoy it xx
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Her head felt heavy as her senses returned to her. The first thing that returned to her was sound, although all she could hear were mumbles and murmurs. She opened her eyes to the feeling of a moist cloth being dabbed onto her forehead. As her view got sharper and clearer she was able to make out various female faces looking down at her, one holding the moist cloth that was being constantly dabbed on her forehead, care and curiosity on their faces. She immediately raised her torso from where she was laying, recognising she did not know any of these women and as she turned her head to look at where she was staying, she also did not know where she was. 
She pushed away from their grasp, her feet hitting what felt like hot stone as she rushed from where she was. Y/N did not know where she was or who those people were but if there was something she knew it was that she needed to rush away from them. She ran further into wherever she was standing until she hit someone, making her fall back into the same hot stone. 
      - I’m so sorry, my lady. - she raised her head to see a clothed figure reaching his hand to help her get up which she declined. Y/N kept scanning her surroundings. It was dark and hot but not hot in a way a holiday felt, hot in a way that felt like her breathe was about to be constantly taken away. Her eyes returned to the clothed figure, examining it until she realised the figure had no face. She let out a shriek, crawling away from the figure, wondering if she hit her head a bit to hard. The figure followed her which scared her even more causing her to crawl away, praying that she woke up from his nightmare. The faceless man stopped, bowing ceremoniously which confused her. - Your Highness. 
      - I got this. - she recognised that voice. Finally something she recognised in this god forsaken place, whatever that place was. She turned her head ever so slightly, seeing James standing behind her. His expression softened, softly taking her hands in his helping her to her feet. Y/N wrapped her arms around him, the only single thing she knew was real right now. He carefully brushed her hair with his fingers, kissing the top of her head. - It’s alright, sweetness. You’re alright.
     - What the fuck? - she finally softly murmured, still looking around her surroundings. Everything seemed to be carved out of rock, black stone which shimered whenever the river which seemed to cut the land in half where some translucent figures seemed to be travelling in it. James cuddled her closer to him, not entirely sure how to break it to him. He didn’t even know how she’d gotten the pomegranate in the first place. - James, you need to take me home. I have to speak with Anne, she’s acting weird and I have to work tomorrow. 
     - Sweetness ... - he sighed, cupping her jaw in his hands, not entirely sure how to explain it to her. She’d think he’d gone insane if he told her who he really was and what her eating the pomegranate had cursed her to. She gave him a confused look yet relished into his touch. - I need you to come with me. 
Y/N noticed his tense features, lips pulled tight and eyes avoiding to look into hers as he regularly did. Her hand cupped his cheek, ring finger caressing it in a soothing manner. He leaned onto her touch, he was sure he could find a way to get her off the underworld. She hadn’t eaten the pomegranate knowing what it was and therefore, he was sure he could argue it at the council of Gods but he still had to explain it to her anyway. He took her hand in his, taking her into his office. She found it way more calming than the dark outside with grey yet illuminated walls but what she found more lovely was her sunflower on his desk. He took a seat on top of his mahogany desk, thinking about how to tell her, how to explain it to her. Her parents had been historians so she probably knew how a bit of this worked but the hard bit was to try and convince her. 
He opened his mouth, trying to find the words to say to her but finding none. Thankfully, Hecate intervened, walking into his office in such fashion that suggested she was the ruler of the Underworld and not the other way around.  
      - She’s alive. - Hecate placed her hand over her face, sighing deeply. Last time they had a mortal in the underworld, things didn’t end up exactly swell. Between Orpheus, Theseus, and Pirithous, she knew exactly how things went downhill whenever one was near. The only exception was that this particular mortal had eaten the fruit of the dead and thus now belonged to the Underworld. - Mortals are incredibly resilient these days if you ask me.
       - Excuse me? - Y/N spoke up, mostly to herself than to the woman. She had to admit she looked intimidating with her red fiery hair and thin matching red dress which went beautifully with her pale complexion. Her eyes moved between her and James as her mind started to make up the wildest of assumptions. 
       - I wanted you to know .. - the redhead turned to face the man sat on the desk, finger pointed towards him. - That this maiden plan is a terrible plan. If you wanna coddle her so much, then do it yourself. 
      - Hecate, that’s quite enough. - he threatened, his patience for her sarcastic and sassy remarks growing smaller and smaller. Y/N’s head immediately moved back to Hecate. She knew that name, it was an odd one and one she had definitely read before.
      - Hecate? As in the Greek goddess of witchcraft? 
      - I am the Goddess of Witchcraft. - she snapped her head towards the mortal, innervated the mortal did not bow down ready to worship her. She did miss the good old Greek days where people feared her name. She was about to berate her once she realised why she did not know. Her head turned to face James who had the most annoyed look on his face. - You haven’t told her yet, have you?
      - Told me what? - her eyes settled onto James’ face, mind going haywire.
      - That you’re in the Underworld. Most specifically the Asphodel Meadows. Do you seriously don’t know? - she scoffed at Y/N who was looking at both James and her like a scolded child. - Oh dear Zeus, you don’t know. 
     - Yes, Hecate, she does not know. She did not steal the pomegranate because as I fucking told you, she was with me all of last night. 
     - Wait ... the underworld does not exist. - she raised her hands in exasperation. - It’s just the ancient way of dealing with death and since the Greeks were afraid of dying and stop existing, they created the Underworld. 
     - For someone who’s fucking the God of the Underworld, you sure are clueless. - she narrowed her gaze at the both of them before deciding that dealing with both him and her as something she did not want to waste her immortality time on. She closed the door behind her, the sound of the door banging being the only one as Y/N stared at him.
     - James, you better explain yourself, right now. - she stomped her foot against the floor, not entirely sure if she was dreaming or not. Underworld, God of the Underworld, Hecate? Between that and Anne’s weird behaviour, she wondered if insanity had finally hit her. 
Bucky sighed, hand rushing through the back of his neck. He wanted to tell her, he really did and when he thought about telling her, he always considered taking her out something nice and ease her onto it. However, the current circumstances did not allow him to slowly and sweetly introduce her to what had been his environment for years. 
He took a few steps forwards, placing his hands on her shoulders to try and pull her into him but she pushed him back, hands in front of her and pushing onto his chest.
     - You lied to me, James. - he couldn’t see her face as she was staring at the ground, but he could hear the disappointment in her voice.
     - C’mon, Y/N ... - his fingers grabbed her chin, softly pulling it up so he could look at her face. - Wouldn’t you have thought I was crazy if my opening line was I’m the God of the Underworld?
     - Why am I here? - she lowered her arms, hand coming to hold the opposite elbow. 
     - Last night someone stole a pomegranate from her and it somehow ended up with you. You at ...
     - I know the fruit of the dead myth. - she let herself slide onto one of the chairs of his office. - Am I here forever?
     - No. - he rushed to her side, crutching to her level, taking her hands into his and mindlessly started to rub circles on her skin. - I’m gonna figure this out, I promise. You didn’t eat it knowing what it was and I didn’t give it to you, the rules shouldn’t apply. 
     - So ... are you Hades? Is that your name? - Y/N wondered if he had lied about his name too.
     - It is my name, it’s complicated, sweetness. I think that’s something to explain to you later.
     - Can I still call you Bucky?
     - You can call me whatever you want, sweetness.
tag list: @philogrobizedvee​​​​  @keithseabrook27​​​ @inlovewith3​​​19
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dongiovannaswife · 4 years
Would it be overkill if I asked for all of them?
How about 1, 3 through 8, and 11, 12 and 13? Oh wait, is that too much? Sorry if that's too much! ( > w < ') (I just love you and GioGio together❤)
It’d be a shame if I answered them all right here right now, during my break *eyes emoji* *eyes emoji* *eyes emoji* 
Thank you so much for sending this in! ily friend. ♥♥♥ 
@star-birthmark said: Alright so I'm gonna pull a Lena and just ask for all the questions. Is that good? Great. Love ya
I was just thinking about you doing the same to me so HA I read your mind. ASAsask. Thank you so much <3 
Under the cut for those not interested :D i did not proofread bc my head hurts ;w; 
1.       Does your F/O have a birthmark? (or any type of freckles or beauty marks?)
Beside the glorious star birthmark (which I know I have a spicy hc about uwu) Gio has this super curious and small birthmark on his back, it’s not that noticeable unless you see him closely uwuwuwu.
2.       Is your F/O the type to volunteer to their community?
I mean, he’s,,, literally a mafia boss. His posture on Passione and his work is far from honest, but I feel like he’d actually would open shelters or donate to good causes, and since I hc him as a lawyer, perhaps he volunteers from time to time so he can help people with cases, obviously he doesn’t accept any money from them, as he knows what it’s like.
3.       Does your F/O the type to be giving or to take?
Younger Giorno (I’m not talking from a romantic aspect, calm down please), is the one to always give and get surprised when he gets something in return —the adult Gio from my ship knows how to give and receive equally.
What I’m trying to say is yes, but I don’t know where yet, haven’t thought a lot about that.
4.       Does your F/O have any battle scars?
Better yet —is GER able to regenerate cells fully? That would make him like a super cell, you know. No but seriously, say GER is able to do so, and Giorno wouldn’t have any scares from the events of VA; but what if his moral called for him to do so, to let his skin carry some of them. Say, a scar from Narancia’s last moments on his chest, unnoticeable now due to the tattoo on his chest.
5.       Does your F/O wear make up? (Do you think they would be open to wearing makeup if they don’t wear it daily?)
I feel like he’d wear the casual lipstick from time to time, but not really always. Unlesss someone *wink wink* convines him to do his makeup one day so he can try it.
6.       Has your F/O ever dye their hair or worn a wig?
7.       What is your F/O fashion taste?
ignore the boob window and think about luke Hemmings or this. Exquisite, would give him kith.
8.       How tall is your F/O?
1.98 cm uwuwuwuwuw
10.   When if your F/O birthday?
9.       What is your F/O’s blood type?
April 16. ♥
11.   Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it?
He knows how to cook, yes, but he’s not that good —somehow I feel like his coffee would taste LIKE HEAVEN.
12.   What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory))
Sweet, definitely. When he’s a bit tired from it, though, he goes for bitter things.
13.   If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be?
Metal Gear Solid 4.
14.   What type of aesthetic does you F/O have?
The sense of freedom when you glance at the sunrise. If that makes sense of course.
15.   What color if your F/O eyes?
Turquoise! So pretty aaaaa uwu.
17.   If you could matching tattoos what would it be?
16.   Does your F/O have any tattoos? If not do they like or hate the concept of tattoos?
An owl on his chest, a vine on his index from his left hand and a sunflower on his ring finer; he’s thinking of getting something for the twins, but he’s not sure about what yet. 
A small Aloe Vera potted plant on our necks (based off an ask I remember getting a while ago —if that person is still around, your idea might come true buddy).
18.   Does your F/O have any piercings?
I die for the thought of him with a lip ring. But I don’t really think he has any of them, the lip ring is a matter of,,,, other impulses akdjslkd.
19.   Is your F/O a cake or pie person?
Both. Both is good. Has a leaning to pie, but loves both.
20.   Is your F/O a morning or night person?
Night person.
21.   Is your F/O a coffee or tea person?
Coffee, I don’t think he likes tea *that* much.
22.   Is your F/O half empty or half full type of person?
I’m not sure, tbh.
23.   Does your F/O have a pet? If not in canon what do you think they would have if given the chance?
Listen, a panther would make the best pet for him. But I think he’s a cat person. Not like he doesn’t like dogs, but a cat is probably something he enjoys most.
24.   Is your F/O the type to want to live in the city or live out in the country?
25.   Does your F/O like to swim?
26.   What harry potter house would your F/O be in? (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin)
Nah fam, I’m not really interested on HP, sorry.
27.   If your F/O was in “avatar: the last air bender” what type of bender would they be? (air, water, earth, and fire)
Some of you will kill me for this but I haven’t watched it, ever. :D
28.   Is your F/O LGBT+?
Nope, at least not for me. You are free to headcanon him as you wish. Pleadon’tstartdramathisisnotmeanttooffendanyone.
29.   Does your F/O have any artistic hobbies? (Knitting, drawing, painting, etc)
Drawing, but it’s most for stress relief.
30.   What’s a piece of clothing your F/O is never seen without? (glasses, a necklace, hat, etc)
The arrow he hangs around his neck or just carries around hidden.
31.   What type of scent does your F/O remind you of?
There’s this perfume I absolutely love and I can’t really describe it, but it’s WildCountry.
32.   What’s something you see often that has little to no relation to your F/O but always reminds you of them?
Flowers and vines :,)
33.   Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names for your F/O?
34.   What does your F/O house/apartment look like? (or what do you think it looks like)
If we talk about his years of “I live alone yeee” then pretty much no decoration, excepts for the plants or books he keeps —overall, what you could call monochromatic. Once we get married, we pick a style, with classical sculptures and roman like architecture
35.   What season reminds you of your F/O? (winter, spring, summer, fall)
36.   Have you ever had a dream with your F/O in it?
Yes uwu.
37.   Does your F/O play any musical instruments?
No really.
38.   What’s a song that reminds you of your F/O when you hear?
Gold by Prince.
39.   What is your relationship like with your F/O?
We,,, in love,,,, yes.
40.   How long have you been with your F/O? (or at least been interested in them?)
Interested in him,,,,,, I’m not sure if one or two years?? But in the “”””storyline”””” seven years.
41.   Where is your F/O from? (as in born)
42.   Is your F/O the type to read reviews, or just go with their gut
Better yet, contacts.
43.   What does your F/O’s Saturdays usually look like?
Some paperwork at home studio, comfy causal clothes (black jeans and white tee, barefoot).
44.   What is your F/O’s most valuable possession?
The arrow lmao.
45.   What’s a fad you can see your F/O taking part of?
Analyzing music together!! :D
46.   does your F/O prefer to work alone or with a team?
47.   How well does your F/O know tech? (such as computers, smart phones)
I feel like he knows a lot asdkad.
48.   What’s some advice your F/O would tell you?
“Stop thinking you are not enough, stop thinking no one loves you, stop thinking you are worthless; stop with all your self-destruction.”
49.   What animal reminds you of your F/O?
Lion!! :D
51.   What’s the most interesting fact you know about your F/O?
50.   What color reminds you of your F/O?
Gold AND turquoise
Canon or made by me?? The first would be his favorite musician, because OH I like that musician too, even before knowing him. The second it’s about his scars.
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Polycule ask: who gives who flowers? Besides Mel ofc giving their partners really lovely and meaningful ones. I’m mostly saying this bc I adore the idea of Maia’s partners just... showering her in beautiful and lively things. Also because I feel in my heart of hearts that Simon’s train of thought about Raphael is: hm. He’s old fashioned and likes nice things, but I wouldn’t know what to buy him. I want to court him (someone, mb Izzy or Maia: court?? Why are you talking like that)... flowers! :)
POLYCULE ASK! POLYCULE ASK! POLYCULE ASK! god i’ve missed those!! it’s been a while aaaaaaaaa and i lOVE this one im so excited!!! YES!!
ok so first of all yes meliorn like u said always gives them flowers, and they always get meliorn flowers as well because they know this means a lot in seelie culture so it’s always a nice gife/expression of love for her :)
i also have the headcanon that meliorn gets some flowers for taki’s, which idk if counts as Giving Her Partners Flowers, but i think it’s a cute touch that helps her be a part of taki’s considering she’s less in their realm than the others and doesn’t visit as much. also, she gets the most beautiful, sunny, wonderful flowers for them and they always fit the ambiance so well and it’s really nice :) they aso always have faint but good smells that both maia and raphael can appreciate and that won’t get in the way of their sensory issues and that are also allergy-proof because MAGIC okay. like it’s just :’) wonderful
and you are CORRECT, all the flowers for maia!!! i have particularly soft images of izzy getting maia flowers kind of awkwardly because this is not something she’s really done before except for meliorn, which was easier because she knows seelie flower language so all she had to do was put together a meaning and BAM! done. but for maia she has to make a Pretty Arrangement without having a sorta... meaning chart to go by or something, so that feels weirder somehow?? and she’s kind of lost and probably gets to maia’s all sheepish in a way that’s very uncharacteristic of her with roses and shit (she went to alec for help because they are that kind of siblings and alec is a traditional man so roses it was. also she will be teased FOREVER because of that, which is only fair considering how much she got on his ass). the bouquet is probably too big and maia laughs when she sees it but izzy has that huge smile and looks at her with those big imploring eyes of her like “do you like it?” tilting her head you know, and maia smiles and is like “yeah, i like it, you nerd” and izzy absolutely beams at her
but also!!!!!! simon!!!!!!! and i’ll get to simon getting raphael flowers in a second because boy i do love that image but SIMON GETTING MAIA FLOWERS okay. it’s probably a spur of the moment thing like he went past a flower shop and saw something pretty (im picturing yellow flowers just because...... maia in yellow.... the way it would POP on her and she would look so amazing and gorgeous and lively and just PERFECT ugh) and bought it on impulse so now he’s seeing her in their date that was probably like a movie date or something, you know, definitely not customary to bring flowers to those, and maia laughs and is like “what is this? we came here to watch the new star wars” and he’s like “yeah i know but i saw those on the way and just... thought of you” and she smiles and says “that’s pretty cute” and they kiss and it’s SOFT
also picturing he takes it to her at taki’s or something and raphael teases him like “what, none for me?” and he gets all flustered you know like “sorry i just uh i just saw those and i thought of maia, you know, because yellow suits her so well, and i didn’t think that uh, i didn’t stop to look at others for you, but i probably should have-” and raphael laughs like “simon, relax, you can save the flowers for another time” and simon is like “so you do want flowers! okay good!” and maia just giggles as she places her flowers somewhere safe at their anticts. GOD I LOVE SAIAPHAEL SO MUCH IT’S UNREAL
and of course raphael!!! raphael gets them all flowers. he is that guy. absolutely. he likes to Court. personalized bouquet arrangements he puts a lot of thought into, honestly. i mean of course with meliorn there’s flower language for even for maia and simon he just... he likes to pick something that he thinks suits/represents them even if he’s just going by Vibe. he is that guy who gets them flowers and gets behind them and shows them the petals and shit and like
for maia i’m picturing daylilies so he’s just... he gets behind her and she’s already touching the petals delicately kind of in awe because daylilies are pretty and he’s like “see this? they are fiery. vibrant. intense, but delicate. like you” and she smiles and he goes, “but you know what i like the most about daylilies? they attract butterflies.” and he pauses as she turns around to look at him, surprised, and he smiles at her before taking a breath and going, “you see, daylilies, they are beautiful, and they spread that beauty around. they grow together, and they help all the other flowers around them. they build a family. they care for others. just like you do. everywhere you go, you make things better, and maybe you don’t even realize it” because LOOK im a sap and hes a sap and maia has seen herself as lonely most of her life but the way she cares for her pack and everyone she sees who’s struggling is fierce and beautiful and i just!! it really suits her!! and maia is speechless and she ends up kind of nuzzling his neck and giving him a little kiss on the cheek and he’s like “i take it you like it” and she goes “of course i liked it” and aaa
and for simon... i picture sunflowers. idk i just think simon is a sunflower kinda guy. also you know haha daylighter and shit. but really tho it’s an intense attention-calling sort of flower without meaning to, but it’s also beautiful and vibrant and livens up the place, and it also has a delicate, kind of lonely side? like idk you don’t see sunflower bouquets a lot, usually it’s a single sunflower. and the literal Dark Part you know the black part in the centre that’s swallowed up by the vibrant yellow and that people tend to ignore but that’s also there? not in the sense that simon has a Dark Side, but he hides his sorrows and there’s so much more depth to him. i also like to picture he says something like... “you know, the sunflower turns during the day, trying to always keep close to the sun. but i don’t think it realizes that it has so much beauty of its own” and simon is so very pleased and a little speechless and raphael smiles at him and teases him all like “oh, so now you have nothing to say?”
but he gets his revenge when HE gets RAPHAEL flowers cuz no i didn’t forget!! and i know i wrote that paragraph but i like to think that the first time simon got raphael flowers, that had never been mentioned before and it was a complete surprise. that time was afterwards and he was just teasing him (and maybe fishing to get more flowers because look he’s only human). but the FIRST time they weren’t dating but they were.... getting there and simon was like “HOW can i woo raphael” and everyone else is like “stop saying woo for starters” and simon is like “whatever meliorn how did you woo raphael” and meliorn tells him about the whole flower language thing and how he used that to ask raphael out and simon is like FLOWERS! GREAT! and essentially runs off to get raphael some
so next time him and raphael have a not-date simon shows up with this probably massive and very extra bouquet with many many kinds of flowers and raphael’s eyes widen absurdly and he’s like “simon, what is this?” and simon’s all like “flowers! i didn’t know which flowers you liked, so i just got a bunch, i guess.” and he starts rambling about all the kinds of flowers that he got and their names and why he thought they might like it and is all like “but then i thought, maybe he’d be more into something smaller, so i figured i’d also get-” and raphael interrupts him all like “simon. what is this?” and simon stops for a second like he’s almost panicking and raphael softens all like “i like them all. i just want to understand” and he’s softly touching the petals because this is only the second time in his life that someone got him flowers and for meliorn it had slightly different connotations as it was a cultural thing - not that it’s less special or meaningful, just like, different - and he has this little bashful smile and he’s so pleased and simon kind of goes “i wanted to ask you to go out with me” y’know and it’s SWEET okay aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i can’t BELIEVE i’m saphael trash
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edengarden · 4 years
Hey pls could I get a regular matchup for bnha!<3 I'd prefer a guy but if you think any female fits better then I can be down w/ that too ;))
Getting the basics out of the way: Aries, ENFJ 2w3, Hufflepuff, Chaotic Good
I'm 5'7 with quite a big chest but a lack of ass lmao and I've got bleach blonde hair with bangs that falls just in-between shoulder and chest length. Brown eyes with long lashes (honestly still confused why they're so long now bcuz I deadass cut them off like three years ago bcuz I thought they looked too feminine?? Jokes on past me I'm Extremely stereotypicaly feminine now😽) and a dorky smile that I try to hide in pics but that just ends up with me looking like I have resting bitch face💔
I'm extremely extroverted, bubbly and kind to others with a somewhat hidden vulgar sense of humour that rly contrasts the "cute fluffy animals in sunflower fields and neverending love" vibe that I give off irl. I take on a motherly protective role with my friends (we will pretend that wasn't just bcuz trauma made me mature early luv that 4 me) and am always there to offer advice or just cute pictures/facts to take their mind off their worries!
Despite being very extroverted and people-oriented some people that don't know me may think I'm a lil shy because of my anxiety and tendancy to overthink EVERYTHING. Around my friends I try and hide my real feelings behind a super happy mask so that others can feel the joy I give off and I don't feel like a burden🏃🏃 I can also be incredibly judgemental in my head and if I know I'm right about something I will fight to the death till others acknowledge that I'm actually right.
My current biggest hobby is cooking/baking and I always make dinner every Sunday without fail (shout out 2 my roast dinners they are elite if I do say so myself😌) along with some sweet treats. I also enjoy creating cosplays because it combines my love of sewing, makeup and acting because I can completely embody my character and not have to worry about being judged because it's not Me being judged it's the character I'm portraying.
I can honestly vibe to any music but I prefer cheesy pop songs and jazz music along with assorted classical music that I listen to every night to help me sleep (I say that but some of them fr have me trying to stay awake just so I can listen to the whole song rip)
When it comes to people I tend to gravitate towards introverts because I can always make them ramble their heart out and I adore listening it's honestly my hidden talent both romantically and platonically they've said that they feel I'm trustworthy and easy to talk to (SUCH high praise like 60% of my past friends were the bookworms that Never Spoke and one of my besties now talks to me more than most of her family after only knowing eachother 2months)
Ummm fun fact abt myself I used to be obsessed with the idea of being a spy when I was a child so I wrote my entire diary in code and to this very day I can't uncode a single thing I wrote💀
Have a wonderful day I hope this is enough haha💗
Listenlistenlisten you give off strong Kendou vibes, But Better. And I mean better suited for Monoma. He’s a lot to handle, but you can definitely do it. I think your friendly demeanour and naturally approachable self is VERY convenient for him, even if he won’t say it out loud for a while.
At first you can bet he’s not THAT interested; you’re just another person, and a bubbly one at that. But then he sees how your sense of humour completely derails from your persona and his heart goes “and I oop-“
Jkjk I honestly think it takes Monoma a while to fall, but it’s an irreversible process. Like you keep his boasting and insulting in check?? When he aims it towards you, you just aim it back at him with the same silver tongue he has?? Battle of the Wits. Everyone KNOWS it’s flirting but he doesn’t. You don’t. It’s actually sort of funny.
The fact that you can befriend literally anyone? He’s Shooketh, it’s something he’s not able to do (for very good reasons), but he admires it. He totally hid his admiration through “maniacal plans” of having you befriend people from 1-A and become a spy on the inside. You did not agree to his plans and still went on to befriend Koda lmao you really said “fuck yo plans”.
And my GOD YOUR ARGUMENTATIVE SIDE. He loves it so much, he loves to trigger it, he loves to argue with you, and it’s even better because he’s a bit,, dumb dumb so he 100% thinks he’s right but you KNOW he’s wrong but he thinks he knows he’s right and the arguments go on forever and wow I guess you’re moronsexual now?? This is oddly endearing to me what the heck.
It takes so long for this boy to realize his feelings, and even longer to confess, but through it all he remains the same towards you. The only exception is after you two become a thing and he gets comfortable with you, you might be able to draw out some insecurities from him. Please help him with those he needs help
- Wake Up In The Sky, Gucci Maine, Bruno Mars & Kodak Black
- That’s Life, Frank Sinatra
- Fame, David Bowie (if this doesn’t give you a Monoma vibe NOTHING will-)
- Fashion, David Bowie
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queenmylovely · 5 years
Day One
Summary: Joe mazzello x fem!reader. We shot Live Aid day one. 
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: little bit of awkwardness, but just a meet-cute really
A/N: A little oneshot/meet-cute for a request I got! I was a dresser for a Midsummer at my uni last spring, so here’s me projecting lol. I tried to channel a shy person, lol jk it’s just how my awkward self would be. I hope you like what I wrote, and any feedback including likes, replies, and reblog are greatly appreciated!
Request: Happy Sunday! Can I please get something where joe meets a shy reader?
Perfect Performance, Masterlist
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gif by @ohaladdins
It’s assumed that everyone in the entertainment industry must be outgoing and very extroverted. But, as a seamstress and assistant to a costume designer, you luckily didn’t have to be as you were generally very shy.
When your boss, Julian, was chosen as the costume designer for the Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody, you were super excited. Growing up, you had loved Queen and working in any sort of proximity to them would be a dream. Not to mention that most of your fashion sense revolved around the ‘70s and ‘80s in general. It was a perfect fit.
Julian started working on drafts and sketches as soon as he was hired and instructed you to shop for fabrics at antique stores and hole in the wall sewing shops. You gladly went about your tasks, buying things for the movie and maybe picking up some stuff for clothes you would make yourself, on your own dime of course.
Production started soon after, and you were making and tweaking racks and racks of original pieces, replicas, and antique finds. One day, you and the rest of the costume crew moved everything from Julian’s shop to the movie studio, and you knew that you were going to start fittings soon.
First up was the Live Aid scene, and you started dressing and doing fittings of extras. You had a short break while the 50 or so extras that your team had dressed were being blocked. Next, each of your team would be doing the first fitting for one of the actors that played the band members. You had been assigned to the one that was playing the bass player, an actor named Joe Mazzello.
While you were part of the industry, and certainly watched a lot of movies, you had never heard of any of the actors except for Rami Malek. And you only knew him from his parts in the Night at the Museum movies. You actually considered this a perk, since it meant you probably wouldn’t get starstruck while dressing them.
As you were re-tagging and hanging up some pieces that hadn’t been used, you heard footsteps walking into your work area. You turned around and saw a guy standing somewhat hesitantly at the edge, looking in. He was medium height with brownish-red hair, and green eyes with a slight glint in them.
“Oh, are you an extra? Am I early?” the guy asked you as he took in your appearance. You were wearing high-waisted light wash jean shorts with a red and white ringer shirt tucked into them. Looking down as he did, you smiled slightly to yourself. You supposed you did look like a lot of the extras you had dressed.
“No, um, I’m Y/N, your costume fitter. You’re right on time,” you reassured him, and he sighed in relief and came the rest of the way into your space.
“That’s good. I’m always worried I’m going to be late, so I end up being really early to things and sometimes that causes a problem,” he explained to you. You nodded back.
Walking over to the rack, you read the signs until you found the one that was labeled “Mazzello, J.” Pushing the other clothes aside, you grabbed his first outfit. It was a pink button down shirt with a wild pattern on it and light wash blue jeans. To be honest, it was something you definitely would pick out for yourself to wear. You handed them to him and pointed to the little changing area that had a curtain.
“You can change in there. Do you have an undershirt on?” you asked since he was wearing a sweater and you couldn’t tell.
“Yeah,” he replied, lifting the hem of his sweater slightly so you could see. It lifted his shirt with it and you caught a small glimpse of his stomach. You turned quickly to find your binder with your notes, trying to hide the blush that had instantly heated your cheeks.
“Okay, um, you should take that off too. John Deacon wasn’t wearing one during the show,” you told him as you checked your notes. You heard the scrape of the rings of the curtain on the rail and turned back around to wait. After a minute, he came back out. He was wearing the shirt buttoned to the top and tucked in tightly. You walked over to the shoe rack and grabbed the correct pair, handing them to him. As he pulled them on, you scrutinized the outfit to make sure everything was correct.
“So, do I look like him?” Joe said with a smile and quirked eyebrow.
“Very close,” you responded, turning back to your binder. You flipped to another page that had a picture of John Deacon in the same outfit and looked at the differences between Joe and John. Noticing what you were doing, Joe moved so that both he and the picture would be in you line of sight easily.
After seeing the main differences, you stepped over to Joe and began fixing them. As a seamstress and someone that had dressed many actors of all genders, one thing you weren’t afraid of doing was fixing someone’s clothes. You always made sure that the actors were comfortable, though, so you said a quiet “May I?” and waited for Joe to nod before you started.
First, you undid the very top button of the shirt and pulled the collar to open the shirt more. Next, you grabbed onto either side of the shirt next to Joe’s ribs and pulled up slightly so it would be a more loose and baggy tuck. Next, you knelt down to fix his shoes.
Out of habit, you assumed, Joe had pulled the pant legs down so they covered the top couple inches of the high-topped shoes. To fix this, you pulled up the pant legs so they bunched around the top of the shoe instead.
You stepped back and looked between him and the photo again and realized what you had forgotten. You reached into his ditty bag and pulled out a white belt. Joe took it from your outstretched hand with a smile and pulled it on.
Although you were used to helping people get dressed, him pulling on a belt was a strangely intimate moment that made heat flush your cheeks yet again. Since you were avoiding looking at his face, you missed the same heat color his cheeks a bright pink.
Once he was done, you took another look and said, almost to yourself, “Perfect.”
“I’m glad you think so,” he said and you looked up, not thinking he would reply. You made eye contact timidly, but he was smiling at you and that glint in his eyes was brighter than ever.
“They did a very good job when they casted you,” you told him quietly while averting your eyes, and he had to lean forward slightly to catch your words.
“Well, that’s mostly yet to be seen. Starting with Live Aid is the real test,” he joked, but he also seemed genuinely kind of nervous.
“I bet you’ll do great. They wouldn’t have cast you if they didn’t think you were up to the job. Plus, you’re practically a spitting image of him. Just on looks alone, you’re already doing a great job,” you told him, meeting his eyes with more confidence and offering a small smile.
Joe grinned back at you, glad for your words of encouragement, but waited to see if you wanted to continue the conversation since he could tell you were a little shy.
Just as you were working up the nerve to ask him a question, a PA stuck their head into your workspace to let Joe know that he was needed on set.
“I’d better be going. I’ll see you later; you’re my costume fitter all shoot, right?” he asked as he headed towards the exit.
You nodded in reply. He stopped in the doorway, giving you an infectious smile that you returned after a second.
“Good, I’m looking forward to being dressed by your capable hands,” he said with a wink before heading to set, leaving you with wide eyes, but a smile still on your face and a burst of giggles rising in your throat. This was going to be a wild ride. 
Taglist: @somekindof-cheese @gwilyoubemine@deacytits @supersonicfreddie @siriuslovesmarlene @bowiequeen @acdeaky @deakysgirl @sunflower-borhap-boys @deakyfordays @queensilveryrog @happy-at-home @ceruleanrainblues @briarrose26 
I just kinda created this taglist so if you would like to be taken off or added, just send me a message or ask!
Reminder that my requests are open! If you would like something in a sort of one shot format/length or blurb, etc. send it in! I’ll write for any of the Borhap or Queen boys (Freddie only platonically), Lucy, Patrick Murray, Gardner Langway and adult!Tim Murphy or possibly any of the other characters these people have played if I know enough about them!
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ren-c-leyn · 5 years
Worldbuilding questions! In your world... How would it be described on a travel brochure? What aspects would be highlighted? | What is common for modes of transportation? What do most people use and what is reserved for those of higher classes/more wealth? | What is medicine typically like? Advanced or primitive? Traditionally based or more modern-like? Who are the medical practitioners, and how are they treated by society?
All good questions, that frankly all have vastly different answers, and not even just from WIP to WIP but from land to land in each individual one. So, this is definitely going under a read more, and I’m only answering for the plight of a sparrow this time because it’s a lot of information to unpack.
Question 1:
So, in The Plight of a Sparrow’s world building, I actually started with the highlights of it long before I even had a plot. Each territory has what is known as a sacred treasure, a gift the god’s hand-built to keep the world from falling to pieces after the last great war the races decided to have. (They kind of created a magical ice-age and wiped out a great deal of all of the populations with a number of magic-created disasters.)
 In the high elf territory, it would probably talk about the beautiful temples to Eronia (mother of all of elven kind) that float on their legendary crystal-clear lakes, and would most certainly highlight their sacred treasure the magical water lilies that had pretty powerful in game effects for elven characters, and are sources of wisdom/information/energy for elves in the ‘real’ world version.
 In the wood elf territory there is the great tree and ancestor of all other trees in their expansive forests and unique species of trees. It is so massive that they have built multiple cities and fortresses among it’s branches. Additionally, their territory boasts hidden shrines to Eronia in ancient and scenic places, as well as extremely rare and magical creatures such as the earth horses.
 Human territory would certainly boast their magic springs that extend vitality for the pure-hearted of their race, as well as the vast flower fields that sprung from it. It also holds a number of small wonders, such as the magical lanterns in the capital city of Sunflower, crafted by a famous human enchantress. 
 Dwarven lands would likely have skii-resorts, had skiing been a thing in my world. Unfortunately, it’s not, but they have beautiful farms built into the sides of the mountains, some of which grow their sacred treasure, the golden hop. Not that anyone is going to be tasting that ale without a healthy amount of gold to pay. They also have crystal caverns, beautiful views, the challenge of climbing mountains, unique wild life, just watch out for the wyverns ;p
 The far northern territory of the beast men features snow, snow, and more snow, but also has the sacred treasure: the meadows where the speaking animals left over from the great war were transformed into a race that the other races had to recognize: the beastmen.
Orc lands have their god’s gift, the crystals that boosted their intelligence and wisdom, and have great cities beneath the earth with a unique style of architecture. They also feature massive libraries, some imported comforts from the rest of the eastern lands, as well as good old fashion competitive combat sports.
 But why visit anywhere else when you can drop into the vampire’s lairs? Castles, manors, tea farms that raise the rare blood tea, maintained gardens, staff that never question, and an underlying uneasiness that you probably will only place right before you are never seen again. (I wouldn’t recommend visiting. Seriously. They turn visitors into staff that never ask questions.)
 Dark elven lands are also primarily underground, as the surface is volcanic rock and infertile soil. But they have glowing mushrooms, including their sacred treasure: the pink mushroom, which give everything a soft, almost fairy-like look. Traditional songs, dances, and arts are in as constant practice as their fighting styles and are a thing of aw to anyone who can survive the visit long enough to witness it.
 Moon elven lands boasts the widest variety of herbs, magical plants, and pure magic energy in the world, including their sacred treasure a rare flower used in many potions. Everything is refined and quiet, much like their people are expected to be.
 In the far south, there is the land of the fairies. No one knows anything except they are little trolls that will make your life a living hell until you either give the heck up and leave, or die. Your choice. Oh, and they have giant floral colored cat-like creatures that will eat you, among other weird things that don’t even make sense to people who live in fantasy worlds.
 And finally, the neutral lands. No sacred treasures, but if you enjoy the view of war-torn lands and stubborn people of many races banding together in their common annoyance/hate of everyone else in the world, because they keep stomping on their crops and taking their horses, then I guess that’s where you’d go? 
Question 2:
 Horses are the most common, or just hoofing it. Carriages are of course a thing. Nobles travel in much the same way, thought their horses are likely to be high quality and their carriages all fancy.
 In high elven lands they use boats, as it is mostly made up of lakes, swamps, and rivers with very little in the way of actual land. Wild elves have learned to tame a wider variety of creatures and will often ride creatures more adept at climbing trees, like say forest lores. (you remember those weird pink cat things? These are a cousin of those. I could describe them, but that’s at least three more paragraphs of just description.) Wind wizards can learn to float and even fly, with time and practice, though losing concentration can lead to very bad things happening with that. Fairies of course fly, but can also teleport, but they are the only race with the magical potential for teleportation. Everyone else is out of luck.
Question 3: 
 Now, there’s two main types of medicine in my world, one is very traditional. Herbs and teas and such, and that is the one that is mostly used. Almost every family has a book of remedies and they usually work for smaller things. For big things, though, there are healing mages.
 Now, traditional medicine, it’s just another skill, cool if you know it, awesome if you can set a bone and stuff with it. Usually, though, the sewing of wounds and setting of bones is reserved for wartime when there’s not enough mages to do everything, or when you need to stop the bleeding so the person doesn’t die on the way to the mage / you have to wait a few days for the mage to come pay a visit to your home. Births are usually taken care of by a mid-wife, and each community has at least one mid-wife and one traditional doctor expert, and larger communities may have more than one of each in addition to a mage.
 Healing mages, however, tend to be treated with both reverence and a sort of pity. All magic has a steep cost in my world, and healing magic eats away at it’s wielder’s body, regardless of if they use it or not. Most healing magics become priests in various churches or become a sort of local doctor. The really young ones or the ones slowest to show the effects are the only ones that can be sent off on long journeys for like war as healing mages become extremely fragile. Most do not live past the age of thirty in humans and other short lived races or past 200 in any of the elves.
Thank you for the questions, I had fun answering these =)
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motherednature · 7 years
gold (and you can't just say "she doesn't eat"), jazz
luxury asks.accepting!
‘ a perfect meal?…mn. i dunno. i’ve never really thought of it. ’
while this is a pretty…useless statement, it is true. sera in her modernverse doesn’t think about eating or what she likes to eat, just because she eats like…the bare minimum to survive pretty much. grazing on lettuce, grains, eggs, fish – at the office she’ll have things catered, but still, it’s very simple. it goes along with all the microaggressions towards her own body that i’ve talked about, like uncomfortable but fashionable clothing, freezing but bearable ambient temperatures, etc. but gabe is slowly working on her, and she’s starting to indulge more in having favorite and actually treating herself :’) gabe pays more attention to what she likes, and just by that definition, anything gabe makes her is the perfect meal because it’s something made with special love and attention towards her which is…something she’s never had lol. 
but! maybe one specific meal would be like…starting with a salad that has kale, spinach, onions, apples, and sunflower seeds. then the main dish would be roasted branzino with white wine sauce and dessert would be like. dark chocolate and a glass of red wine. but like i said, she would never go out of her way to make something like that for herself. if it’s just her by herself, just some like. salad is fine. or a fruit. she’s awful…to herself.
‘ …chopin’s prelude in d minor, opus 28, number 24 is one i am fond of. but there are others. you can’t expect me to pick just one, how dull . ’
sera is fond of chopin in general, just because his music tends to go back and forth from very sharp and fast, to melancholy and slow, which for her is really…freeing? if that makes sense? she’s always so bound up and locked away as a person, except for at the keyboard. this is a favorite of hers if only because it sounds like a storm to her, which again, reminds her of freedom. the melody kind of comes in…waves? i wanna say? like the melody being played by the left hand. sera doesn’t really like to acknowledge the emotions that come with a song, but even if she did, it’s hard for her to pin all of her varying emotions into just one song. because while sera looks very detached, she’s got a whole…it’s a song she plays when she’s restless and full of negative emotions and wants to get rid of excess energy. it’s the one outlet where she lets herself fully feel whatever emotion is flooding her, so whatever song she decides to play is a good indication of how she’s feeling – which is why she tries as hard as she can to play only when she’s alone in her house.
‘ …my husband sings to me sometimes. with his guitar. ‘uptown girl’ he sings a lot. i don’t remember who it’s by. and i don’t care. gabriel sings it best. i…i really like it. and things by this one bloke, ehm…bruno mars. but anything he sings, i…i’ve never felt like something worth…singing to, so it…he makes me feel…pretty. like i’m…i’m a catch even though i’m…mn. anyway. ’
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Jan 16, 2019
Bird seed varies in quality. That may not be useful information to you, but now you know. You are an informed citizen. Here’s some more: When the subject inevitably arises at the next fundraising gala you attend, you can chime in, “The percentage of milo used as filler in hardware store seed blends is just, in my opinion, a deep disappointment. And who is eating the cracked wheat? Nobody.” Drop that one and get back to me. 
See, I’ve been upping my bird seed game. It was weak, now it strong. I’ve made a habit of purchasing pretty cheap bird seed from the True Value hardware store in Manlius. Cheap bird seed is loaded with filler: milo, cracked wheat, corn. Most birds don’t give a shit about those seeds. They literally kick them out of the feeder as they dig for the good stuff. What is the good stuff? Black oil sunflower seeds, bitch. Also: white millet, safflower, and striped sunflower seeds.
I drove to Wild Birds Unlimited in Fayetteville today. This is the mecca of all things bird-feeding. My mission was to buy a few bags of high quality bird food. That part was easy, because, like, I’ve been there before and I know where the bags are. They’re right in front of you when you walk in. The hard part (and this is not an innuendo!) was when the cute girl on staff came up to me and asked me if I needed any help. She had big, black-rimmed glasses, and she wore her dark hair in pigtails. I feel like pigtails have kind of fallen out of fashion, but she was rockin’ them. By then I was the only customer in the store, and I decided my best course of action was to ask her for advice and help on a number of matters that, frankly, I already knew the answer to. Like, I knew that the Deluxe Blend of bird seed would be ideal for my one feeder that attracts blue jays, woodpeckers, doves, nuthatches, and cardinals (among others), but that didn’t stop me from asking, “So, what kind of birds is this bag of seed best for?” I also knew that I was going to buy something called Jim’s Birdacious Bark Butter (it’s like peanut butter for birds), but I still asked her, “Do you guys have Bark Butter?”, and “Have you tried it? Does it work?”, and “Would you like to try some of my bark butter?” (just kidding).  
Yeah, so, I definitely did a lot of stalling. Really wanted to run up the clock with this girl in the pigtails. The problem is that the main line of communication between my brain and my mouth also did plenty of stalling, because, holy shit, I stuttered so much. Ugh. It was awful. I was so obviously nervous and tongue tied. “Yeah, I’m just, like, you know, trying to b-buy, uh, buy better bird, uh, seed. Yeah better bird seed.” Try getting to the end of the sentence in one piece, you idiot. I was about ready to rush out of the store and lie down in front of the first moving car I saw in the parking lot. 
Anyway, I got my bird seed. And my Birdacious Bark Butter. Pigtails was super nice to me, and I honestly didn’t get the sense that my presence was unwelcome to her. She was more than accommodating to my questions and rambling, jumbled comments.
I felt like kicking myself as I walked to my car, but in time I lightened up. Back home I was way too excited to try out my Bark Butter. Fork in hand I ran from tree to tree around my mom’s house, pressing globs of it onto the bark. I don’t remember the last time I felt like such an overjoyed kid, an unblemished surge of happiness steeped in a simple thing. A simple thing like feeding birds. So now it looks like the trees have melty peanut butter cookies glued to them. I probably peered out the window two hundred times hoping a woodpecker would show up, see all the bark butter, and cry out “Holy shit, what the fuck kind of miracle is this!?” Except that didn’t happen. I didn’t see a single bird at the feeders for the rest of the day. It was like a ghost town. But tomorrow is another day, and I can wait until then. 
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25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
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There's no denying that when it comes to fashion, Jennifer Lopez slays the game. From dazzling dresses that show off her rocking body to her “Bronx Barbie” street style, J.Lo knows how to make an entrance with her ensembles.
To this day, we still can't get over the iconic green Versace dress she wore to the 2000 Grammys, or the Selena Quintanilla-inspired outfit she wore to the 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards to honor the late Tejano singer. And now that the Boricua is getting the coveted Video Vanguard Award at the 2018 MTV VMAs (she's the first Latina to win the title, btw), it's a perfect time to celebrate her greatest fashion moments.
1. 1997 The Selena Premiere
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Jim Smeal/WireImage/Getty Images
This dazzling sequin dress would be J.Lo's first of many.
2. 1997 Academy Awards
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Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
Looking like Kate Winslet in Titanic, J.Lo attend the Academy Awards with this jewel-encrusted gown.
3. 1998 MTV VMAs
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Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
If you can even believe it, this was J.Lo's first-ever MTV VMAs, and she dressed as if it was her first rodeo (in the best way). She wore a cowboy hat, longline blazer, and simple bra top.
4. 2000 MTV VMAs
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Ke.Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images
J.Lo showed up to the MTV VMAs in this all-white ensemble that people still try to recreate today (hello, Halloween costumes). The bedazzled bandana, Sean John crop top, and rhinestones around her belly button really tied this street style look together.
5. 2000 Grammy Awards
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Scott Gries/Getty Images
An iconic moment in fashion history, this Versace dress made the world go into a frenzy. Don't believe us? Well, J.Lo is responsible for Google Images because of this outfit. Talk about legendary.
6. 2001 MTV VMAs
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Evan Agostini/Getty Images
What's not to love about this outfit? It has everything, from a floppy hat, to leather knee-high boots, to sheer leopard print.
7. 2003 Academy Awards
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SGranitz / Getty Images
This is probably one of her best red carpet looks, mainly because it's so out-of-the-ordinary for her. This flowy, mint green dress was simple and elegant.
8. 2004 MTV VMAs
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SGranitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Not one to shy away from mixed patterns or hats, J.Lo showed up to the VMAs with this eclectic outfit.
9. 2006 MTV VMAs
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Chance Yeh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
This outfit is serving us '70s vibes with the billowy sleeves, headwrap, and leather boots.
10. 2006 Academy Awards
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Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic/Getty Images
Olive green is hard to pull off on the red carpet, but she knows how to rock it. We can't get over the attached skirt.
11. 2010 Academy Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
While this gown is still very much J.Lo-it's princess-like and body-hugging-the ruffles of this dress make it a lot more couture, which is something we rarely see her wear.
12. 2011 Grammy Awards
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Steve Granitz / Getty Images
J.Lo looked like a glam disco ball with this shimmery midi-dress. If you look closely, you'll notice that each gem is a different size-there are larger ones at the hem, patterned ones in the middle, and tiny ones on her sleeves. This attention to detail is what we live for.
13. 2014 MTV VMAs
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Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo knows how to turn heads, and the extreme cut-outs on this dress made everyone do just that. Like the image before this one, she matched her silver sequin dress to her shoes and clutch. Proof that she never misses a beat.
14. 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
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Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage/Getty Images
If there's one thing we know about the “Jenny from the Block” singer, it's that she loves sheer, rhinestone-filled dresses. And the addition of fur (faux?) took this gown to the next level.
15. 2015 Acadamy Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
She looked like a princess in this nude, bedazzled ballgown. It was definitely a fairytale moment.
16. 2015 Met Gala
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Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The 2015 Met Gala theme was “China: Through the Looking Glass,” and J.Lo's fiery gown emulated it perfectly. The gem-encrusted dragon that wrapped around her body was breathtaking.
17. 2015 Golden Globe Awards
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Jason Merritt/Getty Images
The cape, deep v-cut, slit, and crystals made this gown a showstopper.
18. 2015 Billboard Music Awards
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Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo was dripping in diamonds with this ultra-sheer, bedazzled gown-and we wouldn't expect her to wear anything less.
19. 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards performance
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Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images
J.Lo honored the late Tejano singer, Selena Quintanilla, during the awards show with this cream-colored outfit.
20. 2016 Golden Globe Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
This is a color we hardly see the superstar wear, so this outfit was shocking-in the best way. Not only did she look dazzling in that sunflower yellow dress, but she brought old-Hollywood glamour to the star-studded event.
21. 2016 Latin Grammy Awards
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Ethan Miller/Getty Images
J.Lo never disappoints when she attends a Latin awards show (there's something extra glam about those red carpets that differ from mainstream ones), and this black see-through jumpsuit is no exception.
22. 2017 People's Choice Awards
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Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images for Fashion Media
The large crystals at the top half of this dress is the kind of drama we expect J.Lo to bring to the red carpet.
23. 2017 NBC Upfronts
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Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
This nude dress might be subtle in color, but the off-the-shoulder top with the thigh-high slit make it far from basic.
24. 2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards
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Aaron Davidson/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The “Dinero” singer brought the heat to Miami at the Billboard Latin Music Awards with this sizzling cut-out dress.
25. 2018 Met Gala
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Jackson Lee/Getty Images
The 2018 Met Gala theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” and let's just say, J.Lo's jewel-encrusted dress took us to church. The Balmain gown was full of glamour with its feather train, multi-colored gems, and thigh-high slit.
The post 25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense appeared first on HelloGiggles.
0 notes
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
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There's no denying that when it comes to fashion, Jennifer Lopez slays the game. From dazzling dresses that show off her rocking body to her “Bronx Barbie” street style, J.Lo knows how to make an entrance with her ensembles.
To this day, we still can't get over the iconic green Versace dress she wore to the 2000 Grammys, or the Selena Quintanilla-inspired outfit she wore to the 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards to honor the late Tejano singer. And now that the Boricua is getting the coveted Video Vanguard Award at the 2018 MTV VMAs (she's the first Latina to win the title, btw), it's a perfect time to celebrate her greatest fashion moments.
1. 1997 The Selena Premiere
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Jim Smeal/WireImage/Getty Images
This dazzling sequin dress would be J.Lo's first of many.
2. 1997 Academy Awards
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Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
Looking like Kate Winslet in Titanic, J.Lo attend the Academy Awards with this jewel-encrusted gown.
3. 1998 MTV VMAs
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Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
If you can even believe it, this was J.Lo's first-ever MTV VMAs, and she dressed as if it was her first rodeo (in the best way). She wore a cowboy hat, longline blazer, and simple bra top.
4. 2000 MTV VMAs
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Ke.Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images
J.Lo showed up to the MTV VMAs in this all-white ensemble that people still try to recreate today (hello, Halloween costumes). The bedazzled bandana, Sean John crop top, and rhinestones around her belly button really tied this street style look together.
5. 2000 Grammy Awards
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Scott Gries/Getty Images
An iconic moment in fashion history, this Versace dress made the world go into a frenzy. Don't believe us? Well, J.Lo is responsible for Google Images because of this outfit. Talk about legendary.
6. 2001 MTV VMAs
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Evan Agostini/Getty Images
What's not to love about this outfit? It has everything, from a floppy hat, to leather knee-high boots, to sheer leopard print.
7. 2003 Academy Awards
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SGranitz / Getty Images
This is probably one of her best red carpet looks, mainly because it's so out-of-the-ordinary for her. This flowy, mint green dress was simple and elegant.
8. 2004 MTV VMAs
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SGranitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Not one to shy away from mixed patterns or hats, J.Lo showed up to the VMAs with this eclectic outfit.
9. 2006 MTV VMAs
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Chance Yeh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
This outfit is serving us '70s vibes with the billowy sleeves, headwrap, and leather boots.
10. 2006 Academy Awards
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Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic/Getty Images
Olive green is hard to pull off on the red carpet, but she knows how to rock it. We can't get over the attached skirt.
11. 2010 Academy Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
While this gown is still very much J.Lo-it's princess-like and body-hugging-the ruffles of this dress make it a lot more couture, which is something we rarely see her wear.
12. 2011 Grammy Awards
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Steve Granitz / Getty Images
J.Lo looked like a glam disco ball with this shimmery midi-dress. If you look closely, you'll notice that each gem is a different size-there are larger ones at the hem, patterned ones in the middle, and tiny ones on her sleeves. This attention to detail is what we live for.
13. 2014 MTV VMAs
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Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo knows how to turn heads, and the extreme cut-outs on this dress made everyone do just that. Like the image before this one, she matched her silver sequin dress to her shoes and clutch. Proof that she never misses a beat.
14. 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
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Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage/Getty Images
If there's one thing we know about the “Jenny from the Block” singer, it's that she loves sheer, rhinestone-filled dresses. And the addition of fur (faux?) took this gown to the next level.
15. 2015 Acadamy Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
She looked like a princess in this nude, bedazzled ballgown. It was definitely a fairytale moment.
16. 2015 Met Gala
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Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The 2015 Met Gala theme was “China: Through the Looking Glass,” and J.Lo's fiery gown emulated it perfectly. The gem-encrusted dragon that wrapped around her body was breathtaking.
17. 2015 Golden Globe Awards
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Jason Merritt/Getty Images
The cape, deep v-cut, slit, and crystals made this gown a showstopper.
18. 2015 Billboard Music Awards
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Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo was dripping in diamonds with this ultra-sheer, bedazzled gown-and we wouldn't expect her to wear anything less.
19. 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards performance
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Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images
J.Lo honored the late Tejano singer, Selena Quintanilla, during the awards show with this cream-colored outfit.
20. 2016 Golden Globe Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
This is a color we hardly see the superstar wear, so this outfit was shocking-in the best way. Not only did she look dazzling in that sunflower yellow dress, but she brought old-Hollywood glamour to the star-studded event.
21. 2016 Latin Grammy Awards
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Ethan Miller/Getty Images
J.Lo never disappoints when she attends a Latin awards show (there's something extra glam about those red carpets that differ from mainstream ones), and this black see-through jumpsuit is no exception.
22. 2017 People's Choice Awards
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Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images for Fashion Media
The large crystals at the top half of this dress is the kind of drama we expect J.Lo to bring to the red carpet.
23. 2017 NBC Upfronts
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Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
This nude dress might be subtle in color, but the off-the-shoulder top with the thigh-high slit make it far from basic.
24. 2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards
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Aaron Davidson/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The “Dinero” singer brought the heat to Miami at the Billboard Latin Music Awards with this sizzling cut-out dress.
25. 2018 Met Gala
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Jackson Lee/Getty Images
The 2018 Met Gala theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” and let's just say, J.Lo's jewel-encrusted dress took us to church. The Balmain gown was full of glamour with its feather train, multi-colored gems, and thigh-high slit.
The post 25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense appeared first on HelloGiggles.
0 notes
tothe-tooth-blog · 6 years
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
Tumblr media
There's no denying that when it comes to fashion, Jennifer Lopez slays the game. From dazzling dresses that show off her rocking body to her “Bronx Barbie” street style, J.Lo knows how to make an entrance with her ensembles.
To this day, we still can't get over the iconic green Versace dress she wore to the 2000 Grammys, or the Selena Quintanilla-inspired outfit she wore to the 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards to honor the late Tejano singer. And now that the Boricua is getting the coveted Video Vanguard Award at the 2018 MTV VMAs (she's the first Latina to win the title, btw), it's a perfect time to celebrate her greatest fashion moments.
1. 1997 The Selena Premiere
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Jim Smeal/WireImage/Getty Images
This dazzling sequin dress would be J.Lo's first of many.
2. 1997 Academy Awards
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Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
Looking like Kate Winslet in Titanic, J.Lo attend the Academy Awards with this jewel-encrusted gown.
3. 1998 MTV VMAs
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Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
If you can even believe it, this was J.Lo's first-ever MTV VMAs, and she dressed as if it was her first rodeo (in the best way). She wore a cowboy hat, longline blazer, and simple bra top.
4. 2000 MTV VMAs
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Ke.Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images
J.Lo showed up to the MTV VMAs in this all-white ensemble that people still try to recreate today (hello, Halloween costumes). The bedazzled bandana, Sean John crop top, and rhinestones around her belly button really tied this street style look together.
5. 2000 Grammy Awards
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Scott Gries/Getty Images
An iconic moment in fashion history, this Versace dress made the world go into a frenzy. Don't believe us? Well, J.Lo is responsible for Google Images because of this outfit. Talk about legendary.
6. 2001 MTV VMAs
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Evan Agostini/Getty Images
What's not to love about this outfit? It has everything, from a floppy hat, to leather knee-high boots, to sheer leopard print.
7. 2003 Academy Awards
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SGranitz / Getty Images
This is probably one of her best red carpet looks, mainly because it's so out-of-the-ordinary for her. This flowy, mint green dress was simple and elegant.
8. 2004 MTV VMAs
Tumblr media
SGranitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Not one to shy away from mixed patterns or hats, J.Lo showed up to the VMAs with this eclectic outfit.
9. 2006 MTV VMAs
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Chance Yeh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
This outfit is serving us '70s vibes with the billowy sleeves, headwrap, and leather boots.
10. 2006 Academy Awards
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Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic/Getty Images
Olive green is hard to pull off on the red carpet, but she knows how to rock it. We can't get over the attached skirt.
11. 2010 Academy Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
While this gown is still very much J.Lo-it's princess-like and body-hugging-the ruffles of this dress make it a lot more couture, which is something we rarely see her wear.
12. 2011 Grammy Awards
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Steve Granitz / Getty Images
J.Lo looked like a glam disco ball with this shimmery midi-dress. If you look closely, you'll notice that each gem is a different size-there are larger ones at the hem, patterned ones in the middle, and tiny ones on her sleeves. This attention to detail is what we live for.
13. 2014 MTV VMAs
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Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo knows how to turn heads, and the extreme cut-outs on this dress made everyone do just that. Like the image before this one, she matched her silver sequin dress to her shoes and clutch. Proof that she never misses a beat.
14. 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
Tumblr media
Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage/Getty Images
If there's one thing we know about the “Jenny from the Block” singer, it's that she loves sheer, rhinestone-filled dresses. And the addition of fur (faux?) took this gown to the next level.
15. 2015 Acadamy Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
She looked like a princess in this nude, bedazzled ballgown. It was definitely a fairytale moment.
16. 2015 Met Gala
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Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The 2015 Met Gala theme was “China: Through the Looking Glass,” and J.Lo's fiery gown emulated it perfectly. The gem-encrusted dragon that wrapped around her body was breathtaking.
17. 2015 Golden Globe Awards
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Jason Merritt/Getty Images
The cape, deep v-cut, slit, and crystals made this gown a showstopper.
18. 2015 Billboard Music Awards
Tumblr media
Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo was dripping in diamonds with this ultra-sheer, bedazzled gown-and we wouldn't expect her to wear anything less.
19. 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards performance
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Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images
J.Lo honored the late Tejano singer, Selena Quintanilla, during the awards show with this cream-colored outfit.
20. 2016 Golden Globe Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
This is a color we hardly see the superstar wear, so this outfit was shocking-in the best way. Not only did she look dazzling in that sunflower yellow dress, but she brought old-Hollywood glamour to the star-studded event.
21. 2016 Latin Grammy Awards
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Ethan Miller/Getty Images
J.Lo never disappoints when she attends a Latin awards show (there's something extra glam about those red carpets that differ from mainstream ones), and this black see-through jumpsuit is no exception.
22. 2017 People's Choice Awards
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Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images for Fashion Media
The large crystals at the top half of this dress is the kind of drama we expect J.Lo to bring to the red carpet.
23. 2017 NBC Upfronts
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Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
This nude dress might be subtle in color, but the off-the-shoulder top with the thigh-high slit make it far from basic.
24. 2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards
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Aaron Davidson/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The “Dinero” singer brought the heat to Miami at the Billboard Latin Music Awards with this sizzling cut-out dress.
25. 2018 Met Gala
Tumblr media
Jackson Lee/Getty Images
The 2018 Met Gala theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” and let's just say, J.Lo's jewel-encrusted dress took us to church. The Balmain gown was full of glamour with its feather train, multi-colored gems, and thigh-high slit.
The post 25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense appeared first on HelloGiggles.
0 notes
inkundu1 · 6 years
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
There's no denying that when it comes to fashion, Jennifer Lopez slays the game. From dazzling dresses that show off her rocking body to her “Bronx Barbie” street style, J.Lo knows how to make an entrance with her ensembles.
To this day, we still can't get over the iconic green Versace dress she wore to the 2000 Grammys, or the Selena Quintanilla-inspired outfit she wore to the 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards to honor the late Tejano singer. And now that the Boricua is getting the coveted Video Vanguard Award at the 2018 MTV VMAs (she's the first Latina to win the title, btw), it's a perfect time to celebrate her greatest fashion moments.
1. 1997 The Selena Premiere
Jim Smeal/WireImage/Getty Images
This dazzling sequin dress would be J.Lo's first of many.
2. 1997 Academy Awards
Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
Looking like Kate Winslet in Titanic, J.Lo attend the Academy Awards with this jewel-encrusted gown.
3. 1998 MTV VMAs
Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
If you can even believe it, this was J.Lo's first-ever MTV VMAs, and she dressed as if it was her first rodeo (in the best way). She wore a cowboy hat, longline blazer, and simple bra top.
4. 2000 MTV VMAs
Ke.Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images
J.Lo showed up to the MTV VMAs in this all-white ensemble that people still try to recreate today (hello, Halloween costumes). The bedazzled bandana, Sean John crop top, and rhinestones around her belly button really tied this street style look together.
5. 2000 Grammy Awards
Scott Gries/Getty Images
An iconic moment in fashion history, this Versace dress made the world go into a frenzy. Don't believe us? Well, J.Lo is responsible for Google Images because of this outfit. Talk about legendary.
6. 2001 MTV VMAs
Evan Agostini/Getty Images
What's not to love about this outfit? It has everything, from a floppy hat, to leather knee-high boots, to sheer leopard print.
7. 2003 Academy Awards
SGranitz / Getty Images
This is probably one of her best red carpet looks, mainly because it's so out-of-the-ordinary for her. This flowy, mint green dress was simple and elegant.
8. 2004 MTV VMAs
SGranitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Not one to shy away from mixed patterns or hats, J.Lo showed up to the VMAs with this eclectic outfit.
9. 2006 MTV VMAs
Chance Yeh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
This outfit is serving us '70s vibes with the billowy sleeves, headwrap, and leather boots.
10. 2006 Academy Awards
Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic/Getty Images
Olive green is hard to pull off on the red carpet, but she knows how to rock it. We can't get over the attached skirt.
11. 2010 Academy Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
While this gown is still very much J.Lo-it's princess-like and body-hugging-the ruffles of this dress make it a lot more couture, which is something we rarely see her wear.
12. 2011 Grammy Awards
Steve Granitz / Getty Images
J.Lo looked like a glam disco ball with this shimmery midi-dress. If you look closely, you'll notice that each gem is a different size-there are larger ones at the hem, patterned ones in the middle, and tiny ones on her sleeves. This attention to detail is what we live for.
13. 2014 MTV VMAs
Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo knows how to turn heads, and the extreme cut-outs on this dress made everyone do just that. Like the image before this one, she matched her silver sequin dress to her shoes and clutch. Proof that she never misses a beat.
14. 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage/Getty Images
If there's one thing we know about the “Jenny from the Block” singer, it's that she loves sheer, rhinestone-filled dresses. And the addition of fur (faux?) took this gown to the next level.
15. 2015 Acadamy Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
She looked like a princess in this nude, bedazzled ballgown. It was definitely a fairytale moment.
16. 2015 Met Gala
Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The 2015 Met Gala theme was “China: Through the Looking Glass,” and J.Lo's fiery gown emulated it perfectly. The gem-encrusted dragon that wrapped around her body was breathtaking.
17. 2015 Golden Globe Awards
Jason Merritt/Getty Images
The cape, deep v-cut, slit, and crystals made this gown a showstopper.
18. 2015 Billboard Music Awards
Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo was dripping in diamonds with this ultra-sheer, bedazzled gown-and we wouldn't expect her to wear anything less.
19. 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards performance
Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images
J.Lo honored the late Tejano singer, Selena Quintanilla, during the awards show with this cream-colored outfit.
20. 2016 Golden Globe Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
This is a color we hardly see the superstar wear, so this outfit was shocking-in the best way. Not only did she look dazzling in that sunflower yellow dress, but she brought old-Hollywood glamour to the star-studded event.
21. 2016 Latin Grammy Awards
Ethan Miller/Getty Images
J.Lo never disappoints when she attends a Latin awards show (there's something extra glam about those red carpets that differ from mainstream ones), and this black see-through jumpsuit is no exception.
22. 2017 People's Choice Awards
Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images for Fashion Media
The large crystals at the top half of this dress is the kind of drama we expect J.Lo to bring to the red carpet.
23. 2017 NBC Upfronts
Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
This nude dress might be subtle in color, but the off-the-shoulder top with the thigh-high slit make it far from basic.
24. 2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards
Aaron Davidson/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The “Dinero” singer brought the heat to Miami at the Billboard Latin Music Awards with this sizzling cut-out dress.
25. 2018 Met Gala
Jackson Lee/Getty Images
The 2018 Met Gala theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” and let's just say, J.Lo's jewel-encrusted dress took us to church. The Balmain gown was full of glamour with its feather train, multi-colored gems, and thigh-high slit.
The post 25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense appeared first on HelloGiggles.
0 notes
cowgirluli-blog · 6 years
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
There's no denying that when it comes to fashion, Jennifer Lopez slays the game. From dazzling dresses that show off her rocking body to her “Bronx Barbie” street style, J.Lo knows how to make an entrance with her ensembles.
To this day, we still can't get over the iconic green Versace dress she wore to the 2000 Grammys, or the Selena Quintanilla-inspired outfit she wore to the 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards to honor the late Tejano singer. And now that the Boricua is getting the coveted Video Vanguard Award at the 2018 MTV VMAs (she's the first Latina to win the title, btw), it's a perfect time to celebrate her greatest fashion moments.
1. 1997 The Selena Premiere
Jim Smeal/WireImage/Getty Images
This dazzling sequin dress would be J.Lo's first of many.
2. 1997 Academy Awards
Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
Looking like Kate Winslet in Titanic, J.Lo attend the Academy Awards with this jewel-encrusted gown.
3. 1998 MTV VMAs
Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
If you can even believe it, this was J.Lo's first-ever MTV VMAs, and she dressed as if it was her first rodeo (in the best way). She wore a cowboy hat, longline blazer, and simple bra top.
4. 2000 MTV VMAs
Ke.Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images
J.Lo showed up to the MTV VMAs in this all-white ensemble that people still try to recreate today (hello, Halloween costumes). The bedazzled bandana, Sean John crop top, and rhinestones around her belly button really tied this street style look together.
5. 2000 Grammy Awards
Scott Gries/Getty Images
An iconic moment in fashion history, this Versace dress made the world go into a frenzy. Don't believe us? Well, J.Lo is responsible for Google Images because of this outfit. Talk about legendary.
6. 2001 MTV VMAs
Evan Agostini/Getty Images
What's not to love about this outfit? It has everything, from a floppy hat, to leather knee-high boots, to sheer leopard print.
7. 2003 Academy Awards
SGranitz / Getty Images
This is probably one of her best red carpet looks, mainly because it's so out-of-the-ordinary for her. This flowy, mint green dress was simple and elegant.
8. 2004 MTV VMAs
SGranitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Not one to shy away from mixed patterns or hats, J.Lo showed up to the VMAs with this eclectic outfit.
9. 2006 MTV VMAs
Chance Yeh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
This outfit is serving us '70s vibes with the billowy sleeves, headwrap, and leather boots.
10. 2006 Academy Awards
Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic/Getty Images
Olive green is hard to pull off on the red carpet, but she knows how to rock it. We can't get over the attached skirt.
11. 2010 Academy Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
While this gown is still very much J.Lo-it's princess-like and body-hugging-the ruffles of this dress make it a lot more couture, which is something we rarely see her wear.
12. 2011 Grammy Awards
Steve Granitz / Getty Images
J.Lo looked like a glam disco ball with this shimmery midi-dress. If you look closely, you'll notice that each gem is a different size-there are larger ones at the hem, patterned ones in the middle, and tiny ones on her sleeves. This attention to detail is what we live for.
13. 2014 MTV VMAs
Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo knows how to turn heads, and the extreme cut-outs on this dress made everyone do just that. Like the image before this one, she matched her silver sequin dress to her shoes and clutch. Proof that she never misses a beat.
14. 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage/Getty Images
If there's one thing we know about the “Jenny from the Block” singer, it's that she loves sheer, rhinestone-filled dresses. And the addition of fur (faux?) took this gown to the next level.
15. 2015 Acadamy Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
She looked like a princess in this nude, bedazzled ballgown. It was definitely a fairytale moment.
16. 2015 Met Gala
Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The 2015 Met Gala theme was “China: Through the Looking Glass,” and J.Lo's fiery gown emulated it perfectly. The gem-encrusted dragon that wrapped around her body was breathtaking.
17. 2015 Golden Globe Awards
Jason Merritt/Getty Images
The cape, deep v-cut, slit, and crystals made this gown a showstopper.
18. 2015 Billboard Music Awards
Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo was dripping in diamonds with this ultra-sheer, bedazzled gown-and we wouldn't expect her to wear anything less.
19. 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards performance
Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images
J.Lo honored the late Tejano singer, Selena Quintanilla, during the awards show with this cream-colored outfit.
20. 2016 Golden Globe Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
This is a color we hardly see the superstar wear, so this outfit was shocking-in the best way. Not only did she look dazzling in that sunflower yellow dress, but she brought old-Hollywood glamour to the star-studded event.
21. 2016 Latin Grammy Awards
Ethan Miller/Getty Images
J.Lo never disappoints when she attends a Latin awards show (there's something extra glam about those red carpets that differ from mainstream ones), and this black see-through jumpsuit is no exception.
22. 2017 People's Choice Awards
Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images for Fashion Media
The large crystals at the top half of this dress is the kind of drama we expect J.Lo to bring to the red carpet.
23. 2017 NBC Upfronts
Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
This nude dress might be subtle in color, but the off-the-shoulder top with the thigh-high slit make it far from basic.
24. 2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards
Aaron Davidson/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The “Dinero” singer brought the heat to Miami at the Billboard Latin Music Awards with this sizzling cut-out dress.
25. 2018 Met Gala
Jackson Lee/Getty Images
The 2018 Met Gala theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” and let's just say, J.Lo's jewel-encrusted dress took us to church. The Balmain gown was full of glamour with its feather train, multi-colored gems, and thigh-high slit.
The post 25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense appeared first on HelloGiggles.
0 notes
ungracefulswan-blog · 6 years
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
Tumblr media
There's no denying that when it comes to fashion, Jennifer Lopez slays the game. From dazzling dresses that show off her rocking body to her “Bronx Barbie” street style, J.Lo knows how to make an entrance with her ensembles.
To this day, we still can't get over the iconic green Versace dress she wore to the 2000 Grammys, or the Selena Quintanilla-inspired outfit she wore to the 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards to honor the late Tejano singer. And now that the Boricua is getting the coveted Video Vanguard Award at the 2018 MTV VMAs (she's the first Latina to win the title, btw), it's a perfect time to celebrate her greatest fashion moments.
1. 1997 The Selena Premiere
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Jim Smeal/WireImage/Getty Images
This dazzling sequin dress would be J.Lo's first of many.
2. 1997 Academy Awards
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Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
Looking like Kate Winslet in Titanic, J.Lo attend the Academy Awards with this jewel-encrusted gown.
3. 1998 MTV VMAs
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Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
If you can even believe it, this was J.Lo's first-ever MTV VMAs, and she dressed as if it was her first rodeo (in the best way). She wore a cowboy hat, longline blazer, and simple bra top.
4. 2000 MTV VMAs
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Ke.Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images
J.Lo showed up to the MTV VMAs in this all-white ensemble that people still try to recreate today (hello, Halloween costumes). The bedazzled bandana, Sean John crop top, and rhinestones around her belly button really tied this street style look together.
5. 2000 Grammy Awards
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Scott Gries/Getty Images
An iconic moment in fashion history, this Versace dress made the world go into a frenzy. Don't believe us? Well, J.Lo is responsible for Google Images because of this outfit. Talk about legendary.
6. 2001 MTV VMAs
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Evan Agostini/Getty Images
What's not to love about this outfit? It has everything, from a floppy hat, to leather knee-high boots, to sheer leopard print.
7. 2003 Academy Awards
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SGranitz / Getty Images
This is probably one of her best red carpet looks, mainly because it's so out-of-the-ordinary for her. This flowy, mint green dress was simple and elegant.
8. 2004 MTV VMAs
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SGranitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Not one to shy away from mixed patterns or hats, J.Lo showed up to the VMAs with this eclectic outfit.
9. 2006 MTV VMAs
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Chance Yeh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
This outfit is serving us '70s vibes with the billowy sleeves, headwrap, and leather boots.
10. 2006 Academy Awards
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Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic/Getty Images
Olive green is hard to pull off on the red carpet, but she knows how to rock it. We can't get over the attached skirt.
11. 2010 Academy Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
While this gown is still very much J.Lo-it's princess-like and body-hugging-the ruffles of this dress make it a lot more couture, which is something we rarely see her wear.
12. 2011 Grammy Awards
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Steve Granitz / Getty Images
J.Lo looked like a glam disco ball with this shimmery midi-dress. If you look closely, you'll notice that each gem is a different size-there are larger ones at the hem, patterned ones in the middle, and tiny ones on her sleeves. This attention to detail is what we live for.
13. 2014 MTV VMAs
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Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo knows how to turn heads, and the extreme cut-outs on this dress made everyone do just that. Like the image before this one, she matched her silver sequin dress to her shoes and clutch. Proof that she never misses a beat.
14. 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
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Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage/Getty Images
If there's one thing we know about the “Jenny from the Block” singer, it's that she loves sheer, rhinestone-filled dresses. And the addition of fur (faux?) took this gown to the next level.
15. 2015 Acadamy Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
She looked like a princess in this nude, bedazzled ballgown. It was definitely a fairytale moment.
16. 2015 Met Gala
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Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The 2015 Met Gala theme was “China: Through the Looking Glass,” and J.Lo's fiery gown emulated it perfectly. The gem-encrusted dragon that wrapped around her body was breathtaking.
17. 2015 Golden Globe Awards
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Jason Merritt/Getty Images
The cape, deep v-cut, slit, and crystals made this gown a showstopper.
18. 2015 Billboard Music Awards
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Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo was dripping in diamonds with this ultra-sheer, bedazzled gown-and we wouldn't expect her to wear anything less.
19. 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards performance
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Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images
J.Lo honored the late Tejano singer, Selena Quintanilla, during the awards show with this cream-colored outfit.
20. 2016 Golden Globe Awards
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Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
This is a color we hardly see the superstar wear, so this outfit was shocking-in the best way. Not only did she look dazzling in that sunflower yellow dress, but she brought old-Hollywood glamour to the star-studded event.
21. 2016 Latin Grammy Awards
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Ethan Miller/Getty Images
J.Lo never disappoints when she attends a Latin awards show (there's something extra glam about those red carpets that differ from mainstream ones), and this black see-through jumpsuit is no exception.
22. 2017 People's Choice Awards
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Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images for Fashion Media
The large crystals at the top half of this dress is the kind of drama we expect J.Lo to bring to the red carpet.
23. 2017 NBC Upfronts
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Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
This nude dress might be subtle in color, but the off-the-shoulder top with the thigh-high slit make it far from basic.
24. 2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards
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Aaron Davidson/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The “Dinero” singer brought the heat to Miami at the Billboard Latin Music Awards with this sizzling cut-out dress.
25. 2018 Met Gala
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Jackson Lee/Getty Images
The 2018 Met Gala theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” and let's just say, J.Lo's jewel-encrusted dress took us to church. The Balmain gown was full of glamour with its feather train, multi-colored gems, and thigh-high slit.
The post 25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense
There's no denying that when it comes to fashion, Jennifer Lopez slays the game. From dazzling dresses that show off her rocking body to her “Bronx Barbie” street style, J.Lo knows how to make an entrance with her ensembles.
To this day, we still can't get over the iconic green Versace dress she wore to the 2000 Grammys, or the Selena Quintanilla-inspired outfit she wore to the 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards to honor the late Tejano singer. And now that the Boricua is getting the coveted Video Vanguard Award at the 2018 MTV VMAs (she's the first Latina to win the title, btw), it's a perfect time to celebrate her greatest fashion moments.
1. 1997 The Selena Premiere
Jim Smeal/WireImage/Getty Images
This dazzling sequin dress would be J.Lo's first of many.
2. 1997 Academy Awards
Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
Looking like Kate Winslet in Titanic, J.Lo attend the Academy Awards with this jewel-encrusted gown.
3. 1998 MTV VMAs
Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage/Getty Images
If you can even believe it, this was J.Lo's first-ever MTV VMAs, and she dressed as if it was her first rodeo (in the best way). She wore a cowboy hat, longline blazer, and simple bra top.
4. 2000 MTV VMAs
Ke.Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images
J.Lo showed up to the MTV VMAs in this all-white ensemble that people still try to recreate today (hello, Halloween costumes). The bedazzled bandana, Sean John crop top, and rhinestones around her belly button really tied this street style look together.
5. 2000 Grammy Awards
Scott Gries/Getty Images
An iconic moment in fashion history, this Versace dress made the world go into a frenzy. Don't believe us? Well, J.Lo is responsible for Google Images because of this outfit. Talk about legendary.
6. 2001 MTV VMAs
Evan Agostini/Getty Images
What's not to love about this outfit? It has everything, from a floppy hat, to leather knee-high boots, to sheer leopard print.
7. 2003 Academy Awards
SGranitz / Getty Images
This is probably one of her best red carpet looks, mainly because it's so out-of-the-ordinary for her. This flowy, mint green dress was simple and elegant.
8. 2004 MTV VMAs
SGranitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Not one to shy away from mixed patterns or hats, J.Lo showed up to the VMAs with this eclectic outfit.
9. 2006 MTV VMAs
Chance Yeh/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
This outfit is serving us '70s vibes with the billowy sleeves, headwrap, and leather boots.
10. 2006 Academy Awards
Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic/Getty Images
Olive green is hard to pull off on the red carpet, but she knows how to rock it. We can't get over the attached skirt.
11. 2010 Academy Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
While this gown is still very much J.Lo-it's princess-like and body-hugging-the ruffles of this dress make it a lot more couture, which is something we rarely see her wear.
12. 2011 Grammy Awards
Steve Granitz / Getty Images
J.Lo looked like a glam disco ball with this shimmery midi-dress. If you look closely, you'll notice that each gem is a different size-there are larger ones at the hem, patterned ones in the middle, and tiny ones on her sleeves. This attention to detail is what we live for.
13. 2014 MTV VMAs
Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo knows how to turn heads, and the extreme cut-outs on this dress made everyone do just that. Like the image before this one, she matched her silver sequin dress to her shoes and clutch. Proof that she never misses a beat.
14. 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage/Getty Images
If there's one thing we know about the “Jenny from the Block” singer, it's that she loves sheer, rhinestone-filled dresses. And the addition of fur (faux?) took this gown to the next level.
15. 2015 Acadamy Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
She looked like a princess in this nude, bedazzled ballgown. It was definitely a fairytale moment.
16. 2015 Met Gala
Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The 2015 Met Gala theme was “China: Through the Looking Glass,” and J.Lo's fiery gown emulated it perfectly. The gem-encrusted dragon that wrapped around her body was breathtaking.
17. 2015 Golden Globe Awards
Jason Merritt/Getty Images
The cape, deep v-cut, slit, and crystals made this gown a showstopper.
18. 2015 Billboard Music Awards
Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic/Getty Images
J.Lo was dripping in diamonds with this ultra-sheer, bedazzled gown-and we wouldn't expect her to wear anything less.
19. 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards performance
Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images
J.Lo honored the late Tejano singer, Selena Quintanilla, during the awards show with this cream-colored outfit.
20. 2016 Golden Globe Awards
Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
This is a color we hardly see the superstar wear, so this outfit was shocking-in the best way. Not only did she look dazzling in that sunflower yellow dress, but she brought old-Hollywood glamour to the star-studded event.
21. 2016 Latin Grammy Awards
Ethan Miller/Getty Images
J.Lo never disappoints when she attends a Latin awards show (there's something extra glam about those red carpets that differ from mainstream ones), and this black see-through jumpsuit is no exception.
22. 2017 People's Choice Awards
Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images for Fashion Media
The large crystals at the top half of this dress is the kind of drama we expect J.Lo to bring to the red carpet.
23. 2017 NBC Upfronts
Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
This nude dress might be subtle in color, but the off-the-shoulder top with the thigh-high slit make it far from basic.
24. 2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards
Aaron Davidson/FilmMagic/Getty Images
The “Dinero” singer brought the heat to Miami at the Billboard Latin Music Awards with this sizzling cut-out dress.
25. 2018 Met Gala
Jackson Lee/Getty Images
The 2018 Met Gala theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” and let's just say, J.Lo's jewel-encrusted dress took us to church. The Balmain gown was full of glamour with its feather train, multi-colored gems, and thigh-high slit.
The post 25 times Jennifer Lopez slayed the red carpet with her fashion sense appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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